#Sick Le Lapin
. . .Before Jigen had left the room, there was an instance, just a small one, where he had stopped and turned, as if in hesitation. As if he couldn’t leave, least not at that moment. Hand still on the doorway, he had turned his head to look back behind him.
And it appeared, after some deliberation of his own, that Jigen found himself turning back around slowly, and soon he was once again at the bedside, leaning forward over the sleeping form of his partner. As he watched, as if by its own accord, one of his hands had slipped up under the blanket that covered Lupin. It traveled up slowly, taking its time, before finally stopping just between the flat surface that made up the middle of Lupin’s cloth covered pecks. And it was there that it lay nestled, fingers held tightly together, palm flat over his partners heaving chest. Once it found the spot it wanted too, Jigen turned his hand just a little and pressed down as firmly as he could without potentially causing any additional damage to his friends already battered body. 
He waited for a moment, only to finally at last feel what he was inadvertently searching for, just under the middle center of his palm. 
The telltale, soft thumping of a heartbeat. 
The machine’s beside them beeped in tune with each sluggish thudding of his partners heart, and yet somehow Jigen felt more solace in feeling it for himself underhand, then he had solace in seeing it played out in front of him. It was as if he was for certain that the machines- the only thing’s now keeping his friend’s damaged body alive-  were still somehow lying to him, only telling him what he wanted to hear, and not what was actually the truth.
In fact, Jigen felt in that moment, that if he didn’t feel it for himself, that he would find that this was all just some sick dream that he had cooked up. And that in fact, his friend had indeed died on that cold, wet and desolate street corner, not even a day ago, and that he had simply refused to accept it.
Refused to wake up from.
But there it was. That exquisite little vibration radiating through his touch. The soft and rhythmic  thumping that was keeping his best friend going. And yet somehow, it felt. . .tired. Slow and sluggish, as exhausted by its own existence.
Jigen stared at him for a moment, as if almost shocked by just how fragile Lupin looked at that moment. His face made a slight scowl, and soon as he stared the world went silent, no beeping, no whooshing, nothing. And as time stretched, so too did the silence stretch with it, heartbeat after heartbeat under palm – taut, excruciating. And it was then that Jigen could hear his own heart beating with an ominous force, no different then that of a kettle drum held somewhere deep within a cave; it’s echoing pulsations rattling the very foundation in which it lay. As he stared, Jigen took one glance at the door from under his hat and, once he saw that the two of them were indeed alone, he suddenly closed the distance between the two of them and took the side of Lupin’s face in his spare hand, fingers mindful of the various tubes and do-hickies scattered about, the tips of them gently gliding and scratching against Lupin’s scruffy sideburn. 
His hand moved slowly, deliberately, the moment paced in such a way that it would give Lupin the chance to pull away if he so desired too. But Jigen knew he couldn’t, not now anyways. . .there was no movement under his hand beside the small, faintest of touches his hand did that moved Lupin’s head just so. But Lupin made no attempt to move himself, his head and his cheek simply just hung limply in Jigens soft hold.
And it was there. . .against his hold, that Jigen left only the barest brush of his lips against Lupin’s brow, his hat obscuring the view from outside eyes.
“Dors pour le moment petit lapin, tout ira bien. Don’t worry about anything for now”, he whispered softly, his face just a hairbreadth away, his fingers flat against lupins fluffy cheek, taking solace in the light weight against his hand.
Just then, the tender moment between the awake and the non-awake was interrupted. Jigen heard a noise, and rose his head up just in time to see headlights come rapidly up the wide gravel pathway that lead into the hospital’s entrance; it were wheels squealing, the gravel in the pathway flying in all directions, the beam from the headlights casting a wide shaft of light that Jigen could clearly see, illuminating the misty drops of rain that had begun to fall softly that pattered the window with even softer plipping.
The scowl on Jigens face had returned. He moved quickly and looked through the window down into the street. There was a curved courtyard that had steps leading down into the street and the street was empty of cars. But whoever came into the hospital would have to come through that entrance. He knew he didn’t have much time so he ran out of the room, but he still took the time to stop, and give one last quick glance to the unconscious figure behind him; the soft beeping of machines now like a lullaby to balm his psyche. 
He knew better now. So he ran, the only sound to follow him, the soft clicking of his heels against the waxed floor and nothing more.
~~Lupin III: The Lavender Jacket Series (Chapter ???)
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logogreffe · 1 year
34 uses of the word "Coup" in French, with examples !
1. Du coup // So
"Du coup, tu vas y aller ou pas ?" // So, are you going to go or not?
2. Valoir le coup // to be worth is
"Ça n'en vaut pas le coup ! " ou " Ça vaut pas l'coup !" // It's not worth it !
"Tu penses que ça (en) vaut le coup ?" // Do you think it's worth it ?
3. Sur le coup // at the time - on the spot
"Sur le coup, j'y ai pas pensé" // At the time, I didn't think of it.
4. Tout d'un coup - tout à coup // all of a sudden
"Et, tout d'un coup, la lumière s'est éteinte ! J'étais terrifiée !" // And, all of a sudden, the light went out ! I was terrified !
5. À tous les coups // every time or you can bet
Two options :
- "Cette technique marche à tous les coups" // This technique works every time.
- "À tous les coups, il a encore oublié ses clés !" // You can bet, he forgot his key again !
(Note : You could also say "à coup sûr, il a encore oublié ses clés" or "Je parie qu'il a encore oublié ses clés")
6. Donner un coup de main // to give a hand
"Est ce que tu veux un coup de main ?" ; "Tu veux un coup de main ?" // Do you need a hand ?
"Tu pourrais me donner un coup de main s'il te plaît ?" // Could you give me a hand please ?
"Tu peux me donner un coup de main s'il te plaît?" // Can you give me a hand please ?
7. Avoir un coup de barre // to suddenly feel tired
"J'ai un coup de barre ! Je vais aller m'allonger un peu." // I suddenly feel tired ! I'm going to lay down a bit.
8. Un coup de soleil // a sunburn
-> Avoir un coup de soleil ou attraper un coup de soleil (cf this famous French song)
"J'ai attrapé un coup de soleil malgré mes 4 couches de crème solaire !" // I got sunburned despite my 4 layers of sunscreen !
9. Jeter un coup d'oeil // take a look
"Est ce que je peux jeter un dernier coup d'œil ?" // Can I take a final look ?
10. Passer un coup de téléphone ou Passer un coup de fil // make a phone call
"Je lui ai passé un coup de téléphone la semaine dernière mais il ne m'a pas répondu" // I called him last week but he did not answer me.
11. Boire un coup - payer, offrir un coup // Drink - buy, offer a drink
"Il est allé boire un coup avec ses collègues." // He went out for a drink with his colleagues.
"Allez viens, j'te paye un coup !" // Come on, I'll buy you a drink!
12. Sur un coup de tête // on a whim
"Sur un coup de tête, j'ai décidé de quitter mon travail." // On a whim I've decided to quit my job.
13. D'un coup // in one go or all of a sudden
2 options :
- "Il a fini la bouteille d'un (seul) coup !" // He finished the bottle in one go !
- "D'un (seul) coup, je me suis sentie mal " ; "Tout d'un coup, je me suis sentie mal " // All of a sudden, I felt sick"
14. Après coup // afterwards - after the fact
"Je me suis rendu compte de mon erreur après coup" // I realized my mistake after the fact.
15. Passer un coup de balais ou donner un coup de balais // sweep up
"Passe un coup de balais dans ta chambre !" // Sweep up your room !
It could also mean "clean up" in a broader sense :
" 'Faut que je passe un petit coup de balais chez moi avant que tu arrives" // I have to clean up my place a bit before you arrive.
16. Prendre un coup de froid // to get a cold
"J'ai de la fièvre, je pense que j'ai pris un coup de froid " // I have a fever, I think I got a cold.
17. Pousser un coup de gueule // to be angrily screaming about something (?)
(Informal) - ("to rant" seems a bit too tame)
"La voisine a poussé un coup de gueule pendant 1 heure hier soir parce qu'on faisait trop de bruit." // The neighbour yelled at us for 1 hour yesterday evening because we were making too much noise .
18. Donner un coup de boule à quelqu'un // to headbutt someone
"Zidane a donné un coup de boule à Materazzi" // Zidane headbutted Materazzi.
(a very significant event in French history)
19. Le coup du lapin // whiplash
(I'll let you guess why it's called "the rabbit's blow")
"Pour éviter le coup du lapin, il faut que tu règles ton appui-tête correctement" // To avoid whiplash, you need to adjust your headrest properly.
20. Un coup dur // a hard blow
"C'est un coup dur pour lui, il pensait vraiment être promu !" // This is a hard blow for him, he really thought he was going be promoted !
21. D'un coup de baguette (magique) // ~  by waving a magic wand ~
"Tu n'auras pas ton diplôme d'un coup de baguette magique ! Au boulot !" // You're not going to get your degree ~with the wave of a magic wand~ (= without doing anything) ! Get to work!"
22. Donner un coup de coude à quelqu'un // To elbow someone
"Pendant le repas, elle m'a donné un coup de coude pour que j'arrête de parler." // During the meal, she elbowed me so that I would stop talking.
23. Recevoir un coup d'épée/couteau // to get hit with a sword/ knife
"Il a reçu un coup d'épée dans le ventre" // He was hit in the stomach with a sword.
24. Un coup de chance // a fluke
"J'ai pas vraiment de mérite , c'était plus un coup de chance qu'autre chose !" // I can't really get much credit , it was more of a fluke than anything else!"
25. Avoir le coup de foudre pour quelque chose // to immediately fall in love with something
"J'ai eu le coup de foudre pour cette armoire dès que je l'ai vue." // I fell in love with this closet the moment I saw it.
26. Sous le coup de la colère ou sous le coup de l’émotion // in the heat of anger or in the heat of the moment
"Sous le coup de la colère, j'ai oublié de lui demander de me rendre mon téléphone" // In the heat of the moment, I forgot to ask him to give me my phone back.
27. Mourir sur le coup - Être tué sur le coup // to die instantly
"Le légiste a déterminé que la victime était morte sur le coup." // The coroner determined that the victim died instantly.
28. Un coup d’état // a coup
"Le coup d'état a été organisé par les rebelles." // The coup was organized by the rebels.
29. Tirer d’un coup sec // to yank (?)
"Pour entrer dans la vieille maison, il faut tirer la porte d'un coup sec." // To enter the old house, you have to yank the door open.
30. Pleurer un (bon) coup // to have a good cry
"Pleure un bon coup, ça ira mieux après !" // Have a good cry, you'll feel better afterwards !
31. Respirer un grand coup ou Respirer un bon coup // to take a deep breath
"Avant ta présentation, respire un grand coup et essaye de te détendre ! " // Before your presentation, take a deep breath and try to relax !
32. Un coup monté // a set-up
"C'est un coup monté, je n'ai tué personne ! " // It's a set-up, I didn't kill anyone !
33. Un coup bas // a low blow
"Connard ! Me tromper le jour de mon anniversaire, c'est vraiment un coup bas ! " // Asshole ! Cheating on me on my birthday is really a low blow !
34. le coup de grâce // final blow - deadly blow
"Elle était déjà triste, mais ce fut le coup de grâce lorsque son mari la quitta. " // She was already sad, but it was the final blow when her husband left her.
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t2000000000 · 1 year
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pompadourpink · 3 years
Se faire- expressions
Se faire à l'idée: Getting used to a certain idea
Se faire à manger: Cooking (Je me suis fait des pâtes)
Se faire appeler Arthur/engueuler/remonter les bretelles/taper sur les doigts/tirer les oreilles: Getting yelled at
Se faire avoir/baiser/berner/rouler/rouler dans la farine: Getting fooled
Se faire carotte/pigeonner/prendre pour un pigeon: Getting scammed
Se faire casser la gueule: Getting one's face bashed in
Se faire choper/gauler/prendre: Getting caught red-handed
Se faire connaître/un nom: Gaining fame, reputation
Se faire défoncer/niquer: Getting beaten up
Se faire des couilles en or: Earning a lot of money
Se faire des films: Imagining stuff
Se faire désirer: Being late willingly, playing hard to get
Se faire du mauvais sang/du mourron/de la bile/des cheveux blancs: Worrying
Se faire enculer: Getting fucked in the ass/scammed/fooled
Se faire jeter: Getting kicked out
Se faire la belle/la malle: Running away
Se faire la main: Learning how to do/make something
Se faire larguer: Getting dumped
Se faire mal: Getting hurt
Se faire mettre: Getting fucked (Va te faire mettre)
Se faire mousser: Showing off, bragging
Se faire passer pour: Pretending to be someone else
Se faire plaisir: Making oneself happy (ex: by having a treat)
Se faire plumer/racketter: Getting robbed (while out)
Se faire porter pâle: Calling in sick
Se faire tirer comme des lapins: Getting targeted by enemies
Se faire tirer dessus: Getting shot
Se faire tirer le portrait: Getting one's picture taken
Se faire tout petit: Making oneself small
Se faire un bleu: Getting a bruise
Se faire une raison: Accepting a bad situation
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goldentournesol · 4 years
Mon Cher
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(Spencer Reid x Reader)
Part 2 of Mon Lapin
The one where Spencer and Reader finally go on a date after pining over each other for too long. (Reader owns a French bakery)
Length: 2.6k
A/N: tooth-rotting, cheesy FLUFF! thank you to everyone who requested a part 2, i wasn’t going to write it but y’all--i think this might be my favorite thing that i’ve written so far!
Spencer knew that across many cultures, pink lilies represented love, admiration, and compassion. All things he wished to convey to Y/N, so it really wasn’t difficult to pick a bouquet of pink lilies for her. His heart thumped against his ribcage as he neared the bakery where he told her he’d meet her. He hoped he wasn’t too forward with her yesterday, but he was getting antsy. Despite seeing her a couple times a week when he was in town, it was never enough just to chat casually. He wanted to lose himself in conversations with her. With all his ambition for knowledge, he couldn’t think of a subject he wished to memorize more than everything she is. 
He cleared his throat and made sure his tie was as straight as it possibly could be before pushing the glass door of her bakery, the chime of the small bell reaching the corners of the store. His eyes swept across the familiar scenery, but she wasn’t there. He approached the counter nervously.
“Hey, Marissa. Is Y/N here yet?” He asked her coworker and she beamed upon seeing him.
“Hey! She should be here any minute. I kind of forced her to go home to get ready and all, it’s really hard getting her out of the bakery!” She laughed and Spencer nodded, smiling, grateful for the extra minutes he needed to compose himself. 
He found Y/N’s dedication to her job endearing. He glanced down at the bouquet and adjusted the flowers in an attempt to find something to do with his hands instead of tapping nervously against the counter. Why was he so nervous? She wouldn’t have agreed to the date if she wasn’t interested. Well, then again, he didn’t really give her an option. Was that the wrong decision? 
Just before he could spiral into his thoughts any deeper, the bell chimed again, causing him to turn to face the door. The air evaded his lungs as soon as his eyes settled on her, an occurrence Spencer didn’t think happened in real life. He’s read about it, sure, but he never thought he’d ever experience it. She strolled in, a dark emerald dress flowing with her movement. Spencer had to remind himself what the function of the respiratory system was when she approached him. 
“Spencer?” She spoke softly, realizing that he hadn’t said anything. He blinked, snapping out of his daze with a prominent blush. 
“Y-yes. Hi, sorry, um,” he paused, a bashful, sheepish grin overtaking his face, “you look beautiful, Y/N.” She mirrored his smile, cheeks reddening as she glanced at the bouquet of flowers in his hand.
“Merci, mon lapin. [my bunny] You look just as dashing as ever. I see you remembered the lilies.” She sent him a sly smile. He had forgotten about the bouquet in his hand under her intense gaze. He nodded, his arm extending the flowers to her. She graciously accepted them and immediately buried her nose in the center of the bouquet, emerging with a smile that could make Spencer’s knees buckle if he wasn’t careful.
“They’re beautiful, thank you. Give me one moment.” She scurried off into the kitchen of the bakery and returned with the largest cup she could find. She settled the flowers in their new home before picking one out of the bunch and securing it to one of the bobby pins near her left ear. Spencer was positive he resembled a love-sick puppy as he took in the sight. Marissa was pretending to wipe down a table in the background, but really she was fawning over the two lovebirds. 
“Shall we?” Spencer managed to speak, gesturing towards the door. 
He tried to contain his grin as he stared at her ethereality. She smiled up at him and nodded, taking one last look at Marissa before she left. Her coworker sent her a teasing look and waved goodbye. Spencer offered his arm to Y/N as they stepped into the chilly air. She gladly took it and beamed up at him. He tried not to focus on the way his arm felt tingly with hers around it.
“I’m so glad we’re finally doing this, Spencer.” She spoke and he nodded.
“Me too, Y/N. So, I wasn’t sure what you liked so I settled for a reservation at an Italian restaurant. Would that be okay?” He tried to swallow his nerves.
“Yeah, that’s perfect!” It didn’t really matter, she knew she’d go wherever this man asked her to go. 
The nervous energy in the air was lighthearted and it made her feel like she was a teenager going on a date for the first time again. They caught each other up on their lives as they walked. Both of Y/N’s hands ended up around Spencer’s arm and he found himself relishing in her warm touch as well as every little squeeze she gave when she got excited about something she was saying. He wanted to pay attention to the direction they were walking in, but it was too damn hard with the way the lamp lights reflected in her irises. He’d almost walked right past the restaurant.
“Oh, we’re here.” He laughed lightly, leading her to the entrance and they were seated immediately.
Dinner went smoothly. She’d known that he was an interesting man, but he made it so easy for her to get lost in him, what he was saying, his eyes- oh man, those eyes. She knew all about eyes being the windows to the soul, but she didn’t know how one man’s eyes could possibly convey so much emotion. She watched him talk about his work family and his real family, although not in great detail. They were so captivated by each other, the waiters had to make noises with either their throats or mouths to get their attention.
Once they were out of the restaurant, they continued walking down the same street, still deep in conversation about a topic probably wouldn’t interest anyone else. Spencer hadn’t really planned the night out, he didn’t know what exactly she would like, so he decided he’d let the leaves fall where they may. All he did know was when she giggled, his heart skipped a beat. Suddenly, they stopped in their tracks and she let out a loud gasp.
“Oh! You know what I just remembered?” Spencer stared at her curiously, “There’s a tiny theater up ahead that plays some really cool foreign films, you probably know about it. I know the owner, she texts me whenever they add a French movie. Tonight they’re playing one of my favorites, Les Parapluies de Cherbourg! [The Umbrellas of Cherbourg] Oh, you would love it! Would you like to go? It’s totally fine if you have something else planned, though.” Spencer grinned at her excited nature and nodded eagerly.
“Are you kidding? I always have to beg my friends to come see foreign films with me, I’d love to go.” Spencer couldn’t believe this was happening. They arrived at the theater soon and she was disheartened to hear that they didn’t have subtitles for the movie.
“It’s okay! I don’t mind if there aren’t any subtitles.” Spencer said once he saw the smile dissipate from her face. He hadn’t had the heart to tell her that he’d already seen the movie before anyway. The gleam in her eye was much too precious when she spoke of the film.
“Are you sure? I can probably whisper-translate to you, uh, i-if you’d like.” She stated somewhat shyly, a blush creeping up to her cheeks.
“I’d like that.” Spencer smiled as he realized that the roles were usually reversed and he’d usually be the one whisper-translating a movie to someone.
And so they sat in the small theater, arms tangled in each other over the arm of the chair between them. She had one hand on his bicep as he leaned the top half of his body closer to her. They were probably sitting closer than they normally would have sat, but she used the excuse of whisper-translating to her advantage. She felt a strand of his caramel hair tickle the tip of her nose as her lips whispered in his ear. Spencer fought to regulate his breathing every time she came near. He was glad he’d seen the movie before because he was sure that if this had been his first time seeing it, he’d have absolutely no clue what was going on. She also fought to resist the urge to press her lips to his clean shaven jaw--and basically everywhere else. 
The movie ended before they knew it and they could finally see each other in the gentle light of the theater. Spencer turned his face to send her a grateful smile just to find her face inches away from his. His eyes involuntarily flickered down to her lips. The same lips that were by his ear a few moments ago. She smiled back softly and they enjoyed the closeness for a short moment before Spencer shyly broke eye contact. They broke apart, both blushing from head to toe. Both far too shy to initiate anything. He cleared his throat before standing from his seat. Y/N followed him out of the theater.
“So, did you like it?” She asked as they stepped out, noticing that the streets were a lot darker and quieter than they had been prior to entering. It must have been late. 
“Yeah, I loved it.” Spencer said, almost breathlessly, but he wasn’t talking about the movie, of course. She grinned with triumph and courageously slipped her hand into his as they walked back in the direction they came from. He took it one step further and laced their fingers together. She swooned over his smile. 
An aggressive gust of wind suddenly washed over the two of them on the sidewalk, which made them instinctively close their eyes to brace themselves against the dust in the air. She only opened her eyes as she felt the lily in her hair slip out of its secure place from in between the prongs of the bobby pin.
“No!” She gasped and Spencer quickly -and ungracefully- leapt to catch it before it flew too far. She laughed as he turned to face her with a pleasantly surprised expression, almost in disbelief that he actually caught it. He approached her again and gently returned the lily to its rightful spot just above her ear. He moved a stray strand from her face and she gazed up at him with a certain type of adoration. His hands moved to cup the plumpness of her cheeks as they relished in each other's tender gazes. She let her hands rest right under his ribs and pulled him impossibly closer.
“You are so beautiful.” He whispered, his breath washing over her face. He felt the skin under his fingertips warm up.
“Merci, mon cher.” [my dear] She whispered back, a definite level-up from mon lapin. That he did know the meaning of.
Spencer grinned slightly before finally leaning down to close the gap between both their lips. It was gentle and sweet, neither of them rushing it. To many onlookers, they were just a young couple sharing a kiss on the sidewalk in the middle of the night. To them, it was a silent declaration. A statement that conveyed more emotion than any of the thousands of words that existed in all the languages they spoke between them could. Y/N found herself following through after Spencer reluctantly pulled away for air. She stopped herself, blushing profusely at her involuntary movements. He only grinned wider in response before stepping back and grabbing her hand again.
“Let me walk you home.” He told her as they began walking again.
“Actually...the night doesn’t have to end yet, if you don’t want it to, I mean.” She smiled up at him.
“I don’t want it to, what do you have in mind? Everything’s closed down.” Spencer pointed out.
“Um, I might know a place.” She said in a teasing manner with a slight smirk, “The owner and I go way back.” She giggled.
“Oh really now?” Spencer played along, laughing.
“Mhm, we’re practically like this.” She laughed as she crossed one finger over the other on her free hand to represent a bond.
She unlocked the door to her bakery and pulled him in, closing the door again behind him. Before Spencer could even register what was happening, she had grabbed a hold on his tie to gently guide his face back to hers and enveloping his lips with her own. Spencer responded immediately by wrapping both arms around her waist securely. The kiss was significantly more passionate than the first, but just as sweet. She pulled apart first and bit her lip sheepishly.
“Sorry, I couldn’t help it.” She admitted and Spencer stood in a daze. 
She giggled and moved away to turn the lights on, but only some. The soft light illuminated the empty bakery and he realized then just how beautiful the place really was. Or maybe he thought everything would look ten times more beautiful after a kiss like the one he’d just received. The thought had extended to her, of course. Spencer didn’t think it was possible that she could look any more beautiful. But there she was, in all her glory, proving him wrong as each second passes.
“Come with me, I have something to show you.” She hooked her pointer finger around his and dragged him to the kitchen. He was in awe as he took in the sight of all of the kitchen appliances. It wasn’t a large kitchen, but it was oddly spacious and organized. 
She smiled wide at his reaction, “This is quite literally where the magic happens. Ooo! Come look, I made these right before I left, Marissa must have taken them out of the oven before she locked up. They’re for tomorrow.” She pulled him to a tall bakery rack and he spotted his favorite treat, pain au chocolat. She took one off the tray and gave it to him. It was still warm on the bottom. He couldn’t hold his excited grin back as he took a hefty bite out of it. She giggled as she watched him close his eyes dramatically.
“I’m truly at a loss for words, Y/N. They’re so good. How do you get them right every time?” He asked with fascination and she propped herself on the counter of the kitchen, taking one for herself.
“Well, it took time and effort to perfect the recipe, Dr. Reid.” She giggled, biting into it. “I can show you how to make them one day. Maybe our next date?” She looked at him hopefully and he nodded eagerly.
“Yes! You can finally show me how to make pain au chocolat.” He tried to imitate her accent, he really tried. She burst out laughing at his cuteness.
“Pain au cho-co-lat.” She emphasized, separating the syllables.
“That’s what I said! Pain au chocolat!” He laughed, although the pronunciation was still slightly off.
“Alright, close enough.” She giggled again as she pulled him closer, locking her legs at the ankle behind his waist. They’d have plenty of time to perfect his accent later.
“Embrasse-moi, mon cher.” [Kiss me, my dear] She whispered. 
Right then, he thanked himself for having the foresight to brush up on the language enough to do exactly what she asked. 
Half-eaten pains au chocolat were long forgotten.
Mon Lapin (part 1)
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thetriggeredhappy · 4 years
I love?? Sniper's mom?? Familial stuff just kills me in the best way. Could you do something with Spy and Scout from before Spy had left his family 👉👈 ?
im gonna just hope that you’re familiar enough with the Running Blind canon that you have any fuckin idea who the brothers are because they make a pretty steady amount of appearance in this. i call spy by my head canon for his first name (Marcel) since he wouldn’t be called spy until he joined the team, and uhhh one or two other details in this are slightly off-base for the RB canon but like don’t worry about it i don't think it’ll come up
(no warnings)
“Ma chou-fleur,” he greeted, sweeping her in with one arm and planting a kiss on her cheek.
“Marcel!” Ma chided, smacking him on the arm with a dish towel, practically jumping out of her skin. “You scared me! When did you get home?!”
“A few minutes ago,” he replied, smirking, sidestepping to give her access to the dishes she was cleaning off. “I see I missed breakfast.”
“Pot’s on the stove,” she said, ticking her head in the direction of said pot, which at a glance seemed to be full of oatmeal. “Oh, could you—?”
He was already on it, moving to lift the baby from the high chair to carry him against his hip. “Mon lapin, look at you, you’re old enough now that you don’t make such a mess,” he joked, picking up a napkin from the table and wiping off the corner of his mouth before moving to set him down by the couch where he had apparently been playing with blocks at some point. He immediately set to trying to climb the couch as best as his little legs could handle.
“Oh, did I tell you?” Ma asked over the sound of running water and an argument happening elsewhere in the apartment. “Jeremy’s walking now!”
“Already?” he asked, looking down at him with surprise. “He was trying last I saw, not making it very far.”
“Tony’s been helping him,” she laughed, washing off and setting aside the last dish and starting to work on the glasses.
“Ma, where’s my backpack?” called Jack, pulling on his jacket by the door and casting around.
“Ask your dad,” she called back, gesturing with her dish towel for emphasis.
“Not my dad,” Jack mumbled, brushing past him to kick around the couch.
“I know,” Marcel said, a little defensive. He glanced around. “Under the table.”
Jack didn’t say thanks, just picking up the backpack and moving out the door.
“Don’t forget your brother!” Ma called before he could shut it.
“Hurry up!” Jack called into the apartment, and Henry darted through the door after him a second later, one shoe only half-on, his hair a mess. Henry hardly had time to call a goodbye to them before the door shut heavily behind them.
Marcel sighed, and Ma gave him a sympathetic glance. The moment was cut short a little bit as another of the boys came into the living room and spotted him.
“Dad, when did you get home—?” Archie started asking, eyes lighting up.
“Je ne parles pas anglais,” Marcel said, raising an eyebrow at him.
Archie frowned, thought hard. “Uh. Quand... es, tu... rentré... à le mansion, papa?” he asked slowly.
“La maison,” he corrected lightly.
“La maison,” Archie repeated back.
“Bien!” he praised, smiling wide. “And only a few minutes ago.” He paused. “Are you going to come hug me or not? Make up your mind.”
Archie darted over to hug him tightly around the middle, and he returned it as best he could with the height difference.
“Why are you home early?” Ma asked, towelling off her hands, the last of the dishes rinsed.
“Business went very smoothly, I was able to book a flight for early this morning rather than late tonight,” he replied, and the glance between the two of them was enough to fill in the rest of the blanks. “The boys are all doing good?”
“Twins caught a cold,” Ma replied, wincing a little.
“Oh no!” he exclaimed, expression falling.
“Means I cancelled the babysitter and called for a day off,” she continued.
“Oh no?” he said next, raising an eyebrow at her and smiling a little.
“Don’t be gross,” Archie mumbled from his midsection.
“There is absolutely nothing gross about my being in love with my wife and enjoying spending time with her and my family,” Marcel said lightly, patting him on the head.
Archie grumbled about that, and he laughed. Ma shook her head and the both of them.
“Ah, but I nearly forgot!” Marcel said, and glanced off. “Collin!”
A pause. “What?” Collin called back hesitantly from the boys’ collective room.
“Get out here,” he called next, rolling his eyes a little.
A very considerable pause before Collin peeked out the door and looked at him. “Yeah?” he asked, expression already guilty. Archie pointedly went to go pay attention to the baby, helping him stack some blocks.
“Mon poulet, you would not happen to know what happened to my cufflinks, would you?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
Collin didn’t maintain eye contact. “...No,” he tried.
“Oh. Well, perhaps you can go look for them wherever it was that you happened to “find” them last time they went missing,” he asked even more pointedly. “Maybe they ended up there again somehow.”
Collin nodded and disappeared again quickly.
“You know he keeps taking them because he misses you,” Ma said, voice hushed.
“Ma petite chou-chou, he keeps taking the one thing I only have one set of,” he replied. “If he stole ties like you do, it would be less of a problem.”
“I dunno what you’re talkin’ about,” she said flatly, and that got him to smile at least.
The sound of blocks falling. “Uh,” Archie said. “Oops.”
A pause of a second or two before Jeremy started crying.
Marcel was there in a moment, scooping him up to hold him. “Oh no!” he exclaimed, just as dramatic, tone full of just as much dismay as the crying baby, pressing comforting kisses to the side of his head. “Catastrophe! Calatime! Mon dieu, how could this happen?!”
Jeremy seemed distressed, holding his hand up close to his face protectively. There was a tiny knick where a block had fallen on the back of his tiny hand.
“Crushed by debris, horrible injury,” Marcel tutted, and pressed a few kisses to the injury in question. “Mon lapin, we have no choice but to amputate. Hopefully you will do well being left-handed.”
Jeremy seemed to be calming down quickly as he both realized that maybe he was actually okay and also that his dad agreed that the situation seemed kind of scary for a minute.
“Unless it seems alright? Perhaps you were really okay?” he asked pointedly, raising his eyebrows. “Maybe the world is not ending? The arm can be saved?”
Jeremy started to suck on his thumb, reached with his other hand to grab hold of his jacket.
“Ah, you’re just an actor,” Marcel teased, beeped his nose, shook his head when he giggled in response.
“Archie, sweetheart, could you help me out and dry the dishes while I check on your brothers?” Ma asked, two wet towels in hand as she moved towards the boys’ room.
“Okay,” Archie agreed, and Marcel continued to hold the baby for a few seconds before deciding to go say hello to the rest of the boys, putting him back down to play with his blocks.
The baby was not having any of it, making little noises of distress and not letting go of his jacket. “Mon lapin, yes, I love you too, but I do not want to take you in to see your brothers and get sick,” he chided. “You should stay out here.”
The baby made further distressed noises.
“How about I bring your brother to see you, he can teach you to walk some more, oui?” he tried. “Would you like to play with Tony?”
He seemed to be thinking very hard about that concept, but did not let go of his jacket.
“Okay,” he sighed, straightening up, still holding the baby. “Okay. We can both go. You’ve convinced me.”
“Losing an argument with a baby, I see,” Archie deadpanned from the sink.
“I want you to know that the amount of cheesy and romantic I can be with your mother is a sliding scale that only goes up,” Marcel drawled.
“Nevermind,” Archie said.
“That’s what I thought.”
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ghostnebula · 4 years
au lieu que Richie parle espagnol, et si Eddie savait le français
Ils! Vont! Baiser!
(NOW you’re speaking my language lmao)
Consider, though -- not just knowing/speaking French, but just. French Eddie. Eddie’s mom moved them from France (or, ideally for the sake of my sanity, Quebec) to Maine a few years after his dad died because they were struggling and they’d be closer to her sisters that way. 
And Eddie. Well, Eddie runs into Bill at school (they’re in the same class) and as we all know M. Bill Denbrough speaks French. Alors... ils deviennent amis. Immédiatement. :’) Eddie’s first friend in Derry. Bill, of course, introduces him to Richie and Stan, and Richie is instantly a goner. Like, kiddie-crush gone, but still gone, y’know. Within five minutes of being introduced to Eddie he’s already trying to copy his accent and telling him he’s adorable and asking him to name things in French (Bill is offended because Richie never gets this excited when he speaks French).
A few years and a summer of near-death experiences later, Richie doesn’t just have a kiddie-crush; he’s full-on, stupidly, hopelessly in love with this soft-cheeked little French/Canadien/Québécois boy who bites out “Tabarnak!” when he drops something on his toe and who has the cutest fucking accent and who cusses him out in Franglais or, more often, reprimands him hurriedly but gently (in Franglais) when he manages to get himself hurt. He thinks 1) that his accent is fucking amazing (objectively it is not but Richie’s too in love to know or care) and 2) that French is sexy (even Québécois French) and 3) that Eddie himself is amazing, sexy, cute, and everything in between. 
A years on from there, well.... :-) (ils vont baiser)
Does Richie ask Eddie to talk dirty to him en français? I mean? Duh? It’s Richie. Of course he does. They’re in college and they’ve been dating for a few months and sometimes when they’re fucking Eddie will start saying something in French and cut himself off or switch to English or slap a hand over his mouth to keep quiet. And frankly Richie is fucking sick of it. He wants his little lapin to speak his damn mind, and he wants him to sound hot as fuck when he does it, so when he’s fucking him so hard Eddie’s got tears in his eyes, and he’s digging his teeth into his throat and his shoulders to leave marks, and Eddie keeps giving false starts of “Tu me--” before choking back a sob and saying, half-unintelligible and much too quick, “Feels good Richie it feels good you make me--” Richie cuts him off.
“Don’t tell me in English, baby doll. I don’t want to hear it in English.”
“Tu me fais me sentir bien,” Eddie says, eyes rolling in his head when Richie’s hand curls into his hair to pull at it hard. Richie kisses his cheek and exercises the limited French skills he picked up from Eddie and Bill to say, “Merci, petit lapin. You’re so good to me.” And he keeps coaxing until Eddie’s unabashedly babbling in French while they fuck and it’s the best sex he’s ever had (because he is terribly in love with this boy and his pretty words that he can barely understand).
Anyways OUAIS Richie pense que le français est très sexy, mais principalement, il pense qu’Eddie est très très attrayant lmaooo
Oh also they fuck to this song
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Sweat It Out: Chapter One
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Seokjin X Reader
Word Count; 5,604
Potential Warnings: Blatantly poor use of French terminology, genuinely bad choice in nicknames, Seokjin making terrible dad jokes at the gym, scene stealing jungkook wearing muscle shirts & generally being an adorable muscle bun. 
Thank you to @ksmuttherapy​ & @shadowsremedy​ for beta reading for me!
Please Note! -- Reader in this story is plus sized! As such, certain descriptors will be used and if this detracts from the story for you then I hope you are able to find something else that rocks your frock! 
If pain had a soundtrack you were certain it would be the incessantly upbeat elevator music blaring through the speakers as you grunted and suffered your way through yet another sweat soaked set of heaving sumo squats. Your thighs were spread wide for all the wrong reasons as the lycra blend of your leggings were being stretched to their absolute limit. The grimace pulling at your lips was inherently reminiscent of the principal from Matilda and you were absolutely sure that in this very moment she was prettier than you.
“Dig deep! 10 more!” The trainer was already getting on your nerves with his ridiculous abs and insanely thick biceps. He was getting paid to stand off in the corner of the room while you wheezed and wailed like a dying animal. There wasn’t a single drop of sweat on his perfect skin while you groaned, dropping your weight low only to huff with the effort of lifting your substantial bulk upward once more. “Don’t let yourself down! You’re almost done!”
“How is this legal?” The screech escaped you before you could even think to stop yourself. Of course the only response your trainer gave was a low chuckle as he crossed his arms over that absurdly large chest of his. 
“It’s legal because you pay him.” One of your fellow suffering souls offered as he too continued your joint endeavor in self inflicted torture. “Look at him, he feeds off this.” 
“If you have time to complain you have time to do single leg lunges!” If you weren’t so preoccupied with the burning pain consuming your hamstrings and the complete lack of stamina you’ve built up over your years of working a desk job and eating cinnamon rolls you would fire off your best shots at the trainer. Instead, you settled for fantasizing about using your thighs to crush his big gym rat skull. 
“Don’t listen to him.” Your agonized counterpart called out. “It’ll only make this worse in the long run.” In between each lunge you chanced a glance away from the trainer and over to your new partner in complaint. His cheeks were full, but his lips were even more generous as he pursed and let out huge puffs of agonized breath. He didn’t seem to be out of shape at all, which made you hesitate in appreciating his finer attributes. The muscles filling out his sweat-soaked t-shirt were clearly defined, but what really took your breath away (besides all these squats and lunges) was the fact that his shoulders would obviously enter any room before the rest of him did. Was he even real? Or were you just swept up in an endorphin and exercise fueled haze of fantasy?
“3...2...1!” The trainer’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts only to force you to realize that this entire time you’d been staring at the broad shouldered giant flexing his thighs almost directly in front of you. If your face wasn’t already beet red from exercise the mortification and sheer embarrassment would do it for you. “That’s time!” 
You ran your own business, you were strong and independent. You sank down to the floor, sprawled out, and shut your eyes as you pretended to catch your breath in an attempt to avoid making any potential eye contact with the currently sweaty, also currently gorgeous and far too athletic man for your own good. You were a smart woman who knew how to pick and choose her own battles. 
“I regret everything.” The wheezing prattle sounded just beside you, surprising enough to be the perfect catalyst in opening your eyes. “I blame myself. I can’t stop eating, food is an addiction and there is no cure.” Shoulders was flopped on the floor right next to you in all your sticky, sweaty, stinky glory. He didn’t seem phased by your appearance in the least. 
“You should regret everything, hyung. How did you eat seven lobsters anyway?” The trainer, at some point, moved to join the two of you on the floor. “I thought you were going to make yourself sick.” 
“You know each other?” You were sitting up now, curiosity flaring as you shifted around and began to stretch. Truth be told, you hated every aspect of stretching, but if you didn’t the muscle ache would be that much worse tomorrow. 
“We’re related.” Your trainer smiled, big bunny teeth on display as he watched you push yourself forward and reach toward your toes. “That’s a great stretch, you can also lay flat, then draw one leg up toward your chest and rock. It’s really good for your back and spine.” 
“Cousins, and how do you even have the energy to move right now?” The breathtaking man was still pressed to the floor, cheeks puffed out as his chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm. “Jungkook if I weren’t already dead I would kill you for this.” 
“You’ll thank me when you’re old and don’t have type 2 diabetes.” Jungkook grinned, “Y/N, the lump on the floor is my cousin, Jin. I’m currently trying to save him from himself.” 
“This face will still be handsome even if it has diabetes.” Jin retorted, then dragged himself up from the floor just enough to face you with a smile. “I’m worldwide handsome, but I do answer to Seokjin.” He lifted his hand, only to blow you a kiss and wink. What were you supposed to say to that? 
“I see.” Was he used to people staring at him? He didn’t seem surprised or offended when you openly admired his body. He couldn’t be a model if he routinely ate as much as Jungkook implied. The only thought that sprang up from this conclusion was a lurid amount of jealousy over his apparent metabolism. “I’m Y/N. It’s nice to meet you.” 
“Hyung! She didn’t even blush!” Jungkook wasn’t rolling on the floor with laughter but he was obviously amused by your lack of reaction to Jin’s flirting. He had one hand clasped on his cousin’s shoulder as he leaned exceptionally close to the man’s sweaty face. 
“I only have two options now.” Jin responded with an air of solemnity. His eyes were hooded, expression far too serious for a gym floor as he shifted his weight closer to your form. “I’m going to give you my greatest joke, and if that doesn’t work I’m going to beg you to let me take you out on a date.” 
“Excuse me?” You felt stunned, not only because the subject matter seemed so scattered but had this man actually just casually asked you out after seeing you at your worst? It was 7 pm on a Wednesday night just after you spent the past forty-five minutes heaving your weight back and forth in an attempt to convince your metabolism to decide it was finally okay for you to go from a generous 2X to a reasonable medium or large size pant.
“What do runners eat before a sprint?” You blinked once, twice, and then realized he actually expected you to give him an answer. When your glance shifted toward Jungkook the overgrown muscle simply shrugged his shoulders and grinned. 
“If I say that I don’t know, can we move on?” You pressed gently, not wanting to be rude, but also feeling a little out of your depth. You were well aware that your body type was not considered conventionally attractive. It felt suspicious to have the seemingly undivided attention of someone who could snag any woman or man he wanted with his looks alone. No one flirted with you unless they had a fat fetish, and you always steered clear of those types. 
“Nothing, they fast!” The joke was terrible, but the laughter that followed was even worse. You could only describe the sound escaping Jin’s throat as something eerily similar to windshield wipers scraping along the glass. It took a full minute of you staring at him with wide eyes for the laughter to subside. 
“She didn’t laugh hyung.” Jungkook was still grinning wide, leaving the rest of Jin’s previous declaration unspoken. 
“Do I need to beg, Y/N?” Instantly all signs of humor were gone; replaced by soulful eyes fixed directly upon your face. Jin shifted and knelt in front of you, his palms pressed together as he appeared to be carefully hopeful. “I will.” 
“For what?” You hedged, feeling confused at best, and uncomfortable at worst. You had signed up for this exercise class in order to try and lose weight, to build up your confidence. Nowhere in the gym agreement was there a clause including fit men who seemed out of your league flirting with you and asking you out on dates you weren’t ready for. Was he serious? 
“Please, Y/N, will you let me take you out for a nice dinner and delightful conversation?” 
“Where and when?” As entertaining as it felt to watch a man kneel and beg for your time and attention there was no helping the wariness you felt. Prior experience was a masterful teacher and you weren’t interested in being the butt of anyone’s joke.
“I wouldn’t dream of making your decisions for you.” Jin readily replied, his cheeks full and round as he smiled widely. “I’ll let you choose, anything you want.” 
“Anything?” You sounded skeptical, and didn’t bother trying to hide it as you crossed your arms beneath your breasts and stared at the man before you. He nodded, almost eagerly. 
“Any restaurant you want, I promise I’ll find something I like to eat. Food is a passion of mine.” You heard Jungkook snort beside you, but chose to ignore him in favor of coming up with the most expensive restaurant you could think of. 
“Fine. Take me to Le lapin blanc.” You didn’t feel nearly as calm and collected as you sounded, but he didn’t need to know that. All he needed to know was that he had to shell out serious money to prove his interest. 
“Perfect, does tomorrow work for you?” Shock registered, and then disbelief. Le lapin blanc was the most expensive and exclusive restaurant in town. There was no getting into the building without a reservation, and you couldn’t just get one overnight. 
“If you can get us in, sure.” You agreed, immediately convinced this was all a joke and you would be canceling your gym membership by the end of the week. 
“Perfect, would you like me to pick you up at seven?” He had to play the part until the end, you supposed. With a quick nod, you assumed the conversation would be over and moved to push yourself up from the floor. “Y/N, do you happen to have your phone with you?” That question caught you off guard. 
“Yes, why?” 
“I’d like to give you my phone number so that I can contact you.” Jin responded affably. “How else will I find out where to pick you up?” Ah. Right. With a little bit of reluctance you fished your cell phone from your pocket and handed the device to him. He smiled once more, patiently waiting for you to unlock it before pulling up your contact list and adding himself to it. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow then.” You took your phone back once he was done, then gave him a grin of your own. “I don’t split the bill, you’re paying.” Jungkook’s snort was no more elegant than the first upon hearing this and the chortle that followed actually came from Jin. 
“I wouldn’t have it any other way, beautiful.” 
You finished work at four the next day, which left you with entirely too much time on your hands when it came to getting ready for this date. What should you wear to an expensive restaurant that had napkins that could cost more than your net worth? You decided to go with one of your favorite thrift store finds that fit tightly beneath your breasts and flared out further down your stomach. A girl’s best friend was always a nice empire waistline...Unless it made her look pregnant. 
The cap sleeves looked almost demure, which you appreciated since it was the middle of summer and you were not about to suffocate stuffed into a dress with full length sleeves or a high neckline. Makeup wasn’t minimal, but you also didn’t waste any time lining your eyes when all that would do for you was make you look like an actual trash panda once ten pm rolled around. Instead, you focused on your hair and took the time to style it and smooth out any stray ends or hairs. 
The chime of your text tone echoed from your living room, drawing you away from fiddling any further with the upswept style of your hair.
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Did he really send you a picture of himself with a cut out heart? What sort of man was this? When Jin asked you out the night before all you felt was suspicion. Now you were convinced he was simply missing at least sixteen of the screws required for his mental clarity to function. You neglected to respond to his text, and elected to grab your purse before locking the door to your apartment behind you. 
Were you waiting for him outside? Yes. If you were fair to yourself, which you always strove to be; being early was on time and being on time was considering yourself late. You weren’t looking forward to this dinner, sitting across a table of refined food from a man who was so good looking you felt just a little bit stupid. No, you were just being punctual. Right?
Then again, Jin might not show up at all, even if he did send you that ridiculous text message assuring you that he was already on his way. Assuming that he wouldn’t, you could give it another ten minutes before you went back inside, changed into your favorite pajamas, and settled in for a nice long night of playing Stardew Valley. 
Unfortunately all your bucolic hopes and  8-bit dreams were dashed as soon as you saw the cherry red convertible pulling up to your lot. Of course, by this point in your evening you shouldn’t have been surprised that the exceedingly symmetrical Disney prince look-alike also had an expensive car. If he wasn’t even phased by the idea of shelling out for ‘the aesthetic’ it made sense that he would also like to drive fast and live rich. 
“Y/N!” The vehicle rolled to a stop, idling as its driver made a quick leap from the front seat just to sweep you up in long arms. You felt the ground disappear from beneath your feet and questioned reality as you gripped broad shoulders so tightly your knuckles turned white. The world spun around you slowly, not fast enough to make you dizzy but noticeable to the point that you didn’t know how you felt about being picked up in the first place. 
“Jin, it’s nice to see you again.” You smiled, surprised to realize just how happy you were he did take the time to show up. If nothing else he hadn’t stood you up, and he was so very fun to look at that all you wanted to do was indulge yourself for one night. Especially if that singular night meant ritzy food that you couldn’t actually pronounce on your own. 
“You mean it’s wonderful, stunning, amazing, and spectacular to see me again? That’s how I feel about seeing you.” His hands were still settled against your waist, but they were oh so gentle as he set your feet back on the ground. “I was thinking about you all day.” 
“That sounds exhausting.” You teased, drawn in by the easy humor he still displayed even after your repeated attempts at dissuading him from showing any interest. 
“Not at all, I find every thought of you to be invigorating.” Jin replied sweetly, his soft lips pressed flush to your rounded cheek before he led you straight toward the convertible. “It isn’t every day that I get a chance to see a woman’s thighs in action without being called a pervert.” The joke should have fallen flat, but it didn’t. You were caught off guard as you settled back into the seat and reached for the seatbelt. 
“You must have a great poker face if you’re a pervert.” That earned you nothing more than a good natured snort as he pulled away from your apartment complex. The drive itself was short, barely taking more than ten minutes. Altogether, he tried to hold your hand no less than six times. Once the convertible finally pulled into the parking garage you managed to successfully evade his grasping fingers for no reason other than the exasperated and melodramatic wails that filtered past his full lips. 
“You’re a heartless woman, Y/N! How can you say no to this face?” The door was already shut behind Jin, and before you could even begin to unbuckle your seatbelt the door to the passenger side was open while your suitor took the time to free you from his vehicle. You found yourself a mere breath away from his face and suddenly realized why every single romance novel was exactly as cheesy as it was. 
“Impress me enough and I won’t say no.” You whispered, eyes wide and fixed upon the chocolate and nutmeg brown irises that threatened to overwhelm you. Temptation washed over you, begging you to let your eyes drift downward toward the plump lips curving upward into a knowing smile. Instead, you pulled away and began that short walk toward the seating area. 
“Is that a challenge, butterbean?” 
“What sort of nickname is that?” You asked, absolutely appalled by the concept of being a butter bean, much less any one specific person’s butter bean. 
“My pet name. For you, so long as you’ll let me have it.” Jin purred, his large palm pressing gently and warmly against your lower back as he maneuvered you through the slowly gathering crowd of the early evening diners. If he noticed the shiver his touch sent down your spine he chose not to mention it. 
You chose to say nothing as the waitress led you toward a table at the far end of the highest floor. The further you followed the more you questioned just how Jin was able to get this type of reservation on such short notice. The entire restaurant was usually booked out months in advance, and the most exclusive of tables were on the top two floors. By the time you realized you were going -above- the top floor and out onto the roof you felt speechless. 
“Right this way, if you please.” The waitress spoke with a heavy accent, one arm out swept toward an enclosed pavilion that reminded you more of a greenhouse than anything else. Fairy lights were strung across the ceiling in a rambling sort of pattern that draped gracefully around the countless flowers filling the room. There was a walkway, but it was surrounded by flowing water with only one bridge that could lead you over the threshold. 
“Jin. How?” You were too busy admiring the lush atmosphere, the live quartet playing soft music in the far corner, the sound of the fountain as it burbled and pushed the water through the avenues threaded through the walkway and flowers. The lights, the scents, everything was just this side of too much decadence and opulence. It was perfect. 
“Would you believe me if I said I have a few connections?” Jin asked with raised eyebrows. Eventually a table was revealed toward the center of what appeared to be a man made island in a glittering lagoon. 
“Well, tell me how to make these connections because this is the manner in which I wish to become accustomed.” You joked, eyes focused on the riot of Peruvian Lilies heaped upon one plate. It came as no surprise when Jin led you directly to the side of the table with the flowers, then proceeded to assist you in sitting down. 
“It was all sheer dumb luck, my sweet and precious butter bean.” Your eyelid twitched at the terrible name, but you refused to let it ruin what was otherwise a magnificent night. This restaurant was gorgeous, and you felt like a princess transported into a new and far away realm. The only thing that could make this better would be unlimited dessert. Did Jin have enough money to get you unlimited dessert?
“Would you like to start with a Château Margaux this evening?” The waitress was, apparently, not a waitress for she had all but disappeared and in her place was a seemingly young, also seemingly condescending man who held a bottle of wine over his arm as if it were the most dazzling thing to ever display. 
“I suppose that would be fine, Marcus. What else would you suggest?” Jin didn’t sound haughty, necessarily, but he did appear to be a little less concerned with the menu and more interested in staring into your eyes. A point that you promptly avoided by burying your own face in the menu full of letters and words you didn’t quite understand. 
“I wouldn’t dare dream of making recommendations to you, Sir.” The bottle of Margaux bobbled, ever so slightly. Jin let out a small, almost imperceptible sigh. 
“We’ll have the Pauillac, Château Mouton Rothschild.” Jin replied, his gaze still fixed upon your face as the original bottle vanished, only to be replaced nearly as quickly by the desired red. 
“Is the 2005 alright, Sir?” This was met with a nod while Jin’s long fingers slowly but surely wrapped around your own. His smile was for you, though he didn’t completely ignore the man. 
“Yes, that will be fine. Pre-fix menu, tonight?” A subtle negative shake of the head, and then a notepad was produced. “Butterbean, my darling, what would you like to have for dinner?” 
“If you insist on calling me butterbean it might just be your balls.” You simpered sweetly, smile entirely saccharine as you squeezed his hand as hard as you could. The resulting wince was delicate, though the wink he sent your way was playful. 
“It’s an absolute relief to know you aren’t a vegetarian.” His fingers flexed slightly once you released them before he picked up the menu once more. 
“Well, I could always eschew meat to spite you.” This suggestion was met with the exact amount of warmth and eagerness you expected. None. The menus were flung to one side of the table as you found your hands clasped in Jin’s fingers once again. 
“Butterbean, darling! My wonderful, beautiful, incandescent paragon of virtue!” Your eyes widened slowly but surely with every additional adjective piled onto his sentence. “Don’t break my heart! You’re too great a woman to do such a thing!” By the end of his plea your fingers were intertwined with his and his grasp was so firm that there was no escape. 
“We’ll have my usual.” Jin didn’t bother tearing his eyes away from your face, which was almost intimidating even as the waiter cleared the menus from the table. Your erstwhile suitor took this chance to drag his chair closer to yours. Now, instead of sitting across from this broad shouldered adonis, there was barely any space between the two of you. “This is much better, don’t you agree my bean?” 
“I will pay you real, actually money to stop calling me that.”  You let out between grit teeth. Contrary to your own expectations this man was getting under your skin in the best possible way. He was charming, goofy in a gregarious sort of way that put you at an amused disadvantage. 
“You couldn’t pay me enough. Ever.” He hadn’t let go of your hands yet, and merely leaned closer so he could press his face close to yours before performing an exaggerated imitation of a wink. You could feel the echo in your chest as your heart fluttered. Soft was beginning to become an understatement when it came to how you felt about this man. Was that even possible?
“You would force me to resort to blackmail?” Your lips turned downward, plumped into a pout as you failed to extract yourself from his warm grasp. 
“I wouldn’t dare to force you into anything.” Seokjin began proudly, his voice carrying as he straightened in his seat. “I am not above letting you ask me to force you though.” Your fingers flexed then, breath catching in your throat at the implication. 
“You couldn’t ask me what my favorite color is first?” You did your best to cover your response, though it was hard to tell if Jin was observant enough to catch your behavior. 
“I could ask you while you’re breathless and panting beneath me.” The offer came at the exact same time as your appetizers, which caused a distinct flush to warm your cheeks as the waiter set down two plates and multiple dishes. Wine was poured while your eyes drifted firmly to the table in front of you. None of this stopped you from feeling how direct and heated your date’s gaze was as he kept one hand cradled around yours. 
“That was blunt.” In all your years of living there wasn’t a single memory of any man wining, dining, and propositioning you so openly and with so much confidence. Then again, there wasn’t any point in which someone as handsome as Seokjin showed any interest in you either. History and experience was enough to tell you this wasn’t adding up. 
“You’ve seen me at my worst, bean. I can hardly look any worse so I feel my odds are pretty high for success.” Your hand suddenly felt cold as he plucked his knife up from the table and began buttering some bread. “I know exactly what I want from you. The question is, do you want anything from me?” 
You took your time considering this query. The table was filled with various food, most of which looked as if it wouldn’t fit into your calorie count for the day so you reached for the wine glass in front of your plate instead. 
“I hardly know you, I doubt I really know what you have to offer in the first-” You paused, eyes widened as you watched your date place little bits of each appetizer on your plate before he ever put a single piece of food on his. 
“Yes, my darling butter bean?” Jin’s eyes were wide, nearly sparkling as he smiled at you with all the charm and charisma of a seasoned politician. If he noticed your confusion he didn’t mention it. 
“Why did you put food on my plate?” Mortification set in quickly, your hands clasped in your lap beneath the table as you internally questioned every life choice you ever made. Was it just Jin that caused you to ask stupid questions? Or was it the atmosphere? 
“It gives me pleasure to do so.” His response was entirely effortless, his attention focused on piling his plate just as high as yours before commencing with a truly astounding performance. His mouth didn’t seem all that big, but somehow he managed to take bites of food that were so large you worried he was intentionally choking himself. The noises that escaped him were an uneven mixture of pornographic and cute. Perhaps you didn’t need to feel embarrassed after all. 
“Okay then.” You began to let yourself relax, hoping that tonight’s meal wouldn’t set your goals back too far. Besides, cheat meals were acceptable every now and then, weren’t they?
“I know it’s cliche but I had a wonderful evening.” Jin’s car was parked in the lot next to your apartment building, his shoulder pressed into the driver’s seat as he leaned further toward your space. “I’m hoping desperately that you’ll allow me to bask in your presence again.” His voice was quiet, gentle and burnished velvet as he nearly whispered. 
“This might be a personal question.” You began your response, gaze directed toward your hands as your fingers grasped the seatbelt holding you in place. 
“Anything, butter bean, I’ll tell you anything and everything.” His answer was immediate, decisive, and firm. 
“Do you have to unhinge your jaw when you fit half a steak in your mouth all at once?” You asked your question, whispering this time so as not to break the hushed atmosphere yourself. He was being entirely too romantic for anyone’s good. 
“How is that even personal?” Jin exclaimed, shattering what was once a peaceful and nearly intimate moment. The expression on his face was comical, mouth dropped open and eyes widened in shock as he sputtered. “This is worse than telling me you’re a vegetarian!” 
“Oh hardly!” You soothed, grinning as you released the latch on your seatbelt before gathering your purse. “It’s a genuine question as to the mechanics of your jaw. This question is purely for scientific purposes.” You barely touched the door handle before Jin was out of the vehicle and making his way to your side of the car. 
“Science, you say?” That soft tone was back, though it clearly carried an undertone of heat to it. “You know the best way to find out is through experience.” He held the door open, his free hand waiting for you to take with his palm held up. 
“I’m not even wearing pants, how are you trying to get into them?” With your hand clasped in his, the two of you ambled slowly toward the entrance to your apartment building. You were surprised at how comfortable you felt in Jin’s presence, even if he did insist on calling you butter bean. 
“Never underestimate the power of your beauty, Y/N.” Oh. This was unexpected. What were you supposed to say to that? Was this man even real? Obviously he was, but could you really believe what you were hearing and seeing?
Thankfully you were saved from responding by the front door of your apartment. The two of you lingered in front of the steps, the beginnings of an awkward silence beginning to build. One breath, two, and then you opened your mouth to speak. 
“I had a great time too.” You mumbled, uncertain now that you were in entirely uncharted territory. You had been on dates before, but never really interested in going on another with the same person. 
“Does that mean I can cook for you next time? Or should I resign myself to only being allowed to see you as we suffer the agonies of my cousin’s training programs?” Something akin to mortification settled in your chest at the idea of Seokjin seeing you sprawled out huffing and puffing with a shining, sweating face once more. You would have to switch your sessions if you wanted to maintain any sense of romance. 
“Ah, I think I might actually switch my gym schedule.” You hesitated, frowning at the thought before you continued. “When’s a good time for you? For dinner, I mean.” Somehow you felt an absolute sense of shyness take over you. Coupled with the butterflies filling your chest the only explanation was an oncoming heart attack, right?
“And deny me the satisfaction of suffering with you?” Jin’s hand immediately clapped to his chest, fingers spread as he took on a truly legendary pout. This man should have been an actor. He was making it nearly impossible to deny him at this rate. 
“Give me one good reason not to.” Your last ditch attempt at maintaining your distance was a good one, or so you thought while the two of you stood in the cool evening breeze. Your door was just a few steps away, your humble yet cozy apartment just beyond a few locks and stairs. 
“Will this be good enough?” Jin’s face hovered barely more than a breath away from yours, chocolate eyes centered on your face as his hands traced up over your arms toward your shoulders. You’d barely opened your mouth to ask him what he meant by the time his plush lips made contact with yours. 
At first, you didn’t know how to respond. The kiss itself was unexpected, then the soft sound building and releasing in his throat was even more surprising until you felt his fingers threading through the strands of your hair. After that you discovered this was not a one-sided activity. Your arms wound around his shoulders while your head slanted to one side so you could deepen the connection. It wasn’t until he pulled away that you realized both of you were out of breath. 
“So, my precious butter bean, did I give you what you wanted?”
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mythiica · 5 years
Fics Masterlist
✰ = Request
♧ = Requested through Ikemen Discord Writers
♡ = Reposted from my dA
✿ = Third person POV
☾ = First person POV
❤ = Personal favourite
🌼 = Edgar Appreciation Week 2019
★ = Ikemen Vampire Angst Color Collection
Most of my fics at in the second person (you/your) and (Y/n) as the subject. Lately, I’ve been testing out some different point of views, and they have been marked with a ✿ to make it easier to tell the difference. 
Ikemen Sengoku
Reader x Nobunaga Oda - Midnight Confession ♧ ❤
Reader x Nobunaga Oda - Morning in Vienna
Reader x Nobunaga Oda - The Ashes of Us ♧ ❤
Thunderstorm Headcanons {Nobunaga} ✰
Reader x Hideyoshi Toyotomi - Affection ✰
Reader x Hideyoshi Toyotomi - Wash Your Worries Away
Reader x Masamune Date - Caring For Your Sick Person
Reader x Ieyasu Tokugawa - How to Properly Brew Shincha Tea ✰
Reader x Ieyasu Tokugawa - Eccedentesiast
Reader x Mitsuhide Akechi - Rendezvous in the Rain ❤
Reader x Mitsuhide Akechi - Trust the Kitsune ✰
Reader x Mitsuhide Akechi - A Kitsune’s Confession ✰
Reader x Mitsunari Ishida - Oblivious
Reader x Shingen Takeda - By Your Side ♡ ❤
Reader x Shingen Takeda - Congratulations
Reader x Shingen Takeda - Heaven’s Confetti
Shingen Takeda {Ikemen Sengoku} Headcanons ♧
Reader x Kenshin Uesugi - Salty Onigiri
Reader x Kenshin Uesugi - Persuading You
Reader x Sasuke Sarutobi - Stolen Kiss
Reader x Sasuke Sarutobi - Settling Down ✰
Reader x Kennyo - Little Bird
Mai x Kennyo - Perhaps ✿
A Note from Kennyo - Accidental Kiss ☾ ❤
Modern AU! Slow Burn - {Ieyasu Tokugawa}, {Mitsuhide Akechi}, {Shingen Takeda} ✰
Reactions to a sick MC - {Masamune Date}, {Nobunaga Oda}, {Kenshin Usegui}, {Shingen Takeda} ✰
Mini Fics Early Morning Fluffs {Mitsuhide}, {Kenshin} ✰
Mini Scenarios - The Warlords Seeing Their Children for the First Time ❤
Mini Scenarios - The Warlords Reacting to Minor Injuries
Mini Scenarios - The Warlords + Being Fed
Nobunaga Oda {Ikemen Sengoku} Headcanons
Reader x Fem!Nobunaga Oda - Lady Nobunaga
Reader x Masamune Date - Hot Springs Fun
Reader x Ieyasu Tokugawa - “Stay here for the night. Don’t go back to your room.”  ✰
Reader x Kenshin Uesugi - Pickled Plums
Reader x Kenshin Uesugi -  Divine Punishment
Reader x Shingen Takeda - Reverse Roles ❤
NSFW Alphabet Headcanons {Shingen Takeda} ✰
Reader x Sasuke Sarutobi - Hold On ♧
Reader x Sasuke Sarutobi - “ll take it you were happy to see me then?” ✰
Reader x Sasuke Sarutobi - Rendezvous on the Roof ✰
Reader x Kennyo - Distractions ♧
NSFW Headcanons {Kennyo} ✰
Mitsuhide Akechi x Reader x Mitsunari Ishida - Celebrating Victory
Hideyoshi Toyotomi x Reader x Nobunaga Oda - Reward
IkeSen Scenarios - Dom!Fem {NSFW} (all warlords) ❤
IkeSen Scenarios - Warlords + Food {NSFW} (all warlords) ❤
Dom!Fem Headcanons - {Nobunaga Oda} {Mitsuhide Akechi} ✰
NSFW Alphabet Headcanons {Nobunaga}, {Ieyasu} ✰
Drunk MC + Suggestive Mini Fics - {Nobunaga} {Mitsuhide} ✰
Drunk MC + Suggestive Mini Fics - {Ieyasu} {Mitsuhide}, {Sasuke} ✰
Shingen Takeda x Nobunaga Oda - Taming the Devil King
Shingen Takeda x Nobunaga Oda - A Game of Go
Crack (usually edits)
Noburella Part 1/4 ❤
Noburella Part 2/4
Ikemen Revolution
Reader x Ray Blackwell - Serendipity
Reader x Sirius Oswald – Forget-Me-Nots ❤
Reader x Sirius Oswald - Gentle Smiles and Lullabies ♧
Reader x Seth Hyde - Macarons, Not to be Confused with Macaroons ♡
Reader x Luka Clemence - New Traditions
Reader x Lancelot Kingsley - You Mean the World to Me ❤
Reader x Jonah Clemence – Peek-A-Boo ♧
Reader x Jonah Clemence - Morning Cuddles ✰
Reader x Edgar Bright - Intimacy ✰
Reader x Edgar Bright - No 🌼
Reader x Kyle Ash - Rum What? ♡
Reader x Zero - Midnight Therapy
Reader x Harr Silver - Springtime Skinny Dipping
Reader x Harr Silver - Your Eyes, Like Silver
Reader x Oliver Knight - To Charm a Woman
Reader x Blanc Lapin - A Bunny’s Habit
Oliver Knight {Ikemen Revolution}  Headcanons ♧ (Written with kiarigirl-blog)
Reader x Lancelot x Sirius x Harr - A Competition for Your Hand ♧ ❤
Reader x Sirius Oswald - Temporary Bliss
Reader x Sirius Oswald - View
Reader x Fenrir Godspeed - A Picnic… Without Clothes?
Reader x Lancelot Kingsley - A Night to Remember ♧
Reader x Edgar Bright - Sensual
Reader x Loki Genetta - How to Properly Start Your Day
Ikemen Vampire
Reader x le Comte de Sainte Germain - Golden Days  ★ ❤
Reader x Wolfgang Mozart - Lavender Dreams ★ ❤
Reader x Leonardo da Vinci - An Amber Astrolabe ★ ❤
Reader x William Shakespeare - My World ♧
Reader x le Comte de Saint Germain - Letters to You ♧
Isaac Newton Edits ❤
just a regular sunday evening
jean meme
if ikevam had internet
Mr. Love Queen’s Choice
Reader x Gavin - Sunset Atop the Oak Tree ✰
Reader x Gavin - To Keep You Safe ✰
Reader x Gavin - The Proper Way to Distract Someone ✰
Reader x Gavin - Last Sunrise ✰
SFW Headcanons {Gavin} 
Reader x Kiro - You Promised ✰
Silly MC Headcanons {Victor} ✰
Reader x Victor - Confronting Chik ✰
Endometriosis Headcanons {Lucien} ✰
MLQC Headcanons - Hiking
Victor, Gavin Incorrect Quote
Victor edits ❤
Reader x Gavin - Officer’s Punishment ✰
Reader x Gavin - Date Gone… Right? ✰
Reader x Gavin - A Night Full of Surprises ✰
Reader x Gavin - Mistletoe Surprise
Reader x Victor - Shower Sin ✰
A-Z NSFW Alphabet {Victor} ✰
Reader x Lucien - Jealousy Looks Good on You ✰
Reader x Lucien - A Steamy Bubble Bath ♧
Reader x Kiro - Sweeter Than Sweet ✰
Baby Fever/Fluff {Main 4} ✰
Obey Me!
Reader x Beelzebub - Midnight Snack
The Arcana
Reader x Muriel - Twitterpated
Vibrators Mini Scenarios {Main 6}
Midnight Cinderella
Reader x Alyn Crawford - Nemesism ♧
NSFW Headcanons {Sid} ✰
NSFW Headcanons {Byron Wagner} ✰
Reader x Giles Christophe - A Lesson on the Human Body
Reader x Levi Ackerman - Blood Rusted Memories ♡
Reader x Saeran Choi - Dystychiphobia ♡
Reader x Tooru Oikawa - The Three Times He’s Cried for You ♡ ❤
Reader x Yut-Lung Lee - Intimacy ✰
Ash Lynx, Yut-Lung Lee {Banana Fish} Headcanons ✰
Reader x Jumin Han - Mine ♡
Reader x Vanderwood - Good to be Home ♧
Other - not fics
Salt {Chat between Lancelot and Oliver}
Rose {Chat between Jonah and Luka}
Bang Bang {Chat between Mitsuhide, Mai, Mitsunari, and Masamune)
Throne {Chat between Nobunaga and Mai}
Womanizer {Chat between Shingen and Mai}
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thekultofo · 2 years
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Some nice #hiphop & #triphop tunes! Hope you enjoy!
Original artwork: Ruth Hooper - The English Dance of Death Painting
If you want more The Kult of O content consider subscribing to the Patreon and support us while you do:
Theory 77 - Coven SIMM - Sparse Ashes STEM - Hatch_Harm sorcery orchestra - morgue storage Rumbus Merrylegs ft Tweek - Boredum Tack Syndrôm - Dans L'Ether end.user - keep telling Edouard Trolliet - The Grey Kezak & Aden Ôhm - Krofèle Speak Onion - The Sun is in Syringes Dr. Osvon - Model 01: Alani Sick Le Lapin - Spectral Grayskul - Quota Noirodyn - Unlock The DoorSoul Shinobi - Bone gnaw Aurita - Gaia Lo Sa SIMM - The Wind is Blowing Zonal - Black Hole Orbit Scorn - Running Rig
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lattetudes · 7 years
Tumblr media
requested by @atnuka idioms + expressions list. mostly idioms. an idiom, as defined by the dictionary of cambridge, is a group of words in a fixed order that have a particular meaning that is different from the meanings of each word on its own.
coucou! french idioms. it’s about all authenticity and truly investing yourself in the pathway towards fluency.  you are going to get confused when you hear expressions like fat morning or to drink like a hole. that’s inevitable, confusion is a part of learning. making mistakes is a part of learning. you may be able to translate these expressions literally, but knowing the figurative definitions and fundamental meanings beyond a fixed group of words is much more important. i’m going to say this once, and i’ll probably say it again: when trying to reach fluency in a language such as french, do NOT translate everything LITERALLY, especially if you’re doing more complicated work. just don’t do it. it will lead to problems down the line, i can promise you that. french and english for example, differ in nature, structural systems, phonetics, many (many) aspects of grammar, basic sentence construction, syntax, semantics, rhythm, etc. it’s essential to realize what some languages require linguistically / socially, and what some do not. 
i wanted to include so many more, so if you guys want a part two i’d totally be open to writing one.
resources of choice
if you’d like to search for more french idioms, google them in french “expressions idiomatiques en français”, not in english “popular french idioms”. you’re bound to get more accurate results that way as they’re more often than not written by actual french writers / authors / bloggers.
thank you for 7K followers! i’m planning to do something very special @8.5K. vote on upcoming masterposts
french movie and song playlist
french proverbs: a guide
french idioms and expressions, part two? 
idioms, a-z
au fur et à mésure - as one goes along
à l’eau de rose - sentimental, insipid, bland - usually refers to a book or movie.
à bout de souffle - breathless, out of breath; on its last legs
avoir l’air crevé - to look exhausted. 
avoir d’autres chats à fouetter - to have better things to do
ah la vache - holy cow, oh my god
avoir les yeux plus gros que le ventre - your eyes are bigger than your stomach
au pif -  a general estimate.
avoir le cafard - to lack morale, to be so bored that you’re depressed.
avoir la banane (pêche, patate) - to feel happy, to be in high spirits.
avoir une faim de loup - to be extremely hungry, to be starving
avoir une peur bleue de - to be scared to death of something, to be extremely terrified of something.
avoir la flemme - to be lazy.
aller au droit au but - to go straight to the point
bourrer le crâne - refers to an ill-informed individual
bouge ton cul! - move your ass, hurry up
boire comme un trou - to drink heavily.
brève de comptoir - a one liner
boire un coup - to have a drink
croire dur comme fer - to firmly, strongly believe
ça marche - that works, alright, okay.
ça craint - this/that sucks
ca lui prendre au bout de nez - he/she’s got it coming
ca va barder - shit is going to hit the fan
c’est la fin des haricots - it’s the end, there’s nothing left
casse-toi - get lost
c’est nickel - it’s all good, it’s spotless
c’est casse-couilles, c’est coton - it’s a pain in the ass
coûter les yeux de la tête - to cost an arm and a leg, to cost a fortune
con comme la lune - particularly stupid.
devenir chèvre - describes a state of extreme anger, rage
dire ses quatre vêrités - to tell it like it is.
en avoir marre (j’en ai marre) - to be fed up with something, someone
en avoir rien à foutre/faire -  to not give a shit, to not give damn
en avoir ras le bol - to be fed up with something, sick of something
être canon - to be hot, to fit someone’s standards of beauty
être crevé - to be extremely tired, exhausted
être en train de - be + ing
être paf, être ivre - to be drunk, to be stoned 
être chiant - to be annoying
être à l’ouest - to be spaced out
être mal en point - to be in a bad state
en prendre de la graine - to take a page from someone’s book
fais gaffe - watch out, be careful
faire une nuit blanche - to pull an all-nighter
faire flanelle - to abstain from doing something, to do nothing.
faire un tabac - to be a hit
faire une croix sur - to write something off, to kiss someone goodbye, to give up on
faire la sourde oreille - to turn a deaf ear, to pretend to ignore someone
faire le pont - to take a long weekend
faire la grasse matinée - to sleep in
friser le ridicule - to be a laughing stock
faire la tête - to sulk
jeter l’argent par les fenêtres - to splurge, to carelessly waste money
(jeter) un coup d’oeil - to take a look, to glance at something
larguer quelqu’un - to break up with someone
manger sur le pouce - to eat on the go
mettre du piment dans sa vie - to spice up one’s life.
mise en abyme - the story within, a story within a story
ne pas y aller de main morte - to not pull one’s punches
ne pas sorti de l’auberge - to be well and truly in it, to not be out of the woods
n’y voir que de feu - to be clueless
pleuvoir des cordes - to be raining cats and dogs
pleurer comme une madeleine - to cry your eyes out
prendre la téte - to drive crazy, to give yourself a headache
prendre son courage à deux mains - to summon the courage to do something
point barre! - period, that’s that
prendre quelqu’un la main dans le sac - to catch someone red-handed
prendre ses jambes à son cou - to run for one’s life
poser un lapin à quelqu’un - to stand somebody up
quelque chose qui cloche - to not add up, there’s something wrong
raconter des salades - to talk bullshit, to bullshit
ramener sa fraise - to join a conversation without being invited to do so, get your ass over here.
revenons à nos moutons - let’s get back on topic
s’envoyer en l’air - to get laid, to have sex.
sage comme une image - quiet as a mouse 
sur un coup de tête - on an impulse, on a whim
se casser la gueule - to hurt someone (/fall down), to smash someone’s face in [humor, loose translation]
sentir le sapin - to have one foot in the grave
se ronger les sangs - to be worried to death
se faire une belle jambe - to make oneself look good
s’en mettre plein les poches - to line your pockets.
ta gueule - shut up
tomber dans les pommes - to faint
tenir au courant - to keep up to date, to keep posted
tomber dans le panneau - to fall into a trap
tomber des nues - to be shocked, to be flabbergasted 
tout craché - spitting image
tourner au vinaigre - to get out of control, to get nasty
tu m’étonne - tell me something i don’t know. [ironic]
un coup de foudre - love at first sight
un suppôt de satan - hellbound, a minion of the devil
un froid de canard - to be icy cold
une bouchée de pain - for next to nothing
y mettre de sien - to put one’s all into something
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resistance765 · 3 years
“mystique spirale” - Sick le Lapin
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