#Swtor is where i go to play game
gothamcityneedsme · 5 months
also for smt v replay i went with the version of newgame plus that carries over less because like. i just replayed p4g (ng+), p4a and p4au (i do not enjoy gameplay so i let the game autoplay), and pq2 (ng+). and while its fun to minmax and focus on completing like, more challenge-level content, for the love of god i need to do something more challenging
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Pauletta's OC Sexyperson Tournament - Round 1, Pair 20
Haizha (side character from Silver Claw crew)
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Zinilev Lok (side character)
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tiredassmage · 1 year
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The Boys (TM) on Yavin IV & Ziost today. Bringing in ‘23 right with some of my favorite things: dress up blorbos (bonus for color coordination dream team), Theron Shan my beloved, and at least one of my ocs definitely not (>:3) having flashbacks to Some Shit They Went Through. (RIP Rhyst’s emotions, never gonna forget Uphrades)
Savosta and Rhyst shaking hands, having bad premonitions over this Emperor’s Return bullshit.
All of this also known as I meant to run them back to back through Yavin and Ziost today and then I got semi-distracted achievement hunting on Yavin with Savosta because I made the mistake of opening the achievements menu to check something.
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vespertine-legacy · 1 year
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Raid tonight had some ✨features✨, including a new Smooth Criminal variant of the “I see dead people” glitch, multiple people just being invisible (except for their weapons), multiple people being stuck in emote poses, and some team-building activities such as “We All Watch Trapp’s Toon Shit”, but
I got my HM Watchdog clear
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stratataisen · 7 months
SWTOR Wishlist
These are just a few things I'd like to see in the game--are they all going to be something feasible or would the devs actually get around to doing them? Doubtful, but one can hope.
These are in no particular order.
Having the option to New Game + the storyline. You can do this for KotFE and KotEE, but NOTHING ELSE. I'd love to be able to play through the whole storyline again without having to make a new character.
Calling your romance option to your room. *wink wink* Or having a repeatable cutscene where you can go on a date, or some other little thing that's not story related. Let me smooch Theron when I want!
Unlocking dyes in the collections...(not going to happen. Dyes are more than likely one of the biggest money makers. Still can wish for it though, lol.)
Cross faction grouping. I know a lot of people who don't have characters on the opposite faction, this would make doing group activates sooo much easier. (Plus less bouncing around the gear ;-; )
Updated graphics. It is so very strange see my character, Lana, and someone like Tau or Sa'har side by side--they feel like they're from a different games sometimes.
Updating the old cutscenes. Only reason I'm putting this here is because the updated the intro quest cutscene on Coruscant and Dromond Kaas. I'm hoping they might do that for the origin storyline at the very least.
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hurricanek8art · 8 months
Okay, so, um... Hi? So, I've been a lurker on Tumblr for a while, including the SWTOR tag, because I've got major social anxiety. Recently, I think I've finally worked up the courage to interact, which is great! Especially now, because I think I need advice about the game and don't really know where else to ask! Other social media sites scare me and I'm not currently a subscriber, so I can't access the SWTOR forums. :P
I've just finished Corellia on my Jedi Knight. She's technically my main, even though I already finished the class storylines for Consular and Smuggler. I got burnout on doing the planetary missions and side quests around Balmorra (I'm a huge goody-two-shoes, so I was doing almost every quest I came across) so I figured, hey, I'll just focus on the story for a while and come back to it another time! Except now I feel kinda bad for skipping them because my Knight's leveled at 53, when my other two finished their class stories around 60/65. I know over-leveling's pointless, but at the speed I take getting through stuff, they'll have to have raised the level cap again by the time I catch up. 🤣
Should I go back and do them before finishing the class story? I know it's pretty harmless to skip them but I dunno, I want to do as much as I can with my Knight so I haven't missed out on anything. My brother plays too, we share an account, but his philosophy is skip absolutely everything that's not important unless he's underleveled, so obviously we have differing opinions on the subject. 🤣🤣🤣 Can some more experienced players give me some advice? I'm paralyzed with indecision, help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, etc., etc., you get the gist.
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Unnecessarily adding pictures of my Knight because she is awesome and I love her to pieces and I only really get to talk about her with my brother. I'm a writer/artist and I've got loads of stuff I've created about her and my other legacy characters but. y'know. extreme social anxiety says no sharing yet. You guys make such cool stuff and I'm a huge chicken, but I'm working on getting over that, so maybe someday I can actually tell their stories!
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depizan · 19 days
I'm still boggling over the concept behind the poll I just reblogged. People write fic for things they haven't watched/read/whatevered?
I...I don't get it.
I understand somewhat related things, like someone who hasn't played a video game, but has watched other people play it, writing fic for it. Or people who've only consumed one particular piece of canon. (Almost no one is consuming all of Star Wars canon, much less, say Superman's canon. I'm not even sure someone could consume all of Superman's canon. Or Batman's or any other superhero who's been around for all that time.) Read a Narnia book and wrote fic, sure. Watched some Doctor Who and wrote fic, sure.
But if you have no familiarity with any portion of the source material, what would prompt you to write fic?
I've seen gifs of Supernatural. I know that the main characters are two brothers. I think I know which two guys in the gifs are the main characters. What would I even be writing if I sat down to write a fic for Supernatural. "There's two guys who have a car and also an angel who maybe is in love with one of them, and also there are monsters. And hell." Unless I did a crap ton of research, it would basically already have the serial numbers filed off.
But more importantly, if I had any interest in Supernatural, I would have, you know, watched it. Why would anyone write a fic for a fandom they're not interested in???
I guess, maybe they have a friend who is? But yegad the amount of research one would have to do to stand any chance of getting anything right! I don't even know what kind of car the car is! I'm only 90% certain the main characters are Sam and Dean and I am 0% certain which is which.
Then again, I am a very weird fanfic writer who isn't interested in shipping and only has any desire to write fic for things where you basically write about OCs in a canon universe. (Other than SWTOR, the only thing I'm contemplating fic about is D&D. Not the recent movie (though I quite enjoyed the recent movie!), doing the create characters and novelize an adventure thing that people do, and which I've been quite enjoying other people's versions of.)
I completely understand reading fic for things one hasn't consumed. Its just another story. You could say we do that any time we pick up a published book.
And I guess some people write episodes of TV shows and the like without watching them. But they probably do that whole crap ton of research thing, at least if they're going to write a decent episode. And there's a motivation there: money.
Am I missing something?
Why would someone use their limited spare time to write a fic for a canon they're not familiar with? What are they getting out of it? Wouldn't they get much more out of writing for something they actually liked?
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wintergrew · 1 month
Actually i will say on KAYF...
The basic premise of KAYF was an idea I first got roughly ten years ago after watching various vampire media. (Let the Right One In, Shiki, etc.) Not the whole plot, but the basic premise of a (queer) couple broken up by one becoming a vampire while their town is being destroyed by...well, vampires. Originally with my friend's and my Star Wars ocs from the MMO swtor we were obsessed with and made a billion AUs for, but very quickly it became its own thing in my head with new OCs.
But at that point in my life i was not writing fiction. I was always too self conscious of my writing because someone flamed my cringeybwriting on Neopets when I was, like...8 or something. So I literally went a full ass decade without writing fiction (with the exception of a couple attempts i immediately abandoned because I hated them) until I decided to try again with South Park fanfiction because i don't even know. Which includes The Thief, which I was shocked people liked. It was a TERRIBLE point in my life, I should say, so having people enjoy what I wrote and saying nice things about it was quite literally one of the only good things I had.
But anyway I still had that vampire idea in the back of my head, but just as random scenes that played in my head of the two main charades + the person who ended up being Estella. (Though originally her and Scott's role was combined.) The plot wasn't really defined or anything, but the basic ending was in my head from the very very beginning.
Anyway...2020. i was supposed to see MCR. Then COVID postponed it. I was very sad about this. So I extra emo-ly listened to a shit ton of MCR. And listening to MCR, suddenly I was thinking about that vampire story and their music pretty much helped me put the plot into place. The terminal illness plotline. The vampire of the pairing being obsessed to save his love and the cruelty from the other vampires regarding that. And ofc the song Kill All Your Friends itself gave me the set up of an IT-like time skip where someone died and they all go back.
They were all still 100% OCs in my head at this point. I didn't really have much confidence anyone would like these idea but, I was actively writing South Park fanfiction people liked well enough. I'd only ever written fanfiction. So I was like "huh I guess I can make this idea Creek".
So I did. And then wrote three chapters and didn't update for a full year.
But then in 2021 it became my ADHD obsession. I stopped caring about The Thief Trilogy. All I could think of was KAYF and wrote the rest of it in three or so months... Over 100k words. Pretty sure the update schedule was longer than that, but I spaced out chapters by a week long after I was finished.
And people seemed to like it. It was too dark to be as popular as the Thief Trilogy, but I knew that. It was a much more personal story, though, especially with how emotional it was, so it meant SO MUCH to me that anyone liked it. Also because The Thief Trilogy feels basically just like a bloated fanfiction adaptation of the SOT game to me, while KAYF feels like mine, so the kind words for it meant even more in a way.
Until someone I thought was a friend trashed it relentlessly. Like, I'm fine with constructive criticism but they were just horrible. Spoiled the plot for people who wanted to read it directly after i asked them not to, went on condescending rants about how there was too much filler, how Tweek in it was an awful character who deserved to die, claimed characters were all too unsympathetic, joked about parts I meant in earnest, etc. And they got really mad at me that my feelings were hurt by this. It was a whole thing.
Anyway, I'm still to this day years later obsessed with this story year. I think about it every day, which is probably more unhealthy ADHD shit. And I always think about how to make it better. I hate how I wrote it so fast and didn't think about certain details or pacing or what have you. Like, once I finished writing it, I was sad because I wanted to keep writing it. I still do.
I hate that I disappoint people by not having it out there. I want it out there, just not the version I rushed in three months.
So, for now, the fic is hidden. Indefinitely.
Anyway if you read all this tl;dr rambling congratulations I guess.
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rainofaugustsith · 1 month
Saw the cut scenes of the Lana date night. My goodness, that's adorable. That on its own can't convince me to go back to SWTOR, I won't reinstall the game just for that but I will admit I would have loved to see this scene with Viri and Lana especially since it's voiced. Having said that, I wrote a story several years ago where Lana and Viri play a sexy game of sabacc. So there's that. :D https://archiveofourown.org/works/18629065
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faeymouse · 4 months
Thoughts on KOTFE because hey I’m finally playing it now:
-Idk what ancient sea witch hell being Darin De Paul made a Faustian pact with to have the perfect voice, but I’d like to personally thank it because any time that dude is handed a villain role he absolutely kills it. 10/10. He’s so good as Valkorion
-Speaking of, Valkorion’s whole design is just 👩🏻‍🍳💋👌 The whole Zakuul royal family is really fun to look at individually, but also altogether because the family resemblance is there without being too pushy about it idunno how to word, I just think they’re neat
-I’m playing on my Smuggler btw
-You’d think this whole concept wouldn’t fit, and yeah there are a few narrative times where I’m like, oh, yep, they definitely had the Jedi Knight in mind for this bit, but? Big but? Smuggler actually works out pretty good. And what can I say, I find the concept of two generations of angry royal force sensitives playing tug-of-war with what is basically just some guy with a ship to be very funny and therefore very entertaining
-Understandably, my Smuggler talks to Valkorion’s ghost less like an ancient entity trying to take over his body and more like someone trying to cheat at sabacc. “Valkorion is amused” pops up way more then expected. The planet devouring Sith ghost has a sense of humor
-Really love how SWTOR spread its romance wings with this one and went full Dragon Age 2 with it. Everyone’s fair game. (Flirt) option is my Smug’s ultimate weapon, frankly
-Had my first genuine impasse when I had to decide between Koth, Theron, and Lana as romance options (an impasse of my own decision and making, but still). Was doing quantum physics, bending the laws of time and space, ripping open my third eye while I went hrm, but would this fit my smug’s MO?
-Finally decided on Lana. 1) because it’s Lana, and 2) this Smuggler having a weak spot for women that can crack his spine like a disposable glowstick confirmed
-I’m really excited about this bc I had to go through all the character class story arcs first (just for personal completionist sake) and if I had to accidentally hurtle off one more Balmorran cliff face because those elevators take too long I was gonna uninstall the game.
-Gripping the game by the lapels and shaking it vigorously begging it to let my character wear Koth’s outfit, PLEASE
-They went hard designing Zakuul, from its assets to its lore, and idk how I’ll ever be able to go back to vanilla planets after this. Zakuul stronghold when
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lily-orchard · 6 months
Lily BioWare HAS been becoming shit
literally the last good game they’ve made was a fucking remaster with the actual new games they’ve made (andromeda and Anthem) being shit and the mmo they’ve made currently going downhill
Lily you preach on and on about how “we need to let things go and not to hold companies and media on a high pedestal” yet you do this shit constantly with BioWare
bioware’s quickly becoming the Canadian version of blizzard maybe stop holding them up to a high pedestal and accept the bioware you loved doesn’t exist anymore especially with all the recent layoffs
Everyone else can see that bioware lost their soul and is now just sucking EA’s cock why can’t you?
the actual new games they’ve made (andromeda and Anthem) being shit and the mmo they’ve made currently going downhill
Let's unpack that.
Andromeda was shit for one very simple reason: EA mandated that all their studios use their god awful Frostbite Engine, which only DICE knows the arcane mystic incantation to make it not shit, and which they had to learn WHILE developing the game.
The same problem was had by Kingdom Hearts 3, which changed engines mid-development and the team had to relearn an engine TWICE (Luminous and then Unreal) which contributed to the troubled development.
Anthem was EA's bright idea to have their *checks notes* character focused action RPG devs make a *checks notes* looter shooter. Did anyone expect that to go well? I doubt it.
As for SWTOR, SWTOR has been the "tortanic" according to people who have never played it for twelve fucking years now.
bioware’s quickly becoming the Canadian version of blizzard maybe stop holding them up to a high pedestal and accept the bioware you loved doesn’t exist anymore especially with all the recent layoffs
Honey I have accepted the fundamental difference between Old BioWare and New BioWare a long time ago. I'm not expecting them to jump right back in and make a game with the same magic as Baldur's Gate 2.
All of their games have different lead writers. BG2 was James Ohlen, KOTOR and Mass Effect were Drew Karpyshyn and Mac Walters, Dragon Age was David Gaider, and Andromeda was John Dombrow.
Different writers make different games, what a shock.
But this isn't new. BioWare has had duds before. I understand that you're fucking young, but I remember Neverwinter Nights. A game that set itself up as a proto 3D RPG Maker. Or Jade Empire, the one BioWare game NONE of you have played.
Or how about FUCKING DRAGON AGE?! The runty little stepchild to Mass Effect which has always exemplified the worst of BioWare's B Team? Dragon Age is fucking terrible, my dude.
You think they're in the toilet because of ANTHEM? And ANDROMEDA? I remember Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood. Don't cite the deep magics to me, I was there when it was written.
The thing is... BioWare is in the unique position of propping up the careers of three different development studios now. Black Isle, Obsidian and Larian Studios all got where they were by cribbing BioWare's notes. Often badly.
Black Isle had the dumbass idea to make Icewind Dale, essentially Baldur's Gate with the character-focused storytelling ripped out, and it was fucking terrible. And they made Planescape Torment. The best game ever made according to people who've never played it.
Obsidian put themselves on the map with Neverwinter Nights 2 and KOTOR 2, both of which heavily relied on their precursors to even work. And then later on they crowdfunded a Baldur's Gate knock-off and it was a tepid response at best. All their attempts to make original games flounder and die.
And Larian Studios has been making one game their entire life: Baldur's Gate, but the Auto Pause Every Round Is Permanently On. And the one time it succeeded was the one time the dev they were ripping off hadn't released a game in 6 years.
BioWare's gone through some garbage over the last few years, but they've consistently had a better track record than most "Darling" game devs.
I remember when CD Projekt Red was a gaming community darling despite having only 1 game anyone actually liked.
I remember when Valve was practically fucking worshipped all while engaging in every scummy business practice on the planet, creating a DRM monopoly and being applauded for it during a time where DRM was hated. Because they were "Valve" and "Praise Gaben."
Obsidian hasn't released a good game in 13 or 19 years depending on how much you like philosophical rants.
BioWare's biggest crime is... well crunch, but their second biggest crime is releasing one dud every three games. And you what's gonna happen? Mass Effect 4 is going to come out and we're all going to forget about Andromeda and Anthem. Just like how we all forgot about Jade Empire and Neverwinter Nights when Mass Effect 1 came out.
There are absolute garbage devs out there, but BioWare doesn't even make the list my dude.
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felassan · 10 months
Article: 'Jennifer Hale and David Hayter Talk Morality-Based Dialogue in Games Like Mass Effect, SWTOR'
Jennifer Hale and David Hayter chat with Game Rant about how they approached voice roles in games like Mass Effect and Star Wars: The Old Republic. In anticipation of the PSVR2 exclusive Synapse, Game Rant spoke with actors Jennifer Hale and David Hayter, who both play roles in the upcoming title. They spent some time during the interview discussing how they approached voicing characters in games that feature branching dialogue trees with morality systems. Jennifer Hale memorably portrayed the female Commander Shepard in Mass Effect as well as the female Trooper in Star Wars: The Old Republic, whereas David Hayter brought life to the male Jedi Knight in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Jennifer Hale Sees Mass Effect's Paragon And Renegade Shepard As The Same Person Mass Effect is one of the most well-regarded RPGs in recent memory largely due to its dialogue and morality system that allows players to express themselves in a way that is impactful to both the story and Commander Shepard's interpersonal relationships. Dialogue choices are often split between the heroic and virtuous Paragon and the sardonic, occasionally ruthless Renegade. Jennifer Hale spoke about how she appreciates the character's ability to shift between these attitudes in a relatable way. "To everyone, I say “Look in the mirror.” Sometimes you get out of bed, and you're in a great mood. Other days, you get out of bed and you’re like “Don't talk to me for a couple hours, leave me alone,” but you're still the same person. You can get out of bed as one person and something can happen, and in a nanosecond, you're the other person. And so playing a character like that – It's the same character. They're just hopping from mood to mood and circumstance to circumstance. The throughline is there and it's very definite. You're not a wholly different character from line to line, it's just a different moment, and how you respond to it is with maybe tighter governors or looser governors." Hale's approach to Shepard's role is so successful because the "good" and "bad" options don't feel like completely different characters. One of the most highly recommended ways to play through the Mass Effect trilogy is by taking a "Paragade" approach in which players go for a mix of both, because Shepard, like any person, might not always be feeling optimistic or cynical. A predominantly Renegade Shepard may still choose to hug and comfort Tali during an emotional moment (a Paragon choice) and it doesn't at all feel inconsistent. David Hayter Views Star Wars: The Old Republic's Dialogue Choices As Different Journeys In Star Wars: The Old Republic, the moral extremes are somewhat more pronounced in the dialogue choices as players lean toward either the Light Side or the Dark Side of the Force. Even the Jedi Knight can be outright evil if the player chooses, which leads David Hayter to view these paths as essentially different journeys to take for the character. I almost use the same voice for all of them, but I kind of feel like they're different personalities. One of them is kind of a Han Solo, while the Light Side responses are heroic, but kind of bland – he'll never deviate from “May the Force be with You,” that sort of thing. The cynical guy is just like, “What is wrong with you?” which is so much more fun. The moments where I'm full-on Dark Side and I'm like, “I am going to destroy you!” is arguably more fun to do. I try to deliver it all through the same guy's vocal cords, but they are different. They're having different journeys, and some of them are more funny and exasperating than others. Naturally, Hayter found that it was more fun to embrace the Dark Side while acting, if only because the Light-Sided Jedi Knight is a tad bland due to the Jedi Order's insistence on emotional detachment. Either way, the presence of branching dialogue enables players to embark on the journey of their choice and explore the full range of David Hayter and Jennifer Hale's exceptional acting abilities upon repeat playthroughs.
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imperial-topaz2003 · 1 year
Why I like Quinn
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To say Quinn is divisive would probably be putting it lightly. From my experience, an SWTOR player will either really like him or really hate him. I rarely see an in-between.
Now, I can't tell you what you should and should not like. I understand why people don't like him, but I do wanna explain why I personally do.
First, let's talk about the Quinncident. Yes, I understand people have big issues with betrayal, myself included, but let's look at this from Quinn's perspective: the man is a normal, non-force wielding fellow who's caught in a power play between two Sith Lords. If he picks the wrong side, he's most likely going to be tortured, executed, or at best, imprisoned for life. So yeah, I can see why he'd pick the (initally) stronger Sith Lord. And it was Darth Baras who promoted Quinn and really got him off of that shithole Balmorra, even if he was traveling with you more often. Second, his attitude. I've seen people accuse Quinn of being a generic Imperial asshole. Upon replaying the SW story, he does seem to have a bias against non-Imperials and civilians, but compared to 80% of Sith and Imp NPCs in this game? He's pretty calm and respectful about it. At worst, I've only seen him vocalize his concerns once before going along with it. He's also fairly pragmatic, not letting his own biases impede his desire to get the job done, no matter the cost. Doesn't seem like much at first, but compared to the rest of the Empire, it's a breath of fresh air. Also, I heard someone said Quinn's 'life sucks and he uses that as an excuse to be a dick to everybody else' ...where did you get that from? I mean, yeah, I have no doubt he's a bit bitter about Moff Broysc, who's batshit insane, but he's never let that affect how he acts towards other people. And he certainly doesn't whine about it or use it as an excuse. But anyways, that's just my two cents. Feel free to share your own opinions.
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arkhavens · 1 year
had a loose idea for smthn that would fix like all of my issues w where swtors storyline is/has been going.
what if, instead of immediately getting queued for the prelude to kotfe, there was a quest placed right before it where you essentially chose if you want that toon to actually go through the kotfe/kotet expansions, OR to play through the 5 years that the alliance commander is in carbonite?
bc for 1- i really want details on that period, and 2-it seems like Such a fucking lazy cop out to just mention that "oh yeah lol all the class characters just disappear for some reason right when the alliance commander does and their respective govts are fine w that" and act like that Makes Any SENSE.
it would give bioware a chance to actually diversify the story again, it would give players that dont want to lose their companions a way to still continue the story, we could get actual development into why the hell malgus is even alive, it would make the republic and empire being even remotely functional make sense(bc while i could understand the smuggler+bounty hunter dropping off the map, you cannot fucking tell me that the republic losing the Barsen'thor, the Hero of Tython,+Havoc Squad's leader, AND the empire losing the Empire's Wrath, multiple major members of the dark council,+Cipher 9, ALONGSIDE anyone Else that was lost in the fighting, would just be fine.)
and like it wouldnt even need to be a complete chronicle of the 5 years!! we've had major timeskips in game b4, so it could definitely speed past some shit. but just seeing how the empire and republic even managed to hold it together at ALL would be fascinating.
i honestly feel like setting up a sort of branch out -> joining point -> branch out again -> rejoin etc pattern to content could work really well if done properly. it would weave the overarching story together but allow for a lot of diversity in playthroughs, which is what ive seen practically Everyone complaining about.
idk. just, more class content. the little class missions on rishi engaged me more than the entirety of kotfe+kotet, and im saying that as someone who actually kind of enjoyed those expansions the first go around
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commander-krios · 6 months
twenty questions for fic writers
I was tagged by @heymacareyna <3 thank you, I don't think I've done this yet? So here I go!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
213 published works
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mass Effect, Andromeda Six, SWTOR, KOTOR (eventually BG3), and formally, Dragon Age and Fallout.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Fall (Dragon Age (Video Games), Dragon Age: Inquisition) (1,591 words)
If It Pleases You (Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dragon Age (Video Games)) (923 words)
Don't Do That Again (Dragon Age (Video Games), Dragon Age: Inquisition) (295 words)
Not Nothing (Dragon Age (Video Games), Dragon Age: Inquisition) (315 words)
The Woman I Love (Dragon Age (Video Games), Dragon Age: Inquisition) (1,023 words)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Of course! It may take a few days to get in the mindset to respond, but I always do.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
My platonic Shenko fic, A Lost Friend, where Kaidan sits at Shepard's memorial after Alchera.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The fic where my Shepard and Joker get engaged: Anything For Her
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No! I don't think my fics are well known enough to get to those parts of the fandom.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, usually F/M but occasionally M/M. I don't think I've written F/F before.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don't. I prefer to stay within the fandom.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of. Like the answer for #8, I don't think I'm popular enough to have a fic stolen.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
A long time ago with an IRL friend but that was when we were teenagers and that fic doesn't exist on the internet anymore.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Geez, Femshep/Thane Krios. I will always have a soft spot for them.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
There are sooo many but I have a fShepley fic that I would love to write where Shepard has a control chip and she takes orders from the Illusive Man while also getting indoctrinated. It's in a rough state and not sure I'll ever finish it, but it's too good of an idea to completely abandon.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Banter, Dialogue, Emotion. I enjoy all of these things.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Setting the scene. Description can allude me at times.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I won't do it unless it's a fictional language and I feel comfortable enough to use it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I honestly can't remember? Maybe Harry Potter, Maybe Buffy? But I do remember my fic writing became more of thing after I played Dragon Age.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
I'm really proud of this fic I wrote for SpecReqs with James Vega/Joker as the ship: Yours
Tagging: @mightymizora, @starknstarwars, @sullustangin, @n0rmandysr1 and @eluvisen
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jb-nonsense · 10 months
wait but I wanna know why Theron's your least favorite :D explanation? (positive connotation i prommy)
Well it all started as a journey. It's a long journey, for sure, of a varying opinion change over the years of playing the game, from forces inside the game and outside the game. But I am not one to post things negatively about other people's favs out in the open so readmore it is
So we begin this journey as a wide eyed newbie player just figuring out what I wanted my legacy to be with my first knight, Leeloa. A friend was playing along with me, and I really enjoyed the Doc romance because I am definitely a fan of the 'player gets played by his own game and catches feelings' trope. Well, I get to SOR and mention to friend that I think Theron's fun and she tells me to ditch Doc because she didn't like him and thought Leeloa could do better.
I ended up remaking Leeloa because I listened then did not like that course, because it just didn't fit Leeloa. So honestly, I did like him when I first started.
But then writing happens, and it felt like he...Never developed past the whole "reckless, I do things when I do them" kind of persona, especially with the betrayal. And the more I delved into information on SWTOR, it just...Bothered me. He's descended from the hero of the original games, but oh no not force sensitive, but he's a great spy so amazing.
Why?? Because he had some Jedi training because it was expected for him to be force sensitive but oh no he WASN'T what a shock...
Except that...Doesn't really track with the Jedi and, everyone hates me, but the test for the midichlorians. They would know, they wouldn't just assume because his mom was Satele.
And somehow, despite acting in the most unspy like ways, he's a great spy. I don't know why anyone would have the Grand Master of the Jedi Council's son as a spy because that is just a huge liability.
I'll admit I haven't read the extra material because I just think it's...Kind of silly to have content outside of a video game beyond, say, a short story or a short comic.
There's just a lot of his story that if you look at it closer and in the grand scheme of Star Wars, is just absolutely ridiculous and maybe, a bit more Gary Stu than Luke.
Now then, to the writing and how he was treated in expacs. (This area is a place where Lana is also on thin fuckin ice.) The absolute favoritism shown to him by the devs drove me crazy. It started to weed away at my liking him and move me more into the exasperated/tired/neutral about him. You have this whole giant alliance, but the focus being on him and Lana so much was just annoying, especially considering it was Koth who helped the Outlander escape in the beginning chapters and how he got pushed aside. It didn't narratively feel...Cohesive and just a 'Look at the Sh*n kid go!'
The nail in the coffin is how the fandom acts about how he's a golden boy, how he gets fawned over, and honestly?? I just hate liking those characters for personal reasons. It always seems like people ignore what we're given about the character and expanding on it and, instead, ignore it and write an entirely different personality with the face they think is cute. I am huge on consistency, it's my style of writing, my preferred style of reading (thanks literary analysis class in college you ruined me), so fandom just fucked me over from liking him and while he's still friends with my knight, I try my hardest to ignore fandom with him, do my best to try to enjoy him, because I do intend to run all the game romances for gif making purposes.
Also he's really written as playersexual if you play a light side character and some conversations felt awkward like the devs were expecting you to have romanced him.
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