#Thomas Frederick Mcknight
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Thomas McKnight Eros and Saturn 1983
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rfsnyder · 2 months
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Thomas Frederick McKnight
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Romance Literature & Romantic Love
Here it is my compilation of books related to my academic research in construction of romance in fanfiction - specifically Steve/Bucky fics.
Literature & Pop Culture
Alana Harris, Timothy Willem Jones - Love and Romance in Britain, 1918–1970
Axel Nissen - Manly Love: Romantic Friendship in American Fiction
Barbara Fuchs - Romance
Catherine Roach - Happily Ever After: The Romance Story in Popular Culture
Corinne Saunders - A Companion to Romance: From Classical to Contemporary
Dani Cavallaro - The Chivalric Romance and the Essence of Fiction
David Shumway - Modern Love: Romance, Intimacy, and the Marriage Crisis
David Shumway - Screwball Comedies: Constructing Romance, Mystifying Marriage
Debra A. Moddelmog - Can Romantic Comedy Be Gay? Hollywood Romance, Citizenship, and Same-Sex Marriage Panic
Derek Albert Pearsall - Arthurian Romance: A Short Introduction
Emily S. Davis - Rethinking the Romance Genre: Global Intimacies in Contemporary Literary and Visual Culture
Erica Todd - Passionate Love and Popular Cinema: Romance and Film Genre
Eva Illouz - Consuming the Romantic Utopia: Love and the Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism
Gary Richard Thompson, Eric Carl Link - Neutral Ground: New Traditionalism and the American Romance Controversy
Georg Lukács - A Teoria do Romance
George Paizis - Love and the Novel: The Poetics and Politics of Romantic Fiction
Geraldine Heng - Empire of Magic: Medieval Romance and the Politics of Cultural Fantasy
Helen Hackett - Women and Romance Fiction in the English Renaissance
Hubert McDermott - Novel and Romance: The Odyssey to Tom Jones
Ian Frederick Moulton - Love in Print in the Sixteenth Century: The Popularization of Romance
Irving Singer - The Nature of Love: Courtly and Romantic
Irving Singer - The Nature of Love: Plato to Luther
Janice A. Radway - Reading the Romance: Women, Patriarchy, and Popular Literature
Jayashree Kamblé - Making Meaning in Popular Romance Fiction: An Epistemology
Jayne Ann Krentz - Dangerous Men & Adventurous Women: Romance Writers on the Appeal of the Romance
Jennifer McKnight-Trontz - The Look of Love: The Art of the Romance Novel
Judith Wilt - Women Writers and the Hero of Romance
Keith Harvey - Language and Desire: Encoding Sex, Romance and Intimacy
Kristin Ramsdell - Romance Fiction: A Guide to the Genre
Laine E. Doggett - Love Cures: Healing and Love Magic in Old French Romance
Laura G. Mooneyham - Romance, Language and Education in Jane Austen’s Novels
Marcus Nordlund - Shakespeare and the Nature of Love: Literature, Culture, Evolution
Martin Hipsky - Modernism and the Women's Popular Romance in Britain 1885-1925
Mary-Lou Galician - Sex, Love, and Romance in the Mass Media: Analysis and Criticism of Unrealistic Portrayals and Their Influence
Mary-Lou Galician, Debra L. Merskin - Critical Thinking About Sex, Love, and Romance in the Mass Media
Matilda Tomaryn Bruckner - Shaping Romance: Interpretation, Truth, and Closure in Twelfth-Century French Fictions
Monica Rozenfeld - Television Romance and Real-Life Marriage
Paul Burston, Paul Burston Nfa, Colin Richardson - A Queer Romance: Lesbians, Gay Men and Popular Culture
R. Howard Bloch - Medieval Misogyny and the Invention of Western Romantic Love
Robert C. Post - A Theory of Genre: Romance Realism and Moral Reality
Stacey Abbott, Deborah Jermyn - Falling in Love Again: Romantic Comedy in Contemporary Cinema
Susan Ostrov Weisser - Women and Romance: A Reader
Thomas E. Wartenberg - Unlikely Couples: Movie Romance as Social Criticism
Walter J. Ong - Rhetoric, Romance, and Technology: Studies in the Interaction of Expression and Culture
Romance in Humanities & Psychology
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