A Fate Unimagined - Chapter Fifteen.
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Previous Chapters - One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
“Rin, it won’t bloody work! Would you just listen to reason, for once in your life?”
“Yes, it will! I’ve done it before!”
“Well, we’re not doing it now, not in this situation. Now, shut the fuck up and keep quiet, before they hear you. Do not go against me, let’s not have a repeat of the basilisk incident.”
It was moments like that, when she was being insufferably difficult over a plan of attack, that Geralt sneered at the very thought that she could be anything more to him, pissing him off as she did.
He knew it’d rear its ugly head again at some point, both of them being quite self-righteous, stubborn people, her more so than him though. This time she actually did listen to him, albeit begrudgingly.
She remembered her failing when he mentioned what had happened with the basilisk, realising to go against him here would be significantly more dangerous. Maybe he was right and she wrong, either way though they dispatched of the vampire nest quickly and efficiently, receiving a handsome payment for it.
As they were riding away from the homestead of the family who had hired them, cutting across the fields to return to the village they were staying at, they both suddenly got the feeling of being watched by many eyes.
Dismounting their horses, they drew their swords, on high alert as suddenly people carrying fiery torches emerged from the darkness all around, Rin casting her hands around them and encircling them with a protective barrier of fire.
“That abomination that you carry cannot remain, ember,” a man, a sorcerer so he revealed himself to be spoke, walking right through the flames. His skin was as black as night, his eyes all the way white, cutting an imposing figure at his colossal height.
Geralt threw an Axii at him, the sorcerer anticipating such and deflecting it before sending out his own magic, directed right at Rin. “It cannot remain!” He shouted strongly as she clutched her stomach, doubling over in agony.
The sorcerer then dealt with the immediate threat, holding out his other hand to physically disable Geralt from being able to either help her or harm him, the witcher utterly enraged as he fought against the magic binding him to the sport.
Rin screamed in pain, trying not to let fear flood her, remembering exactly who and what she was, this coupled with her instinct to protect her baby as she threw a fireball at him, the sorcerer then dodging it. It was exactly what she wanted though, her fire magic revealing itself as a flaming silhouette of herself stepping from the circle of fire, ensnaring him as it dragged him to his fiery death.
She then made the fire die down, both she and Geralt drawing their swords to do battle with the remaining men. It might have been eleven against two, but they were soon cut down by them, heads split in two, throats slashed, guts spilled.
It seemed they gravely underestimated the combined power of two beings both trained to fight as efficiently as they’d been, especially where protecting their unborn child was concerned.
“You, I will let you live, but only to carry a message back to the Sanctuary. Do not come for us, or we will slowly slaughter every last one of you. What I carry within me is no abomination, she is our child and we will be cold and dead before we allow any of you to harm her.
“You’ve witnessed what we’ve done here, know we are capable of worse. Remember it.” Rin spoke as she held the man at the tip of her sword, lowering it and stepping close to him, pressing her hand to his face and making him roar in agony as she burned him. “I am Rin of Rholkrhaden. You will fear me.”
With her handprint emblazoned onto his face, the man scuttled back and ran for his life, Rin frowning in his wake.
“I’ve never seen you unleash anything the likes of that before, nor the fire silhouette,” Geralt commented, resting his hand on her shoulder as he came to stand behind her.
“I keep my cards close to my chest,” she spoke, turning as she lovingly stroked her belly. He loved it when she did that, he found it very touching to see someone of such resolute and fortitude soften when it came to their child. “She’s okay too. I see the concern in your eyes. Listen though, for I can hear her heartbeat when I concentrate, so you should be able to as well.”
He tuned out all other noise, his own heartbeat fading, picking up on Rin’s before focusing harder. He then heard it, strong and speedy. It made him smile in a way Rin had never seen before, his hand covering hers.
Wrapping her arm around him, she sank against his embrace, turning her head and kissing his chest affectionately, forgetting for a second. She quickly composed herself, clearing her throat and pulling away from him to retrieve Blanche.
If she was honest, she did sometimes wonder if they could ever be more than friends. She found herself dissecting it a lot, especially in the small hours while he slept beside her. What truly separated friends from a relationship? Sex. They had sex. Quite a lot of it, in fact.
This couldn’t be where the line blurred though. Rin wasn’t very typical in so much that she equated sex with love. It was a physical need for her and Geralt was a means to that end. She didn’t really feel affection towards him at all, but then she questioned this by wondering why she’d kissed his chest affectionately earlier, or why she sometimes lay awake, watching him sleep.
She deduced it was likely a fondness developing because of who he was in relation to her baby. This was where the line truly blurred, she guessed. That had to be it. She was just softening toward him emotionally because he was the father of her child.
Going forward, she didn’t have much opportunity to pursue this, for the safety of the baby as well as them became her most pertinent of thoughts. The Sanctuary were not done with them, despite her warning.
More attacks came, the sect seeming to turn up wherever they headed. When they weren’t fighting them off, they were dealing with being followed by them, the Sanctuary watching their movements from afar.
“They’re goading us, just ignore them. They want one or ideally both of us to ride after them. Let it be on their heads that neither of us are that stupid,” Geralt told her, noticing Rin repeatedly turning to see three of them sulking through the woodlands they rode through, quick to hide behind trees yet not quick enough to escape her notice.
“They’ll bring more sorcerers or sorceresses with them next time. Just another like the big, white eyed fellow we encountered in our first proper contact with them could have felled us,” she replied, Geralt snorting.
“With what you managed to do to him while doubled over in pain, I think we stand to be just fine. The next time we encounter them face to face, I would suggest that you burn them immediately rather than encircling us. They’ve nothing to say worth noting, so keeping them alive is of neither use nor benefit to us.” He suggested, Rin nodding as she slightly turned her head. They were behind them again.
Holding her reins in one hand, she waited until they were clearer of the trees before sending back a fireball of the greatest magnitude she’d used in a while, watching it propel through the air and hit two of the three following them. The third had the good sense to flee.
“Extremely impressive, young lady,” Geralt complimented her with.
“Why thank you. I aim to decimate.” He knew her words served as a double entendre from the way she’d been eyeing him all afternoon, hunger rising within her, wanting nothing more than to partake in her usual brand of heated, sexual decimation with him.
They faced a few issues in facilitating this though, the next village they arrived in not taking kindly to either of their kind, so being forced to sleep in the open air. Well, Rin slept. Geralt wouldn’t rest when he had her to protect while she was sleeping. Sex wasn’t on the agenda while they were out in the open, vulnerable to attack.
It was the same the night after, the night after that too. Sadly, persecution over witchers and embers was rife, both noting that they seemed to face adversary from all angles, further members of the Sanctuary sent to follow them again.
By the time they finally did rest, at the invite of the kind lord and lady who had hired them for a job, Geralt was exhausted. He might have had more stamina than most, but three nights without sleep had taken its toll.
“You can play with me all you like in the morning, but for now you must sleep, Geralt,” Rin told him as he lay down, pulling her astride him.
“I’ll be fine. No, I shall be incredible, in fact. Master of your desires, invocator of your pleasure,” he replied, pulling her swooped neck top down further and kissing her beautiful cleavage, his eyelids growing heavy.
“Go to sleep.” She instructed, smiling as she reached to stroke his face. Without thinking, she leaned in and kissed him, a soft kiss of feeling rather than sexual passion, a kiss he returned before he shut his eyes, his snores rumbling after a few moments.
Could he be more than a friend? Again, Rin found herself awake into the small hours, pondering that very question.
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