#adhd in girls
91vaults · 11 months
So i’m wondering if this is common for AFAB people who end up diagnosed with ADHD
Out of curiosity i went over my school reports from primary school. My grades were pretty decent and I always made progress so that’s unremarkable
Interestingly there was a running theme of “not being able to concentrate” which was a bit surprising because while I remember this being an issue i didn’t know it was significant enough to be remarked upon. I just figured most kids can’t concentrate. It was worse in year one but i seem to improve, tho it still gets mentioned most years
but anyway my point is i was often described as “quiet, polite, well behaved, eager to please and a delight to have in class”
and i figure this must be why many girls/AFAB don’t get diagnosed? I did have an ASD diagnosis (which checks out) but if you’re well behaved, nice, aren’t really struggling acedemically then you’re opposite of the sterotype. Of course no one is going to think your struggling (i hear it’s the same for ASD too) it’s frustrating that rhe sterotype is hyperactive boys which people use to be dismissive . My niece recently got diagnosed with ADHD but i think that’s because her bahavioir issues are really apparent and she’s behined in certain milestones
also apparently in early school years i thought proof reading, spelling editing and punctuation was beneath me 😆
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dumb-lab · 2 years
Can symptoms of neurodivergent conditions get worse with age..? Or like the whole condition itself..? I feel like my adhd just keeps getting worse and also those burnout phases and sensory issues. (Especially auditory ones) and also stimming gets to the point im hurting myself and lets not even start about rsd.
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suffering-and-misery · 7 months
I'm making a google doc about ADHD in girls to get my add diagnosed and goddamn this is making me feel so stupid
How the FUCK didn't I realize this earlier
Like, I feel good because yay! I wasn't stupid and overly emotional all along. But now I also feel kinda bitter because how didn't anyone notice? Why didn't I notice? Why didn't my elementary teachers notice?
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fitgothgirl · 1 year
This is my ADHD pie lol
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This pie has been a longtime coming. I’ve wanted to make a pie, specifically pumpkin pie, for years, but never have gotten around to it. In November 2019, I finally texted my best friend for his pie crust recipe. In April of 2020, I went back to that message and screenshotted it to save it in my phone. Still didn’t make any pie then, forgot I had screenshotted those pictures, and went back to screenshot (again) in August 2020. 
Cut to a few weeks ago around mid-October (i.e. almost 3 years after I initially texted bff for the pie crust recipe), when I suddenly decided it was time to make a pie, and I got the pumpkin puree and some spices I was missing from the grocery store. I planned to make it that night, but that didn’t happen. Then time passes until yesterday, when I finally got myself to make the pie crust. I fucked up in a couple ways that I know of due to misreading directions, even though I thought I read them over and over before even starting. I was drained so only the pie crust got done yesterday, no pie.
Today I finally made the pie, and still fucked up further when I didn’t roll out the crust enough. I knew I should have but just didn’t, I just wanted to keep going. Also, the recipe said 55-60 minutes in the oven, but to check it at 50 minutes just in case, which I did, only to find it already looked overdone. So that’s the one thing that I dunno what happened with that part.
But you know what? I finally did it. It’s ugly and overcooked and the crust sucks and it took me 3 years, and basically all my errors seem ADHD related (beside the center setting so quickly for some reason), but I made a pie. And no matter how bad it is, the next time I make a pie, it won’t be my first time anymore.
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el-blossom · 2 years
I finally got an ADHD assessment 🥳 , turns out i have autism instead just major executive dysfunction lol , now i have to wait for an autism diagnosis appointment 😵‍💫
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astridianmayfly · 2 years
have you ever observed an undiagnosed ND kid struggling to do their best to in social situations and tasks that require focus, while their peers and actual fucking adults treat them like they’re stupid or annoying? because yeah
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crunchylittlespace · 1 year
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I love Olivia so damn much :))) this is a big mood. ADHD femme icon.
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touchatism · 1 year
when my brother was 6, he had trouble paying attention in class, socializing with the other kids, and couldn’t sit still
when i was 6, I had trouble paying attention in class, socializing with the other kids, and couldn’t sit still
take a wild guess who got diagnosed with ADHD and who got put in the gifted and talented program
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ADHD go brrr
I want to preface this with saying that I'm doing my best to manage my ADHD, I've gotten stim toys, I'm on adderall, and I'm going to therapy.
TLDR at end
That being said, I got a bone to pick with my volatile moods, which I'm assuming are from my ADHD. I will be at work and my coworker will try to talk to me. sometimes I'm fine, other times my mood sours for seemingly no reason and I snap at him. it is usually only one or two coworkers that cause this, other ones bothering me if fine.
I can't figure out exactly what is triggering it. I know i get set off when he like laughs or comments on something to 'himself' but he's trying to get me to ask him what happened or what is so funny etc. Now it might be an issue bc the room we're in is very echo-y and it's hard to understand him, audio processing issues etc. i am always asking what or can you repeat that. (it doesn't help that he's rlly bad at enunciating). It could also be a distraction thing where I don't want to be taken away from my task at hand. It could be a non-verbal thing where I don't want to talk. It could be a social thing where I need to talk to people, but since I haven't in awhile I've gone kinda feral. I don't know!
TLDR I keep snapping at my coworker with little to no trigger for it. Has anyone else with ADHD experienced something similar? (or other mental disorders too, not limited to ADHD!)
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xanaxlollipop · 2 years
Hello! I'm a mom of 2, my youngest is 10 and we suspect she has ADHD but the therapist says that she doesn't match the criteria for that. Her brother is 14 and he was diagnosed at 6... Why her diagnosis is so difficult?
Hello there! Well the quick answer is: ADHD present itself with a wide range of symptoms...often very very different between boys and girls.
Our behaviour is a product of the interaction between genes and environment, so the gender expectation that society put on us as males or females (yes, I'm going to use the binary classification this time, don't hate me, I only have these two statistics in my phone) have a certain weight on how we develop. Girls tend to present less primary symptoms then male (hyperactivity/inattention/impulsivity), we cal them "externalizing" because they're directed to the external environment. But girls tend to have more trouble with the academic functioning. I don't mean it in a bad way ofc...this only means that they often show the symptoms of ADHD in tasks such as multiple task management/planning/memory. Girls also have more "internalizing" problems, so anxiety and depressive symptoms, related to social relationships and school.
Generally symptoms of ADHD in females tend to be subtler than in males so maybe...talk to your professional about this.
Click here for a reference if you need it.
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dumb-lab · 2 years
Do u ever forget what u were thinking while u r thinking?
Like sometimes suppose im brushing my teeth and thinking of somthing and at one point i keep repeating a certain phrase such as 'doesnt matter' or 'there is no point' (these r just examples) and then i realize i forgot why im repeating that. Like i forgot the origin of the thought process and then nothing makes sense but just a while ago it made sense and now it doesnt.
It happens to me almost all the time.
Is it supposely a adhd thing or smth?
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fitgothgirl · 8 months
Had a weird, blah day yesterday since I basically didn't sleep the prior night. Since starting the Wellbutrin in early July, my insomnia hasn't improved. Falling asleep is never the problem but if I don't take either gabapentin or trazodone, I'll wake up for hours in the middle of the night, maybe only falling back asleep in the early morning. I told my psychiatrist I was taking either one of those meds probably most nights and he said it's fine since it's such low doses (50mg of trazodone or 200-300mg of gabapentin) of low-risk meds that aren't even sleeping pills. The trazodone is technically an antidepressant that often gets prescribed off label for insomnia, and gabapentin is technically an anticonvulsant for epilepsy but gets prescribed off label for anxiety. He had given the gabapentin to me in relation to trying to cut back on weed, but I inadvertently found it helps me sleep great and he said it's fine to use it for that too (another issue it often get prescribed off label for). But I'm at the point where I just want to take either one of those meds every night rather than fighting the meds-less nights every third night or whatever. The Wellbutrin helps me so much and the insomnia isn't getting better, but I sleep so well on either of those meds. So if it's okay to just keep taking them then I'd like to do that; I'll ask my psychiatrist at my next appointment. When I take them I sleep great and I don't wake up all groggy or anything, I just feel refreshed. The stark difference is reflected on my Fitbit too.
Makes me wonder if a stimulant would be better since it would have a shorter half life (I think? Correct me if I'm wrong). Doesn't matter how early I take my Wellbutrin in the morning - still the same insomnia problems. But if a stimulant wears off faster then maybe I could get the same benefits without this insomnia. That'll be another question to bring up with my psychiatrist. But based on our first few meetings like 6 months ago, he'll likely want me to go to through the full ADHD cognitive testing ordeal before prescribing me a stimulant, even though it's obvious I have ADHD and my therapist (who's in the same company so my records with her are visible to him I think) has diagnosed me on her end. But LMFT findings probably don't matter to MDs.
Anyway, I let yesterday be weird and blah and ate a bunch of random junk and didn't log anything. I was wanting to go to the gym after already having had two rest days but skipped that too. Took trazodone last night and slept well except I could've gone to bed a bit earlier to catch up a little. But I got back to the gym and tracking my intake and eating well today. Still a bit tired so I'll use tonight to catch up on some sleep and I'm just eating maintenance calories (or a little surplus) as well.
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whirligiga · 9 months
Microdosing on executive function by completing tasks in video games
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catgirl-kaiju · 1 year
me: hmh getting hungry
adhd: u can't eat rn you're already doing something
autism: there is nothing in the house that u like
anorexia: like u even need any calories
trauma: u've barely done anything today. you don't deserve to eat
little anime girl: burg her
me: burg her...
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little anime girl:
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hi i think this is really important and even if you don’t have adhd you should watch this.
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