#adam müller
i12bent · 8 months
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Adam Müller (Aug. 16, 1811 - 1844) was a Danish painter of the so-called Golden Age of Danish Art. He was Academy trained with Eckersberg, won all the available silver and gold medals there for his history and religious paintings, and was awarded a travel grant to go to Italy at Thorvaldsen’s behest. There he caught TB and died shortly after returning.
Above: Aladdin griber imellem andre drenge efter de nedkastede pommeranser, 1831 - oil on canvas (SMK)
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peaceinthestorm · 3 months
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Adam August Müller (1811-1844, Danish) ~ The Hall of Antiquities at Charlottenborg Palace, Copenhagen, 1830
[Source: metmuseum.org]
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thommi-tomate · 3 months
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FCB vs Borussia Mönchengladbach
(Bundesliga, Matchday 20, Allianz Arena, February 3, 2024)
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michaelmilligan · 11 months
Adam Müller, sieht immer noch aus wie 19, wie er auf einer Ü30-Party zu den Fanta 4 abrockt.
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intellectures · 16 days
Die lässig-weirde Poesie des Jim Jarmusch
Jim Jarmusch gilt als Erfinder des amerikanischen Autorenkinos, Filme wie »Stranger Than Paradise«, »Down By Law« und »Dead Man« sind längst Kult. Seit seinem 70. Geburtstag liegt eine vollständige Sammlung seines filmischen Schaffens vor. Continue reading Die lässig-weirde Poesie des Jim Jarmusch
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perfettamentechic · 7 months
7 ottobre … ricordiamo …
7 ottobre … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2020: Antony Carbone, Antony Deago Carbone, noto anche con lo pseudonimo di Tony Carbone, attore statunitense. Nato con il nome di Antonio Giuseppe Carmelo Carbone in Calabria, la sua famiglia deciso di trasferirsi a Syracuse quando lui era ancora giovane. Ha iniziato la sua carriera di attore professionista in piccole parti in varie produzioni di Broadway prima di passare al cinema e alla…
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linda-weiss · 2 years
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2x34 17.06.-16.07.2022 Das Atelierhaus Filderstraße 34 e.V. zu Gast im Kunstraum 34 Kunstraum 34 Filderstraße 34 Stuttgart
Eröffnung 17.06, 19 Uhr Passantin 08.07.2022 17-20 Uhr. Intervention von Studio Morgen
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reanimationstation · 9 months
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hiiii here's my artfight attacks for the year!! it was my second year doing artfight but the first time i only did one attack, so i VERY MUCH EXCEEDED MY OWN EXPECTATIONS LOL. next year i'll probably set a hard limit on how many i do but REGARDLESS I HAD LOADS OF FUN DRAWING EVERYONE
Bella Ewe- @inkabelledesigns
Sawyer Campfainence (left)- @ollietreetime (and my Ben Lawrence on the right)
Adam Monter- @adammonter
Lucky- @theluckoftheclaws
Dust Dust- @himochiart
I-spider-pod- @fizzierorangedrink
Jack Fain [Cthulhu AU] (right)- @himochiart (and my Dr. Müller on the left)
Brook Whitefield- @flourbombs
Daniel Flores- @internetwerewolf
Satin Sky- @coyfoxarts
Grant Cohen [It's Showtime]- @whirlybotart
Daniels Lawrence- @just-a-batimfan
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lalalaugenbrot · 6 months
Hast du Empfehlungen zu Büchern von oder über Bernd (nicht das Brot)? Ich hatte Kohlhaas als Abilektüre und ich konnte damals nicht unbedingt so viel damit anfangen, aber vielleicht ist es Zeit, dem Jungen noch mal eine Chance zu geben
*rubs hands*
aaalso eigentlich hatte ich eh vor einen kleinen Post zu machen, darüber, was denn eigentlich der Deal ist mit Bernd, da das viele, die mir seit, ich sage mal meiner Spatort-Ära folgen, gar nicht zu wissen scheinen... aber dazu unten mehr... erstmal Buchempfehlungen:
Das Erlkönigmanöver / Robert Löhr: da hat eigentlich (für die meisten und auch mich) alles angefangen – ein extrem brillianter Roman über einen Roadtrip von Goethe, Schiller, Achim von Arnim, Bettina Brentano und Alexander von Humboldt (auch ein Blorbo, bei dem es sich lohnt tiefer einzusteigen!!!) – naja und Kleist kommt eben auch vor... und mit jedem bisschen, was man mehr weiß, wird dr Roman nochmal brillianter, weil man irgendwann versteht, dass er quasi nur aus Anspielungen auf und Zitaten aus realen Ereignissen und Werken zusammengesetzt ist... nichtsdestotrotz ist das natürlich alles fiktiv!!
Kleists Briefe: ja, einfach die Briefe, die er geschrieben hat! rätselhaft, mitreißend, wunderlich, mysteriös! und bisweilen wunderschön... also es ist wirklich einfach großartig... man kann sie chronoligisch, aber auch einfach querlesen, oder man steigt irgendwo mittendrin ein... gibts natürlich z.B. von Reclam, wenn man ein Buch haben will, aber auch online, z.B. bei projekt-gutenberg.org oder kleist-digital.de (bei letzterem kann man die Original-Transkription sehen, aber wenn man die Option ganz rechts auswählt, kann man es auch in "normal" lesen)... jedenfalls, eine bessere Art Kleist kennenzulernen, gibt es nicht, würd ich sagen!
Heinrich von Kleists Lebensspuren: eine Sammlung von Zeitzeugenberichten über ihn - liebe ich auch sehr! z.B. kann man lesen, wie er (angeblich) versucht hat, Adam Müller in Dresden von der Elbbrücke zu stoßen! oder wie er mit durchgelaufenen, kaputten Stiefeln auf Partys erscheint, wie er Freunden und Bekannten anbietet, sie (aus Gefälligkeit) zu erschießen, wie er mit seinen Militärkameraden eine Band gründet... u.v.m!
Kleist in meiner Küche / Miriam Sachs: eine modern au! extrem großartig aber womöglich vergriffen und vielleicht auch eher was für Leute, die schon ein bisschen im Thema sind: Kleist sitzt im heutigen Berlin eines Tages bei der Erzählerin in der Küche... und sie gründet gezwungenermaßen eine WG mit ihm...
Kleists Werke: no-brainer natürlich. da du Michael Kohlhaas jetzt nicht so doll fandest behellige ich dich damit erst mal nicht mehr (ist aber einer meiner Favoriten, weil es alles so eskaliert... ich muss super oft an Michael Kohlhaas denken wenn ich z.B. bei vodafone in der Warteschleife hänge oder als ich einmal versucht hab ein Kombiticket fürs Filmfest zu stornieren, weil es sich nicht einlösen ließ und ich immer nur Passierschein-A38-mäßig von einem zum anderen geschickt wurde, bis ich irgendwann (anders als Kohlhaas) aufgegeben habe und für alle Tickets das doppelte gezahlt habe... jedenfalls da bekomme ich auch immer Lust mit einer Meute brandschatzend durchs Land zu ziehen und mein Recht!!!! einzufordern... aber ich schweife ab) - ich würde als Einstieg Amphitryon empfehlen, das ist eine (Verwechslungs-)Komödie, kurzweilig und enthält extrem viele berndmäßige Schimpfwörter! oder Der zerbrochene Krug! auch eine Komödie, auch extrem ikonisch!! und gibt es natürlich auch alles bei projekt-gutenberg.org oder sonstwo im Internet oder sonst günstig / gebraucht on reclam et al
Biografien... kann ich leider keine empfehlen, weil ich tatsächlich noch keine gelesen hab (nur Primärquellen sozusagen) – aber vielleicht mag das ja jemand als Kommentar oder Reblog ergänzen?
so... und was ist denn jetzt der Deal mit Bernd / Heinrich / Kleist???
Ich versuche das mal seeehr kurz zusammenzufassen:
erstmal liebe liebe liebe ich wirklich seine Werke, seine Sprache vor allem... ich kenne kaum jemanden, der Deutsch so verstanden hat, der es so spielerisch, so verschachtelt, so absurd, so bezaubernd, so verstörend, so loriot-esk, so treffend, so formvollendet zu gebrauchen weiß... sein Deutsch kann kompliziert sein und merkwürdig (seitenlange Sätze...), aber es ist trotzdem immer so leichtfüßig, so herzig, hat immer so etwas absurdes und inherent komisches... ich liebs einfach
extrem chaotische Energie, also wirklich sehr!! <3
er hat die Bildzeitung erfunden! bzw. Boulevardjournalismus!! und Aktenzeichen XY gleich dazu!! naja... vlt. nicht wirklich aber irgendwie halt auch doch (Stichwort: Berliner Abendblätter) ...plus viele seiner Werke sind stellenweise erstaunlich splatterig fürs 18./19. Jahrhundert... und seine Ideen zur Bombenwurfpost sind... ich glaub Amazon hatte sowas ähnliches mal in Planung, nur vlt. eher mit Drohnen?! jedenfalls ist er stellenweise erschütternd innovativ bzw. vorausahnend???
natürlich hat sein gesamtes Leben auch etwas sehr tragisches... er ist schon mit 15 zum Militär (Kleistsche Militär-Dynastie etc.), hat früh beide Eltern verloren, hat sich irgendwann gegen den Willen seiner Familie entschlossen Dichter zu werden und hat es aber zu Lebzeiten nie so richtig geschafft, sich zu finden bzw. zu fangen (er ist auch erst nach seinem Tod so richtig "berühmt" geworden bzw. geschätzt worden), hat immer wieder seine Meinung geändert darüber, was er denn eigentlich mit seinem Leben anfangen will und hatte darüber hinaus oder deswegen oder wie auch immer zumindest in den letzten Jahren seines Lebens ziemliche psychische Probleme und mit 34 hat er sich ja dann schließlich auch das Leben genommen... also ja... much to think about
und noch dieses zum Schluss: seine Werke und sein Leben haben sehr viel... "~gender", zumindest wenn man genauer hinschaut... er selbst hat z.B. einem seiner besten Freunde einen sehr expliziten Liebesbrief geschrieben (Brief an Pfuel, 7.1.1805; der Brief wurde übrigens erst 1902 öffentlich entdeckt und lag dann nach dem 2. WK mehrere Jahrzehnte in irgendeinem Garten vergraben???? weil er da vor Plünderern versteckt worden war...?! näheres hierzu sollte @marquisevonobst wissen) – was daraus geworden ist oder nicht, niemand weiß es, aber man kann sich natürlich so seine Gedanken machen..., und außerdem hat ihn seine (Lieblings-)Schwester Ulrike (von mir und anderen liebevoll Uli genannt) auf Reisen des öfteren "als Mann" also in Männerkleidung und aber auch so, dass sie sich als Mann ausgegeben hat, begleitet... außerdem war sie quasi auch seine Hauptinvestorin, weil sie ein bisschen besser mit ihrem Erbteil umgehen konnte als er mit seinem... We ♡ Uli!! (an sie ist auch einer seiner herzzerreißendsten Abschiedsbriefe gerichtet 😔)
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tsaritiz · 11 months
All Identity V references (or easter eggs) to popular culture found.
Some are taken from theories of fandom others are found by me.
Martha Remington as the surname taken from the typewriter brand "remington" (also curious beacause in the game you have to decode typewriters)
Doctor, Emily Dyer is inspired by Amelia Dyer a british serial killer who killed lots of young children while beyond her cares.
Helena Adams references to Helen keller, a blind def woman who were a full-time activist.
Priestress (Fiona Gilman) references to HP Lovecraft's story "The dream in the witch's house."
The Magician references to Servais le roy, the creator of the illusion technic of levitation.
Naib Subedar, in his backstory makes reference to the british invasion of india.
Thief, Kreacher Pierson references George Müller, a Christian evangelist and the director of the Ashley Down orphanage in Bristol, England. He was one of the founders of the Plymouth Brethren movement. His surname is named after Arthur Tappan Pierson, a friend of George Müller who wrote his biography.
The explorer references to Gulliver's Travels.
William Ellis references William Webb Ellis, the alleged inventor of rugby. He also shares the exact same name as him
Norton Campbell's background story references the author H.P Lovecraft's short story titled The Transition of Juan Romero.
Enchantress, Patricia Dorval's adoptive mother references Marie Laveau a Louisiana Creole practitioner of Vodou, herbalist and midwife who was renowned in New Orleans.
Wilding, Murro's Deductions mentions Kasper Hauser, a German youth who claimed to have grown up in the total isolation of a darkened cell.
Female Dancer, Margaretha Zelle references both Mata Hari, a Dutch exotic dancer and courtesan who was convicted of being a spy for Germany during World War I and Natalia from The Last Circus.
Acrobat, Mike Morton's appearance references both Arlecchino from Commedia dell'arte and Vander Clyde Broadway an American female impersonator, high-wire performer, and trapeze artist born in Texas.
"Prisoner", Luca Balsa references Nikola Tesla a Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system.
Entomologist, Melly Plinius references Pliny the Elder (Gaius Plinius Secundus) the Roman author/naturalist/natural philosopher.
Batter, Ganji Gupta's background story references the British Colonization of Indian Subcontinent (1858-1947).
"Psychologist", Ada Mesmer's Surname references Franz Anton Mesmer, a German physician who developed the theory of animal magnetism. She may also be inspired in Ada Lovelace the matematician
Soul Weaver, Violetta references Aloisia 'Violetta' Wagner, a famous German freak show performer from the early 20th century. She was renowned for having tetra-amelia syndrome.
The Ripper, Jack references Jack the Ripper an unidentified serial killer active in the impoverished districts in and around Whitechapel in the East End of London in 1888. His background story references Walter Sickert, a German-born British painter and print maker who was a member of the Camden Town Group of Post-Impressionist artists in early 20th-century London and was suspected of being Jack the Ripper.
Geisha, Michiko references Chōchō-San from Madame Butterfly. She may also reference Yosano Akiko or Higuchi Ichiyo, both famous writers and geishas. But not only, she may reference the play of Fukuchi Ochi "Mirror Lion" .
Hastur is based on The King in Yellow from H.P. Lovecraft novels (Cthulhu Mythos Franchise).
Wu Chang, Xie Bi'an and Fan Wujiu references Heibai Wuchang (黑白无常, Black and White Impermanence) the two Deities in Chinese folk religion in charge of escorting the spirits of the dead to the underworld.
Photographer, Joseph Desaulniers references both Nicéphore Niépce a French inventor, usually credited as the inventor of photography and a pioneer in that field and Dorian Gray from The Picture of Dorian Gray. His background story also mentions the French Revolution.
Mad Eyes, Burke Lapadura references Edmund Burke, a highly regarded Canadian architect best known for building Toronto's Prince Edward Viaduct or "Bloor Street Viaduct" and Toronto's Robert Simpson store.
Dream Witch, Yidhra references Yidhra from the H.P. Lovecraft novels (Cthulhu Mythos Franchise).
Bloody Queen, Mary references both Marie Antoinette the last queen of France and a controversal figure during the French Revolution and the abilities based on Bloody Mary.
"Disciple", Ann's background story references the Salem witch trials.
Violinist, Antonio references Niccolò Paganini an Italian violinist and composer. He was the most celebrated violin virtuoso of his time, and left his mark as one of the pillars of modern violin technique.
Sculptor, Galatea Claude possibly references Camille Claudel a French sculptor known for her figurative works in bronze and marble and her name references to the statue carved of ivory by Pygmalion of Cyprus of the same name from Greek Mythology.
"Undead", Percy references Victor Frankenstein from the author Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein.
The Breaking Wheel, Will Brothers references the Breaking wheel with their trailer also referencing the Execution of St Catherine.
Naiad, Grace references Naiads, fresh water nymphs presiding over fountains, wells, springs, streams, brooks and other bodies of fresh water from Greek Mythology. She also appears to reference H.P. Lovecraft's novella The Shadow Over Innsmouth.
Wax Artist, Philippe is based on Philippe Curtius a Swiss physician and wax modeller who taught Marie Tussaud the art of wax modelling.
Hermit, Alva Lorenz references Thomas Edison, a famous inventor.
Night Watch, Ithaqua is based on Ithaqua from H.P. Lovecraft novels (Cthulhu Mythos Franchise).
"Big Daddy" is likely a reference to "Big Brother" from 1984 by George Orwell, the leader who keeps all citizens under constant surveillance and controls them.
Allen, while little is currently known about him, is likely based off Zadok Allen from The Shadow Over Innsmouth.
Andrea may be based on Antonia Bianchi, a singer and the long term lover of Niccolo Paganini.
Arthur Byers is likely based on Ambrose Bierce, the author of “Haïta the Shepherd” in which Hastur first appeared.[1]
Catherine is based on St. Catherine of Alexandria who was executed using a breaking wheel.
Christina's death scene in Philipe's character trailer is an allusion to The Death of Marat by French painter Jacques-Louis David.
Claude Desaulniers is based on Claude Niépce, the older brother of French inventor Nicéphore Niépce.
Damballa is based on the benevolent spiritual intermediary in Haitian Voodoo of the same name.
James Reichenbach's last name is a reference to Reichenbach Falls, the name of the location where Arthur Conan Doyle's character Sherlock Holmes had his fight to the death with his greatest foe Professor Moriarty.
James Whistler is based on the real life painter James Abbott McNeill Whistler who was the mentor of Walter Sickert.
Papa Legba is based on trickster spiritual intermediary in Haitian Vodou of the same name.
Princess Lamballe is based on Marie Thérèse Louise of Savoy (Princesse de Lamballe) who was one of Marie Antoinette's closest friends.
Robert is likely based off Robert Olmstead, the main character and narrator of The Shadow Over Innsmouth.
Sullivan is based on Anne Sullivan Macy, an American teacher and lifelong friend of Helen Keller.
The currently Unnamed Cat God is likely based on the short stories Nyarlathotep and Cats of Ulthar by H.P. Lovecraft.
Blue Aladdin references to Aladdin from Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp.
Violet Peacock's Chinese description references to The Peacocks Fly Southeast.
Both Poseidon's Crown and Poseidon references to Poseidon the god of the sea, storms, earthquakes and horses from Greek Mythology.
Caged Butterfly's description mentions Madame Butterfly.
The 1st Essence of Season 2 is based on several Fairy Tale Stories on each Costumes.
King's Tailor references to one of the Swindler from The Emperor's New Clothes.
Both Lazy Mr. Bunny and Mr. Turtle references to The Hare and The Tortoise from The Tortoise and the Hare.
King Arthur references to the character of the same name
Merlin references to the character of the same name.
Black Swan is based on Odile (The Black Swan) from Swan Lake.
Anubis is based on the god of the same name who is the god of death, mummification, embalming, the afterlife, cemeteries, tombs, and the Underworld in Egyptian Mythology.
Ancient Soul references to the Ankh an ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol used in Egyptian art and writing to represent the word for "life" and, by extension, as a symbol of life itself.
Soul Catcher references to Day of the Dead a holiday traditionally celebrated on November 1 and 2, though other days, such as October 31 or November 6 from Mexica.
Golden Touch is based on King Midas a king of Phrygia who is known to turn everything he touched into gold from Greek Mythology.
The 1st Essence of Season 6 has several references to Greek Mythology.
Icarus is named after and based on the hero of the same name who is the son of the master craftsman Daedalus, the creator of the Labyrinth on Greek Mythology.
Apollo is named after and based on the God of the same name who is the god of oracles, healing, archery, music and arts, sunlight, knowledge, herds and flocks, protection of the young and the Member of Twelve Olympians.
Leonidas is named after Leonidas I a king of the Greek city-state of Sparta.
Pam possibly is based on Pan the god of the wild, shepherds and flocks, rustic music and impromptus, and companion of the nymphs.
Captain Hook is based on Captain James Hook.
Eversleeping Girl is based on Wendy Darling.
Forgotten Boy is possibly based on Peter Pan or one of the Lost Boys.
Siren is possibly based on the Mermaids from Mermaids' Lagoon.
March Hare is based on the Character of the Same Name.
Alice is based on the Protagonist of the Same Name.
Mr. Bunny is based on The White Rabbit.
Bill is based on Bill The Lizard.
Caterpillar is based on Hookah-Smoking Caterpillar.
Knave of Hearts is based on the character of the same name.
Executioner is based on one of the Queen of Hearts' Card Soldiers.
The Mad Hatter is based on the character of the same name.
Queen of Hearts is based on the character of the same name.
Serpent is based on Quetzalcoatl the god of life, light and wisdom, lord of the day and the winds from Aztec Mythology.
Lady Thirteen is based on Yu Mo from The Flowers of War, portrayed by the actress Ni Ni.
Sophia is based on Sophia Palaiologina a Byzantine princess, member of the Imperial Palaiologos family, Grand Princess of Moscow as the second wife of Grand Prince Ivan III.
Ivan is possibly based on Ivan III of Russia a Grand Prince of Moscow and Grand Prince of all Rus'.
Maroon Crystal is based on Dorothy Gale.
Princess Ozma is based on the character of the same name.
The Wicked Witch is based on both Wicked Witch of the West and Dorothy Gale.
Emerald City Coachman is based on the Coachman.
Oz, the Wizard is based on Wizard of Oz.
The Tin Man is based on Tin Woodman.
The Spookcrow is based on Scarecrow.
The Toothless Lion is based on Cowardly Lion.
Golden Ratio references to the Philosopher's Stone a mythic alchemical substance capable of turning base metals such as mercury into gold.
Electrolysis references to the technique of the same name that uses direct electric current (DC) to drive an otherwise non-spontaneous chemical reaction.
Ouroboros references to the ancient symbol of the same name that depicts a snake or dragon eating it's own tail.
Choir Boy has a The squared circle symbol an alchemical symbol (17th century) illustrating the interplay of the four elements of matter symbolising the philosopher's stone on his back.
Mutation represents Chrysopoeia an artificial production of gold, most commonly by the alleged transmutation of base metals such as lead.
Sulfuric Acid has a tattoo on chest resembling the symbol of the same name based on Dalton's Law of Atomic Weights.
Vine references to the Elixir of life a potion that supposedly grants the drinker eternal life and/or eternal youth.
Philofelist possibly references to Necromancy a practice of magic or black magic involving communication with the dead – either by summoning their spirits as apparitions, visions or raising them bodily – for the purpose of divination, imparting the means to foretell future events, discover hidden knowledge, to bring someone back from the dead, or to use the dead as a weapon.
Judge represents Pride.
Deputy represents Greed.
Clerk represents Envy.
Court 3 Commissioner represents Wrath.
Court 5 Commissioner represents Sloth.
Court 6 Commissioner represents Gluttony.
Court 7 Commissioner represents Lust.
Narcissus is named after the character of the same name who rejected all romantic advances, eventually falling in love with his own reflection in a pool of water, staring at it for the remainder of his life, his name is the origin of Narcissism.
Clio is named after the goddess of the same name who is the goddess of history, lyre playing and a member of the Muses.
Talia is named after Thalia who is the goddess of comedy and a member of the Muses.
Hebe is named after the goddess of the same name who is the goddess of eternal youth, prime of life, forgiveness
"Succubus" is named after a demon of the same name they are female demons that appears in dreams to seduce men, usually through sexual activity.
Rainmaker's Beauty Form is based on both Lady Shizuka, one of the most famous women in Japanese history and literature and Ameonna, a yōkai thought to call forth rain while the Prajna Form is based on Kuchisake-onna, that appears as a malicious spirit, or onryō, of a woman, that partially covers her face with a mask or other item and carries some sort of sharp object.
"The Prince" is based on the titular character of the The Happy Prince.
Feathered Cloak is based on Freyja, a goddess associated with love, beauty, fertility, sex, war, gold, and seiðr (magic for seeing and influencing the future) from Norse Mythology.
The 3rd Essence of Season 17 is based on The Masque of the Red Death.
Man in Red is based on The Red Death.
Runaway is based on Prince Prospero.
The 1st Essence of Season 18 is based on The Marriage of Figaro.
Fury is based on both Count Almaviva (Philippe) and Countess Rosina (Christina).
"Susanna" is based on the character of the same name.
The 1st Essence of Season 20 is based on And Then There Were None.
The 2nd Essence of Season 20 takes place on The Crystal Palace on a fictional setting.
Lockheart is shown to be a fictional daughter of the in real life historical figure Joseph Paxton an English gardener, architect, engineer and Member of Parliament, best known for designing the Crystal Palace.
The 1st Essence of Season 21 is based on Bacchanalia, an unofficial, privately funded popular Roman festivals of Bacchus, based on various ecstatic elements of the Greek Dionysia.
Spring Heated Wine is based on Dionysus, the god of the grape-harvest, wine making, orchards and fruit, vegetation, fertility, insanity, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, festivity, and theatre and a Member of the Twelve Olympians from Greek Mythology.
Bai Ze is based on Bai Ze itself, a mystical Chinese beast connected with spirits.
The 3rd Essence of Season 22 is based on insects and also the seven virtues.
Winter Cicada represents Humility.
Frozen Butterfly represents Chastity.
Ant represents Charity.
Scorpion represents Kindness.
Mayfly represents Diligence.
Centipede represents Temperance.
Worker Bee represents Patience.
Boudoir Dream is based on Child Jane Hudson from What Ever Happened to Baby Jane which is a film adaptation of a novel of the same name, portrayed by the child actress Julie Allred
Iron Lady is based on Harriet Craig from the film of the same name which is a film adaptation of Craig's Wife, portrayed by the actress Joan Crawford.
Samara is based on Samarra from The Prodigal which is a film adaptation of Parable of the Prodigal Son, portrayed by the actress Lana Turner.
Rhythm of the Rain is based on Kathy Selden from Singin' in the Rain, portrayed by the actress Debbie Reynolds.
Recluse is based on Jef Costello from Le Samouraï, portrayed by the actor and filmmaker Alain Delon.
Hamlet is based on the titular character of the 1948 film which is the film adaptation of the play of the same name, portrayed by the actor and director Laurence Olivier.
Colonel Dax is based on the character of the same name from Paths of Glory which is a film adaptation of the novel of the same name, portrayed by the actor and filmmaker Kirk Douglas.
The Red Shoes is based on Victoria Page from The Red Shoes which is a film adaptation of a fairy tale of the same name, portrayed by the actress ballet dancer and actress Moira Shearer.
The Black Tulip is based on both Guillaume de Saint Preux and Julien de Saint Preux from The Black Tulip which is a film adaptation of the novel of the same name, both portrayed by the actor and filmmaker Alain Delon.
Just Around the Corner is based on Penny Hale from Just Around the Corner which is a film adaptation of Lucky Penny, portrayed by former child actress, singer, dancer, and diplomat and diplomat Shirley Temple.
Zouzou is based on the titular character of the 1934 film, portrayed by actress, French Resistance agent, and Civil Rights Activist Josephine Baker.
Ben-Hur is based on Judah Ben-Hur from Ben-Hur which is a film adaptation of Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ, portrayed by the actor and political activist Charlton Heston.
Dorothy is based on Dorothy Gale from The Wizard of Oz which is a film adaptation of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, portrayed by actress and singer Judy Garland.
Salome is based on the titular character from the movie of the same name, portrayed by actress, dancer, and producer Rita Hayworth.
Da Vinci is based on Leonardo da Vinci from The Life of Leonardo da Vinci which is a miniseries about the real life artist, portrayed by actor Philippe Leroy.
Svengali is based on the titular character of the 1931 film which is a film adaptation of Trilby, portrayed by the actor on radio, stage and radio John Barrymore.
Rashomon is based on the Samurai's wife from Rashomon which is a film adaptation of two Ryūnosuke Akutagawa novels "In a Grove" and "Rashōmon", portrayed by the actress Machiko Kyō.
Broken Blossoms are based on Cheng Huan from Broken Blossoms which is a film adaptation of The C**** and the Child, portrayed by the actor Richard Barthelmess.
Scarlet is based on Scarlett O'Hara from Gone with the Wind which is a film adaptation of the novel of the same name, portrayed by the actress Vivien Leigh.
Faust is based on the titular character of the 1927 film which is a film adaptation of the play of the same name, portrayed by the actor, director and singer Gösta Ekman.
Million Dollar Mermaid is based on Annette Kellerman from the film of the same name which is a biography about the real life swimmer, portrayed by swimmer and actress Esther Williams.
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palimpsestdoodles · 1 year
There will be a separate poll for the ladies and the monks and nuns don’t bother me.
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thomas-mvller · 2 years
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Sadio Mané (10’) Thomas Müller (14’) Leon Goretzka (25’) Leon Goretzka (35’) Adam Vlkanova (62’) Jan Kliment (75’) FC Viktoria Plzeň | 2 - 4 | FC Bayern München ²⁰²²⁻²³ ᵘᵉᶠᵃ ᶜʰᵃᵐᵖᶦᵒⁿˢ ˡᵉᵃᵍᵘᵉ ⁻ ᵍʳᵒᵘᵖ ˢᵗᵃᵍᵉ
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the-pinstriped-hood · 10 months
Finally made the first definitive Camper list and Which Parent/Cabin they belong to:
Big thanks to @goldrose-star, @devil-doll13, and @solmints-messyocdiary for helping me keep my thoughts together and to everyone that asked to have their OC's added to this AU, it wouldn't have gotten this big without all of you! That being said if there's any oc I've missed or if there's an OC you'd like me to add that isn't on this list please dm me! I'm happy to compile a new list!
Isabella "Izzy" Madison @the-pinstriped-hood
Calder "Cal" Beechum @rottent33th
Rón - @ajarofpickledtears
Finley - @solmints-messyocdiary
Milo Vess @slaasherslut
Ciarán @devil-doll13
Persephone "Percy" Jones @the-pinstriped-hood
Vincenzo @solmints-messyocdiary
The Librarian @devil-doll13
Beauregard "Bo" Sinclair - Cannon
Vincent Sinclair - Cannon
Magnolia "Maggie" Sinclair - @soupbabe
Eden Sinclair @sketchy-rosewitch
Lester Sinclair - Cannon
Selena - @ajarofpickledtears
Deen (Dogface) - @solmints-messyocdiary
Eric (The Patron) - @solivagant-muse
Avana "Ava" Walker - @slaasherslut
Cylas - @ajarofpickledtears
Jude - @devil-doll13
Clay - @rottent33th
Alicia - @ajarofpickledtears
Emil Müller - @soupbabe
Sammy (Skulk) - @probably-a-plant-thing
Frankie Smith - @sketchy-rosewitch
Maxwell "Max" Holt - @devil-doll13
Red -@damien-mlm
Arden - @solmints-messyocdiary
Griffin - @rottent33th
Archie - @the-pinstriped-hood
Axel - @solmints-messyocdiary
Darrell Hosea Todd - @bluecoolr
Iris - @solmints-messyocdiary
Cathryn - @ajarofpickledtears
Zach - @devil-doll13
Eleonora "Ellie" Mason - @rottent33th
AJ - @goldrose-star
Adam - @devil-doll13
Esther - @ajarofpickledtears
"Alice" -@solmints-messyocdiary
Ophelia -@solmints-messyocdiary
Candy - @ajarofpickledtears
Abigail -@devil-doll13
Taylor - @ajarofpickledtears
Mila - @solmints-messyocdiary
Odile - @solmints-messyocdiary
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such-a-fellow · 1 year
in the spirit of @keepthisholykiss ‘s post ranking the homoeroticism of Hamlet Graveyard Scene paintings
here is my ranking of the
Hamlet Illustrations I’ve Found on Google
that i personally think posess the most homoeroticism and/or gender between hamlet and horatio
first up at no. 8 we have this one by Adam Vogler; it’s a classic pose, pretty gay; the automatic hand Horatio has on Hamlet’s arm? the determined look towards the ghost? lovely. decent helping of gender as well since for some reason he drew both hamlet and horatio to look like a young orlando bloom.
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Next at #7 is this one by Gordon Browne. I LOVE Browne’s Shakespeare illustrations; his stuff is so evocative and he’s drawn some of my favorite Romeo and Juliet illustrations to date. This graveyard scene is subtle but wonderfully gay; look at them leaning into each other! Hamlet’s arm resting on Horatio’s shoulder so that his cloak covers them both slightly! delightful.
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#6 is a classic! This drawing by Robert Thew is very well-known, and why wouldn’t it be! Such a fun style! Such a spooky ghost! The movement is so intense! And the Horatio is so in love with Hamlet! Just LOOK at how he’s holding onto him. The terrified concern?? It’s wonderful.
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5: Now for some absolute GENDER! These are both by John Masey Wright, and frankly I’m obsessed. I love when people draw Horatio so he looks almost like Hamlet but in color. Also, of course, who could ignore how feminine they both look here? [how did he draw these characters so androgynous when he drew Romeo to look like he was 45 years old? it’s a mystery.] Love this though 10/10.
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Eugene Delacroix was famously wild about Hamlet, he drew like 10 bajillion sketches, paintings, engravings, etc. to illustrate it. This is my personal favorites of the ones he drew featuring Horatio, because it makes me DEATHLY sad. This drawing of Hamlet’s death is at #4 because look at it.
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For no. 3 we have Victor Müller’s painting of Hamlet and Horatio in the graveyard, which is heartrending and sombre with a heavy helping of gentle pining. It’s all in how Horatio is looking at Hamlet; he looks so heartbroken to see how tired and sad Hamlet looks. Crushes my heart into a million pieces. 20000/10.
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W. G. Simmonds gets #2 purely for going to the trouble to draw the “thou art e’en such a man (etc.)” scene at all. Who DOES that? Why would you? Look at the way they’re LOOKING at each other! Look at their hands!! I’m supposed to just act normal about this???
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Charles Taylor did engravings based on some drawings by Robert Smirke for an illustrated edition of Shakespeare in the year of our lord 1783 and frankly how dare he. what can I even say about these?? oh my god. the gender of it all. the PINING of it all. The death one in particular could make me cry. Number one in MY heart of hearts.
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defensivewall · 1 year
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JAMAL MUSIALA, THOMAS MÜLLER & JOSHUA KIMMICH - FC Bayern München v TSG Hoffenheim - Bundesliga - April 15, 2023
Photo by Adam Pretty
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fatomahperi · 1 year
50 Dil Konuşan Adam Prof. Dr. Johan Vandewalle: ''En hayran kaldığım dil Türkçe''
New York Üniversitesi Öğretim Üyesi Prof. Dr. Selçuk Şirin Youtube kanalında ilginç bir konuğu ağırladı. 50 dil konuşabilen Belçikalı dilbilimci Prof. Dr. Johan Vandewalle ile Türkçe üzerine gerçekleştirdiği röportajı izleyicileri ile paylaştı.
Selçuk Şirin, 1987’de Babil’de yarışmada birinci olduğunda sana bir soru soruldu. “En çok sevdiğin dil hangisidir” diye ne demiştin" diye sordu.
Prof. Dr. Johan Vandewalle ise şöyle cevap verdi “En çok sevdiğim ve hayran olduğum dil Türkçedir. O zaman 22 dil biliyordum, şu an da 50 civarın da dil öğrendim ve benim cevabım hep aynı. Çok farklı sistemlere sahip diller öğrendikten sonra hala en çok hayran kaldığım dil, yapısı en mantıklı, matematiksel bulduğum dil Türkçedir” dedi.
Prof. Dr. Johan Vandewalle Türkçeye olan ilgisinin 13 yaşında ailesiyle Türkiye seyahatiyle başladığını ifade etti.
Ziyaretleri sırasında Türklerin misafirperverliğinden etkilendiğini bu vesile ile Türkçe üzerine araştırmalara başladığını dile getirdi.
Bu araştırmalarda Türk dilinin gramerine hayran kaldığını belirterek Türkçeyi en ileri seviyede öğrenmek için büyük emek harcadığını vurguladı.
Kısa zamanda Türkçeyi ileri seviyede öğrendiğini ve bununla yetinmeyip diğer Türk lehçeleri üzerine araştırmalara başladığını sözlerine ekledi.
Ana dili Flemenkçe ile beraber ilköğretim lise hayatında Fransızca, Almanca ve İngilizceyi de öğrendiğini dile getiren Vandewalle böylelikle kısa zamanda birçok dili literatürüne kattığını kaydetti.
Dünyadaki birçok dil bilimci Türkçe için o kadar mükemmel tarifler yapmıştır ki guru duymamak elde değildir.
Max Müller (1823 - 1900), “Science of tho langnage” adlı eserinde Türkçe’yi şöyle tarif eder
“Türkçeyi söyleyip yazmak için en ufak bir istek beslememiş olsa dahi, bir Türkçe grameri okumak bile gerçek bir zevktir. Kiplerdeki hünerli tarz, bütün çekimlerde egemen olan kurallara uygunluk, yapımlarda baştan başa görülen saydamlık, dilde pırıldayan insan zekasının harikalı kudretini duyanlar hayrete düşmekten geri kalmaz. Bu öyle bir gramerdir ki, bir billur içinde bal peteklerinin oluşunu nasıl seyredebilirsek, onda da düşüncenin iç oluşlarını öyle, seyredebiliriz... Türk dilinin gramer kuralları o kadar düzenli, o kadar kusursuzdur ki, bu dili dil bilginlerinden oluşmuş bir kurul, bir akademi tarafından bilinçle yapılmış bir dil sanmak olasıdır”
Prof. David Cuthell ise şu ifadeleri kullanmıştır “Birçok yabancı dil bilirim. Bu diller arasında Türkçe öyle farklı bir dildir ki, yüz yüksek matematik profesörü bir araya gelerek Türkçeyi yaratmışlar sanki.. Bir kökten bir düzüne sözcük üretiliyor. Ses uyumuna göre anlam değişiyor. Türkçe öyle bir dildir ki, başlı başına bir duygu, düşünce, mantık ve felsefe dilidir.”
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