#a moldy orange that's gone bitter and wrong
kd-heart · 3 years
   Promptober day 14 - Kinktober - bloodplay
   Fandom: The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest
   Rating: Teen and Up
   Characters/Pairing: Arnaud, Elise Lenoir
   Summary:  Arnaud watched with growing horror as the woman he loved, the one he dreamt of spending the rest of his life with, the one he had been so excited to introduce to his sister, smiled at him with Celeste’s face.
   Tags: Vampires, Blood Drinking, Pre-Canon, Canonical Character Death
   Words Count: 249
Arnaud watched with growing horror as the woman he loved, the one he dreamt of spending the rest of his life with, the one he had been so excited to introduce to his sister, smiled at him with Celeste’s face.
What was left of his sister crumpled to the floor – nothing but a desiccated husk.
The creature ran a clawed finger along his jaw, studying him with a hungry expression that did not belong on that face and he realized he couldn’t move. He hadn’t been able to move all night, but as the spell wore off, it was finally dawning on him that he’d been nothing but a pawn all along.
“Don’t think too much on it, little Arnaud,” it whispered.
A shiver ran down his spine and he felt the prick of a claw on his cheek.
The creature made a show of licking the drop of blood off its claw, before retracting them into human fingers. Celeste’s fingers.
He swallowed down the terror.
The creature leaned in, so her lips almost brushed his ear.
“We’re going to have so much fun,” it promised.
Then it kissed his cheek, like his sister used to, when they were children. Its lips lingered over the scratch, tongue darting out to lick the blood, and something inside him recoiled violently.
Fear, and grief, and pain, and disgust at what he had done… at what he had caused… bubbled to the surface and managed to snap out of the creature’s control.
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tfc reactions and stuff
i managed to avoid spoilers up until now so i guess i’m reading/reacting to this let’s go
(spoilers below the cut)
chapter 1
“...where a clown’s painted face filled the screen, caught in a convulsive fit of laughter.” i don’t trust like that
“‘Did you already have this costume, or did you make it especially for the grand opening?’“ I REALLY DON’T TRUST LIKE THAT
i don’t know who luis is but i like him
“... i need you to get your head in the game.” dang i don’t remember there being so much murder or robots in high school musical :/
and i’m crying now
“She called my name.” FUCK
“When he found himself too far out, he would always take deliberate steps back to the shoulder, and it was always with a secret sinking disappointment in himself that he would do so.” o h :(
“‘And so does she.’“ WHOM?
what the fuck is going on
john stop being a bitter fuck and hang out with your friends
also what the fuck is going on
chapter 2
who the hell is this lady
i don’t trust her
john be nice to theodore
be nice to my son
is charlie possessing her own corpse
is this a michael afton scenario
“I was in this play about a horse.” carlton i would literally die for you
yea this ain’t charlie
john please do not call her “my charlie”
“I thought I was going to die.” yeah that’s not suspicious at all
“Those weren’t her eyes.” oh big fear
“Even breathing was strained and unfamiliar...” michael afton: yeah i know that feeling
random pain? michael afton: yeah i know that feeling
chapter 3
“Raise it a few more degrees.” UM
what the fuck is going on
“They will become more, just like you did.” BIG FEAR
okay john you’ve officially reached stalker levels
john are you accusing sammy of being a sleeper agent
“...as if it was all she could do to hold herself in one piece.” if this line turns out to be foreshadowing i swear to god
“...he heard the sound from theodore’s head again: the whirring and then the click.” oh no
okay i think i know where this whirring and clicking from theodore’s head thing is going and i don’t like it
at all
rabbit head
oh NO
chapter 4
“Zombies vs. Zombies!” if that’s foreshadowing i swear to god
charlie panic ordering the same as john but failing to realize he hadn’t ordered anything yet is literally me on dates
“Honestly, I don’t even know what you saw in that girl-- selfish, scatterbrained, pathetic.” something doesn’t feel right here, scoob
this conversation turned from awkward to super fucking awkward dear god really quick
is circus baby’s a cult
chapter 5
“For Michael.” thank you i am crying again
“You mean it’s about Charlie.” nice job jessica you just summed up the novel and a good part of the games in one sentence!
“’It was the machine Charlie’s father built to kill himself.’“ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
what the fuck
what the fuck
ohmy god
chapter 6
no don’t split up that’s how people die in horror stuff
make up your mind john. are you gonna call him dave, afton, or springtrap
chapter 7
“’Am i not enough?’ ... ‘No, you’re not.’“ okay i know this woman is Definitely Evil but i feel bad for her now
john, jess, you two are literally being ten times too obvious
oh, a walkie talkie? this can only go well.
“Charlie was looking at him like he was prey.” oh fun.
“Her bright orange hair was tied up in two pigtails on either side of her head...” AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
okay but not-charlie is actually giving me chills. scott and kira, nice job there
oh fuck
chapter 8
“Now I know that people are all fading, fragile, inconsequential.” well if you didn’t know she was a bad guy after fucking MURDERING AUNT JEN ATTEMPTING TO KILL CLAY AND KIDNAPPING JESSICA this line solidified it
i can literally hear heather masters speaking these lines
fuck off william you stinky bitch
jessica sweetie you’re doing great
“...because if that’s hell, there’s a hole at the bottom of it reserved for you.” JESSICA SWEETIE YOU’RE DOING FUCKING AMAZING
“Elizabeth!” ooooh name drop
“They’re still in there.” o h
chapter 9
“I have to get inside!” that sounds... familiar
“Yeah, it’s a good neighborhood, John. Nothing bad ever happens here.” carlton i missed you so much
“John sent me to help.” OH NO
okay so flirty femme fatale. cool
“I rushed into my last relationship and I almost ended up dead in a moldy fur suit.” bdshgdkgad
i’m not really sure that’s how reverse engineering works but dang if that wasn’t a cool way of escaping baby
chapter 10
“He’s been here long enough for those to heal...” william afton i am coming for your ass
chapter 11
“My only lasting instruction for you concerns the fourth closet.” ooo title drop
“...fill it with every kind of flammable thing and burn it to the ground...” seems like bear dad’s keeping with his whole fire thing
“’I’m the only you that matters.’“ shut up you bitchy metal scrapheap
chapter 12
“’It’s legal as long as you don’t pick any locks,’ he said. ‘Now be quiet so I can pick this lock.’“ guys i think i have a new favorite line
“’I kn-ow you’re in h-ere.’” oH?
“The glitching voice had a strange, unsteady tone.” IS IT MY B O Y
chapter 13
“Why do I have to be the leader? It’s bad enough when I’m just in charge of myself.” okay but big mood
so like is the funtime foxy from sl now confirmed to be mangle or am i reading this wrong
scott and kira: mangle is a literal monster who can and will kill
me, pointing at mangle: good baby fox
scott and kira:
me, pointing at mangle harder: g o o d  b a b y  f o x
wow i can’t believe funtime freddy is fucking dead
press f to pay respects lads
chapter 14
“You’re so attached to something so... easily broken.” elizabeth you are literally the definition of a fucking villain
also one of your teammates was smashed to hell and back pretty easily what does that say about you
what the fuck
what the fuck is going on
chapter 15
“A boy in a black-and-white striped shirt...” oh?
“‘That’s our friend. He helped me find my puppy!’“ OH
all the missing children are gone now and i’m sobbing
chapter 16
“’Oh, please, I practically am a nurse...’” marla being a premed student makes you a future nurse, not a nurse now
in conclusion: everything hurts and i’m dying
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kouvei · 7 years
locus and red team (mostly sarge) saying how bad their orange team mates were on and/off the battlefield? and have donut say too soon after they thought he had just died again
I hope this is what you had in mind, Anon! Thanks for the prompt!
Locus ran his fingers along the spines of the books in a bookcase in Donut’s room. There were some classics, some cookbooks, a few magazines, but overall nothing Locus found exceptionally fascinating.
“Can’t believe he’s gone,” Sarge muttered from across the room, looking through Donut’s closet.
“You know he’s probably not dead, right?” Locus asked in a dull voice.
“We all saw him get blown up, then eaten by that carnivorous plant, then saw it explode!” Sarge cried.
“Take it from someone who tried to kill you people, he’s not dead,” Locus deadpanned. “Besides, haven’t you seen him almost die repeatedly?”
“But this time, he’s really dead. Ten-four, good buddy!” Sarge said as he folded up one of Donut’s casual civilian shirts and put it in a box.
“I will bet you twenty bucks he’s alive,” Locus said as he carefully began taking books off the shelf and into another cardboard box.
“Done! Sucker,” Sarge said as he reached into the closet once again. Without his helmet on, Locus could see Sarge’s face twist into an expression of disgust. “Ugh, it’s spreading!”
“What?” Locus asked, not even concerned. Had Sarge made that exclamation a few weeks ago, he would’ve been on high alert with his gun pointed at the closet, but at this point, he barely registered any level of concern. After being on Red Team for almost a month now, he was more than used to their eccentricities.
Sarge pulled out an orange, collared shirt on a clothes hanger and stormed over to shove it in Locus’s face, who promptly recoiled, more out of shock than anything else. “The orange plague! It spread to Donut! Poor soldier, he must’ve been in such agony before he died, to turn to wearing orange on his days off!”
Locus frowned as the color brought back unpleasant memories of a certain gray and orange mercenary, but just sighed and went back to packing up the (totally not) deceased Donut’s stuff. “Don’t get bent out of shape just because Donut has one orange shirt. Honestly, the only reason I’m surprised he has that is because it’s too much of an ‘autumn’ color and doesn’t match his eyes.” As Sarge stared at him, he hastily backtracked. “I- it’s his words, not mine.”
“But what if he was turning into another Grif?” Sarge demanded.
“It’s Donut. Donut.” Locus stressed the last word. “He once screamed because he saw a moldy sandwich in Grif’s bedroom that Grif had left lying out. I thought we were under attack. Besides, Grif’s not the worst orange soldier in the history of the universe to be like.”
“Insubordination!” Sarge exclaimed. “Have you met Grif? Who could possibly be worse?”
“He had a scout helmet, was a manipulative psychopath who tried to commit planetary genocide, and would stab you with a knife if you added ‘the cat’ after his name,” Locus deadpanned.
“Felix? Please! He would actually do something! Granted, everything he ever did was barbaric, but I bet he never skimped out on cleaning the base or gathering intel on the enemy!” Sarge argued.
“No, but he always made me do all the cooking,” Locus retorted. “‘Locus, I’m hungry! Locus, I want some ribs! Locus, can you bake a cake? Locus, go make some waffles! Locus, I’m really craving some chocolate chip cookies, can you make me some? I don’t care if we don’t have any chocolate chips, go get some!’” mocked Locus, letting out some pent-up aggression against his late partner.
“At least he didn’t eat all your food! Have you seen how much Grif eats in a day?” Sarge retorted.
“At least Grif never has ‘booty calls’ that keep you up all hours of the night,” Locus replied.
“I bet Felix never back-sassed you as much as Grif does to me!” Sarge cried.
“He whined and yelled at me all the time,” Locus said.
“I said ‘as much,’” Sarge clarified.
“Grif never tried to murder an entire planet,” Locus pointed out.
“Felix never did CPR for a head wound!” Sarge retorted.
“Do you have any concept of how different those two things are?” Locus asked.
“Felix is dead, Grif is alive. Therefore, he’s worse,” Sarge said.
“I changed my mind, forget the twenty bucks; if Donut’s alive, you concede that I’m right,” Locus said.
“And if he’s not, you admit that I’m right!” Sarge bargained.
“You’re still wrong, regardless,” Sarge added.
Locus rolled his eyes. “Really?” he asked in a disbelieving voice.
“Grif never does his work!”
“Felix was reckless and never listened to common sense!”
“Grif always forgets the ammo!”
“Felix was always overconfident and I had to babysit him constantly in the middle of battle!”
“I have to yell at Grif constantly to get him to do anything!”
“I had to be ninety-percent of Felix’s self-control!”
“Grif is lazy!”
“Felix was violent!”
“Grif is a slob!”
“Felix was a neat-freak!”
“Grif is insubordinate!”
“Felix was willing to kill all his subordinates!”
“Guys, you’re already packing up my stuff? Come on, too soon!” The two stopped arguing as they heard a familiar chipper voice from the doorway. They turned to see Donut, with his armor heavily damaged and his helmet missing, standing in the doorway, frowning slightly in that vaguely disapproving way he often did when Red Team did something ridiculous, when a normal person would just start yelling at them.
Locus glanced over at Sarge and couldn’t help but smirk. “I win.”
Sarge just narrowed his eyes and glared at him. “I am never admitting it.”
“What?” Donut asked, looking thoroughly confused.
“Nevermind.” Locus waved it off, pushing bitter memories of Felix to the back of his mind. “I’ll help you put your stuff back. We should probably let Simmons and Grif know you’re alive.”
“Oh! Right!” Donut exclaimed. He leaned around the doorway and shouted, “I’m alive, guys!”
“You owe me fifty bucks, Grif!” Simmons yelled.
Locus and Sarge looked at each other in shock, then smiled at each other.
“Come on, you two need to help me reorganize my exotic oils collection! You messed it all up!” Donut fretted, walking back in. Locus watched the pink(or lightish-red) soldier for a second, then started unpacking the bottles from a box on the floor. One in particular, however, caught his eye.
“What on earth is ‘headlight fluid’?”
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