languagexs · 12 days
Yoruba Language Access: Effortless English to Yoruba Translation with Our Free Signup Online Interpreters
The Ultimate Guide for English to Yoruba Translation for Effective Communication In our increasingly interconnected world, bridging language barriers has become crucial for fostering mutual understanding and facilitating cross-cultural exchange. If you’re looking to communicate effectively with Yoruba speakers, whether for business, personal, or academic purposes, mastering the art of English to…
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jackgreens · 1 year
International marketing strategies that incorporate transcreation are essential for effectively reaching and engaging with customers in their own language. Customized marketing content that speaks directly to the target audience and addresses their needs and preferences can significantly improve a business's chances of success in global markets.
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webdizajn · 1 year
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zimsbothantennae · 1 year
Translation activates my autism so bad I love it I love the differences between literal translation trying to give you the most literal understanding of how people in the OG language think and speak and localization which is trying to translate the tone and emotions and understanding to something the reader is familiar with and transcreation is so cool too it adds a whole new story on top of the story
Personally I prefer to take in all 3 kinds of translations so that I can get the fullest understanding of a work possible but since polls are fun I am going to make one
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evxyz · 1 year
SLOFT, 2022-2023
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Adaptation vers l'anglais du troisième numéro de ce magazine dédié aux intérieurs urbains.
English adaptation of the third issue of this magazine dedicated to urban interiors.
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How Dragoman Localizes Your Website Content
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milestoneloc · 2 years
Professional Translation Services in 70+ languages
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ippworld · 2 years
Understanding Content Localisation (Part 2)
After identifying and sorting out with the web development team on the parameters and structural issues (refer to Understanding Content Localisation Part 1), you’re ready to provide your source content writers with pertinent instructions and to let them be aware of potential consequential effects on the content localisation workflow.
It’s imperative that the writing team understands that the content being written will be used as the source text for the LSP’s (Language Service Provider’s) translation workflow. Whether you have the best writers internally or you outsource to a third party, you need to prepare them by communicating your needs clearly, to eliminate snags and get the best finished localized content on time, the first time.
Express Your Concerns Succinctly
To maximize time and efforts, clearly communicate the requirements of your localisation project to your writers, whether they’re on staff or contracted. LSPs generally price translation services by the word count (number of words), as do writing and editing agencies. As such, it’s prudent to seriously consider what content is relevant and necessary to be translated to support the marketing campaigns to respective target audiences (for example seasonal offers applicable only to specific regions, campaigns to sync with major local events, etc.).
Explain to your writing team that humor, satire, colloquial expressions, and puns usually should be avoided as they don’t always translate well to different cultures or languages. Briefly review all content that will be translated. Source copy for translation should be concise; avoid the use of mnemonics and kept within its official mood.
Rely on Creative Transcreation to Insert Character in Your Target Content
Where applicable, your transcreation LSP should indicate notes to explain the rationale behind intended humor or expressions used in the source text. It’s important to remember that your LSP employs translators for their native linguistic skills and the source text for translation is usually in a language that they have learned academically.
Not surprisingly, content translated from language to language (culture to culture) may not be read with the same impact. Elusive meanings are easily lost in translation. Translations of wrongly understood source text may appear to be disrespectful to the target readers, or in a worse-case scenario, the fumbled translation could be stepping on antecedents that should have been altogether avoided.
Beware of Nuances
Because of the risks involved in literal translation, it’s important that you remind your writing team to avoid fanciful styles or tones that they may be using regularly in writing their source language. Examples include:
Culture-specific symbols. Various symbols or icons, such as (†), (♀) (Œ), etc. may not be understood internationally. Therefore, they should be avoided and substituted with descriptive words that can be translated appropriately.
Varying address formats. Consider there are varying ways that a region may adopt a preferred writing or form-filling of address details, postal codes, units of measure, currency, and the like, which are commonly used amongst readers in specific countries.
General editorial matters. Some of the issues that may impede the translation process are:
Use of abbreviations, acronyms, slang
Coined or gender words
Jargons, shortened plurals
SMS-type text or telegraphic style
Word combinations or words with multiple meanings
Culture-specific topics
Workflow Processes Deserve Attention Too
Revision and update procedures apply during respective localisation workflows as well as periodically from campaign to campaign. At this stage, it’s prudent to define a preferred method of identifying the content that requires updating, so that these can be efficiently routed to the respective parties involved in a pre-defined and orderly manner.
For CMS that supports automated features, procedures will include routing through to the translation team as well as receiving translated copies back into the system. An effective monitoring measure should include file version control, importantly, to prevent confusion or mixed-up on which is the most recent project file, files pending approval or already approved, etc.
Be prepared for contractors who may have limited software knowledge to a project. LSPs and their translators are hired for their linguistic expertise and not for software or programming. Text for translation should be clearly defined within the third tier of a typical 3-tier enterprise site. Consider that the easier it is to identify all texts for localization, the faster it will be for the LSP to turn around their target language content workflows.
Experience Counts
Ideally, you want to hire an LSP or transcreation team that has adequate experience to work on a CMS platform, to avoid inadvertent alterations of source codes or programming scripts. Oversights or erroneous actions can lead to excessive stoppage time if the LSP’s team is ill-equipped or needs to learn specific workflow processes.
Related Content:
Learn More About IPPWORLD’s Transcreation Services
For more knowledge, join online conversations centered on translation vs transcreation or related topics. In today’s highly competitive marketplace, editorial teams should be familiar with the different workflows applied for standard translation as well as when transcreation plays an integral role in a content localisation process.
Translation is applied to source information that’s written in its ordinary language and required to be understood in an equally factual, topical and meaningful context in another (target) language. The translator’s objective is to thoroughly understand the source information and to translate meanings of the words into another language using its proper syntax, and in a customary way, for the localized information to be clearly understood by its target readers. Translation is mostly suited for non-marketing content, or content considered technical, legal or financial in nature.
Transcreation (Translation infused with creative editing) is defined as written words and meanings aptly adapted to the norms of a target language using proper syntax, collocation, currency, date and address format, measuring system, etc. It brings due consideration to the target reader’s sensitivities toward culture, religion, traditional beliefs and social mores.
Transcreation must be applied to source information that contains colloquial or tongue-in-cheek phrases intended to promote reader’s interest or when a call-to-action is intended in the text. Transcreation brings out the emotions of the content to stimulate reader’s imagination, to prompt readers to act — to read more, to make an enquiry or booking.
Due to cultural or vernacular differences between the readers of the source language and the readers of the target language, an effective workflow requires a bilingual editorial team familiar with the cultural perspectives of the source language content, that also possesses creative editing skills in the target language. In essence, they are able to mimic the various attributes of the source information (abstract and physical) in a culturally relevant stance, and at an equally emotional and intellectual level. Transcreation should be applied to copy of content relating to publicity and marketing, branding, advertising and advertorial.
*Useful Reading
Open Source CMS vs Licensed CMS: https://cypressnorth.com/web-programming-and-development/open-source-cms-vs-proprietary-cms/
Importance of Web Tier: http://smallbusiness.chron.com/importance-tier-57502.html
Texts/Word Truncation:
Flattening Images: https://helpx.adobe.com/indesign/using/flattening-transparent-artwork.html
Translation Memory: http://content.lionbridge.com/translation-memory-vendor-use-one/
3-Tier Enterprise Content Strategy: http://searchsoftwarequality.techtarget.com/definition/3-tier-application
World’s Top Tourism Spenders: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6260346723441438720/?actorCompanyId=133118
Open Source CMS vs Licensed CMS: https://cypressnorth.com/web-programming-and-development/open-source-cms-vs-proprietary-cms/
Importance of Web Tier: http://smallbusiness.chron.com/importance-tier-57502.html
Texts/Word Truncation:
Flattening Images: https://helpx.adobe.com/indesign/using/flattening-transparent-artwork.html
Translation Memory: http://content.lionbridge.com/translation-memory-vendor-use-one/
3-Tier Enterprise Content Strategy: http://searchsoftwarequality.techtarget.com/definition/3-tier-application
World’s Top Tourism Spenders: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6260346723441438720/?actorCompanyId=133118
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trendsmarketing · 2 years
Your brand represents your promise to your customer. It sets an expectation for them for your products or services. Emotional engagement with your potential customers is key to the longevity of your brand. Followed by the “Authenticity” of your brand and the method in which it is presented. Let’s create a Brand that will withstand the course of time!
Branding Services
Transcreation Services
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lcthbao · 2 years
dịch truyện ngắn AT THE CLINIC | SALLY ROONEY
một trong những gạch đầu dòng tự hào nhất trong danh-sách-đã-đọc năm 2020 của mình chính là normal people, cùng với việc phát hiện ra sally rooney và liền sau đó là quyết tâm tìm đọc hết những gì cô viết (cho đến nay mới chỉ có 3 tiểu thuyết và một vài truyện ngắn). niềm si mê này ai đọc sách cùng mình đều biết rõ. nếu phải chỉ ra điểm thu hút nhất trong văn chương của sally rooney thì cõ lẽ hơi khó. các tác phẩm của cô cho đến thời điểm hiện tại, dưới góc độ cảm nhận của riêng mình, đều giao nhau trong một bầu không khí ngắt quãng, lấp lửng, ngột ngạt và phóng đãng của tuổi trẻ, cùng những câu chuyện và tuyến nhân vật đầy vết xước, không bóng bẩy màu mè, không lên gân thổi phồng bất kỳ một chi tiết nào. những câu chuyện mà sally rooney xây lên đều tự nhiên như cuộc sống, hòa vào nhịp thở của thời đại một cách lặng lẽ và đồng điệu. có lẽ chính thứ văn chương giản dị đó đã khiến cho ai mê sẽ mê mãi, còn ai chê sẽ chê hoài.
khởi nguồn của cuốn sách đình đám normal people là một truyện ngắn có tên là at the clinic, được đăng tải trên tạp chí the white review năm 2016, hai năm trước khi cuốn tiểu thuyết được hoàn thành. vì quá thích sally rooney và normal people (dù không phải là cuốn mình thích nhất) nên mình đã dịch lại truyện ngắn này theo cách hiểu của cá nhân mình, với một ý đồ duy nhất là tiếp tục lan truyền tình yêu dành cho văn chương của sally rooney.
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trên đường đến phòng khám nha khoa, hai người chuyện trò về chuyến về thăm nhà vào lễ giáng sinh sắp tới. lúc bấy giờ là tháng mười một, marianne có chiếc răng khôn cần phải nhổ đi. connell đang lái xe đưa cô đến gặp nha sĩ, vì cậu là người duy nhất trong đám bạn của cô có xe, và cũng là người duy nhất cô có thể tâm sự về hết thảy những chuyện răng cỏ phiền toái này. cậu vẫn thường đưa cô đến gặp nha sĩ mỗi khi cô cần. cả hai người đều đang ở độ tuổi hai mươi ba.
connell đỗ xe vào một góc trước phòng khám, tiếng radio tự động tắt đi. cậu không hề cho marianne biết rằng mình đã xin nghỉ làm sáng nay để hộ tống cô đến buổi hẹn này. cậu cũng chẳng thấy áy náy gì cho cam.
tuần trước, marianne đến nhà cậu và than phiền rằng hàm cô đau điếng. cậu cứ phải càm ràm về mọi thứ như thế sao? connell bảo. thế là họ cãi nhau. hôm đó cả hai đều hơi say.
marianne thì lại không nhớ như thế. trong trí nhớ của cô, lúc đó cô đang hì hục bên dưới đũng quần của connell trên ghế sofa, và rồi phải dừng lại vì miệng cô đau điếng. connell không nề hà gì chuyện đó nên thay vì trên ghế, họ làm tình trên một địa thế khác. chỉ sau đó, khi cơn đau vừa rồi của cô được nhắc lại, connell bảo: không ai càm ràm nhiều như cậu. hai người đã trở lại nằm cạnh nhau trên ghế sofa. marianne hỏi, ý là cậu đang so sánh tớ với những cô bạn gái khác của cậu đúng không. và connell chối, ý cậu là so với tất cả mọi người. cậu bảo cậu chưa từng quen biết ai có khả năng càm ràm nhiều như marianne.
cậu không thích nghe người khác than phiền chỉ vì cậu không thể đồng cảm mà thôi, marianne nói.
nhưng tớ đã hiểu cho cậu khi cậu than phiền lần đầu tiên còn gì.
cậu thích những người phụ nữ không than phiền vì cậu không nhìn nhận chúng tớ như những con người thực sự.
cứ mỗi lần tớ sửa lưng cậu thì lại thành ra là tớ có định kiến với phụ nữ, connell phản kháng.
marianne ngồi thẳng dậy, cuộn tóc cao lên và tìm lấy cái kẹp tóc. tớ nghi là, cô nói, cậu chỉ luôn qua lại với những người chẳng bao giờ thực sự nói năng.
vì cậu đang không ổn nên mới nói thế thôi. tớ không phải là một thằng đần.
marianne kiểm tra lọn tóc của mình bằng những đầu ngón tay, rồi lại nằm xuống bên cạnh connell. mặt ghế sofa với họa tiết hoa văn màu nâu trông thật tẻ nhạt. chỉ có tớ, cô nói. cậu chỉ nhìn nhận mỗi tớ như là một con người thực thụ. đó là lý do vì sao cậu không hấp dẫn đối với tớ.
đúng vậy.
về mặt thể xác thôi, không phải tình cảm nhé. cô quan sát phản ứng của connell, trong lúc cậu đang nhìn chăm chăm lên trần nhà. hai gương mặt đang ở rất gần nhau.
nếu là hấp dẫn về mặt cảm xúc thì tớ đã không thích cậu cặp kè những gã khác rồi, connell nói.
rõ ràng là cậu không thích điều đó thật mà.
tớ chỉ không thích gu chọn bạn trai của cậu thôi, điều đó khác.
cậu có muốn biết chuyện gì đã xảy ra với daniel không? cô hỏi. về việc tớ đã bảo với anh ta rằng tớ muốn kết hôn, và cách anh ta trả lời. tớ đã nói rằng viễn cảnh đó sẽ không bao giờ diễn ra với cậu bạn connell của tớ. phần còn lại của cuộc cãi vã đó không liên quan gì đến cậu, chỉ liên quan đến cách tớ cố tình nói những điều đó để chọc điên anh ta mà thôi, vì tớ thích làm anh ta bực mình.
ồ. connell đáp lại.
marianne trở về nhà sau đó với một câu hỏi lởn vởn trong đầu: liệu cô có đang than phiền quá nhiều hay không?
đêm đó, khi vừa đặt chân đến nhà thì đầu cô đau váng lên. cô lôi ra một chai rượu từ trong tủ lạnh và tu ừng ực. khi ngậm lại thứ cồn lành lạnh đó trong miệng, một cơn đau nhói thất thần phát ra từ nướu khiến hai mắt cô ràn rụa nước. cô tống chai rượu vào bồn rửa bát và khóc nấc lên.
buổi sáng hôm sau, cô tự mình đến gặp nha sĩ. trên đường đi, cô đã liệt kê sẵn trong đầu những cơn đau mà cô sẽ trình bày với ông. thường thì không đau đớn đến thế, cô mường tượng ra lúc mình đang nói, nhưng khi quan hệ bằng miệng thì lại hoàn toàn khác. vậy mà thực tế thay vào đó, nha sĩ chỉ kiểm tra miệng cô qua loa, rồi kê đơn một đợt kháng sinh cho thứ biểu hiện ông chẩn đoán là “nhiễm trùng nặng”. cô thấy đau cũng không có gì là bất ngờ, nha sĩ nói. cái răng đâm thẳng vào má cô như đâm một mảnh bơ vậy. ông viết tiếp gì đó vào tờ giấy chẩn bệnh trên tay rồi lại nhìn cô. khi tình trạng nhiễm trùng thuyên giảm, ta sẽ nhổ nó ra dễ dàng thôi, ông nói. cô sẽ chẳng cảm thấy gì đâu. cho đến lúc đó, marianne mới cảm thấy nhẹ nhõm khi cơn đau của mình được xác thực bởi một chuyên gia.
bây giờ, chỉ có hai người họ trong phòng chờ trên tầng của phòng khám. ghế ngồi có màu xanh lơ. marianne lật giở cuốn tạp chí national geographic và đẩy đầu lưỡi của mình kiểm tra khắp vòm miệng. connell đánh mắt lên bìa cuốn tạp chí, tấm ảnh chụp con khỉ với cặp mắt thao láo.
đúng một tuần trước, marianne chủ động gọi cho cậu để báo rằng cô đã chia tay với daniel. khi điện thoại reo, connell đang ở trong phòng tắm, nên barry bạn cùng phòng của cậu bắt máy. khi cậu trở ra, barry hồn nhiên hỏi: này, cô bạn nhà giàu ngày xưa học chung trường với cậu tên gì ấy nhỉ? cái đứa mà cậu muốn ngủ cùng ấy. tốt hơn hết là trả lời thẳng thắn thôi, connell nghĩ. là marianne, sao vậy? barry dúi điện thoại vào người cậu. cô ấy muốn gặp cậu đó, cậu ta nói. vừa đưa điện thoại lên tai, connell đã nghe giọng cười của marianne.
ngồi trong phòng chờ, connell nghĩ về lauren, cô bạn gái cậu đã quen gần mười tháng. cô đã chuyển đến manchester vào hồi tháng chín, và chỉ mới hai tuần trước thôi, cô uống say mèm và lên giường với một gã khác. khi cô thú nhận với cậu việc đó, cậu chẳng cảm thấy khó chịu gì, và rồi tự hỏi liệu cậu có thực sự quan tâm đến cô hay không. vài ngày sau đó, trong cơn chán nản và mệt mỏi, cậu làm tình với marianne, người vẫn luôn bắt bớ cậu về việc không nhìn nhận phụ nữ như những con-người-thực-thụ. cậu nhận ra rằng cậu thực sự không hề nhìn nhận lauren như một con-người-thực-thụ, mà chỉ là một nhân vật phụ trong cuộc sống của mình mà thôi. vì thế, những gì cô làm ngoài kia, khuất tầm mắt của cậu, đều chẳng thành vấn đề. đêm đó, khi marianne đã rời đi, cậu mở một tab mới trên trình duyệt của mình và gõ lên dòng chữ: sao mình lại không cảm nhận được gì thế này…
sáng hôm sau, cậu gọi skype cho lauren và nói lời chia tay. cô đồng ý nhưng không cam tâm. chúng ta đã rất hạnh phúc, cô nói, nhưng yêu xa sẽ chẳng đi đến kết cục gì đâu. vì đã hình dung ra được kết cục đó từ lâu, nên cậu chỉ gật đầu và nói: đúng vậy. cậu vẫn chưa cho marianne hay về cuộc chia tay đó. cô đã gặp đủ phiền toái với chiếc răng đau của mình rồi, cậu không muốn cô nghĩ ngợi rằng việc cậu chia tay lauren là hệ quả của việc cậu đã lên giường với cô. giống như bơ vậy, hình như marianne đã mô tả như thế. đau chết đi được. connell đã thực sự bỏ lỡ những lần mô tả đó, và dần nhận ra là đã quá trễ để hỏi lại về tình trạng của cô.
cái thứ bơ bủng mà cậu nói đến là gì vậy? cậu hỏi.
má của tớ.
cái gì cơ? cậu hỏi lại.
marianne nhớ lại lời nha sĩ đã nói: cái răng đó đâm thẳng vào má cô như đâm một mảnh bơ vậy.
connell liếc nhìn cô qua cái viền vàng chóe của tờ national geographic cô đang cầm trên tay. chết tiệt, nó thực tự đâm vào má cậu như vậy thật hả?
tớ đã nói về nó cả tuần nay rồi, cậu không nghe thấy à.
đôi lúc tớ hơi lơ đễnh thật.
marianne khoan khoái đưa ánh nhìn trở lại với tờ tạp chí. đó cũng là một kỹ năng sống mà nhỉ, cô nói.
tớ và lauren chia tay rồi đấy. không biết cậu đã nghe thấy chuyện đó hay chưa.
marianne vờ như đang đọc thật chăm chú. connell hiểu rằng cô chỉ đang cân nhắc xem nên nói hay nên làm gì tiếp theo. cậu dường như chỉ đoán biết được tâm trí của cô trong phút chốc, trước khi nó lại trở về trạng thái mờ mịt như mọi khi.
cậu có bao giờ nhắc tới đâu, cô nói.
ừ, đúng thật. connell ho gượng gạo, dù không nhất thiết phải vậy. đó là điểm yếu của mình mà cậu biết là marianne có thể cảm nhận rõ ràng.
chuyện xảy ra khi nào vậy? cô hỏi.
tầm một tuần trước.
marianne không thật sự bật ra từ “aha”. cô gấp quyển tạp chí lại và uể oải trả nó về trên mặt bàn kính. connell nuốt khan. thực sự thì cậu đang cố nuốt điều gì? thời còn đi học, marianne đã rất xấu xí và bị mọi người xa lánh. cậu hay nhớ về quá khứ tàn nhẫn đó mỗi khi cảm thấy cô đang dần trở nên vượt trội hơn mình trong những cuộc trò chuyện. vào năm học cuối, cậu lấy đi lần-đầu của cô và bắt cô giữ bí mật với mọi người, dù cậu chẳng cảm thấy dễ chịu gì về chuyện giấu giếm đó. marianne chỉ nằm đó như thể: tớ muốn nói với mọi người để làm gì? biểu cảm đó nhắc nhớ cậu về một điều gì chưa rõ.
marianne cảm thấy mình thật nực cười khi mãi đến hôm nay connell mới nói với cô về chuyện với lauren. cô ngụy trang cảm xúc đó bằng vẻ chăm chú vào mọi sự chung quanh. cô tự hỏi có phải connell không nói ra là do vẻ tuyệt vọng của cô hay không. ở tuổi hai mươi ba, thi thoảng marianne vẫn trải qua những cơn u sầu hệt như ở tuổi mới lớn. trong suốt thời đi học, cô luôn xem thường người khác, nhưng đồng thời lại bị thu hút bởi nỗi sợ hãi về sự khinh thường của những người khác dành cho mình. connell là người đầu tiên thực sự để mắt đến cô, dù thậm chí cậu chẳng bao giờ bắt chuyện với cô trước mặt bạn bè. cô đã làm mọi điều giữ được tình cảm của cậu, và vờ như họ chẳng làm gì sai trái. cô tự nhấn mình vào lặng im trong những cuộc gọi của cậu.
ừ, tớ đã nghĩ là có thể cậu đã nghe thấy, connell nói. một kiểu chia tay qua skype thôi. tương đối thoải mái.
lauren là một cô gái thoải mái.
đúng là thế thật. connell nhìn ra phía cửa sổ và ngáp dài. cậu ghét chính bản thân mình. cậu không tài nào đoán được marianne đang nghĩ gì lúc đó. trong tâm thế gượng ép và tự ti, cậu nghĩ về suốt quãng thời gian quen lauren, cậu chưa bao giờ gọi cô đến bên mình, trừ những lần tình cờ. với marianne, cậu luôn thấy điều đó thật tuyệt vời, dễ dàng một cách ngu ngốc. tất nhiên, cậu biết sự so sánh đó chẳng có nghĩa lý gì.
đừng lo, marianne nói. tớ biết là cả hai chúng ta hiện tại đều đang độc thân, nhưng tớ sẽ không ngỏ lời với cậu đâu.
tớ còn chưa bao giờ nghĩ tới chuyện đó.
cửa phòng bật mở và một y tá bước ra, gọi tên marianne. mọi thứ đã sẵn sàng. marianne nhìn connell, và cậu cũng nhìn cô. có những giây phút nhất thời cô căm ghét cậu kinh khủng, nhưng cảm giác đó chưa bao giờ kéo dài được lâu. cậu không hề có ý muốn chạm vào mưu cầu yêu thương đó ở cô. với daniel, cô cảm thấy mình thật tự do và quyền lực, bởi cô chưa bao giờ coi trọng anh ta. mong muốn làm tổn thương cô của anh ta chỉ nhấn mạnh một điều, rằng anh ta đã dựa dẫm vào cô quá nhiều. nhưng connell thì không cần gì từ cô cả, và khi ở bên cậu, cô cảm thấy mình thật bất lực. marianne chạm một tay lên mặt mình và đi theo y tá vào phòng phẫu thuật.
khi cánh cửa đã đóng lại, connell đứng dậy và đi đến bên cửa sổ. cậu nhìn xuống lòng đường, xuống chóp đầu của những con người đang qua lại trên phố. một ngày rất trong, lạnh và xanh như một tảng băng. cậu cố không để mình nghĩ đến hình ảnh marianne đang đau đớn. cậu biết là họ sẽ gây tê cho cô trước, nhưng đến cả điều đó cũng khiến cậu lo lắng. marianne chưa bao giờ bộc lộ sự sợ hãi trước những nỗi đau thể xác. cậu đã chứng kiến nhiều điều tồi tệ xảy đến với cô. nỗi đau vẫn còn đó, khi cô nói cô không muốn ngỏ lời yêu cậu, một phần vì sự vô cớ của động thái này. đằng nào thì cậu cũng sẽ không bao giờ ngỏ lời với marianne. cậu bắt đầu nhằn ngón tay cái của mình trong miệng, cho đến khi cảm giác đầu móng tay bắt đầu mềm nhũn ra.
ban đầu, cậu chỉ cảm thấy mừng khi cô chia tay daniel. anh ta là một trong những gã thiết kế đồ họa gầy nhom, đeo cặp kính dày cộm và luôn ba hoa về chuyện giới tính. connell đã ngồi cạnh anh ta trong quán bar vào hôm sinh nhật marianne. thay vì nói chuyện, họ ngồi xem trận đấu giữa bournemouth-chelsea trên màn hình lớn. daniel hỏi: chuyện ai thắng ai thua có thực sự quan trọng không? đại loại thì có, connell trả lời. bournemouth sẽ tụt hạng nếu họ thua trận này. theo lý thuyết thì có vẻ là vậy, daniel ậm ừ. đó là cuộc trao đổi hiếm hoi giữa cậu và daniel. bỗng dưng, anh ta cười và nói: sự nam tính là một thứ rất mong manh. connell cố kìm để không kể ra những việc mà cậu tình cờ biết về sự bệnh hoạn của daniel. anh ta thích trói và đánh marianne bằng thắt lưng, nhưng cậu không nói ra. tôi cá là điều đó khiến anh thấy mình mạnh mẽ hơn.
bên trong phòng phẫu thuật, marianne đã được tiêm thuốc tê. nha sĩ cắm một dụng cụ sắc nhọn vào nướu của cô để kiểm tra xem cô có thể cảm nhận được không, và cô không có cảm giác gì. sau đó, ông bắt đầu nhổ bỏ chiếc răng. ban đầu, marianne có thể nghe thấy tiếng khoan be bé. một ánh đèn trắng phản chiếu vào mắt cô từ tấm gương phía trên đầu. mùi của chiếc găng tay cao su mà nha sĩ đang mang khiến cô buồn nôn. có thứ gì đó đang cuộn trào và một chất lỏng là lạ tràn vào miệng marianne. không phải vị của máu. ngay sau đó, cô cảm nhận có thứ gì đó trượt xuống lưỡi mình, láng mượt và nặng, rồi đột nhiên cô ngồi thẳng dậy khi nha sĩ bảo: hãy nhổ nó ra! cô nhổ một thứ gì đó vào tay nha sĩ. đó là một phần nhỏ màu vàng từ cơ thể của cô. bây giờ cô đã có thể nếm thấy vị máu, và một thứ khác nữa. đầu cô hơi ê. chiếc răng sáng lấp lánh như mẩu kem trong lòng bàn tay nha sĩ. tốt rồi, ông nói. chiếc răng có những đường vân giống như một con hải quỳ. marianne bỗng dưng run rẩy.
connell e rằng cậu đang dần trở thành một người vô cảm. cậu cố tập trung ánh nhìn vào tờ national geographic trên bàn, nhưng không tài nào tập trung nổi, và chốc chốc lại xao nhãng sang cơn đau của marianne. marianne cứ tự dấn thân vào những điều chẳng mấy tốt lành cho cô. ý nghĩ đó khiến connell nặng lòng. cậu biết cô luôn nhận hết lỗi về mình bởi cái tính cách cứng đầu của cô. người ta lợi dụng cô, cô chẳng màng để tâm tới. cô kể cho cậu nghe những việc daniel đã bắt cô làm, thi thoảng còn cho cậu xem cả những dấu vết còn để lại. tớ biết là thế này trông thật tệ hại, cô nói. tớ chẳng thích như vậy chút nào. và rồi cô chỉ cười, điệu cười khiến connell chán ghét nhưng không biết phải làm gì hơn. phải mà cô đã cư xử khác đi…
nha sĩ chặn vào vị trí chiếc răng vừa nhổ đi bằng một miếng gạc và yêu cầu marianne giữ cố định trong miệng. cô vẫn cảm thấy buồn nôn, như thể chiếc răng kia là đứa con ốm yếu mà cô đã sinh ra. cô nhớ ra là connell đang đợi trong phòng chờ, và lập tức, lòng biết ơn dâng lên như thủy triều khiến mồ hôi cô tuôn ra ướt đẫm. miếng gạc chạm vào chiếc lưỡi tê cóng của cô và mắt cô bắt đầu rơm rớm nước. phần thủ tục y tế đã xong. họ nói và hất cô ra khỏi ghế như hất một tờ báo.
cửa phòng phẫu thuật mở ra, connell thôi không nhìn ra ngoài cửa sổ nữa. marianne ngớ ngẩn chỉ vào miệng mình. cô thẩy cho cậu chiếc lọ mà nha sĩ đã cho chiếc răng vào đó. khuôn mặt cô méo xệch như một cái lều bị xì hơi. connell bỗng có một cảm giác rất thân quen. ngày xưa lúc ở trường, cậu thường đưa ra những nhận xét thông tuệ hoặc dí dỏm trước mặt marianne, điều mà cậu vẫn hay làm vào khi lúc căng thẳng. tiếng cười của cô luôn xoa dịu được tinh thần của cậu.
đã xong hết chưa? cậu hỏi.
marianne gật đầu, khó nhọc nuốt nước miếng. cả miệng và cơ thể có cảm giác như không thuộc về cô.
cũng nhanh đấy chứ, cậu nói. cậu thấy thế nào rồi?
marianne nhún vai, rùng mình vì một cơn nức nở bất chợt trào lên. cô cố gắng kìm nén cảm xúc xấu xí ấy lại nhưng đã quá muộn, những dòng nước mắt không sao ngăn lại được. cô vụng về dụi mắt và mũi. má cô ê ẩm. cô lại nhún vai. ít ra tiếng khóc lúc này dã không còn thành tiếng...
connell chỉ mới nhìn thấy marianne khóc một lần duy nhất, hồi mười mấy tuổi. lúc đó mẹ cô có người mới, tên là steven thì phải. thi thoảng, gã lại lẻn vào phòng của marianne để ‘nói chuyện’. có một đêm, cô chạy đến nhà connell, sau khi một trong những cuộc ‘nói chuyện’ ấy diễn ra, vừa khóc vừa nói: đôi khi tớ cảm thấy mình đáng phải chịu những điều tồi tệ, bởi tớ là một đứa chẳng ra gì. connell chưa bao giờ nghe ai nói về bản thân mình như thế. cậu thấy thật khó chịu, và kể từ giây phút đó, cảm giác đó chưa một giây phút nào rời bỏ cậu, thậm chí ngay khi cả cậu không còn cảm nhận được nữa. nó vẫn luôn ở đó, nhưng ngoài tầm kiểm soát của cậu.
vào xe thôi, cậu nói.
ngồi trong xe, marianne thấy mình thật nhỏ bé và cô đơn. cô cầm chiếc lọ đựng răng trong một tay, tay còn lại giữ khư khư miếng gạc thay thế. cô đặt cả hai thứ lên đùi mình, với tay lên tấm che phía trên chỗ ngồi để nhìn vào trong gương.
không nhất thiết phải vậy đâu, connell nói.
tay marianne khựng lại. trông tớ có kinh khủng quá không? cô hỏi. giọng cô tắc nghẹn và trầm đục.
cậu có bao giờ xấu xí trong mắt tớ đâu, cậu nói, nhưng lúc này trông cậu yếu lắm, và tớ không muốn cậu phát hoảng lên thôi.
tiếng khùng khục phát ra từ marianne khiến connell tưởng là cô đang ho, nhưng hóa ra là cậu khiến cô buồn cười.
thế nghĩa là trông tớ lúc này kinh lắm, cô nói. sao cậu lại không nói với tớ về chuyện với lauren ?
connell bám chặt tay vào vô lăng. cô chậm rãi quan sát cậu, kín đáo gạt đi giọt nước mắt vừa ứa ra bằng mép tay áo.
những điều cậu nói về cách tớ nhìn nhận phụ nữ khiến tớ thực sự băn khoăn.
sao cơ, và đó là lý do cậu chia tay cô ấy hả?
theo một cách thật khó lý giải nào đó, câu hỏi này, kết hợp với việc rõ ràng là marianne đang khóc, lại khiến connell phấn khích. cậu bất giác nghĩ về cơ thể trần truồng của cô. cậu coi đó là một hình ảnh của sự tổn thương, hơn là một thứ gì đó mang tính gợi dục, nhưng lúc này, hình như cậu nhìn thấy cả hai. cậu biết biết rằng marianne đang khóc chỉ đơn giản là vì một nỗi đau thể xác còn sót lại, điều mà cậu không lấy gì làm thích thú. thế nhưng, sự quan tâm của cô khiến cậu mủi lòng. được che đậy bên dưới vẻ ngoài dửng dưng của marianne luôn là một điều gì đó rất khác…
marianne nhận ra là connell không trả lời câu hỏi của cô ngay. cậu quan sát đường sá như thể không để ý. cô hy vọng rằng sự tò mò lộ liễu của mình đã được phớt lờ đi. đó là một trong những cách mà cô che giấu khỏi connell những xúc cảm cô dành cho cậu. dù sao thì những điều đó cũng không dễ dàng hiển lộ. con người ta yêu tất cả mọi thứ, yêu bạn bè, yêu mẹ cha. sự hiểu lầm là không thể tránh khỏi.
cậu vẫn còn đang khóc đấy à? connell hỏi.
chỉ là đau do hết thuốc tê thôi. không sao. marianne trả lời.
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as a follow up to this post, which is just me complaining because the language hamsters in my brain were unsatisfied, here be the official lyrics of "la vaguelette" (the wavelet) translated from french to english if i were the most direct possible
(OL - original line, OET - official english translation, MT - my translation)
OL: Ah, si je pouvais vivre dans l'eau, le monde serait-il plus beau ? Nous pardonneras-tu, ô chère mère ? OET: O, if I become one with the springs Can the world's wonder be restored? And will you forgive us our sins, dear mother? MT: Oh, if I could live in the water, would the world be more beautiful? Would you forgive us, oh dear mother?
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OL: L'eau dans son courant fait danser nos vies. Et la cité, elle nourrit. Ainsi que toi, mon doux amour. OET: The water's flow puts the dance in our step It nurtures our city And thee, my beloved MT: The water, through (with) its current, makes our lives dance. And the city, it nourishes. As well as you, my dear love.
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OL: Non, le grand amour ne suffit pas. Seul un adieu fleurira. C'est notre histoire de vie, douce et amère. OET: If only true love were enough But alas, I must bid thee adieu Our love but a bittersweet fairytale MT: No, true love isn't enough. Only a farewell will flourish. It's the story of our lives, both sweet and bitter.
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OL: Moi, je suis et serai toujours là, à voir le monde et sa beauté. Et ça ne changera jamais, jamais… OET: Yet I am here, and here I shall remain To behold the world in all its beauty Until the end of time MT: Me, I am and always will be here, to see the world and its beauty. And that will never, never change…
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mudaship39 · 6 months
Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character
Dossier, Profile, Record, & Archive: King/Queen Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu:
Real Names:
Polynesian Indigenous Pasifika name: Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu. 
South American Indigenous Ameridian name: Cauã/Ceci Juruna
Asian name: Ryuu Kato/Haruka Kato or Guang/Biyu Wei. 
Afro-Latine name: Francisco Alejandro Diego Garcia Ochoa/Francisca Alejandra Maria Garcia Ochoa.
American/English name: Alexander Mack Taylor/Alexandria Macy Taylor.
Alien extraterrestrial name: Zana Saani Kayuth Adrjin. 
Demigod/Deity name: Kalani Latu.
Ethnicity: Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine Native.
Racial Identity: 
A mixed East Asian Japanese, American English, East Asian Chinese, and European British person of color
A South American Colombian, Bolivian, Argentine, & Chilean Afro Latine person of color.
Cultural Identity: 
A Polynesian Hawaiian, Samoan, and Tongan Indigenous Pasifika of Oceania. 
South American Baniwa and Embera Indigenous Ameridian of Colombia and Chorote Indigenous of Bolivia and Argentina.
A Polynesian Indigenous Pasifika Oceanic demigod 
The Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character is born a demigod/demigoddess and is later given divinity to become a god/goddess/mahu deity. As a demigod they only had power over a few elements thanks to family bloodline. Only when they were given divinity did they unlock most of the elements to use as a deity. They were chosen by Tiʻitiʻi to be his champion and chosen one as a hero.
Descendent of Namaka a Polynesian Hawaiian water goddess, Chinese god Hou Yi, an unknown Tongan god rediscovered after reconnecting after post cultural genocide, and Amaterasu a Japanese sky goddess 
Even as a demigod and alien hybrid they needed to prove worthy as a champion and hero. They underwent tests. The demigod trial was a physical and spiritual trial. The alien hybrid trial was an emotional and intellectual trial. During these trials they still had their powers. Trials are difficult and made harder than normal since they are a demigod metahuman and alien hybrid superhuman superhero. 
The divine trials they go through as a demigod to be given divinity as a hero and champion. Their valor, heroism, and selflessness was tested. The reason they go through as an alien hybrid was they want to see where the hybrid is in regards to life. It was a logic vs morality debate. After the demigod trial they were given divinity and a new power. After the alien hybrid trial the reward given to them was a shield, armor, and weapon. Their quick thinking, adaptability, peace making, & intelligence was tested. After the tests and trials they learned a lot about themselves as a person and grew as a person. Even as a hero they had to learn about their powers and why they were given them.
Kanai Makoa Latu/Attahua Kamalani Latu or Kalani the fakaleiti or mahu deity. They are usually laughing as a trickster, comedian, & jokester. They were born as a mahu demigod with power over air, mist, smoke, fog, water, snow, & ice and demigoddess with power over earth, wood, stone, metal, fire, magma, lava, lightning, thunder, & storms. After being chosen as a champion of a more senior god/goddess and underwent trials as a hero. It was trials hard for even a metahuman and superhuman cuz divinity to them should not be easily given in this world. 
They are a mahu demigod of the art and sciences. They are a new era demigod/goddess of the elements.
They are a god of philosophy, business, and law and goddess of magic, dreams, resurrection, and prophecy. They are divinely beautiful. They have dark brown skin the color of polished oak, brown eyes the color of new forged copper, & short black hair color of the night sky. They are very tall, broad shouldered, & very muscular. They wear stylized gold and ruby colored chainmail, metal, and leather full plate armor. They usually wear a hooded cloak that is dyed gray-blue over their full plated armor. 
In the divine form the Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character’s existence as a deity itself is its own inherent magic foci. Rather than the person, it’s the space they occupy within a pantheon that acts as the foci. And the manifestation of magic from that foci borrows from their dominion over air, mist, smoke, fog, water, snow, & ice as a demigod and power over earth, wood, stone, metal, fire, magma, lava, lightning, thunder, & storms as a demigoddess. This is from their demigod hood of the arts, the elements, and sciences.
They are a titan and titaness associated with friendship, brotherhood, valor, honor, and strength. They are associated with weapons, armor, and shields. Their followers who are magic users are distinguished by the shrines they have in their homes and the charms they wear on their armor. Their followers who are magic users are distinguished by their magical tattoos and the robes they wear. There are a respectable amount of offerings of food, water, tea, incense, and liquor to them on islands. There are a large number of statues of him/her/them in most villages. 
They are many myths about their polyamorous relationship with Diona Artemis Megalos (the daughter of Ares and Athena), Mary O'Brien (Irish Celtic demigod child of the Morrigan), Atlantean demigod Olle (who is the daughter of Amphitrite a goddess of the ocean), Aesir Ylva Helga Olafsdottir (Asgardian and Vanir hybrid demigod child of Skadi), Josefine Yrsa Hansen (Norse demigod child of Freya), and Carina Bellona Ragorio (the daughter of Mars and Venus). 
They have other Indigenous, Indigenous Pasifika, Black, and non native poc demigod partners/spouses from Amerindian (Central and South American Indigenous), Asian, Oceanic, & African pantheons. Such as Fangying Shen (Chinese demigod child of Erlang Shen), Farah Kader (Black African West Asian Egyptian demigod child of Neith), Hiro Suzuki (Japanese Demigod child of Izanami), Siza-Ocllo Yacupaico (Quechua demigod child of Pachamama), Huemac Itzmoyotl (Náhuatl demigod child of Coyolxāuhqui), Meztli Dzal (Maya demigod child of Ixchel). 
They are known to sometimes place obstacles in the way of villains as a demigod of fog and mist. They are known to challenge mortal warriors. There are myths involving their enduring friendship with certain mortal artists and storytellers. They as a demigod granted full godhood divinity and immortality are the great grandchild of Namaka the Hawaiian water goddess, Chinese god Hou Yi, and Amateratsu  a Japanese sky goddess. 
An alien Iuyamanian and Ethanxiian extraterrestrial hybrid. They are a shapeshifter as an alien hybrid. They are queer and trans as someone Indigenous third gender. Their masculine, feminine, and nonbinary genderless and androgynous gender forms reflect that. 
He/she/they are an alien Iuyamnian and Ethanxiian alien hybrid. Iuyumanians are warm blooded mammal aliens with orange skin, yellow eyes, red hair, & red and black striped fur. Ethanxiians are cold blooded reptilian and amphibian aliens with reptilian scales and avian feathers. Ethanxiians also have green skin, blue hair, and purple eyes. His/her/their mother’s alien form and his/her/their alien form both reflect this. 
When he/she/they are in his/her/their transformed alien form without clothes or worn armor the reptilian/amphibious aspect of their heritage lets his/her/their male and female external genitalia become internal and his/her/their other genitalia merge with other aspects of himself to form a cloaca. The mammalian aspects of his/her/their heritage and fur highlight and define his/her/their body while at the same time providing discreet concealment. The reptilian aspect of his/her/their heritage provides him with natural armor as a result of scaled skin with a slightly iridescent sheen.
Depends on gender and gender identity.
He/she/they have transformed gender forms and untransformed gender forms.
He/she/they have a 5’10” and 5’11” male masculine untransformed form that identifies with he/him pronouns. 
He/she/they have a 6’0” and 6’1” female feminine untransformed form that identifies with she/her pronouns. 
He/she/they have a 6’2”  and 6’3” nonbinary genderless untransformed form that identifies with the pronouns of they/them. 
He/she/they have a 6’4” and 6’5” nonbinary androgynous untransformed form that identifies with the pronouns of xer/xers. 
Depends on gender and gender identity. 180 to 200+
Body Type: 
Lean, tone, & athletic body type
Strongman physique for masc kane divine form
Built, muscular, statuesque, buff, & strong body type for wahine/vahine femme divine form 
B,H,W or Bust, waist, hip measurement: 
5’10” to 5’11”: 38/32/38 
6'0” to 6'5”: 40/34/40
Human Form:
He/she/they like short hair styles. 
He/she/they like the pompadour, clipper cut, pixie cut, or crew cut. 
He/she/they like medium to long hairstyles 
Afrocentric hairstyles of braids, twists, & dreadlocks
He/she/they have a clipper cut, crew cut, high and tight, Ivy League, pompadour, or clean shaven hairstyle in masculine male form. It’s tightly coiled. It is a tall or high Afro tapered on the sides. With a low skin fade with a design and locs on top. The design shaved into their low skin fade is a sacred geometrical alien extraterrestrial symbol. The locs are braided with alien metal braids as an alien hybrid superhuman. The locs are beaded with divine wooden beads as a divine demigod metahuman. Some parts of the locs are dyed red, blue, purple, or green. 
Long ponytail that is partly shaved in a punk look. Single or double three strand flat braid. When in female form when shapeshifting as a metamorph, changeling, or shapeshifter. Sections of his/her/their hair are adorned and braided with divine bamboo wood beads, ash wood beads, elm wood beads, holly wood, & pine wood beads. Sections of his/her/their hair are braided with divine bronze, silver, & gold metal braid beads. 
They also wear their hair in a bouffant hairstyle. He/she/they structured part of his/her/their loosely knotted or twisted pinned up buns with divine silver, brass, & gold wire. Sections of his/her/their hair are adorned and braided with divine bamboo wood beads, ash wood beads, elm wood beads, holly wood, & pine wood beads. Sections of his/her/their hair are braided with divine bronze, silver, & gold metal braid beads. 
Hair texture:  Fine, lush, luxuriant
Hair look/state: Brushed, voluminous, shiny
Alien Form:
Bundles of tendril, cord, or tentacle-like hair similar to Yautja Predators or Zerg infested Sarah Kerrigan that are tied together in a long ponytail. His/her/their bioluminescent cord, tentacle, or tendril-like hair help with telepathy and empathy. They help them breathe, see, hear, & taste. These tendril-like hairs are braided with alien metal and divine wooden beads. This alien hair is an important link to their alien extraterrestrial culture. The tendril, cord, or tentacle-like hair comes out of a head crest of his/her/their alien skull.   
Hair color: 
When not transformed: Black. 
When transformed: white, red, gold, blue, green, or purple.
He/she/they have light brown, to dark brown, to black hair in his/her/their untransformed form
Facial hair: Permanently clean shaven cuz of an accident using an alien laser (from their alien hybrid mom’s alien grandmother) as a shaving razor as a teenager 
Body hair: 
Color: Black
Chest: none 
Back: none
Arms: a lot 
Legs: a lot 
Eye color: 
When not transformed: Dark Brown. 
When transformed: white, gold, blue, green, red, or purple.
He/she/they have dark brown to black colored eyes.
Skin color: When not transformed: As an Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine Native their skin tone is terra cotta, russet, ochre, sepia, or umber. Kissed by the sun. 
When transformed: gold, blue, green, red, & purple.
Their bioluminescent skin absorbs solar radiation, lunar energy, cosmic energy, & natural energy to give them superhuman and supernatural strength, perception, endurance, speed, lifespan, intelligence, agility, senses, durability, reflexes, and flexibility. The absorbed solar radiation, cosmic energy, and lunar energy also powers their optic blasts, energy blasts, breath blasts, & flight as an alien hybrid
Middle aged. Has longevity as a demigod metahuman and alien hybrid superhuman with a supernatural and superhuman lifespan.
Born in the 22nd Century. Currently alive in the 60th century as a metahuman and superhuman
Libra Dog
Shoe Size: Depending on gender form size men’s 11 to 13
Scar marks: 
Healed scars from experimentation. Healed scars from torture and interrogation. Healed scars from self harm caused by mental illnesses.
Extra features:
Alien Form:
His/her/their transformed form has alien hair, skin, & eyes. 
His/her/their transformed form’s body is covered in mammalian fur with stripes, avian feathers, and reptilian and amphibian scales (that covers his/her/their chest, back, arms, & legs). 
His/her/their transformed form has webbed clawed (retractable) hands with opposable thumbs and webbed clawed (retractable) feet with opposable toes. 
His/her/their transformed form has a prehensile chimera tail that is covered in avian feathers and reptilian scales. 
He/she/they are an alien Iuyamnian and Ethanxiian alien hybrid. 
Iuyumanians are bipedal warm blooded mammalian aliens. Iuyamanians have orange skin, yellow eyes, red hair, & red and black striped mammalian fur. Iuyumanians have clawed (retractable) hands with opposable thumbs and clawed (retractable) feet with opposable toes. Iuyamians have a prehensile tail. Iuyamanians have a lion-like mane, dire wolf-like lupine canines, lupine gray wolf-like ears, dire wolf-like snout, kitsune nine tailed fox demon-like whiskers, & retractable smilodon-like saber teeth. They have four eyes. They are bipedal and quadrupedal and are capable of running faster on four legs. They can reach speeds of up to 120 miles per hour and can run 80 miles per hour for hours.  
Ethanxiians are bipedal cold blooded reptilian, avian, & amphibian aliens with avian feathers, reptilian scales, and amphibian scales. They have reptilian scales, non-corporeal ethereal avian feathered wings that allows them to fly at 350 miles per hour. Ethanxiians have webbed clawed reptilian hands and webbed clawed feet. Ethanxiians also have green skin, blue hair, and purple eyes. Ethanxiians have a reptilian prehensile lizard tail. They have three eyes. Ethanxiians when in reptilian form have reptilian retractable serpentine fangs and forked tongue. When in avian form Ethanxiians have a avian raptor beak, avian eyes that see near 360 degree vision, and avian raptor clawed feet with talons.
The technology of their species rivals that of the Xel'naga, Old Ones, Forerunners, Oans, New Gods, Kryptonian, Eldari, Protoss, Tamaraneans, Martians, Thanagarians. Responsible for creation and advancement of several alien species. 
His/her/their mother’s alien form and his/her/their alien form both reflect this. 
Aquatic Form:
They have an aquatic bipedal form for swimming underwater that looks like a were shark. This form has mako shark skin on their body, magical elemental hair made out of seawater, mako shark fins on their body, great white shark fin on their back, webbed clawed feet, webbed clawed hands, seven inch megalodon like teeth in their mouth, bull shark gills on their neck and chest, tiger shark stripes on their arms and legs, glowing blue eyes, kaluga fish fins on their face, blue and green sturgeon like fish scales on their body, a great white shark tail, whale shark spots on their chest and back, & a humanoid merfolk or triton like face. They have glowing bioluminescent skin. They have glowing ethereal Atlantean tattoos and Atlantean characters on their bodies. 
They have Indigenous Pasifika tattoos on their face, neck, chest, back, arms, & legs. They wear Indigenous Pasifika jewelry such as bracelets, rings, & necklaces. They wear shark tooth necklaces. They wear Atlantean steel combat armor decorated with sea turtle, manta ray, shark, & dolphin designs. Their weapons are Atlantean swords, axes, spears, clubs, & war hammer made out of atlantean steel. They rule with a five pronged quident made out of Atlantean steel and a circlet of power made out of precious metals and decorated with gemstones. These weapons are enchanted with arcane elemental magical water and serrated with seven inches long megalodon shark teeth. They can swim up  to 200 miles per hour. 
As a Bionic/Cyborg:
Cybernetic Implants
Bionic Enhancements
Cybernetic and bionic implants for superhuman senses of touch, taste, hearing, smell, & sight 
Electromagnetic spectrum for superhuman vision including ability to sense gamma radiation, microwaves, x rays, & radio waves
Weapons implanted in a bionic arm or leg 
Sensors for biometric analysis for lie detection
A built in net connection at any location that has wifi
Storage compartments in a bionic limb
Built in armor around vital organs
Bullet and arrow dodging through a sensor detects incoming projectiles
Cooling or heat radiating mechanism that allows the implantee better heat or cold resistance
Sensors that can pick up RF or electrical activity
Configurable vocal tract that can emulate the voices of others well enough to fool voice print recognition systems.
Computer riding shotgun in the visual cortex that looks for patterns and movements humans don't easily notice that functions as a counter to most forms of camouflage.
Internal oxygen supply with hours of breath in an oxygen deprived area. Refills using the implantee's breaths at the same rate as usage.
A targeting computer that can fire a weapon much more quickly and accurately.
The ability to plug in a micro-manipulator arm that can perform very delicate repairs
The ability to plug into a powerful exoskeleton
Replacement nervous system is immune to the effects of electric shocks
Has many mod slots for upgrading and customizing nano machines, cyberware, cybernetic implants, & bionic enhancements 
Brain computer interface that allow uploading and downloading data
Can plug in to hack holographic computers, holographic smartphones, holographic televisions, & other electronics through cybernetic and bionic fingers
Transfer their consciousness to another suitably equipped body
Co-processor  built in computer with software that can carry out numerical computations and other domain-specific AI (e.g. voice recognition, pattern recognition) much better than an unmodified brain can.
Hive consciousness: brain can tap into a network of other, similarly equipped brains (where reception is available) and can share skills or knowledge in some manner.
Human metal and alien metal enhanced skeleton and muscles for supernatural strength, endurance, and durability. Almost impossible to break bones. Combined with other cybernetic and bionic enhancements
Microchip implants that allow fast diagnosis and monitors health in real time
Metal reinforced joints for supernatural agility, flexibility, speed, & reflexes
Has nanomachines for supernatural healing
Super soldier (ways super soldiers are made in the cyberpunk science fiction near future and far future: cybernetic implants, bionic enhancements, alien plants, nanites, growth hormones, organs harvested from aliens, & super soldier serums)
Assigned female at birth or AFAB
Non Binary
Mahu/Fakaleiti/Fa'afafine Indigenous Pasifika Third Gender of Oceania 
Third gender of Amerindian Indigenous people of South America 
Gender Identity: 
Nonbinary Bigender or Genderfluid
Has both male and female genitalia 
Sexual Orientation: 
Regular pronouns: He/him, She/her, they/them. Neopronouns: Xer/xers. Ze/hir. Indigenous Pasifika: Oña 
South American Indigenous Colombian spirituality 
Polynesian Indigenous Pasifika pagan.
Jaothean alien polytheistic pagan religion
Autistic as someone with autism
Kanai Makoa Latu/Attahua Kamalani Latu is a recovering addict and alcoholic. They used to use alien and magical drugs and alcohol as a metahuman and superhuman to deal with abuse and trauma. He/she/they is a former alcoholic who drank magical alcohol meant for demigods, gods/goddesses, & titans. He/she/they used magical drugs meant for magical spellcasters. They used magical alcohol meant for magical humanoids such as fae elves, dwarves, gnomes, goblinoids, & giantkin. He/she/they drank Spirit, Myth, & Devil’s Tongue. He/she/they were a former addict who used alien drugs meant for metahumans and superhumans. He/she/they used drugs meant for cyborgs and bionics. He/she/they used alcohol meant for alien hybrids and aliens. He/she/they were addicted to Blaze, Nitro, Supernova, Nightfall, Burnout, & Light Speed.
ADD or attention deficit disorder, ADHD or attention hyperactive disorder, OCD or obsessive-compulsive disorder, & hyperlexia.
He/she/they are physically disabled as someone because he/she/they were disfigured in combat during war. 
Disfigured by a hard-light sword wielded by a female alien super soldier who fought for the Earth Space Military
Later had their right arm replaced with a bionic and cybernetic prosthetic arm
Later had his/her/their left eye replaced with a cybernetic and bionic prosthetic eye. 
He/she/they have a hard light and plasma burn scar from the top of his/her/their eyebrow to the bottom of his/her/their cheek.
Mental Illnesses: 
Depression, anxiety, panic attacks, schizophrenia, BD or bipolar disorder, BPD or borderline personality disorder, DID or dissociative identity disorder, & PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder.
Hypersexual as a result of the trauma being a survivor of rape, abuse, assault, & domestic violence at the hands of three abusive exes (four armed female alien Migua, Atlantean sorceress Hinesy, and anthropomorphic alien wasp empress Ziewei) who were their ex fiances. Want to reclaim autonomy so they have sex on their own terms.
As a result of abuse and trauma:
It was similar to what happened to Indigenous Pasifika in those haole sanctioned schools in Oceania and Indigenous people in the residential schools in turtle island
Kidnapped in front of their childhood friends as their friends ran to call the aid of their Asian Pasifika demigod and Afro Latine Native alien hybrid parents.
Blackbirded (or native kidnapped, exploited, and enslaved from their indigenous lands) from their home in Polynesia
Blackbirded (or native kidnapped exploited and enslaved from their indigenous lands) by metahuman and superhuman traffickers 
Blackbirded and forced to mine alien ore on colonized terraformed planetoids, asteroids, and comets colonized by the Terran Dominion
Blackbirded and forced to pick alien planets on alien crop plantations  on colonized terraformed alien moons and planets colonized by the Terran Dominion 
Human and alien non native settlers took advantage of their illiteracy of certain alien languages as a demigod and alien hybrid child. 
They were forced to pray to their gods instead of their own 
They were captured and taken to a place where metahumans and superhumans like them were forcibly assimilated by human and alien traffickers for the illegal space black market 
They were forced to speak their tongue instead of their own language
Their long hair as a Afro Latine and Asian Pasifika was forcibly cut and they were forced to wear unfamiliar and uncomfortable clothes to condition them
Generational trauma of Samoan, Tongan, and Hawaiian ancestors and Amerindian Indigenous of South America who went through similar things on earth because of English and Spanish settlers
Experimented on by the scientists of the settler colonizer government of earth as part of a black project on a black site to become a metahuman and superhuman child soldier till they were a young adult 
They were denied food and water to break them and to discourage others from rebelling against them as he/she/they were seen as the leader and protector of the others as the oldest 
When rebellion and escape was thwarted they were interrogated and tortured
Gladiatorial pit fighter that fought magical and alien humanoids, beasts, creatures, animals, & monsters for the enjoyment of rich human and alien elite on an alien planet 
Escaped and became a rebel soldier later rebel leader who fought against terra government once they learned Earth was responsible 
Captured and tortured by Earth and Terra government 
Brainwashed and mind controlled to become a metahuman and superhuman super soldier for the Terran Dominion space military to conquer worlds to expand earth’s dominion and hegemony over several solar systems and a few galaxies
Fought in proxy wars across Asia, Europe, Africa Oceania, Australia, and the Americas as a metahuman and superhuman child soldier when they were a child until they were a preteen 
Fought in proxy wars in many planets, several star systems, and a few galaxies as a metahuman and superhuman child soldier when they were a teenager until they were a young adult
Fought against Earth and the Terran Dominion after they were free through telepaths and empaths of the rebel army from the mind control and brainwashing (by human and alien telepaths and empaths of the Terran military)
Is stateless or someone without a nationality as a result and repercussion of him/her/them leading the rebellion, revolution, civil war, and insurrection against the Earth and Terran Confederation to take them out of power. Most were able to escape Earth, seek asylum in neighboring solar systems, or go into hiding in outer rim galaxies. 
Unfortunately the consequences for Valeria Garcia, Joanna Jacobson, & Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu, the leaders (of the insurrection, revolution, civil war, and rebellion) unfortunately are more severe. 
He/she/they were told if they returned home to Oceania or South America as an Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine Native they would be assassinated (by spec ops and black ops paramilitary operatives or military supersoldiers) or captured (and imprisoned on a black site prison planet) by the occupying settler government of Earth. 
After the creation of the Federation composed of the now independent and sovereign Sol, Vega, & Polaris Systems most were allowed to return home by the new intergalactic government of this cosmic alliance after the fall of Earth and the Terran Confederation. 
Brainwashed, conditioned, & mind controlled to become a supervillain without their consent 
Became an antihero out necessity yet didn’t agree with the current superhero ideology 
Chose to become a superhero out of their own choice and agency
As a demigod and alien hybrid he/she/they went through many demanding and grueling trials even for a metahuman and superhuman to become a champion and hero. After completing them once they died as a mortal they were given divinity and became a full god/goddess/third gender deity
Died several times. Few as a demigod. Few as an alien hybrid. Resurrected a few times.
Died stopping a super weapon from being fired stopping the Terrran Hegemony from committing intergalactic genocide. The reason they died stopping the super weapon is. The super weapon was going to be fired by the Terran hegemony/dominion/empire to commit intergalactic genocide to get a few star systems or a galaxy to surrender to them. They were sent to destroy it by a self-destruct button on a console deep inside the facility of the super weapon. The terran dominion/empire got wind of this and sent an agent to destroy it. Making them destroy it manually with a bomb. They died weaponizing the warhead and destroying the super weapon.
When they died they were buried in a metal coffin to be shot out into space after a military funeral as a former super soldier. One of their alien spouses and partners who can fly using solar radiation picks up the coffin after using a star fighter. She flies out to the star system (of her home giant planet) that has a few suns, several moons orbiting each planet, & many planets orbiting the suns. She puts the spacecraft on autopilot and sets a flight path around the orbits of the stars, moons, & planets. She puts them inside a power armor with a jetpack. She proceeds to take them out of the coffin and opens up the cargo bay. She then has them absorb solar radiation, lunar rays, & cosmic energy from her star system to revive him/her/them by inputting the orbit to the ai of their personal power armor suit. 
After absorbing all these rays, energy, & radiation they are revived but also dangerously supercharged from all the excess energy and radiation. Like a few hundred percent more than normal as a demigod and alien hybrid. They were like a mini star about to go supernova. Their hair, eyes, skin, hands, feet, & mouth were blazing with energy. Optic blasts from their eyes, breath blasts from their mouth, & energy blasts from their hands were radiating with power. The power armor suit was able to absorb some of the excess energy to overcharge the defense and offense abilities of the suit but not enough to absorb all of the excess energy. Thinking that an enemy force comes to fight them, seeing them, their alien spouse and partner, & knowing some parts of their alien hybrid ancestry as a result of being an enemy of their alien hybrid mothers people. And the revived demigod and alien hybrid proceeds to fight them to burn the rest of this energy.
Died from stopping a large meteorite from destroying a space frigate. Kanaloa Hawaiian God of the Underworld in some more modern reimaginings He is a student of Milu. He revived him/her/them. He/she/they met him in a metaphysical trial since he is a god of the underworld. It was a trial of reflection since he asked him/her/them to be introspective in this trial.
Died fighting for the rebel army against them once they were freed by allies that the ship cruiser frigate corvette or battle cruiser they were on was shot by plasma or laser batteries or cannons that shot them out into space and they died from lack of oxygen. The power armor suit was locked by the AI and it wasn’t permanent death but it does count as they were clinically dead for several minutes. Also has consequences on them physically mentally and emotionally after since death shouldn’t be a simple thing even for a demigod and alien hybrid character. A dream-like trial occurs in the afterlife before they come back to life. Haumea, the Hawaiian goddess of birth, talks to them in the afterlife to help their rebirth.
They were killed by a behemoth created by adamantine, mithril, divine iron, heavenly bronze, stellar titanium, & celestial steel and other magical metals. A monster made sentient by arcane and esoteric aether and nether. It was created by demigods, deities, & titans. It was commanded by enemy gods and goddesses. The being was sent to destroy a  county by enemy gods and goddesses upon hearing their demigod existence. It was sent by the Norse as a rival pantheon. It was sent as a result of Odin, old king of the Norse gods, learning the relationship between the Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid and their Norse demigod partners. The partners being Aesir Ylva Helga Olafsdottir (Asgardian and Vanir hybrid demigod child of Skadi) and Josefine Yrsa Hansen (Norse demigod child of Freya). He/she/they sacrificed themselves by overloading their alien hybrid and demigod powers to destroy the monster to save a county in a colony of indigenous and citizens of color that were targeted when it was sent to find him/her/them. 
They were revived by being placed in a healing vat or regeneration tank full of blue, purple, & green liquids that healed them as an alien hybrid. The healing vat also had nanites that repaired, upgraded, & customized their cybernetic and bionic implants and enhancements.
They were slain by a spear with a blade made by the strongest metals in the omniverse that cut through the chest of their power armor. The power armor’s weak point was exposed by an explosive javelin coated with unknown substances that pierced the back of their power armor. The javelin was thrown from across the battlefield. After it pierced their armor it exploded. It was created by remnants of the earth government and Terran dominion regime. It was wielded by a leader of the Forces of Evil. 
When they were brought back to life, because of how they died, what happened to them when they were alive, what happened to them in the afterlife, & how they were brought back to life.
Their mind was possessed, their heart was corrupted, their mana was contaminated, their soul was tainted, & their body was decayed. They had to be purified and healed by nanites, medicine, healers, potions, and magic when they were resurrected by talismans, charms, & amulets.
Main System: 
Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu
Plural Systems: 
Goes his/her/their South American Indigenous Ameridian name:
Cauã/Ceci Juruna
helpful, secretive, nurturing, mysterious, spontaneous, compassionate, overbearing, decisive, foolish, eccentric, and easy-going.
Goes by his/her/their Polynesian Indigenous Pasifika name: 
Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu. 
Humorous, stable, demanding, peaceful, nosy, flexible, compassionate, articulate, cultured, reckless, warm, patient, elegant, observant, pretentious, selfless
Goes by his/her/their Asian name: 
Ryuu Kato/Haruka Kato or Guang/Biyu Wei. 
Comical, obnoxious, affectionate, sore winner, excited, prankster, primadonna, upbeat, warm, easy going, extroverted, overprotective, caring, charismatic, naive, picky, honest, trustful, hopeful, chaotic, & friendly.
Goes by his/her/their Afro Latine name: 
Francisco Alejandro Diego Garcia Ochoa/Francisca Alejandra Maria Garcia Ochoa. 
Jaded, charitable, cynical, sarcastic, earnest, cold, disciplined, serious, modest, calculating, vulnerable, quiet, benevolent, reclusive, forgiving, suspicious, cooperative, humorless, introverted, apathetic, helpful, indifferent, resourceful, paranoid, respectful, & stoic.
Goes by an English name: 
Alexander Mack Taylor/Alexandria Macy Taylor.  
Generous, Impulsive, focused, procrastinator, intelligent, vindictive, boastful, sweet, loud, dutiful, rash, punctual, vain, tolerant, popular, lazy, social, immature, crass, realistic, & bossy
Goes by an Alien name: 
Zana Saani Kayuth Adrjin .
Decisive, charismatic, disobedient, cruel, provocative, open minded, flirtatious, driven,
Goes by demigod and later god/goddess name: 
Kalani Latu.
Upright, hero syndrome, honorable, driven, leader, good listener, misguided, attention seeker, eloquent, selfless, elegant.
Some of these are reclaimed words that they use to take away power from those who discriminate them like marginalized communities with certain slurs 
As an alien hybrid superhuman: 
Gene snatcher, xeno
As a demigod metahuman: 
False ones, half breed, cast off, outcast.
As a bionic/cyborg:
Rust dick, bolt brain, tin man’s bitch, cyber bastard, oil bag, socket fucker, bot, toaster, clicker, beeper, tin man, can opener, assisted, chip head, half fleshbag, scrap ass, tin tits, augmented, Siri, beep boop, Cortana, gear boy/girl, computer, calculator, toy soldier, clanker, wind up, scrap heap, cog, nuts and bolts, chrome dick, metal mind, chrome dome, droid, & wire head 
Was KIA. 
Died several times. Few as a demigod. Few as an alien hybrid. Resurrected several times.
Died stopping a super weapon from being fired stopping the Terrran Hegemony from committing intergalactic genocide. The reason they died stopping the super weapon is. The super weapon was going to be fired by the Terran hegemony/dominion/empire to commit intergalactic genocide to get a few star systems or a galaxy to surrender to them. They were sent to destroy it by a self-destruct button on a console deep inside the facility of the super weapon. The terran dominion/empire got wind of this and sent an agent to destroy it. Making them destroy it manually with a bomb. They died weaponizing the warhead and destroying the super weapon.
Died from stopping a large meteorite from destroying a space frigate. Kanaloa Hawaiian God of the Underworld in some more modern reimaginings He is a student of Milu. He revived him/her/them. He/she/they met him in a metaphysical trial since he is a god of the underworld. It was a trial of reflection since he asked him/her/them to be introspective in this trial.
Died fighting for the rebel army against them once they were freed by allies that the ship cruiser frigate corvette or battle cruiser they were on was shot by plasma or laser batteries or cannons that shot them out into space and they died from lack of oxygen. The power armor suit was locked by the AI and it wasn’t permanent death but it does count as they were clinically dead for several minutes. Also has consequences on them physically mentally and emotionally after since death shouldn’t be a simple thing even for a demigod and alien hybrid character. A dream-like trial occurs in the afterlife before they come back to life. Haumea, the Hawaiian goddess of birth, talks to them in the afterlife to help their rebirth.
They were killed by a behemoth created by adamantine, mithril, divine iron, heavenly bronze, stellar titanium, & celestial steel and other magical metals. A monster made sentient by arcane and esoteric aether and nether. It was created by demigods, deities, & titans. It was commanded by enemy gods and goddesses. The being is  sent to destroy a nation by enemy gods and goddesses upon hearing their demigod existence. It was sent by the Norse as a rival pantheon. It was sent as a result of Odin, king of the Norse gods, learning the relationship between the Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid and their Norse demigod partners. The partners being Aesir Ylva Helga Olafsdottir (Asgardian and Vanir hybrid demigod child of Skadi) and Josefine Yrsa Hansen (Norse demigod child of Freya). He/she/they sacrificed themselves by overloading their alien hybrid and demigod powers to destroy the monster to save a city in a colony of indigenous and citizens of color that were targeted when it was sent to find him/her/them.
They were slain by a spear with a blade made by the strongest metals in the omniverse that cut through the chest of their power armor and an explosive javelin coated with unknown substances that pierced the back of their power armor. It was created by remnants of the earth government and Terran dominion regime. It was wielded by a leader of the Forces of Evil. 
When they were brought back to life, because of how they died, what happened to them when they were alive, what happened to them in the afterlife, & how they were brought back to life.
Their mind was possessed, their heart was corrupted, their mana was contaminated, their soul was tainted, & their body was decayed. They had to be purified and healed by nanites, medicine, healers, potions, and magic when they were resurrected by talismans, charms, & amulets.
Currently Alive but MIA
Mutant (Changeling/Metamorph/Shapeshifter). 
Street Samurai. 
Martial Artist. 
Starship Space Pilot. 
Techie (Engineer. Inventor. Doctor. Scientist). 
Solo (Mercenary). Rogue (Shinobi/kunoichi ninja assassin. Bodyguard. Contract Killer. 
Netrunner (Hacker). 
Super Soldier. Combat Specialist/Physical Adept (Magical Fighter). 
Entrepreneur. Scientist (Magical and Xeno Archeologist, anthropologist, biologist, chemist, marine biologist, paleontologist, sociologist, & zoologist.) Royalty. Creative (Actor/actress, singer, band member, rapper, songwriter, producer, voice actor/voice actress) Philanthropist. Racer (Hover car, hoverboard, hover sport bike, hover motorcycle). Celebrity (model). Athlete. Academic. 
Level: 500
Stat Points:
Accuracy: 500, agility: 500, athletics: 500, awareness:300, charisma: 400, constitution: 400, deception: 500, defense: 400, dexterity: 400, endurance: 400, flexibility: 500, health: 500, intelligence: 500, intuition: 500, luck: 400, magic: 500, mana: 500, perception: 500, persuasion: 400, power: 500, reflexes: 400, resistance: 300, sense: 400, speed: 500, stamina: 500, stealth: 400, strength: 400, vitality: 500, willpower: 500, & wisdom: 400.
Academics, acrobatics, alchemy, appraisal, artificing, astrology, bartering, bureaucracy, bluff, business, charm, conversation, cooking, crafting, culture, diplomacy, disguises, electronics, explosives, finance, first aid, fitness, forgery, gambling, guns, haggling, healing, history, hunting, influence, intimidation, intuition, investigation, knowledge, language, law, leadership, lock picking, locksmith, lore, loyalty, marksmanship, medicine, navigation, negotiation, observation, performance, pickpocket, poisons, politics, ransack, repair, research, sailing, scavenging, scrapping, science, seduction, sneaking, speech, survival, tactics, tracking, trading, technology
Neutral Good
Chaotic Good
Neutral Evil
Lawful Evil 
Chaotic Neutral
True Neutral
Bionic and Cybernetic Prosthetic eye: 
They have a prosthetic bionic and cybernetic right eye. The prosthetic bionic and cybernetic eye is made out of alien metal and human metal. They have a blue plasma scar that goes from the top of their face on their left forehead all the way to the bottom of their cheek. The scar goes through their left eyebrow. They were blinded in one eye by accident early on in their life as a metahuman and superhuman super soldier and military officer. 
However their caretakers managed to craft, buy, or otherwise procure some kind of device that allowed them to see more or less like normal people. He/she/they are physically disabled as someone because he/she/they were disfigured in combat during war. He/she/they were disfigured by a hard light bullet wielded by an alien officer who was a sniper of the Earth military of the Terran Dominion. 
At some point in the past he/she/they have lost use and function to a part of himself/herself/themselves. But through study of advanced technology and the help of those who have already done so he/she/they have replaced it with an advanced prosthetic replacement.  Without the eye they had decreased depth perception. It was built for them by humans and aliens who were inventors, scientists, engineers. Losing your eye is fairly easy in a world filled with technology and magic. Gaining back your sight is still possible if you have the brass, copper, silver, platinum, & or gold coin, cash, or credits for it. 
In the biggest cities in the counties, states, countries, & continents on the terraformed and colonized planetoids, comets, moons, asteroids, & planets of the Federation you can find merchants of all kinds. However to gain your sight back you must approach only the best human and alien mechanics, inventors, & scientists in the city. They can install the device in two days. The first day is spent on measurements and creating the components while the second day is spent installing the apparatus. 
Purchasing a bionic and cybernetic prosthetic eye gains your sight back and much more. These devices not only return your vision but also prevent further eye loss with the diamond hard lenses and human and alien metal. Fires powerful optic blasts from the bionic and cybernetic prosthetic eye. Can see throughout the electromagnetic spectrum. It lets them see in the dark with night vision or heat signatures with heat vision. Can help with targeting with guns. Has a gps. Has real time updates about users stats. Can zoom in and zoom out with a binocular vision to microscopic to even nanoscopic levels. Has a red dot laser to help with sniping. 
He/she/they can remove the bionic and cybernetic eye to use as a spy eye to record audio and visual. It is detachable and can send images and video to its owner while detached functioning as a spy camera. They have the ability to remove one's mechanical eye and use it to view hard-to-see areas during certain situations after placing it somewhere. The eye is not in any way connected to the owner yet it operates just as well as it was. It functions as a  surveillance drone or spy camera. 
This artificial eye replaces a real one that was lost or removed. They can see through it as though it were a normal eye. This is truly a luxury item for the blind. While the eye is embedded in their eye socket. It can’t be removed by anyone other than them. The eye upgraded with them. The eye has been customized and upgraded many times now. It gives the user the ability of eidetic memory and memory retention. It can copy anything it perceives. Gives the user near 360 telescopic and binocular vision. It has three blindspots. These blindspots are hard to exploit though. 
Biological eye can shapeshift into a supernatural eye (divine eye, devil eye, or draconic eye) with ultimate vision and all ocular powers for a limited time. This magical eye gives many magical and supernatural powers. It allows the user to shoot magical optic blasts in the forms of magical beams or lasers from their eyes. The magical eye lets them mind control other people, but only who look directly into their prosthetic eye, for a few minutes. 
The arcane eye lets them see through illusions. These powers are because of a magical eye. The magical eye was upgraded. It gives them the superpower of ultimate vision with magic. They can see throughout the electromagnetic spectrum on a supernatural level. Allows users to see through supernatural disguises. Magic eye gives them superhuman perception, knowledge, charisma, wisdom, intelligence, & luck. 
Can summon a third eye for more power for a limited time. Bizarre irises or unusual pupils mark the individual. It is a third magical eye. The third eye blocks unwanted telepathy from telepaths and empaths. The third eye makes the user invisible for several minutes. The third eye lets them hypnotize enemies with illusions but only with direct line of sight. Lets them summon and command low level celestials and infernals such as demons and angels. It lets them summon imps and mustevals as familiars. Allows users to use all elements such as fire, water, storm, rock, & nature as an elementalist. It lets them see magical signatures. It lets them see invisible creatures. It lets them speed up or slow down their perception of time for a few minutes. 
They can’t time travel using the eye though. It lets them see a few minutes into the future with the power of precognition, clairvoyance, & divination. It protects them from telepathy and telepaths such as mind flayers. It lets them use a penance stare or petrifying gaze on enemies who look directly into the eye for a few minutes. Allows users the ability to see through dimensional rifts or interplane disturbances only for a few seconds. Gives the user the ability to use true sight for a few minutes. Using these magical powers through the magical third eye is taxing on their energy, stamina, & endurance so they don’t use it often. They got the third eye after an encounter with a primordial being as a demigod (who became a true god after being given divinity through heroic deeds, accomplishments, & achievements). 
Bionic and Cybernetic Arm:
Automotive Armored Prosthetic Cybernetic Bionic Arm. They have an automotive armored prosthetic bionic and cybernetic right arm. He/she/they are physically disabled as someone because he/she/they were disfigured in combat during war. He/she/they were disfigured by an alien super soldier of the Terran Empire. At some point in the past he/she/they have lost use and function to a part of himself/herself/themselves. But through study of the sciences and the help of those who have already done so he/she/they have replaced it with an advanced high-end prosthetic bionic cybernetic replacement. It is a prosthesis that replaces a missing extremity such as an arm or leg. 
The type of limb used is determined by the extent of amputation or loss of the missing extremity and the location of the missing extremity. Artificial limbs are needed for a variety of reasons where a body part is either missing from the body or a body part is too damaged to be repaired. It was built for them by an engineer, an inventor, & mechanic. It was installed on their body through a team of highly trained surgeons and doctors. Having artificial prosthetic limbs comes with a number of complications. Some of which are minor inconveniences while others can be dangerous if ignored. 
Due to the constant risk of damage and mechanical failures the mechanical prosthetics require daily maintenance and repair. It is maintained and repaired regularly by a team of mechanics and surgeons. The automotive armored prosthetic bionic prosthetic arm is highly upgradable and highly customizable. The prosthetic is linked directly to the nervous system taking electrical pulses from nerves to regulate the many electrical motors and actuators inside the prosthetic bionic arm. It can be moved at will like a natural appendage. This augment functions as if it were the normal body part. These constructs are designed to replace lost limbs if magical healing is not available or if the user desires to have an improved replacement. 
The automotive mechanized bionic prosthetic arm has electrical motors, gears, & springs. The bionic arm is made with a full skeletal titanium frame with steel armor plating to protect the wires and intricate machinery inside. The automotive armored prosthetic bionic arm moves using synthetic muscles and fibers. It is a fully articulated prosthetic arm with multiple moving parts capable of manipulating even weapons.  Once the prosthetic is attuned to its user it will behave and act as the limb it replaces. It moves according to conscious and unconscious thoughts and commands from its user. This was a prosthetic intended to replace lost limbs and damaged organs. This advanced prosthetic replaced and enhanced the lost limb. The prosthetic bionic arm was painted to look like their real biological arm. 
First perfected by humans and alien humanoids the armored automotive prosthetic bionic arms arms are now built by several master inventors and engineers. The bionic arm provides an almost perfect semblance of full functionality but is quite expensive. The recovery time it took for the user to recover from the automotive armored prosthetic bionic arm after doctors and surgeons installed on their body took three months. It does not require an external energy source. It has a built-in battery. The automotive armored prosthetic bionic arm is electrical and fusion powered.  
The automotive armored prosthetic arm is also a cyberware enhanced bionic arm. This prosthetic bionic arm is made of steel, gold, silver, electrum, nickel, brass, titanium, platinum, & copper for durability. However, contemporary technological advancements have allowed certain automotive armored prosthetic bionic limbs to be composed of other materials  as to be less cumbersome and more durable than steel in abnormal conditions. This prosthetic bionic arm is also made with a weave of chrome, fiberglass, aluminum, & carbon fiber for flexibility. 
Like wearers of normal prosthetics these users are subject to various aches and pains resulting from drastic changes in barometric pressure. However another drawback to full steel limbs are the adverse effects which occur in extreme conditions such as heat and cold. In extremely high temperatures the metals which conduct and retain heat induce great deals of discomfort to the user. Who must remain with a heated metal object grafted to the skin. In extremely cold temperatures the cold conducting metals cause standard oils to cease functioning as well as expedite frostbite damage to the connecting tissue. This means that the bionic arm is also made of lighter more expensive alloys that is resistant to extreme temperature changes so the armored automotive prosthetic bionic arm no longer suffers the ill effects of certain extreme heat and extreme cold environments. 
This is a high quality prosthetic bionic replacement that is made to look life-like (at least at first glance). This artificial prosthetic limb is much less bulky than its counterparts. Since its frame more closely follows the contours of an organic biological limb. The exterior and interior of its chassis is lined with precious gemstones, crystals, metals, and complex alien engravings. Engraved with intricate decorations and animated with holograms. A powerful sensor provides full sensory feedback to its user allowing all sorts of tasks to be accomplished with the limb. 
It was upgraded with large glowing red, blue, green, gold, silver, & violet bold alien crystals. The bionic arm comes with a built-in sonar to detect nearby enemies and allies. Some of the more creative and talented prosthetics inventors, & engineers have been known to include all sorts of devices in prosthetic limbs. Some ranging from helpful tools to dangerous weapons. Including some with questionable legality. Some intrepid amputees have even been known to tinker with their limbs on their own time. However you go about it, modifying an artificial limb requires great expertise and tends to be costly. 
The prosthetic bionic arm was later weaponized and upgraded with human and alien metals for combat situations as a military grade augmentation. This makes the prosthetic arm built with a lot of durability and so would not break easily even with high output performances in combat. Based on the technology used to construct a robot, power armor, or an exosuit using alien metal and human metal is shaped into a single limb. These constructs are designed to replace lost limbs if the user desires to have an improved replacement. Once the prosthetic is attuned to its user it will behave and act as the limb it replaces. According to conscious and unconscious commands from its user. These limbs are of a stronger and lighter design. Designed to serve another function in addition to their use as a limb. 
Usually these limbs have a hidden compartment, concealed weapon or a set of tools. Such as a hard light arm blade and a plasma cannon. These additional functions can be used at will. These limbs are designed to shift, adjust and grow. Prostheses made of alien alloy can grow organically and form so many things if reasonable. Metal limbs can shift to form whatever other form the host can imagine, but cannot gain or lose mass. While deactivated, these limbs seem to be little more than simple alien and human metal plates, but once attached and active these limbs appear as masses of energy forming whatever shape their host imagines.
Wrist Mounted Arm Computer:
Attached to their left arm is a human and alien magical  and technological mechanical portable wrist computer. It is a personal information processor that is powered by steam, gas, & or electricity. It has knobs, dials, buttons, & switches on the top, bottom, left, & right sides for accessibility. It comes with a red, blue, green, silver, or gold light. It comes with a keyboard. Can function as any number of useful tools. Wrist computer uses include data storage, inventory management, topographical mapping, assisted targeting, medical diagnostics, radio receiver, video player, music player, and portable gaming console, a communicator, a light, a scanner, a smart phone, a smart watch, a portable computer, etc. 
It lets him/her/them stay in contact with their handlers and allies. It gives him/her/them mission-specific information. Including where weapon caches are. It keeps track of their credentials. Is also a handheld personal force shield generator. It has crime databases, wiretapping, evidence analysis, a lie detector, and monitors its wearer's heartbeat, blood pressure, & blood sugar to ensure that its use was authorized and to send help if the user is healthy or is in trouble. Can project 3d and 4d holograms. It provides internet access and cellular reception with clear reception and unlimited data anywhere on Earth. 
Has clear reception and cellular reception in terraformed and colonized planets, moons, comets, asteroids, & planetoids star systems and galaxies of the multiverse. It uses nanotechnology to physically reconfigure itself to prevent hacking. It also has GPS functionality. Has a hacking tool. Has a compact first aid kit. Is a wearable computer. Has an interface is a holographic 3d wrist-mounted computer complete with a miniature 4d holographic projector. 
The wrist communicator is based on an alien memory metal so when they take it off it can flex into a tablet shape. Can hack computers, machines, phones, tablets, robots, & artificial intelligences. It can dispense first-aid, repair and customize equipment, and send and receive phone calls. It can record audio sound and visual video footage for later playback. Using a simple but elegant form of sonar and satellite tracking this wrist mounted computer can map out areas where its user travels. 
It acts as a database for the wearer’s personal information and inventory. It is capable of tracking the wearer’s status and organizes the user’s inventory of apparel, junk, weapons, misc, armor, mods, aid, items, & equipment. An overlay of the data is also available. In addition, the device features a built-in radio module. It has an advanced compass. 
It has a virtual 3d and 4d map that displays discovered locations. It has a holographic map projector which shows a complete 3D or 4D scan of an area. It has a sonar and motion sensor system that highlights nearby allies, enemies, people, animals, beasts, creatures, and monsters. It is a communicator, a map, a flashlight, a compass, a scanner, a music player, a smart watch, & a portable computer.
It has lighting functionality. A holographic player, video tape, CD player, & DVD player is mounted beneath the display. It is capable of keeping tabs on the user’s health condition, ammo, weapons, armor, apparel, & food and water. It shows the user’s health bar as red, yellow, orange, & green. It has a blue and purple heath bar system to show plasma and hard light shields. It has a silver, gold, & obsidian health bar system to show combat armor, power armor, & mech suit armor condition. 
The wrist computer gauntlet’s uses include but are not limited to data storage, inventory management, topographical mapping, assisted targeting, telephone, medical diagnostics, computer, radio receiver, telegram, hacking, music (CD) player, & Video (Video and DVD) Player . It can map out areas. It can take and store notes and memos. It has a built-in radio. It has a geiger counter and toxic gauge for radiation, toxins, & poisons. It has a built-in flash light used to illuminate dark areas. 
It needs to be worn as a gauntlet which seals with a biometric lock. It utilizes a revamped 3d or 4d holographic display interface with animated images. It automatically updates using satellites. Additionally, it integrates with the onboard computers of power armor and mech suits allowing a user to access their wrist mounted computer from within the armor via a HUD visor display. The inventory menu is a system used for viewing and managing collected items. The menu also displays total currency and carry weight on the screen. 
It is sorted into several tabs. Weapons, Apparel, Aid, Misc, Junk, Mods, Ammo, & Money. All guns, melee weapons, grenades, and mines fall in this tab. Specs of weapons can be viewed and compared as well as equipped and unequipped weapons.  It shows their attachments such as silencers or suppressors, compensators or muzzles, grips, flashlights, scopes, red dot sight, red laser sight, or grenade launcher. Shows the damage effect it has on enemies. It shows the weapon’s stats such as range, damage, etc. It shows the weapons condition and shows if it is in need of maintenance and repair. 
All armor and clothing appear in this tab. Specs of armor and clothing can be viewed and compared as well as equipped and unequipped apparel.  All aid such as medicines, drugs, food, and drinks are sorted here and can be used and consumed in this tab. Miscellaneous items such as keys, cds, dvds, holographic tapes, notes, and items which fall under no other category are in this tab. Mod tab for weapon and armor modifications. Ammo lists all types of ammunition for guns, grenades, & mines currently in inventory. Currency shows all dollars and copper, bronze, brass, silver, gold, & platinum coins, cash, and credits. 
A unique feature of the Mark 20 Wrist Computer is an adapter plug attached to the underside of the device. This plug is used to perform diagnostics on power armor and mech suits. It can hack into computers. It has a lockpick module to pick the locks of doors, safes, etc. In addition, the plug is also used to gain control of robots, androids, artificial intelligences, automatons, mech suits. When wearing a power armor or mech suit the user does not interact with the wrist computer directly. Instead all the information is displayed through the suit’s integrated HUD but with a different HUD color. 
This implies that the Mark 20 is capable of interfacing with power armor or mech suits onboard systems to allow access to its functionality without having to directly operate the device. It is a wrist gauntlet, wrist bracer or wrist computer. It is a piece of wrist-worn technology. It houses several technologically advanced features.  The wrist gauntlet is a small computer device worn on the wrist and features numerous controls for various items of human and alien magic and technology. It has a digitized display. The gauntlet is linked directly into a metahuman and superhuman humanoid’s combat armor, combat helmet, power armor, power armor helmet, & mecha suit and governs many of their functions. 
The gauntlet also acts as a power source for these tools although it has only limited capacity and would become depleted with repeated use. However, despite the clearly advanced nature of the technology involved, the wrist gauntlet can be recharged from any common power source such as gas, steam, water, nuclear power, & electricity.  
The mark 20 is the most customizable model made. It was the epitome of technology. Each instrument is individually crafted and personally attuned to its recipient. The device is so personalized to its user that it could continuously monitor and report the vital signs of its assigned wearer in real time. It was the quintessential personal data assistant complete with a magical AI modeled after a female humanoid alien and female human. Complete with its own mapping system, navigation system, radio receiver, computer, video and music player, cellphone, & personal inventory tracking software. It’s a souped-up PDA complete with DNA biometric lock.
Magical Foci:
They have a futuristic magical metal magic rod. It is made out of mithril and adamantine. The magic wand is a unique weapon in that unlike swords, bows or guns. This weapon is generally not for use in physical combat, but is instead a purely magical weapon. In general, a magic wand is any device that enhances magic for producing spells, aids in magic combat, or enables the use of magic in the first place. 
This magic rod is typically shorter than the magic metal or wooden staff but longer than the magical wooden or metal wand. It is roughly two to three feet in length. It can shorten to a magical wand for magical spell casting or elongate to a magical staff for magical combat. The magical rod is adorned with crystals and gemstones. It is decorated with ornate designs. The barrel of the magical rod has a balanced body and does not taper. The magical rod has a polished barrel finish. The barrel thickness is medium. The magical rods decorative trim material is metal and gemstones. It is covered in finely cut fine and small pearl, amethyst, citrine, ruby, sapphire, emerald, obsidian, & diamond line weight gems and crystals.  
It is covered in brass, bronze, silver, & gold. The complexity of the trim detailing of the magical metal rod is dense. The style of the trim detailing is elegant, sharp, streaky, & flowy. The grip shape of the handle of the magic rod is multi sided. The angle of the handle of the magical rod is straight and it continues from the barrel. The handle size of the magical metal rod is of medium thickness. The handle texture is smooth, shiny, and polished. 
The handle is dyed red and black. The shape and direction of the trim detailing are circular patterns of curved lines that run along the barrel and vertical patterns that run from the handle to the nib of the magical rod. The length of the patterns are long designs of lengthy patterns that stretch along large parts of the barrel. The nib roundness of the magical rod is polygonal like a pyramid or cube. The nib size is long. The nib texture of the magical rod is smooth, shiny, and polished. The magical cores of the magical rod are fused and injected into the magical rod.
Modern magical futuristic mechanical wand rod or baton that is a form of magitek. It comes with a mana indicator. It is a technomagic tool. It can turn into a collapsible staff. This futuristic wand was personally crafted by him/her/them. This modern wand has an exaggerated shape. It is sleeker and has more vibrant colors. The wand tip is made out of an orb of obsidian. The wand shaft was made out of mithril and adamantine. The wand was also decorated with gemstones and intricate metal work. 
They, as the creator of this wand, was revered for its creation. This wand was 13 inches long. The feel of the wand’s barrel is straight. It feels more like a manufactured object. This was used for running calculations for magic circles since arithmancy is based on highly complex mathematics and these devices help streamline the process.  Arithmancy is a magical discipline that studies the magical properties of numbers. Those who studied and practiced arithmancy were called arithmancers. 
The wand barrel is tapered as it thins out near the nib. The barrel has a polished finish. The decorative trim of the wand that adorns its barrel was made out of diamond gemstones. The size of the gemstones used in the trim detailing was large diamond gemstones. The line weight of the trim detailing of the gemstones was bold diamonds. The complexity of the trim detailing was dense. The style of the trim detailing on this wand was elegant and flowy. The shape and direction of the trim detailings on the wands were covered in branded patterns. 
The details were rings that wrapped around the barrel. The decorative trim of the wand that adorns its barrel was made out of gold and silver metal. The complexity of the trim detailing was dense. The style of the trim detailing was flowy. The shaft of your wand conducts magic from the handle to the tip. Each style will bring different qualities to your wand. This wand had a vortex shaft. The vortex shaft holds great complexity. They are suited to witches & wizard’s with a logical mind & great patience. The shape and direction of the trim detailings on the wand was covered in vertical patterns. The lines ran from the handle to the nib. The grip of this wand was multi rounded.
Magiteck sticks are magical tools predominantly used by spellcasters to channel magical energy and perform magic. They are part of the basic equipment of a spellcaster. Magical teck sticks can come in different designs and shapes, but they all share the same function. To channel the magic energy allowing its user to perform magical feats. While the energy they can handle within their batteries is limited, using a source like the ley lines, a philosopher's stone, or a grimoire allows the magic to be used freely. They are improved and boosted by magic crystals, magical amulets, & magical talismans. To improve its functionality in certain situations, the user can attach attachments to the magic teck stick. 
The magiteck stick has a knob which is used to better regulate the amount of channeled magic. They are essential to a magician's ability to control magic properly. A wand can still perform magic even when damaged but the spell will be unstable. It has an extra battery pack for more magic. They have a mana indicator on the side to take most of the guesswork out of knowing when it's time to recharge. It has a scope and a laser dot sight for more accuracy in magical duels. It can shorten to a magic stick and wand or elongate to a magic staff and scepter. It is adorned with magical gems and magical crystals. 
The magical foci can fire bolts of magic energy at their foes, in addition to powering up their spells. It offers ease of use and power. Most spellcasters will use it on their way to magic mastery. It enhances the wielder's innate magic abilities to unlock power hidden deep within. Was made using powerful magical metals. The power within has only grown since its creation. It was wielded by a powerful spellcaster. Its power is undiminished even after many long ages. A magic teck stick that tests those who would wield it.
Two magical human modern futuristic wands. These wands are kept in leather wand holsters on his/her/their forearms. The left wand holster is made of dragon hide from an old chaotic evil female chromatic red fire, magma, & lava dragon they found in volcanic mountains. The leather of this wand holster was dyed red. The right wand holster is made from the hide of an ancient chaotic evil male chromatic white snow, frost, & ice dragon they found in a frozen tundra. The leather of this wand holster was dyed white. These were taken since he/she/they slain these evil dragons. 
The barrels of these wands are balanced and the bodies of the wand don’t taper. These wands have polished finishes. The feel of these wands are natural. These wands have a slender thickness. The length of patterns on these wands were long designs. With lengthy patterns that stretch along large portions of the barrels. The grip shape of these wands are multi sided. The angles of these wands are straight continuing off the barrels. The roundness of the nibs of the wands were polygonal. The size of the nibs were long.
The wands are magic focus objects or magic foci that direct his/her/their magical power. When dueling magic users he/she/they duel wield these wands. Wands have innate arcane energies of their own. This allowed casters to empower their spells. This also allowed wands to cast their own spells. Gemstones were added to wands to increase their effectiveness. Crafting stronger wands required more spellcasting skills from the crafter which they may not possess. Crafting any kind of magic item burnt some of the soul of the crafter. The stronger the item the greater the toll on the caster. Adding a gem was a way to increase the effectiveness of a wand without sacrificing the full amount of one’s own life force.
Wand made out of alder and rose wood. Alder is the tree of fire yet it also shares a strong connection with water making it quite an unusual tree. It is known as the king of woods and its properties include self protection, divination, healing and anything connected with the elements of fire and water. Rose Wood is said to bring a true and lasting Love. It is a gentle wood which will work well with spells or blessings connected to fertility, healing, divination, physic powers, protection of a loved one, and love spells. 
The wand is decorated with agate and amber. Wand is ten inches in length. Wand has a tapered body as it thins near the nib. Wand is natural like a stick from a tree. Wand has a polished finish. The wand has a slender thickness. Wand is made out of brass and bronze. Decorative trim is made out of metal and gemstones. The complexity of the trim detailing is dense. The line weight of the gems are fine. The non is polygonal like a cube. The nib texture is smooth and polished. The non point is flat. The wand core is fused to the wand. The length of the patterns is long designs that stench along the barrel. The direction of the trim detailing is horizontal patterns. The lines are generally to one portion of the barrel but not completely wrapping it. The handle size is thin. The angle of the handle is straight continuing from the barrel. The grip shape is rounded.
Wand made out of Rowan and lilac wood. Rowan is the witch's tree. It is best used for protection. It guards its user from evil spirits. It is also known for divination, healing, psychic powers, and luck. Lilac is a feminine tree. It is ruled by Venus. It is closely associated with love, beauty, harmony, and balance. It will drive away evil and can exorcize ghosts. It is decorated with amethyst, pearl, and bloodstone. 
The wand has a balanced body as it doesn’t taper. The barrel feels straight like a manufactured object. It has a polished barrel finish. The thickness of the barrel is medium. The decorative trim material is made out of bone of a manticore and a hide from a chimera. The trim detailing is simple. The line weight of the stones and gems decorating it are medium. The trim detailing style is sharp. The handle size is medium. The angle of the handle is angled titled off from the barrel. The grip shape is multi sided. The handle texture is rough and of natural finish. The shape and direction of the trim detailing are vertical patterns of lines running from the handle to the handle of the nib. The length of the barrel is long designs of lengthy patterns that stretch along large portions of the barrel. The nib is round like a cylinder or cone. The nib size is cut tight to the barrel. The nib point is sharp. The nib texture is rough and of natural finish. 
Wand made out of gorse and hawthorn wood. Gorse is associated with love, protection, and romance. It can be used to further the romance of a consensual relationship whether monogamous or polyamorous. It has strong protective powers. It will guard against dark and death magic. Hawthorn trees are sacred to the Fey Hawthorne wands made are said to hold great power. Its properties include fertility, protection, defense, and happiness. It is decorated with diamond and garnet. 
Wand made out of chestnut and willow wood. The Chestnut is a masculine tree ruled by the planet Jupiter. Its bring success in all ventures. Its properties include: healing, love, success, and prosperity. Willow is a tree sacred to the goddess and the Moon. Any spell worked with a willow wand under the rays of the moon will increase its strength. Its properties include love, divination, healing, and all moon magic. It is decorated with hematite and jade gemstones. 
Wand made out of silver birch and oak wood. Silver Birch is a symbol of fertility and new beginnings. Also known for its cleansing and purifying properties. Oak is known for its strength and endurance. It holds the power of protection and guards from evil. Any piece of oak carried will bring luck to the Bearer. Its other properties include potency, fertility, healing, insight, and money. It is decorated with lapis lazuli, peridot, and moonstone. 
Wand made out of apple and ash tree wood. The Apple Tree is a symbol of immortality and love. Its properties include youth, beauty and fertility, & love. The ash tree was often used to make healing wands. Its other properties include protection, purification, & power over water. It is decorated with opal and obsidian.
Wand made out of beech wood and cherry wood. Beech is a feminine Tree which is ruled by Saturn. It is believed to have the power to grant Wishes. Carrying the wood can increase creative powers. Cherry is excellent for divination, healing, and love magic. It is a grounding wood that can bring calm to heated situations. Its other properties include: creativity, prosperity, and passion. It is decorated with quartz and jasper. 
Wand made out of cedar and eucalyptus wood. Cedar wood is said to aid in money and love matters. It will protect its user from evil forces. It can also be used for healing and purification. Eucalyptus is a tree known for its nurturing and cleansing properties. Wands made from the wood of a eucalyptus tree are Ideal for all purification needs and exorcisms. It is decorated with turquoise and tigers eye. 
Wand made out of hazel and hornbeam wood. Hazel tree possesses wisdom and knowledge. It is a very versatile wood suitable for all types of magic. It is renowned for its life and light magic properties and divination powers. Hornbeam is said to be an extremely lucky wood bringing good fortune to its user. Its properties include: prosperity, protection, spiritual love, strength, and good fortune. It is decorated with ruby and sapphire. 
Magic metal mithril and adamantine magical metal cudgel. The top of the magical cudgel which has been decorated with intricate gilded pattern design, said to have secret meanings only known to the wielder. The bottom ends in two decorative intertwining snakes made of obsidian and has been decorated with glowing triangular ruby gems with smaller emerald gems floating around them that give off a soft humming sound whenever magic is used. Crystal-like shards are merged into the staff, allowing light to flow through and making it glow. 
Only the handle is kept smooth, which has been decorated with an ancient text carved into it. The top is made out of supreme adamantium and the bottom is made out of mithril. Carved runes cover this jagged, twisting staff from top to bottom, leaving only the handle untouched, which has been emblazoned with magical runes. The staff has been smoothened and strengthened at core positions, including the handle, which has been decorated with a few sapphire, ruby, amethyst, tigers eye, & emerald crystals. 
Magic celestial steel metal quarterstaff. Magic quarterstaffs are large and substantial enough to be viable melee weapons. This quarterstaff was made out of walnut wood and maple wood handle. Walnut is a tree of fertility, prosperity and wisdom. Wands and staffs made of walnut to help awaken inner wisdom. This is also a good material to use for initiation rituals. Walnut is a rich color, shock resistant, & strong wood. Maple is a tree of love, harmony, peace and prosperity. Maple will help to bring balance and harmony to yin-yang energies. It is a popular wand material and helps to awaken one’s intuition and creativity. Maple wood is known for strength, power, vitality, travel, communication, learning, beauty and abundance. Maple is a fine grain, strong, & tone conductive wood. The quarterstaff was made out of steel and silver. The gemstones encrusted into the quarterstaff were topaz and sapphire. Obsidian forms the base of this spectacular staff. Flame like decorations dance and wrap around the entire staff. With the exception of the handle which has been strengthened with a metal coating of electrum. 
The handle had a polished finish. The barrel shape is balanced and doesn’t taper. The barrel’s thickness was medium. The barrel feels straight and feels more like a manufactured object. The decorative trim material around the barrel and handle was gems and metal. The bottom has been decorated with thick gilded rings each with two gems at equal distance from each other. He/she/they uses the magical quarterstaff as a magically augmented melee weapon. He/she/they uses the magic quarterstaff in close quarters melee combat like a cane, club, or mace. The quarterstaff amplifies his/her/their magical and combat abilities. He/she/they uses the magic staff in full contact magic. He/she/they can fire magic from both ends of the quarterstaff.
He/she/they are a formidable spellcaster, to the point that their weakest spells have the same firepower of high level spells from ordinary wizards. When they really get serious they handle the magic weapon forged specifically for them. They are generally considered more powerful than the traditional magical wand and can be elaborate to the point of being pretentious. The metal magic staff has floating rings and floating gems and crystals around it. The magic staff has a floating sun at the top and a floating moon on the bottom. Other than their wands, scepter, & magicteck stick it serves as a focus for his/her/their magical spells. 
The modern futuristic metal magic staff is a magical foci which is large and substantial enough to be a viable melee weapon. In that sense, it is a magical and a melee-weapon. The magical: staff, canes, clubs, and mace-like rods are probably the most common and most deadly in physical combat should their shapes be taken advantage of. The magical staff itself is magic as well as a magic focus object.  For a magi staff which is often used in melee combat or full-contact magic. The magical staff is usually much more modestly-sized and more decorated than the staff of a magic user that isn't taking advantage of the magic staff's inner melee-abilities.
Magical human magical metal magic staff. The magic staff was six feet in length. The magic staff was peach and royal blue. The magic staff was made out of silver metal and birch wood. The silver symbolizes protection, healing, divination, & psychic work. The birch wood symbolizes grounding, cleansing, protection, fertility, rebirth and inspiration. Birch wood is known for adaptability, inspiration, and fearlessness as its most resonant energies. It is also fast-growing making it a sustainable tree to take wood for magical purposes. The birch tree is also associated with fertility and rebirth. Birch wood is a heavy, strong, & shock resistant wood. Birch wood is known for grounding, cleansing, protection, fertility, rebirth and inspiration. This wand was also made out of kingwood which is a very dense, attractive, & expensive wood. Etched into the magic stick were geometric shapes. 
The end of the mage stick was made out of rubies. The decorative trims of the mage stick that adorn its barrel were made out of ruby gemstones. The size of the gemstones used in the trim detailing was medium sized rubies. The line weight of the trim detailing of the gemstones was medium. The complexity of the trim detailing was dense. The style of the trim detailing on this mage stick was elegant and flowy. The shape and direction of the trim detailings on the mage stick was covered in branded patterns. The details were rings that wrapped around the barrel. The grip of this magical staff was multi sided. Glowing runes are carved along the entire staff with the exception of the handle. The handle had been smoothened and strengthened. The bottom ends in a reinforced stub made out of peridot crystal known for protection, abundance and love. 
The staff was decorated with ribbons said to offer protection against dark magic. Magical staff are a sign of a powerful magic user. Magic staffs are more powerful than wands. His/her/their magic staff itself is magical. The magical staff also acts as a magical focus object artifact amplifier that amplifies his/her/their magical power. The magic staff is shaped like a cane. The top of the magic staff is carved with a sun, star, and moon. 
The magic staff is elaborately decorated with magical runes, symbols, & sigils. The top of his/her/their magic staff also comes with a floating ring. Inside the floating ring is a large round and smooth glowing gem that acts as a main power crystal. A glowing, seemingly liquid line wraps around the entire staff like blood and covers the handle. The handle has been wrapped in exotic animal skin. The hide of a griffin and hippogriff. The bottom is made of obsidian and has been decorated with gilded linings. A few small gems that seem to float gently above the surface of the staff. The top is made out of superior wood which has been decorated with a mosaic of smooth multi-colored gems. All gems are roughly the same size.
Their tattoos are divided on whether they appear in their regular human form, divine form, or alien hybrid form. Their tattoos are divided on whether they appear on their masc form, femme form, genderless form, or androgynous form. 
He/she/they have black and white and colored geometrical sacred geometry tattoos on his/her/their body as an alien hybrid
He/she/they have colored holographic alien calligraphy and ethereal demigod and later divine deity characters on his/her/their body. These are holographic alien tattoos that glow yellow, red, green, blue, purple, white, & black depending on what cybernetic implant and bionic enhancement powers they are using as a bionic and cyborg transhuman. These are ethereal divine tattoos that glow yellow, red, green, blue, & white depending on what divine elemental power of divine fire, magma, water, ice, wood, nature, plant, earth, rock, metal, storm, lightning, thunder, sand, fog, steam, & air he/she/they are using as a divine demigod and later god/goddess.
He/she/they have colored holographic cyberpunk science fiction inspired and colored ethereal magical high fantasy inspired tattoos on his/her/their body as an alien hybrid superhuman and demigod metahuman that glow gold, silver, sapphire, amethyst, crimson, emerald, & obsidian.
He/she/they have black and white and colored modern and traditional East Asian Japanese and East Asian Chinese tattoos on his/her/their neck, chest, back, arms, & legs. He/she/they have tattoos of Fudo Myoo, Fujin and Raijin, a Buddha, a phoenix or fenghuang, a dragon, a tiger, a snake, a samurai, an oni, a kitsune nine tailed fox, a kirin, a fu dog or guardian lion, a koi fish, turtles, & lotus flowers. These tattoos are colored gold, crimson, sapphire, jade, amethyst, white, & black. 
His/her/their body from their face with facial tattoos, neck tattoos, & upper body (of their chest and back) have traditional South American Indigenous and traditional Indigenous Pasifika tattoos. They have tattoos on their arms from their upper arms (from their shoulder to their elbow) and their lower arms (from their elbows to the fingertips of their clawed hands with opposable thumbs). They also have tattoos on the lower body of their upper legs (from their thighs to their knees) and their lower legs (from their knees to their toes to their clawed feet with opposable toes). 
Their entire body is covered in traditional black and white and colored Embera and Baniwa Indigenous Colombian and Chorote Indigenous of Bolivia and Argentina Amerindian of South America tattoos. 
Their entire body is covered in traditional colored and black and white Polynesian Hawaiian, Samoan, and Tongan Indigenous Pasifika tattoos. These black and white traditional Indigenous Pasifika tattoos are ethereal and glow silver, gold, cerulean, jade, scarlet, purple, & black as a Pasifika demigod and later divine god/goddess.
Samoan style features rectilinear, geometrical, and repetitive tattoos. They are highly symmetrical body sides. Hawaiian style tattoos feature highly geometric tattoos that are often based on repetition. The male version can include solid areas while the female version is much lighter.  Tongan style tattoos are often tattooed from the waist down to the knees in geometric patterns of repeated triangle motifs, bands, and sections of solid black. 
Tonga has some of the oldest evidence of Polynesian tattoos based on the fact it was settled first by the Austronesians before the other Polynesian islands. Not only are they some of the oldest but they have a distinct tattooing style compared to other Polynesian people. Tongan warriors are often tattooed from the waist down to the knees in geometric patterns of repeated triangle motifs, bands, and sections of solid black. For the Tongan people the tattoo carried profound social and cultural significance. Women would have similar designs, but with more delicate floral patterns on their hands and lower parts. 
Hawai’i was settled around 800 years ago. The tattoo traditions there were similar to the full-body Marquesan tattoos. However, the Hawaiian Kanaka Maoli quickly developed their own unique variations through designs. One characteristic of Hawaiian tattoos is the asymmetry across both sides of the body. As the right side of the body was a solid black and gave spiritual projection to their wearers. This practice was called Kakay I ka uhi.
Historically there was no writing in Polynesian culture. So the Polynesian’s used tattoo art that was full of distinctive signs to express their identity and personality. Tattoos would indicate status in a hierarchical society as well as sexual maturity, genealogy, and ones rank within the society. Nearly everyone in ancient Polynesian society was tattooed. It was in Tonga and Samoa that the Polynesian tattoo developed into a highly refined art. 
In ancient Samoa, tattooing also played a hugely important role in both religious rituals and warfare. The tattoo artist held a hereditary and by the same vein. It is a very highly privileged position. He usually tattooed groups of six to eight (usually men) during a ceremony attended by friends and relatives. The Samoan warrior’s tattoo began at the waist and extended to just below the knee.
These were also covered in magical esoteric or arcane and divine demigod tattoos that blazed crimson, amethyst, sapphire, gold, and silver as a mahu demigod of mist and fog who was later bestowed full godhood, divinity, & immortality as a god/goddess of storm.
Depending on where a tattoo was placed on the body, the wearer would be calling for a particular spiritual boom to help lead them through life.
The head is said to be the contact point to Rangi so it is related to themes such as spirituality, knowledge, wisdom, and intuition.
They were on his/her/their chest because in the Polynesian culture Polynesian tattoos on the chest represent kindness, honesty, honor, & resolution. They were on his/her/their head because in the Polynesian culture Polynesian tattoos on the head represent spirituality, knowledge, wisdom, & intuition. He/she/they had Polynesian tattoos on his/her/their arms. He/she/they had Polynesian tattoos on his/her/their upper arms from his/her/their shoulders to his/her/their elbow to represent strength and valor and they relate to people such as warriors, warchiefs, & chieftains. 
He/she/they wear it as a child of a chieftain and warchief who is next in line. He/she/they had Polynesian tattoos on his/her/their lower arms from their forearms to their fingertips of his/her/their clawed hands with opposable thumbs to represent creativity, creation and making things. This area is from just above the navel to the chest and is related to themes such as generosity, sincerity, honor, and reconciliation. Some may have noticed that this area is placed directly between Rangi and Papa, in order to have harmony between them balance must exist in this area.
Lower body. This area goes from the thighs to the navel. This part of the body directly relates to life’s energy, courage, procreation, independence, and sexuality. In particular, thighs relate to strength and marriage. The stomach or mid area is where mana originates from. The navel represents independence due to the symbolic meaning associated with the cutting of the umbilical cord. Independence is a trait that is valued highly in Polynesian society however individualism is not. All people depending on the sea for sustenance know the importance of sociality and socializing. Polynesian people built their culture around this. Family thus becomes a larger group of people that includes all relatives, friends and neighbors. All of which play an important role.
Joints often represent union and contact. If we look at the body as a reflection of society. We can understand why joints, being the points where different bones meet represent different degrees of relation between individuals. The farther from the head (the chief of the family) the greater the distance in kinship, or the lower the status. Ankles and wrists represent a tie and bracelets placed there often symbolizes commitment. Knees are often related to chiefs (to kneel before them). He/she/they were High King/High Queen and Chieftain and Warchief of several kingdoms as a demigod metahuman and alien hybrid superhuman.
The same word is used to refer both to leg and foot. Legs and feet represent moving forward, transformation, and progress. They are also related to separation and choice. The feet, being our contact with Papa, Mother Nature, are also related to concreteness and material matters.
Human figures otherwise known as enata in Marquesan language represent men, women, and sometimes gods. They can be placed within a tattoo to represent people and their relations. If they are placed upside down then they can be used to represent defeated enemies. A common motif is an enata symbol which is the depiction of a human figure. If this symbol has a row of people, this means that the ancestors are watching over the wearer. Over-stylised enata joined together in a row of people holding hands form the motif called ani ata, which translates to “cloudy sky”. Polynesian languages and a row of enata in a semi-circular form often represent the sky as well as the ancestors guarding their descendants. This symbolizes elders, ancestors, and family deities.
He/she/they had Polynesian tattoos of complex shark teeth. Shark teeth or niho mano deserve a space of their own. Sharks are one of the favorite forms that aumakua choose to appear to man. They represent defense, leadership, power, & ferocity. However they are also symbols of flexibility in many cultures.  It was fitting for the strike team commander of the Elites, Paragons, & Sentinels superhero conglomerates that defend the planet, star systems, galaxy, & universe. Another common motif is the triangle shark teeth band which means protection, guidance, and strength. 
A spearhead means the wearer is a strong warrior. He/she/they had Polynesian tattoos of a pattern of spearheads. Another typical symbol that is used to represent warrior nature is the spear. Fitting for a former super soldier who fought since he/she/they were a child as a former demigod metahuman and alien hybrid superhuman child soldier. Spear-heads are very symbolic in relation to sharp items too and they can be used to represent the sting of some animals. 
He/she/they had Polynesian stylized tattoos of the ocean. The ocean is a second home to Polynesian people and the place of rest when they leave for their last voyage. Coincidentally, turtles are said to join the deceased guiding them to their destinations. So sometimes the ocean can be used to symbolize death and the beyond. Since the ocean is the primary source of food it is no wonder it impacts so much tradition and myth. All the creatures living in the ocean are associated with several meanings usually mutated from their characteristic traits and habits. 
The ocean and the sea can be represented by waves. The stylizations of the ocean can often represent ideas such as life, change and continuity through change. Waves can also be used to represent the world beyond or the place where the departed go and rest on their last voyage. An ocean design with a curved circle is significant because it represents the second home of Polynesian people. The sea is regarded as the place people go to rest and die. When the ocean motif is part of a tattoo, it represents life, change, and progress through change.
Francisco/Francisca he/she/they had a Polynesian tattoo of a Tiki. One meaning of the word tiki is figure. So tiki is the name given to human-like figures that usually represent demigods contrasting to atua who frequently materialize to men under the shape of animals such as lizards. The tiki can also represent sanctified ancestors, priests, warchiefs, & chieftains who became demigods after their passing. They denote protection, fertility and they serve as sentinels. By stylizing the figure over and over there has been a simplified version that has been reached. 
This is called the brilliant eye where the eyes, nostrils and ears appear to be the prominent elements. Tiki figures can be portrayed in a front view. Sometimes with their tongue stretched out as a symbol of defiance to enemies. The tiki design is a famous Polynesian tattoo design that comes in the form of human-like faces. They are often received as semi-gods or deified ancestors, such as chiefs or priests. This symbolizes past kings, queens, chieftains, & warchief in his/her/their family, clan, & nation. They are symbols of protection, fertility and are guardians over the wearers.
He/she/they had a Polynesian tattoo of a turtle. The turtle or honu is another significant creature throughout all Polynesian cultures and has been connected with several meanings. The first being the fact that turtles represent health, fertility, longevity, foundation, tranquility, & rest. The word hono, meaning turtle in Marquesan language has other meanings which include things such as joining and stitching together families and representing the idea of harmony. 
Contrary to what is sometimes believed, turtles drawn upwards do not imply that they are taking the soul of a dead person into the other world. To represent this, a human figure must be placed on or near the shell of the turtle. The turtle, which means good health, fertility, long life, peace, and rest. When this symbol is repeated, it hopes to bring families together.
He/she/they had a Polynesian tattoo of a lizard. Lizards and geckos are often called mo’o or moko and they play a significant role in Polynesian myth. Gods (atua) and minor spirits often appeared to men in the form of lizards and this may explain why the stylized element used to represent the lizard is very similar to the stylized symbol used to represent man. Lizards are very powerful creatures that bring good luck and communicate between the humans and the gods and who can access the invisible world. On the other hand they can also bring death and bad omens to people who are disrespectful. The lizard, which signifies spirits and gods bridging the mortal and spirit worlds. They are all-in-all good luck charms but might lead to ill-omens if disrespected.
He/she/they had a Polynesian tattoo of a stingray. Stingray tattoos come in several variations and styles. So this image can hold symbolic meanings. The stingray has the ability to hide in the underwater sands mainly from sharks and is able to cover up with sand and lay still. Most sharks can sense prey in the sand based on movement but for the most part the stingray is able to hide. For this reason its image is classed as a symbol of protection. 
Other themes that go hand in hand with the sting-ray image are adaptation, gracefulness, diplomacy, danger, dexterity, speed, & covertness. Fitting for someone who is a shapeshifter, metamorph, & changeling. The tattoos themselves are imbued with divine power as a water demigod and they boost their hydrokinesis as a demigod of the seas and give them command over the seas and aquatic life.
The accolades told through traditional divine alien and futuristic tattoos and facepaint for the Asian Pasifika/Afro Latine Native main character as a changeling and shapeshifter has ever changing tattoos that correlate with divine, martial, spiritual, & military accomplishments, deeds, accolades, and achievements. 
They have scientific achievements as a scientist, inventor, and engineer in magical and alien archeology, anthropology, biology, chemistry, marine biology, paleontology, psychology, sociology, and zoology. They have artistic accolades as an artist and creator. 
They have martial accomplishments as a warrior trained in unarmed combat, ranged weaponry, and melee weaponry. They have military accolades as an officer, soldier, & commander who was a former super soldier in the space military of the federation of the Milky Way andromeda and zenith galaxy. Heroic and villainous accomplishments as a superhero, antihero, and villain at different points because of free will, necessity, or mind control and being a commander of a cosmic superhero conglomerate. 
They have leadership deeds as a high king/high queen of a federation of kingdoms and chieftain and war chief of Mu or Hawaiki that’s like Themyscira, Asgard, or Wakanda but for indigenous pasifika demigods and alien hybrid superheroes. They have spiritual accolades as a mahu fakaleiti pasifika third gender elder and healer for clan and nation. 
They have divine accolades as someone born a demigod bestowed divinity as a hero and champion and later ascended to titanancy because *** (spoken in celestial speech to hide from mortal tongue). They have accolades as an alien hybrid. Demigod and alien hybrid as a metahuman and superhuman so long lifespan if not for scientific advances that prologues lifespans for centuries for regular humans too. They were not immortal and wouldn’t choose to be either before ascending to godhood and titanancy that is. God killing weapons exist as well as weapons that can negate powers of metahumans and super humans. Has died before when was still mortal as a demigod several times. 
The Afro Latine main character is also connected through their piercings and regalia including jewelry like magically and futuristically influenced rings, bracelets, necklaces, and headdresses. A cyborg or bionic have futuristic holographic tattoos to reflect certain accolades as a transhuman that a non augmented futuristic human has. It’s embedded underneath the skin as opposed to those that are just on the skin of regular humans. Their tattoos reflect not only their accolades but maybe from a specific region that they’re from. 
They have bionic implants and cybernetic enhancements where the cybernetic and bionic parts open up and are upgradable and customizable. They have a bionic arm and cybernetic eye as someone who’s a former super soldier war veteran. They have a military grade version for combat vs regular grade bionic arm and eye for regular things for accessibility as a visible disabled person. Tattoos and specialized parts are from certain regions or companies. Prestige parts that are granted only after winning a contest or completing a mission. The main character has opposing versions of traditional native tattoo accolades across their body as a creator, healer, diplomat, liberator, and artist v destroyer, killer, conqueror, etc that they both feel happy, angry, and sad over. 
Part of the bad was when they were forced against their will to become a child soldier. After being captured by metahuman and superhuman traffickers after they were blackbirded from the now independent Hawaiian kingdom by the earth colonial military. Part of the bad when they were mind controlled to become a super villain or forced by circumstances to become an antihero. All of these fit on their body as a shapeshifter because their form changes if they are in alien hybrid form demigod form as well as kane masc form, vahine femme form, mahu/fakaleiti third gender form, or genderless or androgynous gender form to reflect their gender and gender identity. 
Ryuu/Haruka wore traditional Samoan, Tongan, & Hawaiian headdresses, necklaces, bracelets, rings, & belts as jewelry. 
He/she/they had a Toki (Adze) Polynesian Maori necklace. The Toki (Adze) is the Maori tribal emblem of strength. This symbol resembles resolve, control, power, focus, & honor.” “Its shape represents an axe head. The Toki (adze) was used by the Maori as an everyday working tool for shaving and chipping. Sometimes it was used as a weapon. Unique complex adzes were by tradition carved in stone and passed down as an heirloom. The Toki had much meaning to the Maori created from stone or greenstone. It was a vital tool for survival and day to day life of a Maori tribe. 
So this was given to him/her/them by an Atlantean King and Polynesian Maori Indigenous Pasifika Chieftain and Warchief means a lot to him/her/them. That’s the reason the Maori attribute the spiritual meaning of strength and power to the Toki. This design represents the Toki which was used to shape the great canoes. The toki was also used to cut and work timber for the fortresses where the Maori lived. It was such an important tool in Maori life that it became regarded as a symbol of power, authority & good character. It was given to them by the King and Chieftain and Warchief as a sign of respect as he/she/they are a King/Queen and Chieftain and Warchief. It is also the mark of a craftsman and an artist. 
He/she/they also have a necklace of Hei-Matau (Fish Hook) given to them by an Atlantean Queen and Polynesian Maori Indigenous Pasifika Chieftain and Warchief. These very stylized fish hooks represent power, affluence, wealth, fertility. It also represents vast reverence for the sea. This makes sense since he/she/they are the last scion and lord/lady of his/her/their ancient and powerful house. It also is said to provide good luck and safety when traveling over water so is often worn by travelers. The Hei-Matau are also symbols of authority and power which are held in great veneration by the Maori people. They were used as a practical tool for fishing and were often adorned as a sign of admiration for the creatures of the sea. 
There are many styles of Hei-Matau from the true hook designs to the more decorative styles which became cherished heirlooms for generations after. Initially the Maori have been fishermen. Their main food source was the sea so a fish hook of premium was a valued item to possess. Worn around the neck the hook became a symbol of wealth, abundance, good health, authority, & power. As well as a mark of reverence for the sea and its life in it. It is also believed to provide good luck and protection while traveling over water. The Maori fish hook symbol refers to being reliant on the sea for their food gathering. The matau is a talisman for good luck. 
He/she/they also had a bracelet of whales, dolphins, & turtles. The ocean has always been the prevailing force for the Maori people who traveled colossal distances in their long canoes and lived on the gift of the tropical waters. They had a great respect for the creatures on the sea and in particular dolphins and whales. The whale with its immense size and evident intelligence played an essential part in the traditions of the Maori people. 
They were often represented as an example of family love with mother and calf always side by side and touching at every opportunity. Beached whales were cherished as gifts from the gods. They were chiefly valued for the bone which after numerous years of curing was used to carve elaborate jewelry and art works that were frequently passed down for many generations. The whale is the most important animal in the life of the Maori. Besides speed and strength the whale also represents success, confidence, and sensitivity. It represents the bond between animal and human. 
A dolphin (Papahu) is an emblem of liveliness, harmony, & camaraderie. The turtle is the mark of a navigator. The dolphin is another Maori symbol of protection. Schools of dolphins were reported to attack sharks circling around canoes. The dolphin shows sympathy with the sea and nature in general. It resembles a free spirit. Nowadays the dolphin represents protection on all types of travelers. So it is another Maori symbol of protection. 
He/she/they had the jewelry of the symbol of the Koropepe (The Mythical Eel/Fish). The Koropepe is an eel-type fish and a legendary guardian. It is a symbol of new beginnings and youth, prosperity, & wealth. The koropepe is thought to characterize the curled eel which was one of the main protein sources hundreds of years back in Maori history. Many koropepe have a coiled appearance with bird-like heads. These heads are said to possess its divine power. The design is a relatively modern form as no ancient examples have been found. 
He/she/they had jewelry of the White Heron bird (Kotuku). Kotuku is the Maori word for the rare White Heron bird. It is a symbol of status, purity, & individuality. One of the greatest compliments among the Maori was to liken someone to Kotuku. For it signifies everything extraordinary and gorgeous. It is sometimes referred to as a darling or treasure. The kotuku is one of New Zealand’s rarest birds and is held in chiefly high regard in Maori mythology. As with other birds the kotuku stands for the connection between the afterlife. 
He is a messenger of the spirit world. The kotuku represents everything pure and beautiful in Maori legends and oratory. Most importantly the kotuku represents all the people of this land. The kotuku is a traveler who came to this beautiful country and chose to stay. There are more Maori bird symbols such as the huia, kaka, & torea. 
He/she/they finally wear a bracelet of the huia bird of which the long feathers were used as hair adornments by Maori chiefs and notables. As King/Queen, Chieftain and Warchief, & as President/Madam President who is the ruler and sovereign of a few countries on several alien planets, moons, & asteroids they wear the long feathers of this Maori bird in their headdress. Intricately carved wooden treasure boxes used to store the huia bird feathers are a characteristic form of Maori art work. 
He/she/they had jewelry of a Tiki. One of the most fashionable and most identifiable Maori symbols. The Tiki is symbolic for the whole Polynesian hemisphere. It is the insignia of Polynesian cultures from Hawaii to Tahiti, to Samoa, & to New Zealand. According to folklore tiki was the first man on earth who originated from the stars. According to myth tiki was the first mortal person who created the first woman after his image. The literal meaning of the tiki symbol is disputed. There are several opinions but the most acknowledged are that tiki stands for fertility. 
The regularly occurring hands placed on the groin are a direct reference to fertility. Tiki is a good luck charm meant to keep evil spirits away. Other theories state that tiki represents the human embryo. The Maori god Tiki who was considered responsible for the creation of life. The Tiki is a very primordial symbol and is by far the least understood so there are a number of legends about its meaning. Some say he came from the stars and that he was the first man of the world. He is also often depicted with webbed feet which suggest a strong connection to the creatures of the sea. Tiki was respected as the instructor of all things and the wearer of this symbol is therefore seen to possess clarity of thought, devotion, great inner knowledge and strength of character. The Tiki is regarded as a good luck charm when worn and in some areas is also regarded as a fertility symbol. 
He/she/they have a necklace of Koru (Spiral). Koru is the Maori word for “bight” or “loop” and refers to new shoots of the silver fern. The spiral shaped koru design is derived from this unfolding silver fern frond.” The circular movement towards an inner coil refers to going back to the beginning. The unfurling frond itself is symbolic of new life, new beginnings, optimism, precision, regeneration, a new start, awakening, personal growth, purity, nurturing, a new phase in life, the spirit of innovation, & tranquility. 
The koru design is repeatedly worn as a Maori necklace but present in many cultural expressions. It is a fundamental symbol in Maori art forms. Both on itself as well as integrated in more intricate designs such as carvings and Maori facial tattoos. The spiral is a Koru that represents the fern frond as it opens bringing new life and purity to the world. It also represents peace, tranquility, & spirituality as well as a strong sense of regrowth or new beginnings. The Koru is also often associated with nurturing so when interlocked with others is frequently used to represent the strength and purity of a loving relationship within a family. 
He/she/they had a necklace of a circle (Porowhita). The closed circle is said to embody the circle of life which has no beginning or end. It also tells of the stars and planets which are part of the circle of life and contain the information of our origins. It is often used to enclose other elements such as the Koru linking love and new life or new beginnings with the circle of life. 
For an artist like Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria Macy Smith the circle represents the relationship or oneness between the artist and his/her/their craft bringing together head, hand, & heart. The closed circle with a hole in between represents the never-ending circle of life and nature. It also stands for the belief that life has no beginning or end. Both the spiral and the circle are also described as a metaphor for a never-ending journey of discovery and rediscovery. The journey itself with its aboriginal or Indigenous perspectives and sense of direction is the most important act of cultural convalescence. It reflects the importance of being on the move in the present while realizing that the path of tradition is a two-way track. It points concurrently in the present, towards the past, & towards the future. 
He/she/they have a necklace of a twist. The twist with the interweave form represents the many paths of life and love and as such is regarded as the primordial infinity symbol. The single twist or Pikorua (Single Twist) in particular shows the union together of two people for eternity even though they sometimes move away from each other on their own journeys. They will always come together again sharing their lives and blending to become one. 
It tells how the strength of the bond of friendship, devotion, & love will last forever. The Maori single twist symbol consists of a closed loop with three knots. Pikorua as the Maori name this symbol refers to eternal emerging paths in life. The double and triple twists have a comparable meaning but refer more to the fusion of two peoples or cultures rather than individuals. They also refer to the three baskets of knowledge. They were given an eight shaped single twist when he/she/they as someone polyam, queer, & trans married his/her/their Indigenous Pasifika wives. 
They were married by their childhood friends, two Polynesian Indigenous Pasifika Atlantean hybrids. These Polynesian Indigenous Pasifika people who married them were European British Polynesian Maori Chieftain and Warchief and Atlantean King Arapeta William Rewi and his wife a Polynesian Indigenous Pasifika Atlantean hybrid. It is something that Alexander/Alexandria and his/her/their Polynesian, Micronesian, & Melanesian wives, partners, & spouses treasure, especially after being married for decades, centuries, & even millennia as metahumans and superhumans in a polyamorous union. The eight-shaped single twist denotes the power of the bond between two people, their loyalty & friendship. It signifies the sacred merger of two people for eternity. Although people will take different paths in their lives they will always be connected and will return to each other. The twist is a powerful statement of loyalty, friendship, and love. 
Teardrop or roimata designates healing and console, hope, & optimistic energy. It is often called a comfort stone. The drop is a stylized version of the toki and signifies strength, power, pride, & independence. The core meaning of the teardrop is speed and strength. It indicates the support often shown by dolphins and whales to humans in anguish. So therefore, it is a symbol of protection but also of speed, power, & compassion. It represents the bond between animal and human. It expresses respect for the sea and nature. It is also a good luck charm providing safe passage over water. 
They have rings, bracelets, & necklaces made out of magical wood and alien metal. 
He/she/they have a tragus ear piercing with a zircon gemstone, a conch ear piercing with a topaz gemstone, a helix ear piercing with a tiger’s eye gemstone, a daith ear piercing with a sunstone gemstone, a snug ear piercing with a spinel gemstone, a lobe ear piercing with a smoky quartz gemstone, an anti tragus ear piercing with a sapphire gemstone, a rook ear piercing with a ruby gemstone, an anti helix ear piercing with a rhodonite gemstone, a forward helix piercing with a quartz gemstone, a lobe transversal ear piercing with a pyrite gemstone, a high lobe piercing with a peridot gemstone, a helix stud lobe with a pearl gemstone, and a upper lobe piercing with opal gemstone on their left and right elvish or lupine like ears.
He/she/they have facial piercings. They have vertical barbell eyebrow piercing with amethyst gemstone, horizontal eyebrow piercing spiked barbell piercing with onyx gemstone, Medusa diamond stud piercing with moonstone gemstone above their lip, dimple studs with malachite gemstone in their cheeks, a spiked labret with lapis lazuli on their chin, a septum ring piercing with kunzite gemstone that goes through their nose, a barbell bridge piercing with jasper gemstone between their eyes on top of their nose, a rhino barbell nose ring piercing with jade gemstone on the top of their nose, nasallang piercings with lolite and kyanite gemstones on the left and right side of their nose, a middle tongue piercing on their tongue, and a third eye stud piercing with hiddenite gemstone on their forehead.
He/she/they have body piercings. They have a barbell piercing with garnet gemstone in their navel, a barbell piercing with fluorite gemstone on their chest, & nipple piercings on their body. 
Chanya Waukau. Afro Asian Native. She is Afro Caribbean. She’s Haitian. She is Southeast Asian Laotian. She is a Menominee Indigenous woc. She is trans. She is two spirit Indigenous third gender. She is nonbinary bi-gender. She is bisexual/pansexual. She is 5’9. She is 135 pounds. She has light based powers and force field powers. She controls light and can make hard light based constructs for defense and offense. She’s a base human bionic and cyborg with bionic enhancements and cybernetic implants. She is an ex of the Asian Pasifika demigod and Afro Latine Native alien hybrid main character. They have kids together. She is a peer of his/her/them.
Later on The Asian Pasifika demigod and Afro Latine Native alien hybrid main character waged a civil war against another leader of the alliance of bipoc and qtipoc superheroes. Probably intrigue machinations from a supervillain organization or faction. Trying to fan embers for war for profit or to wedge the heroes apart. The intergalactic war attracts humanoids organizations and factions across timelines, realms, realities, dimensions, and universes of their multiverse to fight. Supervillains, antiheroes, and superheroes from everywhere join with or without allegiance to either of them. 
Pupil of a infamous demigod supervillain 
Disciple of an acclaimed alien hybrid antihero
Apprentice of a well known Black superhero 
Sidekick of a recognized indigenous superhero 
Pupil of a significant Latine Native superhero
Mentee of a popular Asian Native superhero 
Follower of a well known Black Native Freeman superhero
Protege of a well known non native Asian person of color antihero 
Student of an established Afro Asian antihero 
Trainee of an illustrious Afro Latine superhero
Rookie member of a exceptional black ops and spec ops paramilitary superhero team of bipoc heroes
Newcomer of a notorious black ops and spec ops paramilitary supervillain team 
Kan-Xul Tamay a male 25 year old adult Maya Indigenous Central American
Brenda Tesarkee a female 22 year old adult Black Tsalagi Native Freedman
Nampeo a 21 year old adult native third gender Hopi indigenous person 
Tatigat Arnatuk a male 18 year old young adult Inuit Indigenous Arctic Native 
Naomi Merculief an Aleut Arctic Native and European Russian adult Indigenous woman
White Flare (Methoataske Harjo) 19 year old young adult female Shawnee and Muskogee Creek Indigenous woman. 
Marca-Chimbo Huanca a 18 year old young adult Quechua Central American Indigenous woman 
Eloxochitl Tenochtitlan a teenage Nahuatl Indigenous girl 
Yesa Hau a third gender 17 year old teenage Melanesian Papuan Indigenous Pasifika 
Kiri Matua a female 16 year old teenage Polynesian Māori Indigenous Pasifika 
Langidrik Korok a 15 year old male teenage Micronesian Indigenous Pasifika 
Father: Asian Pasifika Akio Kato or Puleleiite Kaimana Latu
Mother: Afro Latine Native Maria Lorena Garcia Ochoa, Marie Gabrielle Smith, or  alien name Maaela Kayuth Adrjin
Aunts and Uncles: 
The Afro Latine Native alien hybrid mother is the oldest out of three siblings. Has a younger sister and youngest brother. 
The Asian Pasifika demigod father is the middle child out of three siblings. Has an oldest sister and younger brother.
Cousins: Seven
Younger Sister: Leilani Ailani Latu. 
Younger Brother: Kekoa Maleko Latu.
Biological Children:
He/she/they can get pregnant and can get others pregnant. This is how he/she/they have biological children with his/her/their spouses and partners. ‬
Sayeh Nadar daughter of Nijah Nadra Nadar and the Asian Pasifka and Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character. 
Raúl Velasquez son of Sofia Velasquez and the Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine Native main character. 
Natalie Jacobson daughter of Joana Jacobson and the Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine Native main character. 
Iolani Keali’i Latu Daughter of Hokulani Kaimana Keali and Kanai Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu. 
Amipa Tupou Latu Daughter of Polynesian Tongan Indigenous Pasifika woman Lekeleka Tupou and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character. 
Kahurangi Kohe Son of Polynesian Māori Indigenous Pasifika woman Olivia Kohe and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character. 
Ariihau Tran Latu Son of Dior Linh Heimana Tran and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character.
Fiafia Leota. Daughter of Black Samoan indigenous pasifika woman of color Jazmine Leota and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character
Ma’afu Tagi Son of Melanesian Indo Fijian Vaulina Tagi and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character.
Koina Kila Daughter of Melanesian Papuan Indigenous Pasifika woman Vavine Kila and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character.
Cent Keju. Son of Micronesian Marshallese Indigenous Pasifika woman Runica Keju and Kanai Makoa Latu/Attahua Kamalani Latu. 
Hostino Alik. Son of Micronesian Kosraean Indigenous Pasifika woman Tulpe Alik and Kanai Makoa Latu/Attahua Kamalani Latu.
Tana Akapito. Daughter of Micronesian Chuukese Indigenous Pasifika woman Achina Akapito and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character.
Saplasr Apaisam. Son of Micronesian Pohnpeian indigenous pasifika man Eiken Apaisam and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character.
Aki Fiija. Daughter of East Asian and Ryukyuan Indigenous Ukiyaka Fiija and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character. 
Apolaki Isip Juruna the son of  the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character and Loretta Dawn Isip. He is the older sibling. 
Mayari Isip Juruna the daughter of the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character and Asian Native Pasifika Loretta Dawn Isip.
Chula Harris-Juruna. Daughter of Afro Indigenous Chickasaw Freedman Native man of color Miko Harris and Asian Pasifika and Afro Latine native Ryuu/Haruka Kato
Nizhona Yazzie-Juruna. Daughter of Dine man Kai Jaan Yazzie and Francisco Alejandro Diego Garcia Ochoa/Francisca Alejandra Maria Garcia Ochoa
Chaton Teton-Juruna. Daughter of Francisco Diego Garcia Ochoa/Francisca Maria Garcia Ochoa and Afro Latine Nakota Native Ana Zaghloul
Tsula Robinson-Juruna. Daughter of Black Tsalagi Native Freedman Angela Robinson and the Asian Pasifika and Afro latine native main character
Atohi Na-Juruna. Son of Asian Tsalagi Native Cheng Na and the Asian Pasifika and Afro latine native main character
‪Carolina Isabel Acosta-Ochoa. The daughter of Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu and his South American Afro Latine Native woc love interest Adrianna Stephanie Macias Acosta. She is cis female. She is pansexual. Carolina is the older sibling. 
Josephine Gabriella Acosta Ochoa. The trans femme daughter of Ryuuu Kato/Haruka Kato and Adrianna Acosta. Josephine is nonbinary genderfluid bisexual. 
Jonas Hakala-Juruna. Son of the main character and Sami indigenous Emma Hakala.
Hilda Hakala-Juruna. Daughter of the main character and Sami Indigenous Emma Hakala
Peter Lestenkof-Juruna. The son of the Asian Pasifika and Latine Native main character and white Arctic Native Aleut Mary Lestenkof.
Carlos Alejandro Veracruz Ochoa. The son of the Asian Pasifika and Latine Native main character and Central American Latine Native Veronica Dulce Gomez Veracruz.
Teresa Maria Perez Ochoa. The daughter of the Asian Pasifika and Latine Native main character and his Afro Latine Apache Native ex Kelly Andrea Perez or Gouyen Mescal. 
Yej susen Sakagut Juruna. Biological child of the main character and Zapotec indigenous Nayeli Sakagut.
Teyacapan Acuca-Juruna. The daughter of the main character and Nahuatl Indigenous Coyotl Acuca. 
Katsitsienhawi Murphy-Juruna. Daughter of Iroquois Mohawk Tekawitha Murphy and Kanai Makoa Latu/Attahua Kamalani Latu
Maria Carmen Lopez-Ochoa daughter of Central American Latine Native Karla Gabriela Ortega Lopez-Ochoa and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character
Diego Luis Rodriguez-Ochoa son of Central American Latine Native Daniela Isabel Flores Rodriguez-Ochoa and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character. 
Awinita Castillo-Juruna daughter of Latine Native and Tsalagi Indigenous woman of color and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character. 
Dezba Tso-Juruna daughter of Dine Indigenous woman Hazhoni Tso-Latu and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character. 
Ojinjintka Maka-Juruna daughter of Black Native Lakota Indigenous Dyani Maka-Juruna and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character. 
Alawa Mitchell-Jurana child of Plains Cree Indigenous woman Aponi Mitchell and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character. 
Skenandoa Doxator-Juruna son of Tyonajanegan Doxator an Oneida Iroquois Indigenous woman and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character. 
Tahlako Homma-Juruna son of Nita Homma a Afro Native Choctaw Freedman woman of color  and the Asian Pasifika Afro Latine Native demigod and alien hybrid main character.
Adoptive Children:
Adoptive children of color:
Maria Garcia Morales. She is a young adult. Adopted child of them and Inayat Aloomse Barnett a Lac La Ronge Woodland Cree and Northern Cheyenne Indigenous woman.
Nathaniel Xuan Nguyen. He is a teenager.  Adopted child of them and Inayat Aloomse Barnett a Lac La Ronge Woodland Cree and Northern Cheyenne Indigenous woman.
Takeda Sato. He is a preteen. Adopted child of them and Inayat Aloomse Barnett a Lac La Ronge Woodland Cree and Northern Cheyenne Indigenous woman.
Farah Ali. She is now an adult. She is Southwest Asian Iranian. She is Muslim. Adopted child of them and Inayat Aloomse Barnett a Lac La Ronge Woodland Cree and Northern Cheyenne Indigenous woman.
Adopted indigenous children: 
Young adult Wapun Aponi Barnett who is Woodland Cree and Plains Cree. Adoptive child of them and Inayat Aloomse Barnett.
Teenager Kitchi Barnett who is Woodland Cree and Eastern Cree. Adoptive child of them and Inayat Aloomse Barnett.
Preteen Ahanu Barnett who is Woodland Cree and Swampy Cree. Adoptive child of them and Inayat Aloomse Barnett.
Love Interests:
He/she/they is polyamorous and is in polyamorous non-monogamous and monogamous relationships.
He/she/they have many partners and spouses as someone considered to be a mahu (Hawaiian), fa’afaine (Samoan), fakaleiti (Tongan), or maohi (Tahitian) in the middle elder and healer. 
He/she/they have many partners as someone polyamorous. 
He/she/they have many spouses as a trans queer Indigenous Pasifika person of color high king/high queen or chieftain/warchief. 
As someone with DID and schizophrenia in his/her/their psyche and mind he/she/they have several identities each with their own distinctive names, likes, dislikes, hobbies, & personalities since he/she/they are a plural system. 
Such as Alexander Mack Taylor/Alexandria Macy Taylor. Such as Ryuu Kato/Haruka Kato. Such as Zana Saani. Such as Cauã/Ceci Juruna. Such as Francisco Alejandro Diego García Ochoa/Francisca Alejandra Maria Garcia Ochoa. Such as the alien hybrid Zana Saani. Such as Polynesian demigod Kalani. Each plural system is a system of the main system Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu. 
This is to deal with the abuse and trauma that he/she/they have suffered as a former metahuman and superhuman child soldier. 
The plural systems of Ryuu Kato/Haruka Kato, Alexander Taylor/Alexandria Taylor, Cauã/Ceci Juruna, Zana Saani, & Francisco Alejandro Diego Garcia Ochoa/Francisca Maria Garcia Ochoa are all polyamorous like the main system Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu. Each system is dating different people that are different from the other plural systems. 
Spouses and Partners:
Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu:
His/her/their Indigenous Pasifika spouses and partners of color are Asian Native (East Asian Chinese, American Caucasian, Polynesian Hawaiian and Samoan Pasifika) Hokulani Kaimana Keali’i-Latu or Zhao Ya-Latu, Asian Native (Southeast Asian Vietnamese, East Asian Chinese, Polynesian Tahitian, Polynesian Marquesan, European French, Melanesian Kanak Pasifika) Dior Linh Heimana Tran-Latu, Black Polynesian Samoan Pasifika Jazmine Kueni Leota, Polynesian Māori Olivia Hine Kohe, Asian Native (South Asian Indian and Melanesian Fijian Indo Fijian) Vaulina Jiya Tagi-Latu, Melanesian Papuan Koina Nouairi, Micronesian Chamorro Tana Naputi, Micronesian Pohnpeian Yoana Etse, Micronesian Yapese Falthin Figir, Micronesian Kosraean Hostino Livaie, Micronesian Palauan Oldak Ililau, Asian Native (East Asian Japanese and Micronesian Marshallese) Runica Hana Keju-Latu, & Asian Native (East Asian Japanese, East Asian Chinese, & Ryukyuan Indigenous) Ukiyaka Fiija-Kato or Rin Lan-Fen-Kato. 
Francisco Alejandro Diego Ochoa/Francisca Maria Garcia Ochoa:
His/her/their Indigenous spouses and partners of color: are Central American Latine Native (Guatemalan, Salvadorean, & Costa Rican and Chorotega Indigenous of Costa Rica, Kekchi Indigenous of El Salvador, & Mopan Indigenous of Guatemala Latine Native of color) Veronica Dulce Gomez Veracruz-Ochoa, South American Afro Latine Native (Peruvian, Brazilian, & Venezuelan and Aguaruna Indigenous of Peru, Canela Indigenous of Brazil, & Maco Indigenous of Venezuela Afro Latine Native of color) Adriana Stephanie Macias Acosta-Ochoa, Latine Native (Bolivian, Ecuadoran, & Peruvian and Aymara Indigenous of Peru, Quechua of Ecuador, & Wichi Indigenous of Bolivia Latine Native of color) Daniela Isabel Flores Rodriguez-Ochoa, Latine Native (Central American Honduran, Panamanian, & Nicaraguan and Garifuna Indigenous of Honduras, Ngobe Bugle indigenous of Panama, & Mayangna Indigenous of Nicaragua Latine Native woman of color) Karla Gabriela Ortega Lopez-Ochoa,  
Cauã/Ceci Juruna:
His/her/their Indigenous spouses and partners of color: Latine Mexican and Cherokee or Tsalagi Indigenous woman of color Tayanita Castillo-Juruna, Lac La Ronge Cree and Northern Cheyenne Indigenous woman ‪Inayat Aloomse Barnett-Juruna, Hazhoni Tso-Juruna a Dine Indigenous woman, Black Native Hunkpapa Lakota Indigenous woman Dyani Maka-Juruna, Plains Cree Indigenous woman Aponi Mitchell, Tyonajanegen Doxtator-Juruna an Iroquois Oneida Indigenous woman, Nita Homma-Juruna a Afro Native Choctaw Freedman woman of color, & Asian Native Loretta Hope Dawn Isip-Juruna (Southeast Asian Filipino, Aeta Indigenous Pasifika, and Anishinaabe Ojibwe Indigenous). 
Ryuu Kato/Haruka Kato or Guang/Biyu Wei:
His/her/their non native spouses and partners of color are: Joanna Jacobson-Kato, East Asian Korean Hae-lin Ae-Wei, West Asian Safia Rashid, Afro Latine Cuban Valeria Diaz-Ochoa, Afro Caribbean Jamaican Karalana Robinson-Kato, North Asian Mongolian Magnai Tse-Wei, Black Central African Angolan and Congolese Rashida Ashanti Bello-Kato, Southeast Asian Cambodian Vannak Keo-Wei, West Asian Nijah Nadra Nadar-Wei, South Asian Sri Lankan Janaka De Silva-Ochoa, Black American Michelle Lewis-Kato, & Latine Sofia Velasquez-Ochoa. 
Alexander Mack Taylor/Alexandria Macy Taylor: 
His/her/their non native white partners are Talia Macridis Macar-Taylor, Jessica Darby-Taylor, & Leslie Pearlman-Taylor. 
His/her/their nonhuman alien lovers are aliens Scir'uil, Kir'els, Litux, Falder, & Ollas 
Their nonhuman humanoid spouses and partners are Greco Roman Amazonian Elolipe, Merfolk Hasi Kac (she is merfolk as a sea nymph, triton, & siren hybrid), Homo magi Charlotte Nightmore, angel Matariel, & demoness and devil lady hybrid Kylesh
Kalani Latu:
His/her/their nonhuman divine spouses and partners are Atlantean demigod Olle (who is the daughter of Amphitritea a goddess of the ocean), Mary O'Brien (Irish Celtic demigod child of the Morrigan), Fangying Shen (Chinese demigod child of Erlang Shen), Farah Kader (Black African West Asian Egyptian demigod child of Neith), Hiro Suzuki (Japanese Demigod child of Izanami), Josefine Yrsa Hansen (Norse demigod child of Freya), Siza-Ocllo Yacupaico (Quechua demigod child of Pachamama), Huemac Itzmoyotl (Náhuatl demigod child of Coyolxāuhqui), Meztli Dzal (Maya demigod child of Ixchel),  Ylva Helga Olafsdottir (Aesir Asgardian and Vanir hybrid demigod child of Skadi) , Legatus Legionis Carina Bellona Ragoria (daughter of Mars and Venus. Empress of the Roman Amazonians.) of the Roman Empire, & Supreme Commander Diona Artemis Megalos of the (daughter of Ares and Enyo and goddaughter of Athena. Magistrate of Corinth, Argos, Megara, Attica, Elis, Eretria, Thebes. Queen of Greco Amazonians) of the Greek Spartans. 
Zana Saani Kayuth Adrjin:
His/her/their alien extraterrestrial spouses and partners are Kulax Kojir-Saani, Ohoi Nessars Saani, winged alien Breapru Adrjin, four armed alien R’hasiss Adrjin, Iesloria Saani, Melmih Saani, Loran Saani, Terris Adrjin, & Hleor Saani. 
His/her/their Indigenous exes: Afro Latine Apache Native Kelly Andrea Perez or Gouyen Mescal, Latine Native Yaqui Hoan Escalante Valencia Yocupicio, Asian Arctic Native Amaruq Ren Naitok, white Arctic Native Aleut Mary Lestenkof, Asian Tsalagi Native Cheng Na, Black Tsalagi Native Freedman Angela Robinson, Black Chickasaw Native Freedman Miko Harris, Latine Native Náhuatl Coyotl Acuca, Latine Native Zapotec Nayeli Sakagut, white Native Iroquois Mohawk Tekawitha Murphy, Sami Indigenous Emma Hakala, Nez Perce Kaya, Afro Latine Native Nakota Ana Anacaoana Ahura Lagunas Zaghoul or Tahcawin Teton, Black Native Lakota Tanaya Avery Johnson, white Native Blackfoot and Coastal Salish Hurit Ridley Clarke, Asian Native Dakota Chaske Kiren Tiwari, & Dine Jaan Kai Yazzie. 
His/her/their Indigenous Pasifika exes: Polynesian Tongan Ahio Colin Moala, Polynesian Maori Taki Anaru, Black Pasifika Kanaka Maoli Leilani Brittney Kekoa, Asian Native (Asian Pasifika Filipino and Polynesian Hawaiian) Kalea Malea Ioane, Black Pasifika (Afro Caribbean Trinidadian and Melanesian Papuan Pasifika) Silatolu Kaina, Melanesian Fijian Makosoi Delai, Black Pasifika (Afro Caribbean and Melanesian Papuan) Nali Tamara Apa, Melanesian Fijian Hereva Tanimani, Melanesian Solomon Islander Agarobe Garae, Melanesian Papuan Vavine Kila, Melanesian Ni-Vanuatu Ailana Tari, Asian Native (East Asian Japanese and Micronesian Marshallese Pasifika) Runica Maiko Alik, Asian Pasifika (East Asian Japanese and Micronesian Pohnpeian)  Eiken Hiro Apaisam, Micronesian Chamorro Isa Dela Cruz, Micronesian Chuukese Achina Akapito, and Micronesian Kosraean Tulpe Alik. 
His/her/their ex partners of color: Roma Jonathan Kaven Ruslo, Lavanya Sunita Mishra, Devrim Keyan Uzun, Karishma Patel-York, Jayani Kumar-Patel, Raji Patel, Keisuke Tanaka, Seo-Jun Jeong, Lisa Nguyen-Jeong, Jason Fujimoto, Hank Nguyen, Yoon-Sook Lee-Tanaka, Ruro Suzuki, Jason Peter Rodriguez, Lola Macias, Raquel Marina Alonzo-Jones, Lorena Castillo, Ulric Hayes, Vincent Tennyson, Jasmine Harris, Taylor Davis, Hector Vega, Hasan Karim, Ashaki Kahn, & Tirsa Malik.  
Non native white exes: Jessica Croft-Ruslo, Greek Phoebe Vlahos, Italian Regina Ventura, Irish Riley O’Brien, Russian Eva Ivanov, French Pauline Dumas, Hungarian Laura Kiss, German Hilda Braun, Finnish Hanna Lehto, Norwegian Sofia Hansen, British Daisy Tatton, Werecat (Were Tiger) Felicia Hawking, Kayla Kingston, Technician Odessa Jackstaft, Street Samurai Bryana Graydon, Xenia Hames, Digital Hacker Madelyn Dering, Hacker Lyssa McRaven, Corporate Allyson Lien, Data Broker Anya Carthen, Cyber Ninja Fiona Galven
Alien exes: Jeondr Kojir-Rodriguez, Moloit, Clarissa Patricia Chambers- or Cra’Zel, Bholkall, Thraknu, Luuzaits
Mythical exes: Amazon Ryydae, Amazonian Esteoesia, Atlantean Headra, Atlantean Shadren, Asgardian Heidrun, Vanir Embla, Jotunn Sú, Jotunn or Jotnar Algeiðau
Abusive exes:
His/her/their abusive exes are: Elizabeth Dunne,  Chloe Wright, Stephan Meier, Claire Dumont, Claus Baasch, Eleonore Krämer, Quentin Dupont, Oliver Day, Esmeralda Bellrose, Jérôme Lévesque, Lily Shaw, Olivia Rose, Kenneth Wilkinson, Yvonne Labelle, Juliane Steinmann, Aleksandr Makarov, Yasha Nikitin, Felicia Wheatley, Carla Messer, Pelageya Koroleva, & Nataliya Osipova. 
Four armed female alien Migua, Atlantean sorceress Hinesy, and anthropomorphic alien wasp empress Ziewei
Kingdom of Hawaii. Kingdom of Tonga. Citizen of mythical Mu and Hawaiki as an Oceanic demigod and alien hybrid. Earth. Europa. Titan. Sol System. Milky Way Galaxy. Intergalactic Federation of Ethanxiia. Planetary Confederacy of Iuyumania. Polaris System. Andromeda Galaxy.
Marital Status: Married.
High school grad
Principal's Honor Roll
High school Salutatorian 
College dropout because of work conflict and taking care of their biological and adoptive kids. Later went back to school to complete their degrees.
College graduate.
College Valedictorian  
Science major who graduated from a four year university with an Associate’s Degree of Science in Xeno Zoology with a minor in Magi Paleontology. 
Bachelor’s degree in Magi Marine Biology and Xeno Anthropology
Graduated from the Earth Naval Academy. Master’s Degree of Science in Oceanography with a minor in Ocean Engineering. 
Science major who graduated from Sol System Ivy League University with a Doctorate in Science. Dual Major in Xeno Biology and Magi Archeology. 
High school sports: 
Swimming, Golf, Volleyball, Baseball, Tennis, Water Polo, Track, Wrestling, Basketball, Soccer.
College Sports: 
Cross country, Volleyball, Ice hockey, Skiing, Baseball, Snowboarding, Basketball, Lacrosse, Soccer.
Fencing, Kendo, Archery, Kickboxing, Equestrian, Fishing, Judo, Shooting (pistol and rifle), Weightlifting, Rock climbing, Taekwondo, Karate, Sailing, Mixed martial arts
Administrative assistant. Babysitter. Bank teller. Barber. Bar Bartender. Beach Lifeguard. Bookstore Owner. Bus driver. Camp Counselor. Coffee shop barista. College tutor. Commercial actor. Customer service representative. Dance Instructor. Deliver Driver. Electrician. Fan artist. Fanwriter. Fast food line cook. Fast food cashier. Freelancer. Fitness Instructor. Former child actor. Former Teen Star. Gardener. Grocery Store Clerk. Hover Car mechanic. IT Support. Journalist. Librarian. Mall security guard. Manual Laborer. Office receptionist. Pest Control. Photographer. Post office worker. Reporter. Research Assistant. Resident Advisor. Retail Sales Associate. Restaurant server. Roadie. Secretary. Social media assistant. Social media influencer. Sport team brand ambassador. Swim Instructor. Tattoo Artist. Television actor. Valet. Waiter/Waitress. Web Designer. Casual Video game streamer.
Sciences: He/she/they are a zoologist, anthropologist, biologist, paleontologist, & archeologist. 
He/she/they are a life scientist who studies on alien worlds as a scientist who has credentials in xeno zoology, xeno biology, xeno anthropology, xeno paleontology, & xeno archeology. 
He/she/they are also a scientist who studies magical worlds as a scientist with credentials in magi zoology, magi biology, magi anthropology, magi paleontology, & magi archeology. 
He/she/they study life across the planets, star systems, & galaxies across the universe, multiverse, & omniverse.
Gym Rat. Street Fighter. Pit Fighter. Underground Fighter. Martial Artist. Mixed Martial Artist. Athlete. Sports Coach. Team manager. Celebrity. 
Supermodel. Fashion Designer. Singer. Rapper. Musician. DJ. Spoken word poet. Songwriter. Actor. Verified Video Game Streamer. Pro Gamer. Video game Voice Actor/actress. Game Designer. Stage Actor. Animator. Director. Producer. Set Designer. Costume Designer. Screenwriter. Playwright. Author. Illustrator. Literary Agent. Editor. Publisher. 
Business person. Mogul. Grill Chef. Fry Chef. Pastry Chef. Fish Chef. Junior Chef. Station Chef. Deputy Chef. Head Chef. Executive Chef. Master Chef. Gourmet Chef. 5 Star Restaurant Owner. Mixologist. High End Bar Owner. Proprietor. 
Civilian (Colonist). Exterminator (Extradimensional Fauna). Agent (Intelligence). Intelligence Officer. Intergalactic Law Enforcement, Intergalactic Intelligence Officer, Intergalactic Secret Agent, Assassin. Professional Assassin. Militant Assassin. Contract Assassin.  Master Assassin. Hired Killer. Hitman. Contract Killer. Ninja. Shinobi/Kunoichi Ninja Assassin Recruit (C- rank). Genin (B+ rank). Chunin (A+ rank). Jonin (S+ rank). Spy. Informant. Double Agent. Triple Agent. 
Child soldier. Enlisted Soldier. Dauntless. Soldier. Academic Soldier. Conscript. Military Conscript. Recruit. Grunt. Infantry. Rifleman. Private. Corporal. Lance Corporal. Cook (Mess Hall). Field Cook. Mechanic. Medic. Field Medic. Combat Medic. Nurse. Surgeon. Doctor Scientist. Field Scientist. Sergeant. Drill Sergeant. Commissioned Officer. Second Lieutenant. First Lieutenant. Captain. Support. Machine Gunner. Sharpshooter. Marksman. Sniper. Scout. Recon. Demolitions. Grenadier. Disciplined Soldier. Combat Engineer. Intelligence. Military Asset. Spy. Double Agent. Assassin. Militant Assassin (Spy, Saboteur, Double Agent, & Contract Assassin). Assault. Heavy Weapons. Squad Leader. Officer. Military Officer. Intelligence Officer. Specialist. Commando. Airborne. Paratrooper. Pilot (Captain). Military Pilot (Spy). Exploration. Military. Military Officer. Intergalactic Paramilitary Operative, Intergalactic Supersoldier, Intergalactic Private Soldier. Black Ops. Special Ops. Covert Ops. Spec Ops Officer. Paramilitary. Major. Colonel. Field Marshal. General. Veteran. War Veteran. War Hero. Decorated. Disabled Veteran. War Hero. Honorably Discharged. Retired Soldier. Veteran Who Can’t Let Go. Haunted Veteran. Officer Who Came Out of Retirement. 
Science Officer. Geneticist. Xenologist. Xenobiologist Consultant. Ancient Texts Interpreter. Xeno-anthropologist, Mutation Expert. Planetologist. Xenoecologist. Xenolinguist. Cryogenics Laboratory Assistant. Laser Beam Operator. Hologram Designer. Communications Officer. Cultural Facilitator. Ambassador. Customs Official. Station Admin (Space Traffic Controller). Dock Worker (). Station master. Traffic control. Gate control. Supply Officer. Asteroid Prospector. Broker. Free Trader. Merchant Marine. 
Medical Officer. Doctor. Administrative Officer. Diplomat. Political Officer. Scout. Helmsman. Navigation Systems Expert. Technician. Engineer. Droid mechanic. Ship mechanic. Armorer, Cyberneticist. Robotics Officer. Simulations Specialist. Robot Design Repair. Artificial Intelligence Scientist. Biotechnology Specialist. Nanotech Engineer. Robot Supervisor. Customs Security. Station Security. Private Security. Tactical Officer. Weapons System Expert. Security Officer. Weapons Specialist. Ordinance Officer. Ground Support Specialist. Smuggler. Scrapper/Junker. Scavenger. Psionic. Starship weapons officer. Terraforming Engineer.
High King/High Queen of the Principality of Federation of Kingdoms of Ethanxiia of an alien planet Ethanxiia
Paramount Chieftain and Warchief of the Confederacy of Nations of Iuyumania on the planet of Iuyamania
High King/High Queen of Mu or Hawaiki. Imagine a Mount Olympus, Asgard, or Themyscira but for Indigenous Pasifika demigod metahumans and Indigenous Pasifika alien hybrid superhumans. Underwater federation of kingdoms similar to its rival the technologically advanced Atlantean empire. Throne room defended by sea elves riding dolphins, palace defended by merfolk and tritons riding sea unicorn, capital defended by weresharks riding (tiger, mako, & great white) sharks, & kingdoms are defended by Atlanteans riding whales (beluga, narwhals, & orcas). Their throne room is decorated with the skeletons of a megalodon, a mosasaurus, a plesiosaurus, a basilosaurus, & a livyatan. For Hawaiki the federation of kingdoms of Pasifika alien hybrids and demigods there were several kingdoms on land hidden by magic as well as several kingdoms underwater hidden by technology. 
Chairman of Smith Industries. 
He/she/they are currently known as the Cardinal Changeling, Cambion Chimera, or Scarlet Shapeshifter of the intergalactic superhero conglomerate the Paragons
He/she/they were formally known as the Blue Basilisk, Emerald Eagle, Firebrick Firefox, Golden Griffin, Harlequin Hippogriff, Kobi Kitsune, Jade Jaguar, Silver Shark, & the White Werewolf of the intergalactic superhero conglomerates the Elites. 
He/she/they were known as Nomad, Wanderer, & Drifter of the superhero teams the Outcasts, the Renegades, the Fugitives, & the Exiles.
He/she/they were formally known as Morph, Shifter, Changeling, & Chimera of the Primals, Alpha, & Apex.
Alignment: Neutral Good.  
Base of Operations:
Mobile. Soar City. Shades of Color County. Neo New York City. Earth. Sol System. Milky Way Galaxy.
Champion of Terra, Savior of the Sol System, Warlord of the Vega System, Liberator of the Milky Way Galaxy, Conqueror of the Andromeda Galaxy, Destroyer of the Polaris System, the Devil of the Romulus Nebula, the Fallen God of the Zephyr Nebula, & the Hero of the Alpha Centurion War. 
Kalani the Fakaleiti Demigod and Mahu Deity, Warbringer of the Valkyries of Asgard, Titan Killer of the Greco Roman Mount Olympus, Yunos the Celestial and Stellar Entity and the Titan of War, Crel the Divine and Heavenly Being. 
Superhuman and supernatural: strength, agility, dexterity, reflexes, speed, durability, instincts, accuracy, perception, metabolism, senses, endurance, intelligence, memory, healing, flexibility, & stamina, life span, longevity, self sustenance, & condition.  
Capable of flight in the air when growing wings. Capable of flying in space as an alien hybrid. 
Capable of living underwater as a hydrokinetic demigod 
Capable of deep sea diving when growing tail, fins, & gills when transformed as a wereshark, merfolk, or Atlantean. 
Artificial Intelligence: 
Aurora. She is an intelligent human and alien advanced smart artificial intelligence.  She/they can communicate through communication systems. She/they can project a holographic image of herself from appropriate holographic projectors. Her chosen avatar appears to be a female human. She looks to be roughly in her early twenties. She has blue skin, purple hair cut in a long ponytail, & green eyes. She has green, blue, & purple alien symbols and human characters scrolling down her body. She is wearing cyberpunk clothing. She has a realistic human feminine figure.  
She was designed to infiltrate computer systems and she is excellent at the task. She has become so intelligent that she understands human, alien, & magical technology.  She has never encountered an alien or human security measure that she wasn't able to hack or bypass. In addition, she is proficient with Earth and the Milky Way, Andromeda, & Xeno Galaxy Federation military hardware and can run military spaceships, space stations, & even fleets by herself. She connects with his/her/their bionic enhancements, cyberware, & cybernetic implants. She is inserted into his/her/their power armor or mech suit. She/they have no physical body. She can act independently when she hacks an android/synthetic/robot body. She is sentient and self aware.  
Holographic and metal framed rectangular prescription smart glasses 
Holographic smartwatch 
Holographic Samsung smart phone 
Messenger bag
Hard light, energy, laser, ballistic, & plasma weaponry. Armament of pistols, submachine guns, assault rifles, combat shotgun, sniper rifles, medium machine gun, grenade launcher, rocket launcher, missile launcher, & minigun. 
Hard light and plasma melee weapons. Weapons of nunchucks, tonfas, escrima sticks, bo staff, knives, spears, sledge hammers, battle axes, war clubs, & swords.
Magical wood composite bow. Was made out of the finest divine and magical wood. Its string was made from magical plant fiber and animal hide. The limbs were decorated with gilded details of alien origin and end in points ornamented with intricate divine carvings. The handle is wrapped in rare magical creature hide and decorated with magical gemstones. They also carry a hunting quiver with 20 arrows strapped to their waist. The wide quiver is made out of leather and hide made from magical monsters and decorated with magical and divine runes and is supposed to be worn around the archer’s back.
Hard light, aluminum, carbon fiber, & alien metal fusion metal compound bow. Comes with three sheaves or quivers full of arrows of up to 70 metal arrows in each quiver strapped to their back. A legendary rarity weapon. Comes with scope and red dot laser sight. Shoots advanced diamond tipped armor piercing, anti tank, anti materiel, & anti personnel metal arrows. Shoots ballistic arrows, energy arrows, hard light arrows, plasma arrows, magical arcane arrows, scorching fire arrows, cryogenic frost arrows, electroshock lightning arrows, corroding acid arrows, radioactive irradiated arrows, anti gravity arrows, toxic poison arrows, drenching water arrow, flare arrow, tear gas grenade arrows, nonlethal blunt arrow, splitting arrow (arrow that splits into five smaller arrows mid flight to target), capture net arrow (spring loaded net inside arrow captures target upon impact), anti magic arrow, necrotic death arrows, stalker tracker arrow (tracks enemies), flashbang grenade arrow, flashlight arrow (a ray of light to light a dark area), smoke grenade arrow, harpoon arrow, WP Grenade arrow, grappling hook arrow, sleeping gas grenade arrow, concussive blast arrow, banshee’s scream arrow (releases a powerful sonic scream that rivals a banshee scream), EMP arrow, & explosive incineration arrows. Can triple notch three arrows in one attack. In the hands of a skilled archer this bow is capable of firing advanced metal arrows at targets up to 260 meters while still retaining lethal power.    
40mm Plasma Rocket Propelled-Hard Light Explosive Throwing Javelin 
Hard light plasma gun. Its quirk is it sometimes randomly changes the materials it is made of. Its main effect is it can transform into any kind of ranged weapon. Can turn into a pistol, submachine gun, assault rifle, shotgun, sniper rifle, medium machine gun, & rocket launcher. Highly customizable and upgradable. Comes with red dot sight, scope, electromagnetic vision optic enhancer, red laser sight, flashlight, hard light underbarrel 40 mm grenade launcher, tripod, extended drum magazine, plasma knife bayonet, buttstock, barrel, foregrip, muzzle or compensator, and silencer mods with rail system attachments. It fires hard light, ballistic, plasma, energy, & laser rounds. It can fire armor piercing, anti tank, anti personnel, anti materiel bullets. It can use burning fire, explosive incineration, irradiated radioactive, corrosive acid, cryogenic frost, & electroshock electric enhanced rounds. 
Kana'i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu weapons as Kalani a Polynesian Indigenous Pasifika demigod:
A hard light two handed longsword.  Its look is faintly glowing. It is made out of alien tech. Its alignment is chaotic good. It is wielded by rulers. Its fame and reputation has been kept secret. Its main effect is it increases its wielder's physical strength. Its secondary effect is it can heal its wielder's wounds. Its restriction is that it requires time to recharge after use. It draws its power from its wielder's fighting spirit. It was created to protect. Its quirk is it seems to gravitate toward those with royal blood.
As an Oceanic demigod great grandchild of a sky god and water goddess their main weapon is a five pronged quident of power made out of celestial steel that commands the ocean. It is a polearm weapon. It is a sentient weapon with an alignment of neutral good that chooses lawful good, true good, and neutral good alignments. It chooses the virtuous and respected. Its fame is the stuff of ballads sung by bards. It was created to protect and defend. It is wielded by the righteous. It is the weapon of choice of past demigod heroes. The weapon's main effect is encasing its enemies in ice. Its secondary effect is it summons storms to destroy enemies and creates a blanket of fog to trick enemies. It draws its power from feelings of love. Its look is covered in faintly glowing symbols. It was created on a moonless night. 
Polynesian Hawaiian Indigenous Pasifika style leiomano war club made out of divine wood, heavenly iron, and serrated with great white shark teeth. It burst into flames on the wielders command. It was created to slay a demon lord. It is a weapon of choice for gods and goddesses of war. Its restriction is it occasionally turns the wielder into a berserker. It draws its power from its wielder's passion.
Hard light Polynesian Hawaiian style pololu spear. It is wielded by a specific bloodline. It has no alignment and is neutral. It draws its power from kinetic energy. It has a crystal blade. Its fame is well known. It draws its power from its wielder's fighting spirit. Its look is covered in engravings. Its fame is somewhat famous. Its quirk is it was once used to overthrow an empire. It was created to conquer. The weapon’s main effect is it allows the wielder to read minds. The weapon’s secondary effect is it protects the wielder from mind control. The diamond-shaped, razor-sharp hard light spear head is bound to the shaft with an alien metal sleeve. The 6ft/1.8m shaft is made of the rarest divine alien metals. It is decorated with golden bands.
Polynesian Hawaiian Indigenous Pasifika ohe mae pua fist weapon. It is made out of heavenly bronze and divine iron. Its fame is considered mythical. It draws power from its wielder's karma. Its secondary effect is it increases its wielder's magical powers. Its quirk is it was once wielded by a deity. It was created to slay a monster. 
Sidearm of a Polynesian Hawaiian Pōkā dagger serrated with tiger shark teeth. It was created through enchantment. It looks stylized but practical. Its main effect is it inflicts mental damage on opponents through psionic attacks. Its secondary effect is it reduces pain felt by the wielder. It is wielded by wizards. Its alignment is lawful good. It draws power from magical rituals. Its fame is epic. 
Hawaiian oval type shield made out of divine bronze and heavenly iron
Divine weapons:
As a grandchild of a Polynesian water goddess and unknown Tongan god:
Polynesian Tongan apa’apai made out of divine iron
Polynesian Tongan pakipai made out of heavenly bronze
Polynesian Tongan uatongi made out of divine iron
Taiaha quarterstaff made out of heavenly bronze
Pololu spear made out of divine iron
Polynesian Samoan Lapalapa made out of heavenly bronze
Melanesian Fijian gata made out of divine iron gifted to them by their Indo Fijian love interest
Melanesian Fijian sali made out of heavenly bronze gifted to them by their Indo Fijian love interest
As a grandchild of a Japanese sky god:
Japanese yari made out of celestial steel
Japanese bo staff made out of divine iron
Japanese tachi made out of celestial steel
Japanese wakizashi made out of celestial steel
Japanese nodachi sword made out of celestial steel
Japanese odachi sword made out of celestial steel
As a grandchild of a Chinese god:
Chinese composite bow made out of divine wood
Chinese compound bow made of of celestial steel   
Changdao sword made out of celestial steel
Chinese dao sword made out of celestial steel
Chinese hook sword made out of celestial steel
Chinese guandao made out of celestial steel
Chinese ji polearm made out of celestial steel
Metal staff made out of celestial steel
Chinese polearm made out of celestial steel
Chinese Podao made out of celestial steel
Qiang spear made out of celestial steel
Repeating crossbow  made out of divine wood 
Shuangshou jian sword made out of celestial steel
Chinese sai made out of celestial steel
Taijijian sword made out of celestial steel
Wind and fire wheels made out of celestial steel
Chinese Zhanmadao made out of celestial steel
Alien Hybrid Costume:
First costume: 
Letterman jacket, hoodie, fingerless gloves, black jeans, black and red wide width high top sneakers with white laces 
Domino mask, face mask, & bandana 
Second costume: 
Spandex and kevlar costume that comes with a utility belt and gadgets
Stretchy and made of mesh to be extra flexible
Has a cape that allows user to glide for a short period of time 
Bio mask with eye lenses that comes with built in headset
Warps light and sound to make wearer temporarily invisible   
Third costume: 
Fourth costume: 
The black and blue alien hybrid suit with a black domino mask, a red bio mask, red gloves, black pants, & red boots. The alien hybrid suit armored version would be the same as earlier but with power armor strapped to it. Made up of human and alien metal. The crimson, silver, & obsidian power armor is more streamlined and sleek. The chest, the helmet, arms, legs, & and shoulders of the power armor suit has gold and silver decals and emblems.
Fifth costume:
Current costume: 
Red and black tactical costume with nanites and nanomachines that allow the suit to appear and disappear into a metal neck choker for easy access and storage.
Black domino mask, red bandana, a black facemask, red breath mask, & red bio mask
Comes with built in headset for communication with lenses that boosts their ability to sense throughout the electromagnetic spectrum 
Vibranium and adamantium like reinforced titanium combat armor
Titanium reinforced nanocomposite Kevlar and ceramic bodysuit 
Enhances strength, speed, senses, flexibility, durability, reflexes, intelligence, perception, endurance, agility, etc.
Never gets dirty
Repairs, customizes, and upgrades itself thanks to nanites and cybernetic and bionic technology
Comes with wrist computer for hacking
Celestial steel metal plated fingerless (for clawed hands with opposable thumbs) combat gloves 
Stellar titanium metal plated steel toed (can transfigure open for clawed feet with opposable toes) combat boots. 
Divine iron and heavenly bronze like metal claw gauntlets that are attachable to gloves and boots.
Future costume:
Divine costume: 
First costume: 
The amour is also part of their manifestation as the deity of storms. When he/she/they shifts into this form the armor forms around him/her/them. Borrowing from the motif of mist gathering itself into the form of the armor. When the mist is fully concentrated into the correct shape the armor manifests itself. This happens as they move. The whole transformation can be seen to take place over a few steps, one form dropping away and dissolving into mist/fog with the mist/fog then coalescing into Kana’i/Ataahua with the manifestation of the cloak and armor lagging slightly behind the manifestation of his/her/their body. The leather parts of the armor is the same color of the Pacific sea during an ‘ino (dark greens and purples merging together to form an almost-dark gray color when viewed at a distance.)  His/her/their cloak is a manifestation of their powers. It is a constantly shifting concentration of storm clouds that fade to clouds then to fog and then cycles back up, with that happening in a gradient across the cloak. So in some places on the cloak the storm clouds will fully be in effect while elsewhere the cloak looks like fog.
Second costume: 
Third costume:
Current costume: 
Asian and European inspired red and black full plate armor. It is made of divine metals forged by god smiths of divine pantheons. It was forged with divine elements that acts as a conduit to supercharge any elemental and divine magic used by the wearer. It is also a modernized helmet that protects them and hides identity but also allows them to see than a typical knight or spartan like helmet. It had a gorget (that protects the chest), a bevor (protecting the lower face, neck, chin, & throat) a breastplate or chestplate (that protects the chest), backplate, pauldrons (that protect the shoulders), plackart (that protected the lower half of the torso), cuirass (that protected the front of the torso), culet (that protects the small of back and the buttocks), couters (that protects the elbows), poleyns (that protected the knees), faulds (to protect the waist and hips), gauntlets (that protect the forearms to the hands), gardbraces (to protect the armpits), vambraces (that protect the elbow to the forearm), sabatons (that protect the feet), cuisses (to protect the thighs), tassat (that protect the groin, upper thighs, & pelvis), & greaves (that covered from the shin to the knee). It was made out of mithril, adamantine, and orichalcum. It has a red and gold cape. East Asian, Southeast Asian, & European inspired full plate armor made out of celestial steel
Future costume:
Leather and metal hunting armor as clan hunter/huntress and clan hunting captain. Adorned to the armor to the chest, back, arms, and leg area of the leather armor was the reptilian, amphibian, mammalian, avian, & fish pelts of alien humanoids they hunted for warmth and camouflage. Adorned to the hunting armor as a necklace were the teeth, claws, talons, fangs, tusks, horns, & saber teeth of the humanoids, animals, creatures, & beasts they killed as proof of their hunting prowess. 
The armor was also decorated with the mammalian fur, reptilian scales, & avian feathers of the game they found while hunting. Fastened to the helmet was the skull of a humanoid alien they hunted as hunting captain and clan hunter/huntress of their tribe and clan. After the humanoids, animals, beasts, & creatures were killed they took their corpses. Their bodies were burned leaving only their bones to be gathered to steal their mana or power. Mana is a life force which gives influence, power, and authority. Mana can be gained or lost. It is stored in the bones. After someone’s death, small bones would be turned into jewelry. 
Ivory and scarlet combat armor:
Charcoal and cherry power armor. 
The Mark 10 Mars/Ares Combat Armor is a technologically advanced combat exoskeleton system designed to vastly improve the strength, perception, endurance, intelligence, agility, reflexes, speed, & durability of a metahuman or superhuman super soldier in the field of combat. The armor is streamlined than its bulkier and heavier predecessors. The power armor is the most advanced piece of tactical military hardware in alien or human hands. The powered armor is commonly personalized by suit art on the power armor and visor art on the power armor helmet. It is an attempt to create a powered exoskeleton capable of taking full advantage of the physical, mental, & emotional capabilities of a demigod or alien hybrid. 
The armor requires training to enter, use, & take off. Spanning over centuries of development it encompassed more than just a powered suit of armor. It is a pioneering effort intended to shatter current technological barriers. With constant drills metahuman and superhuman super soldiers can enter and exit the armor in minutes. The powered armor is a highly advanced suit capable of further enhancing the metahuman’s or superhumans' physical, mental, & emotional performance while also doubling as a platform capable of handling an advanced human or alien artificial intelligence network. 
Some suits allowed the helmet and surrounding segments to be removed and replaced allowing a user to simply climb in through the opening in the chest or back cavity. A more involved method consisted of the suit being constructed from prefabricated parts around the user, seemingly sealing the user inside. Unlike the powered exoskeletons that preceded it, the power armor was designed from the ground up as a suit of armor. 
It requires a team of trained engineers, inventors, & technicians to fully take off the suit of power armor from power armor. Its design philosophy would serve as a basis for all future powered armor system designs. However you can remove parts of the armor in emergencies to repair the armor or to customize or upgrade the power armor. Each generation of the power armor is composed of major fundamental components. 
The power armor has built in 7. 76 mm ballistic, plasma, & energy machine guns and 40 mm grenade launchers in the shoulder of the power armor. 
The construction of the suit is done in overlapping layers. An interactive holographic computer has also been integrated into the helmet with an intuitive HUD. The armor's shell is composed of a multilayer alloy of remarkable strength and has been augmented with a refractive and absorbing coating capable of dispersing and absorbing a near unlimited amount of ballistic, laser, energy, plasma, & magical weapon strikes. The power armor absorbs and reflects the kinetic energy of incoming ballistic, energy, laser, & plasma projectiles. It can also absorb other damaging forces such as hazardous levels of heat, radiation and microwaves. Effectively making the user temporarily invulnerable. 
The suit contains a gel filled layer underneath a thick black and white armored bodysuit. The gel layer regulates temperature. The inner skinsuit is made of a moisture absorbing synthetic material linked to an environment control computer and the occupant's neural mental and emotional interface. The user is healed by nanites and the power armor is repaired by nanomachines. 
The battle suit is a sealed system, capable of extra vehicular activity for a near unlimited amount of time or operations in dangerous situations such as underwater, in the vacuum of space, in radioactive areas, in deserts or jungles with extreme heat, or arctic tundra with extreme cold. The suit can reflect or absorb the electromagnetic spectrum including radio waves, gamma waves, & microwaves to make the user invisible for a short time to enemies. It is hardened against EMPs, radiation, & microwaves. It has filters that are completely effective at removing toxins, germs, radiation, bacteria, poison, & viruses. 
The power armor is a powerful and extremely versatile set of tactical power armor. The visor of the power armor allows the super soldier to sense the entire electromagnetic spectrum. The battle suit's greatest advantage, however, is a super dense optical computer memory. This revolutionary solid-based crystalline layer forms a network within the suit's frame of proper size and capability of housing the types of smart alien and human artificial intelligences. Artificial Intelligence can be delivered to the suit via a data crystal chip storage device no bigger than a smartphone. 
Reverse engineered from alien and human technology leading to drastically enhanced combat and physical, intellectual, & emotional performance. Allowing the operator to execute superhuman feats. The functionality of the battle armor system is unprecedented. The power armor suit suppresses the user’s noise allowing them to sneak past enemies when crouched or crawling. Rather than being a traditional suit of body armor the battle suit works on a biomechanical level. Allowing for direct user-controlled movement. Each human being has a molecular fiber network called the nervous system within their brain. All alien superhuman and human metahuman super soldiers are given a neural interface.  
The suit also possesses other features that enhance its wearer's already superhuman or supernatural abilities. It has numerous clips, belts, and holsters for the attachment of additional weapons and ammunition. It has an advanced HUD or heads up display. It has active camouflage. It has plasma shields and energy shields. It allows for customization and upgrading. It lets users connect the power armor with their cyberware implants and bionic enhancements. It has a jetpack on the back of the armor and the armor’s power armor boots for hovering or flight. It has room for storage of extra supplies of food and water. It has an oxygen tank to breathe in space or underwater. It is powered by gas, electricity, steam, or nuclear power. 
It has a built-in battery that can be recharged. It has plating on the face, neck, chest, back, arms, & legs. The powered armor is built around an exoskeleton combined with a supplemental system that acts as artificial muscle. Mimicking the wearer's own movements in a sort of purely mechanical and neurological synchronization. As a result it negates its own perceived weight and allows the wearer to carry thick, bulky armor plating without being encumbered. The wearer gains effective superhuman strength, durability, agility, flexibility, reflexes, accuracy, speed, etc. It comes with advanced plasma shields, advanced hard light shields, and advanced reflective force fields. It also provides protection against environmental hazards that can't really be resisted or dodged by being a self-contained environment. 
Allowing the user to exist comfortably in space, deep underwater, surrounded by radiation, or in other areas that would kill unprotected humans or aliens. In order to boost the wearer's mobility, speed, flexibility, & reflexes power armor suits have built-in thrusters on their back and on their power armor boots that allow them to fly at least for short distances or via rocket-assisted jumps. This gives them good mobility and speed without sacrificing protection. They also have built in rocket boosters in the power armor suit’s knees and elbows to punch, kick, elbow, or knee enemies faster. As the powered armor allows for ample spare carrying capacity it comes equipped with many useful gadgets built in. 
It has built-in 7.76 mm, 12.7 mm, and 50 caliber medium and heavy machine gun ballistic, plasma, hard light, & laser turrets built into the power armors shoulders. It has built-in 30 and 40 mm plasma and hard light rocket launches and missile silos built into the power armors chest. Some suits are also capable of taking over. Being controlled remotely or autonomously if the wearer becomes incapacitated. The power armor suit comes with advanced alien and human artificial intelligences.  Often, the suit's computer is an Artificial Intelligence capable of acting as mission control. Also controlling the systems the wearer can't pay attention to in the heat of combat. Some suits of power armor are explicitly made to be adaptive armor capable of great versatility and effectively repairing, customizing, and upgrading themselves.
He/she/they wore charcoal and ruby military class heavy assault Iuyamian combat armor and power armor that were both made out of alien metal materials stronger than Wakandan vibranium the metal that made up the suit of the Black Panther (T’challa), adamantium the metal that made the metal claws of Wolverine (James Howlett Logan) and Sabertooth (Victor Creed), & nth metal. 
The Iuyamian armor tempered with celestial steel and stellar titanium had a gorget (that protects the chest), a bevor (protecting the lower face, neck, chin, & throat) a breastplate or chestplate (that protects the chest), backplate, pauldrons (that protect the shoulders), plackart (that protected the lower half of the torso), cuirass (that protected the front of the torso), culet (that protects the small of back and the buttocks), couters (that protects the elbows), poleyns (that protected the knees), faulds (to protect the waist and hips), gauntlets (that protect the forearms to the hands), gardbraces (to protect the armpits), vambraces (that protect the elbow to the forearm), sabatons (that protect the feet), cuisses (to protect the thighs), tassat (that protect the groin, upper thighs, & pelvis), & greaves (that covered from the shin to the knee). 
The power armor helmet was designed with a sharper temple, with a metallic shine, a full curved ridge, a definite brow, a prominent muzzle, & a solitary dark cambion glowing visor with two eye holes. The power armor helmet was also designed with a dark umber and dark scarlet color, a faintly more skeletal look, & it had distinct cheeks. The power armor helmet had claw marks going above its left eye to the bottom of its left cheek. 
The claw marks were from a female were-human who is someone who is powerful as King Shark, Wolverine, Beast, Sabertooth, Juggernaut, Orca, Killer Croc, The Shark, Gorilla Grodd, Copperhead, Monsieur Mallah, Manbat, Bane, & Cheetah combined. This dangerous were-human was armed with gauntlets with serrated diamond tipped metal claws made of a metal stronger than nth metal coated in element x. Cardinal Changeling barely defeated her in their Hybrid/Chimera or Beast/Feral/Primal form. Instead of repairing it, Scarlet Shapeshifer kept the claw marks as proof of their battle out of respect. 
The power armor helmet was designed with numerous Iuyamian marks on the face, the power armor helmet had lines of Iuyamian characters on both cheeks and temple, the power armor helmet was decorated with countless Iuyamian symbols, the power armor helmet had unique Iuyamian writing on both brows and the muzzle, the power armor helmet had organic cybernetic and natural bionic elements (these organic cybernetic and natural bionic elements were on its temple, on its snout, & and on both cheeks), the power armor helmet had two shining cardinal lines going down the two right and left eye holes of his/her/their dark fire brick glowing visor, & finally the power armor helmet had bizarre sophisticated patterns around the jaw area making it distantly look like a face. All of this gave his/her/their power armor helmet a menacing and remarkable look that motivated allies and petrified enemies.
Cardinal mech suit. A mecha is a robotic machine, which can vary widely in size, configuration, and purpose. Mecha are usually vehicles controlled from an onboard cockpit by a single pilot. The mecha is repaired, customized, & upgraded by a small to large crew. Sometimes the mecha is also controlled externally by voice commands, motion capture, and thoughts and emotions from the pilot. The mecha flies through rocket boosters and thrusters in the boosts and back of the mecha. The mecha also flies though a pair of robotic wings and a pair of hard light wings built onto the shoulders of the mecha. 
The mecha has built in heavy machine guns onto the shoulders and built in missile silos in the chest of the mecha. The mecha has a giant positron cannon, a giant electromagnetic cannon, and a giant rail gun for primary weapons. Mechs are designed by teams of R&D scientists. Mech pilots pilot mecha suits. These mech suit pilots are assisted by teams of mechanics. 
Mechs are part of an arms race between factions, countries, world governments, planets, & intergalactic governments. There is mech on mech warfare. Mechs settle territorial disputes and interplanetary conflicts. You can customize mechs. You can also upgrade mecha units. There are many types of mechs. Such as close combat types, medium range assault types, long range artillery, support types, & command and control. You can be a regular soldier in the armed forces as an ensign to captain in the space navy as a mecha pilot. Or you can be a mercenary or private soldier as a mecha pilot selling  your services to whoever pays you for the highest bidder. Completing missions as a merc earns you notoriety and fame among mercenary companies. 
Attached to him/her/them mentally, emotionally, telepathically, empathically, & psionically are four human AIs. Human smart super advanced artificial intelligences that are implanted directly into his/her/their neural system that are male, female, nonbinary, & genderfluid. These human AI’s through the mental, emotional, telepathic, empathic, & psionic connection and bond allow the AIs to see, feel, & think what they see, feel, & think giving each of them advanced situational awareness, problem solving, & strategic enhancements. Connected to him/her/them mentally, emotionally, telepathically, empathically, & psionically are four alien smart super advanced artificial intelligences that are implanted directly into his/her/their power armor and mech suit that are male, female, nonbinary, & gender-fluid. 
These human and alien AI’s through the mental, emotional, telepathic, empathic, & psionic connection and bond that allow the AIs to see, feel, & think what they each see, feel, & think. The psionic, telepathic, technopathic, empathatic, & psychic bonds and links between them and the mech are so strong that it will punch through primordial level threats, celestial level threats, stellar level threats, & cosmic level threats to reach its owner when they are surrounded on their command and “still have a mind of its own” because of the suit’s AI’s that control it. 
The psionic, telepathic, technopathic, empathatic, & psychic bonds and links between them and the Artificial Intelligences in their body, their mech, & their power armor suit are so strong that it will go against and disregard their orders just to save each of them in dangerous situations. Despite them telling it to save itself or act to defend them against enemies who take advantage of their heavily weakened state when having an episode of depression, anxiety, panic attacks, & PTSD as a result of a trigger of a traumatic experience. 
The microscopic nanomachines, nanites, & nanobots of the suit create an artificial and synthetic layer of muscle and exoskeleton made by the mesh, web, & weave over their body over which supplementary structures are created, configured, constructed, arranged, & assembled allowing the power armor to be almost completely indestructible, invisible, & invulnerable as the armor is capable of self transforming, self healing, self repairing, & self maintaining itself by having self replicating, self transforming, self healing, self maintaining, & self replicating nano machines replace, heal, maintain, & repair what has been lost, used, destroyed, & or damaged. The nano machines and nanobots are also used to healing them when they’re injured. 
The reason for this powerful bond and link is the Artificial Intelligences feel empathy and sympathy for their chronic: depression, anxiety attacks, panic attacks, OCD, BD, BPD, schizophrenia, & PTSD caused by their past trauma and abuse. 
When they go through an episode or relapse of PTSD they are each experiencing the events through disturbing reminiscences, night sweats, recurring nightmares, flashbacks, & or powerful anguish when exposed to reminders or triggers of the traumatic events. They experience these symptoms sometimes in the middle of combat or a mission and as such the AIs hardwired in each of their: bodies, combat armors, power armors, & mech suits will control the power armor and mech to protect them. As a result of their chronic PTSD they have feelings of indifference, amnesia, emotional numbing, limited influence, & or active avoidance of thoughts that may be reminders of each of their trauma. They constantly and repeatedly go to the battlefields as each of them are former spec ops super soldiers as a result of this PTSD. The only things that can help them though this in the middle of battle are their allies or the AIs. 
Transformable hover bike capable of transforming into a hover sportbike or hover motorcycle 
Transformable hover car. It can go from 0-60 in 10 seconds and has a top speed of 290 mph. It has a luxurious interior, a dash computer and a sunroof. It has heated seats, extra-large anti gravity thrusters, & improved safety features. It has leather seats and a navigation system. It handles very well. It runs fine at most speeds. It has racing stripes. It has an upgraded diesel engine. It has automatic everything. The styling features asymmetry. It runs like it just got out of the shop. It practically purrs when it runs. The styling features sleek lines.
Hover Toyota GT86, Scion FRS, & Scion Tc mix tuner car.
Hover Dodge Challenger, Chevy Camaro, & Shelby Cobra GT 500 mix muscle car.
Mount in the air is a winged alicorn. 
Mount in the ocean is a resurrected Megalodon prehistoric giant shark mount
He/she/they were enhanced and augmented on a cellular, microscopic, nanoscopic, & subatomic level during an unethical intergalactic compartmentalized deep black project on a giant black site planet when captured by the Earth government to create metahuman and superhuman child soldiers. 
He/she/they were experimented on as a child giving them the ability to grow teeth, canines, saber teeth, fangs, claws, talons, horns, & tusks that can rip apart the strongest materials. 
Electromagnetic Spectrum Vision: He/she/they were given the ability to see the entire electromagnetic spectrum such as x-ray vision, thermal vision, night vision, & ultraviolet vision, including the ability to sense gamma radiation, the ability to see microscopic vision, binocular vision, & nanoscopic vision. 
He/she/they were experimented on and had his/her/their body implanted with bionic and cybernetic implants as a young adult to become an adult super soldier for the Terran Confederacy. 
Telepathy and empathy (ability to summon and command terrestrial, avian, aquatic, angelic, demonic, magical, divine, mystical, & extraterrestrial animals, monsters, creatures, & humanoids). 
Telepathic and empathic resistance: Ability to resist mind control and resist empaths and telepaths
Demigod physiology: 
Child of an Asian Pasifika who is an Asian Indigenous Pasifika demigod. Child of Akio Kato.
For the demigod side. Their elemental divine powers come from natural energy around them and spiritual energy inside them. Meaning their divine potential works best when they’re in sync with mind, heart, body, soul, aura, and mana. This is why he/she/they went through an introspection trial. Of why they meet with the god. Their mana, chi, or chakra was out of sync. Making the gods and goddesses worried.
He/she/they have several powers such as: 
Transcendent demigod physiology, Demigod physiology, Lesser divinity, Decelerated aging, Semi immorality, Mythic physiology, Nature spirit physiology, Transcendent physiology, Authority, Guardianship
Water embodiment, Water Manipulation, Water empowerment, Water energy manipulation 
Elemental artillery, Elemental weapons, Elemental constructs, Elemental bow construction
Ocean deity physiology, Oceanic deity physiology, Ocean communication, Ocean ruler, Ocean embodiment, Ocean manipulation, Ocean Magic, Ocean Lordship
Surfing intuition, Swimming intuition, Swimming manipulation, Swimming negation
Weather attacks, Weather embodiment, Weather immunity, Weather manipulation, Weather mode, Weather weaponry, Weatherly presence, 
Whirlpool generation, Hurricane generation, Disaster manipulation, Sea Destruction 
Storm deity physiology 
Rain manipulation, Cloud generation, Sub zero rain, Rain manipulation, Storm manipulation, Climate manipulation, Flood manipulation, Drought creation, Air manipulation, Tidal wave generation 
Amphibian physiology, Amphibian adaptation, Sea monster physiology, Were shark physiology, Tail manifestation, Swimming tail, Webbed Appendages, Gill Manifestation, Fin Manifestation, Shark physiology, Fish physiology, Scale manifestation, Marine biology manipulation, Sea monster manipulation, Shark manipulation 
Merfolk physiology, Merfolk lord physiology, Merfolk magic, Merfolk manipulation, Merfolk sorcerer physiology 
Mystic atlantean physiology, Mana Manipulation, Magic weaponry, Trident proficiency, Atlantean physiology, Triton physiology, Nymph physiology 
Submerged attacks, Aquatic breathing, Speed swimming, Underwater senses, Enhanced swimming, Water maneuverability, Underwater invulnerability, Trident proficiency 
Arctic mode, Arctic creation, Arctic magic, Arctic manipulation 
Hydrokinesis, Aquatic adaptation, Hydromancy, Hydromancer, Water augmentation 
Water aura, Water cutting, Water defense, Water boundary, Water exoskeleton, Water shield construction, Water body creation, Water augmentation, Water hair, Water generation, Water flotation, Water immunity, Water infusion, Water imprisonment, Water limb generation, Water mimicry, Water mode, Water negation, Water pillar projection, Water platform creation, Water portal creation, Water purification, Water sealing, Water separation, Water solidification, Water spike projection, Water soul, Water symbiosis, Water teleportation, Watercraft manipulation, Water transformation, Water transmutation, Water vortex creation, Water walking, Water wall generation, Water wave emission, Water weaponry, Water attacks
Hydrokinetic combat, Hydrokinetic polearm spear construction, Hydrokinetic blade construction, Hydrokinetic claws, Hydrokinetic whip generation, Hydrokinetic cloning, Hydrokinetic constructs, Hydrokinetic creature creation, Hydrokinetic shapeshifting, Hydrokinetic regeneration, Hydrokinetic intangibility, Hydrokinetic invisibility, Hydrokinetic flight, Hydrokinetic wing manifestation, Hydrokinetic surfing
Healing water 
Aquatic breathing, Aquatic empathy, Aquatic telepathy, Aquatic mode, Aquatic life embodiment, Aquatic life lordship 
Blood absorption, Blood magic, Blood manipulation 
Cryomancer, Snow manipulation, Snow magic, Snow generation, Snow shield construction, Blizzard creation, Ice magic, Ice manipulation, Ice exoskeleton, Ice absorption, Ice generation, Ice aura, Ice Weaponry, Ice attacks, Ice wall generation, Ice mimicry, Ice mode, ice age manipulation, Unmeltable Ice, Winter embodiment, Winter magic, Winter manipulation  
Fog generation
Air Deity Physiology 
Celestial manipulation, Cosmic manipulation, Stellar manipulation, Solar manipulation 
Heaven lordship 
Sky embodiment, Sky lordship, Sky manipulation, Sky mimicry 
Weather empowerment, Weather manipulation, Weather Soul, Esoteric weather manipulation, Divine weather manipulation, Omni weather manipulation 
Atmospheric adaptation 
Lightning manipulation 
Fire Manipulation 
Absolute Burning, Self Combustion, Combustion Inducement, Energetic Combustion, Personal heat, Pyro Kinetic Flight, Pyro Kinetic Surfing, Flammable Blood, Flammable Body Fluids, Nova Flame, Pyro Science, Omni Combustion, Thermal Resistance, Pyro Kinetic human Physiology, Healing Fire, Flame Shield, Pyrotic Communication 
Fire Augmentation, Fire Absorption, Fire Armor, Fire Attacks, Fire Artillery, Fire Aura, fire boundary, fire defense, Fire Detection, fire embodiment, fire empowerment, Fire Generation, fire hair, Fire Immunity, fire infusion, fir magic, fire mimicry, Fire Negation, fire portal creation, fire sealing, Fire Soul, Fire teleportation, Fire Transformation, Fire Transmutation, Fire Weaponry 
Bio-Fire Manipulation, Conceptual Fire Manipulation, Cosmic Fire Manipulation, Dark Fire Manipulation, Esoteric Flame Manipulation, Eternal Flame Manipulation, Explosive Fire Manipulation, Grand Flame Manipulation, Holy Fire Manipulation, Invisible Flame Manipulation, Liquid Fire Manipulation, Nuclear Fire Manipulation, Omni Fire Manipulation, Pure Fire Manipulation, Rainbow Fire Manipulation, Solid Fire Manipulation, Underwater-Fire Manipulation
Acid-Fire Manipulation, Electric-Fire Manipulation, Fire-Plant Manipulation, Ice-Fire Manipulation, Magma Fire Manipulation, Plasma Fire Manipulation, Poison-Fire Manipulation
Pyro kinetic cloning, pyro kinetic combat, pyro kinetic enhanced condition, pyro kinetic invisibility, pyro kinetic regeneration, pyro kinetic tears
Ash Manipulation, Chaos Manipulation, Elemental Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Fuel Manipulation, Heat Manipulation, Ionic Manipulation, Light Manipulation, Magma Manipulation, Methane Manipulation, Molecular Manipulation, Nuclear Manipulation, Oxygen Manipulation, Radiation Manipulation, Smoke manipulation, Spark Manipulation, Soot Manipulation, Solar Manipulation, Summer Manipulation, Thermal Chemistry Manipulation
Later given full immortality when made a full god after they died and were rewarded as a hero and champion of Asian and Pasifika gods 
Divine Resurrection Death Transformation, Death Transcendence, Almighty Ascension, Ethereal Body, Higher Consciousness, Ethereal manipulation, Supernatural condition, Energy perception, Extra Sensory Perception, Divine magic, Conjuration, Transmutation, Divine Aura, Deity Soul, Divine Form, Divine Powers, Divine Presence, Domain Warping, Divine Force manipulation, Divine Energy manipulation, Dimensional manipulation, Elemental manipulation, Energy manipulation, Healing, Telekinesis, Essence reading, Astral Projection, Telepathy, Empathy, Teleportation, Omni Psionics, Cosmic Awareness, Clairvoyance, Precognition, Omniscience 
Alien hybrid physiology: 
Child of a Latine Native alien hybrid who is a South American Latinx Colombian, South American Baniwa and Embera Indigenous Ameridian  of Colombia, and an Iuyamian alien extraterrestrial hybrid.
Energy Projection: As an alien hybrid he/she/they can fire optic blasts from their eyes, breath blasts from mouth, and energy blasts from the palms of hands, palms of feet.
Energy Absorption, Optic Blasts, Breath attacks, Beam Emission, Energy Beam Emission, Hand Blasts, Ball Projection, Bolt Projection, Bullet Projection, Cutting Wave, Omnidirectional Beams, Omnidirectional Blasts, Omnidirectional waves, Wave Emission, Wave motion Blast
Their power of flight and breath blasts from their mouth, energy blasts from their palms of their clawed hands and soles of their clawed feet, and optic blasts from their eyes as an alien hybrid comes from lunar rays, solar radiation, and cosmic energy.
Unique Physiology:
He/she/they were born with teeth that can rip through orichalcum, canines and saber teeth that can rip through adamantium and vibranium, claws that can rip through mithril and adamant, & a prehensile chimera tail (with a mouth that has fangs) that can rip through diamonds. 
Their powers of shapeshifting is innate and has unlimited potential throughout their long lifespan. It is their own mutation as a mutant as a metahuman and superhuman.
Changeling, metamorph, or shapeshifter with unlimited forms (potential limitless). 
He/she/they were born with his/her/their superhuman and supernatural control over transfiguration and shapeshifting.
He/she/they can psionically modify the configuration of his/her/their organic cells at will on a cellular, microscopic, atomic, subatomic level, & nanoscopic level. So, he/she/they can cause himself/herself/themselves to sound, act, & appear as a precise carbon copy of any of any human or humanoid. That is regular, divine, mythical, mythological, magical, discovered, undiscovered, extinct, living, aquatic, avian, terrestrial, extraterrestrial, demonic, imaginary, mythical, fictional, magical, futuristic, mystical, science fiction, & fantasy. So, he/she/they can shapeshift into any human, humanoid, semi-humanoid, beast, creature, monster, & animal regardless of any sex, any gender, any race, height, weight, body type, hair style, hair color, eye color, skin tone. He/she/they gained this ability as a teenager. 
He/she/they can transfigure into anything whether or not they are super powered or unpowered, any species, wearing or not wearing clothes, wearing armor or not wearing armor, & or whether they have or don’t have cybernetic or bionic enhancements. He/she/they can shapeshift into anything whether or not they have: scales, fur, feathers, horns, and wings. He/she/they can precisely imitate someone’s retinal pattern, finger prints, vocal patterns and copy their memories, mental thought patterns, finger palm patterns, skin pore patterns, skin, smell, vocal cords, emotional patterns, & repeating behaviors to fool anyone including the most powerful empaths and the most powerful telepaths. He/she/they gained this capability as a young adult. 
With the Prime the primordial force of the cosmos that he/she/they are avatar, champion, & embodiment of he/she/they are the defender and protector of all sentient life. He/she/they were gifted with dragon lord physiology, dragon god physiology, transcendent dragon physiology, werebeast lord physiology, transcendent werebeast physiology, true vampire physiology, vampire lord physiology, transcendent vampire physiology, vaewolf physiology, werepire physiology, werepire lord physiology, transcendent werepire physiology, vaewolf lord physiology, & alpha vaewolf physiology (fusion of a werebeast lord physiology and a vampire lord physiology)
He/she/they with their absolute adaptation he/she/they can transform into any being living or dead, organic or inorganic, real or fictional. He/she/they reach the zenith of his/her/their shapeshifting in the 40th to the 60th century. This gave them so many shapeshifting abilities. 
This includes plants with the power of plant morphing, natural weaponry (where they can shapeshift or transfigure parts of their body into weaponry), desire form (where they can take the form of someone’s greatest desire), perfect doppelganger morphing (where they can take the appearance, powers, capabilities, memories, life-force, & personality on such a level that they replicate even fingerprints), disguise mastery, empathic shapeshifting (where they can shapeshift based on their emotions), environmental shapeshifting (where they can transform based on the environment), dimensional transformation (where they can transform based on dimensions or realities), 
temporal transformation (where they can transform based on points in history), evolution or enhancing themselves via accelerated evolution, gender transformation (or the ability of altering their own gender based on their current gender and gender identity), god morphing (or the ability to morph into a deity which is how he/she/they became the Celestial and Stellar Entity and Divine and Heavenly Being in the 60th century), 
inorganic mimicry (or the ability transform physically into an inorganic life form), inorganic shape shifting (or the ability to manipulate their own inorganic body which is how they manipulate their bionic and cybernetic implants), malleable anatomy (or the ability rearrange the physiological features of themselves), mimicry form (or the ability mimic look and powers of other beings), mythic physiology (or the ability transform into mythical beings), 
organic mimicry (or the ability to transform physically into an organic form), organic shape shifting (or the ability manipulate their own organic body), post mortem shapeshifting (where they can shapeshift into anyone they just killed), 
reactive adaptation (where they develop adaptation to combat threats or combat changes),  regenerative healing factor (where they can shape their own body and cells to their optimal state healing rapidly from injuries and even maintain eternal youth if they choose to), self-particle manipulation where they can manipulate their own particle structure on a cellular, molecular, microscopic, atomic, subatomic, & nanoscopic level), size manipulation (where they can shapeshift their own size or just select parts of their body), soul shapeshifting (where they can shapeshift their own soul to another person's), & species shifting (where they can shapeshift into other humanoid species). He/she/they are the strongest metamorph, changeling, & shapeshifter throughout the universe, multiverse, & omniverse.
Life manipulation, Absolute adaptation, Ultimate shapeshifting, Multi shapeshifting, Empathetic shapeshifting, Environmental transformation, Reactive adaptation, Dimensional transformation, Temporal transformation, Biomorphing, Omnifarious, Evolution, Metamorphosis, Overclocking, Self particle manipulation, Self subatomic manipulation, Self molecular manipulation, Gender transformation, Essence manipulation, Form manipulation, Form creation, Age shifting, Organic constructs, Power shifting, Self Supremacy, Mind Shifting, Body Supremacy, All Out Mode, Almighty Ascension, Body transference, Legendary Form, Meta Transcendence, Omni mode, Origin Transcendence, Self Transcendence, Transformation mastery, Energy Resistance, 
Immortality, Intangibility, Invisibility, Invulnerability, Reality anchoring, Body recreation, Mind anchoring, Omni motion, Pain Suppression, Precondition Bypassing, Reality Condition, Reforming Scattering, Superpower manipulation, Self sustenance, Omni Replication, Avatar Creation, Energy manipulation, Transcendent hybrid physiology, Omni Genetic Archiving, Remaking, Selective unity, Mind Shifting, Power Replication, Total mimicry, Soul morph, Soul Conversion, Mental manipulation, Interior mimicry, Meta Ability Creation, Human morphing, 
God morphing, Demon morphing, Mythic morphing, Mythic physiology, Plant morphing, Battle shifting, Shapeshifting Combat, Elemental shapeshifting, Species Shifting, Soul shapeshifting, Body manipulation, Appendage Generation, Auxiliary Organs, Transformation, Partial transformation, Natural Weaponry, Shapeshifting Weaponry, Shapeshifting Combat, Shapeshifting negation, Shapeshifting Awareness, Shapeshifting inducement, Swarm Form, Base Form, 
Desire Form, Nemesis Form, Digestive Shapeshifting, Doppelgänger morphing, Perfect Doppelgänger, Disguise mastery, Size manipulation, Elasticity, Limb extension, Limb expansion, Adaptive Appearance, Clothing Generation, Wing manifestation, Tentacle manifestation, Voice manipulation, Organic Shapeshifting, Inorganic mimicry, Inorganic Shapeshifting, Possessive transformation, Post mortem shapeshifting, Mimicry Form, Mixed shapeshifting, Bilocation morphing 
Animal kingdom embodiment, Animal manipulation, Animal companionship, Animal morphing, Animal emerging, Animal empathy, Animal telepathy, Animal morphing, Animal magic, Animal intuition, Animal Attacks, Animal Combat, Animalistic Combat, Animal exoskeleton, Animal mode, Animal Scrying, Animal Augmentation, Animal Weaponry 
Transformation, Fauna Energy manipulation, Human manipulation, Zoolingualism 
Beast creation, Beast morphing, Beast Transmutation, Beast master, Monster Lordship, Beast Lord Physiology, Alpha monster Physiology, Beast Lordship, Monster Empowerment, Mythical beast manipulation, Giant monster manipulation 
Natural Weaponry, Tusk Protrusion, Spike Protrusion, Horn Protrusion, Sharp Body, Natural Weaponry Projection, Weaponized Body, Skin hardening, Bone Spike Projection, Needle Projection, Spike Projection 
Organic combat, Organic weaponry, Organic constructs 
Claw retraction, Clawed hands With Opposable Thumbs, Enhanced mauling, Enhanced clawmanship, Ergokinetic claws, Elemental claws,Venomous Claws
Sharp Tongue, Barbed Tongue, Elastic jaws, Enhanced Bite, Prehensile Tongue, Venomous Tongue, Unbreakable Teeth, Fang Retraction, Venomous fangs Elemental fangs, Saber teeth, Elemental saber teeth, Venomous saber teeth, Prehensility, Prehensile arm parts, Prehensile Feet, Clawed Feet with Opposable Toes, Prehensile legs, Prehensile toes, Prehensile tail 
Tail extension, Multiple tails, Weaponized tail, Clubbed tail, Sharp tail, Strong tail, 
Stinger tail, Stinger protrusion, Retractable Stinger, Venom Secretion, 
Mind Link, Taming, Mind Control 
Enhanced roar, Ballistic Scream, Concussive Roar, Supernatural roar, Ultra Roar, Fearful scream, Sonic scream, Deafness Inducement, Paralysis Inducement, Fear Inducement, Dimensional distortion, Sound manipulation, Wave manipulation, Vibration manipulation 
They are a Cosmic Titan of Love/War/heroism, justice/Peace. 
Bestowed upon them by Greco Roman gods and goddesses Mars, Bellona, Ares, Athena, & Enyo.
Titan killer slayer of Greco Roman titans Cronus and Saturn 
God inheritance, Dark divinity, War deity, Destroyer deity, War deity physiology 
Omega physiology, Alpha physiology, Absolute existence, Cosmic entity physiology, Self transcendence, Prime being, Prime source, Meta transcendence, Singularity, World manipulation, Cosmic manipulation, Hyper cosmic awareness, Power manifestation, Creation, Destruction, Ability creation, Leadership intuition, Empathic conversion, Absolute command, Endless development, Limitation transcendence, Transcendent connection, Omni competence, Self adaptation, Zenith 
Predator instinct, Feral mind, Berserker, Berserker combat, Human manipulation, Rage manipulation, Anger empowerment, Anger manipulation, Violence aura, Destroyer deity physiology, Violence embodiment, Absolute violence, Violence manipulation, Killing intuition, Bloodlust aura, Inhibition release, Opportunity sense
War god 
Conquest empowerment 
Counter strategy intuition 
Countering intuition 
Close quarters combat intuition 
War embodiment 
War and peace manipulation 
War manipulation 
Personal army 
Meta army manipulation 
Biotic artillery 
Biotic weaponry 
War cry
Battle cry
War magic 
Battlefield magic 
Forge manipulation 
Divine technology manipulation 
Blade shifting, Blade storm generation, Blade construction 
Bow construction, 
Bow manipulation, Armor manipulation, Weapon manipulation 
Protection embodiment 
Calvary combat 
Blocking intuition 
Damage amplification, Damage reduction, Damaging aura, Damaging field projection 
Deflection, Defense break, Defensive damage, Defense ignoring, Defense prediction, Defense replication 
Evading intuition, Evasion manipulation, 
Hyper fleeing, Hyper evasion, Hyper sense, Hyper interception 
Homing effect 
Internal reinforcement 
Combat adaptation, Combat augmentation, Combat creation, Combat embodiment, Combat empowerment, Combat inducement, Combat magic, Combat specialist, Combat manipulation, Combat merging, Combat modification, Combat opposition, Combat perception, Combative evolution, Combative transcendence 
Kinetic energy combat, Kinetic strike 
Fighting instinct 
Limit break, Limitation defiance, Maximum bodily capacity 
After image creation, After image manipulation 
Hyper combos, Synchronization, Hyper connection, Combined artillery, Combined attacks, Combined ball projection, Combined blade construction, Combined breath, Combined combat, Combined infusion, Combined weaponry, Combo empowerment, 
Complete body strike, Extra sensory combat, Heavy strike 
Strength accumulation, Strength concentration, Strength defiance 
Concealed weapons proficiency, Sheathed blade proficiency, Flexible weapon proficiency 
Compressed weaponry, Compressed artillery, 
Concussive blast, 
Consecutive attacks, Consecutive moves, 
Controlled combat, Assassin intuition, Combat empowerment, One man army, Fighting instinct 
Enhanced combat, Enhanced unarmed combat, Enhanced violence, Enhanced weaponry, Enhanced muscle usage, Enhanced reach, Enhanced bodily capacity, 
Endless attack 
Absolute combat, Absolute unarmed combat, Absolute attack, Absolute weapon proficiency 
Rifle proficiency, Pistol proficiency, Omni gun proficiency, Supernatural gunmanship, Lock on tracking, Multi targeting, Enhanced quick draw, Bullet hell, Bullet redirection, 
Enhanced archery, Supernatural archery, Super speed combat archery, Bow manipulation, 
Blunt weapon proficiency, Melee weapon proficiency, Sword proficiency, Club proficiency, Spear Proficiency, Axe proficiency, Knife proficiency, Martial arts intuition 
Absolute counter, Absolute evasion, Absolute explosion, Absolute invincibility, Absolute slicing, Absolute Violence, Absolute Weapon Proficiency, Absolute swordsmanship, Absolute Weaponry, 
Multi weapon wielding, Dual wielding, Dual sword proficiency, Multi sword proficiency, Supernatural swordsmanship, 
Giant weapon proficiency, Giant sword proficiency, Giant gun proficiency, 
Accelerated Perception, Action Adaptation, Automatic Attack, Auto reflexes, Selective Limb Empowerment, Selective Damage, Autopilot, Rapid fire moves, Reflective attacks, Autonomous combat, Auxiliary condition 
Alien artillery, Alien blade construction, Alien Bow Construction, Alien combat, Alien weaponry
Ammunition generation, Ammunition manipulation, Adaptive Artillery, Sword Proficiency, Shield Proficiency, Absolute Swordsmanship, Ranged Weapon Proficiency, Enhanced Ammunition, Enhanced Accuracy, Weapon proficiency, Weapon manipulation, Weapon Transformation, Weapon Creation, 
Absolute Artillery, Projectile Enhancement, Tactical analysis, Tactical genius, Enhanced Combat, War manipulation, War Inducement, Military manipulation, Military Intuition, Army manipulation, Army annihilation, Summoning arts, Summon Weaponry, Summoning Combat, Summoning Defense, Summoning Attacks, Team manipulation, Team Wipe, Combat manipulation, Battlefield manipulation, Battlefield magic, Strategy manipulation, Defeat manipulation, Transcendent Warrior Physiology, Victory Deity Physiology, Victory manipulation 
Dimensional destruction, Dimensional constructs, Dimensional slicing 
Divine Alien Physiology, Alien Divinity, Alien Lord Physiology, Divine Technology manipulation, Mythic technology, Transcendental Element manipulation, Transcendental Energy manipulation 
God/Goddess of Love and Sexuality
Desire Embodiment, Desire Manipulation, Supernatural beauty, Absolute beauty, Seductive magnetism, Attraction manipulation, Beauty manipulation, Desire manipulation, Emotion manipulation, Passion Manipulation, Love manipulation, Love inducement, Relationship manipulation, Indomitable sexuality, Passion manipulation, Romance embodiment, Passion Embodiment, Pheromone Generation, Lust Negation, Lust Inducement, Lust manipulation, Pleasure manipulation, Relationship manipulation, Sex specialist, Sex Intuition, Sexuality manipulation, Indomitable love 
Warning: SSSS rank superhero
Expert combatant. Master martial artist. Weapons master. 
Expert marksman.
Master interrogator trained in torture and interrogation 
Expert driver in all forms of transportation of vehicles including spaceships and hovercraft
Master spy. Expert in stealth, infiltration, disguise, espionage, & sabotage thanks to a past as an intelligence officer trained in paramilitary operations for the Sol System military.  
Crime fighting mastery 
Extremely athletic and extremely acrobatic. 
Multi Languages: Ability to speak most if not all Earth, alien, divine, demonic, mystical, mythical, magical, & fantasy languages because of superhuman memory and intelligence.
Skillset of a A class private soldier, mercenary, & bounty hunter
Skillset of a highly skilled S rank contract killer, hitman, & kunoichi or shinobi assassin
Before being given divinity and transcending to a titan their weakness being born a demigod and alien hybrid. Their weaknesses as a metahuman and superhuman were:
Being injured by weapons that negates superhuman or supernatural healing.  
Being wounded by a material stronger than adamantine, celestial steel, divine iron, etherium, heavenly bronze, mithril, nth metal, orichalcum, stellar titanium, uru, vibranium. 
Being killed by a substance more dangerous than aether, chronoton, dark metal, element zero, inertron, nether, tachyon, timonium, & xirang. 
Regular Forms: 
2.5 Meters. Basic form. But strong enough to go toe to toe with Gorilla Grodd, King Shark, Giganta, Killer Croc, Orca, Bane, Wolverine, Sabertooth, & Monsieur Mallah.
Hybrid/Chimera: 3 Meters
Fallen Angel/Archdemon/Archangel Form: Has a pair of white archangel wings, a pair of red archdemon wings, & a pair of black fallen angel wings. Has horns and a halo. Has a prehensile demonic tail. 
Berserker Juggernaut: 5 Meters
Prime: 6 Meters
Dragon Monster: 200 meters long. 300 meter wingspan. 100 Meters tall
Is avian and mammalian in nature. Has clawed hands with opposable thumbs and clawed feet with opposable toes and a prehensile tail. Has three heads each with its own separate brain. Has five rows of giant dorsal plates made out of alien crystals protruding from its head to its tail that glow  silver, gold, & obsidian when firing breath blasts from its mouth, optic blasts from its eyes, & energy blasts from its hands. Is bipedal. It is empowered by natural energy and spiritual energy. Its entire body is covered in metal plate armor made from alien elements. 400 meters long. 600 meter wingspan. 200 Meters tall. 150,000 tons.
Is amphibian and reptilian in nature. Has clawed hands with opposable thumbs and clawed feet with opposable toes and a prehensile tail. Has five heads each with its own separate brain. Has five rows of giant dorsal plates made out of alien crystals protruding from its head to its tail that glow sapphire, amethyst, & emerald when firing breath blasts from its mouth, optic blasts from its eyes, & energy blasts from its hands. It is both bipedal and quadrupedal. Is empowered by solar radiation, magic, & lunar rays. Its entire body is covered in metal plates made from alien metals. 1000 meters long. 1200 meter wingspan. 500 Meters tall. 200,000 tons
Zenith Forms: 
Titan of War: 
Has a pair of gold divine wings, a pair of obsidian devil wings, and a pair of cardinal fallen god wings.
Divine or Heavenly Being: 
Summons a clone that has ethereal armor and is armed with ethereal weaponry. Has four arms wielding an ethereal shortsword, a longsword, a broadsword, & a great sword. This clone has a pair of divine eyes and a third inner devil eye. These three eyes have the powers of absolute vision. 
These eyes are armed with accelerated eyesight, astral vision, atomic vision, aura reading, augmented reality vision, binocular vision, blindness immunity, blood flow vision, burning vision, cartomancy, catoptromancy, causality perception, chaotic vision, chemo vision, chi vision, chrono vision, clairvoyance, clear sight, color vision, compound eyes,  computer perception, dark vision, depowering vision, destructive vision, divine sight, DNA vision, dragon vision, raining vision, dream observation, ectoplasmic vision, electromagnetic vision, electronic eyes, 
elemental scrying, empathic retrocognition, empowering vision, enhanced reading, enhanced synesthesia, energy perception, esoteric vision, evil eye, explosion vision, explosive glare, eye attacks, eye color manipulation, eye color shifting, eye magic, eye manifestation, eye manipulation, eyewear manipulation, field perception, fire vision, fog vision, freeze vision, freezing gaze, gamma vision, gaze powers, glowing eyes, graphic vision, genesis tears, heads up display, healing vision, heat vision, hypnotic sight, hypnotic vision, identity concealment, illusory vision, ionic vision, killing iyes, kinetic vision, laser vision, life vision, light vision, lightning lunar vision, magic vision, mind’s eye, magical tears, merging vision, microscopic vision, 
microwave vision, movement vision, nanoscopic vision, nature perception, negation vision, negative vision, neon vision, night vision, ocular technigques, orbital optic array, radio vision, radioactive vision, recognition inhibition, retrocognition, scanner vision, scent sight, sense augmentation, sensory inducement, shared vision, slime vision, solar vision, soul staring, soundwave perception, spatial perception, supercolor vision, syn cognition, syn science, supernatural eye, supernatural vision, telekinetic vision, telescopic vision, thermal vision, 
transformation vision, timeline vision sharing, ultimate vision, ultraviolet perception, underground vision, unhindered vision, vacuum vision, and x- ray vision. These eyes can fire ballistic heat vision, ballistic optic blasts, and ultraviolet optic blasts with transitional phasing beams that can disintegrate anything on a cellular, molecular, atomic, and subatomic level. 
Celestial or Stellar Entity: Giant ethereal being made out of spiritual and natural energy. It radiates cardinal, gold, silver, emerald, cobalt, amethyst or obsidian divine light. It appears behind them and acts as an avatar and fights on their behalf with their thoughts and emotions as an extension of their will. They are nigh invulnerable against all attacks in this form. It has giant ethereal weapons such as giant swords, spears, axes, or sledge hammers and is protected by ethereal armor. It has three faces and six arms similar to Asura of Buddhist mythology. It is surrounded by giant orbs, diamonds, & octahedrons of the elements of fire, ice, water, acid, poison, earth, stone, metal, nature, lava, air, lightning, etc that fire at the enemy. 
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flaynbestgirl · 1 year
"do you remember when machine translation destroyed the field of freelance translation?"
no actually lmao
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evxyz · 1 year
WUNDERMAN, 2022-2023
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Notre équipe de traductrices a adapté en français (et en un temps record, soit dit en passant) le rapport The Future 100: Trends and change to watch in 2022 de Wunderman Thompson Intelligence. L'expérience a été renouvelée pour l'édition 2023.
Our team of translators adapted Wunderman Thompson Intelligence's The Future 100: Trends and change to watch in 2022 report into French - on time and in record time. They trusted us with the 2023 edition as well.
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luckystarrdesigns · 2 years
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New designs available in preparation for pride month, and as a commentary on rainbow capitalism. #pridemonth🌈 #pride🌈 #transartist #transcreator #trans #rainbowcapitalism #acepride #ace #asexual https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd7m0JhuIVp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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transcriptioncity · 25 days
Translation, Localisation and Transcreation
Translation, Localisation and Transcreation: Understanding the Differences and When They Should Be Used. A business’s ability to effectively communicate across language barriers can make or break its global aspirations. However, the art of conveying messages accurately and meaningfully is complex, especially when cultural nuances come into play. This is where Transcription City’s various language…
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