fandom-joiner · 1 year
Just the Beginning
Rescue before this
Hiva coughed the weird slime-like Quirk from her lungs. “Sorry, Shinso-kun.” She continued to cough into her fist, practically doubled over. She stood straight and met the man’s hidden face, finally processing who was before her.
“A-All For One.”
“You remember. It’s been a while since I saw you last. Just this big.” He put his hand down to signal how small she had been as she stepped back, ignoring the sounds of the villains appearing behind her. Spinner gagged as Himiko put a hand to her mouth like it would stop her from getting sick.
“What the-”
Something stinks! Smells good!” Twice exclaimed.
“Sensei…” Hiva finally turned to look at Tomura.
“You failed again, huh, Tomura?” Hiva held her breath as All For One walked past to get to him. “But do not be discouraged. Just try again.” Hiva finally looked away, turning her attention to the destruction around her, gulping at the injured heroes. “Because you judged that she was an important piece.” All For One put a hand out. “Do it as many times as you need to. That is why I am here. It’s all for you.” Hive tensed at the smell of burnt caramel, the first new sense in her brain, followed by an electrical fire, burnt rubber, oil, spoiled milk, and old blood.
“You’re all terrified,” echoed in the minds of her classmates, making them jump or freeze. “Leave.” Katsuki poked his head up just a bit and locked eyes when Hiva’s darted over. He shook his head, and she sighed, seeing it from the edge of her vision when her eyes darted away.
“Shinso-kun.” All For One stepped up to her. “Why are you afraid?”
“I think that should be obvious,” she replied, voice shaking.
“Why?” Hiva tilted her head a bit. “Why is it obvious? Let me hear what you have to say.” Hiva took a step back when he took one step forward. She just waved her arms around, not knowing what to say. “This is overwhelming, isn’t it?” Hiva nodded.
“Just a bit.”
“I thought you’d be impressed.”
“Jeanist is dying!” Hiva suddenly shouted. “What about that is impressive?”
“Well, you’re quite destructive yourself,” All For One said. “The second I gave you your power, I knew. I knew you were perfect.” Hiva couldn’t move when he stepped up to her. “I’ve yet to receive a thank you.”
“Why would I ever thank you?” Hiva hissed.
“I saved you,” All For One answered. “You would be dead without me.” Hiva shook her head.
“No, you didn’t.” She moved around him and backed away, tripping over Tomura, who caught her, panicking when all five fingers touched her.
“You’re okay…?” Hiva pulled away from him, uncomfortable with the excited look she knew he had hidden behind the hand on his face.
“Shinso-kun,” Hiva froze when she stumbled into All For One’s chest, “you seem to be having some trouble remembering. Why don’t I help you?”
“No!” Hiva and Ayame each yelled, giving the other matching looks of confusion.
“Why would you hide from her what I’ve done to help her?” All For One questioned. “Now she’s scared of me when all I’ve ever wanted was to protect her.”
“She would’ve told her father,” Ayame defended. “I had to protect you.”
“No, you took that day away from her memory to protect her.” Ayame’s confused expression was back.
“Are you kidding? More pain, more power. What weapon isn’t powerful?”
“Ayame, don’t speak of your child in such a way. Hiva flinched at the hand he laid on her shoulder for fake comfort. “However,” he placed his other hand under her chin to make her look up, “you are right.” Both hands went to her head, and she backed away, grunting at the sudden sharp pain. “Don’t fight it, Shinso.”
“Mom, I don’t want to be here,” Hiva whined as she looked around. “It feels… bad.” She tried to pull her hand from Ayame’s iron grip. “I’m scared!”
“How do you expect to be a good hero if an empty room scares you?” Ayame questioned. “You’re better than that, Hiva.” A door opened, and Hiva jumped, making Ayame sigh with an eye roll. “Get yourself together.” A man walked forward, but he seemed to be struggling.
“A-Are you okay?” Hiva asked. She couldn’t help herself. The man smiled and crouched down to her height.
“Is this her?” Ayame nodded.
“Yes,” she answered the man’s question, “this is Hiva.” Ayame finally let go of Hiva’s hand. “Hiva, tell him about your Quirk.” Hiva looked away with shame.
“I don’t have one,” she whispered.
“That’s right, you don’t have one. We’re going to fix that today, okay?” Hiva looked up excitedly but then grew suspicious. It seems a little too good to be true. There was always a catch with this woman. Ayame stepped behind the man.
“Ready?” Hiva turned her suspicious look to him.
“What’s the catch?” He laughed much more than he should’ve, and Hiva tensed.
“There’s no catch,” he told her. Hiva stepped forward, and he put a hand on her head. “I’m about to give you a lot of power. Do you think you can handle it?” Hiva hesitated but then nodded.
“I think so.” The man chuckled, and his smile fell away.
“That’s a no.” Hiva tried to step away, but it was too late. Hiva screamed in pain. He pulled his hand away, and she fell to her knees. Her eyes glowed a dim black as tar-colored tears fell down her face. A cloud exploded from her and destroyed all the equipment as she crumbled to the ground.
“It’s done,” he said as he collapsed into a chair.
“It is?” Ayame asked.
“Yes.” It was almost entirely silent, with the only sound coming from Hiva’s whimpers. “It’s okay. You can stand.” Hiva shook her head.
“Get. Up.” All For One reached out to Ayame.
“Be gentle.” He groaned as he stood and held out a hand. “I honestly didn’t expect that. Let me help you up.” He again offered his hand, but Hiva didn’t take it. He sighed before lifting her up and carrying her over to the wall. He put her back down and leaned her back. He sighed again as he straightened himself. “What are you doing in here, Tomura?” The boy standing in the doorway frowned.
“I’m sorry, I heard things, and I just…”
“You got curious?” Tomura nodded. “That’s okay. Curiosity is the base of humanity.” All For One gave the boy a ‘come here’ motion. “Come on.” Tomura did as told and tensed at the purple-haired girl leaning on the wall.
“Who’s that?” She looked up, and he saw that her eyes were completely black. Just endless glowing black.
“Someone you should get to know.” All For One and Ayame left the two alone, and Tomura sat beside her.
“What’s your name?” he asked.
“Hiva,” she whispered. Black blood fell from the corner of her mouth, but she paid no attention to it.
“I’m Tomura.” He studied her for a second. “You’re kinda scary.” Hiva frowned at that. “I like it!” Hiva smiled a bit. “You don’t like heroes either, huh?”
“Why do you think that?”
“So, you do?”
“I like real ones.”
“Real ones? Like All Might, right?” Hiva shook her head at Tomura. The bitterness left his tone. “Then what’s a real hero?”
“Such a beautiful experiment,” All For One sighed as he stepped closer to her. Hiva looked up at him but still somehow managed to stare him down. “So much power in you. I don’t like to pick favorites, but you’re my favorite Nomu. I didn’t have to change your body at all! It was so easy with you that I assumed I knew what was wrong. I thought others would be just as easy. Unfortunately, I needed to change them. Well, all others except one.” Hiva fought the urge to take a step back. “I still haven’t gotten my thank you. I did you quite the favor.” Hiva scoffed, and Haruko gave her a worried look. “I think it’s time you repay me. It’s time to do your job.” Hiva slapped his hand away from her.
“I don’t owe you shit,” she told him.
“You owe me everything. Do you really think you could’ve gotten into U.A. without my help? No one would even know your name without me.”
“I don’t want people to know my name,” she replied.
“You’re lying, Shinso-kun.”
“Yamada!” Hiva shouted, surprising herself with her outburst.
“You want people to know you,” All For One taunted. “You want everyone to know your name because you have to prove yourself to everyone. Thanks to me, you can. I made you, and everyone will see you because of it.” Hiva screamed with frustration. The sound forced the villain back, cracking his mask and further destroying the wreckage behind him.
“I created myself,” Hiva growled. “You didn’t do anything for me except give me something I never wanted.” She walked up to All For One and got up in his face. “Considering the shit I was dealing with, I was doing great. All you did was make it worse.”
“You will respect me.”
“Oh, will I? What are you gonna do if I don’t?” Hiva challenged. Aza grew behind her, becoming a beast that towered over them.
“You will do what I ask.” Hiva sucked in a breath.
“But I don’t feel like it,” she whispered. All For One seemed to want to say something but stopped.
“You’re here, after all, aren’t you…?” Hiva turned to where All For One looked and watched All Might soar through the air. He punched at the villain, but All For One grabbed his fists.
“I’ll have you return everything, All For One!” All Might yelled.
“Will you kill me again, All Might?” Aza shrunk down and forced the men away from each other with a wave of its arm. Both turned to Hiva, and she put her hands up.
“Not me.” Aza waved to them, and a large explosion sent everyone flying back.
“You’re pretty late,” All For One taunted. “It’s a little more than five kilometers from the bar to here.” Hiva’s eyes widened when she realized All For One was the only one standing except her. “It was easily 30 seconds after I sent the Nomus before you arrived. You’ve gotten weaker, All Might.”
“What about you? What’s with the industrial mask you’ve got on? Aren’t you overexerting yourself? I won’t make the same mistake as I did six years ago, All For One! I will take Young Hiva back! And this time, I will throw you in prison for sure! And all of the League of Villains you control with you!” All Might lept at All For One, and the villain raised his hand in response.
“There’s so much to do. It’ll be tough… for both of us.” His arm began to swell, and a powerful typhoon blew from his palm, knocking him back through buildings.
“Aza!” Hiva snatched Aza out of the air and threw her arms toward the direction All Might went. Black smoke wrapped around the buildings, lifting the ones that collapsed from the ground and steadying the ones that would follow.
“Air Cannon plus Spring-like Limbs, Kinetic Booster times four, Strength Enhancer times three. This combination is fun. Maybe I’ll try to add a few more enhancer types.” Hiva suddenly felt her feet leave the ground and flew back, taking buildings down as All Might had. She laid there until she felt the bones in her body rearrange and fix themselves. She took a deep breath and stumbled slightly from the numb feeling.
“Alright, let’s do this.” Hiva appeared back on the battlefield and watched All Might dodge whatever Quirk All For One was using. Hiva held her hand out, black swirling around her arm and rushing towards All For One. He was sucked in and then shot out like a cannonball. All Might looked over to Hiva, and she threw her arm down, forcing all the villains to the ground.
“Behind you!” she warned, sending black over the hero's head. All For One blew her attack away and used his Quirk to stab into All Might’s back and her chest, forcing them both to the ground. The villains rose to their feet.
“I won’t let you. That’s why I’m here!” All For One threw All Might and pulled Hiva closer to him. When she was close enough, she blew up like a bomb. Black smoke filled the leveled area and forced everyone back. The smoke seemed to reverse, and Hiva appeared again, gasping for breath.
“Impressive, Hiva,” All For One complimented as he stepped through the dust. All Might jumped from the building to All For One. While they fought, Hiva dodged the villains and tried to get to Shigaraki. She dodged Toga’s knives and spun around Shigaraki, lightly grazing his head. ‘Gotcha.’
“Shigaraki,” he jumped at her voice in his head, “I need you to listen to me. I’m trying to keep you all safe. I can’t not hurt you if you’re here. You have to go.” Shigaraki shook his head. “I promise I’ll find you.”
“No!” he shouted.
“Shigaraki, I have to keep up the act. I have to be a hero right now.” Hiva swiped her hand through the air and sent the villains back. “I know a part of you trusts me. I need it to listen to me.” Shigaraki had no response. Hiva ducked under Yuuma’s hand, and she once again made sure to pass Shigaraki.
“Please, Tomura,” she whispered, hand brushing his. He watched her duck away from Compress and sighed. Just then, a large explosion followed by a cliff-like size of ice appeared. Hiva watched the group fly through. Eijiro towards the front, with Tenya, Izuku, and Katsuki acting as propellers. Katsuki and Izuku each held their hands out to her.
“Veeves!” Izuku called. Hiva shook her head and held her hand toward where they had been hiding. Black surrounded Shoto and Momo and flung them up to the group in the air.
“I told you to get out of here!” The black spread to all of them, and she winced at the scream of fury Katsuki released before they all disappeared from view.
“We’re leaving!” Shigaraki called.
“What?!” Ayame screeched. “We can’t! We’re-” She stopped when Shigaraki turned to her. Before they could go, Gran Torino attacked Twice, Spinner, and Magne, knocking them all to the ground.
“That was a stupid thing to do, kid,” he told Hiva. She nodded.
“I know, but this fight with All For One isn’t just All Might's.”
“You’ll get yourself killed. You have the power to leave.”
“Which means I have the power to win.”
“You’re too slow!” All Might exclaimed as Gran Torino dropped to the ground.
“You’re too fast! Hey, Midoriya’s really turning out to be more and more like you. In a bad way!”
“All Might!” The hero turned to Hiva. “Don’t hold back, just stay out of my way. Don’t want you breaking a hip or something, do we, old man?” Hiva sent him a teasing grin, and he sighed.
“You should have gone.”
“I already heard that!” she shouted. “This is my fight, too!”
“No, it isn’t!” She shook her head at him.
“You have no right to decide what does and doesn’t include me."
“Shimura’s friend, huh?” Hiva’s head snapped to where All For One was sitting in the rubble. All Might coughed into his hand, and Hiva swallowed her gulp.
“It’s shameful, but with this, I can defeat you without reserve, All For One!”
“We’ve got five left here, too!” Gran Torino called while staring at Ayame, Yuuma, Kai, Shigaraki, and Toga. “I’ll end this!”
“Tomura, I don’t want this to end!” Toga whined.
“They got us,” All For One said. “They neatly turned the tables on us in one move.” The Quirk he used before went Over All Might’s shoulder and into Magne’s chest. “Forcible Quirk Activation! Magnetism!” Gran Torino jumped towards Shigaraki.
“Turn to dust!” Before either could make contact, Shigaraki was dragged back. The men flew towards Toga and Ayame, and they all fell through the warp gate as Shigaraki continued to fight. “With that body, you’ll- No!” Tomura was finally pulled through. “I’m… not…”
“Tomura… You must keep fighting.” All Might lept at All For One. “‘Warping’. Plus ‘Shock Inversion!’” Hiva saw what he was doing before All Might and appeared in front of his punch, shielding Gran Torino and watching his arm fly back from the recoil.
“I-I’m sorry!” he apologized. Hiva pulled Gran Torino from the warp and placed him on the ground, far from the fight.
“Are you okay?” The hero merely nodded as she stood to turn back to the fight. ‘How did she do that? When you’re high on endorphins, it’s hard to recognize pain, but that… She didn't even stumble.’
“I only came to save Tomura, but if you say you’re going to fight, then I will, too. In the past, that fist crushed one after another of my comrades, and you were extolled as the Symbol of Peace. The view you had from atop our sacrifices… It must have been a great one.”
“Detroit… Smash!” All Might’s fist met All For One's palm, and Hiva waved her hand, creating a wall to protect the older hero from the backlash of their matching power. Hiva rose from All For One’s shadow and flew up using the same air cannon he had used earlier, forcing him into the ground. ‘I don’t know if All Might can do this alone, but I can’t say that. If I could be certain, I would’ve left. Something just feels wrong.’ All For One floated and landed gently on his feet.
“I won’t let you fight without reserve,” Al For One said. “Either of you. Heroes have a lot of things they need to protect, don’t they?”
“Shut up…” ‘People are getting injured because of this fight. How many have already died? How many will?’
“You always toy with people like that! You break them! Scoffing irrationally at the people just trying to live their lives.” All Might jumped forward and grabbed All For One’s arm before he could react. “I cannot…”
“Oh no… time for Warping…”
“… forgive that!” All Might yelled. His fist met All For One’s mask, shattering it instantly and forcing him to the ground. ‘It’s not over yet. That wouldn’t finish it. If All Might can get that close, I could too. I have been, I've just been playing it too safe. I can get him somewhere away from people so no one else can get caught in the crossfire.’
“Toshinori…” Torino wheezed. “You’ve reached your limit…!”
“What’s wrong?” All For One taunted. “You seem to be very worked up about something, All Might. I heard the same line before…” All For One laughed, and All Might gasped, “… from the previous One For All successor… Shimura Nana.”
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Well guess who's back! 🥳
After my long burnout, I'm getting back into my hero academia so I'm rewatching from the beginning and rewriting/redesigning Hikaru as I go! I love my old OCs, but having that many and making them in rapid succession was a big part of the burnout. So Hikaru's gonna be the main stay!
I'm aiming to draw more of her and hopefully some little comics between her and her love interests. Hope you guys like the drawing!! ❤
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classycoffeesublime · 2 years
Coming of age is the most exhausting process I ever had to go through. I just turned 18 and now realise, that from now on I am the only one resposible for my actions. And that means that I simply cannot hide in bed when something is wrong, I have to get up and fix it. And even tho I luckly was not faced with such a situation yet, I know it will come. And I am scared because it is so new and I do not have any experince in beig forced to be the only one in control. It is new and you cannot learn it from a book. You have to experience it. And that is what I fear. The sitting around and waiting. The waiting for the first big decision I will mes up, the first time I will fail big time. And there is nothing that can prepare me for it.
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girl-bateman · 3 years
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Pisces sun / Taurus moon / Aries rising
Aesthetic for midwestgirlstateofmind
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musicign · 6 years
bold tag
I was tagged by the amazing @acaddemia but this is the first chance I’ve to complete it so sorry. Thank you so much of tagging me😊
rules: bold the true statements!
I am 5′7″ or taller
I wear glasses 
I have at least one tattoo
I have blonde hair 
I have brown eyes
I have short hair 
My abs are at least somewhat defined
I have or have had braces
There is something I would change about the way I look
My Hogwarts house is: Gryffindor Hufflepuff Ravenclaw Slytherin
I am an introvert 
I like meeting new people(sometimes)
People tell me that I’m funny
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me 
I enjoy physical challenges 
I enjoy mental challenges
I’m playfully rude with people I know well
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well 
I can play an instrument (at a very beginner level)
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well
I have a good memory 
I’m good at doing math in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute 
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
I know how to throw a proper punch (in theory)
I enjoy playing sports
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else 
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else 
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing
Fandoms are my #1 passion 
I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss 
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event 
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country 
I have been to one of my favourite band/artist’s concerts
I’m in a relationship
I have a celebrity crush 
I have a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least 3 relationships 
I have never been in a relationship 
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for over a year 
I have been in a relationship for at least a year 
I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”
I live close to my school
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling
I live in the United States
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with a friend outside of school in the past month 
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CDs
I have breakdanced 
I know a person named Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week 
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life
I speak at least 2 languages fluently
I have made a new friend in the past year
Tagging: @kristalstudies @annikki-studies @jubistudys @raisingg-the-bar @everyoneinterstedinthis
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asher-doodles · 2 years
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Ojiro is such an underrated character, and deserves so much better. So here's a little art of my (slightly redesigned) Ojiro! I also included a silhouette version since I think it looks pretty cool-
Transparent versions under the cut!
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31 notes · View notes
literature-cult · 3 years
ever sit there and think ‘damn i really wish me and my secret lover had a tree to meet at midnighth at cuz we can’t meet in public bcoz of society problems and those little stolen moments we share under the night sky are the ones i hold closest to my heart’
90 notes · View notes
cloudcloudcloud · 3 years
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4 notes · View notes
sunflxwerelfgirl · 3 years
manifests getting a dog by writing the dog I want into my book
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quebbeb · 4 years
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if ONE MORE PERSON calls this little man an it or a thing I WILL LOOSE MY SHIT
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fandom-joiner · 2 years
Conversations before this
Hiva's P.o.V
“Hear any of that?” I turned to Shigaraki and tilted my head.
“Any of what?”
“The news.” I shook my head, and he chuckled a bit. “Well, I’m really great full for all the publicity we’ve been getting. Hey, don’t you agree...?” I shrugged.
“It depends on how you want to think about it,” I answered. “Right now, it’s the reason staying low is the best option for you guys.” I felt Ayame’s burning gaze pierce the back of my head and sighed. I heard the door close and turned to look behind Ayame to Dabi.
“Shinso, come.” Ayame growled but turned to Dabi. “Not you, dumbass. The little one.” He turned to me, and his tone changed. “Come on.” I hummed at the weirdly gentle voice but followed.
“Where’d you go?” I asked, trotting after him to the bathroom. He lifted the items in his arms to signal he stole from some store. “Why? We have to lay low.”
“A thank you would be nice,” he replied while shoving a box of pads into my chest. “You’re welcome.” I tilted my head at him. “Kai.” I huffed but thanked him. “Up.” I hopped on the counter between two sinks and watched Dabi unwrap my arms and head. I hummed at the familiar look on his face.
“You’re either an older brother or dad,” I observed. “Too young for dad. Do I remind you of a sibling or something?”
“Shut up before I set you on fire,” he threatened. “Turns out I wasted my time and energy. You’re fine.” He turned and quickly left the room.
“Thank you!” I called after him. ‘I was right about something. That was an odd reaction.’
“I’m just doing what I’m told!” ‘He doesn’t seem the type to follow the rules either.’ I shrugged and slid off the counter to go to one of the bathroom stalls. I sighed when I left the bathroom. A hand on my shoulder kept me from going any farther. I turned and sighed at Ayame.
“You are far more devious than I thought. I raised an eyebrow.
“What is that supposed to mean?” She scoffed.
“You’re doing what took me years,” she hissed.
“Okay, same question.” I shrugged her hand off my shoulder, but she grabbed me again.
“Somehow, you have Tomura wrapped around your finger,” Ayame finally explained. “Congratulations on getting Dabi too.”
“Shigaraki, maybe, but Dabi’s just following orders.”
“What? You think Shigaraki is ordering us to make you comfy? No one’s comfortable here! What did you do?” I shrugged to answer and to get her hand off of me.
“Nothing,” I replied. “It never crossed your mind that I’m just likable? Unlike you, Ayame, I don’t need to play with people’s heads to make friends."
“You are nothing more than a manipulative bitch, and I’ll make sure Tomura knows it.”
“Okay, Ayame.” I turned and walked away, taking a deep breath when I went around the corner. ‘God, I hate it here.’
According to the news, everyone but Ragdoll was safe and accounted for. Those unconscious or injured were safe but in the hospital to be monitored. It seemed that they wanted to be sure that there were no lasting effects. They were also naming me a hero. I learned the villains’ real goal and sacrificed myself for the safety of my friends and heroes. I wanted that to happen, but the name still made me cringe. I grabbed the remote and clicked the television off. “I’m getting sick of hearing that,” I grumbled as I patted Aza’s head.
“Um, Shinso…”
“Hiva,” I corrected Magne. “What’s up?” She took the bar stool beside me.
“I wanted to apologize for that.” Magne pointed to her head.
“You’re trans, right?” Magne slowly nodded, wondering what that had to do with anything. “I’ll pretend it never happened if you get a little personal with me.”
“What do you mean?” I shrugged with a sigh.
“I’ve never had anyone to talk to when it comes to gender stuff. Maybe it’s weird, but…”
“It’s not weird,” Magne assured. “What’s up?”
“How did you know?” I asked. “Well, I know, but how did you accept it, I guess, is what I mean. Because everyone else I’ve met, my family included, can be who they are no problem, but I feel guilty and wrong when I try.”
“You’re not them,” Magne told me. “Every journey is different, and yours had Ayame in a way theirs didn't.” I grumbled a bit.
“She fucks with you too?”
“Just those little passing comments,” Magne stated. “I can guess the impression she made about gender and sexuality. No matter what, people will look down on you for being yourself. It makes being you the hardest thing to be. At some point, you should stop living in the image others set for you and start living in the one you set for yourself.” Ayame chose that moment to walk in, and I bit my lip. “You’re a kind, pretty kid. You deserve to be yourself.” I smiled at Magne.
“Thanks.” Magne nodded.
“I hoped that helped.” I nodded back.
“It did.”
Kai sat beside me at the bar, and I slid the bag of chips over to him. With Shigaraki as a babysitter to make sure I didn’t slip away, I used my Quirk to disguise us. I used the same trick I had to get into the underground bar and went out to steal some food from a relatively close corner store. How they lived in this bar so long, I have no clue. “No.” He pushed the bag back and continued to stare.
“What’s with the face?” I asked as I stole my drink back from Shigaraki. “Will you stop that?!” He huffed. “Well, I told you to get your own.” Kai grabbed my wrist and pulled me away. “Hey, watch it!” He threw me into the bathroom, and I almost stumbled into one of the stalls. “What’s your problem, man?” Kai sighed and rubbed at his hair. “Are you okay?” I could feel his nervousness. Something about him felt normal, and I hated that. He took my hand and placed it on his head.
“Read,” he ordered.
“I need to talk to you, but it just can’t be here.” ‘Still so paranoid.’ I thought with a sigh. For whatever reason, I let him pull me after him. I felt someone following us, and from how Kai’s jaw tensed, he did too. He went out the back and through the emergency exit, practically staring into my soul when the door swung shut. The door slammed open, and we both jumped, Kai pulling me closer like it was still an instinct. I looked over and saw Ayame searching the alley.
“Damn, Haruko!” She waited a minute before sighing and heading back inside. When the door closed again, Kai started pointing in random directions, teleporting us anywhere and everywhere until we stopped on a random roof. He sighed and let go of me when he blinked, rubbing at his eyes.
“Okay, what’s going on?”
“I’m sorry.” I tilted my head.
“Excuse me?” Kai swallowed and shook his head.
“I just… I wanted to finally say it. I swear I mean it, but it'll make you listen to what I have to say.” I was confused but sat, and Kai slowly did the same.
“Alright, I’m listening.” Kai sighed.
“I was looking back at everything, and I realized we were made to fail,” he started. “I was shit, and it made you act like shit.”
“You weren’t the only one causing problems,” I mumbled. ‘It was just easier to pretend it was just you.’ Kai shook his head and laughed.
“No. You tried so hard! I really changed you.”
“Just a bit.” ‘After blaming him for so long, it’s hard to see him like this. I don’t think it’s just his fault. Or is it, and I just want to believe he’s good?’
“I was the bad guy. You were and somehow still are so perfect.” I shook my head. ‘I want this to be a trick, but I can feel your regret. Go back to being mean.’ “We each had issues. You kept yours to yourself, and I took mine out on you. I’m sorry, Hi- Shinso. I didn’t have anything to go off of. I thought that’s how it was supposed to be.” I nodded, remembering all the times they had to listen to his parents’ arguments that quickly turned to fist fights. “You were no stranger to the screaming and fighting, but when Aizawa showed up, you got a sense of stability I never knew. You tried so hard, and I turned us into my parents. There’s not enough apologies in the world to make up for that. I did whatever I could to hurt you, and I still don’t know why. Maybe I was jealous that you were growing, and I was still stuck.” Kai gave me a sad smile. “I made you afraid of me. You still look afraid of me.” I sighed and pulled my knees to my chest.
“You want to believe I was perfect, but you have to be honest,” I said. “I wasn’t a good person when I was with you. Maybe it’s because people play into the toxicity of others. That’s what you want to believe. I don’t care if it was because of you or not, though. I still feel bad for what I did, and I wanted to blame you, too. Hearing you take responsibility like that makes me feel bad for not doing the same. I cheated, too, because I wanted to get back at you. I yelled back, and I pushed you back-"
“You never hit me back.” I rested my chin on my knees and looked at the ground.
“But I wanted to,” I admitted quietly. “I really wanted to.”
“Everything you did, you wouldn’t have if it weren’t for me.” I quickly wiped my eyes just in case and looked up at him.
“But I still could’ve been better. You’re not the only one that messed up. I don’t want to blame only you anymore.” He shook his head.
“You didn’t do anything to make me act how I did.”
“Then it was neither of our faults.” Kai shook his head again. “No, because your family made you like that, so it’s not your fault either. You were right. We would’ve never made it together. We were, what, thirteen when we first met? Traumatized and desperate for anyone to love us? How can we be at fault for that?” Kai sighed.
“You’re still so stubborn.” I smiled at his little chuckle.
“But I think it was me.”
“Hi- Shin- I’m bad at this. Shinso-” Kai shut his mouth when I lifted my hand.
“I still care about and love you, just not how I did. I don’t think it was ever how I should’ve. It’s a trick I’ve played on myself so many times. You liked me, so I made myself like you back.” Kai was rightfully upset at that. “If I loved you how I should’ve, none of this would’ve happened.” Kai shook his head.
“You’re right. It was none of our faults.” I tilted my head. “You expect me to believe you’d act like that without your mommy and abandonment issues?” I rolled my eyes at the seriousness hidden in his joking tone. “I think we just got dealt an unlucky hand.” I nodded.
“I think so too.” It was comfortably silent, something I didn’t expect. “You’re so normal now. What was that at USJ? It certainly wasn’t Haruko.” Haruko smiled at the sound of his first name but quickly shook it away.
“Because it wasn’t,” he replied. “It was Ayame. This is what I wanted to say. She wanted me to join. She said I could finally get you back, and I fell for it. I heard her plans, and found out what kind of person she was. It was one hell of an eye-opener, that’s for sure. I tried to back out, but she didn’t let me. Everything’s been foggy ever since. I remember it, but it’s like a dream. I don’t know what happened or what I made up.” I waved my hand to interrupt him, getting on my knees to lean into his face.
“Sorry, one sec. You broke out of her brainwashing?” He nodded. “How? I’ve never met anyone that could do that.” Haruko shrugged.
“I don’t know, but I’m not worried about that now. Ayame’s losing it. She’s not just gonna fall off her rocker, it’s gonna send her flying. Honestly, Hiva, the things she’s said…” Haruko shivered. “I thought I had it bad. She’s a monster and far too good at hiding it.” I nodded.
“Believe me, I’m aware.”
“I want you to go.” I shook my head. “No, Hiva, you really have to go.”
“No, Haruko, I will not.”
“You can’t actually be joining the league?!”
“So, what if I am?!” I yelled. “What’s there to lose?”
“Kaminari!” he shouted back. “That’s his name, right? Your Mic?” I sighed at the comparison.
“One of them… I guess.” Haruko processed this for a second.
“Oh… Oh!” I nodded. “I thought that was a rumor.”
“Nope.” It was quiet for a second, and Haruko shifted to sit next to me.
“I’m really happy for you,” he told me. “I’m happy you have him and whoever the other one is. I’m glad you have real friends and not those fakes we used to have to pretend to like. I’m happy you’re happy.” I smiled at Haruko and gently took his hand before letting my head to fall to his shoulder.
“Do you think Ayame’s losing grip on her Quirk because she’s losing grip on herself?” I wondered aloud.
“Maybe. I can’t think of any other reason.” I stood and pulled Haruko to his feet.
“Let’s just go back,” I said. “Ayame probably knows you’re out of it, so I suggest you play along. Don’t let her think you’re gonna leave. I’ll get you out of there. I promise.” Haruko smiled and pulled me into a tight hug.
“Thank you so much, Hiva.” I slowly hugged him back.
“Of course. That’s what heroes do, right?” Haruko pulled away with an even wider smile.
“I knew you weren’t joining.”
“We’re going. Come on.”
There was so much going on. Maybe, not a lot going on, but it certainly felt overwhelming. “Oh, pops,” I sighed at the screen.
“We deeply apologize for the incident that allowed harm to come to 28 first years of the hero course because of our unpreparedness. We apologize for causing unease in society due to our negligence in properly defending ourselves as a place of learning. We are truly sorry.” Pops, Nezu, and Vlad bowed, and I turned to my cup, tuning out what was on the screen until it shut off.
“It’s so strange…” I looked beside me to Shigaraki. “Why are the heroes being criticized? The way they were dealing with things was just a little off the mark. Is it because it’s their job to protect? Everyone makes a mistake or two. Are they supposed to be perfect? Modern-day heroes are so uptight. Don’t you think, Hiva?” I shrugged.
“Certainly, seems it,” I agreed. “Something I’ve realized in the public eye is that everyone loves you, but no one likes you. The longer you have a spotlight on you, the easier it is to get uptight. Heroes need everyone to like them all the time.”
“Once heroes receive compensation to protect people,” Spinner spoke up, “they aren’t heroes anymore. That is Stain’s teaching.”
“Hey, cultist, when did I say anything that had to do with that?” I asked. “While Stain’s ideology is correct, in a sense, you get paid for everything since everything’s a job. It’s unavoidable.”
“The strange system of transforming people’s lives into money or glory… The society that sticks tight to those rules… the citizens who blame the losers rather than encourage them… Our fight is to question: What is a hero? What is justice? Is this society truly just? We’ll have everyone thinking about it. We’re planning on winning. You like winning, too, right?” I nodded. “Even though our situations differ, everyone here has been restricted and suffered because of people's rules… and heroes…”
“And I can understand that,” I stated. “Also, why I’ve asked you to drop the ones that restricted me. You’ve done everything else, practically bent over backwards. Why can’t you do this one thing?" I felt Ayame’s rage-filled eyes burn into the back of my head. “My guess: You don’t have as much power as you think.” Everyone was silent.
“Tomura, don’t listen to her,” Ayame ordered, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Can’t you hear her? She’s trying to manipulate you. Play you like a puppet.” I nodded.
“Yes,” I told him, “but it’s to open your eyes. Who do I sound like?”
“Ayame,” he muttered, pulling his shoulder from her grip.
“That’s what she does. She pretends to be your friend until you make a decision she doesn’t like. Shiggy, when was the last time you made an order without her whispering over your shoulder? How many times has she lashed out because you didn’t do what she wanted?”
“You, shut up!” Ayame screamed.
“Maybe like that?” I asked. “Shiggy, she’s the real puppet master. You’re not really in charge. She just wants you to think you are. People have noticed. Everyone has but you.” It stayed dead quiet. It was awkward with tension so thick a chainsaw couldn’t even cut through.
“Th-The heroes said they’re continuing their investigation of us… We don’t have time to talk leisurely. Sensei- Lend me your power.”
“Ah, I forgot. Everyone has you around their finger.” Shigaraki’s hand twitched at my words. “You just don’t know how to think for yourself.” Shigaraki took a step towards me but stopped when there was a knock at the door.
“Pizza-La, Camino store.” I tilted my head. All Might suddenly burst through the wall Spinner was leaning on with a loud shout.
“What the-!” I sighed at Spinner’s cry and rested my chin in my palm.
“Kurogiri! Gate!” Shigaraki ordered.
“Pre-emptive Binding…” the tree hero I couldn’t remember the name of right now swung in and trapped everyone, “... Lacquered Chain Prison!”
“A tree?” Dabi mumbled, blue flames starting to light over his body. “What the heck?” An old hero zipped in and kicked Dabi in the head to knock him out.
“Don’t be impatient. It’d be in your best interest to stay put.”
“Just what I’d expect from one of the most competent new heroes around, Kamui Woods! And the veteran faster than the eye can see, Gran Torino! You can’t run anymore, League of Villains! Why? Because we are here!” ‘All For One has to have a plan to get them out of this. I wasn’t expecting a rescue so fast. I can work around it. I can make this work.’
“Right after the press conference…” Compress muttered. “Don’t tell me this was pre-arranged?” ‘It has to be.”
“Tree man! Stop pulling me! Push!” Twice yelled while Toga wiggled and whined.
“When one is on the offensive is when one neglects defense the most,” Edgeshot stated as he appeared in the bar. “We’re not the only ones here from the Pizza-La Comino store.” He opened the door to show officers armed to the teeth. ‘Can’t believe I’m wishing for this, but All For One, get us outta here. I got shit to do.’ “Outside, you’re surrounded by skilled heroes, like Endeavor,” ‘a stretch.’, “and the police.”
“I’m sure you were scared.” I rolled my eyes at Uncle Nori. “You did good bearing it. I’m sorry. It’s fine now, Young Hiva!”
“I’ve been scarier places than a musty bar,” I replied. “I had everything under control.” All Might smiled and gave me a thumbs up before pulling me over and into his side. I noticed him eyeing Ayame, and she flipped him off, biting the air in his direction. “God damn! Did any of you bring a muzzle?”
“After I went through all that trouble to prepare this… Why are you coming to me, you last boss?” Shigaraki questioned. “It can’t be helped. ‘We’re not the only ones here.’ The same goes for us. Kurogiri, bring as many as you can over!”
“Nomus, I presume!” All Might shouted back.
“What’s the matter, Kurogiri?” ‘They destroyed it?’ I guessed.
“I’m sorry, Shigaraki Tomura. The Nomus that were supposed to be in the fixed location… are not there…!”
“You are still green, Shigaraki.” I looked up at All Might when he patted my shoulder.
“Huh,” Shigaraki growled.
“League of Villains, you underestimated everything too much- The soul of a young woman-” ‘That’s a jump.’ “The diligent investigations of the police- And- Our anger! That’s enough with that childish pranks. This is the end. Shigaraki Tomura!”
“All Might… This is the hero acknowledged by Stain!” I squinted at Spinner. ‘You are really brainwashed, my guy.’
“The end, you say? Don’t be ridiculous. I’ve only just begun. Justice… peace… I’ll destroy this garbage heap that you put a lid on with such vague ideas!” Shigaraki struggled to stand as he spoke. “It was for that purpose that I set All Might apart and started gathering people to my cause. Don’t be ridiculous. This is the beginning. Kurogiri!” Edgeshot attacked Kurogiri before he could do anything!”
“No, stop!” Magne yelled. ‘After what All Might said, how can anyone be sure this is justice and not revenge?’ “I couldn’t see anything! What, did you kill him?”
“I played around with his insides and made him unconscious!” Edgeshot replied. “He is not dead. Ninpo-Thousand Sheet Pierce! This man was always a nuisance. I’ll have him sleep.”
“Didn’t I tell you earlier that it’d be in your best interest to stay put?” Gran Torino asked. “Hikiishi Kenji, Sako Atsuhiro, Iguchi Shuichi, Toga Himiko, Bubaigawara Jin. With little information and time, that police officers worked through the night to determine your true identities. Do you understand?” ‘Even if they manage to get away, they won’t be able to hide.’ “There’s nowhere left for you to run.” I looked towards the screen. ‘Where are you to help your protege?’ “Hey, Shigaraki, can I ask you where your boss is?”
“This… This is… unsatisfying… Don’t be ridiculous…”
“Where is he right now?” All Might tried.
“Go away… Disappear.”
“I hate you!” Things suddenly appeared on either side of Shigaraki, and Nomus started to climb through. ‘Finally!’
“Nomus?!” Woods cried. “They came from nowhere!” More appeared in the air. I began to cough, and the Quirk fell from my mouth. I tried to find an escape when it surrounded me but was just met with a handful of slime.
“Hiva!” All Might shouting was the last thing I heard from the bar.
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cloudycoffee · 3 years
i have no idea if anyone would be actually interested in it but i kinda want to make a dark academia sticker pack!! and i’m so excited to make one hehe i’m gonna start drawing for the sticker pack tomorrow. i have some mutuals here that are interested in dark academia so i thought i’d write it here.
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classycoffeesublime · 3 years
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There is nothing more acdemic than visiting the church. You get to think, to hear beautyfull music and you can learn about the world. You do not have to belife in God in order to enjoy this experience. You can understand the ground ideas of the western world and maybe, this form of meditation helps you, to finde a new side to yourself. The archtecture is so extraordinary and in my hometown there even are services in latin. I feel like Iearn so much by just listening to these words spoken and the atmosphere that churches have, it is astounding . 
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laceymorganwrites · 4 years
She-Hulk and Explosion Boy pt.3
Word Count: 1,834
Pairing: Bakugo x fem!reader
Warnings: cursing
Summary: You wonder if Bakugo and you reached friend status yet and hang out
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“Hey, (Y/N), wait up!” Bakugo called out for you on your way to school.
“What?” you asked him, stopping in your tracks to wait for him.
“I just wanted to apologize for yesterday, I mean the gym thing, I´ll make it up to you!” he promised.
“I told you it´s fine already” you groaned.
“What´s going on with you lately? You seem on edge” he pointed out and you shot him a death glare.
You hated it how well he could read you, well to be fair, you could read him just as well.
Maybe that´s why you could communicate without using any words, you understood each other like that.
And even though you did, you didn´t seem to grow any closer as friends, you never met outside of school and yes, that bothered you.
It bothered you not knowing anything about him, about Bakugo, the only one who seemed to get you, someone you wanted as a friend.
But he didn´t see you that way, for him you were just his competition and gym partner.
“I´m just pissed lately, that´s all. You can´t tell me you don´t have those days” you glanced at him, hoping the topic would be over.
“I know you´re lying, but whatever, you don´t have to tell me anything” he sounded far more pissed than he intended to and regretted it immediately.
Luckily you didn´t seem to notice it, well you did, but you also decided not to act on it, you were too tired to have a fight right now.
“I´m just not in the mood to talk today, okay?” you sighed heavily, hoping that the conversation would end now.
You didn´t intend to sound so… sad?
“Are you angry at me?” Bakugo asked, but his voice was a mere whisper, as if he was afraid of the answer.
You groaned loudly, stopping and turning around to him.
“Yes! Yes I fucking am!” you yelled, letting all of your frustrations out.
Bakugo just blinked in confusion.
“What the fuck? I didn´t even do anything!” he defended himself, frowning.
In this instance he tried his hardest to think back on what he could´ve done wrong, but nothing came to mind.
“Wait...is it still because of the gym thing?” he asked.
“No, no it´s not. Could you shut up for one second!” you balled your fists in your frustration.
Bakugo stayed silent as you told him to give you some time to breathe.
“Do you want to be my friend?” you asked, sure you said it quietly but the silence that followed the statement made you uneasy.
“That´s a stupid question” Bakugo scoffed, he just didn´t get it.
“Then fucking answer it” you glared at him, was it so hard for him to admit that he didn´t want to spend time with you outside of school? Why couldn´t he understand that you just needed this one answer to know for certain, to leave him alone like he wanted.
“I thought we already were friends...” he mumbled, frowning slightly and pouting.
You blinked a few times, looking at him with an expression a humanoid computer might have if it was restarting, trying to process the information that was just given to you.
“Really?” you squinted at him rather suspiciously, you never knew when people would pull pranks on you, you couldn´t be careful enough.
“Yes, okay?! Don´t make me fucking repeat myself” he growled at you, he didn´t like admitting he actually liked someone and saw them as his equal, especially if it was a pretty girl who could easily crush him.
But you needed to hear it twice because of your trust issues, you just needed some reassurance, was it so hard for Bakugo to do that?
Well, he couldn´t read your mind but you were just too embarrassed to directly address the matter.
“Okay...do you want to hang out later then?” you suggested, trying to say it as causal as possible but you couldn´t hide the nervous way your voice shook.
Bakugo didn´t mind it though, he was really glad you asked him, he was too awkward to say anything in that direction.
First he needed to build up the courage to ask you if you actually achieved friend and hang out status yet, and fuck that would only bruise his ego, luckily you did the asking for him.
But then where would you hang out? If it was at his place it would be super embarrassing because of the polar opposites of his parents and he already knew his mom would think you were more than just friends, which would be way too awkward.
“Yeah sure thing...you wanna do Math together?” he asked, he still needed to finish his homework.
“Alright, I´ll text my mom that you´ll come over” you smiled at him, taking out your cellphone and doing what you said.
The day in school was alright enough, you even sat together with your friend group, that was full of people you didn´t know and you were still uncomfortable and unsure if they actually wanted you there.
But it was nice that Mina and Bakugo were there to reassure you.
“Mom, dad! We´re here” you announced your presence as you opened the door to your apartment.
You only hoped your parents wouldn´t embarrass you too much.
“Hey honey, how was your day?” your dad greeted you, he was watching TV in the living room like usual after his day at work.
“Quite alright I guess… we didn´t get much homework, so Katsuki and me will be done soon with that” you said.
Your dad mustered Bakugo a while before saying hello, he tried his best not to give Bakugo the dad talk, but you were his little girl, he couldn´t help himself.
But then he remembered that you could very well take care of yourself and decided a simple greeting would suffice.
Bakugo would never admit that but meeting your dad was very scary for him.
“Your place looks nice” Bakugo said abruptly after thinking too long about what to say and therefore not saying anything, resolving in an awkward silence.
All he came up with was the most standard compliment, great job at fucking up…
He could hit himself right now, why couldn´t he say something like a normal person?
Your parents surely thought he was stupid right now.
“Darling you´re home! How was school? Did you kick some ass?” your mom came out of the kitchen, smiling when she saw you and Bakugo.
She was always so excited when you told her about school.
“Yeah, she kicked mine” Bakugo smirked, making you roll your eyes.
You might have been a bit overexcited in gym class today.
“Oh! You must be Katsuki, (Y/N) told me a lot about you! I´m (Y/M/N), it´s nice to meet you” she smiled brightly, shaking his hand too much, but Bakugo didn´t mind.
Did you really talk about him a lot and why did that thought make him smirk?
“Mom, you´re overwhelming him, calm down a bit” you already were embarrassed by her.
Your mom just smiled apologetically.
“Ah right! Food, I made food! You can eat upstairs if you want, I hope you like it too, Katsuki.” she went  back into the kitchen and brought the food which she handed to you.
“Have fun!” she chirped as you two went upstairs.
“We´re doing math homework, mom” you groaned.
Bakugo followed you into your room awkwardly.
“Alright, let´s get this over with so we can do something more fun. I have some video games, but we can also watch a movie or something, I don´t really mind either way” you stated, sitting down on your floor with the math sheets and pens in front of you.
So he sat down next to you and you two started solving the problems and eating in a comfortable silence.
The food was gone faster than the problems were solved and you went to your old habit of chewing on your lips, frowning in concentration as you desperately tried to figure out what the actual hell you were supposed to do in this last problem.
All of your ideas proved to be wrong after you tired them out, making you groan in frustration.
“For fuck´s sake...why is this so hard?” you mumbled, tapping your pen against the paper.
Bakugo chuckled, he was long done with the work.
“Why, are you stupid?” he smirked, teasing you a bit.
“Yes I fucking am, you asshole. Stop being a dick and help me” you snapped at him, only making him chuckle all the more.
Bakugo moved a bit closer to you so that he could look into your notes and help you.
“You´re an idiot. You´re thinking way too complicated, try to break down all the information that is given and pick out what´s necessary. You should come up with the solution that way” he pointed at the problem to underline his statement.
“Okay….we don´t need the 800 participants, right?” you tried to uncover the necessary bits.
“Those are the most important, stop guessing and think for once” he grumbled.
“I am thinking, you idiot! I just can´t figure it out” you sighed heavily.
“Okay, I´ll explain it to you” he gave in and explained it in a calm and thorough manner and in the end you actually understood it.
“Oh my god, that´s it?! That´s fucking easy” you told him, making him smirk.
“Told ya” he commented.
“Thanks for helping me” you smiled at him, playfully punching his shoulder.
“Yeah, don´t mention it” he returned the smile shyly, normally he didn´t smile at all, he didn´t even notice that he was doing it right now, weird.
“Okay, so what do you wanna do now?” you stretched your arms out, sighing.
“I don´t really care” he said nonchalantly.
“Wait, I got a new video game somewhere” you stood up and went searching through your shelves until you found it.
You triumphantly held it up in the air, smirking widely at him.
“Multiplayer, let´s kick some ass” you said, sitting down next to him on your bed and giving him a controller.
Bakugo returned your smirk, eager to play the game.
As soon as you started, both of you were in concentration mode, completing missions and quests, rising up the levels and most importantly: kick the asses of other players.
Curses left your mouths as naturally as you were breathing, you laughing mean when you won something and ranted when you lost.
It was fun playing with him, you both had the same thoughts and sometimes you said the same thing at the same time.
You had the habit of nudging Bakugo´s elbow when he fucked up somehow, little did you know that his brain needed time to restart whenever you touched him, even if it was an accidental brush of your hand against his.
Time passed quicker than both of you liked and Bakugo had to go home.
“See you in school” he simply said as he left.
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c-jay321 · 6 years
Okay so someone made this adorable animatic of Todoroki and Deku’s Japanese voice actors getting to know each other and it’s so cute cuz Deku’s super nervous and shit, and just.....please watch this.
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literature-cult · 3 years
the idea of having a tree as a secret meet-up point for me and my forbidden lover seems very appealing
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