#afffectionate cat but the cat is retraumatizing you
ranboo5 · 3 years
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Please welcome the O5ver AU’s Ghostbur analog 2 the stage 
Notes transcribed under the cut 
Ghost!Arron  There is no cool portmanteau I have yet thought of. The Specre of Authcommunism 
- when he tries to stim like Arron used to the movement comes out jerky and can’t quite finish 
- blank staring eyes and bloody robe baybeee  - whereas Arron would have ticking/humming/etc follow him wherever he would go Ghost!Arron’s clockwork is as dead as he is and is silent (doesn’t affect external machinery like he used to either  - seemingly oblivious to the blood (uncharacteristically so)  - hasn’t worn these robes in a long time by the time he shows up 
- most often will show up and tryto hang out w/ people he remembers as his friends  - essentially acts like an affectionate cat except the cat is the ghost/echo of your dead friend 
- Teeth already saw an impostor wearing the face of Arron Gears  - and now here’s this thing with no will no goal just a dead cold echo wearing their friend’s likeness and it doesn’t even want it 
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