#adam x eric x otis
fishyyyyy99 · 7 months
I actually liked the way Otis and Maeve's story ended (I say this as someone who has shipped them since season 1). My only problem is that I feel like there weren't special moments between them like there used to be in season 1, or sometimes in season 2, that would have made their break up feel more impactful. I feel like Aimee and Maeve's relationship ended up outshining them, and even Isaac's small moment with Maeve this season felt like more of a connection than Otis had with her this season. I definitely loved what Maeve shared with Aimee and Isaac and would not change a thing. But, I would also add awesome Motis moments like we got when the show first came out. But I feel like the letter sort of made up for all the bullshit that went down between them and explained why she loved him. I still would have preferred if there were some season 1-like moments though.
Also, I didn't really like Ruby's last scene with Otis. I think it was a sign that she was putting herself first instead choosing to hang out with Otis when she clearly wasn't over him, which was good. But I wish the dialogue had been different. Or maybe I've completely misinterpreted the scene?
I actually quite liked this season overall for all of the characters, especially Maeve, Aimee, Ruby, Isaac, and Eric. I think Adam's arc was good too, he was just never my personal favourite.
Also, did anyone else expect that Molloy dude to steal Maeve's work? And a book from Maria Bronte's perspective sounds really interesting to me.
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admireforever · 6 months
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Aimee & Meave, Sex Education
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The best part of Netflix’s Sex Education is the way their friendships are written
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annoyingvoidzombie · 10 months
In 78 days we shall receive the final season of SEX EDUCATION 😥💔 I'll miss those crazy shit heads also it's time to rewatch (maybe closer to the actual date - SEPTEMBER 21ST!) ❤️
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mytvjunk · 1 year
Sex Education Star Ncuti Gatwa Leaving After Season 4
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pariahsparadise · 2 years
sex education is netflix's queerest show? lol allow me to introduce heartstopper
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Eric Otis and Ruby were the best thing about this episode! I miss the old cast everything feels off now🤦🏾‍♂️
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mariailoveyou-guerin · 10 months
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y’all my EricRahim endgame is coming and on pride too what great way to end it by saying their rename !
ADAM OUT!! RAHIM IN! I won so hard! been saying ericrahim rotis vivjackson endgame or nothing since s1
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Adam saying "I want you to put your dick in me" to Eric over soft, emotional piano music is top tier television.
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blues-valentine · 7 months
I am still trying to figure out if I liked the final season of Sex Education because some things felt off. I liked it a little bit more than Season 3 but I still get the feeling it was off. I didn’t feel Otis got any character development because he remained with a lot of his toxics patterns from Season 1 and didn’t apologize for any of them. The finale made it seem like everything was fine again but he was consistently awful all season.
Aimee and Eric had the most consistent arcs since Season 1 and remained till the end the best characters along with Jean. The new characters I liked them because they added new topics of discussions but it was also hard to care about them as a whole. I feel like there were a lot of characters such as Viv, Jackson, Cal and Isaac that that deserved a lot more but I am okay with their ending. Not much to say about Adam, I think his arc was very well done. Ruby (and Ruby x Otis) remains one of their biggest fumbles because they had the biggest potential. I genuinely still find Maeve and Otis one of those couples that the writers insist are show stopping but are just boring to watch.
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
About me and request rules
Hey I'm Ziggy and this is my blog where I obsess over men and sometimes women. I use he/him and I'm 18. I really like fall stuff, vampires, Halloween in general, and my special interest is specifically horror movies. My favorite horror movie is Texas chainsaw massacre. My side account is @slashers-offical-boyfriend and my non fan fiction account is @living-dead-author. Below is the information on my request rules and info. Enjoy your stay <3
Master list Ao3 account Depop
Taken anons: 🦝🌾🎟🐾🫀🤡🐚🍼👻♠️ 13 🎸🦇🦌🐝 🦕🎨
Requests: open
Match ups: closed
Do not interact with me if you are
Are a proshipper
Just a republican in general
Ed blog
Under 16
Match up rules
Specify the fandom you want and your gender preference.
Include things like hobbies, dream career, ideal parter, personality traits gender identity.
Feel free to include anything else you think is important.
Make them as long as you think they should be.
Will do
Light or regular angst
head cannons
hurt x comfort
x gn, male, trans masc and ftm reader
Autistic, depressed, anxious, etc reader (I won’t write about mental health issues/ mental illnesses unless I have it myself or I feel comfortable enough portraying it)
Darker topics like past mentions of abuse, sh, kidnapping, murder, etc all with proper trigger warnings
poly stories and head cannons (unless you tell me you want them to be poly I won’t write them as poly)
Slashers in a Dbd setting if they're actually in the game
Yandere characters (I think I know how to write one)
Iffy (Not common or might not write about depending on the request)
character x character
suicidal reader
Characters hurting reader on purpose
Recovering Ed related things
Heavy angst (More likely to be written with a happy ending)
Age regressing reader (Only if it's sfw)
x fem reader (Won't be very common for now unless it's essential to the fic)
I won’t do
sexual fics or head cannons
Child reader
pregnant reader
parent reader
Pro Ed related anything
Horror characters
Scream: Billy Loomis, Stu Macher
Black Christmas: Billy Lenz
Halloween: Michael Myers (og or rob zombie), Corey Cunningham
The Boy: Brahms Heelshire
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Bubba Sawyer, Thomas Hewitt, Nubbins Sawyer, Chop top Sawyer, Vanita "Stretch" Brock
House of wax: Bo Sinclair, Vincent Sinclair, Lester Sinclair
Behind the mask: Leslie Vernon
House of 1000 corpses: Otis Driftwood, Baby Firefly
The Lost boys: David, Paul, Marko, Dwayne, Michael, Star
The Black phone: The Grabber/Albert Shaw
Spree: Kurt Kunkle
Friday the 13th: Jason Voorhees, Tommy Jarvis
Child's play: Tiffany Valentine
Re-animator: Herbert West, Dan Cain
Carrie: Carrie White
Saw: Amanda Young, Adam Faulkner, Mark Hoffman, Peter Strahm
Candy man: The Candy man/ Daniel Robitaille
31: Doomhead
Psycho: Norman Bates
My bloody valentine: Harry Warden
American psycho: Patrick Bateman
Hannibal nbc: Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter
Near dark: Severen
Laid to rest: Jesse Cromeans
Martin: Martin Mathias
The Collector: Asa Emory/The Collector
Thanksgiving: Sheriff Eric Newlon
The Walking dead
Daryl Dixon
Rick Grimes
Negan Smith
Glenn Rhee
Maggie Rhee
Dead by Daylight
Danny Johnson/Ghostface
Pyramid head
Any slasher listed in the above section that is in dbd
Interview with the vampire 1995
Lestat De Lioncourt
Louis De Pointe Du Lac
Call of Duty
Phillip Graves
Simon “Ghost” Riley
Johnny "Soap" Mactavish
Misc. Characters
Johnathan Crane/Scarecrow (DC, based off Cillian Murphy portrayal)
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lamyaasfaraini · 7 months
Bye-bye one of our fav series!
(Netflix's Sex Education)
Ini gif nya diambil dari ending season 3 soalnya relate ini ttg perpisahan hiks
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Berhasil menamatkan 8 eps sex edu s4 dalam 4 hari wkwk lama ya? Uyuhan atuh nonton diatas jam 10 malem kdg dalam keadaan ngantuk bgt kami tuh saking pgn nobarnya berdua. Padahal bodor bgt ttp weh ai udah cape mah ketiduran juga haha.
Jadi gmn last seasonnya satisfying? Imho sih engga yah, walapun aku tetep amaze sama karakter2 development nya, juara sih beberapa org better bgt. Ya emang kan dari season awal jg sex edu mah selalu nyeritain banyak cerita, karakternya banyaaaak kek Game of Thrones. Belom lg tiap season ada karakter tambahan, sampe s4 pun begitu. Nah yg sangat disayangkan emg kalo di akhir tuh kaya pgn lebih deep ngga sih sama karakter2 lama, tp habis wkt kudu nyeritain karakter2 baru beserta problemnya. Ngga fokus di tokoh utama yg harusnya bisa lebih di gali. Scene2 yg selalu aku tunggu2 otis x eric aja jadinya sedikit bgt hiks. Mereka malah asik sama problemnya masing2 dan "dunia" nya masing2. Kenapa diantara keduanya itu dalam problem masing2 ngga saling terlibat sih?
Kalo percintaan otis x maeve mah udah pesimis dari awal dan udah ketebak dari awal sih. Otis si ngeselin nan problematik ternyata msh bergelut dgn traumanya, sex disorder sama trauma liat mamanya depresi wkt ayahnya ningalin. Jadi bisa ketebak hubungan percintaannya ngga lancar. Hiks!
Yang paling menghangatkan keluarga Adam, haaaa terharu inimah! Bapaknya yg kaku dan otoriter terlalu dingin sama istri dan anak, malah adam ngerasa dirinya gapernah "cukup" di mata bapaknya, sampe trauma jg. Akhirnya berpisah, tp dgn berpisah bapaknya jadi merasa tertampar, ternyata perilaku dia selama ini malah kehilangan anak dan istri. Selama hidup sendiri bapaknya merubah dirinya, belajar menjadi lebih baik sampe ikut kelas daring. Luar biasa bapaknya adam! Salute! Endingnya mereka bersatu. Seneng bgt liatnyaaaaa :')
Scene ibunya maeve meninggal jg bikin aku menitikkan air mata sih (pastinya inimah). Walaupun ibunya sering merugikan hidup maeve tp dia sangat sayang ibunya. Edan ngga sih, speech maeve wkt prosesi pemakaman ibunya sedih bgt!
Cerita viv x jackson bagus jg, hubungan platonik yg gausah sampe jadi romance deh, udah gitu aja ya gais. Viv nya jg pny pacar wlpn si gapenting pacarnya posesif, jd kaya hemm mending gosah diceritain lah.
OMG, Aimee! Akhirnya sembuh dari trauma pelecehan seksualnya, dia ini nih salah 1 karakter yg makin kesini makin lovely. Dia mengatasinya dgn journaling. Sungguh struggle dia melewatinya huhu. Tp yg ngga nyangka knp jadi saling suka sama Issac hahaha.
Jean, mamanya otis ngalamin postpartum depression. Ini kerasa bgt sih kacaunya dan ngerasain apalagi tanpa suami! Dan akupun ngerasain bgt yg dialami Jean, rumah berantakan, otak ngga sinkron, banyak lupa, mikirin A-Z. Jean butuh bantuan tp dia denial.. Belom diapun kudu kerja, gakebayang sih jadi single mom di umur yg udah mateng bgt. Nah karakter baru yaitu Jo adiknya Jean dateng deh.. Penolong diatuh tp ttp ada aja problematika sibling nya.
ERIC MY MAN! yaampun sampe kutambahin ini di edit lg wkwk. Tetep karakternya ekspresif bgt yg bikin kita berdua ngakak. Dia nemuin geng baru yg sefrekuensi sama dia sesama "pelangi" gitulah yaa dan geng itu berpengaruh di kampus. Inipun yg bikin hubungan eric x otis agak renggang, eric ngerasa otis ngga paham ttg dirinya yg lain. Yg mengharukan sih, eric tumbuh di kelg kristen tulen, dia mau di baptis tp saat pembaptisan dia speak up ttg dirinya yg pendosa dan jadi kaum pelangi. Didepan jemaat, ya kaget dong yaa.. Tp disitu eric lega bgt skaligus sedih. Singkat cerita di ending, eric memutuskan untuk jadi pendeta.. Pasti ini udah melalui pemikiran yg panjang bgt ya huhu.
Banyak bgt belajar pendalaman karakter yg aku pribadi pelajari di series itu, lebih berempati sama semua problem masing2 karakter, mencoba diliat dr berbagai sisi. Memandang secara objektif. Suka aja gitu~ makanya judul boleh agak keliatan mesum yah tp series ini lebih dari sekedar itu! Malah kayanya sex scenenya bisa di singkirin sih. Terlalu luvvv sama karakter2nya haaaa. Sampe tiap problem dan karakter developmentnya kita berdua suka bahas, terutama akusih yg selalu tertarik atau ya aku si chatter, tukang komen dan wewet tiap liat ke amazing-an karakter2nya yg memang ada aja di kehidupan sehari2.. Kecuali masalah perperlangian yaa itu msh tabu bagiku, ngerasain kebingungannya sama gendernya tapi liatnya malah makin bingung. Spesifikasinya terlalu banyaaak..
Suamiku @sagarmatha13 ngga terima udah tamat, dia mastiin lg ada tulisan "final season sex education" di netflixnya wkwk. Blio blg harusnya ada 1 season lg buat nyeritain si Cavendish nya, college nya itu. Karena transisi dari Moordale ke Cavendish kaya kagok bgt. Tapi kalo makin kacauain alur ceritanya mending dahlah stop disitu aja.. Walaupun ngga puas tp ya karena udah terlalu sayang sama karakter2nya jadi yasudahlah..
Once again, bye bye Sex Education.. Otis, Eric, Maeve, Ruby, Aimee, Adam and the gank. Thank you for entertaining us for the past 3 years!
(karena baru ngikutin series ini dari thn 2020 akhir)
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nisreensartworld · 7 months
Sex Education Final Season
!!!Caution!!! The post below includes spoiler about the Netflix series 'Sex Education.'
x x x x x x x x x x x x x I'm heartbroken with Otis now.... I mean, it does make sense that Otis and Maeve didn't end up together, because they are teenagers after all, a long-distance relationship is hard to handle even for adults. Part of me is happy about how realistic the script was, and another part of me is saying 'Who cares about realism in a drama, you guys need to learn what optimism means from Bollywood!'
What I loved about the final season: a) The nuanced way of depicting the death of dysfunctional parents b) The female teacher at the funeral especially did an amazing job. c) The whole postnatal depression thing of Jean Milburn emphasises the importance of seeking help. d) Jean Milburn and her sister having real sister vibes. e) Cal's struggles as a non-binary person in depth. f) Brave portrayal of Eric's challenges as a Christian gay man. g) Finally having a primary East-Asian character, who has both charm and weaknesses. h) Michael and Adam rebuilding their relationship together (this might be my favourite storyline)
So, loads of brilliant parts of course. However, my biggest complaint about the final season aside from the Otis-Maeve breakup is this; they made Otis look too much of an arsehole. Yes, he could have been a bit of a dick in the past too but to me those moments always made sense, especially given the fact that he was a teenager with his childhood trauma. But he straight-up assumed O was stealing his idea throughout the whole season didn't make much sense and didn't align with his personality. In my understanding, he was supposed to be a deep thinker and emotionally aware for his age. I didn't really recognise that side of Otis anymore in this season.
Overall, it was still a lovable-enough season to conclude the series.
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lena-after-dark · 1 year
Who I write for is listed below:
Individual masterlists will be linked as they are created. Don't see a character you like? Send me an ask! I may be willing to add them.
American Horror Story
The Countess Dandy Mott Misty Day
Bates Motel/Psycho
Norma Bates Norman Bates
Deacon Frost Eric Brooks/Blade Mercury
Byakuya Kuchiki Findorr Calius Gin Ichimaru Jin Kariya Kenpachi Zaraki Kensei Muguruma Mayuri Kurotsuchi Retsu Unohana Ryo Utagawa Sosuke Aizen Szayelaporro Granz Yoshi
Cabinet of Curiosities
Jenkins Brown (possessing Walter) Richard Pickman Walter Gilman
Cobra Kai/The Karate Kid
Da-Eun Kim Daniel LaRusso John Kreese Terry Silver
Courage the Cowardly Dog
Black Puddle Queen Freaky Fred
The Crow
Eric Draven Myca Top Dollar
Bruce Wayne/Batman (Bale) Edward Nashton/The Riddler (Dano) Edward Nygma/The Riddler (Carrey + Smith) Fish Mooney Harley Quinn (Robbie) Jervis Tetch/ Hatter Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow (Murphy) Joker (Ledger + Phoenix) Orm Marius Oswald Cobblepot (Taylor) Victor Zsasz (Carrigan)
Dead to Me
Jen Harding Judy Hale
Disney (* denotes live action only)
Claude Frollo Cruella DeVil* (2021) Diaval* Maleficent* King Stefan*
Evil Dead Rise
The Faculty
Edward Furlong Elizabeth Burke Joe Willis
Firefly Trilogy
Baby Firefly Otis B Driftwood Foxy Coltraine
Final Fantasy
Cid Bunansa/Dr. Cid Kadaj Loz Lulu Rufus Shinra Sephiroth Seymour Guado Vayne Solidor Vincent Valentine Yazoo
Funny Games
Paul Peter
Game of Thrones
Brienne of Tarth Cersei Lannister Jaqen H'Ghar Margaery Tyrell Melisandre Petyr Baelish Ramsay Bolton
House of the Dragon
Aemond Targaryen Daemon Targaryen Larys Strong
Hunter x Hunter
Chrollo Lucifer Hisoka Morou Illumi Zoldyck Uvogin
Josh Lambert + Parker Crane possessing Josh Steven "Specs" Fisher
Jujutsu Kaisen
Choso Kamo Geto Suguru (+ Kenjaku) Mahito Mei Mei Nanami Kento Ryomen Sukuna Toji Fushiguro
The Legend of Zelda
Ganondorf (Twilight Princess) Ghirahim Midna Sidon Zant
The Letter for the King
Jaro Viridian
Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit
Beorn Grima Wormtongue Thranduil
Agatha Harkness Heimdall Hela M'Baku Melina Vostokoff Namor/K’uk’ulkan Natasha Romanoff Norman Osborn/Green Goblin Okoye Olivia Octavius/Doc Ock Otto Octavius/Doc Ock Peter Parker (Maguire) Ultron Wanda Maximoff
My Hero Academa
Enji Todoroki/Endeavor Shota Aizawa/Eraserhead
Deidara Hidan Kakazu Kisame Orochimaru
One Piece (Live Action ONLY)
Buggy Garp Kuro Sanji
Repo! The Genetic Opera
Amber Sweet Luigi Largo Nathan Wallace Pavi Largo
Adam Faulkner-Stanheight Amanda Young John Kramer
Silent Hill
Pyramid Head Vincent Smith
Stranger Things
001/Henry Creel Dmitri "Enzo" Antonov Joyce Byers
Thirteen Ghosts:
Dana Newman/The Angry Princess Dennis Rafkin Horace Mahoney/The Juggernaut Royce Clayton/The Torn Prince Ryan Kuhn/The Jackal
Abraham Tex
Larissa Weems Marilyn Thornhill
Would You Rather
Julian Lambrick Shepard Lambrick
Cecil L'ively Dana Scully Fox Mulder Luther Lee Boggs
Misc. Characters
Adrian Tepes/Alucard (Castlevania) Albert Shaw/The Grabber (The Black Phone) Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls) Bo Sinclair (House of Wax) Cesaire (Red Riding Hood) Commodus (Gladiator) Creepy Thin Man (Charlie's Angels) Daniel Robitaille/Candyman (1992) Doug Davis (Cooties) Dracula (Lugosi + Bang) Ellie (Evil Dead Rise) Habit (EverymanHYBRID) John Ryder (The Hitcher) John Wick Kruger (Elysium) Kusuriuri/Medicine Seller (Mononoke) L Lawliet (Death Note) The Man (Hush) Moira (The Princess) Quentin Shermer/The Blissfield Butcher (Freaky) Rachel Summers (The Uninvited) Ransom Drysdale (Knives Out) Ross Humboldt (In the Tall Grass)
Celebrities* (see request rules)
Angela Bassett Idris Elba Jeffrey Dean Morgan Kathryn Hahn Patrick Wilson Sigourney Weaver Vera Farmiga
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yoongisducky · 7 months
this includes sex ed season 4 spoilers !!
sex education season 4, for me, was both great but not the best out of all the seasons. I love that we got closure for some characters and that we finally got to know how they moved past or delt with things that had happened previously. i also appreciate that a lot more topics like postnatal depression, cancer scares, not enough support when it comes to people with disabilities, sexuality, possessive partners etc were touched apon. however, i do feel as though the ending did disappoint me. dan coming to visit jean but then us not being able to see his reaction to being told he is joy's father, i feel personally i would have liked to see how he took that news. Yet, I do have to say the way they executed friendships, such as otis and eric as well as the growth in relationship between adam and his father was well executed. overall i feel as though the season was great, do i feel as though it deserves one more season? yes, but that's just me being selfish not wanting it to end hehe.
The jumping back and forth between maeve in America did put me off in a way, it was nice to see how she was doing out there and what her life was like now but I feel as though they could have brought her back into it when it came to her having to return for her mother's funeral, I also feel as though otis and maeve was never going to work. long distance or not I feel truly that otis and ruby had 10 x more chemistry and would have been so much better together this season as I could see something growing between them.
Amy, i love you. the closure we got for amy and what she had been through was handled well, i love that through her photography she found a way to gain peace as well as shed light on what she had been through and express her emotions. im also totally here for amy and issac's relationship, they're totes cute (im never saying totes again lol)
The character O really did piss me off at the start, her cocky attitude really got to me and i was rooting for otis' sex clinic (as you would not knowing anything about O) but as the season progressed and we got to see more from O and learn more about them i gradually warmed up to the character and in the end believe that her and otis would make a great team together (hence me wanting one more season to see this)
oh and one last thing, out of the three new characters they added in my favourite had to be aisha, i just loved her.
this is just my option, you're all open to your own i just wanted to express mine.
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Okay, So I finished S1 of Sex Education.....
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More thoughts under (I watched this after seeing Barbie [2023] keep in mind.)
Adam's dad can fuck off. You hold your own child (and even Jackson who isn't related) to an unrealistic standard and get mad when they don't reach it. (Although I will say shout out to the casting director who got two actors who look so blood related despite not being the reality.)
Otis is a sweet but I wish he had more of an effort to support Eric on his birthday other than being down bad for a girl he ended up not being so smitten for as she (or I) thought.
Aimee is a total sweetheart and I'm glad she separated herself from that clique. (Granted I feel for Ruby, but seriously they were irking all 8 episodes.)
Ncuti you will ALWAYS be famous!!!!!!
Speaking of which.......I find the Eric x Adam dynamic interesting
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This whole show without context gave me a relentlessly raunchy hollow take on Superbad, but this gave me more of the endearing quality of Fast Times at Ridgemont High & The Breakfast Club.
No wonder Greta Gerwig had a good chunk of the cast in Barbie.
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