contac · 7 months
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funyblog · 18 days
family Star movie
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ofhouses · 8 months
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1072. Shigeru Ban /// Temporary Paper Log Houses /// Nagata, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan /// 1995
OfHouses presents: Japanese Architects, part I - Shigeru Ban.   (Photos: © Shinkenchiku-sha. Source: ‘Jutakutokushu’ 11/1995; Shigeru Ban and Kartikeya Shodhan, 'Paper-Tube Housing', Perspecta, Vol. 34 / 2003; Belén García, 'Earthquake architecture: new construction techniques for earthquake disaster prevention', New York: LOFT and HBI, 2000; Manuel Gausa, 'Housing + Single-Family Housing', Barcelona: Actar, 2002; Philip Jodidio, ‘Shigeru Ban, 1957: Architecture of Surprise’, Köln: Taschen, 2012; Heidi Zuckerman Jacobson, Claude Bruderlein, Naomi Pollock, Eyal Weizman, 'Shigeru Ban: Humanitarian Architecture', Aspen: Aspen Art Museum, 2014; 'The inventive work of Shigeru Ban', Sidney: Sherman Contemporary Art Foundation, 2017; Shigeru Ban Architects Archive.) — This project will be published in our upcoming book: Japanese Fields | OfHouses.
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fashionbooksmilano · 6 months
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Joan Fontcuberta Twilight Zones
Essays (in English) by Jorge Wagensberg, Martí Peran and Anatxu Zabalbeascoa.
Graphic Design Ramon Prat, Collaboration Leandre Linares, Anna Tetas
Exhibion Curator Anatxu Zabalbeascoa, Coordination Carmen Diaz
Actar Publishing, Barcelona 2000, 160 pages, Hardcover, with 75 four-color plates and additional color and black and white illustrations finely printed full-bleed on heavy paper by Ingoprint, 17x24,5cm, ISBN 84-95272-15-2
euro 50,00
email if you want to buy : [email protected]
A beautiful exhibition catalogue that presents three of Fontcuberta's most minimalist and poetic series: Haemograms, Constellations, and Semiopolis, together with fine essays.
This book brings together three recent projects by international artist Joan Fontcuberta, "Constellations", "Haemograms",and "Semiopolis", featuring images of dramatic celestial landscapes, science fiction urban utopias, and abstract and minimalist smears of blood.
Includes an exhibition history and selected bibliography.
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sapchat · 5 months
Elain and Azriel all the way. Have you read Azriel's POV bonus chapter from ACOSF??
For reference this is about my pinned post for ACTAR 6!
I have and I loved it! Which is why I think the first part of the book will be Elriel! I think they’ll get to be happy together the first half.
But SJM has this thing about a female being shipped off with their mate, we’ve seen it with Feyre we saw it with Nesta. Now it’s Elaine’s turn. Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, but three times is a pattern.
We all know Azriel is going to go against Rhys’ command for staying away, he’s going to break it and he’ll respond by shipping her off. He did it with Nesta by them basically giving her the choice “get your shit together or we’ll make you.” And he made her. So we know he won’t be shy to do the same with Azriel. And like I love star crossed lovers and the idea of them choosing to love who they want to love but I just don’t see SJM actually going that route
Which is why I think it’ll start with Elriel but end Elucien.
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nociaograzie · 2 days
non voglio una vita average bramo quel tipo ti ricchezza che non viene a contatto con la gente comune che ti porta ad avere una visione completamente distopica della società e actare like a weirdo
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bauman-jay · 7 months
the fucking rich evans actar babies shit had be literally crying
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duskandstarlight · 2 years
I just recently found your fanfic embers and adore it! When do you usually update? I won’t lie, I’ve recently made my way into the actar world and nessian is my favorite. I literally made the tumbler to read the rest of your stuff!
Hi! Thank you so much for popping into my inbox and for joining tumblr for me 😩😭🥰 I hope my fics didn’t disappoint.
I’m always writing E&L but my updates are more sporadic now life has returned back to its usual hectic self. I’ve actually pretty much finished the next chapter and have written quite a bit of chapter 54, but I need to dust off that one too so I can make sure all of the plot points align and I haven’t missed anything before I post chapter 53!
I hope that makes sense. I usually post an announcement to let people know the next chapter is coming (along with a teaser). Just shout if you want to be added to my tags list 🥰
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minervafang · 2 months
I actually made this page hoping to never have any followers. I already have a diary but this is in case Im away from it and have any immediate thoughts. An introduction, I am a twenty-two year old who is going to college and works with children. I am happily in love with my long-term boyfriend Justin whom Ive known since I was fifteen (him seventeen.) I was presented with the diagnosis of CPTSD about two years ago, and struggle with anxiety. My family is beyond dysfunctional and since I am the oldest daughter, we all know that the responsibility to repair relationships falls to me. (Though my counselor says it isn’t. Ill figure that out for myself soon enough.)
I love to read! Im a big fan of A Little Life, and the ACTAR series. I was a previous movie and art enthusiast so am knowledgeable on the topic but not passionate about it so much as of recently. I am obsessed with pop culture and fashion and have recently taken on sewing. I love trying new foods but of course prefer my comfort ones. I have four amazing girl friends Marzi, Malia, Heidi, and Savannah who are my backbone in a lot of situations.
Thats all. Thanks!
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holyscream · 7 months
this is now an actar 911 infantry infomercial stan blog
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lamilanomagazine · 9 months
Roma: “Green Obsession” di Stefano Boeri Architetti, vince SDG Action Awards delle Nazioni Unite
Roma: “Green Obsession” di Stefano Boeri Architetti, vince SDG Action Awards delle Nazioni Unite. Green Obsession è stato premiato tra 5.000 progetti provenienti da 190 Paesi, per il suo impegno nel cambiare i paradigmi delle città e nel promuovere le foreste urbane come una priorità per i governi di tutto il mondo, per garantire un futuro più verde per tutti. La Green Obsession di Stefano Boeri Architetti vince l’SDG Action Award, l’“Oscar” dedicato ai 17 Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile dell’ONU che nell’ambito della campagna SDG Action delle Nazioni Unite premiano le iniziative che mobilitano, ispirano e collegano le comunità per promuovere un cambiamento positivo. Nato con lo scopo di valorizzare la relazione tra natura e progettazione e implementare i principi della forestazione urbana, “Green Obsession” è la filosofia progettuale di Stefano Boeri Architetti che nel tempo ha generato anche convegni, programmi pubblici e un libro (“Green Obsession: Trees Towards Cities, Humans Towards Forests”,pubblicato da Actar nel 2021 e sostenuto dalla Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts): ora ha conquistato gli SDG Action Awards delle Nazioni Unite (dedicati ad attivisti e protagonisti del cambiamento riconosciuti per il loro lavoro nel mettere in atto e diffondere valori di sostenibilità) grazie all’approccio unico all'architettura e all'urbanistica, ma soprattutto grazie al nuovo modo di immaginare il futuro delle città contemporanee. “Green Obsession presenta la visione di un futuro in cui le città si trasformano grazie a giardini sui tetti, orti comunitari nei cortili, agricoltura urbana e filari alberati nelle strade. Aumentare la connettività tra boschi, giardini e aree verdi e promuovere la creazione di corridoi ecologici sono obiettivi fondamentali della Green Obsession: un’attitudine che va oltre il singolo progetto, portando una strategia forestale urbana trasformativa e una nuova prospettiva del futuro del paesaggio urbano globale” afferma Maria Chiara Pastore, Responsabile del Dipartimento di Ricerca di Stefano Boeri Architetti e Ricercatore del Politecnico di Milano, ha ritirato ieri sera il premio a nome dello studio. Selezionato tra le oltre 5.000 candidature provenienti da 190 Paesi che hanno coperto l'intera gamma dei 17 obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile Green Obsession, che ha vinto nella categoria INSPIRE, incoraggia una nuova prospettiva sulle città, promuove la collaborazione globale e sostiene azioni politiche trasformative. Prevede città e comunità sostenibili che danno la priorità alla buona salute e al benessere, intensificando al contempo l'azione per il clima attraverso il suo approccio creativo alla pianificazione urbana, alla connettività ecologica e alla silvicoltura urbana - soddisfacendo gli SDG 3, 11 e 13. “Siamo felici e orgogliosi per questo importante riconoscimento. Green Obsession raccoglie 20 anni di idee e progetti di Stefano Boeri Architetti per portare la natura vivente e in particolare gli alberi e le foreste all’interno delle nostre città. Dobbiamo portare alberi e piante ovunque sia possibile: nelle piazze, nelle corti, nei viali, sui tetti e sulle facciate delle case. Le due grandi sfide della biodiversità e della coabitazione tra specie viventi sono infatti alla base di ogni progetto di transizione ecologica e di riduzione dei danni causati dal cambiamento climatico. Green Obsession è dunque un impegno di lavoro e insieme un sentimento che vorremmo condividere con chiunque guardi con coraggio e ottimismo al futuro delle nostre città e della nostra specie sul pianeta terra” dichiara l’architetto Stefano Boeri. "Gli 2023 UN SDG Action Awards arrivano mentre ci avviciniamo al punto centrale dell'Agenda 2030, un crocevia fondamentale nel nostro viaggio verso un futuro più sostenibile, equo e inclusivo per tutti" ha dichiarato Marina Ponti, Global Director della UN SDG Action Campaign. "Ancora più importante, ci hanno offerto l'opportunità di onorare e riconoscere le persone straordinarie che stanno ispirando il cambiamento e guidando azioni significative per gli SDG". UN SDG Action Campaign: Un'iniziativa speciale del Segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite ospitata dall'Ufficio esecutivo del Programma di sviluppo delle Nazioni Unite (UNDP). È stata istituita per unire le persone di tutto il mondo affinché agiscano per gli SDG e per collegare la società civile, i governi locali e le persone che lavorano nei settori artistico e culturale, dei media e privato per difendere gli SDG nelle case, nelle comunità e oltre. In tale ruolo, la campagna ha il compito di MOBILITARE, ISPIRARE E CONNETTERE persone e organizzazioni di tutti i settori e aree geografiche affinché intraprendano azioni per raggiungere gli SDG, anche attraverso gli annuali UN SDG Action Awards.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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my-yasiuae · 9 months
حصل 9 خبراء من منتسبي مديرية المرور والدوريات في قطاع العمليات المركزية في القيادة العامة لشرطة أبوظبي، على شهادة الاعتماد الدولي «ACTAR» من جامعة نورث ويسترن بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، والتي تؤهلهم ليصبحوا خبراء عالميين في إعادة بناء الحوادث المرورية. وأعرب اللواء مكتوم علي الشريفي، مدير عام شرطة أبوظبي، خلال لقائه الخبراء، عن اعتزازه بما حققه منتسبو شرطة أبوظبي من إنجاز عالمي ريادي يواكب خطتها الاستشرافية لاستثمار التطور التقني في رصد وتحليل الحوادث المرورية، واستخلاص التقارير المرورية وفق المعايير المعترف بها دولياً، وبما يعزز سمعتها المؤسسية العالمية وريادتها في متابعة المستجدات. وثمّن الدعم المستمر من القيادة الرشيدة لرأس المال البشري وتحفيز الكوادر المواطنة على التميز وتحقيق مستويات متقدمة في كل المجالات، وعبر عن اعتزاز القيادة الشرطية بالإنجازات العالمية، لافتاً إلى أهمية الاعتماد الدولي للخبراء في المجالات المرورية وانعكاساتها الإيجابية على تقديم تقارير دقيقة بأساليب علمية، حول الأسباب الجذرية لوقوع الحوادث، وبما يسهم في تطوير مخرجات الحادث المروري بأسلوب علمي وتحليل هندسي للحوادث الجسيمة. من جانبه، أوضح اللواء أحمد سيف بن زيتون المهيري مدير قطاع العمليات المركزية، أن التقارير التي سيقوم بإعدادها الخبراء في شرطة أبوظبي بعد حصولهم على الاعتراف الدولي، ستكون مطابقة للمعايير العلمية المعتمدة في بناء الحادث المروري، وستسهم في تطوير مخرجات أسباب الحوادث الجسيمة ودقة التقارير، اعتماداً على خبراء عالميين ومتخصصين في حوادث السير بشرطة أبوظبي من منظمة «ACTAR» في مجال السلامة المرورية. بدوره، ذكر العقيد دكتور مهندس أحمد ناصر الزيدي، مدير إدارة هندسة المرور وسلامة الطرق، أن الخبراء أنهوا متطلبات البرنامج وتمكنوا من الحصول على شهادات الاعتماد الدولي ليصبحوا خبراء في إعادة بناء الحوادث، وأثنى على جهودهم المتميزة، لافتاً إلى أن إنجازهم يعكس ريادة شرطة أبوظبي في الاستثمار بكوادرها البشرية المؤهلة وتوفير الممكنات التي تحفز منتسبيها على التميز. (وام) المصدر: صحيفة الخليج
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wakanamizuno-works · 9 months
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Actar’s Compass ロゴ制作
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cheaphousespending · 1 year
Supertight: Models for Living and Making Culture in Dense Urban Environments
This short film explains the concept of Supertight which the authors Graham Crist (current director of RMIT’s Practice Based Research Symposium PhD program in Asia), and John Doyle (faculty member and senior lecturer in the Architecture and Urban Design programmes at RMIT University), explore the research they published under the title Supertight (Actar Publishers, 2022). Source link
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Comerciantes de la Avenida Revolución se reúnen con el Síndico
Comerciantes de la Avenida Revolución se reúnen con el Síndico
Carmen Acebo Tijuana, 23 de noviembre de 2022.- El síndico procurador, Rafael Leyva Pérez sostuvo reunión con miembros de la Asociación de Comerciantes Turísticos de la Avenida Revolución (Actar) a fin de informar acerca de las acciones y resultados logrados luego de casi un año de la implementación del programa Sindicatura Turística. En la reunión se abordaron aspectos relevantes para el…
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marutinagap · 2 years
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Maruti nagap
Movies actar smita jaikar saptsungi devi vani
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