myscrap · 1 year
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テラ@歌姫庭園34 シャニ83,84さんはTwitterを使っています: 「「アンタ、結構やるんだな!」 https://t.co/bw8AAnQNar」 / Twitter
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chiyoha1488 · 2 months
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forevealuna · 1 year
Death Note OC --- Terra (Written sheet)
I know, I know it's a LOOOONG sheet, but I've really fleshed her out and thought I'd post her sheet anyways even if no one wants it lmao.
Basic information
True Name: Aiko Yamagishi
In Japanese: 山岸 アイコ
Alias/nickname : Terra, Terra Watanabe, T
In Japanese: 渡辺 テラ
D.O.B: September 14th, 1989 (1992 if we're going by the anime version)
D.O.D: --
Status: Alive-- surprisingly
Ages throughout the series:
14-15 (pre-timeskip)
19-20 (post-timeskip)
22-23 (C-Kira story)
29 (A-kira story)
Height 5'5 (out of platforms), 5’11-6’0(in platforms)
Weight: 140LBS (63KG)
Blood Type: B-
Hair color: naturally black, but she will dye it from time to time
Eye color: Dark brown
Skin color: a rather pale complexion, though she was tanner at the beginning of the series
Other physical attributes
Clothing style: she tends to wear a lot of dark, gothic clothing-- mostly stuff that will make her appear taller and thinner. Some days she'll be wearing regular shoes, but for the most part she's wearing black platforms with red laces-- making her 4-5 inches taller than her actual height.
- You won't catch her without the two rosaries she's wearing unless she absolutely has to take them off for specific reasons (physicals, airports)
- No matter the clothing, she tries to wear something loose-fitting to hide her bust, which gained a lot of attention because it's larger than the average female in Japan. She'll get asked uncomfortable questions about it, mostly if she's had work done or if she'll go into more adult acting-- which she avoids.
Hair style: jaw length hair, often teased to appear spiky and bigger-- a common style for people at the time.
- Her hair style was a bit flatter when she was younger, especially after being introduced to light. She wore no makeup, was in a school uniform, and her hair wasn't teased for once. It does change a lot more throughout time, eventually her hair is longer and probably has more color to it.
Personality attributes:
Likes: alternative rock, junk food, tall shoes
- some of the foods she particularly enjoys are sweets, fast food, and will be huddled down in a corner with lots of chips, pastries, etc.
- tall shoes make Terra feel empowered and more intimidating (even if she already looks pretty scary with how she dresses and naturally looks mean).
You won't catch Terra listening to softer music, she's usually singing or playing loud rock music. She's fond of American rock, and learned how to sing in English through it.
Dislikes: egotistical people, cigarettes
- hatred for egotistical people began at a very young age, watching her mother attempt to start a new and find someone to help raise Terra, but only ended up seeing her mother get abused and spiral down the path of becoming more of an alcoholic
- hatred for cigarettes started from her mother also having a nicotine addition, which left their run down apartment and Terra's clothes always smelling like cigarettes. She also got sick frequently and has acute asthma because of it. Just the smell of cigarettes alone makes her feel violently ill.
Personality traits: snarky, rebellious, a tad flirty, intelligent, observant
- The rebellious attitude comes from her skipping school and having a tendency of being a troublemaker at times.
Strengths: her attitude and looks can persuade or intimidate a lot of people, she also is pretty good at acting and can improvise on the spot if she is feeling she is being cornered. Also, she understands and can speak English pretty well, but will pretend she can't at times just to mess with people.
Weaknesses: her snarky and rebellious attitude gets her into quite a bit of trouble at times. She also hates it when people bring up her past or treat her like an object when it comes to the Kira case since she was closely involved with the two main Kiras. (Light and Misa).
Acting Skills: improvisation, being able to craft believable costumes, and masking her emotions enough to make it hard to pinpoint what she was feeling at the current moment. It came in handy with being a singer and model.
Social life: Terra didn't have many friends growing up, and Misa was her only friend when she was still around her frequently. After growing distant from Misa, due to safety and starting to not like being seen as a suspect in the Kira case, she was temporarily staying with L after her mother's passing and eventually sent off to Wammy's house. It was safer for her to leave the country, since she did have a big target on her back.
Motivation: trying to stop her friend from spiraling down the Kira rabbit hole and stopping Kira from taking many more people closest to her.
Creativity: making clever disguises for herself to stay under the radar. She also is really creative with her comebacks and insults, shutting anyone down almost instantly. Pulling her way out of getting off a hit list is another thing, since she's got disguises and names she's made for herself as time goes on.
Willingness to act: very willing to act, even if its to avenge the people closest to her who was taken by Kira.
Friends: Misa Amane (Eventually drifted apart from Misa after finding out she was Kira #2 and having an obsessive devotion to Light), L (became close during the investigation, but only because she needed someone in that very moment. They had a sibling bond). Develops a familial bond with Near (close friends).
Family: Kiyoko Yamagishi (mother - Deceased), Unknown father (--status unknown--)
Enemies: Light Yagami
Relationships: N/A-- though she might have gotten with Mello as a trauma bond thing after L's death, and had a nasty break up because of the whole mafia and her being a big key to the investigation
Back story:
Basic information before ending up dragged into the Kira case:
Aiko Yamagishi, also known as Terra, came from a run-down, impoverished neighborhood in Tokyo. She doesn't know anything about her father, considering he left after she was born, and her mother stayed single after a few more attempts at trying to give Terra the father figure she needed growing up. Watching her mother get abused by short-lasted partners and spiraling down a road to Nicotine and alcohol addiction, Terra began to hate the egotistical people who took the once vibrant life from her mother. Her mother also began stealing from small businesses and grocery stores just to provide, which by the time Terra was 14, she began performing for money in small venues, including a local nightclub-- which she lied about her age to get into. Her mother did have two small jobs at that time too, which she eventually lost due to coming to work intoxicated or forgetting to show up. Terra just wanted to help provide, and saved any money she got from performing smaller gigs for necessities and getting acting lessons. Eventually, a talent scout picked up on her and offered her a job at a company, which she happily took. That was where she met Misa Amane, and the two became close, like sisters.
Pre- time skip:
Terra became a pretty popular name alongside Misa Amane, and was still performing and modeling. She even scored a few ad offers and television show parts, which she took. The two were always with each other, until Misa met a new guy that she expressed was the one. Of course, Terra's first thought was to be hyper-cautious and play 20 questions, but was reassured that the new guy in Misa's life was fine.
A few weeks into constantly hearing about Misa's 'prince charming,' Terra got the honor of accidentally running into Misa, who was of course with the guy. It was Terra's travel back home from school, not properly dressed to meet anyone, since the academy she went to didn't allow makeup or anything that made her a walking distraction.
Misa called Terra over and introduced her to Light, to which Terra simply sneered and stuffed her hands in her pockets when he offered to shake her hand. Terra then proceeded to call Light a chump and asked why Misa always found the most suspicious looking people.On the inside, Terra recognized Light as being the son of Soichiro Yagami— chief of police and being the same man who has tried to keep her mom behind bars. Sadly, Misa immediately apologized for Terra and talked about how younger kids were a little more unfiltered now-a-days.
Consequently, Misa decided to have Terra hang out with her, Light, and L--who became a more frequent face in the group too. Terra was forced to get to know Light as proof he wasn't just as bad as she believed, but she still didn't buy it. This would go on for days, until Terra expressed she wanted to hang out with Just Misa-- no other people, to which Misa declined the offer. This hurt Terra's feelings and she stopped wanting to hang around the 3 altogether. Her hatred for Light began here.
Terra did still keep in touch with Misa through text, telling her about school, social events, gigs, and even about her home life. One of her big mistakes was bringing up her mother going to jail for theft, after trying to rob a gas station for cigarettes she couldn't afford. What she didn't know was Misa would have been with Light at that moment of telling her. She also mentioned having permission to take her a care package with clothes, food, and some basic necessities.
The next morning, Terra got an alarming knock at her door. She awoke from the couch and went to go see who it was. There were officers at the door, but she couldn't seem to find her mother. She asked if she was still in the vehicle, and the policemen informed her that she was under arrest for the murder of her mother. This shocked Terra, for she didn't recall ever doing anything that could cause harm. She loved her mother and it was only a care package!
During questioning, Terra was beginning to break down. She expressed how she would never hurt her mother and how she was the only person left that cared about her. The police officer questioning her then asked why they found her foaming at the mouth due to cardiac arrest in her cell. A baffled Terra yet again explained it couldn't have been her and that it was probably the work of Kira. She even gave her book back for them to examine, only to find that she in fact didn't have anything on her that could have harmed any inmates. She was then questioned if she had any connection to Kira and she stated that she wasn't, which she started to doubt since Misa was acting weird and knew Light was a weird dude in general. They apologized and mentioned they couldn't send her home, since she was now orphaned and they wouldn't allow her to continue to live alone in a run down apartment. Terra ended up being put in foster care.
With the bizarre death of Terra's mother and the interesting answers she gave during her questioning piqued L's interest. He also remembered her to be one of Misa's friends and felt she knew a lot more than what she led them to believe. He contacted her, asking to meet up with her. She recognized the voice, but knew it to be Ryuzaki, the man who hung around Misa and Light shortly after she started visiting the group more. Unsure of what to say, she hesitantly agreed and the two met up at a cafe. Of course, Terra would be coming right after school and had to get permission from the foster home she was placed for the time being until she found a more suitable guardian to stay with. Ryuzaki introduced himself as L, the lead detective in the Kira case, which didn't really shock Terra. She discussed how she knew who he was after a period of time and had read into some of the work he had done over the years.
After briefly introducing each other, Terra went onto how she wanted to work with L one on one with a separate Kira case. Upon L's curious questioning of why she doesn't want to be apart of the main case, she stated that she knew Light could have been the first Kira and how Kira #2 would eventually figure out about her being so closely involved and want her dead before the case could be closed. Another thing brought to the table was Terra wanting out of being bounced homes until a guardian could be established, and she felt bad about abandoning Misa. Thinking about it, L decided that it would be best if she were to be put in the care of someone closer to her, than a stranger. Finally, Terra could get her friend back, bring justice for her mother's death, and a stable roof to live under. Though the stay would be short-lived.
On one of Terra's days off from school, she decided to hang around in Misa's room while she was away on a lunch date with Light. A drawer stuck out from her, being partially cracked. Curiosity got the best of her and she went to investigate it, finding a black notebook. Opening the drawer all the way, she finds the death note. Odd, this was the book brought up during one of the discussions with L during the past few weeks regarding Kira. Terra's heart sank and fear crept in. She couldn't believe her friend was Kira, or even one of the Kiras. She didn't feel safe anymore with Misa and immediately called L.
Due to safety, Terra ended up placed in L's care for a while, and so he can keep a closer eye on her while the investigation continues. They continued the case, but it became too dangerous with L beginning to feel that Kira was starting to catch word of another case being developed. He talked to Terra about it, and that's when her mask began to fade. The visible fear that displayed and how pale she turned. They knew she was a part of the case now, and she asked L if there was any way that she could simply go off the grid, to which he brought in Watari. Watari explained how he could contact someone who knew who ran an orphanage, and since Terra's life was on the line and was needed for the investigation, he suggested that Terra be sent there.
L agreed, telling Watari to contact the man in charge and get a plane ticket ready for that night. Terra left the country that night, flying out to a new country and preparing for a new life. She made a post announcement online, stating she will be taking time away to focus on her schooling, and hoping to be back in the spotlight again.
Post-time skip:
It's been 5 years since Terra was sent to Wammy's house. It felt rather lonely, considering everyone had been there longer and she definitely stuck out from the rest of the kids. She also hasn't heard from L or Watari in a while regarding the Kira case, which made her feel even worse. She spent a lot of her days, isolated from the other kids or watching the other kids play. Her height didn't help with trying to fit in, being the only female who's not only older, but the tallest. Looking different, dressing different, and being the oldest warranted a lot of bullying from the other kids.
One of the days, while watching kids play outside and sketching, Terra was called to Roger's office along with two other boys she didn't really know. Roger explained that he had gotten word of L's passing. Terra froze up, her eyes being the only key of what she had been currently feeling-- grief and anger all at once. All hope felt lost to her, and she backed away holding herself, trying to keep her composure. The blonde haired boy, close to her age piped up about who L picked as a successor, to which she wasn't one and didn't want to be apart the discussion anymore. She backed further into a corner as the argument pursued, staring at the ground, her face visibly distraught.
Continuing to listen, she heard about how the blonde boy was going to leave, since he didn't want to work with the younger, platinum blonde boy playing with a puzzle. This was Terra's chance to leave too, she was done with the Kira stuff and wanted to go back to being a normal girl. Her stardom and chance at a normal life were taken away and she could go back to building a career somewhere else. She piped up, mentioning how she wanted to go with the blonde haired boy. The boy was confused and didn't notice Terra there, to which she ended up giving a proper introduction, a slight bow, and holding her hand out to shake. The two made a deal that if she comes with him, she can be of use to stopping Kira-- to which she hesitantly agreed to. The two took off, along with one of the boy's closest friends.
Some time passed, with Terra being by Mello's side as he continued to try to dig further into the Kira case on his own. The two grew close over the period of time and established a romantic relationship, even if it was an unofficial thing. However, Terra didn't like the idea of Mello joining the Mafia in order to get closer to Kira. She was the closest in the case, but knew she didn't want to continue seen that way, so she gives input about Kira #1 and Kira #2 to him, which he passes along to his associates. She began to feel used after a period of time, often in her own little world while discussions were going on.
The line was drawn when Mello obtained a death note, and wanted to get closer to Kira by kidnapping those closest to him. Terra broke it to Mello she no longer wanted to be a part of his plans, and how she felt used. Terra even tried to explain how she knew that this wasn't who he really was, and that he should stop the way he's trying to stop Kira. The reaction she got wasn't a good one, as Mello seemed really upset. What she wasn't sure about was if it was because he actually loved her, or if he no longer had access to info through her. Either way, she packed her things and fled. A chase pursued by some of the men working for him, leading her to a rooftop. What they didn't know is she prepped for a situation like this and jumped off the roof, having a safety rope and harness on, making a perfect getaway.
A few days later, Terra began to track down the platinum blonde boy she knew back at the orphanage, hoping that she could contact him. Pinpointing him felt nearly impossible, but that was when she got a knock at her hotel room door. Upon opening it, she saw two special agents in front of her. Panic set in and she began to explain how she wasn't involved in anything bad and she didn't want to be sent back to where she ran away from. The agents explained how Near wanted her in person so they could speak. Her expression went to anger for a split second, before going back to a blank expression. She told them she didn't want to be involved, until they reminded her that she was a missing piece, to which she winced at it and hesitantly agreed.
The agents took her to where Near was located, the two having a discussion on the information over the years and Terra speaking briefly of where she's been for a period of time. The two decided to work together, jokes being exchanged back and forth of how much of a daredevil she was when it came to being put in constant dangerous situations-- regarding her recent run away from Mello and the Mafia itself.
Pinning down Kira ended up becoming a lot easier, as Terra began to start keeping a count of how many days they're going to confront Kira. They had a lot of information, though she was beginning to worry that her life or Near's was going to come to an end. So many more lives around them were lost, leaving Terra, Near, and a few SPK members left.
The day they finally confront Kira came. Finding him in the dingy, abandoned warehouse was a scene for sure. Terra knew that light had a complex, but believing he was a god amongst men only made her angry. He took everything from her, and the last thing she wanted to see was him laughing at them like they lost. She demanded why he killed her mother, took the only friends she had, and killed her ex-lover (despite their relationship ending on a bad note). Fear kicked in as Light spoke of how everyone in the warehouse was going to die, and Terra pulled the gun she had on her out, pointing it at him. Her finger, ready on the trigger, but she didn't have the heart to shoot-- until she heard a shot on the other side of her, panicking before looking over to see Matsuda with his gun drawn.
What she didn't see was Light planned to use his death note himself, and made a run for it. She began to get ready to chase him with her gun drawn still, only to be stopped by members of the task force. Reassurance that it was all over is what she needed, and what she finally got as Light was confirmed dead in another warehouse a few blocks from the one they had met in.
After the incident, Terra became rather close to Near and of course decided to join his team while continuing to build up her career as a model and singer. She lost all contact with Misa and assumed her to be dead as well, knowing that she'd never have her friend by her side no longer. She was just happy to move on from the situation and become good friends with Near and some of the task force.
C-Kira story:
It had been 3-years since the Kira case was solved, and Terra had grown to be more in the spot-light again. Near had stopped working on any more Kira cases, since a lot of them didn't interest him-- and that gave her more time to put more time into her career. However, she didn't really want to go back to Japan with people worshiping Kira and many copy-cat killers popping up. She apologized to her former company and began trying to continue from scratch in America. One day, while getting ready for an ad shooting, Terra got a call from one of the SPK members to meet them at Near's location to which she immediately left the studio to meet them.
When she got there, she saw near the building his tower of tarot cards. It had been a little while since the last time they saw each other, but he had grown and began to look a lot like L. Her appearance had also changed quite a bit, with her hair growing longer, her figure had filled in more, and she had two lip piercings. Although Near had warned the other two members to be wary of his tower, Terra stepped over it carefully to properly greet him. She squatted down, patting his head, her once hard, mean expression going soft.
This shocked agent Linder and agent Rester. The once blunt and intimidating looking Terra is able to not knock something over and is showing affection?! Terra looked to the others and asked why they were meeting up, and the topic of a new Kira killing weak people was brought up. Disbelief washed over Terra as she explained how it wasn't possible because the Kira they knew is no longer alive, and wouldn't kill sickly people or the elderly. It made no sense to her, and it upset her to know every killer with a death note was referred to as Kira-- even after what she had been through all those years ago.
However, Terra also agreed with Near's statement of how they shouldn't get involved, since L only took interest in cases that fascinated him. She was a prime example of what he took interest in. She believed it was up to the Japanese Police to be responsible for something that was happening in Japan. Standing up, and stepping over the tower, she waited for Near to make his announcement, ensuring Linder and Rester that Near knew what he was doing. After dismissing the agents, Terra decided to stay behind and help Near assemble his tower, jokingly offering to give him a tarot reading with all the cards once he was done. She was happy to now have alone time with him and not because she had to help him get a lead on any more cases. It had been a while since they spoke after all.
A-Kira story:
It has been a while since the last interesting Kira case, and Terra had fallen out of her singing career and was sticking more into the world of being an online influencer. She makes fashion vlogs, posts modelling pictures she's done herself, and even began posting artwork she's done. Her hair is short again and she doesn't tease it as much, but pulls some of it into loose ponytails. She also has begun wearing less baggy clothing. She was a lot more comfortable in her skin and simply rolled with whatever they had her model.
Terra and Near were already doing some research into the new Kira, when Linder and Rester arrived. Terra didn't mind revisiting the old case to help with the new one, but something still felt off. It was odd to Terra seeing a Kira who wasn't using the book to kill, and auctioning it for a large amount of money. She did admire the tactic though, for whoever got their hands on it will be responsible for who lives or dies. The only issue is who was going to get it.
Seeing the government officials, including the United States President bid for it was rather fascinating. As she watched it unravel, she mentioned how she had seen the book before, but never actually wanted anything to do with it or touch it. It still pained her to talk about it, since the last book she got awfully close to was her old friend Misa's death note. How ending the auction would go for as large as a quadrillion yen was hard to think about. Even Terra wanted to know how getting the money would be possible for A-Kira.
The notebook was eventually sold to the United States, and Terra refused to try to seize it from the government considering she lives in America as well, and doesn't want to get tangled in more trouble than she did in the past. It had become certain to Terra that meeting this kira would be harder, since he's not doing harm and he's sending the shinigami to do the work. Her interest in the case was no longer there and she went back to helping put together Near's shinigami statue.
The A-kira situation didn't harm anyone, thankfully, but Terra still didn't like that Kira was going to continue being praised as a god, even if lots of innocent lives were lost. She was definitely happy about leaving Japan now. Hopefully this means anyone who did get a hold of the death note will return it or not take the offer at all. Upon seeing Near admit defeat, it was the perfect time for Terra to convince him to take a break— offering the idea of building another card tower or play a couple board games.
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voidwrld · 6 years
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テラ戦士ΨBOY (Tera senshi sai BOY) (1985)
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unsoundwork · 2 years
少し前の録音。テラさんいつも有難うございます。 パーティーも来年からボチボチやっていくつもりなので是非。 t:吉田
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msyuksanh · 6 years
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安里 勇哉【TOKYO流星群】‏ @asa10_y (2018.01.31) おはよー! 昨日は星テラご視聴ありがとうございました! 星テラ終わりに兄弟達でご飯食べてきました!しょーちゃんからバンコクのお土産貰ったよー! #三枚目は俺以外目をつぶってる #次は先生も一緒に
Morning-! Thank you for tuning in to HoshiTera (Hoshi no Terrace) yesterday! Went out for a meal with the siblings after HoshiTera! We got some souvenirs from Shoutan from when he went to Bangkok! #三枚目は俺以外目をつぶってる (#Three comedians closing their eyes but me) #次は先生も一緒に (#Next time with sensei)
EDIT: Adachi Yuto’s Tweet
(Aww! P4 no T!)
P4: Asato Yuya, Aoi Shouta, Adachi Yuto, Hirose Daisuke
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morethanreblog · 4 years
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buumin036 · 4 years
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carguytimes · 5 years
西ホール1に突然現れるアメリカンな雰囲気にあふれたブースがタイヤメーカーのNITTOのブースです。 NITTOはTOYO TIRESのグループでおもに北米を中心に展開されているブランドで、その日本ブランドならではの高性能さと確かな信頼性が共存するタイヤとして高く認知されています。さらにその人気を高める大きな要因が迫力あふれるトレッドのデザインです。 恐竜の爪をモチーフにデザインされたというクロスカントリー用タイヤ「マッド グラップラー」をはじめ、トレイル グラップラーM/T、リッジ グラップラー、テラ グラップラーといったマッド系タイヤは深い彫りを持ったド迫力のトレッド。 NT420S、NT421Q、インヴォ、NT555G2といったオンロード系はランド比が高く、いかにもハイグリップしそうなデザインと、とにかく尖っているデザインとすることで、ユーザーの心をグッとつかんで離さない魔力を持ったタイヤとなっています。 展示車はすべてカスタマイズドカー。ジープJL型ラングラーをベースとしたモデルは、アメリカのラングラー愛好家から熱狂的な支持を受けるチューナー「Off Road Evolution」が手がけたもので、その圧倒的にアメリカンな雰囲気は会場を異質な空気にするほどです。 6.2リットルのV8・HEMIエンジンを搭載するダッジ・チャレンジャーにはさらにオーバーフェンダーを装着し迫力をアップ。トヨタが北米で販売する大型ピックアップのタンドラは、カルフォルニアスタイルのオフロード系カスタム“プレランナースタイル”を再現。本格的なオフロード走行はもちろん、街乗りや旅行にもストレスなく使用できるようバランスよくチューニングした公道走可能なモデルとしています。 (文/写真・諸星陽一) あわせて読みたい * 日本レースクイーン大賞の受賞者が揃い踏み!TOM’Sのブースは要チェック【東京オートサロン2019】 * 【東京オートサロン2019】初公開! 大坂なおみ選手モデルのGT-Rはココが違う * レースクイーン大賞グランプリ・ファイリストは東京オートサロン2019のココにいる!Part2【東京オートサロン2019】 * レースクイーン大賞グランプリ・ファイリストは東京オートサロン2019のココにいる!・Part1【東京オートサロン2019】 * 【東京オートサロン2019】真っ白なインプレッサ STI Sport CONCEPTは内外装に注目! http://dlvr.it/QwWPwQ
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621: 本当にあった怖い名無し 投稿日:2012/11/30(金) 15:06:32.47 ID:eij+s4VN0 23世紀…人類が本格的に宇宙に進出し、150年が経った。 火星と木星の間のアステロイドベルトは無法地帯と化し、宙族が跋扈していた。
ある日俺はバイトの先輩Tさんの小型船に乗って小惑星帯を通常空間航行していた。 Tさんは実家が地球で非常に力が強いらしく、俺は宙族の話をしてみた。 「ふーん」と素っ気なく聞いていたTさん、だが少し飛んでからTさんが突然 「あの船か!」と叫んだ。見ると確かに黒と白の海賊旗をはためかせた船がこちらへ向かってくる!! 「そうです!あの船です!!」俺が叫ぶと「そうじゃない!あっち事だ!!」と正面を指すT先輩 見るとフルチャージされたデススターが火星を破壊しようと、超空間を離脱している所だった! 「操縦桿頼んだぜ・・・」Tさんはそう呟くと船の窓から上半身を外に出し、狙いを定め 「破ぁーーーーー!!」と叫んだ、するとTさんの両手から青白い光弾が飛びだし、デススターを吹き飛ばした 「これで安心だな・・・」そう呟いて片手でタバコに火をつけるTさん。 地球生まれってスゲェ・・・その時初めてそう思った。
622: 本当にあった怖い名無し 投稿日:2012/11/30(金) 15:12:41.52 ID:zctRrMyn0 宇宙船の窓開けんなよ
623: 本当にあった怖い名無し 投稿日:2012/12/01(土) 23:45:19.12 ID:zoGRN0LQ0 テラ生まれのTさん
” - Tのレコンギスタ - コピペ運動会 (via maybowjing2)
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kamiokamasaaki · 4 years
Source: PR会社でナンバーワンを目指す!上岡正明オフィシャルブログ {$inline_image}
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idea-antena · 6 years
【声優】内田真礼:守りたいものは「睡眠時間」 「いっぱい寝たいタイプ」[08/22]
1: ■動画 https://youtu.be/ODJqY38Qsxw?t=341
 声優の内田真礼さんが22日、東京都内で行われた劇場版アニメ「映画ドライブヘッド~トミカハイパーレスキュー 機動救急警察~」(加戸誉夫監督、24日公開)の舞台あいさつに登場した。アニメに登場するキャラクターのせりふにちなんで「自分にとって守りたいものは?」と聞かれた内田さんは「睡眠時間」と回答し、「いっぱい寝たいタイプなんです。8時間は寝たい。ぐっすり寝て次の日に備える」と語っていた。
 舞台あいさつには、アニメで声優を務めたお笑いコンビ「トレンディエンジェル」も登場。 アニメで悪役・テラを演じた内田さんは、「トレンディエンジェル」の2人に「こんなにキレイな悪役はいない」と言われ、照れ笑いを浮かべる一幕もあった。 内田さんは演じたテラを「かなりの悪役」といい、「どんなふうに見てもらえるか、ド…
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soularrowinc · 6 years
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unsoundwork · 5 years
2019.05.15(Wed) As usual@NOON+CAFE
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5/15(水) はNOON+CAFEにて20:00頃より BGM(テクノ~ハウス)を担当しています。 チャージフリーでゆるくやってますので、お仕事帰りに是非。 ほんで、先週はunsoundで遊んでくれた皆さん有難うございました。 onoさんも何時もよりグッと音数を絞った選曲で引っ張っていい雰囲気を作ってくれたし、シンプルかつムードのある一晩になったと思います。 個人的には箱でしっかりやるのが久しぶりやったので、消化不良というか、もうちょっと上手くできたんでは無いかと、思ったり。 まあ、酒の具合とかコンディションなどもありますしね。。。 次回は、 6/29(土)に美園 TERANOMA (テラさんのお店)にて「ウラアンサウンド」を予定しています。 そちらもご贔屓に。 t:吉田
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pikasute · 7 years
本堂に輝く多彩な袈裟 札幌で僧侶がショー 北海道新聞 札幌・ススキノ周辺の三つの寺の僧侶による初のファッションショー「かもテラBOZU(ボーズ)コレクション」が3日夕、中央区の新善光寺で開かれ、計12人の僧侶が色とりどりの袈裟(けさ)などを披露した。 寺をより身近に感じてもらおうと、札幌市の一般社団法人かもテラが主催 ...
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utaotozo · 7 years
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土曜日朝、6:30に間に合わなかったので、個人的 #ラジオ体操 #Tシャツ はナシ。 かわりに 夜の #天体観測 #Tシャツ として着た #pentax の #uniqlo 企業コラボT。 #starwatching #tshirt (にしわき経緯度地球科学館「テラ・ドーム」)
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