#Zavala asks about him TWICE at the beginning of the Red War
state-of-franklin · 3 years
Gonna fuckin kms I just learned about the Speaker and imma go cry 😭
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thedistantstorm · 5 years
The Lion’s Heart 09
A shield, she realizes. The Traveler has gifted me a shield. I am a Defender: the last, lonely sentinel.
The tale of a different kind of Guardian: one who does not want the accolade of saving the world, who does not understand why she would be chosen to wield the Light remaining in the Shard. Once a reckless, dazzling Striker, the Traveler’s chosen is reborn a silent Sentinel. This is Kira’s story; About bringing people together, reclaiming their city, and overcoming the darkness despite it all.
Titans | Vanguard Mentors | Heavy Angst | PTSD | Descriptions of Light | Loss of Light | Canon-typical Violence | Heroes of Necessity | Canon Compliant | The Red War
Previous Parts: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08
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He blinks his eyes open blearily, the smell of dewy grass soothing to his senses. Scrubbing the back of his hand over his eyes, he stretches. Without the Light, he feels incredibly stiff. He must have drifted off for a moment. 
“It's almost dawn,” Hawthorne calls in a quiet mezzo-alto. She has one hand on Louis's underbelly, stroking downy feathers and the other wrapped around the edge of a data-pad on the other side of the tent.
Not a moment, then, he thinks, looking down at the blanket draped over him. “Did you-”
“She hasn't moved,” The Farm Overseer replies, rather than to explain why she did something kind for him. He massages a kink in his neck - his head was tipped back against the wooden frame of the cot. He barely remembers sitting on the ground, but he knows Hawthorne had joined him when Kira's nightmares turned into the kind that caused whimpering, strangled screams and they had both taken turns trying to calm her.
Zavala rises and turns back to the sleeping warrior. He pats her hand, limp and half curled around her Ghost's jagged, scratched shell. 
“I think the worst of it is over now,” The small being murmurs. “Her vitals have been far more stable over the last hour. I don't think she's dreaming.”
“I'm going to freshen up before the council meeting,” Hawthorne says. “Come get me if need be.”
“Thank you,” Ghost replies. The woman nods back.
“You should, too,” She tells Zavala. “You can come back when it's over.”
He watches the Guardian a moment longer. “If you're sure,” He addresses her Ghost.
The cyan light of the Ghost’s optic flickers as he speaks. “I'll come get you both if need be.”
Kira doesn't wake until the following morning. When she does, she's practically catatonic, eyes dull and hair sweat-soaked and stringy. Hawthorne ushers Zavala out of the tent when he asks how she's doing and it takes two minutes for her eyes to track him, much less for her to acknowledge the Ghost murmuring sweetly against her cheek.
He returns an hour later to find Hawthorne leaving the tent with a lump of bed linens and clothing in her arms, headed for one of the barns nearby in hopes of having them cleaned.
“Did she say anything?” She has to look away from the earnest blue glow turned on her. 
“I don't think she would have known her own name if I asked her,” Hawthorne answers honestly. “She could barely keep her eyes open.”
He frowns.
The severe woman juggles the linens to balance on one arm, and squeezes his forearm with the other. He looks down at the dark hand wrapped around pitted metal and back up at her face, blinking owlishly in surprise. Her eyes are warm and terribly gentle. It's not the worst look he's seen on her. “She's gonna be okay.”
But she doesn't wake up until much, much later, stays conscious barely long enough for them to feed her some lukewarm soup, and goes right back to sleep.
Hawthorne’s voice is firm. “Go.”
“I'm afraid,” He confesses. Oh, how the mighty have fallen, he thinks, to have no qualms admitting it to her. “It's been almost a week now. She-”
“Then I'll go.” She replies.
“You just came back.”
She shrugs, slapping her hips as she does. “I live out here, Zavala. This is my life. I got it.”
“You haven't slept.”
“I caught a nap on the way back. Amanda wanted to drive the rover.”
“I know how she drives. There is no way you could have.”
She smiles sheepishly - caught, and the very beginnings of a smile shine in his eyes. She tips her head to the side. “Really. I promise it's fine.”
“No,” He maintains eye contact far longer than is appropriately polite. Thinking through a myriad of uncomfortable, though not necessarily unpleasant thoughts. “I... trust you to keep an eye on her while I'm gone.”
“The 't’ word, huh?” She smirks, passing by him to enter the tent again. “Wow. I feel honored.”
“Don't let it go to your head,” He answers deadpan, following her inside and reaching for his rifle. Her flippancy is undercut with something that's almost tangible, though hidden carefully out of reach. 
“Please, you wish it meant that much to me.”
He chuckles, low and slow. Ah, he remembers now. It's just been… a while. She turns, surprised by the sound. The rumble of his voice is thoughtful as he replies. “Perhaps.”
Zavala smirks at her and ducks under the flap. Playful is an interesting look on him.
She kicks her boot at a smudge on the canvas floor. There's a fluttery feeling in her gut, and she knows she isn't hungry.
Kira groans when she comes to, feeling like she's been dragged behind her ship from Venus to Io. She’s warm. Maybe even comfortable, but maybe also a little sore from not moving. The blankets smell like fresh air and earthy tea leaves, sandalwood and night sky. Safe. A combination of Zavala and Hawthorne.
“Mornin’ sunshine,” Comes a rough drawl to her left. Amanda Holliday is tinkering with a piece of metal that looks like it came off a sparrow. She finishes what she's doing and regards the stirring woman. “You actually openin’ those peepers this time or is it another false alarm?”
“'M up, 'm up,” She hums.
Her Ghost phases in front of her face, waiting until she blinks open her eyes to start a scan.
“Heart rate is fine, blood pressure is stable. You've been out of it for days now, so I wouldn't suggest sitting up too fast,” He coaches.
“Where'm I?” Kira asks in a quiet murmur, eyes trained on the point where a large beam steeples the tarp covered ceiling.
“What do you remember?”
“The Fallen ambushed a returning patrol,” She recants. “And then Zavala…” Then, with a look to the side, she falls silent.
“You're in Hawthorne's tent,” Holliday informs her when it's clear she's not planning to say another word. “According to what she told me, ya been down a little more than a week. It's… good, though,” The blonde admits, rising and patting her arm. “I think we could all use a recharge. You most of all.”
Kira sighs, rasping, “So you're babysitting me?”
“Hawthorne had to sit on a meetin’ since Zavala went on a supply run. Figures, it's the first time one of them hasn't been sittin’ with you for more than a minute.” She shrugs. “An’ I ain't babysitting you. Figured ya might not wanna wake up alone in a weird place.”
“My Ghost is with me.”
“Kira,” He chides, already exasperated.
“Sorry,” She relents, cinnamon eyes flicking over to the Shipwright. “I don't mean to be so cranky.”
“Well,” Amanda says, sighing as she staggers to her feet, “I mean, you should be pissed at me. I'm the one who dropped you off on that bastard's doorstep an’ then left ya there.”
The Titan swallows twice, hard, before tilting her head Amanda's way. Her jaw tics. “I don't blame you,” Kira says, as even as her wavering, sleep-rough voice will allow. “What-” She breaks off, closing her eyes. “If you had come back for me, they would have killed you.”
Amanda sighs. “I know, but even still.” She lingers silently for a beat. “Hey, uh, if ya don't mind me asking,” if Amanda's saying that, she likely will, “How did you make it off the Almighty?”
Kira shakes her head, frowning in silent disbelief. From the corners of her eyes, silent tears well. “I don't know,” She says, making no effort to stop them from falling, her gaze glassy as she recalls the plummet from the Almighty to the burning City below. She should have died, she knows it in her bones. “I really don't know.”
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Questions about Your Guardians (pt.2)
Written by @fem-birb-woman. I was bored so I did these too for Amara!
1.) What does your guardian’s voice sound like? Is deep or high pitched? Does their voice sound smooth or is it raspy? Do you have a voiceclaim for them? I did recently think of a voice for Amara (here’s a sample i like).  It is Candice Accola who plays Caroline from the Vampire Diaries . This is also how she sounds when she sings. 
2.) What about their ghost’s voice? Does it sound more staticky than normal? Do they beep allot? Iris sounds very close to the voice of ghost in game, he makes a lot of mechanical noises, not exactly beeps.
3.) What is the backstory of your muse? Details can include everything from when they dies in their first life to when their ghost revived them to the preset. Have fun with this, but you might wanna make a separate post about it if you haven’t already made a post like this. I’ve posted bits and pieces here and there. But I’m still working on it.
4.) What is their personality like? Do they get along well with other guardians or would they rather keep to themselves? What do other guardians like most about them? She is pretty solitary but she still enjoys company. She’s pretty good with people once she is comfortable around them. Other guardians love that she is always very positive and kind.
5.) What is your guardian’s favorite feature on their body? Do they have tattoos and if so do they tell stories or is it just for fun? She loves that she is thin but toned and still has her curves. All her hard work has paid off and she’s very proud of her body. She does have a tattoo on her chest, right over her heart. It’s a very small angel, a baby with wings. It was from her first life and she doesn’t know what it means, but she’s sure it’s very important.
6.) Where was your guardian rezed? Do they ever go back to visit that place? Has it had any impact on them since their revival? She was rezzed on earth, somewhere in Spain. She does make trips back, not very often though. The old European cities are so beautiful, even in ruins. It’s made a very small impact on her, she just knows this is where she lived her first life.
7.) How do they handle competition? When they play soccer, are they determined to kick the ball so hard it kills the other guardians or do they sit and watch? Amara isn’t really competitive, cause most of the time when she is, she fails. She just avoids it and enjoys watching people get crazy. 
8.) Can your guardian cook? If so, do they enjoy it? What is their favorite dish? Amara is a very good cook, she enjoys it and it brings her a lot of peace. She loves to make old Italian dishes with pasta. And old Spanish dishes with lots of different flavors.
9.) Is your guardian romantically interested in another’s guardian? What is their ship name? Maaaaaaaaaaaybe. But maybe not. ;)
10.) When they take a shower, how long do they stay in there? Do they use up all the hot water or do they let the water hit their backs and then step out? Iris says that she bathes in the water of the underworld, Amara just rolls her eyes at him. She regularly uses all the hot water. “It relaxes my muscles, okay? Lay off...”
11.) Does your guardian like swimming? How long can they hold their breath? She only needs to swim maybe twice a year when it’s super hot out, it’s not really her thing. She can probably hold her breath for a good 20 seconds.
12.) What are some of their quotes? What are they most known for saying? Do they have a catchphrase? “FUCK!” or *in exasperation* “Fucckkk meeeeee...” These two phrases are used at an alarming rate in the Crucible, she’s used to Shaxx yelling at her about “LANGUAGE, HUNTER!”
13.) How do they feel about the NPCs (non playable characters like Zavala, Tess, Banshee)? Which characters do they adore the most? “They're all hard-working, good beans who deserve a day off. Especially Banshee.”
14.) How do they feel about guardians like Dredgen Yor, Toland, and Eris? She honestly doesn’t know much about these ones except Eris. She has a lot of  respect for her, as she has helped Guardians defeat  great enemies in the past. 
15.) Do you ship them with any particular NPCs? Do you have a ship name for them? What’s the most romantic thing they’ve done together? Not really. I tried to ship her with Cayde, but i just don’t see things working out in the long run for them. But he is one of her closest friends.
16.) Is there anything tragic that happened to them that you didn’t mention in the backstory or if you didn’t do the backstory at all? How does this affect them and how do they cope with it? I have mentioned at it once, she lost her best friend at the start of the Red War, almost gave up on being a Guardian. Iris was what brought her back when she was lost in grief. She fights every day in her memory and to honor her, even though it still hurts her. 
17.) What is their favorite sparrow to ride? Do they race their friends with it or cruise around instead? Where is their favorite place to drive the sparrow? Undeterred. The Exotic Sparrow from the Crimson Days event. She races it every once in a while but most of the time speeds through on her own. She loves to drive this sparrow on Io, good views and lots of hills for that air time. “It shoots out fucking petals, yes please.”
18.) On what planet or moon do they like to and be by themselves? If they do this, what is the reason(s) begins why? For example, Ikora goes to Io for clarity and answers. Does your guardian go to this particular place for the same reason or to cool off and clear their head? She loves to walk around Nessus, well ok, she likes to climb around Nessus.You can find her if you just look up. One of her favorite activities is sniping enemies from the tall branches. The planet is beautiful and she loves laying on the moss covered branches just watching to leaves move in the alien breeze. 
19.) How would your guardian react to Vine? She would L O V E it. It would for sure send her into hour long giggling fits that have her clutching her stomach with tears in her eyes. 
20.) What are some of your favorite headcanons about your guardian? That she fights like a true bad- a s s. She’s light on her feet and uses different fighting styles in combat. She can easily take down a Titan on her best days, and even on her worst she’ll just climb them and win that way. 
21.) Would your guardian ever own a pet Ahamkara? Would they rather ask one to grant a wish of theirs or slaughter it instead? Can she just pet one? That would be pretty neat. She couldn’t kill it, she couldn’t kill any innocent animal.
22.) How does your guardian feel about Mara Sov and Uldren Sov? If your guardian is awoken, does that affect the way they see them? From what she’s heard, Mara is pretty respectable, her brother on the other hand seems like an ass. Though I'm sure he has good reason.
23.) If your guardian could have any other job but being a guardian, what would they be? Maybe she would work at an orphanage or cook for the little ones. I feel like she’d still want to fight to protect the city though, so maybe still be in an army of some sort. 
24.) How does your guardian handle others doubting their abilities or questioning them? She could care less, she doesn’t let what other people say bother her (too much). She mostly keeps it to herself, though it does push her to work harder and prove them wrong. If she’s feeling confident and sassy, “Fucking watch me.”
25.) What tends to wound your guardian’s ego and/or make them defensive? What gets them angry or sad enough to feel self conscious about themselves? Honestly, when people doubt her or are disappointed in her for some reason. like i said above it doesn’t bother her too much, that she lets show to others. It does bother her, she’s very self conscious most of the time and takes every little victory she can get. 
26.) Does your guardian have tickle spots? If so, where and how do they react to someone tickling them? Oooooh boy. Her sides and under her arms and her feet. She normally starts throwing punches or kicking them away while trying to suppress her giggling. She’s not responsible for any injuries you may obtain while trying to tickle her. 
27.) What are their favorite kinds of kisses? If they enjoy kissing that is. Soft kisses that are full of meaning are her favorite. Needy and passionate kisses are good too. 
28.) If they could have a class item named after them, what would it be called and what would be the flavor text? I’ve never thought of this...but maybe and ornament or something for a Cloak. Like a jewel or something. Jewel of Perseverance. “Look down at your cloak and remember what you fight for, Guardian. 
29.) What is their favorite crucible game and on what map? This can be from D1 and D2 because I know I’m not the only one that misses rift. Good old Clash at Endless Vale on Nessus. (D2)
30.) Does your guardian like to cuddle? If so, with who? Does cuddling while they sleep help ease nightmares if they have any? Amara loves cuddles, she’ll honestly cuddle with anyone who needs it, but especially her s/o (she doesn’t have one right now though). This would definitely help ease her nightmares and comfort her instantly if she still had one. 
Thanks for reading! 
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thedistantstorm · 5 years
A Steelponcho Dawning - Part 15
A Dawning romance featuring the Commander and the Clan Steward, their feelings for each other coming to a head during the first Dawning celebration following the Red War, featuring Lord Saladin, city food, smut, and a whole lot of pining. Continues from: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14.
She somehow manages to sit beside him on the transport carrier. Neither Ikora or Cayde say much, though it's questionable if that's from lack of sleep or something else. Cayde dims his optics the second they're in the air, and Ikora produces a book from out of nowhere as she pushes the Exo's head off her shoulder and against his own headrest.
Zavala is quiet, his forearm and elbow lining up against her own on the armrest between them. They both look out the window of the Hawk, Zavala closest to it, and Hawthorne in the middle, closer to Cayde. The skyline is still dark.
Saladin sits alone across from them, in the seat directly facing Hawthorne. He is somber but awake. Surprisingly, it's Zavala who dozes, uncharacteristically tired, head lulling before eventually dropping onto her shoulder with a silent thunk.
“That's unusual,” Saladin gestures toward the other Titan. His voice is loud enough to hear but not so loud that it interrupts the three Vanguard’s activities. “He must be rather tired,” he continues. “Did something happen last night?”
“Oh!” Hawthorne scrambles, “Uh, he had a late meeting with Dead Orbit, maybe that had something to do with it?”
“Perhaps.” There is a look of well-placed scrutiny on Saladin's face and it's all she can do not to blush, knowing exactly why the commander only obtained a meager three hours of sleep last night. “Keep an eye out for each other,” he counsels sagely.
She nods. Definitely avoids gulping under the intensity of his stare. Zavala's hand slides over, covers hers and squeezes, before he resettles and folds them together in his lap, bracing his arm against her more thoroughly, to keep him more comfortable as he moves his head to the headrest. Bright blue eyes blink open tiredly, once, twice, and stay closed as his breathing evens out once more. She doubts he was ever awake, fluttering eyelids or not.
“I see,” Saladin says, to no one in particular. He looks at Zavala, then at her, as she resolutely stares out the window. She's doing a decent job of hiding it, but the tiny stain of pink around the lower half of her facial tattoos doesn't care about her denial. Saladin's happy they are at least opening up about it to each other, even if it's just a little. Even if it’s subconsciously.
He had really hoped they would take his words to heart.
She does not spend a great deal of time with them, once they arrive at the Farm. Still, Saladin uses the opportunity to get to know a bit more about Hawthorne from those that know her best, listening to for the conversations that happen when the refugees think he and the Vanguard are not paying attention, or the way they interact with the Guardians themselves.
The people’s response is overwhelmingly grateful. Not hero-worship grateful. Just honest and purely thankful for whatever support they’re gifted.
It’s a strange difference from what he’s noted in the City and abroad in the centuries leading up to this war. The people stand taller, proud, but not foolishly so. They carry themselves almost like the Guardians do, despite their mortality. The majority are respectful, only a handful express distrust through their body language and words. It’s refreshing. The Guardians move among the civilians like equals, brothers in arms.
And they all seem to rally around Hawthorne.
For good reason, he supposes. They seem to chatter excitedly about her return, about the help she’s working to obtain from the Factions and the Vanguard's assistance. They are concerned for their future, but they trust her. That is the consensus. They quiet immediately, however, when she approaches with a man she introduces to him as Devrim Kay.
Devrim is incredibly polite, with a curt yet charismatic demeanor, sharp eyes, and a sniper rifle slung across his back similarly to the woman that stands close beside him. It doesn’t take a sleuth to objectively reason that these two are incredibly close. And certainly not based on the gratuitous use of ‘Our Suraya,’ compliments, and her mock irritated eye rolls at said comments, either.
They find their way into the largest of the remaining barns, this one not appropriate for more occupancy than the several chickens, a horse, and a pair of bleating goats that quiet they gather around a small table.
“Well, this is familiar, isn’t it,” Cayde marvels. “I should’ve brought Colonel.”
“That would have been a horrible idea,” Ikora reminds him. “You nearly lose her every time you take her away from your workstation.
“I do not! She would’ve stayed right here in the barn while we scoped things out.” His tone petulant.
“If I remember correctly,” Zavala says, “You liked her because she was the escape artist of the group.”
Hawthorne rolls her eyes, around the same time Devrim shakes her head, and the two Lightless humans share a rueful chuckle. The Hunter Vanguard carries on a while longer, to Suraya's growing irritation.
“How have I not had to bail you out of jail recently?” Devrim asks behind his hand.
In reply, she knocks into his shoulder, hard. “The Commander keeps me in line,” She quips back.
Zavala’s eyes flash like lightning over at Devrim, who in turn looks to him with narrowed eyes and a countenance of surprise. “Is that so?”
“I mean, someone has to.” The tone of her voice is light, growing more nonchalant as she notices the gaze of the man beside her. “Though I’ve been way too busy to be causing trouble.”
That earns her a loaded glance from Zavala (who clearly disagrees with her on the causing trouble bit), but she challenges him with one of her own before some of the scouts enter the barn. The group returns to business as usual at that. Saladin absolutely hones in on the contemplative look that covets Devrim's features as he looks between the Commander and the Clan Steward, even as the man reports off the staggering losses amid the rest of the developing statistics.
Apparently he's not the only one who might be invested in this new development, Saladin thinks. Interesting.
They work together quietly. She had slipped away first, always easy to lose in the tangle of people and commotion. He’d found her half an hour later, poncho discarded over a mostly broken chair, sleeves rolled up to her elbows, serving what looked to be some sort of stew to refugees and Guardians alike. He always found her in places like these, compelled to help when she can’t sit still (which was often, especially when she’s anxious). Be it in the City, the Farm, the Tower, anywhere really, Suraya was well known for finding her way to whomever needed her most.
He didn’t say a word, just strode over and offered to take the place of the person beside her - she’d clearly relieved someone so that they could partake of the meal they were serving as well. She didn’t smile at him - hardly reacted, really - but when her eyes met his, they were amused and bright.
“Shirking your responsibilities, Commander?” She asks, when the line of hungry folk dissipates a while later. The smirk blooms on her face like a sarcastic flower.
The answering eye roll he offers her is something to see. “Looking to start a fight, Hawthorne?”
Unlike the last time he’d used her surname, she laughs, thinking similarly to their very rocky beginnings. When she meets eyes and sees his tiny smirking smile, she ducks her head. “Always,” She replies, and after a fleeting moment, looks back at him so unguardedly it feels like a blow to the chest. It doesn’t last long.
A group of hunters pushes open the tarp that keeps most of the warmth inside and heads in, one of their ghosts whizzing over their heads, chattering excitedly in a combination of words and synthesized sound.
She zings around the large tent, before settling above the food, calling to her Guardian, “Look, look! The Commander and Hawthorne are serving-”
“Fizzy, no, don't - agh, come back here!” A very concerned human Hunter calls. “Uh, sorry,” He continues as he looks up at his Ghost with wide, green eyes.
Fizzy the Ghost spins the pointed cones of her shell and twitches them in a confused shrug when her partner’s eyes dart to her right in an indication for her to move and pronto.
Her guardian sighs when she does not and regards Zavala’s curious glance with a sheepish one of his own. “Sorry, sir. She’s a little excited because of the Dawning. Always likes to spread cheer and whatnot.”
“Yeah!” The ghost drops down from above everyone’s heads, spinning in a wide circle around everyone in a blur of red and green, “I just love the Dawning! And one of my Guardian's friends gave me a gift, see? They said it's an old tradition to spread holiday cheer, from before the collapse!” She comes to a halt in the space above the Titan Vanguard and the Clan Steward.
They look up.
The Hunter's feels like his stomach has just been dropped from orbit. He peeks through his hands at the Commander, terrified.
The red metallic shell of his chattery Ghost has a little piece of tape on it, strapping down a little bundle of leafy vegetation that floats below it in a well-trimmed ball.
“I apologize,” The Hunter bows. “Fizzy, you didn't wait for me to explain what that's supposed to do.”
Hawthorne is the first to recover, looking up at the Ghost with a disbelieving shake of her head. “Mistletoe can grow around here,” She admits. “Been a while since I've seen any, though.”
“I am so sorry,” The Guardian continues in earnest. “Really-”
“No harm done,” Zavala says. “Though I suspect not everyone will be thrilled about the implication of her hanging over their heads.”
At that, the little Ghost turns to the Commander, tilting down to get a good look at his face. “Commander Zavala? What are you talking about?”
“Fizzy!” The Guardian snaps nervously, “When two people stand under a sprig of mistletoe together, they're supposed to kiss.”
The Ghost twirls her shell excitedly. “That sounds lovely!” She looks at Zavala and Hawthorne as expectantly as a Ghost possibly can. “Well, go on,” She encourages.
Zavala coughs, uncomfortably. Suraya looks away.
“You can't just tell people to kiss each other!”
The rising voice of the exasperated Guardian begins to cause a bit of a scene, especially as more and more of the people eating at tables on the other end of the room begin to look their way. Suraya shifts her stance to face the Commander, eyes boring into his face to get his attention. When he looks her way, she winks.
“Alright, easy you two,” The Clan Steward says. “Like Zavala said, no harm done.” She takes a step in his direction, looking for all the world like she’s about to kiss his cheek before she reaches up and plucks the Ghost from the air with deft hands and a shift onto her tiptoes. Gently, she presses her lips against the Ghost’s top fin in what she assumes would be a kiss on the forehead or cheek for a Ghost before releasing her.
Fizzy giggles at the notion, her little body vibrating in excitement as Suraya speaks. “There. Now you get to share in the tradition, too.” Her mahogany eyes shift toward the Ghost again, a touch more serious. “Can't imagine the Fallen or Cabal will be up for this, though, so be careful out there, okay? No making your Guardian kiss everyone they come across.”
“See, see? Told you! Holiday cheer!” The Ghost says, bobbing over to her Guardian victoriously. “I did it!”
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