#Toka kirishima
pikahlua · 2 months
MHA Chapter 416 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline 1 コミックス40巻4月4日発売‼︎ コミックス40かん4がつ4かはつばい‼︎ KOMIKKUSU 40kan 4gatsu 4ka hatsubai!! Volume 40 release on April 4th!!
tagline 2 No.416 こじ開けろ!緑谷出久‼︎ 堀越耕平 ナンバー416 こじあけろ!みどりやいずく‼︎ ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 416  kojiakero! Midoriya Izuku!!  Horikoshi Kouhei No. 416 Pry it open! Izuku Midoriya!! Kouhei Horikoshi
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1 待テ まテ maTE "Wait."
2 デクさん… DEKU-san... "Deku-san..."
3 助けないと…‼︎ たすけないと…‼︎ tasukenai to...!! "I have to help...!!"
4 アソコマデ何百キロモアルンダヨ アソコマデなんびゃっキロモアルンダヨ ASOKO MADE nanbya KIRO MO ARUNDA YO "That place is hundreds of kilometers [away]."
5 乗ってきたノで戻れば…! のってきたノでもどれば…! notte kita NO de modoreba...! "We rode here, so if I go back...!"
6 荼毘ヤマキアソシテAFO… だびヤマキアソシテオール・フォー・ワン… Dabi YA Makia SOSHITE OORU FOO WAN... "Dabi and Machia, and then All For One..."
7 想定以上ニ戦闘規模ガ広ガリ避難システムニモ影響ガ及ンデイル そうていいじょうニせんとうきぼガひろガリひなんシステムニモえいきょうガおよンデイル soutei ijou NI sentou kibo GA hiroGARII hinan SHISUTEMU NI MO eikyou GA oyoNDE IRU "The scale of the battle spread more than expected, and the effect is reaching the evacuation system."
8 今ハ動カセナイ いまハうごカセナイ ima WA ugoKASENAI "We can't move it now."
9 でも…! demo...! "But...!"
10 ソレニ… SORE NI... "Additionally..."
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1 「巻キ戻シ」エネルギーモ 「まキもどシ」エネルギーモ 「maKImodoSHI」 ENERUGII MO "the Rewind energy"
2 マダ溜マッテナイダロウ マダたマッテナイダロウ MADA taMATTENAI DAROU "hasn't accumulated yet, right?"
3 …行ケタトシテモソレデハ殆ド意味ガ無イ …イケタトシテモソレデハホトンドイミガナイ ...IKETA TO SHITEMO SORE DE WA HOTONDO IMI GA NAI "...Even if you could go, there would almost be no meaning."
4 イレイザーノ時ニワカッタダロウ イレイザーノときニワカッタダロウ IREIZAA NO toki NI WAKATTA DAROU "You understood when [you were with] Eraser, right?"
5 ちょうとダンプカーにひかれたけど相澤先生 元気ダヨ ちょうとダンプカーにひかれたけどあいざわせんせい げんきダヨ chouto DANPUKAA ni hikareta kedo Aizawa-sensei genki DARO Aizawa-sensei was run over by a dump truck, but he's fine.
6 気持ハ痛イ程ワカルガ きもちハいたイほどワカルガ kimochi WA itaI hodo WAKARU GA "I understand the feeling is painful, but"
7 我々ハ信ジルシカナインダヨ われわれハしんジルシカナインダヨ wareware WA shinJIRU SHIKA NAINDARO "there is nothing we can do but believe."
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1 エリちゃんの夢!⁉︎ エリちゃんのゆめ!⁉︎ ERI-chan no yume!!? Eri-chan's dream!!?
2 じゃあ jaa Then,
3 僕も尚更頑張らなくちゃ! ぼくもなおさらがんばらなくちゃ! boku mo naosara ganbaranakucha! I have to do my best even more!
4 緑谷兄ちゃんは みどりやにいちゃんは Midoriya-niichan wa "Midoriya-niichan,*" (*Note: This word means "big brother" or is an honorific for a young boy/man a younger person looks up to.)
5 すぐ泣きべソかく���だよ… すぐなきべソかくんだよ… sugu nakibeSO kakunda yo... "his face [looks like] it's about to cry, so he's hiding it..."
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1 こうたくん… Kouta-kun... "Kouta-kun..."
2 僕も泣き虫だから…! ぼくもなきむしだから…! boku mo nakumushi dakara...! "[I can tell] because I'm a crybaby too...!"
3 兄ちゃんが頑張ってるとね にいちゃんががんばってるとね niichan ga ganbatteru to ne "Big brother (niichan) is doing his best."
4 何かしなきゃって思うんだ なにかしなきゃっておもうんだ nani ka shinakya tte omounda "That's why it feels like we have to do something."
5 おまえがここで休んだら おまえがここでやすんだら omae ga koko de yasundara If you rest here,
6 俺たち元の暮らしに戻るのかよ? おれたちもとのくらしにもどるのかよ? ore-tachi moto no kurashi ni modoru no ka yo? will we go back to our old lives?
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1 皆がいてくれるから みんながいてくれるから minna ga ite kureru kara Because everyone is here [with me],
2-3 全部取り戻します ぜんぶとりもどします zenbu torimodoshimasu we'll get it all back.
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1 物間っ!しっかり‼︎ ものまっ!しっかり‼︎ Monoma! shikkari!! "Monoma! Hang in there!!"
2 緑谷さん…また黒いお姿に…! みどりやさん…またくろいおすがたに…! Midoriya-san...mata kuroi osugata ni...! (literal) "Midoriya-san...[his] black form again...!" (contextual) "Midoriya-san...[he's turning into] his dark form again...!"
3 ねえヤオモモ nee YAOMOMO "Hey, Yaomomo."
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1 コミックで KOMIKKU de "In comics,"
2 よくあるじゃんね… yoku aru jan ne... "[there's this thing that] happens often..."
3-4 「俺はあいつを信じてる!」ってさ 「おれはあいつをしんじてる!」ってさ 「ore wa aitsu wo shinjiteru!」 tte sa "'I believe in that guy!'"
4 俺とか切島くらいの立ち位置の奴が言うの… おれとかきりしまくらいのたちいちのやつがいうの… ore toka Kirishima kurai no tachi ichi no yatsu ga iu no... "It's something some guy in a role like mine or Kirishima's says."
5 そのような作品にはまだ出逢えてなくて… そのようなさくひんにはまだであえてなくて… sono you na sakuhin ni wa mada deaete nakute... "I haven't come across any works like that yet..."
6 少年系読まんもんね… しょうねんけいよまんもんね… shounen-kei yoman mon ne... "You don't read the shounen genre..."
7 緑谷さ…多分今世界で一番強ェのに… みどりやさ…たぶんいませかいでいちばんつえェのに… Midoriya sa...tabun ima sekai de ichiban tsueE noni... "You see, Midoriya...is probably the strongest person in the world right now, but..."
8 何でだろうなあ… なんでだろうなあ… nande darou naa... "I wonder why..."
9-10 オールマイトみたく"もう大丈夫"って…思えねェんだよなあ… オールマイトみたく"もうだいじょうぶ"って…おもえねェんだよなあ… OORU MAITO mitaku "mou daijoubu" tte...omoeneEnda yo naa... "I can't imagine...that 'it's all right now' like what All Might says..."
11 ヤオモモ…… YAOMOMO...... "Yaomomo......"
12 心配すんのは信用してねェってことになんのかなあ? しんぱいすんのはしんようしてねェってことになんのかなあ? shinpai sun no wa shinyou shite neE tte koto ni nan no ka naa? "Does my worrying mean I don't believe in him?"
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1 そう‼︎予断を許さない負傷者から! そう‼︎よだんをゆるさないふしょうしゃから! sou!! yodan wo yurusanai fushousha kara! "Yes!! From an unpredictable injured person!"
2 雄英の子‼︎グラビティみたいな名前の…わかんない!とりあえず すぐ着くから‼︎ ゆうえいのこ‼︎グラビティみたいななまえの…わかんない!とりあえず すぐつくから‼︎ yuuei no ko!! GURABITI mitai na namae no...wakannai! toriaezu sugu tsuku kara!! "A UA kid!! The one with a name like Gravity...I don't know! Anyways, [we'll] be there soon!!"
3 雄英ロボが向かっているそうです ゆうえいロボがむかっているそうです yuuei ROBO ga mukatte iru sou desu "It looks like the UA robots are on their way."
4 グラビティって子が危ないみたい グラビティってこがあぶないみたい GURABITI tte ko ga abunai mitai "It looks like the Gravity kid is in danger."
5 あ a "Ah!"
6 おい oi "Hey!"
7 緑谷の映像来てるぞ何じゃコリャ みどりやのえいぞうきてるぞなんじゃコリャ Midoriya no eizou kiteru zo nan ja KORYA "The video of Midoriya is coming, what the hell is this?"
8 今はいいので早く! いまはいいのではやく! ima wa ii node hayaku! "It's fine now, so hurry!"
9 ウラビティ…… URABITI...... Uravity......
10 あの子だ…… あのこだ…… ano ko da...... It's that kid......
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1 もしも moshimo If
2-3 もしも全員が少しだけ"みんな"のことを思えたなら もしもぜんいんがすこしだけ"みんな"のことをおもえたなら moshimo zen'in ga sukoshi dake "minna" no koto wo omoeta nara If all of us could think of "everyone," just a little bit
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1 何で私が緑谷についたか なんでわたしがみどりやについたか nande watashi ga Midoriya ni tsuita ka "Why did I head for Midoriya?"
2 あいつは aitsu wa "Because that guy"
3 心をこじ開けるんだ こころをこじあけるんだ kokoro wo kojiakerunda "pries open hearts."
small text 1 レディ・ナガン REDI ・ NAGAN Lady Nagant
small text 2 元・ヒーロー敵 もと・ヒーローヴィラン moto ・ HIIROO VIRAN Former Hero/Villain
small text 1 プロヒーロー・ロックロック PURO HIIROO ・ ROKKU ROKKU Pro Hero Rock Lock
4 悪人にとって あくにんにとって akunin ni totte "For the bad guys,"
5-6 一番嫌な事をしてくるんだよ いちばんいやなことをしてくるんだよ ichiban iya na koto wo shite kurunda yo "he's come to do what they can't stand the most."
7 まァ maA "Well,"
8 敵退治はいかに早く戦意喪失させるかだからな ヴィラン(たいじ*)はいかにはやくせんいそうしつさせるかだからな VIRAN taiji wa ikani hayaku sen'i soushitsu saseru ka dakara na "the key to eliminating villains is how quickly you make them lose the will to fight, that's why." (Note: This line was originally spoken by Fatgum in chapter 134.)
9 多分 たぶん tabun "Perhaps"
10 今もそうなんだ いまもそうなんだ ima mo sou nanda "now is also like that."
11 勧善懲悪を徹しきれない かんぜんちょうあくをてっしきれない kanzenchouaku wo tesshi kirenai "It's not enough to devote himself to rewarding good and punishing evil."
12 茨の道に夢を見てる いばらのみちにゆめをみてる ibara no michi ni yume wo miteru "He's dreaming on a path of thorns."
13 その面があまりに必死なもんだからーーー そのつらがあまりにひっしなもんだからーーー sono tsura ga amari ni hisshi na mon dakara--- "That aspect of him is so desperate* that---" (*Note: This word in Japanese means that this aspect of Izuku is something that he does "desperately, frantically, with all his might.")
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1 ついつい応援したくなっちまう ついついおうえんしたくなっちまう tsuitsui ouen shitaku nacchimau "against my better judgment, I want to root for him."
2 がんばれ ganbare "Do your best!"
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1 来るなあ くるなあ kuru naa (literal) "Don't come!" (contextual) "Stay back!"
2 やめろ yamero "Stop,"
3 転弧 てんこ Tenko "Tenko!"
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tagline デクの前に現れたのは⁉︎ デクのまえにあらわれたのは⁉︎ DEKU no mae ni arawareta no wa!? What has appeared in front of Deku!?
1-3 あの家から連なる全ての崩壊だ あのいえからつらなるすべてのほうかいだ ano ie kara tsuranaru subete no houkai da The decay of everything extending from that house.
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tokyoghoulaspecs · 3 months
Here's some of the pulls that the re invoke gallery is missing, that I happened to have saved from my collection on the app years ago.
I also have a few more that I edited to be renders that I'll be posting separately.
These aren't quite as HD as the gallery's because they're just screenshots, nor are they transparent, but anyone is welcome to save, edit, and repost them, if you want them!
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One-Eyed Owl SSR The Deadly Kakuja
Rize Kamishiro SSR Bewitching Bunny Girl
Shu Tsukiyama SSR The Gourmet's Rampage
Oggai SSR Newly Created Quinx
Big Madam SSR Leader of Madam's World
Noro SSR Transforming Threat
Ken Kaneki SSR 1 Year Anniversary
Nimura Furuta SSR Destroyer of All
Ken Kaneki SSR Protector of All
Hairu Ihei SSR Lovely Idol
Kurona Yasuhisa SSR Playful Angel & Devil
Toka Kirishima SSR Witch With Black Cat
[Image Description:
Image 1: A front shot of Eto in her kakuja form.
Image 2: Rize dressed in a sexy black bunny outfit with playing cards in the background.
Image 3: Tsukiyama sitting in bed, screaming, with his kagune out
Image 4: Hajime with four other oggai standing in a circle all shoulder-to-shoulder
Image 5: Big Madam laughing with her kagune out
Image 6: Noro's final kagune form, of two mouths with four kagune tendrils off them
Image 7: Kaneki dressed in traditional japanese clothes waving a sign that says "祝一周年" or "Congratulations on the first anniversary"
Image 8: Furuta's kakuja form from the finale, gliding to the right (to be paired with Kaneki's)
Image 9: Kaneki's kagune from the finale, leaping towards the left (to be paired with Furuta's)
Image 10: Hairu wearing a cute blue and white dress as she puts on a pair of glasses
Image 11: Nashiro and Kurona, dressed as an angel and devil respectfully, in a half-hug as they hold out their other hands toward the viewer
Image 12: Touka wearing a sexy witch costume and sitting around pumpkins, with Hinami dressed as a black cat laying in her lap. End ID]
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may-day-voice · 2 years
Where We Started
Hitoshi Shinsou Timeline | 172732014
please do not repost, but you have permission to reblog :)
• Watch/ Listen on YouTube: https://youtu.be/H0BQW5Kssdc
• Read on Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/1127196226-hitoshi-shinsou-pro-hero-au-172732014-where-we
• Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35005000/chapters/87183043
You stared long and hard at Toka while she sat calmly by the window sill. For a cat, you were surprised she hadn’t fidgeted for some time, staring back while you tried to peer into her blue eyes, concentrating with all of your might.
“You’re hungry, right? That’s what you said?” You asked with a chirp, almost elated to come to that conclusion.
Toka only turned to lick herself nonchalantly.
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You sighed heavily, feeling the tension in your temples. For some time you still remembered the sound of Toka’s voice in your head, trying to reclaim this talent to speak with animals. However, it had only resulted in mild headaches and if not for the fact that you were still at home, your attempts could almost be seen as paranoia at this point.
Licking your wounds while you were still ahead figuratively speaking, you went about the day doing mundane tasks before you decided to sit by the sill with your phone, catching up on any gossip in town through the Local Hero Network. Too much excitement had caught everyone unaware ever since the building collapse in Esuha City, including the arrest of a mole in the Commission that has put the agency back under question. After the years that had transpired, it was a shock that they had not entirely learnt their lessons. Midoriya now had more on his plate, whereas the number of randomized assaults in Musatafu were being chased up by Bakugou, Kirishima, and Todoroki.
There were too many things going around, and not enough to catch the fires before they grew. No pun intended.
Still on your phone, you decided to send a text, your thumb hovering over the keypad before you decided to type.
Hope you’re okay.
Shinsou was at his agency, of course, but these random attacks on the city demanded his attention, having heard through the Network of who was involved. The suspects responsible for Overhaul’s escape had been spotted by witnesses, and this time out in daylight.
Thanks, so far so good. Was wondering if you can meet me at Chat Noir. Maybe around 3?
Strange, neither of you had ever visited the cafe for years.
Ok, short day?
That and it’s a safe spot. Still remember you dragging me there.
You smiled happily at the memory, recalling the hours spent organizing for his birthday the night prior, even though it was a short event. The surprise was the fact that Shinsou suggested the place to meet. Things had escalated to a degree that secrecy became commonplace, and primarily with your work at the Commission on hold, you were left with unanswered questions.
Toka mewled while she jumped into your lap, curling herself to lay comfortably on your legs. Her purrs were warm and inviting while your fingers lightly pat her neck, playing against her collar. It was only a few more hours until the time Shinsou suggested, giving you half that time to prepare yourself for travel.
I’ll see you when I do.
A bus ride through Musatafu ensured you reached the general area of where Chat Noir was located, making the rest of your way there by foot. You kept tabs on the notifications on your phone, reading on the news of assaults and acts of violence around the city. Luckily none had been listed close to where you were, considering Shinsou’s choice to meet at the cat cafe overall due to the climate. The streets weren’t filled with civilians, but many locals still roamed around, giving you a sense of security. Safety in numbers, at least you hoped.
Soon, the familiar sign was visible to see from a block away. You spotted some slight wear and tear in its large letters, but the small cafe still had some customers, and of course, its feline residents. You stared through the window watching all of the cats roam around the cafe floor, comfortable in their surroundings. You saw fairly new ones in the shop, but a few familiar faces were recognized as well. It only brought a smile to your face, not realizing a familiar figure standing beside you.
“Having fun?” Asked Shinsou with a smile.
“Just watching,” you simply replied.
“For a minute I thought you were reading their minds.”
A pout crossed your lips, staring up at Shinsou’s almost jovial smile. Your exercises at home did not go unnoticed by him, teasing you about your attempts to reclaim a talent you never knew you had. You haven’t seen him this happy for a slight hint of your misery, or at least this happy in general. “Everything okay?” You asked, trying to divert the conversation elsewhere.
“Let’s head inside,” suggested Shinsou, while he opened the door with the ring of its bell above its frame. He made way for you to enter first, soon following after with a gentle tug of the door. It looked as if you had stepped back in time, finding that the cafe had not changed much at all over the years since your surprise birthday gift. The resident felines prowled around, minding their business like usual while both Shinsou and yourself found a table to sit at, ordering your usual coffees in lonesome company.
“The media’s been going wild lately,” you commented, eyeing Shinsou’s firm gaze.
“You’re telling me,” he responded in a low whisper. “My agency’s been spear-heading all of the attacks across the city. I’ve kept in touch with everyone involved.”
“Have you heard back from Midoriya?”
“No, or Kaminari, but I’m not directly involved with their rescue mission.”
Your eyes frowned at the thought of being left in the dark. Ever since your suspect escaped, the city had been running rampant with assault after assault. They all seemed random, as if they were minor violent reactions with no purpose but to instil fear into the public. More so, you stared into Shinsou’s eyes, distracted in his own thoughts. Many of the events had hit him harder than most. You needn’t have to read his mind to see that.
“We’ll sort this out,” you reassured before your orders arrived at your table. “At least until I have the city’s permission to work back in the field somehow.”
“I’ll make sure my agency will give you privileges,” reaffirmed Shinsou, reaching his hand out to yours. “We need you. I need you, Kitten.”
You felt the warmth of his palms engulf your own, comforting with a smile with both of your coffees still warm sitting in-between. The smell of it was soothing, while you glanced at a feline visitor every once in a while, making themselves comfortable in your company. It was peaceful.
That was when you realized how peaceful it was, surrounded only by the cats that occupied the space. The staff were nowhere to be found, and whoever was in the cafe as a customer had all but disappeared.
“Kitten, there’s a lot going on,” started Shinsou while his thumbs rubbed against your skin.
“Well aware,” you murmured while you looked around, confused and a little suspicious.
Shinsou watched your reaction to the situation at hand. Of course, he figured you would’ve caught on to the strange realization that the both of you were alone, sans for the cats that still stayed on the cafe floor. He smiled, realising himself that he wouldn’t have pulled something off without raising your own suspicions. And yet, he was surprised you hadn’t thought to read his mind.
Which made him love you all the more that you didn’t.
“I’ve seen what everyone has done to you. Bullied, belittled, even ostracized you,” he started, catching your attention. “You didn’t have to tell me these things because even though you’ve never told those stories, somehow I knew. Even when we started off on the wrong foot back in school.” He stood from his chair before he took a quick sip of his coffee, almost like a form of liquid courage, at least that was what he convinced himself. He knelt by your side, his tall frame evident in the way he held his stature, staring into your eyes before he pulled a small box from his pocket. “I’ve watched you maneuver around those obstacles. I watched you grow full of love and kindness despite all the bitterness in the world, and I’ve been late on the bandwagon to say this.”
With a flick, he opened the small black box to reveal a ring, petite but firm that looked like it was carved from black glass. Despite him kneeling, the cats surrounded him, walking all over his legs and knees, yet he only had his violet eyes on you.
“Kitten, because of your love and kindness, I’ve changed for the better. You make me feel better, and do better, and I don’t want to lose you,” proposed Shinsou while he lifted the box.
The temptation was there to read his thoughts as you stared back into his eyes, but it didn’t feel right to do so. This wasn’t a matter of minds, but of hearts, overwhelmed by the sudden proposal in a cafe you had shared your first birthday present with him, for him. Without another thought to spare, you joined him on the cafe floor, kneeling before him to meet his level, surprising him with your reaction before you held his hands that cradled the small box in his palms.
“I don’t want to lose you either,” you answered before you offered your hand to him.
All you did was smile, as did he, pulling out the ring to slip it onto your hand. You both shared the moment together, kneeling before each other when Shinsou pulled you in for a gentle kiss. His lips were warm and tender while you returned him in kind, your arms holding him in your embrace before he gently laid you onto the cold floor, his body hovering over yours. You watched his eyes glaze over your form, his smirk almost intoxicating until a cold wet nose brushed against your cheek. A multitude of the cafe’s resident felines still hovered around, now joining in on some of the fun while you chuckled at the slightest touch, human or cat.
Shinsou chuckled at your happiness, watching small tears appear from the corner of your eyes through your smile. He was thankful the staff allowed to give him an hour or two alone with you for this proposal, to watch you enjoy time away from the madness that was turning Musatafu upside down. He stared at your necklace that still laid across your chest, its dusky orange hue glinting against the afternoon light that shone through the cafe windows. That was a promise, he thought, but now staring at the black ring that you wore, he felt that it was all becoming very real, swelling with joy while his tired eyes still watched your laughter.
He was finally able to make plans.
The next hour or two was a quiet one, filled with peaceful company between yourselves and the cats that celebrated this occasion. Afterwards the cafe shut for the afternoon, leaving the both of you to travel back home together, but not before Shinsou thanked the staff immensely in his own way for their help. He felt relieved that the hardest part was over while he held onto you through the streets, keeping your hand hidden in his that held the ring. The last thing he wanted was a media frenzy to catch on and avoid the attention that Bakugou and Todoroki had endured themselves.
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t-marveland · 2 years
𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥 | Ken Kaneki
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ᵈʳᵃʷⁱⁿᵍ ᵐᵃᵈᵉ ᵇʸ ˢᵘⁱ ⁱˢʰⁱᵈᵃ
Ken Kaneki x Reader
Warnings : aucun
Mots : 959
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❝ sugoi...❞
    TU ÉTAIS UNE étudiante tout à fait banale en apparence, mais en réalité tu étais une goule. Une créature qui se nourrissait d'humains mais qui vivait entourée d'eux et étudiée avec eux à Kiyomi High School. C'est d'ailleurs sur ce campus que tu rencontras une jeune femme qui changea ton style de vie. Elle te permit d'arrêter de chasser et te contenter d'humains qui n'avaient pas été assassinés. Elle s'appelait Toka Kirishima. Elle était aussi une goule avec de magnifique cheveux violets et travaillait à l'Antique, un café qui semblait innocent, clair et agréable mais qui recueillait de la nourriture pour les goules.
    Au début, tu avais eu du mal à t'adapter, en effet tu étais un peu contre cette idée. Après tout, tu aimais le goût du danger et le fait de chasser en pleine nuit te permettait de t'éloigner de ta fausse vie ennuyeuse. Mais plus tu vivais avec les humains, plus tu éprouvais une certaine compassion pour eux alors quand tu trouvas une solution, tu arrêtas de les chasser et allas plus souvent à l'Antique t'approvisionner.
    Même si tu étais amie avec Toka, qui t'avait bien aidé au début, tu ne restais jamais avec elle et quand vous vous croisiez, vous faisiez comme si vous ne vous connaissiez pas, car deux goules qui traînent ensemble n'était pas une bonne idée. Il suffit que l'on démasque une pour que l'autre soit en danger.
    La première fois que tu vis Ken Kaneki était lors d'un de tes ravitaillements, tu rentras dans l'Antique et montas directement à l'étage. Il te regarda passer et quand tu descendis, quelques minutes plus tard, tu croisa son regard et il vit que quelque chose en toi avait changé. En vérité, cela faisait longtemps que tu n'avais pas mangé alors avoir ce sachet dans les mains, avait mis tous tes sens en éveille et quand tu croisas le regard de ce jeune homme fragile aux cheveux noirs, tu eus du mal à ne pas te jeter sur lui.
    ❝━ Eh ! Ooh ! Ken, tu m'écoutes ? Qu'est-ce que tu regardes ? Dit Hide.
━ R-rien.
━ Mouais, moi je pense plutôt que tu regardais cette fille qui vient juste de partir.
━ Pas du tout. Il replongea la tête dans son livre, non sans avoir les joues rougies à cause de ce que son ami venait de dire.❞
    Ton charme naturel te permettait d'attirer de nombreux humains dans tes filets, ce qui t'arrangeait bien au début pour te nourrir mais depuis ta nouvelle résolution cela n'attirait que des gens trop curieux qui s'intéressaient un peu trop à toi.
    Après avoir croisé le regard de Kaneki, tu le voyais souvent dans la rue. C'était comme si le hasard vous faisiez rattrapé toute les fois où vous ne vous étiez pas croisé. Et du jour au lendemain, sa délicieuse odeur humaine changea et devint particulière. 
    Quelle ne fut pas ta surprise quand il t'accueillit à l'Antique portant la tenue de serveur et un cache-œil. Vos yeux restèrent en contact de longue secondes jusqu'à ce que tu reprennes tes esprits.
    ❝━ Tu travailles ici ? Demandas-tu, étonnée.
━ Oui. Il sourit.❞
    Il rougit légèrement.
    ❝━ Qu'est ce que je te sers ? 
━ Et bien... C'est une commande particulière. Comme tu es nouveau, tu ne dois pas encore connaître. Je vais aller demander à la serveuse là-bas.❞
    Tu partis en direction de Toka et le laissas en plan. Tu ne voulais pas qu'il sache ce que tu étais par peur de sa réaction, les humains sont vraiment imprévisibles. Cependant, il y avait quelque chose qui n'allait pas dans l'histoire. Comment un humain pouvait-il travailler à l'Antique ? Seules les goules y étaient admises et tu pensais être sûr que Ken Kaneki était un humain, peut-être t'étais-tu trompé sur lui. Mais son odeur... Tu ne te trompais jamais sur l'odeur des humains.
    ❝━ Oui ? Dit Toka.❞
    Elle mit fin à ta réflexion.
    ❝━ Comme d'habitude.❞
    Elle alla à l'étage et tu la suivis, comme à votre habitude. Cependant, cette fois-ci, quelqu'un vous fixait et ce quelqu'un n'était autre que Ken Kaneki, une goule à l'œil écarlate. Ken compris pourquoi tu ne lui avais pas dit la raison de ta venue. Seulement les goules allaient à l'étage et c'était pour récupérer leur nourriture. Il le savait maintenant, tu étais une goule.
    ❝━ Il y a un nouveau ? Demandas-tu.❞
    Toka hocha la tête.
    ❝━ Il est comme nous ?❞
    Elle se tourna vers toi et hocha, une deuxième fois, la tête.
    ❝━ C'est bizarre. La première fois que je l'ai vu, j'ai senti que c'était un humain. Et maintenant, tu me dis que c'est une goule. Je crois que j'ai un problème... Dis-tu.
━ Non. Ce n'est pas toi le problème.❞
    Elle marqua une pause.
    ❝━ Vois-tu, il n'est pas vraiment comme nous. Ce n'est pas une goule "pur-sang". Il est différent. Expliqua-t-elle.❞
    Tout devint plus clair dans ton esprit. Tu avais eu raison, c'était bien un humain enfin, en quelque sorte, mais tu n'avais plus aucun doute sur ton odorat.
    Finalement, Toka te donna ton paquet et tu descendis les escaliers. Tes yeux ne purent s'empêcher de dériver et d'atterrir sur le nouveau serveur qui te rendit ton regard. Il te sourit poliment et tu lui offris un sourire charmant en retour. Son côté humain ne put que succomber face à ton charme naturel. Il n'avait qu'une envie, te revoir et c'était réciproque.
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dokudokuo · 3 years
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Tokyo Ghoul
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sienku · 3 years
+ ³⁶⅔ ૮₍。´ᴖ ˔ ᴖ`。₎ა HINAM! ⸦⸧  1C0NS ‽
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REQUEST # . . . LIKE OR REBL0G 1F U SAV3 PLS 🌼 ありがとう 🍧
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Toka Kirishima✨ ❤️🔥
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Tokyo Ghoul (Anime) Kaneki and Touka Moments
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So much love in this episode...
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hobbylinkjapan · 6 years
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From "Tokyo Ghoul" comes an ARTFX J figure of the powerful fighter and employee of the :re coffee shop, Toka Kirishima! Her kagune has been recreated with clear parts for a stunning appearance that captures its look in the anime series, and makes for an eye-catching figure in any collection. She stands about 27cm tall.
1/8 ARTFX J Toka Kirishima
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“Never trust anyone too much; remember, the devil was once an angel.”
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