#Spamton's goals are incredibly doomed on every level.
1997sspecilsalesman · 2 years
Even if Spamton got the [HeartShapedObj], he would at that point be the Player's puppet. He still would not have gotten what he wanted.
But here's the thing: The Player also doesn't have the power he's seeking. The Player, as an object within the game, also isn't free.
They're bound by what is coded in the game. We see this whenever we're railroaded via plot/story from one area to another. There are times where our ability to choose is taken away (often by Susie, sometimes by Kris). Also, just by game design. Even if we hack the game to break through barriers, the world often just ends there-- further content wasn't coded into the game, so our ability to explore more is cut short.
Despite being an eldritch time god in comparison to a Lightener or Darkener, the Player isn't all-powerful either.
Only Toby (and his game dev crew) is.
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