#Vive L'Empereur
captainknell · 10 months
I convinced my mom to change the lay out of the berries on my birthday cake to the French flag, not the American flag as the jello poke cake typically is 😅
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fangirlshameblog · 27 days
the Napoleon who actually won a war against Russia and took back Crimea: "Am I a joke to you?"
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microcosme11 · 2 years
There is no name more glorious than that of Napoleon
...despite the final failure, Napoleon bequeathed to France not only the brilliance of a prodigious military epic; it is here that we must remember that the First Consul and then the Emperor literally kneaded our country with his hands and bequeathed to us a nation where everything still bears his mark.
It is to him that we owe most of the institutions which, over the centuries and despite the necessary changes, still form the backbone of our country. It was he who compelled the French, torn apart and cut off from each other by the revolutionary turmoil, not to forget their divisions but to dominate them and restore national unity. And that is why today, in this city where he was born, on this island of which he is the pride, the President of the Republic celebrates the memory of the Emperor in the presence of the one on whom rests the heritage of a prestigious name [Prince Napoleon, d. 1997]. For our glories belong only to France and there is no name more glorious than that of Napoleon.
Georges Pompidou
President of the French Republic. Ajaccio, August 15, 1969.
Blog: L’Estafette
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robespapier · 4 months
New year, new me, I'm a Bonapartist now
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clove-pinks · 2 years
So "midshipman" in French is apparently "aspirant," which sounds like it can't be real. Well I just did a quick check and my god this is the most Frenched-Out Hornblower of all time. I—
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ladentdelion · 2 years
Il existe au Japon un endroit nommé la grotte de Ryuga.
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RYŪGA CAVES (龍河洞) (RYŪGA-DŌ) est un site historique dans la ville de Kami (préfecture Kōchi). (source : wikipedia)
KAMI (神) veut dire “divinité”. Cette grotte ne pouvait être que dans cette ville ! ♥
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illustratus · 2 months
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Vive l'Empereur! by Wojciech Kossak
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litanumb · 4 months
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Vive l'Empereur !
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nick--knack · 6 months
Vive L'Empereur
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empiredesimparte · 10 months
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⚜ Le Cabinet Noir | Palais des Tuileries, 16 Prairial An 230
Beginning ▬ Previous ▬ Next
For the sake of democracy, H.I.M Emperor Napoléon V addressed the representatives of the Empire, asking them to postpone the coronation for his wedding. In the throne room, Napoléon V officially presented his fiancée to the people. During the session, the representatives of the Nation agreed to accept Charlotte's person at the imperial wedding, and also to postpone the coronation.
(I've put subtitles back on the images but I'm not really convinced, I'll come back to the tumblr text format a few posts later.)
⚜ Traduction française
Par souci démocratique, l'Empereur Napoléon V fait une adresse aux représentants de l'Empire afin qu'ils acceptent de repousser le couronnement pour son mariage. Dans la salle du trône, Napoléon V présente ainsi officiellement sa fiancée au peuple. Durant la séance, les représentants de la Nation acceptent la personne de Charlotte au mariage impérial, et également de repousser le couronnement.
Napoléon V : Je m'adresse à vous afin que je puisse épouse la femme que j'aime et respecte. Cela ne m'éloigne en rien du couronnement, au contraire, je donne au trône son plus bel ornement. Président de l'Assemblée Nationale : Les représentants de la Nation n'ont aucune objection, Votre Majesté. Napoléon V : Cher Président, je connais vos inquiétudes et celles du peuple, de ce fait, le mariage sera financé entièrement par nos deux familles. Premier Ministre Charlemagne : Nous savons déjà combien de qualités d'esprit et de coeur, alliées avec une rare beauté, font de Mademoiselle de Rochechouart méritante du trône que l'Empereur l'appelle à partager Napoléon V : Ma fiancée et moi-même souhaitons vous remercier, chacun d'entre vous. Vive la Francesim !
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le-brave-des-braves · 1 month
Hello! What do you think of this song?
What can I say. It goes well with the band name.
I bet that jerk would be happy about it! It’s a good song and CERTAINLY makes him look far more threatening than that man convincing us that “those are not Prussians”, being too busy with the FUCKING POLITICS in Paris and convincing us that “Wellington is not a big deal.”!!!
Heymes: oh no! He is furious about Napoleon again!
Jomini: I get him, if I got sent a song about Berthier…
Levavasseur: at least he is not angry about me now.
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aljeitfael · 11 months
✨Tarot de Gwendalavir✨
Je suis pas morte, les gens! 🥳
Depuis longtemps je suis fascinée par le Tarot, et depuis encore plus longtemps je suis passionnée par La Quête d'Ewilan. Donc logiquement, il fallait bien que ces deux intérêts se rencontrent. Après une première tentative de liste de cartes, et deux ans à ne plus penser à ce projet, je viens de m'y remettre!
Attention, je ne garantie absolument pas que ce projet aboutira... mais j'espère vraiment vraiment que je le mènerais à bien ^^
Voici la liste des cartes prévues:
0- Le Fou: le premier Grand Pas d'Ewilan
1- Le Magicien: Ewilan et le cercle noir
2- La Grande Prêtresse: Ellana
3- L'impératrice: Elicia
4- L'Empereur: Bjorn
5- Le Hiérophante: Duom
6- Les Amoureux: Ewilan et Salim
7- Le Chariot: Edwin
8- La Force: Salim et le loup
9- L'Ermite: Merwyn
10- La Roue de Fortune: les trois piliers de l'Imagination
11- La Justice: Eejil
12- Le Pendu: la chute de Salim dans les Dentelles Vives (choix de la Voie du Marchombre)
13- La Mort: Ewilan à l'Oeil d'Otolep
14- La Tempérance: la Dame et le Dragon
15- Le Diable: Nillem
16- La Tour: Al-Poll
17- L'Etoile: le premier dessin d'Ewilan à Ombre Blanche
18- La Lune: Ellana chevauchant la brume
19- Le Soleil: Salim et sa greffe
20- Le Jugement: le Rentaï
21- Le Monde: Avalon
Cette liste est ouverte aux suggestions si vous en avez!
Explication de mes choix sous le cut~
0- Le Fou/Grand Pas: début du voyage, découverte de nouveaux horizons, changement, opportunité à saisir
1- Le Magicien/Ewilan-cercle noir: apprentissage, grand potentiel, exploiter son potentiel, maitrise des quatre éléments
2- La Grande Prêtresse/Ellana: connaissances arcanes et mystiques, clairvoyance, intuition, compréhension des lois intimes de l'univers
3- L'Impératrice/Elicia: figure maternelle, création, nature - c'est surtout parce que aucun autre personnage ne correspond
4- L'Empereur/Bjorn: figure paternelle, confiance en soi, autorité - Edwin marcherait mieux mais je voulais avoir Bjorn quelque part et c'est là qu'il allait le moins mal
5- Le Hiérophante/Duom: expérience, sagesse, mentor de la communauté, conseils éclairés et soutien par la sagesse
6- Les Amoureux/Ewilan&Salim: union, soutien mutuel, aller de l'avant ensemble, relation fusionnelle, un choix
7- Le Chariot/Edwin: volonté, courage, détermination, victoire, guider les autres
8- La Force/Salim&le Loup: force intérieur, endurance, domination des instincts, souvent représenté par une personne domptant une bête sauvage
9- L'Ermite/Merwyn: retrait du monde, repli sur soi-même, reflexion, prise de conscience, sagesse, entreprise à long terme
10- La Roue de Fortune/3 Piliers: je savais pas quoi mettre d'autre et ça collait à peu près
11- La Justice/Eejil: équilibre, impartialité, instinct, vérité, présente les faits sans biais
12- Le Pendu/Salim&les Dentelles Vives: abandon/lâché prise, pause, temps suspendu, période de transition, confiance
13- La Mort/Oeil d'Otolep: mort et renaissance, grand bouleversement, changement inévitable
14- La Tempérance/Dame&Dragon: équilibre, harmonie, révélation, échange équitable, inspiration créatrice, une nouvelle
15- Le Diable/Nillem: désir, tentation, soif de pouvoir; représente souvent la part d'ombre ou le reflet négatif de la personne qui lit
16- La Tour/Al-Poll: grande catastrophe, vanité, échec; fait référence à la Tour de Babel (vanité des hommes qui ont voulu aller trop haut)
17- L'Etoile/Ombre Blanche: retour de l'espoir, régénération, plénitude (j'hésite encore à faire une deuxième version de cette carte avec la greffe de Salim sauvant les marchombres lors de la bataille du Chaos)
18- La Lune/Ellana-chevaucher la brume: intuition, prémonitions, sensibilité, secrets, choses cachées
19- Le Soleil/Salim: joie, bonheur, enthousiasme, générosité
20- Le Jugement/Rentaï: jugement divin, révélation, renouveau, consécration, récompense obtenue pour ses mérites, reconnaissance finale
21- Le Monde/Avalon: accomplissement, triomphe, très grand bonheur, idéalisme; aussi Avalon est littéralement un monde et j'ai pas cherché plus loin
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captainknell · 1 year
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Vive L'empereur 🇫🇷
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any napoleon fiction you'd recommend?
you know I don't read a lot of historical fiction set in this particular time.
Re-vive l'Empereur is objectively hilarious. Napoleon's brought back to life (2010ish if I remember right), he thinks coca-cola is great and that cars were a phenominal invention. It's a stupid book but fun - not historical though, obviously. And clearly not serious.
I remember reading some Betsy Balcombe focussed fiction books when I was in highschool but I wouldn't recommend them, based on what I can remember of them and my own reaction at the time.
For French Revolution fiction, A Place of Greater Safety is phenominal and I recommend that whole heartedly. Napoleon's not in it, aside from a fleeting reference, but it's a fantastic book.
Shanon Selnin has a list of Napoleon-focused historical fiction, including summaries. So that might be a place to look!
Sorry I couldn't be of more help!
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josefavomjaaga · 1 year
Murat in Königsberg, December 1812
While looking for more information of a certain general Loison I came across something much better: A Saxon report of Murat reviewing troops in Königsberg, while he was at the head of the Grande Armée, after the retreat from Russia and after Napoleon had gone home to warm cuddly Paris. Enjoy.
(Translated from: Karl Geissler, Geschichte des Regiments Herzoge zu Sachsen unter Napoleon mit der großen Armee im rußischen Feldzuge 1812, Jena 1840)
Even though the King of Naples, who immediately had the troops take up their arms before he descended, won everyone's heart at this inspection by his immense affability, he was particularly friendly towards the regiment of the Dukes of Saxony.
He first greeted it with the call: "Ah, ces braves Saxons!" and then expressed unconditional praise for its previous conduct towards Colonel v. Egloffstein.
He was less friendly towards the other regimental commanders, and as far as the 6th Regiment in particular was concerned, one even thought to hear the words: "que vous méritez des reproches", which perhaps referred to the above-mentioned, partly unsuccessful escorting of some money sledges.
Murat then had the regiments paraded before him and his brilliant entourage, with the remnants of the French and Italian regiments No. 1, 3, 29, 105 and 113 leading the way accompanied by the thousand-voiced cry of joy, "Vive l'empereur!"; then followed the Frankfurt and the ducal Saxon regiments, also shouting, "Long live the emperor!" and finally the 5th and 6th, both of which marched by in silence.
During this revue we had a very good opportunity to get a close-up view of King Murat, who attracted everyone's attention with his stature, expensive costume and rich harness. His face, his beautiful black eyes and black curly hair, which fell down on his kurtka, - a Polish suit, whose tight sleeves had an opening under the armpits - captured the eye. The collar was richly embroidered with gold, and a golden belt was fastened around this garment, from which hung a light sword with a straight blade, Roman style, without edge or guard. He wore wide amaranth-coloured trousers and yellow gold-spurred boots. -- The splendour of these clothes, which were covered by a green gold-embroidered coat, was further enhanced by a square red Polish chako with broad gold embroidery and a plume of four large ostrich feathers falling back, from the centre of which rose a magnificent heron feather. The saddle and stirrups were gilded and of Turkish shape. The horse was covered with a gold-embroidered sky-blue saddlecloth and the bridle, appropriately, was truly magnificent. Murat's entourage, of course, was also rich and brilliant, but it was nowhere close to him. He, the only medieval character of romantic poetry in the French army, outshone them all and in his tight-fitting kurtka, in his yellow or nanking-coloured riding boots, with his ostrich feather ornament proudly swaying around the Polish sammet cap on the Andalusian steed, stood out wonderfully against the heavy gold-embroidered marshals' uniforms and the soldiers of the French army. Napoleon, however, appreciated these distinguishing elements of his brother-in-law, who, like a knight of the Round Table, like a modern paladin of love and honour, shone with his dark eye and long hair among the heroes who surrounded the Emperor. Murat was, as mentioned above, the soul of French cavalry, a true Chevalier reminiscent of the Troubadours, with all the charm of romanticism, all the courage, daring and bravery of earlier times, as graceful as it is sublime in legends and fairy tales.
I’d say Murat, in those final days of the empire, still managed to get himself some fans.
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ratatoast · 5 months
I watched the Napoleon movie yesterday, and there were a couple of french guys in the cinema, and one of them very loudly said VIVE L'EMPEREUR!! before the movie even started lol
and i was just sitting there thinking like, heck yeah, vive l'empereur
anyway, I think about that guy a lot
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