#a hug
djarinvettel · 2 months
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yourlovelyspace · 3 months
What about this kind of hug? 💝
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Do you like it? Let me know in the comments!💝
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takethebodymarc · 1 month
and don't you guys forget to take care of yourselves! i mean it!🫵
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loadingbones · 1 year
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Welcome home, good hunter. What is it you desire? 🕯️✨♥️
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Can you put Mordecai Heller in... a hug? 🥺
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Mordecai is in.. A hug? How did this happen
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heretherebedork · 1 year
Seriously, Our Dining Table is just the gentlest show that is giving us this tender healing journey as both Yutaka and Minoru find out that the softness they have that so many people don't understand is truly a gift and that gift is going to be each other.
Yutaka was adopted into a family where he was expected to fight for his place but he did not, could not, would not, and so he got nothing but fear and pain.
Minoru looks rough and tumble and out of place but he's just a giant softy who loves and laughs and he stands out but not always in the best way and he lost a dearly loved mother and took over the care of his brotehr.
They are both in need of more softness, more kindness, more love, more support... and they are finding it in each other's company, in the smiles and the shared meals and the quiet moments and each time Tane laughs.
They are healing each other in the little moments, in the little ways, and those little moments and little ways are changing them both for the better.
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voidesse · 2 years
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Fast doodle, just a hug for everyone
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eepybubble · 7 months
i need to be set on fire and crushed in a hydraulic press
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littleyellowghost · 8 months
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Geminitay and her slimes. Perfection.
(A comment called the slimes the bouncecil. Amazing)
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imuffinpost · 2 months
HUG ME PLS :)))))))))))))
Of course you can hug me :)
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enbunnying · 4 months
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Just a quick reminder that after Sunday we’ll be switching to a weekly upload of a long chapter instead of a daily upload of a short chapter, but it will also pick up to the centralized plot during this time!
as much as I’d like to continue daily chapters, the workload is a bit too high to keep up consistently!
Love you guys, I’m so thankful! /gen
“Encrypted” is coming tomorrow, and “Welcome To L.I.M.B.O” is on Sunday!
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yourlovelyspace · 2 months
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All our feelings, the emotion... 💝
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thousends-of-eyes · 4 months
okay okay okay it's my fallen angel side who's talking but like,,,
do you ever feel the need to be comforted
to have someone tell you that it's okay, it will maybe not be okay in the future but at least it's okay right now, that they're here for you if you need them. To have them wrap their wings around you and tell you that you don't need to "feel holy" to just,,, be.
that you don't need to feel bad about falling
that it isn't really your fault, that you did nothing wrong, at least at that moment.
to have them just hold you, murmuring comforting words or just letting the silence appease you.
do you ever,,, or maybe that's just me 😭😭
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bobbie-robron · 7 months
They want Grace’s life to… have meant something, you know? No matter how short it’s been.
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Well, glad to hear I could lose my job in 30 days.
I've been trying to just mentally make it through my days constantly without falling apart, and taking proper meds to help myself, and try to deal with my aunt's passing, and be there for my mom....And on top of that, my friend comes in 44 days, so I'm going to look like a piece of shit that can't do anything while she's here.
For fuck sake, I just want to go home, bawl, and want to be held by my husband and Stan. I'm a fucking mess.
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