werepires · 6 months
trick or treat !! (㇏(•̀ᵥᵥ•́)ノ)
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You got Catstiel!
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elmobloop · 4 months
help i was abt to send u cassie (https://sta.sh/01sgd53pipva) for oc request bc i was like, feel like it fits ur vibes, before realizing this is ur art CIRCA2019 AAHHH…idk who to give now, maybe bird guy (https://sta.sh/01vc6zv313ho) ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ ·̫ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀
thats so funny AFJKSDGKL
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heres somewhat of a redraw of that drawing of cassie!
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frostywisp · 4 months
randomly browsing cpop tag, having a 五月天moment :^) fav mayday song?
the song that's been bouncing around my head recently is 倔强, but the one i first liked the most is 干杯; i prefer songs abt platonic relationships to romance lol, the more platonic the better :DDD
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sotogalmo · 8 months
funfact: if people in starspace city wants to send a message to someone outside the city, they use the stars as a voice message lol
Shooting stars. ,,,.,,,,,..,mm,,,,
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themazine · 9 months
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⚓️ We're delighted to announce our contributor lineup!
A plain-text version of our contributor lineup can be found here.
Tags below the cut ⬇️
⛵️ @/SonaSquared (Twitter); Lead mod ⛵️ @twigwing; Zine and Graphics mod ⛵️ @/leeseolhwas (Twitter); Zine and Scheduling mod ⛵️ @sanini-panini; Zine and Discord mod ⛵️ @starspaces; Graphics Assistance
⛵️@/featherxs (Twitter) ⛵️@luxaofhesperides ⛵️@catboysooyoung ⛵️@demonlikejudgeoffire ⛵️@/PavePavement (Twitter) ⛵️@/ineedacatchyna1 (Twitter) ⛵️@1-976 ⛵️@stuffandsundry ⛵️@/vapolunes (Twitter)
⛵️ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ ⛵️@celshii ⛵️@/cfeather8 (Twitter) ⛵️@inuhodo ⛵️@/molarzz (Twitter) ⛵️@doksangs ⛵️@timestables ⛵️@nemomosso ⛵️@/Tangerinemesss (Twitter) ⛵️@theamazincactus ⛵️@/Tutuna_01 (Twitter) ⛵️@lazyleafeon
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hideyseek · 2 months
5 songs
tagged by @silverbrume ... one year ago oh my god and also @mister-eames three months ago ... sorry!!
ok here we go:
RULES: Put 5 songs you actually listen to, then tag 10 some people.
you're the voice - john farnam
时间飞行 - bai yu, zhu yilong
smut - tom lehrer
iconic! - madison rose
oceans & engines - niki
tagging hmm @frogiwi @zrllosyn @blackbirds-of-promise @iamanonniemouse @raetoria @starspaces only if you want!!
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delysiumzine · 1 month
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Questions can be directed to our askbox, twitter, or email.
Q: Who's behind this project?
A: Hi, Jay (23, she/they) here! I'm a relatively new Disco Elysium fan, but have been swallowed by the Pale and can no longer find my way out. I've been linking my DE sideblog @kimkatsu on the info docs, but you can also find more signs of life on my main @starspaces.
In terms of previous experience, I've been a contributor and a GFX/layout mod for a handful of zines in the past few years, most recently as the head mod of @crktravelzine. I also have experience with physical printing and merch production.
Mod applications will be open from April 6 - May 5 for those interested in joining the team!
Q: Where can I submit my application to join the zine?
A: The project is currently in interest check period, but contributor applications will be open from May 18 - June 16, through a Google Form posted on our socials. If you'd like to receive a reminder email when this happens, you can sign up for our newsletter!
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weishenyu · 4 months
大家好~我叫鮪魚🍣 !最近想把中文能力加強一點,所以決定開始用Tumblr來練習。我是美國出生的台灣人,從小上中文學校,但是很久沒學習了。從我表達中文的方式很容易看出來是外國人在講話哈哈。
不知道Tumblr現在有多少學習中文的同學們,如果是的話,邀請你說哈囉,來做朋友 ^_^!我會從@starspaces 追蹤。
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maddieacidofficial · 1 year
please help my friend rocket!
my friend rocket (the/,he/ze), a queer poc minor, is in need of help. them, their mother and sister, are in need of money to simply feed themselves. there is more information on him patreon, but please dont pay zir through this. he's taking art commissions if thats something youre interested in, let them know on twitter or discord i think. ill update with zir's c4sh4pp soon.
Discord: — vhs tapes .#1324
please please help them this is one of my oldest friends and theyre in a very bad position right now.
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pokemonvisitors · 1 year
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We're so excited to unveil the contributor lineup for the Pokemon Visitors Guide! All of these incredible creators have been very busy these past few months, and we can't wait to see what they've been working on!
Be sure to support them by following their socials below! ❣️
@starspaces | cysketch (Twt) | gellymilk (Twt) | @rock-bomber | surejanel (Twt) jatobear_ (Twt) | phantom_nisnow (Twt) | @wyrmsfornerves | Vixenkiba (Twt) | Akescyii (Twt)
@crowingoverthis | milkshreds (Twt) | Kagugle (Twt) | Kaocalyn (dA) | @taxkha Lari_s_art (Twt) | @orangebunnit | rmmadedis (Twt) | S888RAH (Twt) | sensushimi (Twt)
@traineraino | _aw0l_ (IG) | Beabzebub (IG) | @chrystinao
AKAbFlare (Twt) | _allibunn (Twt) | TheLeafHead (Twt) | jaybirbo (Twt) | @jialudraws @hotpotpanic | THEminiyuna (Twt) | @aycief
📍 5/5 | WRITERS
@the-kings-of-games | @cure-icy-writes | tsukisyama (Twt) | mimcanary (Twt) | @starlitnova @rivermoose-sam | aritalks1 (Twt) | Starrie_Wolf (Twt) | @yu3s
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damistrolls · 5 months
that’s so cool!! so you like, help establish farming and agriculture practices on new colonies?
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"Sort of, yeah. That's the simple version. But there's more to it than just setting up normal agricultural practices.
We can't always account for what a planet's ecosystem will be like, and what can and can't grow on there, if anything. And even if we haul tons of Alternian soil, fancy equipment, and more seeds than you've ever seen in your life to a planet, you can't always guarantee that you'll be able to grow even he heartiest of plants, nor can you guarantee that you'll grow anything in a timely manner. Not to mention, that's a LOT of crap to be lugging across starspace.
My Life Dew can grow things in essentially a vacuum. It can grow plants without sunlight, soil, or water, and it's a pretty damn small and relatively portable substance, and makes plants grow more rapidly than the traditional method.
Unfortunately, it cannot completely protect a plant from the elements, as extreme temperatures will obviously eradicate most organisms, but we're working on that part. We're also working on... the edibility aspect of it, since that's the entire point."
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crktravelzine · 1 year
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For our first spotlight, please welcome our head mod, Jay! She is the wonderful mind who brought about the @crktravelzine!
🧳 @starspaces
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Hey! I love your story Blazed but not with weed, more like pain that just never goes away. I was wondering if you will be doing the Mortis Arc?
Hahahahahahaha first of all thanks your for taking the time to ask about it!
The way the Blazed plotline works out, Anakin is in recovery by the time Mortis is supposed to take place. There's a possibility that it did happen at some point in there---especially perhaps during the "reconnaisance" assignment with Plo (maybe if Obi-wan swung by to be featured on the StarSpace page, and they got the distress call before he left)---but I don't intend to mention it outright. I'll just leave it up to reader interpretation, since the only thing it would change in this au is whether or not Ahsoka embodies the Daughter for realsies (which I'm leaning towards). I did allude to Morai a bit and she's def Ahsoka's familiar in Blazed regardless of whether Mortis was a thing.
I don't think Anakin's character would experience too much development from Mortis in the Blazed au like it does in canon bc he's been immersed in family bonding/therapy for a solid bit and is immediately returning to that afterwards, so all it accomplishes for him is reinforcing how important it is for him to heal as soundly and completely as possible in order to better interpret the Force. Plus also maybe ending the war.
You must recall that they encounter very random and very chaotic supernatural shenanigans on the daily so I'm sure Mortis didn't phase them much. They did go and raid the Citadel after like a week. This is common disaster lineage behavior.
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Showing my end of a fun lil' merch trade I had with @starspaces ✨️
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sotogalmo · 8 months
new persona in nyxsona :3
astro - a 'normal' university student in starspace city who has a jellyfish companion beside them. astros currently in medic school and learning how to be a pharmacist. their jellyfish companion is named: 'mew'. mew is able to give a recipe to cure/medicine to illness if someone gives a coin to it. astro ans mew
Astro and Mew
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tanookikiss · 3 months
I choose ace btw how are ya?✨
Hiya friend! I'm well, thanks 😊 I hope all is well for you too!
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
We're both avid dog lovers!
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
It used to be Paul x Ace, but I'm starting to have a soft spot in my heart for StarSpace. I guess currently it would be Ace x Bruce, only because I'm not sure if those two are even friends.
2. Favorite Canon thing about this character?
I adore that Ace believes he's an alien from Jendell.
3. Least favorite Canon thing about this character?
I hated how out of control he was with alcohol.
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