#a3! omi
tooaya · 2 months
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Lots of Omi content lately 🥰
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omirice · 7 months
i need everyone to view the fushimi brothers
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emilycollins00 · 25 days
Hiii I don't know if you would write it (it's okay if you don't) but to change the tone a bit, could you do a list of toxic traits/red flags of the troupes members? I saw it in another fandom and thought it would be interesting! love your stuff btw
Thank you for waiting love!! 💕 That said, hope you are still around aksdjkdn it's been a while.
I wasn’t sure if you meant in a relationship or just in general, so I went with the flow a bit and did whatever felt more suitable for each at the time (hence why some are longer)
Warning: I focused on showing bad traits and exploiting them so my apologies if any fan doesn’t like what I chose, don’t take it too much to heart!
A3! and their toxic traits
Sakuya – Conflict avoidance / Insecure
He definitely struggles to voice what he wants and needs because he’s afraid of upsetting people or his patner, which leads to Sakuya never deciding anything.
Afraid of rejection, instead of addressing conflicts or expressing his feelings openly, he tends to retreat into silence, limiting himself to smile, and definitely avoids discussing certain topics.
Of course, when there’s a fight he never wants to argue. Not to say he’ll just apologize, but he will try to find a solution (even if it doesn’t make much sense) to pretend it’s all good and everyone is content when in reality, it’s not.
Itaru – Childish / Half-assed
Has a tendency to talk about people behind their back when they do something that upsets him, instead of talking it out.
Sometimes going out with him feels like babysitting. He tends to complain if he’s in a place he didn’t want to be. It’s his day off and you two already saw one another three days ago, couldn’t he just have stayed at home?
Incredibly bad memory when it comes to remembering special occasions but try asking him when is the birthday of his favorite character… or maybe don’t.
Masumi – Overly intense / Tunnel focus
This boy’s downfall are relationships. Masumi has incredibly intense feelings – that’s no surprise, so when he finally falls the beginning is perfect, almost fairytale like.
But then he asks opinions about choosing a wedding venue. Asks about a having kids. When going to the store he even begins to look for baby clothes. First week gone and he’ll want to meet with in-laws. Want to move in together.
He loves so much that it’s overbearing and doesn’t realize how pressuring he is – how fast he’s willing to move everything. Still, what’s there to think? Their partner must want the same thing.
Chikage – Righteous / Emotionally Distant
Being with him, whether it’s in a romantic relationship or friendship, is emotionally draining.
While people pour everything they have into their relationships, Chikage, aside from the people from Mankai, won't even be half as invested. And all the time, patience, and effort that should've come from both parties is off unbalance which ofc turns into an eventual distance.
IF he’s ever confronted about it he sighs, because as expected, it now has become a tiring task for him. People know he’s usually like this. Why getting angry or bothered by his persona? It’s not like he was lying or anything to anyone.
Tsuzuru – Workaholic/ Untrustworthy
I think at first his relationships would be great. Tsuzuru does try to make time for friends/partners/family after all.
But sooner than later, he’s again cramped up with scriptwriting, uni, work... you name it.  People notice the pressure he’s under, so he’s usually proposed to take a break, to go with someone somewhere, but he just doesn’t listen. 
He will be apologetic “I’m so sorry, I have to complete this before the end of... “I forgot we were…” “I’ll make it up to you next time!” and it’s understandable, but he’s always like this.
If anyone insist too much, he might get irritated and snap, and if the person snaps back or leave he does realize how badly he messed up… but half the time, he won’t make a move. He’ll tell himself to talk it later.
Citron – Toxic Positivity / Overthinker
King of no one can be mad if we don’t focus on the issue? A little bit tactless given the situation as well.
And god bless him but while he takes notice if anyone is not feeling well, partner or not, he decides to be absolutely oblivious to their bad moods. If they want to talk about it he doesn’t get it either. Why is everyone upset about it, at least it’s over now!
Doesn’t like taking responsibility for his actions, making excuses to justify his behavior, so he tries to always have others or his partner on his side, just in case.
Tenma – Accusatory / Invasive
Always has something to say, no matter the argument – even if he's clearly the one in the wrong. Instead of working it out rationally, he shifts the blame away and pins it on the other person, guilt-tripping into thinking he's the one compromised.
If others were indeed wrong however, prepare for a non-stop nagging for days to come. If driven by his ego, this will escalate and in eeeevery conflict, this will be brought up.
In a relationship Tenma thinks he has the right to intervene in his partner’s personal affairs, meaning if they have something going on or someone they have a problem with, he’s going to lash out even if he was asked to leave it alone. What-? Why are you mad? You should be thanking him!
Muku – Pessimist / Passive
He want to know everything about everyone and in a relationship, his partner is always free to tell him about their problems… but that’s when troubles begin.
Overly sensitive, and when stresses he’s the type to blame himself in any situation which makes dealing with him kind of exhausting after a while.
That said, despite his kind self, Muku is overly passive in his communication. He often avoids direct confrontation, leading to unresolved issues which given his pessimistic nature as well have him tensed all the time awaiting when his actions might turn against him.
Since it really always his fault, you don’t have to remind him.
Misumi – Uncommunicative / Dismissive
Misumi, as many here, has a tendency to avoid confrontation and suppress his emotions, leading to communication barriers and unresolved issues in any type of relationship.
As it goes, this lack of communication prevents any relationship from progressing and resolving underlying issues, creating a stiff dynamic... at least from other people's view, since Misumi likes to get over things quickly and expects everyone to do the same. A little bit tactless in that sense.
This includes having a hard time taking the blame. He wants it to be on everyone. Even if it’s his fault, the closest anyone’s ever going to get is: Mmm we all said and did things we shouldn’t, right? let’s try to move on!
Kumon – Overwhelming / Unattentive
He doesn’t even know he usually speaks over or interrupts others but definitely knows he has the need to protect their partner.
He’s so deluded into thinking he’s doing a good thing by pulling their partner away from the slightest danger. Sidewalk is too crowded? He’ll insist to walk on the busy road. Too hot today? Maybe it’s better to stay inside. He pulls everyone away every time he thinks they are close to getting hurt. At first it’s nice, but does become suffocating.
And if it's his partner tells him they don’t need his help, he’ll laugh before assisting anyway.
In general relations sometimes he will not stop even if you can’t keep up with him if he’s too excited. He’s just go go go all the time.
Kazunari – Liar / Dependant
On one hand Kazunari knows he can be completely honest with his partner, but he can’t differentiate between being honest in a way that supports a healthy relationship without… sometimes being honest in a way where he says something to hurt their feelings. So yeah, he sometimes lies.
He also involuntarily crosses boundaries (no consent in certain lives, photos uploaded…) and suffocates with constant attention. He struggles with trust issues too, constantly seeking validation from his partner or others to alleviate his insecurities.
This behavior in the end becomes draining if he’s in a relationship, as his partner feels trapped and unable to maintain their independence.
Yuki – Non-existent filter / Accusatory
During intense moments of blinding anger, Yuki jabs out everything he thinks without ever sugarcoating it, and there really isn't much to stop that.
Also maybe because while logical most of the time, he’s a bit short-tempered in certain situations (especially when stressed), so if provoked or at least he feels recriminated, he'll say some really hurtful things, insecurities that people took time to open up to with him.
If something goes wrong and he’s not in the fault he’s quick to complain as well. He already knew what was going to happen, so why did everyone insist on doing it? And why would anyone think he will sympathise afterwards? 
Banri – Expectations / Charge
Wants to be in charge of everything. Prone to micromanaging their partner while stubbornly refusing to ask for help even if it’s obvious,
He has so much going on that if anyone crosses him, romantic relationship or not, Banri will play with the “I will leave if you want”. Because he would leave and he wouldn’t even feel regretful.
Because of his good memory and capacities, he tends to wait for people to catch things quickly. He didn’t bring coffee to class and expects people to know that he drank it on the way because morning rehearsal was rough. He didn’t answer anyone’s text so he expected everyone to know that needs revision – to him, that stuff is easy. What? No one knew? He always does similar details for everyone – he shouldn’t have to say it out loud every time.
Specially his partner. They should know what he’s thinking in these moments. If they don’t, maybe they didn’t love him as much as they said.
Taichi – Jealous / Low self-esteem
This boy lacks confidence in himself and the relationship no matter the type.
Catches himself thinking how everyone is much better than him – and in a relationship he’s scared his partner would leave him for anyone. Makes sense. They are perfect and kind, he’s just... him.
Of course he would want to be with their partner all the time, very clingy and overly emotional when arguing with him or when they tell him off. Might have taken a look or two at his partner's notifications of messages. He felt bad after though, he promises!
Juza – Self-esteem / Walls
Usually clueless about what he’s doing wrong and can’t seem to know how much effort to put into a new relationship, romantic or not. It could be days of not talking with him or him not answering just because he didn’t know if it would feel abrasive.
So yeah, I wouldn’t say he’s blinded by his anxieties and worries but then again, it’s not like he’ll ever talk about it with anyone either.
In a relationship, Juza wouldn’t think they love him enough to stay if he reveals all his insecurities. In his eyes, his partner will leave him one day, he knows it. They are too good for someone like him.
Sakyo –  Rigid / Controlling
Exceedingly strict but only when it’s related to him. Like, he doesn’t pick up the phone during work time because that wouldn’t be professional of him, yet when he’s with others? He continues mentioning work-related stuff or leaves to take calls.
There’s also certain controlling behavior in his romantic relationships. While he may initially come across as caring and devoted, his need for control becomes evident as the relationship progresses, leading to feelings of suffocation and resentment.
When in a fight, Sakyo is rough with his words and has to have the last word no matter what. His anger also lasts for days and the silent treatment is a huge thing. Will act like nothing has happened after that.
Omi -  Low esteem / Unwillingness to commit
This man's steps on eggshells with relationships, romantic or not. Omi is terrified to let anyone in and see their eyes judging.
In a relationship he’s too scared to show how much he loves his partner and honestly that very own cautiousness, that unwillingness to fall, hurts more than he realizes.
Omi is also someone who never expresses complicated feelings, either. He might just need time, but never asks for any.
People are left feeling like they might only be in the relationship because he doesn’t want to hurt their feelings. When asked he hesitates, which hurts the most. He can’t seem to understand he needs to let himself go. This happens again and again because in the end, Omi decides that it’s best to not fall at all – he doesn’t need another scar.
Azami – Extreme / Overly guarded
Azami is prude but as he grows, he becomes not so… accepting.
He scoffs wherever he sees something he doesn’t approve, and if in a relationship their partner wants to hold his hand, he’ll rip it away and lecture them angrily about how it might look to others. You should know by now.
As such, he tends to be emotionally distant and closed-off in all relationships. He struggles and often avoids discussing his feelings or concerns.
This emotional guardedness creates insecurity in the relationships, as many feel like they are unable to connect with him on a deeper level. His reluctance to open up leads to communication misunderstandings as well.
Their partner or friends must not love him, that’s the only reason he can think of – but he won’t show his fear of that possibility.
Tsumugi – Distracted / People pleaser
This young man doesn’t make it on purpose, which is all the way down frustrating.
He will have periods of time where he’s attentive to everyone, and in a relationship his partner is his number one priority.
Others becomes overly focused on his own pursuits, leaving little time or energy for nurturing any type of relationship. When he notices, he becomes again hyper attentive, doing anything for the relationship to not deteriorate.
But since additionally Tsumugi struggles to communicate effectively about his emotions and decisions, this leads to more distance to grow.
Hisoka – Ghosting / Short-tempered
Honestly he doesn’t look into the care and delicacy relationships take. Doesn’t answer messages nor call and if he does it’s quick and short.
He’s sparse with his attention. No, he doesn’t want to go out, partner, friend, or whatever should stop asking. Also it’s becoming annoying. When in a fight, if he finds it’s not important, it will always seem like he doesn’t care about anything.
Hisoka won’t compromise either, he won’t be more attentive, he doesn’t want to be, that’s too much work. And if they try to force it? Then people just don’t get him and probably just want to change him.
People unwllingness to accept and understand who he is only proves to him that this specific relationship whatever people what to call it, wasn’t meant to be, so he shrugs it off.
Azuma – Façade / Bottling emotions
No matter what, he refuses to share information about himself and can’t keep everything equal, whether you are a friend or his partner.
If there’s a feeling like something is off, and anyone mentions it rather than admitting what’s on his mind he’ll simply say that it’s fine, that all is good and perfect, and then proceed to bury it even deeper within him.
Azuma keeps burying his feelings in and trying not to resent whatever is causing him like this more and more until one day something happens and his emotions erupt out of him and he’s crying or worse, leaves for some time.
If anyone wants to know where he’s been, well, good luck trying to figure it out.
Tasuku – Rough / Absent-minded
Prioritizes his own needs and desires above others, resulting in selfish and insensitive behavior. I can’t imagine Tasuku changing his routine to fit someone else in, lover or not.
To him it’s pretty straightforward If someone doesn’t fall into sync with him, that’s life and this relationship just wasn’t meant to be. What? Why should he change the time he goes to the gym – shouldn’t his partner just get up earlier if they want to eat breakfast with him?
Or with his friends, sure he gets along, but why should he alter the way his life is, and try to finish rehearsal earlier? He doesn’t get the reason to change and tends to avoid fighting, not just because of cutting contact, but because he doesn’t want to fight with anyone... he doesn’t have time for whatever it is.
Homare – Overly worried / Opinionated
By now everyone should know that he will not give you much space when there’s a problem. He will constantly be asking questions about it and little time does he tries to listen to all versions or if he even should intervene.
And holy molly does he intervene often enough.
Also Homare doesn't get mad almost never, but becomes incredibly distressed when something goes wrong.
He won't say anything when he's feeling like that though. It's hard for him to control his emotions during a difficult time period and usually needs to be comforted to calm down but becomes so difficult when it’s time to allow people into the real him.
Guy – Distant / Trust
If this man ever has any type of problem, most people, partner included, will never know.
It’s not that he’s actively trying to keep things away, but he has no way of knowing that he should be sharing certain things.
Everyone’s held at arm’s length. His partner might think being his partner would make them close, but it’ll feel like he confides in his troupe more than them.
He doesn’t have a good example of what a healthy relationship is supposed to look like, so don’t expect him to do anything romantic unless anyone tells him so. He also doesn’t have a filter, meaning he’s brutally honest. No one should be surprised if he hurts feelings in his monotonous voice.
Hope you all enjoyed it, definitely interesting to think of them in these terms.
Have a wonderful day! 💕💕
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A3! “My Worst Wedding” Event - Day 3 & 4 Login Lines
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“This is my first time playing two roles! I want you to see how much I’ve improved in female roles since I did Zero! “
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“So I can support Azami and Sakyo-san, I have to become a dignified serviceman.”
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itstaruchi · 10 months
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Mankai Birthday Party Tickets 🍁❄️ Part 2
Small DIY project , art from MANKAI BIRTHDAY series
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unluckyamulet · 2 years
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hi guys did u miss me
1 (ur here!) / 2 / 3
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mankailover · 6 days
This is my first time drawing in a laptop, or my first time drawing in general, so be kind with me! I just wanted to post it here to make a kind of art journal, even though it's not the best.
I tried making Banri as the "Fallen Angel", following the original art.
Hope you like it!
ps: (i have no idea how to draw hair on the laptop. it looks terrible)
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puddii-ng · 1 year
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THIS PIECE IS FOR THE  2022 A3! Secret Santa Gift Exchange! hosted on the A3! Discord Server :D
im not actually sure if my giftee has a tumblr but if you see this MERRY CHRISTMAS! :D
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shiemori-writes · 2 years
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"Ah! You're finally home (name)! But uh, who are those people behind you?"
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SUMMARY: (Name) finally returned home! Finding a way to alternate between worlds, they decided to introduce all (yes,,..all 22 of them..) of their friends from Twisted Wonderland to their old friends from their world! But that leaves one question left, who would best get along with who?
TAGS: gender neutral reader, 2nd person pov, sfw, fluff-ish crack
notes: just me finding an excuse to combine my old hyperfixation with my new one ngl A3! fans and TW fans where u at!
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Things have been looking brightly for you lately! After some digging (aka forcing crowley to research about finding you a way back home bc you just KNOW he either forgot or doesnt care) you managed to find a way to alternate between your world and Twisted Wonderland, to everyones delight. (No grim was NOT crying because he thought he'd lose you wdym????)
After visiting Mankai company and explaining your reasoning for disappearing for a year (or so depends, its up to the reader!) your friends had thought you were crazy, or at the very least believed you but needed further..er, evidence? So you decided, you'd arrange a meeting between your old friends and your new ones, to prove you werent crazy but now, that raises one question left,,,,..Who would best get along with who??
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PRESENTING! The whole point of this post to begin with!
Who I think the Twisted Wonderland characters would best get along with who!
Riddle Rosehearts
Ok so for Riddle I was lowkey stumped on who to pair him with? But I think he'd best get along with Sakyo Furuichi since they both are pretty authorative and strict? I genuinely dont know who else to pair him with 😭
Sakyo Didnt seem that interested in talking with Riddle at first, commenting on how he doesnt have time to meddle with some kid from the street 💀
Riddle did not like him. Not one bit.
But after spending more time with him and the rest of Autumm trope, he starts to respect his authorative figure and how he's able to keep his trope in shape, so maybe, he isnt that bad.
Hes still salty about being called a kid tho
Ace Trappola
As for Ace, I think he'd get along best with Banri Settsu, both relatively laid back people who get into trouble on a regular basis! though Banri's definitely more on the gangster-punk-ish-intimidating side rather than Ace's chill troublemaker vibe. I can see the both of them being competitive with games (for Banri, he'd invite him to the arcade, and for Ace, I guess a game of basketball??)
Both of em would talk shit behind everyones back LMAO
Banri's just complaining about Juza and Sakyo while he'd be complaining about Riddle and Deuce
Deuce Spade
Ah, our boy Deuce! I wholeheartedly believe he'd get along with Juza Hyodo! Both used to be deliquents after all (Or at least- looked like a deliquent?? For Juzas case?), but strived to better themselves. For Juza, he wanted to better himself (and his reputation as a deliquent, much like Deuce) because of his love for theatre, and Deuce wanted to quit his ways to become an honor role student! both of them would click really well tbh, in my opinion at least.
Ace is not happy as Deuce spends more time with him, Like?? Isnt he the best friend here 🤨🤨??? /hj
(mf he was the one who refused to call Deuce his bsf and now hes complaining 🙄)
Anyways back to hcs! I think Juza would be stiff approaching him tbh, while Deuce is politely greeting him and all
Once they get to know each other more, Deuce would share his old deliquent days while Juza just listens and gives his own experiences every here and then
Congrats! Juza now has another younger brother!
Trey Clover
And now for Trey, Ok I didn't even need to think twice about this, HE'D GET ALONG WITH OMI FUSHIMI ! They both radiate vibes of being the mom friend in the group, and both can cook/bake (COUGHS AND BOTH ARE VERY MUSCULAR WOOO-) , sooo..Yeah! I think Trey and Omi would share stories and their struggles of being the mom friendᵗᵐ and would exchange various recipes with each other! overall very wholesome :D
Omi 🤝 Trey > being the parents of the group
Cater Diamond
Last one but certainly not least, Cater!! Also didn't need to think much abt this one since I already knew, LIKE- as someone who played a3! first, and then twisted wonderland, I can say with full confidence our beloved Cay-cay radiated vibes of Kazunari Miyoshi!
(both have that 2016 influencer vibes smh /hj)
They'd constantly exchange pics and would instantly follow each other on instagram, er- instablam (Cater instantly made himself an account, how? You have no idea tbh) Both cheery personalities immediately clicking with one another
Riddle just sighs, because oh god theres two of them now.
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Additional Notes: Semi rushed this one! I was supposed to post all of the dorms but, I kind of got impatient and wanted to post this one right away since I got tired of looking at it in my drafts 🏃‍♀️ sooo let me know if you enjoyed it and/or would want a part 2!
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bambuwu-writes · 2 years
Hi boo! 💕 Whenever you want and can think you could do a hc for (let's act surprised) Tsumugi, Omi and Tsuzuru when they are super whipped for their s/o?? like, i want them to love us so much ugh no shame asdfgh take care as always and sending you a big muah! 💕
Emi my bestieeee! <3
come get your man he’s legit talking to the flowers about you
“I’m so excited for you all to grow up big and strong :))) Once you’re all ready I’m gonna take you to meet someone :))) They’re very nice, I hope you like them!” BABE THESE ARE PLANTS,,,,THEY ARE NOT COGNISCANT OF THE FACT THAT THEY ARE GOING TO BE IN A MINIATURE BOUQUET
he is SO precious tho… i feel like in terms of love languages he’d be really into gift giving and quality time
so at least once a week you two either go out for coffee or make some at home and cuddle up in the garden for a nice and slow morning
he also has this really cute habit where, instead of giving you a kiss on the cheek or something, he’ll just kinda softly smoosh his face against you..what a weirdo [read: what a cutie :”””)))]
if you happen to dislike alcohol he absolutely doesn’t mind, but if you do like having a sippy sip every now and then, he is a great person to drink with
azuma and homare loving bringing home nice wines for the adults at mankai to sample during nights in, and guy is always willing to mix a drink or two for his friends
as much as he loves verbally expositing essays about theatre when he’s tipsy, he also becomes a TOTAL cuddlebug its vv cute <333
if you have to get up to grab some snacks or hop into the bathroom real quick, you will come back to tsumu looking the sliiightest bit mopey
he j wants to keep his hands on you :((( make sure you’re still right there with him :((( uk he loves you soooo muuu- OOO you brought pretzels yaaay :D!!!!!! [SILLY BABY,.,.HOLD HIM PLEASSSEEEE]
makes you really nice fluffy omeletts the morning after to make up for anything embarrassing he might have said the night before…. if you give him a little ‘good morning’ peck on the cheek he will brighten up considerably tho.
He,.,he’s kinda obsessed with giving you forehead kissies.,,
Like, he will not leave the dorms, nor let you leave without a forehead kiss, makes him feel safe :)
if you do it back to him he will go to the akigumi groupchat and literally tell them he’s found his future spouse. they cant bring themselves to clown on him. [banri clowns on him the tiniest bit but thats just bc he knows omi is being so honest rn that it makes the kid tear up a little. fuck man, you cant just go and prove love is real to me like this? ewwww???]
he has,,, ok DONT laugh, but…he has burned food bc he was thinking ab you…EMBARASSING right???? [he’s so cute wtf i cant even write this with a straight face ]
not a day goes by where he doesnt either text you or tell you in person how handsome and pretty and cute you are [EURGJK,,,he’s sooooo…]
you will find yourself wondering if he even knows what he’s doing to you…[answer: he DOES WTF WAUUUUGH,,.,]
ok he does this little thing…where like, when he hugs you from behind he’ll always say this precious little ‘hey :)’ so he doesnt scare you [SOBBING..GIMME A MINUTE…], and then he runs his hands up your back, over your shoulder blades, and down your arms before snuggling into the crook of your neck [im gonna SCREEAMM,,,HOW IS HE LIKE THIS…]
loves playing low romantic music while he’s cuddling with you [i’m currently back on my hozier kick and wauughg,.,good music..] and if you start singing along? god help this man i dont even think he’ll be breathing so he could hear you better..
gets all smiley and giggly when you baby him :”) turns out he really melts when someones taking care of him… he will pull you in for cuddles and you will not escape [he will begrudgingly let you go if you really want to, or need to get work done]
Gives you kisses on your temple! It just felt so right the first time he did it and it stuck!
Ok ok, i swear this isnt creepy, i promise i swear i pinky promise!! He really likes just snuggling his face to the nape of your neck, his lips pressed against your shoulder bc he really likes how you smell. It really calms him down.
Like he has stolen your clothes before so he could have you around even when,..,uk,,You The Person weren’t around
he is so used to being in a household of siblings so he thought sharing hoodies and stuff would come natural-WRONG WRONG WRONG DEAD WRONG
he looses his fucking marbles when he sees you in his clothes he is fucked up fr, god spare his SOUL if you swipe a pair of his shorts or sweatpants…he’s gonna have to actually turn away from you for a second to collect himself
like woaaaoww,.,.,.mine?,.,,mine??? like,,not in the objectify-y way but,..,,.omg mine???
cooking for you. 25/8. it will never end. so much yummby food,.,.,thank u tsuzu,.,.
fr like every single time you see him you’re getting fed SOMETHING like if you’re hanging out in the dorms? apron ON stove ON pan BUTTERED. if you meet somewhere outside? you’re either going out for a snack or he came with some food packed w him
he’s such a little weirdo too, like, if he’s in an affectionate mood there is a 62% chance he will lean in as if to give u a kissie and then fucking noms on your earlobe
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spoonatchni · 1 year
He's feelin kinda spicy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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tooaya · 6 months
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omirice · 3 months
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"the question is: what should you do when your girlfriend is crying?"
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"well.. im not good at comforting her with words, so i guess ill make her her favorite food"
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"maybe you dont have an appetite when you're sad? i see"
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"in that case, i guess ill hug you and listen to your story"
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"haha im a little embarrassed though"
disclaimer: i just machine tled this...im desparate okay lmao..pls feel free to correct me!
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emilycollins00 · 4 months
Autumn troupe + SAD!GAD! reader
To one of my lovely besties 💕
Attention: Slight mentions of anxiety and such! Not too much, but just in case wanted to put it here. Good ending tho! <3
Please enjoy! 💕
Okay so! I their reactions to someone with these characteristics does depend of course on who you come in contact with, because all of them have different layers of approaching the situation:
Becomes a ball of nerves when you threaten to cry. If you do he might as cry well!!
As time passes, decides to share things about himself with you.
He doesn’t know what you go through and he’s not going to pretend to, but! wants you to know he’s someone you can feel at ease with, at of course he thinks you learning more about him could help. Maybe that way you won’t find him as scary?
Will probably use jokes to diffuse any awkwardness or discomfort during interactions, and will be over the moon if you laugh.
So, so patient.
Catches on quickly about what might be going on is might become a tad protective.
Definitely eager to help you not feel tense around him and the others -anything to help you, he’s ready to do.
Lets you take the lead and control the pace of your interactions, always with a gentle smile. If he feels you are a bit over the edge, he will give you all the space needed while leaving some sweets on the table <3
After any answer or comment you say as a response that clearly made you want to be swallowed in a hole, he begins to use open-ended conversation starters, something to make sure you shift your attention to something trivial.
If he notices you need help, often supports you in ways that don't add let’s say pressure. I’m thinking about indirect support like suggesting equipment, resources, or offering assistance from a distance.
Proud when you answer him or the others back, even if it's a short answer.
Tends to remember many things, so if he knows there’s something in particular you need, he’ll be sure to mention it so that you don’t feel awkward in certain silences.
Your encounters are a bit awkward at first. Juza's is also someone who adapts slowly so your interactions might take a bit to be called, conversations.
He sees the way you react when he and the others arrives so he usually tries to make the least movement and noises.
This is mainly due to him being one of the most understanding when it comes to the situations you experience, already aware of his own presence and the impact it might have.
As such, he tries to avoid the pressure you feel regarding his height and deep voice by not standing too close to you, opting to sit if possible.
Watches your body language and behaviour from moment one, even though he may not act like it.
Picks up immediately your uneasiness around many of them with the exception of director.
King of respect. Seeing as you prefer not to engage in one-on-one, Sakyo will most likely ask Izumi to delay the information and if not, will leave a note or message.
Azami isn't the most social person either, he doesn't actively try to engage regularly in conversations. Simple greetings are good for you both.
Will most likely avoid personal questions or just questions that could turn more private, respecting your boundaries.
He knows how it’s like not wanting to share more than needed, so he’s really empathetic about this.
Usually if he needs your help he goes for activities that don’t require constant conversation and that can be done in separate paces.
“Here we are. Impressive, right? I even managed to stock it like an inventory!”
You grimace. If the storage could ask for help, you were sure it would be doing so right now. The room felt cramped, stacks of equipment towering over you like a fortress.
Matsukawa goes inside and you follow without much enthusiasm. He has yet to turn to look at you though, engrossed in an unbroken monologue of self-praise, evidently delighted at the chance of showing someone the product of his work.
While carrying your own boxes of equipment, you shift your weight uncomfortable. You wish you could muster the courage to get him to focus. In truth, you would have preferred he left you alone to take a look around but alas, he was the one who supposedly knew where all Mankai’s props were.
“I-It will be just a minute!” his confidence had quickly dropped after the initial entrance. “I think I might have misplaced the props director asked me to select for you— but they must be here I’m sure!”
You bite your lip as you watch him look inside some more boxes. Izumi had requested your help —being on your way to becoming a property designer and all that— and you had been more than glad for the opportunity, but the current situation felt overwhelming.
“I thought I asked you to rearrange all the upper shelves and throw what wasn’t necessary.”
A sudden, harsh and accusatory voice cuts through the air, freezing both the rustling of boxes and your racing thoughts. Honestly, an incoming bear might have given you less of an internal freak-out — because of course the voice belonged to another man. Just your luck.
You notice the manager flinches and you feel a pang of sympathy for him. You really wouldn't want to be in his skin either. "Sa-Sakyo-san!" the initial disorder in the storage upon your arrival had transformed into an even more distressing sight after he had begun the search for the props.
“I did!" he exclaims, maneuvering to find a path between the piles of boxes. "Just yesterday you could almost see the walls in between the shelves, and let me tell you it has cost me sweat, tears and quite a few scratches!”
There's a pause. You and the blond man scanned the room. If anything had been removed, it didn’t seem like it. As if the room itself tried to make a point, a few objects squeezed too tightly together toppled to the floor.
“I don’t think you are making the point you think you are.”
You hadn’t meant to say that out loud. I mean, you never do. It was supposed to be a muttered remark to yourself— a feeble attempt at humor to conceal yourself from the escalating discomfort. The comment however seems to catch the attention of the scary looking yakuza still standing on the doorframe. He crosses his arms, sighs, and to your luck, focuses on you.
You immediately feel the need to apologize even though you had nothing to do with their problem.
“You must be Y/N.” he says instead, pushing his glasses up and visibly choosing to ignore the chaos in front of you two. “My name is Sakyo, I don't believe we've worked together before. Our director had a last-minute emergency with another troupe and she told me to…"
His lips keep moving but you barely listen to anything afterward. Izumi wasn’t going to be there while you worked? The information hits you like a train. Heck, you might as well have started to cry right there at the idea of being surrounded by men all alone.
"Traitor." you whisper betrayed. Your voice is barely audible, almost lost in the expanse of the hall, but there is a sudden thought that tells you the blond man with glasses might have very well heard you again. So you cough, hiding your initial reaction the best you can and try to recompose yourself. “I, uh, yeah. I came to fix your props.”
Great job, Y/N.
You stood there, lips pursed, nervously nibbling the inside of your cheek, half-expecting a similar reaction to what Matsukawa had received. Instead, the atmosphere shifts almost imperceptibly.
You kind of notice he subtly moves a few steps away from you, though it could also have been your imagination— There was a lot to keep up with. He then speaks again.
“I assume you have your own schedule to keep. I will manage over here. You can go first and set up your equipment. I believe our carpenter has left some tables set on the stage since it’s the place that has the widest space for you to work while getting a signal.”
Stunned, you nod. He offers a small nod in return, giving you directions to get there before addressing the issue at hand with Matsukawa, annoyance flickering once again across his features.
“And you. How many times do I have to tell you that pushing boxes doesn’t equal…”
The scolding echoed as you left the storage.
Mankai's theatre wasn't as big as other theatres you had worked at, so at first, it feels like a cozy haven rather than an intimidating workplace. You soon reach the stage and begin to set up your equipment, beginning to create some props. Surely Izumi would finish before—
You freeze at the unexpected male noise coming from one of the wings. “Don’t come closer.”
Here we go again.
The young man that had appeared stopped immediately of course. He stood taller than most people, his presence looming over you even from where you were. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to barge in so suddenly.” His relaxed smile did little to ease your tension, especially with his imposing height. After a few seconds of silence on his part, maybe waiting for you to say everything was fine again and he could move again, confusion showed on his face. “…Is everything okay?”
You barely swallowed. Why was your mouth so damn dry? Come on Y/N, say something. “Yeah, um, I’m—  organizing the equipment and stuff is also on the floor so—  it’s messy here.”
Another pause. You whine inwardly and again feel like crying. You watch the actor —at least you think he is an actor— study the situation, and something might have clicked, since he finally nods.
“Of course. I will leave in a bit, my phone just died...” he takes it from his pocket and shows you the black screen, as if to show proof he wasn't lying. “And I was supposed to meet with the others here.”
You nod curtly, and opt to focus on your work. Hopefully he doesn't begin to make up conversation if he sees you concentrated.
Minutes go by and amidst the silence you can't help but steal a glance at him. You notice a distinctive scar etched across his chin, giving him quite the menacing image—  His demeanour however emitted an air of calmness that clashed starkly with the anxiety boiling within you.
"Excuse me. Do you need help with that?" his offer breaks the silence, gesturing toward a set of props in your hands. The tool had been quite fragile, so you had wanted to carry it as securely as possible. Maybe too secure. You had been fighting with it for a few minutes, and Omi seemed to have noticed your struggle.
He offers you a smile when you look his way. “I’m Omi, by the way. I’m sorry I didn’t introduce myself from the start and entered without warning.”
“Ah, no it’s— ” the fact that he had been so far so attentive makes your cheeks burn. “Um, my name is Y/N, I’m a property designer… if I can properly schedule a meeting with my anxious thoughts before work.” The self-deprecating joke masking your escalating nerves might have been too much. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to say that.”
To your surprise he lets out a soft chuckle. “It's fine, I understand. I’m a part-time photographer so I also get nervous when I have to go alone somewhere for the first time. Especially when I have eyes on me.”
You doubt that was true (weren’t they all actors?) but if he had wanted to calm you —albeit unknowing to him the fact that him being a man was the terrifying part—  you felt it worked a bit. He had managed to get closer to you during the exchange, and you didn’t feel as tense as before.
Today was getting weird.
“Then, would you mind if I try to open it?” he asks again.
It took a while. Or maybe it just seemed like that to you. Omi didn’t make the slightest comment or movement that indicated you were taking way too long though. You walked towards him. You hand trembled slightly as you reached out to him. With a shaky breath, you handed him the prop. Omi’s gaze softened.
"Thank you for coming to give us a hand." his words are gentle, his tone a blend of reassurance and warmth while he places the tool on the table. “Work for this new play has been quite hectic and none of us know much about fixing props so when director said—”
“’s anyone home?”
“We’ve come to help! Director-sensei told us not we didn’t have to, but we thought it would be good to— Oh, Omi-kun you made it!”
This was bad.
Near you, Omi notices how you had completely frozen at the entrance of his troupemates. He turns and begins to walk up to them. “Hey Taichi, everyone.”
They are good kids so while they might seem scary you have nothing to be concerned about! Besides, I’ll be there with you as much as possible.
You remember her comment over the phone yesterday. “How about I surprise you with a sudden burst of irrational concerns then…” the comment echoes the place, their attention directed toward you. You whimper. They were bulky, tall and absolutely intimidating in your eyes.
To your surprise, the redhead laughs. “Hey, that sounded like Tsuzuru-san just know!”
You yelp and you bit your lip. The rest of the actors had begun to walk almost where you stood, their collective gaze intensifying your unease. Part of your brain tells you they are only being friendly, but you feel like prey under scrutiny.
“You must be Y/N! Are those the new props we will use?”
The red head (Taichi?) appears in the blink of an eye in front of you. His eyes move in awe from one tool to another, humming lightly and above all, talking non-stop.
The proximity was too much, too fast.
“Oh wow, this is so cool! Look, Ban-chan!”
Before you can process it, someone else begin to lean in as well to inspect your equipment.
“Sweet.” The young man mentions, his expression one of approval. “Is this going to be—”
“If any of you get any closer I swear I will cry.”
Words tumbled out before you could stop them. There it was, your usual way to threaten people to leave your personal space. Some tended to find it funny. Others not so much. Your stress picks up just by imagining their reactions.
“Settsu, stop intimidatin' them.”
“Uh?! I don’ think ya should be the one to talk, fuckface.”
"I wasn't the one who was putting their nose in the work of others."
"How are you so sure they didn't mean your..."
As those two bicker, Taichi put his hands together, worried. “I'm sorry! We got too excited. We’re not bad tho, just so you know!”
“Tell that to that resting-bitch face over there.”
"Guys you are not helping!"
Omi chuckles while the one with dark black hair next to him rolls his eyes. “Great first impression.”
You blink. You were not sure what was happening but you felt… calmer. Or at least more than you thought for some reason, just like with Omi moments before.
Their movements and voices lowered, as if they had pick up on your discomfort but weren’t really angry or bothered by it. There was a hint of understanding in the air. A subtle shift and attempt to create a cautious yet friendly distance.
“Ah, right." the one called Settsu turned to you, temporarily derailed from whatever retort he’d been about to deliver. "Did Matsukawa show ya where the storage is? We don’ have many props but Director-chan said to take a look at what we could use. They are shitty tho, guess that’s why ya are here too.”
You nod. “I was there but… he couldn’t find them. Sakyo, I think was his name, came and said he would take care of it.”
"Yeah," he confirms in understanding. “That place is a lost battle so we might as well help. Would ya like us to divide what we find or somethin’? If you’re cool with that, I mean.” he turns to the others nonchalantly and then to you. “We can also just leave. It’s your call.”
The attempt to steer the conversation away from the unease you had at first was relieving… and the thought of not having to go back to that room also helped, of course.
You make an effort to meet their gazes, but they were already talking among themselves. You try to take them all in once again. Many of them have quite a few earrings, piercing eyes, and combined with their rugged features without meaning, added to their imposing appearances.
Still, the interactions had been considerate, more than what you sometimes were used to, and the proposal had made your chest feel warm, which is why you imagine despite your usual nerves stirring, you found yourself nodding. “Anything related to the play could work. I have the equipment to fix stuff so…” you shrugged but did just best to smile. “It’d be helpful, yeah.” You meant it.
Banri sends another in return. “Copy that. Let’s go.”
“We’ll be back in a while, Y/N! Ah—  I'll make sure to look for cool things we find so you can have the play be—“
“Taichi-san you’re getting overly excited again.”
“…Thanks for the work.”
Omi, who is the last one to leave the room and follow their troupemates turns back to you at the last second. “If you need anything else we can call director and let her know you are still here."
“It's... fine. Thanks. Um, sorry for…” you didn’t finish the sentence. You didn’t really know what were you apologizing for. You back down. "Nevermind."
His laugh echoes again through the auditorium. “There’s nothing to apologize for. We'll see you in a bit then.”
And just like that, you were alone with your thoughts.
Despite the uneasy feeling you had brought, the encounter hadn't been as terrifying as you had imagined. The prospect of further interactions still seemed daunting, but for now, you found a sense of relief regarding Mankai’s Autumn Troupe.
You take a deep breath and resume working again. This time however, a small smile decorates your face.
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ts3ap9ee · 5 months
I love Muddy Hero. It's so good. Literally a masterpiece.
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xenokiryu · 15 days
Omi Fushimi 🤝 Sirius Oswald
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