#T(ir)ED talks
wingstobetorn · 2 years
Omg I had the best idea for swap! Damien
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cursedzzz · 2 years
Pinned post!! Welcome!!
Our name is Peter, or Room!
This is our nonsexual vore blog(we still make funny sexual jokes sometimes but vore is a comfort for us)! Anyone is allowed as long as you aren't a creep, we're also a minor. Don't attack us for what we're interested in rn, we will cry.
We use He/Him/Room/It, we are Trans and currently taken, or, at our poly limit, unless we feel like being in another relationship! 💘
We are a system.
We accept gift art of our headcanons, stories or just fan art of our OC!
Here's our Sona!! Its name is Room/Peter and is basically us- he's a crptid and can change his height as it pleases.
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here's our cardd for Tumblr!!
❌ DNI ❌
18 plus blogs (the gross absurd ones)
Not comfortable with vore
Zoophiles, Pedophiles, ect.
~Character/fandom vore requests we take of~
The Ir//on Gia//nt — The Gia//nt
Sm//ile For Me — Dr Hab//it, Tren//cil Var//nnia
A Ha//t In Ti//me — The Sna//tcher
Kir//by (very experinced in these characters, Meta was the first and 1 year long character we RPed as) — Me//ta Kni//ght, Gala//cta Kni//ght, Dark Me//ta Kni//ght, Mor//pho Kni//ght, Parallel Me//ta Kni//ght.
Gr//eat God Gro//ve — Coba//gail (right now we only take simple requests of her)
DO//LL EYE — Dr. Mys//tery, Pe//ter Peter//son, Pas//tery.
Mur//der Dro//nes — N
Nefa//rious — Emp//eror Cr//ow
123 Slaug//hter Me Str//eet — The Follo//wer
Do//n't Hug me I'm Scar//ed — Re//d Guy
Le//thal Lea//gue Bla//ze — Candy//man
_bois//vert — Room
Back//rooms — Part//ygoers
Kai//ju Para//dise — ANY!!
(Our own fandom!!) STARVING — Nakano Bunko; http://refsheet.net/CusedExBF/Naka
Feel free to go in our DMs too if you wanna talk about it!
We can do ideas, specific headcanons, and MAYBE stories(not open currently).
we're so slow at answering asks 😟
We can do mostly Safe vore, Soft vore, goopy dogestion, hard vore or G/T vore too, regeneration, and mawplay. Depends on the ask, we can do a lot more if we feel comfortable
We Have the right to not answer/decline an ask if we're uncomfortable or just can't do/don't know how to answer it.
our ask box status is.. Open for our fixation on B//ob! Doing simple Vore drawing requests too! Anything else will probably be ignored.
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sorrowfulsoul · 1 year
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aphrorite · 2 years
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-ˏˋ sweetheart diaries ˊˎ- #3 !! 🌸💗🍥
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૮₍ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა ♡༘
⋆ ✧₊゚may 14th 2022 🍧🌺🦩 ⊹ɞ
yawwwwn. hi diary! its 1 am but im writing bebauc i feel liek it ! 💤 🌥
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today wa s a good day, you known? i id idnt do much bt ,, i neeed ed this saturyda so then tmr i can go wam ham on my homeworks. it wwass soooooo sunny nand iw anted to go for a walk twic but onyl got chanc to go for 1, and i wore a super duper pretty polka dot black dress and i had matchin black polka dot flip flops to go w it ! i wore a stra w hat too when iw ent outside cos ir was so hot out. i felt pretty and also very comfy. i woek eup around 10 as well so im happy baout that because usually i wake up late later hehe. 😝
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SEEEE !!! dress n flip flop magch tehehe. this phtoo taken on my walk! 🩰🌟✨
i ha d last night nugget for breakfast n then i had some OJ! ir emember seienf a post tht had “drink som milk or OJ” and usually aft i et breakfas id hav like agua so OJ was new <3
i had a bit of a moment whehr iw d trying to flshh the toluet n then THE FLOORW ENT 💥BOBOB 💥MBO💥 BBOON 💥 BOOOM 💥 n lke rumbled ))): i call my sister hpstair and she tell me to ring mom so then mam say 2 t ur n the water off on it bc mybe she didnt turn it all the way n then it wasnt rumble no more . this cos we got a new toilet n also hav plumbing leak problem , house old !
i made som goodnote schedule for msyelf instead of using google spreadhddeg so this eman that i cna get more productiv again ! i havent done so in 3 months so i thin ktnis is my turning point , yeah, go me ! *imaginary pat*
i spen t some tiw w my ssiter playin project sekai , sims 4 (i revamp her chars, ) walk w my siste routside n found a pretty pink flower , my cat just giving him cuddles n lettinghim enjoy the f reshh air, browose shopping for a teensy bit, listneed to blackspeakz on youtube, made a regressing plylsit, and msootly chilled !
i also played alittleeee bit of roblox and made some softlien clothing ! im proud of msyelf because yesterday my crwiagons werent up to par. i wantned to hangout w my one acquaintance but he wasnt online , so thts ok ! here is what i buot in sims 4 when my ssuter let me use computer when she went sleep,
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my othwr cfriend msged me this morning on dizzy n it made merlly happy cos he acc show up in my dream last night )): n it wa sa happy dream , so then for him to send me a dm saying “wakey wakey!” n i see it in the morning , i feel is coincidence ! 😵😮😮
i also feel like agedre n half regressing has helped talk to myself more positively. its very difficult to talk to myself like a friend so when i talk to myself like an encouraging sweet parent, it works. im more softer and i embrace my sensitivity, and i think this in all will help me ! of course i still feel the shame of it not being the norm or still have my negative intrusive thoughts, and i know my intrusive thoughts arent something i can necessarily 'delete' or 'remove,' and are something to tame, though i think agedre is a big baby step towards a healthy coping mechanism, as even so back then my self-talk has never been very positive, and even when i was positive, id beat myself down constantly (and still struggle with this), and that positivity would lean towards toxic. im proud of myself. <3
anyway, i did lot selfcare and followd my goodnote scheduule , and tmr i make to do list for homeworks. tmr i shoul make foods, b productiv, and sleep on time !!!! hav good day diary, muwah muwah 💕
p.s it also rained today ! 🌧🌧🌧
╭┈─────── urs truly, ࿐ ˊˎ-
╰┈➤ sweetheart xx
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mccarthymolly · 1 year
rlf mybenwck library hlp
Understanding drops lk cnctn or lk Understanding hrf or t h parts n then they stop, psychological speculations aside hmuh uh
Jk k lkness, u nightmare person,um,no,
Tlk uh prsn, hm,uh, front side n side but o positon w arms. Nk
Uh no nd. Pasv blm uh no
Uh bk persona only
Ev area nthng, attchmnt memories, inacessibillities n trau
dk gvup uh wt y hmuh, memories while podcast n night. Oh f evem if lose. Cant lk. F ok. Nt luck. Um y uh. Nt ynderstamd , trained against, most bsd trained sy,refermd,lose, if wont note them bye, hm
Do psy issue b who,ask,nthng exist,,um,psy spec,no,uh,
Libr nt get n rej,m,,, uni bd, nt person b nt me, uh wt,emories,ide as
Hlp nt rd,ac, um j yuh
Note n train n ed n redo n end
Psy wt say n uh, mem,oh hm,ppl n forget, once, relisten, tm ,try slp,them um yoomch uh m, bad gift fromn too me, i did intelligencism n bully n randoms n ph n
Hinojosa uhoh
Libr mind evwr, floods uhno hk
No, temin, bad asks, lf bd done un, copey psy, uh df, end ww, hmu uh undrstn them b they offen or wt hkuj nthng uh dk uh wrld no uh tm no uh. Mems tired. Only then. Lk drm. Y not. Nt gt up y be in open n awak. Slp tm df. Too tired whthr bc age. No uh use then done, js to tlk to, js money b toy nt hlp, joshy, nt gd attentive rel, nt saying sth to me js wealth talk uh no hkuh sry ww fr hmk uh there um area no uh odea n sth dk no hmu ww end um sth. Say pub. Oh hm no uh no wt dk nthng uh ww hku uh yh silent nt mean neutral b dk y bt this tm wt u say. O k hm uh bye ww um no hmuh k hmuh uh no dk hmu too mny uh no uh hmuh no hkuh ww no uh plc no hmuh uh no hkuh uh eh no k hmuh uh wt no hkuh no alot no hmuh uh hkuh mybe uh tlky eh yh bit um n Lynn
Shldr, mem on to hv, tell, not note, uh, wt, frgt all? Hmuh se my uh ww pn uh agg Novi uh hmu
F me gss no dk hmu ww lose as tm go on or mysterious psy yh hm. Idk tht mch, psy specislistd, eh no hmu. Cnt say omg on fire yh k nt hot uh no nt gd spprt, dk hmuh , nt want hlp or rd. Ww hmuh no hmu no uh ww no hmuh uh dk hmu ww no nt hon hmu uh hmuh yh hmu ww pn uh hmu cold hmu hkuj uh no uh ww uh no uh nthng uh eml nouh yh hmk huh nouh lf ww uh shldr uh wt kuj nt hr close uh dk t hi j uh q sry dk uh n my
Phil fr brk b nt important, bd yh no hmu dk uhkhmuh ku
Tnkng , bd , snstvty, soirits, oh nouh no ok still w this uh no hk uh no hmu uh wt hkuh js memories n 1 idea or 2 or not? Nt spch. Go bd uh mind then, ideas, fail, dk, y, uh, ww, hlp, uni pics yh no bd sgn uh nthng ww hm uh no
Wt unclr no y idk mny stole uh no hkuh nt agreed uh no nt gd, hmuh ww uh no nt tell uh hm ki noh hm nd b thx uh no i die k uh nthng do dk scare ww
Spir frgt b pns n mem y uh inso n tpcs nthng ww uh didnt totle emls uhk hm ki no h bit uh ww eh no cnt anymore yh hmu society uh h mu no o uh no jk spm u hku uh no nt gt uh no hmu nthng uhn oh I'm j buh di hmu no uh ww uh y mg all bad total y cnvcd wt y of wt y u bd nt wok y uh hnd on nk wt hpn uh cnt chase b wr hmu no uh tpc wt hmu yh hmuh wt hmm no uh hmu nouh slds hmu uh wt nthng lft js pn n dps n dk hmu uh no j
Uh accs mny n cnt say n wt no dk uh no , nd mem or idea qbt todo or toic/bd or person/al nature o? Dont think, nt nw, lkly return b rndm no idk b mybe nthng b lot b no w csnt tk off now ir cn b y wt hmu hmkhm. No hmu uh k ko ku uh bd prgrm wrds bcm uh no mind uh hm no uhkyhjk yh
Long b dk m
Dk h mu n ku ww y , prfc, f hv persnlty dsordr w dead figure ghost uh no avd b nt mk explanation or case, mean as hell. Tchrs uh nouh ww uh nt effcnt. In cintext dmb. No cntx fr this. Uh nt hv nonteacher relation. Hmuhhku hm k uh chest ww uh no hkuh agn after 2 mo. Hmuh msgsfr john bchrd ok. Reach endpt. Agn ww. Sth y hmuh ok. I think b dk. Mem nt fr now, ideas immature low. Bks dk b tpcs do sth b think dyring em say , rlf, hmuh ok, guy, hmuh. Can't say to eh town prsn b dk uh wt eml uh pn. Hmuh no uh lf gn uh sil. Hmuh yh hmuh lstn. Uh ,dk, hmuh ww hmuh k hmuh lrn yh i done. Hmuh n on he, bit, uh, nouh, hk, uh, Kunkle, money, k hmuh no j
Uh thts u b um, k, uh, nouh khkuh j k sth ww no k hmuh uh no uh yh no on rj no uh dk lf wt ww, js on, juju uh ww eh no nt lk. Cn try. Hkuj ww hmuh nt cr. Uh, hmuh no uh uh nouh no nt lk bfr then bc todos.n Otes n idea mybe v eh, df frame paradigm ish, thts nt wrd b dk. Hmu y jk
Hmkhu j
Adult n regress ohno wt yh no hmuh yh uh hmuh ww wt uh no hmuh ww yh uh k yh b attr fr bd tsns b k. Want care b tking person so no r chasing sth else, want save a kind of fc, u cant balsnce th I ngs, ur bd at this, js use fr u, im wrsnd profound, i more than hate u there isn't study, i dont wat violence or rmotions cslled n treated extreme lk rage, b thi songer than tht n soul ww. Tronger thsn sourit. Juju nc hear. B wrse than violating ethica umiverse, not grand code r conception or theory lk that. Js horid mybe. Dm wrk n then do ltl yh hmuh. Wt ww exist b hw this, idk hw to even feel hw bd, ur bdness, this kid of bdness. Dk b tell ww history. Ok end ww tm. K gd ww uh energy uh exr yh. Col hmuh hmuh ww uh no uh ww nt tlk. This warry. Qu. Yh jk ok no y fluency yh hmuh hmuh ok no y hmk uh no nouh uh ok hmuh ww no uh ww wt ido die ok nw ww no. So bd n tch n visit. Hw is this neg psdbl. Mg. Ur nt fms. Uh no. Ideas b servey. Dk this existence. Feel eh mybe yh exp. Prsr. Cant say. See yh think uh. Nt hlpd.
No y hmuh uh no uh enetgy okg ok uh uh dk hmuh ww uh dk wt ho wt do ,pn, hkuhmujuh uh ww end uh ww yh uh ok hm ww uh yh wwlv wt k hmuh ok uh cn u say actvly uh wt uh nouh uh wt no uh hmuh uh no hkuh no uh ww uh nouh uh nouh uh kuh wt hmuh nouh uh gd no them nouh uh no nj ehb nouh juh nouh
All, notes, rekstional, bd tm, nt rcrds, ant do, think, uhoh as, think, j Nikki yh hm uh ww h muh no uh wt uh hm uh hm y. Cnt think presently js ltr y hmuh energy pm y tm j k bk j mu ww ow uh chlng nt ssy fr them uh no hkuh y hmuh uh no yh pn hayed usually l uh hm mybe b js say bs lk prfsn uh hm
Bit, sffrbg, seek, ww, uh, no,uh, ideas, going thrgh frm, k wwno uh no h muh uh nthng ww dk. Mves lft accssb bc mny hm b k n uh nouh uh hm hi noww uh no js nt lstn js mkng fc. Y r u mkng fc n nt understanding or lstng. R u an ass. Stp lierally saving yr fc. R u feeling sad or do u hv arrognc prfsnl Personality Disorder. My mn wt r u doing at all. Hm
No , pn, j khmu uj boy dk uh ww uh xpln b i bd no, rsrch, hmuh, ok, out@@, s ay, hkuh ww nouh w h en no ok hku ww , lose,v khkuh, hi hi uu hi ok Hmuhhku ww hku uh no ww ev thing b dk hku uh ww no nt slv or fr wt ww no hkuh yrs uh no hkuh uh dk hmuh ww bunny no uh ww week k bits b dk uh osy tm b no hku ww hku sth uh ww chk bi uh no hmu ww yh no, lose, ok, ev, yh, agn? Eh nlj hkuh hku ww hkuh ok yh hku uh yh byr brdr cntx yh no hkuh hku hmuh nouh ww u hku
Dk b k ww dk hmuh yh hmuh
Dp dv n rem k hmu
K eh nlj
Day set,h,
Ideas eh b addrsses
3eh wwj,,societu,j,,o,k,,ww,uh,,k,l,lv,lfh,k,
0 notes
a-smr-things · 3 years
I will never understand how all wattpad characters have genuine first aid boxes inside their houses. Like bitch, I have to search all the cupboards in my house for at least half an hour to find calamine or volini.
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djchika · 3 years
I’m exhausted!! Thank you for coming to my t(ir)ed talk
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presumenothing · 4 years
fmab (+03) fic masterlist
because even i’m starting to lose track of what i’ve posted so far. all writing is eventually crossposted to ao3, individual tumblr posts linked below the cut because it’s lengthy as hell 
(this is like 85% post-promised day fic with the occasional canon-divergence au for flavour, ft lots of resembool kids, riza, and roy. basically gen with near-zero ship content because that’s how i roll)
update: total wordcount has now broken 20k 25k 30k 35k 40k 45k(!!!!) 
update 2: now with crumbs of 03 content because yeehaw
“Actually, Winry – can you do something for me?” 
“Lieutenant. Would you ever consider learning alchemy?”
“I guess I just – want to figure out who I am. Me, not the Fullmetal Alchemist.”
Besides, the scars on his palms have been – pardon his language – hurting like a bitch ever since he woke to this gloomy weather this morning.
Ishval had given him plenty of practice at that soldier’s art of taking even the lightest of naps whenever circumstances permitted.
[au] Ed has never had reason to hate how swiftly his mind works, not until now.
It’s just simple clerical error that leads to Edward Elric retaining his title and pay as a State Alchemist, even after the Promised Day. No, really.
He’s just tired, not about to collapse.
These days Ed’s journals are actual proper travelogues, no coded shit or anything.
[au] It doesn’t even start until after they arrive in Resembool. 
(can’t have been the more socially-adjusted brother, obviously.)
[au] “I don’t,” Ed bites out, “know any damn alchemists.”
Maes raises an eyebrow and sloshes his near-empty cup pointedly. 
[wip] “Is this about Al, or you?”
“–of course I know these aren’t the most efficient routes!”
Ed seriously considers dyeing his hair more than once, in the After.
Winry only needs a glimpse of red to know what it must be.
Rush Valley talks. Winry listens.
Much as Al loves his brother to itty-bitty-and-very-shouty pieces,
The first time someone mistakes Al for the Fullmetal Alchemist, 
+ The thing is, Al gets it.  
“Brother told me that you told him about Ishval,” Alphonse says.
It’s an honest observation – as honest as he can ever get, at least –
[au] In another world, she is never named the Hawk’s Eye.
“Somehow I doubt your place is much better, sir.”
would it be the most impossible thing to have happened to the Elrics?
“I can’t believe he didn’t tell us,” Ed growls,
a minimum age limit on all candidates for the State Alchemist exam.
“There’s gotta be a shark somewhere around.”
The Elrics make transmuting without circles look easy.
The problem, if Riza is to put it into words,
Al completely botches the first dozen or so transmutations
(Ed? Talking about automail? Over food?)
[au] in the end it’s Al who really takes after their father.
“Fullmetal realising his celebrity status? Woe betide us,”
The tea is actually well-made, first of all, not burnt 
“Not like– I mean, personal about me, not you!” 
[au] “Huh,” Al says.
Still less work than getting entropy-murdered by Olivier, he decides.
[au] It’s not every dead person that he sees.
[au] They weren’t even meant to stop in Resembool.
Jean just wants to make one thing – okay, a few things – very clear.
Ed knows this firsthand from too much Winry exposure.
The lump on the couch lets out a string of wholly intelligible noises.
“Take me out to dinner,” Riza says.
“We’re not even in Amestris, though.”
[au] Riza had been angry too, when she had let herself be, but hers is a cold ire, locked beneath glaciers and the burn of frostbite. Wrath makes no such pretences.
[outline] But in the case of Fullmetal – more specifically in the case of Fullmetal and Youswell – Roy mostly wishes he could unknow things.
[au] Roy forces enough air into his lungs to get the words out. “You’re dead.”
[outline…?] winry’s gonna like this, al says.
Alphonse flaps a hand. “Oh, because it’s complete bullshit.”
“Y’know, you really aren’t that tall, Brother.”
getting to finally keep a cat hadn’t been very high on his list of priorities.
[au] “Edward. Get out of here, take Envy with you.”
[wtnv au] “Welcome to Resembool.” 
just because you’re immortal doesn’t mean you can’t die from food poisoning, young man.
[au snippet] It’s sort of a belief, in the eastern parts of Amestris,
[03] Al’s hug is the first real thing he’s felt in years.
[03] Never thought you were, Ed retorts lightly, and lets Alfons turn away with a huff.
“When you said to come visit you in Rush Valley this is not what I was expecting!”
(and jeez, only Ed would manage to make it necessary to keep a kit on hand for actual minor-to-major catastrophes during a semi-honeymoon trip)
[03] Except the sight of his brother only serves to make everything worse, for once.
[au] The worst thing about this is that it’s not even equivalent. 
[au] “You wanna know why? The real reason, not the quantum bullshit I fed Mustang.” (+ more in the tag)
[snippet] And just for that I won’t be leaving Wrath any.
“I shall finally exact the decisive vengeance that I have always dreamed of,” Scar booms right back before Armstrong can even ask, 
Al knows from the moment he wakes up that it’s going to be a good day.
[snippets] The real disaster comes when Ed learns how to weaponise his height.
[03 au] The man in the brown overcoat. That’s all anyone ever seems able to recall of Edward.
[au] They say the Elric house is haunted. Of course. Empty houses are always haunted.
Of course, this assumes that said person is an alchemist of some ability, and that said life has been one of some loss and strife. 
“Are you alright? Nod for yes, swear at me for no.”
from the intervening pause he surmises Riza is jotting something down on the notepad she keeps by the phone.
She’s been looking forward to the day when her hair finally gets long enough to – well, no longer be short.
“Remind me of this the next time I decide to trust Ling any further than I can throw him.” ( + xing tag)
Ed’s almost twenty when he realises that Hawkeye must’ve been around his age when she was deployed to Ishval.
[au] At least this far out from Amestris Ed could mostly brush the first one off as an interplanetary translation fuckup.
bonus textposts and assorted nonsense
the Better Alchemist™️
on the topic of ed’s scrawl
al, defender of cat
*csi miami theme but with cats*
on the topic of flat affect + 200000% turbo by default
on the topic of pain tolerance + further thoughts
ed @ mustang’s problem solving skills
ok but about liore…
terrible TERRIBLE ideas (three of them)
clap reflex
you’re retired, ed, r e t i r e d
and by “ambidextrous” i mean “confused”
protip: you can’t
YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAH (aka csi miami theme, riza redux)
feral ducklings, the continuation(??)
does THIS count as elric telepathy
honestly, y’all
too much fire?? sounds fake
on the topic of academia
sometimes the stars align
on the topic of riza hawkeye
terrible idea, berthold version
immortal troubles
PRIDE (& WRATH): one, two, three (4koma)
objectively the worst post-cos timeline
serious stuff: fma drama cd, daughter of dusk
asks: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 aka izumi pwns roy, 9 aka not coffeeshop au, 10 aka legalities, 11 aka autograph woes
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Discord pt 39
[Date: 22/02, 11.34 PM - 23/02, 12:05 AM GMT]
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C R O W N: “Golf Delta Oscar Charlie” [GDOC]
[Context: Fetch had written in the doc, among others saying he was tired.]
fetch: “hee hee ha ha I can’t sleep”
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fetch: “can t sleep :) fun”
C R O W N: “:)”
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fetch: “trying to watchdog . not good watchdog
C R O W N: “:)”
jaynoblade: “aaaaaaaa”
fetch: “try to updatte timeline . not good at time .”
Void: “you good fetch??”
C R O W N: “:)”
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fetch: can’t tell time because I don’t r em eb r”
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emuhlee: “fetch, you still with king?”
fetch: “yea h! love my goof friend :)
she is at s tore. getting good food hee hee mun ch”
C R O W N: “:)”
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fetch: “(pss s st. don t tell her I didn t sl eep at all last. night)”
emuhlee: “oh thats no good fetch :(”
fetch: “am very y sleepy :) can not sleep”
Void: “oh fetch no”
C R O W N: “:)”
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C R O W N: “Why don’t you rest? :)”
fetch: “oh
oh ha
ha ha ha ha”
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fetch: “very funnee pl an”
fetch: “I sle ep and you come get me :)”
fetch: “very funny ha ha ha ha”
C R O W N: “Fetch, you need to rest.”
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fetch: “Very funny very funny you’re gonna make me not remember very funny you’re very funny you should change your name to funny crown hahahahahahaha”
fetch: “ha ha ha”
[People begin to tell Fetch not to sleep.]
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fetch: “can not rest !
have to watch dog :)”
emuhlee: “why dont you play a song you like fetch!”
C R O W N: “:)”
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syl/suri: “fetch play something hype to keep you awake”
fetch: “ha ha I like this music though :) don’t want to sleep i like music”
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disks and the color red |Stars: “why dont you guys listen to something energetic then”
fetch: “let me e check cue :)
good music next !”
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fetch: “Sorry Crown! You need 2 try harder if you want to make me ble ed aga ain
I need 2 watch dog and stay awake and music :) nice try cro wn man”
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kate (degoratory) [they/them]: Crown, please. Please leave Fetch alone.”
C R O W N: “Come now Fetch. Sleep.”
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C R O W N: “The longer you go without... well. :)”
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fetch: “IN MY HE A D :)”
[Context: “In my head” by Derivakat was playing.]
syl/suri: “fetch just listen to pigstep”
fetch: “GOO D IDE A”
syl/suri: “you can get crown a copyright strike”
fetch: “PIGY SONG HE HE”
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<heavy sigh> dreampop: “actually i have a song this reminds me of can i q it”
fetch: “YES :D”
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[Context: “In my head” was still playing. New song starts:]
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fetch: “O GOOD SONG NE X T
C R O W N: “Fetch. Listen to me. Rest your pretty little head. :)”
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fetch: “HA HA PR E TTY HE AD”
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C R O W N: “Fetch. Sleep. Now.”
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[[Redacted]: “Hey fetch? Wanna talk about the music your listening too?”]
fetch: “UM
[From this point onward “Puppet” from the Ib soundtrack is on loop.]
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C R O W N: “I know you’re ignoring me, Fetch~”
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Professional Shitpost: “How much sugar have you eaten?”
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fetch: “:(
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havoc.ren: “stay awake please”
fetch: “I AM AWAKE :)”
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Grimm (Gallahan): “Fetch how much longer should the store take?”
C R O W N: “Fetch, come on now. I know how tired you must be. What good does it do you to delay the inevitable?”
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C R O W N: “This song is like a lullaby isn’t it~ It must make you so sleepy :)”
fetch: “I AM.
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fetch: “NO ANGRY MUS IC.”
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C R O W N: “Fetch~ Someone else can watch the document. You need to rest :)”
fetch: “HA HA. PL Eas e”
fetch: “crown stop saying my name like that.
ha ha
Pl seASE”
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[Redacted]: “Why does Crown need Knight so bad? Crown is bad, Fetch, he’ll hurt you”
C R O W N: “Oh, you must like this? Fetch~”
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fetch: “HA HA CROWN :)
[Continued in pt 40.]
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chosenkeepersworld · 3 years
The Curses We Inherit: Chapter 1
Original Work
Word count: 1,646 words
Date Posted: April 14, 2021 (Tumblr)
A/N: Unbeta-ed work but I hope whoever reads this will like it and let me know what you think. Critique is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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Danika practically lunged out of her seat as she woke up, the seatbelt being the only thing stopping her from nearly slamming into the overhead.
She could hear the woman’s voice echoing as she heaved heavily “It’s the only way to break my curse” slender fingers tugged at golden, red locks as the young woman steadied the rapid beating of her heart.
“Are you alright?” the elderly woman sitting next to her asked, lightly touching the younger woman’s shoulder. Danika attempted to smile “I’m alright, it was just a dream” the strawberry blonde turned to look out the plane window.
The dream changed from the ones she had had before. More and more details had become clearer than the previous night. Maybe she would finally get the answers she had been looking for when she arrived.
The plane had begun its descent while Danika slept but now more awake she could see wide ranges of green fields and lines of trees drew closer and closer, farther out she could make out some of the houses and roads.
She allowed herself to smile, feeling the excitement that had been overtaken by anxiousness finally bubble in her chest, maybe she could enjoy herself for once.
Golden red hair swayed as she bobbed her head to music coming softly from her earphones, Danika was one among many who were waiting for their luggage to come around, there was no hurry since her relatives were still on the way. This was the first time she would be meeting them in person, not just hearing their voices or looking at them through a screen, and now wished she’d brought something.
But this wasn’t a vacation, she had reasons for coming here.
The music immediately cut off, the caller ringtone replacing it. Assuming it was one of her relatives she took the call.
The young woman went stiff at the sound of his voice. Her name had been said that way before, coldly, in disappointment and exhaustion as if she was the cause of every problem they had. Her father said it that way often, and it looked like her brother would be picking up the habit.
“Why are you in Ir-”
She hung up on him. She gently pulled at the wires, letting the buds hang around her shoulders, the sounds around her faded until she could only hear the sound of her heartbeat booming in her ears. Numbness was all she felt, too many thoughts were racing around in her mind. Her brother knew she was here and if he were her father she would have a team of bodyguards coming after her as soon as possible, they would bring her home kicking and screaming if they had to then her father would punish her for it.
Her brother was not their father. However, she wasn’t sure that was a good thing either.
When she got out of the building, after finally snapping out of her thoughts and getting her suitcase, the young woman peered around others as she walked out. She was about to walk further down when someone yelled out her name. Turning, she quickly spotted a woman waving wildly at her, holding a sign with Danika's name.
The woman's long, dark hair tangled in the breeze as she made her way towards the younger woman, her light brown eyes brightened with glee.
Danika took in the woman's features as she moved closer and closer, all the young woman could do was stare. She was unsure how to handle this situation, on one hand they were family but on the other they were practically strangers. There was no time for an internal debate, she put on her usual, polite smile and extended her hand.
But before Danika could get a word out of her mouth, the dark haired woman enveloped her in a tight hug. Danika stiffened before forcing herself to relax, awkwardly patting her back in response.
“It’s so good to finally meet you” she grinned at me “I’m Cara” she began steering the younger woman to their car, still chatting gleefully while all Danika could do was nod. “Sean was so excited to see you after so long but there was a work emergency this morning” She laughed “You should have seen his face when he found out”
The name lit a lightbulb in her mind. Sean was one of her many cousins, a little older than her brother. She’d met him a few times when she was video chatting with her aunt, who had also tagged her on social media when he got married at the end of last year.
Sean and Cara lived in a one bedroom apartment in Arbour Hill, upon entering the unit the first thing Danika could see was the small dining table, pushed up against the wall, beyond it was the living area. To the right of the entryway was the kitchen, there were two doors, one beyond the kitchen and one next to the television stand, either one leading to the bedroom or the bathroom.
The apartment wasn’t grand, the furniture wasn’t ungodly expensive and the décor wasn’t massive or famous. Everything was the complete opposite, simple, clean and comfortable.
“Sean mentioned a few things about you and your brother. This probably isn’t what you’re used to but I hope you’ll be comfortable even though it’s only for a night”
Danika turned to say something but Cara was already in the kitchen fixing up the take-out she bought on the way home. Sean and Cara had opened their home to her and had been welcoming from the moment Cara saw her at the airport the least she could say something nice.
The strawberry blonde took a deep breath to calm her heart hammering in her chest.
“Uh, Cara?”
The dark haired woman turned to her “Hmm?”
This was it, just a few simple and kind words “I...uh...where’s the bathroom”
Ugh, coward
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Exhaustion had finally caught up with Danika by the end of lunch. She changed into more comfortable clothing, a loose fitting t-shirt, sweatpants and her favorite pair of fluffy flip-flops. Cara had shown her the bedroom, it minimalistic like the rest of the apartment. The bed was at the center, two nightstands on either side of the bed, the closet by the door and a small desk across from it.
Danika had just settled into bed for a nap but despite the physical exhaustion, her mind had too many thoughts for it to settle. Her brother’s call earlier was on the forefront of her mind, worried about what he might do or if he would do anything at all. Her father had used their family’s considerable resources to empower himself. Used his money to gain the favor of law enforcement, used his status to “befriend” other people of power and used the power to make sure people fell in line.
But he was gone now and Connor had taken his place. Connor was smarter, more charming and had quickly gained the employees’ respect and fear. However, his motivations still eluded her and he would never talk about family business to someone he considered a child, despite her age, someone who still believed in fairytales and curses.
Danika groaned and snuggled as deep as she could into her pillow, and eventually her body found rest, but in her mind, in her dreams, she found herself watching a missing part of an old family tale.
It always felt real when she woke up. Danika could feel the softness of the thin blanket beneath her fingertips, could smell the scent of gardenias from the bouquet that sat on the table and when she began to move around the small space it was as if she were really there.
Once exiting the bedroom, one would see a wooden, square table with chairs on all sides. A small kitchen, two tables and a chimney with a metal pot at the center of the firepit.
But it was always the door, behind one of the dining chairs, that drew her attention. The scene behind it changed everything she knew about the story that was passed down from one generation to another. The garden behind the cottage was lush and filled with all kinds of vegetables, fruit, flowers and herbs growing in sections of the garden. However what really drew her attention was a little ways beyond the garden.
She saw a man and woman under the thick branches of the old tree as she moved closer. She could only assume they were the couple in the story, the prince and the healer torn apart by the prince’s choices.
“ I don’t understand why you keep returning when my answer will be the same as before” the woman asked softly, never looking away from the mounds of newly settled soil.
“ My wife is pregnant, she lives in constant fear because of what you have done” he told her “Thea wouldn’t want-”
The woman turned, finally facing him. Her amber eyes bright with fury, looking at him with such hatred causing Danika to flinch.
“You have no right to say her name” she seethed “You are the reason why she had to join her garden, why she and her child needed to be laid to rest beneath us”
Danika’s eyes widened then turned to the two mounds close to the tree, one was much smaller than the other and each had a garland of flowers that hung off a wooden marker, etched on each marker was what looked like a moonflower. It was clear to anyone who saw the markers that it was a burial mound.
The prince’s eyes darkened and his jaw tightened “What do you want?” he gritted his teeth.
“I want Thea’s torque” she said then her eyes moved to look at Danika’s “That’s the only way to break my curse”
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purplesurveys · 3 years
What is your age? 22, but there’s less than a month to go before I turn 23.
What annoys you? Literally every single person who still supports the government at this point. For context, we are back to square one and we’re under the exact same quarantine imposed in March 2020 because of the surge in cases. Nothing has changed and nothing has been done in the last 365 days while people are getting hungrier and poorer. I’m done feeling hopeful for this country and I cannot wait to abandon it forever.
Do you have any allergies? Apparently, grass. Can’t be exposed to it for too long otherwise the skin on my thighs turn red and occasionally even get rashes.
Do you know anyone named Billy? Kind of, but they’re girls with their name spelled as Billie.
When is your birthday? April 21st and spending it in quarantine once again this year...
Who is your best friend(s)? Angela and Andi.
What's your favorite candy? I like gummy bears and worms. As for sweets, I really like Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, Butterfinger, Twix, and the Hershey’s Cookies and Creme bar.
When was the last time you cried? Maybe a day or two ago while watching a snippet from Caught in Providence.
Have you been out of the country? Yes.
Do you daydream? Not so much these days. I’ve been better at keeping my focus at work.
What's your favorite kind of dog? I love alllllll dogs, but I’d usually be wary of smaller dogs because 87% of the times I’ve met some, they’re aggressive or a bit moody. I don’t like stereotyping dogs as much as possible but because I’ve had direct experiences to back it up anyway, *shrug*
What day of the week is it? It’s a Sunday.
How do you like your eggs? Scrambled, poached, or an omelette with lots of fillings. Balut is also great.
Have you ever been in the emergency room? Only when I was born, I’m guessing.
What's the easiest thing ever to do? Idk, what comes easy to me might not be the same for others. But my answer would be to smile, regardless if it were genuine or otherwise.
Have you ever flown in a plane? Yeah, many times. The child-like excitement I get whenever I get on one will probably never go away, either.
Do you use fly swatters? No, my mom usually uses old shoebox covers or rolled-up scratch papers we have lying around to swat them.
Have you ever used a foghorn?: Only in video games lol, never in real life.
Have you pet a goat? I don’t think I have. I’ve pet lots of animals before but I don’t think a goat has been one of them yet.
Are you a giver or a taker? Giver, but I’ve been allowing myself to take more these days.
Do you like gummy candies? Love them.
How are you? We’ve entered summer weather now, so I feel hot and miserable. It’s also Sunday and I am stuck at home, which doesn’t make me the happiest camper.
What's your height? 5′1″ or a tiny tiny tiny bit taller than that.
What color is your hair? It’s black but on extremely rare occasions I’ll catch a single light brown strand when I play with my hair.
What's your favorite ice cream? Cookies and cream and chocolate chip cookie dough. My friend Leigh actually started her own ice cream shop recently and I bought her coffee crumble ice cream, and it is sooooooooo fuckinggggggggg good??????? It’s so rare to find coffee ice cream where I live period, so I’m fucking stoked to have a close friend who makes literally the best one and in generous servings too.
Have you ever ice skated? Many times as a kid. I was never formally trained, but it was something I wanted to try from watching other kids play in mall ice skating rinks; and when I did give it a shot, I ended up enjoying it. Luckily my mom was encouraging and actually frequently dropped me off at a rink so I can practice gliding and all for a few hours while she ran errands.
Have you cheated the IRS? That’s like an American tax thingy, right? We don’t have that here and my employer handles my TIN.
What's your favorite jelly bean? Not a big fan but if I had to have Jelly Belly, I obviously would want to get the pleasant-tasting ones.
Do you tell jokes? Yes.
Do you wear nice jewelry? Only on special occasions.
Do you want to kill anybody? I don’t want to kill anybody but I certainly wish a good number of public officials would finally die.
Do you want to have kids? Yes. I really wish I could still have a future with them. Thanks for the trauma, my real asshole of an ex.
Where did you have kindergarten? Somewhere.
Are you laidback? I doubt my friends would use this to describe me. I for sure lean more towards the uptight side of the spectrum.
Do you lie? Eh, occasionally.
When is the last time you sent a hand-written letter? I have no idea. Christmas 2019 maybe?
Ever talked in a microphone? Sure. Many times.
Do you still watch Disney Movies? I very rarely get in the mood for them if I’m by myself, but yes, I’d gladly sit down and watch should an opportunity come.
Do you like mangoes? No.
Do you have a nickname? 99% of people call me Robyn while my family calls me Byn, but there are a select few friends who’ve stayed long enough with me to catch other names I’ve gotten over the years, which have since become inside jokes/nicknames. There’s Reben and Rolayn, and literally just yesterday ‘Roby’ happened when I ordered food for lunch so that will probably catch on as well.
What’s your favorite number? 4.
Do you prefer night over day? Absolutely.
Are you an only child? No, I’m two siblings away from that status.
Do you wish this was over? I haven’t felt that way, no.
What is the closet orange object near you? An orange tumbler my Kuya gave me as a Christmas gift in 2019. There is also orange tape wrapped around the charger adaptor of my company laptop.
What one fear are you most paranoid about? Waking up in the middle of surgery and being unable to speak nor move.
Do you play any instruments? Nope.
Do you think you are pretty? Some days.
Are you quick to judge people? No, unless they are already blatantly showing their character like being rude towards service staff, tossing their trash to the ground, or cutting in queues. Whenever those things happen I give myself the space and freedom to guiltlessly judge.
What do you keep quiet about? How dysfunctional my family really is, and the things I really want to say about Gabie.
Do you have any quirks? Food-wise, I like peeling off the breading from fried chicken and placing them on the side of my plate so I can eat them last, because they’re my favorite part.
What’s a good reason to cry? Frustration. Crying can be really helpful in lessening stress.
Do you think you're always right? No.
Do you watch reality TV? Not religiously, but I love watching snippets of reality shows on Facebook because they’re all so embarrassing and it’s hilarious to watch hahahahah. Literally last night I was watching clips of Big Ed on 90 Day Fiance.
Are you a social person? More so now than I was years ago.
What states have you lived in? I lived in Manila briefly but it didn’t take long till we transferred to another city for a more peaceful life in the suburbs.
What is your favorite season? I wanna say winter because of what I’ve seen from it in movies and shows, but I’ve never actually experienced it before.
When did you last sleep in a tent? Sometime in March or April last year.
Do you like tomatoes? Mostly in diced form. Tomato sauce is fine but I don’t really like it in my pasta. Bloody Mary also tastes rather awful.
What time did you wake up? 8:30 AM.
Do you have an umbrella in your car? I think so, yeah. I finally placed one in there lmao.
Do listen to Usher? Eh, not really. 2000s R&B isn’t my thing, save for Beyoncé.
Describe the underwear your wearing? It’s light blue.
What’s the worst veggie? I never learned to like pechay. I’d still eat it, but only because I like cleaning up my entire plate.
Do you like movies with violence? Some. Like I hate action movies but I enjoyed A Clockwork Orange and Scream lol.
Where do you want to go on vacation? I recently bookmarked an Airbnb in Zambales and the accommodation is basically this super cute line of tipi-styled huts by the beach. I'd love to have a solo trip push through once this Covid mess subsides.
Ever been on a wave runner? No.
Where do you work? I work in a PR company.
Do you wish on stars? Just sometimes.
Have you ever had an x-ray? Only for mandatory medical exams.
Do you own a xylophone? I think I had a toy one as a kid, but it’s not with me anymore.
Have you watched the x-games? No, not interested.
What did you do yesterday? I stayed at home; ordered food for Angela as a surprise; debated if I should buy a pair of Air Maxes – and ultimately decided I’ve already spent too much this month to deserve a new pair of shows lol; and just settled to buy a new night lamp for my bedroom. I also watched the newest episode of 2 Days 1 Night and ate more of Leigh’s ice cream while doing work.
Do you like the color yellow? Only in mustard yellow. I also like the song Yellow, heh.
What year were you born?: 1998.
Do you believe in the zodiac? No.
Has your bank account been at zero? No. I remember when I was first opening my own account at the bank and the clerk told me to make sure I don’t go below P2,000, and my intensely by-the-book ass has been following the rule ever since, even though my dad has told me it’s absolutely fine to go below it so long as I have P2,000 back in the account after a month hahaha.
Ever been to the zoo? A few.
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thank you! i think you're genuinely the only person that has ever said they actually like the fact that my bathrobe is obnoxiously pink. and you're absolutely right, one of the things i like most about it is that it hurts people's eyes. i love it actually. if you ever celebrate halloween you should absolutely add your bathrobe to your costume. an amazing idea. since it has a mouse face on the hood it could be two costumes rolled into one - both a vampire and a mouse (if in the middle of the evening you get bored of one), which i think would be awesome. and you probably wouldn't get cold (is it cold in nz during halloween? because here it almost always is). we don't celebrate halloween in lithuania either though. which i'm a bit bummed about, because halloween sounds super fun. mostly because of the dressing up! but i did celebrate it once, when i was 11 or 12 maybe? me and a couple of friends decided it would be fun even if it's not really celebrated here. so we dressed up, even went trick ir treating (half the houses had no idea what was happening and also i pretty much froze to death because i was dressed as a dead bride and refused to put a coat on because then you couldn't see my dress) and also watched horror movies. 12 (or 11) year old me thought it was amazing.
oh yeah! i've broken a knife on 2 separate occasions i think. once i tried to get something out of between the blender's blades, used a knife and then accidentally turned the blender on (i'm so fucking glad it was a knife and not my fingers). so the tip of the knife broke off (the blender was ok tho). and the second time i have no idea how it happened. i was cutting up broccoli and the knife just fell apart??? i was so confused, because one second i'm holding a knife and the next it's just two pieces of a handle and the metal part, all separate. had fun explaining that to my dad. you sound pretty unlucky too! i mean, a cut every time you use a knife, but you don't even notice it at the time? i think it's just that knives are out to get us (it's my newest conspiracy theory). i actually get double vision too sometimes! mostly when i'm tired, but i just figured that it was because i have really bad eyesight
they definitely SHOULD teach about gender and sexuality in school. it's a really big problem that in a lot of places it's either not compulsory or not even in the curriculum. honestly, everything i know about sex ed or lgbtq+ i had to learn myself on the internet, because we only had one class when we were like 13 years old with a guest speaker and it was mostly biology and then a little bit about menstruation and pads for girls (i have no idea what they told boys because we were also separated). so sex ed definitely sucks a lot in my country and i bet it's the same in a lot of others, which makes me really mad
exactly!! it's so hard to tell whether i'm feeling romantic or platonic love sometimes! it's confusing. also i remember one time me and a couple of friends had a sleepover and the friend's, who was hosting, parents weren't home so we watched romance movies (scandalous i know). again we were maybe 12. and they kept going "oh he's so hot" and intensely watching the sex scenes. while i was looking away from the tv whenever sexy times were going on and commenting on how much i loved the house design and the garden. gee i wonder what that means. (still can't believe it took me this long to figure out i was ace)
the breakfast went very well though! it's so interesting how different traditions are everywhere. i hope your lunch and the rest of christmas day went well too! (also i forgot to ask last time, but what is boxing day? google says it's mostly a shopping holiday, is it that? we just call it the second day of christmas and it's pretty much the same as christmas day but there's no presents!) but yeah i hope you had fun with your extended family on boxing day!
having acid reflux sounds like it sucks. i love breakfast, it's my favourite meal of the day (when i don't have to rush that is) and i skip lunch a lot because i usually have no time for it (my schedule kinda sucks), so i usually try to have a bigger breakfast. but hey, peanut butter is good! so at least you can have something that tastes good for breakfast!
aaand i feel like this ask got away from me. sorry it's so long!
it’s because i have t a s t e. it may not be GOOD taste but it sure is...taste...and i am proud of it. and yes, i love the idea of adding my dressing gown to my costume specifically because it means i’m basically in my PJ’s. minimal effort. comfort to the max. living the dream. halfway through the night i’m tired of being the vampire no one invites in so i drop to my knees and start the mouse act. mice are good at getting in houses and getting to chocolate and such. the dream. also i absolutely would get bored of one costume within the space of a few hours knowing me, so that’s a plus. uhhhh halloween is october which is. mid-late spring so it really depends on the day. it might be a little cold, might be shorts weather. I rarely leave my house at night so I’m not an expert on nighttime temperatures sdflsdfjsd. 
I used to wish we did Halloween here but that was mostly because I wanted lollies. Although I also liked playing dress up as a young kid so maybe very young me would’ve vibed with the costume aspect. I know there’s a photo of me when I was like, 5 and my best friend of the time dressed up as witches at some point, maybe we had our own little halloween. I also possibly had a halloween themed birthday party once as a kid? I remember the little gift bags having spooky things in them and also possibly a bat cake but my memory is too bad to remember for sure. aha that’s the problem here too, no one locally would ever think to buy lollies to give out so it’d just be like um. you can have an apple I guess? at least you had fun though! i respect the commitment to the costume despite the cold. 
that is such a stressful story to read, i fear for your life. although i understand the knife breaking in that first scenario. that would be terrifying though. what if the blender launched it,,, nOPE. i’m very glad it wasn’t your fingers, that’s some horror movie shit. the second time is just,, it be like that sometimes. it was probably just waiting to happen. my parents have a cheese grater with a loose handle and it. falls off. every time. i dry it. with the dishes. and every time i fear for my life as the grating bit drops off towards my feet as i’m left holding the handle. i should expect it by now but i never do. I get scared every time it happens. knives are definitely out to get us, i fully support this conspiracy theory. oh yeah, tiredness doesn’t help with double vision. i kind of need bifocal glasses by now but I also don’t want bifocal glasses so i just suffer but I suspect having them would reduce the double vision. maybe. maybe not.
yup! i remember someone handing out tampons and pads at primary school, i assume after giving a talk about periods, idk. i do also remember a teacher pulling the girls aside and being like yo, this is what a period is, here’s a horror story about my daughter and a tampon, enjoy the trauma, go back to class. good times. we did actually get really comprehensive sex ed concerning most things at my high school but that is faaaarrr from the norm around here, clearly. although teenage boys are good at filling in gaps, in my experience. they’re like little sex encyclopedias that offer up information without you asking. i didn’t ACTUALLY want to know that but i do now, i guess, thanks michael. 
dude. the ‘oh he’s so hot’ comments are so confusing. ‘hot’ is like a category of attractiveness that I’ve never understood. ‘isn’t he hot?’ what does that MEAN rebecca. i think i asked once if it meant like, attractive or good looking. and the person i asked was like, you know, hot. you just look at them and, you know- no i don’t know. what is this. i don’t think i’ve ever watched a sex scene with people my age though, generally i just zone out for them sdkfhskdfh. i feel like there’s definitely all these indicators when you look back like oh yeah, should’ve realised i was ace then, but it’s just. such a hard sexuality to figure out. not that other sexualities aren’t but you’ve got to figure out an absence of something when you don’t even know what the something feels like- it’s a challenge.
I’m glad it did! It is interesting, for sure. I’ve always been interested in how winter Christmas’s work. As a young kid I didn’t understand hemispheres...obviously...i was like 5...and i’d go out on Christmas morning to see if there was snow. and sometimes it’d be a bit chilly in the morning and I’d be like damn. we almost had some this year. it’s a shame our climate tends to be too hot for snow on christmas :// like no you tiny dumbass it’s summer you little idiot there will be no snow no matter what. everything ended up going super well here :). boxing day is basically just a shopping holiday, i don’t know if it has any significance in any other way, i’m sure it did at one point, but i know there’s always boxing day sales everywhere. I think it’s also a public holiday (?) to give people another day off work and that, but I could be wrong there. I know I also used to regularly go to the races (horse races) nearby that were always held on boxing day, it was like a 150 year old tradition or something until people in attendance started dropping and I think they finally shut it down a couple years back. I didn’t care all that much about the horses but they also had food and carnival-type rides and such for the kids which is why I loved it. also we tended to meet extended family there for a picnic lunch.
acid reflux is like the least of my problems sdfkjshdkf. it’s annoying but it’s pretty managed with medication, I have to watch certain foods and drinks but I’m used to it by now. I think it’s also what causes me to not be able to eat large amounts normally so I survive a lot on snacks and a reasonable sized dinner. works for me. but peanut butter is good! i’m glad i can have that! I used to also have vegemite but that’s a bit more of a push, it’s easier to stick with peanut butter.
also it’s fine!! my responses are always very long too sdfjhskdf.
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shutupandshipit · 4 years
Little Life - Ch.6
Summary:  A baby could ruin his career before it had even started. If anyone found out, he would be kicked out of the Hero Course at the very least and UA at the very worst. Even then, how was he supposed to care for a baby once it arrived? He was a fucking seventeen-year-old boy, not a twenty-nine-year-old omega with their shit at least somewhat together.
Or where Katsuki get pregnant, but is determined to make it to graduation. No matter what it takes.
Pairing: Bakudeku
Rating: T (just for language mostly)
Chapter: 6/16
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Chapter 6: 4 Months
Izuku was lying on top of Katsuki, head pillowed on his chest and body blanketed, when he shifted to prop his chin on his threaded fingers. He considered Katsuki for several moments before asking, "What do you think about coming out to the others?"
Katsuki's phone promptly assaulted him. He batted the offending piece of technology away as pain lanced through his nose and teeth, holding his nose as he glared down at his mate. "Where the fuck did that come from?"
"I don't know," Izuku mumbled quietly, tracing nonsensical patterns into the bare skin of Katsuki's chest. He sighed, and looked back up. "We've been together for almost eight months. I want to be able to talk to Ochako, Iida, Todoroki and Mom about us. I want to be able to sit with you on the couch in the common room and eat with you and hold your hand around everyone without them looking at us like we grew an extra head. All we do is eat together sometimes, and they already do that. And..." He trailed off, cheeks growing pink as he dropped his head down again. Soft lips pressed to Katsuki's skin, breath moist and hot.
"And?" Katsuki prompted when it seemed like he wasn't going to continue. He let go of his face, cupping the back of Izuku's neck instead.
Another sigh spread out against his skin. Izuku turned his head so that his cheek was resting against his breast bone. "I don't want to have to sneak around anymore. Mostly though, I just want to be able to claim you. I hate seeing other alphas eyeing you like they'd love to get you under them. Like you're a piece of meat." He nuzzled up into the heat beneath Katsuki's jaw, and Katsuki purred in response. "I know it bothers you when other omegas are talking to me, trying to blanket me in their scent even though they could never hope to cover up yours. Everyone always assumes we smell like each other because we train together in the mornings. I hate it."
Katsuki threaded his fingers into Izuku's curls, gently scratching at his scalp until Izuku's chest began to rumble. He hated it too, and in the weeks since coming out to Kirishima, he'd considered the idea multiple times. They had already agreed that they wouldn't officially mate until they'd had a chance to live together outside of high school, that had never been under negotiation. This other secret had begun to wear at him though in the last couple of months when his need for contact had been the highest, steeling kisses in an empty classroom and hidden touches when he really needed them. If he could take what he needed in the light of day, it'd be easier. He thought it would make everything simpler even if it would invite others into their business and unwanted comments, it would just make things easier.
He also hated the idea with a passion that rivaled his fifteen-year-old ire. He hated that people would know this secret little part of Izuku that up until then had been only his.
The thought of pack was an intoxicating plus though.
So, he said, "Okay. Sure. Yeah."
Izuku's head snapped up, nearly striking him in the chin. "Really?"
"What? You don't actually want to?"
"No, it's just that I wasn't expecting you to agree so quickly."
Katsuki shrugged, looking up at the ceiling. "They're going to find out eventually. We're not exactly subtle, and I'm sure at least a few know already. They're not all as oblivious as you are."
Laughing, Izuku kissed the underside of his chin. "That was almost a compliment."
"Yeah, well, it had to happen at some point."
"How are we going to do it though?"
"Well, if you tell your dumbass friends and I tell my nosy ass friends, it'll spread without any work from us. The whole school will literally know before the day is over. The two top students dating will be the hottest gossip any of them will hear the entire time they're here. It'll be worse than when Beady Eyes and Amajiki got engaged."
"Why do you know Amajiki's name, but not Mirio's?" Izuku asked with a happy little laugh.
Katsuki waved away the question. "Kirishima never shuts up about him. You'd think they were the ones engaged."
"Well, Kirishima is a really loyal friend and gets excited for the people he cares about."
"Yeah, sounds like some green-haired dumby I know." He grinned down when Izuku huffed.
They settled more completely into each other. It wasn't ten minutes later that Katsuki felt something very stiff pressing into his abdomen. "Deku," he said threateningly. He could almost feel as Izuku's face flush with embarrassment.
"I'm sorry!" he whined, "I've been really pent up lately, and we haven't done this in a long time. It's been longer since we've had sex. You haven't been feeling well so I haven't said anything. I didn't want to pressure you or anything."
Katsuki huffed. Like Izuku could ever pressure him. Since getting pregnant, his libido had been admittedly nonexistent unlike his research had told him. Probably because of all the puking and headaches and harboring a literal leech in his body or something. Even now with Izuku's dick pressing into him, the offer of sex wasn't all that appealing when before he would have already been ravaging the idiot.
"I haven't gone into a rut in months, so I haven't even had that," Izuku mumbled.
'Yeah,' Katsuki thought, 'That makes sense.'
They'd learned during this year's sex-ed that when an alpha's omega got pregnant, it completely shut off the hormone that caused both parties to have their cycles. All energy went into providing for their omega and growing pup. Something about an evolutionary survival mechanism. He was just lucky Izuku was too dumb to connect the dots.
And there were so many dots to connect at this point. Any two would lead to the same conclusion.
Katsuki mulled over the concept silently, letting Izuku stew in his embarrassment for a little while longer. "We can have sex on one condition," he said, and Izuku startled against him, "You're topping. I'm not in the mood to put in all that work. That, and you're always so goddamn loud when you bottom, and I don't want that purple ball haired pervert listening at the wall. If you bend me into a pretzel again though, I'm never going to let you touch me again."
Izuku laughed as he pushed himself up to lean in for a kiss. "Okay, I can do that," he said.
Katsuki willingly wrapped his limbs around Izuku, and melted completely into the heat of his touch.
The next morning, they went downstairs to the sound of Sunday morning cartoons in each others clothing. Izuku slumped in a near unconscious, whining heap across Katsuki's shoulder. He was a terrible morning person even when it was already ten.
"Kacchan, I'm tired! Let's go back to bed," he wheedled, but Katsuki ignored him.
They were completely drenched in each others scents and pheromones from the night's activities, and their appearance caused the kind of shock that he'd planned on. All heads turned to them in complete silence as he dragged the useless heap into the kitchen to grab several water bottles. He wasn't about to cook for the fucker after getting wrecked by him the night before, so he just grabbed fruit and granola bars before beginning the trek back upstairs.
Kirishima grinned widely at him, and he jerked his chin up in silent greeting.
As he mounted the stairs, he heard Mina hiss accusingly, "Did you know about this, Eiji? You've been holding out on me, jerk!"
"I have no idea what you're talking about," Kirishima replied innocently.
"Kirishima!" the group shouted in outrage.
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ghostwing404 · 4 years
UM FIREEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!
‘main 4 sides talking about the most recent delema’
Deceit appears: ‘very out of breath’ v...virgil i....need y...our...help
everyone but virgil: wth why do you need virgil and why are you out of breath
Virgil: ‘’‘who has summoned a fire extinguisher’’’  whats on fire or did they get a hold of explosives again?
Thomas: WHAT FIRE?!?!?!?! EXPLOSIVES?!?!??! WHAT!?!?!?
the sides exuding Virgil: :o
Deceit: it was r...emy he h....a...d to...o much ca...ffeine an...d start...ed lightin...g sh..it on f...ire t...hen re...mus join...ed in a...nd they fused a..nd i do....nt know what to d..o plz help!!!
Virgil: ok got the fire extinguisher lets go....
dee and Virgil disappear and the sides just stare at each other with a panicking Thomas in the back ground
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a-smr-things · 3 years
It's freezing here. Brrr. I need warmth.
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fullmetalscullyy · 5 years
Ed and/or Al mess up and hurt Roy and/or Riza on a mission
thank you for this anon!! it's probably not as angsty as you'd hoped (there's still some in there bc let's face it it's me) but i needed a little something to pick me up so i hope the ending makes up for it
i hope you enjoy it!
"Sir, it's fine -"
"It's not."
"Sir -"
"Get Fullmetal in here!" Mustang hollered to whoever was outside his office. Riza sighed, pressing the ice pack harder against her smarting cheek. It was a mistake. The boys were only human - and were barely in their twenties. They were allowed to make mistakes in situations like this. Apparently someone didn't see it the same way and was working himself up over nothing.
"You're being unreasonable."
Mustang ignored her, continuing to pace in his office. Irritation began to blossom inside her at being ignored. He was overreacting, pure and simple - something he'd begun to do frequently recently, and it grated on her nerves no end.
Edward walked into the room defiantly. It was just like he'd done in his younger years, so much so that Riza was hit with déjà vu, except this time, Edward hadn't really done anything wrong. He'd done nothing intentionally to hurt her.
It was a simple mistake. The guy had swung and missed Edward as he ducked, catching Riza's cheek instead with his fist. For god's sake, when a fist comes flying, it's instinct to dodge. Unfortunately for Riza, she'd bumped into Edward's back after entering the room hurriedly while not fully paying attention right after discovering the shady operation their target was running. Right as Ed ducked, the fist connected with her face. A stupid mistake on her part, but she was only human. Riza took the guy down without hesitation and guarded the boys just as instructed. There shouldn't be any drama about her simply doing her job but somebody was insisting on it.
"That's not my name anymore, General," Edward stated as he entered the room with narrowed eyes.
"Cut the shit -"
"No," Edward quickly interrupted. "You cut the shit. Hawkeye explained what happened -" He turned to face her, expression regretful. "And I'm really sorry about what happened Hawkeye." She waved him off.
"It's all right Edward," she replied sincerely, waving off his apology.
"It was an accident," Edward continued, turning his ire back towards Mustang. "You're acting as though I did it on purpose."
"How do I know you didn't?" Mustang demanded.
Before Edward could reply angrily, Riza cut in. "General," she barked, her tone telling him to stand down right now. Being worried about what happened, sure, she could allow that. Being irritated, maybe, if it was warranted, which it wasn't in this case. Throwing baseless accusations at a twenty year old for acting on basic human instance and dodging a fist coming flying at their face? She wouldn't stand for it.
The tension in the room was palpable. Edward and Mustang glared at each other. Riza rolled her eyes at the General's behaviour and stood from her chair. 
"Edward." He glanced her way, breaking the staring contest as she addressed him. "Go home," she ordered gently, a smile on her face. "You and I will discuss the next step tomorrow." Edward's gaze flicked back towards Mustang who's frown had deepened. "Tell Alphonse not to worry about today and I'll be in touch soon."
Edward straightened in place, electing to ignore the General and his grossly unprofessional behaviour. "Right. Will do, Hawkeye."
"Tell Winry I said hello," she smiled. "And the kids."
Edward grinned at the mention of them and nodded. "I will! See you, Hawkeye."
"What -?" Mustang asked in disbelief, unable to comprehend that she'd just dismissed Edward.
"You," she stated, voice hard and tone holding none of the softness she'd shown towards Edward. Riza shoved the ice pack into his chest - quite hard - waiting for his hands to raise automatically to grab it. "I'll speak to you about what happened once you've calmed down."
She turned and left the office, retrieving her jacket from the back of the chair she'd occupied while the General had paced angrily. There was no word of protest from behind her, which she was thankful for, because all she wanted to do was go home and have a nice, relaxing bath.
"I'm sorry," a voice spoke into their bedroom. Riza closed her book calmly and placed it in on her lap. Looking expectantly at the door, she watched as Roy stood in the dark doorway with his hands shoved into his pockets.
"I don't think it's me you should be apologising to."
Roy sighed and nodded, stepping into the dimly lit room. He'd taken off his uniform and changed into sweatpants and a great t-shirt.
"Have you calmed down?" Riza half demanded. She wouldn't talk to him while he ranted and raved about her "safety", when all he was really doing was flapping.
Roy sighed again. "Yeah. Sorry." He perched on the edge of the bed, placing a hand gently atop the duvet covering her thigh. His eyes were cast down, showing his regret for his rash actions. "I already spoke to the boys. That's why I'm so late home."
She'd begun to grow concerned when it hit six o'clock and he hadn't returned from the office. A quick call to Havoc revealed that Roy had just left to go and speak to the Elric brothers about what had happened today. They must have discussed a lot because it was now past nine o'clock.
"I'm more than capable of taking care of myself -"
"I know," he replied quickly. His hand shifted off the duvet, fingers threading through hers atop her lap. "I know. I just... I just get so worked up nowadays. You're carrying a child Riza. A little baby." Instinctively she placed her hand over her stomach. "You can take care of yourself, but they can't."
Riza briefly paused, but a smile broke out over her face as she made her decision. "He."
"What?" Roy asked, brow furrowing.
"He can't take care of himself," she grinned.
She'd just found out that morning after going for her scan. Once she'd returned to the office, she'd been shipped out on duty with Edward and Alphonse as their protection. Roy had been stuck in a mandatory meeting and was devastated about not being able to accompany her to the appointment, but with all that happened that afternoon, they'd both forgotten that today was the day they'd find out the sex of their child.
"We're…" His jaw slackened, eyes widening into saucers. "We're having a boy?" he asked, voice full of wonder and shaking as his emotions overtook him. Even with all his unnecessary flapping and fussing, it was worth putting up with it in the end, because it just showed how much he cared. Growing up Riza had never experienced anyone caring about her welfare so much like this, so she had no time for it. It was irritating. However, seeing the tears collecting in Roy's eyes after hearing the news, she decided it was definitely worth it. She had a lot to learn herself, starting with learning to be patient with him.
Riza nodded, running a hand through Roy's hair. He didn't seem to notice. His entire attention was on her stomach where their child was growing. Both hands covered her, stroking her skin lovingly and sending shivers down her spine.
"Yes," she confirmed, voice barely above a whisper. She kept it low because it seemed as though anything louder would startle Roy from his perfect moment. She'd never take that away from him.
"We're having a boy," he repeated. He took a shaky breath and Riza felt a fear drop onto her pyjama top. She chuckled and ran her hands through his hair again.
"We are."
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