#The Quack PHD
noir-renard · 1 year
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Finally got the time to read If You Give A Bat A Burger (by that I mean using text to voice to read it to me during work audiobook style) and its positively incredible!!! :DDDDDDD
I LOVE the little comic!! So cute!! oml thank youuu 🥰🥰🥰 I'm thrilled you're enjoying the story and I'm very happy to have you as a reader~ 😘❤️
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batmanshole · 24 days
my aunt has been summoned for jury duty and is currently trying to guess what trial she's being summoned for based on like. dates and the info she's been given. she's also trying to get out of it because its looking like a huge murder case.
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superlinguo · 9 months
10 years of a PhD
August 2023 marks ten years since I was awarded a PhD in Linguistics. I submitted the thesis for examination in February 2013, it was examined by around May, and the final version with corrections done by some time in the middle of the year. August is when I dressed up and the degree was conferred, so that's the date on the testamur that now hangs in my office. The weirdest thing about this decade is that it means I've spent longer having a PhD than doing something that was such an important time in my life. My work has continued to grow from, but still draw on, my thesis research. I have been working with speakers of Syuba as well as Lamjung Yolmo, to continue to document this language family. I've moved from a focus on evidentiality to look at reported speech, discourse and gesture. These all still require an approach that looks at both grammatical structures and how people use them, directly continuing the kind of approach I took in my PhD. I'm particularly proud of the gesture work, as this is a return to an older interest. I didn't publish my PhD as a single monograph, but turned it into a number of revised and refined papers. I publishing the descriptive grammar as a book, which was an expanded version of a slightly absurd 30k word appendix to the thesis. Below is a list of those publications, as you can see it took me quite a few years to find homes for all of this work. I've also been lucky to take my research in other directions too; my gesture work has expanded into emoji and emblems, and I've also been writing about the data management and lingcomm work I've been doing. This work has increasingly been happening with collaborators, I love how much better work becomes when people talk each other into do their best thinking. I know I'm very fortunate to still be researching and teaching a decade after graduating, and that I have an ongoing job that lets me plan for the next decade. The thesis work informed a lot of my research, but these are the publications taken directly from the thesis:
Gawne, L. 2016. A sketch grammar of Lamjung Yolmo. Asia-Pacific Linguistics. [PDF] [blog summary]
Gawne, L. Looks like a duck, quacks like a hand: Tools for eliciting evidential and epistemic distinctions, with examples from Lamjung Yolmo (Tibetic, Nepal). 2020. Folia Linguistica, 54(2): 343-369. [Open access version][published version][blog summary]
Gawne, L. Questions and answers in Lamjung Yolmo Questions and answers in Lamjung Yolmo. 2016. Journal of Pragmatics 101: 31-53. [abstract] [blog summary]
Gawne, L. 2015. The reported speech evidential particle in Lamjung Yolmo. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 38(2): 292-318. [abstract][pre-publication PDF]
Evidentiality in Lamjung Yolmo. 2014. Journal of the South East Asian Linguistics Society, 7: 76-96. [Open Access PDF]
A list of all publications is available on my website: https://laurengawne.com/publications/
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queenrepent · 6 months
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"He never got his PhD, in book-learning he really lacks! He ducked all his classes in psychiatry physiology, now he's known as the king of the quacks!"
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sassypotatoe1 · 7 months
A comprehensive list of things chiropractors can treat or cure by clicking your back, according to old lady gossip circle:
Multiple sclerosis
Cardiovascular disease
Chrons disease
Your fight or flight response
Neurological conditions like tourettes
Lymph node drainage
Chronic pain caused by "inflammation" which is not actual inflammation but refers to conditions like arthritis and osteoporosis
Chronic pain in general
Tuberculosis by way of lung massages that put more air in the muscles and makes breathing easier
Difficult pregnancy
It has to be noted that chiropractors can treat exactly 0 of these conditions, and chiropractic "treatments" can not even provide relief for most of these. Chiropractors can massage and stretch you, providing temporary relief for pain caused by injury, muscle tension or cramps. They can not even address the underlying cause of these issues. They do not require a medical degree to practice, and they aren't covered by most medical insurance FOR A REASON. you can get the same effect from your hairdresser giving you a neck massage while shampooing you and that does not cost an arm and a leg.
Chiropractors are exploitative quacks who make bold claims and use big words to make money off your suffering. If you want to treat an injury go to a physical therapist who has a medical degree or sport science doctorate at least, or ideally a biokineticist. If you want to treat ANY OF THE REST OF THESE go to your GP, get a referral to a specialist with a PhD in their selected medical field that they got from medical school, and treat it with clinical evidence based intervention.
For the love of God if you want your back clicked pay a chiropractor a fuck ton of money but don't expect a cure to come for your chronic illness from theatrics and some stretching.
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rhythmelia · 10 months
What I Know (podfic from Pride Month Twitter Love Stories series)
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[ID: podfic cover with a gathering of tall trumpet-shaped purple and yellow flowers (photo by beautifulduckweed). Title is "What I Know" with credits as "By beautifulduckweed, read by jennisaisquoi, risa-say-quail, simon-says-quack, curlofacalyx, Gavilan, rhythmia, wilfriede0815, HowOldAreWe" /end ID]
Multivoice podfic! Organized/edited/executive produced by jennisaisquoi / @mama-phd!
Podfic: What I Know Original fic: What I Know by @beautifulduckweed, also on twitter here: https://twitter.com/gleebags/status/1542743379309514752
Tagging other contributors with tumblrs: @takonxmz @gavilansblog @wilfriede
It's been an honor participating in it, the original twitter/AO3 story is absolutely wonderful/gutwrenching and as I mentioned in chat multiple chunks of this story are L I T E R A L L Y ME which is why I asked to read the section of the story I did (Hiiiii I'm the "bad at being Chinese" part). Once again showing how being specific about one's experiences (in this case about growing up queer and Chinese) is one way you can be incredibly relatable to others 💜
jennisaisquoi did an AMAZING job putting it together (listen to the music version if you can for EVEN MORE FEELS) and I love everyone in this bar. Have tissues ready, I was definitely emotionally compromised and tearing up for multiple parts of it, everyone is SO GOOD at their performances ahhhhh
(psst also check out the rest of jennisaisquoi's Pride Month Twitter Love podfic series on AO3 based on beautifulduckweed's Pride Month Twitter Love series from 2022!)
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tchotchkeshelves · 1 year
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racefortheironthrone · 11 months
Are you familiar with Peter Turchin’s work and if so, what are your thoughts? Is he considered a serious historian?
After researching this guy’s bio for a bit, I can say that he’s not a historian - his PhD seems to be in Zoology - and this whole cliodynamics business seems to be a discipline that he invented in a brazen act of academic columbusing/academic imperialism. Historians do not consider him a serious historian, and nor do I.
The problem with Turchin’s entire academic project is twofold: first, there is not enough data to do the kind of precision mathematical modeling that he purports to do. When it comes to pre-modern history, there are huge swathes of time and space and human experience for which we do not have records, either because the records didn’t survive to the present, literacy rates weren’t high enough to produce the desired types and levels of records, or the literate classes simply didn’t consider worthy of being written down. When it comes to modern history, things are a bit better because modern societies tend to produce written records at an incomprehensible volume, but here the problem is that the sheer mass of records plus certain specialized problems in library sciences that are too complicated to go into in this post (but I’ll explain if someone asks me) means that only a tiny fraction of these records are digitized, let alone digitized in a way that they can then be put into a database and modeled upon. As my old professor Eric Foner put it during new major orientation: “the difference between ancient history and modern history is that in ancient history you know all your sources but there aren’t any, and in modern history there are tons of sources but you don’t know them.”
Second, even if there was enough data, trying to accurately and meaningfully model all of human history is a futile endeavor. This is something that we discuss in introductory theory courses - the complex interplay of historical forces and individual agency/contingency, the literally infinite number of factors that influence human society and behavior, and so on. The historiography of ideas is littered with failed attempts to construct total theories of history - the Hegelians, the Marxists, the objectivists (which isn’t the same thing as Randian Objectivism, it’s complicated and I’ll explain in another post if anyone really wants to know), huge swathes of sociology but especially the structuralists, significant swathes of political science and psychology, and oh my god so many economists. It’s pretty much a cliche at this point for social scientists to say they were inspired to become social scientists by childhood dreams of becoming a psychohistorian like Hari Seldon. The problem is that psychohistory is science fiction, it’s not real, and it can’t be real because humans are too damn complex and contradictory. It is a massive red flag that Turchin has explicitly compared cliodynamics to psychohistory; it’s like when some Silicon Valley disruptor starts talking about how their latest project was inspired by their favorite sci-fi series.
So yeah, this guy seems like a total quack.
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In this talk from the 2022-23 edition of the Herodotus Helpline, Alex Tarbet (Michigan) explores the impact of various Egyptian adventure stories and other tales drawn from oral folklore on Herodotus' Histories. As part of the talk, Alex looks at The Blinding of Pharos, preserved in both Demotic Egyptian (~3rd century BCE) and Herodotus’ Greek (5th century BCE).
Source: the youtube channel of Herodotus Helpline
Alex Tarbet is a PhD candidate in Classics and Sylvia 'Duffy' Engle Graduate Fellow at the University of Michigan (https://lsa.umich.edu/humanities/people/2022-23-fellows/alex-tarbet.html). According to the information given on his dissertation by the University (https://lsa.umich.edu/classics/people/graduate-students/language-and-literature-graduate-students/coleem.html ):
 Alex studies humor at the expense of tyrants and authoritarians as it passed among storytellers of Greece and Egypt. His dissertation, Worlds Upside Down: Egyptian Folk Humor and Herodotus, explores comic anecdotes about the pharaohs Egyptians performed for Herodotus as he traveled along the Nile in the 5th century.
Good video, very similar to the text of the same author on Egyptian cats and Herodotus that I have reproduced almost one year ago (https://aboutanancientenquiry.tumblr.com/post/670193035428184064/herodotus-and-the-egyptian-cats ). But I think that Tarbet’s passion for the “decolonization’ of the Classics leads him too far when for instance he says that Aristophanes is a “huge celebrity” just because of an “accident of  colonialism”!
Now, more particularly concerning Herodotus, I have the objection that Tarbet approaches the question of the Egyptian sources of Herodotus and of their agendas almost exclusively from the point of view of his specialty, which is humor and power in Egypt and Greece. I think that this is a real aspect of the story about what Herodotus heard from his Egyptian sources, in which there were for sure some tales with a humoristic element in them, but not the whole story. I think also that the question of the relationship of Herodotus with his Egyptian sources and the nature and degree of the historical consiousness and the agendas of the latter deserves a deeper approach and study. Moreover, I don’t think that describing Herodotus as a “tourist” conveys a very accurate picture of the reality: if it is true that Herodotus visited Egypt for a relatively short period of time, it is undeniable that his pursuits in Egypt were scholarly, not those of a modern “tourist” (and the more general ambience in the Egypt of the 440′s BCE, when Herodotus must have visited the country, was not particularly jovial and tourist-friendly, as it is generally accepted that the Persian rule of Egypt had become far more oppressive after the revolt of 460-454 BCE, which ended with the crushing defeat of the revolted Egyptians and of their Greek allies).
Now, the author who contributed the most to the discovery of the similarities about which Tarbet talks between what Herodotus records on the pre-Saite history of Egypt (before 664 BCE) and the Egyptian Demotic tradition is Joachim Friedrich Quack, German Egyptologist, Demotic language specialist, and professor of Egyptology at the University of Heidelberg (see in German J-F. Quack Einführung in die altägyptische Literaturgeschichte III. Die demotische und gräko-ägyptische Literatur, 2, Berlin 2009, and in English Joachim Friedrich Quack- Kim Ryholt Demotic Literary Texts from Tebtunis and Beyond, Museum Tusculanum Press, 2019). So, I think that it is important to see what conclusions drew from these similarities Pr. Quack.
First of all, as I have showed in an older post of mine, Quack believes that the similarities between Herodotus’ Book II and the Demotic Egyptian literature prove that Herodotus did have an important degree of knowledge of the Egyptian tradition, and therefore what he writes about Egypt is not some aggregate of lies or of arbitrary products of his own imagination, as some people foolishly claim on this site (see  https://aboutanancientenquiry.tumblr.com/post/701378423007952896/egyptology-professor-j-fr-quack-on-herodotus ,with the further link to the entirety of Quack’s original text in French). As Pr. Quack says ( the translation to English is mine):
“Although it is undeniable that Herodotus is capable of modifying certain details in order to make them agree with his own way of thinking, this can by no means change the overall picture: Herodotus shows such a precise knowledge of the Egyptian traditions and realities that it is difficult to not admit the reality of the visit to Egypt of the “father of history”. The “Liar school” 98 which denies this visit is explicitly refuted. Also the tradition of research which sees above all in the relations of Herodotus with foreign peoples a mirror effect putting into relief their otherness in comparison to the Greeks, without taking enough into account the realities 99, is proved to be inadequate to deal with the complexity of the work of the historian from Halicarnassus.”
Moreover, Quack believes that Herodotus’ account of the pre-Saite history of Egypt is not the product of misunderstanding from Herodotus’ part of jokes of low rank Egyptian priests (or “priests’) or more generally of Herodotus’ confusions, but reflects rather the confusions and distortions in the historical consciousness of the Egyptian priests of his time (see again https://aboutanancientenquiry.tumblr.com/post/701378423007952896/egyptology-professor-j-fr-quack-on-herodotus , with the further link to Quack’s text). As Pr. Quack puts it (the translation from the French original is again mine):
“Herodotus often refers to what he has heard from Egyptian priests 96. The demotic texts that I have presented here originate largely in a priestly milieu, as it is showed clearly enough in the papyri of Tebtynis. This makes also abundantly clear that the traditions on the Egyptian past and the exploits of the heroes, which have often been characterized as “folkloric” 97, have a solid basis in the stories circulating among the priests of Late Egypt. And where Herodotus’ narrative seems to us strange, concerning the anecdotes on the Egyptian kings or their order of succession, it would be appropriate to impute this strangeness less to the errors and misunderstandings of the Greek historian or to the fancies of uncultured guides than to the confusions which had been already produced during the long transmission of the Egyptian culture.”
PS: To my great amusement, I see that Alex Tarbet’s video on the youtube channel of Herodotus Helpline is used by some people on tumblr in order to vindicate the anti-Herodotus campaign of the gang of tumblr egyptologists or, in some cases, “egyptologists” (you know, the “Herodotus is my bitch”,  “Fuck Herodotus”, “Fuck Herodotus and fuck yourself”, “most misconceptions about ancient Egypt can be traced back to Herodotus’ Greek ass” etc etc graceful and scholarly ladies, and their sycophants, maids, and ignorant and fanatical fanbase). I think that what I have written above is a sufficient reply to their ridiculous claims. But, just for the sake of completeness,  I will return in some days with a more detailed post on Herodotus, the pre-Saite history of Egypt, and his Egyptian sources.
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noir-renard · 1 year
Hey! I saw the sopa de fideo and figured: there must be some duck-shaped pasta for sopa, to add to the Yorick lore.
And there is:
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Oh my goodness, I LOVE!! Sopa de patito!! Jason would 100% buy this pasta and so would I tbh ❤️❤️❤️
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The goose has a PhD btw I'm like 99% sure it's counterfeit but whatever
Making you a bit of a “quack” LMAO
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fowlfelon · 5 months
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General / History.
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Oswald  was  disabled  in  his  late  20s.  As  a  result.  he  walks  with  a  limp,  giving  him  his  characteristic  “penguin  waddle."  As  is  canon  with  Gotham,  this  was  punishment  for  “snitching”  on  his  then  boss,  Fish  Mooney.  Additionally  he  is  also  blind  in  one  eye and  wears  a  monocle  over  the  artificial  eye  for  aesthetic  purposes. Technically  he  requires  a  pair  of  reading  glasses,  but  of  course  he  does  not  wear  them  as  much  as  he  should.  Oswald  is  also  a  smoker  and  has  been  since  his  late  teens.  He  always  hid  the  fact  from  his  mother  while  she  was  alive,  due  to  fearing  backlash  from  her.  Sometimes,  when  Oswald  returned  home  smelling  of  “perfume”  his  mother  would  accuse  him  of  being  in  relationships  with  women.  The  truth  was  often  that  Oswald  would  attempt  to  hide  any  cigarette  smell  with  perfume  from  the  woman's  dressing  room  at  Mooney’s.  Oswald’s  smoking  is  very  pronounced  in  his  later  years,  easily  considered  a  ‘chain  smoker’.  This  has  resulted  in  wheezing,  noted  as  Oswald's  iconic  "quack”.
Oswald's  most  notable  quirk  is  his  obsession  with  formal  wear.  He  is  known  most  famously  for  his  immaculate  dress  sense  and  rarely  to  never  seen  outside  of  full  and  proper  formal  wear  if  he  can  help  it.  He  does  NOT  skimp  on  the  details. For  Oswald  this  means  going  the  full  nine  yards,  including  undergarments  and  all  accessories,  ranging  from  tie  pins  to  cufflinks. Though  Oswald  didn’t  always  dress  this  way  it  has  become  something  that  is  nearing  compulsive  in  his  modern  and  later  years.  I  tend  to  describe  Oswald’s  love  of  suits  in  the  same  way  a  bird  loves  its  feathers  ━  a  bird  with  feather’s  is  beautiful,  a  bird  without  not  so  much. Due  to  the  dysmorphia  and  low  self-esteem  Oswald  suffers,  Oswald  gets  a  lot  of  confidence  and  comfort  from  his  suits.  In  his  later  life,  Oswald  also  has  his  own  clothing  line  known  as  “K!ng  P!n"  of  course dealing  chiefly  in  formal  wear.  This  is  very  successful.  All  clothing  articles  carry  Oswald's  embodied  "Umbrella"  logo.
Oswald  in  his  later  years  has  came  to  possess  a  dozen  pet  penguins.  They  are  mostly  Gentoo  penguins  and  Oswald  refers  to  them  typically  as  his  babies  and/or  children.  Penguins  are  not  the  only  birds  Oswald  possesses  however  ━  he  also  has  a  pet  vulture  and  an  ostrich.  If  left  to  his  own  devices  Oswald  will  somewhat  compulsively  collect  exotic  birds,  at  certain  points  he  has  had  a  house  full  of  birds,  to  the  point  where  it  has  become  a  health  hazard.  As  a  result  in  later  years  its  common  that  he’s  forced  by  authorities  to  surrender  animals  to  various  zoos  around  Gotham.  It  would  be  fair  to  say  he  sometimes  suffers  from  animal  hoarding,  and  though  he  means  no  harm  to  the  animals  ( quite  the  opposite )  this  is  just  one  of  the  more  tragic  manifestations  of  Oswald’s  fluctuating  and  usually  poor  mental  health.
Oswald  is  exceptionally  intelligent  though  he  doesn't  posses  any  form  of  Masters  or  PHD.  In  fact,  Oswald  is  a  high-school  drop  out.  Prior  to  becoming  infamous  as  the  Penguin,  Oswald  was  an  "umbrella  boy" (  a  nice  way  of  saying  "servant  boy”  )  and  ultimately  a  clever  con-man  beyond  that.  Needless  to  say Oswald  had  been  “affiliated"  with  the  Mafia  since  he  was  in  his  late  teens  and  was  about  22  years  old  when  he  began  officially  working  for  Fish  Mooney.  He  spent  at  least  five  years  as  her  personal  servant  before  eventually  seeing  an  opportunity  to  overthrow  her.  As  a  result,  while  Oswald  is  not  overly  academically  gifted,  or  at  least  he  never  had  the  opportunity  to  be  recognized  as  such,  he’s  extremely  cunning,  street  smart,  worldly  and  a  fast  learner.   Naturally,  despite  popular  “caricatures”  of  him  Oswald  is  not  grotesquely  obese  and  nor  does  he  have  fused  fingers.
 He  is  also  not  quite  as  short  as  people  make  him  out  to  be.  the  Penguin  of  "rumor"   and  the  Penguin  of  reality  are  quite  different.  In  his  later  years  Oswald  dons  a  receding  hairline,  and  his  hair  in  general  is  not  in  fantastic  quality,  possibly  due  to  a  lifetime  of  constant  bleaching,  cutting  and  styling.  He  often  wears  a  top  hat  to  conceal  this  fact.  Again  in  his  later  years  Oswald  is  quite  "pudgy”  and  frequently  goes  on  “diets"  which  usually  entail  simply  starving  himself  on  and off,  although  occasionally  this  is  less  down  to  dieting  and  more  down  to  depression  /  disinterest  in  eating  and  other  self-care.  Regardless,  Oswald  doesn't  seem  to  understand  his  "diets"  are  as  unhealthy  as  his  eating  habits  as  he  lacks  the  proper  restraint  for  a  "real"  diet,  though  as  a  result  of  this  Oswald’s  weight  is  often  as  fluctuating  as  his  eating  habits.
Oswald  occasionally  online  dates.  He’s  never  had  any  truly  serious  relationships  particularly  due  to  low  self-confidence  /  fear  of  revealing  himself.  He  is  usually  crushingly  lonely.  One  of  Oswald’s  greatest  goals  in  life  is  to  experience  real  mutual  love.  Despite  his  criminal  lifestyle  and  nasty  reputation,  Oswald  has  a  profound  capacity  for  love  and  compassion.  He  is  as  touch  adverse  as  he  is  touch  starved  which  make  for  an  interesting  combination.  He  pines  for  love  and  affection  but  frequently  shuns  it  and  hides  from  it  simultaneously.  Oswald  grew  up  the  son  of  a  poor  Austrian  immigrant.  He  was  entirely  estranged  from  his  multi-million  air  father,  only  ever  learning  of  his  existence  after  his  mother’s  death  when  Oswald  was  31  years  old. Oswald  was  bullied  harshly  for  his  odd  appearance  and  mannerisms.  
His  mother  was  very  overbearing  and  their  relationship  was  quite  toxic.  It  would  easily  be  defined  as  "covert  incest”  which  has  had  a  lasting  negative  impact  on  Oswald  and  his  relationships  throughout  his  life. Oswald  isn’t  extremely  open  about  his  sexuality,  either,  both  due  to  fears  of  homophobic  backlash  ( Something  drastically  increased  while  his  mother  was  alive.)  And  because  in  someway,  particularly  after  his  mother’s  death  when  Oswald  became  much  more  “”expressive””,  he  kind  of  thinks  if  someone  doesn’t  know  they  don’t  deserve  to  know  or  perhaps  more  those  who  deserve  to  know  already  do  know.
Further, Oswald  grew  up  watching  old  fashioned  gangster  movies,  where  frequently  mafia  men  were  depicted  as  heroes.  Eventually,  Oswald  came  to  idolize  Carmine  Falcone,  seeing  him  as  the  real  life  version  of  his  movie  heroes  and  ultimately  the  great  man  his  mother  told  him  he  would  be.  Needless  to  say,  Oswald’s  view  of  gangsters  and   criminality  were  warped  from  a  young  age  and  this  was  only  ever  emphasized  by  the  hash,  backward  reality  of  Gotham’s  streets  and  the  heavily  corrupted  police  force.  When  Oswald  was  young,  his  mother  would  occasionally  do  odd  jobs,  though  perhaps  due  to  her  own  mental  illness  she  never  really  held  anything  down.  They  managed  fine  however,  though  Oswald  never  knew  that  this  was  at  large  to  due  the  decent  sum  of  hush  money  Gertrude  always  received  from  Alida  Van  Dahl,  prior  to  the  latter’s  passing  when  Oswald  was  in  his  mid-late  teens.  
This  is  around  the  time  when  Oswald  decided  to  drop  out  of  school  and  find  a  job  due  to  his  mother’s  increasing  stress. It’s  no  secret  that  Oswald  suffers  from  mental  illness,  though  he  has  found  himself  in  both  imprisoned  in   Arkham  Asylum  and  Black gate  penitentiary  at  different  points  throughout  his  life  and  it  doesn’t  seem  as  if  Gotham’s  justice  system  can  decide  where  exactly  he  most  belongs.  
As  far  as  anything  concreate  goes,  its  theorized  that  Oswald  most  likely  has  STPD  ( Schizotypal  personality  disorder )  which  accounts  for  his  social  anxiety  and  all  other  peculiar  traits  and  mannerisms.  He  has  been  described  as  having  narcissistic  tendencies  as  well  as  the  aforementioned  unhealthy  relationship  with  his  deceased  mother.  He  also  has  bouts  of  extreme  depression  and  mania  as  well  as  some  mild  sexual  aversion  and considers  himself  “asexual”  though  if  only  in  coping  /  shielding  from   his  trauma  /  abuse.  Other  notes  on  Oswald’s  psychological  profile  include  mild  to  high  body  dysmorphia as  well  as  his  odd  obsession  with  birds  and  umbrellas.
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kirshd · 5 months
The only time it's complimentary to call a doctor a quack is if they have a PhD in Duckology.
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in-sightpublishing · 1 year
The American Medical System and Physicians 3: Professor Benoit Desjardins, MD, PhD, FAHA, FACR, FNASCI on Burnout, Quack Medicine, and Litigious American Culture
Author(s): Scott Douglas Jacobsen Publication (Outlet/Website): In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal Publication Date (yyyy/mm/dd): 2022/05/22 Abstract Professor Benoit Desjardins, MD, PhD, FAHA, FACR, FNASCI is an Ivy League academic physician and scientist at the University of Pennsylvania. He is a member of the Mega Society, the OlympIQ Society and past member of the Prometheus…
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prnlive · 1 year
Gary Null’s Newsletter Issue 063
In this week’s Gary Null’s Newsletter:
Conspiracies Are The New Normal
Gary Null's Show Notes
 Recipe for Mushroom and Sweet Pea Spaghetti
Conspiracies Are The New Normal
By Richard Gale & Gary Null, PhD 
No doubt, none of us can recall a time when the world at large has faced so many problems and crises that impinge upon the well-being and mortality of billions of people. The Covid-19 pandemic has taught us that for the average person the human psyche is extraordinarily fragile and can easily be overwhelmed with anxiety, dread, depression and anger. People desperately sought solutions to ameliorate an all-pervading angst as society was being completely reconfigured in the image of those who hold power, influence and wealth. There was a time in the past when we believed our elected officials would enact laws to protect the citizenry and provide a climate for sustaining a normal, productive life. During the Covid-19 pandemic, those who could capitalize on its opportunities found the means to push forward non-democratic agendas to displace normalcy. In its place the masters of government and industry assured us that existential angst is our new fate. Faith in any institutional security has collapsed into a tragic theater as the younger generations face an uncertain future and life loses its purpose and meaning.
The majority of people’s beliefs are grounded and conditioned upon the input and information they receive. Through a compromised media, the consuming public is spoon-fed a heavy dose of fear and confusion. Those who make efforts to pull back the curtain to expose the wizard of a dystopian globalist Oz are marginalized and officially canceled by Silicon Valley and an army of faux fact checkers. Consequently, it should come as no surprise that the culture of non-transparency draping the halls of Washington, the international health institutions, professional medical associations, and the pharmaceutical complex has sparked public suspicions about conspiratorial operations to shred democracy and individual rights and freedoms.
Objective skepticism, the ability to turn towards the mind’s faculty for critical thought, has rapidly declined in American society for several decades. Yet a healthy skepticism is necessary for questioning both the rhetoric and misinformation of “official” views and propaganda, including hints of what is commonly ridiculed as conspiracy. The word “conspiracy” has lost its meaning and credibility in the American lexicon. Rarely does mainstream media, professional associations and think tanks, and official federal public relations and propaganda contextualize the term to simply implicate wrongdoing and corruption. When used by authorities, “conspiracy” is almost always pejorative, a means to slander, accuse and marginalize people as loons and quacks. As a result we are led to believe the gospel word of officialdom: the Warren report, the 911 Commission, and everything spouted from Anthony Fauci, the White House and federal health agencies regarding the Covid-19 pandemic and the wave of pro-vaccine mania.
Very often conspiracies are ridiculous, bordering on the surreal and absurd. However, past examples of politically motivated black flag operations and secretive agendas created in corporate boardrooms and government halls cannot rule out that conspiracies don’t exist or never have. When there is sound reason to question the integrity of a politician, health official, media pundit, or a corporate executive, it is natural for the inquisitive mind to explore more deeply the hidden motivations and goals underlying the thoughts and actions of conspiracies’ physical footprints. In most cases it is the evidence of contradictions, hypocrisies and confirmed blatant lies by individuals in authority that give birth to the conspiratorial mind.
Conspiracies conducted by the government, which resulted in unnecessary violence and death, are proven to have occurred or at least certainly planned: the Gulf of Tonkin, the Tuskegee syphilis experiments, the CIA staged coup to oust Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh, and the failed Operation Northwood scheme by the CIA and Pentagon to launch acts of terror against Miami residents. Before the 2001 anthrax scare identified any individual or group behind the toxic letters, according to an FBI whistleblower, the Bush White House instructed the FBI to blame the attacks on al-Qaeda; later it was revealed that the threats were carried out by one or more US government employed scientists. In addition, the US government frequently launches conspiratorial misinformation campaigns throughout the major corporate media and Silicon Valley complex in order to support its clandestine and long term agendas. Furthermore, the media makes every effort to seduce us into believing that we don’t have conspiracies in the banking system, the pharmaceutical industry, and the government intelligence apparatus.
NSA Director Gen. Keith Alexander claimed publicly that intelligence surveillance of the American public “foiled” 54 terrorist attacks by extremists. Independent research confirmed that in fact only one, and a possible second, attack could be directly associated with the war on terrorism. The media never questioned the accuracy of Alexander’s claim nor provided evidence to the contrary. Repeatedly Obama lied to the American people about the largess of the national security state and its infiltration into the lives of average citizens, including massive data collection of private phone calls, emails and internet activity. The federal government is a vast sea of conspiracies operative at any given moment. Edward Snowden documented proof that intelligence surveillance is far more extensive than officially reported. But others can be cited throughout the recent activities of the FBI, CIA, Pentagon, FISA courts, USDA and FDA and CDC, and the Justice Department. Additional confirmed conspiracies planned by our executive branch, the CIA, military and other federal agencies include:
•  A US Congressional committee acknowledged that the CointelPro campaign included the FBI employing provocateurs from the 1950s to 1970s to carry out terrorist acts in order to blame civil political activists.
•  Bush’s justice department Attorney General John Yoo recommended that the US create a false terrorist organization for the purpose of conducting terrorist attacks that could be blamed on al-Qaeda.
•  Overwhelming scientific evidence now can debunk the official report that the three World Trade buildings could not have collapsed in free fall from jet-fuel fires alone.
•  Government has covered up conspiracies waged against Americans by other nations. The Israeli bombing of the USS Liberty and the planting of bombs in US diplomatic facilities in Egypt by Israeli terrorist cells are two examples.
•  State Department documents show the Pentagon’s Joint Chiefs of Staff planned to bomb the US consulate in the Dominican Republic in order to win popular support for an invasion of the country.
•  During the US occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, American soldiers were instructed to leave weapons near bodies of innocent civilians they killed in order to make the claim they were terrorists.
•  The Tuskegee Syphilis Study conducted by the US Public Health Service between 1932 to 1972, which experimented with unknowing poor African American men in violation of the Nuremberg Code.
•  The 2000 Simpsonwood meeting convened by the CDC with major health agencies and executives of vaccine makers to cover-up scientific evidence that mercury in vaccines were contributing to the increase in autism.
•  The whistleblower document dump by a senior CDC epidemiologist, Dr. William Thompson, revealing that the health agency under Julie Gerberding’s directorship destroyed internal research proving the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine contributed to a 250 percent higher rate of autism in African American boys. Gerberding went on to become president of Merck’s vaccine division with a $2.5 million salary and $38 million in stock options.
•  The thirty-year asbestos covered up of prior knowledge about asbestos’ association with respiratory illness and cancer in order to avoid lawsuits
•  The CIA’s mind control operations known as MK Ultra from the 1950s into the 1970s before being exposed by the Church Committee.
•  The Iran-Contra Affair in 1985 to secretly sell arms to Iran in order to fund Nicaraguan Contras.
•  The October Surprise during the Carter-Reagan presidential election when Reagan insiders met with Iranian revolution leaders in Europe to prevent the release of American hostages until after Reagan’s inauguration if he won the election.
These are only examples indicting factions within the federal government with treason to conduct conspiratorial acts. When the brilliant journalist I.F. Stone wrote, “Every government is run by liars, and nothing they say should be believed,” he could have been speaking about the entire gamut of federal agencies. Examples of legalized terror are aplenty and reveal actions solely for the pursuit of profit at the cost of Americans’ health. This has become particularly epidemic in private industry
•  Merck’s withholding evidence from the FDA that its blockbuster drug Vioxx had serious health risks, including heart attack, stroke and death. The drug was responsible for at least a very conservative toll of 60,000 deaths.
•  In 2009, Pfizer was fined $2.3 billion for what was then the largest healthcare felony settlement in US pharmaceutical history for illegally promoting its drugs, including its painkiller Bextra. $1.2 billion was for the criminal fine then the largest imposed in the US.
•  The US Justice Department charged Johnson and Johnson $2.2 billion in criminal fines for marketing its autism and anti-psychotic drug Risperdal for unapproved uses. Forty-five states filed civil lawsuits against J&J in the scandal
•  Lawsuits continue to pile up against Merck for punitive damages, negligence, strict liability with failure to warn, manufacturing defects and common law fraud due to injuries associated with its HPV vaccine Gardasil.
•  A group of CDC scientists who called themselves SPIDER (Scientists Preserving the Integrity, Diligence and Ethics in Research) turned anonymous whistleblowers after releasing a written complaint criticizing the agency for operating as a tax-funded subsidiary of the drug industry in partnership with the FDA.
•  The legal suits against the agricultural giant Monsanto hid years of research and evidence of its active Round Up chemical glyphosate being responsible for DNA damage, birth defects, and a variety of cancers
•  Federally funded researchers forcefully administered highly toxic AIDS drugs in experiments on foster care children in a New York children’s center;
Besides withholding truthful claims, individuals, groups, companies or governments targeted in conspiracy theories share an atmosphere perceived as clandestine and secret. In the private sector, conspiracies are voluminous and are permitted to continue behind the backs of federal crime authorities. For decades independent voices have suggested that Wall Street has undue influence over the Federal Reserve and government economic policies. On the contrary, tens of thousands of articles, books and opinion essays, reinforced with solid scholarship, reveal we do in fact have an epidemic of conspiracies in our midst. Yet there is barely a legislator or journalist in corporate media with the courage to independently investigate the leads behind current events. The corporate media is also complicit in our nationwide conspiracy of corruption and criminal behavior. The media wonks of public opinion, at the behest of federal and corporate pressure, control the issues that the public should or should not hear. Consequently our media engages in campaigns of psychological terror by keeping the public in doubt and fear. Something is terribly wrong when there is such disparity between official rhetoric and the destruction of civil freedoms, justice, sovereignty and constitutional guarantees now decimating human rights and the quality of life across the US. For example, the Biden White House instructed the justice department on the behalf of local school boards nationwide to consider any and all parents who challenge school board’s policies and rules. Instead such parents should be identified and pursed as domestic terrorists, thereby stifling all free speech that challenges government policies.
America is awash in conspiracy. Every firm on Wall Street and in the large private industrial complexes—oil and fossil fuels, nuclear energy, military and national security contractors, the pharmaceutical industry, agro-chemical firms—regularly and repeatedly engage in legal and illegal conspiracies against the American public. Private corporations and their employees have settled many thousands of lawsuits. On occasion accused individuals, usually propped as patsies and fall guys, have gone to jail. But in the majority of cases companies negotiate settlements and walk away without remorse and are able to retain their ill-gotten gains. JP Morgan settled on $13 billion for mortgage fraud, which left thousands of families homeless. Wachovia was slapped for a mere $800 million for money laundering hundreds of billions of dollars including dark money associated with the illegal drug trade. In every private industry we discover numerous resolved class action suits with underlying conspiratorial intentions to deceive the public and federal regulators. Corruption is systemic throughout corporate America and increases with every bill to further deregulate.
A seductive characteristic of many reasonable conspiracy theories is that they cannot be ruled out entirely. For this reason they gain popular traction and proliferate. Research conducted by psychologists Michael Wood and Karen Douglas at the University of Kent in the UK, and findings by political scientist Lance DeHaven in his book Conspiracy Theory in America, indicate that conspiracy theorists are more sane and intellectually mature than our naïve leaders in government and the major two political parties who more fanatically attach themselves to anti-conspiracy beliefs.i  For example, the Kent studies showed that two of three viewers of mainstream media reporting on the events of 911 disbelieved the networks.
The full throttle efforts to enforce experimental Covid mRNA vaccines and threaten jobs and educations generated a flurry of conspiratorial charges leveled against the vaccine makers, Antony Fauci, the NIAID, the CDC and the Biden administration. Since conspiracies arise due to observable inconsistencies, contradictions and obvious misstatements, there is every reason for a critical thinking person to realize that the official narrative is contrary to the growing number of first person accounts of deception at every level. Words don’t match reality. Numerous medical professionals and physicians have spoken out against:
•  The accuracy of PCR testing to track the pandemic and determine case counts;
•  The manner in which Covid-19 deaths were recorded, which included deaths caused by other medical conditions including pneumonia and other infectious diseases;
•  Unwarranted changes in the World Health Organization’s definition of a pandemic and herd immunity;
•  The violation of international laws by enforcing an experimental vaccine on the public;
•  Suppression of accurate data and reports of Covid vaccine injuries and deaths;
•  The suppression of effective and inexpensive lifesaving drugs such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine;
•  Years of scientific evidence against the effectiveness of masks and social distancing and lockdowns;
•  Confirmed lies that the vaccines prevented infection and transmission of the SARS-2 virus and its variants
The widespread censorship of scientific voices within the orthodox medical community is only the tip of the iceberg; however, it provides certainty that the policies and strategies being endorsed are by no means science-based. Similar to the worst kinds of religious fundamentalism that represses and engages in violence against non-believers, the commercial based medicine advocated by Fauci and the government’s network of medical institutions, drug companies and philanthropists like Bill Gates are determined to excommunicate those who criticize their dogma. In every worse possible way the medical establishment is emulating religious institutions that have been totally intolerant of dissenters. We can and should have enormous respect for science when it is conducted in an objective methodological manner aligned with ethical intent; however we should pay no respect for science that is dogmatic, fundamentalist and intolerant. A growing body of evidence now shows that official propaganda about the SARS-2 virus’ origins, the vaccines, and the demonization of safe, cheap and effective treatments has been antithetical to real science. The federal medical complex’s handling of the crisis was an utter failure from the start. And now we are witnessing the larger cost of this incompetence appearing in unexpected harm such as enormous spikes in mental health disorders, suicides, and an epidemic of Covid vaccine induced injuries and deaths. Yet the more disconcerting problem is that the CDC and WHO have been in complete denial about the facts on the ground and persist in giving false information and disingenuous excuses to avoid accountability. 
Fortunately the pandemic has now been firmly exposed as a scam as federal inconsistencies and new information further implodes their narrative. The public will then need to rise up, along with the dissenting medical community, and demand legal accountability for the perpetuators of this pandemic terrorism.
i Kevin Barrett, “New Studies: Conspiracy Theorists Sane; Government Dupes Crazy, Hostile,” Press TV, July 12, 2013. http://www.presstv.com/detail/2013/07/12/313399/conspiracy-theorists-vs-govt-dupes/
Gary Null’s Show Notes
Satisfying mid-life relationships linked to lower multiple chronic disease risk in older age
University of Sydney, February 23, 2023
Satisfying relationships in midlife with partners, friends, or work colleagues are linked to a lower risk of accumulating multiple long term conditions in older age—at least among women—suggests research published in the open access journal General Psychiatry.
The less satisfying these relationships were, the greater was the risk, with the findings only partially explained by influential factors, such as income, education, and health behaviors, the study shows.
Mounting evidence indicates a link between strong social networks and good health/well-being in older age, but it's not known if these connections might lower the risk of multiple long term conditions (multimorbidity), which many older women, in particular, face.
All the women in the current study were aged 45-50 in 1996. Their health and well-being was tracked roughly every three years via questionnaire up to 2016.
They were asked to rank their levels of satisfaction with each of their 5 categories of relationships on a 4-point scale, with each response scored up to a maximum of 3 points.
And they were asked to indicate if they developed any of the following: diabetes; high blood pressure; heart disease; stroke; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD); asthma; osteoporosis; arthritis; cancer; depression; and anxiety.
Accumulating 2 or more of these from a starting point of none, or additional conditions from just 1, or from 2 or more, was defined as having multiple conditions (multimorbidity).
The final analysis included 7,694 women, 58% (4,484) of whom accumulated multiple long term conditions over 20 years of monitoring.
Overall, relationship satisfaction was associated with the accumulation of multiple long term conditions: the greater the levels of satisfaction, the lower were the risks.
Compared with women reporting the highest level of satisfaction (score of 15), those who reported the lowest (score of 5 or less) were more than twice as likely to accumulate multiple long term conditions after fully adjusting for potentially influential factors.
The strength of the association was comparable with that of well established risk factors, such as overweight/obesity, physical inactivity, smoking and alcohol intake, say the researchers.
Tai Chi may reduce stroke risk
Chinese University of Hong Kong, February 23, 2023
Weekly Tai Chi exercise sessions may reduce stroke risk by lowering high blood pressure and increasing the good cholesterol, or high-density lipoprotein (HDL), according to research presented at the American Stroke Association's International Stroke Conference.
Researchers studied how Tai Chi compared to brisk walking for reducing stroke risk in 246 adults with known stroke risk factors, including high blood pressure. Participants were randomly assigned to a group that participated in two 60-minute Tai Chi sessions each week; a walking group that walked briskly for 30 minutes every day; or a control group, which was told to maintain the activities they were doing before the study.
At three months into the assigned activities, researchers found:
The Tai Chi group had notably greater reductions of 10.25 mm Hg in systolic (upper number) and 6.5 mm Hg in diastolic (lower number) blood pressure measurements than those in the control group.
The Tai Chi group also had an average 0.16 millimole (mmol/L) increase in HDL, compared to the control group.
There were no notable differences in blood pressure or HDL in the walking group.
None of the groups experienced notable changes in total cholesterol, blood sugar levels, body mass index, waist circumference or body fat percentage.
Hitting Rock Bottom Frees Us From Negative Emotions
University of Notre Dame, February 22, 2023
We've all heard it said, "When you hit rock bottom, there's nowhere to go but up." This can prove especially true in business, where bottoming out as a result of job loss can be necessary before finding the radical solution that will lead to a new work identity, according to research from the University of Notre Dame.
"On the way down, we frantically do all sorts of things to try and repair the situation, and suffer as they fail," Shepherd says. "Bottoming out frees us from the misconception that the problems can be fixed, and in the process, frees us from other constraints and negative emotions and provides the conditions necessary to find a viable solution."
Individuals who eventually hit rock bottom come to realize their identity has been lost, and that realization can lead to one of two paths: toward recovery or toward dysfunction.
"Using 'identity play' provides a safe environment to escape the situation and try new things, discarding bad ideas or finding and refining a new identity and returning stronger than before."
Play provides an opportunity to both withdraw from the mental anguish and to be creative in generating alternative new work identities and then trying them out to see how they feel without having to commit to them, which can be fun.
Once the individual finds a potential identity that feels right, they then begin to refine the job to make sure it's a good fit for both their needs and the reality of the situation. Without hitting rock bottom, the individual would not have been freed from the past to enable them to creatively explore different alternatives for the future.
"A failed corporate executive might consider a variety of other potential roles," Shepherd says, "For example, sitting on the board of a nonprofit organization that is desperate for experienced managerial guidance, exploring government positions or running for office, working with startups, and so forth. Similarly, a failed entrepreneur might explore how skills learned in starting a business could be applied in a corporate setting, take standardized exams to be considered for law school or engage in other low risk exploration activities. In these cases, hitting rock bottom opens up myriad new opportunities."
The less desirable path involves using fantasy as a means of escape and can include alcohol and drug use.
Along this less desirable path, "people will oscillate between no emotion and severe negative emotion and make no progress toward building a new identity, which can eventually lead to even worse outcomes like suicide," Shepherd says.
Recent studies have explored the impact of career-ending injuries for musicians and soldiers-injuries that generated intense negative emotions as they approached rock bottom. In both studies, some of these individuals were fixated on the loss of a former identity, paralyzed by the realization that they could no longer perform or continue in an established role. Some sought escape through cognitive deconstruction, including the use of drugs.
A deeper understanding of why some recover and others languish provides an opportunity to develop interventions that facilitate recovery from work identity loss.
 Recipe for Mushroom and Sweet Pea Spaghetti
About Gary Null
An internationally renowned expert in the field of health and nutrition, Gary Null, Ph.D is the author of over 70 best-selling books on healthy living and the director of over 100 critically acclaimed full-feature documentary films on natural health, self-empowerment and the environment. He is the host of ‘The Progressive Commentary Hour” and “The Gary Null Show”, the country’s longest running nationally syndicated health radio talk show which can be heard daily on here on the Progressive Radio Network.
Throughout his career, Gary Null has made hundreds of radio and television broadcasts throughout the country as an environmentalist, consumer advocate, investigative reporter and nutrition educator. More than 28 different Gary Null television specials have appeared on PBS stations throughout the nation, inspiring and motivating millions of viewers. He originated and completed more than one hundred major investigations on health issues resulting in the use of material by 20/20 and 60 Minutes. Dr. Null started this network to provide his followers with a media outlet for health and advocacy. For more of Dr. Null’s Work visit the Gary Null’s Work Section or Blog.GaryNull.com In addition to the Progressive Radio Network, Dr. Null has a full line of all-natural home and healthcare products that can be purchased at his Online Store.
As a paying subscriber you receive a 20% discount on Gary's vitamins and other products. Make your selection at Gary's Vitamin Closet: https://www.garysvitamincloset.com and call 646-926-5430 and tell the operator you are a subscriber.
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While we have thoroughly researched the information we provide, and indicate its sources, information in this Gary Null Newsletter, and all Gary Null Newsletters, is for educational and informational purposes only, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or other condition. Consult your medical professional before choosing any treatment or course of action. Gary Null Newsletters are not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information it provides.
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poipounderwife · 2 years
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I am a foodie but when I was posting too much food I was told I could not post anymore. Since I am a Herbologist, Spiceologist, change agent and wellness coach, I was not happy. So let's do it somewhere else. I don't care if I have zero audience, all that matters is my client I am preparing for.
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Do you are limited to ten photos. That's ok. The pictures help you stay on track. International cultures have helped shape the way we eat and learn why they are healthier than us. Italians Mediterranean Asian India to name a few. As an American who was born in Asia I will admit I lost myself traditionally along the way. Idolized fast food because it was tagged as a treat when it was not at all a treat to the body. My education on food was revamped and my teachers were from Europe. I read cardiologist books and followed lots of herbalists who were awake longer than I. I got educated fast! Not understanding why you are told you are stuck with a certain disease or medication was not friendly at all. Fuck. Constipation is not friendly. Who wants that?! I am guilty of advertising certain brands and foods and I didn't know it was meant to make me addicted to it. Get out! I am guilty! No 12 step program for us. None for me. I abused my body by being stressed, angry, on the go, and doing too much. You are not worthy unless you did more type of leadership fucks with everyone. Changes needed to be made, no matter how late.
I experienced a stroke and I knew I was doing too much. The night before my heart was pounding too hard and that work out I adopted was wrong for Menon top of already a physical job. I just knew. So I stopped, went home and omg I woke up the next morning feeling different. By the time it was to go to work, I was lucky I didn't drop dead. I was driving to work k. Pulled over and called hubby. Ambulance came. That's where it started. What you assume about a stroke or heart attack is not correct. High blood pressure and high cholesterol may be present but stress is the key and unresolved psychological dangers. The other part is God's response. Three high blood pressure meds and one station later I was fighting to walk, stand and be loved and accepted. Can't have the other without the last two. Fight back and speak the truth because doctors bate egotistical assholes who's degrees are the basis of their way of communicating. Nobody sits and really talks to you. It was only until I studied herbalism and nutrition that I calmed down and accepted I am was doomed either way. Apologize to your kids because adopting what your parents used to discipline and teach about life is not right either. It's worst today vs. 1965. Don't assume your shit is great because they are all college degreed adults. You ain't there when it was their darkness hit. You were not there when your daughter was mind fucked by bullies. You soosh things away and you think time will change. COVID came and now everyone is equal. That degree didn't bring the money that once came. The doctors were not speaking out. They were scared.
You are on your own healing and educated better from people called quacks and witches. Weirdos from the islands with natives sharing their knowledge of plants. No help but by your own instincts. Someone asks how can you be so positive after having a stroke? I wish I could think like you. Every day you battle depression you say fuck you. I am walking to the bathroom and shit this log. Constipation will not rule me. Meds will not kill me. I will not be lied to by a doctor again. Why can't it be just 1 blood pressure med? Vs 3? Fuck it! I'm gonna focus on hubby losing weight and help him. At the same time I can help me. Low carb, no table salt, only kosher, no poison in the body. I have certification on the side but God gave me a PhD on my life, nobody else can speak to it but me. Not even the jealous toxic persons we walked away from. Talk behind my back, and to the group member who thought it was okay to share my answer to a question. You'll get yours.
Time to move on and love this new life. I had a set back but I'm not dead.
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