Complain about booktok all you want but the self righteous AUDACITY you have to have to diagnose strangers on the internet with an addiction is ridiculous. I highly doubt that you, oh so pompous moral crusader against booktok, have the qualifications and knowledge to officially provide a diagnosis for anyone but you sure as hell have the qualifications to be an asshole and trivialize something like addictions.
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I've sat with darkness
Within me
Offered tea
And warm crisp croquettes
They declined so politely
And revealed
To me
That which never healed.
I smiled and shrugged
Deep cuts
I drugged.
We shared a laugh
Like sitcom
Audio tracks.
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spooniestrong · 7 months
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What is going on in California??
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weaponized-trauma · 3 months
200 days clean today this might not sound like a big deal but it is to me
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neuroticboyfriend · 3 months
i just realized that being clean from alcohol (only 21 mins to 1 full month) doesn't mean my drug addiction isn't in full swing... and that if i'm not ready to walk into an N.A meeting, I truly have no business treating myself as if I should be forced into recovery (not that anyone should ever be forced). there's a reason i'm in the point in addiction that I am, and I can't willpower myself out of it. I only tricked myself that I could by replacing alcohol with heavier, daily drug use.
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fatasswhitetrash · 9 months
I hate being in active addiction
I do the same fucking bullshit everyday like literally and im always fucking in my room and isolated and fuck man or if I’m not alone im with my best friend smoking dope in the same house that my family lives in. I honestly thought that moving here and getting to start over would be my saving grace and before my house was even put together I was shooting up in the driveway and my justification is…
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courtingwonder · 8 months
Dr. Robert Lustig (Pediatric Endocrinologist) - Serotonin vs Dopamine (Duration: 10 Min)
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sheena1234 · 1 year
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slugass · 3 months
i want to scream at the entire goddamn internet to stop fucking conflating hobbies like having fun playing a video game or baking with addiction
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1l171 · 5 months
im drjnk n i took 300mg seroquel yo<2
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juvenalesque · 1 year
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figurelifeflirt · 1 year
911 season 6 episode 10 In A Flash
I went from missing Buck to fearing for Buck to worrying about Buck to um I really love Buck?! All in one episode?!
Bobby calling Buck "kid", adorable.
This using Mae as a plant thing. Did they make her use a different voice?! Or is my hearing just really fucked up.
The curve to Denny's neck. He is such a cutie.
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sikvybz · 1 year
there’s no denying that there’s a problem when ur drunk at 9:15 am on a Thursday
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weaponized-trauma · 3 months
i've become so much less verbally aggressive since i got clean. not proud of the fact i used to be like that. i'm capable of change after all.
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whumpwizard · 2 years
Whumptober2022 Day 22: Pick Your Poison
Obi-Wan…no, Ben. It was Ben now, but either way, he remembered the days back on Coruscant, doing rounds in the lower levels with Qui-Gon and later Anakin (though it hurt to even think his name), seeing the people on the streets asking him for death sticks, or credits to buy them.  He remembered the young man in the bar before the war offering him one, and he had always prided himself on how he had handled that. He had seen the way that they would scratch at their arms, clawing at their veins as the withdrawal hit them.  Well, now he could feel it too.
In his sandy little hut, alone on Tatooine, Ben sat and tried to ignore the call of the Force. Since Anakin had died, the Emperor ad made it his mission to cleanse the galaxy of any remaining Jedi who had survived Order 66.   So, Obi-Wan had died too, and only Ben remained. Ben, who was not a Jedi, had no connection to the Force, and was just an old hermit living alone in the sand. But in his soul, he ached.
Even simple things like getting up to grab an item off a shelf or table had become and exercise in the greatest restraint, as Ben had sworn never to use the Force again. Never to reach out and tap into the power that flowed all around him, no matter how much it called to him. He didn’t know how powerful Palpatine’s inquisitors were, if they would be able to sense him, so he erred on the side of extreme caution. But oh, how he wanted it.
He could feel his veins burning with desire to reach out, his head swam as the current of the Force flowed around him, but he couldn’t do it. He had to remain hidden and this was the only way.
He took a seat and began to flip through one of the books he had picked up in town, trying to distract his mind from the need. It was useless, though. His forearms burned and the letters seemed to float around the page, and the only thing he could do was scratch. He dug his fingernails into his arms, and ran long tracks down it, trying to ease the pain with more pain. Again and again he rent his skin with his nails, down his arms and around his throat and across his torso. He kept going even when little droplets of blood broke through and stuck beneath his nails. He kept going even when he realized that it was no use.  That this pain only made him want more pain, made him want to tap into the flowing current even more, made him want to die.  He went and went and went, until there was no more place to scratch at that he hadn’t already, and no relief was in sight.
Ben collapsed to the floor, falling to his knees with a scream that only the sand dunes could hear.  He stayed there, on the ground of his little hut, until the twin suns set, and blissful sleep finally took him.
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its-stroms-show · 2 years
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