#Should be working on asks for the event but simply couldn't help it
(Translation) Gilbert's Beast Manual His POV Story
The final installment in Gilbert's current party event.
Spoilers. I'm not a translator, I just throw stuff into online translators, so expect errors. Case 1 | Case 2 | Case 3 (I recommend you read these beforehand for the full experience.)
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Please be aware that this installment contains some heavier emotional content as well as sexual content later on—MDNI. As a final note, I recommend you have read Gilbert's proposal event beforehand. Just in case. (Technically I'd also recommend you have read his physical exam event too, but not to the same degree.)
I couldn't tell the little rabbit the real reason I had her accompany me on official business.
I'd most certainly earn a scolding and remonstration if I did.
I felt like I wanted to be scolded at least once though, since the little rabbit was the only one who could truly rebuke the conquering beast. However...
"I want the little rabbit to be able to survive in Obsidian even if by some chance I were no longer here."
Those were not words I could simply tell her, because I knew just how devastating they would be for her.
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(That being said, today's been worse than ever.)
Crimes of the older generations continuing to go unchecked, signs of rampant bribery within the military...
The little rabbit's beautiful eyes were exposed to so many of these things.
(What is it about this country that when one rotten thing disappears, three more take its place?)
(Maybe everyone's got a death-wish. Yet they still beg for their lives once they're weeded out.)
(...It's incomprehensible to me. If only they'd all just die to save me the trouble.)
Emma: Gil, are we done with official business for the day?
My darkening thoughts must have breached containment; as the little rabbit walked beside me she entwined her fingers with mine.
Her warm hand permeated the cruelty staining across my heart.
Gilbert: I don't have any plans, but is there anything you'd like to do?
Emma: Is it alright if I come to your room? I feel like your bookshelves are calling for me.
Gilbert: Of course it's alright.
(...You probably have a lot to think over.)
Her face only spelled out joy. There was no deceit to be found.
She didn't change her usual demeanor, not even when faced with an irritable beast.
(I've known Walter and Roderic for a long time and even they're prone to checking my complexion on days like this.)
Of course that certainly didn't mean she hadn't noticed a thing.
In fact, the little rabbit, with her keen insight into other people's emotions, should have already pinpointed mine.
[flashback to Case 1]
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Gilbert: Anyhow... was it written on my face?
Emma: ...Yeah, it was.
Gilbert: Hehe, well that's no good.
Emma: Isn't that what I'm here for?
Emma: To help give you even a little peace of mind?
[end flashback]
(That's what you said this morning, right?)
(...Truly, you're so gallant for a baby rabbit.)
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The little rabbit immediately leapt at the books once she arrived in my room.
Although she'd probably learned by now that concentrating on the books alone would make this troublesome beast very jealous.
So she picked out only one before walking over to the bed and sitting down beside that beast.
Gilbert: ...What's this? Political science?
Emma: I felt like doing some studying today.
(Oh, I see...)
(Someone with a truly pure heart doesn't get tainted after experiencing filth. But rather, they lament their own helplessness.)
(...That's just so like the old me.)
A young boy who'd once learned about corruption and then tried desperately to change the status quo.
And after he'd finished reading all the books available within the country, he'd asked a book dealer to regularly procure ones from other places so he could vigilantly instill the knowledge into himself.
That was back when I'd still foolishly believed that no matter how corrupt a person was, there was an alternative to killing them as long as you engaged with them sincerely.
(Things didn't work out so nicely in the real world though.)
(...But I want the little rabbit to stay like this, just as she is.)
Gilbert: [smiling as he watches her read] ...
Emma: ...
Gilbert: ......
Emma: ......Gil.
The little rabbit looked up from her book, appearing as though she might cry.
Emma: Are there any easier political science books?
Gilbert: Ahaha... I knew it.
Gilbert: The book you're holding is so philosophical that even I found it difficult to understand.
Gilbert: Would you like me to recommend something aimed at beginners?
Emma: Yes, please, if you wouldn't mind!
Gilbert: And what should you do when begging me?
Without hesitation, the little rabbit placed her hands my shoulders and kissed my cheek.
Emma: ...Please, Gil.
Gilbert: It's boring if you do the same thing you always do.
Emma: Then how about...
When I sensed her trying to bite my ear, I pulled back.
Gilbert: Really now... So that's what you're gonna do.
Emma: Aren't you always biting my ear? It's a show of my affection.
Gilbert: But you're already aware though, of how sensitive my ears are?
Emma: ...
Gilbert: Oh, I almost forgot. I still have to discipline you.
Emma: ...W-what are you talking about?
Gilbert: Are you playing innocent? You still haven't made up for sneaking medicine into my food during lunch.
Emma: Um, I did make up for it!? Didn't you have your fun teasing me for it?
Gilbert: That was just a bit of playing around. You see, my real punishment—
I grabbed the little rabbit's hand as she tried to run and forced her onto the bed in a roll.
Just like that I gathered her wrists above her head and bound them with a nearby cloth.
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(I hadn't really planned to do something like this...)
(But the little rabbit's been a bad girl, so I've got no choice.)
Emma: I was... going to study...
Gilbert: I'll have a beginner's book picked out for you by tomorrow.
Gilbert: Or rather, if you're interested, I can teach you myself? After all, training people is my forte.
I undid the collar of her dress and ran my fingers directly over her bare skin.
The little rabbit's cheeks turned as red as the sunset when I placed my hand over her breasts.
Emma: But don't you have things to do, Gil?
Gilbert: It's up to me how I choose to use my limited time.
Gilbert: You really don't have to be so overly anxious. If I can't manage, I'll say so.
(Although there's nothing that should be getting higher priority over the little rabbit's requests.)
The little rabbit started rubbing her legs together as I caressed her over and over again.
Purposely ignoring her mounting frustration was, of course, all part of the plan.
Emma: In that case... Thank you, Gil.
Gilbert: You've certainly got funny tastes to be saying thank you at a time like this.
Emma: That's not what I mean... mn... ah...
She suddenly let out a lewd cry when I lightly poked the hardened tip of her breast.
Emma: This afternoon, too, you...
Gilbert: I let you have your release right away this afternoon, didn't I? I wouldn't call that a punishment.
Emma: ...
Gilbert: It's no use being wistful either.
When I turned up the hem of her dress, I didn't even have to touch her to uncover the stain on her underwear.
Just a light swipe up the thin fabric and my fingertips came away damp.
Gilbert: Now then, you're going to have to suffer a lot.
Emma: ...At least... let me take my clothing off please.
Emma: I can't bear to... ruin the dress you made for me.
(Jeez, you truly are...)
Gilbert: I'm not listening to you.
Emma: Ah...
I thrust my fingers into her wetness as if I was trying to scrape out every last drop of nectar.
The dress pinned underneath her quickly became sullied.
Emma: Gil... mn...
Gilbert: If the dress gets dirty, you'll be just be reminded of something embarrassing whenever you put it on, won't you?
Gilbert: This is punishment, so you've got to resign yourself and accept it.
Emma: .......You're so mean.
Gilbert: And who exactly do you think I am?
(For the world's greatest villain to let you off with meanness and nothing else... that just means you're special.)
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After the punishment, the little rabbit, thoroughly sullied, headed for the bath.
I honestly wanted to chase after her, but there was still work to be done today.
Roderic: Pardon me, sir.
Gilbert: I figured you'd come.
When I got to my office desk, Roderic immediately selected a document from the stack and handed it to me.
Roderic: ...I thought I might be turned away.
Gilbert: I'm in a good mood right now so I'll forgive you.
Roderic: That's surprising. I thought a storm would have been raging these past few days.
Gilbert: Ahaha, everyone has the little rabbit to thank for that.
Roderic: ...They can't thank her enough.
Gilbert: Neither can I.
I briefly glanced over the document before picking up my quill.
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[I'm not gonna paste all the cutaways from the CG like I did in Case 3]
Gilbert: I see. So they've already completed their draft. Excellent, excellent.
Roderic: It seems experiencing your wrath this morning made them respond accordingly.
Gilbert: I'd like for them to submit the draft before it ever gets to that point next time.
Roderic: It's only because nobody can come up with out-of-the-box ideas like you.
Gilbert: They're all conclusions one can arrive at rationally. It's not like I'm making unreasonable demands of anyone.
(We're in trouble if they can't grow to the point where they can keep the older generations in check even without me.)
While talking, I read through the document and noted down points of concern.
Gilbert: ...Also, the draft was poorly-constructed. With this there's too gaps for us to drive that old man into a corner.
Roderic: Then I'll have it returned to you in such a way that we can.
Gilbert: I only appreciate haste. You help them too, Roderic. I'd like to have the contents finalized before our next regular meeting.
Gilbert: If we leave that old man unchecked, he may soon start a losing battle against neighboring countries.
(Up until now I'd left him to go and self-destruct on his own but... it was a promise to the little rabbit.)
Roderic: ...Understood, sir.
After completing my review, I handed it back to Roderic.
Gilbert: What's the next document?
Roderic: It's here, sir.
Gilbert: ...I know I keep asking, but is there more still?
Roderic: There's a mountain of things I'd like you to look over.
Gilbert: I thought I'd delegated my authority out.
(And it's not like they're even required to check in with me before proceeding.)
Roderic: This just means that Obsidian needs you.
Gilbert: That's certainly a problem.
Roderic: No, sir, it's not.
(I've got no intention of dying now that I've decided to live, but...)
(The everyday life that's persisted until today may not necessarily continue on tomorrow.)
(Because of the position I'm in, I have to assume the worst and act accordingly.)
Gilbert: ...[sigh] Unless we can get everyone past the idea that failure is some sort of capital crime, won't it be difficult for you and I to manage all this work on our own?
Gilbert: It seems like my presence is a hindrance after all.
Roderic: Please don't say that!
Gilbert: Fine, fine. If you don't like it, then go give out this PSA.
Gilbert: "As long as there's no fraud or corruption at work, I won't kill you over a simple failure. So please rely on your own judgement more."
Roderic: ...Very well, sir.
(Even so...)
I'd felt someone's passionate gaze trained on me even while we were talking.
The person in question may have believed they were well-hidden.
But I couldn't help but notice the hem of her negligee flickering from her hiding spot.
Roderic: ...Sir, let's deal with the rest of this tomorrow.
Roderic may have noticed as well since he was giving up on the rest of the documents.
Gilbert: Hey. You definitely didn't see anything, right?
Roderic: I saw nothing and I noticed nothing.
Gilbert: Is that so? That's fine, then. Thank you for your hard work.
(Narrowly escaped death, didn't you...?)
The door closed behind Roderic and I stretched out my arms as though to relax.
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Gilbert: Now, then, little rabbit.
Emma: ...So you'd noticed me after all.
Gilbert: Well that's a given.
Once I beckoned, the little rabbit understood my request exactly and climbed onto my lap.
Gilbert: You were throwing Roderic such a passionate look.
Emma: I was looking at you!?
Gilbert: He was positioned in the same line of sight.
Gilbert: As you know, you have a very troublesome man on your hands. So you're aware of what you should do at a time like this, right...?
Emma: ......
The punishment from earlier seemed to have taken effect as the little rabbit kissed my lips instead of my ear.
I lightly bit her lip on her way out, imparting a bit of pain.
But rather than get angry, the little rabbit's eyes only seemed to soften with joy.
(Looks like I was able to soothe you after all.)
Emma: ...Did I interfere with your official duties?
Gilbert: [pouts] Roderic's the one who interfered. Showing up at this hour with documents for review.
Emma: That's probably because you were busy during the day.
Gilbert: [grins] Hehe... I showed you a lot of things I don't like about Obsidian today.
Emma: ...And I want to know about even more of those things from now on.
Emma: Because I'd like to be able to assist you as well.
Gilbert: Ahaha, that's reassuring.
The little rabbit had begun to frown as she spoke.
(Have I said something wrong?)
I hadn't the faintest idea what it could be, so I settled on comforting her for the time being by stroking her cheek, still warm from her bath.
Gilbert: You're pulling such a long face even though your words are so reassuring,
Emma: ...I wasn't lying.
Gilbert: I know that. So what's eating at you?
Emma: ...I can't really put it to words.
Emma: It's just... I'm envious of Roderic.
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Emma: He's able to assist you more than me, and he knows everything...
(...So that's what was on your mind while you were eavesdropping.)
(The little rabbit is jealous of Roderic.)
(The sweet little rabbit of all people.)
Gilbert: Wow... I'll have to give Roderic a bonus.
There's no way I wouldn't be happy to be shown such love to the point of jealousy.
This was an event that completely overturned all the depressing stuff from today.
It was practically a miracle.
Emma: ...I get it now. So this is what you've been feeling all this time.
Emma: Hehe... What do I do? I'm really jealous here.
Jealousy was supposed to be a negative emotion by nature yet the little rabbit took it in as though it were a good thing.
I felt like she'd gotten a glimpse of how this beast dealt with his jealousy on a daily basis.
Gilbert: Serious jealousy is nothing like this though, you know?
Emma: Are you saying there's more to come?
Gilbert: Yeah. Your jealousy's in the early chapters.
Gilbert: The more and more you come to love me, the less you'll be able to contain that kind of adorable jealousy.
Emma: I'll work diligently then.
Gilbert: Hehe... I can't believe you've cheered up this much just from turning into a jealousy fiend.
(It's just like Roderich was saying. I definitely shouldn't have been able to show any kindness toward my surroundings these past few days)
And yet, what occupies my heart now at the end of the day is pure happiness.
(The reason I had Emma accompany me on official business was in preparation for a day that might possibly come...)
(At least that's what I'd thought, but perhaps in reality I'd only wanted to be healed.)
(...Nothing in this rotten world can change a thing about the beautiful world that Emma brings.)
(Maybe I'm just spoiled by the comfort in that.)
(...I may be a lot more dependent on Emma than I realize.)
When I laughed despite myself, Emma began to gently stroke my hair.
Gilbert: Taming the conquering beast is difficult, isn't it? But it might be easy for you.
Gilbert: Because I'm so madly in love with you.
(I'm sure I could cherish you endlessly.)
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(That's why... I wish this daily life could go on forever.)
Translation references: 無理矢理 1 | かと 1 2 | 感謝してもしきれません 1 | あなたなら 1
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merchen-aeravellae · 4 months
Deep in the Forest
Yandere Enemy x Reader
Warning: decapitation, death, war mentions
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Two kingdoms engulfed in a conflict that spans generations, peace is no longer an option, and the thirst for revenge permeates the entire surrounding land. But battles are no longer the darkest things you can encounter in this desolate place.
Yandere Enemy, who is a warrior, trains day and night with the purpose of protecting his rulers and his people from the threat posed by the neighboring kingdom.
Yandere Enemy, like the rest of the inhabitants of Nocheblanca kingdom, grew up with the idea that the Rosazul kingdom was eternal enemies of Nocheblanca and should be eliminated, but they are currently in a temporary ceasefire.
Yandere Enemy was training deep in the forest that connects both kingdoms, as he did every day, when he heard a noise behind a tree.
Yandere Enemy was surprised to find another person outside the grounds of the kingdom but quickly shifted to a battle stance when he noticed that it was a person from Rosazul.
Yandere Enemy expected to fight you, but all you did was raise your hands in a peaceful gesture and stepped back to give him space.
Yandere Enemy examined you from head to toe, and by your attire, he could tell you were a type of healer. He lowered his sword slightly but remained alert in case you made any movements that could indicate a fight.
Yandere Enemy only looked at you for a few more minutes, and when he realized you weren't leaving, he decided to leave first to break the awkwardness that had enveloped both of you. However, that wouldn't be the last time you two would encounter each other.
Yandere Enemy began to notice your presence every time he went to the forest to train, and no matter how much he changed his location, you always seemed to find him. At first, he threatened to kill you to be left alone, but when that didn't seem to work, he simply ignored you.
Yandere Enemy injured his hand one day while training but decided to continue as if nothing had happened. When you noticed this, you decided to help him. He refused at first, but when he realized you wouldn't take no for an answer, he had no choice but to accept.
Yandere Enemy, after a few weeks of this event, started tolerating you a bit more, and even had a couple of conversations that weren't threats. Unbeknownst to him, he was starting to feel comfortable with your presence.
Yandere Enemy, who began to hate himself, after months of interacting with you, came to the conclusion that he had developed romantic feelings for you. These feelings were forbidden, but he couldn't stop them he didn't want them to stop and they grew with each passing day.
Yandere Enemy knows that this would be considered treason to his homeland, but every time he saw you smile, that thought faded from his mind.
Yandere Enemy gathered the courage to confess his feelings to you, fearing rejection or the possibility that you might never want to see him again. He became the happiest man in the world when you admitted to having feelings for him too.
Yandere Enemy no longer went to the forest to improve his fighting skills; now his reason for going was you. He always brought an object that might interest you, or he would wait for you with a picnic.
Yandere Enemy was surprised when you told him that you had knowledge of healing and medicinal herbs because it had been a practice in your family for generations. It was also the reason why you were in the forest the first time you met.
Yandere Enemy, knowing you two couldn't hide forever and fearing what would happen if both were discovered, he asked begged you to escape together. Far away from both kingdoms, far from the fear of being separated, he wanted to find a place where you could create a life in peace, a place where you could be happy.
Yandere Enemy jumped for joy when you accepted his proposal. He couldn't help but embrace you, and for that brief moment, everything was happiness, until it wasn't.
Yandere Enemy returned to his home in Nocheblanca to start packing all his valuable belongings and clothes for the long journey ahead for both of you. However, halfway through packing, screams and lamentations were heard outside his house.
Yandere Enemy discovered that the heir of Nocheblanca and his guards had been killed while they were out hunting, including Yandere Enemy's brother, who was one of the personal guards of the Prince.
Yandere Enemy saw red the moment he learned that his brother had been murdered, probably by warriors from Rosazul. At that moment, all the hatred he had for them, which had been buried deep in his mind because you had occupied it, resurfaced.
Yandere Enemy, who began to plan his revenge, completely forgetting the plan to escape with you. His brother was one of the few people important to him, and now he was gone. Convincing the population of Nocheblanca to attack Rosazul was not difficult for him, and by the dawn of the sixth day, Rosazul had fallen. The royal family was in the dungeons, awaiting execution, but not before being tortured in the cruelest manner possible.
Yandere Enemy had a reality check at that moment. In his pursuit of revenge, he left you standing on the same day you two were supposed to escape together. Panic and terror consumed him as he searched for you among the prisoners, in the forest, and in the place he feared the most—among the corpses. But there was no trace of you.
Yandere Enemy became a war hero; now he had enough power to save you from the cruel fate of the rest of the inhabitants of Rosazul but it seemed like you had vanished into the air. He searched for you for two months and as more time passed, madness began to take hold of his mind, and regret consumed his bones.
Yandere Enemy decided to kill the heir to the throne, wanting to take revenge on the person "responsible" for keeping him away from you. If it weren't for the prince and his guards, the two of you would be living your best lives in a distant place.
Yandere Enemy didn't stop there. To make him suffer more, he decided that his entire family should witness his inevitable death. The guillotine and the prince were ready, with all other family members in a row, bound arms and sacks over their heads.
Yandere Enemy, who witnessed the exact moment when the heir's head was severed and when the sacks were removed from the heads of the royalty, he wanted to die at that moment. Now he understood why he never found your whereabouts, why he couldn't locate you—because you were with your family, in the dungeon.
Yandere Enemy never imagined that you were a member of the royalty of Rosazul, but he couldn't be angry with you for that. He knows that everyone makes mistakes, and he forgives you for not telling him earlier, just as you will forgive him for what he did to your kingdom and family.
Yandere Enemy, who went to the dungeons in the middle of the night to see you, found only a pitiful sight. You were handcuffed to the wall, beaten and wearing dirty and torn clothes, your gaze lost somewhere on the grimy wall.
Yandere Enemy approached you with the intention of hugging you, but he didn't expect you to scream. Every attempt he made to touch you ended in screams and your lamentations. The few words you spoke were filled with anger and hatred directed towards him.
Yandere Enemy is convinced that you only need a new place far away from others. He tries to talk to you about the plans you two had before to lift your spirits, but it doesn't seem to be working.
Yandere Enemy knows that the longer you stay here, the more likely it is that you'll be killed, so he steals you away while everyone is asleep, taking you far away to a hidden place where no one will find you both. He is sure that this will bring back the old you, the one who was deeply in love with him. He had to knock you out, tie you up, and cover your mouth in case you wake up early, but it will be worth it.
Yandere Enemy who found a cabin deep in the forest connecting to another kingdom, "mysteriously" the former owners disappeared, and now it belongs to the two of you.
Yandere Enemy knows that you still fear him, but not for long. He will make you love him again, and if it still doesn't work, he won't let you go. He prefers to have you even if you hate him for the rest of your life than not have you at all.
Yandere Enemy "I refuse to let you go, I don't care if you hate me, curse me, or hit me. We will always be together, whether you want it or not."
Extra information, Nocheblanca is known for its warriors while Rosazul for its healers.
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thedensworld · 6 months
Don't Touch Mine | Y.Jh
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Pairing: ceo!Jeonghan x secretary!Reader
Genre: romance, friends to lovers, angst, smut
Words count: 1k
Summary: Jeonghan had hid his feelings for you, but he had been in denial. Then, an unexpected event occurred, and everything changed.
Joshua nudged Seungcheol, subtly signaling towards their best friend, who had been casting his gaze across the entire ballroom. The two of them exchanged glances, sharing an inside joke known only to the trio, including the man himself, Yoon Jeonghan.
"Looking for Y/n?" Joshua chirped, his voice lightly teasing. It seemed to slightly irk Jeonghan, who promptly redirected his attention towards his two closest companions. He raised his glass, taking a sip of the wine that had been resting there.
Seungcheol let his eyes wander and easily spotted you standing with none other than Chwe Hansol, a budding businessman bearing a striking resemblance to the young Leonardo DiCaprio.
"Absolutely not," Jeonghan mumbled, offering a smile to the other guests who passed by and recognized the three of them.
"Then you should be alright with Y/n talking with Chwe," Seungcheol remarked, motioning towards you and Hansol. From Jeonghan's perspective, you two seemed a bit too friendly.
Jeonghan swallowed hard, a lump forming in his throat. "She's my secretary. It's my responsibility to ensure she doesn't make a fool of herself," he explained, eliciting chuckles from Joshua and Seungcheol.
"She's the one who saved you from that. Remember the charity ball at Jeon's group?" Joshua reminded Jeonghan of a minor chaos he had caused last time.
Jeonghan closed his eyes, trying to push away the sudden surge of old memories. Blame his low alcohol tolerance that led him to take an unplanned dive into the pond in the middle of the ballroom. He was thankful that the event had been private, sparing him from any media scrutiny.
"I hope everyone's forgotten it, like I've tried to," he sighed.
Seungcheol suddenly cleared his throat, nodding towards your location. "Kim Mingyu is approaching them," he said, an alert tone in his voice. That was enough to snap Jeonghan back to attention.
Jeonghan turned his body, observing how the casanova attempted to flirt with his secretary. Could he blame the guy? He wasn't sure. Or should he blame you for looking absolutely stunning tonight in that black dress that hugged your figure little too tight? Since he'd seen you step into his office before the ball, Jeonghan hadn't been able to shake off the effect.
"Look at that guy, he's got such a cheap stare," Jeonghan remarked to his friends, his distaste evident on his face as he observed Kim Mingyu.
Joshua playfully elbowed him in the stomach. "Alright, you're being a bit too loud, but I agree, man."
Seungcheol chuckled softly. "But the guy does have a certain charm, you've got to admit." His comment earned an eye roll from Joshua. "Are you on his side or Jeonghan's?"
Jeonghan turned to Joshua, a protest forming on his lips. Joshua simply shrugged and continued, "To make Y/n yours?"
Jeonghan scoffed, "She's already mine," he declared, before striding away from his best friends.
As you drove back to Jeonghan's home after the event, he couldn't help but ask, "What were you discussing with Hansol and Mingyu?"
"We were talking about our latest ad project for the release. Hansol expressed interest in a collaboration," you explained, opening your iPad to show him Chwe Hansol's company profile.
Jeonghan leaned in, genuinely intrigued by the conversation, engrossed in the work that C.Creative had accomplished. He instructed you to delve deeper into the company's projects that could potentially be worked on with Hansol and compile a report.
As you diligently took notes, he suddenly inquired, "What did Mingyu talk to you about? Is he bothering you?" You shook your head, reassuring him.
"Absolutely not. He just had some questions about our app, which I already addressed," you reassured him.
Jeonghan's brow furrowed, curiosity piqued. "What did he say?"
"Um... Just about our system on Nevitech and... some personal matters," you replied.
"Did he ask you out?" Jeonghan's direct question caused you to bite your lip, and with a hesitant nod, you confirmed it.
Jeonghan sighed, his concern evident. "Do you want me to talk to him? I can make it clear if you're not interested..."
You interrupted him, "I am actually interested in him."
Jeonghan was taken aback, blinking in surprise. He leaned back in his seat. "Oh... I didn't know you liked him."
"Like is a strong word. I'm just open to the possibility of dating... you know, it's been a while," you explained, trying to be reasonable.
Jeonghan had to admit, your dedication to him and the company was commendable. It was one of the reasons he always tried to keep you low-profile or shielded at business gatherings, out of concern that someone might try to recruit you. It spoke volumes about your potential as his secretary.
He still remembered that you had a boyfriend when you first joined the company, but after a few months, he noticed the absence. Jeonghan was never one to cross professional boundaries, especially at work. But when he finished his work and saw you waiting for him, he felt a pang of guilt. It was a Friday, and you should have been spending time with your significant other.
"You're not home?" he inquired.
You shook your head and replied, "I was waiting for you, sir."
Glancing at his watch, Jeonghan realized it was well past dinner time. "Have you had dinner?" Another shake of the head from you.
That night, you both shared a meal, and it was during this time that he learned about your breakup due to your busy schedule. He also discovered you were from the same high school and that you were his junior.
"You should call me by my name, Y/n," Jeonghan suggested casually, not expecting that this casualness would lead to whatever he was feeling these days.
"Jeonghan..." Your voice saying his name brought him back from his reverie. Those were simpler times, when nobody knew you, and he had you to himself.
"Jeonghan, we've arrived," you informed him. He turned to you, realizing you were now in the basement of his penthouse.
Nodding, Jeonghan stepped out of the car. You gave him a respectful bow before he started to walk away. Just as he took his fifth step, he turned back to you. "Y/n... Could you come in for a bit? There's something else I'd like to discuss."
You glanced at your watch, then nodded. After grabbing your belongings, you followed him inside.
Jeonghan awoke with a pounding headache, his reminder of his abysmal alcohol tolerance. However, he couldn't forget everything that transpired the night before.
"Y/n, I like you. A lot.'"
Immediately, he sat up, surveying the disarray he had left in his wake. He cursed himself, realizing he hadn't bothered to put on any clothes, and now you were gone. As the memories flooded back, he buried his face in his hands, anxious about how to handle the situation with you after what had happened.
A confession had led to a heated night that Jeonghan never anticipated. He berated himself, trying to dismiss any foolish thoughts, and checked the clock on his nightstand. It read 7 am, meaning he'd see you in the office in an hour. What should he do? Act as if it never happened? Apologize and insist it was a one-time thing? Jeonghan took a deep breath, resolving to go with the latter option. He was your boss, and you were his secretary. A romantic relationship between you two was impractical. It was definitely a one-time occurrence. You wouldn't see him as a man, would you? He reasoned that emotions had gotten the best of him last night, and you had been intoxicated.
That's all it was.
"Yeah... Right there... Please... J-Jeonghan..."
He groaned in frustration.
Walking into his office, he saw your silhouette already seated at your desk. He tried to steady the pounding in his chest and let out a deep sigh. He swore he'd never felt so on edge before. When he stepped into the office, you promptly stood and gave him a respectful bow. He paused in front of your desk, debating whether he should broach the subject of last night.
He gave you a nod before walking into his private room, finally able to breathe a bit easier. The knowledge that you were just meters away from him was torturous. He set his things down and sat at his desk, only to be jolted by a sudden knock. Acting out of character, he permitted you to enter with breakfast in hand.
"You got this for me?" He asked, puzzled. You blinked, as this was the usual routine every morning.
"I-I mean, you... you were gone this morning... to get this for me?" He stammered, audibly swallowing.
You nodded, "yes, please enjoy your breakfast," you calmly replied, bowing, and started to leave the room.
Jeonghan cleared his throat, "Y/n..." He hesitated, "whatever happened last night was a mistake. I'm sorry for that. It's so unprofessional of me," he began.
Your gaze met his, a pregnant pause hanging in the air. Slowly, you nodded and turned away, leaving him alone with his thoughts.
Days melted into weeks, the air between you and Jeonghan growing fragile. With a major project on the horizon, you both became engulfed in a whirlwind of activity, leaving little room to address the events of weeks past. Jeonghan found some solace in this.
But there was a noticeable shift. You weren't as talkative and lighthearted as before, which tugged at Jeonghan's heart. He cherished your jokes, a beacon of levity during the exhaustive whirl of meetings and paperwork. Now, your words were dominated by work, a change he couldn't help but take note of.
After a meeting with a foreign client, all Jeonghan yearned for was some respite. You both traversed the hotel corridor, you leading the way to his room.
"If you need anything, you can call my room," you offered, and he nodded, promptly entering his room.
As Jeonghan settled in for some rest, the night wrapped around him. It was nearly 10 pm when he ordered room service for dinner and summoned you to join him. When you knocked on his door, he welcomed you in, preparing the table. Just as he was about to pour the wine, a wave of memories crashed over him, stalling his hand. You looked at him with curiosity, but Jeonghan shook it off and poured the wine.
"Please, enjoy," he said to you as you both savored the meal.
The dinner continued with a brief discussion about the next day's schedule, as Jeonghan had several engagements in Singapore.
"What about the project with C.Creative?" Jeonghan reminded you about the upcoming project with Chwe Hansol's advertising company, currently working on their new release.
"I contacted them yesterday, and they're working on the proposal. When do you want them to present it?"
Jeonghan wondered, checking his schedule on his phone. "I think Friday would be great." You nodded and quickly jotted it down. "I'll email them tomorrow morning."
"Did you bring the MoU for tomorrow? I want to double-check," Jeonghan asked for the MoU file with the Singapore client to be signed the next day.
You reached for your things. As you searched for the file, an envelope labeled 'Resignation Letter' flew to Jeonghan's attention. His brows furrowed. Before you could retrieve it, Jeonghan quickly snatched it and opened it.
"You're about to resign? Why?" Surprise painted on his face, he inquired seriously.
You glanced around, avoiding his eyes, still searching for the reason you hadn't fully formed.
"I... I think it's been a while since I started working for you. I need a new experience, a new challenge to develop myself," you explained.
Jeonghan didn't seem entirely satisfied with your answer. He looked at you again and said, "Is it because of the salary? Do you want a raise? How much?"
Your eyes widened. "No, Jeonghan. You pay me more than enough. It's not about the money," you clarified.
Jeonghan tilted his head, a tinge of concern. "I don't find it reasonable for you to quit, Y/n. You know better than anyone that being my secretary in this industry is quite challenging."
You sealed your lips and let out a sigh before revealing the real reason. "I don't find it enjoyable anymore, working with you, Jeonghan."
Jeonghan felt a small twinge in his heart at your words. He slowly prodded further, "Is it... because of what happened last time?" He asked cautiously.
You nodded slowly. "I know you made it clear it was a one-time thing. But, I think it's changed a lot, between us," you said, finally expressing what was on your mind.
Jeonghan took a deep breath. "Then what's your plan?"
"Kim's Property has sent me a proposal to work for them."
Kim's Property? Kim Mingyu?
"Wait!" Jeonghan began, "You want to quit because you find that we've been unprofessional, but you want to work with Kim Mingyu? The guy who's been hitting on you?" A sudden surge of anger filled Jeonghan.
"I'll be his father's secretary, so we won't work directly with each other."
Jeonghan couldn't help but chuckle, finding it rather perplexing that you were willing to work with Kim Mingyu despite the perceived unprofessionalism. He felt a sense of injustice in this situation.
"Why? What's the real reason you don't want to work with me?" Jeonghan pressed, feeling that your previous explanations were merely excuses to distance yourself from him.
"We're being unprofessional, Jeonghan. I don't think I could continue working with you," you asserted.
Jeonghan scoffed, frustration and confusion coursing through him. "Tell me the exact reason, Y/n! You don't like me anymore? Suddenly you don't enjoy working with me?"
"It's because I do like you."
Jeonghan's mouth hung open, stunned by your candid admission.
"I've liked you since you took me to that dinner five years ago. And when you finally confessed that you liked me that night, I was over the moon. But the next morning... you said it was just a one-time thing, a mistake, and I... I couldn't look at you the same way again. I'm sorry..."
"What?" Jeonghan's voice was barely above a whisper. He rubbed his face, finally connecting all the dots from the strange tension between you two in recent weeks.
You took a deep breath before continuing, "I hope you can understand, Jeonghan," and with that, you rose from your chair and headed towards the door.
As Jeonghan saw you walk out, he immediately pulled your arm and landed his lips on yours. He pushed your body against the wall while his other hand reached the nape of your neck to deepen the kiss. The kiss lasted for seconds before he pulled away. Jeonghan looked into your eyes before pulling you into another kiss. In this moment, you raised your hand to cling to his neck, savoring the intimacy you shared in the room.
"I like you. No, I love you, Y/n," Jeonghan whispered in the midst of your shared kiss.
He pulled away from the kiss and looked into your eyes, "that time wasn't a mistake. It was stupid of me to say that."
You stared at him and felt tears welling in your eyes. Your heart pounded so much when Jeonghan pulled you into another kiss, but this time with so much passion and lust. His kiss slowly trailed to your neck as his body pressed you against the wall, almost enveloping you. He tapped your thigh, motioning for you to jump on him, and you hugged his waist with your legs. His hand roamed your figure, and his other cupped your cheek.
"May I?" He asked, his gaze never leaving yours. You nodded slowly as he took your shirt off and unclasped your bra. He kissed your chest as one of his hands went to one of your breasts.
"You're mine, Y/n. You're mine."
Jeonghan's eyes wandered across the ballroom, searching for your figure as Seungcheol spoke to him. "Are you even listening, Yoon Jeonghan?"
Seungcheol's words pulled Jeonghan's attention, causing him to turn his head towards his friend. He hummed in response, nodding as if he had been listening. Seungcheol chuckled at his best friend. "Looking for Joshua?"
"Yeah... Is he late? He said he'd be here in ten." Jeonghan muttered, glancing at his watch.
"There he is," Seungcheol said, motioning towards Joshua, who was approaching them.
"Alone?" Seungcheol asked Joshua. Joshua shook his head. "She was talking to someone earlier," he said, pointing to where his secretary was. Jeonghan immediately turned his head in that direction.
"Stop looking for my secretary!" Joshua nudged Jeonghan's arm.
Jeonghan scoffed, "She was mine before yours," he mumbled, finally spotting you in conversation with a woman.
"How can she look that stunning?" Jeonghan remarked to Joshua and Seungcheol when he saw you in your silk red dress with your hair down.
As he watched the tall Kim Mingyu approach you, Jeonghan promptly handed his glass to Seungcheol and made a beeline for your location.
"Hi honey, you look gorgeous," Jeonghan interjected, interrupting your conversation with Kim Mingyu. The Casanova seemed taken aback by Jeonghan's bold move as his hand gently reached for your waist and he planted a sweet kiss on your shoulder.
Mingyu let out a chuckle. "Is this the reason you joined Joshua's company? Because you're together."
Jeonghan smiled at Mingyu and pulled your body closer to his, gazing at you tenderly before leaning in to plant a kiss on your cheek.
"Yeah, she's mine."
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spamgyu · 3 months
urs // Mingyu Series - Part 1
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"the best at being the worst... but fuck sake I'm already yours"
DESCRIPTION: she and mingyu were in no place to be in a relationship. she was his best friend's stylist and he was... well he was kim mingyu; something stable was not something that was ideal for the two – not when their careers are both at it's peak. PAIRING: idol!mingyu x stylist!reader GENRE: angst WARNINGS: mentions of alcohol, implied smut, stubborn protagonists, so many red flags you would think this is a football game, features the love of mingyu's life (jungkook) and all his other besties
NOTE: if you read INFRUNAMI, no you didn't. this has the same-ish vibes BUT this is the re-written version. many events, actions, and overall plot has been changed. (even if the intro/first part is very similar)
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"How was LA?" Mingyu asked, rolling off her bed; reaching to put on the black sweatpants he carelessly discarded earler. It was nearly a month and a half since he had last seen her, been with her, and he was desperate to feel her touch.
He allowed her to greet him with a quick hi before he scooped her off the ground and carried her over to her bed; doing what they knew best.
"Eh." She shrugged, also gathering her items off the floor – dressing herself as if she hadn't just allowed him to ravish her body like an animal that hand't been fed for days. "It's not as hectic since I only have one of them to work with."
She was referring to their mutual friend - the God sent human being that introduced the two. Not that his intention was for his group's stylist to have this arrangement with his best friend, no - he was simply being polite.
It was in good manners to introduce two strangers to one another, especially in a setting that required socializing. Y/n did her best to maintain a professional distance between her and Mingyu; she was just a stylist after all.
Of course, she was only successful for about 6 months and once again it was all thanks to his best friend.
Having to spend nearly every waking moment with the seven boys; y/n couldn't help but develop a friendship with them. Sooner or later she found herself being invited to more parties, dinners, and casual hang outs where Mingyu seemed to always be in attendance.
Somehow, the brooding tall boy of one of the famous boy groups that was slowly making it's way to the top of the charts, had charmed his way in to her pants. She wasn't complaining, of course.
The sex was good. Amazing even.
She was just a girl with needs.
Needs which just happened to have been met by someone who should have remained untouchable. Not just for the sake of their friend group but her job.
There wasn't a clause in her contract that forbid this, some staff members in their very large company having their fair share of flings and relations with idols that seemingly played off being single to the public. It was more of her own choice, not wanting to do anything to jeopordize the once in a lifetime chance she had managed to land herself as BTS' stylist.
Through her title of four years, she had managed to not only secure a well paying job but opportunities throughout the fashion industry – slowly making a name for herself.
Y/n wasn't just a nameless stranger credited at the end of albums, along with other staff members. Those late nights steaming garments, prepping for shoots, and 15 hour work days were finally paying off.
"That's good." Mingyu hummed, taking a seat on her bed - leaning back as he watched her go straight to her suitcase.
Unpacking as if nothing had happened.
The two have gotten very accustomed to their arrangement; having it been nearly a year and a half since they made the agreement of being friends... with a heck of a benefit.
But of course, there were set rules to their agreement.
Despite wanting to keep their actions as completely physical, she and Mingyu cared deeply for the friendship they had managed to develop in the four years they have known each other.
These set rules were put in place to ensure that their friendship will remain intact if they so decide to go off and find their own happiness or satisfaction elsewhere.
Simple as that.
RULE 1: Let either one know if they are planning to sleep around or date - for safety reasons. RULE 2: No kissing outside of sex RULE 3: Keep things platonic outside of the bedroom. No flirting, no obvious touching, nothing that will make others uncomfortable. RULE 4: No feelings.
It was very easy for the two to stay within the boundaries of these rules, considering how busy they were with their careers. They had no time to catch feelings - despite their friends' warnings that this could end badly.
They were dumb but they weren't stupid. They were well aware of the consequences of their actions.
"How's comeback prep?" She recalled him mentioning this during one of their late night calls a few months back after one of Mingyu's schedules; claiming he couldn't sleep and no one else was awake to entertain him.
"Exhausting, we're doing twice the amount of practice because of our world tour."
"Oh yeah." Y/n paused, looking up from the items she carelessly discarded into her bag the day before. "When's the first show?"
"Three weeks ago." Mingyu chuckled.
This was a typical conversation between the two; especially when both of their schedules become equally as packed. He had no expectations for her to know his every single move, the same way he rarely knew what city or project she may be up to at the top of his head.
And if Mingyu was being honest, he was happy with this. They had no obligations to one another – not having to worry about anyone's emotions, what they were doing, having to give updates on their daily life.
It was low maintenance.
Just what they both needed.
"Which reminds me," Mingyu shifted in his place, digging into his pocket to pull out a small black box; earning a raised brow from her. "Here."
"Are you proposing to me?" She took the box from him, hesitantly opening it.
"Ha ha." He rolled his eyes. "Minghao and I were at a second hand store by the hotel and I saw those and it reminded me of you."
It was a vintage silver chain bracelet with two charms hanging off it; a key and circular pendant - a rare Gucci x Tom Ford collab to be exact. She had a knack for silver jewelry, especially stackable ones with multiple charms hanging off of them.
Minghao was on a hunt for a leather jacket that night, claiming that Japan had one of the best thrift stores for 2nd-hand designer items. Mingyu allowed his friend to drag him along on his little shopping trip, under one condition; dinner was paid for.
With no other member interested in browsing endless rows of clothing racks, Minghao agreed to Mingyu's terms.
Little did he know that it would be Mingyu that would score the best find of the night. It wasn't that he planned to buy her something, he was simply taking a glance at the glass case and there just happened to be something that looked like it would match his friend's style.
"How much was it?"
He waved her off. "I make what I paid for that in just two minutes."
She grabbed the nearest sweater she had just folded; throwing it at him with a laugh. "Dumbass."
"No but seriously, it was really cheap."
"Thank you." She smiled, getting up from the floor with her arms open wide.
Mingyu leaned away, laughing. "Ew, are you trying to hug me?"
"Come on, don't reject my love." She grabbed his arm and tried to pull him up. Key word; tried. "Stop working out so much, you're too strong!"
"That's the goal, y/n." He refused to give in; flexing his bicep in attempts to loosen her grip.
"Are you- You're so insufferable." She let go of him.
Once their laughs subsided, they fell into a comfortable silence; Mingyu scrolling on his phone while she continued to unpack. He had no plans of leaving and she had no plans of kicking him out.
Mingyu and y/n didn't care to admit it, but they missed each other. After all, it was normal to miss your friend.
They didn't know how or when but somehow, in between the stories Mingyu told about his group's impromptu time in Rome and sharing her excitement for the new fall collections that were set to debut during Paris Fashion week, they found themselves cuddling. Her head rested on Mingyu's chest while she watched FRIENDS for the upteenth time whilst Mingyu watched the rough edit of their new music video - his free hand absentmindedly playing with a strand of her hair.
This wasn't breaking the rule; they were in the bedroom.
This was technically part of the benefits they agreed on.
"What's your plans for Chuseok? Is your mom flying in?"
She didn't grow up in Korea and had little to no family left in the country; making holidays like these isolating. Being a 2nd generation immigrant, she didn't have the slightest intentions of moving her whole life to Korea in the first place. But somehow, she was back in the same country her grandparents left to seek a better future for their family. Who would have known that the future of one of their grandkids was back where they began their lives together.
Y/n shook her head, silently answering his question.
In previous years, her mom made an effort to fly in to visit her and celebrate Chuseok and Christmas with her. But with her grandparents growing older, and due to her recent schedule alignment, she didn't see that it was necessary for her mom to visit for such a short amount of time.
"I'll probably just fly out around Christmas time." Her eyes trained on the television.
"Want to spend it with us?"
She raised her head and gave him a look. "Because that went so well last year."
Her mom left a day earlier than planned the previous year, leaving her to spend the last day of Chuseok alone.
Somehow Mingyu caught wind of this and invited her over to have dinner with his family. This of course sent his mom and sister over the moon; thinking and thanking the gods and saints that he finally brought a girl home. Despite Mingyu and her explanations that they were in fact just friends; the teasing and gawking went on until the two left.
"I'll tell Minseo to cool it with the teasing."
"Maybe." That earned a smile from him. "I said maybe! Jungkook and I are flying out to LA for another shoot right after, I might just spend the time getting the pulls ready for it."
He raised his brows. "All three days?"
"I also have to assist with Tae-"
"All HYBE staff have Chuseok off."
"Office is closed but I have keys." There weren't any rules about stopping by the company if it was needed. She was on salary after-all.
"Come on, you know you like my mom's cooking." He sang. "You haven't had a home cooked meal from a mom in a while."
"Hard head." Mingyu rolled his eyes. He knew there was no winning when it came to convincing her to do something she wasn't too keen on doing.
For someone who worked in a fast paced industry that was constantly changing, she was very much someone who was not too fond of spontaneity. She needed structure, and she was definitely someone who had a 5 year plan written down in a notebook or her notes app.
Her job was the only controlled chaos she allowed.
"Butt head."
"You look happy. Did you come from a special someone's place?" His best friend teased as he opened the door.
"None of your business." Mingyu playfully rolled his eyes at his friend; kicking off his sneakers before reaching down to pet the large dog happily waiting for him.
"Oh but when you want to know when we'll be back in Korea, it's all of a sudden my business." Jungkook chuckled, handing him a glass filled with a light brown liquid.
"Exactly." He smiled, taking a sip of the warm liquid. "Eugh, why is it warm? You have all this money but can't afford a working fridge?"
"Fuck off. It was cold earlier but you took too long to get here."
Mingyu received a text from Jungkook inviting him over to drink and hang out.... 3 hours ago. He meant to open the text, he really did - but he became a little too invested in Monica and Chandler's attempts to hide their relationship from their friends and completely forgot about the multiple notifications he received from his friend.
It wasn't until y/n received four consecutive text messages from Jungkook, begging her to share his best friend that he missed very much, that Mingyu realized he had left his friend on delivered. She practically pushed him out the door to get him to leave, claiming "He won't stop bothering me until you show up."
"My bad. Monica and Chandler are sleeping together." He took a seat on the couch, taking another sip - ignoring the temperature of the drink.
"Oh great, more friends that are fucking- Do people not believe in relationships anymore?"
"Hey how does your song go again? I wanna see it in motion, Monday Tue-"
"I got it. I got it." He interrupted his friend's medley of his two new singles. "You know, you and y/n are starting to have the same sense of humor, it's making me sick."
"Don't you like that? It's like I'm with you even if I'm not."
"I hate that she said the same thing to me." Jungkook grumbled. "Please, just date and put me out of my misery."
"Won't dating make it worse?"
"So you've considered it."
Mingyu shook his head at his friend's quick remark.
He wasn't boyfriend material. He was busy, barely even having time for himself; dating was definitely not in his cards right now.
Especially not with someone who he has grown very fond of. Fond; in a purely platonic way, of course.
Mingyu has tried dating before, and they all lead to heartache and headache; his busy schedule always being the root of the problem. He grew tired of fighting the same fight with different people and vowed that the next time he tried dating would be when his professional life had fully slowed down.
But with the current trajectory of his group's career, it seemed as though this was not in the cards anytime soon.
And Mingyu was perfectly okay with that.
Besides, he had y/n.
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@thegirlwhoimagined @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @f4iryjjosh @akeminy @yonabutnotyuna @tacosandbitch @vanillacheol @aaniag @bettybotterboughtabitofbutter @xbaekcult @alwaysalmostthere @ashkuuuu @morkswatermelonnnn @isabellah29 @lottogyu @bubbly-moon @lllucere @bo-fairykim @bubbly-moon @pluviophile-xxx @daegutowns @jenoxygen @niktwazny303 @aahvii
(for some reason it's not allowing me to tag some who wanted to be added to the perm tag list ... cries... pls check ur settings so i can for future posts)
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shellxrls · 3 months
(dark!) imagine coryo being the worst possible when he's stressed cause your depressed ass didn't perform well enough in one of his fancy events. you get home and the first thing he does is to slap some senses into you. like don't you have any respect for him, he's busting his ass off working and all you had to do was to smile and look pretty and you couldn't even do that
wjdgdiwbhfid i’m short circuiting
MDNI | 18+ content
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“i do everything for you, put up with all your fucking nurses, organise your medicines and whatever the fuck —” he grabs your jaw, pinching at the muscle with his forefingers until you hear the enamel in your teeth begin to chip away at itself, “fucking look at me when i’m speaking — couldn’t even be bothered to smile at the gala after i made sure they upped your dose for tonight…”
the revelation that he had apparently drugged you should startle you, even anger you, but your dissonance from reality made it hard to meet his words with any sort of credibility. it was the same shit, over and over again. you’d sulk, rot away in your chambers with the occasional handmaiden coming to fix the sheets and help you bathe, and coryo would sneak under the covers some nights - fucking you without reprieve - regardless of whether you’d reciprocate (and some nights regardless of whether you were even awake).
“…are you even listening to me right now?” he shouts, eyebrows drawn so tight you think he’ll form permanent frown lines within the next week if he keeps at this pace.
you simply stare back at him, gaze watery and blank - you didn’t know what he wanted, you never asked anything of him yet he kept taking from you, only expecting more every single time.
suddenly, triggered by your lack of response or maybe his growing frustration at you throughout the entire evening, you’re met with a harsh hand against your face. coryo had just slapped you. his palm reverberated hard against your now reddened cheek, and the smack echoed throughout the room. the force was enough to displace you, and your feet stumbled for security while the sting from the hit bought tears to your eyes - enough to draw you back in from your disassociation.
coryo draws a sharp inhale, composing himself before proceeding, “consider this a reminder,” he says simply, recoiling his hand (now flush with heat after hitting you so hard) back to lay limp at his side “if you continue to disobey my orders, i will personally see that every refute is met with a disciplinary action.”
knowing better than to stay silent, you murmur out a quiet “okay”, and walk yourself back to your chambers while dragging your feet, surrendered in your gait - once again at way to the will of your husband.
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monsterinmyboxers · 8 months
Can I request breeding Bruce Wayne secretly at a gala or charity event
Basically those events make Bruce anxious and sometimes very shaky, during the event Bruce can't stop shaking so he finds reader to help him relax so they end up fucking somewhere private. Reader also sends Bruce back with an ass full of cum and a butt plug in so it won't leak
Thanks :)
WARMTH. bruce wayne x male reader. — ft. toys + semi-public + creampie.
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bruce should be used to these things by now.
but judging by how much he was shaking, the anxiety he feels isn’t going to wear off anytime soon. at least, not without some help.
which is why he’s gone to you. he didn’t say much, only grabbing your hand and pulling you away from the cameras. your warmth was relaxing, distracting him from every other person that grazed his body as he walked through the crowd.
he led you to a bathroom, locking the door behind you both. you knew him well enough to assume why he had taken you from the paparazzi, but asking never hurt. "what's wrong, bruce?" your approach was gentle, everything about you was so, so gentle, especially when it came to him. the thought alone made his heart swell inside his chest, and his cock throb between his legs.
that was something bruce discovered after meeting you; emotional intimacy turned him on. he couldn't help how his touch-starved body reacted when you talked to him with such a calm, soft, caring tone━ along with those lingering touches you offer, on his shoulders, arms, and hands, grounding him when he needs it. and he also found out that he was becoming dependent on the comfort you bring.
he feels like he could do anything as long as he has you.
and right now, he needs that feeling, needs you. bad.
instead of answering your question, he simply leans into you, nose nudging against one of your trap muscles. he smelt cologne, new cologne, he remembers you saying that you had bought another just for tonight. it was nice, fresh and crisp, delightful. it brought him closer, shoving his face into where your neck and shoulder connect.
"honey.." you whispered, one hand on the small of his back, the other running through his silky hair, which you brushed before arriving here. he gave a hum, fingers gripping onto your button up with much more force than intended, wrinkling the fabric. he wanted to tear it off, to touch you, but decided against it. he knew you'd both have to leave the restroom eventually, and doing so half naked is suspicious.
"bruce." that got his attention. you wanted an answer, and, despite how long it took, he gave you one. removing his hands from your shirt and flattening it out the best he could, he'd grab your own, then guiding them both to his ass. he still hid in your neck, but you could feel the heat that spread across his cheeks. you understood, attempting to take one away to lube your fingers, but he refused.
"don't, don't need to." he spoke before you could, "promise."
you were confused, though you trusted him, instead allowing your palms to slip underneath his dress pants and boxers, groping him. bruce let out what sounded like a sigh of relief, arching into your touch. "did you miss me?" you tease, and to your surprise, he nods.
for the first time, he glances up at you, eyes half-lidded and droopy, a smile on his face; a special one reserved for you, and you only. you lean down to kiss him, and even then, you could feel that smile. during your kisses, you get more curious, fingers spreading him open and having the intention on checking bruce's work, to make sure he was prepped enough for you. but, when you felt silicone, you paused.
pulling away, you move down to his jaw to save him the embarrassment of looking you in the eye, mumbling against his skin. "is this why you don't need prep?" you made it hard for him to answer as you pull and push on the plug inside him. he'd squirm and whine, tilting his head up to give you more room. you took that as a yes. slowly, you pull the toy out, putting it to the side. it wasn't very impressive in length, but was rather wide. you're not surprised. bruce liked a good stretch, he liked being able to feel it after. he wanted to be sore, so he could remember everything you did to him whenever he sat down.
you'll surely make that happen.
picking him up by his thighs, you set him onto the cold surface of the sink, lifting his legs up so his ass was visible. the back of his knees find their place on your shoulders, upper back pressed against the mirror behind him. a blush coated his cheeks, eyes looking anywhere but you. any other time, you'd make him stare at you. but, he was gotham's prince, and people will start asking questions if he just suddenly disappeared.
you unbutton your pants, and pull your boxers down, letting out a relieved sigh whilst you did. one more abrupt move in those clothes, and your dick would've ripped the fabric. and bruce would've snickered if he wasn't just as hard as you.
you hold his hips as a certain angle, an angle you've taken time to memorize, and shove your whole cock inside with a single thrust. your hips slapped against his ass, his body jolting and a choked moan━ no, a sob, escaping past his lips. his own hand smacks over his mouth, tears forming along his lashes, the overwhelming feeling of warmth washing over him as you filled him so easily.
he thinks it shouldn't be so damn easy. you shouldn't be able to dismantle him like this, hardly even trying, merely running on muscle memory. you knew everything, and that scared him, but at the same time, it made him feel so much comfort. you are willing to commit these things into your brain, just to make him feel as good as possible. physically, and mentally. it made his throat close up and his eyes water. what did he ever do to deserve someone like you?
it is ridiculous, how emotional you make him, but he can't help it. you were so fucking kind, and gave him whatever he wanted, even if he didn't ask for it. you can tell, you can read him like a damn book.
shit. he's been thinking for too long. your gaze flickers between hesitation and worry, leaning in close until your noses touched. the motion made you put more weight onto him, bringing him back to reality. "what's wrong, baby? am i going too fast?" a stupid question. this is exactly what he craved, and more. he shook his head, as if the answer was obvious, finding your hands and squeezing them.
the silent reassurance was all you needed, and the next half hour was a blur. he couldn't focus on anything, it all molding together, just like how you both were with each thrust given. his legs have fallen from your shoulders, now apart and resting at your waist. your hands held his neck, thumbs on his jaw to keep planting kisses over his lips and face.
bruce had come a few times, you using a paper towel to catch his load so none of it would stain his clothes. and, luckily, you were nearing your orgasm too.
he wanted it, he wanted it so fucking bad. he wouldn't be able to go through with the rest of this damned gala if he didn't have some remnant of you filling him. and god, once he does, a big, cock-drunken smile smears itself across his gorgeous face.
it was shaky, but never once fell completely.
you took care of him, as always, cleaning him and allowing him to come down from the high. you even brought deodorant and cologne. your new cologne. he gladly put on both. neither of you wanted to reek of sex the second you got out of this restroom.
"hey," at the sound of his voice, you turn to face him, glad to hear that it wasn't too strained. "can you.." a pause. then, instead of staring, you decided to look down, now seeing the plug from before in his hand. your eyebrows raise, signaling him to continue. "..please. wanna keep it inside."
with a hum, you smile, coming over and taking the toy from him. he'd turn slightly, sighing softly as your middle finger pushes your cum back inside him, then the toy following. it didn't take long, as expected, bruce chuckling as you tug his pants back up. afterwards, you both finally make your way out of the bathroom, hiding what you've done quite well.
though, the rare grin adorning bruce's face didn't go unnoticed.
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just-jordie-things · 3 months
video games - takuma ino
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✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ 10k follower event special! ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
word count: 11.6k warnings: mentions of blood, drinking summary: ino has been infatuated with his non-sorcerer roommate since day one. but he's convinced she couldn't feel the same way. more info: roommate!au, friends to lovers, gojo hits on you but it's for the greater good ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
[ it’s you, it’s you, it’s all for you // everything i do // i tell you all the time, heaven is a place on earth with you // tell me all the things you wanna do ]
How Takuma Ino ended up with a non-sorcerer roommate wasn’t as interesting of a story as his colleagues always thought it would be when they’d first find out.  They were always so eager for the details- was she his girlfriend? Did she know about his career and lifestyle? Was she cute? How did they meet?- and even though Ino would often laugh sheepishly and duck his head to hide his smile, the truth just wasn’t that exciting.
The truth was that as fun as being a jujutsu sorcerer was, it didn’t pay well.  So he needed a roommate in order to better afford rent.  One ad led to another, and soon (y/l/n) (y/n) was showing up asking for a tour.  It only took one visit for her to decide to move in, and they’ve been roommates for the better part of a year now.
Ino always leaves out the part where he didn’t believe she’d actually agree to join the lease with him- when she’d shown up at his door he figured she’d only asked for a tour to be polite.  In his mind there was just no way that a young woman as beautiful and hard working in her field needed a roommate- much less some random dude like him.  She’d been so friendly and easy going upon their first meeting and they seemed to click just right, so she’d shook his hand and set a move-in date that very day.  When she’d left, Ino had collapsed on his sofa with a beer and a bewildered laugh to himself.  Even now, he’s not sure how he managed to make it happen.
“You wanna order chinese? I don’t feel like cooking” 
(y/n’s) call from the other side of the room drew him out of his thoughts, and he glanced over the back of the couch to see her rummaging through the pantry.  Logic reared it’s head, reminding him that they’d just bought groceries so they should probably save the money and eat at home tonight.
But then she gave him that hopeful little smile that he couldn’t help but return before nodding his head.  Logic never won in a battle against something (y/n) wanted.
“Sure” He agrees through his smile.
By the time she’s dressed in her comfy lounging clothes, he’s already called their usual place and made an order.  He’d long since memorized her go-to order and was usually the one put in charge of calling.  He never minded.  How could he complain when everything about their situation was just so perfect? 
The roommate of his dreams, she was.  Tidy, quiet, a great cook, and one of the most pleasant people he’s ever gotten to know, Ino truly believed he struck gold when (y/n) answered his ad.  So even when his colleagues teased him for his living situation, he could hardly care.
And tease him they did.  Gojo was the main assailant.  Often joking about how strong Ino must feel all the time, being in the presence of a weak non-sorcerer human.  How she must think he was some superhero compared to all the lame human men she’d meet at her job or through her friends.  How Ino must be so lucky to have a young lady as his roommate.   Still, no matter how much he messed around, Ino knew that there was no harm in Gojo’s words.  And he also knew that if he’d actually met (y/n), he’d shut his ignorant mouth.
Nanami didn’t invest himself too much in Ino’s private life, he was simply respectful and reserved like that, but on occasion he’d been known to ask about his roommate.  Mostly situational to their occupation- such as what she thought of the nasty cuts and bruises he’d come home with- but once in a blue moon he’d make a comment suggesting it was only a matter of time before one of them developed feelings.  Ino always flustered under the light of those questions and found a way to avoid them.
In the few times throughout his week that he’d cross paths with Shoko, she always made a point to ask about his roommate.  Which was sort of odd, seeing as her work in the infirmary didn’t make them the closest of colleagues, but at first the casual conversation was welcomed.  But it was only a matter of time before she, too, would begin pestering him about making a move on her.
They all seemed to have the same underlying message.  How could you share a living space with someone and not catch feelings for them? And Ino spent a lot of his time and energy trying to convince them that it simply wasn’t like that.  Just because they both happened to be single, and close friends, and sharing a small two bedroom apartment, didn’t mean that romantic feelings were bound to happen.  They were both adults, they could live in such a situation and keep their hands and hearts to themselves.
He was a liar, though.
Takuma Ino had fallen completely, head over heels in love with his roommate, and there was no chance of him ever getting over that feeling.
It had taken relatively no time for the feelings to develop.  Shortly after her moving in, she’d made an effort to be close to him.  There wasn’t a moment where he felt like she wanted space or privacy away from him.  She often offered to help him cook, or invited him grocery shopping with her, or out to a movie she wanted to see, and a fast friendship blossomed.  The way she always reached out to include him had him swooning in no time.
Coffee runs, movie nights, and frequent texting throughout their days before they both came home all snowballed into one undeniable truth.  He was falling in love with her.
When Ino had first realized that’s what was happening when his heart would leap out of his chest when she’d scoot close to him on the couch so they could share a blanket while they watched a movie or played a game together, he’d tried to bury it.  Because surely his mind was just playing tricks on him.  Surely he was just excited that a pretty and kind girl like her wanted to be so close to him, and his feelings were strictly platonic.
But then he found himself relaxing just from the smell of her shampoo wafting close to him.  He realized that when he would come home from a late assignment and she’d be waiting for him that his heart was skipping a beat because it was just so perfectly domestic.  He couldn’t deny it for too long at all, not when she so sweetly saved him the leftovers from her dinner and would heat it up for him while he showered and de-stressed from the particularly rough assignment.
The only problem was that he knew she didn’t feel the same way, and he’d been struggling to keep his true feelings hidden.  From her, and from his pesky fellow sorcerers.
(y/n) hated when Ino came home late from his assignments.
Not because the squeak door woke her up, or because it meant she was alone taking care of the evening chores.  It was simply because she’d stay up every time, too consumed with anxiety to go to sleep without knowing he’d returned safe and sound.
Which, in all fairness, he always did.  He always came home, and most of the time he’d shoot her a message saying he’d wrapped up with work and was on his way- even when it was one in the morning- like tonight.
She waited up on the couch, wrapped up in a fluffy blanket with the title screen of a movie she’d watched hours ago playing it’s intro for the thousandth time.  In all fairness she knew he could handle himself, and he’d never not come home, or come back with life threatening injuries.
That didn’t mean he didn’t come back hurt, and that didn’t mean she wouldn’t fuss over him, every single time.
And tonight when he finally stumbles into the apartment, just as the clock ticks past two, she’s practically gnawing at her nails as she rushes towards him.
Despite the way he limps, and there’s blood trickling out of his nose, he gives her a smile, and he’s the first to worry.
“It’s late, you should be in bed” He scolds without any real threat to his words.  This routine had established itself months ago, and he knew damn well that she wouldn’t get a wink of sleep until she knew he was safely returned home.
Still, he worried about something as silly as her sleep schedule every time.
“Shut up” Is all (y/n) mumbles, beckoning him further into their apartment, until he’s following her to the bathroom.  
She’s faster than him, pulling out the well loved first aid kit and getting everything prepped and ready on the counter while he slowly staggers in behind her.  It was practically the same scene every time he came home like this.  No matter how beat up he was- with a mere scratch or bloodied to a pulp- she was forcing him to sit down on the lid of the toilet seat so she could tend to his injuries herself.
Ino wasn’t sure if it was for her own well being and comfort, knowing that she’d taken care of him and none of his injuries would get infected.  Or if maybe she just didn’t trust him to take care of them himself, maybe she knew that his idea of first aid was slapping a hello kitty band aid on it and calling it a night.
(There was one instance a few months ago where he’d left a hello kitty band aid on the back of his hand that she’d so lovingly placed there, and Gojo didn’t let him hear the end of it for the entire day.  Not that Ino minded.  Every time he caught a glimpse of the pink band aid it brought a smile to his face remembering how gentle she’d been covering the cut underneath, how her thumb had stroked over the sticker so lightly to ensure it was well placed and would do the trick.  He left that band aid on his hand for as long as he could before eventually it lost his adhesive and in turn he lost it)
Either way, he never tried to talk her out of tending to him.  Even when he knew it was too late for her to be staying up just to clean up some silly injuries that were nothing compared to the things that Shoko healed with her Reverse Cursed Technique- but he’d never tell (y/n) about the broken bones or brushes with death.  He’d just keep his mouth shut and sit on that toilet seat while she soaked a cotton pad in antiseptic and gently dabbed at the cuts on his arm.
She’d mumble the apology every time she’d make first contact with the injury, knowing how the alcohol tended to sting.  And every time, Ino would give her a small smile and tell her it was alright.
“How was your day?” He hummed as she continued to clean up the few cuts on his arms.  She had his sleeve rolled all the way up and tucked carefully at his shoulder so it wouldn’t be a hindrance.  She hummed thoughtfully before shrugging a shoulder.
“Pretty boring, nothing of note,” She murmured back truthfully.  “Until now” She adds, her eyes meeting his just so he’d catch the hint of reprimand in her tone.
Ino can’t help but chuckle to himself, he’d forever be amused by the way she worries over him.  She may have been new to the world of jujutsu sorcery, but it never failed to humor him how she’d fuss and worry over such minor injuries.  Injuries that Shoko wouldn’t treat even if Ino walked into the infirmary and begged for it.  Surely he’d be laughed at.
“So you’re saying I’m the highlight?” He teases quietly, and (y/n) rolls her eyes, but doesn’t deny it.  She chooses the safe route and keeps her focus on her handiwork.  He still laughs at her obvious non-answer.  “Work was alright, though?” 
“I suppose,” She answers.  “Got home early because some people in my department were going out and convinced my boss to join, so they let us all leave early.  That was nice” 
Ino gave her a small frown, but it went unnoticed.
“How come you didn’t go?” 
Her eyes briefly flicker up to his, and she purses her lips before shrugging her shoulders in a small movement.
“Wasn’t really in the mood,” She says, and it’s not a total lie, but she averts her eyes shortly after, reaching out to the first aid kit on the counter again.  She fishes around a bit before finding the package of square shaped band aids.  “Besides, I didn’t know when you’d be back” She added.
It deepens his frown, but she’s completely avoiding his gaze now.  He expects as much, seeing as he’s had this conversation with her before.  He encourages her to go out with her friends more, or make new friends at work to hang out with, and she always has an excuse at the ready.  Sometimes her reasoning was decent, but most of the time it was obvious she came up with them on the spot, and it made his heart sink.
Of course he wanted her around all the time, pushing her away was absolutely a struggle for him, but Ino knew that if they continued only spending time with one another, then his feelings would never go away.  It would be hard, but tremendous help if she made a new best friend, or better yet a boyfriend, and then he’d have to get over her, he was sure.
“You shouldn’t avoid your friends cause of me,” He tells her quietly.  “It’s late, you could’ve gone out… if you wanted to” 
After placing a band aid on his skin and smoothing down the corners so it stayed intact, she glanced up at him.  A small knot formed between her brows before she cracked a goofy smile.
“They’re not my friends, Ino,” She chuckles at him.  “They’re coworkers.  I see them plenty enough, I don’t need to hang out with them outside of work- where we would probably still only talk about work” 
As far as excuses went, it was a pretty damn good one.  So this time he gave in, smiling and nodding back at her in understanding.
“Guess that’s fair,” He mumbles, and she laughs quietly again as she opens up another band aid.  “I just… I dunno, I don’t want you missing out of stuff, that’s all” 
“I think I’m old enough to decide what I want to do with my time,” She teases, her cheeks warming at the insinuation in her admission.  “If I didn’t want to be here, I wouldn’t be” 
His heart skips a beat, and as lovely as the feeling is when his stomach flips, Ino wishes she wouldn’t say stuff like that.  It gave his heart the wrong idea, and it was hard to fight with his heart.  He was convinced his brain just wasn’t strong enough to fight the delusion.
“So your ideal night is patching up this idiot, huh?” He wiggles his eyebrows at her in that way that always makes her laugh, and she does, bubbly and sweet, and again his stomach does a flip.  Making her laugh always brightened him up completely.  Like a video game character maxing out his health bar.
“I think I would’ve made a great doctor” She teases back, shaking the box of band aids at him before carefully tucking them back in their spot in the first aid kit.
“You don’t even give me lollipops, how could you say that?” Ino retorts in mock offense- although it would make these little patch up sessions even better if he was rewarded with her close proximity and candy, but he’d accept one sweet thing at a time.
“Shut up,” She says through her giggles, finally closing up the whole kit.  “You’re lucky I don’t do any of the scary stuff.  I’ll leave that for your sorcerer friends” 
“Eh, it might come to that,” Ino shrugs.  He stays seated as she puts the small case back into it’s spot in the cabinet, lingering in her space for however long she’ll let him.  “Shoko will probably get tired of me eventually, you know.  How comfortable are you with stitches?” 
The grin on his face is nothing short of teasing- and he knows he should stop.  He knows that eventually the lines get blurry and he’s not sure how much his teasing is starting to blend into flirting, and with how playful her nature is she’s never afraid to dish it back.  Not once had she reacted in an uncomfortable manner to something he’s said, but that only makes it harder for him to draw that line in the sand.
(y/n) shuts the cabinet and turns to him with her hands on her hips.  A serious look flashes across her expression that he can’t tell if it’s meant to be in humor or if she’s actually about to drop the playful atmosphere.  With a step towards him, she leans over so her height matches his, and they’re face to face.
“Takuma Ino,” She declares, eyes boring into his with an intensity that makes him gulp down on air.  “Unless you want some really funky looking scars, don’t go asking me to stitch you up.  Leave it to your magic friends” 
His anxious expression drops as he breaks into a smile, amused by her choice of words, and her own face softens as she smiles back at him.  It was infectious, the way he smiled.  It could get her to crack even when she was really trying to be stubborn.  A secret weapon of his that (y/n) was pretty sure he used on purpose, but there were some instances she could be convinced that he had no clue of this power.
“My magic friends, huh?” He repeats with a smirk.  
He’d definitely have to tell Gojo about that one when he saw him next.  Surely it would feed into his ego, if not make him cackle.
(y/n) stands up again, her cheeks suddenly feeling a little too warm, before she spins around and heads out of the bathroom.  Finally, Ino stands, stretching his sore limbs and checking over the array of bandages on his arm before following after her.
“Or better yet, just don’t get yourself hurt anymore” (y/n) adds, her back turned to him as she makes her way towards her room.
“Oh wow, I hadn’t thought of that” He shot back in a mocking voice.  He knows she rolls her eyes, even if he can’t see.
“Just sayin’, why don’t you work on that technique where stuff doesn’t touch you? Like that one guy?” 
He has to bite his cheek to keep himself from breaking out into a fit of laughter.  She was trying her best to understand how jujutsu worked, even if she was a little off the mark.  There was also something so rewardingly funny about someone not remembering who Gojo Satoru was- even if she’d never met the guy.
“Not exactly how it works,” He replies.  (y/n) turns to him as she stands in the middle of her doorway.  Her tiredness is more evident now in the way she leans against it and blinks slowly back at him.  “Pretty sure I gotta stick with the one I was born with”  
She hums, pursing her lips as she tries to recall all of his explanations for the finicky sorcerer world.  But her mind is foggy with exhaustion and she’s getting a little too swept up in how softly his brown eyes gaze at her, so she shakes her head and finally turns towards her room.
“Noted,” She tells him, knocking twice on her frame before grabbing the handle of her door and pulling it behind her.  “G’night Ino” 
His heart warms as he bids her goodnight, and he lingers in the empty apartment for a few more seconds before making his way into his own bedroom.  
Every minute spent with her felt special and worth basking in, even when nothing significant happened, even when it was a completely normal night.  Just being around her was enough for his insides to melt into a buttery mess.
When he goes to sleep, he hopes to see her in his dreams, where he doesn’t have to feel anxious or guilty about his feelings, and he can be with her freely, without a care in the world.
“There’s gonna be this… work thing… next weekend,” 
He brings it up out of nowhere, although he’s spent a while trying to find a way to say it, he actually blurts it out in the middle of the two of them watching a movie.  So it’s not actually surprising when (y/n) turns towards him with a puzzled look on her face, already reaching for the remote to pause the movie.
Tonight she sits close enough that with his arm strewn across the back of the couch, it could almost feel like they were cuddled up together.  Even though they’re not touching- unless you counted the stray hairs that fell from her claw clip and brushed his arm behind her head.
“If you wanted to come, anyways,” Ino clears his throat uncomfortably, suddenly feeling a little more on the spot with the movie stopped and her full attention on him.  “Gojo’s hosting, said anyone can come, I- I don’t have that many details yet, but, um, I’ll probably go, since Nanami said he was-” 
“And I’m allowed to go?” She ends his suffering with her question, her brows raising in shock.
“Allowed?” Ino repeats the choice of word, followed by a short chuckle.  “Of course you are, why do you say it like that?” 
“I dunno,” Her shoulders shrug limply, although she knows exactly why she asks.  “Cause… I’m not like you, I guess” 
Ino’s never given too much thought to their differences.  Besides when he’d realized he’d have to tell her the truth about his career, and they had spent hours on this very sofa while he explained the complicated history of jujutsu, and the ins and outs of curses and cursed techniques.  She’d had her uncertainties, and endless questions, but after that talk, the stark differences in the lives they led outside of this apartment rarely came up.  He could almost say it didn’t matter, but he didn’t want to diminish either of their careers.
Now, as he watches her begin to curl up like she was trying to shrink into herself, his heart falls a little bit.  Did she really feel like she didn’t deserve an invite? Just because she was a non-sorcerer? In his eyes, it certainly didn’t make her any less of a person.  He could almost laugh.  How could a person like her feel that way? Someone so good hearted, hard working, brilliant, gorgeous- 
“Ino?” She presses forward, drawing him out of his derailed train of thoughts.  He blinks a few times as he comes back to the present moment.
“I want you to come” He says, feeling much bolder than he had when he first brought the subject up.
Now she’s blinking back at him wordlessly, eyes going round and a smile tugging at her lips.
“You do?” She asks, just to be sure, even though there’s not a doubt in her mind that he means it, with how genuine and hopeful his expression is.  Warmth blooms in her face, and she hopes that her blush isn’t too embarrassing.
It’s not.  Ino finds it utterly adorable, and quite endearing.
“Yeah,” He affirms with a nod of his head, before pushing a hand through his hair to pull it away from his face.  “I want you to meet everyone.  And I want them to finally meet you, too.  If you want to, that is” 
Her smile widens a little further as she nods back at him, the movement jittery and short, displaying her eagerness in it’s fullest.
“Sounds fun.  I’d love to,” She says softly.  Ino lights up with excitement, sitting up a little straighter as he beams at her.
However, before he can reach for the remote and start their movie up again, she snatches it away, a curious expression crossing her features as she studies him.
“But what do you mean finally, hm?” She muses, the question only half-playful.  Curiosity did get the best of her after all.  “Have they been dying to meet me or something?” 
He makes a face at her that makes her laugh, her eyes lighting up as his expression alone confirms what she’d been thinking.
“Have you been talking about me to your coworkers, Ino?” She teases, her grin practically splitting her face.
“Don’t be an idiot, of course I do,” He tries to play it off, reaching out for the remote again, but she pulls her hand away just before he can take it, subsequently having him lean almost fully across her, his arm outstretched towards the object that could free him of this torture.  “(y/n)” He huffs in annoyance, frowning at her when she still doesn’t play the movie.
“Nuh uh,” She says childishly while shaking her head.  “What do you tell them about me?” She presses further.
He wants to roll his eyes, and huff and groan until she’s annoyed into going back to their movie- which had just been starting to get good before he started this whole thing- but he can’t.  He just can’t bring himself to do it.  Not when she’s grinning up at him and he swears he sees an actual sparkle in her eyes.
“C’mon dummy, they know all about you” Again, Ino tries to play it off like it’s not a big deal.  
(As if he hadn’t gone on a long winded story to Nanami just the other day about how he was going to surprise her with a fruit bouquet of mangos on her nearing birthday, because she’d recently become obsessed with the tangy fruit and demanded they picked up the most overpriced ones every time they went to the grocery store.  Nanami had little to know interest in hearing about all the places Ino had researched who make fruit arrangements and how he hadn’t deemed any of them good enough yet) 
“All about me, huh?” She repeats curiously, before humming, content with the response.  
Then she finally pushes play on the remote before dropping it onto the cushion beside her.  Ino sends a silent thank you prayer to whatever greater force was looking out for his dignity, and settles back into his seat.
He swears when (y/n) gets settled, she’s sat just a little bit closer to him.  He’s pretty sure her shoulder wasn’t grazing against his earlier.
They’re a few minutes in before she speaks up again, her voice merely a soft whisper beside him.
“You didn’t have to be all shy about it.  I talk about you at work all the time” 
Ino can barely keep his focus on the whole rest of the movie.
The work event isn’t necessarily a fancy one.  There’s not a dress code, and despite Ino’s worries with Gojo organizing it, it’s not at some five star establishment he couldn’t even afford to look at.  It’s held at a small local restaurant and bar.  
Gojo does, however, rent out the place for the evening, so the only patrons tonight would be those from Jujutsu Tech, and whoever they decide to bring.
Despite it being business casual at most, it still feels like it’s the most dressed up he’s ever gotten for going somewhere with (y/n).  Maybe it’s just his heart working on overdrive after seeing the simple but sleek black dress she’d chosen to wear for the night, paired with a little mesh wrap that was tied in a little bow at her chest and flared at the sleeves for some personality- but as soon as the evening began, Ino was starting to overthink.
“I’ve never been here before,” (y/n) hums as they approach the venue.  “I don’t know what I was expecting, but it wasn’t this” 
She peeks a glance over at Ino as he’s also admiring the building.  It’s a rather small restaurant, but the architecture has enough character that it’s worth getting a good look at before going inside.  Or maybe he was just stalling where he could.
He looks really nice tonight, she thinks, and the thought instantly makes her heart skip a beat as she takes a few more seconds to look at him.  He’s in dark slacks and a cotton black sweater that looks so soft she’s suddenly dying to pinch the fabric between her fingers to see for herself.  It’s paired with a white collared undershirt for a little extra flair- something she knows she once told him she liked seeing on a man- and without his mask piled up on top of his head his long hair wisps in slight curls around his ears, just barely touching his shoulders.
She knows she’s been staring for too long, but it takes a few tries before she actually pulls her gaze away from him.
“I wasn’t either,” Ino says, and it takes her a minute to remember what she’d even said.  “Knowing Gojo, I was expecting something… worse” 
(y/n) chuckles to herself, before nodding to the door.
“Time to enjoy not worse?” She prompts, and he grins before gesturing for her to follow him inside.
Ino reaches over her shoulder to push the door open, only to follow behind her with a gentle hand on her back guiding her in.  The silk of her dress is so smooth and thin against the light graze of his hand that he can feel the heat of her skin through it, and it takes a mental talk with himself in order to keep him from pressing his hand fully against her back.
She gives him a sweet smile in gratitude, before both of their attention is pulled away by the shrill of cheering amongst the chatter of people in the restaurant.
There weren’t a lot of people- there weren’t many jujutsu sorcerers to begin with- but there were enough to fill the room with a certain level of white noise with background conversation.  All of that was drowned out by a small group of people currently shouting and beckoning Ino and his date over towards them.
Most of the shouting came from Gojo, but Shoko and Utahime seemed to be at just the right amount of intoxicated to join in with loud bouts of laughter.  Nanami is also at the table, politely sipping his drink with a mere nod of greeting as Ino brings (y/n) their way.
“I guess I should have given you some warnings” He says under his breath as they make their way through the slight crowd. 
Most of the managers are grouped together, Nitta giving a friendly wave in passing before going back to a heated argument that made Ino and (y/n) chuckle to themselves.  It lightened some of the tension in (y/n’s) shoulders.  She didn’t want to bother him with her silly anxieties, but she’d been quite worried about showing up to an event full of people who were extraordinary, meanwhile she was merely a salary worker.
Don’t get her wrong, she worked hard and was proud of how quickly she’d moved up in the ranks, but how could she compare that to people with other-worldly abilities? People who actively saved lives? 
“Warnings?” She murmurs, glancing over at him, only to find his gaze already set on her.
“Not- not bad ones, necessarily,” Ino stammered.  “It’s just… Gojo is loud, and nosy, but he’s a good time and he means no harm, promise,” 
(y/n) nods in understanding, eyes flickering back to the table of sorcerers they were currently headed towards.  She had a pretty good idea of which one was Gojo.
“Nanami’s quiet.  He looks judgemental, but he’s not.  Well- maybe a little, but he’s polite.  So.  It’s fine, I don’t have any warnings about Nanami, he’ll like you a lot” 
“Yeah?” A flattered smile spreads across her glossy lips.  It was silly to take pride in being liked by a stranger, but she knew how much Ino looked up to his mentor, and it made her heart flutter to think he believed the man he respected so much would approve of her.
“Absolutely,” Ino’s voice is rich with certainty as he nods at her.  “Shoko’s kind of a weirdo, that’s just cause she works in the morgue all day so her sense of humor is… warped.  Utahime is her not-very-secret girlfriend, I’ve told you about that right?” 
(y/n) nods in confirmation.  She may have never met these people, but she felt like she knew most of them well enough just from the late night gossip sessions they’d have after a shared bottle of wine.
“Any questions?” He asked, slowing their steps the closer they got to the table.  
It was just like Gojo to set his little crew of odd semi-forced friends up in the corner where they could have some privacy, even though they were the loudest bunch of the whole gathering.  At least he had the decency to rent the place out so the only people he was bothering were those he already bothered on a regular basis.
“No,” (y/n) said softly, before reaching out and curling her fingers around the sleeve of his shirt, bringing his attention back towards her.  “Just one request?” 
Ino gives her a small nod, halting in place as he stares at her with a grave seriousness in his eyes.
“Don’t ditch me here?” 
He almost laughs at the ask, but he stops himself when he notes the hints of anxiety hidden in her expression.  The twitch at the corner of her mouth, the slight pinch in her brow.  He clears his throat and nods at her, before grinning widely.
“Of course not!” He declares, squeezing her wrist gently before she drops her hold on his sleeve.  “What do you take me for? A gentleman would do no such thing” 
And as they finally approach the table of Ino’s closest colleagues, they’re both laughing, and some more tension is relieved from her shoulders.
Ino’s quick to introduce her, and he goes around the table to remind her of everyone’s names quickly, trying to get the awkward stage out of the way as quickly as possible.  Everyone behaves well enough, or as well as he could hope for.  Utahime’s a bit excitable as she compliments (y/n’s) dress and sparkling accessories, but it helps to break the ice as the two slip into conversation about their favorite boutiques.
Ino wants to point out that the Kyoto based sorcerer never was one for small talk with him, but he keeps his mouth shut solely because (y/n) warms up to her and Shoko quickly and he doesn’t want to throw a wrench in their bonding.
Gojo’s clearly in the middle of some wild and possibly partially made up retelling about a special grade curse he’d exorcized on a recent assignment, so after introductions he resumes his exaggerated storytelling, giving (y/n) and Ino time to order drinks and chat with Shoko and Utahime a little longer.
“You’re pretty brave for coming,” Shoko points out to (y/n), earning a slight glare from Ino, to which she backtracks and waves her hand dismissively.  “I just mean because this is the worst” 
“I don’t think so” (y/n) shrugs with a sweet smile as she sips her drink.
“You don’t know us that well yet, you’ll change your mind later,” Utahime chimes in.  “This,” She gestures towards Gojo, who’s talking wildly with his hands as he reaches the climax of his story.  “Is why I took off to Kyoto, first chance”
It earns a laugh from Shoko and Ino, so (y/n) forces a small chuckle as well, but so far she couldn’t complain about the company.  Sure, the white haired man wearing sunglasses inside in the evening seemed a bit theatrical and high energy, but it was a party setting, right? So she could give him the benefit of the doubt for now.
“Speaking of-” Shoko gets up from her seat, not so subtly tapping Utahime’s hand, “I need a smoke” 
“Oh, yeah, me too”
Utahime glances at (y/n) and Ino with a raised brow, silently offering them to join, but one look at Shoko’s wide eyes tells them to shake their heads and stay in place.  Even if they did smoke, they were clearly not wanted at this particular break.
Once they’re out of sight, (y/n) turns to Ino, obviously fighting a grin on her face, before she leans in close to talk a little more privately.
“Oh, it’s painfully obvious” 
He laughs back at her, nodding his head in agreement before tapping the rim of his glass against hers.
Their moment is broken up when long limbs stretch across the empty space that Utahime and Shoko had left, and apparently Gojo had wrapped up his story because now he’s slinking towards the two with a coy grin on his face.
“We haven’t been properly introduced, have we?” 
(y/n) fights the urge to stagger backwards as he comes close.  He has a wild sort of energy surrounding him.  He’s intimidating, but not in a way that makes her afraid, just very aware of how large and powerful he is.  She wonders if even a non-sorcerer like her can pick up on signatures of cursed energy, or if this was just his raw aura.
But the way he smiles is inviting and the bubbly giggles that erupt from him provide nothing but a feeling of friendliness, as if he was someone (y/n) had known for years.
“Almost a year” She answers, forcing a smile that she hopes doesn’t come across as awkward as it feels.
“Wow, a whole year!” He cheers, raising his glass at the accomplishment.  “That’s absolutely marvelous.  A whole year, huh?” He repeats it again thoughtfully, tilting his head just slightly.
Ino’s not sure if she’s noticed, but since Gojo approached them, he hadn’t once torn his eyes off of her.  Perhaps she couldn’t tell with the dark shades covering his line of sight, but Ino had gotten quite used to reading Gojo’s body language even with the blockage of a blindfold.  
He also wasn’t a complete dunce, he knew that the way she looked tonight made it difficult for anyone to take their eyes off of her.  Even Utahime had gotten that glazed over look after they talked for long enough.  No one was immune, it seemed, but Gojo was probably the only person in the room that sparked a nasty feeling in Ino’s chest with the way he smirked down at her.
The feeling is a dull heat, only ignited into something worse when Gojo pushes his sunglasses to the top of his head, bright blue eyes on full display, and now so obviously focused on (y/n).
“How does someone go a whole year living with a pretty thing like you and not make a move, hm?” 
Ino’s face twists up with shock and disgust, which humors Gojo as he begins to cackle, but he still doesn’t spare a glance away from (y/n), who barely reacts at all as she stands before them.  She simply tilts her glass around, slowly mixing the ice around her drink.  She doesn’t crack a laugh, but she also doesn’t give any sign that she’s upset with the unabashed flirting.
Neither of them are given the proper chance to respond to the bold comment, as suddenly Nanami’s approaching them, shooting Gojo a look that made the special grade sorcerer head off with some excuse about a fresh drink.
Thankfully, Nanami completely changes the subject of conversation, and Ino does his best to forget about what just happened as (y/n’s) properly introduced to his mentor.  They shake hands, exchange a few pleasantries, but are ultimately quick to jump into conversation about Ino himself- even with him still standing there.  
A lot of the stories they share are more embarrassing than he’d like, but he’s able to stand it for a little while.  For both of them, at least.  They were the most important people in his life after all, he’d been eager for them to finally meet.
But as soon as (y/n) gets Nanami to actually laugh about her first witnessing his cursed technique over an unwanted bug in the apartment, Ino finds himself using the same lame excuse of grabbing them a couple more drinks before he’s darting away from the downright humiliating memory.
(y/n) giggles and doesn’t even indulge Nanami in the story once Ino’s walked away.  She’d just wanted to make him sweat a little, and clearly his mentor had gotten a kick out of it as well.
“He clearly adores you,” Nanami says, cutting through the light hearted atmosphere with a statement so genuine that (y/n’s) features soften as she takes in his words.  “I’ll give him that.  He’s a good sorcerer, and person.  And clearly his judgment is well founded” 
It’s a… distinguished compliment, that’s for sure.  (y/n) finds herself blushing and she can’t even quite explain why.  Was it the compliment itself or the insinuation behind it? Ultimately she decides to play it off due to the slight buzz she was running on.
“I’m certainly lucky to have him,” She says, and just as she glances around the room to see where he’d gone, he’s already heading back towards her with two drinks in his hands.  “I owe a greater force big time for bringing me to him, don’t I?” She murmurs.
She doesn’t look back at Nanami when she speaks, her eyes too focused on the man headed in her direction.  The blonde sorcerer ducks his head and tries to cough over his chuckling.  It’s a pitiful attempt, but judging the glazed over look in her eyes as Ino comes near, he could probably count on her not having noticed his humored state.
“Thank you” She hums when Ino hands her the fresh glass, taking the empty one from her other hand and placing it on an empty table behind him.
“Did I take too long?” He asks, just quiet enough for her to hear.
There’s a look on her face he can’t quite read, but it’s so lovely he couldn’t even be bothered to try to decipher it as he smiles fondly back at her.
Nanami takes a subtle step backwards as he watches them mirror that lovesick look at one another.
“Not at all, I was just getting to know your mentor a little better,” She tells him, gesturing to Nanami, who had now turned and was walking away completely.  “He has very kind things to say about you” 
She tilts her head at him as her smile grows a little wider.  Ino raises a brow back at her, unable to help the small bit of laughter that escapes him as he holds her stare.
“That so?” He hums, growing amused as he realizes she’s just a little bit drunk.  “Are you having a good time?” He asks, and she knows he’s really asking if she’s feeling the alcohol a bit, but she nods back at him anyways, unbothered by the hidden question.
“I am, I’m glad you brought me” 
His smile softens.
“Me too” 
Utahime and Shoko return shortly after, and soon the four of them are seated at one end of the table sharing all sorts of stories, from work to drama to things they definitely didn’t need to share for being new acquaintances, (y/n) hit it off with the pair so well Ino didn’t want to do anything to reel her in.  He was just relieved to see her getting along with the people of that part of his life.
It also helped that throughout the night she seemed to draw closer and closer to him.  Whether they were walking up to the bar and she kept so close their arms brushed together, or when they sat down and she pulled her chair close to his so that when she was leaning into the table she was reaching across his lap and almost completely in his space.  Ino could almost pretend that she was his date for the night.  He’d weakly mustered up the courage to drape his arm over the back of her chair, but that was as much of a leap as he was willing to take.
Not long after though, she raised her empty glass in his direction, and her free hand reached over her shoulder where his hand dangled off her chair, so her fingers could wrap around his.
“Another?” She hums curiously, still swirling the glass in a small circle.
His hand unintentionally twitches when her soft skin brushes over it, and as if on instinct, she slots her fingers between his.
She’s touched him before, of course, it’s not like he’s never had skin-to-skin contact before.  When patching him up, or bumping into each other in the kitchen.  One thing was certain, though… they never held hands.
And she holds his hand now with that pretty smile on her face as she waits for him to answer her question- wait, shit, how long has it been since she asked him that question?
“Yeah, yeah, let’s get another round” He agrees, and carefully slides his chair back before standing, not wanting to bump into hers.
Even when she stands, she keeps her fingers curled between his.  Ino’s not sure if she’s even aware of it- should he pull his hand away? Or perhaps she was just a bit drunk and didn’t want to stumble in her heels- so keeping his hold on her would be the right thing to do, right? 
She gives Shoko and Utahime a cheeky little wave before following beside Ino towards the bar.  Their hands still clasped together between them.  He wonders if she knows that she’s making his heart race at an unhealthy pace.
But she must know, she must realize she’s still holding it, because once they approach the bar and wait for their drinks, she’s lazily swinging their conjoined hands back and forth as she strikes up a conversation with him.
“This is much cooler than any work event I’ve ever gone to,” She tells him.  “It’s always at a chain restaurant, and there’s a socially acceptable amount of drinks you can have” 
Ino chuckles at the slight pout on her face, and finds himself giving into the slight swing of their arms.  “This stuff barely ever happens,” He shrugs.  “Probably because most people can only take Gojo in concentrated amounts,” 
Her eyes are wide as she nods at him in understanding.  In the brief interaction she’d had with the special grade sorcerer, she already completely understood what he meant.
“But if this doesn’t end in disaster and there’s a chance for another one in eight to eighteen months, you’re invited” He teases.
She lights up like a christmas tree, as if he’s just promised her tickets to a sold out tour of her favorite artist, or a seat on the next shuttle to the moon.  Her lips curl into the most beautiful smile he’s ever seen, eyes glimmering with her excitement and honor, and if Ino wasn’t swooning as hard as he was, he might’ve chuckled at the drunken delight.
“Really?” She gushes, eyebrows raising with her hope.  “You will?” 
A breath of a laugh escapes him as he nods, and she rocks on her feet momentarily, too giddy to stand still.  He can’t help but reflect her grin back at her.
They’re handed their drinks, and finally (y/n) pulls her hand out of his.  He tries not to show his disappointment.  Before Ino can think of something clever to say, something that borders the line of teasing and flirting that he’s usually so good at tip-toeing over, someone else joins them at the bar.
Gojo Satoru on a regular day is a menace.  Although Ino didn’t always mind, not like his mentor did.  More often than not, he’d match the energy and get a good laugh in for the day.  But at a work-social event?  Gojo was insufferable.  Ino had already decided this the second he’d decided to hit on (y/n).
Was he irritated for the right reasons? No.  Was he actively trying to get over his feelings for his sweet, perfect, beautiful roommate? Maybe.  Did that mean shit? Absolutely not.
He’s decided that as soon as Gojo purrs out another flirty line- which he’s bound to do judging from the way he’s currently looking at her- that he’s going to take her hand again and drag her away without a word.  His heart starts to race in his chest from the anticipation, knowing that it’s soon to come once Gojo’s done chatting her up about how swell of time she’s having.
As powerful as he was, Gojo Satoru could be a bit predictable.
“You know, I could show you some pretty neat things at Jujutsu Tech if you ever wanted to learn more about sorcery,” He’s good at disguising his propositions as simple acts of kindness.  Ino’s jaw twitches as it tenses, his teeth clamping down together.  “I’m a really good teacher, you know” 
“Oh?” (y/n) scoffs, she’s faster to react than Ino, and for being at a giggly-level of intoxicated, she plays off her scoff as playful as she quirks an eyebrow up at him.  “You should probably save it for your students, then,” She says, and Ino fights the urge to snicker.  Not very well, though, it’s pretty obvious when he purses his lips and his eyes crinkle with humor.  “Besides, I’m taken” 
Ino does a full double take, the joy on his face falling and transforming into one of utter bewilderment.  If (y/n) notices the reaction, she chooses to ignore it, too busy staring down Gojo with a pointed smile that seemed sweet but screamed get lost instead.
Gojo doesn’t seem remotely offended by the bomb drop of a refusal.  In fact, he almost looks amused by it.  He grins from ear to ear as he nods back at her in understanding.
“Of course,” He murmurs, his gaze finally shifting towards Ino, only for a moment, before it’s focused on (y/n) again.  “I wasn’t trying to offend” He says, and it’s genuine.
(y/n) beams.
“You didn’t” 
With that, Gojo nods again, and then he disappears again.  Off to mess with someone else, they suppose.  Ino’s pretty sure Nanami was left unattended and he’s likely the next victim.  If the situation wasn’t so pressing, he’d probably rush off to save his mentor from the torment.  
Sorry, Nanami.
He turns to (y/n) with a look on his face that makes her brighten up.  That cute look of confusion mixed with curiosity, she just had to bask in the adorable way his brows would pinch then relax, then pinch and relax, as he struggled to keep his expression neutral.  She giggles, her smile turning toothy as she lets him baffle himself for a few seconds longer.
And then, in that soft, saccharine voice, she murmurs up at him.
“Well, I sort of am, aren’t I?” 
The night didn’t last much longer after that.  Once Shoko and Utahime were tapping out and slowly leaving the venue so as not to be bombarded by anyone- Gojo- (y/n) clung to Ino’s side a little more, and grew a bit quieter as it got later, her buzz turning into sleepiness.  
It wasn’t until Nanami made his departure that Ino decided to call it.  The only other people who were still in for the night were the managers who didn’t know when to quit.
(y/n’s) leaning back in her chair, working on drinking a second glass of water and hardly paying attention to the conversation happening around her.  She’d pulled her arms out of the sleeves of her wrap, but she let the material stay draped over her shoulders.  Ino was convinced that she might fall asleep right there in her seat.
In the last couple of minutes, he’s glanced over to find her staring at him five or six times.  Eventually he can’t hide the way his smile betrays him, and he mumbles a ‘what?’ under his breath at her.
She giggles back at him, airy and carefree, before she leans over to brush a lock of hair that curled around his ear.  A noticeable blush dusted over his cheeks as soon as her finger grazed his skin, even though the motion is just her drunken form of platonic affection, she leans so close that he can smell her perfume, and even once she’s tucked the piece of hair behind his ear, she lingers there for just a minute longer.  The lump in Ino’s throat is too large for him to talk through, so all he can do is hope his eyes aren’t ridiculously wide as he stares back at her, before she settles back in her seat again.
He thinks he might cancel his upcoming haircut appointment.  Even though it’s length was starting to get a bit annoying, he might try out the longer hairstyle for a while.  And if (y/n) continues to reach out to give it a little tuck behind his ear then that would simply be a minor bonus, wouldn’t it? 
It dawns on him after he spirals on the thought for a while that the night should be wrapped up soon.  It was time to get back home where he could chug some water and hopefully forget about how much he’d embarrassed himself tonight.
“Hey,” Ino murmurs, tapping the back of her hand gently to get her attention.  Her eyelids are heavy as she glances over at him, a small smile gracing her lips.  “You ready to go home?” 
(y/n) wakes up a bit more at that, nodding her head and tucking her arms through the sleeves of her wrap.
They slip out not long after that.  Ino keeps his arm around her waist, murmuring something about keeping her upright that he’s not even sure she hears before she’s leaning against him, slowly walking along the sidewalk on their way to the train station.  The walk and ride home is mostly silent, but it’s comfortable.  He wouldn’t ask for anything else, as long as she was tucked into his side like she belonged there, like he was made to hold her like this.
He’s not sure if the heaviness in his heart is because he’s so full of love, or if it’s because he knows deep down that this would be the closest to having her as his as he could get.  Nonetheless, he keeps his hold on her secure until they’re back in the safety of their apartment.
“Thanks for the fun night, Ino,” She murmurs after kicking her shoes off by the door.  “Let’s definitely do it again sometime, ‘kay?” 
He can only manage a small smile and a nod of agreement back at her.  
“I better get to bed, I’m going to pass out,” She lets out a tired little laugh, but before heading off, she steps closer to him, hand reaching out to give his shoulder a squeeze.  Again, he gives her a smile, about to bid her goodnight as he usually does, but before he can say anything, she’s leaning up and pressing her lips against his cheek.
She kissed him.
He blinks, and she’s already pulled away, still smiling before she’s headed off to bed with a quiet goodnight hanging between them.  
Needless to stay he stands at the door with his shoes still on for embarrassingly longer than necessary, his fingers ghosting over the spot on his face her lips had just blessed.
He was set back a few paces in his whole getting over her plan, tonight.  In fact, he might’ve been knocked all the way back to square one.
Oh well, there was always tomorrow to try again.
“You should really make a move on that roommate of yours, you know” 
Nanami’s sudden advice has Ino swiveling his head away from lunch, nearly giving himself whiplash as he stares at his mentor in shock.  They hadn’t even talked about the event last friday, so far their talk today had been strictly work related.
(Except for when Ino saw a cat across the street while on a patrol and he insisted that Nanami named the stray before they went on their way.  That was less-than work related)
“What?” The word comes out in a mere squeak, disbelief evident in his twisted expression, but he’d heard Nanami perfectly clear.  The man nods again, chewing thoughtfully on his food before swallowing, and continuing on with his moment of advice.
Nanami didn’t often feel the need to give his pupil guidance outside of jujutsu sorcery.  Ino was quite capable of taking care of himself, for being a young man with an odd form of income, he’d always taken care of himself well.  
Now, however, the 7-3 sorcerer felt the need to involve himself with this one.  And he wasn’t afraid to tell his apprentice that he was being an idiot.
“She’s a quite lovely young woman,” Nanami continues, and Ino already feels himself begin to blush.  “It was a pleasure to meet her.  I can see why you like her so much” 
Ino gives a shaky nod, still suspicious of where this was all headed, and why Nanami was pushing him to make a move- or so he’d said.
“Yeah…” Ino agrees unsurely.  “(y/n’s)... great” 
Nanami hums as he nods his head, adjusting his glasses before sitting up straighter in his seat, giving Ino an unsettling amount of direct attention.
“She’s clearly infatuated with you,” The blonde sorcerer says bluntly.  “So what’s holding you back, hm?” 
Ino opens his mouth, but when an excuse doesn’t immediately come to mind, he shuts it again.  He gapes a few more times, and Nanami is patient as he waits to hear whatever terrible excuse he comes up with, but eventually it becomes clear that Ino’s been stunned into silence, so Nanami takes over again.
“You’re a capable young man, Takuma.  Whatever is holding you back, it’s time to let go of it.  I only had to talk to her for a few minutes to know that that young lady is in love with you” 
Ino’s still gaping like a fish, but as the words sink in, he snaps his mouth shut, and swallows the lump in his throat.
“What- uh- why are you telling me this?” He stammers out.  
Nanami sighs softly, a small smile gracing his lips.  It was heartwarming to see the shy young love blossoming before him.  At least, when it wasn’t obnoxiously ignored by Takuma.
“Because it’s obvious when you two look at each other.  Usually that means it’s time to fess up” 
“Wait wait wait,” Ino put his hands up, leaning over the table they shared as he wrapped his mind around the sudden advice.  “Are you giving me… romance advice right now?” 
“I wouldn’t call it that,” Nanami grumbles, fighting the urge to roll his eyes.  “But you’re ignoring it” 
“So you agree it’s romance advice-” 
“You love her, don’t you?” Nanami interrupts him then, brows raised pointedly as he waits for the confirmation.  It was a simple yes or no question, wasn’t it? 
When Ino shuts his mouth and swallows hard, Nanami accepts that as answer enough.
“Then don’t you think you should tell her?” 
“I…” Well, he couldn’t exactly argue with such sound advice, could he? And he certainly wasn’t about to argue with the mentor he respected beyond belief.  “I just don’t want to ruin a good thing” He admits quietly.
Now, even his ears feel like they’re on fire with the admission.
“And if you never say a thing and eventually she moves on to someone else? You wouldn’t regret your choice?” 
Ino frowns.  He should have known Nanami was only going to hit him with logic.
He finishes his lunch quietly, a silence settling between them as Nanami feels as though he’d said what he needed to say.  Ino was clearly thinking it over pretty hard- seeing as he was making his thinking face throughout the rest of their lunch break- and now all Nanami could do was hope his words would stick.
At the end of the day he wanted to see his pupil happy.  Takuma Ino was a good egg, and he deserved happiness.
It would also help if he didn’t have to sit through another event where they made heart eyes at each other for two and a half straight hours.  But mostly that first thing.
Ino’s nervous when he approaches the door of his apartment that evening.  It was a nice night, his final assignment didn’t go too late, and he made it home at the early early time of seven p.m.
When he does unlock the door and let himself inside, it’s not a surprise to be instantly greeted by (y/n), who grins at him from the kitchen.
“Ino!” Her smile stretches from ear to ear when he walks into the apartment.  She’s in the kitchen, wearing the silly but cute duckling themed apron she wore anytime she was in the kitchen, even if she was only using the toaster, she’d put that apron on.
So cute, he sighs as he leans back against the door, at a loss for words.  So domestic.  (y/n) looks puzzled by him staying at the door without coming in all the way, or saying hello.
With a concerned knot between her brows, she drops the utensil in her hand on the counter, and makes her way towards him.
“Ino?” She calls worriedly.  “You alright?” 
“Yeah- yeah, I’m fine, just tired, s’all” He stammers back, finally pulling the beanie off his head and dropping it on the small table they keep by the door, then kicking off his shoes.
(y/n) frowns.
“Long day?” She lets out a sigh, then wraps her arms around herself as she awaits whatever terrible thing he has to share.
Jujutsu sorcery wasn’t always about unique talents and powerful people, she’d learned quickly.  She’d seen Ino return home with a weight that only failing innocent people could place on his shoulders.  Tonight, she assumes that the lost, glazed over look on his face is due to something of the sort.
“It’s not like that,” He says as he watches her expression sadden.  Ino forces a quick smile as he shakes his head at her.  “Don’t worry about it” 
She doesn’t look at him any different, still frowning, still waiting for him to tell her what’s on his mind.
“I am worried,” She murmurs gently.  She doesn’t want to push him, but she needed him to know that she was there for him if he needed to get something off his chest.  “Did something happen-?” 
“No- no it’s really not…” He tries to explain to her that his anxiety tonight has nothing to do with work, but he doesn’t yet know how to tell her that it had everything to do with her.  He wasn’t sure how she’d take it.  Wasn’t sure if it would come out right.
Growing more concerned by the second, (y/n) takes a larger step closer, her hands reaching out for his out of instinct.  He flinches slightly when she first takes hold of them, but he lets her.  He lets her squeeze onto them and pull them close to her.
“If you need to talk about it-” 
Ino doesn’t like the way she looks at him like she could break just thinking he was in some sort of pain.  So before he can refine the words in his mind, he blurts out what had been plaguing him.  
“What did you mean the other night when you told Gojo you were taken?” 
It does the trick, because her expression morphs instantly.  She’s staring at him with wide, unblinking eyes, lips still parted around the rest of her question that she now drops completely.  It catches her so off guard that she’s dead silent for a few seconds.
“And then you said you sort of were- what does that mean?” Ino’s prepared with another question, and she worries he’ll keep piling them on before she could come up with the proper answers for them.
Her face feels warm, and a nervous smile spreads on her lips, followed by a small chuckle that dies in her throat.  It’s a cute sound, anxious, but cute nonetheless.  It makes the corner of Ino’s lips tilt upwards upon hearing it.  It was a natural reaction, smiling whenever she would laugh.  He couldn’t help it.  Seeing her happy, even in a state of nervous energy, set butterflies free in his stomach in a way he hadn’t felt since his childhood.
“I… I meant…” She’s stuttering, voice failing her the longer his honey brown eyes are staring into hers.  “You know what I meant” She finishes the thought quietly, barely under her breath.
He softens, and then melts before her.  His hands squeeze her with the smallest amount of force, barely there, but enough for her to feel it.
She’s blushing, her cheeks a rosy shade of pink that’s so lovely he almost can’t stand it.  He leans towards her, watching as her eyes grow a little rounder upon the close proximity.
“(y/n),” He murmurs, so soft she wouldn’t have caught it if the syllables of her name didn’t brush against her skin with his breaths.  “I need you to tell me, alright? Because-” He pauses, his eyes flickering between hers for a moment, and she swears they dart down to her lips before raising to her eyes again.  “- because I need to know I’m not seeing things and- and making them up before I do something stupid that I can’t take ba-” 
“How stupid?” She cuts him off, pressing closer, as if it could get her an answer faster.  It might work, because she barely finishes the question before he’s replying.
“Very stupid” He breathes through the words, like it pained him to even say them.
The faintest of laughs fall from her lips, before she tilts her head and gazes up at him fondly.
“Who knew you thought twice about stupid things before you did them?” She teased.  It’s so soft, so sweet, that he cracks a smile.  It washes away all of his nerves, and his stupid idea doesn’t seem so stupid anymore.
Tugging on her hands, he pulls her closer to him, until she’s practically tripping into his chest, but he doesn’t care when they collide unceremoniously.  He’s already letting go of her hands so that she can brace them against his shoulders, steadying herself, and just in time before he’s cupping her face in his hands and slamming his lips against hers.
As sudden as the kiss is, (y/n) meets him with the fervor of a long awaited passion.  Her hands squeeze his shoulders, latching probably too tight but if it hurts he shows no sign of pain.
His lips are so soft, despite being chapped and his kisses being rushed, they were so gentle against hers that she could feel her knees wobbling.  He’d probably tease her for it later, but right now she couldn’t care.
He kisses her like they only have a limited amount of time.  As if they’re not at the entryway to their shared apartment.  His hands slide from her cheeks to the sides of her head, into her hair, holding onto her with a firm grip- as if she’ll slip away from him at any moment.
But the truth was, this was heaven.  She could stand here and kiss him and be kissed by him for hours.  Days, even.
He only pulls away from her when his body has him gasping for air, chest heaving, lips hanging open as he pants, she has to giggle just a little bit at his desperation.  Even if she matched it as well.
Their noses are still pressed together, and their hands remained latched onto one another as they both caught their breath.  Ino shares her laughter once the haze over his mind clears up and the reality of what they just did sinks in.
“So,” He mumbles, heavy eyes finding hers, making her fight the urge to steal another kiss.  “Stupid?” 
With a smile she tries to bite back, she shakes her head at him.
“No,” She murmurs back.  “Not stupid” 
Dinner is forgotten on the counter, going cold the longer it remains that way.  
Ino beats her to another kiss.  It feels like ages as they stand at the door embracing one another, kissing in between fits of giggles and sweet confessions, and kissing just to kiss.
He understood exactly what she meant when she’d said she was taken.  Because, well, he sort of was too.  Long before now.  His heart was stolen the day she responded to his ad, and with it their fates sealed.
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
[ it’s better than i ever even knew // they say that the world was built for two // only worth living if somebody is loving you // and baby now you do. ]
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stupidlovergirl · 11 months
Heart to Heart
Soft moments with them pt 2
Feat. Solomon, Simeon, Barbatos, Diavolo
Bros. Vers
Dev Notes: I have been fighting the sleepiest girl in the world allegations and have been losing. That is my (horrible) excuse for taking so long.
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Solomon is old. Ancient. Before the dinosaurs. Many other different age related things you make fun of him about. So when he mentioned that the Devildom was having a drive in movie night, you couldn't help but laugh.
"Why, so you can count shoulders in the car? Do the old yawn and stretch?"
"Please. Asmo would kill me for such juvenile flirting." He says with a smirk. "They're showing some old films from the human world and I thought it would be fun."
"Can you even drive?" you tease, laughing softly at him
"It's a simple yes no question, stop avoiding it" he says with fake exasperation, but the smirk on his face lets you know he isn't angry.
"Alright, we'll go on an old person date"
Old people dates slap you think to yourself. Sipping on a milkshake you and Solomon ordered from Hell's Kitchen before coming in. You did get a big bucket of popcorn, a heaping of butter on top. Solomon turns the radio on to the station and then turns to you with a smile.
"Is your shake good?" he simply asks
"Yeah! I got a- Hey!" you try to lurch away but Solomon's quick to snatch your wrist as he sucks down a part of your shake. He detaches with a loud smack and toothy grin. He laughs as you glare at him. Soon the fight ended as the movie started. The dark atmosphere, the old film, and the warmth of Solomon is comforting. You can't even make fun of him as he wraps his arm around you. He places a kiss on top your head and quietly laughs.
"I like old people dates. We should go on more" you state, voice soft. Solomon laughs at your comment, rubbing your shoulders and pulling you even closer to him.
"Okay" he whispers back
When Simeon saw you and Luke running up to him with wide smiles. "Simeon, we made stuff for a picnic! Do you want to come with us?" Luke said, smiling widely. You stood behind him, hand on his shoulder with an equally wide smile.
"We have decided to go to the small park nearby. It's usually pretty empty, so we'll have the park primarily to ourselves" you tag on, looking hopeful.
"Of course, when do you want to go?"
"Right now!" Luke and you yell in unison, both of you snatching one of his hands and leading him to the front door where the picnic basket waited. Snatching it quickly into your other hand, Luke opens the door and the little trio is off. Simeon couldn't help but laugh at the enthusiasm.
It wasn't long to get there, and the blanket was quickly set down and you three rested on it. Talking came easily, as you all ate the sandwiches and sweets in the basket till you all had your fill. Due to the good food, Luke fell into a food coma, falling asleep in your lap. You brushed through his hair, feeling a little sleepy yourself, as you leaned your head onto Simeon's shoulder. He smiled softly, resting his head onto yours. He felt the fondness in his heart grow even more.  A little family. It makes him smile. As soft snoring comes from you. He felt even more content. Yeah, he could get used to his little family.
Barbatos has been stressed out of his mind. Diavolo keeps escaping from his work, making the poor butler have to track him down, all of the preparations needed for so many upcoming events started to bog down the poor guy. Of course, no one around him could tell. He kept a pristine image, as usual. Yet, you knew, the slight twitch of his eyebrow, the quiet intake of breath, and even the twitching of his eye let you know he was in need of a major break. So when he came into his room, seeing you in his room with a large basket of bath goods, candles all around giving it a warm glow, and you had a smile on your face as you lounged on his bed with a smile and a soft fluffy robe on.
"Hello, my love" he smiles, walking towards the bed to place a soft kiss on your cheek.
"Hey Barbie" you softly coo out wrapping your arms around him and pulling him down onto the bed. "You look exausted" you simply state, kissing his eyelids as he lets out a soft sigh. "Don't worry, though, cause I'm here to rescue you!" he chuckles softly at the antics, letting out a soft sound of displeasure as you move off the bed.
"I'm off to run you a bath. Then I'll put on a stupid movie, do some face masks, maybe repaint your nails, give you a massage. That, and anything else you want."
He lets out a hum of approval as you scurry off to create a relaxing bubble bath, lighting candles, setting music, and a nice glass of Demonus for the guy. When you came back, he softly raised his head to look at you. Lovestruck. It made you feel giddy, as it's not so often that Barbatos gets so tired you can read his expressions.
"C'mon darling, lets get started on your night"
You’ve been missing Diavolo, and to remedy it, you decided to come over to his place and barge into his office. What you weren’t expecting was how tired he looked. Diavolo looked basically dead, reviewing reports and reports. When he finally looked up, the tired smile broke your heart.
“Oh Dia…” You murmured, closing the door and approaching him. Sometimes you forget how much work that suddenly piles up on his desk. As you approached him, he pushed him away from his desk. 
“Hello, my darling… Did you text me? I didn’t see it…” he asks, going to pick up his D.D.D. 
“No, it was a surprise visit. You look so tired, when was the last time you took a break?”
“Don’t worry about it” he simply says, turning to you. You step closer towards him, and sit down on his desk. He pushes up closer after you take a seat, and places his head on your lap.
“You look pretty, as usual” he murmurs, resting his head into your lap. You pet his hair, letting out a hum of a simple song.
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scientia-rex · 9 days
Long ask. I didn't see that you had answered anything similar.
How do I do activism? Yes, I could Google it, but I would rather learn from a stranger with claimed yet unverifiable experience on Tumblr than from a stranger with claimed yet unverifiable experience anywhere else, and I'm here and so are you and we can talk and have a [para]social interaction. I won't bore you with a condensed autobiography, but I have a lot of experience fixing mistakes, not unlike being a physician, but far less noble, what David Graber would call a "duct-taper". It's partly what led me to socialism. I fixed mistakes but could not fix the root causes and, when I investigated those causes, I ran into structure. I couldn't explain the human behavior I witnessed as human nature, because it wasn't my nature and, as far as I know, I'm human, so the only explanation I could come up with was that the structure of the company I worked for created the problems I was trying to solve, and I had no power to change that structure, and no desire to join the psychopaths failing up the corporate ladder. I expanded my thinking outward and saw the problem inherent in capitalism and all the associated -isms and -archies, all the while trying to figure out what I could do that could possibly change any of it. I dove into progressive politics, read theory, consumed all the lefty content I could find, and thought, and keep running into the same problems. But even if the root causes cannot be addressed, the effects still need to be, because the effects are people, hence activism.
How do I talk to congresspeople? I email them about issues, but am frankly afraid to call them. Shall I get voice mail, or does a person pick up? If the latter, I'm assuming it will be a secretary. I don't want to be mean to a person answering phones. I've been one of those people getting yelled at or threatened because of events I did not cause and could not possibly prevent or change and, maybe I'm oversensitive or have PTSD or just a hyperactive amygdala, but I cannot overstate the damage those negative experiences cause. Sure, in the grand scheme of things, the lives that can be saved or improved outweigh a few people's hurt feelings or possible psychological trauma, but I would prefer not to turn this into a trolley problem if at all possible. Maybe it's a stupid question. Maybe I'm overthinking it. I can be charming and I have no lack of empathy; I can politely disagree. Shall I have to argue with anyone? Or is it a thank-you-for-your-participation-I-will-tell-the-congressperson-have-a-nice-day situation?
How do I get a job doing good things for people? This is somewhat pressing as I quit my corporate job five years ago, to have what turned out to be a midlife crisis, and have been living off savings (that are running out) ever since. I want to help and don't want to be ashamed of what I do for a living. I've always been able to do anything I've ever tried to do, but I'm 45 with little formal education or qualifications, and am thinking it's maybe too late to go back to school. Most of the non-profits I see seem like little more than scams. And perhaps the most serious complication: I'm a loner, more out of habit than inclination. I'll spare you the background, but I have no connections and no idea how to make them, and I don't believe I have any particular skills so valuable that should confer an immediate advantage or demand for my labor, but then again I don't know what is in demand.
It's OK if you can't answer some of these things. I simply have no one to talk to about them who can give any actual advice and figured you might. Thanks.
How to do activism: The first thing you need to know is your axe to grind. It was easy for me. I've been out since I was 13, nobody ever believes a girl is bisexual, it's always "you want attention" or "you're secretly a lesbian." That was in 1997. I went through hell and I'm bitter about it. So when I realized I liked medicine, I realized I could turn my life into an extended revenge arc by moving home and telling everybody it's OK to be gay. Two birds, one stone. I work with a woman who didn't get her axe to grind until about three years ago. She realized she was fed up with people abandoning dogs. She's one of the most active volunteers at the local shelter now. She's saved a lot of dogs' lives. She didn't start out knowing anything about it, but she told the shelter she wanted to volunteer, and they've helped her grow through the rest of it. My husband works with the local food bank, because his mom's neighbor (who is a family friend and sweetheart) wrangled him in to serving on the board, so now in addition to board meetings once a month he goes in sometimes to do things like help his mom's friend unload trucks. Sometimes the cause picks you, sometimes you pick the cause, sometimes you are the cause. And no matter what the cause is, someone else is already working on it. Someone else already cares deeply and if you show up ready to be hands on and help out, with humility because you know that you don't know everything, they will help you learn how to be effective. I started out in medicine by volunteering at the emergency room near where I lived. I pushed a linen cart around and restocked gowns in rooms, and when I couldn't fit any more washcloths into drawers I cleaned doorknobs. One of the nurses once told me she really appreciated that I cleaned all the doorknobs, because it wasn't getting regularly done. I am in medicine now because of many, many people I asked for help and who helped me because they wanted to contribute to justice and equity in medicine, whether for queers or rural people or women. This is, and has always been, a combined effort. Alone we beg, together we bargain.
Calling elected representatives: Oh god I know, me too, calling strangers is the LITERAL WORST. I'm 40 and I'd rather pepper-spray myself than argue with a human on the phone. Wait until after hours and you'll get a voicemail. I like to leave voicemails that start with "My name is Dr. Rex, I'm a constituent of yours, and I VOTE, and I'm calling about ____." That's honestly about all it takes--when I was hanging out with the lobbyist she told me they keep lists with tick-marks for how many calls, emails, etc., they get on a topic. Calls count for more. The more effort you have to put in, the more engaged they know you are. So call, but if people scare you (and the people who pick up are almost always nice, if you do get a person, and they will 99/100 times say "thank you for your call, we will pass your concerns along to so-and-so"), call at night.
Going back to school is probably unnecessary. Spin your past experience aggressively and start applying to nonprofits. (You "took time off from the working world in order to sharpen your focus on what matters most to you," which will be whatever this particular group does.) It's OK if you pick a bad one to start with; most of them are shit-shows, and lots of them still accomplish good things. Nonprofits are a bloodbath when it comes to actually being an employee--they know that part of the compensation is the sense of living ethically and they will use your altruism against you--so keep your resume updated and be prepared to bail if grant funding doesn't come through, but most areas have food banks and pet shelters and human shelters and jails and medical clinics and hospitals (for every doctor who works at the local hospital there are at least 10 support staff by the numbers, and they are utterly critical and always under-staffed). Sometimes if you start by volunteering somewhere, once they realize you're dependable, you can get a job there. I am zero percent kidding about working for a hospital, clinic, or jail, by the way. Those are places I know well, and there are always civilian jobs available. You want to make a patient's day better? Be the front desk, front line staff who use the right pronouns and cheer them up.
I think it's completely reasonable to have procedural questions about how all of this works, and I am grateful to you for giving me a chance to talk about it a bit. Please feel free to ask any follow-up questions. And for reference, when I was just starting out in research at a time when the market for research-trained people frankly sucked, I applied well over 300 times and got well over 300 rejections (I was counting) before I ended up with a job that I loved (even though it was hellishly stressful and I made just barely more than minimum wage for working well over my alleged, salaried "hours") and felt like I was making a positive difference for the world with. And from there, I kept making changes as I realized what I wanted and needed. Just keep doing it. You don't have to feel good about every step, you don't have to know what you're doing, just keep putting one foot in front of the other as you try to figure out what will make you happy. Because nothing else is a good proxy for happiness, and happiness, for a whole lot of humans, means finding something meaningful to do in life. Helping others. Be okay with changing, be okay with sacrificing who you are right now for the sake of who you can become. You've survived four decades on this bizarre and cruel planet, and you have inherent, intrinsic worth as a human being. You deserve your own kindness.
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thewertsearch · 8 months
AG: Tavros, you give confidence a 8ad name. I gave you all the chances in the world to earn it, to earn REAL confidence, and you failed.
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Pictured: Vriska giving Tavros 'a chance to earn real confidence'.
AG: You couldn't even do the one little thing I asked you to! The one thing that would have made you man up once and for all.
'Man up' is a funny idiom for a troll to use. We've occasionally seen trolls fall into human gender stereotypes, but it's quite rare, and always sticks out like a sore thumb.
There's an interesting conversation to be had about troll genders. With a reproductive cycle so different to ours, their gender framework will inevitably be different as well. Yes, there are male and female trolls - but what do male and female actually mean to a troll?
On Earth, your assigned gender carries cultural baggage which simply wouldn't exist on Alternia. Assigned gender plays no role in reproduction, nor does it influence household division of labor, since trolls don't have households.
Gender aside, do trolls have a concept of masculine and feminine? Beyond a few stray idioms, the only evidence I can find is their clothing styles. We haven't seen any male trolls rocking a skirt - not yet, at least.
tl;dr: 'Man up' is a cultural can of worms. I think that was probably unintentional, though, and I think we're supposed to interpret that line as if a human spoke it. Vriska's calling Tavros a wimp, which is business as usual.
AG: So instead you flew away and cried, and decided to sleep away your sorrow for the rest of the adventure.
Tavros already alluded to this incident during his conversation with Jade. I guessed that Vriska would be involved, but that was a bit of a no-brainer.
Vriska's trying to frame Tavros as pathetic, but it sounds like he actually put his foot down, flat-out refusing to participate in whatever she had planned. Much like the FLARP incident, this sounds like a victory for Tavros, even if she's convinced him otherwise.
AG: Do you have any idea how sick that made me? Everything a8out you makes me sick.
He rejects your advice. He rejects your advances. His lusus cared for him. He was allowed to be kind, and accepts kindness from others. He doesn't care about winning, but he never lets you win. No matter how much you torment him, he refuses to get any stronger, which means your mindset might be wrong.
'Sick' would be an understatement.
AG: Your plan to control her lusus really wasn't a 8ad idea! AG: And using your a8ility to "save her life" (lol) was a pretty good way to test how effective your powers are across sessions. [...] AG: Practicing your a8ilities is important, so when it comes down to using them for something that really matters, you know you're ready for prime time. AG: I know this first hand. AG: I got lots and lots and LOTS of practice with your little guinea pig friend. ::::D
So that's why Jade was constantly napping? That can't have been good for her brain.
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AG: The catch is it's not going to work! [...] AG: You couldn't sic the guardian on Noir even if you were inclined. Not even if I were to MAKE you inclined! :::;)
Like I said before, it's really Vriska who can control First Guardians.
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AG: 8ecause you are dealing with a pro here. I already thought of that. AG: I thought of everything! AG: The guardian is not going to attack the agents who engineered him in the first place. AG: Or who I should say were "encouraged" (lol) to engineer him.
Why the fuck would you do this?
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When Vriska prototyped Bec, she explained that the event was mandated by the Alpha Timeline, so she didn't make anything worse by causing it. I don't agree with her argument, but I do understand her logic.
This is different. Up until now, there has been no evidence that Bec can't harm Agents. Vriska had no prophecy to fulfil, and no reason to believe that this was required to preserve the timeline. Yes, now we know it's baked into the timeline, but only because Vriska wanted it.
Having Bec help with Jack was a really good idea, and removing the option to do so helps no one. Where's the benefit?
AT: wHY WOULD YOU DO THAT, AG: Tavros, at this point it should 8e o8vious. AG: I am the unseen hand 8ehind every major event in their session, and to some extent, their whole lives. AG: At least those events not happening 8y the volition of their own natural incompetence! AG: Don't you think this is how it should 8e? Shouldn't the greatest player leave her fingerprints on every step of the rise to power of her ultim8 nemesis?
I know Vriska likes to feel in control, but this is ridiculous.
Inserting yourself into Alpha loops is one thing, but nerfing Bec when you don't have to is straight-up sabotage. Couldn't she just stick to micromanaging John's outfits?
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AG: I have every angle covered already. The human session is on full Serket lockdown. Any effort you make to disrupt my plans will 8e laugha8le, just like everything you have ever done in your life. AG: The only thing left to do now is prepare to kill Jack myself, and save everyone's ungrateful asses.
Oh my god, I think I've cracked it.
Vriska thinks she's the only one with the right to kill Jack.
She describes him as her ultimate nemesis, which reeks of main character syndrome. Bec isn't important enough to kill Jack, so she eliminated him as an option. It has to be her, the most powerful Player, who's gained all the levels, because that is how these things are done.
It's not just ego, either - there's a deeper motivation at play. If Vriska doesn't beat Jack, she doesn't win - and if she doesn't win, then what was all that abuse were all those challenges for? What was the point?
In Vriska's head, Jack needs to be her nemesis. She needs to be destined to kill him - because if she is, then everything she went through was justified. She'll have secured her position as the most powerful Player of all, and she'll never have to be jealous of anyone again - least of all that wimp with his sweet little fairy lusus. They're all weak, and she's strong.
If she doesn't kill Jack, she's a loser.
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And losers may as well be dead.
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lilmashae · 4 months
a/n: okay, so first chapter ! unfortunately, no smut today... however, depending on how well this does i plan to continue it with future smut chapters 😋 feedback is much needed, as i do believe this is kinda shitty but i couldn't stall anymore.
original thought!
You’ve always held Autumn close to your heart. It had slipped away from you after leaving for college, but being home reminded you why you’d loved it so much to begin with. Though you haven’t been home in years — despite whatever promises you made before leaving; you didn’t want to come back (home).
Parking in your best friend’s childhood driveway, you could hear her squealing as you stepped out. “Y/N! I haven’t seen you in forever!” She throws her arms around you — she’s always been dramatic.
“You saw me last month, Jiyeon.” The girl scoffs as she stands up straight in front of you. “It’s been too long! You’re so far away now.” Her playful whining makes you laugh, “I missed you too.” Jiyeon’s been your friend for as long as you can remember. “Come inside. There’s a party later. When you’re ready, we should go.” You nod in agreement, dragging your luggage behind you. “Hey, can I use your bathroom first?” Jiyeon deadpans, “You know you don’t have to ask. Here, leave your bags — I’ll take them up.” 
“Thanks.” You begin walking up the stairs, leaving her behind.
Arriving in the bathroom, you only looked in the mirror before washing your hands. 
You were lost in thought with citrus invading your senses — washing your hands, watching the soap’s thin layer of white bubbles rinse off your skin under the sink’s hot water. Finally, you were home. “Jiyeon,” A soft knock interrupted your thoughts — you shot your attention towards the bathroom door. Instead of replying, you looked yourself in the mirror one last time, bringing your hand to the doorknob to twist it open. Opening the door, a tall young man stood before you, his hands shoved into his pockets — he’s handsome with dark, messy hair. The boy before you wears glasses and pearls, a domestic sweater drapes his broad shoulders. “Oh, I’m sorry,” you step out of the bathroom, closing the door behind you, and looking up at the handsome stranger. “I’m —” And just as you’re about to introduce yourself, he does it for you. “Y/n.” He simply looks down at you, arms crossed and amused. Your mouth is agape as you’re in awe — shocked by his knowledge. “You don’t remember me?” The O-shape of your mouth shuts, and you shake your head. “I’m not sure I do.” Jiyeon had (ironically) perfect timing — she yelled from downstairs, “Jaeyun! Do you know what time it is? Go feed the dog, and don’t forget, you promised to walk her after!” 
Jaeyun? Little Jaeyun — Jake, who used to beg to let him watch scary movies with you and Jiyeon. “Go away, Jaeyun. You aren’t old enough.” Jake’d turn and look at you with big eyes and pouting lips. “Y/n said I could!” You couldn’t help laughing — he was an adorable little boy. “Yeah?” Jiyeon was getting ready to crush his dreams, “Well, Jake, Y/n lied! She doesn’t want you here. No babies allowed!” You watched as she stuck her tongue out at him. “That’s not true!” Jake ran into your arms, hugging you tightly. “Tell her, Y/N. You do want me here…” He was so cute you wanted to hold him forever, even if he wasn’t exactly a baby — even if he was only three years younger than you. “Maybe next time. Alright, Jake? But no promises.” Little Jaeyun, who was only fifteen when you left for college, he promised he wouldn’t cry. “You’ll come home, right? T-to see me?” You hugged him tightly. You could feel the hot, salty tears running down his cheeks and onto your neck. “Of course, Jaeyun. I’ll come and see you all of the time. I Promise.”
You hated yourself for lying to him. If you were being honest, you had no intentions of coming back. It didn’t help that after you graduated, you went straight to work, buying an apartment in the city — not coming home for holidays and other events. When you did, you were unable to face him. “Jake..?” 
“Hey, Y/N,” a small smile painted his lips. He wasn’t at all how you remembered. He wasn’t at all “little,” now taller than you. “It’s really, really good to see you, Jake.” Your voice was barely above a whisper. “Yeah,” he stood leaning against a wall, “You look good, Y/N.” He nodded, abruptly standing straight and heading down the stairs. “I’ve got to feed Layla. See you around.” 
“See… you…” You must’ve been (standing) there for a while, wide-eyed, chewing on your lip. “Hey, Y/N. Y/N, Wake up! Are you alright?” It was Jiyeon — waving one of her hands in front of your face while the other sat comfortably on her hip. “What..? Sorry, I’m fine,” You paused, looking around — you weren’t fine. Your heart ached with guilt. “ ‘You ready to go?” The girl in front of you nods, and you walk downstairs and out the door. 
Jiyeon had left you behind to dance with some guy. You sat on the couch, drink in hand — once in a while, someone would sit beside you, making small talk. Eventually, you couldn’t take it anymore. “So, I told her that—”
“Sorry, ‘cups empty. I’m going to get another, okay?”
“Oh, but—”
“Great.” You got up and began to walk to the kitchen. Drinks. Everywhere. Clear, dark, hard seltzers, beers, whatever — you name it. Jiyeon had poured your first drink of the night, and you had no idea what she’d mixed. So, you stood there, eyes going between the little bit of liquid in your cup and whatever lay on the kitchen island before you. “Do you… need some help?” You let out a laugh, turning around. “Yeah, actually. I was…” And there he is again. The aching guilt you’d planned to drink away suddenly resurfaced. “I didn’t know you’d be here.”
“Oh, yeah!” Jake was quick to respond. “Didn’t expect to see me? I know it’s past my bedtime.” You would have laughed at the joke if your heart weren’t pounding in your chest, and you weren’t so nervous. “Hah,” a sigh escaped your lips. “Uhm, yeah. I guess you could say that.” “Here,” He took the cup from your hand before returning it. You stared up at him blankly. “What? Go ahead, drink it.” At first, you were hesitant, peering into the cup and sloshing the liquid around. Jake nodded, encouraging you to indulge — your lips wrapped around the cup as you took a swig. “Good?”
“Good. Thanks.” Admittedly, you still felt awkward. The aching nervousness of being around Jake made your stomach twist. You couldn’t help feeling shitty — worried he’d say something and bring up the past. Just as you were about to walk off, he spoke, “Hey,” you froze, internally cursing. Please shut up, please shut up, please shut up.  “Jake.” Interrupting him was your only way out — you might as well give in, apologize, or make up some stupid lie. “I’m sorry, I know I should’ve—”
“What?” He chuckles, “Are you drunk already?” He looks down at you, holding his cup and giggling. “Here, come with me.” Jake grabs your hand, pulling you through the crowd of people. “Hey! Jaeyun, wait!” Somehow (the) oceans of people shrunk as you two ended up outside — running down the block and onto some field. “What’re you doing? Jiyeon’s at the party, I told her I wouldn’t leave.” Jake shrugged. “She’ll be fine. I wanted to show you something.” A tree. He wanted to show you a tree. 
“It’s a tree…” 
“Yeah, I know — a special tree.”
You rolled your eyes and clicked your tongue, “Oh, yeah? What makes it so special?”
Another sly smile danced along his lips. “I used to come here…” Your heart sunk — you’re an asshole. Not only couldn’t you remember your best friend's brother, you couldn’t remember the ‘oh, so special’ tree you’d spend your afternoons under. Every day after school you’d sit, doing homework, or just get lost in thought. It’s the same tree where you stole Jake’s first kiss — holding his hands and softly laughing, staring up into its branches. “We,” you start, “we used to come here.” It’s barely above a whisper, and you feel so ashamed — that aching nervousness is following you, just as you remember how soft Jaeyun’s hands really were. 
“Y/N! Hey, Y/N!” 
“Jake!” You waved from under the tree with a book layed on your lap. He had ridden up on his bike — if you had to guess, he’d just gotten out of school. After all, he was still adorned in his uniform with his hair (somewhat) neatly thrown on his head.
“What’s up?” You patted the ground next to you, “Nothing… I just wanted to come to see you. You haven’t been over in days — are you and Jiyeon still fighting?” A small giggle left your throat as you nudged his side. You two were fighting, but you were sure she’d long gotten over it. “No, Jake… I’ve been busy. You know I leave soon — for college?” And with that, his smile quickly faded. Anyone would notice the frown plastered on his face. “Hey, don’t be like that…” If you were being honest, you had no idea how to comfort him. Seeing him pout and whine made your stomach twist and tie itself into a tight knot.
“Please don’t go.” His tone was serious, almost cold — far from playful, cute Jaeyun. “Jaeyun, I have to.” You could see tears welling up in his eyes, “Jake, you know—”
He knew you knew that he liked you — loved you. Even if you didn’t, the speed at which his smile dropped entailed something was wrong. “Just do this for me. Stay, Y/N.” Salty tears began streaming down his cheeks. “Stop it, it’s fine… You know I’ll be back.” You hate watching people cry, it’s the worst. “Hey,” grabbing his hands, you looked into his eyes. “I’ll never really leave, so don’t cry. Seriously, quit it, or else I’ll—” You’re interrupted by Jake’s lips colliding into your own — they’re pillowy but slightly chapped from his constant nipping (at his lips). It’s a bad habit — a nervous one that only got worse as you got closer to leaving. 
After the initial shock, you close your eyes — leaning into his soft lips. Slightly smiling, placing your free hand against his cheek you wiped his tears.  “Jake…”  He squeezed your hands tighter than ever, “Please stay.” 
It broke your heart to watch him cry. 
Either the alcohol was getting to you, or the warm, fuzzing feeling spreading all over your body was an aching desire.
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demoniccomplex · 2 months
can i request 12 and 27 with sigma for the valentines event? i am loving your work 😭😭
12 (“please..just let me hold you.”) + 27 (“I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you’ll understand eventually why I had to do this.. Stop it with those eyes and tears please..”)
sorry for delaying this one for so long, life has indeed been catching up with me and i reap the consequences. anyways WC 654 // valentines event closing on the 17th! TWS: kidnapping, implied drug usage, forced proximity
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Originally plans to go to the sky casino were off the table for you, ignoring each offer that came by. Simply put, you weren't interested in going at all, however you got pulled along with some heavy convincing. You really should’ve stood your ground more, yet you plead ignorance for fun. There were moments where you could proudly say you were having fun, little drinks between watching then playing. It was nice even despite the times you felt as though you had look over your shoulder just in case. Bumping into the manager of the casino a few times did set you off in anxiety but as tiny bits of alcohol kicked in, it soothed you only a little to where you stopped paying attention to him. Faces blurred together at points and that was the downfall of your freedom, next blink you were in a different room with the lights off.
Your panic started off right away, overruling your headache due to the lack of hydration. The room was comforting in the way everything was laid out, everything neatly placed that made the room not too crowded. You couldn't even comprehend if you were breathing, escaping then figuring out what was going on and what happened. Moving your legs off the bed felt like it was chained down, sore and in pain. What on earth happened?, you finally caught sight of your ability to breathe and started to get up more.
“Oh. Did I hurt you too badly? If so, I really didn't mean to.”
You look up rushed, pain wracking at your head again causing you to grimace. A figure was close to you, it was the manager of the casino, the one you kept bumping into. 
“Don't worry, there's water, you should really drink some, you drank a lot earlier.”
You began to question him on what was going on and why you were in a dark room suddenly with only him inside. His posture straightened up while his nails dug into his palms at the questions you were asking of him. He shook his head, trying to convince you of a normality that did not exist in this situation. Every question made his cheeks just a little brighter along with his eye contact starting to fail. You tried to get up to leave before Sigma jumped up and blocked your only way out. You stagger back, hurting your jaw as it tightens out of confusion and other mixed up emotions. Sigma got a little closer to you, gently grabbing your arm while his eyes swirled with infatuation. “You’re so pretty..”
Again you tried to back up but Sigma just got closer, taking up the space that you abandoned to get away from him. Trying to pull your arm away from him was fruitless and he only got your other arm in his embrace. Sigma tried to pull you closer to him but you kept up your fight still trying to get him off while non-politely telling him to back off. “Please.. Just let me hold you. Just once is all I ask..”
It was only a whisper but it still sent chills down your spine at his desperate attempts. Tears started forming aggressively. He starts blabbering on how he really couldn't help himself and how he knew you were such an honest person when he first looked at you. The grip he had on you started to hurt as he buried himself on top of you. “I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you’ll understand eventually why I had to do this.. Stop it with those eyes and tears please..”
You could only start screaming in the hopes someone would at least come to your rescue, but deep down the answer was clear. This is your new life and only if you’d been a little stronger this wouldn't have even happened.
Plans to go to the sky casino should’ve stayed off the table.
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libraryofloveletters · 7 months
chapter one: colour me red
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Chalres Leclerc x Fem!Reader + Carlos Sainz Jr x Fem!Reader
Warnings: new relationships, a little bit of flirting, carlos is having some bad thought - malice from carlos as well, charles is oblivious, alcohol and the consumption of, reader is getting caught in a wicked web already, a bit of lying and one hint to a sexual innuendo
Word Count: 1.3k
Author's Note: welcome to my new series! chapter one isn't very long, just an opening little thing but chapter two will be juicy and I will be posting the first insta file on Sunday :) I'm not sure how often I'll be updating as I have classes but I will try to get chapters out to you as often as possible :) I hope y'all enjoy it!
Call My Name Masterlist
Preseason was such a boring time to be a Formula One driver.
Most of their responsibilities were turning up for events being hosted by sponsors and attending multiple meetings to make sure that they have everything they'd need in the car. As much as that does benefit them, they would much rather be on track.
Hence why they were so glad today was the last of the preseason events. Ferrari was hosting their season opener at Maranello this evening.
Carlos has been twirling around from the moment he arrived, being dragged from one sponsor to the other as if he didn't already see them at some point in the last few weeks. The one person he was really looking for was his teammate, Charles.
The Monegasque driver had been hinting to Carlos that he's seeing someone, and that he would be bringing her to the event to meet everyone. He can still hear Charles' words in his head; a beautiful woman, god she's so beautiful.
Carlos, whose curiosity got the best of him, went looking for this beautiful woman online, searching every variation of a headline he could think of and yet, nothing.
He was starting to believe that Charles made her up.
Speaking of Charles, he was nowhere to be found. He figured he'd get a drink and then head out in search of his friend.
He isn't sure what came over him as he approached the bar and as much as he knew staring was rude, he couldn't help himself.
To his left, sat the most beautiful woman he had seen in his life; hair curled and tossed over her shoulders, her complexion complimented the red dress she had on and Carlos' eyes wandered over her legs, crossed over one another and he looked up and down until he stopped at the black heels she had on - the bottoms red like her dress. Expensive, he thought to himself.
A woman's voice breaks his thoughts; "did your mother not tell you that staring was rude?"
He smiles when his eyes meet hers. "Only if there's a reason I shouldn't be staring."
"So you're saying," you twirled the straw in your glass. Carlos notices your manicured nails, French tip - a term he learnt from his sisters. "That there's a reason you should be staring at me?"
"Can't help myself," he smiles again, stepping closer before sitting on the stool next to hers. "You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."
The woman laughs, her hand resting on his arm that was stretched out over the bar counter. Carlos' knees bumped with hers, her own leg shifts, stretching out and her foot pressed to the bottom handle of his seat.
Carlos is lost in thought, watching as your lips wrap around the straw. His mind is filthy, he can't help but think what your mouth would feel like around his - You called him out to him.
"Does that line ever work for you?"
"Well," she smiles at him, her nails scratching over his arm before moving it. "You're not so bad yourself," she smiles at him sweetly.
Carlos sits with the woman for a while longer, buying her another drink as they chatted; he revealed more than she did, she simply nodded along and when he asked what she's doing here, she told him she's been invited.
As has everyone else; he tells her and she smiles, shrugging.
Someone rests a hand on her lower back, causing her to shift in her seat to see who it is. Carlos looks over, seeing that his teammate, Charles, was now leant down to press a kiss to the woman's cheek.
"You're okay?" He asks her, his hand on her shoulder as he stands behind her. Her hand reached up to rest on his, nodding. "Absolutely."
"Carlos," Charles smiles, "I see you've met y/n."
Carlos blinks, looking between you and Charles; he finally makes the connection. You were the mystery woman.
"So you're y/n," he smiles at you - to be fair, you didn't tell him your name nor did he ask.
"I am."
"I was starting to think that Charles made you up, that you weren't real and were just some fiction of his imagination." He smiles, making you two laugh.
"She's real, mate!" Charles laughs and you nod, offering him your arm. "I'm very real, feel free to pinch me and confirm."
As innocent as your gesture seemed, there was something underlying in the way you said it, the way you looked at him. Carlos doesn't say anything, glancing at his teammate before he reaches for your wrist. His index finger and thumb dragged across the soft skin of your wrist, meeting in the middle to pinch you.
The two of you are smiling at each other, Carlos's hand rests over your wrist and as much as you knew you needed to move your hand, you didn't. Charles was oblivious, he's yet to notice the tension growing between the two of you.
He speaks, squeezing your shoulder. "If that's all, mate," he smiles, "I'm gonna take her around to meet everyone, yeah?"
You smile at your boyfriend, scooting off the stool which lifted your dress a tad too high for Carlos's mind not to wander.
"I'll see you around, Carlos." You smiled at the man, interlocking your fingers with Charles' before picking up your glass.
Carlos nods, "don't let them bore you too much," he tips his beer bottle in your direction, taking a sip as you walk off with his teammate.
God, he wished he didn't feel the way that he did and he knew it was wrong, so bloody wrong, but he can't help it.
Charles was kind and he deserved love, Carlos knew as much but if you, this beautiful woman - so sweet and so charming, loved him as much as Charles seemed to love you, then why would you flirt with him?
You didn't suit Charles; you were opposites.
Mysterious, funny, charming, kind, sweet, smart - as the list goes on, Carlos does realize in fact that you do suit Charles in some ways but he held a bias.
He met you first, here.
That meant you were supposed to be his, not Charles's.
It left a bitter taste in his mouth, he would make sure you would be his one way or the other.
It's quiet, the room smells manly in a way, a scent that you've come to know as Charles. The bathroom door was opened after his shower, the man brushing his teeth as you watched tv in bed.
A phone buzzes on the nightstand, you don't look over but Charles hears it from the bathroom. "Is it mine?" He calls and you lean over, reaching for it.
His phone screen was dark but yours had lit up. "No! It's mine," you call back, pick to check who had messaged you.
There's a notification from Instagram.
Carlos Sainz (carlossainz55) has requested to follow you. 3m ago.
Charles comes out of the bathroom, finding you staring at your phone. "Everything okay, love?"
"Yeah," you smile, "just instagram."
He gets into bed, pulling the duvet up. "Anything interesting?"
"No," you shook your head, unlocking your phone to accept the request. "Just my friend tagging me in some give-away," you laughed before setting your phone back down.
Charles smiles, letting you lay against his side as you two watched whatever was rerunning on tv.
A few floors below the two of you and a room to the left, a man's phone lights up with a notification from Instagram.
Y/n L/n (youruser) has accepted your follow request. 1m ago.
Carlos reaches over for his phone, reading the words and smiling to himself; it's every man for himself now.
add yourself to the call my name taglist!
taglist: @aadslovesmads @lieswithoutfairytales @steephanie07 @topguncultleader @darleneslane @barnestatic @ravisinghs_wife @elisaa-shelby @piggyinthesea @cmleitora @kmc1989 @themandaloriansdiaries @oconso
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WIBTA if I called out my roommates behavior?
A small bit of backstory: my spouse and I have been trying to get back on our feet after an extremely traumatic event. My father tried to kill me, there was a police report, we almost went to court but I genuinely didn't want to see him again. It's been roughly about 6 months and we are actually finally getting back on our feet after struggling. Food banks, community clinics, financial aid. I know work a corporate office job and my spouse is retail but it pays decent especially with my paycheck. We were 3 months behind on my car payment, regularly had to pawn things to eat or get gas, things we pawned included a Mac book ps4 with 3 controllers ipad a animal crossing edition switch and we sold a phone. We've by no means been mooching. We barely ask them for anything, literally just the things they also use. Milk, toilet paper, water bottled due to undrinkable tap, we didn't ask them to buy anything they didn't also use. We didn't anticipate being stuck this long. Also worth noting we sleep on a pull out couch in the living room and are the ONLY reason the apartment is clean. Also we have agreed to pay for bills once we could. We literally just got jobs that allowed me to even pay my car payment.
Anyway on to the recent events:
Basically they started throwing a fit in their room. I mean punching the computer desk (I could hear the keyboard bouncing), throwing things, and I could tell they were loudly talking but I couldn't make it out and didn't really want to. I was. Extremely triggered and just curled up in a ball under blankets and tried to be as small and quiet as possible. Then they came out of their room, gently closed their door, grabbed the trash, and slammed the front door basically as hard as they could. They then came back and slammed both the front door and their own door. I haven't said a word to them and my spouse is in the shower. They throw more things in their room and then come out screaming "maybe I should kill myself, that'd make you happy!" And slammed the front door again. My spouse, in a towel from the shower, comes rushing out and opens the front door and yells at them to stop slamming doors. They scream back fuck you get out of my house and someone threatened to call the cops. After they were gone the entire weekend. Now that they are back they have: turned on the heater in the living room that doesn't affect their room knowing I have heat induced seizures, turned off the fan I used to block out my tinitus and they know that's what it's for, and unlocked my phone to turn OUR AC UNIT THAT WE BOUGHT (we the help of my father in law) up to 85. When I texted them "we need to talk" they locked their bedroom door.
Their original fit had nothing to do with us, by the way. We were in separate rooms and hadn't talked since the day before. They simply took it out on us and continue to do so.
So. WIBTA if I called them out for being toxic and abusive towards us?
What are these acronyms?
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nayziiz · 2 months
Team Dynamics | LN4
Summary: To celebrate the launch of their 2024 car for the upcoming F1 season, McLaren hosts a masquerade gala event that sees two souls connect and lead to a whirlwind romance. Unfortunately, the pair realise soon after that they are to work together quite closely after they agreed it would only be a one-night thing.
Warnings: Smut, alcohol, one night stand, unprotected sex
Pairing: Gemma (I don't like writing with Y/N or reader) x Lando Norris
Series Masterlist
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The forest echoes with the sounds of rustling leaves and the distant calls of unseen birds as Lando and Gemma continue their journey deeper into the woods. The once well-defined trail had now become a patchwork of twigs and scattered leaves beneath their feet. A sense of uncertainty hung in the air, but Lando’s lighthearted banter helps diffuse the situation. He picks up a stick and pokes her calves with it as she walks.
“Cut it out. It’s your fault we lost the group.” Gemma grunts breathlessly. “Why of all places did we decide hiking in the middle of nowhere would be a good idea.”
As they walk through the dense foliage, Lando couldn't help but notice the worry etched across Gemma’s face. Her cautious demeanour clashes with his adventurous spirit, creating a dynamic that was as intriguing as the winding trails they traversed.
Gemma pauses and scans their surroundings, her brow furrowed with concern. She tries to listen if she can hear their friends’ voices, but all she hears is Lando digging in his bag behind her.
“We’re lost.” Gemma concludes as she too pulls off her backpack and clears an area to sit down.
“We’re not lost. We’re just taking the scenic route.” Lando counters as he sits down beside her. “It's like a choose-your-own-adventure hike. Adventure being the key word.”
Gemma struggles to suppress a faint smile despite her growing anxiety.
“I prefer knowing where I'm going. And right now, I have no idea.” Gemma argues, but Lando is simply undeterred.
“We're just temporarily misplaced. Besides, I've seen every survival show on TV. We just need to find a river and follow it downstream.” Lando explains to her.
“Lando. There is no river here, like at all.” Gemma counters, her scepticism lingering.
“Then we'll just have to rely on my impeccable sense of direction. North is... that way.” Lando states as he points in the opposite direction.
“Impeccable, huh? How can you be so sure?” Gemma asks, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Because the moss on the trees is growing... uh, in the direction of... adventure?” Lando responds confidently.
Gemma couldn't help but smile at his attempt to lighten the mood. Suddenly, a distant rustling noise interrupts their banter, causing her to tense up.
“Did you hear that?” She asks as she looks around the woods.
“Just the forest critters cheering us on. They're our woodland audience.” Lando teases, attempting to ease her mind, but her uneasiness remains. “Hey, it's okay. We'll figure this out together.”
“Maybe we should just retrace our steps back to where we last saw a marker.” Gemma suggests.
Lando nods and stands up before pulling her up to her feet. The duo retrace their steps, attempting to backtrack in hopes of stumbling upon the familiar markers of the trail. The forest, however, seems to play tricks on their sense of direction, making every tree and rock look strangely similar. As they venture deeper, Gemma's initial unease escalates into discomfort. She begins to feel a nagging queasiness in her stomach, an unsettling twist that she couldn't shake off.
“Lan.” She mumbles as she pauses for a moment and rests against a tree making him turn around to face her. “I don’t feel so good.”
“Maybe it's just nerves. We'll find the trail soon, and everything will be back to normal.” He assures her.
“Do you reckon we’re heading in the right direction? It feels like we’re getting even more lost.” Gemma wonders.
“Lost is just a state of mind. We're on a detour, that's all. The scenic route, remember?” Lando counters. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”
Gemma nods, but the queasiness persists as they continue to walk. The dense forest begins to thin, revealing a small clearing. Suddenly, a wave of relief washes over them as they stumble upon their friends, who were gathered around a makeshift picnic site. Laughter and the scent of food filled the air.
“There you two are!” Alex exclaims, causing everyone to turn their attention to the pair making their way towards them.
“We had to take the scenic route.” Lando jokes as he joins the group and takes a big sip of water.
As Gemma joins the group, her discomfort becomes more apparent. She declines the offered snacks, her stomach now churning with a different kind of urgency.
“Hey, hey, are you OK?” Lando asks, concerned when he notices her discomfort and wraps his arm around her for support before letting her sit down.
“I don't know, I just feel off. Maybe it's something I ate.” Gemma speculates as Lando joins her on the ground.
Lando’s head swivels to the sandwiches being passed around between the group and realises that the earlier impromptu picnic might be the source of Gemma's discomfort.
“Did you eat anything from here?” Lando asks her.
“Yeah, I had some of the sandwiches and...oh no.” Gemma groans as she leans against him.
“We need to get you back to civilization. This might be more serious than just getting lost.” Lando admits.
Their friends gather around, concern evident on their faces. With quick thinking, Lando gathers everyone, explaining the situation. The group rallies together, packing up the remnants of their picnic and setting off on a determined mission to find the trail and lead Gmma to safety.
As they navigate the forest once more, the urgency of the situation added a new layer of tension. Gemma, weak but supported by Lando, clings to the hope of reaching help soon. The forest, once a place of adventure, has now become a challenging obstacle that tested their resilience and camaraderie - quite the contrast to the battles they faced during races.
The group pushes through the thick foliage, their pace quickened by a sense of urgency. Gemma's discomfort escalates, and the forest, once enchanting, becomes a labyrinth of shadows and uncertainty. The rhythmic crunch of leaves beneath their boots was now punctuated by occasional rustlings in the underbrush, amplifying the tension.
“I really don’t feel good, Lan.” Gemma mumbles against Lando’s shoulder as she leans against him as they walk.
“I’ve got you, Gems. I’ll get you out of here.” He promises.
As they continue, they stumble upon a faint trail. A collective sigh of relief echoes through the group, and they follow it, hoping it would lead to the safety of civilization. As they emerge from the forest, the trail widens, revealing a clearing where sunlight filters through the trees. A distant sound of rushing water catches their attention, and they discover a small stream.
Gemma's condition doesn't improve. She grows weaker with every step, and the worry on Lando’s face deepens. The group maintains a brisk pace, but the forest seems to stretch endlessly.
As they continue to walk, Gemma stumbles, unable to keep up. Lando, with genuine concern, supports her, determined to keep her moving as he pulls her closer to him.
“Hang in there, Gems, we’re almost there.” He continues to assure her. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”
Suddenly, the distant sound of voices reaches their ears. The group quickens their pace, and around a bend in the trail, they find a ranger station. Relief washes over them when a Ranger approaches them and spots Gemma.
“What happened?” The Ranger asks, beckoning for them to follow him into the station.
“We think she may have food poisoning.” Lando explains and he takes Gemma to the station and places her on a bed.
The ranger radios for assistance, and soon a medical team arrives. They provide Gemma with the necessary care, ensuring she would be okay.
The atmosphere in the hospital room is tense as Gemma lies in bed, her mind occupied by the events that led her there. Lando, sitting beside her, diligently types a message to their group of friends to provide updates. His focused expression conveys both concern and a sense of responsibility.
After locking his phone, Lando turns back to face Gemma, the worry evident in his eyes. The silence between them is palpable, filled with unspoken thoughts and emotions. Lando, breaking the quiet tension, takes a deep breath before speaking.
"I’ve let everyone know you're okay." He assures her, his voice gentle.
Gemma, appreciating his presence and the effort he's making to keep everyone informed, manages a small smile. The unspoken dynamics between them take on a new significance in the face of adversity, as they navigate the uncertainties of the situation together. In the quiet hospital room, the vulnerability of the moment brings forth a genuine exchange between Gemma and Lando.
“I don’t know what I would have done without you.” Gemma tells him, appreciating his support and presence in the moment.
“We’re a team, Gems. Lost or found, I’ll always be by your side.” He assures her.
“Even when you’re poking me with random sticks.” Gemma teases.
“Of course.” Lando chuckles as he takes her hand in his and kisses the back of it.
“You’re my favourite person.” Gemma informs him.
“Move over.” Lando instructs.
Lando lays down beside her, wrapping his arms around Gemma, ensuring to be careful around her IV port. Gemma rests her head against his chest, listening to the reassuring rhythm of his heart. The unspoken dynamics between them evolve into a shared closeness, providing comfort and connection in the midst of uncertainty.
“And, you’re mine.” Lando informs her as he kisses her temple.
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isolaradiale · 2 months
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"The subject of humanity has been a hotly debated one for a long time, in fact. For example: Ofiuco is not "human" but she had developed "humanity". One doesn't simply need to be a human to exhibit it. So under what circumstances might that "humanity" be tested? Perhaps... an event that must be survived at all costs? And can this humanity be retained if one's container is changed?"
It finally seemed like the cold winter's grasp was finally beginning to loosen its hold over the city. How was it that an island that had to be so relatively close to the equator even experienced winter in the way that it did? A question that plenty had asked themselves who lived in the city and yet the only answer was just to not worry about an answer.
At the stroke of midnight on that Friday night things began to seem odd. Had a new chill set in? Things became very cold very quickly, with frost gathering on windows and a terrible blizzard raging. But to make matters worse? Power across the entire city flickered and immediately shut off and communications were powered down. It became concerning because how would they brave the cold if it continued? Maybe things would look better in the morning?
It might have. If the morning ever came.
6am came and went. Then 8am. And 10am. And while the blizzard had finally calmed and opened up the sky, the Northern Lights that had emerged merely continued to dance across the starry sky. The city was frozen over and blanketed in an excess of snow. Everyone's lives were clearly at risk.
Everyone's phones should have been drained of their power and yet a voice called out from the phone's speaker. The screen would flicker to life it taken out, and options were displayed. Creatures. Animals. Were these supposed to be the "Guardians"? What did they do? Could they help? Who had sent them? With little other option, many began to make their choices and were rewarded with a warmth that allowed them to go on.
But with time? More than mere warmth would be provided to them. Accepting the help of a Guardian came with an undisclosed cost.
How much of your humanity are you willing to shed to survive?
Haunted by an eternal night, the entire island has fallen to a deep, dangerous cold overnight while simultaneously being buried in a heavy snow. The city's power and communications systems have also gone down with no signs of being restored anytime soon, making things rather dicey since temperatures are dropping as low as -37F (-35C). Adding to all of this? Abilities don't seem to be working. Needless to say this is a matter of survival.
But the city and the surrounding branches have become a proper arctic biome. While powerless buildings still tower high above, wildlife typical of a frozen climate that couldn't have even existed before thrives. And the night sky is filled with stars and the Northern Lights when not covered with snowy clouds.
And so it's a good thing that a mysterious benefactor has prepared a way for the citizens to survive. Taking temporary control of the otherwise inactive cellphones, they offer the people a choice. Choose a Guardian. And beneath that text? A list of animals that thrive in cold climates.
Upon selecting one of these animals you'll receive a number of benefits:
the extreme cold feels significantly less taxing, making surviving easier
you'll be able to sense others who have chosen a guardian nearby, making it easier to find and collaborate with others
you'll be able to sense sources of food, although in some cases it will need to be hunted
This all sounds convenient. Maybe a little too convenient for there not to be a trade off and, typical of the antics of the Stars, there is. As the minutes, hours, and days tick on it becomes difficult to ignore the signs. Perhaps your ears become similar to those of the Guardian you have selected, or maybe you grow similar fur at first. But with time these traits spread and worsen. And some instincts begin to develop that could hardly be considered "human". Seemingly you have borrowed the power of your guardian...
...But at the risk of becoming the very same critter you've selected. Because what can survive better in the extreme cold than a creature who evolved to thrive within it?
Which animals can be chosen for our characters? You can select any animal so long as they survive in cold climates normally! Things like arctic foxes, snowy owls, seals, whales, penguins... You aren't limited to mammals alone so long as you abide by that rule when picking them! However they must be real animals that actually exist, not things like dragons or yetis.
How quickly do the side effects occur? It's up to you! You could have them onset immediately, or have them develop gradually over the event's course. There's no timeline beyond what you personally would like to do with them!
Can we choose more than one animal? Can we switch them mid-event? You cannot select more than one animal at a time. However you can swap your Guardian one time during the event if you aren't feeling it, or if you want to try something else.
What if my animal is already not a human and aren't affected by the cold enough to select a Guardian? The cold is so deep that it should be enough to bring about substantial risk for most citizens even if they aren't made uncomfortable by the cold itself. Machine lifeforms would function less efficiently, and even the more adept to the cold might struggle with all of the snow. If you need a reason to make your character select one, you can always speak with some friends or contact the masterlist for an idea in a worst case!
Do I need to select a Guardian for event participation? You don't! You could have your character not pick one at all. That said, you could also have them pick one and not show any side effects, as...
What is the minimum and maximum amount of side effects we can inflict on our characters? As mentioned previously side effects aren't required and you could leave your character unaltered! On the opposite end, you could completely shift your character into their Guardian animal if you'd like. Anything in between is fine too, so go as little or as hard as you would like!
"Instincts" are also mentioned. What would those entail? Essentially these would be things that would make them act more like the animal they are becoming. Like burying food in the snow to keep it safe, or hunting using certain methods if their animal is a born hunter. Again, these are optional and you could shift your character into an animal's form while retaining their human sense.
So powers aren't working during this event? Nope! But any weapons your character has retained are still available!
Would characters who are non-biological in nature gradually become biological? That's up to you! If that's an angle you'd like to explore with your character becoming flesh and blood then feel free!
Will the event have a part 2? No! However we will be posting "weather events" over the event's course that will change the conditions in the city in extreme ways temporarily, be it a blizzard or an even deeper chill. It isn't necessary to acknowledge these if you don't want to though!
When does the event end? The event ends at 11:59:59PM on Friday, March 29th.
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