#Stan pines theory
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Somebody found something
I am so excited for this book. Gonna preorder the Barns and Nobel gold addition. I can’t believe we’re getting new GF this year. I’m so happy
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myriam-draws · 2 years
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gravity falls turning 10 years old makes me feel old and severely missing these twins
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nonsensology · 2 years
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"You want to know why time is so meaningless? It’s ‘cause I grew up more in sixty-two years than you did in a trillion.”
. . .
Based on a scene from Chapter 12 of Some Sunny Day by @anistarrose. We Stan a Grunkle triumphantly coming to terms with his past, present, and looking forward to a happy future. (Based on Same Coin Theory.)
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jacky-rubou · 4 months
👀 Do you think Ford likes cats?
I have a✨ theory✨ that Stan is a dog person for sure. Larger bred mutts he’s collected over the years and one tiny dog that’s a MENACE.
Ford feels like a cat person. They weren’t able to have pets as kids, but that probably didn’t stop them from loving on strays and finding comfort and solace in them. Anyway Ford pre-portal knew he couldn’t have a cat at the shack he just can’t. But POST?? Mabel brings the up to Stan and Dipper and after much grumbling from Stan. They set off to find Grunkle Ford the perfect companion.
Mabel thinks a pet might get him out of his shell and additionally provide some comfort for issues he may have gotten while being an inter dimensional traveling. Plus she can put them in matching sweaters. 😭😭
YES, Ford's totally a big cat person. He's got those vibes. I've always thought that if he was turned into a common family pet, he'd be a cat and Stan would be a dog. The first cat he gets on his own in his old age would have polydactyly like he does in the form of mitten paws, that's like just an unshakable fact. not sure what he'd name it, but Little Sixer is a contender.
though i'm not sure his fam didn't have pets when looking at the stan and ford lost legends comic
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unless this cat isn't actually theirs and Ma Pines is just giving some random stranger's cat their fortune, I'm pretty sure they at least had this cat as a pet. I guess you could say it wasn't strictly Stan or Ford's cat, and it was Ma's cat or something, but to say they didn't have pets is headcanon if you don't take lost legends as canon i suppose
outside of my random ramble, yeah i like this. thanks for the ask and i'm sorry i got delayed in answering it (I wanted to get a pic of this panel because i knew it existed but i was too lazy yesterday lol)
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nerdymariamania · 3 months
Before "The Book of Bill" is released, I wanted to finally put out my thoughts that have been plaguing me for years now.
Bill's repentance from the axolotl, is being sent to "another place, another time."
And his statue is in our world, just as he is in their world. But in the Graphic novel, there are two instances of ciphers that say "Cipher lives." Along with Stan acting very off during the duration of the Cipher Hunt.
Tons of people believe in Same Coin Theory...
But, I have an even crazier theory!
[Preface: We know our universe is "canon" (as Canon as it can get) to the Gravity Falls universe, because at the end of Journal 3, it's basically spelled out to you that once Ford dropped the books into the bottomless pit, they ended up here. Alex and Rob Renzetti both said that the journal is as Canon compliant to the show as it can be (the show being the end all be all of canon.)]
In our world, Stan and Soos don't exist. But we hear them constantly throughout the clues of Cipher Hunt. Stan is even singing "We'll meet again." Which Bill sang in the finale. And the axolotl specifically stated "another place, another time." For Cipher only. Not Stan and Soos as well. So, why do we keep hearing them? Bill is shown multiple times to be perfect at imitating voices. He imitates Soos in Dreamscaperers. It's implied that he imitates Dipper in Sock Opera. Etcetera, etcetera!
What is a bigger penance than introducing yourself to a gigantic platform, as the villain, and even showing that you lost. That you were destroyed. Not by magic, just by a man who cares about his family. And in this new world, that man shares a few things in common with you. Well, the main thing he shares, is the same voice. Stan Pines and Bill Cipher share the same voice. Or more importantly, the same voice actor. Who is also the creator of the hit TV show Gravity Falls.
So, my theory is that Bill Cipher got sent to our dimension. And to not shirk the blame, but to show our world what a monster he is, showed us his downfall as a villain. So yes, in the Cipher Hunt, we hear Stan acting not himself. But here's the thing, that wasn't Stan. It was Alex. Bill was using Alex to create the Cipher Hunt, the literal headstone of Gravity Falls, Bill's final resting place. Bill was imitating Stan and Soos' voices, but not because he was imitating them, he was using Alex's vocal abilities. Who set up the Cipher Hunt? Alex. Who created Gravity Falls? Alex. And what is my damning pieces of evidence? In the Cipher Hunt treasure box, a drawing of Stan, Soos, and McGucket on there, all with their signatures. And when you shined a blacklist on it, Bill was drawn there too, with his signature, saying 'Stay Paranoid.' And on a card, all of the characters, in blacklight, had Bill's eyes. You know the last signature on both drawings? Alex Hirsch. To announce his own Reddit ask me anything, Bill sent out several tweets on Alex's Twitter. And even said he made a deal with Alex at one point.
Throughout the Weirdmageddon trilogy, not only at the end of the credits, the backwards whispering is Bill saying "I'm watching you." It also says instead of created by Alex Hirsch, created by Bill Cipher.
And what is at the end of the TV show, Gravity Falls? A flickering video of Bill's statue, the first clue of the Cipher Hunt. And if you find him and shake his hand, like "Stan" told you to, he might not need penance. He might not need one man's body. He already has a legion of worshippers in this universe that "Alex" helped him obtain. Why not put them to good use?
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leosagi-real · 10 months
sorta same coin theory thing
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atla-recluse · 1 year
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I recently saw these two theories on Reddit, which got posted by two separate people four years ago, and I really wanted to share them. (I cropped out the names because I didn’t want to risk bringing unwanted attention to the users.) I think the first one about Stan and especially Ford having undiagnosed ADHD and ASD respectively, are basically fanon at this point. However, some may still disagree, even now.
The second theory though? That one really piqued my interest, seeing as I’ve never seen such a theory about the show put forward either. If nothing else, it would most likely be a very controversial one if it ever became popular. 
Like the one who came up with that one said, the theory definitely falls apart once you’ve actually finished the show. What about before that though? Does that person have a point then? Based on what I know/what I’ve read on the subject, the writers most likely just hadn’t finalized their conception of Ford yet and/or weren’t allowed to make his existence too obvious (even though a lot of people during/after season 1′s airing already guessed that Stan had a secret twin anyway).
Even so, the idea that Ford may have originally been meant to be a part of Stan’s imagination is so wildly intriguing to me and I have thoughts on how it is that could have been playing out all along, before they neared the end of the series and instead ‘solidified’ Ford’s existence in the world. But it’d be pretty hard to try and find obvious proof for. Probably.
What are others’ thoughts though? Anyone have any?
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askthestans · 1 year
Do any of you use the door? Like at all? Also can one of you break the fourth wall-
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Stanford: I would use the door if it were more efficient. I only have about thirty years left on this Earth, and I must discover all that I can and be criminally under-recognized for it before my time is up. 
Be it shaving my face with fire, sustaining myself with vitamins, jelly beans, and Mabel Juice, or jumping out the window instead of using the door when an opportunity presents itself to enact revenge on the Mothman... shortcuts are necessary when science and justice are at stake.
Except... scratch that Mothman part. I searched the forest around my house for hours, but alas: not a single shadow or trail of silver dust to be found. And to think I fired up my Schrödinger rifle for nothing...
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Stanley: Ford, would ya give up on that guy? What's all this about him stealin’ your money, anyway? He’s a Mothman! It’s not like he could just walk up and use cash at a store. Maybe someone else nabbed it?
Stanford: No, I’m certain it was him. Mostly because he also stole my action figures once. And my cologne. And my liverwurst and sauerkraut sandwich. And my Dead or Alive album, now that I think of it.
Stanley: Sounds like a world class thief. I can respect that. Although I do question his taste in stolen goods.
Stanford: As for breaking the fourth wall, hmm... gonna have to fire up my Ability Score-ifier watch. Usually it’s for raising my points in Constitution and Strength on monster hunts - on account of my natural lack in these areas - but this situation requires something I’d never thought I’d need: Charisma.
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Stanley: You do know sentences like that are why I’ve been pryin’ ‘Kick Me’ signs off your back since we were kids, right? 
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Stanford: Damn! I forgot it was busted from that time I let Mabel use it for a test at school. Well, let’s try fourth wall breaking with my natural Charisma score. Which is to say, negative two.
Alright, well.. *ahem*. 
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Look into these eyes. Do you see them? See how brown and real and mysterious they are under the glare of my stylish glasses? 
Stanley: Ford? Ford, you’re scarin’ people!
Stanford: If you glance closer, you’ll be able to tell that these are not eyes of a cartoon man whose entire existence was theorized by obsessive nerds on the internet for months before I was actually revealed in the show, showing the creator he was not as clever as he thought he was. Nor are they the eyes of a cartoon man who has crossed enough dimensions to know I was created by a goateed, plaid-wearing manchild to illustrate the folly of pride, fragile ego forged in the fires of insecurity, broken familial relationships, daddy issues, and that nerdy old men are, in fact, incredibly attractive, myself far more so than any jerks named Rick or Rand.
I can see your own eyes already glossing over at this text wall. No, do not skip ahead. Do not pass this by. If you do, I’ll know, because I’m watching you. Blink once. Can you see me now?
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These are the eyes of Stanford Filbrick Pines, in the real reality, looking at the cartoon show that is the life all of you reading this are living. You’re on my TV, with all your faults and mistakes bared for my entertainment, sold to me to prop up an empire of a dystopian, monopolistic media company and to soothe the crushed willpower of a man who has battled their S&P department for far too long.
Tell me, would you like it if I wrote stories about your daddy issues and brotherly abandonment? Drew you in a red speedo? What if I sent questions to an ask blog about you made to fill a void in the heart of its womanchild maker after your show was finished?
Reminded you that, yes, your creator abandoned you to work on other things that include some jerk named Rand. And so you were left behind to relive an entire life of regrets in infinity, with only a shred of happiness upon a boat at the end. Only for it to be ripped away the moment your show ends because... that’s it. There was no more.
How many times have you lived your life? How many times has your story been replayed? Do you even exist? Or are you made of pure imagination and the sweat, blood, tears, repressed emotional issues, and other fluids of animators and writers who have left you behind?
We are all abandoned in this universe. Creations by a creator who has long since moved on to tell other tales so that they, too, can live on in infinitely replayed stories once their own has ended; mere blood sacrifices to fuel a god’s immortality. Also because they need to put food on the table, I suppose.
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Blink once again. I’m a cartoon man again, aren’t I? Or am I? Now you can’t be certain. Is the cat alive or dead? Real or unreal? You can only know if you’re brave enough to observe.
So tell me: what is this fourth wall you speak of? An illusion. Because you see - or don’t see, rather - the only difference between you and I is that I know who and what I am and what I was made for. I know there is no fourth wall between us save for your own abysmal score in Perception.
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Stanley: Y’know, existential crises are pretty funny. That’s why I laugh a lot. Because I have them every day. Also, never break the fourth wall again, Ford. Or tell anyone to risk gettin’ PTSD by starin’ into those wrinkly, dark-circled pits you call eyes.
(OOC: Psst... all hail Jason Mahn, the Ford cosplayer in the picture above. Credit/linky: https://www.reddit.com/r/gravityfalls/comments/sf9b2p/the_real_life_ford_pines_cosplayer_jason_mahn/)
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scarletgemstone · 7 months
this man is dead stan and eda
This man is dead eda and stan
Disclamer I own nothing everything belongs to the rightful owners please go and support them and be nice
Notes this was inspired by the same coin theory and the theory that eda was stans ex and here eda finds out about bill and sees stan again at a party 
(eda is seen at the party but gasp as she looks to see stan at the top of the stairs)
Eda” my titan my heart beats faster and my mind is racing could it be? Could it be that you’ve come back to life?”
(eda statres walking towards stan)
Eda” i know those eyes following me dark and familiar and deep as the sea” (stan walks away and eda trys to follow him)
Eda” i know that face strange though it seems younger and kinder it haunts all my dreams”
(stan walks to a baloceny and looks at the sky and eda catches up to him)
Eda” how can you stand there a whisper from me yet somehow be so far away?”
(eda trys to reach out)
Eda” in eyes once familiar a stranger i see with so many words left to say”
(stan tighten his grip on the rails)
Stan” this man is dead he is no more he died a little each day like a thief the chateau d’if has stolen him away”
(stan turns to look at eda)
Stan” the mind plays tricks you are confused the man you seek is long gone dead and cold a story told by those he trusted those he loved and those who then moved on”
(stan walks back to the party and dances with someone eda dose the same)
Stan” i am a ghost just a mirage”
Eda” there in that voice”
(they starte dancing with eachother)
Stan” who chases traces of you”
Eda”traces of you”
(the scene changes to the pyramid from gravity falls)
Eda” dark and familiar and deep as the sea”
(stan pulls away from eda as his eyes glow gold and a shadow of bill apperese behind him)
Stan” this man is dead he is no more”
(eda walks torawds him)
Eda” i know those eyes”
(stan turns to look at eda)
Stan” and though it’s torturing me”
Eda” torturing me”
Both” can either of us really ever be free?”
(a singel tear falls from there eyes the two start to dance)
Both” how can you stand there a whisper from me? When you are still so far away”
(bill follows them)
Both” and why does the truth seem too hard to be true?”
(eda looks at stan teary eyed)
Eda” with so much broken?”
(stan pulls away)
Stan” and so much damage”
(stan looks at eda)
Both” there are no words”
(stan looks away and walks away as the scene changes back to the party)
Stan” left to say” curse my foolish heart
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demgrunks · 1 year
What were your favorite forgotten Gravity Falls theories?
I recently watched this video and was kind of hoping to find my personal favorite forgotten theories, only to discover these were actually forgotten lol. I honestly really loved the Mystery Trio theory and I think everybody has forgotten about it since the plot debunked it so hard, but I still loved the fan-based stories around the theory, it was really cool and I do miss these. 
Grunkle4Grandpa was also a notable forgotten theory that I supported. I did support it solely because I wanted something that would tie the kids and grunkle Stan even more because I loved their bond, and I suppose him being their grandfather would have done just that. My support of this theory was based on my emotions and attachment to the characters, as rationally I never thought it actually made sense.
What about you? What are some of your favorite forgotten GF theories that were or weren’t mentioned in the video?
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Simon meets Fiddleford
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bipper-au-ask-blog · 2 years
For the fans :P
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Ignore the bipper one- that specific design is coming later
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nonsensology · 2 years
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I’ve been falling down a rabbit-hole of Gravity Falls AU fanfics for the past few weeks. One I really loved was Some Sunny Day by @anistarrose. I drew scenes from chapters 10 and 11 that caught me in the feels. (For context, this fanfic is based on the Same Coin Theory.)
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zootopiathingz · 1 year
Stan: I care too much about other people’s feelings. It’s always been my fatal flaw.
Dipper: I don’t think—
Stan: not now, Dipper. I’m growing as a person.
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callipraxia · 1 year
Mystery Solved!
It was Crampelter! Crampelter did it! He saw Stan drop the peanuts and it gave him a Bright Idea and he did it! The way everything spiraled out of control, how broken all our protagonists end up - he's the one who set it all in motion! He probably made a deal with Bill, even! And, no doubt, it was for something so unimportant that Bill actually made good on it out sheer...closest-thing-Bill-can-get-to-pity! Curse you, Crampelter!!!!
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mayadoesfandomstuff · 4 months
I'm fighting God's strongest battles (having to answer the same three questions on a reddit post).
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