#Who let the personification of a panic attack have a daughter?
iamapoopmuffin · 3 years
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Just a mum, a dad and their troublesome toddler who refuses to stand still and take a nice photo.
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buttmano · 4 years
If you find anything wrong, please let me know. Updated 6/05/2020
if you enjoy my work, pls consider buying me a coffee!<3
here’s the link to my hetalia discord server! come join us!!<3
last entered: S/O Says the Wrong Name in Bed; feat. France, Germany, America, Russia, Sweden, Netherlands, Greece, Turkey (posted May 7th, 2020)
Allies Find Out US States Have Personifications
Axis & Allies Crush on a US State
Songs Stuck in Their Heads; feat. Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Prussia
Prussia Meme
Hetalia As Vines Pt 1
Pizza/Apartment on Fire GIF; feat. Germany, Italy, Romano, Spain, Prussia, Japan
Cat Meme; feat. Germany, Japan, Italy, Romano, Prussia
Old Coots Give Advice
Pickup Lines; feat. Germany, Prussia
Trash TV Dramas; feat. Germany, Italy, Japan
Italian Penicillin; feat. Romano
France’s Burn Book
S/O Knocks Out a Creep; feat. Russia, Canada, America, Romano
S/O Sings in the Shower; feat. America, Canada, England, France, Romano
Beefy Boys as Cat Memes (needs fixed)
Favorite Genre of Music; feat. Germany, Italy, Japan, Austria, Prussia, Spain, Romano
Hetalia as Quotes My Family Said on Vacation
Giving Their Kid the Talk; feat. America, Germany, Italy, Romano, Spain
Punk, Dork Prussia
Vampire Romania
Raiding Area 51 Meme
Why They Got Arrested; feat. America, England, France, Russia, Canada, China, Germany, Italy, Japan, Romano, Prussia, Austria
Random; feat. assortment
Random France
Random England
Random Spain
Random Norway
Random America
Random Turkey
Random Prussia
Random Cuba
Boyfriend Spain
Boyfriend Spain Pt 2
Boyfriend Estonia
Boyfriend Germany
Boyfriend Germany Pt 2
Boyfriend England (Male Partner)
Boyfriend Prussia, Boyfriend Romania (Male Partner)
Boyfriend Prussia
Boyfriend Denmark
Boyfriend Norway
Boyfriend Netherlands
Girlfriend Belarus (Female Partner)
Girlfriend Belarus
Kissing Lithuania
Cuddling Spain
Cuddling Italy, Romano, Seborga, Sicily 
Cuddling Russia 
Cuddling Netherlands
Cuddling Portugal
Cuddling Finland
Cuddling China
Arranged Marriage; feat. France
Arranged Marriage; feat. Lithuania, Germany, China
Arranged Marriage; feat. Romano
Arranged Marriage; feat. Russia, America
Arranged Marriage; feat. Portugal
Arranged Marriage Pregnant S/O; feat. France
Poly Russia, Germany, & S/O
Poly Prussia, Spain, & S/O
Poly France, England, & S/O
Poly England, Romano, & S/O (+Smut)
Competing Poly Russia, America, & S/O
Soulmate Poly Russia, America, & S/O
Soulmate Poly France, England, & S/O
Soulmate S/O; feat. Germany
Soulmate S/O; feat. Spain
Soulmate S/O; feat. America, England, France, China, Canada, Russia
Confessing Their Feelings; feat. Russia, Germany
First Dates; feat. Germany, Italy, Japan, Prussia, Romano
First Date; feat. Lithuania
Ideal Dates; feat. Spain, France, Prussia
Picking Out Engagement Rings; feat. France, Spain, Prussia
Proposing; feat. Germany, Italy, Japan, Prussia, France
Wedding/Marriage; feat. Spain
Wedding; feat. Russia
Wedding; feat. Germany
Drunk Wedding Planning; feat. Russia, France, Germany, Prussia, Italy, Romano, America
S/O is Pregnant; feat. Spain
S/O is Pregnant; feat. England, France, America, China, Russia, Canada, Germany, Italy, Japan
S/O is Pregnant; feat. Prussia, Spain, Romano
S/O Gives Birth; feat. Germany, Japan, Italy, France, England, China, Russia, America, Canada
S/O Wants a Homebirth; feat. Spain, America, Canada
# of Kids and Names; feat. France, Spain, Prussia, Italy, Romano
# of Kids and Names; feat. Germany, Japan, Austria
Type of Fathers; feat. Prussia, France, Spain, Germany, Italy
Type of Parents; feat. Italy, Romano, Seborga, Sicily
Father Germany
Father Russia
Father Russia Pt 2
Father Lithuania
Father Romania
Father Spain
Father Spain; feat. Spain, chibi Romano, chibi Italy, chibi reader
Father America
Comforting Them; feat. Italy, Romano, France, Spain, Portugal
Comforting Sick S/O; feat. Netherlands
Overworking S/O; feat. Romano
Tomboy S/O; feat France, Italy, Romano, Spain
Asexual S/O; feat. France, England, America, Canada, Russia, China
Shy S/O; feat. Italy
Shy S/O; feat. Prussia
Shy S/O; feat. Turkey
Shy, Quiet, Muslim S/O; feat. Turkey
Chubby Insecure S/O; feat. Romano
S/O Has Abandonment Issues; feat. Russia
Awkward S/O; feat. Canada
Autistic S/O; feat. Lithuania
Autistic S/O; feat. Spain
S/O Wants to Lose Weight; feat. England, America, Spain, Romano
S/O Wants to Lose Weight; feat. Prussia, France, Canada 
S/O Has Been Feeling Down; feat. England, France, Canada, China, America, Romano
Helping S/O Through Depression; feat. England
Helping S/O Through Depression; feat. America
S/O With Chronic Migraines; feat. England
Comforting S/O That Needs Surgery; feat. Russia
S/O Has Surgery Scars; feat. Romano, France, Germany, Lithuania, Russia, Turkey, Spain
Lovey S/O Comes Out of Anesthesia; feat. Romania, Hungary, Belarus, Denmark, Greece, Canada
Comforting Bullied S/O; feat. Poland
S/O Has High Functioning Social Anxiety; feat. Romano, Canada
S/O Has Panic Attacks; feat. Italy, Romano, Seborga, Sicily 
S/O Has Depressive Episodes; feat. Germany, Canada, America
S/O Has Self Harm Scars; feat. Lithuania
Ideal S/O; feat. France, Spain, Prussia
Pale Homebody S/O; feat. Germany, Japan, Italy, Romano, Spain, Prussia
Daydreaming S/O; feat. Spain, France, Germany, England
Snowy Day w/ S/O; feat. Germany, Prussia
S/O Has Goats; feat. France, Prussia, Spain
Competing for S/O; feat. France, Spain, Prussia, Germany
You literally fall for your crush; feat. France, England, China 
Stupid Pick Up Lines; feat. France, Romano, Italy, Portugal, Spain
Romantic Gestures From S/O; feat. France, Spain, Prussia
Marrying A Human; feat. Spain
Mentally Gifted, Physically Not S/O; feat. Austria, Romano, Russia
England’s nation friend has a shady past
Nation Crush Comes Out of Isolation; feat. Germany, Japan, Italy, France, England, America
Overworking S/O; feat. Romano
Their Hobbies; feat. France, Spain, Prussia
America Dates In Secret
Which Countries Are Into Astrology?
Best Cuddlers; feat. Asian Nations
S/O Sees Snow For The First Time; feat. America, England, France, China, Russia, Canada
Dragging S/O to Bed; feat. Spain (+Smut)
Waiter AU; feat. France, Italy, Spain, Romano
S/O Talks In Different Language; feat. France, America, Canada, England
Roller Skating Date; feat. Romano
Roller Skating Date; feat. Romano, America, Prussia
Ice Skating Date; feat. Russia
Domestic Relationship; feat. France
Fantasy World S/O; feat. England
Adopting a Puppy; feat. Germany, Romano, England, Canada
High School AU: Crushing on the Popular Girl; feat. France, England, Germany, Romano
High School AU: Finding Their Crush Sleeping; feat. England, France, America, Canada, China, Russia
Lazy Mornings; feat. England, France, America, China, Russia, Canada, Germany, Italy, Japan, Prussia, Romano, Spain, Austria
Friend “Catnaps”; feat. Germany, Japan, Italy, Prussia
Catnapper Revenge; feat. Germany, Japan, Italy, Prussia
Drunk Germany, Japan, Italy
Favorite Season/Holiday; feat. Germany, Japan, Italy
How Religious?; feat. England, America, France, China, Canada, Russia, Germany, Italy, Japan, Prussia, Romano, Spain, Austria, Turkey
Play Fighting; feat. England, France, Canada, America, China, Russia, Germany, Italy, Japan, Romano, Prussia
S/O Watched Horror Movie; feat. Russia, Germany, America, Prussia
Flattering Them; feat. France, Spain, Prussia, Germany
Country Bumpkin S/O; feat. Spain
Fashion Designers; feat. America, England, France, China, Russia, Canada
Handwriting; feat. Germany, Japan, Prussia, Italy, Romano
S/O Professional Roller Derby; feat. France, Italy, Romano, Spain, Portugal, Russia
Cheering Up Germany
Little Brother Gets Bullied; feat. France, Spain, Prussia
They Sing to Newborn Animals; England, Germany, Italy, Romano, America, Canada, France, Spain
How Fast/Slow Do They Move in a Relationship?; feat. Prussia, France, Spain, Italy, Germany
Traits They Look For in S/O; feat. France, Spain, Prussia, Germany
Feelings on Courting; feat. France, Germany
S/O With Dark Humor; feat. England, France, America, China, Canada, Russia, Romano, Germany, Prussia
S/O Loves the Russian Language; feat.Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia
S/O is a Shy Violinist; feat. Germany, Prussia, England
Valentine’s Day; feat. Prussia, Romano
Always Hungry S/O; feat. Japan, Germany, Italy, Romano, Prussia
S/O Has Opposite Gender Friends; feat. France, Prussia, Spain
Meme Team Vacation to Denmark; feat. Denmark, Prussia, America
S/O Wants to be a Police Officer; feat. America, Romano, Prussia
S/O Wants to be a Police Officer; feat. France
Who Goes Cryptic Hunting?
S/O Loves Meme Music; feat. England, France, America, China, Canada, Russia
America’s Music Taste
Human S/O Wants to be With Canada
What They Want to be For Their S/O; feat. France, Prussia, Italy, Spain
Secret Pleasures; feat. Germany, Prussia, Greece
How They Find Their S/O; feat. Italy, Germany, Spain, Prussia
Who Would LOVE a Chubby S/O?
Anniversary Celebrations; feat. Germany
S/O Loves Lithuanian; feat. Lithuania
Protective Germany
Cute S/O Loves His Quirks; feat. Russia
Daughter Practices Parkour; feat. Canada
Actor S/O; feat. England, France, America, China, Canada, Russia, Japan, Germany, Italy, Prussia
Flirting With S/O; feat. Spain, France, Italy, Greece
S/O Has Lots of Tattoos; feat. England, France, America, Russia, Canada, China, Germany, Italy, Japan
S/O is Cartoonish; feat. America, England, Italy, Romano
S/O Doesn’t Really Believe in Love; feat. Germany
Their Country Gets Complimented; feat. Germany, Italy, Japan
Comforting Sick S/O; feat. France, Spain, Italy, Romano
Teacher Germany
Mute S/O Singing; feat. Germany
S/O On Their Period; feat. Russia
Who Likes to Travel?
Who Likes Eating Your Baking?
Beefy Boy Fluff
Who Likes Their S/O to Sleep on Them?
Watching Horror Movies Together; feat. America
Comforting S/O; feat. America, Russia, France, Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, Greece, Turkey
Short S/O; feat. Lithuania
S/O Reads Map Wrong; feat. France, Spain, Prussia, America, Denmark
Lil Brother Like Germany; feat. Germany, Italy, Japan, Prussia, Romano
Tall S/O; feat. France, America, Canada, England, Italy, Romano, Spain
Snow Day; feat. Russia
Who Wants Artistic S/O?
They Find Artistic S/O’s Work; feat. England, France, Russia, China, Canada, America
Puppy Gets Into Food; feat. Germany, Romano, England, Canada, America, Italy
They Turn Into Cats; feat. England, France, Russia
Black S/O & Random Boyfriend; feat. Germany, France, Romano
Meeting Your Brothers; feat. Germany, France, Greece, Turkey, Netherlands, Sweden, America, Russia, Canada, Romano
Veteran S/O; feat. France, England, America, China, Russia, Canada, Germany, Japan, Italy, Prussia, Romano
Cardiophile S/O; feat. America, Prussia, Denmark
Cardiophile S/O; feat. France, Prussia, Spain
Adopting a Stray Kitten; feat. Russia
Spa Night With S/O; feat. America, Russia, France, Netherlands, Sweden, Greece, Turkey
Krav Maga S/O; feat. Canada
Things That Prussia Loves
S/O is in Jail; feat. Lithuania
Youtuber S/O; feat. England, France, America, China, Canada, Russia
Culinary Roommate; feat. America, Russia, Greece, Turkey, Sweden, Netherlands, Germany, France
They Meet Earth’s Personification; feat. England, France, America, China, Canada, Russia, Germany, Italy, Japan
Pirate Prussia, Spain, France, Germany
Making Out; feat. Germany
Favorite Book/Movie Genres; feat. France, Prussia, Spain
Calling Them a Nickname; feat. England, France, Canada, America
Embarrassing Secrets; feat. America, Russia, Greece, Turkey, Sweden, Netherlands, France, Germany, Romano, Spain
Embarrassing Secrets Pt 2; feat. Sweden
Embarrassing Secrets Pt 3; feat Sweden
Dating Aesthetics; feat. Germany, France, America, Russia, Turkey, Greece, Sweden, Netherlands
Guilty Pleasures; feat. Germany, Italy, Japan
Missing Their S/O; feat. Germany, France, America, Russia, Turkey, Greece, Sweden, Netherlands
Celebrating Your Birthday; feat. France, Prussia, Spain
Celebrating Your Birthday; feat. France, America, Russia, Sweden, Netherlands, Turkey, Greece, Germany
S/O is in the Hospital With Broken Arm; feat. Romano, Canada
Germany Doing Puppy Dog Eyes
S/O is Learning Mandarin; feat. China
Who Would Be a Sugar Daddy/Mommy?
Super Tall S/O; feat. Japan
S/O Loves German; feat. Germany, Prussia
Italy as a BFF
France as Pepe Lepew
Stubborn S/O; feat. Romano
S/O Always Gets Hurt Cooking; feat. Germany, Russia, Belarus, Sweden, France
Oh, The Weather Outside is Frightful; feat. Portugal x reader
Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire; feat. Latvia x reader
Oh, Christmas Tree; feat. Greece x reader
Don We Now Our Gay Apparel; feat. Poland x reader
A Blue Christmas Without You; feat. Romano x reader
Silver Bells; feat. England x reader
Germany’s Therapy Dogs; feat. Germany x reader (submitted)
Their First Kisses; feat. Germany x reader & Russia x reader
Little Beer Drinker; feat. Germany x reader
Unhappy Arranged Marriage; feat. Spain
Unhappy Arranged Marriage Pt 2; feat. Spain
What Makes Them Snap; feat. Italy, Romano, France, Spain, Portugal
Lying BC of Past Abuse; feat. Romano, Italy
Trash Talking Their Soulmate; feat. France, Italy, Romano, Spain, Portugal
Mysophobia/OCD S/O; feat. Spain
S/O With Bad Habits; feat. Germany, Japan, Italy, Romano, Spain, Austria, Prussia
S/O & Burst Ovarian Cyst; feat. Italy, Romano, England, Canada, France, America, Spain
Mysophobia/OCD S/O; feat. England
S/O Feels Pressured to Get Cosmetic Surgery; feat. Germany
S/O Had Past Emotional Abuse; feat. Romano
S/O & Past Abusive Relationship; feat. Romano, Germany, Italy, Japan
Abused S/O Views Them as “Savior”; feat. Romano, Germany, Italy Japan
Overhear S/O “Plotting Murder”; feat. Canada, America, Italy, Romano
S/O Looks Way Younger Than Him; feat. Germany, Italy, Japan
S/O Abused & Abandoned Bc of Chronic Illness; feat. Germany, Italy, Japan, Romano, England
Military S/O Goes MIA; feat. America, England, China, Canada, Russia, Prussia
MIA S/O Found; feat. America, England, China, Canada, Russia, Prussia
MIA Aftermath; feat. America, England, China, Canada, Russia, Prussia
S/O Accidentally Hits Them; feat. Russia, America, Germany, Prussia, Romano
S/O Doesn’t Want to Get Pregnant Bc of Chronic Illness; feat. Italy, Romano, England, Canada, America, France, Spain, Germany
S/O Upsets Them; feat. France, Spain, Prussia
Trans S/O Gets Bullied; feat. Lithuania
S/O Panics When They Try to Have Sex; feat. Germany
S/O is a Teacher & One of Their Students Was Admitted to Psych Ward; feat. Romano, England, America, Canada, Germany, France, Spain
S/O Gets Into Car Crash; feat. France, America, Canada, England
Crush Shows Up Beaten; feat. Canada, America, Russia, Germany
S/O Feels She Needs a Boob Job; feat. Germany
S/O Has Mental Breakdown; feat. England, France, Italy, Romano, Spain
S/O Has a Talking Car; feat. Germany, Japan, Italy, Romano, Prussia
Zombie AU; feat. Canada
Prussia Kidnaps a Hot Enemy
Responding to a Racist POS; feat. America, Russia, Canada, China, France, England
How They Would Cheat; feat. Germany, Italy, Japan, Romano
Their Kinks; feat. Russia, France, Spain, Prussia, Germany, Austria, Romano
Their Kinks; feat. France, Spain, Prussia
Germany’s Kinks
Prussia’s Kinks
Spain’s Kinks
Switzerland’s Kinks
Lithuania’s Kinks
Noway and Denmark’s Kinks
Random Russia
Random Romano
Random Austria & Japan
Random America
Random England
Random Turkey
Random Denmark
Random Netherlands
Random Prussia
Random China
Pegging Romano
Pegging Spain
Pegging Spain Pt 2
Pegging America
Poly Prussia, Romano, & S/O
Poly England, Romano & S/O (+SFW)
Poly Denmark, Norway, & S/O
Poly Russia, Germany, & S/O
Poly Russia, Germany, & S/O Pt 2
Poly Russia, Germany, & S/O Pt 3
Aftercare With Poly Russia, Germany, & S/O
Dom! Prussia
Sub! Prussia
Sub! Russia
Sub! England
BDSM; feat. Russia
BDSM; feat. Spain
Germany’s Dick
Norway and Denmark’s Dicks
Sexting America
Punished by Russia
S/O Shy About Sex; feat. France, Spain, Prussia
Asexual S/O With High Sex Drive; feat. France, Prussia, Spain
Dragging S/O to Bed; feat. Spain (+SFW)
S/O Flashes Them; feat. Germany, Italy, Romano, England, America
S/O Licks Whipped Cream Off Of Them; feat. Italy, Romano, England, France, Spain, Germany, America
S/O Thinks Sex Isn’t Romantic; feat. France, Italy, Romano, Germany
Sex VS Making Love; feat. Italy, Romano, France, Germany
Puppy Panty Thief; feat. Germany, Romano, England, Canada, America, Italy
Puppy Panty Thief Pt 2; feat. Germany, Romano, England, Canada, America, Italy
S/O Gets Drunk Just to Have Sex; feat. Germany, Italy, Romano
Sexiest Thing to Say to Them; feat. France, Spain, Prussia
Trans S/O; feat. Russia (+SFW Fluff & Angst)
Dirty Talking; feat. England, France, China, Canada, America, Russia, Prussia
Dirty Talking; feat. Spain
Sadistic Dirty Talk; feat. Russia
Sexiest Thing S/O Does; feat. Spain, Italy, Germany
Sexiest Thing to Say; feat. France, Spain, England, Italy
Aftercare; feat. France, Italy, Romano, Spain, Portugal
S/O is Super Horny; feat. England, Francis, America, Canada, China, Russia
S/O Wears Their Shirt; feat. America, Germany, Romano, Spain, Prussia, Austria, Russia
S/O Wears Their Shirt Pt. 2; feat. America, Germany, Romano, Spain, Prussia, Austria, Russia
S/O Has Foodgasm; feat. Canada
S/O Using Russian to Talk Dirty; feat. Russia
Language Kink; feat. Russia
Who Has an Impregnation Kink?
Russia’s Impregnation Kink
Shy S/O & Lewd Words; feat. Germany, Canada, Japan, France, Prussia
Who Has a Vore or Stuffing Kink?
Who Has a Uniform Kink?
Favorite Body Parts
Who is a Furry VS Scalie?
They Can’t Touch; feat. Russia, America, Greece, Turkey, Sweden, Netherlands, Germany, France
Calling Them Daddy/Master; feat. France, America, Canada, England, Russia
S/O Sprained Ankle; feat. Germany
Accidentally Pops a Boner; feat. Sweden
Vanilla Sex; feat. France, England, China, Russia, Canada, America
Nudist S/O; feat. France, England, Canada, China, Russia, America, Germany, Italy, Japan, Romano, Japan
They Get Walked in On; feat. Russia, America, Turkey, Greece, Netherlands, Sweden, France
S/O Has Small Boobs; feat. America, Russia, Greece, Turkey, Sweden, Netherlands, France
Caregivers VS Littles
Germany’s Daddy Kink
S/O Wears Tight Clothes; feat. Germany, America, Turkey, Canada, Russia, Romano
Telling Germany You’re Horny
Biggest Dicks Ranked
Sexting the Wrong Guy; feat. France (and Canada sorta)
Favorite Positions; feat. America, Russia, Greece, Turkey, Sweden, Netherlands, France, Germany
Favorite Positions; feat. America, Russia, Greece, Turkey, Sweden, Netherlands, France, Germany
Rainy Country Day; feat. America
They Pop a Boner; feat. America, Germany, England 
They Pop a Boner; feat. Russia, France, Prussia 
Spain & Vore Kink
S/O Smacks Their Ass; feat. America, Russia, Germany, France, Sweden, Netherlands, Turkey, Greece
MTL to like anal
Netherlands’ Size Kink
MTL to buy/sell feet pics
Wet Dreams; feat. America, Russia, France, Germany, Greece, Turkey, Sweden, Netherlands
Who Has a Thigh Kink?
Who Has a Size Kink?
S/O is Very Blunt; feat. America, Russia, France, Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, Greece, Turkey
Japan’s Dollification Kink
S/O Says the Wrong Name in Bed; feat. France, Germany, America, Russia, Sweden, Netherlands, Greece, Turkey
Results of Teasing a German; feat. Germany x gen. neutral reader
Results of Teasing a Canadian; feat. Canada x fem. reader
after grocery shopping; feat. Norway x fem. reader
Forgotten Waffles; feat. Ukraine x fem. reader
Midnight Rendezvous; feat. France x fem reader
incorrect quotes tag
character/song game tag
headcanon game tag
most to least likely tag
moodboards tag
446 notes · View notes
kinktae · 5 years
Dear 2018,
warning: up ahead is a long ass post with mentions of anxiety, depression, infidelity, death, very specific events that might seem silly to you but really fucked me up, optimism, and copious amounts of personification.
You were cruel.
My dad gave my dog away without telling me and while I took a nap of all things for reasons that made no sense at the moment but would soon reveal themselves as the year unfolded. My dog was my best friend and longtime confidant. I was the annoying dog owner who snapchatting their dog every day. He was my first hug when I had a bad day and my last goodnight every night as I headed off to bed. I don’t know where he is now because my father won’t tell me but 2018, you left me so incredibly hurt by my parents that I couldn’t bring myself to speak to them for two weeks.
But I learned to cope.
In the days that followed, I wrote a 20k long story. I was crying and sad and didn’t know what else to do. I spent three days writing that story, sleeping on the couch because I didn’t want to walk into my room only to see that my dog wasn’t waiting by my bed. A story I wrote could never replace seven years of companionship but it gave me something tangible to hold onto when I found myself unable to turn to my family. Camellia, the story, holds a special place in my heart because it isn’t often that from such sadness tumbles out a love story.
You were cruel.
2018 took the life of the boy I have admired and blushed over since I was eleven. He was the kind of kid who had every reason to be an asshole with how good looking and widely popular he was but... he wasn’t. He was polite and genuinely smart and loved basketball. I mean loved it. It was funny back then but in my senior year when we were asked to write poems, he chose to write it about his basketball and his team. We all cheered him on at the end of it as he slipped back into his seat in the back, a happy grin on his face. I remember how hot my face got when he let me interview him for a school project and how nice he was to me because he knew I was nervous. When I graduated, he was the one person that I was looking forward to seeing at our high school reunion. I wanted to know where he’d end up in life. I never thought that his life would come to an end.
So I took some time to reflect.
I left Tumblr for quite a bit. It’s a hard thing to understand when someone so young dies suddenly and needlessly. It was larger than just my feelings. It was as if my entire town fell silent. 2018, you left behind his family and an entire community in pain and mourning. He was not mine to mourn as a lover nor really as a friend but I mourned him as a long time classmate who put far greater good into the world than he ever did bad. I hurt for his family, his girlfriend, his friends— my friends —who knew him well and will never get closure or answers to his death because there are none. I hope heaven has a basketball court.
You were cruel.
One of your Saturday nights was when my mom walked by our guest bedroom and overheard her husband on the phone with his girlfriend of a year. It was the reason why my dad got rid of my dog and was trying so desperately to sell our house. He was trying to move us into an apartment just so that he could leave my mom and me in it. He stood in front of my mom silently as she broke down two days later and told him that she knew about his girlfriend. I knew his girlfriend, I had been to her house; she had 3 kids and a husband. My dad left my family for another family, for another country, and as much as that hurt, nothing hurt more than holding my crying mother in my arms every night because she came to the United States alone and I was all she had now. My father took everything in the house, leaving us with one bed and a couch. He said he would take care of us but the fact that he took two beds when he only needed one should’ve been a warning sign enough. He cut my mother’s salary and belittles her at work. He keeps coming over to our house and making my mother cry. He never gave her space to heal and still isn’t. I had to make nice though because he was always the provider and I relied on him financially. He cut my brother from his will and my mother feared he’d do the same to me.
But my family understood.
I thought with my father living elsewhere, I wouldn’t see my family anymore. He was the one who always drove me down to every family gathering, and now I could hardly look him in the eyes. To my surprise, even though he was very much the head of my family, they all reach out to me and my mother, offering their condolences. It was nice to know that I wasn’t a terrible daughter for not wanting to see my father, it was nice knowing his family understood. He was a great provider but cruel, emotionally detached parent and I struggled with the guilt of not mourning his absence in the house. My family helped me realize that my priority should be myself and my mother and I am so grateful for them.
You were cruel.
You were anxiety. Crippling, unimaginable anxiety. You were a panic attack one Monday morning alone in my house as I realized how empty but suffocating my home had become. 2018 was sitting down in class, only to rush out the moment I realized I had forgotten another assignment, crying in the school bathrooms because I knew I was falling behind. I pretended like everything was fine. I didn’t ask for help. I was ashamed to. My mother didn’t have friends because of the type of person my father was and she needed one. So I became her friend, despite the fact that I am just a daughter. I comforted and listened to her. I read her divorce papers for her because my English was better than hers and I knew my father was going to try and fuck her over. My mother was behind every happy memory I had so I owed her this much. Eventually, I just stopped going to school, too anxious to even leave my neighborhood. I would wave my mother goodbye and hop into my car like I was off to university but really I just park somewhere in my neighborhood and hated myself. God how I hated myself.
But my friends were kind.
Early on in the year, 2018 brought me, friends. Friends that would last throughout the year despite the fact that I pushed them away and isolated myself. People like @httpjeon, who would become my number one confidant and best fucking friend along with @introseesaw @junqkook, who never questioned why I had to leave the group chat and disappear for days. People like @timeline-comics, who is so patient and understanding and inspires me. People like @kittae @gukyi @jeongukk who probably didn’t know how much just talking to them made me feel sane and safe. As much as 2018 took away, it also gave me such wonderful people when I needed them the most and I am grateful beyond words. Even when my mother was in the midst of heartbreak, divorce and reliving childhood trauma, she still eventually found me, as most mothers do when they’re children become lost. She offered me love and support like she has done with every breath she has ever taken and told me it was okay to ask for help. I wasn’t invincible, no one was. It was only with others that we could grow stronger.
You were cruel.
I did poorly this semester. I knew I would. But it was severe enough that my university noticed and suspended me from the upcoming term. They told me to come back in the summer and offered me the number to their counseling services. My father didn’t understand how this could have happened, or maybe he didn’t want to understand, so he cut me off financially and called me names that I’m still trying to convince myself aren’t true.
But I had you all.
In the worst year of my life, 2018 brought me a community of people who love and support my work despite how flaky I am putting it out. It brought me a platform where I can express myself creatively and unapologetically. 2018 brought me you guys, my readers— my people. It brought me anons who made my entire day in 200 words or less. It brought me people who reblogged my posts with funny tags that, as corny as it sounds, made the world feel less heavy, even if it was just for a moment. I know that you guys are a blessing. This blog is one of the best things that’s happened to me. It’s my happy place and I am so beyond grateful for you all.
And finally. There is one thing left to say.
2018, I forgive you.
You were cruel, confusing and painful and as much as you set me back, I am going to use you to propel me forward in 2019. It was in your darkness that I realized just how wonderful every speck of light truly feels. Because of you, I am going to fight for happiness and work on loving myself again as BTS has been telling me to do all year because you have given me a reason to finally need to more than ever.
Dear 2019,
Treat me gently. Greet me with kindness. Because if you don’t, I will bend you to my will because, dammit, I deserve happiness. I deserve comfort. I deserve 2019. I will get a job and maintain myself. I will attend counseling and work on fixing myself. I will love myself loudly and write until my fucking fingers fall off. I will go back to school in summer and look forward to learning because it’s what I love; I know now more than ever that it’s a privilege to get to go to school. I will ask for help when I need it and offer it when it’s needed. And I will never stop supporting those who supported me in 2018.
To those who were also hurt by 2018, just know that you walk into the new year cautiously right alongside me and it’s okay to be scared. It’s okay to heal. It’s okay to prioritize yourself. It’s okay to ask for help. It’s okay to not be okay. Because even today is cruel, there is always a chance that tomorrow will be kind and that’s a chance worth fighting for.
Sincerely, Rose 🌹
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atheistforhumanity · 6 years
God is Love?
You often hear the term God is love. People usually equate their idea of God with all that is good and pure, but the scripture certainly says otherwise. I argue that God/Allah cannot be equated with love if he also threatens and inflicts unimaginable levels of violence and suffering on people. The existence of hell, instruction to wage war, instruction to persecute, instruction to enslave, plagues and so on.
Imagine how we judge an individual. If a person was often nice and polite when you spoke in person, but also engaged in ransacking homes, stealing their property, killing and raping the occupants. you wouldn’t be quick to forgive those things because of a few nice words. The same goes for cult leaders who manipulate and control the youth or figures that preach bigotry and intolerance. All of these things can be found in scripture and be attributed to God.
Therefore, I say to you, the character of God is not love. It is the embodiment of everything dark within the human mind, the personification of what our flawed personalities would do with infinite power.
I leave you with three examples. I remind you that these are supposed to be the words or teachings of a perfect entity that loves humanity, however I would not judge them as good human beings let alone perfect gods.
Old Testament
Isaiah 13: 11-18 (RSV)
Context: Isaiah is relaying God’s message of what will happen to the Babylonians for their wickedness. Isaiah essentially acts as a herald of threats of horrible punishment and violence for those who is please God.  
“I will punish the world for it’s evil...Whoever is found will be thrust through, and whoever is caught will fall by the sword. Their (victims) infants will be dashed in pieces before their eyes; their (victims) houses will be plundered and their wives ravished...Their (the attackers) bows will slaughter the young men; they will have no mercy on the fruit of the womb; their (attackers) eyes will not pity children.”
New Testament
Context: This is Jesus speaking directly in these verses on the topic of following him.
Matthew 10: 33-36 (KJV)
“But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven. Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man’s foes shall be they of his household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.”
The Quran
Context: This sections is declaring that Muhammad is the only true messenger (alive). This verse is one of many that directly call for persecution of non-Muslims and Allah’s promise of their eternal burning in the after life.
The Family of ‘Imran (line 151)
“We will strike panic into the disbelievers’ hearts because they attribute partners to God although He has sent no authority for this: their shelter will be the Fire.”
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He’s Hurting Me pt 6
Summary: Patton meets up with Virgil in a park
Warnings: Mentions of death, probably swearing
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 
Virgil sat, alone, on a swing, in a pretty much abandoned park. The sun was beginning to dip below the skyline, painting everything in a burnt orange hue, and touching it with a pale shade of yellow. It wasn’t very late, but darkness was already approaching.
He let my feet lightly scrape against the floor as he swung gently, letting himself be weightless for a moment. He tried to let the thoughts go, tried to stop thinking, but it was so difficult. At this point Virgil wasn't even sure what the thoughts were, why he was anxious, or why he was shaking, he just felt like there was so much going on. He tilted his head back, letting his bright purple bangs fall lightly over his eyes, being washed in the final dying rays of the sun. He liked sunsets. He thinks how in books it symbolised an end, a death, foreshadows hope dying or danger approaching, everything negative. But they were so beautiful. The deep reds, glittering ambers and faded pinks mixing with powdery blue, seeing that much colour at once captured him, and he wasn’t sure why, but it’s what made reality just that little bit more bearable. A beautiful goodbye.
Virgil was jerked out of his mind by a text message. He hesitantly pulled his phone out of his oversized black hoody, to see a message on it. The message was from his only friend; Patton. They’d practically grown up together, living on the same street since they were kids, coming to this very park to play, they even went to school together, though Virgil didn’t see Patton much there. They had different lessons (Virgil was in the lower year) and during free time Virgil tended to sit by himself in the library, Patton would sometimes sit with him, which was nice, though recently he’d been getting pretty close with another kid. Virgil would meet him… eventually. He just tended not to be very good with people… unless they were Patton. It was difficult not to be good with Patton though, Virgil had never known a kinder, more caring or more genuine person, he’d helped him through so much, and was always understanding and patient with him. He was practically his older brother, though they did have a long-standing joke that he was more of a dad. Hence his contact name
Dad: Is that you sat on the swings?
Me: Yeah
Dad: May I join?
Me: Go ahead
Virgil was quite thankful for that as he looked down at his shaking hands, before stuffing them in his hoody. Talking to Patton always helped him calm down.
It wasn’t long before Patton was approaching him wordlessly, wrapping a large scarf over himself.
“How was your day?” He chirped brightly, taking a seat on the swing next to the other.
“Same old, same old. James didn’t notice me which was pretty good, just got a couple odd looks.” Virgil replied, his voice a bit lower and far more solemn.
“Y’know to come get me if he tries anything, right?”
Virgil chuckled. “You’ve already saved one person from James and his gang, you can stop there.”
“I can stop when James and his gang stop being bullies.” Patton replied, his voice brimming with determination.
“That’s never going to happen.”
“Then I will never stop.” Patton smiled brightly causing the other to laugh.
“Well, for now you don’t need to worry, he’s not interested in me.”
“No, but I think I know who he has focused on.” Patton’s voice changed dramatically, it was sad, and protective.
“A boy came running into the bathroom just as I was leaving.” He looked down, his words laced with hurt and empathy. “I could hear him have a panic attack, it was really, really bad. I couldn’t just leave him, so I talked to him through the door. It took a while but he managed to calm himself down, we talked a bit afterwards. I think we’re friends now, I’m gonna ask him to sit with me and Lo at lunch.” Patton started smiled a bit at the last sentence.
“Wow… That sounds, intense.” Was all Virgil could manage, he thought this mystery kid in the bathroom must have been at least slightly lucky that Patton was the one there. He knew from multiple first-hand experiences, that Patton was amazing when it came to helping people with that sort of stuff.
“It was, the sort of stuff they were saying to him.” Patton’s voice had switched again. “Stuff about his sexuality, stuff about the play-“
“Oh! The play!” Virgil suddenly remembered he’d neglected to tell Patton about that. “Sorry continue, I just remembered something.”
“No no, I was pretty much just rambling, what’ve you remembered about the play?” The older boy’s voice seemed very excited, it wasn’t often Virgil had something that seemed so important.
“Well, it’s just…” He sighed for a moment, preparing himself. “I might be part of the play?” Virgil wasn’t sure why it came out as a question but it didn’t matter, Patton had gotten the message.
“Oh my-“ Patton was practically squealing, covering the bottom half of his face with his fists, he was practically buzzing. “I’m so proud of you! Oh my goodness! This is massive Virge!”
“Chill Patton,” The younger chuckled, pushing his bangs to the side. “It’s just helping backstage and stuff, it was kinda an emergency, they needed more people, and I was in a good place. I thought… it may be good for me, y’know. It’s pretty fun actually, though some of the drama kids are so far up their own ass th-“
Virgil was cut off by Patton throwing his arms over him, he chuckled, relaxing instantly into the bear hug.
“I’m so so so proud of you Virge! This is amazing!” The elder beamed, “Wait is this why you’ve been so late out recently? And is this where you’ve been disappearing off to at lunch? Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
Virgil thought for a moment. He hadn’t meant to keep it a secret, he had meant to tell Patton. But things seemed to get in the way. He thought back to a month ago, the day he signed up.
He remembered getting home, genuinely happy, with himself, and he hadn’t been sure how long it had been since he felt like that. He had been so excited to tell everyone, prove that his anxiety didn’t control him. His mother often called him the personification of anxiety, not in a horrible way, she’d say it calmly and kindly as she brushed his hair behind his ears, her tired, worn eyes staring into his own worried filled ones, she’d be so happy to know he did something, something that required stepping out of his comfort zone, and facing his fears. Even if only a little bit, it was still progress. He knew his grandma would be proud of him too, she said she was always proud of him, for surviving and persevering, but he couldn’t wait to tell her this. Virgil’s grandmother also struggled with anxiety and depression, especially when she was his age, it allowed them to connect a lot. His grandma was a role model for him, she had fought her way through so much; losing her husband, watching her daughter’s life crumble as her asshole of a husband left her, trying to look after her daughter and grandson, fighting through her depression and her anxiety and her grieving to be there for her family. Setting aside her generation’s upbringing and mindset to be entirely understanding when her grandson came out as something that should be frowned upon. All through this, she had days where she couldn’t find it in her to get out of bed, she had days when she just wanted to curl up in a ball and cry, she had days when she felt empty. The battle was never-ending, but she never gave up, and Virgil could only look in admiration at her. That was his grandmother.
His mother had dealt with her father dying at a young age, her husband leaving her, dealt with trying to support their family with several jobs, and through all that remained kind, and understanding, and accepting. That was his mom.
Some may see it as broken, but Virgil couldn’t ask for a better family. As unfortunately Disney as that sounded, he loved them both so much, and he wanted to make them proud.
He’d smiled, chucking his bag to the side as he walked into the living room, his heart stopped beating as he looked up.
“Mom?” The smile died and made way for a look of deep concern, his voice instantly changing, he once again became that small, lost kid, asking where his dad went.
His mom’s face was red and blotchy, her desperately tired eyes glossy and puffy. Virgil’s mind began racing, what happened? What could have happened? What was the worst possible explanation? His eyes darted around the room, he noticed the empty chair. His brain stumbled upon the worst possible explanation.
“Where’s grandma?”
There was a choked sobbing sound, and his mom hid her face in her hands for a moment, before quickly jerking her head up to face her son, pointing at the chair.
“Sit down Virgil… Please?”
Virgil snapped back to reality with Patton gently brushing his cheeks with his thumbs.
“Hey, you alright kiddo?” He asked softly.
“Yeah, yeah, I-I’m good.” He realised he was crying. He swiftly stood, taking a quick stride away from his friend, rubbing his eyes into his jacket sleeve and managing to recover himself. “I-I didn’t tell you because… stuff… y’know… kinda came up…”
Patton understood, Virgil had texted him that night, as he was sobbing into a pillow that he’d hugged close to his body. Patton was practically family at this point, he considered Virgil’s grandma his own, she was truly a wonderful woman. She helped Virgil, and Patton, so much, her loss hit him hard too.
Virgil had taken the week off, knowing he couldn’t focus on his studies, or anything, not in that state. But, come the following week, he was determined to return, despite the bullies and the teachers, despite everything the world would throw at him. His grandma would have wanted that, would have wanted him to fight. It required a lot of time crying in school bathrooms, and a couple early days, but he did it. He fought like she did. He could still feel her loss with him, it made getting up in the mornings so much harder, but  he was coping.
Patton took a step forward, clasping his friend reassuringly on his shoulder. “I’m so freakin proud of you kiddo, for everything.”
“Thanks Pat.” Virgil smiled, pulling the other in for a long, warm hug.
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la-knight · 6 years
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Books I Read in 2018: Aru Shah and the End of Time by Roshani Chokshi
“Maybe that's why superheroes wore capes. Maybe they weren't capes at all, but safety blankets, like the one Aru kept at the bottom of her bed and pulled up under her chin before she went to sleep. Maybe superheroes just tied their blankies around their necks so they'd have a little bit of comfort wherever they went. Because honestly? Saving the world was scary. No harm admitting that.”
“It is not failure to fail.”
“This is what we get for thinking that scaley orange skin and fake hair could keep that former demon out of elected office.
“You are the Daughter of Death," hissed Aru. "You don't walk into a telephone pole because of a boy.”
“Aru was twelve years old. Even she knew that half the time she didn't know what she was doing.”
Twelve-year-old Aru Shah has a tendency to stretch the truth in order to fit in at school. While her classmates are jetting off to family vacations in exotic locales, she'll be spending her autumn break at home, in the Museum of Ancient Indian Art and Culture, waiting for her mom to return from her latest archeological trip. Is it any wonder that Aru makes up stories about being royalty, traveling to Paris, and having a chauffeur? One day, three schoolmates show up at Aru's doorstep to catch her in a lie. They don't believe her claim that the museum's Lamp of Bharata is cursed, and they dare Aru to prove it. Just a quick light, Aru thinks. Then she can get herself out of this mess and never ever fib again. But lighting the lamp has dire consequences. She unwittingly frees the Sleeper, an ancient demon whose duty it is to awaken the God of Destruction. Her classmates and beloved mother are frozen in time, and it's up to Aru to save them. The only way to stop the demon is to find the reincarnations of the five legendary Pandava brothers, protagonists of the Hindu epic poem, the Mahabharata, and journey through the Kingdom of Death. But how is one girl in Spider-Man pajamas supposed to do all that
I first heard about Roshani Chokshi when her novel The Star-Touched Queen debuted back in like 2016. The elevator pitch I’d heard for it was “Hades and Persephone but with Indian mythology.” I’m a HUGE sucker for Hades & Persephone, always have been. So of course I snatched that up, and fell in love with Maya, with the beautifully lyrical and poetic prose, and with Roshani Chokshi’s way of painting her different worlds. Out of the four books she has out right now, I only have one left to read (A Crown of Wishes). She’s brilliant, and when I found out she was expanding to Middle-Grade, I knew I had to see what was up with her newest book
So what can I say about Aru-Shah and the End of Time? Well, some people might compare it to Percy Jackson - it’s a somewhat similar concept, the children of gods fighting monsters to save the world. Probably why Aru Shah is the first book from Rick Riordan’s new imprint from Disney Hyperion (the man is doing the Lord’s work, not gonna lie). But if I were to compare Aru Shah and the End of Time to Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief...it’s better. It’s SO MUCH better (no offense, Rick).
See, I like Percy. I like the series and I like him. But the first book was a bit shallow. To be fair, it came out at a time when middle-grade was still fighting to be allowed to hold the same depths as some of the “more risque” YA of the time, like having queer characters, or characters with mental health issues, or what have you. At the time PJ:LT came out, most middle-grade fantasies weren’t allowed to have that kind of stuff. Thankfully Rick Riordan helped pave the way for publishers to realize, oh, shoot, middle-grade can have a lot of the same depth as YA, holy gosh (other helpers in the cause are Tahereh Mafi and JK Rowling, although more points go to Ms. Mafi). So why is Aru Shah better than Percy Jackson?
It’s deeper. It’s richer. It’s more diverse. Some of you might think, well of course it’s more diverse, it’s Indian mythology. No, no, no. You don’t understand. It’s amazing. We have two Indian girls teaming up to save the world, one with extreme anxiety and OCD who wants to be a doctor, who casually mentions her gay hero brother without it being a big deal. We have a series set up to put together a team of five young Indian women who fight monsters and save the world. 
There’s a former villain who learns to love, who does honor to the two female leads. The tasks and challenges are clever and fun, with a touch of whimsy but still as action-packed and engaging as any adventure in Artemis Fowl or Harry Potter. We have a girl from a single-parent home who’s always wanted more of a family, and she gets one - as soon as Aru meets Mini, one of the other reborn Pandavas, they start calling each other “sister” and vow never to turn their backs on each other. There’s a brief moment where this is put to the test, but the girls get over it and reconcile easily.
One of the best things about Aru, the character, is how accepting she is of Mini after they meet. Mini can be a little high-maintenance, and at first Aru’s a little exasperated, but it doesn’t take long for her to realize Mini has severe OCD (instead of high-fives, they bump elbows) and anxiety. In fact, Mini’s a lot like me. And while sometimes Mini will say something and Aru will be like, “Wait, really?” after a minute she’s just like, “Okay, sure. If that’s what you need.” 
When they pull off some daring-dos near the end of the book, Aru offers her elbow for a bump without having to be reminded of the no-hands rule. Even better, Mini doesn’t just decide to high-five Aru at the end. She’s still OCD, still freaks out over germs, and Aru doesn’t mind. And while Mini does sometimes panic, Aru is mostly very understanding and helps her get through her panic attacks. When Mini expresses fear that Aru will abandon her because of her anxiety and “other flaws,” Aru not only promises she won’t, but puts a spin on it that helps sooth Mini’s fears (Aru gets hung up about this and wonders if she’s lying; I’ll touch on that near the end).
The villains were interesting, the mythology is fairly new which means explanations can be provided in a fun way and it’s not stuff we readers have been told ten million times. I was honestly surprised by the identity of Aru and Mini’s fathers (who aren’t their biological fathers; these Indian gods imbued the girls’ souls with...soul DNA? That’s not what they call it, I just don’t know if I can explain it any other way). Also, as a fan of The Star-Touched Queen, I had to wonder - did Maya have anything to do with Mini’s powers?
You know how in Percy Jackson the kids get neat doo-dads that turn into magical stuff? Like a pen into a sword, Thalia’s bracelet into that one shield, Luke’s winged sneakers, blah blah? Aru gets a golden tennis ball and Mini gets a purple compact. Not a big deal? Ah ha, au contraire. Those items are the glamoured belongings of the god of thunder and the god of death, and they’re actually pretty cool - but also pretty!
This book is just...fun. It’s SO FUN. The monsters are new, the tasks are original, the characters are cute, and I loved it.
Let’s talk about the thing I love most: Aru Shah. Roshani Chokshi has the interesting ability to create characters that are basically me. Not physically, not according to age or race, but with Night, with Maya, and now with Aru, she creates female leads who speak to me on a fundamental level. 
This time, it’s Aru, who’s basically Loki from Loki: Agent of Asgard except female instead of genderfluid, 12 years old, and Indian. In L:AoA, there’s a scene in the final bindup where Loki indentifies themself (first in femme-presenting form, then in masc-presenting form) as the moon goddess, the god of stories. Aru is the personification of that. 
Something that gets said a lot in the book is, “You’re a liar, Aru Shah.” But she’s not. She’s a storyteller, a world-changer, someone who refuses to view the world as bleak and terrible and uses the gift of words to make it better for herself and the people she’s loves. She’s an optimist who fights with words and thinks fast on her feet. She’s a daughter of Lord Indra the Thunderer and a reincarnation of the greatest of the Pandava Brothers. She’s the moon goddess, the god of stories, someone I would’ve idolized (or possibly gotten a crush on) if I’d read this as a kid, and I love her. I will follow her to the end.
Also she better get as many books as Percy did (so like...15 books).
There were only two complaints, really. One, Aru was rather preoccupied with boogers (it came up like 5 times). I mean, I know she’s a tween, but still. Two, I saw the plot twist with her dad coming from a mile away.
Plot: ¾ star Characterization: 1 star World Building: 1 star Word Choice: ¾ star Realism: 1 star 
- ¼ star for copious snot (ew)
+ ¼ star for positive portrayal of a character with anxiety and OCD
+ ¼ star for having a 12-year-old girl in Spider-Man pajamas saving the world, okay? 
In total: 4.75/5 stars
Would I Buy It: I did! Now I need the next one!
Would I Recommend It: READ THIS BOOK, PEOPLE!!! It’s so cute, seriously.
I was asked to tag @magic-in-every-book so here’s my Aru review! :)
All pics were stock photos manipulated by me in Photoshop or in the public domain. Except the painting of the Pandavas. That’s from Wikipedia.
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the1rei · 6 years
Bloomin' Ross pt63
Corona has a strange visitor.
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Guarding Corona's bridge was a boring affair most days, traffic into the city was hardly ever contested, it would take a truly suspicious acting person for the guards to even consider stopping them and it was rare that anything came of it.  It was much worse on days like today where the traffic slowed to a trickle such that if you were lucky, there would be at least one person on the bridge, today wasn't a lucky day.  
Francis yawned openly in his boredom; his younger partner gave him a look of disapproval, he was young and eager and the Captain and done his usual thorough job of instilling him with an abundant sense of duty and perfection.  It would take some time, but eventually, he would learn that it was better to relax and there was no harm in yawning when you were bored.  
Suddenly both guards were shocked to alertness as a large gout of flame exploded to life on the bridge about fifty feet from the gate.  From the flames stepped what they could only call a devil.  Nearly seven feet tall with rust-colored skin and a jutting crown of ridge-like horns, the handsome, muscular man strode forward clothed in deep red robes and draped in lengthy scrolls filled with strange symbols.  The shock of the sudden appearance froze the two guards, but as the devil stepped away from the flames and they died down behind him, Francis found his wits.  Lowering his spear to point at the red-skinned man, his rookie partner doing the same a moment later, Francis called out, "Halt!  State your business in Corona!"  
"Io, Penna sanguinante della casa del contratto eterno, ambasciatore di underworld al regno in riva al mare, sono venuti qui per affari personali." The being spoke without pausing in his steady pace forward.  His words were like the very personification of despair, and as they reached the guards' ears, all fierceness and defiance was replaced by utter sadness.  Their spears clattered to the ground, and they dropped to their knees wracked with sobs and tears poured from their eyes and their noses dripped clear mucus.  The being continued past them without pause.  
As he made his way into Corona's streets, there was a cacophony of gasps and even the occasional scream as all eyes fell on the being.  Parents scooped up children, even children that weren't their own, and rushed them inside homes for safety.  The being seemed to take no notice of any of it making his way down the street as if there was nothing unusual about his appearance or people's reactions at all.  
Cass first noticed the buzz around the castle when the servants were all chatting in hushed whispers about something, that was an event to which she rarely paid attention.  Cass had lived the castle most of her life and long since become disinterested in whatever gossip the servants had become obsessed with moment to moment.  However, when she noticed all the guards rushing to gather in the war room she finally did become concerned.  
"Dad, what's going on?"  Cass caught her father just where she hoped to find him rushing between his office and the war room he was armed and looked worried almost panicked.  
"Cassandra, go make sure the princess is safe."  The Captain curtly answered as he brushed past his daughter.  
Cass, however, wouldn't let him go so easily and snatched his arm to stop him.  "Rapunzel is fine dad.  She locked herself in her room after 'inspiration' hit her.  She won't come out for hours trust me, so what's going on?"  
The Captain pulled his arm free, "It's nothing for you to worry about Cassandra, just go and make sure the Princess is safe.  I'll explain later."  The Captain's words would have sounded harsh to most, but Cass could see past his tone, that he wasn't angry, he was scared and if he wouldn't tell her why she would find out another way.  
"I'm just glad we are not going out there,"  Pete said though whatever else he was about to say was cut off and a pair of hands shot out of a shadow and grabbed both guards by the front of their armor.  
So shocked by the sudden accostment they didn't have a chance to resist before they were thrown up against the wall and Cassandra was growling up at them.  "What's going on?"  
"T-the Captain said we shouldn't-" Stan started, but Cassandra silenced him with a glare.  Pete quickly blurted out, "A devil is wandering through Corona, he took out the guards at the gate with a few words.  You dad is taking a group of guards to drive him out of the city; we're staying here to help guard the castle."  
As he spoke, Cass' face turned from glaring to fearful, as soon as Pete finished she released both of them and ran for the castle entrance.  But stopped and changed direction heading for her room, she couldn't fight anything in her stupid handmaiden dress, and she needed her sword.
The being had stopped in the middle of the street; he stood stiff arms folded as if waiting for something.  Behind him a carriage with a long train of energetic young horses came to a stop, the front pair quivered anxiously staring at the being's back.  The door of the coach flew open as a noblewoman half stepped out and turned to speak at the driver, "Why have we stopped, get this thing moving or you'll be finding a new job!"  
The driver was frantically shaking his head at the woman when the being turned his head around to look back at the noblewoman.  She quivered as his eyes narrowed in a glare and a lower growl rose up from his throat.  A streak of white ran down the noblewoman's hair when the being glared at her and she couldn't even manage a shriek as she fell back into the safety of her coach.  
"I'm sorry there sonny, I know it takes me too long to cross."  The being turned back to look down on the bent frame of the old man in front of him who had momentarily paused his shaky steps heavily leaning on his cane.  The old man looked up at the being with milky eyes that must have seen little more than a blur.  
"Not at all elder, you have the right of way after all."  The being spoke, his voice was deep and smooth.  The old man smiled up at him and continued his trek across the street, the corner of the being's mouth turning up ever so slightly and briefly to return the smile.  
Finally, when the old man was on the other side of the street, the being started forward again.  He only made it a few steps before a force of more than twenty guards rushed out of the streets towards him the Captain leading the group.  They stopped about fifteen feet in front of the being weapons drawn as the Captain shouted, "Leave Corona at once!"  
"No," Was the being simple reply followed by a snap of his black-nailed fingers.  There was a burst of flames over him from which emerged a massive red dragon.  It must have been forty feet tall glaring down at the guards with molten eyes.  It unleashed a deafening roar followed by a gout of flames twice as long as its body.  
There was a clattering as half the guards lost their nerve and dropped their weapons as they ran from the monster.  The Captain's eyes went to the surrounding building ready to assign guards to rescue people from the burning buildings, but there wasn't a single flame among them.  "It's just an illusion attack!"  
The Captain gave a fierce battle cry and charged at the being, the dragon standing over him faded away, but his enemy simply pointed a finger at him and uttered a few words.  Suddenly the Captain stopped in his tracks unable to move.
The captain had still spurred his men forward and they all charged.  The being's finger moved to a new target, but this time the words were followed by a jet of flame that struck a guard's sword and turned the metal molten.  It burst, causing the blade to fall to the ground and guard ripped his glove off trying to escape the burning of the molten steel.  
One guard swung at the being who calmly stepped out of the way of the blade then stepped back in and bringing his finger to his lips shh'ed the guard.  Suddenly the world fell silent, he couldn't hear the world around him, or even his own voice, panic, and despair filled the guard who dropped to the ground clutching his ears.  
A particularly scrawny guard charged at the being and stabbed at him with a spear.  The being grabbed the spear and yanked the guard to him with one hand with the other shot forward and grabbed his face dark energy flowing around it.  The being said a few more strange words and released the scrawny guard who fell to the ground too weak to hold himself up.  
With a touch the being caused another guard to vanish without a trace, but the other pressed forward to attack.  The being sighed and folded his arms as the four remaining guard surround and charged at him from all sides.  The scrolls draped across the being suddenly came to life, unrolling and lashing out wrapping around the guards' heads.  The guards clawed at the pages but there would not be torn, and it was only when the clawing stopped, and they were on their last breath that the scroll would release the guard and drop them unconscious to the ground.  
When seven guards lay scattered around him, one Captain frozen in magic, one cowering fearfully and one simply gone, the being started forward again calmly striding as if nothing had happened.  
"The presences of the devil dog brought this upon us."  The one remaining guard muttered shaking, his mustache partially regrown.  
When he finally dared to look up, there was the being standing in front of him.  A rust-colored hand seized the guard throat and hoisted him up off the ground.  "What was that about a devil dog?"  
The guard tried to speak, but the grip on his throat was choking him so he could only sputter incoherently.  The being brought a finger to his lips and again shh'ed the guard.  "Your words will only get in the way; I'll just go to the source directly."  The being whispered and reached up to touch the guard forehead dark magic dancing on his fingers.  
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jam2289 · 4 years
Leading a Writing Group - Session 13
We had a student-led day.
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I wanted to see what ideas had stuck out in the kids' minds. They threw out a few good ones that we discussed: foreshadowing, frame stories, black/white/grey characters, and dialogue. I helped them to remember in media res, personification, tense, and point-of-view. Then they asked about the details of some of the points of view and we went over first person, second person, third person objective, third person omniscient, and third person close.
That felt like enough review for one day. I asked what they might want to be the prompt and we ended up with three suggestions: Christmas, adventure, and apocalypse. So, the prompt ended up being a Christmas adventure apocalypse.
Our youngest member wrote a story about the daughter of an evil mastermind who wanted to work with him in the lab. Initially he rejected her, but then they reconciled. So the happy ending of the father/daughter reconciliation was just the start of destroying a world, which is a neat idea.
Our next youngest member had his narrator introduce himself and talk in a matter of fact way about how the zombie outbreak occurred at the same time that a meteor struck earth. It was a good intro.
Our oldest member had young kids in a discussion with a babysitter which was leading into a scary frame story about Christmas. The dialogue was nicely done.
I took the idea of tinsel cutting metal from the Tim Allen movie "The Santa Claus", the image of a woman in the corner of a jail cell popped into my head, and I went from there.
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Elenor the elf sat in the corner of her jail cell thinking. Thinking that maybe she had made a mistake. Thinking that maybe there was no hope. Thinking that she had to try anyway.
She stared at the few pieces of tinsel in her hand. She would have one chance at making her escape, and this was it. If she was caught then they would know that a guard had snuck the tinsel in to her, and that wouldn't work twice.
The easiest part to cut out of the jail cell bars would be the lock. She pressed the tinsel into the bar and it started to cut. It was this kind of advanced technology that caused the collapse of civilization both in the North Pole, and the rest of the world.
At first a few elves were unhappy that their jobs had become outdated. No one wanted the old toys their families had specialized in for generations. They wanted Santa to go public, to break the silence and let the world in on the secret of the North Pole. That hidden under the ice lay the ancient lost city of Atlantis. But King Klaus wouldn't do it.
Elenor's tinsel broke through the old iron bar. She stopped and stood perfectly still, waiting to see if she could hear anyone coming down the hall. Nothing. She took out her second piece of tinsel and started on the next section of the bar.
The first attack might have been one person. The slinky factory had exploded. The cleanup had taken four days, there were slinkys all over the city. The investigation had only taken another two days. The conclusion: sabotage.
It threw everyone into a panic. The Council proposed strict security procedures. There was a curfew, it seemed like you couldn't go anywhere without being searched, and it was horrible. Maybe that's why there were more attacks.
Eventually the disturbances couldn't be concealed from the rest of the world.
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The back and forth between the present and the backstory could be smoothed out, but I like the idea. Why is the North Pole magical? Because it's actually the advanced secret technology of Atlantis, and Santa is the king. The world is alarmed by the growing attacks that Atlantis can't conceal, so the world learns of the secret.
Problems occur between the North Pole and the rest of the world and a war erupts. Atlantis wins, but the world is left in an apocalyptic state. Christmas, adventure, apocalypse, with a cool new take on both the North Pole and Atlantis. Genius.
On a different note, I couldn't remember how tinsel was spelled. I decided to go with tinsle while I was writing, but I kept switching back and forth. I resisted the urge to look it up while I was writing because I've emphasized to the kids that we aren't focusing on spelling here, we are working on constructing stories. Spelling is important, but they work on that at a different time. And, from a few observations I've made during their writing, I think that has helped them to keep moving forward during our sessions.
Read more of Jeff's thoughts at: http://www.jeffreyalexandermartin.com/
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