#Steam Powered: Assemble with Care
burntbeebs · 1 year
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Sorry the first one is an image for ants, I genuinely didn’t realize how small the canvas I was working with was, I was tired lol  Infodumping under the cut -
img 1: Princess Lotus  Finally finished a good ref of my other princess character, Lotus, exactly as it says on the tin. A kind, if not quite offbeat ruler, perhaps it's the haze of her environment, but she's got a rather dark sense of humor, though is generally very laid back. While not permitted much to do so, she's a pretty skilled mechanic who enjoys working alongside her subjects in the factories. She adores the Wooded Kingdom, and it's one of her favorite places to visit. She loves having Steam Gardeners come to attend her personal garden now and then, and exchanges exotic plant breeds with them as well. In a twist of irony, she's got a green thumb, and is very caring of the plant life that lives strangely in harmony with the machinery. Her domain of Mechavine is a massive jungle that runs through a sprawling factory, the air is pretty dangerous to non natives, but she was raised there from childhood so she's used to it. She's attended by her caretaker who raised her and general of her army, a snifit named Shis. The factories she oversees produce a large portion of the weapons and technology found throughout the mushroom worlds, and the kingdom's military power is unparalleled. Happens to also be where Sherm are created and assembled (a horrible trade deal with a certain someone has made her unwilling to loan them out to anyone else), as well as the home of the Mecha and Flower clans. Overall it's a pretty hostile environment, but if you can survive that, they say there's some really beautiful places deep in the dense and hazardous jungle. All that aside, the citizens who call this place home are also quite welcoming, as tourists are understandably rare. img 2: General Shis  The head general and retainer of Princess Lotus, despite being a fearsome toxic snifit and a brilliant commander and strategist, he's also a surprisingly kind soul. He raised Lotus from early childhood after the war widowed queen fell ill. He is still, however, much more comfortable managing soldiers with a stern edge than he ever was tending to a child. He's capable of spewing a type of 'flame' that's composed of a harsh chemical capable of corroding down anything, though the time that takes varies depending on the target. His compacted "bullet" variation is armor piercing due to these properties. Usually it is the most potent strength and thus melts things on contact, but the time to produce these rounds is lengthy.
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
Great, there’s going to be a tax hike on firearms in Cali
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That would be because gavin and the state assembly actually want to deny poor people their right to defend themselves any way they can.
One of these days folks will figure out that it's not Cletus the hill dweller that's the one that is the problem, it's gavin the multimillionaire that decided that it was better to maintain a policy of using prisoners as slave labor because it would be too expensive to pay them minimum wage with one hand while dangling a massive reparations package he knows we can't afford but that doesn't matter he has no intention of actually making good on any of those promises anyhow in the other.
And his sycophantic cronies in the state assembly are in lockstep behind him, even the ones he stabbed in the back over the prison labor and reparations deals.
I don't give a shit about either party, they're both evil and at this point all either party seems to want to do when they get the upper hand is to mete out what they see as retribution for the ills they caused by the party that's now not in power.
Ban all political parties, make each candidate fund-raise for themselves and not have a party 'war chest' of any sort.
I'd almost like to not even have the names of who is running out there, but knowing who they are and their actual history is important, or it should be at least then again
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After Trump doesn't what?
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So ya,
This is not in support of a damn thing other than the truth here jsyk
they don't care, a very very tiny number of them might care some but they're hopelessly outnumbered by the people that hate you the citizen, the average American, they don't care about you or your safety.
People keep on voting for them, republicans are just as bad as the democrats are too.
The Sheriff's in the different areas of New Mexico telling the governor that they will not comply with her order to violate peoples constitutional rights, they probably care.
They are in the teeny tiny minority.
Sorry I got fairly annoyed went off a bit, been a rough few days got a bit of steam built up.
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waltwhitmansbeard · 1 year
go on, claim my heart: chapter six
see my masterpost for what came before this. inspired by @romeoandjulietyouwish's medieval au.
The sound of hooves on the packed dirt road grows louder and louder, and Keyleth can barely hear it over the blood pumping in her ears. She debates leaping up and onto Minxie, but fear has her frozen to the ground. She takes a few slow, deep breaths, focusing on the energy in her body, and for the first time, tries to call down lightning from the sky on purpose. She hears a distant rumble followed by an electric crackle in the air. The hooves stop, and for a moment, she thinks that perhaps the horse and its rider have disappeared, but then she hears the crunch of feet on stone, and from her dark spot among the rocks, she clenches a fist, prepared to strike any bandit dead where he stands.
All at once, every muscle in her body relaxes. The static in the air dissipates like steam from a boiling pot, and she sits up, bringing the fire in her hands to life. "Vax?"
"Gods above." Her husband scrambles down the rocks, nearly tackling her as he throws his arms around her. "If you were dead, I was going to kill you."
And on this, the most horrific of all of Keyleth's days, she cannot help but feel that spark of joy when she is pulled into Vax's embrace. He smells of sweat and horse and worry, but also home, safety, comfort. "How did you find me?" she mumbles into his armor.
"Oh, my love." He pulls back to take her face in his hands. "You need to do a lot more to hide a horse."
Her face heats up. "Well, I did what I could." She frowns. "Where are the others? You didn't come alone, did you?"
"They're following." He slides his pack off of his back to fish out a torch, which she helpfully lights. "I came first to find you." In the flickering firelight, his face turns gaunt, hollow. "Keyleth, do you have any idea what incredible danger you've put yourself in? How lucky I am to be looking at my wife and not her corpse?"
Keyleth narrows her eyes. "Quite the vote of confidence, thank you."
"I am sorry for your worry, I am, but if you truly believed I could not go out and rescue my own child—"
"You speak as though I were leaving her to the wolves! We have assembled a troupe of those skilled in the areas of expertise necessary for such a mission—"
"So you believe I will be a hindrance, rather than a help?" The static crackles in the air again, this time not carefully summoned but abruptly conjured. "You believe that I have nothing to contribute to the salvation of our daughter?"
There's a wariness in Vax's eyes now, and Keyleth watches him choose his next words precisely. "I believe you are the most powerful woman I have ever met. I also believe that if I am worried for your safety in addition to Vilya's, my attention will be dangerously split."
"Then perhaps you should not worry for my safety." Keyleth pushes herself to her feet. "Perhaps you ought to let me take care of myself and then together we can worry for her."
"Keyleth—" He stands as well, his nostrils flaring. Keyleth's heart beats faster than it had when she believed a bandit to be approaching. They have never argued like this, so angry and passionate, and she is not used to such ire directed at her. "I will never stop worrying for your safety. By the gods, I married a monarch. There will be a target on your back until you belong to the Matron herself. As much as I admire you, as much as I am in awe of you, I cannot simply stop worrying for you! And that certainly will not be eased if you keep charging off into the unknown without telling a soul what you've done!"
Keyleth takes a deep, shuddering breath. She knows, of course, that they live in a fraught, political world, and that her chances of being struck down in some grand play for power are hardly low. It is something she has learned, over the course of her life, not to think about, but Vax is still so new to this world, and considering their very introduction came in the context of his appointment as her personal guard during a war, she cannot blame him for preoccupying himself still with her physical safety.
She closes the little distance between them and takes his hand in hers. "Vax...you have always loved me so well, far better than I've deserved." He opens his mouth to argue with her on this point, but she keeps talking. "I have never, in all my years, felt safer than when by your side. But I cannot still be the princess you were hired to protect. I am your wife, a fact that even now I cannot believe is true, but I am also Vilya's mother, and I am telling you that I will comb each blade of grass and overturn each grain of sand on this wide world until I find her. So you are welcome to join me, but the gods have mercy on you should you get in my way."
Vax blinks in surprise, and he's looking at her as if seeing her for the first time. Keyleth pleads with her eyes as best she can, willing him to understand how desperately she needs him by her side in this. After a few long, tense moments, Vax ducks his head to rest his forehead against hers with a sigh. "If I lose you both, it will destroy me."
"Do you imagine it is any less for me? Can you imagine my torment if you left our home to save our daughter's life and neither of you came back?"
His eyes are closed, but Keyleth can see the fight leave his face. "You must stay in my sight at all times."
"And you will use that magic of yours on anyone who threatens you."
"And you'll carry a weapon."
"I took one of your daggers from the castle."
"That's my girl." He kisses her forehead. "I hate this, you know."
"There is nothing about this day that does not haunt me." Keyleth squeezes his hand. "I don't suppose you have an extra bedroll for me."
Vax huffs out a low laugh. "Unfortunately, I had hoped to catch you much closer to Zephrah. You made quite impressive time." He goes to fetch Simon. He ties him and Minxie up properly out of sight of the road, and then he unlatches his bedroll and spreads it out on the rocks. There is enough room for them to share, and when the torch is extinguished, only the scattering of autumn stars above illuminate the shape of Vax's face beside her, the length of his nose, the curve of his jaw. This has been, without comparison or competition, the single worst day of Keyleth's life, and with her every heartbeat her blood and her anguish course through her veins—and yet, as she falls into a restless, uneasy sleep, she cannot but feel grateful for his being here, for his warm body beside hers, for his arms around her, keeping her shattered pieces from drifting up to join the stars.
Just before she slips into the nightmares that await her, she breathes, "Vax?" He hums. "Do you think she's scared?"
The arms around her tighten. The silence is long, and Keyleth hears his breathing turned ragged. "Yes," he finally whispers. "I do."
By the time the sun has risen again, Keyleth has gotten very little sleep. Still, her body thrums with energy, itching to get back on the road. Vax, however, advises they wait for the rest of the group to arrive, rather than all meet up in Syngorn. Luckily, it takes only about an hour and a half for the sounds of many hooves approaching to reach their ears. Soon, Vax is waving four horses down, and Keyleth is wrapped up in Percy's embrace, a breathless stream of condemnations in her ear.
"Yes, Percival, I have been well and truly scolded," Keyleth says, patting his face. "You can take the indignation from your tone."
Keyleth faces the rest of the assembled party. "I want to thank you all for coming. I cannot predict what kind of risk this endeavor poses to each of your lives, but that you would take on that risk in the name of my dau—hello?"
Keyleth cuts herself off when she notices that a second gnome stands just behind Pike, having apparently ridden on the same horse with her. A familiar face pokes out from behind the Mistress of Divinity's shoulder. "Your Highness!" The smile is equal parts mischievous and apologetic. "I hope you don't mind my...tagging along."
Scanlan, the Zephran court jester, has swapped his usual colorful raiment for more practical traveling garb, though his trusty lute is still strung across his back, along with a pack of what Keyleth can only presume is traveling gear. She opens and closes her mouth a few times, but Vax uses her speechlessness to ask, "What on earth are you doing here?"
Pike's face has flushed red, but she steps off to the side, motioning for Keyleth and Vax to follow her. The three of them step away from the rest of the group, and Keyleth hisses, "I cannot believe I have endured such censure for my flight from the castle, only to be accompanied on this journey by the court jester."
"He didn't want me to go alone," Pike explains contritely. "With those guards' deaths back in Zephrah, he was certain I would not come back. And besides..." She lowers her voice further. "He is a rather skilled arcane practitioner." Keyleth's eyebrows fly up in surprise. "He keeps his talents private to avoid disdain, but seeing as Lady Allura is currently away conferring with our allies in Draconia, I thought it wouldn't hurt to have his particular brand of magic on our side, given the nature of our enemies."
Keyleth looks to Vax, who's looking back at her with the same skepticism that she feels. This day is so young, and she is already so very tired. "I honestly don't care. Anything that helps."
Vax nods. "I certainly will not turn down willingly given aid."
They return, and Keyleth addresses the group once more. "Thank you, Scanlan, for offering your...expertise in this venture. The sovereign thanks you, and so do Vax and I."
The jester sweeps low into a bow. "Of course, Your Highness. Life may be a joke to me, but not so much that I can let a child face such grave peril when I have the means to help."
Keyleth is surprised to hear such gallantry from the man she once watched perform a one-man play about his wild sexual exploits told through the extended metaphor of kitchen utensils. She nods to him and continues. "We'll carry on to Syngorn, resupply, and press toward Whitestone. Percy..." She softens her tone. "Difficult as it may be for you, as we travel, we need to be apprised of everything you know about the Briarwoods. We must know the dangers we will face, the dangers my daughter faces now."
Percy nods, face paler than usual, but Keyleth sees Vex slip her hand into his. "We should head out," Vax says, "and not waste what daylight we have."
Keyleth and Vax had already eaten and repacked their horses in anticipation for the others' arrival, so it is only a few minutes before the small party is traveling down the road to Syngorn at a fast clip. Minxie's reins are wrapped tight around her hands as she charges forth, toward Syngorn, toward Whitestone, toward Vilya.
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wei75631 · 4 months
P6 Idea - 22 Dragon Veins
First let's talk about dragon veins. They are formed from the collective subconscious of extinct creatures on the earth, and they have always supported the balance of this world. After the protagonist completes certain tasks and the dragon veins enter into a contract, the dragon veins will reside in the protagonist's body and allow the protagonist to give birth to a "cosmic egg" that symbolizes motherhood. As the protagonist takes care of the cosmic egg, it will turn into a persona.
The personas hatched from the cosmic egg are a mixture of their own mythological images and Mesozoic reptilians. The arrangement of the 22 Arcana is as follows:
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The Fool - Yam, the sea god in Ugaritic mythology - A dromaeosaur covered in ocean-style armor
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The Magician - Aitvaras, the fire spirit in Lithuanian folklore - An oviraptor dressed as a wizard with hands on fire
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The Priestess - Kuraokami, the water goddess in Japanese mythology - An elegant plesiosaur wrapped in Shinto relics
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The Empress - Meretseger, the winged snake goddess in Egyptian mythology - Archaeopteryx in ancient Egyptian style
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The Emperor - Yatonokami, the horned snake god in Japanese mythology - A stegosaur decorated with cold weapons from the Jomon period
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The Hierophant - Itzamna, the lizard god in Mayan mythology - A sauropod made of Mayan architectural stones
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The Lovers - Melusine, the winged human-snake fairy from French folklore - A petite pterosaur with a draconic fairy sculpture on its tail
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The Chariot - Tarasque, the monster suppressed by a saint in French legend - An ankylosaur assembled from a round tank and turret
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Justice - Mushussu, the hybrids appearing on decorations in ancient Mesopotamia - Shringasaurus decorated with snake, ram, lion, eagle and scorpion armors
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The Hermit - Fafnir, the dwarf who transformed into dragon in Norse mythology - An megalania wearing dragon-shaped armor
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Fortune - Illuyanka, the sea serpent in Hittite mythology - Mosasaurus with cyberpunk style
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Strength - Vrtra, the powerful monster in Hindu mythology - A tyrannosaur that blends into the truck and keeps smoking
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The Hanged Man - Python, the big snake killed by Apollo in Greek mythology - Titanoboa with steampunk elements
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Death - Crom Cruach, the heretic god in Celtic mythology - Triceratops with steam train and gothic decoration
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Temperance - Gargouille, the monstrous decoration on a French abbey - A spinosaur with Gaigan elements
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The Devil - Apophis, the evil snake god in Egyptian mythology - A giant cobra made of dark energy
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The Tower - Fernyiges, the cunning black dragon in Hungarian folklore - A wise stygimoloch wearing a black cloak
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The Star - Yurlungur, the rainbow serpent in Australian Aboriginal mythology - Prehistoric salamander in Aboriginal totem style
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The Moon - Bakunawa, the sea dragon that swallowed the moon in Philippine mythology - Ichthyosaur composed of moon-shaped luminous wooden boards
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The Sun - Quetzalcoatl, the greatest god in Aztec mythology - A giant pterosaur in the style of a fighter jet and Rodan
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Judgement - Kur, the dragon that symbolizes the underworld in Mesopotamian mythology - Countless dragon veins and sharp metals piled up to form a Daikajiu like Godzilla
As for "The World", I'm keeping it secret for the time being in order not to prevent the plot from leaking out.
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choiceofgames · 1 year
New game! Choice of the Viking, by Declan Taggart
New game! "Choice of the Viking" by Declan Taggart is now available on Steam, iOS and Android. It's 25% off until Dec 22. Please reshare this with friends!!
Forge your legacy in Iceland as it never was, a land of gods, giants, elves, trolls, and walking corpses! A game of politics and romance, battle and honor.
Choice of the Viking is a 310,000 word interactive historical fantasy novel by Declan Taggart, where your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based—without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.
The year is 910. Countless Viking longships cross the icy oceans of northern Europe, seeking fortune, glory, trade, and land. Your ship, chartered by the King of Norway, has brought settlers to Iceland, where you and your clan have a chance to build something new out of the rugged land.
There are challenges at every turn. Defend your farm from a draugr, one of the walking dead, and then from the other would-be chieftains, just as hungry for glory as you. New faiths and old vie for the souls of the Icelanders, and for the political power that each religion can carry. The long dark winter bears down upon you, threatening hunger, disease, and more draugr.
Wield your magic to blast obstacles from your path and gain the spirits’ blessing. Earn honor and wealth through raiding, careful tending of the land, or savvy merchant trading. If you fail, the royal might of Norway will claim your land for their own - but if you succeed, you will find eternal glory.
• Play as male, female, or nonbinary; gay, straight, bi, or aromantic • Attend the great assembly of the Althing and shape Iceland’s politics for generations to come. • Use the songs of the spirits to perform stunning feats of magic. • Dedicate your land to the Christian church or honor the old Norse gods. • Carve out your domain and lead your people to specialize in farming, trading, scholarship, or raiding. • Grapple with the threat of the walking dead - perhaps even your own father! • Walk with giants, negotiate with elves, and come face to face with mighty Thor! • Negotiate with your neighboring chieftains to win their friendship - or become embroiled in deadly feuds. • Rule your land as an autocrat, or guide Iceland towards democracy.
How will the sagas sing of your deeds?
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aforerime · 1 year
The knife undulated against the wooden board, the sheen of the banded steel reflected the warm glow of the fluorescent lights above. Uraume diligently worked in the small space next to the pot of quivering hot water. They rocked the knife over the heaps of minced ginger until the pieces were miniscule to the eye. Uraume scooped up the ginger and slid their finger against the chilled steel into the wooden bowl of minced pork, minced shiitake mushrooms, julienned cabbage, diced scallions, and minced garlic. They poured the wet ingredients: slurry of water and potato starch, sake, soy sauce, sesame oil, and a teaspoon of sugar. They kneaded the mixture with with hands, flattening the filling before flicking the bottom to the top and flattening again. Their wrists ached from the previous effort on the dough, though that had required substantial focus compared to the filling.
From their prior endeavor, they laid out disks of dough on pre-cut parchment paper; Uraume began compiling the nikuman in their hands before resting each one into a bamboo basket steamer. Several minutes later and they assembled the buns and moved on to cleaning they steamed.
Uraume gauged fifteen minutes had passed through the Sun crossing the sky. They removed the weaved cover and observed the ivory plumpness of the buns-- they marveled at their exquisite result. With extreme attentiveness, they handpicked the steamed buns from their resting place, assessing each one; those in Yi Hansol's household deserved well-crafted food, yet solely Sukuna had right to the supple and flawless bun. After careful prodding, sniffing, and scrutinizing the color, they acquired the one they sought.
Sukuna had been the called first into the kitchen. The hierarchy of power merited the strongest to eat first and the weakest to eat last. They presented the superlative pork bun on a black, bean plate in kowtow.
❝Nikuman with fresh Berkshire Kurobuta Pork paired with Yi Hansol's nurtured garden, enhanced with traditional flavors adored by the Japanese palate.❞ Head bowed, they awaited for Sukuna's response. Their senses narrowed in on the consummation of their product. The gently tearing of the dough as Sukuna's canine teeth pierced bun; the sweet and savory aroma that billowed with the steam; and the soft chewing that ensure every ingredient maintained its natural texture.
The satisfied hum warranted Uraume's relief and they rose slowly in regard. Before their eyes slitted open, Sukuna's low, rumbling voice spoke, ❝Your cooking was worth the wait.❞ Uraume's eyes shot open in momentary shock. Blood rushed to their face, burning their cheeks and ears. Quickly they lowered, a silent gratitude of his intrinsic observation of their culinary skill.
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❝You are welcomed to more, my Lord.❞
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harrison-abbott · 1 year
All the eyes are whirling and dancing and they slip the calories into their mouths. You could be living on Pluto for all the presence you bring: they do not care that you’re alive; they’re only talking about the neighbourhood gossip from twenty years back – when the streets were still apricot and there were no mobile phones, when the internet hadn’t even started yet [this being the early 1990s, the best time in history: that final time to save the planet; where consumerism overtook the Western world; when the politicians gave their power to the markets]. They eat. Take the piss out of the neighbours. The folks they yack about are living a few hundred yards away, but the walls of the kitchen make it easy to assemble. The sluice of gravy and the roasted vegetables and of course the dead pigs and cows, all in browns and pinks and lain there in fleshy gleam, steaming, ach, those butchered animals taste so glorious, do they not. It’s not your birthday. Of course it isn’t; this is a commune of the elders: and he was a mistake child, with nae social ability, an embarrassment, an arrogant lil nobody – doesn’t matter what age he is. Then somebody offers him some gravy. He doesn’t eat that gravy because he does not eat animals. Somebody notices: “Oh no! He only touches the moral gravy!” And they all laugh – all 12 of them. 10 of the 12 are overweight and follow carcinogenic diets and drink with gusto. The other 2 are vegetarians (who will eventually become failed vegetarians) and they giggle and snort as well. It’s not his birthday. Amongst his presents are a book about a band from the 60s and when the big brother he sees it, he scoffs, rolls his eyes and says, “Oh, God, just move on!” And there’s a wooly jumper and some socks and boxers. The fire is coal fat; these golden orbs of rotten wood. What yomped humanity forward, what triggered the modern age. The boy’s age would probably witness the apocalypse, whereas his elder siblings would be just on the fringe, if not already just plucked off from cancer, or, more likely – just yet surviving on the rich leniency of the West, paow paow paow. When the super-elders are too drunk to do anything he goes into the kitchen to wash the dishes. Yes, that’s his job. Boo hoo. The siblings come in. And they touch him and tell him that they were only joking all night, only jesting, have a sense o humour, wee laddie, learn to get in the vibe of banter, for japes and jibes are how people make it through life. And the soap froths in the sink and the liquid is made up of 50 + chemicals and smells of his old primary school corridors when the cleaners came out and he was sent on errands to go and see whomever … Just as in school, he’s nothing but a high functioning autistic lad, with consciousness screaming all around him, a pressure and antagonism of which he cannot articulate. He accepts the passive aggressive apologies without accepting them. Yes, ha ho, ho ha. There is no murdered mammal in his gullet. On the iPod turret there’s a 90s band playing. And the brothers sing along to the wailed melody, though none of them know the lyrics, and nor does he. There’s a butcher’s knife by the sink, in a long lethal triangle. It could quite easily stab everybody in the room.
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The Ultimate Guide to Upholstery Cleaning in Canberra: Tips from the Pros
Upholstery cleaning is often an overlooked aspect of home maintenance, yet it plays a crucial role in preserving the aesthetics and longevity of furniture. Whether it's your cozy sofa or elegant dining chairs, keeping upholstery clean not only enhances the visual appeal but also contributes to a healthier living environment. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of upholstery cleaning in Canberra, sharing insights and expert tips to help you achieve pristine upholstery.
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Understanding Upholstery Fabric
Upholstery fabrics vary widely, from delicate silk to durable leather. Each type demands specific cleaning techniques to avoid damage and achieve optimal results. Understanding the fabric composition of your furniture is the first step towards effective cleaning. Whether it's synthetic microfiber, plush velvet, or classic linen, we'll explore the best practices tailored to different upholstery materials.
Common Upholstery Cleaning Methods
Various methods exist for cleaning upholstery, ranging from professional steam cleaning to DIY (Do it Yourself) solutions. We'll break down the pros and cons of each method, empowering you to choose the most suitable approach based on your preferences and budget. Whether you opt for steam cleaning machines or prefer the convenience of dry cleaning kits, we've got you covered with comprehensive insights.
Tools and Equipment Needed
To embark on your upholstery cleaning journey, you'll need a set of essential tools and supplies. From high-powered vacuum cleaners to specialized upholstery brushes and gentle cleaning solutions, assembling the right arsenal ensures effective cleaning without compromising the integrity of your furniture. We'll provide a detailed list of must-have items to streamline your cleaning process.
Step-by-Step Upholstery Cleaning Process
Embarking on upholstery cleaning requires careful planning and execution. We'll walk you through a systematic cleaning process, from prepping the furniture to tackling stubborn stains and applying appropriate cleaning techniques. With our step-by-step guide, you'll achieve professional-quality results from the comfort of your home.
Dealing with Stubborn Stains
Stains are inevitable, but they don't have to be permanent. Whether it's spilled wine, pet accidents, or ink marks, we'll equip you with proven strategies to combat stubborn stains effectively. Say goodbye to unsightly blemishes and hello to immaculate upholstery with our expert stain removal tips.
Professional Upholstery Cleaning Services
While DIY cleaning methods are effective for routine maintenance, there are instances where professional intervention is necessary. We'll explore the benefits of hiring professional upholstery cleaners and provide guidance on when to seek professional assistance. From deep-seated dirt to intricate fabric patterns, professionals have the expertise and equipment to revitalize your upholstery.
Tips for Maintaining Clean Upholstery
Achieving clean upholstery is one thing; maintaining it is another. We'll share practical tips for prolonging the cleanliness and freshness of your furniture, from establishing a regular vacuuming routine to addressing stains promptly. With proactive maintenance, you can enjoy pristine upholstery for years to come.
Eco-Friendly Upholstery Cleaning Solutions
For environmentally conscious homeowners, eco-friendly cleaning solutions offer a sustainable alternative to traditional chemical cleaners. We'll highlight the importance of eco-friendly products and provide DIY green cleaning recipes using simple household ingredients. With our eco-conscious approach, you can achieve a clean and green home environment.
Safety Precautions
Safety should always be a priority when undertaking upholstery cleaning. From proper ventilation to wearing protective gear, we'll outline essential safety precautions to minimize risks and ensure a safe cleaning experience for you and your family.
Upholstery Cleaning Tips for Different Furniture Pieces
Each furniture piece presents unique cleaning challenges. Whether it's a plush sofa or upholstered dining chairs, we'll share tailored cleaning tips to address specific furniture types effectively. Our comprehensive advice caters to diverse upholstery needs, empowering you to maintain cleanliness across all your furniture pieces.
Preventing Mold and Mildew
Mold and mildew pose significant threats to upholstered furniture, especially in humid climates like Canberra. We'll discuss preventive measures to combat mold and mildew growth, including humidity control and proper drying techniques. By implementing these strategies, you can safeguard your upholstery against moisture-related issues.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
In the quest for clean upholstery, some mistakes can prove costly. We'll highlight common pitfalls to avoid, such as using excessive water or skipping spot testing. By steering clear of these blunders, you can achieve optimal cleaning results while preserving the integrity of your furniture.
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merakistar · 2 months
PetroChina approved flanges in UAE
Meraki Star Metals Oil & Gas Equipment Trading L.L.C offers a broad assortment of Inconel 601 Flanges, which has a couple of unimaginable components, for instance, fine finishing, disintegration protected, easy to fit and anything is possible from that point. Inconel 601 Slip on Raised Flanges (UNS N06601) are used in Splendid chambers, Strand treating chambers, steam super-hotter chamber supports, and that is only the start. A part of the unbelievable properties that draw in clients to Inconel 601 Hung Flanges include: extraordinary liquid disintegration obstacles, remarkable mechanical strength, and that is just a hint of something larger.
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Inconel 601 Weld Neck Raised Flanges is molded using all standard techniques. For the most outrageous oxidation deterrent, Inconel 601 Outwardly weakened Flanges should be welded with matching sythesis 601 blend GTAW wire. Inconel 601 Connection Weld Flanges encourages an immovably devoted oxide scale which goes against spalling significantly under conditions of outrageously warm cycling. Inconel 601 Ring Joint Sort Flanges is by and large used in warm taking care of stuff - mechanical assemblies, holders, plate, splendid chambers, fire shields, quiets, counters, woven wire transports, electrical deterrent warming wires and burner spouts.
Further critical uses of Inconel 601 Presentation Blind Flanges are to be found in the tainting control, aeronautics - where it is used in stream engine igniters - and power age adventures. Assurance from carburization of Inconel 601 Long Weld Neck Flanges is perfect, moreover impenetrable to carbon nitriding conditions. Inconel 601 Nipo Flanges is incredibly impenetrable to carburization, and close by has metallurgical sufficiency and extraordinary downer break strength. Meanwhile, these Inconel 601 Lap Joint Flanges are moreover being introduced in different sizes and shapes to our clients.
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sonyatiffany696 · 3 months
Mobilize your favorite Gundam squad in SD Gundam Battle Alliance
<h1>Gundam Smash Hits the Scene with "SD Gundam Battle Alliance"</h1> <p>Bandai Namco's new crossover Gundam game, "SD Gundam Battle Alliance", has just launched on August 25th for PlayStation, Xbox, Switch and PC! To celebrate, they've shared a sweet new trailer giving us a taste of the over-the-top mecha action and cute SD graphics we can expect.</p> <h2>A Gundam Smash Bros for the Ages</h2> <p>SD Gundam Battle Alliance lets up to 3 players team up both locally and online to save the Gundam multiverse. Something funky is happening in a place called the "G-Cosmos" - the true stories of Gundam have been twisted into fake alternate timelines. As leader of a 3-robot squad, it's up to you to set things straight by taking on missions across the different series.</p> <p>Piloting fan-favorite Gundams like those from the original, Zeta, Wing, Seed and more, you'll blast enemy Mobile Suits in iconic SD style. Power up your mech with sweet new weapons and skills between battles too. With so many Gundams to choose from across the timeline, you just know the combat is gonna be epic!</p> <h2>Cuter not Weaker - adorable anime action</h2> <p>Even though the robots are shrunk down to super deformed (SD) sizes, don't let the cutesy graphics fool you - this game means business. String together flashy combos, dodge-roll out of damage, and call in reinforcement attacks for maximum mayhem. You can even team up online with friends to take on bigger challenges.</p> <p>Whether you're an old fan just looking for some nostalgic fun or a newcomer curious about Gundam, SD Gundam Battle Alliance sounds like the perfect all-ages entry point. With so much love and care put into bringing these awesome mechs together, it's sure to be a thrilling ride for any robot fan!</p> <h2>System Requirements</h2> <p>Steam recommends an Intel Core i5-10600K processor and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 graphics card for the best experience. The minimum specs are an Intel Core i3-6300 CPU and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 GPU.</p> <p>Get hype mobile suit maniacs - the next chapter of the Gundam saga has arrived! Are you ready to assemble and save the multiverse?</p>
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solshop · 5 months
Boost Your Workday with Solshop's Herbal Teas: A Steaming Cup of Productivity
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Welcome to the world of productivity-enhancing herbal teas curated by Solshop! In our fast-paced work environments, finding effective ways to stay focused, energized, and stress-free is crucial. Solshop understands this need and has meticulously assembled a collection of the finest herbal teas from around the world, each offering a unique blend of flavors and benefits. Join us on a journey to discover how a steaming cup of Solshop's herbal tea can elevate your workday to new heights.
Section 1: The Solshop Difference
At Solshop, we take pride in our commitment to quality and authenticity. Learn about the careful selection process that goes into curating our herbal tea collection. From ethically sourced ingredients to the expertise of our tea connoisseurs, every aspect is geared towards bringing you a delightful and beneficial tea-drinking experience.
Section 2: The Power of Herbal Infusions
Dive into the world of herbal infusions and explore the myriad health benefits they offer. Discover how the soothing properties of chamomile can calm your nerves during stressful moments, and how the invigorating essence of peppermint can provide a refreshing midday pick-me-up. Solshop's teas aren't just beverages; they're elixirs designed to enhance your well-being.
Section 3: Tailoring Tea to Your Mood and Workday
Explore Solshop's diverse range of herbal teas, each uniquely crafted to complement different moods and occasions. Whether you're seeking focus, relaxation, or a burst of energy, there's a Solshop tea to suit every need. Learn how to integrate these teas seamlessly into your work routine, turning each sip into a moment of self-care and productivity.
Section 4: Rituals for Success
Discover the art of incorporating tea rituals into your workday for maximum effectiveness. From morning rituals to afternoon breaks, we'll guide you on how to create moments of mindfulness with Solshop's herbal teas. Elevate your work environment by making tea a central part of your daily success rituals.
Conclusion: Elevate Your Workday with Solshop's Herbal Teas
In conclusion, Solshop's herbal teas aren't just beverages; they're tools for enhancing your workday. Embrace the transformative power of herbal infusions, tailored to your unique preferences and work requirements. Say goodbye to monotony and hello to a steaming cup of productivity with Solshop's exquisite herbal teas.
Call to Action:
Ready to experience the productivity-boosting benefits of Solshop's herbal teas? Explore our collection today and embark on a journey to a more focused, energized, and stress-free workday.
Buy  Herbal Teas - SOLShop
READ MORE - Tea-riffic Ingredients for Slimming Green Tea - Solshop
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starlightgenerator · 7 months
Magnetic Wire Cutting Motion of Cummins Diesel Generator Set
Have you ever learned about the magnetic wire cutting motion of Cummins diesel generator sets? Firstly, they are driven by water turbines, steam turbines, diesel engines, or other power machinery. It converts the energy generated by water flow, airflow, fuel combustion, or atomic fission into mechanical energy, which is then converted into electrical energy by a generator. The rotor is wound by the rotor core (or pole yoke), washer, center ring, slip ring, fan, shaft, and other components.
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The stator and rotor of the generator are connected and assembled through bearings and end caps, allowing the rotor to rotate in the stator and cut off the magnetic field lines, thereby generating induced electromotive force. This induced electromotive force is led out through connecting terminals and connected to the circuit, thereby generating current. Cummins diesel generator sets, whether diesel or gasoline, generate a certain order of electricity from each cylinder. The thrust acting on the piston rod enters the thrust of the crankshaft rotation, thereby driving the crankshaft. The brushless synchronous generator is installed coaxially with the engine crankshaft. In fact, power machinery can be used to drive the rotation of the generator rotor, using the principle of "electromagnetic induction". The induced electromotive force output by the generator can be generated in the load circuit by closing the current.
Jiangsu Dingbo Power Generation Equipment Co., Ltd. has been established for many years. In addition to strict requirements on the quality of diesel generator set products and after-sales service, it also has strict regulations on the plant environment, production equipment and supporting facilities, which reflects the strict style of Dingbo people. It is not only responsible for generator products, customers, but also employees, so that every employee of Dingbo Power generation equipment can work in a comfortable environment, Make it comfortable for every visiting customer to visit. Dingbo Power Group, relying on high-quality generators, generator sets, diesel generator, diesel generator sets, good services and the care of friends from all walks of life, carries forward the enterprise spirit of "pragmatic innovation, pioneering, unity and hard work, dare to be the first", and adheres to the enterprise style of "treating people with sincerity and heart to heart", has won the strong support of customers in the fields of post and telecommunications, finance, petrochemical, metallurgy, transportation, education, medical care, etc, Having a proud performance. Dingbo people are gradually moving towards economies of scale and entering the international market after joining the WTO with flexible sales strategies and relying on the company's advantages and strength. If you would like to get more information welcome to contact us via [email protected].
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antisolanum · 9 months
From my steam review of the katamari damacy remaster: There are five games that I would put as being extremely foundational to my understanding of the medium. The first of these, from when I was youngest, was Final Fantasy 1 on the NES. It was not the first game that I played, but it was the first game I Played. As in, it was the first game I recognized as something to be solved, and not a bunch of lights I played with using a little square with buttons on it.
The next of these was Banjo-Kazooie. It drilled into my mind and made me think about it when I wasn't playing it. This was an important milestone in my development as an enthusiast of the medium of videogames not just as a game to be played, like monopoly or hopscotch, but as a medium of art.
The third game in that list is Resident Evil 4. I strategized for the first time because of that game. It stuck with me, and it informed how I understood mechanics, user interface, how the designers toyed with the player's understanding of the game world. It caused me to not just be engrossed in the world of the game as Banjo-Kazooie had first done, I was for the first time seeing the designers as people first and foremost, with intent and skill.
I say all this as preface to the fourth game that changed forever how I see videogames, and that is Katamari Damacy. Katamari Damacy is a game that is incredibly dumb. It loves itself for being dumb. Katamari Damacy is a game that knows that YOU like to be dumb. And it loves you for being you, and for being dumb. Katamari Damacy is a game that is so full of life, and joy, and heart, and passion, and silly, stupid, idiot, heartfelt powerful delight for you, for itself, for the world, for everything. Katamari Damacy is a game that loves you. It is itself a celebration of you playing it. Every level has a song, and every song, were it to be produced independent of this game, would be an absolute banger of a single that people would unironically listen to in perpetuity. Every object, every sound effect, every choice as to the form of the UI, every line of dialog, every assembled worldspace, is so utterly joyous and so clearly made by people who cared, not just to sell you a product, but to share with you the joy of life itself, that this game should, without a hint of exaggeration, be mandatory curriculum for human development. Would that I could live in a world where everyone was expected to play Katamari Damacy at an age where it would effect them as deeply as it effected me. Oh, and this re-release did a good job. Whatever.
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tecnoloy · 10 months
Stainless Steel 347/347H Round Bar Suppliers in India
SS 347/347H Round Bars and Poles are open on various Manufacturers and Suppliers yet to buy from the best Brokers, and if you never need to go confronting any security and quality issues about the thing, then Technolloy Inc., what's more, Engg. is staying nearby for you. Technolloy Inc. offers a wide assortment of SS 347/347H round bars and poles. The quality is the legitimization behind the rest of our industry.
It is an SS grade that offers staggering deterrence for inconsistent separation. These bars are used to assemble the stuff. There are some standards for solidified steel; the first is its length, which should not be more than 8m. Regardless, it also depends on the client's necessities. The degrees of the magnificent bar and round bar are other than a matter. The strength of the material again depends on the clients, as indicated by their requirements. Steel can be rolled, stripped, or cold-pulled depending on the condition.
According to nature, set steel can be drawn in and non-engaging. Genuine property occurs as before in every sort of steel; it contains a warm turn of events, thickness, warm conductivity, express power, and modulus of versatility. The mechanical property contains its hardness, prolongation, solidness, and grade.
It is used in application in the following encounters: food management for taking care of food and its stuff; compound management; polythionic lamentable help; waste power recovery; drug creation; fluid reactant; oil refining. It is also used for a few normal applications, such as high-temperature steam affiliations, high-pressure pipes, persevering through plans, heat exchanger tubes, great superheating, etc.
The following kinds of bars are at last being utilized: round bars, hexagonal bars, clean bars, shafts, round bars, level bars, etc. The advantages are a fair custom, high strength, and mechanical burdens for high prevention.
The material test is performed to ensure the item's chance. Tests that perform, for instance, hardness tests, pitting obstruction tests, shooting tests, general use tests, full scale and little tests, mechanical tests, fixing tests, and considerably more tests are performed on the material.
The packaging ought to be conceivable in the going with propensities, like it may be a wrap, hexagonal packaging, wooden boxes packaging, compartmental packaging, stores of the material, and sometimes depends on the client's necessities.
For more information please visit on below website.
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shammah8 · 11 months
The Lord will allow you to be very drunk in His presence, but sober among people. I like to see people so filled with the Spirit that they are drunk like the 120 on the Day of Pentecost, but I don’t like to see people drunk in the wrong place. That is what troubles us, somebody being drunk in a place of worship where a lot of people come in that know nothing about the Word. If you allow yourself to be drunk there you send people away;
they look at you instead of seeing God. They condemn the whole thing because you have not been sober at the right time.
Paul writes, “For whether we be beside ourselves, it is to God:
or whether we be sober, it is for your cause” (2 Cor. 5:13). Y ou can be beside yourself. Y ou can go a bit further than being drunk. Y ou can dance, if you will do it at the right time. So many things are commendable when all the people are in the Spirit. Many things are very foolish if the people round about you are not in the Spirit. We must be careful not to have a good time at the expense of somebody else. When you have a good time you must see that the spiritual conditions in the place lend themselves to help you and that the people are falling in line with you. Then you will find it always a blessing.
While it is right to covet earnestly the best gifts, you must recognize that the all important thing is to be filled with the power of the Holy Ghost Himself. Y ou will never have trouble with people who are filled with the power of the Holy Ghost, but you will have alot of trouble with people who have the gifts and have no power. The Lord wants us to come behind in no gift, but at the same time He wants us to be so filled with the Holy Ghost that it will be the Holy Spirit manifesting Himself through the gifts. Where the glory of God alone is desired you can look for every needed gift to be made manifest. To glorify God is better than to idolize gifts. We prefer the Spirit of God to any gift; but we can look for the Trinity in manifestation,different gifts by the same Spirit, different administrations but the sane Lord, diversities of operation but the same God working all in all. Can you conceive of what it will mean for our Triune God to be manifesting Himself in His fullness in our assemblies?
Watch that great locomotive boiler as it is filled with steam.
Y ou can see the engine letting off some of the steam as it remains stationary. It looks as though the whole thing might burst. Y ou can see saints like that. They start to scream, but that is not to edification. But when the locomotive moves on, it serves the purpose for which it was built, and pulls along much traffic with it. It is wonderful to be filled with the power of the Holy Ghost, and for Him to serve His own purposes through us. Through our lips divine utterances flow, our hearts rejoice and our tongue is glad. It is an inward power within which is manifested in outward expression. Jesus Christ is glorified. As your faith in Him is quickened, from within you there will flow rivers of living water. The Holy Spirit will pour through you like a great river of life and thousands will be blessed because you are a yielded channel through whom the Spirit may flow.☕️Smith Wigglesworth
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guanshentai · 1 year
Advantages and application prospects of ultrasonic automatic welding leak tester
  In the practical application of GST culture bottle ultrasonic automatic welding leak tester in plastic production, for plastic products with particularly complex shapes and structures, it is often difficult to be injection molded at one time, and various connection technologies need to be used to connect the injection molded parts. As an efficient connection method for plastic products, ultrasonic welding technology can shorten product production time and improve production efficiency.
  1. Advantages of ultrasonic welding of plastic parts:
  The welding speed is fast, the welding strength is high, and the sealing is good;
  Replacing the traditional welding/bonding process, the system cost is competitive, clean and pollution-free and will not damage the workpiece;
  The welding process is stable, and all welding parameters can be tracked and monitored through the software system. Once a fault is found, it is easy to troubleshoot and maintain.
  2. The application prospect of plastic ultrasonic welding:
  Ultrasonic welding has won the recognition of all walks of life for its fast, efficient, clean and firm.
  Transportation industry: Ultrasonic waves can be controlled by computer programs to implement welding of large and irregular workpieces, such as: bumpers, front and rear doors, lamps, brake lights, etc. With the development of the trend of replacing steel with plastic, more and more auto parts are welded by ultrasonic welding. In particular, the new energy vehicle industry that has emerged in the past two years has also begun to be widely used, such as the battery field.
  Household appliances: through appropriate adjustments, it can be used for: portable fluorescent lamp shades, steam ironing doors, TV casings, recorders, sound machine transparent panels, power rectifiers, TV casing screw fixing seats, mosquito-reducing lamp casings, washing machine dehydration tanks, etc. need to be sealed, Strong and beautiful home appliances.
  Packing: the sealing of the hose, the connection of the special packing tape.
  Toy industry: Due to the adoption of ultrasonic technology, the products are clean, efficient and firm, eliminating the need for screws, adhesives, glue or other auxiliary products, reducing production costs and greatly enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises in the market.
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  Medical care: In the new crown antigen detection kit, the cost of mold opening for the upper and lower plastic sheets of the reagent card with buckle design is high. The use of ultrasonic welding can help manufacturers complete the assembly as quickly as possible while ensuring the consistency of the weld seal and the test performance of the reagent card.
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