#admin satin
nitearmorweek · 25 days
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Happy Transgender Day of Visibility
Today, March 31st, is the International Transgender Day of Visibility. As sapphic moderators of various genders, we want to make space to celebrate trans creators and characters, and affirm the importance of transness in fandom 🏳️‍⚧️
TDOV was established to celebrate trans people and raise awareness of the discrimination trans people still face. Stories are as much of a part of this as anything - representation helps us understand and embrace our identity, and humanises us in the face of invisibility and bigotry.
We want to highlight some of this representation in Star Wars. Although there is a long way to go, there are some incredible canon nonbinary, genderfluid, and trans characters in Star Wars 🪐
This fandom is full of incredible trans creators bringing their lived experiences to Star Wars characters and showing transness in all its complexity and beauty 💝 We are committed as mods to making this event week a space for trans stories and uplifting trans identities. We’ve shared a resource post if you’re looking for some guidance on writing and/or drawing trans people, and encourage you to reach out if you have further questions! Check out our about, rules, and prompts for additional information on the event itself.
Lastly, if you’re struggling with how tough it is to be trans right now and you need some support outside of fandom, we want to point you towards some of these organisations: GLAAD, Trans Life Line, TransEDU, The Trevor Project, and MermaidsUK.
We love you trans siblings, and we can’t wait to celebrate you during this event, and every other day of the year 💖🤍💙
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steven-wijaya · 3 months
Aku adalah seorang janda dan bekerja menjadi staff kantor swasta di bidang produk tekstil. Bekerja dibagian admin. Umur Aku sekarang  40 an. Walaupun Aku berumur 40 an tapi Aku masih mempunyai tubuh yang langsing, buah dada berukuran sedang dan Aku mempunyai putting susu yang agak besar dan memanjang dan berpunggung lebar. Ya, memang punggung aku besar dan itulah sasaran kegemaran oleh Pacar baru Aku dan dia masih berumur 29 an lebih muda dari pada Aku.
Dia gemar bermain seks dengan Aku bergaya doggie style tetapi saat bemain seks dengan Aku dia selalu keluar lebih dulu kerana terlalu bernafsu bila Aku memakai gaun atau blouse dari satin dengan punggung dibaluti kain satin yang sangat mengkilap dan licin. Pacar Aku adalah teman kerjaku dikantor dan dia suka dengan Aku karena  penampilan yang sederhana dan juga Aku suka memakai blouse-blouse dari bahan satin baik atasan maupun bawahan, makanya dia menjadi tertarik dengan Aku, apalagi bila disaat Aku bekerja Aku memakai blouse satin dia sangat bernafsu melihat Aku. Rasanya tubuh aku seakan segera diterkam dari belakang oleh nya dan segera memainkan vaginaku dengan jarinya dan kontolnya selalu mengesekan di kain satin yang Aku kenakan, walau pun ketika itu aku berada di kantor.
Pada hari berikutnya aku membikin hadiah kejutan bagi dia pada saat hari ultahnya Aku memakai blouse satin silk berwarna merah yang licin dan mengkilap dan bawahan Aku memakai rok satin berwarna hitam tapi pada hari itu juga Aku sengaja tidak memakai bra dan cd dan agar putting susu Aku tidak terlihat menonjol blouse satin silk aku aku tutupi dengan blazer berwarna putih.
Aktivitas aku dikantor segera berjalan seperti biasanya  tapi setelah bertemu Dia Aku menghapirinya dan berbisik “ Met ULTAH ya sayang” dia menjadi tersenyum sambil mengucapkan “ Makasih ya sayang”, dan pandangan matanya juga terlihat sangat bernafsu melihat Aku dengan penampilan aku hari ini yang sangat berbeda dengan hari-hari sebelumnya lalu Aku segera masuk ke dalam ruangan gudang kantor sambil memberi kode buat dia dan kebetulan pada waktu itu pas jam istirahat kantor semua karyawan staff pada istirahat mencari makan di luar kantor waktunya hadiah Ultah buat dia menikmati tubuh langsing ku.
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Dia mengikuti masuk langkahku dari belakang begitu Aku dan dia masuk ke dalam ruangan gudang pintu kami kunci dari dalam, dia mulai memeluk aku dari belakang dan mencium ku dengan sangat bernafsu dan kedua tanganya mulai meraba-raba blouse dan rok satin ku yang Aku kenakan semuanya. Dia masih membelakangi tubuhku dan memeluknya sangat bernafsu, Blazer yang Aku kenakan mulai dilepas dari tubuh ku dan begitu dia melihat tubuhku tidak memakai bra karena putting susuku menonjol dari luar blouse satin silk ku dia bertambah sangat liar dan bernafsu kedua tanganya mulai memainkan puting susuku dari luar blouse ditambah Aku dapat merasakan sesuatu yang menarik di saat membelakangi tubuhku dengan tubuh dia. Aku merasakan ada bonjolan yang agak keras mengesekan di bagian pantatku yang masih terhalang rok satin ku  dan aku tahu itu adalah kemaluan dia. Nampaknya dia sudah sangat bernafsu sekali kepada aku.
Bonjolan itu semakin keras mulai menusuk disela-sela pantatku di ikuti rok kain satin ku masuk terjepit di belahan pantatku dengan sangat rapat. Tapi sengaja aku melambat-lambatkan gerakan pantatku, sengaja aku kepingin merasakan kekerasan kontolnya yang sudah menegang dan keluar dari sarangnya. Tiba-tiba aku rasakan Dia semakin menghimpit dan menekan kontolnya maju mundur terasa rok kain satin ku mulai keluar masuk oleh gesekan kontolnya “ohhh nikmat sekali say” sambil dia membisikan ditelingaku tapi kedua tanganya masih terus meraba blouse satin silk ku yang sangat licin dan juga tak jarang kedua putting susu ku dipelintir dan ditariknya dari luar blouse. Aku menjadi mulai bernafsu akibat desakan nafsunya aku sendiri yang sudah mulai bangkit. Aku tungingkan badanku kebelakang supaya aku dapat merasakan kekerasan kontolnya lebih rapat ke tubuhku. Aku dapat rasakan hembusan nafasnya yang semakin tidak beraturan dan aku tahu, dia sedang bernafsu.
Tiba-tiba aku dia menyuruhku menurunkan tubuhku dengan posisi aku berjangkok menghadap tumpukan kain yang ada digudang dan aku tahu dia akan meletakkan kontolnya di punggungku dari belakang yang tertutup blouse satin silk aku yang berwarna merah, dengan tidak sabar dia segera mulai meletakkan kontolnya di punggungku dan tangannya dengan berani memegang pinggangku dan menarik pinggangku supaya lebih rapat kepadanya. Nafsu aku semakin bangkit. Aku lentikkan tubuhku dan dia mulai mengesekan kontolnya dipunggungku di kain blouse satin silk ku yang sangat licin dan kontolnya mulai bertambah menegang akibat gesekan turun naik. Aku merasakan dari belakang punggungku mulai basah oleh keringat dan cairan bening yang keluar dari kontolnya akibat gesekan naik turun darinya. Dia semakin berani, dia memeluk tubuhku dan mencium leherku. Aku membiarkan kerana aku
merasakan dianya benar-benar membangkitkan nafsuku. Kemudian Dia menarik kembali tangannya dan dia menjarakkan tubuhnya dariku, aku tidak tahu apa yang dia buat setelah puas mengesekan kontolnya dibelakangku. Kemudian dia kembali bangkit kembali menyuruhku tubuhku berbalik menghadapnya tubuhnya dan kali ini kontolnya mulai diselipin di kedua payudarhku yang masih berbalut kain satin silk blouse ku kontolnya mulai digesekan naik turun dengan kedua tanganku menjepit kedua payudarahku agar kontolnya terjepit lebih rapat karena blouse satin silk ku sangat licin laju gesekan kontolnya mulai cepat dan juga aku tau dia sangat menikmatinya hingga cairan bening itu keluar lagi membasahi kain satin silk ku.
Setelah puas mengesekan dipunggun dan buah dadaku dia menyuruhku menungging membelakangi tubuhnya kembali seperti tadi. Aku pegang dan ku usap-usapkan kontolnya yang masih keras dan panjang. Aku tancapkan kontolnya yang tegang gila itu dikain satin ku. Kemudian aku selitkan kontolnya di celah pungguungku. Dia sangat menikmati bila kontolnya digeselkan di belahan pantatku yang berbalut kain satin silk itu. Dia meraba- raba belakang badanku dan mengusap-usap pinggangku. Kemudian aku dapat merasakan Dia mengankat kainku keatas dan menyembunyikan kontolnya yang bergesekan dengan pantatku yang sudah tidak bercd itu didalam kainku.
Tangannya kini bermain-main di celah selangkanganku dan kini dia meletakkan kontolnya di bawah vaginaku dan digesek-gesekkan dengan sangat bernafsu sekali. Aku masih tetap diam dan membiarkan tindakannya itu kerana dia membuatkan aku benar-benar bernafsu.  kemudian aku merasakan Dia dengan perlahan-lahan menekan kepala kontolnya memasuki lubuk nafsu aku. Sedikit demi sedikit aku merasakan kehangatan kontolnya hingga keseluruhan kontolnya bebas masuk ke lubang kenikmatku dengan mudah kerana cairan Vaginaku dan lubangku vaginaku yang agak besar.
Dia meneruskan aksinya dengan mendorong masuk kontolnya kedalam vaginaku dari belakang. Aku merelakan dengan sepenuh hati. Aku ingin dipuaskan. Kami melakukannya dengan kepuasan nafsu kita berdua, hembusan nafas kami yang terdengar membakitkan gairah. Tiba-tiba Dia menekan kontolnya sedalam-dalamnya Crottt….crooot sehingga air maninya menyemprotkan kedalam vaginaku. Aku dapat merasakan cairan air mani Dia yang sangat hangat memenuhi lubang Vaginaku. rupanya dia juga tidak dapat bertahan lama. Tetapi tidak aku sangka setelah melepaskan air maninya di dalam vaginaku, dia tidak mengeluarkan kontolnya, tetapi dia meneruskan mengenjotkan maju mundur kontolnya yang masih terbenam didalam vaginaku dari belakang. Aku sangat puas kerana kontolnya masih tegang dan dia masih bernafsu. Lantas aku lentikkan tubuhku dan aku tungingkan tubuhku supaya nafsunya Dia semakin galak.
Aku dapat rasakan ada sesuatu meleleh di pahaku dan aku tahu itu adalah air maninya Dia yang dikeluarkan tadi bersama cairan vaginaku meleleh keluar dari belahan vaginaku yang sedang enak digenjot kontolnya. Aku benar-benar terhanyut kenikmatan, aku tidak tahu sudah berapa lama aku berada dalam keadaan begitu. Nafsuku benar-benar ingin meletup. Merasakan kontol Dia keluar masuk di Vaginaku yang sudah terlalu licin itu benar-benar membuatku terasa seperti ingin sahaja aku menjerit dan meluahkan kenikmatan itu. Aku benar-benar nikmat diperlakukan seperti anjing oleh Dia. Kontolnya masih memainkan didalam vaginaku dari belakang dengan hanya mengangkat  kainku ke atas.
kemudian aku terasa vaginaku semakin mengecut dan nafsuku semakin liar. Aku semakin mengemut kontol Dia dan dia semakin galak mendorong dan menariknya keluar masuk vaginaku. Akhirnya aku segera klimaks dan posisi ku dari doggy style sekarang  menjadi aku ditindih dari belakang tubuhnya dan menjadi lebih rapat dengan dia dan ini membuatkan kontolnya yang aku masuk itu semakin tenggelam sedalam-dalamnya. Aku menggigil menahan kenikmatan  dan dia memelukku dari belakang dengan sangat erat. Dia berhenti ketika kontolnya yang masih keras tegang itu masih didalam vaginaku yang mulai semakin lemah. Kemudian Dia melepaskan pelukannya dan dia kembali memegang pinggangku dan dia mula mendorong tarik kontolnya, kali ini temponya semakin cepat. Aku semakin melentikkan tubuhku supaya dia semakin bernafsu. Dan akhirnya dia menekan kontolnya sedalam-dalamnya dan sekali lagi dia segera memutahkan  air maninya. Cuma kali ini aku rasakan beda tidak sebanyak yang pertama tadi.
Dia membiarkan kontolnya didalam vaginaku dengan agak lama. Kemudian dia memelukku dengan erat dan dia merapatkan mulutnya di telingaku lalu dia membisikkan sesuatu.
“Sayang, selepas ini, entar setelah pulang kerja kita lanjutkan lagi dirumah.”
“Ok.” Jawabku
Kemudian pacarku mengeluarkan kontolnya dari vaginaku dan dia membetulkan kainku yang diangkatnya tadi dan membersihkan bekas cairan air maniku yang membekas di kain sati silknya itu dengan tissue basah. Aku kemudian beralih ke tepi dan aku lihat kontolnya semakin lemas dan mengecil. Kemudian dia menyimpan kontolnya yang masih berlendir itu kedalam celananya. Selesai kemudian dia menghampirkan aku dan dia peluk aku dengan erat. Kemudian dia mengucup dahiku dan memberitahuku bahawa dia sudah lama mengidamkan air maninya bersemadi didalam perutku. Kemudian aku memberitahunya bahwa aku sudah lama tidak merasakan klimaks dan apa yang diberikan kepadaku itu benar-benar memberikan kepuasan dalam hidupku.
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
Femme Fatale Morning Routine: How To Start Your Day With Dark Feminine Energy
Rise in a matching pajama set or night dress. Indulge options made from silk, satin, lace, or cashmere in the colder months.
Wake up with a tall glass of water. Add lemon, if desired.
Vitalize your skin with a well-curated, short skincare routine that's perfect for your skin type and concerns (don't forget sunscreen).
Listen to music that awakens your body and spirit. Dance, EDM, or pop music are all great options. Look for 'happy,' 'productive,' or 'baddie' playlists for your enjoyment.
Brew a cup of luscious coffee or tea to energize your day.
Meditate for 5-10 minutes. Life becomes so much more effortless when you just breathe.
Write out your top 3 affirmations and goals. Bonus points for listing 3 things you're grateful for today.
If you have 10-20 minutes, read some text that inspires you or a couple of articles related to your industry or interests to get your brain powered up for the day.
Get dressed in an outfit that makes you feel your best. Try tailored trousers, your favourite jeans, silk skirt, button-down blouse, blazer, or a leather jacket for the office. A matching knit or cashmere set is perfect for WFH. Don't forget the accessories (slippers, too, if remote).
Perform your morning beauty ritual – makeup, hair, perfume. Find what works for you to help you feel confident and beautiful for the rest of the day.
Eat a wholesome, plant-based breakfast. Oatmeal with fruit and seeds, natural peanut butter, and avocado toast are all great options.
Review and revise your most important tasks, meetings, and to-do list for the day. Time block similar tasks and admin routines like email and updating spreadsheets.
Practice self-care and discipline to reap success. Once you master a routine that feels good, your desires and dream life become your destiny.
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projectorthus · 8 months
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Last day I’m so sad ):
I had to draw Korkie at least once so I added him to this one. I nearly had a stroke figuring out the dates and ages here so hopefully I didn’t screw them up too bad. Bo and Satine’s age gap wildly fluctuates depending on what I’m writing so don’t take any of this as my solid headcanon.
Anyways thank you all for reading, I had so much fun this year! I can’t wait to do it all again next year! It’s always so much fun. Bo Week admin ily /p
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skyliv · 1 month
pokémon au drabble….. i’ve been having some thoughts
around 1900 words!
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An Eelektross sinks its head back into the murky water of the Kalosian sewer. It wasn’t the best place to swim, but it was somewhere, and its slick green skin blended in perfectly with the algae.
It saw its target, and it had to go back and report.
Lucielle Lakes was staring dead straight at her partner Dewott. It stands between her legs, looking right up at her as she sits on the Lumiose street bench. The tree above them casts the already teal otter into a more greenish shade, and it blinks a few times, all before a smile spreads on its snout.
Lucy had blinked first, she lost the game. She a back with her own smile, beginning to laugh. “I’m sorry, buddy!” She chuckled, before helping it hop up to her side.
Dewott grabs onto the shoulder of her sweater vest, its little claws digging into the soft, flower patterned yarn. She had turned her head to rummage through her messenger bag, before pulling out what looked like a small lunch box.
She opened it, and there was Dewott’s prize! Next to a slew of berries were a few Poké Puffs, two matcha and one mocha. The chocolate one was decorated with cream and sprinkles, and Dewott almost immediately grabbed at it.
“Woah! Hey- Slow down!” Lucielle scolds, putting her hand in front of his paws. Her partner scowls, before flexing its claws as she slowly and purposely takes the puff out slowly.
The moment she placed it in his outstretched paws, the dessert was gone in seconds. She smiled, why wouldn’t she? Living in Lumiose city had its cons, but the atmosphere was far from one of those. People of all sorts were walking by, some of their Pokémon tagging along. Colorful buildings towered over the streets, bustling shops lining the floors. The sky was clear, the breeze was cool, everything was perfect.
But there was so, so much more going on. Team Flare failed their mission, Lysandre went missing, they never even properly established themselves. All due to another company rising, Alchemax. They tried to keep their name in good faith, no ideals for wiping out the world, nor irreversible climate change. Just looking into harnessing the natural powers of Pokémon, for the “betterment of humanity,” and… Something else. Something only the Kingpin and a few higher admins knew the full extent of.
An older woman stands less than a block away, her back against a tree that stands as a gateway to one of many labyrinthine alleyways. She stands out among most people, big curly brown hair tied up into a bun, a paisley patterned scarf over a two toned dress, all tied together with a crisp white lab coat. It billows behind her, its vent cut and decorated with a green satin lining. She steps forward, slithering between pedestrians in silence.
Lucielle had perked up, and turned her head when she saw the woman approach. She gave a smile, just thinking the scientist would walk past, even when Dewott flattened its ears in frustration. But she seems a bit worried when the other slows.
“Do I know you?” The older woman says mid-stride, one of her gloved hands tracing the top of the bench.
Lucy just blinked a few times and turned where she sat, as if it took her a second to process an answer. “Me? I’m not sure how anyone could recognize me,” She stammers. “I mean, I was in one of those videos with Sycamore,”
The scientist practically glares down at Lucy, one of her brows rising as her lips curl. “That’s it! Thaaat’s it,” She says, drumming her fingers on the bench before looking down to Dewott instead. The otter’s snout had shifted into a snarl, and Lucielle follows Olivia’s gaze to it. “Lucy, right?”
“Oh! Don’t mind him,” She says quickly, wrapping her arms around him as if he were just a large plush toy. “But yes, yes that’s me! Wait, you were at the lab too, right?”
“Doctor Olivia Octavius, and yes,” She answers, extending a hand to shake. Lucy takes it quickly, a sweet smile on her face.
“A doctor? It’s such a pleasure to meet you! I really wanted to say something to you last weekend, you spoke to the professor, right? Did he give me a good name?”
Olivia has to hold back a small chuckle, and her steely gaze softens as they shake hands. “Come on, the pleasure is all mine. You should’ve heard his praise. For a researcher like myself, it’s always wonderful to see an up and coming graduate.”
Olivia lets go first, and while Lucy seems reluctant, she does as well. Her eyes are locked on the other woman, her sharp features, those striking eyes framed by a large pair of glasses. She has to snap herself out of it once Olivia speaks again.
“Have you been enjoying your research? And how have you been getting by?”
Clearly, the question shocked Lucy, coming from a near stranger.. But Olivia was close to Sycamore, it wasn’t too out of the blue. “Oh! Well, I’ve got a position at a boutique on my street, and, genuinely,” She leans back a bit, “And my research? Wow, just, I could never be happier in a position. There’s something so reassuring seeing just how connected these little guys are to nature, like us connecting to them can bring us closer to, well, everything.”
The doctor nods a few times, before rounding the bench. Her gaze was soft, she’d never seen someone else with such a bright view of the world, and as Lucy pats the Dewott, she can’t help but smile. Lucielle’s partner Pokémon does not seem to appreciate the movement, as the claws of one paw tap the pale pink scallop at his hip. She frowns faintly, and pulls the little guy over her lap and to the other side.
Olivia nods down to the bench, a silent gesture of “May I?” And just as anyone would expect, Lucielle nods quickly and moves her bag. The doctor hums when she flattens her dress to sit, and she smiles at Lucy when she fixes the back of her lab coat.
She opens her mouth to speak, before her eyes widen a little, and she looks away to Prism Tower. If she wanted to do her job, to be “evil”, now was the time. As it grew, Alchemax would need more associates, and as the head scientist, Olivia felt that it was her responsibility. Yet this was the first time she ever felt conflicted. She drapes her arm over the back of the bench, her lips pursing as she thinks. Should she just go out and say it? Invite the lady to the lab, try to employ her right there? But it was odd, she wasn’t used to liking someone… Especially not this quickly, she didn’t want to be horribly blunt about her motives.
She shakes her head, almost unnoticeably, but the faint movement causes Lucy to look back and notice a few strands of violet in that bundle of hair. She crosses her legs and looks over to Lucy.
After a tense moment, Lucielle is the one to talk, her eyes on Dewott, who had been snuggling up into her arm. “Well… How’s your work?”
Olivia’s eyes widen, she was usually the interrogator. She sits up and kicks her boot a little. “It’s good, it’s all good. Not sure why you’d be wondering though.”
Lucielle shrugs. “It’s a neat place, once I get my coastal Pokédex more fleshed out, I’d like to look into working there.”
“Coastal? Why not central first? Are you a beach girl?” Olivia turns to face Lucy more, barely leaning closer to rest under the shade of the tree. She didn’t choose to pry into Lucy’s future, there was a genuine sense of wonder in her voice.
“You can say that, the first Pokémon I ever met was a Corsola… The sweetest little staghorn morph, I think I was five? Not sure, but since then I adored water types.”
Olivia nodded along, nonchalantly fiddling with her gloves. “That’s actually very nice.” She says quietly, before turning to Dewott. “And this darling? How in the world did you come across a shiny?”
Dewott perked up when he heard his name, and Olivia smiled when she saw the otter peek his head over Lucielle’s shoulder. “This little buddy? His egg was a gift from my grandparents, they helped run the daycare down by Camphrier. The original owner moved to Paldea, left a few eggs and a few hundred dollars, guess they didn’t know what was in them.”
As Lucy spoke, her partner sniffed at the air, at the faint metallic smell around Olivia. He steps forward, placing his little paws on one of Lucy’s thighs, leaning closer to the doctor like a curious kitten. Olivia reaches out her hand, barely extending a finger for the Pokémon to sniff it. Lucy laughs a little, and her smile brightens when Dewott actually climbs over her lap to get closer.
“I’m impressed you recognized him! Was it the shells?” Lucy chimes.
“Not really, just the fur,” Olivia answers calmly, before gently stroking the otter’s furry cheek. “I have a shiny partner of my own, it’s beautiful how different each individual can be.”
“You do?! How’d you find them?”
Olivia laughs along, it had been a bit since she actually talked to anyone. “I was around your age, a bit younger, but just out of general college. The lab I interned at was testing the potential of electric types as a power source, and it just so happened that one of them was just a little bit darker than the rest.”
Thankfully, Dewott was warming up to his new friend, and Lucielle tapped her leg on the pavement as she watched the two. She didn’t have anywhere to be that morning, and had no idea where the time went. Not that she was complaining.
“It’s so interesting, isn’t it?” Lucy says after a few seconds of quietly observing.
“I know I’m supposed to ask, so I’ll give you this.. What’s interesting?” Olivia snickers, her eyes narrowing a little.
“How different everyone is, everything. And we all fit in even if we think we don’t.”
The doctor blinks a few times, wiping that smug look off her face. The last thing she expected to hear was this girl spit out some philosophical nonsense, but she nodded, and played along. “And just how do we fit in?”
“We fit together, you helped me have something to do this morning, you gave Dewott those ear scratches he’d been begging for.” The otter makes a small chittering sound as Olivia shifts. “You sounded interested in me, and this was our chance to meet. I’m just glad we took it.”
The doctor brought her hand back, causing Dewott to open his eyes and sit back down on the bench, his tail swishing. “Huh…” She leans her head back, looking into the stark blue sky as her hair cascaded over her back. Although she couldn’t truly forget, her mind was off work for the first time in weeks. “That’s sweet, Lucy. You’re sweet.”
They both smiled, and when Olivia straightened back up, Lucielle responded. “Says you!”
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starlakehq · 15 days
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hi all! this is a little bit of a different post, as i have an idea for a roleplay — but i am seeking a COADMIN ( or two or three, depending how many reach out! ) to help me get things off the ground, to help run and help maintain the roleplay! this role, of course, comes with creative direction for the roleplay as i would love to build this together with a team and a great group of muns! i'm looking to have fun, most importantly. my vision for STAR LAKE is quite simple — star wars meets once upon a time. i know, strange, right? but i've been just dying to be a part of a star wars roleplay for years now, and i'm a sucker for lost memories, angst and drama! if you are too, well, perhaps this idea is for you! i also want to be able to explore things i know fans of the series like myself have always wanted to explore as well — kenobi & satine, anakin & padme having a chance to raise their twins; such things that a normal star wars roleplay wouldn't involve without going canon-divergent, such as this — and what better way to rewrite the story, then go alternate universe all together? and of course, i would love for people to introduce their star wars ocs as well. if this seems like something you'd be interested in pursuing with me, please reach out to this account! i will be slowly updating and working on things myself, as i tend to lean hard on the graphic & character side of roleplay development. i would love to develop this idea with a group of people who also love the series, and just want to have some fun writing characters we all love!
— admin m
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hundredpocketed · 3 months
challenging sunday but yesterday was so good. spent time with my family spent time with my love consumed some tasty tacos and got purple satin lace-trimmed bloomers and a beautiful beautiful tulle skirt both second-hand and so pretty with my shiny shiny shoes. when i wear them I’ll share pictures ! today I’m submitting a late grant application cooking food for the week doing the laundry reading a book planning to plan for the future. maybe booking Spanish lessons. sometimes on a really nasty-feeling day where my emotions feel a little outside of my control (today lack of sleep + pms have collided it’s not so nice) it’s so good to get some personal admin finished it helps me live very richly fully etc on the days where I feel more hopeful. also cafe near my office doing all coffees for 2.50 this month i will treat myself when I’m in this week!!!!
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shoshiwrites · 1 year
[ 𝐒𝐎𝐅𝐓 ]― sender wraps a soft blanket around receiver’s shoulders ∙ Clara
Requested by: @loveduringthewar
They stay behind while his parents go visit the neighbors down the hill. It’s quiet, and Clara can see snow falling through the window, in the glow of the side light. If she peeks through the lace of the bedroom curtains she’ll see the twisted branches of the bare apple trees, the barn, the path up to the pond. The blue of the night.
She’s not sure what she’ll do with herself after this one’s done — the bedspread gathered in her lap, the one for Danny and Lucy’s wedding present. 
There have been back-to-back projects like that for a while now, though none quite so large. Housewarming presents, table covers, baby blankets for Evie and for a couple ladies in the school’s admin office, edged in satin. Clara’s pretty sure Jo will need one soon, but she’ll wait for the official announcement. 
Asleep in the easy chair, Skinny snores softly, unmoving against the blue corduroy of the upholstery. His feet rest on the matching hassock, underneath a flannel blanket.
The light is all but gone from the sky now, seeing where they are in deep December. She’s squinting a little now, pressing the plastic of her glasses further up her nose. 
Lucy will be so beautiful in her dress, Clara knows, in the snow outside the church, in her Juliet cap with her black curls. Lucy hadn’t let Vicky help with much in the way of style, much to Vicky’s disapproval, but they’d both been allowed to help with the final alterations.
She’ll look beautiful, and he’ll look handsome. They’ll both look so young. Because they are, because Danny’s still her baby brother, and always will be. There’s something hardened in his eyes now. She doesn’t estimate it will change. They’d all seen the newsreels, read the reports. She ought to be better about it, she knows, to breathe out, to settle the knot in stomach when he offers pieces at the kitchen table. Lucy listens. Lucy’s good for him. 
She continues working along the edge, almost to the end. Then one more, and it will finished. Ready to wrap up, ready for their home together. They’ve already got their eyes on a small house outside the city, even if her parents would have him home forever. 
If they’re close by, she and Skinny can visit. He can play darts or shoot pool with Danny in the basement. She can make Lucy coffee and listen. 
She looks over at her husband, the way he’s tending towards one side now, curling up for warmth. The stove downstairs probably needs more wood, but it will be alright for now. Silently she sets her needles to the side and collects the bedspread, the soft white cotton, heavy in her arms, and arranges it over him. Maybe she ought to worry about it, about stains or dirt or dust, but he’s so still, and his parent’s house has always been and will always be spotless, a tidy little nest at the crest of the hill. She hopes it means a dreamless sleep, the way he looks now. She switches off the light, and goes into the kitchen to put on water for tea. 
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pixiemage · 2 years
Through a Crack in the Void
Part 11 / ??? [ Previous | Next? ] [ Chapter List ]
[With the gift of clothes and the return of something long forgotten, Grian begins to feel more like himself again. In another part of the server, the admin ponders conversations, both past and future.]
{This story can also be found on Archive of our Own}
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Trying on clothes ended being both more and less of an ordeal than Grian had anticipated. He had realized fairly quickly that he wouldn’t be able to actually try on most of the shirts Bdubs had brought along thanks to his wings, but Cleo had convinced him to basically do a one-man fashion show with everything else in the shulker box. A few things fit him fairly well despite the height difference between himself and Bdubs. A greater majority simply weren’t his style or didn’t sit well on him, but a few pants and shorts were set aside for Cleo to alter and one or two of the shirts were added to the same pile - ‘Since they look pretty close’, she had told him. (One dark gray tank top was immediately snatched up by Cleo for quick alterations, the back opened up and re-hemmed along the edges to allow room for his wings all while Grian kept trying on the remainder of Bdubs’ donations. ‘For immediate use’, she’d quipped. Her muttered comments about how he was ‘Swimming in Iskall’s hand-me-downs’ left no room for his weak protests, no matter how much he wanted to tell her that he could wait a few days and that she didn’t have to rush to get anything done.
She called him a guest. He thought of himself as an accidental invader. He didn’t bother correcting her.
There had even been a few skirts in the mix, though it was never made clear if they had been donated to the cause by Cleo or if they had come from Bdubs’ closet like everything else. Those Grian didn’t even bother with. Even if he was the type to wear dresses or skirts for costume purposes, they weren’t the kind of thing he went for on a normal day. (And even if they had been it would have been an impractical choice for someone who relied heavily on flight.)
The strangest part of it all was the sensation of so many different fabrics against his skin, his rather limited wardrobe from the past decade thrown into sharp contrast to the wide variety Bdubs had brought along. Cotton and denim and linen and wool…some of them must have come from outside of Hermitcraft, from a non-vanilla server or a vendor at the server hub market. There was a silk or satin dress shirt in the mix that Grian was a little sad he couldn’t try on, just to feel what it was like to wear it. But it wasn’t something he thought he might have a need for so it wasn’t worth cutting it up just for the sake of a tactile experience.
Among everything, there was a lone pair of black jeans that fit Grian almost perfectly save for the length of the legs, but when he cuffed the bottoms it was as if they were made for him. These he kept, not even bothering with asking for alterations from Cleo. They were comfortable and durable and - most importantly - a wonderful contrast to the light, airy, loose-legged trousers he had been clothed in for most of the past decade. When he combined it with the sneakers (which also fit, a minor miracle in his opinion) and the tank top Cleo had already finished altering (another minor miracle; he couldn’t fathom how she had done it so quickly) the whole outfit felt so different from what he had been wearing under the Watchers’ hold. It felt new. It felt refreshing. It felt like rebellion and defiance and…
…and it felt, in his opinion, a whole lot like freedom.
Due to the lack of a mirror, Grian had taken to stepping outside and using the water pools in Mumbo’s wheat farm to get a look at himself while Mumbo caught up with his friends inside. It was so surreal, he realized, after years of seeing the same purple-toned reflection of himself in the dark surfaces of glossy obsidian pillars and walls. It was surreal to see something different standing there opposite him. If it weren’t for the color of his wings and the lingering outline of burns on his face, he could almost pretend he was looking through a window to the past, to a time before Evo had even happened.
The opening of a door and the sound of chattering voices drew Grian from his thoughts and he turned, spotting Mumbo standing in the open door to the base and tossing a laugh back over his shoulder toward his houseguests.
“No, no! Please,” he was saying, smiling all the while, “take your time. I’ll just be a few minutes.”
Then the door swung shut behind him, quieting the sounds coming from inside the house.
“What’s up?” Grian asked, straightening the hem of his new shirt self-consciously.
Mumbo’s smile turned to him and it brightened.
“Grian! Hey. I, er…actually, I have something for you.”
Grian blinked. He did?
“You do?” He glanced toward the door, toward where Bdubs and Cleo and the gifted clothes were hidden behind a wall. “I mean - I’ve already been given so much today.”
“Well - yes, I suppose so,” Mumbo agreed, chuckling slightly. He made a few movements in the air before him with his right hand as he approached, clear signs that he was going through his inventory. “But, er - this is…well, a bit different. Less of a gift, more of a return.”
“A return?” Grian’s brow furrowed and he cocked his head to the side. “What d’you mean? I haven’t given you anything.”
“Not recently, no. It’s from a while ago. I - well, here.”
Mumbo’s hand stilled and something red appeared in his grip, red and soft and so achingly familiar that Grian couldn’t help the gasp and widened eyes that came forth when he realized what Mumbo was holding. It was a sweater. It was his sweater. He had completely forgotten - he had left it in Mumbo’s care before leaving for Evo, having remembered at the last minute that the configuration of wool had changed over the years and that his favorite sweater might not survive if he tried to bring it to an ancient update like the one Evo started on. He’d had to go dig out old clothes from years past that still conformed to beta code structures, something which some of his friends had followed his lead on once he sent out a message to the group about it. Leaving his sweater with Mumbo hadn’t been the plan, but it had still been in his inventory when he was leaving, and he didn’t have time to move it, and Mumbo had offered–
With reverent hands, Grian reached out and took the proffered clothing from his friend’s grip, letting out an involuntary trill at the familiarity of the soft texture, at the feeling of comfort it gave him.
“You…Mumbo…” his words were watery and so were his eyes, gratitude and relief and an emotional whirlwind he couldn’t name welling in his chest. When he looked up, Mumbo’s smile was bright and his eyes were suspiciously shiny. “...you kept it?”
“Mate, of course I kept it,” Mumbo told him as if it was a ridiculous thing to ask. “You told me to take care of it, didn’t you? I’ve had it in my long-term storage since you gave it to me, and then when Bdubs told me he and Cleo were coming over with clothes, I remembered and - well.” He shrugged, scuffing one shoe against the grass and tucking his hands in his pockets. “I thought you might like it back. If not, that’s alright too, I can just put it back, but I - oof!”
Mumbo’s ramblings were cut off by a sudden armful of clingy avian, Grian’s hug knocking him back a step and making him chuckle. Grian buried his face against his friend’s chest and let out a breath, his smile hidden against the dark fabric of Mumbo’s suit.
“Thank you,” he breathed. Mumbo returned the hug without hesitation.
“You’re more than welcome,” he returned gently, a smile in his words. After a long moment he pulled away, casting a glance toward the sweater Grian was still clutching in one hand. An anxious look flitted across his face for a fraction of a second. “It’s - I mean, it’s okay, isn’t it? Stasis didn’t do anything to it, right?”
Grian let out a startled laugh.
“Mumbo–” He snorted, rolling his eyes. “Mumbo, you spoon, it’s fabric. It’s not food. It’s fine.”
“Right! Right. Of course.” Mumbo nodded awkwardly, his face going a bit pink, though he brushed it away with a smile quickly enough. “Bdubs and Cleo are leaving soon, by the way. Just so you know.”
“Ah - right.” Grian threw a look over Mumbo’s shoulder toward the house. “I reckon I should say thank you, shouldn’t I?”
Mumbo let out a noise of fond exasperation.
“Grian, you’ve thanked them a dozen times by now. It’s fine. Though I think they’d like to say goodbye if you don’t mind.”
“Why on earth would I mind?” Grian asked, blinking his attention back to Mumbo.
“Well - I don’t know, do I?” Mumbo spluttered, throwing up his hands. “I don’t know why you do half the things you do. Here I am, just trying to be polite, and my best friend decides to tease me for–”
“Oh my goodness, Mumbo!” Grian groaned, laughing all the while, and shoved his taller friend toward the house. “Go back inside you nutter. I’ll join you in a tick.”
Once Mumbo’s chuckling form had vanished behind the closed front door, Grian dropped his eyes to the red sweater he was still holding. He smiled softly to himself and rubbed the soft fabric between his fingers. It was such a simple thing, really. It was only a sweater. Yet after everything that had happened, such a simple reminder of home and friendship and before warmed Grian’s heart like nothing else. He quickly undid the pair of zippers that were stitched into the fabric below each wing sleeve and pulled the sweater over his head, his fingers refastening everything with practiced ease as if it had only been yesterday that he last put it on. Once he had it on and the comforting warmth was beginning to wash over him he took a few steps closer to the wheat farm. This time, when he stared down at his own reflection in the water, Grian could finally say that he felt more like himself than he had in years.
Saying goodbye to Cleo and Bdubs wasn’t a very dramatic affair. Cleo made promises to get the altered clothes back to him as soon as she could, and Grian thanked them both - again - for everything while Bdubs shrugged it off with a grin.
“I should probably be makin’ my rounds though,” he told them as he glanced at the sun’s position in the sky. “I’ve still got a bunch o’ people to say hi to before I head back home.”
“Do you know when you might be back?” Cleo asked, finishing packing up her inventory as she did so.
Bdubs shrugged.
“I’m not sure. Might be a few more months. But hey–” He grinned, winking at them all. “–trust me when I say you’ll know when I’m back. I’ll make a big entrance and everything!”
“I’d expect nothing less,” Mumbo grinned, his hands tucked away in his pockets as their little group made their way to Bdubs’ and Cleo’s boat that still sat upon the shore. “Just don’t be a stranger, yeah? Shoot out a message now and again, even if it’s just to Xisuma. He’ll pass anything along if you want him to, you know that.”
“Aww, I know,” Bdubs grinned back. “Don’t worry about little ol’ me. I’ll be back before you know it!”
By the time the pair had vanished out of sight behind a distant shoreline, a peaceful sort of silence had settled over the little island. Grian felt eyes on him, felt Mumbo watching him, but he didn’t speak, simply taking in the sight of the sunset as it painted the sky above the ocean in a soft and brilliant array of colors.
“You seem happy.”
Grian blinked, Mumbo’s quiet words taking him by surprise. He quirked an eyebrow at his friend.
“Is that surprising?”
“Well, no, I meant–” Mumbo trailed off, taking in Grian’s appearance with a soft smile. “...you’re more like yourself today. More like your old self. You seem happier than you were when you first arrived. It’s just…nice to see you like this.”
Grian’s expression softened and he looked back out over the water again, watching the pinks and oranges and purples in the sky slowly darken with the setting sun. The twitch of a genuine smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.
“I…I guess I am. Happy, I mean.” His wings fluttered behind him, his feathers rustling as they settled more comfortably against his back, ever mindful of how sore they were from that morning’s flight. “I dunno. It’s like it’s finally sinking in that I’m safe here. That I’m free here.” For however long it would last.
Mumbo leaned down slightly to bump shoulders with him, a bright smile lighting up his eyes.
“Good. I’m glad.” There was a pause, a quiet moment where they both seemed to be watching the sunset and enjoying the light sea breeze. Then– “You overworked your wings this morning, didn’t you?”
Grian spluttered, shooting Mumbo an offended look, but the knowing smirk on the taller player’s face had him deflating in an instant. He scowled and folded his arms over his chest, his wings drooping against the ground behind him
“How’d you even know that?”
“You were favoring them the entire time you were doing your little fashion show for Cleo,” Mumbo mused, amused. “Plus I know how you hold yourself when they’re sore. I still remember when you broke your wing a few years ago. Your constant whining made it fairly memorable.”
“Mumboooo,” Grian groaned, shoving the other player away from him. “You’re just taking the mick now.”
Mumbo’s eyes sparkled with mirth and his mustache curled with his smile.
“Heh, a bit, yeah,” he admitted. He spun on the spot and nodded toward the house, all but abandoning his shorter friend with his long strides. “Come on then. I’ve got a few of those healing potions Stress left behind. I’m not saying you should make a habit out of it, but we’ll get you sorted this once.”
“Only the once?” Grian pestered, darting to keep up with the redstoner. “That’s not a very good health care policy, now is it?”
Mumbo huffed in exasperation.
“Well maybe you’ll learn a lesson or something and take it easy if I threaten to leave you in your misery the next time you don’t follow doctor’s orders.” It took little more than a shit-eating grin from Grian for Mumbo to sigh and add: “Though if I know you as well as I think I do, that wouldn’t do much to stop you, now would it?”
Bright laughter broke out over the island as the sun set on Hermitcraft, soon joined by a lower chuckling that made the moment feel light and warm. It was a good day.
~  ~  ~ ~  ~
Xisuma checked the clock on his communicator for the umpteenth time, having not registered the small digital digits the last few times he had glanced at it. His thoughts were in a bit of a jumble, so he could forgive himself the repeated spaciness this time around. He wouldn’t have bothered checking the time at all really if he hadn’t told Grian he would meet him later that afternoon, and despite how reluctant he still was about being the administrator of Hermitcraft, he’d be damned if he fell flat on his duties when a new member was involved. True, he had given a few trusted Hermits certain administrative privileges to ensure there was always someone around to help keep things running smoothly, but this particular responsibility fell to X alone.
Plus he had promised Grian that nobody else would be allowed to view his player code besides himself and TFC, a promise which he intended to keep to the best of his abilities.
After checking his communicator for a fifth time, Xisuma sighed and banished it to his inventory along with the string he had been utilizing for the AFK fishing farm he’d been trying to build. (Admittedly, it was a bit of a cheat that took advantage of an odd string of coding in vanilla worlds, but it wasn’t as if he was the only person using one on the server. Right?) He slipped outside and sidestepped into the main storage room of his base, making sure the door had closed behind him before removing his helmet. It was set aside on a chest with a dull thunk as he scratched at his jaw, the quiet scritch scritch of his gloves against his beard barely registering.
“What do you know about Watchers?”
TFC’s question from the other day floated back to him, the same conversation that had been looping in his head since it had happened. What did he know about Watchers? More than most, he’d imagine. He was a voidborn after all and Watchers were from an adjacent realm. He’d heard stories growing up and knew full well how powerful they could be. How vengeful, if they weren’t the friendly sort. How aloof and self-righteous, even if they were. How possessive they tended to be either way, and how some - outliers mostly, but some - even went so far as to steal players away from their homes as if they were little more than toys to play with.
“Isn’t it amazing, ‘Suma? I’m so much stronger now! They taught me, they showed me–”
“–told me it’s the only way to finish my training. I won’t let you stand in my way. It’ll all be destroyed, and there’s nothing you can do to–”
Stop it.
Xisuma banished the old memory, though its similarity to some of the things Grian had told him was something he didn’t fail to notice.
“I don’t like doing it,” Grian had said, the day Xisuma had stopped by to ask him some questions about his arrival on the server. “They taught me how, I didn’t ask to learn, they taught me and trained me and then–”
And then. And then something must have happened that warranted Grian wanting to escape, that warranted him needing to, but for all his curiosity on the subject Xisuma wasn’t about to pry. It wasn’t his place, and he had already learned so much - too much - from Grian’s player code and from what TFC had found out from that friend of his.
“When I was still runnin’ with those circles, Watchers tended to be a pretty uniform bunch. Protectors of worlds, creators of new life, breathing code into the universe - all those folk tales people tell? Well, a lot of ‘em aren’t wrong. ‘Course, I’ve been away for a while, and my old friend told me a few things have changed since I was more in touch with everyone. See, some Watchers started spending too much time around players, and they got curious. They learned. I reckon a majority of ‘em are still like all those old stories - distant and holier-than-thou and such - but a decent number of ‘em started breaking off and forming factions. Some of ‘em took up different names - Kristin mentioned something called the ‘Listeners’, though I didn’t ask about it. Some of the factions are friendly, some of ‘em not so much. The friendlier ones’ll take in lost players and teach ‘em their magic, which sounds a bit like what happened to our new kid - but not quite. See, trouble is, it wasn’t just the friendlier ones that got curious about players. Some of ‘em see us lowly folk–”
“Tin, I’m not sure you can count yourself as part of ‘us lowly folk’.”
“...well, I’m close enough these days. But - right, some of ‘em see lowly players as nothin’ more than playthings. They’ll take ‘em in, sure, and they’ll teach them their magic, but it's often against their will and they’ve done unspeakable things to the people they steal away from their homes. If the original Watchers are what all those ‘protectors of worlds’ stories spawned from, then some of these darker factions? They’re why ‘destroyers of worlds’ is even a name people attach to ‘em.”
“...and you think they’re who got ahold of Grian?”
TFC’s eyes had turned dark at the suggestion and he had nodded, something pained and sad in his expression.
“Oh, I almost guarantee it.”
And later in the conversation, when Xisuma had told the older Hermit that Grian had given them the okay to look at his player code–
“You said he was on some server called Evolution before this, right?”
“He was. Why?”
And the old miner had let out a weary sigh, scratching at his beard and staring at the little distorted line of text on Grian’s prior server list in his player code.
“Well…if it’s the place I think it is, I think your boy’s old server became the site of an interdimensional turf war without his knowledge. There’s skirmishes an’ such that’ll break out between some o’ the factions every few decades or so, Kristin said, and servers can get caught in the crossfire. I’d bet you anything Evolution was one of ‘em.”
Xisuma was the admin, but it was situations like this that made him wish Generik had handed the role over to someone else - anyone else - back when the older player had chosen to leave Hermitcraft behind. X wasn’t built for this. He wasn’t great at this. He could handle misbehaving coding just fine, and he could make decisions for the greater server if need be, but large conflicts and complex player histories and emotional turmoil–
X took a breath and pinched the bridge of his nose, his ever-present headache returning tenfold.
Grian deserved to know about all this, just in case any of it was true. But Xisuma was reluctant to bring it up so soon lest he set off another panic like the last time he had spoken to the young avian. For now though - for now he could start with the basics. He could lay some things out on the table, see if Grian was willing to share any of his story, and when all was said and done - whether Grian opened up to him or not - Xisuma would add him to the whitelist with Grian there to see it with his own eyes. Whatever happened after that was up in the air.
Though - Xisuma summoned his communicator and checked the time, this time actually registering the numbers lighting up his screen - with how chaotic Hermitcraft tended to be, if there was anything X had learned to be good at it was improvisation. He’d figure it out.
And if it turned out he couldn’t, then Joe Hills would certainly be up to the task.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[A/N: The red sweater! ^^ I've had that scene planned for a very long time. I didn't know how it would play out exactly, but I did know Mumbo would be the one who had been keeping Grian's sweater safe. (And since Grian was using his Link skin in Evo, it was fun to write in some universe-building stuff along with it.) And then we see a glimpse of the aftermath of X's talk with TFC...huh. Wonder how that chat with Grian is gonna go...?]
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written by a minor
^ comfortable rping with people +18, unless over 24
will write either satine/nini or nini/santiago, or any platonic relationships
literate rp, i will mirror writing styles unless actions are in asterisks [ex: *walks in* hi]
dms are open ! to rp, plot, or anything
admin uses they/she/he, lesbian
replies may be slow, i am very busy. i promise i’m not trying to ignore anyone.
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ruki--mukami · 2 years
You were reading peacefully before going to sleep, your girlfriend randomly comes to you and shower you with kisses, all over your face (and your lips too)
She says she loves you so much and doesn't know how to express all the love she feels for you
(Admin, your blog is amazing, definitely my favorite! I wonder how you are able to answer everyone so perfectly and without ever closing the asks, thanks for the hard work ☆)
"Not only are you interrupting my reading, but also you're abundant with your kisses. Usually I would discipline you for being such a greedy livestock, however, I can't say I dislike seeing this side of you. The one that yearns for your master with every fiber of your being… Isn't that right? Otherwise you wouldn't be spilling your heart out to me this very moment. If you confess such profound love for me, then I'm afraid I may not be able to hold back any longer."
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Shutting his novel with care and setting it atop the nightstand, with a wry smirk Ruki neared your face and exhaled ever so slightly to allow the chill of his breath to tickle the dusted blush of your cheeks, red to your ears with embarrassment from the sudden proximity. Frigid fingers curling slowly around your chin, a sea of sapphire bored into your slightly widened eyes before Ruki captured your lips in what began as a chaste union of gentle caresses that gradually escalated to an open-mouthed embrace as the sharp tips of his fangs prodded the vermillion border, eliciting a muffled gasp of surprise from you to invite the invasion of his tongue. A slow exploration quickly gave way to an urgent search of each sensitive corner, much to the Vampire's satisfaction. Your tongues twirled together between panted breaths and declarations of abiding devotion and love, body pliant beneath his against the shifting disheveled satin of the bedsheets.
"You're quite adorable when you're flustered," he crooned with a separation of lips, a thin bridge of saliva being the sole connection. "There is no need to worry about how you express your love for your master when we have all of eternity to spend together. Instead, I want you to promise me that you'll always be mine. Whether it's through a kiss, an intimate touch, or even just a parting glance... I want you to show everything to me, Livestock, because the feeling is mutual. No matter what we encounter in this life—even the most difficult of adversities—I will always support you and love you wholeheartedly."
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(( Aww, thank you so much, Anon!! This was so very sweet and kind of you and I hope you enjoyed the answer! It's my pleasure to answer everything both as canonically as possible and also to find new avenues for my writing. For as long as this blog is active, I won't ever close my ask box because I want people to send in requests as they please. ))
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nitearmorweek · 2 months
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📢 What is NiteArmor Week? Five days (April 1-5) dedicated to the relationship between Bo-Katan Kryze and the Armorer from the The Mandalorian. Creators of all kind (writers, artists, cosplayers, editors) are invited to make pieces that celebrate the romantic, sensual, and/or sexual nature of the NiteArmor.
Each day of the event week has it's own theme (as shown above), with related prompts meant to inspire anyone taking part. You're welcome to use any combination of prompts or mix and match with anything that inspires you most. If you have a prompt idea that isn't listed but matches an overall daily theme, you are absolutely allowed to share it!
This blog will share + reblog everything posted during the event that is tagged #nitearmorweek and/or @'s us directly (as as long as it adheres to our about and rules). Complete text from the graphic provided below:
APRIL 1 | TENSION: a strained state resulting from forces acting in opposition to each other.
"Yield." "Never."
Bite the Hand That Feeds
"Souls tied intertwined by our pride and guilt." 
Stranded Together
Arranged Marriage
Enemies to Lovers
Clone Wars AU
APRIL 2 | TEMPERANCE: to temper or act as a counterbalancing force.
“But it’s just that I fell in love with a war.” 
Heavy are the hips that wear the strap
Brat Taming
Sensory Play
Sacrilege and Salvation
Keldabe Kiss
Medieval AU
APRIL 3 | FLAME HARDEN: a hardened surface with a soft core.
“This lust is a burden we both share.”
Romance Pulp Fiction 
Mandalorian Courting Traditions
Partings / Reunions
Dirty Talk
"I need to know you’re mine"
“Who did this to you?”
Mafia AU
APRIL 4 | REFORGE: to form again or fashion anew.
Cin Vhetin
Armor Repairs / Painting
Mending Wounds 
Western AU
APRIL 5 | CRYSTALLINE: to take a definite form.
Battle Wives
Marriage / Riduur
Face Reveal
Exchanging Armor Pieces
Soulmate AU
We look forward to celebrating NiteArmor Week with all of you soon! Feel free to send us an ask if you have any additional questions ♡ @swfandomevents @thebigbangblogproject @fandomweeks @sapphicstarwars @starwarsfemslashblog @starwarstoxicfemslash
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bitacrytic · 1 year
After months of trying to get the admin’s attention, Tem finally received an invite to become an author. Which was awesome. He couldn’t write stories for shit, but he’d started liking pictures really quickly. Faceless, insinuating, provocative pictures that needed memes and short captions to tell whole stories. It was simple, really. He’d been working on a lot of them since he got the idea and now, with this invite, he was going to start uploading them.
Whenever he next visited either of the mansions.
There was a knock at his door. School was on a break but he was living off-campus anyway so he didn’t have to go home. Without a roommate, he usually wore nothing. It took him a few seconds to pull on a pair of boxers and t-shirt before opening the door.
There was a man outside with a large, square box in his hand. It was wrapped in a cream and maroon satin with a dark purple bow on it.
“Are you Temtran Piangvanic?”
He was handed the box. “This is for you.”
Tem brought the box in as he closed the door with the back of his leg. Clearing the pile of clothes from his bed, he dropped the box and opened it as the room was suddenly filled with the aroma of juicy, hot pastries. Inside the box were wraps of meat pies, samosas*, small buns and even some cupcakes. While that was epically normal, what was weird was that they were all shaped like penises and pecks and lips. There were even a bunch of meatballs that came in small sacs of twos.
“What the fuck?” Tem asked the box as he picked up the card in the corner. ““Keep your Friday free,”” he read from the card. ““If you want to have a good time.””
Tem frowned when he read Tankhun’s name at the bottom of the card.
He was tempted to pick up the phone and call, but Tankhun still wasn’t answering his calls. He wondered if this had been sent in error. After all, Tankhun was still not speaking to Tem. He’d found out about Tem and Time and Tem couldn’t blame him. If he was in Tankhun’s shoes, he’d be running in the opposite direction.
But he’d sent Tem an invite. That had to count for something. He wanted Tem at the party. And given that Tankhun wasn’t interacting with him in any other way, Tem knew he’d have to go. He’d have to see Tankhun. If not for anything, to at least explain that things were completely over with Time.
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grapenehifics · 1 year
Chapter 57
(Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40473339/chapters/111388738#workskin)
YES THEY SORT OF KISS IN THIS CHAPTER. Good Lord that has been a long time coming.
-I had fun coming up with email addresses for all of them! Now that I think about it however, Padme's probably should be something like [email protected]...
-Maybe Ahsoka only did water polo one year...or maybe I just forget to mention it later in the fic. Who knows really!
-"I mean, I did. Right up until...you chuckled...like that..." is Mike Wazowski's line in Monster's Inc.
-I said this in the comments to the fic, but I think Anakin's life (sucky as though much of it has been for him to live through) has also maybe him a really great person to help Obi-Wan through difficult times. Like, Anakin gets grief, and depression, and isn't going to ever ask why Obi-Wan isn't getting over it faster or tell him to just move on, already. He's a really great example of how to help someone who's grieving.
-I realize I am giving crumbs, here, 57 chapters and even though there's kissing it's, like, sad kissing? And not on the lips? I just want to take a second to thank everyone who's gotten this far; your patience is commendable.
-Ahsoka's dress code protest is based half on real-life dress code protests in the LA Unified School District (and elsewhere). Some articles:
in L.A.: https://highschool.latimes.com/don-antonio-lugo-high-school/protesters-demand-a-revision-of-the-dress-code-that-disproportionately-affects-young-women/
in FL: https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/education/2021/08/27/high-school-students-across-duval-county-protest-dress-code/5614624001/
in NJ: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/krishrach/young-women-are-protesting-against-dress-codes-with-iammoret
in MT: https://www.yahoo.com/news/high-school-students-protest-sexist-dress-code-184909487.html
and half on an episode of Everything's Gonna Be Okay, where Nicholas is called down to the school ostensibly to talk about Genevieve hitting a boy, and ends up having a lengthy conversation (which neither the school admin nor the boy's parents want to be having, but Nicholas just, like, refuses to leave the office) about teenagers and sex and power and body autonomy and it was actually really sensitive and insightful and sex-positive and I think about it on a fairly regular basis.
Also, it was important to me that Ahsoka and Padme eventually become friends on their own terms. Like, not right away - that's not how step-parenting works, you can't just make it happen - but in Clone Wars they are really good friends, totally separate and outside of their respective relationships with Anakin, and they needed to work out how to do that in this fic, too.
(But, also, would Ahsoka have done it if Satine weren't sick? Probably not.)
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daebakinc · 1 year
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Pairing: Daehyun x Reader (G) Prompt: Alien Word Count: 2.4K
~Admin V
            Daehyun was pissing off your boss again. He took “all you can eat” seriously at the all-you-can-eat buffet you worked at. Your boss wanted to charge him double.
            “He’s not doing anything wrong.”
            “He’s eating twice as much as every other customer! I lose money every time he comes in!”
            It took herculean strength to hide your smile.
            “Just get him out.”
            You nodded as the boss went back into his office. Once you were sure he was behind the closed door, you grabbed a bag full of crab Rangoon and walked to Daehyun’s table.
            “How’s everything today?”
            He stuffed a Chinese donut in his mouth. “Delicious.”
            You chuckled and stealthily handed him the bag. “For you, but you have to leave.”
            He swallowed the food in his mouth and smirked. “Captain Cheapskate angry again?”
            “Oh yeah.”
            “It’s not my fault he has such delectable foods at such a low price.”
            Another chuckle escaped you.
            Daehyun popped the last of the food on his plate into his mouth and smiled triumphantly.
            You’d been working the courage to ask him for weeks, but it was finally now or never to go through with it.
            “Hey, how would you like to have food even better than this for free?”
            His eyes were wide and full of excitement as he looked up at you.
            Forcing the lump in your throat down, you continued. “My brother is getting married Saturday. If you’re interested, you’re welcome to come.”
            It was silent for a moment as he gazed at you. “I don’t know your brother.”
            “But you know me,” you nervously tucked hair behind your ear.
            “So, it would be like a date?”
            The blush spreading across your cheeks was beyond your control. “It -it doesn’t have to be. My brother and his fiancé have a bunch of food trucks coming to the venue. I just thought maybe you’d like to enjoy food without my boss glaring at you.”
            He stroked his chin, pretending to consider it. “The food is better, you say?”
            “And free,” you added.
            A large smile appeared on his face. “Count me in! Where should we meet?”
            It was difficult to keep from fidgeting the day of the wedding. It would be the first-time seeing Daehyun outside of work. The two of you agreed to meet after the ceremony at the reception, which happened to be your brother’s back yard. Would he recognize you out of your uniform?
            Someone cleared their throat next to you.
            Surprise filled you when you turned and saw it was Daehyun. Of course, you knew you’d look different in formal attire, but you weren’t entirely prepared for how he would look.
            He wore a black suit with gray pinstripes and a pink satin tie. His brown hair was still fluffy and chaotic, but he looked like a rockstar nonetheless.
            A smirk formed on his face as you gaped at him. “A little different than when I’m stuffing my face?”
            You nodded shyly.
            He visibly took in your appearance as well. “I’m feeling lucky myself with a date as gorgeous as you on my arm.”
            A blush darkened your skin. “Thank you.”
            He offered his arm. “Shall we, before all the good food is taken?”
            Shaking with laughter, you took his arm and led him into the reception.
            Daehyun looked like a kid entering a candy store for the first time. The venue was outside and as promised, surrounded by multiple food trucks. Tables were strategically placed around the trucks leaving space in the middle for a dance floor and DJ. He insisted getting food from every single truck. When you sat down at a table it actually didn’t look that farfetched from the all-you-can-eat buffet.
            The smile never left your face as you watched him try each dish. Lots of happy moans and closed eyes came from Dae every time he took a bite.
            Carefully, you took small bites from your taco, making sure not to spill any of the contents on yourself.
            “How does that taste?” He was very focused on watching you eat.
            Your cheeks were once again red. You finished chewing then swallowed before answering. “It’s really good. The meat is flavored just the right amount and it’s really juicy.”
            Daehyun licked his lips and looked over his pile of food. “Do I have that?”
            You gave him a sheepish smile. “I think I stole it from you.”
            He gasped in false horror. “How dare you.”
            You both giggled. He gladly took the rest of the taco as you offered the plate to him. He didn’t even bother to bite from the opposite end. He shoved the whole thing in his mouth, slightly resembling a chipmunk with full cheeks.
            Mouth full, he responded, “You’re right.” Once the food was down, he continued. “I think I might love you for inviting me today.”
            As he went back to other food in his hoard, you sneaked a plate he was ignoring and enjoyed eating with him. When you were finished with the plate, Daehyun also seemed to be finished, sitting back in his chair with his hand resting on his belly.
            “Wow, Jung Daehyun full? I never thought I’d see the day.”
            His hand waved in dismissal. “I’m not full. Just letting things digest a bit before I go for seconds.” He cleared his throat and sipped at his drink.
            His napkin was tossed in your direction as he continued drinking and hemming.
            Now that neither of you were focused on the food, you enjoyed the music coming from the DJ.
            Standing, you walked to Daehyun and offered him your hand. “Wanna dance?”
            The smile he revealed was contagious. He took your hand and led you both to the dance floor. You were envious at how much better he was at dancing than you. He spun you and pulled you close to him. You both swayed to the music. He even started to sing along to the music.
            “I didn’t know you sang.”
            “How could you? Can’t exactly sing and eat at the same time.” He coughed again, something he ate must not have been going down smoothly.
            “You okay?”
            “Just itchy suddenly.”
            “Itchy?” You stopped dancing and looked at him carefully. “Did it get worse since we started dancing?”
            He looked a little worried but nodded.
            “I think you’re having an allergic reaction. Are you allergic to anything?”
            “Allergic? I’ve never had problems with human food before.”
            Human food?
            Dae cleared his throat again, starting to scratch at his neck a little.
            Suddenly, his skin started having a pink glow to it.
            “Oh god, that can’t be good.”
            “What?” his eyes were wide now.
            You wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled him in the direction of your brother, who was allergic to bees.
            Your brother was smiling and sipping from a champagne glass, then noticed the two of you. “Hey, is he okay?”
            “I think he’s having an allergic reaction to some of the food. Do you still have epipens?”
            “Yeah, take him to the guest bedroom, I’ll grab one.”
            Daehyun was becoming short of breath as you walked him to the downstairs bedroom. His throat was closing up.
            Concern filled your voice when you told him to lay on the bed. He was gasping, which had you worry, but you knew your brother was on his way with the epinephrine.
                 Your fear grew as the pink glow started becoming unnatural. That’s when you noticed the ears. The glow grew above his hair and formed what looked like two rabbit ears.
                 “Daehyun?” your voice shook.
                 “Mato,” he mumbled.
                 Your brother walked in then with the epipen and without looking too closely at the other man, jabbed it into his thigh.
                 The glow instantly disappeared from his skin and he deeply sucked in air.
                 “He should be alright.”
                 “Yeah,” you breathed. “Thanks.”
                 “Just had to make a scene on my wedding day.”
                 You waved him off so it was just you and Daehyun. “Can you hear me? Are you okay?”
                 His eyes stayed closed. “I don’t know. I feel dizzy.” There was sweat forming on his forehead.
                 “It’s your body’s reaction to the epinephrine. You should rest here. I’ll get you some water. Do you want me to call someone?”
                 He reached for your wrist. “Stay.”
                 “Just let me get you some water. You might feel better after drinking.”
                 The grip tightened. “Don’t leave me.” He pulled on you until you lay in the bed next to him.
                 His heart was beating quickly because of the adrenaline. You pushed his slick hair out of his face.
                 “What’s Mato?”
                 His eyes opened then and he stared at you with shock. “What did you say?”
                 “Mato . . . you muttered it before you got the shot.”
                 Terror was on his face. He hadn’t meant to say it. You knew you shouldn’t pry, but now you had to know.
                 Speaking in a whisper, you asked, “What are you?”
                 His voice was shaky now. “What do you mean?”
                 “You were glowing. At first, I thought it was just your skin from the allergic reaction, but then . . .”
                 It sounded crazy, but you knew what you saw. “You had ears. Like a rabbit. Also glowing.”
                 Daehyun sat up and quickly moaned in response to the sudden action.
            You helped him to lay back down.
            “You can never repeat that.”
            He looked hard into your eyes. “What you said just now, it can never leave your mouth again.”
            “Daehyun, what’s going on?”
            His eyes closed once more and he scrunched his forehead, clearly trying to come up with an explanation.
            A knock sounded on the door. Two men you didn’t recognize stood in the doorway.
            Suddenly embarrassed to be seen laying with Daehyun, you sat up and rested at the edge of the mattress.
They weren’t dressed for a wedding. They both wore all black, though the taller, leaner man had hints of red in his apparel. The shorter man had hints of yellow in his.
            The taller man spoke. “Thank you for caring for our brother. We will take him home now.”
            “I don’t think so.” You squeezed Daehyun’s hand. A look of panic was on his face.
            “He is ill, is he not? That’s why he called for us. You’ve done all you can. He needs to come with us.” His deep voice sent goosebumps up your arms.
            But there it was again, like when Daehyun said “human food.” He called for us. As soon as you realized he was having an allergic reaction, you never left his side. Dae never took out a phone to call or message anyone. And even if he did, they couldn’t have gotten here so quickly.
            “Who are you?”
            The man in yellow huffed. “We already told you, we’re his brothers.”
            Daehyun slowly sat up again. “I thought you were working on your manners, Youngjae.”
                The shorter man glowered in response.
                The feeling that something strange was happening was hard to shake, and you didn’t want to leave Daehyun with these two strangers, despite their claims of being family.
                His hand rubbed circles in your back as he sensed your unease. “It’s okay.” He grabbed your hand for support as he got off the bed.
                “Daehyun,” it was almost a whisper.
                “I’ll call you later and explain everything.”
                “Not likely,” Youngjae sneered.
                Ignoring him, Dae lifted you from the bed and pulled you so you were face to face. “I’ll be okay. I’ll call you later. I promise.” He kissed your cheek.
                You tried to give a slight smile, but it didn’t hide your discomfort of the situation well. Looking back at the other men to try and reassure yourself only made your mouth drop. There weren’t hints of color in their black clothing like you thought. They were glowing, just like Dae was moments ago. Your eyes scanned to the tops of their heads, where sure enough you saw faint outlines of rabbit like ears.
                This didn’t go unnoticed by the two men. Youngjae quicky grabbed Daehyun and the taller man glared down at him. “What did you do?” His deep voice gave you goosebumps again. He pointed in your direction. “What do they know?”
                Daehyun was at a loss for words, stuttering as he scrambled for an explanation. “Guk, please.”
                The taller man, Guk, nodded at Youngjae. The shorter man tightened his hold on Daehyun, which caused him to squirm and thrash. Dae was begging and pleading, but your focus was solely on Guk who was walking towards you.
                “He-he,” you couldn’t control your voice or body from shaking. “He didn’t do anything. He just had a reaction to some food.”
                Guk was very clearly disinterested in your words. His hand came up to your face. He allowed two fingers to stroke from your chin, up the side of your cheek, then stopped at your temple. “I’m sorry.”
                It was instant that you felt dizzy and confused. You were pushed back onto the bed and fell asleep.
                A knock woke you. You felt groggy and desperately wiped at the sleep in your eyes. Your sister-in-law walked from the doorway and sat next to you on the bed.
                “Hey, you okay? Your date left a while ago.”
                “My date?” You were still trying to wake up. You weren’t sure where you were or what was happening.
                “Yeah. After not seeing you, I wanted to come check on you.” She paused and looked you over. “You must’ve had the same thing that made him sick. What was it, I’ll go ream out the food truck vendor.”
                All you could do was lean forward with your head in your hands and groan.
                “Hold on.” She left the room momentarily and came back with a glass of water and ibuprofen. After you swallowed the pills, she pulled out her phone. “I was lucky enough to get a picture of you two dancing.” She handed you the phone.
                You stared at the picture as she continued talking. “He’s hot. And he was good at dancing. Almost made me jealous.” But you couldn’t respond to her. You didn’t recognize the man in the photo, but it was you dancing with him. A shiver crept up your spine the longer you looked at it. “What was his name?”
                The longer to observed the picture, it seemed to change. A pink glow was appearing around the man. The glow stretched longer above his head. You gasped. “Mato.”
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livgracefmp · 11 days
1 9 8 0 s
Wedding dresses in the 1980s were known for their dramatic and extravagant designs, reflecting the opulence and glamour of the decade. Dresses often featured voluminous skirts, puffed sleeves, and exaggerated silhouettes, such as the iconic Princess Diana-inspired gown with its large, billowing train. Lace, satin, and taffeta were popular fabrics, and dresses were often adorned with intricate beadwork, embroidery, or ruffles. Additionally, statement accessories like large bows, tiaras, and shoulder pads were commonly incorporated into bridal looks, contributing to the overall bold and lavish aesthetic of 1980s wedding fashion.
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Admin (2018). 1980s Wedding Dress Pictures |. [online] Fashion-Era. Available at: https://fashion-era.com/fashion-history/1980s/80s-wedding-dresses.
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