#adam j kurtz
ritadcsc · 1 year
Cada um de nós contém um mundo de possibilidades, para fazer o bem, promover mudanças, atribuir significado, preparar um sanduíche. Também contemos a capacidade de fazer mal aos outros e a nós mesmos, de destruir uma vida, uma oportunidade, um lar. Você é uma ferramenta ou uma arma e conta com livre-arbítrio. Eita!
Adam J. Kurtz em Você está aqui (por enquanto - p.174)
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primrosesunsets · 1 year
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Quote based on Adam J. Kurtz's book — You Are Here *For Now: A Guide to Finding Your Way.
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gendertarot · 3 months
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Invichariam / Invichariok: An inviane identity that can only be described by this specific version of the Chariot, by Adam J. Kurtz. This card is found in the OK Tarot and the Alleyman's Tarot. This may be used on its own, or as a gender, aldern, or any other aspect of identity.
[ID: two rectangular flags with 5 horizontal stripes. The stripes from top to bottom are pink, black, muted pink, black, pink. In the middle of the first flag, there is a Chariot tarot card. The card depicts a one-person enclosed chariot, pulled by a black horse that is mostly out of frame. There are various squiggles around the chariot cab. The card has an uneven black border. Above the chariot is the roman numeral 7, while below it is written "the chariot". End ID.]
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Truth be told… I am the bastard child of a bizarre three-way between Keri Smith, Adam J. Kurtz, and a sharpie pen.
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ex-codependent · 1 year
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Adam J. Kurtz
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oscarseyebrow · 2 years
11, 15, 24 for the three things ask game 💜
thank you, my dear. these were very nice ones to think about 💖
11. 3 books that you would recommend everyone to read
1. diary - chuck palahniuk 2. inferno squad - christie golden 3. you are here *for now - adam j. kurtz
15. 3 quotes that have a special place in your life
1. "i took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." - henry david thoreau 2. "how lucky i am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard." - winnie the pooh 3. “all the effort in the world won't matter if you're not inspired.” - chuck palahniuk: dairy
24. 3 places that makes you feel peaceful
1. being out in the woods with no noise pollution. 2. one specific beach in cornwall that i've visited since i was a child 3. sitting out in the countryside on a clear night with no light pollution and a clear sky.
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sambrennan03 · 3 months
Arts 246: Blog Post 1
Blog Post 1: 99U Video + Verbiage 
The video I chose to watch from 99U was Adam J. Kurtz, “Perfect Isn’t Better”. I really initially attracted to this video because with me and my work I create in my classes, I have a tendency to try and be perfect and make work that is to the eye, seemingly perfect or tries to be. I loved Adams take on the while concept of being 100% true to oneself. Art is subjective and if someone tries to replicate someone else, there’s no point as in the idea that it already exists. I also loved how he expressed his concepts of something being “bad” works. A meme is a prime example of this. A small image with simple text being put on top can create the most interactive and well working in the media. 
With this video in mind, going into the first eek of class this idea works perfectly with our frist 2 assignments. First off, the lettering assignment given on the first day. I did not have French curves, so I searched my house looking for circular or ovular objects to match the curves of my letters. The simplicity of the assignment, just to redraw the letters in the correct spacing was extremely beneficial to me. It got me to look at the word induvially, not just rewrite it, similar to how Adam expressed the idea of simplicity as a beneficiary. In addition, the HoNY Project using a gridding technique, to keep a simple and clean concept is the main idea of the project rather than create some complex composition. It all falls under the category of the video, to not be so overtop and one m might produce better work. 
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reinventarias · 9 months
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Foto autoral
Texto: Uma Pagina de Cada Vez - Adam J. Kurtz
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bulls-inlove · 1 year
2022 in books
this year i got back into reading regularly and i LOVE IT so idk here's a recap of the books i read. there are a few that i started that just weren't for me so i didn't finish them but i found books that did hit just right and made me excited to read again. these are in the order in which i read them:
The Vanishing Half by Britt Bennett
¡Hola Papi!: How to Come Out in a Walmart Parking Lot and Other Life Lessons by Juan Paul Brammer
Belly Up: Stories by Rita Bullwinkle
The Color Purple by Alice Walker
Meaty by Samantha Irby
I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jeanette McCurdy
Tell Me How To Be by Neel Patel
Paradaís by Fernanda Melchor
How to Behave in a Crowd by Camille Bordas
Detransition, Baby by Torrey Peters
highlights & standouts
if i had to pick a favorite... i couldn't lol i thoroughly enjoyed all of the books i read this year. i think standouts though were Detransition Baby and The Vanishing Half for me; interestingly enough, they are both slice of life stories that go back and forth from past to present between various characters. i won't spoil much but tagging it just in case.
The Vanishing Half follows two Black twin sisters who have split up and led entirely different lives, one as a Black woman and the other as a white one. the story explores colorism, identity, assimilation, and survival as it relates to each twin, and eventually their children. it's a beautifully written story with so many takeaways, but i think the one i keep coming back to is that – while we all can only do what we feel we need to in order to survive, being able to carve out a life in which we can safely live authentically is the most freeing.
Detransition, Baby walks us through an impending shared parenthood through the perspectives of three people – a trans woman, a cis woman, and a former trans woman who has since detransitioned. i loved that the premise and themes interwoven throughout the book are less-than-often-discussed topics even among parts of the queer community, but they're real and important nonetheless. and each character is written so thoughtfully; though each has their flaws and frustrations, they are written with such empathy and nuance that i found myself wanting the best for all of them. but the premise presented does not have a simple solution.
i also have to single out the chapter My Mother, My Daughter in Meaty because it completely wrecked me. i'd read Irby's work before but i still felt completely blindsided by this. the way she so simply, elegantly, and painfully writes about this trauma of caretaking her disabled mother under the crushing weight of poverty and childhood will stay with me. "My mother became my daughter when I was nine years old."
currently reading
You Are Here (*For Now) by Adam J. Kurtz i gifted this to myself with the intention of starting it in the new year but i couldn't help but start it now lol. i'm glad i did because it's so timely and perfect for the winter blues.
it may not be a lot of books but it's way more than i've read in a long time and i feel really good about that :) here's to reading more words and stories that make us feel things in 2023
recommend more stuff to read pls!
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ritadcsc · 1 year
Acorde e sinta o cheiro das possibilidades infinitas.
Adam J. Kurtz em Você está aqui (por enquanto), p. 223
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books · 3 years
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Writer Spotlight: Adam J. Kurtz
Happy New Release Tuesday, Booklr. We've got a very special treat for you today. To celebrate the launch of YOU ARE HERE (FOR NOW), we asked writer, artist, and designer Adam J. Kurtz (@Adam JK) about his process, the new book, and what to do when change comes for you. Adam's illustrative work is rooted in honesty, humor, and a little darkness. His books have been translated into over a dozen languages. His offbeat creative work has been featured in NYLON, Adweek, Vice, and The New Yorker.
Read on for Adam's answers and a very special giveaway treat at the end ;)
Can you tell us a little bit about YOU ARE HERE (FOR NOW)?
YOU ARE HERE (FOR NOW) is a collection of art and essays around themes of change and personal transformation—basically, the way we navigate change and intentionally grow, either because life threw some shit our way and we have to adapt, or because we realize we want something more, or something different.
My goal was to make a book that feels like staying up late talking to a friend about life and purpose and wanting so much more, and your fear of fucking up, and why everything is so hard sometimes, and umm, is it normal if I slightly want to die sometimes and wondering what comes next.
But you know, it’s chill. I’m not an expert, I’m not a therapist, I’m trying to work it all out too, and I do that through my art. I needed to change some things, so I made my life into an ‘art project’ so I would be forced to actually do it. And surprise, it helps.
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YAHFN combines essayistic musings with visual artwork. Can you tell us about your work process? How do text and image speak to each other across the pages?
I’m kind of most known for my shorter writing style and aphorisms. I boil down bigger emotions into a bite-size catchphrase, then print it on balloons, planners, and keychains as weirdly personal but highly accessible art. This book combines a lot of the shorter writing, the handwritten reminders, with longer, themed essays wherever I realized I had more to say this time. The book’s art is composed of a series of folding sequences photographed step-by-step. A sheet of paper transforms into a ribbon, or a star, or confetti. I wanted to represent the way we all start out as a blank slate and are bent, rolled, and torn by reality—until we eventually emerge transformed but no less whole.
What’s something that’s good to remember about being a human person when overwhelming change happens?
Comparison isn’t helpful, BUT I like remembering that everybody has experienced difficult, scary, complicated shit. Even me, before this. And if I was able to find my way through then, I can do it again. Life is hard, and yet so many of us are HERE and DOING IT and PRETTY okay, and that can and will be the case for you, too.
When it comes to mental health, the number one thing to remember is that just because it feels real doesn’t mean it is objectively real. If there’s a way to safely step outside of yourself, it can help. Get another opinion! Talk to someone else you can trust. And no offense, but science is real. Like, brain chemistry is a thing, and you can’t just ‘toughen up’ until mental illness goes away. So ask for what you need.
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Who do you write for? Do you imagine speaking to a specific person/type of person/audience while writing?
Honestly, I kind of write for myself and then try to open it up to others. I’m not sitting down to write in the voice of whoever I want to connect with (I’m literally not smart enough). I just write the way I speak, and it’s just sort of honest and full of dad jokes and a little nerdy, and I hope that’s okay because too late, I’m already this person.
Over the years, through my other books, social media, and public speaking, I’ve heard from enough people who DO get me that it is helpful to hear something so close to their inner monologue communicate the same things they’re thinking or worrying or obsessing about. I’ve come to embrace that my power is in being comfortable opening up, putting something in simple words, pairing it with graspable visual metaphor (it’s paper and pencil, we get it!!), and sharing it.
How do you practice self-care when juggling the different creative processes of writing and making visual art, as well as being a person?
I just don’t!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, jk, but like, sometimes I am a real asshole to myself; I drink three coffees, and then I’m like, “wait, why is this happening to me,” as if I don’t exist in a physical body. It really comes down to balance in everything. Balance doesn’t mean I’m going to be exactly 50/50 on the scale. It just means that if I tip too far one way, I need to work to tip back. Most of the time, I’m too far in either direction, so there’s a lot of swinging.
The answers are easy: Drink water, get enough sleep, go for walks, wear clothing that is comfortable, sit up straight. It’s the questions that are more complicated. We’ll talk about it in the book.
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What’s your favorite place to write? Why?
It seems like the answer is “anywhere that isn’t my desk,” based on where I wrote this book. I wrote the first draft of seven chapters on a 12-hour train ride from Oakland to Los Angeles while pretending to be a famous author who can afford to live off their books (lmao).
Later, I got a major reality check when we moved in with my husband’s parents. I wrote a lot of the book on their patio, and I did all the artwork from my sister-in-law’s childhood bedroom at a child-size desk I had to sit sideways at to fit. I did all the photography in a pop-up photo tent on the bed.
I guess my point is that you don’t need fancy shit to make your art, which is something I am always saying but really experienced in a super immediate way for this book.
There’s something incredibly touching and nourishing about YAHFN. What do you hope readers come away with?
It gets better because you get better. And if you’re not better yet, imagine your better self, then work backward to create actionable steps to get there. At least that’s what I’ve heard. In the meantime, here’s the book version of me sitting on your couch, drinking tea and talking about life and the universe and everything until we realize we haven’t checked our phones in a while and how the fuck is it 2 a.m. already?
What are you reading/writing about/making right now?
Beyond the book, YOU ARE HERE (FOR NOW) is me creating a big obvious reminder for myself to keep going. So I’m pushing it in a few directions. I’m currently wrapping up a podcast series of the same name and preparing larger-scale artwork for a YAHFN art show in Honolulu that opens in November. It took so much work to get here, to this moment, now I want to stay for a little bit and see what happens.
Thanks for taking the time, Adam! YOU ARE HERE (FOR NOW) is out today! If you'd like your very own copy, either head to your nearest book store or reblog this interview and tell us about a time you overcame a challenge—however big or small! Adam will select 10 winning responses from US-based participants. Each winner will receive a copy of YOU ARE HERE (FOR NOW).*
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*Open to US residents only. You must also be at least 18 and the age of majority in your jurisdiction. The giveaway will begin at 10 a.m. EST on October 19, 2021, and will close at 10 a.m. EST on October 20, 2021. Our editorial team will reach out to winners via email to facilitate sending out copies. One entry per blog. No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited by law. Sponsor: Tumblr Inc.
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not-a-fever-dream · 2 years
We spend a lot of time worrying about what other people are thinking, concerned that they can tell we are freaking out inside, feel underprepared, or don’t know what we’re talking about. Most of the time, people are so preoccupied with some combination of the same fears that they don’t have enough time left to psychoanalyze a person they just met who replied, “Thanks, you too!” when they’ve said “Enjoy your latte.” You have dodged a bullet, and in fact the bullet doesn’t exist at all. Everyone is awkward. Everyone is scared. Everyone is going to die eventually. Everyone just wants to make some friends and memories before that happens. Everyone is trying to figure it out.
You Are Here (For Now), Adam J. Kurtz
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The Adam JK Unsolicited Advice 2021 Planner is now on sale!
Design by @adamjk
Photos by Austin Radcliffe
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fashion · 5 years
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Second Annual Tumblr x PUBLIC Pride Supper, celebrating Nicola Formichetti, Adam J Kurtz & Jae Joseph. Photos: Tiffany Sage/BFA.
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chrisbattleart · 5 years
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twitchyrose · 5 years
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