thelio123yt · 1 year
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Theliotale Characters - Betty Noire
NOMBRE REAL = Amber Lightvale ALIAS = La Bestia Negra, La Puta de Rosa, Bete Noire EDAD = 12 - 14 años (Muerta), 17 años (Revivida), 21 años (Actualmente). Físicamente = 14 años Mentalidad = 29 años Cronológicamente = 2.000 años PARIENTES = Agate Lightvale (Hermana Mayor y Creadora), Intell Lightvale (Hermano Gemelo), Copper Lightvale (Hermano Mayor), Akumu (Amigo y Otra Mitad). RASGO = Amabilidad e Integridad (Antes), MIEDO (Ahora). AFILIACIÓN = Enemiga (Antes), Aliada (Ahora). TALLA = 79 ESTADO = Muerta (Antes), Sellada (Antes), Viva (Ahora). TEMA = Fearless Terror (Betty's Theme). ----------------------------------------------
HP = 100 ATK = 25 DEF = 50 WEAPON = Lanza de Betty, Guadaña de Betty, Criaturas rosas, Kumuzilla (Actualmente no) y Akumu. ARMOR = Akumu ----------------------------------------------
ESPECIE = Hechizo Constructivo GÉNERO = Femenino Color de Ojos = Rosado ----------------------------------------------
Betty Noire, comúnmente conocida como Betty, es la Antagonista principal de la Temporada 4 de Theliotale. Es una encarnación física del rasgo de alma MIEDO, y fue creada para garantizar que los humanos y los monstruos nunca vivan en paz. Busca obtener el poder para cumplir su propósito y es un hechizo que carece de ciertas emociones humanas. Hace cientos de años, vivía una inocente niña llamada Amber que tenía un Alma de 2 Rasgos, conocido como "Rasgo Híbrido", de Amabilidad e Integridad. Ella vivió una vida feliz como la hermana menor de Agate Lightvale, (La maga de La Valentía) y Copper Lightvale (El mago de la Determinación). Sin embargo, todo cambió después de que Agate y Copper comenzaron a discutir sobre la barrera. Copper quiso romper la barrera y liberar a los monstruos del subsuelo, mientras que Agate dijo que era mejor no romper la barrera y mantener la paz. Ambos creyeron firmemente que su idea es la decisión correcta, lo que finalmente los llevó a Luchar, con Amber observándolos. Al final de la batalla, Agate perdió, causando que ella sintiera una gran humillación, como resultado, perdió su Rasgo y huyó. Mientras Agate se había ido, ella estaba buscando un rasgo que fuera capaz de vencer la Determinación, por lo cuál, este al haberse llevado a su Hermano Menor, Intell Lightvale, este lo usó como su Experimento para sus Hechizos y Magia, usando una Versión Incompleta del Hechizo Bete, llamada “Hechizo Infernal”. Copper, por otro lado, estaba teniendo dificultades para cuidar el reino por su cuenta y tener que lidiar con muchas responsabilidades. Luego, cuando Agate regresó al reino, Copper y Amber le dieron una cálida bienvenida debido a su larga desaparición. Después de un tiempo, ella desafió a su hermano otra vez, excepto en contra de su voluntad. Esta vez, sin embargo, ella estaba ganando. Durante la pelea, Amber intentó escapar, pero su hermana le impidió escapar usando su magia y luego la asesinó. Esto hizo que Copper perdiera su rasgo, lo que provocó que su alma se convirtiera en un Alma Gris (Neutralidad). Ella entonces lo mató brutalmente con su lanza. Agate ganó la batalla, pero se dio cuenta de que su alma se estaba agrietando y se estaba muriendo lentamente después de haber invertido su rasgo, esto porque su alma no podía adaptarse al cambio tan repentino. Sabiendo que su tiempo se estaba acabando, sacrificó su alma para crear una criatura poderosa que destruiría a todos los monstruos y la humanidad, BETTY NOIRE. De ahí ocurriría la Temporada 4 de Theliotale, donde al final, esta terminaría "Muriendo" a manos del Dr. Gaster con el Poder de Perseverancia, pero al matarla, también liberó a HATE, pero Betty rehusándose a Perder, usando el Pequeño Fragmento de su Alma que quedaba, se fusionó con el Alma de HATE, causando la Muerte de este, pero con ello hizo que Betty tuviera un Nuevo Cuerpo Propio, teniendo el Poder de HATE y sus Habilidades. La Verdadera Demonio del MIEDO habría Nacido, HATRED BETTY. Aún con el Esfuerzo de Asriel (Pre-God), Animosity Chara y Xvers Thelio, no podían Detenerla. HATRED Betty era la Invencibilidad Encarnada. Por lo que esta dejaría Fuera de Combate a Thelio, pero gracias a eso, Thelio pudo comunicarse nuevamente con el Espíritu del Alma Humana del ODIO, y  esta le pediría que cambiaran de Puesto, ya que solo "El" podría detenerla. Tras eso, El Alma tomaría el Control de Thelio, apareciendo Last Thelio Phase 3 Nuevamente, y teniendo una Batalla Violenta contra ella. Pero Betty al provocarlo, haría que este Despierte su Instinto Asesino, provocando que el Alma del ODIO la Humille y Torture de Diversas Formas, hasta que al arrinconarla en una Pared de Ladrillos, Betty no sabría que hacer. Ese ser era más Peligroso y Aterrador que ella misma. Por primera vez en su vida, Betty sentiría MIEDO de verdad, al punto que antes que ODIO le diera el Golpe Final, esta no pudo más y termino llorando en Lágrimas Normales, lo que detuvo a ODIO al no esperarse esa Reacción en ella. Al final, ODIO tomaría a Betty, y le Absorbería Casi todo el HATE que esta tenía, perdiendo su Forma HATRED, pero a ODIO no le convencía, por lo que como Castigo por sus Actos la selló en su misma Alma hasta Nuevo Aviso, dando Nacimiento La Alma Humana del MIEDO y acabando con esta Pesadilla de La Bestia Negra. 3 Años después, tras la Derrota de los Heraldos de ZALGO, la Muerte de Xvers Marcos y la Caída de Thelio, Letter Noire, El Hermano de Betty, decide revivir a su Hermana para poder Conocerla Nuevamente. De ahí, Thelio y Kawasaki con el Cadáver de una Adolescente (17 años) Fallecida, la devolverían a la Vida y con un Cuerpo Humano Nuevo. De ahí esta se Uniría al Team Thelio temporalmente. De ahí tendría Varias Apariciones, como Conocer a su Hermano Gemelo convertido igualmente como ella, lo que terminaría en un Momento Emotivo, Enfrentarse a "MG" por primera vez, Lidiar con una Humana de Rasgo Crueldad llamada Lily, vivir el X-Event y las Misiones Secretas de XGaster junto a todo su Universo, Revivir a los 8 Magos Antiguos, Discutir junto a su Hermano con sus Hermanos Mayores, al final redimiéndose, Enfrentar a Sans convertido en un Exeriano, vivir el HATRED EVENT, Participar en la Guerra Universal, pelear sin Éxito contra el HERALDO DEVIL, y ver la Pelea de los Dioses Hermanos (DT VS HATE), siendo toda su Historia por el Momento. ----------------------------------------------
Su Cabello es Largo de Color Marrón (Castaño) con puntas de color rosa en los bordes, que es aproximadamente Medio-Largo. Lleva una Camisa a Mangas Largar de Color Morado por Arriba, y Rosado por Abajo, una Falda color Magenta, Medias Moradas, y Botas color Café. ----------------------------------------------
Rápida para sonreír y llena de energía, Betty parecía incapaz de crueldad a primera vista. Parecía naturalmente alegre y normalmente se la veía sonriendo. Ella ejercía una actitud algo feliz y nunca parecía preocuparse por el futuro. De hecho, ella nunca fue vista sintiéndose desesperada. Además, trató a sus compañeros con gran amabilidad y se apresuró a saludar a Jessica y a Frisk cuando los conoció. A pesar de parecer dulce e inocente, la personalidad de Betty se disipó rápidamente después de que el Dr. Gaster leyó la historia de dos hermanos, y como era de esperar al mismo tiempo, Asriel y Sans descubrieron algunas imágenes de la cámara del DAM de ella haciendo cosas cuestionables. Aquí, Gaster aprendió que Agate sacrificó su propia alma para crear una criatura poderosa que se aseguraría de que los monstruos y la humanidad nunca vivieran en paz. Después, Betty no perdió el tiempo tratando de ocultar el monstruo dentro de ella. Bête reveló que lo disfruta cuando lastima severamente a otros (tanto física como emocionalmente), lo que indica que tiene una personalidad muy sádica, despiadada, psicótica y violenta. Parece disfrutar lastimando a sus oponentes antes de matarlos. De hecho, Betty es conocida por intentar matar a cualquiera en su camino. También está claro que no tiene problemas para mentir o traicionar a otros. Betty es muy manipuladora, ya que manipuló a Jessica, Undyne y Asriel para que hagan lo que ella quiere que hagan. Un ejemplo es cuando arrojaron una alucinación sobre Undyne, haciendo que matara a Alphys en lugar de matar a Betty, o cuando torturó a Jessica mostrando una alucinación de Alina (La Hija de Jessica), para obtener el frasco de ODIO. Cuando se trata de batallas, a menudo se vuelve arrogante, lo que hace que subestime a sus enemigos. Esto, junto con el hecho de que no es una muy buena estratega y depende de la fuerza bruta, significa que un poco de planificación puede ser más fácil que ella, como se muestra en su pelea con Gaster. Betty también podría sufrir de necrofobia. Si un enemigo trata de atacarla con un poderoso golpe, tiene una expresión absolutamente aterrorizada en su rostro. También se sabe que teme a la muerte. Ella también está calculando y sabe cómo obtener lo que quiere, pero parece que no puede planificar hasta cierto punto. Como algunos de los villanos de Theliotale, Betty, en su mayor parte, piensa que lo que está haciendo es correcto. Antes, Ella creía que los Monstruos y los Humanos que viven juntos son "Como una bomba de tiempo esperando para Explotar". Por lo tanto, ella piensa que lo que está haciendo es "solo acelerar el proceso". Las opiniones de Betty sobre los humanos y los monstruos que viven juntos son exactamente las mismas que las de Agate. Además, ella conoce el pasado de todos, ya que puede leer a cualquiera y cómo fue su pasado. Ella usa los errores de otros personajes para justificar lo que hace. Un ejemplo es cuando Asriel (como Flowey) mató a casi todos en el subsuelo, ella considera este acto como desagradable. Sin embargo, claramente no es su culpa que ella sea malvada. Ella parecía ser una buena persona hasta que recordó que Agate Lightvale le había ordenado que hiciera sus malas acciones. Ella antes no estaba segura de que lo que estaba haciendo era correcto o no. Ella incluso parece preocuparse por Akumu. Parecía preocupada cuando la criatura resultó herida en su batalla con Gaster. Tanto Akumu como Betty se atesoran como su mejor y único amigo. Pero probablemente era solo una especie de instinto, ya que se necesitan mutuamente para vivir. Si uno de ellos muere, el otro muere lentamente debido a la falta de magia y la incapacidad de recoger almas sin la otra mitad. Afortunadamente la de las Almas ya dejó de ser su Debilidad al ser Revivida. Mientras está bajo el control de ODIO, Betty actúa mucho más violenta y demente de lo que ya es. En este estado, si se mete en una batalla, ataca sin piedad a sus enemigos con una retorcida sonrisa negra en su rostro. Además, Betty parece tener miedo de los planes de ODIO. Esto significa que ella sabe que el odio tiene planes diferentes a los suyos. Lo más probable es que Betty solo tenga la intención de matar a Frisk y matar a otros no sea realmente necesario a menos que lo necesiten para obtener poder. Mientras que ODIO solo quiere causar caos y estragos sin ningún propósito. ----------------------------------------------
Aún Revivida, Betty posee aún sus Mismos Poderes que cuando era una Villana. Entre esas tenemos: Fisiología Sobrehumana: Betty Noire muestra capacidades más allá del nivel humano normal, capaz de cruzar grandes distancias de forma instantánea y la capacidad de lanzar y golpear objetos a distancias considerables. Además, es capaz de aumentar involuntariamente sus parámetros físicos cuando está bajo un estrés intenso, como el miedo a la muerte. Bete puede ver el alma o la magia de una persona o monstruo. También es capaz de regenerar el daño que se le inflige, aunque, al igual que sus otras habilidades, requiere energía mágica. Mientras tenga suficiente energía mágica, puede vivir indefinidamente, aunque su Longevidad ya no existe en la Actualidad al ser Revivida, sin contar que ahora tiene Necesidades Básicas de un Ser Humano o Monstruos, como Comer, Beber, y Dormir (Aunque no sepa que es eso). MAGIA: Betty es capaz de usar magia para varios propósitos, principalmente produciendo armas. Estas armas incluyen armas de asta como lanzas y guadañas. MASAS DEL MIEDO = Las Usaba antes para atacar y recoger almas en su nombre. Estas entidades pueden cambiar de forma, incluso cambiar sus colores, eliminar las almas de sus víctimas y, posteriormente, transferir la magia de esas almas a la propia Bete de forma inalámbrica. PROYECTILES DEL MIEDO = se muestra capaz de producir proyectiles en forma de triángulo que vuelan a altas velocidades y explotan en el impacto. AKUMU = Una entidad que Bete creó al dividir una cantidad significativa de energía mágica. Akumu generalmente toma la forma de una esfera que vuela alrededor de Betty. Akumu es inteligente y puede actuar de forma autónoma. Es capaz de tomar y preservar almas dentro de sí mismo y comparte una conexión mágica con Betty como las creaciones rosadas mencionadas anteriormente. Akumu también puede cambiar de forma, usualmente transformándose en el Arma o Escudo de Betty. ALUCINACIONES = Betty es capaz de inducir una alucinación sobre los demás. Aparentemente, esto se limita a una persona a la vez. El objetivo que ha sido colocado bajo dicha ilusión no puede discernir la realidad ni liberarse de la ilusión por sí mismo. Parece que la ilusión solo se disipa cuando Betty inicia un ataque contra ellos. LECTURA MENTAL = Betty es capaz de ver los recuerdos de los demás a través del contacto visual, o tocarles la Cabeza para leerles las Mentes a otros. ALTERACIÓN DE EXTREMIDADES = Sólo puede hacerlo en su Forma BEAST. Betty puede modificar sus extremidades (Específicamente sus brazos) en varias formas, como extender tentáculos con púas desde la punta de sus dedos, garras, transformando todo su antebrazo y mano en una cuchilla en forma de lanza, e incluso extendiendo su antebrazo a grandes longitudes con una flexibilidad similar a un Tentáculo. PIROKINESIS = Betty tiene una capacidad limitada para manipular el fuego. Ella no puede generarlo por su cuenta, pero puede atraparlo y redirigirlo. ---------------------------------------------- Y eso sería todo por Parte de Betty Noire.
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featherchan · 3 months
“Ninjago Museum of History will be blessed by my appearance, Phantom Thief Scarlet. I will come to liberate all your riches off your hand. Be prepared for my arrival with caution...XOXO”
( ˘ ³˘)♥
No one took the Phantom Thief's message seriously, as Ninjago has already had its fair share of nutty criminals from time to time. But to not take the threat lightly, the Police Commissioner assigns his best man on the job.
"Come in, Officer Tommy..." The Police Commissioner's voice echoes from the radio. "Any sight of the mystery thief?" And a muffle could be heard from the poor man who was tied up and gagged. Grabbing his radio from his waist. The Thief presses one finger against her rouge lips, asking for his silence; and with a warning, she presses one foot against his manhood. No words needed to be said, as Tommy understood and nodded furiously to her threat.
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Clearing her throat. "No sight of the thief, Commissioner ." The thief replies while mimicking Tommy's voice perfectly. "Looks like it could be a prank after all..." The Lioness's rouge lips curl into a mischievous smile. While staring down at the man, who looks up at her in shock and astonishment. "Roger that. Continued to keep watch and report any suspicious activity. Over and out...." And with that, the woman turned off the radio and dumped it into the nearest trash.
Whistling innocently, she walks down the hall and into the display room, where all the valuables are kept. Rubbing her kleptomania hands together. The thief quickly pockets all the expensive valuables into a duffle bag. While taking extra care with a small diamond and concealing it safely between her bosom. “HEY, SCARLET!” The Lioness almost jumped out of her skin. When she hears her partner's voice communicating through her earring. Slightly annoyed she replies. “Urgh! What is it?” “Trouble’s coming your way!” “Oh my! Is it Detective Masaru?” The thief was anticipated to meet the International Police Detective again, the man who swore his life to hunt her down. “Oh gosh! I should really touch up. Where is my lipstick?” She began to pat herself down before her partner replied. “Not exactly..." That makes the Lioness pause to wonder. “Oh? Who could it be then?” “Its someone else...” That makes the Lioness pause and wonder. “Oh my! What could be worse than a cop?”
[ starter for @benigncold ]
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coffeeandsnark · 1 year
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Character growth; this is honestly one of my favorite series. Alanna’s story shows so much growth; wether you read just the first book or all of them. She is so plucky and I can always lose myself in the world of Tortall.
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nhlovesadri3 · 8 months
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Adriana Lima visitng the Thélios Suite. 80th venice Film Festival, Venice, Italy, 3/09/23.
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moocowart · 3 months
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Me and my bff decided to make angel OC’s for an art challenge, and then one of us went “haha what if they were a couple” and then suddenly, 4 days later, the story of Ethereal is being brainstormed to hopefully one day become a novel or comic or something
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fourteenthz · 6 months
THIS IS 4THRESET. BARGING INTO YOUR ASKBOX TO SAY I LOVE YOU AND YOUR TAGS. THANK YOU!!! Im just a humble frog drawing my things and you come and leave a massive love letter of a tag on my art, im going to explode w affeection thank u
YON 4THRESET? 😳 YOU? 😳 This is so cute OMG I'M SO GLAD IT ISN'T TOO MUCH I always get extra excited with ur art that I have to pace myself in the tags... it rarely happens but I TRY. Please tysm for indulging it, now that I know it's fine PLEASE be aware, it will happen again 🗣❤️
@4threset (just in case)
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thenaughtynahla · 2 years
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My lips are the gun. Smile is the trigger. My kisses are the bullets. Label me a killer. 💀😘
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stargazerlillian · 2 years
“Tears in Rain” (for Yoel)
Young Notoriah faces his greatest challenge yet - easing the pain of his grieving best friend.
Serves as a written companion piece to this image.
Notoriah Virgilius Ruggaboor and Thelios Pyrell belong to @yoel-o-fellow
Content warning: Existentialist themes, mentions of death, and a whole lot of angst.
May 25th, 1428
Malshire, Moldova
There is a word for which Romanians described sadness – “tristeţe.”
But from what Notoriah remembered, that word could never fully describe the thoughts, the emotions, or the sensations that bore underneath every inch of his numbed skin one particular rainy day – the day he first witnessed Thelios Pyrell in mourning.
The sky above was overcast with deep blue tenebrous clouds. A frigid breeze was blowing from the east, sending the land into a chill. Shivery rain fell in droves, forming a half-inch layer of water around the drenched adolescents.
For the first couple of moments, there was silence, save for the lonely pattering of raindrops and the occasional sniffle from Thelios.
Notoriah leaned forward as he searched for any sign of responsiveness from the young Pagan, his head bowed and face hidden.
No response.
“Thelios? Are… are you –”
His breath caught itself in his throat as he felt Thelios’s forehead impact his sternum. The smaller boy shut his eyes tightly in a vain attempt to stifle the stream of tears flowing down his face.
A pause. Thelios swallowed dryly as he struggled to get his words out.
“S-she’s gone, Notoriah… she’s gone…”
Notoriah heaved a sigh. He brought his numbed hands up to barely hold the shivering boy, with one coming to rest on his back, and the other cupping the back of his neck.
“I know.”
Thelios uttered a loud sniffle and buried his face deeper into his older companion’s chest. He wrapped his arms tightly around Notoriah’s torso.
“She… she just… stopped breathing... I-I kept telling her to wake up… but… she couldn’t. S-she just… couldn’t…”
Notoriah sharply exhaled. Arboreah was never very fond of Notoriah, and he wasn’t very fond of her in turn. But to Thelios, she meant more than all the land that sat beneath the sky, and then some. Although he and Arboreah never really got on, Notoriah had to admit that he had never witnessed a more strongly forged bond than the one between her and Thelios. It seemed that everything he ever did, he did for her.
But she was gone. He was still here.
“I… I tried everything, Notoriah! I made every single medical potion I knew how to make, so… w-why did she not heal? Why couldn’t I make her better?”
Notoriah took a deep breath as he stroked Thelios’s head.
“That was very kind and noble of you, Thelios. I’m certain your grandmother appreciated your valiant efforts. But the fact of the matter is… sometimes things don’t really happen the way we think they will.”
“But… they always worked, Notoriah! Always! I-I-I don’t understand why they didn’t work this time!”
“Thelios –”
Notoriah’s response came to a halt as he felt Thelios pull his head away from his chest. A twinge of pain twisted through the taller boy’s stomach as he caught his first glimpse at the shorter boy’s terribly contorted face. His swollen, teary eyes were wide with what could only be described as trauma. It had to be one of the most haunting things Notoriah had ever seen.
“It… it’s all my fault, isn’t it?”
Notoriah’s eyes flared as he uttered a sharp gasp. “Thelios, how could you say that?!”
“I-I could’ve saved her if I just tried harder!”
“You did everything in your power to try to keep your grandmother alive. But death is not something that can be cured with a potion. It is not your fault, do you hear me?”
“YES IT IS! I wasn’t skilled enough to find the proper spell to help her, and now she’s dead! IT'S ALL MY FAULT!”
Notoriah’s glare grew furious. He yanked Thelios forward by his shoulders, growling the first few words of his response through grit teeth.
“Thelios… stop it. Right. Now. Look at me. There is no cure for death, do you understand that?! Nobody in all of history has ever been able to find a cure for death, and there is no way that you will be the first. Death comes for us all eventually. Your grandmother was an old woman, and as hard it is for you to hear this, it was going to happen to her sooner or later. I know you gave it your best effort, and I know you wanted to save her, but no elixir or potion or whatever is going to stop someone from dying. It is a natural process of life. Now please… stop. Blaming. Yourself. Alright? It is not. Your. Fault.”
A tense pause followed.
For what felt like the longest time, the two boys only stood there, chests heaving and eyes wide. Neither one felt like he could say anything.
Thelios’s watery eyes shifted back and forth awkwardly as he tried to avoid Notoriah’s fierce gaze only a few inches away from him. He began hyperventilating as Notoriah’s vitriolic reasoning sank in.
The future count’s expression fell instantly. His chest grew heavy.
Oh no.
“G-GET OFF ME!” Thelios shouted as he yanked himself out of Notoriah’s hold, shoving him back a few inches. “I should have known coming to you was a mistake! Serves me right for being so ‘wide-eyed’, I suppose!” he cried, turning away from the older boy.
Notoriah felt his stomach lurch. Thelios had shouted at him before, but never with so much… vitriol. He slowly reached out to touch the Pagan boy’s shoulder.
“Th-Thelios, I-I’m so sorry, I –”
“DON’T TOUCH ME!” Thelios screamed, slapping the older boy’s hand away. “Just… just go away! You’ve done enough!”
Notoriah took a few steps back, wringing his wrists. Perhaps he had been a little too harsh on him. He expelled a large huff of breath and covered his mouth as he pondered over what he had just done.
This wasn’t any sort of sadness Thelios was experiencing. This was grief, something entirely unfamiliar – and therefore frightening – to him.
His only family was dead.
His only home had been burned down by order of the king.
His whole faith and existence now laid in the balance.
Everything that ever gave Thelios a sense of joy had been lost to the viciousness of time, much like his tears had lost themselves in the falling rain.
Notoriah on the other hand, was no stranger to grief and loss. He felt it when he lost his mother as a small child. He felt it when he witnessed a brutal public execution in the center of the village… with his own father as the executioner.
And yet despite this understanding, he just had to go and say things the wrong way and make his closest friend feel even worse and shut himself off from him. He clenched his eyes and teeth tightly as the heaviness of his mistake became apparent. 
What had he done?
Once Notoriah looked back over to Thelios again, his back was still turned, and his arms were still tightly crossed. He could clearly tell that he was freezing from how violently he was shivering. His stomach lurched even more. He couldn’t just leave him in the cold to fend for himself like this. Something had to be done.
With some hesitation, Notoriah went completely against Thelio’s wish, and began calling out to him – this time, with gentleness.
“Thelios? Th-Thelios, please… I-I’m sorry, alright? I’m sorry for yelling at you. I-I just don’t want you to blame yourself for something that wasn’t your fault.”
“How do I know you’re not just saying that?!” Thelios hissed. “And what are you still doing here?! I thought I told you to GO AWAY!”
Notoriah huffed yet again. He had to be gentler than that.
“Thelios… c-come now, Thelios… please… please look at me… I didn’t mean to shout… really I didn’t… I-I just… don’t like seeing you like this.”
“Seeing me like what?! Weak?! Is that what you’re trying to say?!”
“No, Thelios! No! That’s not what I mean at all! I just… I just lose myself sometimes because… because…”
“Because what?! Because you’re unhinged and controlling?!”
A pause. Notoriah clenched his fists by his sides and stood as straight and tall as he could.
“Because I hate when the people I love are being unkind to themselves when they don’t deserve to be!”
Thelios blinked twice. Did he hear all that right? People he loves? Did that include… him?
“You’re already in enough pain, and I don’t want you to add onto that by ruminating over what you could have or should have done! You’re not weak, Thelios! If anything, you’ve been strong for too long.”
Silence fell once more.
After a moment, Thelios finally turned his head to face Notoriah, brows no longer furrowed, and teeth no longer grit.
“Do you… do you really mean all that, Notoriah?”
Notoriah nodded. “Yes, Thelios. I mean every word. I do.”
“Am I really… someone you love? Is that… is that true?”
Another pause. Notoriah’s gaze fell to the ground for a brief second before rising back up to meet the beautiful scarlet eyes of the boy in front of him. He took a deep breath to ease his now pounding heart.
“Yes, Thelios. You are someone I love. I… I love you. I-I really love you. More than you believe. More than you know. With all that I am, I love you.”
Thelios’s eyes widened with every word. He had never heard anyone other than his grandmother say that to him. And he certainly never expected the admittedly handsome cynical boy he admired with dark hair and piercing hazel eyes to say that. He felt the lump in his throat return as he tried to process this new emotion that had now been thrown into the mix.
Notoriah slowly stretched his arms out towards the freckled boy. “Please… come here my dear friend… come back to me. I won’t harm you, I promise. I just want to help you.”
Thelios swallowed dryly. His eyes flickered frantically between Notoriah’s face and open arms. He felt so strange right now. Does he really mean what he says? Should he take this chance?
“Trust me.”
The young Pagan blinked twice again at the sound of his friend’s plea. His voice in that moment was so raspy, and yet so gentle. His arms appeared so warm and welcoming, and it did feel pretty cold standing there by himself.
He took a brief look up at the sky. Those clouds weren’t going to clear out anytime soon. Perhaps he can allow himself to be held close by Notoriah. That is what a friend was for, wasn’t it? And he did say that he loved him...
With a heavy sniffle and some hesitation, Thelios slowly stepped forward back into the taller boy’s arms, where they returned to their places on his head and neck once more.
“There, now. It’s alright,” Notoriah gently whispered, stroking the smaller boy’s cheek. “I’ve got you now. Now please, tell me… is there anything I can do to help you in this time of need? Anything at all?”
A pause.
“Can you stop my pain?”
Notoriah blinked twice in confusion. “Stop your pain? As in… completely?”
Thelios once again pushed his face deep into Notoriah’s chest, threw his arms back around him, and tightly grasped the fabric of his soaked teal camasa, pleading to him in the language of dead innocence.
“Please make it stop… please… it hurts… it hurts so much, Notoriah…”
Notoriah froze completely still, mind awash with shock and confusion as his splayed fingers tingled in the frigid open air.
While they had a history filled with warmth, curiosity, and laughter like any friendship, they also had more than a fair share of misunderstandings, arguments, and fallouts. Their last meeting ended in complete anger. Notoriah even almost drove Thelios away in his greatest time of need only a couple of minutes earlier with yet another angry outburst.
So why, after all that, did Thelios still come to Notoriah first after witnessing his grandmother’s death?
Notoriah slowly looked down at the weeping child clinging onto him once more. Thelios had pressed his face deeper into his chest. He was beginning to feel a warm wet patch forming from Thelios’s tears.
“Please, Notoriah… you’re the only one who can help… please…”
Notoriah’s breath stifled as he came to a startling realization.
Before today, Thelios had very few things to count on. He had his faith. He had his home in the forest. He had his loving grandmother. Now he had nothing left.
Nothing except his unstable friendship with Notoriah.
The future count’s heart thundered in his ears as he took one last look at the barely thirteen-year-old distraught boy tightly pressed to his breastbone. This poor, innocent, wide-eyed forest dweller’s world – the one he knew since he was a small child – had been completely destroyed within the course of a day, and Notoriah was all that was left of that world. Thelios had nobody else to turn to now.
The older boy shut his eyes tight and heaved a great sigh.
Thelios was never going to get hurt again on his watch. Ever. If any of the king’s men came to seize his friend in the coming days, they would have to go through him first. Whatever hardships they had, they worked through together. That would be no different now.
Slowly and tenderly, Notoriah wrapped his arms around Thelios’s frame, returning his embrace. He pressed the younger boy’s body snugly against his, resting his copper-haired head into the crook of his neck as a pair of hot tears finally made their way down his face.
“I’ll try, Thelios… I’ll try.”
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I finished The Lioness.
I need some Joe x reader and Cruz x reader. Please, I'm begging you 😭
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alathelios · 14 days
*Para a felicidade geral da nação, eu fico
#8795 / 木
Ahh, aquele leve medo logo depois de mandar uma mensagem meio arriscada, até que eu senti saudade disso.
E aí galerinha do mal. Bastante coisa rolou desde o dia #8781, nossa.
Primeiro que, depois de muito enrolar pra organizar uma despedida, meus pais desistiram de ir pros EUA, tão de repente quanto surgiram com a ideia.
Agora to me sentindo trouxa por ter passado as últimas semanas morrendo de ansiedade, pra nada.
Hoje eu acompanhei um amigo na aula prática de apicultura e levei uma ferroada de brinde.
Agora a noite eu resolvi jogar uma ideia no ar pra alguém, e a pessoa tá levando um tempinho pra responder. To com medo de ter feito merda k k k k.
-T / 11_04
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vo começar a colocar imagens do Inspirobot nos dias que eu não tiver fotos pra postar. e a reflexaum de hoje é:
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thelio123yt · 1 year
Theliotale - (Temporada 2)
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Estoy subiendo el Modo Historia de mi Universo Alterno en mi Wattpad, por si quieren ir a verlo.
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featherchan · 10 months
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Stepping up the many flights of stone stairs. Entering and exiting the 12 Zodiac temple gates. With each step, the Lioness took, she felt a little more anxious and curious as to why the Pope wanted to see her personally. After obtaining the Lionet Cloth, people began to recognize her by name and not another nameless foot soldier. She began to be assigned to more missions, a little more challenging and dangerous than her previous ones. Yet, through it all, the Lionet Cloth protected her. And as crazy as it may sound, she could sense her armor had a voice. But one thing that did concern her was the weight of the armor, it felt heavy. Yet other Saints swore they felt one with it, making it feel as light as a feather. 
Looking up at the temple and finally reaching her destination. She decided to put that thought aside. Before presenting her permission slip to the Saints who were guarding the entrance. One of the guards let her inside before leading her the way. Walking closely behind them. She finds herself looking around and is in awe at the temple deco. But immediately returned to her usual cold stone expression, upon reaching the Pope's headquarters door. 
Taking in a deep breath. She wore her mask over her face before knocking on the man's door and announcing her presence. "Sir Pope..." Nervousness rang in her voice. "...its Lionet, Kanako. May I come in?" Along with an awkward tone in the mix. Meeting the Pope in person for the first time. The raven has been rehearsing her lines. And narrow down carefully a selected sentence, aiming to be polite and professional. Once she received her permission to enter the room, she carefully opened the creaking wooden door. Soon, the Lioness's imaginary ear perked up while her tail puffed up. As she was little shock and frozen, as her sights found not only the Pope but a gold Saint too. 
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[ starter for @vanillahub | @hxdrostorms ]
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illitefotos · 1 year
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My third 👁 be looking first. Iykyk.💫 @Nikkita_WWE ............................................................ #Photographer • @iLLite.ENT #Lighting • @sir_flyguy_illi @GodoxLighting #Godox2022 #FlashBackFriday ............................................................ #NikkitaLyons #TheLioness #ProWrestling #Wrestler #WomensWrestling #WWENXT #StreetPhotography #LifestylePhotography #CurlyHair #Natural #BodyPaint #Golden #TheLyonsDen #iLLiteFotos #iLLitePromos #Fashion #Photography #SonyImages #SonyAlpha #BeAlpha #A7Riii #Fashion #Models #FemaleModel #InstagramAlgorithm #ExplorePage #OrlandoFlorida (at Downtown Orlando) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmPSfDpOVUU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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millersblog26 · 2 years
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My latest character creation, the body building lioness 💪. #lionesses #lioness #lionesses🦁 #lioness🦁 #thelioness #characterdesign #character #characterart #characterdrawing #charactersketch #characterdesigner #characterartist #originalcharacter #characterdesigns #characters #characterdevelopment #character_design #mycharacter #characterconceptart #characterbuilding #characterstudy #charactercreation #characterartwork #originalcharacterart #characterinspiration #characters #originalcharacters #owncharacters #fictionalcharacters #charactersdesign #bookcharacters (at UHI Inverness) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg-OFR1rPOU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cmcwritingismylife · 2 years
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All the books I own by this author are signed, and I’m very proud of that. I also officially met him the other day so 😎 #bookstagram #reading #signedbook #thelioness #chrisbohjalian https://www.instagram.com/p/CdhSuaQLkAQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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We had a fantastic event tonight with @chrisbohjalian. This was his second time at The Doylestown Bookshop and we were so grateful for the opportunity to host him again for his new book #THELIONESS which he discussed with acclaimed author @lizmoorebooks. If you scroll through the photos, you will see the wonderful chocolate he gave to a few audience members and our chocolate loving Events Manager, Krisy. If you were unable to attend this event but would like a signed copy of THE LIONESS or Moore’s LONG BRIGHT RIVER book give us a call at 215-230-7610 or order online at www.doylestownbookshop.com. (at The Doylestown Bookshop) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdXCqlCDmam/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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