yourvimodi · 4 months
07:00 - ⏰ sveglia;
07:30 - 🪥 lavata i denti + 🧴 skin care (detergente, tonico, siero, anti occhiaie, crema viso);
08:00 - 📖 lettura libro "I miei stupidi intenti" (da pag.62 a pag.80, tot = 22);
09:40 - 🚗 acceso la macchina + 🧳 portato valige in macchina (sacchetto scarpe, sacchetto pittura, sacchetto cibo, borsone vestiti, zaino con computer)
10:00 - 🚗 partenza (da Belluno) + 🎧 ascoltato Audiolibro "Ti prendo e ti porto via" (da cap. 26 a cap. 36, tot = 43:02) + 🎬 informata sui film al cinema;
12:30 - 🚗 arrivo (a Padova);
13:00 - 🧹 sistemato cucina + 👩🏽‍🍳 inizio preparazione pranzo;
13:30 - 🍝 Carbonara + 🐓 gallina bollita + 🧊 tonica;
14:30 - 🧹 sistemazione cucina + 🍽️ lavastoviglie;
14:45 - 🧹 pulire giu;
15:05 - 🎒 preparazione borsa (cambio per andare al cinema + hardisk);
15:30 - 🐕 portato fuori il cane;
15:40 - 🚗 partenza;
16:00 - 🚗 arrivo;
16:20 - 💻 scaricato hardisk su computer + 📷 controllato foto vecchie + 🫖 tisana (zenzero, vaniglia e arancia)
18:20 - 🚿 doccia + 🫧 preparazione per cinema;
19:20 - 🚗 partenza per cinema;
19:40 - 🚗 arrivo + 🎫 biglietti + 🍿 pop corn + 🥤 Pepsi max;
19:55 - 🚶🏽‍♀️entrata in sala 1;
20:05 - 🎬 inizio film "C'è ancora domani"
22:00 - 🎬 fine film + 🚗 partenza;
22:20 - 🚗 arrivo;
22:30 - 👩🏽‍🍳 inizio preparazione cena;
22:50 - 🍜 minestrina + 🍇 uva + 🖥️ serie "Naruto" (da ep.40 a ep. 42, tot: 2);
23:30 - 🛌 dormire.
Check list
Igiene personale:
- Igiene dentale della mattina;
- Skin care della mattina;
- Body care;
- Hair care;
- Doccia;
- Pulizia dentale profonda;
- Skin care della sera;
- Igiene dentale della sera.
- Uscita della mattina;
- Uscita del pomeriggio;
- Uscita della sera;
- Pranzo;
- Cena;
- Addestramento;
- Passeggiata;
- Pulizia;
Pulizia casa:
- Aspirare e lavare giù;
- Aspirare e lavare le scale;
- Aspirare e lavare su;
- Ordinare su;
- Ordinare giù;
- Lavatrice;
- Asciugatrice;
- Stirare;
- Lavastoviglie;
- Sistemare camera;
- Sistemare cucina;
- Pulizia asciugamani/coperte;
- Pulizia arnesi per lavare.
- Colazione;
- Spuntino mattutino;
- Pranzo;
- Spuntino pomeridiano;
- Cena;
- Spuntino serale.
- Lavoro;
- Compilare foglio ore;
- Sistemare scrivania;
- Controllare mail;
- Controllo fatture e scadenzario;
- Studiare;
- Leggere;
- Controllare mail universitaria;
- Scaricare avvisi o materiali;
- Yoga/Allungamento;
- Allenamento;
- Passeggiata.
- Disegnare;
- Leggere;
- Ascoltare audiolibro/podcast;
- Guardare serie/film;
0 notes
save-the-data · 3 years
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TOMB OF THE SEA | s01e45
Full Episode List
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mejomonster · 2 years
hello! is there anywhere i could watch kinnporsche at this moment? on legit sites otherwise. i keep seeing gifs of it and am intrigued but i cant find anywhere to watch it.
Okay so! Legit sites: iQiyi site iq.com and app. I believe they have the uncut version which has the full hour long episodes, the other legit place its airing seems to just have 45 minute apps. IQiyi usually has some eps free then more eps quicker if you have vip. So I'd recommend iqiyi. It should also be posted on iqiyi as fast as the airing schedule so this will be the fastest place to keep up with new episodes.
I have not started watching it quite yet though so apologies if i get some info wrong ToT
Not legit site options: it's already on dramacool and dailymotion. Or if you are like me and want to avoid ad spam - its on bilibili subbed. Lately a lot of bl has been posted english subbed on bilibili so that happens to have a lot of stuff that's harder to find rn.
Unfortunately as far as I'm aware it's not on any streaming stuff you can watch on TV at the moment. I love when I can watch thai dramas on youtube so it is what it is in this case.
Here's the iq.com official link: https://www.iq.com/play/kinnporsche-the-series-la-forte-episode-1-uzvypb0gpk?lang=en_us
It's also on iqiyi app which I find more convenient on mobile.
Bilibili link: https://www.bilibili.tv/en/video/2046679901
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rigelmejo · 3 years
Found this tool for “how long to learn a language” and I think its fairly useful? 
Below is just me contemplating how long things took me, will take etc. Feel free to ignore lol.
I just tested it by putting in “absolute beginner” to low intermediate, and how long that would take for mandarin at 2 hours study per day, it gave me 1 year 10 months. That isn’t too far off of how long its taken. I’d say I’m around low intermediate - maybe upper beginner. Certainly what I consider possible at low intermediate for me personally (what I could do in french in reading, when i stopped studying it) is close to where I am now with chinese. So like: convos about basic topics, maybe a little word lookup, reading general gist of everything (and dictionary for specifics if needed), general show watching without subs (miss some details), some audio listening (for me french never got any listening or show stuff so that parts much better in chinese - though my french reading is a bit easier since i can generally get away with no dictionary even if there’s a lot of unknown words just because of word similarity to stuff i can figure out). So anyway the calculator’s estimate of 1 year 10 months is pretty close! It’s been 1 year 8 months since I started studying. It will probably be a few more months when I feel I’m happy with my ‘basic’ reading ability. 
When I put in “very high motivation” it put me at 1 year 7 months to go from absolute beginner to lower intermediate - which is super close to about how fast I progressed. I’d say I’m probably somewhere on this calculator’s estimate between “very high motivation” and “high motivation.” 
For absolute beginner to upper beginner, it put me at 10 months for how long it would take if I had “high motivation.” That also lands pretty close to how long it took me - it took me about 8-12 months to do ‘upper beginner’ stuff as I consider it (texting people in chinese for general convos, browsing weibo, reading stuff i wanted with a dictionary, reading manhua, starting to watch shows without subs and just get the bare minimum gist and look up words for more details). The calculator guessed I would take 9 months from absolute beginner to upper beginner if I had “very high motivation,” which again I suppose is close to where I was at lol. 
This calculator thinks from absolute beginner, to upper intermediate (B2) will take me 2 years 6 months if I have very high motivation, and 3 years if I have high motivation. That makes sense to me. Moderate motivation would be 3 years, 9 months. Low motivation would be 4 years 6 months. This was all at 2 hours a day of study overall. I figured it would take me 4 years roughly to get to where I wanted to be when I started  - although I figured 4 years would be “where I am right now skill wise” so lol. What will upper intermediate even look like? 
5 years, 6 months, if I have very high motivation but only 1 hour study time a day.
I also tried out if I put “have learned a language to fluency” and that lined up better with how long it actually took me to hit each milestone as I felt it? (8 months upper beginner, 1 year 4 months to hit lower intermediate?). And if this is the option I put in, then upper intermediate would be achieved around 2 years 2 months into studying (aka for me that would mean around this coming winter). Also - this would not include listening/speaking skills, for me, because I already know hands down those skills lag for me (they probably would not be whatever level my reading is, instead a bit under it). And writing would depend on how much I worked on it. So I’m mainly aiming for the reading goals timeline. 
What is interesting to me is based on this I probably have been studying roughly 2 hours a day overall? I am fairly sure I study at least 1/2 to 1 hour a day (I read almost every day in chinese if nothing else). Then some days I know I’ll watch some eps of a show (thats 2-4 hours probably), some days I’ll read a lot (2 hours?). So like I figure my days I do a lot add up? And apparently they must, since my progress seems like I’m doing about 2 hours a day according to this caclulator. Or else my study sessions are ‘really’ effective for me and 1 hour i can make as useful as 2, but i doubt it... although it could be likely, its more like ‘since i’m mainly focused on reading THAT is improving at this speed, but if i looked at ‘overall’ then i’d still be an upper beginner who studied maybe 1 hour a day (as in, taking in all skills i’d be upper beginner, but taking in only reading i’m higher). Which could definitely be the case, as i don’t think my listening is past upper beginner, and my writing/speaking is definitely upper beginner At Best (could easily also be worse lol). 
Anyway a point for myself: looks like if i vary study from 1-2 hours a day, its going to take between 9 months to 2 years to hit upper intermediate. Which is the goal - i think after that my reading will be plenty good for what I want to do without a dictionary. So 3-4 years total study time, which is about what i expected... except i expected year 4 was going to feel like what i can do now ToT so anyway. Follow your dreams! Passions! Goals! you know what i mean! ToT I did not think reading with a dictionary could be possible so quickly in chinese! Certainly not within a year, but it did happen by a year! And I’m starting to venture into reading real stuff without a dictionary more, so that’s also doable much earlier than the 4 years I expected!
For fun I put the other languages I ‘studied’ a bit of in the calculator. 
The suggested french timeline matched up pretty well to my own progress when I put in: very high motivation (i guess i must have that lol?), some knowledge of different languages, study 1 hour a day. I hit A2 around 6 months in, B1 around 1 year 2 months is what the calculator says (I remember it being around 1 year into studying), B2 around 1 year 10 months the calculator gives.. I think personally around B1 in french I got less motivated, and i know i stopped studying as often... and i think somewhere mid B1-B2 I quit studying and just coasted on what i knew, since it was enough to read what i wanted. So I personally remember, about 2 years into studying french, that’s when I gave up using a dictionary or formally studying at all for the most part (years 1-2 i read a grammar site in french, which helped, and was still occasionally looking up words in french and reading french weekly). So I think at 2 years i didn’t actually hit B2, just a personal point where somewhere mid B1-B2 I felt i no longer had a need of a dictionary, or grammar explanations, for what i wanted to do. I know at some point after year 2 I picked up french again and just worked on listening/pronunciation (to try and drag them up closer to my reading skill) for a couple months. Idk how much it helped, but i know it noticeably improved my accent (which went from Really Bad to Somewhat Bearable, and my listening skills went from ‘can’t understand anything’ to ‘basic words i know i can now recognize fairly easily in listening, and i can now HEAR the real bad spots in my own accent and fix them at least’). So like... I’d personally put my french as somewhere in B1 mostly comfortable, with a lot of room for improvement. With writing at A2 maybe (with grammar mistakes), speaking also around there, listening if I’m lucky also around there. I do like that if i DID want to improve my french skills to all B2, it says 8 months to 1 year (depending on if i’m starting from A2 like my speaking or B1 like my reading), studying 1 hour a day on average. That’s about what I expected - that it would take a while but not too long to push them all up to more useful. 
With japanese, putting it into the calculator? Looks like maybe I only studied 30 minutes a day on average? The calculator estimates upper beginner to take 2 years 3 months, if that’s how much per day I studied. That or 45 minutes a day - 1 year and 10 months. I know in reality, It took me about 2+ years in japanese to get to reading basic manga for main gist, playing games for very basic main gist understanding which I did sometime between 2 years and 2.5 years. I did not get past upper beginner, at BEST, because I know I was still a beginner. So maybe that’s something that held me back? Just how little time I was dedicating to japanese? I know I was splitting time between french, japanese, and sometimes russian. So that could definitely have been it (also abandoning japanese sometimes for weeks at a time - which I did with french too, but french was already like B1 reading which was close to my goals with it so i didn’t need to focus on it as much).  I also wonder how much the last study from year 2-2.5 helped speed things along - its when I noticed the most progress, and I was doing flashcards and immersing a LOT more. So its possible then I was studying closer to 2 hours a day. 
Mmm. From this calculator, I’d guess: my chinese is on track to be able to do what I want by 3-4 years (much better than I expected lol). With a chance of me being able to do it by the end of this year (that would be amazing but lets not get too hopeful). As for speaking/writing, I do expect that to still take 3-4 years (and slower if I stop studying as much). 
my french I can probably drag up the other skills, and maybe even drag reading up to B2, in about a year of work if I wanted. So the other skills I could probably drag up into B1 in several months. Aka around half a year if I wanted to just get them all similar, and probably a year if I wanted french GOOD as good as I’d probably want it for general use without issues (since i still have listening and production issues).
my japanese? i’m going to go ahead and guess 1 year for lower intermediate, 2 years for upper intermediate, IF my chinese gets good at the faster rate. aka if at the end of this year my chinese reading is where i want it, and i can switch from 30-45 minutes a day on japanese to 2 hours because chinese will no longer need to improve as fast. Since currently i’m spending an average of like 2 hours on chinese a day, and i do NOT plan to lower that until my reading and listening are where i’d like them and i can read/listen generally without a dictionary (like french, i’ll probably end up wanting to improve production randomly on an as desired basis so i don’t think that will be as big a priority unless for some reason it becomes one). So japanese will probably at most be getting 1 hour a day while i’m still focused on chinese (and realistically less like 30 minutes on average). But i might be able to give it more after this winter. although also it really depends on wtf i feel like doing? as always. if i do japanese ‘as desired’ who knows how many hours that will end up being. i do think though doing it as i want now will help make that time take less in the long run overall timeline of things. the calculator gives “2 years” to lower intermediate if i only study 45 minutes a day, and 4 years for upper intermediate in japanese if i only study 45 minutes on average a day. Which really isn’t so bad (that’d be like 4-6 years total of time i’ve spent studying it, to get where i’d like in japanese ultimately - 2 more years after the 2 i’ve already done on an optimistic timeline, and 4 more years if i go very slow and keep not being able to prioritize it... and somewhere in between there if i don’t prioritize it but at least find a sweet spot i can do what i want in it like french). 6 years to learn japanese is not surprising... especially considering it took me 2+ years to push into upper beginner “can do a little basic stuff” in the language. So 2 more ish years for each milestone step makes sense unless i get better at studying lol or dedicate more hours into it. 
What’s curious to me is how chinese has been taking me about 6 months to hit each milestone (for reading)? 6 to get to beginner, 12ish to get to upper beginner, 18 ish months to lower intermediate (which is april, me rn), so possibly 22 months to upper intermediate - 1 year 10 months maybe? 8 more months of study, potentially. (Again this is for reading skills only). 
I just... when I started I definitely did not thing progress could be made at this speed for chinese? But to be very fair... i spent less time on french, and i think that’s a big reason it took longer to hit milesones than it could have - and why ultimately french and chinese are much closer in terms of ‘how long it took me to make progress’ than japanese to either. Because french simply takes less study time, and chinese i just studied so much MORE per day than i did with japanese. I definitely think if nothing else that ADVICE to immerse often helped me so much. While its not as quality study time as when I go through tone drills, memorized 2000 words, read grammar, listening to my audio ‘flashcard’ files, or practice shadowing - it really MAKES me ‘study’ chinese regularly in a way i did not with french or japanese. Even though there’s less active study being done, i’m engaging with chinese every day because of it. Practicing every day, and practicing often. With french i practiced daily for maybe 1/2 hour to an hour, then for that long per week, and my active study i either did for a month or didn’t do at all - so less study time in general. In japanee i REALLY did less study time per day, since i didn’t even try to read/watch/listen to japanese - it was active study or nothing. Simply the advice to immerse... while yes it helps you with skills, like learning to comprehend what you’ve studied, more than that it simply keeps me ‘trying to learn’ on a more frequent basis.
Part of the reason I think year 2-2.5 of japanese i made the most progress i saw the fastest? I was trying to read manga every week, trying to play a game every couple weeks, listening to audio in the background every few days (audio flashcards), trying to do srs flashcards every few days. The last 2 activities were active study increases (though only 30-45 minutes a day overall so no more than usual). but the manga days - that would be a full extra 1-2 hours a day! The video game days, 2-4 extra hours that day! and those added up i think! and resulted in me seeing much faster progress than in the whole 0-2 first years combined. if only i’d been trying to do those things sooner, it could’ve been adding up sooner.
whenever i look back on my french, the period that helped most was month 3 to the year 1 mark - i was reading every few days. Yes, I also studied common words, took a beginner class and did my homework. But the reading regularly was time spent using french ADDING UP. It added up to a lot of extra time IN french, and i think that’s why about a year in i felt pretty comfy texting on basic topics, reading things i wanted to with a dictionary with ease. Then the year after, i did more intensive study, but with months in between where i did NOTHING in french - so i think i got to B1 with reading, or somewhere a bit past it, because i read french every few months for bursts (whenever i felt like it but not regularly). And instead of progress every few months, it took about another year to go ‘ok no more dictionary needed.’ If i’d still been engaging with french more days a week, i think it would’ve added up faster.
And when i started chinese, the big reason i TRIED ‘do a little something’ weekly in chinese is because i remembered in french i used to try, and that helped me so much at the beginning. and it DID help me so much at the beginning with chinese! it was a solid idea!
and, as much as i have some issues with aspects of massive immersion approach (now Refold), mainly just that i don’t do it all the same lol. i DO think i am SO happy i found it if ONLY for the advice it gave “immerse as much as possible, as little as you comprehend, start NOW.” That was good fucking advice. And it helped me not be such a chicken - i know i was scared, back when learning japanese, TO immerse at all because i thought i needed the basics understood before i even tried. With chinese - although i was trying reading (and it was honestly helping), i only tried once a month. And i was way too scared to try shows without english subs, or AUDIO. 
Reading the mia advice, i went fuck it, and tried. it helped SO much. Literally, watching shows in chinese first to build up the endurance to SIT through a whole episode, then to watch multiple episodes in months 4-8, helped SO much. and i was way too scared to try until i’d read someone else tried and it helped. also people who did mia suggested audiobooks and dramas - again i was way too cowardly, thinking i’d know too little to manage it. And YET, once i started doing it more i noticed a lot of improvement! I know right now, i can watch shows and be comfortable because i made myself try it back then and keep trying. i know i was able to push into reading with a dictionary at month 6-8 because from month 3 i was trying and kept trying. i know i can listen to some audio dramas FOR FUN and even pick up some stuff, because i tried to listen to audiobooks of chapters i’d read in english and practiced parsing sound. (also Listening Reading helped a ton i can’t say that enough - it helps so much with listening skills). Trying to watch shows without ANY subs including chinese, also helped. And it really was the advice “try doing it all, and doing it often, it will help” that helped me improve. I cannot get myself to do formal study every day - and if i can, some days i can only do 15 minutes to 1 hour (and occasionally longer). but i CAN make myself do SOMETHING in chinese every day. And me being so lazy? It is in fact EASY for me to make myself do something in chinese if it doesn’t have to be study - reading a book? I’ll try. If i have it open in pleco, i’ll try and click words i don’t know. If its audio - yeah i’ll try listening while i walk or work. if its a show i wanna watch, yeah i’ll try watching even though there’s no english subs. if i see a manhua i like, yeah i’ll try to read it. if im on weibo, yeah i’ll browse. it is such a compatible way for me to DO more stuff in chinese, which helps me improve even if its not always as effective as study-time sessions. its always better than doing nothing, and wow does it make a difference how often i ‘study chinese’ if these moments of immersion count. 
and i’ve been noticing already, how it helps in japanese too, now that i’m freaking applying the concept of “don’t be a chicken” lol. I’ve watched lets plays the past few months in japanese (yeah only 20 minutes at a time, but it will add up as i’ve learned from french and chinese). I tried playing games for 2 hours (brutal, but manageable, and who knows how much i learned in that time!). I watched a 2 hour play with no subtitles of any kind (again who knows how much i learned trying that!). I even tried reading a bit of japanese - a few 15 minute sessions probably. Again, this is all not a lot, but its like french - its MORE than just my dedicated japanese study time where i do flashcards or read my grammar books. its extra time spent, and i know it adds up. i am Already seeing it add up to making games even bearable to do (which took 2+ years last time!), to making WATCHING something with only japanese audio bearable to do (extremely hard, but bearable if i know the plot, which is a fucking FEAT i did not imagine i’d be able to do). it is adding up to making trying reading bearable to do with a dictionary. It is all these things that took 2 years to become bearable last time, made doable much sooner (if only to tolerate for now, but eventually to improve). the hours spent just trying to do things in the language DO add up. 
so anyway advice for my future self is just: DO it. do stuff in the language now. i know you want to be prepared, but just start trying now and with anything you’re interested in even if you think its ‘too hard.’ it WILL add up and help you. 
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kimanh17 · 3 years
[Review] Top 10 máy ép chậm tốt nhất 2021 bạn nên mua để ép trái cây
#hangchuanzin #mayepcham #mayeptraicay #mayephoaqua #mayeptocdocham #mayeptraicaytocdocham #mayephoaquatocdocham #mayepchamtotnhat
Máy ép chậm – máy ép trái cây tốc độ chậm là dòng máy ép hiệu quả hơn só với các loại máy ép thông thường hoạt động với tốc độ cao và âm thanh lớn. Để làm được điều này, dòng sản phẩm máy ép chậm sử dụng một trục vít đặc biệt và động cơ giảm tốc, vận tốc chỉ khoảng 45 – 85 vòng quay/phút (2.400 vòng phút máy ép thường) nên nước ép rau củ quả sẽ được ép ra một cách tự nhiên, giữ được màu sắc và hương vị vốn có.
Cũng vì hoạt động với tốc độ chậm nên máy không tạo ra tiếng ồn lớn, đặc biệt nó ép sạch hơn, nước ép đậm đặc hơn, lượng nước éo được nhiều hơn… dưỡng chất được giữu nguyên. Máy ép chậm trái cây loại nào tốt giá rẻ? Đây có lẽ là câu hỏi được rất nhiều người quan tâm, bởi lẽ máy ép tốc độ chậm cũng giống như nhiều thiết bị gia dụng khác đều rất phong phú về mẫu mã chủng loại, thương hiệu và giá bán… khiến mọi người bối rối khó lựa chọn.
Việc sử dụng nước ép trái cây hàng ngày là một trong những cách chăm sóc sức khỏe rất tốt. Đây chính là cách bổ sung các vitamin cần thiết giúp cơ thể dẻo dai hơn, đẩy lùi lão hóa và cải thiện làn da một cách hiệu quả và an toàn. Đó cũng chính là lí do mà Team hangchuanzin nghiên cứu và giới thiệu tới bạn đọc bài viết này. Qua bài viết chúng tôi sẽ đưa ra danh sách Top 10 máy ép chậm tốt nhất cũng như tìm hiểu khái quát về dòng sản phẩm này để bạn có cái nhìn khác quát cũng như giúp đưa ra lựa chọn phù hợp nhất.
Để tìm hiểu chi tiết các bạn vui lòng truy cập bài viết: https://hangchuanzin.com/may-ep-cham-nao-tot-nhat-hien-nay/
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spy-in-the-house · 6 years
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[ 030303 NL l Silhouette Tapes l Psycho Thrill Rec. l Heimelektro Ulm l 674.fm, CGN/ GER ] … without the past … there’s no phuture …
RVL could go on for thousands more ... but so far this alltime_top30 [ in no particular order ] 01 FUTURE SOUND OF LONDON [BRIAN DOUGANS & GARRY COBAIN]: Papua New Guinea [ Jumpin' & Pumpin' 12 TOT-017 UK 12" | 1991 ] 02 808 STATE [ANDY BARKER, DARREN PARTINGTON, GERALD SIMPSON, GRAHAM MASSEY, MARTIN PRICE]: Pacific State [ A2-track from “Pacific” ZTT ‎ZANG 1T UK 12" | 1989 ] 03 JULIE DRISCOLL, BRIAN AUGER & THE TRINITY: Indian Rope Man [ B6-track from “Julie Driscoll, Brian Auger & The Trinity” Polydor ‎2384-062 / Polydor Special Series UK LP | 1975 ] 04 BOARDS OF CANADA [CHRIS HORNE, MARCUS ECOIN, MICHAEL SANDISON]: Roygbiv [ B-side from “Telephasic Workshop” Warp Records 10WARP LP 55 UK p Promo 10" | 1998 ] 05 BALIL [ED HANDLEY]: 3/4 Heart [ D3-track from “Black Dog Productions ‎– Bytes” Warp Records WARP LP8 UK Album | 1993 ] 06 GLOBAL COMMUNICATION [MARK PRITCHARD & TOM MIDDLETON]: 14:31 [ A2-track from “76:14” Dedicated ‎DEDLP-014 UK 2x12" | 1994 ] 07 CLAN OF XYMOX [CYMOX / C.O.X.]: Louise [ A-side from Megadisc ‎MD-5292” NL 7" | 1986 ] 08 APHEX TWIN [RICHARD DAVIS JAMES]: Schottkey 7th Path [ C9-track from “Selected Ambient Works 85-92” R & S Records ‎2006 / 01 BEL 2x12" RE | 2006 ] 09 ARMANDO GALLOP: 1-5-1 [ A2-track from “Land Of Confusion (Remix)” Warehouse Records WH-001 US 12" | 1988 ] 10 EMERSON, LAKE & PALMER: From The Beginning [ Cotillion - 45-44158 US 7" | 1972 ] 11 B-52’s [KATE PIERSON, CINDY WILSON, RICKY WILSON, FRED SCHNEIDER, KEITH STRICKLAND]: Cake [ B1-track from “Mesopotamia EP” Warner Bros. Records MINI-3641 US 12" | 1982 ] 12 SOFT CELL [DAVE BALL & MARC ALMOND]: Where The Heart Is [ A-side from Some Bizzare ‎BZS-1612 UK 12" | 1982 ] 13 PUBLIC ENEMY [CHUCK D, FLAVOR FLAV, TERMINATOR X, DJ LORD, PROFESSOR GRIFF, SECURITY OF THE FIRST WORLD]: Night Of The Living Baseheads [ A1-track from “Night Of The Living Baseheads / Cold Lampin' With Flavor / Terminator X To The Edge Of Panic” Def Jam Recordings44-08121 US 12" | 1988 ] 14 NEW ORDER [BERNARD SUMNER, PETER HOOK, STEPHEN MORRIS]: Bizarre Love Triangle [ Factory FAC-163 UK 12" | 1986 ] 15 FAD GADGET [FRANK TOVEY]: Love Parasite [ A3-track from “Under The Flag” Mute STUMM-8 UK Album | 1982 ] 16 UNDERGROUND RESISTANCE: Jupiter Jazz [ A2-track from “World 2 World” Underground Resistance UR-020 / Submerge US 12" | 1992 ] 17 GALAXY 2 GALAXY [Timeline]: High Tech Jazz [ A-side (A1/2) from “Galaxy 2 Galaxy” Underground Resistance UR-025 / Submerge 2x12" | 1993 ] 18 STEVE REICH - KRONOS QUARTET / PAT METHENY: Electric Counterpoint [ B-side from “Different Trains / Electric Counterpoint” Elektra Nonesuch 97-91761 CAN/US Album | 1989 ] 19 A HOMEBOY, A HIPPIE AND A FUNKY DREAD [CASPAR POUND, MARC WILLIAMS, TONY WINTER]: Total Confusion [ Tam Tam Records ‎TTT-031 UK 12" | 1990 ] 20 RADIOHEAD [COLIN GREENWOOD, ED O'BRIEN, JONNY GREENWOOD, PHIL SELWAY, THOM YORKE]: Where I End And You Begin(The Sky Is falling In) [ B3-track from “Hail To The Thief”Parlophone ‎5-84543-1 UK 2x12" | 2003 ] 21 TALKING HEADS [CHRIS FRANTZ, DAVID BYRNE, JERRY HARRISON, TINA WEYMOUTH]: Slippery People [ A-side from “Slippery People / Naive Melody” EMI ‎12EMI-5504 UK 12" | 1984 ] 22 R-TYME [DARRYL WYNN & Derrick May]: R-Theme _ Mayday's Dramatic Mix [ B1-track from “Illusion / R-Theme” Transmat MS-009 US 12" | 1989 ] 23 SIMPLE MINDS: Theme For Great Cities [ B1-track from “Promised You A Miracle” Virgin VS 488-12 UK 12" | 1982 ] 24 GRIZZLY BEAR [CHRIS BEAR, CHRIS TAYLOR, DANIEL ROSSEN, EDWARD DROSTE]: Yet Again [ A4-track from “Shields” Warp Records WARPLP-229 UK Album | 2012 ] 25 YELLOW MAGIC ORCHESTRA [HARUOMI HOSONO, RYUICHI SAKAMOTO, YUKIHIRO TAKAHASHI]: Technopolis [ A-side from “Technopolis / Solid State Survivor” Alfa Records Inc. ALR-1016 / A&M Records JAP 7" | 1997 ] 26 THE STONE ROSES [ALAN WREN, GARY MOUNFIELD, JOHN SQUIRE, IAN GEORGE BROWN]: I Am The Resurrection [ Silvertone Records ‎ORE T-40 UK 12" | 1992 ] 27 PAT PRILLY [JEAN-JAQUES PERREY]: La Panthère Cosmique [ B4-track from “Moog Sensations (Sonosyntheses Electroniques)” Editions Montparnasse 2000 ‎MP-25 FRA Album | 1971 ] 28 "THE INCREDIBLE" JIMMY SMITH: The Cat [ Verve Records V6-8587 US Album | 1964 ] 29 CHRIS & COSEY [C.C. NEWBY & CHRIS CARTER]: Driving Blind [ A1-track from "Songs Of Love & Lust" Rough Trade ROUGH-064 UK Album | 1984 ] 30 HUMANOID [BRIAN DOUGANS]: Cry Baby _ Extended LP Version [ B1-track from “The Deep” Westside Records HUMT-2 UK 12" | 1990 ] bookmarks:  RVL  ll  FACEBOOK  ll  DISCOGS  ll   SOUNDCLOUD  ll  MIXCLOUD 674FM  ll  YOUTUBE  ll  TWITTER  ll  BANDCAMP  ll  RA
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urbanenemy · 4 years
4/24 新入荷リスト
45'S  Couldn't believe a word / Lonesome lane CHILDREN  Billy Boy / Life Of Today CHRIS SPEDDING & THE VIBRATORS  Pogo dancing / The pose CRACK  Don't you ever let me down / I can't take it DOTS  I Don't Wanna Dance (With You) / Immortals DRONES  Can't see / Fooled today FACECRIME  Walking / Cable TV / She will / Mystery to me 12" HEARTBREAK  Stand-In / I hetaste laget HEARTBREAK  Jag Är Inte Kär / Mode Modern INNOCENTS  Come tonight / Absence INNOCENTS  Sooner or Later / The "B" side KAI OLSSON  ONCE IN A WHILE LP MABEL  The look in her eyes / For you and me MODULATORS  She's so cynical / Dream girls NUMBERS Sideways  Elevator / Can't Take It OUIDA AND THE NUMBERS  Runaway / Yeah ,Yeah ,Yeah ,Yeah PATRICIA PAAY  Who let the heartache in / Will we meet again PEARLS  Lead Us Not Into Temptation / Love Sensation PENCILS  If you really wanna hurt somebody / 'Till your luck runs out PLEASERS  A girl I know / Don't go breaking my heart PRIX  Love you tonight / Everytime I close my eyes R.P.M.  Lost In Space / Watch The World Go Round ROBERT JOHNSON  I'll Be Waiting / Debbie's Theme SHOCKING STOCKINGS  Red China / You move the movement SNAPSHOT  Gi'r Du Et Knus ? / Ud Af Køen SNAPSHOT  A La Carte / Dejligt Du Kom STARJETS  Shiraleo / Standby 19 STARSHOOTER  Pin-up blonde / Quelle crise baby START  Hey you / Gotta have love STATES  Picture me with you / Let's roll STUMBLEBUNNY  Tonight / Young Stuff TEACH-IN  Ding-A-Dong / Let me in TEARJERKERS  Love affair / Bus stop TEENAGE HEAD  Somethin' on my mind / Let's shake THUNDERMUG  I Wanna Be With You / I Wanna Be With You TIMES  I HELPED PATRICK MCGOOHAN ESCAPE 12" TONIGHT  Drummer man / Stroll on by TOT ROCKET AND THE TWINS  Security Risk EP                      TREND  I Don't Anymore / Routines TWEEDS  PERFECT FIT 12" UNITS  Baby You Flirt / Grill Room V/A  THE SHAPE OF FINNS TO COME LP
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sunnydaleherald · 4 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter - Monday, February 10th
SPIKE: Fancy a road trip. This'll be fun, eh? You and me together again. So...where are we off to? ANGEL: To see the wizard.
~~Just Rewards~~
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domingobonnin · 6 years
31 de Desembre de 2017.
«En la periferia brillante de una galaxia mediana, en medio de un mar oscuro donde flota nuestro mundo.
Tú, que vienes a rondarme como los nueve planetas, parece que cuando bailas llueven miles de cometas.»
Finals dels anys 70. La NASA i Carl Sagan decideixen gravar un disc on s’hi recopila la informació necessaria per un suposat “primer contacte” en cas que alguna civilització extraterrestre s’interessi pel que passa al nostre planeta. Aquest disc, on s’hi poden trobar els elements més representatius de la humanitat -o els que ells varen considerar- es va acoplar a la sonda espacial Voyager, que des de l’any 1977 “va rondant” per l’espai. Una de les primeres coses que es senten en començar la cançó que encapçala aquest post és un sample de la citada sonda, una cançó que vaig descobrir a finals de març quan, després d’escoltar l’Omega d’Enrique Morente i Lagartija Nick -quina casualitat més guapa-, un amic em va passar l'enllaç de la cançó que encapçala aquest post, Tú que vienes a rondarme, el primer avançament del nou treball de Maria Arnal i Marcel Bagés. Un tema que s’ha convertit en, per a mi, el tema de l’any 2017. També el que més vegades dec haver escoltat, pensat i tararejat.
Poc temps després va sortir el disc sencer, 45 cerebros y 1 corazón. Vos recoman escoltar-lo. En el meu cas ha format part de la banda sonora del meu any juntament amb altres com ara -per dir-ne uns- Cala Vento, i no és per menys. La veu de Maria Arnal i les guitarres de Marcel Bagés són un tàndem que encara està per esclatar. Un altre exemple al darrer videoclip, del tema que dóna nom al disc:
Abans de tot això no havia sentit parlar d’ells, però és igual, els avantatges de l’era digital en què vivim hi són per alguna cosa. Vaig començar a cercar, primer a Youtube, a través del qual arrib al seu Bandcamp, on veig que, abans del disc que en poc temps treurien, ja havien fet dos EPs: Remescles, acoples i melismes (2015) i Verbena (2016). I ara és quan m’arribà la segona sorpresa del dia: tot i que ara mateix sembla que la seva tendència és d’anar cap al repertori original, llegint els crèdits dels discs i alguna descripció de vídeo de Youtube, resulta que gran part del seu repertori fins aleshores són adaptacions de cants de treball i altres gravacions duites a terme per Alan Lomax als anys 50.
I qui va ser n’Alan Lomax? Idò tot un personatge. Un etnomusicòleg nord-americà que es va dedicar a recórrer el món enregistrant la música tradicional en la seva essència i en la seva puresa, és a dir, allà on sorgia amb tota la espontaneïtat possible en aquell moment, dins dels cantars de treball, cel·lebracions, conversacions o on fos. I era talment així. Imaginau que sou a Sóller, l’any 1952. Formau part d’un grup de pagesos que, com cada dia, surt a treballar en sortir el sol. Tot dins la normalitat. Però un dia arriba un personatge des de l’altra punta del món amb un aparell que vos diu que és per enregistrar els vostres cants mentres feinejau. Totes aquestes gravacions, juntament amb moltes altres d’arreu del planeta, es poden escoltar a la web de l’associació Cultural Equity, impulsada pel mateix Lomax per a difondre la seva tasca. L’arxiu citat de Sóller es pot escoltar clicant aquí, tot i que també hi ha altres arxius fets a Mallorca, per exemple a Palma, Consell o Valldemossa, juntament amb altres d’altres indrets de la Península aquí. Al següent vídeo, un exemple de cançó d’aquest arxiu adaptada per Maria Arnal i Marcel Bagés:
A més, el que jo no sabia de Lomax és que durant tota la seva vida, a més de fer un arxiu sonor que no té preu, gravant a gent de tot el món documentant la part més autèntica de la música tradicional de per tot on podia, a la darrera etapa als anys 70 i 80 també va enregistrar en vídeo, passejant-se per diferents zones dels Estats Units, arribant a meravelles com aquesta:
Tot aquest arxiu de Lomax, juntament amb un altre disc referent dins de la música tradicional mallorquina, No dóna gran cosa més l’agre de la terra, de Tramudança, també ha estat aprofitat per Joana Gomila Folk Souvenir (Bubota Discos, 2017), qui també signen un dels discs que marquen un abans i un després dins de la nostra música tradicional, per la innovació i fusió que comporta, emprant des de samples de l’arxiu de Lomax i Tramudança fins a sintetitzadors, ambients de gravacions costumistes i guitarres plenes d’efectes, tocs de jazz i versions d’Antònia Font -els quals d’aquí 100 anys els mallorquins i mallorquines que encara parlin català cantaran i ballaran als esdeveniments culturals i festius que derivin de les ballades populars, les verbenes o alguna cosa així, i si no vos ho creis, ja ho veureu-.
Aquí la Cançó des desbarats, on Joana Gomila Folk Souvenir fusionen un sample de la cançó del mateix nom del ja comentat disc de Tramudança, interpretat per l’amo en Tomeu Brunet de Can Falera, amb una reinterpretació de Holidays, d’Antònia Font:
El disc sencer es pot escoltar a Spotify i també al següent enllaç: https://bubotadiscos.bandcamp.com/album/folk-souvenir.
El mateix camí de la innovació i la recerca dins de la música tradicional, o potser no tant tradicional com arrelada dins de la societat del País Basc, és el que han agafat Delorean al seu darrer disc, Mikel Laboa, un homenatge al mític cantautor basc que dóna nom al treball que ara mateix estan presentant amb el pertinent espectacle. I és que el fet que hagin aparcat la música apta per xapar pistes de ball per a fer una electrònica més tranquil·la i fins i tot ambiental amb les veus de Mikel Laboa, en el meu cas ha estat una gran sorpresa, ja que els hi havia perdut la pista des de feia anys.
Un exemple del disc, el tema de Kantuz:
La música tradicional és i serà sempre la que és, amb uns patrons, unes formes i un concepte molt marcat, i així és com s’encarreguen de conservar-la les nombroses agrupacions que podem trobar arreu de qualsevol territori, ja sigui amb més obertura estilística o menys. Per admirables i importants que siguin treballs com l’arxiu d’Alan Lomax i la important tasca de conservar la música tradicional en la seva ortodòxia, també em pareix necessari i productiu artísticament que es passi de tant en tant per un procés de revisió. Una revisió en la què, dins un context determinat, es puguin tenir en compte el moment en el qual vivim, unes inquietuts o un projecte artístic que pot marcar la diferència i crear nous referents.
El fet que hi hagi gent que en dugui a terme una renovació, en la meva opinió pot fer que la música tradicional transcendeixi d’una manera més profunda, cosa necessària si realment volem que es conservi de veritat. Quanta gent s'hi pot haver atracat -inclús sense saber-ho- després d’escoltar alguns dels temes de Maria Arnal i Marcel Bagés? Ells i els altres comentats durant aquest post només són alguns exemples, però també hi podem sumar molts més projectes de diferents estils com el de Rosalía & Refree, A Vore, Ressonadors, Gener, Rufaca Folk Jazz Orchestra -on també canta na Joana Gomila-, Boc i moltíssima més gent que podríem anomenar però la llista se'ns faria massa llarga, ara no em passa pel cap o potser no conec.
A qui sigui que hagi arribat llegint fins aquí… moltes gràcies!
Domingo Bonnín Oliver
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zaturk · 4 years
The Mono Jacks a lansat albumul “Gloria”
Sambata 8 februerie am fost la Arenele Romane Bucuresti unde a avut loc concertul de lansare a albumului “Gloria” a celor de la The Mono Jacks. Invitatii speciali ai serii au fost byron si Rockabella.
Portile s-au deschis la orele 19:00 iar prima trupa a fost Rockabella. Noi am ajuns in jurul orelor 20: 15 si din pacate nu am apucat sa le vedem reprezentatia, dar promitem ca data viitoare vom fi acolo pentru a trage niste frumoase cadre.
In momentul in care am ajuns era deja multa lume stransa in cortul incalzit de la Cutitul de Argint. Am luat o bere pentru a ma relaxa putin dupa drum si am asteptat cumintei inceperea show-ului. In jurul orelor 20:45 au intrat pe scena baietii de la byron, care ne-au o ferit o reprezentatie fantastica, ca de fiecare data de altfel.
De asemenea cei de la byron si-au lansat albumul “Noua” pe 9 noiembrie 2019 tot la Arenele Romane iar atunci invitatii serii au fost The Mono Jacks (nice flip). Despre album vom discuta cu alta ocazie, dar pana una alta il puteti cumpara de aici.
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Dupa baietii de la byron a urmat o pauza de rearanjare a echipamentului si backline-ului in care ne-am mai invartit pe acolo. Cu aceasta ocazie am dat si de Razvan Patachi de la CriticEyez cu care am mai schimbat o vorba doua ca de obicei.
In jurul orelor 22:15 au intrat in forta pe scena baietii de la The Mono Jacks. Reprezentatia a inceputo data cu un spectacol super tare de lumini. Mi-au placut la nebunie felul in care au facut setup-ul scenei. Dadea senzatia de intitmitate cumbinata cu ceva euforie si fantasmagorie.
Aseara baietii de la The Mono Jacks ne-au cantat nu numai melodii de pe “Gloria” dar si de pe celelalte albume “Now inStereo” sau “Usor Distorsionat”.
The Mono Jacks alterneaza intre stilurile rock si post-punk angrenand o colectie de ganduri si sentimente in forma muzicala. Acestia atrag cu usurinta publicul prin concerte energice si prin sound-ul raw, incapsulat intr-o stare melancolica.
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Trupa a fost fondata in anul 2008 de catre frontman-ul Doru Trascau, cunoscut si din trupa anterioara AB4. The Mono Jacks in acea perioada, dupa fondare, a avut toate piesele pentru un debut excelent si pentru lansarea primului album in anul 2010. Single-ul “Maria” a avut un raspuns excelent din partea publicului.
Intre timp The Mono Jacks a inceput sa obtina o expunere live semnificativa, cu turneee atat in cluburi cat si la mari festivaluri europene: Sziget, Exit Festival, Eurosonic Noorderslag, ARTMania, Tiff.
Albumului de debui i-au urmat indeaproape doua EP-uri, “Fortunes lansat la sfarsitul anului 2011 de pe care a fost extrasul “Gandurile”. Aceasta a fost un moment de cotitura in procesul de compozitie a trupei.
Succesul single-ului a determinat trupa catre un experiment creativ si indraznet, lansand in mai 2012 EP-ul “Gandurile Remixed” cu reinterpretari a mai multor artsti consacrati din sfera muzicii electronice romanesti, cum ar fi Brazda lui Novac, The Pixels sau L’Orchestra de Roche.
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Dupa o pauza, The Mono Jacks se intoarce in 2015 cu un lineup nou si un nou single intitulat “Tablou” “O poveste de dragoste si oportunitati ratate”. Acest single avea sa semnaleze un nou inceput pentru trupa. In urma unui sir de aparitii live si melodii noi.
Aseara baietii The Mono Jacks ne-a cantat “Gloria“. In acest articol aveti fotografii surprinse in timpul spectacolului. Ramaneti pe Contemporary-Establishment deoarece urmeaza materiale video blanao.
Sustine proiectul => Contemporary-Establishment
Servicii Foto-Video => https://bit.ly/2NHdcIX
Colaborari foto => facebook.com/TurcuDanielAlexandru
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The Mono Jacks ne-a cantat “Gloria” la Arenele Romane Bucuresti The Mono Jacks a lansat albumul "Gloria" Sambata 8 februerie am fost la Arenele Romane Bucuresti unde a avut loc concertul de lansare a albumului "
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mrchocobean · 4 years
Silicium is ook bekend onder de naam kiezelzuur en is een belangrijk mineraal voor het menselijk lichaam. Ons lichaam kan zelf geen mineralen aanmaken. De enige manier waarop je ze kunt binnenkrijgen is via je voeding of supplementen. Silicium heeft vele gezondheidsvoordelen voor zowel je innerlijke gezondheid als je uiterlijk. In dit blog leggen we je graag meer uit over silicium en wat het voor jou kan doen.
Wat zijn de gezondheidsvoordelen van silicium?
Het ondersteunt een gezond brein, geheugen en het heeft geheime eigenschappen met betrekking tot aluminium waarover ik je niet echt mag vertellen. Het siliciumgehalte neemt af met het ouder worden en kan daarom in grotere hoeveelheden nodig zijn bij ouderen en doet veel goed in ons lichaam en is belangrijk bij veel processen. Als je een tekort hebt aan silicium dan merk je dit gelijk omdat dit invloed heeft op het bindweefsel in ons lichaam. Een gebrek aan silicium is direct merkbaar. Er ontstaan rimpels, je hebt droog haar en zwakke, broze nagels die snel afbreken.
Wetenschap over silicium’s effect op Aluminium
Wetenschappers en onderzoekers hebben lang verondersteld dat de ziekte van Alzheimer is gekoppeld door aluminium in de hersenen op te bouwen, en nu zijn verbanden tussen aluminium in drinkwatervoorraden en Alzheimer vastgesteld. De over het hoofd geziene factor is dat het silicium de ophoping van aluminium tegengaat. Toen onderzoekers silica toevoegden aan aluminiumverontreinigde watervoorraden, voorkwam het dat aluminium werd geabsorbeerd. Het veroorzaakte ook proliferatie in de uitscheiding van aluminium in de urine en verlaagde aluminiumconcentraties in de hersenen, lever, bot, milt en nieren. Silica kan daarom belangrijk zijn bij het ondersteunen van neurologische gezondheid. We hebben voorraad van deze en andere chelaatvormers die u kunnen helpen zware metalen te vervoeren.
De 3 B’s: bindweefsel, botweefsel en bouwsteen
Onderzoeken tonen aan dat kiezelzuur essentieel is bij de vorming van bindweefsel. Zo blijkt dat in het menselijk lichaam kiezelzuur o.a. aanwezig is in de glycosaminoglycanen (GAGs). Dit zijn de macromoleculen in het bindweefsel (hyaluronzuur, chondroitine, glucosamine maken hier deel van uit) die samen met vezelachtige eiwitten (collageen, elastine) de stevigheid van het weefsel moeten garanderen. Hoge concentraties silicium zijn te vinden in bindweefsel en de daarvan afgeleide weefsels, waaronder bot, kraakbeen, pezen, huid, haar, nagels, de aorta, grote bloedvaten, lymfevaten, lever, nieren en longen. De baby krijgt zijn portie via de moedermelk zodat deze belangrijke bouwsteen ingezet kan worden in de groeifasen. In de wervelkolom bevatten de lendenwervels tweemaal meer silicium dan de cervicale (hals) wervels.
Silicium voor de huid
Silicium beschermt de eiwitten elastine en collageen in de huid, waardoor deze elastischer is en minder rimpels heeft. Collageen is een lijmvormende eiwit die een hoofdbestanddeel is van het bindweefsel in het lichaam. Collageen ondersteunt de huid om rimpels te voorkomen. Silicium is één van de belangrijkste bouwstoffen van het bindweefsel. Het eiwit elastine zorgt ervoor dat je huid elastisch blijft en bijvoorbeeld na het lachen of fronsen weer netjes in de oorspronkelijke vorm schiet. Elastine en collageen zijn beide belangrijk voor je huid. Ze zorgen voor elasticiteit en stevigheid en dat de huid zichzelf kan vernieuwen. Naast het voorkomen van rimpels, helpt silicium ook bij het verminderen van cellulitis. Van cellulitis wordt vaak gedacht dat het een gevolg is van overgewicht, maar dat is niet helemaal waar. Het is namelijk een ophoping van vet, vocht en afvalstoffen. Hierdoor komt er spanning op het bindweefsel te staan, wat zorgt voor putjes en bultjes in de huid. Silicium versterkt het bindweefsel, waardoor cellulitis vermindert.
Silicium voor het haar
Haar bestaat uit de eiwitten keratine en collageen. Keratine zorgt voor kracht en flexibiliteit. Het eiwit keratine kan zacht zijn (zoals in je haar) en hard (bijvoorbeeld bij de hoeven van dieren). Het is dus zeer veelzijdig. Keratine beschermt en herstelt het haar. Ons haar bestaat voor 95% uit keratine, maar de hoeveelheid neemt af als je het intensief föhnt, verft en straightened. Bij een tekort aan collageen en keratine wordt het haar broos en valt het uit. Om de eiwitten keratine en collageen aan te maken is silicium nodig. Bij voldoende selenium in ons lichaam heb je minder snel last van haaruitval en glanst je haar meer.
Silicium voor de nagels
Nagels bevatten net als haar het eiwit keratine. Keratine geeft de nagel veerkracht en stevigheid. Aangezien silicium voor de aanmaak van keratine zorgt, heb je silicium nodig om gezonde nagels te behouden.
Plant, dier en mens hebben kiezelzuur nodig
Silicium verhoogt de afweer van planten door activering van het immuunsysteem (toename van transport door houtvaatstelsel van de plant, K/Na-ratio, enzymactiviteit, fotosynthese). Wie zand eet, verlangt naar silicum
Bij ratten, kippen, kalveren en paarden tonen meerdere studies aan dat siliciumtekort oorzaak is van bot- en kraakbeen afwijkingen. Vooral de aanmaak van collageen is verminderd en de calcificatie neemt af. Paarden worden minder blessure gevoelig na siliciumsuppletie. Ook wondgenezing wordt beter door extra silicium.
Heb ik extra silicium nodig?
De aanbevolen dagelijkse hoeveelheid silicium is 45 microgram per dag. Met een gevarieerde voeding krijgt je lichaam voldoende silicium binnen en is een aanvulling niet nodig.
Twijfel je of je een siliciumtekort hebt? Bij de huisarts kun je laten testen of je een vitamine- of mineralentekort hebt aan de hand van een bloedtest. Persoonlijk gaan wij liever naar energise-me in Amsterdam waar ze je direct kunnen doormeten.
Silicium komt oa voor in:
Heermoes ( paardestaart / horsetail )
Granen zoals gierst en haver
Bruine rijst
Silicium suppletie
Als je de aanbevolen dagelijkse hoeveelheid niet haalt, kies dan voor een voedingssupplement met 100% opneembare geconcentreerde vorm van silicium OSA druppels. Deze vorm heeft een goede biologische opneembaarheid. Silicium OSA (Orthosilicaatzuur Si(OH)4) Druppels ondersteunen de innerlijke gezondheid en de uiterlijke schoonheid. 5 tot 8 druppeltjes per dag is voldoende om voldoende silicium binnen te krijgen.
Voor meer informatie waar je een goede veilige opneembare vorm van silicium kunt kopen kun je ons een bericht sturen via het contact formulier<-klik
Literatuur en links:
Professor Dirk Vanden Berghe Universiteit Antwerpen over Silicon (OSA), de vloeibaar opneembare vorm van Silicium.  (Documenten in PDF 1, 2,3  )
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  De gezondheidsvoordelen van silicium Silicium is ook bekend onder de naam kiezelzuur en is een belangrijk mineraal voor het menselijk lichaam.
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Lịch bông sen Quy trình in offset Khái niệm về in lụa Kiến thức giấy - Phân biệt các loại giấy cơ bản Thống nhất giá cho lịch Bloc 2018Lịch giá rẻ Đĩa CD mẫu lịch 2018 Bảng giá lịch 2018 Mùa lịch 2018 có gì mới? Truy cập nhanh: In card visit | In giay khen| In name card | In to roi | In phong bi | In the nhan vien | In kep file | In catalogue | In brochure | In tieu de thu | Tui vai khong det | In the nhua | In the cao | In quang cao | In ky yeu | In profile | In the bai | In decal | Mau Phieu | In thung carton | Mau thiep cuoi | In thiep moi | In menu | Lich nam 2018 | In poster | In the Vip | In tem bao hanh | In tem vo | In tui giay | In hop giay | In hoa don | Bo nhan dien thuong hieu | Mau logo | Qua tang | In bao bi, H&T, T&H, Quảng cáo, In ấn, Làm Lịch, Ép Kim, In ấn nhanh, In ấn giá cực rẻ, Quảng Cáo H&T. Công Ty QUảng cáo, Danh thiếp, Giấy tiêu đề, Hóa đơn VAT, Bao thư, Nhãn decal giấy, Phiếu bảo hành, Posters, Tem bảo hành, Thẻ chấm công, Thiệp, Tờ rơi , Tờ gấp, Túi giấy, Vé giữ xe, in offset, in nhanh, in gia re, in offset giá rẻ,Bao thư ,Bao lì xì,Bao thư CD/DVD, Bìa đựng hồ sơ, Biểu mẫu,Carbonless, Bản tin, Catalogue, Danh thiếp, Giấy ghi chú,Block note, Giấy tiêu đề, Hóa đơn VAT, Nhãn CD/DVD, Nhãn decal giấy, Phiếu bảo hành, Posters, Tem bảo hành, Thẻ chấm công, Thiệp, Tờ rơi - Tờ gấp, Túi giấy, Vé giữ xe, Công Ty In ấn, Dịch vụ In ấn, Chuyên làm Quảng cáo, Chuyên In ấn, Cung cấp Standee giá rẻ, bán Standee, Tờ rơi, brochure, catalogue, letterhead, folder, profiles, Bao thư, namecard, order, Lịch để bàn, lịch treo tường, hộp đèn siêu mỏng,hộp đèn nhôm siêu mỏng,hộp đèn siêu mỏng bắt tường,hộp đèn ép nổi,chữ nổi có đèn,mica ép nổi,kệ mica,tấm che nắng ô tô,sản phẩm quà tặng,quảng cáo nhanh,thi công quảng cáo,vật tư quảng cáo,đèn led,khách hàng tư vấn kỹ thuật,hỏi đáp,thi công quảng cáo,thi công bảng sơ đồ vincom,thi công bảng hiệu chữ inox hãng phim giải phóng,bảng tên inox ăn mòn bidv,thi công pano quảng cáo dự án,thi công logo đại học luật gắn led đúc,thi công showroom xe đạp giant,showroom,thi công bảng chữ inox vàng nankai kinzoku vietnam,thi công banner, backdrop event,backdrop,thi công bảng ăn mòn inox xước vincom,thi công tranh giấy dán tường,trang trí quán café,trang trí decal nhà riêng,decal dan tuong,thi công chữ nổi gổ kelreport,logo kelreport,thi công mặt dựng alu quảng cáo,mat-dung-alu-2,thi công cổng chào quảng cáo,cong-chao-mbank,hộp đèn mica chữ nổi,hop den mica,hộp đèn mica dán decal xuyên sáng,hop-den,in tranh phong thủy,in-mica,thi công chữ nổi mica house food,thi công hộp đèn led eximbank,thi công quảng cáo hàng rào công trình,thi cong hang rao du an,thi công logo mica cắt laser,thi cong logo mica,thi công bảng hiệu gỗ gắn chữ nổi gỗ,bang hieu go gan chu go,thi công bảng đồng ăn mòn axit,bang dong an mon, de go,thi công bảng hiệu đèn neon sign,den neon sign thi công pano, pa nô, billboard – biển quảng cáo tấm lớn (quảng cáo ngoài trời),thi công mặt dựng alu – mặt dưng hợp kim nhôm,thi công bảng hiệu, hộp đèn quảng cáo,thi cong quang cao pano,thi công bảng chữ nổi – chữ nổi mica, đồng, inox, alu, tole,thiết kế mỹ thuật – thiết kế quảng cáo,thi cong backdrop hoi nghi,thi công quảng cáo,thiết kế mỹ thuật – thiết kế quảng cáo,thi công bảng hiệu, hộp đèn quảng cáo,thi công bảng chữ nổi – chữ nổi mica, đồng, inox, alu, tole,thi công pano, pa nô, billboard – biển quảng cáo tấm lớn (quảng cáo ngoài trời),thi công banner, backdrop, băng rôn hội nghị,thi công mặt dựng alu – mặt dưng hợp kim nhôm,thi công bảng hiệu đèn neon sign,thi công bảng đồng ăn mòn axit,thi công logo mica cắt laser,thi công quảng cáo hàng rào công trình,đèn led,đèn led chiếu sáng kiến trúc,đèn led dây chiếu sáng mặt tiền bằng kính,đèn led chiếu sáng trang trí nội thất – hắt sáng trần giật cấp,đèn led đổi màu chiếu sáng trang trí hồ nước, hồ bơi,đèn led chiếu sáng trang trí nội thất – hắt sáng đổi màu cho các khe hẹp,đèn led chiếu sáng kiến trúc – led dây chiếu sáng mặt tiền kính,bóng đèn led mr16 dạng chén đổi màu,đèn led chiếu sáng kiến trúc – chiếu sáng mỹ thuật cho các cây cầu,vật tư quảng cáo,kệ x, standee, standy, khung backdrop,standy cố định ( cao cấp),giá x- kệ x – standy – standee – x banner a3,giá x – kệ x – standy – standee – x banner a4,giá x – kệ x – standy – standee – x banner a5,kệ x mini , standy, standee mini, khung treo quảng cáo, Hộp sản phẩm, thùng giấy (carton) các loại, Nhãn decal, poster, standee, sticker, Sổ tay, áo mưa, Bao nylon, bao bì tự hủy, Túi vải không dệt, In hóa đơn VAT, cán màng bóng, cán màng mờ, ep kim, ép nhũ, In túi nilong PE, In bao đũa,bao bánh mì,bao muỗng,bao tăm giá rẻ nhất1 In bao đũa,bao bánh mì,bao muỗng,bao tăm giá rẻ nhất2 In bao đũa,bao bánh mì,bao muỗng,bao tăm giá rẻ nhất3 In bao đũa,bao bánh mì,bao muỗng,bao tăm giá rẻ nhất4 In bao đũa,bao bánh mì,bao muỗng,bao tăm giá rẻ nhất5 In bao đũa,bao bánh mì,bao muỗng,bao tăm giá rẻ nhất6 In bao đũa,bao bánh mì,bao muỗng,bao tăm giá rẻ nhất7 In bao đũa,bao bánh mì,bao muỗng,bao tăm giá rẻ nhất, CÔNG TY IN LỤA, IN LỤA, IN LỤA GIA CÔNG, IN LUA BAO XỐP, IN LỤA TÚI
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