ryuko · 4 months
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wyrmmaster · 4 years
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狐狸搓一搓 3rd anniversary~~~ | Stardust尘埃未定
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setsuri · 7 years
This is the ending song used in the interview video~
Making a name with one battle!
The lyrics are really beautiful!
….at work so I can’t do much translating >A<;; Will edit this post laters! Okks, translation kinda done!! hahaha I am terrible at writing poetic sounding stuff in English so just ….ignore if it sucks please..
《一战成名》 歌曲出品:平行世界工作室 歌曲策划:奇然(平行世界工作室) 作词:择荇(平行世界工作室) 作曲/编曲/母带:宏宇(特邀)
周泽楷/ Zhou Ze Kai(沈谧仁/ Shen Mi Ren) 风衣下摆不曾溅一滴血 Not a drop of blood on the tail of his coat 
最后一颗头颅在准星里爆裂 The last headshot exploding in a firey explosion 
传说只有用霜与火上膛的枪械 The legendary guns that are only loaded with Fire and Ice 
有多沉默寡言, 就有多强悍无解 His is as strong and unbreakable 
As he is silent and wordless 
黄少天/ Huang Shaotian(奇然/ Qi Ran) 生机一线最快也不过直觉 The glimmer of opportunity is as quick as a passing intuition 
妖刀出没如夜雨来袭的凛冽 The demon blade that appears like the cold sharp night rain 
都说银光落刀比死神更精确 The silvery glint of his blade is more accurate that the calling of the god of death 
有多疯狂强烈, 就有多锋利冷血 He is as sharp and cold-blooded as he is passionate and fanatical 
叶修/ Ye Xiu(哦漏/ O Lou) 被命运穿心的怒龙 The raging dragon that got pierced through the heart by destiny 
抬头笑出一个嘲讽 Lifts its head up with a smirk 
斗者只需要最后几秒钟 A warrior only needs the last few seconds 
觉醒比梦想更疯的孤勇 To wake up a lone valour crazier than a dream 五人组/ All 5: 多少人来不及 走上终极擂台 How many have not made it to the last battle stage 
脱颖而出的 才有资格痛快 You can only feel satisfaction if you made it to the top 
子弹呼啸而来 血肉迎刃而开 The bullets sing through the air, the blade slice through blood and body 
只有我是最后王牌 Only I am the last ace card 从来就没有人 值得众生偏爱 There is no one who deserves all the love from the crowd unconditionally 
 横空出世的 才配挑衅喝彩 Only if you are truly remarkable then are you worthy of the cheers and rally 
魔法一触即发 双拳迫不及待 The Magical Attack that might get triggered any moment, the impatient fists 
伞面撑开 王者将要 The umbrella spreads open, the King is about to 
浴血而来 Return bathed in blood 韩文清/ Han WenQing(NL不分/ Indistinguishable NL) 撕开神话就凭这赤手空拳 Ripping apart myths with this bare fists 
伏虎腾翔要击垮时光的尊严 The pridefulness of a crouching tiger about to pounce upon the future 
钢筋铁骨怎会被岁月欺骗 How will this steely body be cheated by time and age 
越是无情冷眼,就越要一往无前 The more he seems cold and unfeeling, the more he will press forward 
王杰希/ Wang Jiexi(徐远书/ Xu Yuan Shu) 飞跃熔岩与寒冰的游乐园 Flying across a theme park of molten lava and freezing glaciers 
天马行空般掷下星尘的射线 Rays of stardust rain down like imagination gone wild 
未来钦定谁无可阻挠地加冕 A future of his inauguration is undisputed 
越是压痛双肩,就越要放肆耀眼 The more he bears this pain on his shoulders, the more brightly he will shine presumptuously 
叶修/ Ye Xiu(哦漏/ O Lou) 被命运穿心的怒龙 The raging dragon that got pierced through the heart by destiny 
抬头笑出一个嘲讽 Lifts its head up with a smirk 
斗者只需要最后几秒钟 A warrior only needs the last few seconds 
觉醒比梦想更疯的孤勇 To wake up a lone valour crazier than a dream 
五人组/All 5: 多少人来不及 走上终极擂台 How many have not made it to the last battle stage 
脱颖而出的 才有资格痛快 You can only feel satisfaction if you made it to the top 
子弹呼啸而来 血肉迎刃而开 The bullets sing through the air, the blade slice through blood and body 
只有我是最后王牌 Only I am the last ace card 从来就没有人 值得众生偏爱 There is no one who deserves all the love from the crowd unconditionally 
 横空出世的 才配挑衅喝彩 Only if you are truly remarkable then are you worthy of the cheers and rally 
魔法一触即发 双拳迫不及待 The Magical Attack that might get triggered any moment, the impatient fists 
伞面撑开 王者将要 The umbrella spreads open, the King is about to 
浴血而来 Return bathed in blood 多少人来不及 获得战神青睐 How many people missed their chance at being favoured by the God of battle 
踏过尸骸的 才能改朝换代 One can only change an era by stepping over corpses 
有时盛极而衰 有时否极泰开 Sometimes you flourish and decline Sometimes you rise after a storm 
只有我是最后王牌 Only I am the last ace card 从来就没有人 永远独孤求败 There is never a person who is undefeated forever 
会当决顶的 才懂初衷不改 Only those who stay at the top can understand staying with one’s decision 
有时高不胜寒 有时低到尘埃 Sometimes you are at the pinnacle Sometimes you hit the dust 
掸落烟灰 王者将要 Shake off the cigarette ash, the King is about to 
卷土重来 Make a comeback
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