themostuselesspotato · 3 months
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Hello I have Lyf design ideas
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cordeliawhohung · 3 months
okay, here's the better run down on mafia!Soap as promised (as well as his fem!nurse!Reader gf <3)
like it's sorta referenced in canon, Soap is the youngest of Price's closest circle. he used to do freelance work as a programmer/hacker and got hired by the wrong crowd trying to steal some of Price's information. impressed, Price actually offered the man a job and he took it mostly because Price paid better. stayed because he also grew to like the man.
people legit call the man Soap in this universe too because he can clean hardware and information like no one's business. otherwise, they'll just call him by his last name or Johnny.
has an odd dynamic with Simon in this universe. more of like his annoying little brother than a good friend. they get along fine, but they don't really interact much outside of work. he's actually really close friends with Kyle, though. the two play games together sometimes, and Soap of course teaches him how to torrent games because fuck activision <3
he's got a few piercings. simple ear lobe piercings that he usually wears simple studs in, but he also has a tongue piercing. just the classic, straight through with a simple bar. he got it because he's a fucking munch
i feel like he wouldn't get many more tattoos than what he already has in canon ngl. if he does, they're def something stupid as fuck that have no meaning. something he probably got due to a dare, or while he was insanely inebriated.
he also doesn't have as many scars as he does in canon. certainly not the one on his chin. he def played football when he was younger, and still likes to play skirmishes every now and then. he also lifts on the regular. sure, he's tech savvy, but he goes fucking insane having to sit around too much, so going for a run or hitting the gym is a really good way to get his energy out!
while he doesn't have too many scars, he still is getting himself hurt a lot. not because he's clumsy or anything, he just really, really, really wants to ensure that something gets done right whenever he's sent out to do "field work." usually ends up with a TBI because of it lmfao.
and that's actually how the two of you met (:
being an ER nurse, you saw a lot of weird shit at the hospital, especially on day shift. then you had this loud man with a huge gash on his head and a suspected concussion roll through the door and honestly you're just glad it wasn't another damn car accident. you were tired of looking at compound fractures.
Johnny is just a fucking loon. literally acting inebriated, and poor Kyle is trying to prevent him from saying anything too stupid.
it doesn't work
at first you have a hard time telling if he's being a creep or not. commenting on your scrubs, how he likes the color, but honestly you've heard worse. but it is sort of cute. he's so loopy he's got this dog-like excitement to him and has a hard time focusing on anything in particular. it's more innocent than anything else.
he falls in love with you the moment you bring him a snack (some shitty and dry saltines and a cup of water). he devours one of the crackers like it's crack and thanks you with his mouth half full.
that's when he gets the bright idea to give you his number. a simple thanks isn't enough for the kind gift you've given him! he's got to let you know that he's down to do anything for you! so if anyone fucks with you, if you need someone taken care of give him a call. he won't ask any questions!
kyle is fucking mortified, hiding his face in the corner of the room, but you just smile and kindly take the piece of paper with his scribbled number.
of course you don't actually text or call him. he was a patient of yours, and that's just breaking so many rules! and you certainly don't need anyone to be taken care of. so you leave it be. despite how adorable his loopy smile was or how pretty his eyes were or... christ, you need to throw that scrap paper away.
and Johnny? well, he forgets all about you. not on purpose or anything, the poor man was hardly conscious when he met you, and he only interacted with you briefly. so imagine his surprise when him and Kyle are out on the town and the man points you out to him asking if you ever ended up texting him.
Johnny is fucking confused. why would she text him? (you gave your number to her, idiot) oh. that can't be. (why not?) because he would have fucking remembered if he had given his number to a girl that beautiful.
now he wants to figure out why you never texted him ):<
anyway there's more to this but my shift was long and my brain is frozen from the fuckin -31 degree weather we got so <3 enjoy lore about the idiot
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I cannot stress this enough: I don't like the sibling bullshit going on - not because it "get's in the way of my ship" or whatever idiotic nonsense rage-baiters want to spout. I am way too old for that dumbass shit and I consume media differently than most people do.
I'm training myself to analyze story structures so I can pick apart media I like. I enjoy figuring out how they work (or don't work) so that I can better write my own stories and then maybe become an editor down the line.
So this isn't, "Oh I'm upset my ship isn't canon". It's more like "It makes no sense to "siblingfy" the type of boy the main character likes and would have got together with him if circumstances were different. It also doesn't make sense for Hunter to become Camilla's kid and not Darius's. It also doesn't make sense for Hunter to stay in the human realm with Camilla given his position as the literal prince of TBI."
Most people don't realize that shows take literal years to produce.
So the people who work on it are going to have certain details slip from their mind. This is especially true if you're not on the writing team. Voice actors have daily obligations to attend to on top of doing other projects. Would YOU call two characters siblings if you remembered:
They had a fake-out kiss moment (in Hunting Palismen). This was a call back to a sleeping prince needing to be awoken with a kiss from the proof of concept video.
Luz is into angsty warrior prince types with tragic backstories and animal sidekicks... just like Hunter. Hunter at this point is nearly identical to Nevareth - you know, that dude Luz was drooling all over in the second episode of the series. Literally the only differences between these two is body type. (There's a chance Hunter could also lose an eye but I'm not going to get into that now.)
That drawing of Luz kissing a prince that looks like Beta Hunter in "Sense and Insensitivity"
Saw Luz saying she hopes see meets a "hot yet vulnerable upperclassman" in "First Day"
Saw how Hunter and Luz parallel Evelyn and Caleb. Luz and Hunter have romantic undertones because of this. Evelyn and Caleb were lovers, this was apparent in Hollow Mind. In one of the paintings you can SEE that she's pregnant. It's the one where they're running away together. This isn't a tale about "two very good friends" or "two siblings" - they were LOVERS. Luz and Hunter cannot escape this just because they never get together or become actual siblings. Now, do you see how the latter is the worst direction you can go?
How could anyone not think it'd be weird to "siblingfy" Luz and Hunter knowing all this? Another thing people seem to forget is that voice actors who are not writers are allowed to like headcanons.
This was really rampant in the Voltron (2016) crew. Writers AND VA were supporting Shiro/Keith as a romantic pairing DESPITE the age gap and that Shiro met Keith when he was a child. And that they, you know, never ended up together.
I also want to point out it just doesn't make sense for Hunter to live with Camilla in the human realm. You all have to remember that he didn't want to go back to the demon realm because he is the literal prince who helped Belos with his plans.
Besides Separate Tides and Hollow Mind, we never get to see Hunter on the missions Belos sends him on. But do you seriously think Hunter never caused harm to people? He's afraid he'll be recognized - and he has been recognized by his voice before. You don't think the people are going to want reparations from a member of the monarchy that attempted genocide on them? You don't think someone might try to harm him if they found out who he is? Of COURSE he's reluctant to go back to the demon realm.
Hunter may be a teenager, but he isn't above the consequences of his actions. He still needs to make it up to the people he ruled over. He needs to make up for the hurt he caused before The Day of Unity. He needs to be the one who cleans up the mess his "uncle" caused.
It was so obvious he wasn't going to get his little happily ever after in the human realm because he was never going to get the opportunity to run away from accountability.
That's why it makes the most sense for him to stay in the demon realm with Darius. Darius can help him repair the damage caused by Belo's reign and maybe even dissolve the monarchy entirely. Which by the way, WOULDN'T be a quick fix. Do you really think you can undo 50 years of pain in an afternoon? Do you really think that Hunter would just be able to get on everyone's good side even if he killed Belos and stopped The Collector?
Also it just doesn't make sense for the writers to set-up this connection between Hunter and Darius if they were just gonna drop it entirely. Darius isn't some rando adult in his life - he has ties to the Golden Guard who came before him - he has ties to Hunters "family". He can give him a connection to his "family" that Camilla cant give him. While Darius and Hunter's relationship wasn't the best pre-Day of Unity - Darius did display some affection for Hunter. He is obviously going to reconcile with Hunter down the line.
And another thing... It literally makes no sense for Darius and Camilla to get hitched. Why should Camilla and Luz help in cleaning up a mess the literal puritanical white man caused to that degree? Why would Camilla and Luz even take on that responsibility? It's not their mess to clean up.
It's Hunter's mess to clean up - whether he likes it or not. He can't stay in the human realm with Camilla because doing so gives Hunter the opportunity to dodge accountability. That's why Flapjack had to die - it had to be something that devastating to give him a reason to return home and take accountability for his actions and his "uncles" actions.
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ae-azile · 10 months
So, I usually prefer AO3 for reading and writing, but decided to make a Wattpad account to post my stories across multiple platforms. Starting with Giant Dancing Hedgehogs are Nightmare Fuel!
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Summary of Giant Dancing Hedgehogs are Nightmare Fuel:
There are several scenarios that Pete suspects to walk in on when he arrives back at the hospital:
Scenario 1: Vegas is still asleep and Macau and Tankhun have somehow managed to remain civil towards each other. This seems like the least likely scenario.
Scenario 2: Vegas is still asleep and Tankhun has tied Macau to a chair for the hell of it. While this would cause a great amount of trouble, it is almost comforting in its normalcy.
Scenario 3: Vegas has woken up and spilled every single secret that he has in his drugged up state, leaving him even more vulnerable than ever.
Scenario 4: Macau has killed Tankhun in a fit of grief stricken rage, which causes Arm, in turn, to kill Macau in a fit of grief stricken rage, since Arm and Tankhun are apparently in love and Pete can’t stop thinking about it.
Scenario 5: Tankhun has verbally attacked drugged up, pod person Vegas, which has caused him to burst into tears and pull out his IV, in hopes that he bleeds out.
It’s none of those things. Those things would be expected. Nothing happening right now is expected.
Some people love detailed spoilers and some people hate them. Stop reading now if you want to go in spoiler free.
Some themes of this story include:
1. Post-Canon: It accepts pretty much everything that happened up until the one month later epilogue in the finale.
2. Trauma: These characters are TRAUMATIZED. They are traumatized by the night of the attack, they are traumatized by their pasts and being abused/manipulated/gaslit, and they are all collectively traumatized by Korn. And Gun. But Korn is the real villain in this series.
3. Recovery: This primarily applies to Vegas, but also to other characters. Vegas is recovering from a coma and significant injuries. One is a hypoxic brain injury, which makes his autism a bit more apparent and something Macau eventually explains to Pete.
4. Autistic Vegas: In this story, Vegas has autism. He is low supports needs, intelligent, and his autism mainly becomes apparent with sensory processing, emotional regulation, and a little with social cues. His symptoms were more apparent when he was a child, but he learned how to mask. He struggles with masking more after coming out of his coma and pushes Pete away due to this, along with his guilt from his actions. Pete eventually talks to him bluntly and Vegas accepting his autism as part of his identity is something he works on through this fic.
5. Amnesia: Pete and Vegas have a history that goes much farther back than some funny run-ins and the safehouse. While Vegas has been pining for Pete for years, Pete forgets their friendship/sort of relationship due to being attacked on the job, resulting in a TBI and amnesia. This gets out when Vegas asks him if Pete remembers Vegas having a crush on him when they were young.
6. Cousin Reconciliation: Tankhun takes this first step in making amends with Vegas with Arm's support. Kim follows. Kinn gets there.
7. Side Couples: ArmKhun are the supporting lead couple. They are probably the healthiest couple in this series and have their own prequel story on AO3 that is longer than this story. Something to note: Tankhun protected Vegas during their kidnapping and was physically and sexually assaulted. His "hatred" for Vegas stemmed from resentment and trauma, which broke Vegas's heart because he genuinely loved and looked up to Tankhun as an older brother figure. Tankhun held onto that resentment for quite some time, but he also held onto a lot of guilt. When he saw Vegas shot over the security cameras, he was devastated. He - along with Arm and later Porsche - were the ones to get Vegas quick treatment and transferred to a good hospital. Arm is also a victim of abuse in this series. This is one of the main reasons why Tankhun chose him - along with Pete and Pol - as guards. They understand, they won't judge him, and he hopes they know he doesn't think less of them either. Arm is very aware of why Tankhun chose them and sees Vegas as a victim too (without knowing the abuse Vegas faced later on). He accepts and encourages the reconciliation because he loves Tankhun and knows it will bring him peace. Tankhun, Arm, and Kim are also discovering the kidnapping may have been ordered by someone close to them as damage control/retaliation.
KimChay are at odds but co-existing while Kim visits Vegas (+pines for Chay) and Chay hangs with his new bestie Macau (while holding a grudge against Kim). Kim is kind of going through it and arguably on the brink of a mental health crisis. He is also yearning for a connection with his brothers and cousins, especially after learning how much Korn put them all through. Chay has a bigger role in the sequel of this story, but he is forming a brotherly bond with Macau, is expressing how wronged he felt by both Porsche and Kim, yet is trying to support people in the ways he knows how. He also struggles with connecting to his mother, who can't communicate and doesn't seem to remember him.
KinnPorsche have a LOT on their plates in this series. Porsche has been thrusted into a role that he never expected or was trained for and is overwhelmed. He harbors hate for his boyfriend's father for keeping his mother away from him and for all of the lies. He is also worried about Kinn, who is feeling excluded from his brothers spending time together without him for unknown reasons. Kinn also carries a lot of confliction and resentment regarding his father's actions. He feels incredibly guilty and is going through mental health issues of his own.
8. Macau is very active in his brother's care and extremely protective of him. In turn, Pete protects Macau and is a good listening ear. Macau accepts Pete as family before Vegas even wakes up.
9. The Mothers: The mothers and how the boys' lost them are covered in this fic. Vegas was greatly impacted by the loss of his mother. She was his best friend and advocate. Losing his other parent and hearing of Porsche's mother bring up feelings of loss, sadness, and grief. He misses her terribly. Tankhun and Kim suspect that Korn had their own mother killed and are not surprised to hear that Vegas feels that Korn had something to do with his mother's death.
10. Crack!fic: These issues are covered seriously and treated with respect. That being said, this fic is a total crack and humor fic when it isn't doing that. Vegas says "I love you, Pete" 62 times within the first week of being awake because he can't stop saying it due to his brain injury and possible echolalia. Kim randomly starts calling Arm and Tankhun Pa and Dad, then never stops. He also tells fortunes by asking his friends and family to choose a Nintendo Switch and analyzes them by which color the choose, and his reads are extremely accurate. Due to obtaining Nintendo Switches, Arm and Tankhun run a farm together on Stardew Valley. Vegas has to be redirected away from Pokemon since he cries every time his Pokemon faint in battle. Kim tries to woo Chay by obtaining blue roses on Animal Crossing, all while Chay won't invite him to his island but will invite Vegas to give him starter crops and supplies. Pete buys Vegas a weighted blanket, something the whole family loves until it becomes sentient and starts hinting to a chosen few of their futures. Or, Pete's case, it gives him trippy dreams that always feature his boyfriend's mother.
This story is available both on AO3 (along with WIP companion stories). It is also now on Wattpad. Hope you enjoy and feel free to ask me any questions about this weird universe or for headcannons about it! Also open to prompts 🙂
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byler-alarmist · 4 months
Hi Byler alarmist! How are you doing? Missed seeing you... Where have you been? Hope everything is alright there :)
Hello, my dear anon! 💗 thank you so much for the sweet ask!! It really means a lot to me. 🥰
I've been okay, with some moments of greatness.
I took a break from this blog for a while, I guess because the fandom was getting me down a bit. I started hanging out on my other blog and got reeeeally into some other fandoms like Our Flag Means Death and, to a lesser degree, Loki (and also just started watching Yellowjackets S1--WOW is it intense).
Byler is still my favorite ship and I need it canonized more than anything, but it's been good to fall in love with some new characters and ships in the long, long wait until S5.
More recently, IRL, I went to an amazing multi-artist show with my friend from out of town, then continued on to a road trip with said friend to a famous national park I'd never visited.
Both of these were bucket list goals of mine, and it was really good to spend time talking to my friend, since we live far apart and if I'm being honest, I've been pretty lonely for a few years now.
Work has been getting me down for a while now also, but I've learned some good news in the past week that may lead to more money in 2024 (thanks, golden luck potato!!)!
Health issues remain mysterious and obscure, but manageable for now. I decided to postpone my last couple appointments in favor of taking the trip with my friend, namely because the doctors never have any answers for me and for once, I wanted to use the money for something fun. I don't regret it at all.
So yeah, I don't know how long I've been away, but that's been a lot of it.
I don't know if it's a fandom problem or a me problem, but after a while I tend to get burnt out on fandom wank and run away.
It happened with Byler and more recently with OFMD, whose fandom I both love and despise. Some of the takes from a certain slice of the fandom are so rancid, I wonder if they get the characters at all. Add to that a very disappointing finale and frankly bizarre interviews with the showrunner, and suddenly I needed a break from that, too.
(Tbis may be a me problem after all since I tend to run from people and friendships/relationships and ghost them, too 😬)
Speaking of which, I'm pretty bad at answering asks most of the time, but yours was so kind and lovely that I felt the need to try.
Thanks again anon, I hope you're doing well and have a wonderful rest of the year! 💞💖💝
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deny-the-issue · 1 year
The Battle of Illumination
Chapter 8: Leverage
TBI Masterlist
[PTSD] [Fingering] [Gore] [ Silco x you] [silco x fem!reader] [no y/n] [set before act 1] [angst] [Canon-typical violence]
Summary: Silco hands your daggers back and you assist him with business while continuing to recover mentally as well as physically.
AO3 Link
ko-fi link
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A few more weeks passed without much of anything happening. Silco had left you alone to train and the goons had begun to accept you as one of their own. You spent that time working out on a rigorous schedule while satisfying yourself every chance you got to be alone. Your fantasies delved deeper, no longer craving just his hands inside of you. 
As long as you keep your body relaxed you retain the control necessary to deny him if he decides to play with you again. He was manipulating you, most likely the same way he was before you blew up. This time it wouldn’t work, and determination had never been so fun.
The constant headache had become manageable this way and you were eager to re-enter the world if Silco gave you the time of day. Which he didn’t. You took out your anger on the punching bag as you imagined Silco’s stupid face on it. 
“I’d hate to be on your bad side,” Griff said, your new gym buddy. He pulled you out of your focused state and you glared at him as sweat dripped down your face. Lifting the bottom of your shirt to your face you wiped the sheen of perspiration that covered it. Dropping your shirt you realized it was probably not the best idea to flash the man as he stared at your mouth agape. More to your horror, Silco was now standing behind the man.
“Enjoying the show?” You asked harshly, looking directly at Silco. Griff whipped around and muttered a sheepish greeting to Silco who never took his eyes off of you. 
“Come with me,” He ordered, looking at you in that half-lidded supercilious way. You obeyed, keeping your distance from him as he led you to the back stairs again. When the door closed he brought out a cigar, clipped the end, and lit it thoughtfully. 
“I believe you’re ready to work for me again. However, there are certain facts you should know before you can.” He said as he leaned against the railing, facing you. You did the same on the opposite banister, attempting to put as much space between you as possible. 
“What do you remember about Chross?” He inquired, staring into your soul.
“Everything,” You answered easily. Those memories came to you in a dream. More of a nightmare, honestly. You were a bodiless specter in it, following as Chross had your father killed and sabotaged your chances at a better life. Watching yourself fall into every one of his traps, except for the last one. 
You had meant to die in that room, and you suppose you did in a way. A piece of you has never felt the same since and it’s like you were missing the capacity to feel . Shame never entered your mind anymore, and neither did empathy. It had been burned out of you, and much like your nails, you were re-growing with only a bad template to go off of. 
“You can’t kill him,” He warned, drawing your ire. A deep breath is all you needed to quell the urge to talk back, realizing the need for such a man as Chross. 
“I won’t lay a hand on him if he leaves me alone.” 
“He will , I assure you.”
“Did you give me the same assurances when I left for that last job?”
“No,” He revealed without batting an eye, “I expected you to be able to run from him.”
You couldn’t help the laugh that burst from your lungs and the smile that sprouted on your face.
“I think you just admitted to being wrong , Silco.” You teased with a vexing smile. He studied you incredulously for a moment, prompting you to realize that you had changed, yet again. The smell of his cigar was like perfume to your senses, drawing you in. Nodding your head in its direction you asked, “Could I try?”
Raising his eyebrow in silent judgment he pushed off the railing to stand infuriatingly close to you. 
“Do not pull the smoke into your lungs. Suck to keep it in your mouth.” He instructed in a seductive low voice that tested your boundaries. He raised the cigar to your mouth and you gently took it in your mouth, looking at him all the while. 
Following his instructions, you held the smoke in your mouth as you leaned back against the railing again and closed your eyes. You released the smoke and your mind swirled as the nicotine rushed through your body in an exhilarating wave. 
Rough hands brushed your cheek, causing you to open your eyes to see an intensity in Silco’s face you only fantasized about. A cruel laugh broke through your lips, making him drop his touch.
“Nice try,” You quipped as your face turned into a dark sneer, “I’m not going to be that easy this time. I can take care of myself.” 
This seemed to irritate him and he pinned you with a hand on either side gripping the railing with white knuckles. Meeting his gaze felt like staring death in the face, and it excited you. A small smile broke your sinister demeanor as you awaited his response.  
“You’ve changed,” he remarked, looking at you hungrily. Emblazoned by his attention, you grabbed his tie, bringing his face even closer to yours.
“I might even be better .” You breathed, brushing his proud nose with yours. He grabbed a handful of hair at the base of your skull and pulled your head back, causing you to grimace.
“We’ll see,” He growled before letting you go and taking a step back, rationality winning over animalistic lust. “You’re coming with us, we’re meeting with Mr. Eramis. He has been withholding his resources for far too long.”
“Can I kill him ?”
“No, we need him alive, unfortunately. His lackeys are not as… valuable.”
“Does that mean I can have my daggers back?” You asked eagerly. 
“Only if you promise to leave Eramis alive, I don’t need his mess on my hands.” 
“I promise ,” You replied with a mischievous grin. 
“Don’t disappoint me.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
Satisfied that you weren’t going to fuck this up for him, he opened the door and gestured you through it. You were practically skipping through the warehouse with the electric excitement running through your body as he led you down into the lab where he found the doctor.
“Let the doctor take a look at you before we go.” He commanded as you let out an irritated sigh. Silco disappeared through his bedroom door as the doctor walked over to you and promptly shined a light into your eyes causing you to curse loudly. 
“Pupillary response is normal, how are you feeling?” He inquired in his usual detached manner.
“My head is fucking killing me at all hours with periodic moments of clarity.”
“What causes these episodes of clarity?”
“Exercise, definitely, and, uh, other activities.” You barely stopped yourself from divulging your sex life to the doctor of all people. Doubting he had such predilections, you recovered your poker face as Silco approached you with your daggers. 
Your face lit up as you snatched them from him to examine. Frowning, you looked at him angrily as you pulled out a buffing cloth from your pocket. This seemed to amuse him as the corner of his mouth lifted slightly. 
“We’re leaving in five minutes unless the doctor says otherwise.” He dismissed you when the doctor shook his head and you hurried up the stairs to grab your knife sharpener. There was a fire in your soul again and you welcomed it with open arms. A song with a badass baseline started playing in the back of your head, framing your mood with hallucinated music. 
Humming along with the song you sharpened your newly shiny blades and kicked the door closed. Sheathing your blades and placing them on the bed you pulled off your boots, cringing at the smell. 
Gods, I need a shower. 
Peeling off your sweaty clothing, you rifled through your drawers for fresh clothes. Fresh underwear against your skin made you relax as you pulled on black cargo pants and socks. You applied a generous amount of deodorant under your arms and put on a cropped black tank that seemed to hide a memory behind it. 
Securing your blades to the back of your belt made you feel complete again.
Tonight is gonna be fun!
You opened the door right before Sevika was going to knock and you greeted her with an evil smile.
“Took you long enough,” She sneered, turning to stand with Silco and another goon who resembled a troll that you vaguely remember. Silco’s eyes trailed down your body and you understood why you picked this shirt now. It was for him. You wondered how long he could keep up this teasing facade and just fuck you already. 
I hope it doesn’t take too long.
A goon from the opposite side of the warehouse dog whistled at you, causing Silco to shoot him a deadly glare that made him retreat immediately. You giggled at the interaction as Sevika rolled her eyes as the four of you exited the warehouse.
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The walk to Eramis’ house wasn’t particularly long, but the charged atmosphere around you caused time to pass differently. Everything was in slow motion around you, every sound was heightened, and you were ready for anything. 
It was around midnight and the streets were mostly clear. Humid, dank air entered your lungs as you basked in your newfound freedom. A soft sound pulled you from your reverie, alerting you to enemies above you. Without waiting for approval, you kicked off a wall and scaled the wall silently. Not even Silco knew you had disappeared when you spared the group a glance from above. 
The daily dose of shimmer you took had let you build muscle faster than you thought possible and it made you feel indestructible as you crept along the rooftops silent as the grave, spotting a scout and a sharpshooter. The scout was easy to sneak up behind, and you tapped him on the shoulder.
He whipped around grabbing for his knife but you were already holding yours. You slit his throat as he turned, cutting clean through his windpipe to prevent him from alerting the sniper. His body collapsed to the ground with a heavy thud and you didn’t spare him another glance as you stalked toward the sharpshooter.
Climbing onto the highest building overlooking the courtyard in front of Eramis’ house, you found the sniper. Silco had just gotten in view when you thrust a dagger into the woman’s neck, severing her spinal cord. She fell onto the gun and you kicked her body off of it to study her weapon. 
The rifle was a common shitty model but the scope was nothing to scoff at. You quickly pocketed it before checking on Silco again. Eramis came out of the house with two goons behind him, clearly thinking they were a match for Sevika and the troll, not even considering Silco’s combat abilities.
They don’t stand a chance.
You gently climbed down from a building next to Eramis’ house, silently approaching the three men from behind. Standing mere feet away from them sent a constant stream of adrenaline into your blood, and you leaned to the side to look at Silco, hoping he’d see you. His eyes gave you the briefest shine of recognition before returning to Eramis who was too busy threatening to notice you behind him. 
“We all make mistakes, Eramis. This is yours.” Silco’s eyes found yours again and you unsheathed your daggers. Severing the left guard’s Achilles tendons in one precise movement you spun on your heel, using the momentum to slice the right guard’s gaping mouth, finally ending the stroke by planting a dagger in the left guard’s eye socket.
Eramis fell over when he saw the state of his goons. One was desperately holding onto his jaw as the other’s lifeless body fell over when you pulled the dagger from his head. Ignoring the writhing goon, you flicked the blood off your daggers, earning a terrified gasp from Eramis. 
Locking eyes with the sweaty man you dropped your humored appearance, honing in on him with the eyes of a killer. 
“I-I’ll do whatever you want. Y-you’ll have no more problems from m-me,” Eramis begged, earning a satisfied grin from Silco that made your heart swell with pride. 
“Then you’ll have my shipment in two days, as we agreed .” Silco turned on his heel and the troll followed immediately while Sevika pierced you with her cold gray eyes. She was looking at you like she would a stranger and it was at that moment you understood who you’ve become.
I’m a killer.
It was just as Chross wanted, except he wasn’t the man you were loyal to. The first time you met Sevika came to your mind, bringing visions of Silco’s passionate words. That was a man you could follow. Not a soggy fart like Chross.
It no longer matters that Silco had put you in harm's way that night. He said it himself; he will do anything to achieve his goals. Why would you expect special treatment when it’s the very trait you admire him for? 
For this reason, he is the only man you want to touch you, to ruin you. No one else was more worthy than Silco, and you hoped it would happen sooner rather than later. 
You cleaned your daggers off with a rag you pulled from one of the corpses and only moved forward when Sevika turned to follow. Discarding the stained rag, you put away your daggers and sauntered back to the cannery behind the group.
Walking into the warehouse, Silco gave you the look and you followed him downstairs. He led you to his bedroom door and gestured for you to enter. Instead, you stopped just outside of it and raised your eyebrows, giving him a judgemental look. 
You’re going to have to work for it, Silco.
“I’m tired and my head hurts,” You pouted, eyeing him hungrily. “Is there anything else you wanted?” Biting your lip for good measure, you know you won by the hellfire in his eyes. The corrupted iris swirled as he thought about the best way to respond to such behavior.
“No.” His refusal came out harshly as he turned from you, locking himself in his room. 
Laughing to yourself as you climbed the stairs, the events of the day caught up to you and your head felt painfully heavy. You quickly showered and brushed your teeth in the bathroom before draping yourself in a towel and heading to your room with wobbly steps, eyes feeling droopy.
Closing your bedroom door you dropped the towel and dressed, only wearing a loose tank and panties to bed. The blankets surrounded you with a comforting warmth when you crawled under them as a haunting lullaby soothed you to sleep.
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Chross loomed before you, laughing as you fell into the black depths of his round sunglasses. Jagged teeth lined the walls and cut you before landing in a chair, straps restraining you on contact. A man with shining green eyes laughed as he exploded, sending you tumbling into darkness again.
You ran, feeling the man’s laughter gain on you. The more you ran the slower your steps became as the air became as dense as water. 
A door appeared before you and an angry banging came from within, you dragged a table over and propped it against the shaking door. Retreating into a corner you curled in on yourself, covering your ears with your hands, shaking and crying. 
The table fell back at a particularly hard thrust and the door fractured in on itself. Shadowy tendrils enveloped you despite pushing them away with all your might. They pinned you to the ground and you felt a sharp pinch of a needle in your neck and something ice-cold against the left side of your head. They held you there as you began to ease your struggling, giving in to their demands. 
You did not expect to wake up pinned to the floor by Silco. Furrowing your brow, you began to comprehend that you had acted out at least part of your dream. 
“Good morning to you, too.” You croaked as you enjoyed the heat of his body against you.
He frowned as he released you from his arms and stood. Your door was in shambles and your nightstand had been tipped over. Silco straightened his vest and smoothed his hair back in his practiced way but you caught sight of a new tear that you must have caused in your waking nightmare. 
I put up a fight.
The panicked, hopeless feeling from the dream still clung to you as you remained sitting on the floor, attempting to wrap your head around what had happened. 
“Yesterday was too much for you, I shouldn’t have rushed you into this. You needed at least another week of healing.” He rattled on as he helped you up from the floor. His eyes traveled down your body, stopping on your panties before turning around and righting your nightstand. “I assume you have pants in here?” 
You gave him an exhausted look as you reached into a drawer and pulled out some black sweatpants, bending over more than you needed to and sliding them on under his watchful gaze. Your head was killing you and you conditioned your body to crave a certain release when it gets to be too much. Hoping he saw how excited you were, you slowly walked over to him. 
“Lay back in bed, the only thing you’re doing today is resting .” He pushed you gently back on the bed, causing you to stare up at him with doe eyes.
“Hmm, I wanted to do something else ,” You said, brazenly running your palms up his thighs. He grabbed your hands before they reached his hips and nodded to the open door frame. A frustrated sigh left your lips as you laid down on the bed, Silco covering you with your blanket. 
“Find me when you wake up.”
He was gone by the time you could agree and sleep found you again soon enough, dreamless bliss swallowing you whole. 
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The sound of a hammer startled you awake, causing you to bolt upright in bed. Sevika glared at you a moment before continuing to nail a blanket above the door frame with unwarranted hostility. Silco had forced her to do it, you guessed. Come to think of it, he only entrusted your care to the doctor and Sevika.
He’s protecting me from goons who’d rather take advantage of a comatose woman. Does he care? Or just want you for himself? Is there a difference?
There wasn’t a difference, at least not to you. Not even twenty-four hours after your last self-obtained orgasm and you find yourself fantasizing about him claiming you. You needed to get your door replaced, fast . 
Sevika left the room, dropping the blanket behind her and giving you a small amount of privacy. You wouldn’t even be comfortable changing in here, you noticed. Selecting clothes from your dented nightstand you walked to the bathroom in your sleep clothes. You noticed how part of your scar was hidden beneath your hair as you looked into the mirror to tidy it.
Hiding it made you look more like your old self, and you hated it. Throwing on clean clothes you left the bathroom in search of Silco. Finding the doctor instead, you asked him and he nodded to the bedroom. The idea of the man sleeping had never entered your mind. 
He seems the type to be permanently awake, not even letting his dreams see him vulnerable. A smile appeared on your lips as you pictured him calmly snoozing away as you left the lab. It’s almost human of him. You placed your acquired sunglasses on your face before you stepped outside of the warehouse, causing a goon to stop in his tracks to stare at you with an angry sneer.
“Hey! Those are my sunglasses, you little shit!” The strung-out man stomped his way toward you but you were gone before he could blink. Being caught made you feel giddy and new energy entered your steps as you descended into the business district of the lanes. A shop ahead of you had pictures of punk-style haircuts, most with one side of the head shaved. 
That’s the one.
Entering the shop you were greeted with the smell of cigarette smoke and hair products. The barber had just finished taking money from a customer when he turned to you with a brilliant smile. He had olive skin,  short black hair shaved on the sides with the long ends on the top dyed green and black nail polish. The striped black and white shirt accentuated his thin figure and he wore a black apron to protect his clothes from buzzed hair.
“How can I help you?” 
“Hair cut, obviously. I don’t care what you do as long as you shave the left side.” You offered, and even though you lacked any kindness in your voice, he wasn’t deterred in the slightest. The spark shining in his eyes made you hope he took it as a challenge. 
The way he massaged your scalp when he washed your hair was euphoric, even with your large scar still tender to the touch. You felt even better when he shaved the side of your head with the cool air hitting your scalp. It even made your headache lessen in its intensity. 
He held up a mirror behind you so you could see the back as well as the front. The left side of your hair had short buzzed hair that he shaved a pattern of lines to accentuate your scar, leaving the top hair medium length and overlaid with the back tapering off, blending into the shortest hair.  
Nodding your head in appreciation you handed him more money than he asked for, earning a grateful ‘thank you!’ on your way out. On the way back to the cannery you found yourself unable to resist running your hands through your buttery soft hair. Confidence seeped into your steps that you had never felt before and it was fantastic.
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You had only been gone an hour and a half by the time you sauntered into the warehouse. Silco spotted you immediately and he walked over to you with a tense demeanor, making you stop in your tracks.
What did I do wrong, now?
“Downstairs, now .” He demanded as your brow furrowed in confusion. Following him into the lab your shoulders hardened and you built a wall around your mind, preparing for the worst. You were surprised when he didn’t stop in the lab and went straight for his bedroom door. When you stopped just outside of it he gripped your wrist and with a hard pull you were flung into the room.
“Ok, what the fuck ?” You said as you whipped around. 
“Where were you?” He slammed the door closed as he yelled.
“Haircut, duh.” Rolling your eyes you pointed to your new hairstyle.
“I told you to find me as soon as you woke up.”
“I did! The doctor said you were sleeping so I decided to do something for myself, why is that a problem?” Your temper made your cheeks flush and your face contorted with a confused anger.
“It’s not safe!”
“You told me Chross wouldn’t come after me!”
“This is not about Chross. This is about you. I won’t lose you because of a petty refusal to rest .” He was in your face now, hair falling into his face with the passion he exerted. He shut his eyes as he turned away from you, taking a calming breath before speaking again, “You could cause more damage if you don’t.”
“Why would you care if you lost me, Silco?” You asked softly, confusion muddling your thoughts with your temper all but forgotten. He looked at you again but with ire in his mismatched eyes as if you’d asked a forbidden question. 
“I’d lose my leverage .” He put it simply, smoothing his hair back into place. The words might’ve stung if you still had those kinds of emotions. Instead, a short laugh broke your silence as you shook your head, not knowing why you expected anything else from him. 
“So am I your prisoner?” 
“No,” He was quick to respond, “ ask before you leave next time.”
“Fine,” You clasped your hands in front of you to exaggerate your next words. “Can I leave now, please?” 
He stepped aside giving you space to leave his room and you shamelessly raked your eyes over his body before closing the door behind you. Despite your flirty facade, all the confidence you had gained from your new haircut had disintegrated. Being treated like a child is not something you thought he’d do, and yet here you were. No amount of sexual frustration would make this situation better.
The punching bag in the gym is going to get all the wrath it could ever want, of that you were sure . After wrapping your knuckles you began punching the bag in an imagined fight. 
Your hands began to ache after a while and you stopped to rest, feeling slightly dizzy. The world began to swim as a sharp pain nested in your head, causing you to drunkenly wobble to your room. Anyone who saw you judged silently and went about their day, paying you no mind. 
Assholes. I could be dying and they wouldn’t give a shit.
Flopping down onto your mattress your hands reached for your pants button only to remember your lack of privacy. Groaning, you cupped your face in your hands, trying to relax against the feeling. Your father’s music played in your head and you covered your ears in an attempt to shut it out. When that failed you tossed and turned for an hour before giving up on sleep entirely. 
Shielding your eyes as you walked through the warehouse, you left out the back door and found your secluded spot. Except it wasn’t secluded anymore.
A guard was now in full view of you, an increase in security you hadn’t been aware of. Desperation gripped your bones as you turned towards the bathroom only to find someone showering. Nails dug into your palm as you dragged yourself down the stairs, hoping the doctor would give you something for the pain. 
An empty lab was all you found and you leaned your hands on a mostly clear table, bowing your head and groaning. The war-drum beat ever faster as your frustration grew and you decided it was worth the risk. It was the only room that afforded you any kind of privacy and you needed the pain to go away.
Turning around, your hand was down your pants in the blink of an eye as you leaned back against the table, taking some weight off your legs. A soft moan left your lips as you circled your clit and kept an ear out for footsteps coming down the stairs. 
But the intrusion came from behind with the sound of a door being wrenched open. Whipping around, your hand flew out of your panties as you faced the disruption. Silco looked at you irately with his patented half-lidded gaze before noticing your undone pants. 
“Why here?” He asked with a judgmental raise of his eyebrow.
“Gee, I dunno. Maybe because my room has no door, you have guards patrolling the entire perimeter of the building, and someone is showering. I don’t have time for your nonsense right now. I just need some fucking peace!” It all poured out of you faster than you could stop it and Silco calmly let you finish before moving.
He strolled over to you with an indescribable glimmer in his teal eye that made your heart flutter. He pushed you back against the table by your sternum and you braced yourself with your hands, eyes darting between his with anticipation. 
His right hand slid down your panties, letting out a satisfied hum when he felt how wet you were. A smile pulled at your lips as he slid his slender finger between your slick folds, finding your swollen bud.
He circled it slowly, drawing out a moan from your lips as you stared into his hungry eyes. A small shudder ran through your hips as he eased a finger into you slowly, giving your clit a break. You accepted him eagerly and as he added another finger a gasp escaped your lips with the delightful way he stretched you.
Having had enough of teasing you, he pumped his fingers relentlessly with your pearl grinding against his palm. You held onto his vest for dear life and yelled his name at your climax, bringing your head to rest on his chest as your pussy clenched onto his finger greedily. A wave of relief rushed through your head and you felt clear again. 
Sighing with pure satisfaction, you looked up and smiled at him as he eased his hand away from you. The tension between you rose to new levels as you waited for him to take the plunge and give in. You couldn’t be more ready for him to take you but he was already building his defenses back up, hiding behind feigned indifference.
Have it your way.
“Thanks!” You jumped off the table and buttoned your pants before giving him a wink and walking away. 
Just leverage my ass. He cares for me for whatever reason, not that he’d ever admit it. I’ll just have to read between the lines.
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gaeasun · 2 years
New OC just dropped!
gonna be honest i dont know if or how i would incorporate him into my writing so for now he mostly lives in my head, on my sketchbook, and discord where all the mutuals turned tf blogs enabled me.
Not all of the pictures here match up with each other but the first two are the most updated (though his hair is much fluffier on the top). 
The most basic info is, Blurr is a pilot in the 501st with a need for speed. In his leave time he’s managed to incorporate himself into the (illegal) speeder races that happen in the lower levels and he’s pretty good at them. He talks so fast sometimes its hard to keep up. After the war Blurr tries to calm down by buying 79′s. He still races on occasion when he gets the itch though.
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More pictures + his lore under the cut!
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Lore time!
Ever since he was a cadet, Blurr loved to move. He got his name from zooming around as a kid a lot. His fast reflexes gave him a chance to try out one of the higher end flight simulators, and he ended up being an absolute natural and one of the top pilots coming out of Kamino.
The simulators were great, but nothing compared to the actual feeling of moving at Mach 1 for real.
So naturally he ended up being picked for the 501st, and is one of the few beings alive capable of keeping up with Skywalker in the air.
His batchmates are all alive and well but elsewhere.
But on Coruscant he quickly grew bored, since there wasn’t much he was allowed to fly. The transport ships couldn’t cut it.
In all the chatter on Coruscant, he heard something about speeder races, and had to look into that.
After a couple of close calls, he found someone willing to lend him a speeder to race for large cut of any winnings.
Blurr won the first race he entered. And the next, and the next.
Too keep himself from getting court-martialled, he took his phase 1 helmet and modified it to death. Bigger ventilators, more paint, a higher fin. And he added a mask to cover his face.
The added element of mystery gained Blurr a large following of his races, to the point where he’s somewhat of an underground celebrity. 
All the clones know its him though. He’s not exactly subtle. But no one complains since he often uses some of his winnings to buy a few rounds at 79′s.
(In “canon” he somehow stumbles onto the info that there’s a Sith Lord in the Senate. He goes directly to the Chancellor to report. He is then thrown into a trash compactor. :c)
But we don’t need that so what actually happens in my au is when the war ends he uses his money and buys 79′s and becomes a bartender there.
He still races but it’s not nearly as often. 
Personality and character traits!
He talks so fast. Incredibly fast. Literally this
As a result from all the races gone wrong (crashes happen occasionally) Blurr has some TBI’s that make his memory a little leaky sometimes. Especially his short term memory. Near the end of the war when it was getting worse someone helped him rig up a system for his helmet to display more info then usual.
Smiles a lot, but is also a big fan of the -_- face.
Pretty straighforward. will call you out on your bs. while making the -_- face.
Big heart!
Adaptable and takes things pretty easy. Does not get outraged easily but when he does he will do something about it.
first pic linework by @maiseey​
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aaaaammmmnesssiaa! Tell me about the amnesia!!
😊 okkkkk this is a story @mostlyimmortal plotted with me but tbh i have written very little of it, and it's a bit complicated so I don't want to over promise on chance of completion lol, but it feels like the kind of fic people were putting out early in fandom and I miss those!
Behind a cut cause I got ramble-y!!
So first, by calling it amensia fic I have fully given away what is meant to be a Twist. The fic would be Nicky is a Normal Man™️ who one day almost gets mugged when a dashing stranger appears and saves him and then Nicky is Insistent that he needs to thank this guy, who is otherwise edging to leave, and that man is Joe, and Nicky pursues him and they start to date.
One day, well into the relationship Joe unexpectedly goes missing.
The tl;dr reveal would be that Nicky is not a Normal Man, he is canon Nicky who, for handwavey angst and fanfic reasons, was having like brain-melting, debilitating symptoms recovering post TBI at Merrick's, and they realized what was triggering it was reminders of his life, and so he was essentially left to recover apart from the Guard, and Joe's initial edging to leave was worry he would re-trigger that, but when it seemed like Nicky was ok, Joe stuck around. With retrospect, you'd realize Joe had attempted to introduce him to Andy at one point earlier in the fic though, and Nicky got a terrible migraine, so that's why Joe has not confessed to that point. But then, like a mother lifting a car to save her child, Nicky manages to fully recover for Saving Joe purposes.
Some snippets:
“Hey, you got the time?” 
Nicky slows to a stop as he turns the corner to see a man in a dark jacket in front of him on the sidewalk. Nicky slides his phone out of his pocket to check.
“It’s half past –” Nicky looks up and stops. The man is now holding a gun low, near his chest, but pointed unmistakably at him. Nicky freezes staring at the barrel of the gun and, quite unexpectedly, gets a feeling of deja vu. 
<i>Like a scene in a movie,</i> his mind supplies. 
“You’re not what I thought you’d be like at all, you know.”
“What do you mean?” Joe looks at him, eyes wide, expectant, and Nicky feels embarrassed, because this isn’t about to be anything profound.
“You just seemed so… shy when we first met. Nervous maybe.” 
“Oh.” Joe twists his mouth to the side and looks almost disappointed, but recovers quickly and says “Only because I liked you so much.” 
“I’m having a bad day, but I don’t want to talk about it. Can I just hang out here? Is that ok?”
“Of course, yes. Come here.” 
He spreads his arms wide, and Joe doesn’t hesitate to fall into them, arms clutching himself as he burrows into Nicky’s hold and lets himself be held.
Nicky steps back after a time, ready to shift them to a more comfortable spot than the middle of his entry way. 
“Do you feel like doing anything in particular? What do you normally do to cheer yourself up on bad days?” 
To his horror, the question seems to bring tears to Joe’s eyes. 
“Oh, I’m sorry, ok, it’s ok.” 
Nicky ushers Joe over to the couch and tugs him back into his arms. Joe swipes at his eyes but doesn’t elaborate, and Nicky does him the courtesy of pretending he doesn’t notice. Eventually he sets some quiet music up to play on his phone, and they stay curled together until the sun sets, and the apartment grows dark. 
The call log is blank besides one missed call from two days ago, the last time he’d seen Joe. He dials back the number.  
The line connects but it’s silent, just the faint hush of someone’s breath.
“...Joe?” Nicky whispers, improbable though it would be, then nearly drops the phone when an unfamiliar voice answers.
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navysealt4t · 5 months
HI I AM BACK i think ayva (ava? im sticking with the y for now) was a dancer with kiras studio and everyone was confused why jay didnt plan to do the same thing and somehow someone in that studio (either accidentally or on purpose, no one knows) caused ayva to have a really bad leg injury and she cant dance anymore. and jay is obsessed with finding out who did it. lizzie was there when it happened, and after it happened she switched to the studio jay is currently apart of. her and ayva re dating and happy (im coping) but they cant dance together anymore. lizzie blames herself for it 👍 very similar to canon i think . ANYWAYS im sorry tbis is a lot but i need to get it out
FRIGATEBIRD 🫶🫶🫶🫶 they r happy and nothing bad ever happens to them again <333 and ohhgh. lizzie blaming herself and jay wanting so badly to find out who’s to blame BITING THIS SO HARD
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the-furies · 7 months
first three blorbos tpop into your mind :~} -AS
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I am so mental illness about this man for Reals. I loev his fashion. I lov his vibes. Both before and After he meets Stede. I HOWEVER DO NOT LOVE HOW HE TREATS IZZY AND STEDE'S CREW AND I //sounds of brutal pipe murder// I hope karma gets his ass!!!!!!!! I hope he gets Got in some way that doesn't involve him dying.
Because as much as I Lov Him he is also SSSSOOOOOOOOOOO. SOOOO!!!! MY FUCKING GOD HE IS UNWELL!!!!!!!! V angry man. V V scary also. Absolutely Explosive with anger ain't he. Like sorry your boyfriend of a week broke up with you BRO but don't KILL EVERYONE ABOUT IT??? MY FUCKING GOD????!
But like he looks hot as fuck after he went sicko mode bc of the breakup so he has that going 4 him. u can get it peepaw. sorry who said thatjfjfkskalaodjvmdkdkslsjfnsa
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tbis man needs 2 get dicked down. there I said itJFJDKDKFKD
AS MUCH AS we ship him w Ed He also deserves soooo much better. BUDDY your weird friends w benefits boss guy fucking MUTILATED YOU because you got angry at him!!!!!!!! YOU! CAN!! DO!!! BETTER!!!! oh my god! <3.
but also HE'S a little bitch in general too like he also needs to get Got a little bit in s2 and judging by those trailers he fuckin did like what the fuck happened actually dude are you okAY??????? DID ED HAPPEN????! IG WE'LL FIND OUT SOON BUR JESUS CHRIST!
he needs better coping mechanisms. everyone in the show does but Literallyyyy Izzy my guy. GO hang out with stede it might Maybe fix you [it won't. but it's better than hanging out w Ed ok]
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Shane Is my husband I married his ass. We had an Autumn wedding. I remember the first day we met I think. I had just fished up a can of soda from the river and then immediately hunted him down and gave it to him bc He's associated w joja cola so mych and he asked why i was giving him my garbage. <3. UQIAKSKDJFZ
he rlly rlly needs therapy and also like im glad canonically he can get therapy!!!!!!! but jesus christ !!!! it's fine thiugh He's my pet husband now I Will Fix Him. I will Fix Him .
i loev and care abt him EO MUCH however He did Force me into adoption a kid [I clicked through the "hey want to adopt?" prompt too fast without even realizing And now I have a creature in my house. I forced it to wear a skull mask though I will be aborting it posthaste As soon as I'm done fucking the wizard it's FINE.] 8/10 man I need 2 get back into stardew so i can neuter him [aka. Bird the kid and then remove the cribs]
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↑ the creature wearing the skull. btw
0 notes
smilewithapurpose · 2 years
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//Given that the movie leaves a lot of things open-ended and up to interpretation, I realized I needed to state my meta of Arthur, his life, and his becoming of Joker. Naturally, these headcanons will be spoilers if you have not seen the movie, but are also going to become integral to how I write and portray him. I am also aware that the way I see him and see things may not pan out to be the “truth” whenever a possible sequel comes out etc. I’ll cross the sequel bridge when I need to it. Below will be my meta of Arthur/Joker.
The biggest question, of course, is do I think he’s actually The Joker?
Yes. Absolutely. However, this is an AU and he won’t do and become everything that every other Joker has done or become at this point. We don’t really know yet what he’s truly capable of and we’ve already seen canon get changed in this movie which makes it unique and set apart.
Arthur Fleck had a switch flipped from too much pushing and killing Murray was his breaking point. After the car crash after Murray’s death… When he woke up, stood up and spread the smile with his blood… That was The Joker. However, that doesn’t mean that Arthur isn’t still there.
Again, he is not like every other canon Joker. He doesn’t have a complete disregard for all human life. He’s not completely gone. He has to have a pretty big reason to kill or hurt you. You have to have really hurt him or someone he cares about. In that respect? He’s more of an anti-hero than he would ever be a “villain” like all previous iterations of Joker.  
His parentage… Was he adopted? Was Penny his mom? Who was his father?
This is a big one too. My belief is that he actually was Penny’s biological son and that Thomas Wayne was his biological father. There were multiple bits of “evidence” that I felt pointed towards this, so I began formulating how he could have been Thomas’ and how it was on paper that he was adopted and somehow wound back up with the mother that let him suffer horrible abuse resulting in a traumatic brain injury.
Not all of Arthur’s symptoms/problems are all things that were caused by the TBI he suffered as a child. Some of the issues he exhibits are also issues that tie back with Penny, especially if you look closer at her Arkham file. A lot of these issues could be genetic as well as just caused by her. I am not skipping around the fact that she was a horrible, toxic woman and abused the hell out of him to her death.
As for Thomas Wayne? We’re all so used to the Waynes being represented and painted to be such a saintly, perfect family, but this AU paints a much different view. I find it almost similar to the changes made in the TellTale Batman series. For the first time, we saw the Waynes as not perfect and villainized. This makes their death, the formation of Batman, and even the tie between Arthur and Bruce now that much more significant. Two brothers, who don’t know for sure they’re related, that both suffered very different things and lead very different lives. Two men that become a symbol of something in Gotham and become enemies. I find it fascinating and it opens up a whole new world for interpretation.
Towards the end when Arthur holds a picture of Penny when she was younger, he flips the photo over. The back is signed “Love your smile - TW” This is one of the many reasons I am firmly believing for my Arthur/Joker that he is the illegitimate son of Penny Fleck and Thomas Wayne. I believe Penny had her mental issues before she met Thomas and one thing lead to another and they hooked up. When he found out she was pregnant I believe the whole thing got covered up. I feel Thomas went so far as to start convincing Penny that not only was he not the father, but that the child wasn’t even hers. By the time he was born, Thomas had adoption papers drawn up for the child, signing the child over to Penny with no parents listed. He was able to get away with convincing everyone else that Penny was lying due to her prior mental disorders. The instant Penny left Wayne Manor, Thomas turned his back on her and the son he didn’t want. He never looked back and moved on to marry Martha and have Bruce. All of her letters were intercepted by Alfred and never made it to Thomas.
Did he kill Sophie?
No. Absolutely not. He had no reason to. He cared for her, even if he didn’t really know her. I know that they’ve since said they didn’t see it as he did, but here’s why I see it this way. Even though he figured out that everything he’d been through with her was just in his head because he’d seen a woman he liked was just in his head, he knew it wasn’t her fault. She was never mean to him. She never hurt him. He goes for those that mess with him, hurt him or hurt others. He simply let her go.
Did he kill Penny?
I believe he did. Again, I could be wrong, but I’m playing it that he did. He had EVERY reason to. Look at everything she had done to him. He didn’t really have the tools to deal with that in a “normal” way and did what he thought he had to do to end the years of his abuse.
Did he kill that doctor at the end?
Oh absolutely. This is where I think the fact that Arthur has changed and has more of The Joker mindset really solidifies. He can stick up for himself. His switch can be flipped. You realize he’s been telling her this story of the whole movie that we just watched and probably making her feel like she’s getting through to him or making some sort of progress. See, the Joker has NEVER been physically strong or good at fighting at all… His expertise has always been in knowing how to manipulate and to lead. He knows how to get to people and just what to do to get what he wants or to make happen what he wants. He was only just beginning to realize the actual effect he had on others by the time he rose up as Joker. So, in Arkham, he let that doctor think he was opening up to her and at just the right moment he killed her. He didn’t do it to get out of Arkham, but more for the sheer track record he had with mental health professionals and the system in general. They’d let him down so many times. Why would it be any different here? Why would they care? Besides, at that point, what did he have left to lose still? What did he have left at all? It would just be about him finding a way out at that point if he wanted.
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Let it Burn ( n i n e t e e n )
Billy Russo x Reader, 5k
A/N: yall. This is it. This is a lot. It’s one of my favorite chapters. Which sucks because all my favorites are the ones with Madani. 🙄 there is a lot said. There’s a lot not said. I want to talk to everyone about it and have been itching to for a year. Yes. This conversation was one of the very first written parts of Let it Burn, so I’m both excited and sick to my stomach. I’ve been building up to this and one other that sadly we’ll have to wait a little longer for, BUT... I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore. Maybe one day I’ll use a beta, because this shits all over the place and it ends VERY abruptly. That’s your only warning.
Warnings: Dinah being Dinah. Billy being.... very himself and very not himself simultaneously.
Summary: You didn’t think Madani was satisfied with an elevator chat, did you? Because she is not.
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Pulling in to your driveway should have been a sign that your day was done. That the anxiety could melt away, that you could catch your breath and stop worry about a certain Homeland agent’s observation. After a full afternoon of feeling like you were being watched, catching the glare of sunglassed strangers at the bank, outside the pizza parlor, and again at the stoplight just before turning onto your street. It was probably nothing, you told yourself. Helping Billy was messing with your head in more ways than one. The second you stepped out of your car, however, you were back to believing the worst. A quick scan of your street has you rolling your eyes, disappointed that she’d be so predictable. Slamming your car door to make your next move obvious, you wandered down the row of cars parked inconspicuously on your street before pausing next to the tinted window of a deep blue charger that had no business being in your neighborhood. There’d been a cold snap recently so unfortunately for your shadow, the warmth of a recently active tailpipe against your ankles was more than enough to convince you that you were in the right place. The quick rasps of your knuckles against the tinted window weren’t enough to draw her out, so you tried a less subtle approach.
“Aw, come on, Dinah. You followed me all the way here. Least you can do is join me for a slice.”
The dark window rolled down, just a sliver. “It’s Special Agent Madani.”
You smiled. “Not when you’re stalking me.”
The window rolled up immediately and the woman you’d just left back at the precinct stepped out of the car. “Jesus, you even sound like Russo,” she muttered angrily while taking authoritative steps back toward your driveway as if she were leading you into her home rather than the other way around. You ushered the agent in through the garage, kicking the door as you opened it, shrugging apologetically at the racket and gesturing half heartedly mentioning that it sticks, good for keeping out intruders, bad for welcoming guests. Madani’s eyebrows were raised, clearly unimpressed as you led her over the threshold.
“Hey dog, come say hi to Special Agent Madani!” You called, just enough sarcasm to earn you another darkened glare. Just as she opened her mouth, clearly to question the other presence in your house, the large rotty mix barreled into the kitchen, nearly taking out a barstool as he skid to a stop in front of you, nails digging excitedly into the cheap linoleum. Not that you would needed to. The gobs of white dribble already collecting told you that the scent of sausage and onions would have drawn him to you as quickly as your voice.
Looking slightly startled, Madani rose to the balls of her feet to look over your shoulder as you knelt to ruffle the flapping jowls and ears of your truly menacing teddy bear. “You have a dog?” She questioned with only subtly masked contempt.
“Cerberus,” you said over your shoulder, standing to fill a large silver bowl with fresh water. The jig was up. She’d made a connection that Detective Mahoney couldn’t. She’d seen you at the hospital, she’d seen your tattoo. You had no proof, but you’d be willing to bet a large pie that she was the reason Mahoney left you unattended in the middle of questioning, wanting a shot at you all for herself. Catching sight of your mark all but confirmed for her that you were the person she needed and you could just kick yourself for being the reason she saw it at all. A busy woman with high security clearance and a personal vendetta doesn’t make house calls for low priority witnesses. Hiding from her seemed fruitless.
You heard her whisper something to the dog and the jingling of his tags against her fingers. “Tag says Job,” she pointed out and you licked your lips to hide a smirk as you turned back to set the dish down. Job immediately abandoned her at one end of the room to lap up the water and allow you a moment to scrub a hand over his blocky head.
“Isn’t that what I said?” You asked with derision, an eyebrow quirked up as you stared at her. Maybe be more subtle, you thought. But isn’t Cerberus what started this mess, what ruined your chance at happiness and ultimately what brought a homeland security agent to your kitchen table. Fucking Cerberus. It was only because of her that you knew what it meant. After that night in Billy’s hospital room, listening to her all but accuse him of the Kennedy assasination while he lay helpless and unconscious in a bed of restraints, you started to blame that mission for everything, but that slowly turned into you blaming yourself. As if knowing about what happened in Kandahar sooner would have allowed you to keep Billy from the evil that haunted him still. Knowing wouldn’t have changed anything. This wasn’t Billy’s fight, not really. At least it didn’t start that way.
Job trotted back to you and leaned against your thigh as you stroked one of his soft ears. “In the Bible… the Devil gets in a pissing match with God, wanted to prove a point so he made a bet with the Big Guy that his loyal Job wouldn’t be so loyal if he hadn’t been given everything he ever wanted. Wealth, a prospering business, women, a thriving family. So the Devil said, let’s take it all away from him and see who he serves then... Devil’s the one with the complex, but poor Job is the one who gets the shaft. Lost his family, his home, his servants, his health, his looks, his purpose for living. He got caught in the crosshairs of someone else’s fight. How is that fair?”
Too much.
“So you named the dog Job,” Madani narrowed her eyes slightly, watching you pet the dog, trying to fill in the blanks. Just like you hoped she would. “What is it that you feel like you’ve lost?” She asked, emphasizing each word as if you had fallen into her trap rather than the other way around.
“No, he came with the name already,” you said, shaking your head. “It’s just a story,” you added, crossing your arms over your chest as you locked eyes with her.
“Look, Miss-“
“Back to formalities, Dinah? I thought we were past that... what with the following me home to see if I lead you to Billy Russo’s super secret fortress of solitude, right?”
Unappreciative of your tone, Mahdani sat at your kitchen table, leaning back to appraise you the way you assumed she would if she were in some shiny interrogation room. “If you’re done screwing with me, yes, I want to know more about your relationship with Billy Russo.”
“Questions you didn’t want to ask on the record,” you clarified with a knowing smile. Pulling a couple beers from the fridge, you carefully lined up the rim of the cap with the edge of the table, holding it steady before slamming your fist against the cap to spring it free.
“You don’t have to prove how tough you are,” Madani pointed out, accepting the bottle you handed her.
You laughed awkwardly to yourself as you repeated the process, stooping to retrieve the caps from the floor and looking over to where the agent sat before standing to place yourself in the chair across from hers. “I thought they were twist offs when I bought them, my mistake,” you explained innocently, pulling a foot up onto the seat with you and hooking an arm around your bent knee. “What do you want to know?”
“Where is Russo?”
“I didn’t know when Detective Mahoney asked me three hours ago, Dinah,” you replied before taking a long sip of your beer. He could have been anywhere. “And you’ve had someone on my ass since then. So… I guess I still don’t know.”
“I don’t believe you,” she said, leaning over the table. Detective Mahoney didn’t use intimidation. Didn't have to, you supposed. “You were his physical therapist, you took care of his mother,” she paused. “And you’re his soulmate,” she informed you as if you didn’t know exactly why she was targeting you.
“Last I checked, this mark didn’t come with a GPS tracker,” you laughed, clapping a hand over your bicep, massaging the underside with your thumb for effect. “But if Homeland can do that...by all means,” you offered, extending your arm until it lay flat on the table. Madani glared and you slid it back to pull the glass bottle to your lips again. “Whatever you think our relationship was, it wasn’t, I can promise you that.”
“So you weren’t living with him when he killed the Castles?” He didn’t. No way. “Or when he killed my partner?” How should I know? “Or…” she started slowly, “when he was fucking me? Were you at home waiting for him while he used an agent to hunt down Frank Castle?” You swallowed. “Anything ringing a bell?”
“Not sure. When was that again?” You countered, but seeing her jaw clench you decided not to push it too far. You weren’t actually Billy Russo, just channeling whatever shred of Russo snark you’d picked up from sharing a water filter. He always sounded so charming even when he was side stepping an answer. You just sounded like a bitch. “No, my building was condemned in February and I stayed in Billy’s spare room until October of last year.”
“You expect me to believe that he managed to hide all of this from you when you lived under the same roof?” Her accusations would have stuck with anyone else. Apparently she’d forgotten who you were speaking of and you took it upon yourself to remind her.
“Is it really that hard to believe? He was inside of you and you had no idea what he was capable of until it was too late.” Madani coughed into her beer. Good, you can choke. “He was in your bed, Dinah, not mine… Maybe I should be the one asking the questions here.” Speaking so boldly and so rudely to a government official was a little off brand for you. Very off brand. But some combination of the latent rage you felt toward the woman mingled with the annoyance that had been building since you realized you were being tailed home and the confidence you felt finally addressing her face to face, knowing your time was short, and the simple hope that Billy might have lingered was turning you into the worst version of yourself. You liked her.
“You seem pretty agitated for someone who has nothing to hide,” Madani pointed out smugly. You rolled your eyes dramatically, glancing around the room before letting your gaze fall on the green bottle in your hands. You picked away at the edge of the paper label and took a deep breath. If she wanted to talk about Billy, you’d talk about Billy, but you wouldn’t give her what she wanted. Never.
“Talking to you is really difficult for me...” you said, letting your voice get smaller with every word.
“Oh? Why is that?” She asked, sounding all too pleased. Good.
“Have you found your soulmate, Dinah?” You asked quietly and watched her shift in her chair. The first name basis was making her uncomfortable. Of course it was. Female agents always have that same fragile complex, always trying to prove themselves worthy of their title. Last names are tough, neutral, a sign of respect, the only available equalizer. First names, however, are softer, feminine and remind them who they are behind the badge and gun. Let’s dance, Dinah.
“I’m not looking for one,” she answered with that practiced agent face of hers. Looking into her dark eyes was so off putting. How could someone look so close to tears and still set their shoulders back as if they had an iota of the confidence they projected. Breaking her would be satisfying, but letting her think she’s broken you would be much more productive.
“I wasn’t either and I got one all the same,” you scoffed and by some miracle your voice cracked just enough. “They’re supposed to be the person who knows you, gets you, loves you unconditionally. I didn’t believe in them. Didn’t think that anyone could love me...not the way I needed.”
“And when you met Billy-?” She leaned over the table, feigning genuine interest. Don’t try to bond with me, Dinah. This isn’t an interrogation room and you aren’t the good cop. You could never forget the words you were never meant to hear. She stood in front of Billy, broken, asleep, trying to heal, and told him that his fate would never be enough. That he’d rot and that she’d make sure of it. There was no justice fueling this line of questioning and armed with that knowledge...
“I learned that I was right,” you admitted, setting the bottle down on the table a little louder than usual. “The one person in the universe that could love me...was Billy fucking Russo,” you laughed. “The one person who can never love me back is the one that I’m stuck with.”
“I don’t see what this has to do with anything,” She prompted, growing impatient with your heartfelt confession.
“You keep bringing up that I’m his soulmate...that he’s mine...” you said softly, staring at the table before pulling up your gaze to meet her eyes and swallowing loudly, making sure she saw everything, heard everything you were giving her. “Maybe you could be a little more sympathetic given your previous relationship with him.”
“Do you have a problem with our history?” Her smile was slight, but so condescendingly sour that in the moment you couldn’t think of a single thing sweeter than smacking it off her lips. She was taunting you and as infuriating as that was, it was exactly what you needed. Perfect. Keep her focused on the past. The present was much harder to explain. This is the last you’d let her win.
“Yes,” you answered honestly. You always had, from the first time you saw them out together, from the nights Billy slipped out to meet her, leaving you to wonder what some boyish agent had that you didn’t. Intel obviously, but broken hearts don’t think that clearly in the moment. You had to cough and cover your mouth to keep from laughing at the irony. She had no idea the part she played. She had no idea that her involvement with Billy was what prompted you to move out when you did. You didn’t have the answers she thought you did and it was at least in part, her own fault.
“My friends,” you gestured over your shoulder to the fridge and a save the date stuck to the door with a Chinese take out magnet. “They found their soulmates and they found love...they haven’t been lonely since and they’re positive that they never will be again.” Madani’s eyes darted between you and the photo a couple times before settling on you again, urging you to go on. “I met Billy Russo and I thought he’d be the cure to my loneliness, but somehow he managed to make me feel even more alone than I ever have before… so forgive me, Dinah, but sometimes it’s easier to blame you and the other...” you sniffed and shook your head as if changing your mind about the next words of your monologue. “It’s hard for me to look at you, knowing that you had him in a way I never did. And thanks to this mess, I never will.” The whole conversation was a farce, designed to make her feel like she’d won, but the fire that was building in your chest...that was real. You hadn’t lied to her, hadn’t needed to. The feelings were real and the redirecting was real useful. You hated her for a couple reasons, but her using Billy, being just another woman to fuck him and fuck with him, was at the top of your list. “You and everyone looking for him....” you swallowed hard, time to sell it. “You drove him away and now I’ll never see him again.”
Agent Madani leaned back and sniggered to herself, but you kept your eyes down. You wished so badly for Job to be an aggressor rather than a living breathing beanie baby. He could wipe that smile off her face for you and you wouldn’t have to duck your head in feigned humiliation to keep from smacking it off yourself. She stood unexpectedly then, making a show of trying to conceal her laughter as she pressed a palm against the table directly in your eyeline to lean close. “That’s too bad,” she said in a low voice, accent stronger up close with each word drawn out. “He was great in bed.”
You held your breath for a second, unable to stop the one tear that made it past your defenses. You waited for her to pull away before you reached up to wipe it from your cheeks. She saw, that’s all that matters. “We should have done this back at your headquarters...this is some of your best work, Special Agent Madani,” you choked out, playing up the shaky quality of your voice, hoping to squeak out one more tear if you had it in you. “No cameras here, but this would have made an excellent training video,” you sniffed.
A crisp white business card slid into your field of vision. “Call me when he contacts you,” she said firmly.
“Haven’t we already established that he gets more out of calling you than me?” You glared up at her, sliding the card between two fingers and flicking it back into her chest. “Save the card for someone he cares about.”
Her mouth was pulled back in a tight line as she tried to appear stoic. Back to professional. “I’ll show myself out,” she announced with a sarcastic half curtsy before reaching for the door, which opened easier than she expected. “It’s not sticking anymore,” she said quietly, turning to shoot you a suspicious look.
“The one kindness the universe has shown me tonight, allowing you to leave quickly and now you’re wasting it,” you sniffed, rubbing a hand over your face dramatically. “Please...just go.”
Seemingly satisfied with your dejected form, shoulders hunched uncomfortably as you leaned against the table, Madani stepped out and slammed the door behind her. You didn’t move until a floor board creaked from within the dark living room, to which your hand shot up, with one finger raised high in a halting signal. You slid down from your chair to the floor and rolled onto your back, surveying the underside of the wooden table. Clean. Pushing your heels into the floor, your body slithered under the table until your face was directly beneath the chair were Dinah’s smug and skinny ass had been. Bingo. A small black spot, no bigger than a cashew was stuck to the underside of your chair. You reached past your hip, tugging off one of your boots and brought it up next to your face.
“Okay, Billy, you can come out now,” you said in a high pitched squeal. “I thought that bitch would never leave,” you answered yourself in the worst New Yorker accent you could muster, pulling the boot back toward the floor. “Honestly, Madani, blow me,” you said in your normal voice before smashing the bug with the heel of your boot. A grating tone rang out for just a second as you ground your boot against the underside of the chair and you heard squealing tires outside your window as someone left your neighborhood in a rush. Maybe they were upset about something.
You crawled out from underneath the table to a confusing sight, equally welcome and disturbing. Job sat proudly with his tongue lolling from between his teeth as he leaned hard into Billy’s side, long pale fingers scratching the side of his big, blocky head. It was endearing how quickly Job had taken to him and made you think that the dog knew something you didn’t. But the look on Billy’s face was unreadable, even by you, who’d had ten thousand hours worth of reading Billy’s face when he meant to be concealing his emotions. You were an expert, but staring at him from your seat on the kitchen floor, you were stumped.
“Did you mean it?” He asked. His voice was so even it seemed to contain an ever harsher chill than usual.
“Mean what?” You asked, though you knew what he meant.
“All of it,” he clarified through gritted teeth. “Everything you told her,” he wasn’t looking at you. At Job. At his boots. At the faded blue couch behind him. Anywhere but you. “About me and you...did you mean it? Was I...do you hate me that much?”
Scrambling to your feet, you caught his face in your hands turning it up to meet yours and ignoring his wince. “I never said that I hated you,” you said sharply, but he grabbed your wrists to pull your hands from his cheeks. “I love you and you know it,” you insisted, clenching your fists when he didn’t move to release your arms from his grip. Saying it outloud, the words sounded so foreign to you. Had you even admitted it yourself before blurting it out to Billy? Did it matter? “You hurt me, Billy, you know that now, but that never changed anything for me,” you ducked slightly, putting yourself in his line of sight again, chasing his eyes with yours until he sighed and released you. He hadn’t asked for much in terms of your history, the nature of your relationship perplexing him like everything else in his world upon waking. You tried to explain it without overwhelming him and some days it felt like he was starting to remember you beyond the days sleeping next to you or your dog. Admittedly, you could have tried harder, but the very possibility of Billy disappearing just because he didn’t like it believe something you said had kept some aspects from him.
“That’s why I moved out. You started up with… her and it just hurt, Billy. It was dumb, but i was hurt and I didn’t want to watch you with Agent Madani.” You were looking into her eyes just minutes ago, but the feel of her name on your tongue was sour. Gross. “There’s nothing you could do to make me stop loving you,” you said, the shake in your voice from desperation, hoping that he’d hear your words and believe them, but also anger that you had to keep telling him over and over. It was getting old. You were tired of it. It didn’t make sense that between the two of you, you were the one constantly trying to convince the other of your feelings. Though, it also made perfect sense. Billy had always made his feelings clear. He simply had none. At least that made sense. Your feelings didn’t and thus they required constant justification.
“I-“ he started, before shaking his head. “I didn’t think that you-“
“You weren’t thinking about me at all, Billy,” you grabbed his wrists this time, holding them in between you two and pausing to take a breath. He spoke as if he had something to remember and you needed a moment to remind yourself he didn't. “I knew that, it’s fine.”
“It’s not fine,” he snapped, pulling away in frustration. “Why are you helping me?”
“Because I-“
“Don’t say it again. Don’t fucking say it,” he growled.
Now that it was out, there was no point giving it. “Well, I love you,” you shouted defiantly and within seconds, Billy had you by the shoulders, pressing your back flat against the wall of your living room. Job snarled noncommittally and his face flew between you two in confusion, positioning himself so he could see both of your faces.
Billy towered, leaning over you, breathing heavily, staring at you with those endlessly black eyes. His tongue darted out to wet his lips before his teeth dragged over the bottom one, chewing on it in the sexiest and most intimidating way you’d ever seen. Your faces were so close that the air escaping through angrily flaring nostrils grazed your cheeks. His face was hard, but you kept your eyes on him, staring back and hoping it would prove you weren’t afraid of him. On some level, maybe. Afraid that he would leave, afraid that your presence in his life only made it worse. You had no use for threats, having experienced the most excruciating pain imaginable and you had no fear of death when you were already dying.
When Billy’s eyes fell to your mouth, held in place just inches below his own, cold dread seized your resolve and broke the stare.
“Please don’t kiss me,” you said quietly and the hard look on his face fell immediately, confirming for you that had been an option in his mind until you asked him not to.
“Guess I should have before I looked like this, huh?” his head tilted to the left.
“Yeah,” you swallowed hard. “You should have,” he sneered and you quickly added, “but that’s not why.”
“No?” His eyes scanned your face in that slow disarming way of his, as one assesses art, for its value, not appreciation. It was the most like himself, like the Billy you remembered, he’d looked in weeks.
“You never have,” you pointed out, a familiar dull burn returning to your chest. You didn’t need that reminder. But he did. “I don’t want you to kiss me just because I pissed off Madani.”
The corner of his mouth twitched and you cursed yourself for telling him to keep those lips to himself. “It’s probably the wrong time to say it, but listening to you fuck with her… that was the sexiest thing I’ve ever... do you know what that did to me?” He groaned, pressing his lower half into yours as his lips fell to your neck, bypassing your face all together. It’s what you wanted, but damn somehow this felt better. Worse. “You sounded so sure...so confident...” I sounded like you. “I loved it,” he said between wet kisses against your pulse point. You felt the quick breaths of a chuckle cool against your skin and you gasped. He could feel how fast your heart was racing and he was just cocky enough to know it was his doing. “When’d you get so tough, huh?” Billy…
Madani hadn’t mentioned his memories lost as if they were irrelevant or she simply didn’t believe they were gone. Mahoney didn’t either, but that wasn’t relevant to your conversation. Unfortunately, it also gave you no reason to know about his condition aside from having seen it himself. Playing along with her at your kitchen table was messing with your head. Hearing him speak now, as if he had something to compare you to… some former version of yourself who’d already died before her time.
He sounded like himself. Sounded like someone who knew you. Really knew you.
And it hurt.
“Had to be,” you shrugged, trying to play it cool, but completely missing your mark. You squeaked at the feeling of Billy’s teeth just below your jaw and you tilted your head back to accept it. “I had you...needed- ah, Billy, what-“ you gasped as he worked his way up your throat, brushing his lips over yours briefly, but continuing up to your cheeks, painting each with his open mouth before reaching your forehead. His fingers were tangled in your hair as he held your face close to his. Not kissing, just feeling, breathing.
“I’m not going to kiss you,” he assured you, but if he didn’t pull away soon, you wouldn’t be able to make the same promise. You silently thanked whatever instinct told Billy that gripping your hair in his fist was a good move. It was a very good move. It was also the only thing holding you back while your heart pounded violently in your chest. “Not yet,” he added with a smirk you could feel against your skin and hear in his words. Billy chuckled at the nearly cartoon quality gulp he heard in your throat and tilted his face up, speaking directly against the skin between your eyebrows. “You shouldn’t love me. You know that, I know that...” he said quietly.
“That’s not going to stop me,” you whispered back, barely standing on your own. All the bravado from being question had melted into the floor and your head spun with his closeness, his sincerity. Is it even real?
He let out another chuckle that dissipated into a quick breath against your skin, but you could feel his lips turning up into a grin. “I know it won’t. I know that now...and I’m thankful... for that.” Billy paused, taking a breath through his nose and pursing his lips. Not a full kiss, but enough. God this moment was enough. “I need you to know that.”
“I do,” you breathed, air finally returning to your lungs.
“Good,” he said with a peck to your forehead, as if he hadn’t been raving mad then moments away from taking you on the living room floor then sharing the kindest words he ever had. It was hard to keep up with Billy before. Now, it was even more difficult. “No matter what happens...I’m going to keep you safe, okay? I can… you did this for me.” Billy shook his head. “You’re going to be okay.”
“What about you?”
“Don’t worry about me,” he said quickly, thoughtlessly.
“Just as soon tell me not to breathe, Bill.”
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This is my personal reaction to everything DM does. Just Billy’s painfully unamused grin.
@something-tofightfor @the-blind-assassin-12 @songtoyou @disengagefrmreality @littlemermaidprobz @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @lexxierave @suchatinyinfinity @actuallyazriel @christinawxxx @strugglingsemicolon @thesumofmychoices @gollyderek @charmed-asylum @ilkaeliseb @lysawayne @bugboy-and-icegirl @thefinalexperiment @ofheroesandvillains @operation-spot @ariminiria @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @stories-you-wont-hear​
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fific7 · 4 years
Billy Russo x Reader
@omgrachwrites 500 Follower Celebration
Summary: This follows on from That Swept-Back Hair, approx 8 months later. Things have changed.
Warnings: TBI, memory loss, mentions of sex, angst/fluff mix.
A/N: Loosely based on S2 Billy Russo, but this is non-canon and exists solely within my imaginary Punisher AU. In fact, who is The Punisher? It’s really just The Frankie & Billy Show!
(The little double blink he does as he’s drinking gets me right in the 🖤)
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(My GIF)
Your hand glided across the top and then back over Billy’s shorn velvety head, feeling the soft prickliness of the short hairs against your palm. They’d shaved his head when he’d arrived at the hospital prior to surgery.
You still weren’t totally comfortable with the new look, however you knew it’d been unavoidable, and that was that.
It had started growing back a little, and you didn’t want to think about why they were still keeping it short.
His eyelashes fluttered but his eyes remained closed; you sighed and settled yourself back against the uncomfortable seat, ready for another hour’s silent visit.
The sunlight stealing through the venetian blinds threw highlights and shadows onto Billy’s face, and you felt a sudden need to touch his skin. Your fingers ran over his face, feeling each ridge of his scars.
How was Billy going to react when he saw them, you wondered. Let’s be honest, he was a vain man and his good looks had made up a large part of his persona. You didn’t think he was going to take it very well.
It takes a lot of courage for people with disabilities, burns and scars to brave the stares and whispers of others, when all they really want to do is to hide away. The world can be a cruel place, and they have to dig down deep within themselves to find the strength to deal with it.
As you sat there with Billy’s unresponsive hand clasped in yours, your mind drifted back to an awful day, two months ago.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Two short months. How quickly everything can change in a heartbeat.
You and Billy had made a go of things after the Firefighter Affair, as Karen called it. During the six months following it, you’d found yourself in an actual, real-life relationship with Billy, much to your surprise - and intense pleasure.
He’d still spend long hours at Anvil, he had to keep building up the business and you understood that. What you weren’t so happy about was that he was still very much ’hands on’ with the assignments, as if he didn’t want to let go of the reins to a large extent. Inside, there would always be a piece of Lt. Russo, right alongside CEO Russo.
On the other hand, he had to get used to you jetting round the globe on short trips for your new job, which you were loving.
To begin with, there were sulks and jealous outbursts mainly about ’all those foreign guys’ but he chilled a little after you reassured him you had no interest in hooking up with any of them. “Better not, sweetheart,” he’d growled, dark eyes staring you down.
Both of you had made sure you spent time together in between your busy schedules; breakfasts, lunches, dinners, movies, walks and picnics in the park. Taking turns at staying over at each other’s places.
Yes, you’d breached the panther’s den, a huge victory in your mind as none of his other women had ever set foot in it. Hell, some of your clothes and toiletries had made their way into his wardrobe and bathroom, and vice versa.
And, of course, the incredible sex.
Billy was as energetic, sensual and inventive between the sheets as ever. And sometimes he was just pure caveman. You’d be showering in the morning, Billy would strut naked into the bathroom, and you’d hear, “Showering without me, sweetheart?” Hands grabbing you, arms going round you, and you’d be laying on the bath towels on the floor in an instant.
Billy, hovering above you, his body pressing down on yours, eyes gazing at you, “I think you need a little disciplining, angel,” his mouth and hands all over you. You’d thread your fingers through his hair, giving a not-so-gentle tug, there’d be an answering grunt, Billy revving up, ready to give you the best time you’d have that day.
Things were going really well, much better than you’d expected. At first, doubts had still clouded your mind about Billy’s ability to stay faithful, but... there was no evidence to the contrary, he was behaving himself and nothing but very attentive to you. You were now on his arm at every event he attended.
Then, an unexpected phone call one morning as you were getting ready for work. A hospital administrator, who said that you were receiving the call because your name and number were on Billy Russo’s emergency contact list.
Everything stopped, frozen in the moment, as you automatically assumed the worst.
Your brain finally kicked in and began to filter some of what she was saying back to you. Eventually you gathered that Billy had been caught up in an explosion and had been badly injured. Like, really badly injured. She wouldn’t give you any other details over the phone, but agreed when you asked if you could visit him. She did warn you, however, that he wasn’t conscious.
You were scrambling round your apartment, looking for jacket, shoes, bag, when your phone rang again. Karen. You picked up, and heard her trembling voice saying your name and spilling that Frank had been injured in an explosion. Again, you stopped in your tracks.
It dawned on you now why you got the phone call from the hospital, as you were sure Frank would be at the top of Billy’s contact list.
You hadn’t even thought about Frank, that he could’ve been injured too. You felt a stab of guilt.
Agreeing to meet at the hospital, you hung up, dropped a quick explanatory text to your boss, and rushed out to begin your trek over there.
You met up outside the main entrance and stepped into the chaos of the ER. Eventually you were led to a small side room and informed that the attending doctor would come and find you as soon as they could.
Both of you sat and speculated on the severity of their injuries, and what the ‘incident’ could have been. The guys didn’t discuss the nitty-gritty of their work with you, due mainly to the sensitive nature of the assignments.
Karen called into work, firstly to explain her absence and secondly, to ask if there was anything being reported as a major incident, but there was nothing.
A couple of days later, she’d managed to discover that Anvil had got a contract to bodyguard a government official from a Middle Eastern country, and dissidents from there had ambushed him on his way from the airport into the city, slamming their SUV into an escort car and causing its gas tank to explode a few minutes later. That’s what Frank and Billy managed to get caught up in.
The doctor came and collected Karen, saying that Frank was conscious but dazed, and she’d give her more details about his injuries as they walked to his room.
Once you were left alone, the wait began to feel endless. Your mind was circling like a washing machine stuck on the spin cycle; Frank was conscious, Billy wasn’t, Frank was conscious, Billy... why wasn’t Billy conscious?
Eventually, the doctor returned for you, but sat down on one of the plastic hospital chairs rather than leading you to his room. She had that sympathetic but business-like look on her face, the one medical people seemed to adopt when they had bad news to impart.
You found yourself thinking that they had to maintain a bit of distance, otherwise they probably wouldn’t be able to do their job.
She started speaking, telling you that Billy had received his injuries in an explosion, and had sustained lacerations from shrapnel, a dislocated shoulder and a broken foot. But the most serious one had been a substantial concussion which had caused a small bleed on the brain, and this had required immediate surgery.
Swelling of the brain had also caused complications, and Billy had been placed into a medically-induced coma.
She’d stood up then and you’d followed her along several corridors, repeating ‘shrapnel’ over and over in your mind. The doctor had stopped outside a door with a small rectangular window inset above the handle, turning to face you.
“He’s suffered quite a lot of facial scarring, and is quite heavily bandaged... I just wanted to warn you.”
You felt tears stinging your eyes.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Karen had texted you about 30 minutes later, asking if you wanted to stay or go.
To be quite honest, you’d be glad to leave the oppressive little room; the beeping of the machines and rhythmic clicking of the ventilator had been making you feel tense, and a headache was forming behind your eyes.
And Billy’s bandaged head and face - you felt guilty for thinking this - looked like something out of a horror movie.
The two of you met outside the main entrance and headed to a coffee shop you could see on the opposite corner. You had no idea if it had decent coffee but it surely couldn’t be any worse than the dishwater the hospital passed off as a drinkable beverage. Karen caught you up on Frank’s condition as you walked over there.
He had a couple of dislocated joints, two broken fingers, cuts and bruises. Where he’d lucked out - so to speak - was that he’d avoided getting concussed.
Once you’d got your distinctly average coffee, you relayed the details of Billy’s injuries to Karen, and she’d been shocked that he was in such a serious condition.
There was going to be a long old journey ahead to get Billy back on his feet.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
They brought Billy out of the induced coma just short of three weeks later. The brain swelling had definitely been a worry, but they weren’t keen on keeping him under much longer. However, more concerning was the fact that he didn’t wake up of his own accord once the medically induced coma was reversed.
The mummy-like bandages had been removed at the same time, revealing angry-looking red scars. The nurses had been applying oils and balm to them several times a day, and this had helped to calm them quite a lot. But you knew they were still going to be a big shock to Billy.
Frank, out of hospital by then and keeping things ticking over at Anvil, didn’t say much - as was his way - but you knew that both he and Karen were as worried as you were about this unsettling turn of events.
You tried to maintain a positive front, but on occasion found yourself literally sobbing on Karen’s shoulder when it got too much to handle.
You fell into a strange kind of half-life; working as usual then heading out to the hospital each evening to sit and talk to Billy, holding his hand. You ate at odd hours, slept erratically, disturbed by bad dreams, usually about Billy never regaining consciousness.
And so it went; work, hospital, eat, sleep, repeat. Day after soul-destroying day.
Today, at lunch-time you were on your way out to grab something to eat when your phone rang, an unknown number. Praying it wasn’t some annoying cold-caller, you picked up to find yourself speaking to a doctor from the hospital. You stopped walking; you usually didn’t hear from them, they usually had nothing new to tell you.
Three minutes later, you were running back up to your office, to let your boss know that Billy was awake and you had to get to the hospital. “Go, go, Y/N,” he said, “and keep me posted!”
In the back of an Uber, you texted Frank and Karen to give them the good news, saying you’d be in touch later once you’d been able to see him.
You really hoped the traffic wouldn’t be too bad, you were majorly anxious to get to Billy. In case he lost consciousness again before you saw him.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Your feet took you through the entrance hall, into the lifts and up to Billy’s floor without any conscious input from you, as you’d taken the same route so many times. You waited impatiently at the nurses’ station, your head whipping round as you heard your name.
The doctor took you into the small side room again; so, a chat before you got to see Billy. The doctor had that same look on her face.
“Billy’s awake, but he’s a little disorientated. Y/N... he’s experiencing some amnesia. From what we can gather, he thinks he’s still a serving Marine in Afghanistan.”
Your heart sank; you supposed it had been naive to think he’d wake up and things would magically be back to how they used to be.
“But that’s normal, right? After a head trauma.”
She nodded, “Yes. And all or some memory can be recovered. But as you probably know, there are no hard and fast rules about if or when that will happen. There are no guarantees when it comes to amnesia.”
You gulped, nodding to show you understood.
The doctor reached into her top pocket, bringing out a card and handing it to you. “We have a psychotherapist affiliated to the hospital, a Dr Dumont. In fact, I think she was planning to assess Billy in the next day or so. She’s got several vets on her books, I’m sure she’d be happy to take him on.”
You handed the card back to her. “Thanks, but we’ve already got counselling set up for Billy. An ex-Marine buddy of his, who supports and counsels vets. He’ll be a lot more comfortable with Curtis. Please thank her but let her know we don’t require her help.” The doctor looked a little sceptical but nodded and tucked the card away.
She stood up, waiting for you to do so and then walked with you along the familiar corridors to Billy’s room. “Has he mentioned anyone’s names when you’ve talked to him? Me, Frank, Karen?” A shake of her head, “No, sorry. As I said, he’s quite disorientated.”
You nodded, asking, “Has he seen his scars yet?” Again, she shook her head, “We thought that might be a bit too much for him on his first day awake. If he’s run his hand over his face, he’ll have felt them of course, but there are no mirrors in the room or bathroom.” You nodded, “Thanks, Doctor. I think that’s for the best. I won’t mention it unless he asks me directly.”
She left you outside the door, and taking a deep breath, you opened it and went in.
The figure in the bed had wrapped his sheets round him, right up to his neck. He was curled up on his side, facing away from the door, a defensive position it seemed. You approached the bed, feeling that he knew you were there, but there was no movement.
“Billy?” you said quietly, “it’s me, Y/N.” No response.
Then his head turned towards you, and you had your first sight of his dark eyes in a long time, gazing at you over his shoulder. But you saw instantly there was no recognition in them, and you had to look down to hide your disappointment.
He began to sit up, struggling against the sheet cocoon he’d created, and you leant forward, reshuffling his pillows. He sank back into them, still staring at you. You drank in the sight of him, awake; you’d really begun to think that he’d never regain consciousness.
“We know each other, then,” he suddenly said, a statement, not a question. Voice low and raspy, no doubt due to the recently-removed ventilator.
“We do, Billy,” you replied, “we’ve been seeing each other. An item, as they say.”
He nodded slowly, “For how long?” You pulled up a chair alongside the bed, “Six months.”
He gave a low chuckle, and now his eyes flickered up and down your body as you sat down next to him, before returning to meet your eyes. His had a slight glint in them.
“So we’ve slept together. We have good times?”
You smiled, nodding, “Very good times, Billy.”
He gave you the Billy smirk, and you knew that your Billy was definitely still in there somewhere.
His demeanour suddenly changed, he looked worried. His eyes dropped down onto his hands.
“I don’t know who you are.”
The flat statement took your breath away. You knew he didn’t recognise you, but hearing it said straight out like that hit you like a slap in the face.
He stared at you again, while you tried to arrange your face into a neutral expression. “Sorry,” he mumbled, one hand gesturing in the air at nothing.
Taking a deep breath, you lifted his hand and entwined your fingers with his, “It’s OK, it’s OK,” you said, although truthfully it wasn’t.
It hurt your heart that he didn’t recognise you, but the amnesia was to blame, and you couldn’t lay a guilt trip on him about it.
He was still gazing at you, and you continued, “I’m here, Billy and I... we.... are all here for you.” Squeezing his hand, “Me, Frank, Curtis, Karen, we’ll get you through this, I promise.”
Tears welled in his eyes, and his fingers gripped yours.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Once back in the privacy of your apartment, you filled in the others on a group call. Frank rumbled down the phone, “So he thinks he’s still serving?” “Apparently so. That’s what he told the doctor. I didn’t want to push it on my first visit. I’m heading back later and I’ll try to talk to him a bit more.” Karen asked if he knew about the scarring yet, and you said no, he’d admitted he was in quite a bit of pain, but all over, not just his face.
Curtis butted in at that point, saying that some of his guys had mentioned this Dr Dumont you’d told them about. “Yeah, she’s got some... weird ideas, they said. Masks and shit.” What? You asked him to elaborate and he’d told you the little he knew. “Well, I’m glad I kicked that idea into touch,” you replied, “none of that stuff is gonna help Billy get better, I’m sure of that.”
When you got back to the hospital, Billy was sitting up in bed, and spent the first five minutes you were in the room just staring intently at you. You’d gently questioned him as to how he was feeling, was he eating, drinking, sleeping, but got no response.
Then he’d shaken his head, as if trying to clear it, and asked, “Am I still in Afghanistan?”
You and he then spent a little time talking about what he remembered, probing to see how far back his memories went. He did think he was still in the Marines, thought he was on a tour, but couldn’t remember who he was serving with, could see some faces but didn’t recall names. You were keen to get Frank and Curtis in to see him, maybe it would help if he was face to face with them.
You could see he was getting tired, so you pushed your chair back, about to stand up, when his hand shot out and grabbed your wrist. It was such a Billy thing to do, you heard yourself gasp.
He looked at you, then down at his hand on your wrist, “Shouldn’t I have done that?” You smiled, “It’s just such a normal thing for you to do it took me by surprise, Billy.”
“I’m always grabbin’ your wrist?” You laughed out loud, “Amongst other things!”
He laughed too, and you were so happy to hear that sound.
“We need to be talking about all-a that.” He tugged on your wrist, “And I reckon I need a kiss.”
You shook your head, smiling, “Maybe soon, Billy, right now you need to concentrate on getting better.”
“But I think it’d help!” giving you a sly side-eye, “jog my memory.”
You leant in, “How can you think about kissing when you’ve been through a major trauma?!” but you were craving the closeness with him, after weeks without it.
His hand suddenly went from your wrist to the nape of your neck, pulling you half on top of him, and you were thinking that some things didn’t change when his lips met yours.
You’d been imagining a fairly quick, chaste ‘getting to know you again’ kiss, so you were surprised when you felt his tongue sneaking past your lips, his other hand moving smoothly onto the swell of your breast, massaging firmly, and you could feel his arousal under you.
You pushed back, looking at him with a smile.
“Marine! Stand down.”
It was a stupid cheesy thing you’d always said to him, even before you were properly dating.
He stared at you, his thumb stroking your bottom lip, “That.. what you just said. It feels familiar.”
You nodded, “That’s good, Billy... I’m happy about that, I say it to you all the time. It’s our little joke.”
He lay back on his pillows, mood changing suddenly, staring at you. “Why d’you shove me away? I was kissin’ you, had my hands on you, wasn’t that familiar to you, Y/N?”
You stroked his arm. “Billy, I didn’t shove you away. I just need you to remember that you’ve suffered a major trauma, you need to be calm, concentrate on getting better...” He was looking tired, head nestling back into his pillows.
You stood up, picking up your bag, “I’m gonna head home now, let you get your rest. I’ll be back tomorrow, okay?” You leant forward and kissed his temple, “Sleep well.”
His eyes were already closed as you pulled back from the kiss.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
The four of you met up at the hospital mid-morning the next day. Karen and Curtis sat down on chairs in the corridor, while you and Frank headed into Billy’s room.
You stopped in your tracks in the doorway, Frank bumping into you. There was a small, dark-haired woman sitting on a chair, side on to the door, with a clipboard on her knees.
But what had you both frozen to the spot was the sight of Billy, dressed in a tracksuit, sitting on a chair opposite her. He had a pure white mask on; two eye holes, a fully-formed nose, small slit for the mouth. It was damn scary-looking.
You took a few steps into the room, “Who are you?” you challenged the woman, although you had a good idea already. “And why is my boyfriend wearing that weird mask?”
She stared at you, “Boyfriend? Oh.. I didn’t realise...”
You decided to drop the innocent act. “Are you Dr Dumont? Because if you are, you can take your clipboard and your mask and get out of here. I asked the doctor yesterday to tell you that we already have counselling in place for Billy.”
“Well, yes she did, but about that... to be honest that’s why I decided to..” she looked over at Billy, “assess him in any case. I don’t feel that the counselling you mention would be right for...”
“Doctor!” you hissed, and she stopped talking. “You are treading a very thin line here. I haven’t asked or authorised you to see Billy, so I will ask you again, please take your theatre props and go.”
You’d walked over to Billy as you’d been talking, and stripped the mask off him, holding it out to her. Billy’s wide dark eyes were gazing up at you.
She stood up and snatched the mask from you, placing it on top of her clipboard. With a very condescending smile, she said, “I’m telling you, you’re making a big mistake.”
“Get out! Now,” you said, glaring at her.
The door banged shut behind her, and you said as Frank walked over to you, “Unbelievable! Billy’s had a lucky escape from that quack, I reckon.”
Frank nodded, placing his beefy paw on Billy’s shoulder. Billy’s eyes were searching his face.
“Bill,” Frank growled, “‘s me, Frankie. I’m here for ya.” He tightened his grip on the shoulder under his hand. “I got your back, bud.”
You could both tell that he didn’t yet recognise Frank. But he did recognise the comfort the words gave him.
“Frankie,” he murmured.
Then he looked to you. “Y/N?...right?” You nodded, fighting to keep your expression blank. Still not sure of you, even your name. You caught Frank sending you a sympathetic glance.
You took his hand, rubbing your thumb over his skin. Billy had a puzzled look on his face as he looked up at you.
“Why’d she put that mask on me, Y/N? My face hurts. Don’t I look good?”
Your mouth drew into a line, and you quickly glanced at Frank.
“Billy, you look as good as you always did.”
“Did I look good?”
“Yes, you looked so handsome,” you replied, “a beautiful man.”
That small smile, dark eyes sparkling at you.
“And do I still look good?”
You ran your hand down the back of his velvety head, feeling him shiver as your fingers trailed onto his neck, pleased with his response to your touch.
“Yes, you do, Billy,” you answered honestly, because as far as you were concerned, he did.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Additional A/N: DUMONT 🥊 POW! 🥊 how it would’ve gone down if I’d written S2 😉 And thank you Tumblr for totally eating the draft of this last night, really enjoyed re-typing it.
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Tagged by @theyarnmaidstale
Thank you so much!!!
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line, then tag 10 of your favourite authors!
1. (i can imagine) a world without you [629 words, 911, the tiny Bobby/Athena relationship study] — “It’s not a fairytale, but it starts with once upon a time.”
2. Have a Good One [2,817 words, 911, the post-4x13 one where Eddie thinks Buck got shot and then some other stuff happens, not a deathfic] — “Everything is dark, an endless desert night.”
3. I’ll Be Fine (I Just Need to Rest) [1,765 words, 911, the post-4x13 one that is absolutely a deathfic] — “Something warm and wet splatters across Buck’s face. His eyes close reflexively, just for a moment, as a jolt goes through his whole body, the recoil of a gun he didn't shoot.”
4. I Know That I Don’t Wanna Be Out to Drift [5,283 words, 911, the post-Eddie Begins Buck/Eddie fic where Eddie has a breakdown, yes I like it very much] — “Eddie’s in the kitchen at his parents’ house, standing in front of the fridge.”
The rest is under a cut because this is so long lol
5. Over Trap and Snare [2,706 words, the Maddie & Albert s4b timeskip fic that was made retroactively sad by later in the season] — “Maddie’s washing her hands.”
6. Life, Changing [1,619 words, the missing scene ‘Chim tells Albert he’s going to live with the Lees’ fic] — “Albert’s sitting on the bed when Chimney walks into what’s soon going to be his and Maddie's room again.”
7. Baby Girl Han [1,813 words, the immediately post-Blindsided fic, TBI] — “Howard and Maddie are coming to visit today.”
8. Drive You Home Tonight [3,761 words, s3 Eddie’s feeling pretty messed up, man, and Buck is supportive but he’s kinda bummed tbh] — “It’s dark out, and Eddie’s sitting on a bench.”
9. the truth is on the table [5,642 words, Legends of Tomorrow, a very special episode of telm_393’s fic] — “John’s at one of the tables in the galley with a half-smoked cigarette in his mouth, flanked by an empty whiskey bottle and a half-full one, when Sara finds him.”
10. Don’t Worry, I Was Only Dying [10,392 words, Constantine, really hardcore Chas whump] — “Chas is on his way back to Georgia when he spots a path right off the side of the road.”
11. Blue Sky Country [3,338 words, like a disaster movie, but it’s fanfiction for The Good Place] — “It’s finally gotten cold enough for Eleanor to notice, so she wraps a scarf around her neck.”
12. Kamilah Al-Jamil’s Sister’s Funeral [1,244 words, Good Place grief fic] — “Kamilah’s face is splashed over every magazine she sees, which is par for the course.”
13. (because) of course (they did) [1,241, Original Works, this fic is literally a joke but I’m ngl, I think it’s funny] — “The One With a Lot of Issues sat at the kitchen table in a mansion situated in Handwaveland, which he had recently moved into with his teammates after disturbing canon events that necessitated some unrealistic time off to explore the emotional aftereffects of the previously mentioned disturbing canon events, and brooded.”
14. Now That the Magic’s Gone [55,384 words, LoT, the John noncon recovery fic, it has 12 chapters, idek] — “It starts, as many shit things that are John’s fault do, with a demon.”
15. This Is an Autopsy [2,816 words, the Behrad post-coming back from the dead darkfic] — “Behrad told Zari to run.”
16. Go This Way [2,653 words, The Umbrella Academy, the Five Alzheimer’s fic] — “This is not me, Five says. This is not me.”
17. All Legends on Deck [3,952 words, LoT, yes I wrote a groupchat fic] — Group: ALL LEGENDS ON DECK
18. John Can’t Come to the Phone Right Now [2,954 words, LoT, the John/Zari fic where John is at the tail-end of a prolonged psychotic break] — “It’s dark in Zari’s room and John doesn’t know how long he’s been awake.”
19. Right There With You [3,991 words, LoT, the John/Zari fic where Zari and John commiserate about terrible past boyfriends] — “Zari’s at a vanity products expo in 2028, QBing on the ground--which is basically just doing nothing at an expo for useless trendy things instead of doing nothing on the ship--when she sees someone she knows in the crowd.”
20. A Team Player [5,623 words, LoT, the John food poisoning fic] — “John’s been brewing a lot of potions lately.”
So a lot of my first lines aren’t very long, and I really like telling my readers where exactly the characters are. I think my favorite is probably the first line of “Now That the Magic’s Gone,” because it feels very him. I do like how “I Know That I Don’t Wanna Be Out to Drift” takes a sharp turn into the weird, though.
I, uh, don’t know that many people and I think some people I’d tag have already been tagged, so I’m gonna tag @withinadream27 and @intearsaboutrobots
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firefrightfic · 3 years
What gets me about the DickBabs thing ( sorry to rant to you’ll I just agreed massively with what you said the other anon) is like she was just horrible to him a few comics ago. Calling him selfish and saying “Bea wouldn’t like you talking to me” when like ?????? The man was shot in the head like ?????? Literally couldn’t remember his life after a TBI
I don’t mind you ranting at me XD I’m needing to get my feelings about the issue out and asks like this help, because yeah! That’s another point. Dick and Babs have really not been on a good level for a while. First we had her (alongside Bruce) walking over Dick’s own feelings and issues when it came to taking back the Nightwing name after getting his memories back, as well as framing Dick becoming who he was again as all about her needs, not his, and then the awful victim blaming speech she gave him at the end of the last Batgirl run.
You could, and I think probably should, blame a part of this on bad writing, but it sucks when Barbara acts self-righteous, judgemental and everything else, and it feels like canon then either rewards her for it or sweeps the whole mess under the rug in two seconds, like Last Stories of the DC Universe just did. Those are very real flaws for Babs, but so often they’re not treated that way by the writers.
Plus... as of the end of that Batgirl run, Babs was also with Jason Bard? She was moving on with her life with him, and now suddenly she’s happy to hop on and marry Dick? So either they need to retroactively have made her break up with him, ooorr Babs is now canonically a cheater. Which... eep. And even if she assumes Bard is dead or gone because of the reality warping mess that’s going on right now, that’s still not great.
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deny-the-issue · 1 year
The Battle of Illumination
Chapter 10: Oral Fixation
TBI Masterlist
[PTSD] [ Silco x you] [silco x fem!reader] [no y/n] [set before act 1] [angst] [Canon-typical violence] [Bondage] [Addiction]
Summary: At the pinnacle of your thirst, Liam joins Silco's movement and you receive a just reward.
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You never thought you’d be running back to Silco this fast, but here you were, dragging Liam along for the ride. His life was no longer in immediate jeopardy but that could change if he didn’t get the care he needed. Care you weren’t able to provide.
Maybe he hasn’t noticed I left yet.
Silco could take your desertion personally; he saved you, after all. You could only hope that he would give you a chance to explain before casting judgment. Liam’s head bobbed side to side as he leaned against you harder, clearly exhausted. You weren’t far behind him; carrying him the whole way was a difficult process. 
A breathless sigh parted your lips at the sight of the cannery and you picked up your pace. The place was swarming with drunken goons, freshly returned from Margot’s party. Through the mob, you found Sevika and hobbled over to her. 
“Where’s Silco?” Sevika’s gray eyes examined Liam for a moment before speaking.
“Who the fuck is this?” Her lips dropped into a tense frown as her glare landed on you.
“A friend, where is Silco?”  
“The lab. Don’t expect him to be happy with you; he knows you left.”
Without another word you turned for the stairs and teetered yourself and Liam down them haphazardly. It was a miracle neither of you took a tumble, and you were so focused that you hadn’t noticed Silco’s demonic gaze on you. Taking a breath, you finally searched the room, finding Silco’s teal eye filled with disdain locked on you. His hellfire eye seemed to glow especially bright at the moment, and it filled you with an anxious excitement that pooled in your core. 
“Why shouldn’t I send you away?” The coolness of his voice made you regret leaving and you took a deep breath before starting.
“One of Karvyq’s men snuck into the warehouse and I interrogated him then dumped his body. It made me think about the problems I could cause you and I decided the best thing for me to do was disappear. I don’t want your dream to fail because of me.”
“I appreciate your concern, but the decision was always mine to make, not yours.” His good eye softened when you nodded in agreement and he asked, “Who is this?”
“This is Liam, he needs help.” 
“Does he speak?” His condescending tone made you shake Liam, hoping he was coherent enough to know what was going on. 
“Yes,” Liam answered feebly after your thorough jostling. 
“What would you do for the undercity’s independence, Liam?” Silco asked, walking closer with his hands clasped behind his back.
“Anything,” Liam growled with foreign passion. 
The Liam I knew would never say something like that. I guess we’ve both changed.
A smirk tugged at the corner of Silco’s mouth and he signaled the doctor over. He led you to the table you were strapped to once, and you gently lowered Liam onto it. To your relief, no straps were needed as skeleton fingers prodded Liam’s body. Leaving them to it, you turned your attention back to Silco and approached him cautiously. 
“You should know; Karvyq is still alive; They only maimed him.”
“I’ll deal with him in my own time.” He disregarded your concerns, clearly still feeling bitter.
“Do you want me to leave?”
“Do you want to stay?”
Of course, answering a question with a question. These control issues could be fun in the right situation.
“Of course I do. I wholeheartedly believe in your cause; I simply do not want Chross to have any more ammunition on you. And as you stated, the final decision is yours.” 
“It is,” He agreed absentmindedly, mulling something over in his mind. You waited eagerly on his next words, losing yourself in the lines of his face. He should know better than to look at you like this by now; that half-lidded judgemental look made you want to get on your knees for him. Your face flushed with arousal at the thought and he continued his thought, “You would place my ambitions above yourself?”
“I would die for you, Silco, I thought you knew that.”
“Even if I never laid a hand on you again?”
“My needs aren’t important when you seek to liberate an entire city.” He raised his brow at that and you continued, “besides , I doubt I’m missing much.”
A short laugh left his mouth, exposing a hint of chipped teeth as he glanced down to your lips. He stepped closer and spoke in a low tone.
“Darling, you have no idea.” An involuntary shiver raced up your spine and you had to stop yourself from whimpering.
He doesn’t even need to touch me to drive me crazy.
You eyed him hungrily, as your body urged you to climb him like a tree. The doctor broke the charged silence, causing you to close your eyes in frustration.
“With proper treatment, the boy will recover in a couple of weeks.”
“Good,” He responded before turning back to you. “You can get him settled.”
“Where should I take him?” Confusion danced across your face with Silco’s smug look.
“A room was recently vacated. He can have that one.” Your mouth opened to argue with him but no words came. He seemed to relish in the discomfort he caused as he waited patiently for your rebuttal.
Here it is. I knew he wouldn’t let this go without some kind of punishment.
“Where should I place my things?” 
“Leave them with me, I’ll see to everything.”
That’s not menacing at all.
Nodding awkwardly, thoughts zoomed through your mind at a million miles a minute, never stopping on one long enough to form a sentence. Furrowing your brow, you will yourself to focus. He ended your suffering and replaced it with an entirely different kind before you could speak again.
“Find me later. I’ll give you what you deserve.”
All of the exhaustion was ripped from you as your body went into overdrive at the implication of his words. Eyes wide, mouth parted, you struggled to compose yourself as he stepped towards you. Your heart raced as he passed you, leaving the lab. Inhaling the scent of cigar and aftershave that rippled off of him, you gave yourself over to his intoxicating nature.
I’m going to let him ruin me.
You had to take a deep breath before facing Liam again, hoping he didn’t see just how worked up you were. Silco’s words wouldn’t be obvious to anyone but you, and you couldn’t help admiring how smooth he was. Helping Liam off the table with a small smile you began the laborious ascent of the stairs, leaving your bag in the lab with singed. 
The bathroom was your first stop. He desperately needed a good scrubbing, and it only now occurred to you that he might need help. 
It’s what Sevika did for you; It doesn’t need to be awkward. 
Liam’s eyes lit up at the sight of the shower and he limped over to it himself, turning the knobs eagerly. 
“I’ll go get you a towel and some new clothes, ok?” Liam nodded happily and you closed the door behind you, leaving him to it. Heading to a small storage closet, you found a bin of mismatched clothing and chose some you hoped would fit his malnourished frame. Grabbing a towel off a rack, you walked back to the bathroom and waited with an ear to the door in case he fell.
When you heard the water turn off you entered with your eyes closed. Shoving the clothes onto the sink, you unfolded the towel and offered it blindly in the direction of the shower. It was pulled out of your hands a moment later and you backed out of the room once again. 
Liam looked more like the boy you knew when he stepped out of the bathroom; sandy hair not darkened by soot and eyes filled with hope. He gave you a sleepy smile as you led him to his room. Pushing aside the curtain, you flipped the light on in the room you once occupied. 
“What happened to the door?” Liam inquired, eyes lingering on the curtain.
“Bad dream, don’t worry about it.” You muttered as you plopped him on the bed, squatting down to take off his shoes. A healthy blush spread over his face and you dropped your gaze to the floor, pretending to be ignorant of his perverted thoughts.
Pushing the boots under the bed you stood as he swung his feet onto the bed, quickly settling under the blanket. 
“I hope I didn’t get you in trouble.” He pleaded with wide, innocent eyes. “He sounded angry with you.”
“Ah, that’s just his normal mood. You’ll get used to it. Just don’t get on his bad side; he’s got an explosive temper.” Liam’s eyes filled with panic and you quickly added, “Not that I’ve seen it, obviously.” 
“You’re sure you're safe?”
“I wouldn’t go that far. This way of living has a way of getting to you eventually. Silco won’t hurt me. Not now, anyway.” His eyes narrowed at you as you smiled maliciously. 
“I’m happy you haven’t changed,” Liam said with a small smile as his eyes began closing.
“You’re about the only person to think that,” You laughed but Liam didn’t seem to hear you. He crashed into a deep sleep as you flipped the light switch and left the room. 
Excitement coursed through your body like electricity the moment Liam was out of your sight. Silco’s words repeated in your head like a mantra as you searched for him and instead, you found Sevika.
“What has you so riled up, brat?” 
“Nothing, I’m not riled up.”
“Yeah, right, and I’m a counselor. Looks like Silco’s playing with his food again.”
“There might be more happening this time.” You mused, satisfied with the disgusted scowl that appeared on Sevika’s face.
“You’re forgetting that virgins are only appealing the first time . What makes you think he’ll keep you around after?” It was your turn to scowl, now. Not dignifying her with an answer, you tried to pass her when her arm shot up, stopping you. “He won’t be back until later.”
“Where the fuck am I supposed to sleep?”
“Not my problem.” She crashed into your shoulder as she walked past, leaving you with doubt and anger. 
I can’t crawl in next to Liam, not with how he looked at me.
Sighing in defeat, you walked back down to the lab. Everyone avoided the place because of the man that was commonly found within, but you found his quiet nature soothing. Normal people had a way of wearing you down with their extroverted exploits and the doctor's cold demeanor was a welcome change. 
Shit, maybe I’m just like him, now.
Picking the back corner by Silco’s bedroom door, you slid down the wall landing on the floor with a soft thump. Leaning your head back, the soft clinking sounds of the doctor working lulled you into a deep sleep.
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A violent kick to your leg startled you awake and Sevika was gearing up for another when you put your hands up.
“I’m up, I’m up!” You complained, rubbing the sleep from your face.
“Someone’s got Silco, let’s go .”
Her words were like a shot of adrenaline to your system and you scrambled to your feet.
“That asshole, Karvyq. Any ideas where he would take Silco?”
“No, but Margot might know.” You didn’t wait for her reply before making your way to the stairs. She followed without issue and your rushed pace reflected the panic within.
Margot better not be in on this. I’ll kill her myself. 
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Fighting against the early morning crowd, you made your way to the less busy pleasure sector. Margot took up residence in her main brothel, not the one she had sent Karvyq to. Obviously a pathetic attempt to distance herself from him. It was a higher-quality establishment, filled with luscious fabric and comfortable seating in soft gold and pink colors. 
The main room had a few customers lingering in this early hour; the regulars. Thankfully no one was willing to question your intent as you made your way up the spruced-up staircase. Heavy perfume made your head swim as you passed the row of doors leading to the lady’s bedrooms. Stifling a cough, you made your way to the end of the hallway where an ornate door stood in contrast to all the others. Even if the door hadn’t given its owner away, the men outside would have. 
The guards outside her door moved to block you and they were easily dealt with by the both of you. Kicking the door open Margot stood at her desk, ready to kill. When her eyes landed on you and Sevika they were filled with confusion.
“What the fuck! You couldn’t have knocked?”
“Karvyq has Silco, and you’re going to tell me where.” You came around the side of her desk and forcefully pushed her back into the chair.
“I didn’t even know that fuck recovered!” She pleaded innocently as you pinned her in the chair with a hand on each armrest. The quivering of your lip was the only sign of your thinning patience as she reverted into the scared girl you remembered. “H-he had a place where he’d take girls sometimes, I’ll give you the address.”
Straightening your body, you allowed her to retrieve a piece of paper. You shot her one last murderous look before grabbing the note and leaving the room with Sevika. The building that was referenced was near The Last Drop and you prepared yourself for the worst as your feet moved on autopilot. 
As soon as the building was in sight you ducked into an alleyway, looking for the back door. To your surprise, no one was guarding the heavy wooden door of the stone building. Sevika came around to the front of you, sizing up the door. 
“I’ve got this, you go around front and flank them.” Nodding, you headed for the front door. Two men were chatting on the steps, smoking cigarettes and they grumbled with annoyance when you approached.
“Get lost, kid.” The one on the right sneered and you unsheathed your daggers, flashing them a cute smile before unleashing a fury of slashes that left them gurgling on the ground. Their sounds alerted the men inside of your presence as they rushed to the door, pushing it open to see the damage. You stood on the side of the door frame and jabbed your dagger in the gap as soon as the door opened, earning a scream. 
Kicking the door the rest of the way open, the injured goon fell backward as two more lunged with knives. The sound of metal filled the air as you blocked their knives with your own when they groaned and fell to the floor, revealing Sevika’s bloodied blade behind them. She cautiously climbed the stairs and you stayed in the shadows behind her. A man’s voice called out just as Sevika showed her face on the top floor.
“Your lapdog is here, Silco, how quaint .” Sevika halted her advance, eyes unblinking. “Move and he dies.”
Shit, I have to find another way. 
Leaving the way you came without another sound, you examined the building for possible entry points, eyes landing on a small balcony with an open window. 
That’ll have to do.
Expertly scaling the side of the building, you landed silently on the balcony crouching below the sill to remain out of sight. 
“My what shiny hands you have, Karvyq.”
Did she just say hands? How could he have recovered so fast without shimmer? Shit.
Peaking through the window, you saw Karvyq’s back to you and a man on his knees in front of him. Luck was on your side tonight, it seems. Slithering through the window you slowly crept up to him. A floorboard creaked, giving you away. 
Karvyq’s head snapped to you as you grabbed his knife-wielding hand, preventing him from cutting Silco’s throat. Sevika took the opening and was on Karvyq in seconds, and a hard punch to the face ended the altercation. Walking in front of Silco, you kneeled to take the gag out of his mouth. That’s when you noticed how incredible he looked tied up .
Loose strands of hair hung on his sweaty brow as his chest rose and fell rapidly. He was hogtied in such a way that he could still remain on his knees and the intensity with which he looked at you made you blush as dirty thoughts rushed through you.
I mean, he looked delectable like this. You could only imagine the sounds he’d make as you rode him into oblivion, bouncing on his rock-hard cock with reckless abandon as you shamelessly chased your pleasure. 
Oh my. I’ll just file this under “things he would kill me for even thinking about.”  
Sevika ended your reverie when she cut him free, causing him to fall forward onto you. Instinctively hugging to catch him, your eyes went wide with the contact. He quickly righted himself, pulling himself from your arms as you tried not to mourn the loss of his body heat. 
He looked down on you, still on your knees, with an expectancy that signed the death certificate for your panties. Sevika cleared her throat and you shook the lust from your mind as you pushed off the ground. 
“You’re not going out alone anymore,” Sevika commanded coldly and Silco hummed in agreement, dropping the last of the rope to the floor. “Should I kill him?”
“No, we need him. Bring him with us.” Sevika sighed as she tied up the incapacitated Karvyq and roughly threw him over her shoulder. On the way out of the building, his head may have hit several walls.
He’s gonna feel fantastic when he wakes up. It’s the least he deserves for putting the future of the undercity at risk.
Silco moved a little slower than usual, hands grazing over his chest as he descended the stairs. He had fresh bruises peppering his face and a busted lip but his broken ribs seemed to be the worst of his injuries.You had attempted to lend him an arm for support but he shrugged you off, rejecting your help.
So stubborn.
The trek back to the cannery was made in silence, each person lost in their own thoughts. Karvyq obviously had help tonight and there was only one person with the knowledge to put Silco down. Margot was just a pawn in this scheme after all. 
I was stupid to think Chross wouldn’t punish Silco for the scene I made. This was a warning shot, a simple message to Silco that he could still take him out.
There was nothing you could do but close your fists in anger, simmering in your lack of options until you arrived at the warehouse. 
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Karvyq was brought down into the lab, thrown into a wooden chair, and restrained. He was conscious but still severely drowsy until Silco forced a drop of shimmer into his mouth.
Wide awake now, his eyes darted around the room searching for an escape. You knew that feeling all too well, and it set your mind on edge. His mechanical hands gripped the chair and the movement surprised you. The silver engraved hands weren’t mere prosthetics; he had full control over them. Possibilities rattled around your brain as Silco prowled around him, letting him fully grasp what was happening. 
“Chross slipped you some shimmer, did he not?” When Karvyq didn’t answer, Silco poured more shimmer into his mouth and he writhed in pain as purple veins sprouted across his skin. “I’m going to let you in on a little secret, Karvyq. Shimmer’s magic properties go beyond simple healing. Incredible things happen the bigger the dose; I’m going to show you.” 
Pulling another small vial from a nearby rack he popped the cap off and signaled to Sevika to hold Karvyq’s head. The strength of Karvyq on shimmer rivaled Sevika’s, and Silco emptied the vial in his mouth as Sevika’s arms shook from the effort. 
The straps snapped as Karvyq’s body grew larger, flopping onto the ground and Sevika drew her blade and pressed it into his back.
“You see, the doctor has discovered Shimmer is more addictive than any other drug he’s seen. As soon as you come down you’ll want more, and I’ll give it to you... If you work for me.” Silco purred, eyes glimmering with a passion that made you squeeze your thighs a little tighter.  
Karvyq spewed purple liquid from his mouth and coughed violently, his body already shrinking to its original size. He looked around the room once again but with a new purpose. His eyes locked with the rack holding more vials of shimmer and began crawling towards it. Sevika laughed cruelly as she replaced her blade with her boot, holding him in place.
“Who provided the men that helped you? I know they weren’t yours.”
“Finn,” Karvyq answered eagerly, saliva spraying from his mouth.
“Good, you’ll set up a meeting if you want more shimmer.” Silco motioned for Sevika to remove her boot and Karvyq stood on shaky legs. Silco tossed him a vial and Karvyq flew up the stairs as soon as it was in his hands. 
“Your loyalty is appreciated,” Silco said to Sevika, “I’m going to rest now.”
She nodded her head in respect before leaving you to stand awkwardly in front of him. You knew sex was off the table tonight; he hadn’t planned on being kidnapped. It didn’t stop your heart from fluttering as he looked you over. 
“Where should I sleep?” You asked timidly, hoping for a bed but expecting nothing. A hint of a smirk ghosted across his lips as he made his way to his bedroom door, disappearing into the dark room. A switch clicked and light poured from the open doorway as Silco sighed.
“Are you coming?” 
Your heart nearly stopped when you heard him say those words. Clumsy feet tripped over themselves as your mind raced miles ahead of your body. Stopping in the doorway, you stared with wide eyes as Silco began removing his tie. 
“Close the door.”
Following commands have never been so easy for you. It didn’t even feel wrong like you thought it would. Leaning back against the door to close it you couldn't help but part your lips at the sight of him unbuttoning his vest. 
“My plans for you will have to wait until I am healed. Will you be able to control yourself?”
“I’ll do my very best,” You teased with a devilish smile. “I’d like to do something for you if you’ll allow it.”
His teal eye narrowed in thought as you bit your lip while taking a few steps toward him, grabbing the vest from his hands and flinging it onto the chair. Testing his consent, you gently smoothed your hands over his chest and hovered your lips over his.
“Let me take care of you,” you breathed and his lips embraced yours without another moment’s thought. Soft kisses trailed down his neck and collarbone, unbuttoning the shirt as you did. He slid his arms out of his suspenders and you untucked his shirt revealing badly bruised ribs. Grimacing as he shrugged out of the shirt, you helped him take the rest off. 
His skin was pale and covered in scars of all sizes with thin, corded muscles hidden underneath. Drunk on the sight of him you traced his defined musculature with your eyes, committing them to memory. Your hands hesitated as you reached for the buttons on his pants, looking at his face for reassurance.
“I’m waiting,” He cocked his brow in a show of mock irritation. 
Taking your time, you dropped to your knees and began struggling with his pants. You had never undressed someone else before and wasn’t expecting it to be a fucking puzzle. 
I’m going to rip these pants off of him if these buttons don’t surrender to me.
Pulling the fabric to loosen it first allowed you to free the button and work on the next one. When his pants fell open you let out a frustrated growl as it revealed more overlapping fabric. Instead of reaching through it, you tugged the pants down exposing his hips. Wonderful thin hips that you couldn't stop yourself from kissing. A light gasp escaped his lips as you nipped at the soft skin, giving you the courage to pull his pants the rest of the way down. 
His erect member bounced free inches away from your face. 
How am I supposed to fit that in my mouth?
“Is something wrong, darling ?” He wore a smug expression as you glanced up at him. Licking your lips slowly you kissed the base of his cock and pulled away when it twitched. Taking it as encouragement, you kissed your way up the length of his throbbing cock and a drop of precum emerged from the tip. 
Tasting the saltiness of his excitement you brought his velvety head into your mouth, eliciting a deep, pleasurable sigh from Silco. It was only the first sound you pulled from him and you were already addicted.
A hand entwined itself in your hair, pushing himself deeper inside, grazing the back of your throat and holding the rest of his length with one hand. Bobbing your head slowly, he aided your movements as you took in more of him with each stroke. Growing more confident in your abilities, you swirl your tongue around the tip before shoving his cock down your throat as far as you could go, your nose grazing the small patch of dark hair at the base. 
A guttural growl filled the air and he fisted your hair, losing control as he fucked your face, causing you to grab onto his tiny ass for support. Tears began streaming down your cheeks and you let out a strangled moan, begging for air. A string of saliva still connected his cock to your mouth when he pulled out of you, his face looking absolutely feral . A few seconds to breathe is all he allowed before mercilessly continuing his assault on your throat. 
Your hand moved to the ache between your legs, rubbing in sync with Silco’s ruthless pace. His hips stuttered in their rhythm and his pleasure rippled through you, bringing you close as well. He moaned through gritted, chipped teeth, shutting his good eye tight and throwing his head back.
Gods, he’s beautiful like this.
 Hot spurts of his release coated the back of your throat as your climax ripped through you, causing you to whimper around his thick cock. Thighs quivering with the aftershocks, you released his member from your mouth with a satisfying pop and swallowed his seed, relishing the bitter, salty taste of him. 
As he opened his eye again, he looked at you with an unfamiliar softness and caressed your sore jaw with a thumb of the hand that was tangled in your hair a moment before. 
“I’ll have to put that mouth to use more often,” He mused, swiping a thumb over your chapped lips. You were still too worked up to reply with anything but an exasperated smile as he helped you to your feet. The change in position allowed blood to reach your brain again and kickstarted your anxiety. 
“Do you want me to leave?” You found yourself asking a second time in one day. 
“I’m not done with you. Unless you’d rather sleep on the floor?” You shook your head adamantly as Silco dressed in loose sleep pants. He tossed you one of his clean shirts, a silent demand for you to wear it. Laying down on the bed, he placed his hands behind his head as he watched you intently, expecting you to undress. 
Your shirt came off easily and you only began to blush as you unclipped your bra, exposing your chest to him. His eyes on your body made you uncomfortably warm as you unbuttoned your pants. No one had seen you fully naked before and an old fear crept into your bones.
What if I’m not like other women down there? What if he doesn’t like what he sees?
Silco cleared his throat impatiently, breaking you out of the anxiety spiral. Taking a deep breath you pulled your pants to the floor, leaving only your panties. Silco hummed in appreciation as he sat upright.
“You’ve made quite a mess, kitten.” He observed, running a finger over the wet fabric. You gasped and he sat back with his hands supporting him. “Take them off.”
Your heart was damn near palpitating now, and you slipped your panties off agonizingly slow. There was no part of you his eyes didn’t reach as he examined you with parted lips. 
“Unfortunately I am unable to reciprocate tonight; you’ll have to settle for my hands.” You grasped his wrist as he reached for you, stopping him.
“I want you to fuck me the next time you make me come.��� You hardly recognized your voice, feeling like it was some other part of you in control. 
“Have it your way,” He conceded, laying back on the bed. The rich fabric of his shirt felt sinful against your skin and you decided at that moment that he wouldn’t be getting this shirt back. Scooting closer to the wall, he gestured for you to join him. You knew no sleep would be had if you faced the man so you put your back against him, your butt firmly against his cock. 
His hand instinctively grabbed your hip, preventing you from grinding on him. 
“Be a good girl, and go to sleep now,” he whispered in your ear, snaking his arm around you, holding you tightly against him. Hugging his arm, you felt his breathing slow as sleep took him. 
I’m not dreaming, right? This really happened?
Silco began softly snoring in your ear and you stifled a giggle. 
So he’s human, after all.
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