#Washuu clan
star-fiend · 8 months
Furuta explaining the Washuu family tree
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Tokyo Ghoul re:, chapter 101, "The Toy's"
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elmaxlys · 10 months
TG Sexyman Poll - Round 1: Older Bin Brother VS Washuu Matsuri
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The Older Bin Brother is a member of Aogiri Tree and Matsuri is a member of the Washuu Clan and a Special Class CCG investigator.
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linkspooky · 9 months
Hello! I Just discovered your blog and you did a lot of interesting work on jjk(I want to fully read your Fanfictions soon!) Since you did a lot of work on jjk side characters I wanted to ask how did you come to the characterization of the secondary/background characters especially the members of Zen'in family and If you had any tips about writing them. I'm plotting a Fanfiction with them as the main villains(except Maki and Mai that are "positive" characters) but I'm a bit scared to make them ooc.
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Thank you! If you do end up reading my fics soon let me know what you think and leave a comment. As for the Zen'in, Gege killed them a little too fast before we could ever really learn what the Zen'in family was like in story, so I can describe my process for writing them if that helps!
There are inspiration I took from other media when expanding upon the Zen'in Family dynamic, the first is the Washuu Family from Tokyo Ghoul. In the manga Tokyo Ghoul the Washuu are an extremely rich and traditional patriarchal family who are also the heads of the CCG or Commission of Counter Ghoul the government sponsored organization that hunts down ghouls. Basically, they fight ghouls like the Zen'in Fight curses, but ghouls are sentient with human emotions so they're an even more brutal and unsavory family.
Over the course of the story we learn the Washu isn't just the main house, there are several branch families who are all considered a part of the "Washuu." The house in order to maintain their power commits the ultimate taboo of arranging marriages, some of them even consanguineous marriages in order to breed for stronger child soldiers to fight ghouls. These children were then raised in a place called the "Sunlit Garden" solely for the purpose of becoming ghoul investigators when they were over. However, only the really good ones got to join the CCG, the rest of them had to be secret agents only working in the shadows. They also, as a curse only got to live short lives.
So, you can see the parallels with the Zen'in Family right away.
"If you're not a Zen'in then you're not a sorcerer, if you're not a sorcerer then you're not even human."
If you're a member of the Zen'in Clan you basically have no choice to be a sorcerer, according to Mai the other option is being treated like a household servant, which also implies women are seen as second class citizens who are only there to support the home if they don't become sorcerers.
Which means just like the Washuu, if you're born into the Zen'in you are going to be a child soldier, you'll be sent to Jujutsu High with little choice for the direction in your life. The Zen'in are also the most militarized of the three families. It's one of the few things Gege emphasizes about them in extra-canon materials.
"The Zen'in Family: Sorcerers who place an emphasis on ability above all else. They will even oppress their own family and relatives. They hold a self-righteous and old-fashioned ideology but their battle strength is high: they construct their unique battle organization in order to support the Jujutsu World."
Here we have more parallels to the Washuu, they are basically producing sorcerers / child soldiers to support the Jujutsu World the same way the Washuu creates ghoul investigators. There's also a very regimented caste system, only the best of the best get to be actual sorcerers, those without cursed techniques get shoved down to the bottom while the elite serve in the Hei with Naoya. The Zen'in also value inherited technique above all else, which is why they cast out people like Maki and Mai and yet elevate Megumi who's a complete stranger to clan head. This is an extrapolation but considering that Naoya makes offhand combats about marrying his cousins, then arranged marriages to produce children with better cursed techniques is probably a thing too.
The only reason I draw long comparison between the Washuu and the Zen'in though is because they are both families that basically exist to produce sorcerers / ghoul investigators and raise them up. All of their power and privilege in their society is given to them because of their ability to do this. All prestige in the clan comes from sorcerer technique and ability, which is why if you're not a sorcerer you're not even human. You weren't born as a child to be loved, you're born to be useful to the family.
The Zen'in is a place for raising sorcerers not children, which is why it's such an extremely loveless environment. Men marry women to take care of the household and raise up children, men only pay attention to their children who are sorcerers, children are all raised with the expectation of being a sorcerer or they're failing their parents. The Washuu and the Sunlit Garden particular have a theme that it's such a toxic environment that every single person who's raised there is poisoned. Everyone. There are no exceptions. No matter how kind or soft a person you are, if you are raised from birth to be a child soldier and shown no real empathy or love you're not going to be able to function as a person. There are characters who actually rebel against the Washuu, but they're still very much showing signs of the environment they were raised in, they're still toxic, violent and use power to get what they want.
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Which is why whenever writing the Zen'in I used the maxim "There are no good Zen'in" which means no matter how good-intentioned they are, even if they have more sympathetic traits, no one can come out of the Zen'in unscathed. Y
Yes, even Maki. Remember, she murdered a whole bunch of people. She recreates the violence of her clan the same way everyone else in the clan does, even when she's trying to break that cycle she repeats it.
The exception would be Mai who never wanted to be a Zen'in in the first place and only wanted to a normal life, but Mai can be toxic in her own way. She's codependent, she blames others, she's incredibly self-loathing and dysfunctional and in canon in the end she chooses to kill herself. So the one example we have of an "innocent" Zen'in literally dies and is consumed by the whole clan.
Now, this is the part of the post where I'm going to blow your mind, a character doesn't have to be good or even redeemable to be a good character. They just need to be complex. The biggest problem of Gege's characterization of the Zen'in is not that they're all irredeemable people, but that they're irredeemable and one-note.
Ogi wants to kill his daughters to become clan-head. Jinichi was apparently Toji's brother, has a face scar, and wanted to go along with that plan. In extra-canon materials it's mentioned that most of Jinichi's direct subordinates think he's a nicer guy than Naoya.
Naoya's the most complex character out of the bunch, and he works as a good example to outline how you can make a character complex while having them be completely unsavory. Naoya, despite being spoiled is as tragically a product of his environment as much as any other Zen'in is. As I outlined above no one comes out of the Zen'in untouched, if you're raised in an incredibly insular clan with no access to the outside world, and every male figure around you is a misogynist then you're going to turn into a misogynist too. You are educated and taught to behave by the adults around you in your life.
Naoya is really the ultimate foil to Maki in that they are both the ultimate products of the Zen'in Clan toxicity, it's just Naoya was the golden child of the entire clan and Maki was the scapegoat. It's obvious Naoya's upbringing has ruined his entire personality and made him the embodiment of entitlement. One thing I like to say is that Naoya acts like Gojo, but he doesn't have the swag or charisma to back it up so while Gojo gets away with it Naoya continually gets his ass kicked. But in that sense Gojo is also the person who he is because he was spoiled and the golden boy of the Gojo clan.
Let's look at who Gojo is. Emotionally stunted. Incredibly lonely. Thinks no one can connect to him because no one is strong / good enough. Despises the sorcery world and the clan system. Full of barely restrained anger that comes out in fights. Isn't particularly liked by the people around him but they all still need him. Has no life outside of being a sorcerer.
Naoya has all these qualities too he's just an asshole so the audience is less inclined to sympathize with him. Think about Naoya this way, he despises everyone around him, his own family, his fellow sorcerers, he has no friends and no connections to other people. He openly mocks everything and laughs and constantly makes quips like "my brothers should just hang themselves and die" but a person so full of hatred isn't really enjoying their life. He wants to become clan-head beause he thinks he's entitled to that position and he's been told since birth that it's his... but why does he even want it? He hates the Zen'in, he knows their full of shit for looking down on Toji, he hates the other sorcerers around him. He follows and repeats the toxic Zen'in Ideology despite knowing that it's bad for him, but why?
Naoya becomes a very nihilistic character in that light, there's no love or happiness in his life, there's nothing he likes, he just believes in his elitism because that's all he has. He's the perfect Zen'in set to inherit the clan but he's nothing else, he's nihil as a person, he has no identity outside of being a sorcerer and he doesn't even seem to really like anything.
He longs to be as powerful as Toji and Gojo, but once again why? Does he think being able to look down on everyone from above would at least liberate him from the toxic cesspool he was raised in? Would that validate him somehow because he derives no real enjoyment from life?
While not sympathetic a person like that is pitiable. It's impossible not to feel bad for someone miserable, even if that person is the architect of their own misery. Anyway, you can draw a lot out of a character even Naoya who's basic role in the story is just "Naoya always talks shit and then immediately gets his ass kicked."
As for the rest of the clan, like I said they have no canon material so it's basically impossible to write them as out of character. They have no characters in canon.
For Jinichi I chose to focus on his relationship with Toji, because it would serve as a good parallel to Mai and Maki. My idea was to show Toji and Jinichi actually caring about each other as rothers to show how the Zen'in can ruin relationships even when there is love. The Zen'in Clan is a poisoned earth, everything that grows in that garden is poison so even loving sibling relationships are poisoned.
Jinichi can care about his brother, he can be much nicer to him than their father, but eventually their father's mistreatment of Toji and their father pitting them against each other is going to drive a wedge in their relationship no matter what. As much as they want to be they can't be a proper family, because the Zen'in Clan aren't a family they're a bunch of soldiers.
Which again parallels to Maki and Mai who love each other clearly, but are inevitably driven apart by their family circumstances. All the love in the world doesn't make a difference for the both of them because number one they are pitted against each other by the clan and outside environment and number two they are two different people coping with their trauma in different ways.
For Toji and Jinichi, and then Maki and Mai I chose to basically show that these are two twins who are inevitably unable to have functional sibling relationships with each other despite the love they might have because despite being twins they are not the same person. They are inevitably two different people reacting in different ways and therefore they're driven apart by it.
Ogi is the last one I gave any real characterization in my fic, by not actually giving him characterization at all. That makes sense I promise just let me explain.
Ogi's the kind of man who is willing to murder his own daughters for what he thinks is a shot at getting him clan head. These are children he's spent sixteen years of his life raising, and he has no hesitation whatsoever in doing that. Sure, Jinichi goes along with it but those aren't his kids so he's at least got a reason for being impersonal.
What kind of person can do that?
Well my idea was that Ogi's just not really much of a person to begin with. At least Naoya is grappling with inner turmoil and negative emotions whereas Ogi just seems to only care about his standing in the clan and his desire for clan head.
He probably never formed an attachment to his daughters, so he handed them off to his wife to raise. He probably didn't want daughters and twins on top of that in the first place, but when they turned out to both be worthless as sorcerers he probably stopped regarding them as his children whatsoever.
So everything in Ogi's life is just about playing a role in his clan. His marriage is probably arranged, and one where he has all the power in the house considering how Matsuko is scared into just going along with his plans. He only had children out of obligation to produce more heirs to raise up as sorcerers, and those failed so they're not even his children anymore. He doesn't have anything he wants, besides his desire for clan leadership but only because he believed he was unfairly passed over.
He's someone who perfectly fits the role of a traditional man of the Zen'in, but he's absolutely nothing else. He's got no personality, no motivations beyond ascending the ranks, he's just a cog more or less. Which is why in the end he's not even that important or complex a character, Maki just kills him in an instant because he's a nobody.
Those are the ideas I came up with in fleshing out the Zen'in as a household, I hope that helped you even a little bit, anon!
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foretnoires · 10 months
THE WASHUUS [inspired by The Heirs]
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Oh, those were born a silver spoon in their mouth, do you have your own sufferings?
・ ・ ────── ・ ⚜ ・ ────── ・ ・
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As the oldest brother in the family, he seemed to be able to turn the tables with just the snap of his fingers. Proudly sitting on a throne made of blood and tears after the battle for power from his predecessors, as long as he exists, everything would have to obey him.
A self-proclaimed king who seems to have the world in his hands, but the person Kishou sees as the world can't be with him for the rest of his life.
“My orders, are absolute.”
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The only illegitimate child of the Washuu family. Rize is the result of an affair between the contemporary patriarch and an unknown singer. Even so, she was always a muse that the family wholeheartedly relied on.
A black swan with broken wings that can never touch the sky.
“Even if I have to sacrifice my life for my freedom, I am willing to do so.”
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Even though he and Kishou are twins, there are differences between the two. If Kishou is like the night on the moonlit days, Nimura is the sun shining after the rain.
A single wild wolf rebel among the pack; will he be a healing herb or a dagger that pierces the clan's heart?
“If he is a king, then I am a rebel. Sometimes we often do bad things just for good purposes, it's common sense.”
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The youngest child is always the child loved by everyone, and she is no exception. But Hairu herself has always felt that she would never be able to fit into the fancy dresses, or the eccentric dances at ceremonial parties, or even the atmosphere in her own house that is always filled with capitalism.
The little flower was trying to break through the concrete ground to taste the remnants of the sun.
“Rules are made to break. Challenge me, then don't blame me for being a jerk.”
we are the proud and noble bloodline descendants of the Washuu family, we are born to
rule the world; touch the sky; ravage the night; rise from the ground
and, protect our own love.
・ ・ ────── ・ ⚜ ・ ────── ・ ・
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“If a despicable ant hurts you, burn its colony.”
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“Remember, do not go near and touch anything; whether you hear or see something, you must pretend to be dumb and blind; and even if you want something, do not try to get it. Learn to smile and endure, like a puppet being pulled on a string.”
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“A wolf is able to hunt its prey thanks to its cleverness. If you want to defeat the great night, you must be the cunning sun.”
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“Be different. A flower is most beautiful when it is free to bloom under the sky.”
The elders of the Washuu family have always had different views of their future descendants. That's why they taught them with a mindset like no other.
The wisdom of the forefathers is a great danger later, when they themselves have created a devil; a puppet; a rogue; a divergent.
Is it the wrong way
an arrangement of the predecessors?
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© 2023 of AVAROSA (foretnoires). All Rights Reserved.      
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ithoshi · 5 months
SAITAMA ( One Punch Man )
An unassociated hero, hails from Z-City and performs heroic deeds as a hobby. For three years, he has trained enough to defeat any enemy with a single punch, his unmatched strength leaving him bored. He becomes a reluctant mentor to Genos, a cyborg seeking revenge against another cyborg who killed his family and destroyed his hometown, after Saitama defeats a monster that defeated Genos. With Genos, Saitama learns about a heroes organization who are also fighting the monsters.
Has a lot of great qualities that make him the best character ever. He is kind and loyal, he knows when to be serious, and he always does what it takes to protect those important to him, the sheer power of Naruto’s chakra is unlike anything the world has ever seen before, Kurama, one of the tailed beasts, he has an incredible amount of chakra, he befriends Kurama, and the two join forces, making fighting against this incredible ninja virtually impossible.
MONKEY D. LUFFY ( One Piece )
Granting him a rubber-like body, his powers make him immune to electric attacks and most blunt forces, but he is susceptible to attacks made with a sharp object or weapon. His rubber devil fruit powers grant him the ability to stretch his body at will. He uses his elasticity to accelerate part or all of his body to deliver punches, kicks, head butts, and many other varied attacks as seen throughout the series. Although like others who have eaten a Devil Fruit, Luffy cannot swim; when he is submerged in water or contacts the Sea-Prism Stone, he loses his strength and cannot move on his own. In addition to his Devil Fruit powers, he has immense strength, durability, speed, reflexes, agility, endurance, and stamina.
KEN KANEKI ( Tokyo Ghoul )
Ken Kaneki is a first year college student, and after narrowly surviving a Ghoul Attack finds himself transformed into a Human-Ghoul hybrid. He struggles to find a balance between his two natures, and is taken in by the moderate organization Anteiku. In the climax, Anteiku is raided by the CCG, and Kaneki's fate is left unclear after facing the CCG's ace Kishou Arima in a duel, After working under the CCG as Haise Sasaki, he eventually regains his past memories and becomes Ken Kaneki once more. Unable to deal with his feelings of guilt, Kaneki eventually betrays CCG to save his imprisoned friend, Hinami, and then goes to fight his mentor, Arima, in hopes of commiting Suicide by Cop. However, during an ordeal, Kaneki realizes he wants to live, and after unlocking the full potential of his kagune defeats Arima, reveals he had been hoping for this from the start, proceeding to slit his own throat and explain that he was the One-Eyed King and Eto's mole in CCG, but needed a successor due to being a half-human hybrid suffering from increased age. Per Arima's final wish, Kaneki takes responsibility for Arima's death and the title of One-Eyed King, to become a Hope Bringer to all those victimized by the Washuu clan.
GOJO ( Jujutsu Kaisen )
A sorcerer working as a teacher in the Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School. He uses his self-proclaimed and he was self-respected, most allies and enemies alike never actually dispute the title and generally consider him to be one of the most dangerous people alive. Gojo is introduced in Jujutsu Kaisen 0 a Jujutsu Sorcerer, under the guidance of the young Yuta Okkotsu whom he convinces to join the Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical School to control Rika and avoid his solicitude. During this time, Gojo makes Okkotsu train with Panda, Maki Zenin, and Toge Inumaki to help Okkotsu control his own Curse while helping him develop friendships. Okkotsu's Curse attracts Suguru Geto, a sorcerer friendly with Gojo but at the same time keeps an antagonistic relationship with him. Geto wishes to create a shaman-only world. When Okkotsu's Curse gives him the power to take down Geto, Gojo appears and kills Geto. He then helps the young Okkotsu to understand the true nature of his powers.
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kuraikyu · 8 months
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@elegiies : What was the Monk’s name? He can scarcely remember, the quiet face that suddenly leans close. Tarnished hands, scarred heavily with blackened nails, they betray the delicate nature of his pale blue robes. “A-ah, are you reading Osamu Dazai’s works? They’re some of my favorite” a timid creature with smoky eyes, he did not make eye contact, laughter trickling from parted lips. “Wouldn’t it be more comfortable to join us in the estate? The Washuu Clan prides itself in caring for guest” a rehearsed script he utters a thousands times, pleading that none could sense beneath the surface of sugary flowers, all was rotten to the core. “You visited us again, I assume to gain status with the elders? It would be best to forget in your ambitions, they’re not keen on outsiders” // Sasaki!
ㅤ𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑'𝐒 𝐒𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐑 𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐃 conveyor belt with trespassing territory of nobility, dust, and terror. Motion closer gathered back distracted thoughts wandering among printed lines until lambish innocence within pairs of slate monochromes was finally captured and confronted by twilight side-gaze so black like every storybook at night. Figure effortlessly recognizable -- that would not style itself in many colors now exhausted from formal exchange of pleasantries so much that he welcomed beginning of a fictitious conversation with tranquil jollity. '' You must be -- , " within a flicker of a memory, he recalled instantly familiar traits from what happened the last time during his visit, " I remember you. '' Thief of kisses.
A silken flutter of slight tease resonant with fine tremors coursing like roasted coffee beans beyond pearly rows, but he was not going to address the matter further to make poor young man even more flustered than he already was; or could be if that was the reason behind coy sounds of laughter. Each exhale of curious company past dividing line of their closeness caressed like bourn taps of centipede limbs upon perimeters of shoulder frontier and pending beyond for carotid pulsation. Strange to experience such seasonally intermittent sensations from his presence — hmmm, what could this be. A portion of his silent observation was taken into consideration, now and again when somber eyes caught a few characteristical specifics. His delicacy of manner, gentle tongue, (*alarmingly!) blackened nails to no lacquer to be seen and where dime drops cogency once sighted perchance. Disturbing truly, such sight was a trace of past abuse when blood would dry under great pressure brought to the top of the nail. But ... aside from that there was an oddity, of something present, something he couldn't explain. He wasn't sure if it was the place which was strange enough by its local reputation or the young man who — what exactly was he doing in a place like that? Was he a member of the staff, family, or captive?
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'' Oh, you noticed? It truly is, '' one hand partly closed the book, revealing particularly for Haise front page of an older print with the title 'No longer human', '' are you familiar with this one? It's quite tricky, and tragic when personage is incapable of revealing his true self to others. It makes me wonder if we are all just hollows wearing masks of morality ... " The library of their not-so-convive company's mind and interest were of solid extension; lined with books and tomes and not just extremism. Stir of motion less tenacious and on the mend. Heart soared to see the gladness in rites of paradox and flooded stone rings where from descending droplets would flourish peonies of trypan-blues. Necrotic aura miles pleasantly within well-disciplined generosity projecting onto facial lines of spiritual guru. He could move about unseen by mortal eyes but for now, the multitude waits to decide further course.
Age would not discourage his speech nor give him sense when speed is called for. Careful of what he says in front of curious man binding time of their guest he would voice will to benefit from staying where fresh air lingers or what passes for a day here in lightless reaches.
" Thank you for the offer, for now this spot is quite pleasant to remain in, " but despite saying that he, however, steps further into the shadow of the mansion and vicinity of his new conversation partner once peculiar advisory (*or a warning?) was given, " reputation is a fleeting prospect, but there is something that interests me. My visit here is more a matter of trade than other worrisome tidings, it is linked to study of artifacts, strange and mysterious. The clan I heard, possesses one of those I am interested in. During my first visit, it was highly debated whether they wish to trade it, I was told by to stop by seven days later by one of the clan members; so I am here waiting for their decision. "
" But meanwhile, with time to spare ... will you perhaps reward me with your name? "
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rendsflesh · 8 months
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basic relationships chart (or something something...) with a double feature including kitty's children--
so! for the canons--
naki married dating shuu and they are so happily in love it's genuinely sickening; rough dynamic with karren because she doesn't trust his crybaby ass and he picks his nose in front of her to get under her skin. thinks of junichi as a cool older brother
mirumo the proud papa of shuu and adoptive father, of sorts, to karren; single but unsure if ready to mingle. i'm personally open to it but i'm unclear on if it actually suits mirumo's character considering his undying love for his wife. a true wife guy for the ages! he knows of lenn and thinks of him as strange. he distrusts the ikari family
karren is not in love with shuu-- mistook her feelings of adoration and idolization as genuine romantic love. she loves shuu but not in that way because i think it's a little weird considering the circumstances ♡ anyone that is an enemy of master shuu or the tsukiyama family are enemies, no ifs ands or buts
akihiro "dating" donato (no one knows what's going on with these two old men but at least they're having fun? question mark?) and, contrary to popular belief, is alive! why? who knows! i'll think of something. one-eyed ghoulification mayhaps.
renji dating watching over uta, more or less a wandering sort that does odd jobs on the side. he's probably staying with uta somewhere and is constantly having to keep him in check but also joins in on hijinks more than he cares to admit sometimes he's just too darn tired
cool! and now for the original characters--
ren, "head" of the ikari family-- slaughtered his ex-wife, yumiko, in cold blood and fed her remains to his two sons, nori and takeshi. don't worry, he also cleaned his plate. it was satisfactory. currently married (in his heart of hearts, awww omg!) to junichi. his ward loves him because it's borderline a cult. everyone else hates him though because they're sane. it's a whole thing.
yuu "dating" furuta, frenemies (enemies mostly.) with takeshi. they're sorta kinda rivals and all of their fights end in gorefest tie single time. was part of the ccg but leaves after faking his death, primarily because he thinks the ccg are a bunch of pussies and he wants to kill ghouls as he pleases. he also eats ghouls.
yori, professional clown at your service! dating nori and wants to marry him some day. rough relationship with ren because of a violent run-in, ren nearly kills and cannibalizes him. he and renji are kind of friends, mostly because of his ties to the clowns and renji's proximity to uta.
jun, head of the miyamoto family, has been a widow for several years. he and his teenaged daughter, aimi, live alone in their well-kept mansion. his wife, airi, was murdered by ryosuke and her kakuhou made into his very own quinque. he doesn't have a lot of relationships, considering his shut-in status. he's the closest thing to a pacifist ghoul you're gonna get and simply does not fuck around and find out.
katsuro is dating takeshi and has been defected from the ccg for quite some time. he leaves as a rank 1 but, currently, could be considered an associate special class or higher nowadays. he's turned more and more into a ghoul sympathizer as the days go on, mostly because of takeshi. lost his eye in the past due to a run-in with "glasgow", aka ren. also has a prosthetic right leg born from the same incident. slightly terrified of junichi.
chiyo is yumiko's sister and is married to asuka-- they're the rich lesbian aunts everyone wants but only takeshi and nori get. hates ren's guts, tolerates junichi's presence. she's well-known in the human world as a dj, known formally as b@rracuda and frequents the night club scene both as ghoul and "human" as a regular
masao is part of the washuu clan, born into it under the designated title of "seed" but ultimately defects because of it. he's an on and off ally of goat. hates every other washuu and associate, furuta especially. has a bit of a soft spot for rize, sees her somewhat as a sister. otherwise, he's known as a brutal and aggressive ghoul known as "ogre" that is infamous for his mass killings after long lulls of silence
ryosuke is a quinx, unsure of the generation (and i canNOT bother to care right now.) currently, and is a special class investigator. killed jun's wife and claimed "her" as his quinque. he "jokes" about his frame also being her but c'mon. that's too much ghoul. regularly conflicts with jun. jun killed his own husband as revenge, quoted as, "now, be as lonely as i am." and bit off one of his ears too. has a prosthetic ear now as replacement. would kill a child if they were a ghoul, has killed a ghoul child, and will continue to do so. aimi, you're next.
lenn is a clown that works at a ghoul restaurant. he doesn't really come into contact with the rest of the clowns unless necessary due to being a bit of a "homebody" at the restaurant. he's regularly paired up with furuta, however, and they've become besties. he likes playing bait for potential victims, hence his name "catfish", and loves seeing their faces when they see him auctioning them off like cattle to other ghouls. yori thinks he's fascinating, lenn thinks yori is kind of annoying.
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divorcetual · 1 year
MMM. ITS KINDA LIKE A SEQUAL? its a whole other series but it still follows kaneki and the other charas. I like to think of it as just as extension of tomyo ghoul- esp bcs jt goes into detail abt the washuu clan, rize, and a ton of other stuff. To me it doesnt feel like "Tokyo ghoul ended and had a sequel" it feels like it continues the same story. ish
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elmaxlys · 1 year
TG Sexywoman Poll - Aura Kiyoko VS Washuu Iyo
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Kiyoko is a Special Class Investigator and Chief of Division I, and Iyo is Matsuri's wife.
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levinc2003 · 2 years
My Old Drawing of Lavida Arima
She’s my Tokyo GhoulOC.
I created her for the ‘The Sword of One-Eyed King’ fanfic. She’s Kishou’s biological daughter, but their relationship isn’t very healthy. Her father expected her to ‘stand in his place’, but Lavida just has her own way of creating ‘peace’.
Yes, she’s mentally unstable because of her father.
Kishou isn’t a horrible dad, though. He just doesn’t know how should he treat her. He just treats her the way the Washuu clan treated him as a kid. No, she doesn’t have a daddy issue. She’s just too determined to care about her own feelings or health.
I intentionally created her to show that parents are just humans who can’t do more than what they know, so sometimes they mistreated their kids because that’s what they know. I don’t want to romanticize problematic things some adults do, but this is also to raise awareness of the importance of parental education especially if you were emotionally, physically, sexually, or even verbally abused, or even traumatized when you were younger so that you know how to properly raise a person.
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mutsukisaysdeeznuts · 2 years
The washuu clan be like: dead dove DO eat
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ellismindpalace · 5 years
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this is so good
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