chillsatwheels · 2 years
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jorge5000 · 5 months
Luji - Ushguli - Mestia in 4 days (Georgia)
This is a short account of my trek in Svaneti region of Georgia in late August 2022 starting in Leusheri, going to Ushguli and finally ending in Mestia. Hope this will help you plan your own adventure.
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Khaldechala river valley between Ushguli and Adishi
In short:
Start from or end in Luji to add an extra day to the classical Mestia - Ushguli trek. Do the trek in Ushguli - Mestia direction to make it easier to find transport after the trek . Mestia is well connected, or, at least way better than Ushguli/Luji.
The track gets less slightly less interesting if walked this way since you start from the part that is most interesting and most distant from everyday life and slowly return to more and more ordinary. Going over the Latpari pass, which is not a part of the standard Mestia - Ushguli trek, was probably the nicest part of the trek for me.
Nowhere in the world have I seen so friendly stray dogs, but if you show them love they might follow you wherever you go and a long way from their home. While this might be convenient for you as they will guard you from other dogs, you might have to leave them disappointed and alone in a surrounding that is unknown to them.
Shepherd dogs are not to be messed with, but should not worry you too much. They are there to guard the cattle so don't come to close to it and they won't come too close to you.
While the trek is not difficult, it often passes through private property. Sometimes the property is protected by a fence, sometimes they charge a passing fee, sometimes you just don't know. Try to find the most up-to-date (GPS) maps to avoid inconveniences for you and land owners.
To add more extra days, it is probably easiest to check out other paths around Mestia.
Beautiful nature, friendly people, good wine, affordable prices, and good flight connections are what made me visit Georgia again, year after year. Don't tell anyone.
Day by day
Day 0 - Arrive to Tbilisi and get to Luji. After arriving in Tbilisi, wait for public transport to Kutaisi or find a taxi and offer the driver a slightly lower price than Bolt price. In Kutaisi, there is a daily bus to Tsageri. It leaves between 10 and 12 o'clock - the exact schedule varies year to year. This bus left me in Tsageri gas station where I caught a local ride to Luji. The local minivan just happened to be there taking passengers in direction of Luji when I arrived and I have no idea what would I have done otherwise. There are a few guesthouses around Luji and you can book some of them online.
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The descent towards Ushguli
Day 1 - Luiji to Ushguli. The path starts from the bridge near Luji, goes left from the bridge and then uphill. There is a small water spring right from the path before it starts ascending and that is the last water source for a while so stock up. Ah well, there is a small pond on the way, but you don't want to drink there. After a few hours you will pass by a river, so cold and refreshing, and soon after that you will reach the Latpari pass. A few flowery meadows and a small lake follow. I set up my tent about a mile later, not far from the start of the descend towards Ushguli, so I can enjoy the mountain some more.
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Camping with a view on Ushguli
Day 2 - Ushguli to Iprari. Descend towards Ushguli. Just as you get down the mountain, the path goes over a private property where you can either pay the trespassing fee of 2 Lari or enjoy some food and coffee there to avoid the fee. I left my backpack there and went on to enjoy Ushguli old streets, a small museum, and its watch towers. There is a small cinema in Ushguli that shows the locally produced movie Dede. When you've had enough, follow the path down from Ushguli. Again, after you leave you will soon either trespass fenced property or discover new ways around it. After that, the path will go right of the road and diverge from it into a forest with nice views and two water sources along. Path marks say the walk from Ushguli to Iprari should take around 4 hours. After reaching the main road again in Davberi, you will have access to river water. Continue to Iprari. I've set the tent here, not far from Iprari.
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Day 3 - Iprari to Adishchala river (before Adishi). Reach Iprari, refill your water bottles, and continue towards the historic village of Khalde where you can enjoy a coffee/snack break. Also, renew your water supplies since it is the last convenient water source for a while. Enjoy the Khaldechala river valley before you start the ascent to Chkunderi pass. Although there was a water source marked on some maps mid-ascent, it was dry. At the top, spend at least a few minutes enjoying the view and the sounds from the nearby glacier. When you descend, you will have to cross the river flowing from the glacier. Usually there are people with horses there and they will charge you 50 Lari to cross. If you arrive late in the afternoon, it is likely that they won't be there anymore and that the water level is dangerously high. I made camp next to the river and waited for the next morning to ford it. There were not many places to pitch a tent due to thick forest and the river was loud, but hey, it is what it is. There were plenty of camping spots on the other side of the river, though.
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View of the glacier from Chkunderi pass
Day 3 - Adishchala river (before Adishi) to Chvabiani. Cross the river and follow the path towards Adishi. Enjoy a coffee break in the village. The path continues along a mountain slope with some great views, then reaches a dirtroad, and finally descends through a narrow path to villages around Chvabiani. I couldn't find any good camping spots near there as the terrain in that last part is pretty steep so I decided to stay in private accommodation.
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Old guard tower in Adishi. Age of empires anyone?
Day 4 - Chvabiani to Mestia. Continue to Mestia. This last part of the hike has many paths going in between so it shouldn't be difficult to extend it if you would like. If not, just follow the regular route to Mestia. You will trespass some private properties again (or maybe it had gates just to prevent cattle from going there?). There is an international mountain-themed film festival in Mestia as well as some restaurants, shops, hotels. Nothing special, but just enough to relax after the trek. You can buy svanetian salt (svanska sol), a traditional mixture of spices, in a number of tourist shops in Mestia, but you can also get it in Kutaisi at the local marketplace for a fraction of the price.
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1weltreisender · 1 year
Georgien: Kleines Land mit großer Geschichte
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Das diesjährige Gastgeberland der ITB Berlin ist ein kleines Land mit einer großen Geschichte. Es ist reich an kulturellen und natürlichen Schätzen und hat enorm viel zu bieten. Für seinen Auftritt auf der Messe hat Georgien einiges geplant. Das Konzept basiert auf einem Konzept großer Gastfreundschaft. Zudem wird das Land die Messe im Rahmen einer festlichen Gala im CityCube Berlin am Vorabend der ITB Berlin eröffnen.
Das Konzept der Show lautet „Infinite Hospitality“
Was Georgien betrifft, so ist es ein bestimmendes Merkmal der nationalen Identität. Die Gastfreundschaftskultur ist ein Phänomen, das Georgier verschiedener Generationen vereint. Die Entwicklung dieser Traditionen war jahrhundertelang ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Kultur. So begegnen Besucher*innen Gastfreundschaft überall, wo sie hingehen – sei es in einem Dorf, auf einer Straße oder zu Besuch bei jemandem zuhause. In diesem Land wird man sich nie verlaufen oder langweilen, da jeder Georgier immer bereit ist, Gäste durch Feste, Natur und andere Abenteuer zu führen, die es zu bieten hat. Ein wichtiger Teil der georgischen Gastfreundschaft ist die Supra (die Festtradition), weshalb sie als Hauptbestandteil des Konzepts ausgewählt wurde. Die Supra ist eine kulturelle Tradition, die Menschen zusammenbringt, um zu feiern, Essen und Trinken zu teilen und die Gesellschaft des anderen zu genießen. Sie ist eine Möglichkeit für Menschen, miteinander in Kontakt zu treten und, was am wichtigsten ist, Gäste zu ehren. Und sie bietet die Möglichkeit, etwas Ungreifbares zu präsentieren, das jedoch sehr interaktiv und einladend ist.
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Tiflis ist die Hauptstadt von Georgien / Foto: mostafa meraji / unsplash Die Supra ist mit ihrer authentischen visuellen Identität das anschaulichste Symbol der georgischen Kultur. Die einzigartige sichtbare Struktur, Muster und Piktogramme des georgischen Supra-Geschirrs ermöglichen ein ganz spezifisches Format des Geschichtenerzählens. Das ikonische Aussehen des georgischen Bestecks schafft einen endlosen Weg, der die historische Kultur der georgischen Gastfreundschaft hervorhebt. Das Land verwendet weiße Symbole auf einem blauen Supra, um eine breite Palette von Elementen zu präsentieren, die die georgische Kultur ausmachen. Dazu können Abbildungen von Literatur, historischen Artefakten, Besonderheiten der Natur und weitere Elemente gehören. So möchte Georgien eine warme und einladende Atmosphäre schaffen, indem das Land das Kernelement der georgischen Kultur hervorhebt, nämlich seine beständige Gastfreundschaft. Es möchte den Gästen deutlich machen, dass die georgische Kultur die Anwesenheit von Besucher*innen schätzt, da sie als Geschenk Gottes angesehen werden. Diese Gefühle sind seit Jahrhunderten tief in der georgischen Kultur verwurzelt und werden auch heute noch vom gesamten Volk stets aufrechterhalten.
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Tiflis am Abend / Foto: Mostafa Meraji
Das Dach Europas
Ushguli ist ein spektakuläres Dorf im Oberen Swanetien, fast 2.119 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel. Es ist ein außergewöhnliches Beispiel für eine Berglandschaft mit mittelalterlichen Dörfern und Turmhäusern. Dank seiner isolierten Lage hat Oberswanetien einzigartige, jahrhundertealte Traditionen bewahrt. Seit 1996 gehört die Region zum UNESCO-Welterbe.
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Uschguli oder Ushguli ist die bekannteste Dorfgemeinschaft unter den Bergdörfern von Oberswanetien in Georgien / Foto: PeterW1950 / pixabay Ein wunderschönes Dorf in Tuscheti, Bochorna, liegt 2.345 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel. Beispiele seiner charakteristischen Architektur stehen in spektakulärem Kontrast zu der bergigen Landschaft der Region. Nach einer Beschreibung von 1954 lebten in Bochorna 25 Haushalte, die kontinuierlich Landwirtschaft betrieben. Im Jahr 1980 wurde der Ort geräumt und hatte den Status eines verlassenen Dorfes – bis 2014, als der 76-jährige Irakli Chwedaguridse den Ort wieder zum Leben erweckte. Zurzeit hat Bochorna nur einen Einwohner. Irakli Chwedaguridse ist der einzige Arzt in Tuschetien, der Hausbesuche bei seinen Patienten zu Fuß macht oder reitet. Er unternimmt diese Besuche nur zwischen Frühjahr und Herbst. Im Winter, wenn die Schneedecke bis zu zwei Meter hoch ist, benutzt der betagte Arzt seine Skier, um zu seinen Patienten zu gelangen. Sie sind handgefertigt – und zwar von ihm selbst.
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Glocken in Ushguli, einem Bergdorf in Oberswanetien im Kaukasus / Foto: Highlander-Travel / pixabay
Reisen nach Georgien lohnen das ganze Jahr über
Eine Reise in das Partnerland der ITB Berlin 2023 lohnt keineswegs ausschließlich im Sommer. Auch die anderen Jahreszeiten haben ihren Reiz. Dies sind einige der Argumente für einen Besuch Georgiens von Frühling bis zum Winter. Frühling Im Frühling ergrünt Georgien komplett. Da die Temperaturen angenehm sind, ist er die perfekte Jahreszeit für Spaziergänge im Freien. Ein Bummel durch die Altstädte ist ebenso lohnenswert wie die Erkundung von Uplistsikhe und Vardzia, die praktisch in Felsen gehauen sind, oder eine Fahrt in die Halbwüste sowie zu den sogenannten Regenbogenbergen von Mravaltskaro. Die Straßen Georgiens sind voller verborgener Geschichten und interessanter Architektur aus verschiedenen Epochen. Ebenso faszinierend ist die Natur – etwa in den Nationalparks, wo Besucher*innen förmlich zu neuer Kraft finden, da die Umgebung etwas ausgesprochen Heilsames hat.
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Die Burg Ananuri in Georgien / Foto: Makalu / pixabay Sommer Die heiße Jahreszeit eignet sich, um sich den Bergen etwas abzukühlen – besonders schön sind etwa Mestia, Tusheti, Chevsureti und Oberadjara. Darüber hinaus lassen sich die spektakulären Höhlen von Staplia, Prometheus und Tsona entdecken. Insgesamt gibt es in Georgien etwa 30 Höhlen und mehr als 26.000 Flüsse, von denen die meisten zum Rafting oder Kajakfahren geeignet sind. Wer lieber Party machen möchte, fährt im Sommer ans Schwarze Meer, wo es zahlreiche Badeorte gibt. Auch Familienurlaube sind zu dieser Jahreszeit in Batumi und in den umliegenden Städten und Dörfern sehr beliebt. Herbst Die Berge und Täler, die sich in roten und gelben Farben präsentieren, sind im Herbst unvergleichlich. Die Temperaturen präsentieren sich in der Regel noch warm und angenehm, was den Besuch aller Regionen mit ihren Wäldern, Seen, Wasserfällen und Höhlen zu einem prägenden Erlebnis macht. Zudem ist der Herbst die liebste Jahreszeit für Weinliebhaber. Dann ist es nämlich auch Zeit für das „Rtveli", ein Weinlesefest, das Gäste unbedingt gesehen haben sollten und das auf eine mehr als 8.000 Jahre alte Tradition zurückblicken kann. Winter Der georgische Winter ist eine tolle Zeit für Ski- und Snowboardliebhaber. Das Land auf dem Kaukasus ist nämlich reich an modernen Skigebieten, die mit beeindruckenden Aussichten und Pulverschnee locken – darunter Gudauri, Mestia, Bakuriani und Goderdzi, wo es sich auf und abseits der Pisten Ski fahren lässt. Zudem locken Snowboarden, Skitouren oder sogar Heliskiing und Paragliden.
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Historische Höhlenstadt Wardsia oder Vardsia in Georgien / Foto: falco / pixabay
Vier interessante Fakten zu Georgien
Vier Jahreszeiten an nur einem Tag erleben: Jede Jahreszeit hat ihre eigene Schönheit, aber Georgien bietet die Möglichkeit, alles auf einmal zu erleben. Gäste können morgens auf den höchsten Bergen Skifahren und nachmittags an warmen Stränden ein Sonnenband nehmen. Uralte Schriftart: Die Georgier haben ihr eigenes Schriftsystem. Es ist nicht nur wunderschön, das Alphabet ist auch eines der ältesten und gehört zu den 14 Schriften der Welt. Blick auf die Menschheit der Antike: Dmanisi ist die Stadt und archäologische Stätte in der Region Kvemo Kartli. Das örtliche Museum bewahrt zahlreiche Artefakte auf, die die Sichtweise auf die menschliche Geschichte und Entwicklung verändert haben. Dmanisi ist der Ort, an dem die ersten europäischen Überreste gefunden wurden (1,8 Millionen Jahre alte Fossilien). Musik, die bereits den Weltraum erreichte: Die traditionelle georgische Folkloremusik ist exotisch und schön. Sie umfasst mehr als vier verschiedene Stimmen und steht auf der Liste des immateriellen Kulturerbes der UNESCO. Im Jahr 1977 wurde das georgische Lied „Chakrulo" als Teil der NASA-Botschaft an das Universum ins All geschickt. Lies 10 Gründe, warum Du Georgien besuchen solltest Quelle: ITB Berlin Titelfoto / Die Dörfer der Gemeinde Ushguli sind Welterbestätten der UNESCO. Fot: pixabay.com / ElenaSa
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Karte von Georgien. / Quelle: CIA The World Factbook / gemeinfrei
Auch interessant
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Spring is coming, Ushguli 💚 #georgia🇬🇪 #ushguli #svaneti #aadpakvis (bij Ushguli, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CprnknTo7eo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jettpack · 3 months
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a collection of pleinair paintings from over the years.
1. Fashion district, Los Angeles, US
2. Mestia, Georgia
3. Tbilisi, Georgia
4. Echo Park, Los Angeles, US
5. LA River, Los Angeles, US
6. Ushguli, Georgia
7. Chinatown, Los Angeles, US
8. Echo Park, Los Angeles, US
9. Echo Park, Los Angeles, US
10. Kalambaka, Greece
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peacephotography · 1 year
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Ushguli, Georgia Photograph: Aaron Huey
More than 100 photographers are making their fine art prints available to Vital Impacts, a women-owned and operated non-profit organisation that supports grassroots groups trying to protect people, wildlife and habitats.
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dato-georgia-caucasus · 6 months
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Old Ushguli, Mestia, Georgia
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scriptsoldier · 7 months
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Ushguli, the highest villages in Europe in Svaneti region, Georgia . This one is for Morgan :
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plutotravels · 8 months
Unlock the Secrets of Travel: The Best Routes to Discover Scenic Georgia
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Embark on a journey to uncover the hidden gems of Georgia as you explore its breathtaking landscapes and scenic routes. From the mist-covered mountains to the tranquil coastal towns, this captivating country offers a plethora of stunning sights that will leave you awe-struck. Whether you're an adventure enthusiast craving adrenaline-pumping activities or a nature lover seeking serene surroundings, Georgia has something for everyone.
Immerse yourself in the charm of Tbilisi, the vibrant capital city, where ancient architecture harmoniously blends with contemporary design. Indulge in the world-renowned Georgian cuisine, savoring traditional dishes that captivate your taste buds with their unique flavors. Venture into the picturesque wine region of Kakheti, where rolling vineyards and centuries-old wineries promise a delightful tasting experience.
Discover the enchanting beauty of the Caucasus Mountains as you hike through the verdant valleys and witness astounding vistas at every turn. Traverse the winding roads of the Georgian Military Highway, an ancient route that stretches from Tbilisi to the Russian border, revealing mesmerizing landscapes along the way.
Why Georgia is a scenic travel destination
Georgia, nestled between Europe and Asia, offers a unique blend of cultures, landscapes, and history. It is a country that has managed to preserve its rich traditions while embracing modernity. With its diverse geography, from mountains to sea, Georgia is a paradise for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike.
The country is home to the majestic Caucasus Mountains, which stretch across the northern part of Georgia. These mountains, with their snow-capped peaks and lush valleys, provide a stunning backdrop for hikers and nature enthusiasts. The region is also rich in wildlife, with rare species such as the Caucasian leopard and brown bear calling it home.
Amidst Georgia's stunning landscapes and cultural marvels, partnering with the best travel agency in Dubai ensures that your journey to this scenic destination is flawlessly orchestrated, allowing you to immerse yourself in its beauty and charm.
Top scenic routes in Georgia
The Georgia Mountains: Exploring the North
One of the most scenic regions in Georgia is the northern part of the country, home to the majestic Caucasus Mountains. This area offers a variety of routes that take you through breathtaking landscapes and charming mountain villages.
Start your journey in Stepantsminda, a small town nestled at the foot of Mount Kazbek. From here, you can embark on a hike to the Gergeti Trinity Church, perched on a hilltop overlooking the town. The views from the church are simply breathtaking, with the snow-covered peak of Mount Kazbek in the background.
Continue your journey along the Georgian Military Highway, a historic route that stretches from Tbilisi to the Russian border. As you drive through the winding mountain roads, you'll be rewarded with panoramic views of snow-capped peaks, deep gorges, and crystal-clear rivers. Make a stop at Ananuri Fortress, a medieval complex located on the shores of the Zhinvali Reservoir. The fortress offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains and is a great spot for taking photos.
Another must-visit destination in the region is Svaneti, a remote mountainous area known for its medieval towers and pristine landscapes. The region is a paradise for hikers, with numerous trails that lead to glacial lakes, alpine meadows, and remote villages. Don't miss the opportunity to visit Ushguli, one of the highest inhabited villages in Europe. Here, you can admire the ancient Svan towers and immerse yourself in the traditional way of life.
Coastal Beauty: Discovering the Golden Isles
While the mountains offer stunning scenery, Georgia's coastline is equally captivating. The Golden Isles, located on the Black Sea coast, are a collection of charming islands and coastal towns that boast pristine beaches and a relaxed atmosphere.
Start your coastal adventure in Batumi, a vibrant city known for its modern architecture and lively waterfront. Take a stroll along the Batumi Boulevard, a scenic promenade lined with palm trees and colorful flower beds. Here, you can enjoy panoramic views of the sea while savoring delicious Georgian cuisine at one of the many beachfront restaurants.
From Batumi, make your way to the beautiful island of St. Simon's. This idyllic island is famous for its picturesque lighthouses, sandy beaches, and charming coastal villages. Explore the island by bike or on foot, taking in the stunning views of the Atlantic Ocean and the surrounding marshlands.
Continue your journey to Jekyll Island, a haven for nature lovers. The island is home to pristine beaches, marshes teeming with wildlife, and ancient maritime forests. Rent a kayak and paddle through the salt marshes, keeping an eye out for dolphins and migratory birds. Don't miss the opportunity to visit the Jekyll Island Club, a historic hotel that was once a playground for the rich and famous.
Historic Charm: Touring Savannah and the Lowcountry
No visit to Georgia would be complete without exploring Savannah and the surrounding Lowcountry. Savannah, with its well-preserved historic district and antebellum mansions, is a city that oozes charm and Southern hospitality.
Start your tour in Savannah's Historic District, where you'll find cobblestone streets, historic squares, and beautifully restored homes. Take a leisurely stroll along River Street, a bustling waterfront promenade lined with shops, restaurants, and art galleries. Don't miss a visit to Forsyth Park, a 30-acre green oasis that is home to the famous Forsyth Fountain.
From Savannah, venture into the Lowcountry, a region known for its picturesque marshlands, oak-lined avenues, and historic plantations. Visit Beaufort, South Carolina, a charming town that has served as a backdrop for numerous movies and TV shows. Take a guided tour of the historic district, where you can admire the well-preserved antebellum homes and learn about the town's rich history.
Another must-visit destination in the Lowcountry is Charleston, South Carolina. This historic city is famous for its well-preserved architecture, cobblestone streets, and charming gardens. Take a leisurely stroll along the Battery, a seawall promenade that offers stunning views of Charleston Harbor. Don't miss a visit to the Magnolia Plantation and Gardens, a historic plantation that features beautiful gardens and a nature preserve.
Outdoor Adventures: Discovering the Chattahoochee National Forest
For outdoor enthusiasts, a visit to the Chattahoochee National Forest is a must. Located in northern Georgia, this vast wilderness area offers a wide range of outdoor activities, from hiking and camping to fishing and kayaking.
Start your adventure in the town of Helen, a charming Alpine village nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains. From here, you can explore the numerous hiking trails that wind through the forest, offering stunning views of waterfalls, wildflowers, and wildlife. Don't miss the opportunity to visit Anna Ruby Falls, a picturesque waterfall located in the heart of the forest.
Another popular destination in the Chattahoochee National Forest is Brasstown Bald, the highest peak in Georgia. Take a scenic drive to the summit, where you'll be rewarded with panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. On a clear day, you can even see as far as four states: Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina, and South Carolina.
If you're looking for a more adventurous experience, head to the Ocoee River, one of the premier whitewater destinations in the Southeast. Here, you can go rafting or kayaking through the Class III and IV rapids, surrounded by pristine forest and towering cliffs. The Ocoee River was also the site of the 1996 Olympic whitewater events, adding a touch of history to your outdoor adventure.
Planning your scenic Georgia road trip
Now that you've discovered the best routes to explore scenic Georgia, it's time to start planning your road trip. Here are a few tips to help you make the most of your journey:
Research the best time to visit: Georgia experiences four distinct seasons, each offering its own unique beauty. Spring and fall are considered the best times to visit, as the weather is mild and the landscapes are ablaze with color.
Rent a car: Having a car will give you the freedom to explore at your own pace and venture off the beaten path. There are several car rental companies in Georgia, and most major cities have airports where you can pick up your vehicle.
Pack accordingly: Depending on the time of year and the regions you plan to visit, you'll need to pack appropriate clothing and gear. Layers are essential, as the weather can change quickly in the mountains.
Plan your accommodations: Georgia offers a wide range of accommodations, from luxury hotels to budget-friendly guesthouses. It's a good idea to book your accommodations in advance, especially during peak travel seasons.
Be flexible: While it's important to have a plan, be open to unexpected detours and discoveries along the way. Some of the best experiences in Georgia are found when you take the road less traveled.
When planning your scenic Georgia road trip, don't miss the chance to explore every breath-taking vista and charming village, all conveniently organized through a Georgia tour package from Dubai to make your journey unforgettable.
Conclusion: Unforgettable experiences in scenic Georgia
Georgia, with its stunning landscapes, rich history, and warm hospitality, is a destination that will leave a lasting impression. Whether you choose to explore the majestic mountains, relax on the pristine beaches, or immerse yourself in the charming historic towns, Georgia offers a wealth of unforgettable experiences.
From the vibrant capital city of Tbilisi to the remote mountain villages of Svaneti, every corner of Georgia is adorned with natural wonders and cultural treasures waiting to be discovered. So, pack your bags, hit the road, and unlock the secrets of travel as you embark on a journey to explore scenic Georgia.
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flavored-chic · 9 months
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Ushguli, the highest villages in Europe in Svaneti region, Georgia . This one is for Morgan :
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shirochin · 9 months
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Ushguli, the highest villages in Europe in Svaneti region, Georgia . This one is for Morgan :
0 notes
bakutogeorgia · 11 months
Day 14, Mestia, 22nd May
We had a fabulous day today going up into areas I didn’t even know existed. Perhaps I should have read up on the marvels of Georgia more. The drive up into the mountains was an adventure in itself. We went in 4 wheel drives due to the condition of the road which follows the course of a fast flowing river which at times rages and washes the road away. In parts half the road was gone. The mountains are made of shale with much of it continually falling onto the road and then being piled up along the sides. You can see where most of their building material comes from. The whole trip was spectacular with snow capped mountains in the background. Along the way are hamlets of varying sizes with many of the buildings left abandoned or at least looking as if they are. At the head of the Enguri Gorge is Ushguli Village which is a community of four villages and is considered one of the highest continuously inhabited settlements in Europe at 2100 m and due to its inaccessible location it has keep a timeless feel. These were the villages featured in the movie we saw yesterday. The movie has given us much to talk about trying to fully understand the story and also when we were in the villages themselves being awed by the harsh conditions they lived in. A sad note we found out on our way back was that the little boy who was in the movie his father died yesterday. Everyone except the two leads were locals who lived in the area. You are very much going back in time being so high up in the Caucasus mountains.
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Lots of clusters of build8ngs along the river all made of stone.
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This was the Tower of love. There was a story about it but it skips me.
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The road was very rough and after awhile became just dirt. This road is closed in the winter due to the snow. Road washed away in places.
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Close to the top the road wound around and the area was more open.
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The villages contain old Svan Towers and buildings that make Ushguli part of the UNESCO World Heritage listed sites in Upper Svaneti. Some roofs have been replaced with modern material which the UN are providing finance to restore the roofs back to ones in keeping with the surrounding buildings to preserve the character of the area.
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It was actually a fairly nice day today, not too cold but it still looked all a bit bleak.
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The clusters of hamlets were in walking distance of each other.
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The Lamaria church is an Orthodox Church that still holds services. You have to be properly dressed and head covered to enter.
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Close up of the church. There was a monk inside with all his robes on.
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Fairly small inside with a few decorations.
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Most Georgian icons have big eyes.
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Bells inside the church ground. I would imagine the sound would carry across the hills.
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Looking down the valley from the church hill.
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Transport and access is difficult in winter and today helicopters can be used to bring in supplies. Otherwise it’s a three day hike. In the movie they needed medicine for the little boy to survive and it took someone over a week to get what was needed. The man suffered frost bite in the process.
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A river rages through the village. This area is covered in deep snow in the winter.
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These were the cars we drove up in. They are right hand drive from Japan. They are good for the conditions but the government have taxed these Japanese cars so much they are now too expensive to bring into the country.
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Tourism is Georgia main industry now and it’s important to this area but at the same time hopefully it won’t change the look of the place. Even now there are guesthouses. We stopped at one for lunch. The whole valley was pretty amazing.
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უშგულის ლამარია❤ Lamaria Church #ushguli #svaneti #georgia🇬🇪 #aadpakvis (bij Lamaria⦁ ლამარია) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpfNwW-IOzS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Top 10 Things to Do in Georgia
Georgia, a land of sports, culture, art, monasteries, green hills, and deep caves, is a state located in the United States of America. It is a place where visitors often feel that they have been transported to the past with all those medieval fortresses and lovely villages. packed with diversity and delicious food, there are numerous things to do and see with an exclusive Georgia tour package that people often get spoilt with so many choices. 
No matter whether you are a history buff or a nature lover, Georgia has something for everyone, and here are the top things to do in Georgia that offer the ultimate experience of your entire trip.
Explore the old town of Tbilisi.
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The capital of Georgia, Tbilisi, often becomes the first stop for most travellers, and why not? There are so many fascinating things to do in Georgia, Tbilisi, which often overwhelms most visitors. One of the major attractions of Tbilisi is exploring the old town. You can either take an adventure by climbing the top or zip up in a modern car and if you feel tired from all that walking, soak in the thermal springs located right in the middle of the old town.
Taste the delicious Georgian wine.
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Georgian wine has recently gained popularity due to its high quality and the fact that it is prepared at home. The temperature and the conditions of the environment in Kakheti, combined with centuries of experience, make it all perfect, high-quality, and delicious wine. Visiting this vineyard is a must-do activity in Georgia.
Hike in the Caucasian Mountains
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The soaring mountains, lush forest, and beautiful farmland broken up by tiny villages make it a perfect spot for hiking and trekking in Georgia. It is probably one of the most underrated hiking places in the world. Mestia to Ushguli, a popular multi-day trek route, is excellent for any trekker wanting to explore the natural side of Georgia.
Wow at the Caves of Gareji
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The David Gareji monastery complex is located in the southeast of Georgia, near the border with Azerbaijan. It is set against a stunning rocky hill backdrop, including hundreds of homes, churches, chapels, and more. Gareji is one of the most significant landmarks in Georgia and offers a unique combination of historic architecture, palaeopathological fields, and prehistoric archaeological sites, all spread across the River Lori plateau. While here, you can also hike up a hill to soak in the incredible views and enjoy the breezy weather.
Get close to nature at Chattahoochee National Forest.
Located close to Gainesville, visiting Chattahoochee National Forest is one of the top things to do in Georgia. It is a perfect place for all nature and sports lovers, where you can indulge in various activities like hiking, swimming, canoeing, camping, trekking, and picking with your loved ones. You will absolutely fall in love with all those lakes, trees, rivers, and waterfalls that offer a complete retreat to your eyes.
Travel back in time to Forsyth Park.
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Georgia is a place known to be packed with several parks, forests, and gardens, but Forsyth is among such places that stand out from the rest. Enjoy your travel back in time as you explore this absolutely gorgeous park built in the 19th century that still stands true to its era. You will find some beautiful fountains, lush green spaces, trees, and stunning walking trails.
Try different flavours of cola at the World of Coca-Cola.
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While the world knows Coca-Cola as a popular beverage brand, did you know that it was invented for medicinal benefits? No, then visit this World of Coca-Cola, where you get to learn many interesting facts about cola, including the process of making Coca-Cola from start to finish. You also get to witness how they are filled, packed, and changed throughout the years in different places.
Visit the National Historic Site of Martin Luther King Jr.
This historic site in Georgia offers visitors an opportunity to witness the birth and grave of America’s most iconic personality, Martin Luther King Jr. You can choose from several tours that give you a detailed insight into the life and struggles of Martin Luther King Jr., who fought for the freedom of the African American community. It is one of the top things to do in Georgia.
Go on a picnic at Piedmont Park.
For those wondering about the best thing to do in Georgia for couples that is also within the city, Piedmont Park is the right place for you. It is the oldest and largest part of the area, located in downtown Atlanta. There are several fishing spots and nature trails that offer the perfect vibe to enjoy a picnic with your loved one.
Visit the Western Art Museum.
If you love exhibits and the arts, do visit this Western Art Museum, which is truly a hidden gem in Georgia. It is located in Cartersville and features several incredible exhibits. The most popular art in the museum focuses on Western culture and the cowboy way of life. It is an excellent place for any art enthusiast wondering what to do in Georgia.
Georgia is a wonderful place known for peaches, kind hospitality, and being the birthplace of some popular personalities, including Martin Luther King. So, if you are wondering what to do in Georgia, these top places and activities will fill your trip with amazing adventures and new experiences. Don’t forget to include them all!
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williamholmes · 1 year
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Ushguli, the highest villages in Europe in Svaneti region, Georgia . This one is for Morgan :
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xtruss · 1 year
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Ushguli is a community of five villages located at the head of the Enguri gorge in Georgia’s Svaneti province. Photograph: Aaron Huey/Vital Impacts
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Elephants surround their young after leaving a water hole in Tanzania. Photograph: Annie Griffits/Vital Impacts
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Polar bears, newly emerged from their den, rest before making the journey to the sea ice to hunt again for seal in Canada’s Wapusk national park. Photograph: Michelle Valberg/Vital Impacts
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Oklahoma, are captured in this image by Mitch Dobrowner, who was inspired by great photographers of the past, especially Ansel Adams, to take up photography in his late teens. Photograph: Mitch Dobrowner/Vital Impacts
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Nicknamed ghost mushrooms because of its eerie green glow, the bioluminescent fungus Omphalotus nidiformis is found in a number of forests in Australia Photograph: Callie Chee/Vital Impacts
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Black-headed ibis perch on a tree in a lake on the outskirts of Bengaluru, India Photograph: Manjunath Kiran/AFP/Getty Images
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Two females and a male golden snub-nosed monkey huddle together to keep warm in the extreme winter cold. Threatened mainly by forest loss and fragmentation, this endangered species is confined to central China. One of the shortlisted 25 images in the running for the Wildlife Photographer of the Year People’s Choice award at the Natural History Museum. Photograph: Minqiang Lu/2022 Wildlife Photographer of the Year
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Migrant birds in the Momoge national nature reserve in Zhenlai County, China. Photograph: Xinhua/REX/Shutterstock
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An Indian one-horned rhino and its baby graze in the Pobitora Wildlife Sanctuary in Morigaon district of India’s northeastern state of Assam. Photograph: Xinhua/REX/Shutterstock
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A compass jellyfish, one of the most commonly spotted, recorded in a survey of marine wildlife of the UK coastline. Members of the public have reported a total of 1,315 jellyfish sightings to the Marine Conservation Society (MCS) for its annual report including a 2% increase in the man o’war. The MCS regularly records sightings of eight jellyfish species with the compass jellyfish making up 23% of sightings and the moon jellyfish also accounting for 23% of reports, seen in smacks – groups of jellyfish – of more than 100. Photograph: The Marine Conservation Society/Peter Bardsley/PA
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