#additionally i still wish he'd lived because i was getting more and more attached to him just before he died
demigodofhoolemere · 3 years
One thing that will always bother me about BBC Merlin is that no one ever knew Gwen was enchanted in “Lancelot du Lac”, including herself. They just let all of the characters believe that she genuinely had a moment of weakness that she had to atone for and be forgiven for. On top of that, most of them will always believe that Lancelot actually survived and spent all that time recovering and making his way back to Camelot, and that he was less than his true noble self by committing the dishonor of pursuing an engaged woman and then killed himself for the weight of his guilt. All of the knights, his friends that he served side by side with, will always think that. Arthur and Gwen will always think that, and that their relationship hurdle was built on legitimate wrongdoing that they had to move past. At least Merlin knew about Lancelot, but still not about Gwen. How difficult would it have been to find that stupid bracelet in the cell and have Gaius examine it? Would that have been so hard to give me peace of mind?
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