#Un Caprice
On a regardé pour réserver une maison de vacance pour partir avec mes copains, on serait 5, c'est à dire 2 couples + moi. Sauf que du coup, les maisons qu'on trouvait c'était genre avec 2 lits doubles et 1 lit simple (ou 1 lit superposé, ou le canapé du salon), et ça me saoule parce que j'ai pas envie d'avoir un petit lit sous prétexte que je suis seule ? Mais en même temps j'ai pas envie qu'on paye un truc plus chère, genre pour 6 "vrais" personnes, parce que du coup on va tous payer un peu plus chère pour rien : je pourrais prendre à ma charge la place supplémentaire pour pas pénaliser mes copains, mais ça me saoule un peu (mais ca me semble le truc le plus logique a faire). Bref encore une fois mon célibat qui m'est renvoyé dans la gueule, tout ça parce que je suis pas capable de garder un gonz ou une gonzesse plus de 2 mois. Vous en pensez quoi ? Ça m'intéresse d'avoir des avis 🤗
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carbone14 · 7 months
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Ava Gardner dans la comédie musicale 'Un caprice de Vénus (One Touch of Venus)' réalisée par William A. Seiter - 1948
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¿Las cosas del Sordo de Fuendetodos?
By Francisco de Goya - Museo del Prado, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=25043139
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Los caprichos ( The Caprices ) es un conjunto de 80 grabados en aguatinta y aguafuerte creados por el artista español Francisco Goya en 1797–1798, y publicado como álbum en 1799. Los grabados fueron un experimento artístico: un medio para la condena de Goya del locuras e insensateces universales en la sociedad española en que vivía. Las críticas son de largo alcance y ácidas; las imágenes exponen el predominio de la superstición , la ignorancia y las incapacidades de los distintos miembros de la clase dirigente, las carencias pedagógicas, los errores matrimoniales y la decadencia de la racionalidad
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maviedeneuneu · 1 year
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Quand je vais chez ma dentiste et qu'encore une fois elle décide de me soigner sans m'anesthésier
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dixvinsblog · 6 months
Raphael Minot - Mon âme a un trou
Mon âme a un trouje te vois en arrièreEn avant, à genouxÀ quatre pattesDe traversMon âme a un trouJe te vois par derrièreEn avant Les caillouxSur la toile et à terreParfois dans les chouxJe te vois en mon toutMon âme a un trouPour te voir à travers.Et je suisÀ l’affût,De ce qui pourrait être en beaucoupEn lingot, en super.Ce qui est avant tout magiqueC’est le doux, le caprice, le merveilleux à…
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guerillas-of-history · 4 months
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Thomas Sankara
In his 1984 speech before the UN General Assembly, Thomas Sankara spoke out on behalf of all those suffer.
We swear that in future in Burkina Faso nothing will be done without the participation of the people of Burkina Faso themselves, nothing that has not been decided by us, that has not been prepared by us. There shall be no more attacks on our honour and dignity.
Strengthened by this conviction, we want our words to cover all those who suffer, all those whose dignity has been crushed by a minority or a system.
Let me say to those who are listening to me now that I speak not only on behalf of Burkina Faso, my country which I love so much, but also on behalf of all those who suffer, wherever they may be.
I speak on behalf of those millions of human beings who are in ghettos because their skin is black, or because they have a different kind of culture, those whose status is hardly higher than that of an animal.
I suffer, too, on behalf of those Indians who have been massacred, trampled on and humiliated and who, for centuries, have been confined to reservations, so that they do not have any aspirations to any rights whatsoever, so that their culture cannot become enriched through contact with other cultures, including that of the invader.
I speak out on behalf of those who are unemployed because of a structurally unjust system which has now been completely disrupted, the unemployed who have been reduced to seeing their lives as only the reflection of the lives of those who have more than themselves.
I speak on behalf of women throughout the entire world who suffer from a system of exploitation imposed on them by men. As far as we are concerned, we are willing to welcome all suggestions from anywhere in the world that will help us to promote the full development and prosperity of the women of Burkina Faso. In return, we will share with all countries the positive experience we are now undertaking with our women, who are now involved at all levels of the State apparatus and social life in Burkina Faso, women who struggle and who say with us that the slave who will not shoulder responsibility to rebel does not deserve pity. That slave will alone be responsible for his own wretchedness if he has any illusions whatsoever about the suspect indulgence shown by a master who pretends to give him freedom. Only struggle helps us to become free, and we call on all our sisters of all races to rise up to regain their rights.
I speak on behalf of the mothers of our poor countries who see their children dying of malaria and diarrhoea, unaware that to save them there are simple methods available but which the science of the multinationals does not offer to them, preferring to invest in cosmetics laboratories and engage in cosmetic surgery to satisfy the whims and caprices of a few men and women who feel they have become too fat because of too many calories in the rich food they consume with regularity. That must make even members of this Assembly dizzy – not to mention the peoples of the Sahel. We have decided to adopt and popularize the methods that have been advocated by WHO and UNICEF.
I speak on behalf of the child, the child of the poor man, who is hungry and who furtively eyes the wealth piled up in the rich man’s shop, a shop that is protected by a thick window, a window which is defended by an impassable grille, the grille guarded by a policeman in a helmet with gloves and a bludgeon, the policeman placed there by the father of another child, who comes there to serve himself or rather to be served because these are the guarantees of capitalistic representativeness and norms of the system.
I speak on behalf of the artists – poets, painters, sculptors, musicians, actors and so on – people of good will who see their art being prostituted by the show-business magicians.
I cry out on behalf of the journalists who have been reduced to silence or else to lies simply to avoid the hardships of unemployment.
I protest on behalf of the athletes of the entire world whose muscles are being exploited by political systems or by those who deal in the modern slavery of the stadium.
My country is the essence of all the miseries of peoples, a tragic synthesis of all the suffering of mankind but also, and above all, the synthesis of the hopes of our struggles. That is why I speak out on behalf of the sick who are anxiously looking to see what science can do for them – but that science has been taken over by the gun merchants. My thoughts go to all those who have been affected by the destruction of nature, those 30 million who are dying every year, crushed by that most fearsome weapon, hunger.
As a soldier, I cannot forget that obedient soldier who does what he is told, whose finger is on the trigger and who knows that the bullet which is going to leave his gun will bring only a message of death.
Lastly, I speak out in indignation as I think of the Palestinians, whom this most inhuman humanity has replaced with another people, a people who only yesterday were themselves being martyred at leisure. I think of the valiant Palestinian people, the families which have been splintered and split up and are wandering throughout the world seeking asylum. Courageous, determined, stoic and tireless, the Palestinians remind us all of the need and moral obligation to respect the rights of a people. Along with their Jewish brothers, they are anti-Zionists.
Standing alongside my soldier brothers of Iran and Iraq, who are dying in a fratricidal and suicidal war, I wish also to feel close to my comrades of Nicaragua, whose ports are being mined, whose towns are being bombed and who, despite all, face up with courage and lucidity to their fate. I suffer with all those in Latin America who are suffering from imperialist domination.
I wish to stand side by side with the peoples of Afghanistan and Ireland, the peoples of Grenada and East Timor, each of those peoples seeking happiness in keeping with their dignity and the laws of their own culture.
I rise up on behalf of all who seek in vain any forum in the world to make their voices heard and to have themselves taken seriously.
Many have already spoken from this rostrum. Many will speak after me. But only a few will take the real decisions, although we are all officially considered equals. I speak on behalf of all those who seek in vain for a forum in the world where they can be heard. Yes, I wish to speak for all those – the forgotten – because I am a man and nothing that is human is alien to me.
Sankara speaks in front of the United Nations on 4 October 1984. Credit: Getty Images
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unpoorno · 5 months
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Little Caprice
Little Caprice, pseudonimo di Markéta Štroblová (Brno, 26 ottobre 1988), è un'attrice pornografica della repubblica ceca.
ha studiato come nutrizionista ed ha lavorato nell industria alimentare e nel settore alberghiero.
Nel 2008 ha iniziato a lavorare nella pornografia introdotta dal suo ragazzo di allora, che lavorava nel settore con l'agenzia Teenharbour Non volendosi esibire con il suo vero nome, ha scelto come pseudonimo Caprice per l'originalità mentre Little perché sembrava più giovane della sua età.
Delusa dal lavoro e dalle persone con cui era venuta in contatto si era ritirata ed aveva svolto per un certo periodo l'attività di cameriera, salvo poi ritornare in attività dopo un breve tempo, lavorando questa volta soprattutto col sito MetArt. Nel 2011 ha sofferto di una grave insufficienza renale, che l'ha costretta ad un ricovero ospedaliero, ma da cui è completamente guarita. Ha tatuato un gatto sulla caviglia sinistra.
Nel 2020 ha vinto il suo primo premio AVN Award for Female Foreign Performer of the Year vincendone altri 5 nei successivi tre anni. Con 3 riconoscimenti come AVN Award for Female Foreign Performer of the Year  ha eguagliato il record di vittorie alla pari delle college Katsuni e Anissa Kate.
È sposata con il collega austriaco Markus Schlögl, noto con lo pseudonimo di Marcello Bravo
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Fun BSD French translation details and choices - Episode 21 (by someone who does not understand Japanese but thinks the differences with the English translation/subtitles are fun)
General notes: (get comfortable, Stuff Happens and blorbo is here)
A lot of weird little things today. Kouyou said she was delivering Dazai's message to Mori "to thank the ADA for their hospitality". Mori talks like he's mistaking Dazai's tan coat for the coat he gave him years ago and is delighted Dazai still wears it. Dazai says he only recently learned about the thinkers Mori mentions. Stuff like that, that shifts time or intent slightly.
Dazai's final jab to Mori was "les monstres ont tendance à croire que les autres sont des monstres également" (monsters tend to think others are also monsters).
Soukoku's name in French in the anime is "Double Noir", literally "Double Black" (though 'noir' can mean both 'black' and 'dark'). Fun fact: on the French wiki, they are also listed as "les jumeaux de l'ombre" (twins from the shadows).
After nullifying Steinbeck's ability, Dazai says "Oh, le salopard!~" (Oh, that bastard!~), as if he's sarcastically replying to Steinbeck's shock at Dazai's ability, instead of complaining about having to deal with Chuuya.
When Chuuya asks Dazai if he knows was a Pétrus is, Dazai actually answers and says yes he knows, it's an extremely pricey bordeaux (Oui, c'est un vin de bordeaux extrêmement coûteux).
Dazai call Q "the sleeping princess waiting to be saved" (la princesse endormie qui attend d'être sauvée). Chuuya sneers "yeah, talk about a sleeping princess" (ouais, tu parles d'une princesse endormie).
"Écoute, tant que Q sera en vie, vous aurez besoin de mon pouvoir pour désamorcer le sien; je vous serai des plus précieux, et la Mafia veilleras sur moi comme une tendre mère poule" (Listen, so long as Q is alive, you will need my ability to disarm hers*; I will be invaluable, and the Mafia will watch over me like a sweet mother hen.) (*Q is a girl in the French dub)
Skk's plans are called "Remords et crapaud" (Remorse and Toad), "Pluie derrière le treillis" (Rain Behind the Trellis), "Mensonges d'une fleur décorative" (Lies of a Decorative/Fake Flower) (side note: they all sound like one of them has to hide and/or cause a diversion...)
"Listen Chuuya... I have one last thing to ask you before I die..." (Écoute Chuuya... j'ai une dernière chose à te demander avant de mourir...)
Chuuya refers to using Corruption like it's a strategy name like the other 3 were just before. It's also called Pollution, which is the same word in both English and French. It sounds less cool than Corruption (which would also be the same word in French), but it does fit the tainted+ vibe. Dazai does later refer to it as "Chuuya's corrupted form".
Ô, pourvoyeurs de pollution noire, Autorise-nous à lui fermer les yeux à tout jamais. (O , purveyors of dark pollution, Allow us to forever close their* eyes.) (*singular, unspecified gender pronoun in French)
Today's quotes:
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VF: Alors c'est quoi ce tentacule? Un caprice de la nature? (So what's that tentacle then? A freak of nature?) Eng: If it's not an ability, then what is it?
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Dazai: Le choix te reviens, mon vieil ami. (The choice is yours, my old friend.) Chuuya: Le choix me revient, le choix me revient... c'est facile à dire ça. En plus, je sais que quand tu prononces ces paroles, c'est que nous n'avons justement plus d'autres choix. (The choice is mine, the choice is mine... that's easy to say. Plus, I know that when you say those words, it's because we don't have any other choices left.) Eng: I'll let you choose. // You'll let me choose? Whenever you say that, I never actually have another choice.
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Chuuya: Je me suis servi de ce pouvoir parce que je te faisais confiance, et toi...! Tu as intérêt à me ramener à la base, si tu veux que je... te pardonne un jour... (I used that power because I trusted you, and you...! You better bring be back to base, if you want me to... one day forgive you...) Dazai: Tu peux compter sur moi, coéquipier. (You can count on me, teammate/partner.) Eng: I used Corruption because I trusted you. You... better take me... to the extraction point... // You got it, buddy.
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peaceinthestorm · 1 year
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Max Ernst (1891-1976, German) ~ Un autre caprice de Venus, 1961 / Untitled (Soleil), 1961 
[Source: Christie’s]
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la-cocotte-de-paris · 9 months
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Edwige Feuillère in Alfred de Musset's Un caprice, 1938.
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chic-a-gigot · 3 months
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La Mode nationale, no. 3, 21 janvier 1905, Paris. (3) — Robe de réunion pour jeune femme. (4) — Jolie robe pour jeune fille. (5) — Robe de visite pour jeune femme ou jeune fille. (6) — Toilette de promenade pour jeune femme. (7) — Manteau pour jeune femme. Bibliothèque nationale de France
(3) — Robe de réunion pour jeune femme, en taffetas glacé ou en velours. Le tablier de la jupe est froncé et encadré d'un joli galon brodé. Le corsage froncé et orné de galons est maintenu dans une très haute ceinture en pointe devant et revoilé d'un grand col brodé, ouvert en V sur un plastron plissé en mousseline de soie blanche. Un nœud de velours rouge ferme le col. La manche très originale est un ballon froncé retenu par un galon et terminé par un volant sur une sous-manche assortie au col.
(3) — Social dress for young women, in glossy taffeta or velvet. The apron of the skirt is gathered and framed with a pretty embroidered braid. The gathered and braided bodice is held in a very high pointed belt at the front and veiled with a large embroidered collar, open in a V on a pleated bib in white silk chiffon. A red velvet bow closes the collar. The very original sleeve is a gathered balloon held by a braid and finished with a ruffle on an undersleeve matching the collar.
Matériaux: 17 mètres de tissu.
(4) — Jolie robe pour jeune fille, en quadrillé gris acier; la jupe est cerclée de biais de drap blanc. Boléro carré bordé de pattes de drap blanc qui boutonnent de chaque côté. Manche tailleur; grand col de linon de soie plissé fin et orné d;un volant à tête bouillonnée.
(4) — Pretty dress for a young girl, in steel gray checkered pattern; the skirt is surrounded by white cloth bias. Square bolero lined with white cloth tabs that button on each side. Tailored sleeve; large fine pleated silk lawn collar decorated with a bubbled ruffle.
Matériaux: 6 mètres de lainage gris; 0m,75 de drap blanc.
(5) — Robe de visite pour jeune femme ou jeune fille, en lainage vert mousse. La jupe est composée de deux parties soulignées de drap blanc; le corsage est drapé de chaque côté d'une patte qui fait gilet en pointe. Col montant et col rond en guipure; manche un peu bouffante à l'épaule et serrée depuis le coud.
(5) — Visiting dress for young woman or girl, in moss green wool. The skirt is made up of two parts highlighted with white cloth; the bodice is draped on each side with a tab which makes a pointed waistcoat. Stand-up collar and round collar in guipure; sleeve slightly puffed at the shoulder and tight from the elbow.
Matériaux: 6m,50 de lainage; 0m,50 de drap blanc.
(6) — Toilette de promenade pour jeune femme, en lainage havane. La jupe est à plis fins piqués presque jusqu'au bas. Longue jaquette princesse, ajustée par des plis piqués et ornée d'un col en martre. Manche bouffante du haut et serrée du bas.
Plastron de guipure.
(6) — Walking toilet for young women, in tan wool. The skirt has fine pleats stitched almost to the bottom. Long princess jacket, fitted with stitched pleats and decorated with a sable collar. Sleeve puffed at the top and tight at the bottom.
Guipure bib.
Matériaux: 7m,50 de lainage.
Chapeau de feutre pelucheux, garni d'une plume blanche et bleue; nœud de velours bleu sous le bord relevé.
Fluffy felt hat, trimmed with a white and blue feather; blue velvet bow under the raised edge.
(7) — Manteau pour jeune femme. C'est un carrick ample et confortable en zibeline d'un gris rosé fort joli. Le corps du vêtement est seulement ourlé de piqûres et forme dans le dos de nombreux plis. Ample pèlerine montée autour d'un empiècement uni que souligne une bande de velours châtaigne découpée suivant le caprice d'une ganse or qui y dessine des enroulements, col rabattu en velours; de chaque côté du devant, motif de passementerie ¡a pendeloques.
(7) — Coat for young women. It is a loose and comfortable carrick in sable in a very pretty pinkish gray. The body of the garment is only hemmed with stitching and forms numerous folds in the back. Ample cape mounted around a plain yoke highlighted by a band of chestnut velvet cut according to the whim of a gold braid which draws windings, turned-down velvet collar; on each side of the front, motif of trimmings with pendants.
Matériaux: 3m,50 de drap; 1 mètre de velours pour le col de l'entre-deux.
Chapeau de feutre gris foncé, orné d'une draperie et de nœuds de velours châtaigne et de plumes ombrées.
Dark gray felt hat, decorated with chestnut velvet drapery and bows and shaded feathers.
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abdou-lorenzo · 5 months
Il est des plaisirs qui ne vont pas sans un peu de pudeur effarouchée, délicieuses émotions que le cœur le plus chaste voudrait toujours voiler..... ✨
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Plus une femme est délicate, plus elle veut cacher les joies de son âme....💞 Beaucoup de femmes, inconcevables dans leurs divins caprices , souhaitent souvent entendre prononcer par tout le monde un nom que parfois elles désireraient ensevelir dans leur cœur........💞✨✨✨
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La comédie humaine Honoré de Balzac
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clhook · 3 months
Samedi dernier j'ai fait un caprice je voulais absolument sortir alors j'ai embarqué mon keum, son pote et la meuf de son pote à un escape game. C'était la première fois que j'en faisais un et j'ai découvert que je tenais le rôle essentiel d'une groupe, c'est-à-dire : 1) hurler à chaque truc qui me surprend 2) me mettre dans un coin et ne servir à R parce que je comprends R aux énigmes 3) ne pas réussir à ouvrir les cadenas alors qu'on a pourtant le bon code
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¿Las cosas del Sordo de Fuendetodos?
By Francisco de Goya - Museo del Prado, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=25042710
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Los caprichos ( The Caprices ) es un conjunto de 80 grabados en aguatinta y aguafuerte creados por el artista español Francisco Goya en 1797–1798, y publicado como álbum en 1799. Los grabados fueron un experimento artístico: un medio para la condena de Goya del locuras e insensateces universales en la sociedad española en que vivía. Las críticas son de largo alcance y ácidas; las imágenes exponen el predominio de la superstición , la ignorancia y las incapacidades de los distintos miembros de la clase dirigente, las carencias pedagógicas, los errores matrimoniales y la decadencia de la racionalidad
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ascle · 17 days
N’est-il pas de plus belle façon de quitter la ville lumière qu’en lui disant adieu au théâtre?
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Décembre 1897, Paris.
Edmond Rostand n'a pas encore trente ans mais déjà deux enfants et beaucoup d'angoisses. Il n'a rien écrit depuis deux ans.
En désespoir de cause, il propose au grand Constant Coquelin une pièce nouvelle, une comédie héroïque, en vers, pour les fêtes.
Seul souci : elle n'est pas encore écrite. Faisant fi des caprices des actrices, des exigences de ses producteurs corses, de la jalousie de sa femme, des histoires de coeur de son meilleur ami et du manque d'enthousiasme de l'ensemble de son entourage, Edmond se met à écrire cette pièce à laquelle personne ne croit. Pour l'instant, il n'a que le titre : Cyrano de Bergerac.
Cette pièce est sublime! J’en suis ressortie enchantée. Ce soir j’ai rêvé, j’ai voyagé, dans le temps, dans l’espace.
Merci Paris! (Et merci @laure14 ;)
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À votre santé! Wish you all!
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perduedansmatete · 6 months
ce soir il faisait le mystérieux en mode demain je me lève tôt alors que ça n'arrive strictement jamais mais il ne voulait pas me dire pourquoi il était là tu verras demain blablabla sauf que je ne supporte pas le mystère et je ne suis pas patiente donc j'ai râlé et je pensais qu'il allait quand même le garder pour lui car je le connais et que c'est pas son genre de céder à tous mes caprices sauf qu'il a fini par me dire qu'il voulait me trouver un cadeau... je lui ai dit en quel honneur et il m'a répondu "bah je t'aime ?" et maintenant je m'en veux d'avoir forcé ouin
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