#Yayoi Uranaishi
stargazing-summoner · 2 years
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My friends said I was simping...they aren't wrong.
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stargazing-summoner · 2 years
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Found my healer glam for Endwalker.
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stargazing-summoner · 3 years
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Many hours later. 🌙
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stargazing-summoner · 4 years
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Hello, everyone! I’m Yayoi Uranaishi. I’ve been quiet for a long time mostly reblogging things I like. I want to get into screenshotting more. Maybe dabble into writing my story. We’ll see no promises. At the very least you’ll this! <3
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stargazing-summoner · 3 years
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@haurchebeau on twitter made a WoL Inspo Chart and I couldn’t resist. 
Left Side
Aerith (ff7 remake): Okay, I would like to take a moment to just say, that ff7 remake Aerith is wonderful crime against nature with how perfect she is. I want to be her, okay, thank you. Over all Aerith’s personality is huge for me and Yayoi. She posses that childish nature that Yayoi has. There is finally a character I can point to and go “Look that’s how Yayoi acts! Right there!”
Izanami (Japanese mythology): Both Izanami and Izanagi inspired Yayoi and Shinkai backstories respectively. Originally, Yayoi’s story was meant to be much darker. A corruption story if you will. Where as a summoner she created  Kagutsuchi leading Shinkai to kill them both to save the land. After Shinkai would continue his search for a way to revive his now deceased fiancé. 
Murasaki Shikibu (Fate/Grand Order): Shikibu is purely for aesthetic. The largely dark Victorian style with a blunt fringe and accessories in her hair, is what I generally shoot for with Yayoi. While it was more promenade about a year ago its an inspiration regardless. Although, her being a scholar in Han and a poet could be considered a general inspiration. At the end of the day, I don’t know much about Shikibu in grand order since I don’t play the game, so her looks are the main draw for me.
Right Side
Princess Sakura (Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE): Look....look...this one would take too long to explain. But to make it short Cardcaptor Sakura and Tsubasa has had a big impact on my life and I’m constantly trying to recreate that feeling. So the characters are often rehashed as inspirations for me.
Devola and Popola (NieR Gestalt): I love these girls. Okay, I just do. Their personalities are the main inspiration with Devola’s honest quirkiness and Popola’s reserved and mature nature, but also I love their style; what can I say.
Mirai Kuriyama (Beyond the Boundary): I think the visual similarities are pretty clear. I also take some elements of her personality being her uncertainty and lack of trust but clearly its mostly visual similarties.
(Here is a direct Link to inspo chart if you want to make one yourself) https://twitter.com/haurchebeau/status/1394501154860462080?s=20
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stargazing-summoner · 3 years
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There are times when I feel like my blog is just a glamour book. 😂 
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