ghostofwinter · 9 months
P l o t t i n g o v e r l o a d
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viktortittiforov · 8 days
RRAAAAUUUUUUGGGHRRHH!!!!!!!!!!!! watched that stammi vicino ep 1 and ep 12 comparison video one time too mayn and literally began weeping. snot running down my face sobbing whimpering. -100 HP hundreds dead and thousands more injured
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What have I done? I just wanted to write smut, reach 1000 words...instead it's gone over that and I haven't even reached the smut part.
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sphnyspinspin · 2 years
not feeling so great you guys…
just finished cyberverse……….
*incomprehensible sobbing noises*
edit: he was supposed to live a happy life and adopt the Ravage, Ratbat, Frenzy, and Rumble in that universe-but NooOoOOoo- they had to “conclude his development arc with a painstakingly reasonable end”
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motheyes · 1 year
i just want validation i feel like i don’t get full validation from the people around me
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fuck-customers · 1 year
why do men feel it’s appropriate to say weird shit to people they perceive as women . like no lmao i’m not your sweetheart, your honey, your love, anything like that first of all . i’m literally just a feminine gay dude with a soft voice . secondly, i have a very unique name that is the same as a particular queer icon of the 80’s (think an artist formerly known) and tell me WWHHHYYYY they have to use it to misgender and sexualize me.
like, i even have a coworker who does it. even though i’ve told him to stop multiple times, up and down with repeating “do not call me that.” thankfully with that one my manager is really getting on his case (and everyone’s case) about that sort of thing but just like …. getting really sick of random creeps being like “you look more like a princess to me ;)” . i hope you get your dick ripped off.
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puppygirldanhowell · 1 year
wwhhhyyyy am i anxious
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positronicpussy · 1 year
my gf and i often play a little game where we ask each other “would you love me if i [insert something usually strange but harmless here]?” (spoiler alert, the answer is always Yes—it is a fun and creative way to say “i love you” over and over)
yesterday she asked me, “would you love me if i changed my name to poop boat?” of course the answer was yes, i would, but i had to ask wwhhhyyyy would you do such a thing. and apparently it’s to promote their new podcast about poop decks
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kuruna · 2 years
Wwhhhyyyy am I nauseous today 💔💔💔
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1800ligmaballzhigh · 17 days
Dasani Chapter 7
(In SpongeBob narrator's voice) Two Weeks LATER………
Dasani was walking through the halls of Ligma Ballz High, when he felt a rumbling in his tummy. He thought he was just having his normal day to day runs, but something was off. He was walking right in front of Ben Shapiro’s portrait, when a log of shit flew out of his ass, and hit the painting. Then something fell out of the ball of shit. It was a child. Dasani-chan decided to name it Aquafina. He then shoved it in his backpack, and took it to class to show everyone. 
 In class
The health class teacher, Ms. Samsung WF45R6100AV Washer & Dve45r6100v Electric Dryer Front Load called everyone for their presentations on rabies. When it was Dasani’s turn, he enthusiastically bounced (fell?) off his seat with his bag that was leaking of shit and blood. He walked in front of the class. “Before I-I-I do my presentwation,” 
Danasi opens his zipper and dumps the child on the table. Aquafina looked dehydrated, its watery insides evaporating in the 100-degree classroom. “He’ mwa new child!” Dasani squealed as he bounced up and down as the class looked at the snack-sized bloody child in disgust. Jesus smacked his face. “Why do I know this dumbass?”
“WHaT DOES THIS HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH RABIES?!?” Ms. Samsung WF45R6100AV Washer & Dve45r6100v Electric Dryer Front Load buzzed.
“H-h-h-h-h-h-h-he’s mwa favorite kind of rabies~” Dasani said as he gave Ms. Samsung WF45R6100AV Washer & Dve45r6100v Electric Dryer Front Load puppy-dog eyes. Ms. Samsung WF45R6100AV Washer & Dve45r6100v Electric Dryer Front Load goes into heavy load and explodes her insides with sheer, irrational, teacher anger.
Dasani rolled on the ground, whining. “But wwhhhyyyy?”
After about fifteen minutes of that debauchery, Dasani just flung himself out the window and rolled down the street, where he jumped through the window of the Spanish room. He sat in the class and listened. He began to take notes because he found the class to be genuinely interesting. It was the last period of the day so when the bell rang Dasani-chan stole someone’s car and went home. 
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quericomor · 10 months
I fukn swear i hate how much i love him like why him 😒 WWHHHYYYY. 😭😭😭😭😭
It hurts so bad and i dont want it too anymore.
I wish i could fall for someone new already. SHIT anyone wouldbe fukn great.
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grandlovescheme · 2 years
THAT. HURT. NONNIE. WWhhhyyyy?!!!!!! Assuming we are chatting about yur Ember Skies story I also thought Mysaria must be his "girlfriend" aka likely f*ck-buddy. But like if Rhaenyra starts thinking Daemon isn't attracted to her because she isn't his "type" and thinks he likes her flatmate. That will be TORTURE. But that's Daemyra.
It wasn't stated in the story yet but yes! his current f*ck buddy is Mysaria, she's nothing more but our girl doesn't know it yet 🥺 Daemyra and torture really go together like peanut butter and jelly don't they 👀💀
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ap-kinda-lit · 3 years
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No, but they reached for each other
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shysheeperz · 4 years
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Gege...gege why??? Leave my boy alone. Yuji's a good boi. Stop making him suffer :'(
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ohcoolnice · 3 years
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nephiliam · 2 years
Still tired despite sleeping for 10 hours
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