#The Astrology Podcast
saturniandevil · 4 months
2024 Important Dates
AKA my notes on The Astrology Forecast's 2024 Year Ahead Forecast, hosted by Chris Brennan and Austin Coppock. After the overview and January forecast, I'll put the rest of the year under a readmore. Overall, this year heralds technological innovations, and is a stepping stone into bigger developments in 2025 and 2026.
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This year would be dramatic on its own, but with bigger shifts ahead in this decade, serves as a preview for even more dramatic changes in 2025 and 2026.
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Pluto in Aquarius We only got about 6 weeks of Pluto in Aquarius in 2023, but this is will it where be for most of 2024 and the next 20 years. We're also getting the last of Uranus in Taurus (7-year transit) and Neptune in Pisces (14-year stay). These outer planets are wrapping up while Pluto starts something new.
Austin predicts Pluto in Aquarius will be a relief to those of us who've been suffering from Pluto in Capricorn. Historically, Chris traces the development of gunpowder, its refinement and transmission from China to Europe with Pluto in Aquarius. Warfare changed with these developments, particularly the strategies of siege. We should expect to see new technologies & applications in warfare now, particularly anti-drone weapons and uses of AI. Near-future science fiction stories from 20 years ago will look incredibly familiar, especially the "cyberpunk dystopia" and man-machine interfaces changing significantly. The first paper shop was set up in Baghdad in 793 under Pluto in Aquarius, and this technology spread around the world under different Pluto in Aquarius periods, with wide-ranging effects on mass communication. Technological espionage is also a theme of this placement--think AI uses, and the US trying to compete with Chinese microchips. This will also form an opposition to natal Pluto for baby boomers (1940s-60s), a transit that rarely occurs within a human lifetime. We'll see the culmination of this generation's power in the world, where figures like Biden or Trump or their contemporaries may have one last bid for power before they have to hand it to someone younger.
Chris actually used AI to help summarize his notes on this transit. With Pluto representing transformation and control, and Aquarius indicating the innovator and the rebel, some general themes are:
Major shifts in how technology shapes society, both empowering people and destructively.
Information warfare and control, especially among governments. Monopolies and censorship attempts will increase.*
Technological leaps. Breakthroughs from both internal research and external sources like cultural exchange or encounters with "that which is foreign/alien."
Science vs ethics: moral dilemmas, tension between curiosity & caution
Globalization on edge: the interconnected world may face challenges, but the exchange of information is crucial to progress. World trade and supply chains spanning the globe will change as countries shift certain sectors to more local production.
*history note: Pluto was in Aquarius during the Renaissance & Scientific Revolution, and the Church tried to censor this new information because it posed a threat to Papal power. Monarchs took state power from the church under Pluto in Aquarius, and the French Revolution under this placement showed the bourgeoisie really challenging the nobility under this placement. Most of the US constitution was written under Pluto in Aquarius--in fact the last Pluto in Aquarius period was during the late 18th century, so prepare for those paradigm shifts & revolutions to shift and revolt once again. New developments in physics and cosmology around dark matter and string theory, increased uses of AI, and new space probes may all prove to shake our ideas of where we stand with the rest of the universe.
Saturn conjunct Neptune Saturn prefers structure & the real world, while Neptune is a realm of imagination and illusions. In 2016 these planets squared each other and the political sound byte "fake news" was important. We no longer trust sound and video in addition to images, especially with advances in AI. Previous Saturn-Neptune contacts include the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the HUAC/McCarthy era in the USA. We'll be asking ourselves, "is this real?" We'll need to balance skepticism with imagination.
Another Saturn-Neptune in Pisces theme is pervasive feelings of despair and collective sorrow over water-related disasters, such as tsunamis or the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. The first Saturn-Neptune conjunction of the 20th century was 1916-1919: disillusionment, skepticism, muddy trench warfare and chemical weapons. More positively, empathy, compassion, and service can come from those who fight for a better world despite hardships. However, Neptune will conjoin Saturn in Aries as well, which will have a much less compassionate flavor. This upcoming Pisces conjunction occurs right as Neptune is leaving the sign--which Piscean developments will get the Saturn stamp of approval and last beyond this decade? Neptune in Pisces has brought us an increased interest in the occult matters and psychedelics, ranging from tarot and astrology to modern cults to therapeutic uses of hallucinogens. Some of the skepticism we see will be the result of having been burned by Pisces Neptune events. Another related topic is augmented reality displays--Austin predicts that since it's been around for so long, if it doesn't take during Neptune & Saturn in Pisces, it probably won't take at all.
Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus This conjunction goes exact in April. In the material sign of Taurus, what sudden developments (Uranus) is Jupiter enabling? In one such application, AI technologies can help advance the field of materials science by designing new compounds & predicting their uses. There are a lot of technological developments bottlenecked by a single limitation, such as limited battery capacity, which if resolved would prompt an explosion of impressive new technologies. Quantum developments, Heisenberg's additions, different political revolutions, the sexual revolution & the Moon landing were under Jupiter-Uranus alignments, as were some of the earliest biology works in the Renaissance era. April will breakthroughs getting supported and confirmed. These come about every 13 years: in 2010 in Aries, 1990s in Aquarius. In 1941 we saw scientific breakthroughs as well, though Saturn's presence fittingly brought a much darker tone. Which house is Taurus in your chart? This transit can bring sudden insight & broaden your horizons in this area (A/N: timing techniques like progressions, Hellenistic profections, and zodiacal release can help you determine if Taurus will be especially "activated" for you around this time).
On the flipside, take care not to indulge in excessive naivete, uncritical embrace of rule-breaking in the name of progress, or getting caught up in fleeting euphoria. Once Uranus leaves, what will stay? What gets truly confirmed by Jupiter? Austin predicts major developments in cryptocurrency, which was not invented under Uranus in Taurus but did rise to prominence under this transit. Taurus also tells us to appreciate the material comforts, and this conjunction may show us a new approach to appreciating these things (like an AI snuggy that helps you sleep!). The potato chip and chocolate-chip cookie were also invented during Uranus in Taurus. More niche items have become more widely available (lab-grown meat, perhaps?), though food and energies has also become disproportionately more expensive/volatile during this transit. Taurus also signifies nature, botany, and ecology--we may see major developments in response to climate change. This is the last year of Uranus in Taurus--perhaps the cottagecore trend will have its last blows. Uranus in Gemini (A/N: 2025) will have us going back into the mainframe...(organic computers?)
Jupiter in Gemini This transit will be about a year long. Immediately upon entry to this sign Jupiter will trine Pluto, and later in the year he'll square Saturn. This will be a big shift, not just by sign, but because Jupiter goes from cooperating with Saturn to fighting him. Light-footed, fast, clever Gemini Jupiter clashes with deep, slow, heavy Pisces Saturn. Their sextile in January/February indicates the economy will likely seem to move in a good direction as the year begins, but the leviathan in the deep will stop us short.
Notable figures born under Jupiter in Gemini & Saturn in Pisces include Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison, bringing us new communications systems. Bell developed the telephone partially as part of efforts to help his mother and other deaf people, while Edison himself had major hearing issues and focused on visual phenomena. However, we have ethics questions too: Bell had issues patenting the telephone as the same day as another inventor--who got there first? (A/N: many of Edison's patents were invented by others with property rights surrendered to him.) Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails also has these placements, and he's gone from applying electronic music in rock to films in recent decades. Also born under Pisces Saturn & Gemini Jupiter: Moby, Björk, Alfred Pulitzer (known for pioneering both human interest stories and sensationalism).
Other Jupiter in Gemini keywords: speaking many languages, verbosity, versatility & adptability, self-education, many short experiments, and having a knack for or good luck in new machines. However, Jupiter is considered in exile/detriment in Gemini: this light sign may interfere with Jupiter's desire for deeper understanding. The first decan of Gemini is ruled by Jupiter, and the bound of Jupiter is early in the sign as well, (and Jupiter is a triplicity ruler for Gemini!) so we can actually have quite a strong Jupiter in the beginning of this transit. Pluto in Aquarius trines Jupiter at the start of this transit, and Jupiter will gladly go to work for Pluto's agenda. Expect major technology & information related developments in April-May. This also foreshadows Uranus's entry into Gemini, where he'll trine Pluto thrice.
During this time, all the planets in Gemini are also combust (so close to the Sun we can't see them, figuratively getting burned), so beware of burnout. Another Jupiter in Gemini native is Lana Wachowski (one of the creators of The Matrix). Her coming out story also inspired many, and Jupiter in Gemini is a good place for variety in gender expression. Unfortunately, concepts from her movie were also coopted by right-wingers ("redpilled"). Also under this placement is JK Rowling, initially known for writing increasingly verbose fantasy books, though in recent years has focused her resources on stopping the advancement of trans rights. Jupiter in Gemini is fast, but not always ethical.
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In April we'll have an eclipse that's visible over much of the United States from Texas to Maine, occurring on an election year. In the Indian dasha system, the US entered a Rahu (North Node)-ruled time period 8 years ago, making it especially sensitive to eclipses. There won't be another total eclipse visible in the US until 2045, marking momentous changes. This is also a continuation of the Libra/Aries eclipse story, most recently from the Libra eclipse in October. In both our personal lives and world events we'll see a turning point in the spring. The eclipses this year are in March-April, and September-October (remember, eclipses always come in twos--one lunar, one solar!). The March/April eclipses will be especially chaotic with Mars-Saturn and Jupiter-Uranus conjunctions affecting the equinox. The fall eclipses will begin shifting towards the Pisces/Virgo axis, and the major renewals will shift focus from one area of our lives to another (check which house(s) contain these signs for you).
Comets 2024 will have two comets that may be visible to the naked eye--both during eclipses! The Pons-Brooks comet will be visible in April around the time of the Aries eclipse (and Jupiter-Uranus & Mars-Saturn conjunctions). This indicates a very important time in world history. The comet, which may become visible as the sky darkens, will pass right by the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. Chris's ancient sources say whether a comet is a good or bad omen depends on its color, brightness, and visibility once it gets here, but he's hopeful its contact with Jupiter-Uranus will be helpful to us. Austin points out it'll be difficult to distinguish the comet's specific effects from everything else going on at that time. The second comet visits us in October, right before eclipses and the US presidential election. "Hopefully we won't get the Game of Thrones Season 2/War of Five Kings comet," says Austin. Chris is going to publish an episode soon analyzing both ancient sources & doing his own historical research on comets, which have connections to wars, regime changes, and religious or political leaders being born.
Mars Austin points out that there will be consistent stelliums in the first half of the year (visible around the eclipses) before returning to more regular dispersal. Mars is also going to make volatile contacts to outer planets as well, really bringing military connotations, mostly earlier in the year and then picking up again at the end of the year with an opposition to Pluto & a retrograde. In fact, Mars enters Leo, the sign of his upcoming retrograde, 2 days before the US presidential election.
US history & election: Mars goes retrograde in the same sign every 79 years, shifting by about 4 degrees every time. Mars did this same retrograde back in the late 1700s when US states were ratifying the Constitution (Pluto was in Aquarius then like it will be in '24, and some other transits are the same as well). The next recurrence was during the passing of the 14th amendment after the Civil War, an amendment forbidding anyone who led an insurrection from entering office. Most recently Mars retrograded in this cycle in 1945-6, during the end of WW2 and stationing just before the birth of a certain controversial recent president. This upcoming Mars retrograde will occur in the same part of the zodiac as these other events.
Chris usually shies away from predicting election results outright because he considers himself too invested to be objective, but he gives us a rundown. Like 2016 this election occurs under a Saturn-Neptune conjunction, foreshadowing the us of AI in political propaganda. If it does end up being Biden vs Trump, Chris says as of now there are indicators for either side winning. For the past 30 years, every presidential election winner has had an eclipse in one of his angular houses (1/4/7/10) shortly before winning. The Aries/Libra eclipses don't fall in angular houses for either, but the Pisces eclipse in September occurs in Biden's 4th house, and the 10th of his running mate Kamala. In Trump's favor is zodiacal releasing: he's starting a 19-year peak period releasing from spirit (career/aspirations) in 2025 just after the election. (This is one of the things that threw Chris off in the 2016 election, since a president elected for 2 consecutive terms then wouldn't be in office anymore in 2025.) This peak period activates the sign of Leo for him, the first house, and contains his natal Mars, bringing fighting and difficulty to the foreground. (A/N: Mars is also entering Leo around the time of the election, so whether he wins or not, we'll be seeing a lot of him.) That's a basic overview, and Chris will discuss other factors as the year progresses. Austin points out we have a perfect Mars-Pluto opposition the day before the election, and Mars stations in Leo right as the electors meet to officially vote. This election is heavily tied to the Mars retrograde, which continues until a few months into 2025. Pluto will take Mars's significations to bigger extremes as well as hidden power plays. Taking place January 20th at noon, Inauguration Day always takes place at the beginning of Aquarius season with the Sun in the 10th house, but Pluto's going to conjoin the Sun as well this year, which Chris predicts will start a new era of American history. Two of the debates fall on eclipse days, and Chris predicts these will have a dramatic effect on the election. Regardless of specific candidates, we know the US is entering a crucial phase of its history with Uranus entering Gemini (same placement as the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, and entering WW2). Austin wonders if the Saturn-Neptune conjunction will delay the rise of historic leadership, as his research so far proved inconclusive.
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Mercury stations direct immediately, helping us start things off definitively. Mars in Capricorn colors most of the month. He's very strong & effective in this sign, further supported by a trine from Jupiter in Taurus. With Venus and Mercury copresent Mars in Capricorn, we have an opportunity to practice living how we'd like to before things get crazy. The clichés of "starting your the year off right" are worth following this time around. A Jupiter-Saturn sextile in the first six weeks of the year further supports our efforts to get organized. Take advantage of Jupiter in Taurus to make the growth and expansion you seek permanent. We'll need a set pattern to weather the upcoming storms.
Chris and Leisa's auspicious election for the month is on January 12th, 2023 at 8AM local time with Aquarius rising. This means the Ascendant ruler Saturn receives a helpful sextile from Jupiter (orb of 5 degrees).
After a conjunction with the Sun and the light's ingress into Aquarius, Pluto re-enters that same sign on the 20th, anchoring what's most interesting about February. Chris points out it's exactly one year from the US presidential inauguration and will be an interesting omen.
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February has a pileup of planets in Aquarius. From the 5th to the 16th, Mercury, Mars, and Venus all conjoin Pluto. This rapid succession of initial conjunctions will start to show us what this new Pluto era will look like for each of the faster planets. We go from having 4-5 planets in Capricorn to having 4-5 in Aquarius through this first half of the year. What does overwhelming weight in these signs look like for you? The Mars-Pluto conjunction on the 14th will be pretty dramatic. This connotes the use of excessive force, and generally will likely show us what kinds of dangers to expect from Pluto in Aquarius. The Venus-Mars conjunction at nearby degrees will connote future relationship patterns.
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This month marks the beginning of eclipse season as well as a pileup of planets in Pisces. After the equinox, we have an eclipse, making the spring very dramatic. Mars sneaks up to a conjunction with Saturn, who rules the April Libra eclipse, and all the while Mercury is retrograde. We have multiple indicators of major world events here, which Chris compares to early 2020. And if that wasn't enough, we've got a comet! The lunar eclipse in Libra heralds back to its sister eclipse in early October.
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The Mars-Saturn conjunction will punctuate difficulties of Saturn's transit--the last Mars-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius aligned with the intensifying lockdowns in March-April of 2020. This time the conjunction is in a water sign, so think naval warfare or threats from aquatic creatures. January was a good time to plan; this is not. We'll be adapting to rapid changes and doing what needs to be done. The Aries eclipse will be visible over much of the US, bringing major developments to the nation. Once we get out of eclipse season, we'll have to deal with the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction going exact on the 19th. Chris hopes that this will divide the month in half, from chaotic early on to more hopeful in the second half, especially as Mercury stations direct. Austin is less optimistic, as we'll have Jupiter, Uranus, and Venus all in Taurus. At the end of the month, Mars enters Aries and joins Rahu there, igniting the very point that was just activated by a total eclipse. Regardless, the pace of technology and communications will explode during this month and May.
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Once Jupiter enters Gemini, lots of other planets follow him to that sign. This has strong implications for the advancements for communications. Austin says the Taurus developments in the early month indicate financial developments before the technological ones. All the planets in Taurus are looking to its ruler Venus for support, but she's combust (close to the Sun & invisible), so we'll feel something missing from our material comforts.
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The Jupiter-Pluto trine is twofold: Jupiter expands Pluto's Aquarian pursuits, while Pluto exponentially magnifies Jupiter's expansion of communications in Gemini. We get a Sun-Venus cazimi in Gemini, resetting her cycle, with Mercury a few weeks after. Some of the Jupiter-Uranus discoveries and inventions may not be visible until later, as the Gemini planets themselves are invisible & passing through the Sun during these few months. There's a spaceship with recreational implications set to be launched next spring, fitting with the expansion of leisure that Jupiter in Taurus connotes. Mars entering Taurus on the 9th will mellow out for awhile after such intense movements. Saturn's retrograde station in Pisces brings him as close to Neptune as he's gonna get this year.
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Saturn & Neptune stationing in Pisces blur the lines between what's real and what's not, what's true and what's false... An exlposive, unexpected Mars-Uranus conjunction occurs on the 15th. Furthermore, it's on top of the star Algol, a very ugly configuration that has historically coincided with devastating warfare and weapons. This isn't the tone for all of Mars in Taurus, but it's something to try and steer around if possible. Mars in Gemini brings us to August.
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Mercury stations retrograde on the 5th, backtracking through both Virgo and Leo. This year Mercury retrogrades occur mainly in fire signs:
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Mars in Gemini puts him in contact with Jupiter right as the benefic is squaring Saturn in Pisces; the smaller planet will likely exacerbate these issues. Excessive heat and speed clash against excessive cold and slowness. This is a real slowdown for Jupiter's fun and social trip through Gemini. Mercury stations direct by the end of the month, taking us into September.
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By this point the planets have stopped moving in a giant pack, spacing out the energies a little. Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn for the very last time this month; when he enters Aquarius at the end of this year he'll stay there for the next 20 years. Uranus gets as late into Taurus as he's gonna get this year before stationing retrograde as well, trining Pluto within 2 degrees of exactness. Chris charts these planetary contacts over the past few decades:
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Uranus conjunct Pluto in the late 1960s saw major social changes as well as the first computer mouse. A sextile in the mid-1990s heralded the emergence of the Internet as we know it. In the early 2010s, smartphones became more and more ubiquitous, and now we're entering the next phase of new widely used technologies. The 2010s also saw revolutionary movements like the Arab Spring, and similar political developments will be foreshadowed around this time.
Mars enters Cancer, the sign where he'll retrograde. It's not very comfortable, but we'll have to get used to it all the same. Notable degrees are the retrograde beginning at 6Leo10 and ending at 17Cancer01:
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We also get the first hit of the Pisces eclipse series this month. Though its companion eclipse is back in Libra, the September eclipse is foreshadowing for 2025-6.
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The height of election season in the US coincides with the height of eclipse season celestially. We'll likely see prominent figures suddenly sink to the bottom or rise to the top around this time--jumping way ahead or falling way behind. Mars enters the shadow of his upcoming retrograde days after the eclipse. It's already hard to see clearly, and the eclipse supercharges all this. The Libra eclipse on the 2nd is the final of its series, wrapping up whatever was initiated in October 2023 (i.e. a new chapter in certain Middle Eastern conflicts). The first lunation free of an eclipse provides no relief, with the Full Moon tightly squaring Mars (♋) and Pluto (♑). This forms a difficult cardinal grand cross with the Sun, Moon, Mars and Pluto. Power plays, manipulation and intrigue abound.
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Mars enters Leo, the sign of its retrograde, on the 3rd. Although he's in his pre-retrograde shadow period earlier, this ingress will bring it dramatically forward. He opposes Pluto, who's been stationing since mid-October, bringing paranoia, power struggles/plays, obsession & confrontation, and hidden motives or manipulation from behind the scenes. In opposite signs we'll see tension in opposite approaches to things, such as direct power versus hidden agendas, excessive force and even extermination. Mars only needs to win the battle, but Pluto blows things out of proportion. His station on December 6th is notable. The last Mars retrograde in Cancer was in 2007-2008, so look to this time in your life for an idea of what will happen. We can also look to the Mars retrograde in Leo 15 years ago (12/20/2009-3/10/2010). (This retrograde is mostly in Cancer, but stations in Leo). 2 days after Mars enters Leo is election day in the US (Nov. 5th), shining a light on all the controversies.
Venus is way ahead of everyone in Capricorn, while Pluto reenters Aquarius for good (the next 20 years). Mercury also stations retrograde at the end of the month, bringing us to December.
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Mars stations retrograde right after Mercury's own halfway point through the retrograde, bringing miscommunications into Martial clashes, conflicts, and severing/separation. It's during the height of his retrograde that Mars is at his closest to Earth and is at his brightest for the longest (basically all night every night).
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Mars retrograde shows us that no battle plan survives first contact. Excessive heat or conflict will linger for much longer than you expect. Mercury stations direct under a Full Moon on the 15th, and Jupiter squares Saturn exactly on the 24th. Our questions about growth versus boundaries will come back into focus. Meanwhile the rest of Mars retrograde awaits us in 2025, continuing a smoldering conflict into the next year.
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hillbillyoracle · 1 year
✨The Astrology Podcast - 2023 Year Ahead Series
The Astrology Podcast just finished up putting out their 2023 year ahead videos so I thought I'd collect them here so people can find theirs. They're done with the rising sign in mind most.
Year Ahead Overview
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astrosolutions · 10 months
Ancient Astrology: Unleashing the Power and Relevance in the Modern World
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Ancient astrology refers to the practice of studying celestial bodies and their movements to gain insight into human affairs and the natural world. It has its roots in various civilizations dating back thousands of years, including ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and India. In ancient times, people observed the positions and movements of the sun, moon, planets, and stars, believing that they held significant influence over human lives and events. Astrologers developed intricate systems to interpret these celestial patterns and make predictions about various aspects of life, such as personal characteristics, relationships, health, and even political and societal events.
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nattyastro · 1 year
it’s always worth coming back to the astrology podcast’s monthly forecast in the middle of/throughout the month
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restquiet1 · 2 years
Astrology Year Zero
People born in the Year of the Ox have fairly luck in wealth in 2020. They will see a smooth development in profession and have well timed help and help from others. In romantic relationship, they may possibly meet the one they love on some social events and begin a relationship. For health, Ox people have to pay extra consideration to balanced diet to keep fit. For college students with Ox signal, they've good luck in study and exams. Vague awareness of star-signs and horoscopes is nothing new – most individuals know that their birthdate corresponds with some type of confected celestial identification. Then Master Omikane’s Prosperity Sketch Review ’re a Leo and, based on the celebs, you would possibly be assured, attention-grabbing, the lifetime of the get together. Congratulations, you’re a Pisces – delicate, intuitive, and artistic. Sessions with psychics encourage them to become agency of their selections and ultimately gain happiness. It also provides clients the higher hand by giving them the freedom to continue a particular service or not. Venus in Capricorn is in a superfine aspect with Uranus in Taurus. All these born with the Sun, Moon, or Venus at birth between eleven – 14 levels of Taurus are sure to meet distinctive, unbiased world travelers who are fascinating because of their confidence, colourful personalities, and braveness. If you had been born May 2 – 5 of any year, then the position of the Sun in your astrology chart is between 11 and 14 levels of Taurus. But across the time of the Salem Witch Trials in 1692, at the fringe of the Age of Enlightenment, folks began to feel slightly queasy about astrology and magic in general. With the traditional practice of astrology dominating in style culture for decades and coming into our get together conversations, it’s time to discover what delivery charts, compatibility, astrological houses, and risings signs imply. To remedy your cosmic curiosity, we’ve rounded up our favorite titles for novice astrologists. Astrology means Science of the Stars and it deals with figuring out the impact of celestial our bodies on individuals's life.
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donkeyswan1 · 2 years
Astrology Year Zero
People born within the Year of the Ox have fairly success in wealth in 2020. They will see a easy development in profession and have timely assist and support from others. In romantic relationship, they will possibly meet the one they love on some social events and start a relationship. For well being, Ox individuals must pay more consideration to balanced diet to keep match. For students with Ox signal, they've good luck in research and exams. Vague awareness of star-signs and horoscopes is nothing new – most individuals know that their birthdate corresponds with some kind of confected celestial identification. Then you’re a Leo and, based on the stars, you would possibly be assured, attention-grabbing, the lifetime of the party. Congratulations, you’re a Pisces – delicate, intuitive, and artistic. Sessions with psychics encourage them to turn out to be firm in their selections and ultimately achieve happiness. It also gives clients the upper hand by giving them the freedom to continue a specific service or not. Venus in Capricorn is in a superfine side with Uranus in Taurus. Numerologist.com Reviews born with the Sun, Moon, or Venus at delivery between eleven – 14 levels of Taurus are certain to satisfy unique, independent world vacationers who are interesting because of their confidence, colourful personalities, and courage. If you were born May 2 – 5 of any year, then the position of the Sun in your astrology chart is between eleven and 14 degrees of Taurus. But around the time of the Salem Witch Trials in 1692, at the fringe of the Age of Enlightenment, people began to really feel slightly queasy about astrology and magic generally. With the ancient practice of astrology dominating in style tradition for many years and coming into our celebration conversations, it’s time to find what birth charts, compatibility, astrological homes, and risings signs imply. To remedy your cosmic interest, we’ve rounded up our favorite titles for novice astrologists. Astrology means Science of the Stars and it deals with determining the effect of celestial our bodies on individuals's life.
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proseknot9 · 2 years
Ninety Day Fiance
"The earliest identified astronomer to recognize and assess the motion of precession was Aristarchus of Samos, who lived around 280 B.C.," Rao told LiveScience. "Astrology tells us that the solar is in one place, whereas astronomy tells us it is in another place," mentioned Joe Rao, SPACE.com's skywatching columnist and a lecturer at New York's Hayden Planetarium. Susie Cox, who has labored with celebrities, royals, politicians and enterprise leaders, notes that public opinion about astrology wasn’t all the time this divided. You must be patient and be open-minded because you won't always be satisfied with the session. So, anticipate a while as there’s a possibility of predictions coming true in a while. You can all the time do a background examine in your information and skim evaluations. Sagittarius sign folks will move steadily in the office even if the velocity appears slow in the morning. You will give an exemplary efficiency and draw praises out of your juniors in addition to seniors. If you have to seem in an interview at present, you must prepare well and examine all of your paperwork before leaving home. Pending payments are prone to get cleared and produce some stability. For individuals like Weinberg senior Zoe Johnson, it has turn into a type of spiritual thought in a generation the place secularism is on the rise. People who want to know what’s written in their stars don’t have to flip to the back web page of a magazine anymore to search out their horoscope. There are greater than 200 astrology apps within the App Store that claim to do everything from tell you in case your date is a love match to point out what you and your date’s child would seem like. Camille Eroy-Reveles doesn’t take astrology too seriously — till mercury goes into retrograde. Premiering Tuesday on PEOPLE's digital and social platforms, includingYouTubeand the free streaming networkPeopleTV, here is everything you have to know in regards to the must-watch show. And go from well-read to greatest read with e-book recs, deals and more in your inbox each week. The previous several years have seen a renewed cultural acceptance of the zodiac, maybe because of the decline of organized religion or the rise of political precariousness. The turning points had come — and they have been fated in the stars. Master Omikane’s Prosperity Sketch Review can be divided into three 10° sectors often recognized as decans or decanates, although these have fallen into disuse. Astrology is the artwork of predicting or figuring out the affect of the planets and stars on human affairs. The origin of this word is from Greek word astron, star + logos . Both Ayurveda and Astrology have established a way of life in India since time immemorial. Highly superior data associated to Astrology on medicine is preserved in Indian Holy scriptures and transmitted from technology to era. Although each Astrology and medication have been developed as a half of religion in ancient India, astrological principles related to prevention, health care and relief from illness have been utilized as rituals . An astrologer gives guidance for taking medicines at suitable time for one of the best treatment of ailments.
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museummark5 · 2 years
Learn Your Horoscope Right Now
The month prior, Sanctuary made its debut with $1.5 million in its coffers, courting astrology buffs with customized reside readings. It was only a matter of time, then, earlier than zodiac signs became a half of on a regular basis workplace tradition. When Denise tweeted her findings about presidential hopefuls’ star signs, it catalyzed a dialog at work the subsequent day. And, what was as soon as consigned to the again pages of magazines now finds its house on sleek apps on our iPhones. He explained the nature of the universe as an interaction of two opposing rules, love and strife, manipulate the weather into different mixtures that produce the completely different natures of things. He stated all the weather are equal, the same age, rule their own provinces, and possess their own individual character. Empedocles mentioned that these born with almost equal proportions of the weather are more clever and have essentially the most precise perceptions. They are suitable to work for public service or in the catering trade, outside sports facilities subject, or tradition field. The compatibilities of the zodiac animals are mainly primarily based on the Five Elements they belong to – Metal , Wood , Water , Fire , and Earth . You can use our zodiac calculator to search for your animal sign. Select your Gregorian date of birth in the widget, and it'll reveal your date of birth in accordance with the lunar calendar, collectively along with your signal. A new enterprise proposal could additionally be made to you which will bring in additional income for a protracted while on a persistent basis. In that moment, things feel a bit extra in place, and I half-know it’s not true, however my coronary heart has slowed down, because I’ve remembered that each the planets and my emotions keep transferring. In many ways, psychological astrology’s application is a form of emotional self-help, encouraging reflection and introspection, giving strategies for development, and typically promising to have the ability to unlock inner power. Numerologist.com on young Australian women documents self-help and astrology as a selected “psychological strategy” for navigating neoliberal and postfeminist contradiction. Traditional astrology, derived from historic astrology, focuses much less on internal expertise and traits and more on the occasions in an individual’s life, in line with its practice as divination. To entry these profiles and book a session, nevertheless, you will want to create an account. Sometimes the celebrities anticipate a lot from us, like becoming a member of the navy. If a big overlap exists between army prospects and zodiac enthusiasts, the army is concentrating on it. That's yet another example of how astrologers cherry-pick and ignore astronomical observations, Rao stated. Visually stunning, medical astrology pictures supplied a method for people to see and bear in mind how their our bodies match into the bigger cosmos, serving to to situate their health in relationship to the universe. 2020 brought an enormous change in how companies and people thought about spirituality and instinct. The website is house to a host of psychics and non secular advisors, each an professional of their specialty. You can view them stay and interact at no cost astrology earlier than signing up, which is a good way of experiencing their service earlier than being committed to them with an account. But if you'd like it to be extra private, you'll be able to sign up for a personal session and purchase credits.
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astrology---realm · 4 months
astrology quiz
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saturniandevil · 2 months
March 2024 Important Dates
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AKA my notes on The Astrology Podcast's March Forecast.
February recap: The conjunction between Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Pluto in Aquarius conjunction has aligned with new tech developments. The Venus-Pluto conjunction heralded OpenAI's new text-to-video generator and the ensuing discussion on its potential political, labor, and artistic effects. Mercury was conjunct Mars and Venus trine Jupiter (with Virgo Moon completing a grand trine & involving the Saturn-Pisces opposition) the day Neuralink tried its first human subject. How will different parts of society react to further developments in cybernetics and body augmentation? Past occurrences of astrological alignments can help us make predictions. Advances in robotics during a major transit in the humanistic sign of Aquarius will challenge us to redefine what it means to be human. On February 10th, around the Mars-Pluto conjunction, a group of people set a self-driving delivery car on fire in San Francisco. These robo-taxis are likely going to increase when Jupiter enters Gemini, and indeed a few companies are poised to launch in other cities.
In other Pluto in Aquarius news, last episode Chris noted there's work in using X-rays to ancient scrolls from Herculaneum and Pompeii that can't be opened without incurring damage. On February 5th, the day of the Mercury-Pluto conjunction, the first images of one of these scrolls have been made available. This fits with Mercury-Pluto themes of lost or buried information coming to light. On the same day King Charles of England's cancer diagnosis was announced--an announcement of mortality. We also had the first privately-funded lunar vehicle landing. Pluto makes large thing imperceptibly small and makes microscopic things enormous.
In Saturn in Pisces news, in 2020 Chris predicted success for Miley Cyrus's Saturn return and indeed she won the Grammy. This also marks part 2 of the Dune movie--the book was written under Saturn in Pisces as well. Other influential sci-fi & fantasy stories were written under Saturn in Pisces like Lord of the Rings, and our hosts predict that a new classic will be born during this transit. In other Mars-Pluto news, we have ambiguous stories about nuclear weapons and Israel's announcement of storming Rafah. Unfortunately the upcoming eclipses (connected to 6 months ago) do not bode well for cessation of warfare. On February 15th, farmers in India have begun striking again, and doctors in South Korea walked out on the job to protest working conditions--Mars in Aquarius squaring Jupiter-Uranus in Taurus reactivates these ongoing labor disputes.
Our hosts recorded the forecast before the perfect Mercury-Saturn-Sun conjunction in Pisces hit on February 28th (the day I'm typing this!), which is one of the major influences over the first half of March. The other big influence is Mars-Venus in Aquarius. In the mutable, indeterminate sign of Pisces, Saturn doesn't bring us as much order as he did in the previous two signs of his domicile.
March 2nd/3rd - Venus square Uranus Venus in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus--either a change is needed to bring us peace and pleasure, or something is disrupting our pleasure. Austin says either way, this placement prompts us for significant changes. Venus's is overcoming Uranus (earlier in the zodiac, has the upper hand), so we can make good use of this placement if we shake things up a little bit in relationships.
March 9th/10th - Mars square Uranus, Mercury enters Aries Mercury has entered the sign where he'll retrograde, stretching what would normally be a transit of a few weeks into 2 months. Mercury in Mars's sign amplifies the wishes of the red planet, who's doing some pretty interesting stuff. In a firey Mars-ruled sign, Mercury wants something practical to do. This clarity and decisiveness will be welcome after all the indecision of Pisces. However, the North Node is in Aries, with the power to obscure things even when it's not blocking the Sun's light. There will be an eclipse here in April, so the pathfinding is tricky. We'll definitely be doubling back as Mercury prepares to retrograde. Sometimes you need to dive into things while you have the vision, yet before you have the rationale. Austin likens it to clearing your way through thick jungle terrain to determine whether a route is viable--it's only by going forward that you find out that you're on the wrong path, and thus, where the right one is. Mercury retrogrades teach us to learn from our mistakes--third time's the charm!
Mars follows Venus's path, and along with Mercury, weighs heavily on the upcoming lunation. Mars-Uranus connotes surprise attacks, sudden severing, unexpected explosions. Internally this can make us feel restless and impulsive. Keywords: recklessness and action without planning. Think of a cigarette being dropped near an oil drum. Technology disruptions are also likely.
March 10th - Pisces New Moon
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Saturn and Neptune are close by to this lunation, and though Mars-Uranus is weighing in, Mars in particular is ultimately reporting to Saturn's broader plan. As Neptune and Saturn approach their conjunction, we'll seek escapism and the imaginal as a respite for our fatigue. We need to step out from being immersed in these waters. Mercury conjoined Neptune on the 8th before he left Pisces, leaving the imprint of confused or empathic communications in the air as the lunar cycle resets for the month.
March 11th/12th - Venus enters Pisces From here she builds up to a conjunction with Saturn at 11° on the 21st. As the sign of her exaltation, she's better able to bring harmony and reconciliation in our relationships, though Saturn brings a cool distance to our relationships. She'll conjoin Neptune in this sign next month. We may also see some kind of artwork that resonates with people on a deep emotional level.
March 17th - Sun conjoins Neptune, Electional chart
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At around 1PM local time, this chart has Cancer rising with a dignified Moon in Cancer, applying to a trine with Venus at 7Pisces and sextile with Jupiter in Taurus in the 11th house. This chart occurs before things go crazy later in the month and is the best time to start something new. It's especially good for friends, groups and alliances and doing new things outside of the box.
March 18th - Mercury enters shadow (not pictured) Mercury hits 15Aries, the point he'll retrograde back to, at the same time as he conjoins the North Node. This is a precursor of things that will occur in April.
March 19th/20th - Sun enters Aries This puts the Sun in the same time as the Node that will eclipse it.
March 21st - Venus conjoins Saturn Saturn and Venus bring a sort of melancholy beauty to things. Though we may see them at odds for signifying discipline and love respectively, Saturn does exalt in Venus's sign of Libra. In the sign of Pisces empathy is especially relevant--think understanding each other's feelings because we've suffered the same things. Nostalgia is another important keyword.
March 22nd - Mars enters Pisces This puts him on track to contact to Saturn (exact cojunction c. April 10th)--a dangerous combination. Along with the Sun in Aries and Mercury slowing, this represents the event horizon of major developments for the rest of the month and early April. This will be the first Mars-Saturn conjunction in Pisces; note the Aquarius conjunctions in 2020 and later years coincided with the COVID lockdown(s). Sea lane transit will likely slam on the brakes as well, and current maritime conflicts will see big developments. More figuratively we may ask "where are we going, and what dangers lie ahead?"
March 25th - Libra Lunar Eclipse
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For about a week things have been building up to this eclipse. Its twin will be visible across much of the United States in early April, meanwhile a comet will start to be visible in the night sky. Mars in Pisces copresent Saturn weighs heavily on this eclipse. The pace of events starts moving quickly and chaotically around eclipse season, and things start to move rapidly up or down, especially for prominent people & companies. This eclipse represents a culmination or next chapter of events started in October--major beginnings and major endings (in the Libra house of your chart for individuals). The picture may begin to get clearer. It's not the last installment, but things are clearly underway. Unfortunately this does not bode well for ongoing global conflicts. We can't see clearly with the eclipse, meanwhile Mercury is slowing down about to station retrograde, while right on the North Node. Combined with dangerous Mars-Saturn, it's a bit of a crazy situation. Jupiter's approach to a conjunction with Uranus indicates some surprising, amazing wins, and some people will find unexpected good fortune once the smoke clears. However, not everyone will be able to count on winning the Jupiter lottery here. (Later in April, when Jupiter conjoins Uranus exactly we can expect some kind of freedom and liberation).
The two weeks between these eclipses will be very active, dramatic, and chaotic, with beginnings and endings galore. In the Indian astrology dasha timing technique, the US Sibly chart has been in a time period ruled by Rahu (north node) since the early 2010s, making any eclipses visible in that country especially important to it. This is a time to be flexible!
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eldritchoccult · 1 year
2023 things.
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middleend9 · 2 years
The Astrological Is Political
Even the medicinal herbs were collected and used at acceptable instances for their efficacy. Role of the Astrology in wholesome life and pathogenesis of the illness is well-known to Indians. When a doctor knows etiology of the disease, he makes an attempt to treat the disease with specific medicine, diet and life fashion and likewise avoiding causative elements. In a case where a physician is unable to know the pathogenesis of the disease and to deal with, the patient relies upon upon Astrology. Account of fine and dangerous deeds during this life and previous lives, their penalties of health or sick health during this life which orderly, when, what and the way might be clearly known by way of Astrology. Only a really insecure particular person takes the time to tear down perception systems that deliver positivity into the world. In the midst of this bodily, political and emotional turmoil, astrology offers us a sense of function. It supplies reasons for why the world is spinning as properly as hope that it will be much less nauseating tomorrow. And, typically inside day by day horoscopes, it encourages us to look inside to find energy. When Individualogist Reviews to suppose, as occurred with many individuals through the pandemic, when you let your thoughts wander freely, it might possibly make you feel confused about your previous, fear about your boss, or your family’s future. Pick up a text on astrology and you’ll probably find some examination of Diana’s chart, and in it, insights into her gifts, her passing, and her ever-reverberating impression. Though her chart accommodates countless cosmic data about her life and legacy, key astrological archetypes shed light on what set Lady Di aside, her lasting legend, and why a new technology is rediscovering her. [newline]The tiger, being wild, daring and highly effective, is the King of the Forest. People born within the Year of the Tiger are also endowed with pure leadership and dominant temperament. They like excessive positions with authority and the best of management. They are rule makers and would like to be the patron saint for widespread people. Being lively and impressive, Tiger persons are tenacious in reaching their profession goals. A recently concluded project could convey accolades for the entire team because of your hard work and wisdom. Business individuals will make excellent positive aspects on account of some strategies adopted by their companions. There will be enhanced warmth and affection between members of the family. Gemini signal folks could have a straightforward day on the work entrance. I guess it was meant to be, or, dare I say, written in the stars. There are additionally varying ranges of seriousness to which you'll approach it. Zodiac-curious individuals can view their horoscopes for fun, not for facts, they usually can achieve value from it even when they don’t imagine in it. A half-serious perception in astrology seems to be harmless enough leisure even though it has no basis in science. Then again, denial of anthropomorphic climate change, a common perception of flat-earthers, additionally appears innocent sufficient entertainment with no foundation in science, yet it has turned out to be a menace to humanity. Astrology isn’t actively harming anybody in the way in which that vaccine refusal, local weather denial, and antiscience campaigns do, but it does enable unscientific thought to creep into tradition.
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astrosolutions · 1 year
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Western astrology is a system of divination based on the position of the planets and stars at the time of a person’s birth. It has its roots in ancient Babylonian astronomy and was later developed by the Greeks and Romans. Western astrology uses a zodiac system that divides the sky into twelve sections, each represented by a different astrological sign. Each sign is associated with certain characteristics and traits, and the position of the planets and stars at the time of a person’s birth is believed to influence their personality, relationships, and life path. Western astrology can be used for personal guidance, relationship compatibility, and even predicting future events. While some people view it as a form of entertainment, others take it very seriously and use it as a tool for self-discovery and personal growth.
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patiouganda8 · 2 years
Learn Your Horoscope Right Now
Getty Last Saturday, March 20th, indicated the start of the new astrological yr. It is the ingress of the Sun into Aries, the first signal of the zodiac. Individualogist Review is all about beginnings, the sign of the fireplace, the entrepreneur, the self-starter. So, should you really feel lost and have nowhere to show to for advice, making an attempt out astrology websites is a good choice. Even when you don’t have any nagging points, you can even verify the astrology/horoscope sites listed above for enjoyable. So, many astrology and horoscope sites have began giving out promotional provides to draw customers. I consult her on occasion and she sends me hyperlinks about important transits on WhatsApp, however in the end we now have our personal individual methods of training astrology. Visiting her a few years ago in Cairns—she refuses to maneuver again to Sydney as a result of it’s too cold for her—we spent quiet mornings on our laptops with cups of black espresso. The solitary nature of practice made astrology really feel like witchcraft greater than any association with the occult. While I by no means thought I could be completely ostracized for my perception in astrology, I additionally knew my interest was something not many other individuals would take significantly. With upright and warm characters, they're beneficiant to help friends, giving each money and time, and in reward, there are at all times somebody helping and defending Sheep individuals in time. Shy and indecisive, they need strong-willed companions of their work and life. When in favorable circumstances, they could turn out to be good artists or creative pioneers, while in adversity, they are typically sensitive and pessimistic. Our parents and grandparents are the ones who most just lately helped usher in astrology and prop it as much as be a valid studying method. As a outcome, Generation Z is using it as a way of understanding ourselves and the world around us. We’re trying to make informed decisions about quite so much of topics, together with politics, romance, and self-care. Astrology runs via Brandy’s third project, Full Moon, as nicely. “We can dance if you'd like, get it crackin’ when you like/Must be a full moon, really feel like one of those nights,” the singer crooned over Rodney Jerkins’ manufacturing.
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fawnchives · 2 months
i very much think that matt would love having a girlfriend who’s into astrology, blink and breathe if you agree 👍🏾
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shadow-the-crow · 1 month
"Which entities are your sun, moon and rising?"
Screw this. Why should i have to use astrology terms? I'll just make my own categories.
The Lonely is who i am. The thing that affects me most in life, the person life has made me become. (explained here)
The Eye is the way people perceive me. Intelligent, knows a lot of things, the silent observer. It has shaped the way i see myself - i think i would still feel connected to the Eye without this, but less.
The Spiral is who i want to be - and maybe who i already am deep down. I'm not even sure what i mean by this (not that i want to deceive people lol). Maybe it's about freedom, about breaking out of the limitations of reality aka society.
The Stranger is what i'm most scared of. This one doesn't even have a deeper meaning, or if it does, i don't understand it yet.
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