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Art Credit to Kerry Callen
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saicha · 3 months
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"Mordecai, we've got to talk about your approach to girls, man. I've been watching for a while and it's like you're stuck in some fantasy world of what it means to be a dude in a relationship. Seriously bro, Margaret?? That was cringe-worthy, dude! You were trapped in this obsessive "win her over" mentality, treating her like a conquest rather than a person with feelings.
And CJ? You had a genuine thing going, but you let it slip away with this old-school idea of "playing it cool." It's like you're following this ancient pick-up artist playbook written by some guy in a fedora. Acting all distant, thinking she'll be into you? It was straight-up painful to watch.
You went all out to impress Margaret, like, a million times bro, and every time it blew up in your face. It's like the universe was looking down on you and saying, "Dude, just cut the crap and be real for once!" Your relationships shouldn't be some theatrical performance, they should be real connections!
But it's not just about the girls, Mordecai: it's affecting our friendship too. You're so caught up in this lone-wolf image that you're neglecting the relationship we built. We used to have a whole dynamic duo thing going, but now it feels like you're hyper-focused on being shitty to women by reading from this awful script instead of focusing on the people around you.
Remember slacking off and playing video games on the couch? Now it's like you're trying to fit into this predefined mold of what a "cool" guy should be. You're treating every interaction like an impossible puzzle. Like you need to prove your manhood instead of just being genuine.
And what's worse, it's not even you anymore. It's this diluted version, a character so scared of rejection, so watered down that he's lost touch with his authentic sense of self. You're like a caricature of fragile masculinity, and it's messing with the way you treat people. It's not cool, and it's definitely not the Mordecai I know."
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My besties and I discussing The Hollow: A collection
Whether it's headcanons or just goofy nonsense, we have it all!!!
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(ft. @erinisjustacatlover and @random-things-from-a-cat)
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manicpixiedckgirl · 10 months
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skrunklowumbo64 · 7 months
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soaring-minuet · 8 months
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I don’t make the rules. (I totally do. 😅) Also, feel free to follow me on 🔵☁️ if you’re on there.
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retrocgads · 9 months
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USA 1990
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audley-and-cherry · 9 months
Oh! It's @skinslip!
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vitale-k-80 · 1 year
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Someone made a Skeet Hate Page on Instagram (It's definitely a joke account. They seem cool).
I'm retaliating with the full force of our lord and savior, Skeesus.
Yes, folks, I might actually be drawing Skeesus again. Quake in your boots all you want heathens, his radicalness can't be stopped.
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Nerdtron is refusing to work in a fast food restaurant like a normal person. If Double D, worked in a restaurant. He would do a much better job.
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textual-deviant-blog · 7 months
Skeet snaps and brutally, horrifically, roasts Jimmy Neutron - A Fic
Jimmy began sweeping up the salt. "Just a little Sodium Chloride."
Skeet, who earned an A in Chemistry, bristled at this. "Actually, dude, it's table salt." Rather than let his anger show, he tried to gently push Jimmy towards the correct answer. After all, he knew that Jimmy was smart, surely the-
"Just what I said, Sodium Chloride!"
Jimmy-- currently flashing the most unbearable, shit-eating grin-- was not prepared for the tongue lashing that Skeet had built up to for his entire character arc. Every time he made a mistake or got something wrong, he committed himself to learning from his mistakes- to bettering himself so he might just get out of this dead end job and get something that would actually pay off his future college tuition. Be it his cowardly nature at McSpanky's resurrection (which would happen later on in the episode) or in less fantastical circumstances.
Jimmy did not.
The stubborn, gifted, born-into-wealth brat wasted all of his money on science projects that inevitably broke or were forgotten about. The only reason he was here was the deviant had wanted more. He had done amazing things with his genius, but the one thing that talent couldn't solve, was the hubris deep within their heart.
Hubris that Skeet struck upon with all the gusto of a man who had gone parched for weeks on end in the hopes of cleaner water.
A better angle? A more thoughtful counterpoint? A more polite way of describing the sheer consequences of his actions? Skeet was done waiting for a better time. Now was the time to put the selfish bastard in his place.
"This." He draws out deliberately, picking up the packet, "Is iodized table salt. Which, in addition to Sodium fucking Chloride, contains anti-caking agents and Potassium motherfucking Iodate, which is added to prevent something you see a BRIGHTLY COLORED WARNING LABEL for on every single goddamn table salt container that isn't from 1924, the year Iodized salt was first put on shelves, which, to emphasize, was the same fucking month they signed the Asian Exclusion Act into writing."
At this point, Jimmy was visibly shaking, his eyes wide in surprise, incomprehension, and more than a little fear.
And Skeet was still piling fuel onto the fire.
Water pooled on the floor as the moment passed and Skeet continued speaking with a clap of his hands. "Let's just recap. So, not only are you being a pretentious dickweed touting scientific terminology for everyday items just to make your coworker and senior think you've actually done a single fucking google search of research in your entire pitiful life instead of coasting on intuition and , you are factually, objectively wrong. And, not, just wrong, but the sheer ease at which you could've found out the correct answer suggests that you couldn't even bother with the thought that you could've, just maybe been incorrect, and instead jumped to a thought that was pitifully underdressed, pretending to be a fucking gold-inlaid fitted suit, when in reality it can barely be called a shitstain on the graveyard of unadulterated and irredeemable bullshit you have spewed out of your mouth without a single filter to speak of."
Shaking and sobbing, Jimmy pleadingly looked up at Skeet, who ignored his pleas and pressed his finger to their chest in a declarative motion. "I have watched you cause just as many life-threating crises for this town as you have solved, cause just as much suffering as you have deprived. How is a 5-9 high school employee with aspirations at becoming a sound engineer but not a fraction of the money needed for their dream school supposed to accomplish anything when the town they live in is constantly destroyed and rebuilt by a god with all the empathy and forward thinking of a PETULANT CHILD?"
Skeet's voice hitched, and he stopped to catch his breath. Turning away from Jimmy, face hot, he tempered himself. He knew hitting the boy would do no good. Not for either of them. "...exactly how many more years of this will it take for you to grow past that preschool ideology that you tout as though it's gospel, Jimmy? Eventually, the people in your life are just going to move on; from you, from this town, from the petty squabbling that youth engage in. And if you stay as you are now, you will be rooted to the fucking spot. All your friends, family, classmates... coworkers? Gone."
Jimmy broke his gaze, and saw his best friend, Carl Wheezer, simply staring on in solemn silence from behind the counter. Carl knew. He knew this whole time. And, not once could he get a word in. He... hadn't let him. Hadn't stopped for a moment between his erratic projects and ideas. Hadn't slowed down to actually think things through. Not once.
"Jimmy. I am going to do you a singular, final favor, as your superior, as your senior, and as a fellow classmate. I'll be taking over your shift for today. All I ask, is that... from one dude to another? Think about what I said." With all of the words he wished to let out having already been spoken, skeeter stepped away briskly to let Jimmy gather his wits after that verbal beating.
Jimmy would have preferred a beating to... this.
This sickening feeling welling up in his stomach.
This terrible, horrible perspective that believed he had been doing everything wrong this whole time.
For the first time in his entire, thinking, life, Jimmy couldn't help but feel like he didn't have all the answers.
So, for the first time in his entire life, Jimmy finally let himself feel stupid.
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Posted this on TikTok after starting it tonight. Though the fandom on Tumblr would wanna see it, too.
TW: Flashing lights, shaking, death, grief
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daisy-bub · 10 months
we live in a joke world
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fscte · 1 year
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