#adult/minor mention
puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Prompt 171
Danny would like everyone to know it was a complete accident. Look, normally he was really good at not altering the timeline! He was! 
But the dude was definitely not in the right Time, and he had to get his trust which took so long, like damn he thought he had anxiety. Seriously though, kevlar in the 1700s? Yeah that wasn’t right, and Peepaw always complained about the messes that the speedsters caused, so he was trying to prevent a mess by tugging the dude away and helping him out. 
Falling in love maybe a little, was not in the plan. But honestly the man had a worse sense of self preservation than he did as a teen and was also straight up adorable, in a wet cat  who could kill you sort of way. 
So maybe he helped the dude grab a child that was going to be drowned. It wasn’t like anyone else saw them! Even if similar situations might’ve happened a few different times. 
Still, no one saw them! 
So why is there now a small cult who worships the Shadowed one and Radiant one, aka his companion (who would not give his name save for B, which, fair, probably didn’t want to accidentally wreck the timeline either) and well, him?! At least they worship them as guardians of children, but uh. Should he maybe, perhaps, fix this…? 
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bonefall · 4 months
I'd absolutely love to see a hearing disabilities herb guide!
I'm deaf in one ear, so now I'm curious if there are any cats in the rewrite like me? I imagine they might avoid Gatherings because HEARING IN CROWDS UGH.
I need to pick a bunch actually! At some point, I plan to just toss more sight, smell, and hearing disabilities onto the various cats. It should be SUPER common, actually.
Especially in RiverClan.
Like... when I get around to these, RiverClan is going to keep coming up as having a notably higher proportion of deafness and scentlessness. Rivers are filthy. Their ears and snouts are going to be dunked full of gunk ALL the time, they develop a ton of infections. I'm guesstimating that around 15% of RiverClan should have some degree of hearing and/or scent loss, especially as they get older.
Also; Clan cats should be protecting their noses like tools. The same way that you might get scolded for misusing gym equipment, mentors should be chiding their apprentices for doing things like;
Sticking their noses in mud or snow
Eating food that is too hot (damage to the Jacobson's organ)
Sniffing ripe puffballs or other spore-forming mushrooms
Hanging out in dusty dens or unclean, musty spaces (this one wouldn't actually do anything bad, just makes a good superstition.)
But anyway! That's SCENT loss, which should be a waaaaaay bigger disability for Clan cats, but in humans we just don't really take as seriously. In WC, blindness should not have the same weight and scentloss should be a lot heavier.
For hearing loss in one ear, so far, there's just Strikestone, who canonically can't hear out of one of his ears. I will be casually throwing this onto more cats.
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xxlovelynovaxx · 3 months
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Uh-huh. You realize, coming from a 26 year old, that this is just ageism, right? "I'll only take you seriously because of your age"... and you think you're in the right?
Yeah, "14 years olds act more 14 about it" because typically a group with absolutely zero societal power that is literally treated as the subhuman property of their parents and irrational mindless inconveniences that are only here to annoy "real people" will get upset when you continue to treat them as such while reminding them of the absolute privilege and societal power you hold over them.
I was 14 too. I remember the frustration at no one taking me seriously. I remember the fury that when I turned 18, 20, 25, suddenly everyone believed me about the things I'd been saying for 4, 6, 10+ years. I remember the disillusionment that happened when I realized the only thing that had changed was not some arbitrary debunked number at which the brain "develops fully", not some threshold of "maturity", but simply that I was no longer the age at which the state had a chokehold around my personhood, or in some cases the age which people think my human rights should have been delayed to.
Because it's not like adults EVER have bad opinions about something you say online, right? It's not like they don't FREQUENTLY respond to you trying to talk to them about it with stubborn and willful ignorance. It's not like the OP of this or a similar post didn't once respond to my detailed and logical essay about ageism with "lol I'm not reading all that". It's not like unreasonableness and angry nastiness at a post is utterly unlinked to the age of the person perpetrating it, and people of all ages do this in equal numbers.
Oh wait, it's exactly like that, it's just that society supports and even rewards the exact same misbehaviors in privileged people that they condemn in marginalized people.
It's just that when an adult does this, it's either that they're arbitrarily right based on their age/other privileged identity and often the marginalized status of the person arguing against them (see: OP, every argument on antisemitism where goyim are seen as the rational and reasonable and therefore right ones), the person arguing is being "immature" and "might be lying about being an adult' or "is acting like a child" (transmascs being silenced about their oppression using infantilization, the concern trolling of people who are happily 'crazy', the infantilization of disabled people and especially those who are intellectually, cognitively, or developmentally disabled), or both.
They're right. Their age has nothing to do with what they're saying. However, it has everything to do with how you're mistreating them. If they had no age in their bio, you might have taken them seriously, at least enough to believe they might listen to your viewpoint and to treat them like an equal human being.
If they had had an age above (usually 20-25), your last grasp at defense would have been to discredit them by comparing them to a 14 year old or accusing them of lying about their age, precisely because even adjacency to that identity allows you to shut down any argument they make.
Unfortunately, when you're in your 20s and 30s, everything is influenced by how fucking 20-40 you are. You forget exactly how cruel and oppressive society is to children. You forget how people magically started treating you like a person instead of a thing that existed only to "irrationally" be angry at the world around you. You forget how you were right to be angry at how they treated you.
You forget that you were legally allowed to have someone else dictate what and when you ate, how you dressed, whether you received necessary medical care, whether unnecessary medical procedures such as intersex "correctional" surgeries and treatment were forced on you at any age, when and for how long you were allowed to leave the house, and if they hit you in a well-known erogenous zone it would have been considered "discipline" as long as they called it "spanking" and not "physical and sexual abuse. You forget this and any number of other things considered abusive if a partner or roommate were to do it to even someone who had just turned 18 two seconds ago.
You forget that while it was technically illegal for your parents to starve you, to beat you, to emotionally abuse you by gaslighting or daily verbal abuse or manipulation, to torture you, to sexually abuse you, to hurt you to the point of you developing PTSD and or dissociative disorders, that there is very little recourse for actually enforcing it. You forget that you just have to hope that a different adult believes you, and in order for them to do that you usually have to fit a stereotype of a good victim and that your parents usually already have to be not in good standing with your community.
You forget how many cases of actual textbook abuse CPS does nothing about for "lack of proof" despite a supposed societal narrative of "believe victims".* You forget that they prioritize reunification even in cases of actual physical abuse, often with the abuser themself. You forget that you were a member of the only class that can have the police called on them like dogcatchers to drag them back kicking and screaming to their abusers, with no recourse or means of escape provided, because the state depends on and serves the institution of the "nuclear family". You forget that historically police served to return escaped property to their owners, and still do so today.
(*Believe victims if they have any measure of societal power that causes consequences for not believing them. Believe victims as long as you will be judged by most people for not believing them. Believe victims only if you can be held accountable for not doing so.)
As a disabled person and therefore a vulnerable adult, I had the unique position of being treated as a child until I escaped at age 23. It was all the same arguments - that it was "for my own good", that I was "incapable of making those decisions for myself" (or apparently, finding someone I did trust to make them for me, because I was "unreliable enough" I couldn't even do that), and so on.
This only made me realize that, despite the fact that none of that was true, it wouldn't be okay even if it was. It's not okay for disabled adults who DO need significantly more help caring for themselves than I do and who are profoundly cognitively or intellectually disabled to have their autonomy infringed on and their consent violated.
So why, then, is it okay to do to a child, regardless of their actual ability to take care of themselves or "make rational decisions"? Why is it okay to treat a child this way? Why is it okay to regard someone as fundamentally subhuman until an arbitrary cutoff?
Why is it okay to assume complete and total irrationality and unreasonableness on the part of an entire class of people just because as a subjugated and oppressed class they are still on rare occasion irrational or unreasonable? Isn't that bog-standard bigotry?
Why is it okay to justify their oppression by them being sometimes unable to fully stand on their own two feet, without help or community, under the weight of the oppressive system itself that serves to reinforce that? Why claim the purposeful elimination of tools and obscuration of helpful skills and knowledge under the guise of "protecting them" shows that they are incapable of surviving without those violences in a system that you claim is not, in fact, openly hostile to them?
And yes, this does all matter in the context of petty online discourse, because it is these systems that serve to reinforce and be reinforced by this casual ageism.
It is reaffirming the ideas which uphold these systems - that children are incapable of being rational people with reasonable emotional responses to mistreatment, who have to be told at every point what is in fact fair and how they must react to not face active bigotry for their immutable identity. It is conditioning children to beg for scraps of respect so that they learn assimilation early and go on to perpetuate childism when they themselves become adults.
It's petty and cruel, and it's destroying my faith in humanity to see marginalized people I otherwise respect sharing this. Y'all of all people should know better. Y'all of all people should be able to see how it maps to multiple of the various types of oppression and even intersectional oppression and then goes further.
Y'all of all people should be able to remember how being a child was your primary identity and primary form of marginalization, because you could legally be allowed to be abused for your other marginalized identities and most people in fact supported your family doing so, or at least felt that even if it was wrong it was still "their right" to do so.
Maybe you were privileged enough to have a supportive family, but I know for a FACT most of you weren't.
Kids are considered uniquely incapable of having any identity that is not immediately apparent - of knowing they are chronically ill or queer or plural or neurodivergent. They are considered incapable of having valuable and complex thoughts about politics or religion. They are not listened to or considered experts on the specific intersectional discrimination they face for immediately apparent identities, such as being children of color or visibly disabled. Adults within those groups are considered the experts on forms of discrimination they'll even admit they no longer experience, but that children continue to.
This is not just queerphobia or ableism or racism or any other number of forms of bigotry. This is specifically childism intersecting those forms of bigotry. It is not just not okay because of their queer or disabled or racial or other identity. It is not okay because children are fucking people, and yeah, deserve to be treated as equals and not be condescended to even in the actual rare cases where their reasoning is not completely rationally sound - just as is the case for disabled people, I might add.
If you can see how one is ableism but not how the other is bigoted childism, if you can't see the parallels between two cases where
-most individuals in a class are fully rational and intellectually capable people purposely being mislabeled as not so in order to justify their subjugation
-which is fundamentally reliant on the societal acceptance of mistreatment of those who may not be fully rational or intellectually capable (which is deeply ableist/childist, oppressive, and wrong),
-and where those who actually aren't fully rational or are intellectually incapable face no reprieve both in being weaponized against members of their own class with relative privilege AND in fighting their own mistreatment, which unlike in the case of those who might be able to convince others of their capability is considered always justified on the basis of their incapability, while not actually being okay on ANY basis,
then I can't help you.
To be clear, the reason it is ableist and/or childist to label someone as intellectually incapable when they are not is not at all because actually being so would be in any way bad. It's because it relies on the deep, insidious ableism/childism against those who are considered intellectually capable to function. It is essentially a separate facet of that same ableism/childism, and one specifically functions because of the other facet of ableism/childism that says that all members of said class are incapable and therefore need to be mistreated in the same way as those who actually are.
"No one deserves to be treated this way," is fundamentally how this oppression should be addressed, period. Understanding how it functions differently for different people, and how easily the most vulnerable members of an oppressed class could have their liberation tossed aside in order to pursue assimilation for the less vulnerable is still important, though. Understanding that your own oppression relies on the total subjugation of part of your community on the basis of an ontological trait that they have and you do not is actually paramount in recognizing both your own relative privilege and how to effectively fight the oppression you all face.
Or to put it simply, it's important to recognize that if you're being oppressed because someone is claiming you're something you're not, that that oppression isn't okay toward the people who are that thing.
Anyway, adults who talk about childism, adultism (I apologize that I struggle to remember the difference between the two, much like I struggle with the difference between ableism and disableism), and youth liberation also hold privilege. As I mentioned above, the most that someone can use to discredit me here is to say that I'm immature or they think I'm secretly a child.
Even the people who really don't want to examine their own privilege and complicity in their hierarchical relationship with children are more likely to listen to me, and if they don't they'll make fools of themselves with such lines as "I refuse to read anything longer than a twitter post to educate myself on complex systems of oppression".
I'll keep trying to stand up for children anyway. Not just because I actually remember what it's like to be 14, but because I have a responsibility to do so as an adult. I'll uplift the voices of the children who quite honestly are way better at explaining this and have a far better understanding of both the direct experience and the sociological theory behind it than I ever will be.
Also note: I didn't anywhere in this post point out how people who are 17 and some months are functionally indistinguishable from those who have just turned 18, or how variations in "development" might cause some who are 15 or 16 to be very similar to others who are 18, or so on.
Quite frankly, I don't think that matters. I do think 14 year olds deserve to be treated with respect just as much as 17.99 year olds, and I also think often 17.99 year olds face much of the exact same mistreatment and oppression (especially systemically) as 14 year olds. The exceptions where legal emancipation can help those over 16 are both rare enough and require trading being controlled for being unsupported. Therefore I think that while a more nuanced conversation about this could take place within the communities actually affected by this, I think it's neither appropriate nor helpful here.
I'd also like to remind people that predators are often successful at grooming children because they pretend to treat them with respect and take them seriously. The answer to this should not be "oh, anyone who respects children is a groomer", but rather, "hey, maybe if everyone treated children with respect and took them seriously, actual predators would have one less avenue through which to target and harm children".
As a CSA victim myself, I will NEVER stop doing anything and everything I can to prevent more children from becoming victims. I only care about what's effective, not what feels good in pseudo-proxy revenge fantasies against imagined perpetrators while very real ones continue to go unnoticed and unchallenged by society.
I take children seriously because it's the right thing to do, but also specifically to fight CSA. I also remind anyone who needs it that they do NOT know they can trust me or anyone else on that sole basis. While I want to be a safe adult, doing so in a society where children have no recourse against mistreatment fundamentally requires them protecting themselves by not trusting me just because I recognize the power I have over them and the ways in which they are abused.
(This is another example of how the fearmongering mindset over generational friendships, particularly between minors and adults, is just as harmful as the pushback against comprehensive sex education and coming from the same puritan and christofascist roots. Knowing that something is sexual abuse just allows victims to voice what they're experiencing. Having safe adults who respect them allows children to recognize the manipulative behaviors and other red flags of unsafe adults.)
Anyway, all the original post is saying is "I don't like when members of an oppressed class stubbornly refuse to compromise on being treated as equal people with valuable thoughts and rational responses to mistreatment, and in fact insist on being listened to when I say things that are cruel, unfair, and untrue."
(When did use of "unfair" become a synonym for "whiny snowflakes children who just can't see that life is inherently unfair" in leftist spaces that purportedly fight against systemic injustice, anyway? When did it become something "immature" in the fight against identity-based violence that is inherently not fair?)
So I guess, act more 14 about it. I'll continue acting more disabled and queer about ableism and queermisia, so I fail to see what's bad about that. But imagine thinking that interacting with someone on the basis of their age is useless and thinking you're in the right for it. Truly showing their entire ass.
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rainpink · 2 months
Unpopular opinion: Adults shouldnt be writing smut of minors,even if its ‘Aged up’ Yes im looking at you adult South park and creepypasta writers. You cant write the most detailed smut of a cannonical child and proceed to say ‘Minors dni’ in the same breath. Dude the characters a minor. I dont care if its ‘aged up’ you’re still an adult and thats fucking weird. I dont care if minors write about minors. But when adults get involved i find it really weird.
Stay safe yall and i love you little goobers who recognise this lol <333333
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prisonpodcast · 5 months
“Dream sending a minor a text message is grooming” great so then I guess we should be calling the police on wilbur, philza, jschlatt, quackity, slimecicle and every other adult on the dsmp who was friends with 16 year old Tommyinnit right ?
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sparrowsage · 5 months
The Warehouse: Digging Up Old Memories
Buckle up, because this piece is something. I really enjoyed writing this piece, even if it is a giant emotional show lol. A huge shoutout and thanks to @flowersarefreetherapy for giving me the general idea for this piece! I hope I did it justice! And thank you to @darkthingshappen, @oddsconvert, and @whumpcereal for cheering me on as always!
TW: Minor whump (Jayden is 14), head injury, threatened noncon drugging, implied noncon (off screen), threatened noncon, mentions of past noncon and torture, implied future noncon, character death (off screen), suicidal thoughts, adult character referred to as 'boy', adult language, heavy grieving ((If I missed anything, please tell me and I'll add it!))
“No, I’m sick of doing this shit!” Jayden yelled, stepping back from Logan as the Keeper moved in closer, towering over the teen. “You never stay true to your word! I can’t let you stand by and hurt Sparrow after I’ve done everything you’ve asked me to do!” 
Sparrow stared at the two of them, wide-eyed as fear grabbed hold of him. Sure, Sparrow’s challenged the Keeper’s here plenty of times, but that was because whatever ended up happening would happen to him. Jayden fighting back like this? All for his sake? It was thoughtful, but he couldn’t handle the wrath of the Keepers. 
Logan backed Jayden up against the wall, his hand shooting forward to the kid’s neck, taking hold of his throat in a tight grip just shy of suffocating him. 
“I’d be real careful about your choice here, boy. That piece of shit over there doesn’t deserve a hero, let alone a scrawny one such as yourself. Everyone always comes to the realization that they can’t escape this fate, one way or another. It’s easier for the both of you if you just follow my orders. So what’ll it be, pretty boy? Are you going to show me and the bastard here how much of a good listener you are and suck me off or are you going to continue your little defiant act thinking you can best me?” 
Jayden’s hands were around the Keeper’s wrist, doing his best to try and scratch Logan in an attempt to get the hand off his neck, but it wasn’t working. He was too weak. At the question, Jayden stared right back at Logan, his expression sharp enough to cut diamonds. 
“Jayden, please-,” Sparrow tried, on the verge of getting up from his spot against the wall by the door. Logan had told him to stay put and that if he moved, he’d force Sparrow to watch the worst Showing he’d ever put Jayden through. 
“Shut up, runt,” Logan growled, his head turning slightly in Sparrow’s direction. “He has to make this decision on his own.” 
There was silence for a couple seconds and Sparrow could feel the anger rolling off the both of them in waves. 
“You and this whole place can go rot in hell. I’m not following another one of your stupid orders just because you think you deserve respect,” Jayden finally spat, bracing himself against the wall before kicking his foot out, his heel landing a direct hit to Logan’s crotch. 
The Keeper could hardly brace himself before Jayden’s foot connected with his crotch, Logan doubling over for a moment, his hand never leaving Jayden’s throat, before a loud, angry scream erupted out of his mouth. 
In a fluid motion, Logan used all the strength he could muster and lifted Jayden by his neck and threw him to the left over by his desk. Sparrow watched on in horror as he saw the fear and terror flash across Jayden’s eyes as he went flying before the back of the teen’s head connected with the sharp corner of Logan’s desk. He crumpled to the floor as Logan doubled over again, letting out small groans of pain. 
“Jayden!” Sparrow shouted, his body jerking momentarily as he went to get up, but remembered Logan’s threat from earlier, causing him to stay in place. 
He wasn’t getting up and there was blood leaking out onto the floor. Sparrow couldn’t tell if he was breathing. 
“Jayden, get up!” he cried out, Sparrow’s whole body frozen in fear. 
“Shut the fuck up!” Logan yelled, his head turning sharply to look at Sparrow. 
“No, please, he’s not getting up!” Sparrow pleaded, his fists white with how tight they were balled up. “Please, I’ll do whatever the fuck you want, just take him to the medical ward, please!” 
Logan chuckled slightly as he was finally able to stand up straight again. “Oh, you think a bit of pleading will convince me to get him treated? As if. The little shit deserved it, thinking he could fight back like that. Besides, you stupid mutts always seem to recover. He’ll be fine come tomorrow.” 
Instead of continuing on with what he had planned, Logan gave one last look to Jayden and Sparrow before deciding to leave his office. There’d be time to do things with them later. 
Sparrow let out a snarl as Logan passed him to leave, waiting for the door to shut before he rushed over to Jayden, his hands hovering over his body, afraid that a single touch would make his friend crumble into dust. 
“No, you have to let me stay with him!” Sparrow shouted, desperately trying to fight his way out of Josh’s grip on him. “Let me go!” 
“You’re scheduled for a Showing and there’s no way you’re missing it,” Josh growled, his grip seeming to get tighter the more Sparrow fought. “He’ll be fine and you’ll get to go back to the main room and see him once the Showing is over.” 
“No, he needs me to stay with him since you fuckers won’t take him to the medical ward! Let go of me!” 
Josh stopped trying to drag Sparrow forward and out of Logan’s office, instead pulling him in close with an iron tight grip on both his wrists. Their faces were mere inches apart and Sparrow could feel the warmth of his breath. “I won’t hesitate to inject you full of muscle relaxers, boy. You know as much as I do that you’ll do anything to fight back during these things, so do you really want to give up being able to move all because you want to sit by your little friend?” 
Sparrow’s body froze at the threat, his eyes going wide for a moment. Josh was right, he couldn’t go through a Showing drugged up like that. He’d have no control (not that he did during Showings) over anything. He couldn’t get injected with that stuff. 
Josh smirked as Sparrow stayed still, finally continuing towards the door to the office. “That’s what I thought. Once it’s over, you’ll be able to spend as much time with the little runt as you want.” 
Sparrow wasn’t proud of the Showing he just went through. It had to have been the most compliant he’s ever been during one, but he didn’t want it to be dragged out. His only thought and priority was getting back to Jayden to make sure he was okay. 
Josh had been surprised with how compliant he had been, as was the audience that showed up to watch. It was utterly embarrassing, but he didn’t care enough to not do it. He would have been the most compliant pet in the entire facility if it had meant getting out of that Showroom faster. 
Once the Showing was done, Josh walked him back to the main hallway before leaving him there to do his own thing. The moment Josh left him, Sparrow started running to the main rooms, his heart rate picking up as he tried to get to the room as fast as he could. 
Sparrow was almost certain Logan would have moved him out of his office during the Showing, so the most logical place to put him would be one of the main rooms. That, or Jayden had woken up and Logan kicked him out of his office and he made his way to their spot in one of the main rooms. If Sparrow didn’t see him in there, he wasn’t sure what he’d do. 
When Sparrow finally made it to the doorway that led into the main room he and Jayden usually ended up in, he scanned the entire room, trying desperately to locate his friend. His anxiety was starting to climb with each face he saw, none of them being the young teen before his eyes landed on a figure in the corner where Jayden and him sat most of the time. 
He was there, sitting in his normal spot, looking completely fine. Jayden was waiting for him. 
Sparrow did his best to make it over to the back corner of the room, nearly tripping over several pets as they tried to sleep or just pass time, not even bothering to let out any kind of apology before making it over to his friend. 
“Jayden!” he called out, falling to his knees in front of his friend before embracing the teen in a tight hug. 
“You’re okay! You’re okay, you’re okay, you’re okay,” he said, his voice going quiet as he spoke, letting things sink in. His friend was okay, he was alive and that was all Sparrow cared about. 
“Of course I’m okay. Do you really think a bump on the head would keep me down?” Jayden joked, hugging Sparrow back. 
Sparrow pulled back slightly, his hands still on Jayden’s shoulders, afraid that if he let go, Jayden would disappear. “It’s just - you collapsed once your head hit the desk, a-and Logan refused to bring you to the medical ward, and then I was dragged off for a Showin-”
“Sparrow,” Jayden interrupted, his voice a bit firm, “I’m alright, I promise. I can’t die that easily. Besides, we promised each other we’d find a way to escape this place some day. I can’t go back on my word, now can I?” 
Sparrow wiped at his eyes, tears starting to form. “I’m just happy you’re okay. And you’re right, we are going to escape this place one day. Just please don’t go pissing off any more Keeper’s. Leave that to me, I can handle it.” 
Just then, the entire main room started to fade out, a black abyss surrounding the two of them. Sparrow didn’t even notice, his entire focus was on his friend. 
Jayden looked at Sparrow with a soft smile, his head slightly tilted to the side.
“I know you can. That fighting spirit is what’s giving me hope that you’ll be able to make it out of here alive. If you hold onto that, you’ll be able to escape. Just keep fighting. For the both of us.” 
Sparrow faltered a bit at that. “W-wait, what do you mean by that? We’re going to get out of here together.” 
Jayden didn’t answer, continuing to give Sparrow that soft, warm smile that he cherished so much as he slowly faded away. Before Jayden was completely gone, Sparrow reached forward, trying to grab hold of him before he fully disappeared, leaving Sparrow alone in the dark abyss.  
Sparrow woke with a jump, jolting up from his spot on the floor of Damon’s office. Looking around the dark and empty room, Sparrow couldn’t see Jayden and was a bit confused, but mostly worried. 
Where was he? Jayden had just been in front of him a second ago. He wanted that back, he needed it back. 
The more he woke up though, the more things finally started to settle in. 
Four days ago, he had been brought back to the Warehouse from his two week stay at Volkov’s island, having gone through his ‘welcome home’ Showing yesterday. Two months ago, Damon had been put in charge of training him, starting up a brand new hell for him to navigate on his own. Five years ago, the Keeper’s gave up trying to train him because he was deemed a lost cause and couldn’t be trained, instead just using him as a free-for-all and overall enjoying causing him pain, discomfort and humiliation. Seven years ago was when he had watched Logan give his one and only friend a death blow and then later finding out that Jayden had died all alone while he was in a Showing Josh forced him to go through, unable to be with him in his final moments to make him feel safe and loved. 
As reality came crashing back, Sparrow couldn’t help the gut wrenching sob that erupted out of his throat, the pet clutching his hands close to his chest as he curled into himself. 
Ever since it happened, Sparrow had done all he could to repress that memory to the point that he couldn’t remember it at all. All he chose to remember was that Jayden died. Everything else, how it happened, the look of fear and terror right before his head connected with the desk, how much he tried to fight back as Josh dragged him off to the Showing, Logan’s fucking taunting once he finally told Sparrow what they did with Jayden after he died, he wanted to forget and never remember. 
He had no idea why the memory resurfaced. It had been so long ago, yet now he could remember every detail clearly, as if he were reliving it in full. It was the worst pain he has ever felt and would probably ever feel. And what made it worse was that his head went and twisted the events, giving him the false hope that Jayden was alive and fine. But Sparrow could never see him again. 
After a couple more minutes, Sparrow wiped the tears from his eyes, trying to get his breathing under control. It had to have been close to morning, if he had to guess, and Damon would be here soon to put him through another day of hell. If the Keeper walked in and saw him crying or saw the evidence that he had been crying, Sparrow would never hear the end of it. 
Before he could put a cap on his emotions, he felt another sob bubble up from his chest and before he could stop himself, he reared his fist back, sending it straight towards the wall beside him. The wall stayed intact but Sparrow let out a loud shout before biting his tongue, cradling his hand. 
Why couldn’t one of these guys have killed him too? Why couldn’t he have had the peace that his friend had? All he wanted was to be with Jayden again, because he was the only one that made this place bearable. His smile and laugh lifted his spirits no matter how he felt and his presence made Sparrow feel safe, even though there wasn’t a single thing either of them could do when the Keepers came for them. If he didn’t have that, if he didn’t have him here, there wasn’t much of a point to keep fighting. 
The pain that now pulsed from his bleeding and possibly broken hand acted as an anchor to the real world for him and Sparrow was able to stop the tears from falling, taking in a couple deep breaths before he felt like himself again. Damon would probably point out his hand when he came in later, but right now, Sparrow didn’t care. If Damon was overly concerned about it, he’d get it looked at because unlike Logan, Damon wasn’t going to sit by and have a wound that looked serious enough unchecked. Sparrow had no doubt that the Keeper wouldn't let him die before he himself molded Sparrow into the perfect pet. 
Taglist: @mannerofwhump, @honey-is-mesi, @painful-pooch, @whumperfully, @hiding-in-the-shadows, @flowersarefreetherapy, @goronska, @blueyellow8green, @oddsconvert, @darkthingshappen, @whumpcereal (if you want to be added, let me know!)
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wildflowercryptid · 3 months
something that's been weighing on my mind ever since learning about the situation with ezra / toonimal is seeing how these predators will take the active hostility that is frequently directed towards minors in online spaces to their advantage and use it to prey on vulnerable children. i think that we as adults in online fandom should probably come together and maybe rethink the language / manner we go about interacting with kids bc clearly the way things are rn is causing active harm.
like obviously, if you're an adult and aren't comfortable with minors interacting with you or your content, you should be allowed to set that boundary and should be vocal about it, ( especially if the content you create isn't safe for them to consume. ) but i don't think talking to them like they're a blight on all that is good and holy is the way to go about it. maybe just saying you're an 18 plus account will suffice, you don't have to tell them to fuck off.
#i'm opening myself up for ppl to leave the stupidest takes on this post but whatever i need to get this off my mind#before anyone says anything about the kids on that website. they're grooming victims. they're literally kids being taken advantage of#show them some fucking kindness and be understanding that they're the victims in this situation#idk what it is about becoming an adult that causes so many ppl to lose their empathy towards minors it's weird#like yeah kids can be annoying and pushy on online spaces sometimes but a lot of them are old enough to know online etiquette lbr#alot of us were annoying kids on the internet at some point we should understand that you don't just. get a handbook for how to act online#that's shit you learn overtime but ppl seem to forget that#they also seem to forget that talking down to kids isn't gonna teach them shit they're not gonna listen to you if you treat them like idiots#what i'm trying to say is that we really need to talk to minors more respectfully and maybe give them a little grace#( obviously there will be situations where some of them need to be yanked up by the collar but there's ways to go about that >>>#without treating them like shit )#these kids need to know that there's spaces for them to be online safely without having to stumble into places that'll pray on them#we all know how much it sucked to be a kid online we should want better for the ones coming in after us ya know#sorry if this comes across as preachy it just breaks my heart and boils me blood to see kids being taken advantage of like this#especially when there's ways to prevent it idk#how do i even tag this....#mj.txt#there's trigger warning on the linked post btw#tw csa mention
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cyber-therian · 20 days
actually no fucking way i was just followed by a zoophilic, misgendering fetish, radqueer kink blog … do these account owners go out of their way to avoid any sort of dni or profile age ????
edit: if u want the @ pls lmk and ill dm it to u, just to avoid being accused of anything if i post it publicly
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Didn't Kate canonically groom Derek? Why do people still ship Derek with an actual kid
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kavehater · 14 days
AAAH I have a mutual who’s 18 and he sorta kinda is flirting with this one guy who is a minor as a joke of course ( to which a concerned anon said that it’s weird ) but I can’t help but flashback to er*s
#granted the er*s situation was thoroughly complex and the reason she did those things was her copism with not being able to pull ( LLLLLLL )#and ik that guy doesn’t mean any harm etc etc he’s not messed up like some ppl#BUT I DUNNO STILL#sobbing#they’re pretty sweet so#hes*#OH AND HES IRAQI TOO I LEGIT COULDNT BELIEVE THAT#dora daily#lowkey kinda sorta sad that a whole anon was more concerned than ppl i knew and who knew my age#and freely saw it happen so readily#and everyone else on that blog#genuinely and utterly disappointed#it’s always protect minors until the minors need protecting goddamn#this is especially directed at rhy yeah I’m not censoring that#🤷‍♀️#too busy simping over minor characters who don’t have a time skip in canon and aging them up then complaining about it when ppl call out#the brain deadery of that behaviour#girl pls#you did not care about minors from the beginning literally bye#e[redacted] literally ruined my brain chemistry to say the least I will never go into how what she did absolutely muddled my brain never#told anyone and I don’t think I can ever tell someone ever#not to mention practically hyperventilating being unable to breath literally going into madness and ppl think that I’m overreacting and#telling me to shut up about it and blaming me for the situation as if I wanted any of this#lmaolmaolmao#all that and I was expected to do uni girl byeeee I need a good century to recover at least ☠️#the only thing I DID want is friends but clearly that was a hard ask when ppl can get friends just by existing on this god forsaken app#atp I don’t even know what to say literally just wth#yall say mdni with your dumbass banners and decorate it like something special when yall are the ones to keep from minors you disgusting#wastes of clean oxygen 😭 mdni my foot gross ass adults should’ve never trusted them#the way I’d give them therapy to their complex traumas ☠️ imagine relying on a minor for therapy
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violetmuses · 10 months
Expensive - Helmut Zemo (18+ MINORS DNI)
TITLE: “Expensive” - Helmut Zemo (18+ MINORS DNI)
FANDOM: Marvel - “Falcon and The Winter Soldier” 
CHARACTER: Helmut Zemo 
MAIN PAIRING: Helmut Zemo + Female Reader 
MAIN STORYLINE: Everyone has a vice… 
Author’s Note: Hey! As a warning, this One Shot includes SMUT content. (18+ Minors DNI) Adult themes, strong language, etc. This project is also dedicated to @norabrice1701. Thank you so much for helping out with my writer’s block, Nora! Happy reading and feedback would be greatly appreciated. - V. 💜
Main Masterlist 💜
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Eight years of both isolation and silence. 
Despite dodging bullets and running out of the Brass Monkey Saloon with James and Sam, Zemo moved on, giving himself one chance to enjoy this semblance of freedom. 
In truth, there was only a matter of time before the mission would slap him in the face with reality all over again. 
He wouldn’t stay out for long. 
Not long after saving lives in the dark, Sharon Carter threw a party, showing everyone from art dealers to other guests an opportunity to mingle and dance. 
James and Sam cornered elsewhere, surely not moving on the dance floor or partaking in alcohol. 
Soon after ordering another drink, Zemo turns and notices you standing with your own glass of champagne. He prefers whisky, taking careful sips regardless. 
Meanwhile, you were different. You make a point to look at this man cautiously, like you’d seen him before. 
Maybe. How could you forget this handsome face? You think to yourself. 
He’s wearing his dark turtleneck, casted in blue lighting that strobes from the ceiling found overhead. 
His skin pales through this aqua light, but his nearly amber eyes watch you as he peers over that whisky glass. Light brown hair falls out of place, showing one loose curl that angles by his forehead. 
“I stopped drinking for good…” His voice rasps towards you, revealing accented English over booming music that plays out loud. 
“That's great! You say, ironically lifting your glass of champagne and plotting a joke of your own. “Did the bartender find Apple Juice for you tonight?” 
“No, Dear.” This possible stranger laughs for only a moment and the amazing sound nearly tickles your senses. He even sends a joke right back to you, lifting his own glass. “I drink for evil. This is whisky.” 
“Good one. Cheers.” You clink glasses with him, celebrating tonight with this one man who has definitely caught your attention. 
After trading this conversation back and forth, you threw caution to the wind and conjured a dare, kissing him at the stroke of midnight. 
You could hardly breathe when his lips first met yours, almost shaking and trying to step away in public before James and Sam could notice. Those men were his friends there, apparently. 
You couldn’t leave him behind without “consequences.” 
Bumps and stumbles echo your trail back to him later on.  
Right now, you’re cornered in one guest bedroom, trapped by Helmut’s lips once again as this man holds your face with both hands. 
He’s set one leg between your thighs, angling just right. You can already feel his clothed erection pulsing without fail. 
In the middle of him kissing your neck and mouthing hickies that will bruise at dawn, you tremble speaking. 
“Condom?” You struggle because it feels so good, but still try to remind him of safety for countless reasons. 
“Yes.” Helmut pulls away from your beautiful skin during that one moment and nods, caressing your cheek as if you were the most stunning woman on Earth. 
He smiles against your lips before taking out the condom and taking off his belt. Both of you keep nodding towards one another, absolutely sure that tonight would happen like this. 
It’s almost precious, bonding with a stranger. 
In anticipation you remove underwear, lace for the evening, and wrap both legs around his nude waist. 
“Go.” You whisper, giving him full consent to line up with your entrace and plunge at last. 
Obeying, Helmut listens, almost delicately filling you to the hilt. 
“Do not get us caught.” He warns, lowering his tone through every lethal movement of those damn hips. 
“Shit.” You nearly cried, clutching his shoulders of the turtleneck for balance somehow. 
Since you can’t yell out loud in pleasure, he holds the back of your head, but uses that opposite hand to cover your whimpering mouth. 
Before either one of you could speak again, warmth heats up all space found between your legs and thankfully reaches the condom. 
“Shh…” Helmut calms this moment, not letting your feet reach the floor just yet as he continues holding you in place. Even still wearing the condom, he rests inside of you, silent. 
His hair, now dishelved in the name of ecstasy, looks even darker through casting moonlight. 
He breathes towards your neck, burying his nose as if to forget so much. 
He wants to forget everything.
And yet, he can’t, even right now. 
Regrettably, he pulls out to make you hollow and trashes the condom elsehwere, prompting you to readjust your clothes. 
Of course Sharon won’t mind if you snuck out of this apartment, but Helmut returns from the bathroom and looks at you, peering those gorgeous brown eyes again. 
“I should um… I should go.” Pointing near the door, you’re awkward now, sobering through lack of more alcohol and this strange mix of relief from sex. 
“Of course.” Helmut nods, dressed once more and fairly opening the door for you like a gentleman. 
Just seconds before you walk out the door and leave him for good, you hold these heels and stand up on your bare tip-toes, kissing Helmut’s cheek. 
“Bye.” You smile, giving him one last farewell as the bedroom door closes. 
When Helmut goes to sleep that night, this man dreams of you, content for once. 
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phantoms-lair · 2 months
Batman Exalted Triple Event - Part 2
"He did WHAT!" Nightwing snarled. He put on a smile so often that people around him, even his own family, forgot just how much rage his body held. And how dangerous it was when it got out. The anger inside him felt like an explosion. Like it was tearing out all around him through his skin, desperate to strike down the man who'd dared harm his family.
"Greyson calm down." Damian said in a tone that most would hear as commanding but he heard as a plea.
Normally that would be enough for Dick to at least hide his rage, but not today. Not when someone just tried to not only kill his brother, but to have erased him from ever existing. "I will not calm down! That bastard-"
"You're hurting us."
Tim's comment was enough to at least draw Dick's attention. A strong wind was ripping around the cave blowing their hair and capes. Tim was half standing between Dick and Damian, as if shielding him. There were several slashes in Red Robin's costume and thin cuts on his exposed skin.
The injuries were minor, but Dick knew how much it took to cut through the Robin gear and that Tim's skin was now much harder to cut than a human's. If that had hit Damian instead-
Dick felt himself start to panic and the wind respond to his emotions. No longer a cutting force but a gale pushing out everything around him. "I - oh fuck. Oracle keep us informed. I've got to deal with this."
He cut the comm without waiting for the response. He'd make it up to Babs later.
"Calm down." Damian said again.
"I can't. I hurt you" Dick felt hysterical. Tim was bleeding because of him. Damian would have been hurt worse. He'd almost done something horrible just because he was blinded by anger and-
"Exalting is a lot at once. I remember." Tim said in a slow steady voice.
Exalting. It clicked. That's what was happening to him, That's why he could control the winds the way Bruce could feel Gotham. It was his turn to recieve power from the man who'd tried to erase Jason and the first thing he'd done with it was attack his brothers!
"You seem to be Air Aspect so some deep breathing would probably actually help." Tim continued. "It's like anything else, control comes with time, you just need to work at it."
"Your Exaltation didn't come with razor winds that hurt your family." Dick said bitterly.
"No it came with armor rending talons and me in a position where I really wanted to use them. And did. You remember the state of Mr. Freeze's suit. If I'd been pushing a little harder..." He would have disembowled Freeze. "You had to chase me down because of how hard I'd panicked after it happened."
"In your defense you didn't exactly know why you'd suddenly had talons or turned into a bird." Dick reminded him, a fragile smile on his face.
"Clearly it was your inexperience with bladed weapons that caused such a blunder. I would have no such difficulty." Damian sniffed.
"Wait till it's your turn." Tim warned. "The point is this was hard for Bruce to get a handle on, hard for me to get a handle on, and hard for you too. And it's going to be hard on Damian, Cass, Duke, and anyone else."
"But each exaltation is a step closer to Ketchup's ultimate defeat." Damian reminded them. "This power is the winds of revenge."
Dick wanted to say he didn't want this, he didn't want revenge. But it would be a lie. He really really wanted wanted to use every ounce of this power to put Ketchup in his place.
There was power in the air on the other side of the portal. Bruce could feel it with every breath, strengthening him. But that wasn't important. All that mattered was Jason's quiet whimpering, which broke his heart but at least let him know his son was still hanging on.
A strange man appeared. He appeared to be made of porcelain, with ribbons of an iridescent metal running through him, and a large gem in his forehead. "Our time runs short. Hand him over."
It was the last thing Bruce wanted to do. But he couldn't doom Jason by clinging to him. The man laid his son out on a table and Bruce could feel the magic in the air as he performed his ritual. And then with one last gesture Jason went stiff and vanished.
"No." Bruce fell to his knees, all strength leaving him. "Jaylad....you said you could save him."
"And he is saved." the man said simply.
"Don't lie to me!" Bruce roared and he felt his power rise up, the emptiness inside him filling with rage.
"What Kejack had planned was not as gentle as mere death. He intended to erase him from fate. To prevent him from ever existing. If my interventions hadn't worked, you would not have been able to speak him name or mourn him. You would never have known he even existed. His vessel was tied to Fate, It could not be salvaged." The man twisted his hand, revealing a glimmering red gem. "So I have crafted him a new one."
He pulled aside a curtain Bruce hadn't noticed, behind which looked to be some kind of automaton made of a black metal and clay. He placed the gem in a socket on the automaton's head and it sparked to life, the blank clay face shifting into Jason's.
"What happened to me?" Jason looked between Bruce and the strange man, completely lost.
"For the second time you are welcomed back into life," The strange man bowed.
"Back to life? As what?" Jason took in his arms made of metal and porcelain. "You think you can just fuck around with my existence-?"
"You were not in a position to ask. Now you are. The metaphorical glue is not yet dry. Do you wish me to undo what I have done? To return you to literal non-existence? Gone from this and any world, along with any and all memory of you." Bruce made a strangled sound. "Or would you prefer to exist and make of that what you will?"
Jason growled. "Exist."
"Very well. Would either of you like some tea? I am sure both of you want explanations."
"Can I even drink tea?" Jason asked, gesturing to his artificial body.
"Autochthon made sure his champions could enjoy all pleasures of the flesh. Good food, drink, recreational drugs, intimate companionship. Actual reproduction is another matter, but there's sorcery for that." The man shrugged. "Your tastebuds and ability to consume should be largely, if not entirely unchanged. So yes, you can drink tea." The man sat down and poured tea into four small ceramic cups, including one for the spider, whom Bruce had all but forgotten about. "I am Armaneth, Starmetal Caste."
"Caste. You're exalted?" Bruce observed.
"Save my small friend here, we all are. Bruce Wayne, Exigent of Gotham and Jason Todd, Soulsteel Caste."
"I'm not.. Soulsteel?" Jason had a hard time processing so much in the last few seconds. He almost missed his familiar anger. It was there, but no where as intense as it had been and that concerned him further.
"Autochthon created Exaltation. And rarely does an inventor develop a single way to do things. The design finalized for expedience was exaltation as you know it. A shard of divine essence that joins with a human and empowers both their soul and body. One of the other methods he developed was the Alchemical Exalts. For us, new bodies were hand crafted for each individual and upon death our souls implanted in them." Armaneth gestured to the gem in his head and took a sip of his tea. "The Soulsteel caste are bringers of justice and protectors of their community. If someone threatens harm to their community they will stop at nothing to protect it and make an example of the threat. It seemed the most fitting."
"You've clearly put a lot of thought into this." Bruce said tightly. "Not to mention time and effort."
"A good deal of work, perhaps, but well worth it. A less than ideal body would have been a hinderance after all. I also made sure the charms installed would also be well suited. It was best in aid of the Storyteller's plan." their host said simply.
Bruce cocked his head. "You're an ally of Quill?"
Armaneth thought a moment. "I would say so. She would not."
"She disapproves of you?" Bruce pressed.
"She doesn't know I exist." Another sip of tea. "Kejack, the man you refer to as Ketchup." he wrinkled his nose. "Has made many, many enemies. Myself included. There are several plans in place to remove him from play, but he is powerful and wary. Any would be next to impossible to enact- unless he badly overextends himself."
"Should the Storyteller's plan to cease his Gotham expansion fail, that would put him is such a state. But the Storyteller is new, to this world, to her power, to political struggles. The odds she could make a misstep is high and should she go down it would not be hard for Kejack to discover any who openly aided her. Organizations operate in cells for a reason."
Bruce took a sip of his tea to swallow bitter words. Quill had lost everything and this man and his allies had stood back to profit on her plan, but never let her know she wasn't alone. "Why Jason? Ketchup wants me to be his puppet figurehead so he should be at least attempting to curry favor, not assassinate my son."
"You would never have known Kejack had removed your son, had he succeeded. He would never had existed to become your son in the first place. And as to why, Jason was dangerous to him."
"My impression of Ketchup is that finding a 'mortal' dangerous would be beneath him." Bruce pointed out.
"But Jason by that point was not merely a mortal. Kejack operates by fate, whether viewing it or altering it. Anything outside of fate is essentially a blind spot for him. And there are three types of beings outside side. Raksha, Demons, and the Dead."
Jason discovered he could still feel hair prickle on the back of his neck. "Then it's because I died-"
"When you met your fate, your fate ended. Thus even when you came back you were outside it. He could not foresee what you would do. He could not manipulate your destiny. Kejack does not abide what he cannot control. That you had the ear and affection of his chosen cat's paw made it worse. You were a variable that had to be removed. Yet if he merely killed you, the Exigent of Gotham would have known and his wrath would be unceasing. He could not kill you, nor could he alter your fate after it ended. But he could pull the thread from before it's end. There is, perhaps, a small chance of you becoming a Gentimian in the process, but it was the best chance of removing you while not enraging The Exigent of Gotham, as he would not even remember he had ever known or loved you. Except, of course, for me." Armaneth gave a small self-satisfied smile.
The spider chittered. "Their hearthmates approach the Soulsteel's nest."
"We would not want to worry your family unduly. Three is by far enough for one night. I have prepared as care package to take with you." He produced what looked like several Fabergé eggs. "The Storyteller will know how to open them. The pattern spider can lead you home"
"Thank you for your generosity." Bruce said stiffly. He put a hand on Jason's shoulder and lead him away. Bruce found himself once again in Jason's bedroom in Crime Alley. A quick check of his power revealed no one had followed them and there were no trackers on the eggs. Good. He grabbed at Jason, startling his son before he realized in was an embrace not an attack.
"You okay, old man?"
"No. You were attacked, you were hurt. I almost lost you and if it weren't for that bastard I would have. All this power I have now and it meant all of nothing."
Jason wasn't good with Bruce being emotional. And he did not want to think about the fact that he'd almost ceased to exist and consequently that his body was even less human than the other Exalts. So he focus on the one part of that which wasn't about any of those things. "You seem awfully negative about the guy you just admitted in the only reason I'm still alive."
Bruce took a deep breath, but it did nothing to calm him down, the air hissing as it escaped his lungs. "Jaylad, he custom built that body for you. It must have taken months, if not years. And that means all that was time he knew what Ketchup was going to do to you. And he made no move to forewarn us or stop it. He let it happen because...because you were more useful to him as an Exalt than as a baseline human."
Jason felt his stomach drop out as clues suddenly clicked into place. "The Storyteller, the Exigent of Gotham, he never called people by names, even when he knew them all. He didn't see us outside of our roles."
"He manipulates situations and doesn't see people as more than boons or roadblocks to his objectives. That's why Quill would never have trusted him. He thinks and operates like Ketchup."
"Fuck." Jason swore. "Another second chance at life, another bond to a psycho."
"No, listen to me." Bruce held his face to force Jason to look him in the eye. "You are alive right now and you get to decide what that means. Not Ra's. Not Amarenth. Not me. If you want to skip town with the Outlaws until this is done, I will set you up with a place and new identity. If you want to fight, we'll stand alongside you. Your life is yours and no one else's."
"I'm not running." If there was one thing Jason was sure of, it was that. He wanted his piece of Ketchup too. "And at least Amarenth just resurrected me and kicked me out. None of the stuff Talia did."
"What did she-" Bruce froze, the blood draining from his face and his pupils shrinking. "I'll kill her." He half whispered.
"B?" That did not sound...hypothetical. Which was all sorts of concerning considering who it came from.
"What she did to you...unforgivable...you were a child."
Bruce had seen something with his power from the time he was with the League. Could he see things outside of Gotham now? Or was it because it was tied to Jason who was currently in Gotham? "I was like seventeen." Jason tried to protest. "Hardly a child."
"It's still statutory." The color was returning to Bruce's face, the ashy white turning to crimson in rage.
Statutory? Oh. That. Before he could say anything (and what could he say?) the door to his bedroom burst open with literal hurricane force as Dick launched himself at his oldest brother. "You're okay!" he yelled, wrapping both his arms and legs around Jason.
"The flying fuck?" Jason asked at the storm that was blowing around his room.
"Babs said Ketchup tried to run a wiper virus on you, then you and Bruce vanished and she couldn't find you, then she said you and Bruce would be back and your place so we came as fast as we could and-"
"Just hug him back so we can breath," Damian grumped. "And Dick exalted as an Air Aspect in case it wasn't obvious." Tim added.
Three is by far enough for one night. Him, Dick, and someone else.
"Barbra." Bruce whispered, his face approaching a more natural color.
"What about Bab?" Dick asked, confused.
"Armaneth said three was enough for one night. The Exaltations, You, Jason, and Barbra."
"How did...right, Gotham sense." Tim shook his head. "So where were you guys?" "Why don't you tell them all about it back at the cave?" Jason suggested, trying to wriggle out of Dick's hug. "Don't you mean 'we'?" Bruce asked with desperation in his voice.
"Not tonight. I need to process all this and I need to do it without everyone in my space."
"He's right. And it's not like you won't know if something happens again. Let's give him some space, and Jason don't feel bad for needing time to adjust."
"Wasn't planning on it, but okay." Jason managed to pry hurricane Dick off him and held him at arms length. "Go on, see if Babs needs help."
He wasn't naïve enough to hope Bruce would just forget what he'd just learned, but he was done with things for the night. Jason Out.
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plasmalunare · 2 years
people that deliberately go out of their way to harass proshippers just... make me sick.
I'm not sure how to tell y'all but taboo content in fiction will ALWAYS exist. And you telling people online to kill themselves won't do shit about it.
"but proshipping affects reality and normalizes incest/pedophilia/etc!!"
it absolutely does not, i can guarantee that.
I'm just gonna make an example here, if you see a "proshipper" justifying pedophila irl they aren't a proshipper, they're straight up a pedophile.
Proshippers do not condone the things they enjoy in fiction i genuinely cannot stress this enough.
And if you're not a fan of that type of content, that's fine, no one's forcing you to look at it but yourself.
You can block tags, words or straight up the person if it annoys you on most social media apps.
And if you're not mature enough to do that you're absolutely not ready to be on the internet.
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anti-ao3 · 3 months
Saw a media literacy essay on youtube and it had a bunch of proshippers in the comments talking about how all antis lack media literacy and sorry for coming here to complain it just grinds my gears when these people throw around the terms purity culture and media literacy. Like I would understand if they weren't trying to sexualize kids and abuse, but some of them were just straight up saying to doxx people. And then theres shit like the jaws effect and a bunch of research but I guess thats toooooooo elitist! (Sarcasm.) I dunno I just wish people would take maybe a few minutes to think about what they're reading and why it was written and why they're reading it but maybe thats just too much to ask
No need to apologize! Feel free to send asks like these when you want to!
Yeah, usually people who defend fiction this much are those who aren't affected negatively by propaganda, which is literally everywhere, even in children's media. I hate that these people are so against any sort of criticism that they call minorities "conservatives" or "puritans". In fact I absolutely hate that proshitters compare themselves to actual marginalized groups because they're being told that liking pedophilic/incestuous/abusive/racist ships is bad (I will never forget the time someone took a poem about the Holocaust and made it about fandom shit).
Honestly, yeah, I think one of the main problems about proshitters is that they refuse to be critical of their favorite media. They equal it to "censorship" when it just really means "hey maybe acknowledge the harmful concepts in this work". Nobody is saying you're not allowed to engage with anything, but you have to listen to minorities when they point out issues with your favorite media. Especially when they've been doing that for decades at this point (like when it comes to H/arry P/otter, and yet the fans still refuse to listen).
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