c4llm3h4ru · 4 years
The Restore of our Rotten Souls - Ch. 4 - I’m Magne’s kid
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My name is Milli, 15 years old, quirk: Ventriloquism, my villain relative, Keiji Hikiishi, AKA Magne. And no, SHE is NOT my mother, but my aunt (I usually call her Tia, since a part of my family is latino), still she was the closest relative to my disowned ass. Thankfully UA still kept me after my parents told me: you're not Hikiishi anymore. Just because I CRIED due to Magne's death.
After that day, I promissed myself to be the best hero I could be, for her, since her ghost watches over me (some people says she haunts me, but I feel better with her around). But like any older sister, she still cares about the league, and I'm the only one who seems to care about her. So I swore that I'd save all of them.
But now... things are out of control...
A giant villain appeared kinda out of thin air and was with everyone Auntie Mag loves on his back. It was taking a lot of us to take him down... AND we failed... no surprise, not until Oumei started to tremble, pant and tear down:
 - Uh... San?
 - Puppeteer...
By her tone, I knew that something was wrong:
- I think... I need to go up there.
 - WHAT?! San, is there anything wrong?!
 - Oh yeah. Really, really wrong. He's coming, along with a near dead friend on his arms. We lost someone else today, along with your aunt.
"Another one?!" I was paralized, "who's coming?! Which one of us... or them... died this time?!"
 - YOU CAN'T GO THERE SENPAI! It's too dangerous!
Yaoyorozu, the class 1A vice-president suddenly shouted at us, trying to warn, but Oumei knows, as the top and the president of our class, our league's vice leader, and the one with special trainament, she also knows what she is doing:
 - I know, Creativi. But I bear some bad news for someone up there.
 - B-but... then at least, let me go with you!
 - Sorry, dear, but I need you down here, if he's still breathing, you're the one who's the best with first aids.
 - Huh?
But before she could get any explaining, Oumei was already flying to face whoever would recieve the bad news. Yaoyorozu was worried:
 - Puppeteer... who is coming?
 - Uh... I don't k-
At that moment, I was looking around, and I saw something moving in the woods:
 - Wait...
 - Wh-
 - Shh...
I slowly walked near the trees and tried to focus more:
 - Hello? Anyone there?
A long second of silence before I heard a snap close to where I was. At that moment, Auntie's ghost pointed from where she the sound was coming from.
At the pointed place, I saw a silhouete of a man with black suit and blonde messy hair carrying someone on his arms, who was looking really beaten up. I knew who they were:
 - Wha- Puppeteer! Are you crazy?!
 - Ok! He's gone nuts.
I could hear whet they were talking about me, but why in the world Twice isn't with the other... "Oh jeez..." that meant something was REALLY wrong.
I fell down on my knees, that alarmed my other classmates, Elijah Mio (The blind hero: Third Eye) and Nekoshi Hyotora (The night hero: Night Panther). They came to my side quickly:
 - Puppeteer?
Nekoshi started:
 - Why are you... (snif, snif) I smell... blood and... (snif snif) burned flesh... Hyuko!
 - What?! Night, are you sure?
 - I fear so, Inner Eyes.
 - What are we waiting for?
And as quick as the blink of an eye, Nekoshi transformed into a panther and they went after the two. But I was still in shock. Yaoyorozu touched my shoulder:
 - Puppeteer... who's hurt?
 - ... Hyuko... he went after Twice due to some personal reason that I don't know...
 - Milli...
 - I feel like... he made a self-sacrifice for Twice... I can't sense why and-
And shortly after Elijah and Nekoshi left, they came back. Bubaigawara and Hyuko were with them at the back travel. I slowly walked near him and:
 - Where is my Oumei? Where is Himiko?
He was crying, and holding Hyuko like a lifeline. It was clear that he wasn't able to say many words. As I was approaching him, his tears were overflowing even more, I knew why:
 - Thanks for bringing him here, Jin.
 - I-I... I'm... I didn't mean, I-
 - Don't worry, I'll take care of him from now, Okay?
 - That's not what I... I mean, this too, but... your aunt... it was my-
 - About that, have you ever heard of the spirit guides? They sat it's been more frequent supernatural events since the 3rd generation of quirks.
 - What...?
 - Actually, there is something I need to tell you later, now, Hyuko needs help.
 - Uh... okay!
But at the moment we were going to start the first aids, my radio was recieving a message:
 - Hello?! Hello?! Anyone on the line?!
 - Keep going, I REALLY need to answer! Hello?! Ushio?! Is that you? What's wrong?!
 - Puppeteer, did the giant crazy villain showed up?!
 - Yes, the heroes couldn't stop it yet, and-
 -  Listen! If there is ANYONE on their back, you must take them of immediately!
 - Wha-
 - Okay! I'm on it!
As I was looking for a way to get everyone that was up there, Elijah said:
 - 5 people, I'll guide the threads.
I just need to attach one thread to be able to take someone's free will to move, and I can pull them like a ragdoll with a rope attached to their neck. I climbed a tree and deatached the strings from my fingers and threw them on the back of the giant creature:
 - NOW! Did I caught one?
 - The one of the mask! You got the spine right away.
This power that Elijah have does allow him to see silhouettes of people and their clothes, he describes as seing points in the middle of nowhere, since his actual eyes are blinded.
 - Go up and you'll get two more, and... San already got Toga for you!
 - GOT IT!
With the last drops of my arm's strenght, I pulled them, and to make sure I'd get everyone together, I tangled the strings in the air, and the moment in middle air, a giant dragon appeared and threw itself on the giant villain with all their strenght. The ground even shook with the impact:
 - MACHIA!!!!!!!
 - WHAT?!
The villains' faces were the best faces of "WTF, WE WERE JUST THERE!", but  I needed to get them down.
Since I didn't have any strenght left, to slow the fall, I hung the stings on a tree and slowly took thre strings off. Twice watched everything, and was really relieved. But when they saw him, the reaction was priceless:
 - TWICE?!
 - But you died! In front of me!
 - This must be a trick! It can't be real!
But Jin himself went to Himiko first  begging for forgiveness. It was clear she didn't know everything, until Oumei said:
 - At what moment I said that I was talking about my dad, Himiko?
Oumei's flashback
I pretty much had a tormented flight, but I got a clear spot to fall:
 - Himiko. Toga. You better explain yourself now!
 - What?! No! I don't have snything to explain to you!
 - Oh yeah?! Guess what?! I have some news to you!
I went close and pulled her by her sweater:
 - WHAT?! You think I'M the one who killed Jin?! COME ON! IT WAS THAT BIRD'S FAULT!!! HAWKS KILLED YOUR FATHER!!!
At that moment, Milli's threads appeared and were attaching to each one of the villains. Something was wrong, I could feel it. Then I ran and got two strings, to me and Himiko, and suddenly we were flying.
Back to Milli's POV
The scene was devastating, Twice was crying on Himiko's feet, unable to look her in the eye, repeating what Hyuko asked him to tell her:
 - ...and then, Hyuko, he asked me to bring his body back! I couldn't leave him! Not there!
He was already proclaimed dead when we were doing the first aids. But I wasn't crying yet. I was trying to think what should I do.
Suddenly I saw a baby blue light, I knew that baby blue light, Auntie Mag:
 - What are you doing here, Tia?
But then I saw the others, their faces, she was visible to everyone, as she was talking to Hyuko's body:
 - You still has a lot to live, young boy, but still, you did something amazing, not even holding a trace of grudge, but I guess, if it's your end, you need to prepare your sister for it.
The other members of the League were in shock, is not everyday you see a ghost, specially from a friend. When she saw everyone safe, she turned to me and smiled:
 - You did it! YOU DID IT!
She tugged and hugged me, but it wasn't cold, her ghost was wasm as if she was alive, this was scarying me, I felt like she was saying goodbye:
 - T-Tia? W-why do they see you? Why are you so warm?
 - My boy, it doesn't matter, thank you! Thank you for saving them!
 - W- well... that's my job... saving people...
 - Even the villains?
 - THEY ARE STILL PEOPLE! Like the two of us! I'm a boy in a girl's body, and you were a woman in a man's body, but we're still people!
 - Yeah, we are... Milli, could you promise me something?
 - I'm listening...
 - Take care of them for me? They're my family and-
 - No need to say anything more. I will. No matter what will happen, I'll do my best.
 - Heh... you're really like me.
Then she pulled back a bit, and kissed my forehead:
 - Take care, my boy...
And then she started to fade, and somehow I knew, she finally found her peace. But this made me so desperate, I started to cry:
 - T-Tia? I-I don't know if-
 - I know you can, and your friends will help y...
And then she were gone. I was a train wreck at that moment. But then a question, coming from the lizard man, Spinner:
 - Who the hell are you? And why could you talk and understand what that ghost? She was our friend!
I recomposed myself a bit, and with the strongest face I could manage, I answered:
 - I'm Magne's kid.
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lianazombilina · 2 years
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Bruce Campbell, John Cameron and Rob Tapert in Troor, Torro, Torro (1981). 
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malenkaya-glosoli · 2 years
Evening Star: The spirits and why they are important to Marie and the others
A bit of a spoiler, but it is very important for context before going into the story. Besides, I have a true spoiler for it in future that I won't reveal and haven't even reached yet. Anyway ~ Enjoy!
From Marie Horn's memoirs:
“Marthe Horn ... étoit notre Ancêtre du côté paternel de la Famille, née en 1625 & décédée en 1706. Notre Père nâquit en 1725, cinq ans plus âgé que notre Mère, et notre Grand-Mère, Brigitte Horn, avoit vû Marthe assez souvent durant sa plus tendre enfance: car elle étoit sa Grande-Tante. Marthe étoit mariée & avoit eu deux Enfans, Charles & Catherine: mais elle n'étoit jamais vraiment ni heureuse ni satisfaite de son mariage, même si elle l'aimoit beaucoup. Son Epoux Gustave mourut d'apoplexie en 1650: et après cela, elle & les Enfans allèrent vivre chez sa Sœur Eléonore & son Epoux Magnus. Marthe étoit aussi bien érudite que nous, sinon plus: & étoit presque à égalité avec la Reine Christine dans tout sauf son rang.”
(“Märtha Horn … was our ancestor on Father's side of the family, born in 1625 and dead in 1706. Our father was born in 1725, five years older than our mother, and our grandmother, Birgitta Horn, had seen Märtha quite often during her earliest childhood, for she was her great-aunt. Märtha had been married and had had two children, Karl and Katarina, but she was never truly happy or satisfied in her marriage, although she loved them dearly. Her husband Gustav died of apoplexy in 1650, and after that, she and the children went to live with her sister Eleonora and her husband Magnus. Märtha was just as well-educated as us, if not more, and was almost an equal with Queen Kristina in everything except her rank.”)
Märtha Horn to Malin Tott, dated Stockholm, September 24, 1650:
Min kiäraste Malin,
J haffwen giordt migh så lyckeligh, iagh kan nästan inthet beschrijffwa min glädie. Sedan Jagh war en ungh Flicka, wißte iagh altidh att mitt Hiärta och Siäl måtte älska en Qwinna: dedh kunde eij wara annorledes. Äfwen om iagh älskade min Make war mitt hierta aldrigh content, och Jagh wågade aldrigh säija mina sanna kiäntzlor honom för: men iagh sorgar ändå, ty han war en godh man: och Jagh wil altidh älska dee twenne kiära Barnen som han gaff migh när han war her på Jordhen. För dhem beklaghar iagh endast att dhe inthet skole kunna komma honom i hugh, ty dhe äro ju så unga och små.
Jagh haffwer lycka hafft medh att iagh har en så genereus Syster som så willigh war att låtha migh boo hoos henne och hennes Make. Och Gudh haffwer sendt migh een annan tröst. Dhet är J som war den tröst som skickades in i mitt lijff, een tröstens Engel. Jagh troor icke att wij skole bränna för wår kiärlek, ty Gudh har giffwit Edher migh. Och J ähren werckeligen lijka så skiön som en Engel, then skiönste Qwinnan jagh nånsin har mött.
Jagh kan inthet schriffwa dhetta breff längre, ty Carll wil att iagh skal komma och see på någhot han har funnit. Faren wäl, min Kiäresta, och waren asseurerad och persuaderad om att mina Hiärta-Rötter skole wäxa till ett stort Kiärlekz-Träd til Ehr.
Eder altijdh affectionerad
Datum Stockholm den 24 Septembris 1650.
(My dearest Malin,
You have made me so happy, I can hardly describe my joy. Since I was a young girl, I always knew that my heart and soul had to love a woman, it could not be any other way. Although I loved my husband, my heart was never satisfied, and I never dared to tell him my true feelings, but I nevertheless grieve, for he was a good man, and I will always love the two dear children he gave me when he was here on earth. For them, I only regret that they will not remember him, for they are so young and small.
I have enjoyed good fortune in that I have such a generous sister who was so willing to let me live with her and her husband. And God has sent me another consolation. It is you who was the consolation sent into my life, an angel of comfort. I do not believe that we will burn for our love, because God has given you to me. And you are indeed as beautiful as an angel, the most beautiful woman I have ever met.
I cannot write this letter any longer, as Karl wants me to come and look at something he has found. Goodbye, my love, and be assured and persuaded that the roots of my heart will grow into a great tree of love for you.
Your always affectionate
Stockholm, September 24, 1650.)
Märtha Horn till Malin Tott, dated Stockholm, October 15, 1650:
Ma belle Maline.
Vous estes appareue dans un songe la nuit derniére. Nous estions dans une Forest, bien seules: il n'y avoit que nous deux, les Oiseaux, et sinon un longue et doux silence. Le chant d'Oiseaux, l'Amour, vous. J'apprécie tousiours de telles scènes paisibles dans mes songes et dans ma vie, quand elles se produisent: et leur douceur augmente lorsque vous estes là avec moy.
Je suis si contente que ma Sœur et mon Frère soyent si accüeillans envers vous, ie sens que nos Asmes estoient destinées à se trouver: nostre Destin bien avant nos naissances. J'ay essayé de trouver un tel amour quand i'estois plus jeune, avant de vous connoistre: mais ie n'y suis jamais parveneue, car leur cœur n'avoit pas la mesme inclination que le mien. J'avouë que lorsque ie vous ay rencontré, ie ne me suis d'abord laissé croire à aucune possibilité d'affection mutuelle, car ie m'estois trompée si souvent dans le passé et par conséquent esté si cruellement désabusée, si seule, seule. Mais vous avez vite appaisé mes peurs, qui ont disparus: et ie pouvois enfin estre confiante et satisfaite d'un amour. Vous estes un tel Ange, ie seray tousiours reconnoissante à vous et à Dieu de m'avoir donné ce bonheur.
J'ay dû arrester d'escrire pendant un moment, car mes yeux estoient trop pleins de larmes. Les Oiseaux et l'Amour ont remply mon esprit aujourd'huy, je peux à peine l'exprimer mesme par escrit, c'est tellement grand: et i'espère que c'est contagieux parce qu'alors vous ressentiriez toute la force de mon amour pour vous. Adieu.
Vostre aimante et trop heureuse
Stocholm le 15. Octobre 1650.
(My beautiful Malin,
You appeared in a dream last night. We were in a forest, quite alone, there was only us two, the birds, and otherwise a long and sweet silence. Birdsong, love, you. I always enjoy such peaceful scenes in my dreams and in my life, when they occur, and their sweetness increases when you are there with me.
I am so pleased that my sister and brother are so welcoming toward you, I feel that our souls were meant to find each other, our destiny since long before our births. I tried to find such love when I was younger, before I knew of you, but I never succeeded, as their hearts had not the same inclination as mine. I admit that when I met you, I at first did not let myself trust any possibility of mutual affection, as I had deceived myself so often in the past and had consequently been so cruelly disabused, so alone, alone. But you soon quieted my fears, which disappeared, and I could finally be confident and satisfied in a love. You are such an angel, I will always be grateful to you and God for giving me this happiness.
I had to stop writing for a moment, as my eyes were too full of tears. Birds and love have filled my mind today, I can barely express it even in writing, it is so great, and I hope it is contagious because then you would feel all the strength of my love for you. Goodbye.
Your loving and too happy
Stockholm, October 15, 1650.)
Märtha Horn to Malin Tott, dated Stockholm, March 7, 1652:
Il mio dolcissimo Amore Malina,
I nostri giorni e le nostre notti insieme sono alcuni dei momenti più felici della mia vita. Io so che Gustavo mi havrebbe augurato tutta la felicità del mondo, anche se fosse stata una vita con un'altra donna. Io sono così felice che i Bambini vi amino così tanto, erano così felici di havere due Madri: è un vero peccato che non debbano parlarne a molte persone. Quindi posso solo sperare che la Posterità saranno più gentili e che le persone che amano come noi potranno amare più liberamente in futuro. Spero che i semi di questa speranza crescano prima di quanto oso sperare. Ed io incoraggio chiunque habbia il coraggio e la sincerità di vivere e amare come noi. Se per allora sarò già morta, la mia anima troverà un modo per mostrare loro tutto. E per quanto riguarda i miei Descendenti, io aspetterò e veglierò per vedere chi ha hereditato le mie inclinationi, independentemente da quanti anni o secoli passeranno: ed io li benedirò quando nessun o quasi nessun altro lo farà. E voi unirete a me in questa ricerca quando saremmo andate nell'altro mondo, perché il nostro Amore è eterno.
Io vi amo, mio ​​caro Tesoro. Siete la mia vita e la mia felicità. Vi bascio all'infinito.
La vostra Moglie amorevole ed appassionata
Stoccolma il 7. Marzo 1652.
(My sweetest love Malin,
Our days and nights together are some of the happiest times in my life. I know that Gustav would have wished me all the happiness in the world, even if it were a life with another woman. I am so glad that the children love you so much, they were so delighted to have two mothers; it is such a shame that they mustn't tell many people about this. Therefore I can only hope that posterity will be kinder, and that people who love like us will be able to love more freely in the future. I hope that the seeds of this hope will grow sooner than I dare to hope for. And I encourage anyone who has the courage and truthfulness to live and love as we do. If I am already dead by then, then my soul will find a way to show them everything. And as for my descendants, I will wait and watch to see who has inherited my inclinations, regardless of how many years or centuries go by, and I will bless them when no one or hardly anyone else will. And you will join me on this quest when we have gone into the other world, for our love is eternal.
I love you, my beloved treasure. You are my life and my happiness. I kiss you endlessly.
Your loving and passionate wife
Stockholm, March 7, 1652.)
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erhiem · 3 years
In the third week of the Super League, Atakas Hatespor faced Aytimiz Alanyaspor. The match ended with a 5–0 advantage for Atakas Hetespor.
In the third week of the Super League, Atakaş Hatayspor defeated Aytemiz Alanyaspor 5–0 at home.
Adama Traore in the 4th minute, Saba Lobzanidze in the 18th minute, Ruben Ribeiro in the 42nd minute, Ayub El Kaabi in the 60th minute and 90+2 for Hattespor to win the victory. The minute was recorded by Mohammad Kamara.
Heatspor, who took their first win this season, raised their score to 4. Alnispor had 3 points.
After the national break in the Super League, Hattespor will be the guest of aykur Rizespor. Alanyaspor will host Giresunspor.
Minutes from the match | first half
Heatspor took the lead in the fourth minute. In an attack that developed from the left wing, Lobjanidze’s shot became a leather goal from the defense. Strong strike from Traore, who found the ball swirling in front of him, netted the goal: 1-0
The home team took the lead in the 18th minute. Traore’s pass from outside the penalty area, diagonally across, went into the leather net with Lobjanidze’s outside leg: 2-0.
In the 35th minute, the visiting team took a free kick from the right wing and Davidson’s head kick narrowly escaped over the leather round post in the penalty area.
Heatspor widened the gap to 3 in the 42nd minute. Ribeiro’s shot from the left diagonal hits the goal leather net from outside the penalty area, near Lobjanidze: 3-0.
The first half of the match was completed with Hattespor leading 3-0.
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Minutes from the match | second innings
In the 50th minute, the ball sent from the right diagonal towards the goal from Candias remained in the hands of goalkeeper Munir.
In the 58th minute, Eduardo’s pass from the left wing shot Davidson over the penalty area line, and the leather round went narrowly back.
Heatspor widened the gap to 4 in the 60th minute. In the home team’s attack that began with Lobjanidze, El Kaabi, who headed towards the ball in the middle of Diouf’s penalty area, sent the goal leather into the nets: 4–0.
In the 63rd minute, Davidson’s shot, which went into the penalty area, was dropped by the leather round goalkeeper at Munir.
90+2. The home team reduced the score to 5-0 in the minute. Kamara’s hit, which came from a ball sent into the penalty area by Adekugbe in an attack from the left wing, went to the leather round nets: 5-0
Atakas Hetespor won the match 5–0.
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state: New Hat
referee: Mert Guzenge, Serkan Ok, Ata Yildirim
Atkas Hatspore: Munir, Kamil Ahmet örekci, Adekugbe, Ribeiro (minimum 68 Boudjemaa), Fatih Kurucuk, Falette (minimum 15 Burak ksüz), Lobjanidze (minimum 79 Kamara), Onur Ergün (minimum 79 Sacore, Diouf, Diouf) Louis)
Aythemiz Alanyaspor: Serkan Kirantili, Fatih Aksoy, Milunovic, Taifur Bingol, Umut Gunnes, Leroy Fer (Min 46 Eduardo), Borja, Juanfran, Novice (Min 46 Ahmed Eldiz), Candias (Min 85 Babakar), Davidson
aim: Min. 4 Traore, Minn. 18 Lobjanidze, Minn. 42 Ribeiro, Minn. 60 Al Kaabi, Minn. 90+2 Cabin (Ataka Hatspor)
yellow card: Min. 6 troor min. 66 Diouf, Min. 75 Boudzema, Minn. 78 Adekugbe, Minn. 85 Fatih Kurukuk (Atacas Hatespor), Min. 76 Fatih Aksoy (Aytemis alanyaspor)
The post Hatspore didn’t hurt! 5-0 appeared first on Spicy Celebrity News.
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c4llm3h4ru · 4 years
The Restore of Our Rotten souls Ch. 5 - My Strength, My Weakness
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Tomura's POV
"That damn hero girl! This thing hurts!"
That bullet came almost out of thin air, and got me on my open wound. This is crazy! We met each other half a dozen of times this year before today, but we never rose a hand to fisically hurt each other.
In my memories, we were close, really close, even with the fact we had other friends.
Flashback in Tomura's POV
No matter if she would get in trouble in my place, the little girl would find a way for me to hide on my best friend's house when our father was mad at me, and the ways were variable, making a pan's drum, turn the cartoon sound all the way to max, make a mess in the bathroom, scream, anything.
It was something the adults didn't get it, but my sister and I imagined that inside her heart she was trying to save us, but probably was because the adults never EVER touched her body, afraid of her unstable and dangerous quirk. She was still a simple baby when her quirk first showed up, when she destroyed her crib and part of the wall at that day. But she survived, I remember that.
When the adults allowed us to play with Anjou along, she always had to wear her gloves, and when she needed to eat, give the food in her mouth, the anti-quirk gloves were really expensive and we had just one pair.
But this didn't stop us to play with her by the window. She would usually be the damsell in distress when she was locked in her room. I had this idea once so I would make her feel happy. I loved to make her happy, she was the best sister someone could ask for.
And even when Hana broke her own promise, my sister was trying to help me escape, but that day, not even when she screamed from the top of her lungs. She was without her gloves that day, but my father was so focused on me that day he didn't notice that lack very well, until  the left leg of his jeans dusted out. He gor mad... and kicked her.
At that moment, Heiwa appeared, with her father and older brother, and things, I remember, got really messy. Heiwa's father, Mr. Soi Yana, had a poor childhood, so looking at my father raise his hand against me made him mad. I remember, he tried to protect me, like a hero.
Ukiatsu Yana was already 9 years old when everything happened, but at that moment, him and his little sister, my best friend, Heiwa Yana, came to my rescue. These two really did their best to protect the hero things I secretly owned. And they still keep safe until this day. I... do miss them... specially Heiwa, she is really someone who gives me the peace her name means...
Back at the moment
I got so mad at that moment, with all tgese memories that I advanced over my sister, screaming her name and threatening to catch her:
 - How dare you?! I thought you still loved you big brother, Anjou!! SO HOW DID YOU HAVE THE GUT TO ATTACK ME?!!
But then, I was in the air again, that damn Deku is such a pain in the ass. But this didn't stop Anjou from answer me:
But then, my focus went to Midoriya. I needed to defeat him, I needed to get the One for All.
Anjou's POV
 - I'm... sorry.
But at that moment he wasn't focusing at me anymore. Tenko was in the air again, getting beaten up again. But at the moment I tried to get my arm bands open to try to run after him, I felt a grip near my elbows, and then a warm hug, but I couldn't feel any confort from them:
 - Shhhh... He'll be okay, you already shot him.
Suddenly I was flying a bit backwards. My tutor, Edwin S.(in his dragon form) was really trying to take me away from death, his father could do anything to hurt and kill us if he took my brother's body again. I think one of two things: either Edwin was so stressed to be in his father's possible presence that he got stupid OR he really wanted to replace the stress energy to an akward one, because he turned of his ilusion quirk at the moment we were on Gran Torino's side. I knew he did see 'nana' Nana there... and though I didn't see their faces and didn't focus on them at the moment, but now, when I imagine the idea of them staring at each other while my nana couldn't find a way to explain the fact she was there, holding me. But then, Gran Torino started so scream at me:
 - I... Ten... I-I...
 - And who is this Anjou? Why did he called you sister?
 - W-well I... he...
I then, got really mad and sad. I turned my face over to him, with an angry face and tears in my eyes:
 - Please, Sorahiko, she's already overwhelmed enough.
I breathed in and out for a second:
 - Well... Anjou is my birthname, Anjou Shimura. I think I don't need to explain why I can't use it in public.
I stopped the explaining, making 'nana confused:
 - Well... will you continue, dearie?
 - I don't need to, he already know the rest.
Before she answered, there was a moment of silence, she probably looked at Gran Torino:
 - I see... come here, let me hold closer, my dear.
 - Okay...
I gave in crying, and for a moment I just focused on my grandma's heartbeat, and internally, I was sayng thanks to Ushio, Yuri and Edwin for saving her life all those years ago.
Nana's POV
I looked at Edwin for a moment. He was focusing on the air, and even in his dragon form it was clear, something was wrong.
As I looked up, the worst happened, and my heart beaten up so fast that Anjou looked up too. The n°1 hero, Endeavor, had set a Proeminence Burn on the young boy, my grandson, Tenko:
 - NO! NO NO NO!
Something happened. I was familiar with it. When Anjou is sick, extremely sad, very nervous, or stressed it would happen, but now I needed to add to the list, despair.
Anjou's hair is usually a pitch black long hair, just a little above her feet, but this state of mind she was then is a good example of the way her quirk is too strong, even for her. The black hair suddenly fell and , but her hair was already grown up again in the mid back level, but it was pure white. More than usual:
 - Mrs. Shimura! Please, call Heiwa and Yuri!
 - Right!
No time to explain, I knew. I got my radio:
 - Hello? Anyone there?
 - Mrs. Shimura? I am! Anything wrong?
 - Yana dear! Eddie chose the plan C.
 - Calm down! And I don't know, but it seems like only one dose wasn't enough.
 - And since Yuri is already on her way, guess I'll be there soon.
Not gonna lie, but if the case is All for One, the "Shigaraki siblings" take the deal WAY too serious:
 - I feel this isn't gonna end well for everyone...
Heiwa's POV
Tenko Shimura, my oldest and best friend, my husband, my love and the father of my son, Tenai. And he was stolen from me: "I'm gonna show this man what his wife showed me. I'll take what's mine back!"
I'm Heiwa Yana, I'm 20 YO, my quirk is Melanokinesis aka ink control, which I can use in public places, and I'm a peacefull revolutionary.
I lost my friend at 5, reencounterd him at 19, we got closer and fell in love. Our relationship is based on trust, and patience. So when he said he would disappear for probably a long time, but would come back for me, I trusted, and as a proof of this trust, we got married on the spot. Still, I found out I was pregnant, couldn't tell Tenko, but I couldn't lose my baby, and I kept him.
But when I found out about what happened to him, and All for One, I knew I had to do something. Found the Shimura sisters and asked if I could help. They said if the baby was already born, they would consider.
Welp, there I was, a month after my baby was born, so I could claim what's mine:
 - Ready, Miss Four Eyes?
 - First of all, I'm married, second of all, yes I am, Prostetic Hero! He's mine, if I'm his weakness, I'll use it the way I have to get him back!
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c4llm3h4ru · 4 years
The Restore of our Rotten Souls Ch. 3 - The Second in Command
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My name is Oumei Bubaigawara. Quirks: Triple; 4 elements. Hero name: Multi San. The class rep in my class, and proudly so. This class, the class L will change this world. I am sure of this.
In this class, more than the half of the students are related to great names on the other side of the society. But this means we know where the justice failed, and we will call it out someday.
Anjou Shimura: her name had to be called confidential because that name would be the trigger for her death.
Hyuko Toga: forgotten by his family, people couldn't understand his way to see the world, almost dying alone until UA gave him a room, food and education.
Milli Hikiishi: was born as Emilly, basically kicked out of his family because he wasn't born right. And when the only person who he could believe died, the assholes of his parents celebrated.
Elijah Mio: always misjudged for being blind, the most vulnerable in this society.
Nekoshi Hyotora: the embodyment of a black panther. She also knew one of the villains, but not so much.
Me? Well... I sold myself for the Hero Public Safety Comission so I could save my mother's life, but was thrown away because of my relations with the great advantage of the league.
 - Ah! C'mon Oumei! The way you speak is boring! Lemme lead now! (Ignia)
 - I though that was my turn, Ignia! (Konoha)
 - No way, Konoha! It's me now! (Ame)
 - Girls... (Luka)
 - I KNOW RIGHT?! (Yuki)
GUYS! THIS IS MY TURN, Y'ALL HAD 2 MONTHS FOR YOURSELVES! Anyway, where was I? Oh right, me. Well, as we can see, I have DID, caused by traumas, like my father.
 - You mean, the man who caused a self genocide and left you and your mother to die? (Ignia)
 - ... (everyone stares at her)
 - What? (Ignia)
... He was given dead some years ago. That is until the incident in Kamino. The one who almost took All Might's life. Luckly he won, but the coast was my reputation in the comission, and I was peft as second source. Separating me from Hawks.
 - Hey, that's mean! Konoha, tell them that is mean. (Ame)
 - We can't do anything, Ame dear. (Konoha)
 - ... (everyone)
I can deal with it, most of the time. But in the middle of a war, things are getting a little too serious. The 6 of us are extremely unconfortable, ad if we are gonna split at any point.
 - CAN WE? (Everyone)
Not yet! I don't wanna use Tripple yet. BUT IF THAT GIANT MONSTER KEEPS GOING FOWARD I AM GONNA DO A FIRE WALL WITH THE CLONES. I am not used to make clones, this quirk was blocked for me to use. So I can just clone myself. I did clone myself in that battle, to scan the area. But suddenly I was just one again.
 - This was my fault, Oumei. I got scared with what I saw. (Ame)
I have control over the nomber of clones, there are words I can say to number up my clones: 'up to N' and 'down to N' and the N is any number. Ame said 'down to one' in the middle of the fight, and her memories terrified me: my father and Hyuko, both exausted, as if they were fighting, and got really beat up. Hyuko looked unconscious, and dad was carrying him, kinda bridal style, although he could barely walk properly.
*Then a memory came to mind, one that wasn't mine, but I could see:*
*Hyuko and Konoha were discussing things before the war, about my mother weakened state and his sister and what would he do:*
 *- Hyuko... you don't have to go. You can stay here protect Mrs. Bubaigawara and we can deal with your sister. We-*
 *- Konoha. There's a thing you will discover on the day. I am doing this because is possibly the last chance for  me to make my sister happy. I know she doesn't love me anymore...*
 *- Hyuko, I-*
* - But I still love her, and want her happiness! And I also have a debt with Jin. I need to pay him back!*
I was so angry at that moment that I couls feel the palms of my hands flicker up on little flames.
 - Puppeteer...
Milli, the Puppeteer, was by my side when I started to flicker, and he was waiting for a possible order:
 - I think... I need to go up there.
 - WHAT?! San, is there anything wrong?!
 - Oh yeah. Really, really wrong. He's coming, along with a near dead friend on his arms. We lost someone else today, along with your aunt.
Of course I couldn't leave the host place yet, so I cloned myself again, and each clone had each alter. A good strategy for mind research, as a way to control the rapid switching, since it was exausting for the single body the six of us have. But there was a greater act that we had to do.
Himiko Toga. She had to know how amazing her brother was, and what he did for her.
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c4llm3h4ru · 3 years
TROORS- Class L Side cannons #1
Magne had a last wish, see Milli one last time, to apologize for what happened on the Summer camp. Yuri granted this wish. And Magne died once again, in her son's arms.
The last thing Milli asked for Magne was for her to cut his hair. She did, Milli finally felt free.
Hyuko is a hugger, he can smell someone's blood like this, but people act really afraid around him. On his birthday, Anjou gave him a hug as a gift, and their classmates were presented with a teeny tiny smile from the coldest boy from the school. Soon after he was given the title of best hugs.
Elijah can't see people, but when Nekoshi is nervous, he always knows
Elijah is also good at finding people with the third eye, without having to deal with headaches, looking for vital signs instead. He knew before everyone that Midnight needed help, he was losing her heartbeat signs.
Nekoshi usually morphs to a panther, but her quirk gives her a variety of felines to choose. She doesn't need to morph tho, it jusy give hes an advantage. Specially if she is too anxious to talk in public, "morph to kitty, hide in bag."
Anjou is terrified to touch her brother. Her quirk is adaptative, she had to pass through many fisical damage on a young age so her quirk wouldn't kill her, but Tomura is already immune to his quirk, she doesn't know if she can destroy his resistance
Oumei lost so much when she lost her father, that in some way, she lost the father-daughter bond she had with him. But with Hawks, or with Hyuko, She would show emotions, like a human. She feels free around them, unlike with Jin. She feels guilty, but she can't force these bonds. Jin knows that.
For quite some time, Anjou lived in the streets, she has some memories of not having something to eat everyday.
Anjou used to have silent cease fire agreements with her brother, where they would go somewhere to kill time. Their relationship grew quite strong as time passed. Tomura learned to care about her, And Anjou remembered what was like to have a brother. They didn't hate it. And that's one of the reasons why it hurt so much when she had to shoot him.
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