#Ute Kluge
moradadabeleza · 3 years
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Ute Kluge
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hogbu · 4 years
blue reflections (Ute Kluge / Manfred Geyer) par Manfred Geyer
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lionfloss · 3 years
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Ute Kluge
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ps1 · 4 years
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Ute Kluge
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goodmemory · 4 years
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Ute Kluge
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fototreffberlin · 4 years
FOTOTREFF  #32 – Am Samstag den 11.Januar 2020 fand der 32. Fototreff statt.
TALK Beim FOTOTREFF #32 haben Ute Mahler, Fotografin, und Verleger und Kurator Jan Wenzel von Spector Books über ihre Erfahrungen aus der kontinuierlichen kreativen Zusammenarbeit mit PartnerInnen gesprochen.
Bernd und Hilla Becher, Onorato Krebs, Anna und Bernhard Blume – die Fotografie kennt viele Beispiele schöpferischer Teams. Doch was passiert praktisch und hinter den Kulissen kreativer Partnerschaften? Welche Motivation bringt Kreative zusammen? Wie teilt man Arbeit, Urheberrechte, Aufmerksamkeit und Misserfolg? Welche Hindernisse und Bereicherungen bedeutet Zusammenarbeit für Themenwahl, Umsetzung und das Miteinander künstlerischer Egos. Im Gespräch teilen unsere Gäste ihre Erfahrungen, Lehren und Erlebnisse mit dem kreativen Teamwork.
Ute Mahler Ute Mahler (*1949 in Berka, Thüringen), lebt in Lehnitz bei Berlin. Ute Mahler schloss 1974 ihr Studium der Fotografie an der Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst in Leipzig ab. Seither arbeitet sie als freischaffende Fotografin, z.B für die Modezeitschrift Sibylle, den STERN und weitere nationale und internationale Magazine. Ab 1981 war sie Mitglied im Verband Bildender Künstler (VBK) und gründete 1990 mit sechs ostdeutschen FotografInnen die renommierte OSTKREUZ Agentur der Fotografen. Seit 2005 ist sie Dozentin an der Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie und hatte von 2000 bis 2015 eine Professur für Fotografie an der Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften in Hamburg inne. Seit 2009 realisiert Ute Mahler zusammen mit ihrem Mann, dem Fotografen Werner Mahler, freie künstlerische Projekte im dokumentarischen Stil. Ihre Arbeiten wurden weltweit in zahlreichen Ausstellungen präsentiert. 2019 wurden sie gemeinsam für ihr Lebenswerk mit der David-Octavius-Hill-Medalle der Deutschen Fotografischen Akademie ausgezeichnet.
Jan Wenzel Jan Wenzel lebt als Verleger, Autor und Künstler in Leipzig. Zusammen mit Markus Dreßen und Anne König hat er 2001 den Verlag Spector Books gegründet, der 2018 den Sächsischen Verlagspreis und 2019 den Deutschen Verlagspreis erhielt. Als Autor und Herausgeber hat er an einer Vielzahl von Buchprojekten mitgearbeitet, u.a. mit den Künstlern Olaf Nicolai, Alexander Kluge und Erik van der Weijde. 2016 und 2018 kuratierte er gemeinsam mit Anne König das Fotofestival f/stop in Leipzig.
BOOK SLOT Im zweiten Teil des Abends wurde das Fotobuch „Be Hers Be Mine“ (2019, Kehrer Verlag) von Djamilia Grossman und Tom Licht vorgestellt.
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Ein Schweizer Paar versucht acht Jahre lang vergeblich schwanger zu werden. Nach etlichen Behandlungsmethoden haben sie Adoptionspläne – doch jeder Versuch scheitert. Obwohl es in der Schweiz verboten ist, bitten sie schließlich eine Frau in den USA, den im Labor gezeugten Embryo in ihren Uterus einzusetzen und ihr Kind auszutragen. Die Fotografen Tom Licht und Djamila Grossman beschreiben den Weg des Paares und die Beweggründe, die zur Entscheidung für eine Leihmutterschaft führen. Fasziniert von den Fragen, die ihre Geschichte aufwirft, begleiten sie die Eltern zur Geburt des Kindes in die USA. Leihmutterschaft reflektiert eine globale Realität, in der die Grenzen verschwimmen zwischen technischem Fortschritt, Medizin, Ethik und dem Gesetz. Mit dem Eingriff stellen sich Fragen zur Identität des Menschseins, und die Kreation von Leben wird zur globalgesellschaftlichen Aufgabe.
Djamila Grossman Djamila Grossman ist deutsch-amerikanische Fotografin und lebt in Zürich. Sie studierte Journalismus und Anthropologie an der University of Arizona und absolvierte die Meisterklasse von Ute Mahler und Robert Lyons an der Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie in Berlin. Djamila Grossman arbeitet international für redaktionelle und kommerzielle Kunden und realisiert zudem persönliche Langzeitprojekte. Ihre Arbeit zeichnet sich aus durch eine intuitive Herangehensweise und visuelle Sprache. Tom Licht Tom Licht lebt und arbeitet als freier Fotograf in Zürich. Fokus sind Architekturfotografie, Portraits und freie Projekte. In seinen Arbeiten beschäftigt er sich hauptsächlich mit der Identität und ihrer Prozesshaftigkeit. Er studierte Architektur und absolvierte die Meisterklasse von Ute Mahler und Robert Lyons an der Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie in Berlin. Sein Buch Vater Sohn und der Krieg war 2016 für den Deutschen Fotobuchpreis nominiert.
SHOW & TELL Im letzten Teil des Abends hat Fabian Zapatka Fotografien seiner aktuellen Arbeit präsentiert.
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Nach über fünfzig Jahren auf der Bühne, beendete Fabian Zapatkas Vater, der Schauspieler Manfred Zapatka, im Sommer 2019 seine Bühnenkarriere. Er hat ihn mit der Kamera beim Abschied nehmen und dem Rückzug in sein alte Heimat begleitet.
Eine Auswahl der Bilder erschien als Titelgeschichte im Magazin der Süddeutschen Zeitung 2020 unter dem Titel “Nach Hause”.
► Podcast des Gesprächs auf Soundcloud:
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Supported by: RECOM ART PicDrop - Image Transfer for Pros RENT ONE - Fototechnikverleih DRS Delight Rental Services Buch- und Offsetdruckerei H.Heenemann GmbH & Co. KG
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wiadomosciprasowe · 3 years
Multiconsult og Asplan Viak detaljprosjekterer rentvannsdelen i Ny vannforsyning Oslo
Multiconsult og Asplan Viak detaljprosjekterer rentvannsdelen i Ny vannforsyning Oslo
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Holsfjorden | Foto: Randi Hausken Dato: 29-10-2020 10:30 CET Opprinnelig tittel på pressemeldingen: Multiconsult og Asplan Viak detaljprosjekterer rentvannsdelen i Ny vannforsyning Oslo Kategori: , Ingeniørkunst Økonomi, finans Data, telekom, IT Bygg, eiendom Miljø, energi Tjeneste, rådgivning, service Undersøkelser, rapporter Konsulenttjenester Multiconsult, med partnerne Asplan Viak, Kluge og Pacta, hartidligere i høst signert kontrakten «Detaljprosjektering av E6 Rentvannstunnel» i Ny vannforsyning Oslo (NVO). Arbeidet utføres for Vann- og avløpsetaten (VAV) i Oslo kommune
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Multiconsult, med partnerne Asplan Viak, Kluge og Pacta, hartidligere i høst signert kontrakten «Detaljprosjektering av E6 Rentvannstunnel» i Ny vannforsyning Oslo (NVO). Arbeidet utføres for Vann- og avløpsetaten (VAV) i Oslo kommune
-Prosjektet blir innlemmet med Ny vannforsyning Oslo (NVO), som vi allerede jobber tett med kunden og samarbeidspartnerne om. Stamnettprosjektet omfatter mye fjellarbeid og et høydebasseng, så dette blir veldig faglig spennende. Vi er stolt av tilliten Vann- og avløpsetaten gir oss og de andre partnerne, ved å kunne fortsette som bidragsyter inn i en av kommune-Norges største investeringer, sier oppdragsleder for NVO Lars Hjermstad fra Multiconsult.
Stamnettprosjektet skal sørge for distribusjon av behandlet vann fra det nye vannbehandlingsanlegget på Huseby ut til Oslos beboere. For å få dette til skal det skal bygges tunnel med tunnelboremaskin fra Stubberud til Huseby på ca. 11 kilometer. I tillegg kommer en konvensjonell tunnel fra Oset vannbehandlingsanlegg til Disen på rundt 3,5 kilometer, og konvensjonelle tunneler ved Disen og Trosterud-Stubberud på samme lengde. Prosjektet har et sterkt fokus på å forhindre skader på infrastruktur, eiendom, natur og miljø.
-Den nye Rentvannskontrakten kompletterer den geologiske reisen i Oslo-feltet med tunneldriving videre østover i de sedimentære bergartene helt frem til grunnfjellsgneisen ved Trosterud-Stubberud og nordover til syenittene ved Oset, sier objektleder for tunneler og bergrom, Elisabeth Grasbakken fra Multiconsult.
Høydebasseng på 50.000 m3 Som del av Stamnettprosjektet skal det også prosjekteres et høydebasseng på 50.000 m3 i fjell. Det skal være en pumpestasjon i fjellet med kapasitet på 2500 liter i sekundet, og flere ventilkamre for tilkobling av vann fra tunnelene til hovedledningsnettet i Oslo.
-Pumpestasjonen på Stubberud og det nye høydebassenget vil gi ytterligere økt sikkerhet i vannforsyningen til Oslo. Med Stamnettprosjektet får vi anledning til å følge drikkevannets vei fra kilde til forbruker. For Asplan Viaks del gir NVO og Rentvannstunnelen verdifull erfaring med store dimensjoner og komplekse løsninger. Vi er stolte av å få jobbe med Norges største oppdragsgiver innen VA-sektoren, sier Elisabeth Elgsæter som er objektleder for pumpestasjonen fra Asplan Viak.
Utbyggingsprosjektet Ny vannforsyning Oslo er nå inne i en hektisk periode for Multiconsult og samarbeidspartnerne COWI og Asplan Viak.
-Prosjekt Ny vannforsyning Oslo er Norges suverent største og mest kompliserte VA-prosjekt, med mange ulike utfordringer sier Siv Kristin Mellgren som er oppdragsleder for den nye Rentvannskontrakten.
Som en del av Ny vannforsyning til Oslo (NVO) utfører Multiconsult prosjektering av delkontrakt 1 Råvann, som består av inntaksarrangement i Holsfjorden og overføringstunnel til Huseby. Multiconsult utfører også delkontrakt 3, Fjell og betong vannbehandlingsanlegg, og delkontrakt 4, Tekniske installasjoner vannbehandlingsanlegg. Delkontrakt 3 utføres med COWI som partner og delkontrakt 4 med Asplan Viak som partner. 
Hele anlegget skal være ferdig bygget til 1.januar 2028.
Kilde: Pressekontor Multiconsult – PRESSEMELDING –
Multiconsult er et av Norges ledende miljøer innen prosjektering og rådgivning. Med røtter tilbake til 1908 har selskapet hatt en sterk innvirkning på Norges utvikling og økonomiske vekst. Sammen med samarbeidspartnere og kunder har vi skapt historie og det skal vi fortsette å gjøre i fremtiden også. For oss handler det om erfaring, rett kompetanse, effektiv prosjektstyring og riktig kompetansesammensetning blant våre medarbeidere. Vi oppfordrer både medarbeidere og kunder til å se muligheter der andre ser hindre – og å sprenge grenser der andre fristes til å gå rundt.
Multiconsult tilbyr multifaglig rådgivning, design, prosjektering, prosjektoppfølging, verifikasjon og kontroll. Multiconsult har 30-talls kontorer i Norge og internasjonalt. Hovedkontoret ligger i Oslo, men Multiconsults totale kompetanse er tilgjengelig fra alle våre kontorer. Multiconsults tjenester dekker alle prosjektfaser. Våre oppdragsgivere og samarbeidspartnere finnes over hele landet og i store deler av verden.
Hashtags: # #Ingeniørkunst Økonomi, finans Data, telekom, IT Bygg, eiendom Miljø, energi Tjeneste, rådgivning, service Undersøkelser, rapporter Konsulenttjenester Ingeniørkunst Økonomi, finans Data, telekom, IT Bygg, eiendom Miljø, energi Tjeneste, rådgivning, service Undersøkelser, rapporter Konsulenttjenester
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wallpaperpaintings · 4 years
20 Unbelievable Facts About Paint Colours | Paint Colours
Annie Sloan, who is acclaimed for her book paint, is a British artist, blush and acrylic able and columnist of 26 books. Her acrylic became a common awareness due to its abounding uses, from appliance to added things in the home. She capital a acrylic that could be acclimated to accomplish countless adorning furnishings — but that could be applied, larboard to dry, and waxed in one day. Annie lives and works in Oxford, England, with her husband, David, who runs the business.
Sloan abutting agents biographer Jura Koncius aftermost anniversary for The Washington Post’s Home Front online chat. Here is an edited excerpt.
Q: I appetite to bandbox up my home a bit, but I’m afraid of too abundant color. Area do I start?
A: Blush is absolutely important in a allowance because it brings joy. Anticipate of the allowance and the bank colors as a aloof background, and acquisition one blush to acquaint into the room, conceivably on a chest of drawers at one end and a armchair on the other. Remember, you can acrylic lamp bases, too, for an added pop of color. If you adjudge you don’t like your blush choice, don’t worry: You can acrylic over it.
Q: How should I abundance partially acclimated cans of paint? What’s their shelf life?
A: If you accept extra acrylic that you won’t use for a while, put a little bit of baptize on top (less than an inch), and allowance the lid acutely well. I would say that it lasts for a year, but I accept acclimated acrylic that’s 15 years old. It’s absolutely bottomward to how it’s stored. Abstain
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blueimmersion-blog · 4 years
TDI Advanced Trimix Diver
It was written off as a useless trade, significantly with the demise of tobacco promoting. It has been known as a blight on the American panorama. It even earned the nickname "air pollution on a stick." However issues have modified with out of doors promoting and we're not speaking about your father's billboards. TDI Advanced Trimix Diver
Right this moment, the out of doors billboard trade contains not simply the small Eight-sheet poster alongside your native rural highway; it contains mammoth indicators that tower above the tens of 1000's of people that cross via Instances Sq. every day. It contains rolling ads on the perimeters of vehicles and buses. It features a plethora of signage at speedways, and in sports activities stadiums. And it contains "out of doors furnishings" signage comprised of bus shelters, benches and nearly anyplace else the place individuals congregate.
Like them or not, out of doors billboards are right here to remain and the trade has by no means appeared brighter. Total spending on out of doors promoting is sort of $5 billion, a ten % development price and greater than double a decade earlier. Furthermore, billboards are the place to see among the most artistic work in promoting, despite the truth that you might have just a few seconds to seize the viewer's consideration. To these within the trade, out of doors is in.
A Cell Society
Modern social tendencies favor billboards. People are spending fewer hours at dwelling, the place TV, cable, magazines, newspapers, books, and the Web all clamor for consideration. Individuals are spending extra time than ever of their automobiles - day by day automobile journeys are up 110% since 1970, and the variety of automobiles on the highway is up by 147%. For most individuals caught in visitors, the one media choices are radio and billboards.
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Anybody who's sufficiently old to recollect the previous Burma Shave indicators alongside the freeway is aware of that out of doors billboards will be very participating and right now's out of doors billboard trade contributes tens of millions of of house to numerous public service causes.
The brand new computer-painting know-how utilized by the trade is making out of doors billboards brighter, extra thrilling, and upbeat. Their messages are sometimes extra intelligent, humorous and inventive - there's even a major awards packages known as the "Obie" to acknowledge excellent out of doors artistic, together with a class for PSAs.
The brand new single-column buildings have cleaner strains than the previous phone pole or I-beam buildings, and are supporting and complementing right now's crisp, new, shiny, architecturally-designed shops, buildings and malls.
Like different rising stars of the knowledge age, billboards have gone excessive tech. Digital know-how developed at MIT has reworked the way in which billboards are made. Till the 1990s, most billboards had been hand-painted on plywood. High quality was inconsistent and when paint pale and wooden chipped, billboards grew to become eyesores. Right this moment, computer-painting know-how has all however eradicated the old style signal painter, and plywood has given solution to sturdy vinyl that may be minimize to any dimension, then rolled into tubes for straightforward transport. Big graphics will be produced extra shortly and at decrease price, and digital printing ensures trustworthy reproduction--so that an advert for Levi's blue denims seems exactly the identical in every single place.
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Billionaire John W. Kluge, a significant drive within the billboard enterprise for 4 a long time, introduced laptop portray to the market by way of his firm, Metromedia Applied sciences. From 1959 to 1986, Kluge owned Foster & Kleiser, then the nation's largest billboard operator, and Metromedia is now the world chief in large-scale imaging. Different innovators are including three- dimensional buildings, digital tickers, and steady movement to out of doors adverts.
Regardless that out of doors is just two % of general advert spending, its impact is rising, significantly in one-of-a-kind places reminiscent of Instances Sq. and Sundown Boulevard, the place publicity is unattainable to calculate. Indicators there can pop up on the information, in motion pictures and in magazines, and that does not even consider the tens of millions who stroll via the areas weekly. "We will not even inform an advertiser what number of impressions they're getting," says Brian Turner, president of Sherwood Outside, which sells 60 website "spectaculars" at One and Two Instances Sq. and 1600 Broadway, making it the 12th largest out­door firm by way of income.
Outside Goes Inexperienced
This New 12 months's Eve revelers at Instances Sq. could have a close-up view of the nation's first environmentally pleasant billboard. Powered totally by wind and solar - 16 wind generators and 64 photo voltaic panels - the signal is anticipated to avoid wasting $12,000 to $15,000 per thirty days in electrical energy prices. Multiply this by all the opposite cities within the nation utilizing electrical energy for out of doors illumination, and it quantities to a signficant price financial savings and eco-friendly out of doors.
A variety of advertisers reminiscent of Normal Motors' Cadillac, Samsung, Prudential, NBC, Budweiser, New York State Lottery, even the New York Instances pay six-figure month-to-month charges to carry house for 10 years, a far cry from the times when the indicators used to show over each six months. Instances Sq. is a lot in demand that Inter Metropolis constructed a 50 story lodge and 300 foot tower at Broadway and 47th Avenue with a complete of 75,000 sq. toes of outside promoting. "The tower is the most important construction ever constructed solely for promoting," says Bob Nyland, president of Inter Metropolis Premiere. Advertisers embody American Categorical, Apple, AT&T, HBO, Hachette Filipacchi, Levi's, Morgan Stanley, Nokia and the U.S. Postal Service.
The Morphing of Outside
"Outside was once referred to as the beer, butts, and babes medium," says Andrea MacDonald, president of MacDonald Media, a New York company that focuses on out-of-home promoting. Now, she says, "every little thing's modified. New know-how has made us extra artistic, and advertisers are seeing billboards in a brand new gentle."
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To ensure they stand out within the crowd, trendy billboards are taking even new kinds. In Chicago, Transit Show Worldwide (TDI), wrapped a two automotive, 96 foot lengthy commuter practice with an advert. And in some areas, no house is left uncovered. For instance, in New York's World Commerce Middle, TDI helped Dodge take over each doable house of the rail station ­ flooring, partitions, posters, banners, escalators ­ to create a single exhibit. The World Financial institution draped its constructing in cloth to help World AIDS Day. Billboards, transit kiosks, posters and different types of out of doors will be strategically positioned round Washington, DC Metro stops on the Pentagon or an government department company such because the Division of Transportation to make an announcement a few marketing campaign or difficulty.
"We have had requests for shifting, smoking and smelling boards," says Pat Punch, who's a co-owner of Minneapolis-based Atomic Props, an organization that focuses on distinctive spectaculars. For Poland Springs, Atomic Props created a 30 foot water bottle and an outside poster for Jell-O in Instances Sq. serves up a large spoon with four,000 smaller spoons.
In Minneapolis, dwelling base for Goal, individuals sit up for a brand new three dimensional billboard object each month, reminiscent of Outdated Devoted, full with spray each 10 min­utes, which symbolizes Goal's donation to the nation's parks. Minneapolis retailer Dayton-Hudson as soon as had three dimensional bins of sweet that emanated a mint scent. Says Punch: "During the last 10 years, our enterprise has tripled as individuals see the chances."
Since 1996, the Large 4 of billboards--Outside Programs, Eller, Clear Channel and Lamar--have spent greater than $5 billion to gobble up dozens of mom-and-pop operators, in addition to the out of doors divisions of huge firms like Gannett and 3M. Collectively they management about 40% of the revenues generated by the 400,000 or so billboards throughout America. As trade giants, they will function effectively and supply one-stop buying to nationwide advertisers. Goodwill Communications's out of doors database has been decreased from over 600 out of doors firms two years in the past to only over 400 right now, attributable to consolidations and buy-outs.
PSA Communications Benefits
Outside is probably essentially the most ignored medium of all in the case of launching PSA campaigns. Admittedly, the price of printing billboard paper will be costly, however given the everyday outcomes we've skilled for shoppers, we consider that out of doors offers wonderful publicity alternatives.
When used to tell the general public about public causes, out of doors billboards present many various communications benefits, and the overall universe of outside alternatives is nearly limitless, as proven by the next desk supplied by the Outside Promoting Affiliation of America.
First, out of doors is usually out there even in cities which can be too small to have a radio station or an area newspaper.
Second, billboards can present communications attain proper all the way down to the neighborhood degree. This can be helpful in case your marketing campaign is concentrating on inside metropolis residents or highschool college students and you'll persuade the out of doors billboard firm to put up your PSA messages close by.
One media purchaser for a significant promoting company demonstrates the pliability of outside: "I am working Russian copy in a New York neighborhood, Filipino in San Francisco, Arabic in Detroit."
Third, when used along with different types of out of doors - sports activities stadium signage, transit and place-based media - they will present the communications effectiveness of an area community, supplying you with attain and frequency all through the neighborhood.
Fourth, public service messages on out of doors billboards are sometimes out there as a result of out of doors firms do not need to have an unpleasant signal with clean paper staring out at motorists for an prolonged time period.
The Basis for a Higher Life, (FBL) in partnership with the Outside Promoting Affiliation of America (OAAA), launched a nationwide PSA billboard marketing campaign with a dramatic kickoff on the NASDAQ digital billboard in Instances Sq.. With a theme of "Move It On," the billboards are a part of a seamless PSA marketing campaign to advertise optimistic values by way of viral methods. Over the course of a yr, OAAA member promoting firms across the nation donated house on greater than 10,000 shows for the Move It On marketing campaign, with an estimated advert worth of greater than $10 Million.
Created by Jay Schulberg, well-known for his well-known Milk Mustache adverts, every billboard within the Move It On marketing campaign is supposed to underscore a easy, but galvanizing message. In accordance with Gary Dixon, President of The Basis for a Higher Life, "The Move It On marketing campaign was created to advertise optimistic values and encourage individuals to cross them on to others. We're thrilled to launch it on the NASDAQ board within the very metropolis the place the resilience of the American spirit has proven so brightly for the whole world to see."
A few of the personalities featured in "Move It On" billboards embody: Wayne Gretzky, Muhammad Ali, the Tianamen Sq. Protester, Mom Teresa, Albert Einstein Winston Churchill and Abraham Lincoln..
Airport Dioramas & Mall Posters
Maybe the world the place out of doors has seen the best development is at airports. The entire variety of guests on the prime 44 airports within the U.S. tops 765 million passengers and over a half a billion individuals cross via simply the highest 10 airports. There are message alternatives now aboard the airways by way of in-flight movies, on the drop down tables in every seat, the napkins positioned on the tables, and even on the underside of the safety bins the place passengers place their objects earlier than going via safety screening. There are dioramas (backlit indicators) within the terminals and on video screens whilst you wait on your baggage. Prefer it or not, the messages are inescapable.
One of many main companies that fabricates the Duratrans materials utilized in airport dioramas is TKO Visible Communications. Manufactured by Kodak, Duratrans is designed for making good show transparencies from shade negatives or internegatives. It's out there in sheets and rolls that are fabricated to suit numerous sizes for posting in airports.
"Duratrans is mostly regarded within the massive format graphics show trade because the benchmark for high quality in translucent, backlit graphics," observes Tom Ortolano of TKO. "It's supposed for big format, full-color show of photographic content material in a managed, backlit atmosphere, in order that gentle passes via and illuminates the graphic show, offering most shade saturation and distinction."
TKO works intently with the 2 largest firms controlling signage at airports and buying malls - J.C. Decaux and Clear Channel Communications. "Since availabilities and sizes are continuously altering nearly day by day, one of the best ways to get PSA messages posted at these venues is to contact the 2 firms, share the artistic with them and they're going to order particular sizes to suit their out there places," Ortolano factors out.
In accordance with Ortolano, "the most typical dimension for the preliminary request must be 62" vast x 43" in top general, with 58"x38" viewing dimension, which is able to work with each firms controlling airport places. Usually they may order dioramas in 5 different bigger sizes which will likely be utilized in key airport places," he mentioned.
Purchasing Mall Shows
Mall shows are available quite a lot of totally different codecs and sizes starting from overhead banners, to exterior signage. Mall banners are massive format, double-sided 12'Wx 16'H and 9'W x 12'H frames hung within the atrium of a mall providing commanding publicity to nearly each mall shopper. Faces are printed digitally utilizing excessive decision copy that vividly recreates every bit of artistic. Banners are offered within the vertical "journal" format and are proportionately similar to magazines (12'x16', 9'x12') so just one piece of art work is required.
Mall posters, essentially the most dominant mall media, measure four' vast x 6' excessive, are backlit and situated at eye degree at main choice factors within the mall - often related to a listing unit. Specialty mall promoting consists of a variety of media codecs - trumpet banners, decals, escalator wraps - that allow entrepreneurs to dominate the mall atmosphere. Positioned in in main city malls, specialty media present a singular branding alternative to supply shoppers with a number of publicity alternatives.
Rail/Transit/Bus Cease Signage
Transit promoting - and corresponding PSA availabilities - are the confluence of a number of elements. More and more transit firms and municipalities that management the house, want extra income and promoting can present a hassle-free revenue stream. Additionally, attributable to rising fuel costs, the "go inexperienced" motion and freeway congestion, extra persons are utilizing mass transit. To succeed in busy commuters, transit promoting now takes many kinds. These vary from subway platform signage, adverts on the perimeters, again and interiors of passenger busses and subways. Even the columns and flooring of ready areas are being lined. Just like airport dioramas, the location of PSAs in these venues requires a personalized method, working with the assorted firms that management the house reminiscent of CBS Outside, after which offering personalized signage to suit the assorted availabilities.
In conclusion, a society continuously in movement, extra out there places, and the facility of outside to convey a compelling message, are all tendencies which have contributed to the success of outside. One factor that hasn't modified - those that management entry to out of doors signage don't need to see an empty signal or poster - and that's what creates nearly limitless alternatives for PSA placement.
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granny54 · 7 years
fence by Ute Kluge
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worldfoodbooks · 7 years
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NEW IN THE BOOKSHOP: Recent back-issues of MOUSSE, including the special #56 : 2006-2016 A Small Anthology 10-year anniversary special issue: a selection of essays, interviews, conversations, and projects appeared in the first ten years of Mousse. Featuring: Chantal Akerman, Cecilia Alemani, Jennifer Allen, Kai Althoff, Bruce Altshuler, Ed Atkins, Lutz Bacher, Darren Bader, Alex Bag, John Baldessari, Phyllida Barlow, Kirsty Bell, Andrew Berardini, Jonathan Berger, Michael Bracewell, Tom Burr, Maurizio Cattelan, Marc Camille Chaimowicz, Sofía Hernández Chong Cuy, Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, Stuart Comer, Lauren Cornell, Nicholas Cullinan, Roberto Cuoghi, Nick Currie, Massimo De Carlo, Gino De Dominicis, Gigiotto Del Vecchio, Simon Denny, Brian Dillon, Jimmie Durham, Dominic Eichler, Peter Eleey, Matias Faldbakken, Luigi Fassi, Elena Filipovic, Morgan Fisher, Isa Genzken, Yervant Gianikian & Angela Ricci Lucchi, Liam Gillick, Massimiliano Gioni, Isabelle Graw, Ed Halter, Jens Hoffmann, Judith Hopf, William E. Jones, Omar Kholeif, Alexander Kluge, Jiří Kovanda, William Leavitt, Elisabeth Lebovici, Andrea Lissoni, Helen Marten, Chus Martínez, Nick Mauss, Lucy McKenzie, Fionn Meade, Simone Menegoi, John Menick, Ute Meta Bauer, Massimo Minini, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Trevor Paglen, Stefania Palumbo, Francesco Pedraglio, Otto Piene, Laura Poitras, Elizabeth Price, Seth Price, Laure Prouvost, Alessandro Rabottini, Carol Rama, Filipa Ramos, Jason Rhoades, Dieter Roelstraete, Esperanza Rosales, Nicolaus Schafhausen, Fender Schrade, Stuart Sherman, Frances Stark, Jamie Stevens, Hito Steyerl, Sturtevant, Sabrina Tarasoff, Ana Teixeira Pinto, Oscar Tuazon, Giorgio Verzotti, Jan Verwoert, Francesco Vezzoli, Adrián Villar Rojas, Peter Wächtler, Ian Wallace, Klaus Weber, Cathy Wilkes, Christopher Williams, Jordan Wolfson. Available in the bookshop and via our website. #worldfoodbooks #mousse #peterwächtler (at WORLD FOOD BOOKS)
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hogbu · 4 years
urban stuff (Manfred Geyer / Ute Kluge) par Manfred Geyer Via Flickr : SAME SAME BUT DIFFERENT Gemeinsames Diptychon-Projekt von www.flickr.com/photos/ute_kluge/ und Manfred Geyer, Juni 2020 Aachen, 2016 (Manfred Geyer) Japan (Ute Kluge)
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Auch in diesem Jahr startete der Kunstbahnhof Wasserburg (KUBA) im April wieder in die neue Saison. Er eröffnet mit der großen Mitgliederausstellung, die zeigte, dass die Vereinsmitglieder nicht nur an Kunst interessiert, sondern viele auch selbst kreativ tätig sind. 
Neu war dieses Mal die thematische Klammer “BLAU” und die Wahl eines Publikumslieblings. 
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Übergabe des Publikumspreises von Jens Gebhart vom KuBa Wasserburg an Irina Levina aus Lindau. Der Publikumspreis war mit 300,-- Euro dotiert und wurde von der Bodenseebank gesponsert.
Gruppenausstellung mit: 
Ute Aichmann, Dorothea Böttger, Gertrud M. Bucher, Himi Burmeister, Dietlind Castor, Carla Chlebarov, Ute Drescher, Katya Dronova, Jeannette Dubielzig, Walter Emmrich, Helen Fellner, Stefan Fischer, Sonnhild Greve-Bullinger, Miri Haddick, Christa Hagel, Stephanie von Hoyos, Peter Kluge, Alicja Kosmider-Feist, Ina Kritiotis, Chris Leithaeuser, Irina Levina, Bettina Lindenberg, Monika Lokau, Albert Malnati, Evelyn Marschall-Gebhard, Uta Mayer, Anne Messmer-Steinmann, Vera Noé, Mila Plaickner, Dagmar Reiche, Sonja Rieck, Ulla Rinta-Tuuri, Miriam Saric, Isabella Senger, Regina Stadler, Bernd Steinlein, Jolanta Szalanska, Helga Unger, Claudia Wiedenroth, Anke Wirth, Gisela Zahn
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ps1 · 4 years
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Ute Kluge
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xsmagazine-blog · 7 years
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[book] Mousse 56 December 2016-January 2017
A selection of essays, interviews, conversations, and projects appeared in the first ten years of Mousse.Featuring: Chantal Akerman; Cecilia Alemani; Jennifer Allen; Kai Althoff; Bruce Altshuler; Ed Atkins; Lutz Bacher; Darren Bader; Alex Bag; John Baldessari; Phyllida Barlow; Kirsty Bell; Andrew Berardini; Jonathan Berger; Michael Bracewell; Tom Burr; Maurizio Cattelan; Marc Camille Chaimowicz; Sofía Hernández Chong Cuy; Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev; Stuart Comer; Lauren Cornell; Nicholas Cullinan; Roberto Cuoghi; Nick Currie; Massimo De Carlo; Gino De Dominicis; Gigiotto Del Vecchio; Simon Denny; Brian Dillon; Jimmie Durham; Dominic Eichler; Peter Eleey; Matias Faldbakken; Luigi Fassi; Elena Filipovic; Morgan Fisher; Isa Genzken; Yervant Gianikian & Angela Ricci Lucchi; Liam Gillick; Massimiliano Gioni; Isabelle Graw; Ed Halter; Jens Hoffmann; Judith Hopf; William E. Jones; Omar Kholeif; Alexander Kluge; Jiří Kovanda; William Leavitt; Élisabeth Lebovici; Andrea Lissoni; Helen Marten; Chus Martínez; Nick Mauss; Lucy McKenzie; Fionn Meade; Simone Menegoi; John Menick; Ute Meta Bauer; Massimo Minini; Hans Ulrich Obrist; Trevor Paglen; Stefania Palumbo; Francesco Pedraglio; Otto Piene; Laura Poitras; Elizabeth Price; Seth Price; Laure Prouvost; Alessandro Rabottini; Carol Rama; Filipa Ramos; Jason Rhoades; Dieter Roelstraete; Esperanza Rosales; Nicolaus Schafhausen; Fender Schrade; Stuart Sherman; Frances Stark; Jamie Stevens; Hito Steyerl; Sturtevant; Sabrina Tarasoff; Ana Teixeira Pinto; Oscar Tuazon; Giorgio Verzotti; Jan Verwoert; Francesco Vezzoli; Adrián Villar Rojas; Peter Wächtler; Ian Wallace; Klaus Weber; Cathy Wilkes; Christopher Williams; Jordan Wolfson.
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