luxi-lilith · 2 years
Reminiscing 🙃
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ardafanonarch · 2 months
Hello, in fic I've come across mentions of
- the elves stopping frequently on their journey to Aman to have sex (and Orome urging them forward by creating storms?)
- elf sex being too intense for most mortals to survive
I think these come from HoME or NoME (or similar sources), but I've never seen the actual quotes. There might be other things related to elf-sex in there as well.
So I guess my question is: What else did Tolkien mention about elf sex, apart from (the already relatively well-known) LaCE?
Elf Sex Lore
There comes a time in every Tolkien fan’s journey when they come upon the Professor’s writings on Elf sex — and, since 2021, there are even more! Elf Sex Lore remains a hot topic as the fandom continues to experience the aftershocks of the spurt of new lore that came with the publication of The Nature of Middle-earth (NoMe) in 2021.
As you say Anon, before NoMe was published, the fandom’s primary resource on Elf sex was the (in)famous essay Laws and Customs Among the Eldar (LaCE), published in 1993 in Morgoth’s Ring, the tenth volume of the History of Middle-earth series. LaCE is full of juicy (or not-so-juicy) lore about Elven aging, marriage, gender roles, naming, death, and rebirth.
It is in relation to the first two that we get some details on Elf sex, such as the knowledge that “it was the act of bodily union that achieved marriage, and after which the indissoluble bond was complete.” (Laws B). We also learn that:
“…the Eldar say* that in the begetting, and still more in the bearing of children, greater share and strength of their being, in mind and in body, goes forth than in the making of mortal children. For these reasons it came to pass that the Eldar brought forth few children; and also that their generation was in their youth or earlier life, unless strange and hard fates befell them. But at whatever age they married, their children were born within a short space of years after their wedding. For with regard to generation the power and the will are not among the Eldar distinguishable. Doubtless they would retain for many ages the power of generation, if the will and desire were not satisfied; but with the exercise of the power the desire soon ceases, and the mind turns to other things. The union of love is indeed to them great delight and joy, and the ‘days of children’, as they call them, remain in their memory as the most merry in life; but they have many other powers of body and of mind which their nature urges them to fulfil.” The History of Middle-earth Vol. 10: Morgoth’s Ring, ‘The Later Quenta Silmarillion (II)’, Laws B
*Note how this paragraph is introduced: “the Eldar say”. Phrases like this signal to us that LaCE is not written from a Elvish point of view. There are indications elsewhere clearly pointing to a human author with a human audience in mind.
Translation: Elves use up a lot of energy in baby-making, including in the sex part (“begetting”) but even more in the pregnancy and birthing part (“bearing”), so they don’t have a lot of children and they do so early in life, shortly after marriage. But even if they marry later in life, Elves are still able to have babies because being able to and wanting to reproduce are the same thing for Elves. But once they’ve fulfilled the desire to make babies they’re good and turn to other things. Still, they look back on the time of baby-making as “the most merry in life”.
In most (if not all) cases, when Tolkien writes about sex he is writing about reproduction. Did Elves have sex solely for pleasure? Maybe; I cannot find anything that says they didn’t. I also can find little conceptual separation of sex and reproduction in Tolkien’s writings. Make of that what you will.
(At this point I want to reiterate a principle central to this blog: it’s about presenting what canon says; it is not about casting judgement on creations that subvert, reinterpret, or ignore canon, none of which makes a work lesser than one which adheres strictly to canon.)
So what did NoMe add to our knowledge about Elf sex? First of all, let’s make sure we all know what NoMe is.
What is The Nature of Middle-earth?
NoMe is a volume of texts by J.R.R. Tolkien collected and edited by Carl Hostetter. It is basically a supplement to the last three volumes of The History of Middle-earth (Morgoth’s Ring, The War of the Jewels, and The Peoples of Middle-earth), which cover a period from the late 1950s to his death during which Tolkien was undertaking a rather massive project of worldbuilding, working out the structures underlying his Silmarillion mythology in preparation for revising and publishing what he had written of it before ‘a sequel to The Hobbit’ (LotR) took him away from it for the better part of two decades.
Christopher Tolkien in Morgoth’s Ring called this undertaking “analytic speculation concerning [the] underlying postulates” of his world (Foreword to Morgoth’s Ring). That’s how we end up with essays like LaCE and the philosophical debate about the fates of Men and Elves in Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth.
The texts in NoMe all date to around the same time and deal with the same sorts of questions about the physics and metaphysics of the world: it contains the essay on ósanwë, for example.
The Context of the NoMe Sex Lore
The first section of NoMe, ‘Time and Ageing’, is where we get the new lore on Elf sex. As it happens, the sex lore is rather incidental to extensive ruminations two core questions:
How did Elves experience the passage of time and how did they age?
How did the population of Elves go from 144 at Awaking to a sufficiently high number (around 30 000) when they reached the shores of Beleriand on the Great Journey?
(It is not relevant to get into why 144 and why 30 000 here; suffice to say those are the numbers Tolkien wanted and he expended great imaginative and mathematical energy trying to make them work.)
A note on the textual context: Anyone who has ever engaged in worldbuilding knows how it can go. You think (for example), “Okay, I need to develop a backstory for this character’s spouse,” and before you know it you are knee-deep in invented genealogies and geographies and Eru-knows-what-else.
It’s important to bear in mind that this is what Tolkien was doing. The quotes we are about to look at (yes, very soon!) are from a collection of evolving (and unresolved) notes in various states of refinement from barely legible scribbles to carefully penned essays. I will let you decide what that means to you based on your personal definition of canon, but I wanted the textual context to be clear.
Elf Sex Is Intense
In relation to Question 1, Tolkien considers the time-scales of Elven growth, including pregnancy. In the essay under discussion, Tolkien decides that Elven pregnancy should, like human pregnancy, take about 3/4 of a year. Oh no - not that kind of year. A yên, a ‘long year’, the unit used by the Elves and to which the matter of their bodies (their hröar) is bound. Elves gestate for 108 Sun years.
I know what you’re asking: If the pregnancy lasts 108 years, then how long does the sex last?
No? No! You’re probably asking yourself why Tolkien hated Elf-women so much (don’t worry, he says there’s no pain…)! But Tolkien was interested in the first question, which he answered thus:
“On the other hand the act of procreation, being of a will and desire shared and indeed controlled by the fëa, was achieved at the speed of other conscious and wilful acts of delight or of making. It was one of the acts of chief delight, in process and in memory, in an Elvish life, but its intensity alone provided its importance, not its time or length: it could not have been endured for a great length of time, without disastrous “expense.”” (NoMe, p. 24)
An earlier version of this passage, which you may also come across in fandom, comes to a similar conclusion:
“But the act of procreation not being one of growth until the union of the seed and being under full control of the will does not take long - though it is longer and of more intense delight in Elves than in Men: too intense to be long endured.” (NoMe, pg. 27)
Translation: Pregnancy, like other aspects of physical growth, is a process of the hröa over which the fëa has no control; thus it is bound to unfold on “Elvish time”, i.e. 1 year = 144 years. But the sex leading up to it is an act of the fëa and under its control and therefore occurs at a “normal” speed. The Elves love it, too! But not because of how long it lasts, which is a regular amount of time, but because of how intense it is. In fact, it is so intense that if it were any longer they would suffer “disastrous “expense”.”
What is this “expense”? Basically, it’s referring to the usage of an Elf’s natural “vitality” — far greater than that of Men but not infinite. As far as I can tell, this passage means that having intense Elf sex for too long would have spiritual results similar to Míriel’s bearing of Fëanor, or Fëanor’s creation of the Silmarils. Too much of their spirit would be expended (used up) in the act, with possibly disastrous consequences.
These are the quotes from which, I think, originate the rumour that Elf sex was too intense for mortals to survive. As you can see, the discussion is about Elf/Elf relations. Elf sex is too intense for Elves to endure for too long. Anything about what this means for Elf/Mortal sexual relations is fan conjecture.
That’s the Elf Sex nugget from Tolkien’s considerations of Elven growth rates: Elf sex (between Elves) is intense but of a normal duration.
Elven enthusiasm for baby-making delays March
As you can imagine, more nuggets are unearthed in relation to Question 2, which boils down to Tolkien crying: “I need the Cuiviénen Elves to breed a lot and quickly!”
Initially, Tolkien developed some Elven life cycle schemes that had them taking a leisurely approach to reproduction, with each generation taking many hundreds, even thousands, of Sun years to materialise.
This scheme did not work for getting him from 144 to ~30k in the timeframe he wanted. So, he made some adjustments to the scheme with respect to the timing of Elven maturity and consequent desire to begin reproducing — and then set about getting those Elves procreating!
One of the solutions he entertained was giving the Elves opportunities to reproduce on the Great Journey. He laid all of this out in a timeline (NoME, p. 49-53) detailing where and for how long the host of Elves would pause because of the “desire to beget children” (p. 49).
Reading this timeline, it can become increasingly comical each time this desire to reproduce (i.e., have sex) halts the host. It can start to read like, “The Elves took forever to cross Middle-earth because they couldn’t stop banging!” And, in a way, that is what happened. But bear in mind the context is an attempt at solving the problem of increasing the Elven population to a number Tolkien considered satisfactory for his worldbuilding endeavours. An Elven enthusiasm for sex is there, but it’s not the whole picture.
There are several points on the timeline when Oromë hangs out with the Elves or checks in on them, and he does become increasingly concerned with their begetting-related delays. For example:
“About 2000 pairs (of available Telerin 8th gen. of 4,950) beget children in the spring 1130/80. The Chiefs and Oromë are disturbed.” (NoMe, p. 51)
(“The Chiefs” are Ingwë, Finwë, and Elwë.)
“Either by chance, machinations of Sauron, and/or because Oromë withdraws protection (hoping to make the Eldar less content with their new Home (Atyamar), winters are hard and the weather worsens.” (NoMe, p. 51)
The second quote is the origin of that rumour about Oromë creating storms to urge the Elves on because they were having too much sex. Is it canon? Not quite: Oromë didn’t create the storm, for one, and the emphasis is on sex for the pleasure of children more than the pleasure of sex on its own (though, as we know from the previous discussion, sexual pleasure was certainly had!). But the rumour you've heard is not without basis in Tolkien’s notes.
The First Elves Really Loved Sex
There’s one more Elf sex nugget in NoMe that I’d like to end with. While scrambling to get his Cuiviénen Elves reproducing at an adequate rate to reach his population-at-finding target, Tolkien came up with what he calls the “Quick prolific” scheme (p. 99).
“The Quendi in their first few generations before the March (or reaching Valinor) must — as is quite reasonable — be made far more eager for love and the begetting and bearing of children. *They must have larger families, at shorter intervals between births.” (p. 107)
To explain this attitude of reproductive eagerness in the first few generations of Elves, Tolkien coins the term “philoprogenitive” — they love to procreate! Procreating — not artistic and intellectual pursuits or exploration or leadership as with later generations — is their number one priority in life. So much so that “they mated almost at once with their predestined mates” (p. 54).
Not only that, but they have so many babies! In one version of the scheme, 12 children per couple in the first generation (p. 108). (This soon changes to 6 per couple. Philoprogenitive they may be, but no one gets to outdo Fëanor).
As with the highly intense Elf sex and the Great Journey delayed by procreating, this is another bit of NoMe lore with great imaginative potential. As we learn from LaCE, Elves enjoyed sex, quite a bit actually, but they enjoyed a lot of other things also, and after a period of baby-making they would usually move on from sex (though they would always remember it fondly). But the First Elves, those early generations by the shores of Cuiviénen? No such balance between sex and other pursuits. It was all about sex and procreation for them.
Of course, what we’ve been looking at are drafts and notes. While all written around the same time (late 1950s to early 1960s), none of the texts here examined were ever finalised and many of them don’t even agree with each other. Tolkien was experimenting; he was worldbuilding. And with the publication of these notes in NoMe, we in turn get some intriguing ingredients for worldbuilding of our own.
So, do as you like with the Elf sex lore. But if you’re looking for a great setting for some canon-compliant smut, may I suggest Cuiviénen?
Mythgard Academy’s seminars on The Nature of Middle-earth. You don’t actually have to have read or own NoMe to follow these discussions. Great for getting a handle on the material, and ideal for listening as you work your way through reading.
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leothil · 2 months
fic recs: archive edition 18
Happy Monday! Wow, we're really getting up there in number of rec posts, but I see no end in sight yet! Fall of 2021 is a goldmine for buddie fics and I've barely made it to October.
Previous posts can be found here!
no kingdom to come by @waywardrenegades Eddie's father suffers a health scare and he flies to Texas to help take care of him. Meanwhile, Buck stays with Christopher, and Eddie thinks he probably needs to tell his parents about the will at some point. Features one of my favourite characterizations of Eddie's sisters and absolutely lovely Diaz sibling times! 23.1k words, rated T
out of the blue (i fell for you) by iphigenias (@oatflatwhite) Slight AU where Buck meets Eddie and Christopher in the hospital and Maddie meddles a bit. 1.5k words, rated G
Save a Horse, Ride a by @hmslusitania Buck thinks that he doesn't really get Eddie's whole thing for cowboys. Then he and Eddie go line dancing. Established relationship fun, and the author's note at the end cracks me up. 2.7k words, rated E
i hope you never lose your sense of wonder by wafflesofdoom (@capseycartwright) Five conversations navigating breakups and love that Eddie has with Christopher, and one Eddie and Buck have with him. 4.1k words, rated G
aftershocks by @renecdote Missing scenes from 3x01 Kids Today, for those of us who wanted a bit more of Eddie's reaction to the blood clot. 2.3k words, rated T
Happy reading everyone!
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avatar-news · 1 year
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Everything we know about Avatar Studios’ first movie
It’s time for a good ol’ masterpost!
Here’s everything we here at Avatar News know about Avatar Studios’ first movie! Info that Avatar News is the exclusive source for is specified, otherwise everything is official public info from Paramount/Avatar Studios/etc.
Last updated on February 18th, 2023.
The movie is currently designated “ANIMATED AANG AVATAR” in Paramount's slate, but is untitled
The Avatar franchise has been officially named “Avatar Legends” since 2022
A potential working title is Avatar The Last Airbender: Echoes and Aftershocks, based on a Paramount employee’s resume
A rumored title is Hidden Kingdom
Release date: October 10th, 2025
Will be released in theaters exclusively at first, then stream on Paramount+ after
Previously estimated for 2024 internally at Paramount, but not announced publicly (source: Avatar News)
Featuring “Aang and his friends”
Aang and Team Avatar will be young adults (source: Avatar News)
A movie with a Zuko-focused storyline was/is in development, it’s possible that this is that movie (source: Avatar News) - Update: The Zuko movie is separate
Brand-new original story, not an adaptation of an existing story from a comic, novel, etc.
Crew on this specific movie
Director: Lauren Montgomery (storyboard artist on ATLA, supervising producer on TLOK Books 2-4, showrunner of Voltron: Legendary Defender)
Writer: Kenneth Lin (Netflix’s House of Cards, Paramount’s Star Trek: Discovery)
Producers: Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko (showrunners of ATLA and TLOK, Chief Creative Officers of Avatar Studios), Eric Coleman (executive in charge of production of ATLA, suggested the creation of the character of Zuko in early development)
Production companies: Paramount Pictures, Nickelodeon Movies, Paramount Animation, Nickelodeon Animation Studio, Avatar Studios, Flying Bark Productions
Crew at Avatar Studios whose involvement in this specific movie, if any, we don’t know yet
Composer: Jeremy Zuckerman (composer of ATLA and TLOK)
Writer: Tim Hedrick (writer on ATLA/TLOK/VLD, showrunner of Fast & Furious: Spy Racers)
Head of story(board): Steve Ahn (storyboard artist and assistant director on TLOK)
Executive art director: Christie Tseng (character designer on TLOK)
Art director: William Niu (background designer on TLOK)
Consultant on native representation: Migizi Pensoneau (Reservation Dogs)
Many, many more crewmembers, of course.
Animation studio: Flying Bark Productions (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2018-2020), Glitch Techs (2020), Monkie Kid (2020-), Marvel Studios’ What If...? (2021), Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie (2022))
Animation style: traditional 2D + substantial CG
History of statements on animation style: Sep 2 2021: “series of CG films” - Brian Robbins (president and CEO of Nickelodeon and chief content officer of kids and family for Paramount+) Dec 2 2021: “outstanding and customized [...] unique production look” that “integrates [...] traditional 2D and CG” - Paramount recruiting for Avatar Studios Jun 29 2022: “our main bread and butter is 2D animation” / “homage to anime” / “[not] gonna be [...] hardcore straightedge 2D” / “start with hand-drawn, handmade artwork and then: what can technology do to help us enhance it, to help us deepen it, to help the filmmaking, to make it more cinematic” / “not [...] starting purely 3D and then trying to stylize” / “looking hard to form our own look” / “not doing anything purely 3D” - Bryan Konietzko (Avatar Studios co-Chief Creative Officer) Oct 13 2022: “2D Avatar feature film” / “couple traditional 2D animation with substantial CG elements” - Flying Bark Productions (the movie’s animation studio)
No cast info for this specific movie yet
Dante Basco is attached as Zuko, reprising his role from ATLA
A global casting call is going out for Asian and Indigenous voice actors in their 20s for Aang, Katara, Sokka, and Toph
Janet Varney, the voice of Korra in TLOK (2012-2014) has announced that she doesn’t want to voice Korra in the future; she wants an Indigenous voice actor to voice Korra (Korra is from the Water Tribe in the world of Avatar, which is inspired by Indigenous culture in the real world). It’s possible other voice actors will make the same choice.
Characters we know will definitely be in this movie: Aang - previously voiced as a child by Zach Tyler Eisen in ATLA (2005-2008) and as an adult by D. B. Sweeney in TLOK (2012-2013) Katara (source: Avatar News) - previously voiced as a child by Mae Whitman in ATLA (2005-2008) and as an elder by Eva Marie Saint in TLOK (2012-2014) Zuko - see above “Aang[’s] friends”
Three theatrical animated movies are currently in development at Avatar Studios
Each movie has a standalone story-- they’re not a trilogy-- so the story of this movie won’t be continued in the next movie after it
The second movie is focused on Zuko (source: Avatar News)
The third movie is focused on the new earth Avatar after Aang and Korra (source: Avatar News)
The image above is official canon art of the Gaang as adults, but it’s from the lead-up to the release of The Legend of Korra in 2012, not from this upcoming movie. Fun fact: it was drawn by Joaquim Dos Santos, co-showrunner of TLOK and director of Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023) and Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse (2024)!
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clownprince · 1 year
Batjokes Timeline
This is based in Rebirth/Infinite Frontier but it overlaps with other eras cause yk. Comics. Where possible I tried to put the original comic/arc instead of the Rebirth comic where it was referenced or shown in a flashback, since most of the Rebirth timeline prior to like Year 16-17 is shown via flashbacks or references. Cause again. Comics.
Also this is almost entirely based on info from the Batman Chronology Project I just pulled out the Batjokes bits.
Please correct me if any of this is wrong because I am Not going through every single one of these to double-check. Also lmk if there are any other comics that can fit in a certain place on this timeline.
Zero Year: Secret City
Zero Year: Dark City
Bruce adopts Dick as his ward (Nightwing Vol. 4 #32, Nightwing Vol. 4 #69, Batman Vol. 3 #54, Strange Love Adventures #1 Part 6)
Dick begins training, which lasts six months (Detective Comics #1000 Part 9)
Batman: The Man Who Laughs
First instance of the monthly birthday present ritual occurs in early December (Detective Comics #1027 Part 3)
Bruce visits Arkham to meet with Joker and shows him the playing card he found in the Batcave, revealing his identity to Joker (Batman Vol. 2 #17)
Note: Dr. Harleen Quinzel has been Joker's therapist since his first stay at Arkham Asylum
Dick debuts as Robin (Batman Chronicles: The Gauntlet and Batman and Robin Vol. 2 Annual #2)
Batman saves Joker from Deathstroke (Batman Vol. 3 #122-123)
War of Jokes and Riddles
Dr. Harleen Quinzel, having fallen in love with the Joker (gotta love the horrifying medical malpractice), breaks him out of Arkham Asylum, becoming his girlfriend and sidekick Harley Quinn (Harley Quinn Vol. 3 #17, Harley Quinn 25th Anniversary Special #1 Part 4, Batman Vol. 3 #42)
In March, for Batman’s monthly “birthday present,” Joker sends a crudely drawn picture of himself and Batman with the words “Best Friends” written on it (Detective Comics #1027 Part 3)
I Am a Gun
Note: Batman admitted he underwent those sensory deprivation tests in an isolation chamber so he could experience hallucinations and psychotic states to see a glimpse of how Joker's mind worked (Batman Vol. 1 #673)
Barbara debuts as Batgirl (Batgirl Vol. 4 #0)
Batman chases Joker down to Blüdhaven, Gordon and the GCPD shoot their way through their former co-workers into a warehouse filled with piñatas. Inside each piñata is a corpse (Joker Vol. 2 2021 Annual)
Note: for the past year, Joker had only been pulling pop-crime pranks and small time heists
An escaped Joker decides not to commit any crimes for once, instead following Batman around, simply trying to get the grim Dark Knight to laugh (referenced in Event Leviathan #2)
In February, an escaped Joker defeats the Teen Titans (Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Beast Boy, and Raven), leaving them bound, unconscious, and underwater as Batman’s monthly “birthday gift" (Detective Comics #1027 Part 3)
Dick turns 18 and quits as Robin (Robin 80th Anniversary 100-Page Spectacular Part 1)
Bruce meets Jason Todd and starts training him (Batman #408-409)
Dick debuts as Nightwing
Joker unveils his "Laughing Fish" gag (Detective Comics #475-476)
Jason Todd debuts as Robin (Truth and Justice #10)
Batman: The Killing Joke
A Death in the Family
Tim begins training as Robin (A Lonely Place of Dying)
Tim debuts as Robin
Rock of Ages
Batman fights Onomatopoeia and saves Joker's life (Batman: Cacophony #3)
No Man’s Land
Tower of Babel
Note: Batman appoints Cass Cain as Batgirl during No Man's Land
Under the Hood
Tim stops being Robin, Stephanie Brown takes over temporarily before she is fired and Tim is reinstated (Robin Vol. 2 #124-130)
Batman R.I.P.
Bruce meets Damian for the first time (Batman and Son)
Harley breaks up with Joker for good (Gotham City Sirens #1)
Bruce makes Damian his full-time official partner (Batman & Robin Vol. 2 #1-8)
Joker buries Simon Hurt alive, which is the same way Hurt tried to kill Batman. Hm (Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #6 and Batman & Robin #13-16)
Joker removes his face and goes into hiding (Detective Comics Vol. 2 #1)
Death of the Family
Duke joins the Batfamily (Batman: Rebirth #1)
Batman locates Joker (presumably still amnesiac at this point) and apprehends him, incarcerating him in Sub-Cave Alpha. in exchange for information about Dionesium, Batman tells Joker about his “dark energy” investigation and covert use of the Outsiders and “Black Sites.” He even shows Joker his cloning machine and the “Meta-File” on the Bat-computer (Dark Days: The Casting)
Batman proposes to Catwoman, presumably while Joker is still in his basement (Batman Vol. 3 #24)
Hal and Duke find Joker in the Batcave cell (Dark Days: The Forge)
Batman teams up with Joker to defeat the Batman Who Laughs (Dark Nights: Metal #4-6)
Joker finds out about Batman’s engagement (Batman: Prelude to the Wedding Part 2 Nightwing vs Hush #1)
The Best Man
Batman and Catwoman call off the wedding but stay engaged (Batman Vol. 3 #50)
The Batman Who Laughs #1-7
Their Dark Designs
Joker War
The Man Who Stopped Laughing #1-4
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coastermaynia · 28 days
Coasters on Previous Years' Lists
List of coasters on the prompt lists from 2020-2023, alphabetical by park name!
Dragon (2021)
Monster (2022)
Outlaw (2023)
Alton Towers
Galactica (2022)
Oblivion (2021)
Smiler (2020)
Wicker Man (2023)
Blackpool Pleasure Beach
Icon (2021)
Busch Gardens Tampa
Cobra’s Curse (2022)
Iron Gwazi (2021)
Kumba (2020)
Montu (2023)
Busch Gardens Williamsburg
Alpengeist (2022)
Pantheon (2021)
Verbolten (2023)
California’s Great America
Gold Striker (2020)
RailBlazer (2023)
Canada’s Wonderland
Bat (2023)
Behemoth (2022)
Leviathan (2020)
Yukon Striker (2021)
Copperhead Strike (2020)
Fury 325 (2021)
Nighthawk (2022)
Cedar Point
Corkscrew (2022)
GateKeeper (2023)
Millennium Force (2020)
Steel Vengeance (2021)
Chessington World of Adventures
Dragon’s Fury (2022)
China Dinosaurs Park
Dinoconda (2021)
Lightning Rod (2020)
Thunderhead (2022)
Dorney Park
Steel Force (2023)
Drayton Manor
Shockwave (2022)
Baron 1898 (2021)
Vliegende Hollander (2023)
Joris en de Draak (2022)
Zadra (2020)
Europa Park
blue fire (2023)
Silver Star (2022)
Wodan (2020)
Farup Sommerland
Fonix (2022)
Ferrari Land
Red Force (2021)
Fuji-Q Highland
Do-Dodonpa (2020)
Eejenika (2022)
Fujiyama (2021)
Takabisha (2023)
Fun Spot Atlanta
ArieForce One (2023)
Hansa Park
Flucht von Hovgorod (2023)
Karnan (2020)
Heide Park
Colossos (2022)
Krake (2023)
Candymonium (2020)
Skyrush (2021)
Wildcat’s Revenge (2023)
Holiday Park
Expedition GeForce (2021)
Holiday World
Voyage (2020)
Indiana Beach
Steel Hawg (2021)
Islands of Adventure
Velocicoaster (2022)
Phantom’s Revenge (2020)
Steel Curtain (2021)
Kentucky Kingdom
T3 (2020)
Kings Dominion
Intinidator 305 (2020)
Twisted Timbers (2022)
Volcano (2023)
Kings Island
Beast (2020)
Mystic Timbers (2021)
Orion (2023)
Racer (2022)
Knott’s Berry Farm
GhostRider (2022)
HangTime (2020)
Silver Bullet (2023)
Xcelerator (2021)
Impulse (2022)
Phoenix (2020)
Wildfire (2020)
Helix (2020)
Dragon Mountain (2022)
Dragon Gliders (2023)
Nagashima Spa Land
Hakugei (2021)
Steel Dragon 2000 (2020)
Nanchang Sunac Land
Coaster Through the Clouds (2022)
Speed (2021)
Parc Asterix
Toutatis (2023)
F.L.Y. (2023)
Taron (2020)
Winja’s (2022)
Plopsaland De Panne
Ride to Happiness (2023)
PortAdventura Park
Dragon Khan (2022)
Shambhala (2021)
Sea World Australia
Leviathan (2023)
Sea World Orlando
Ice Breaker (2020)
Mako (2021)
Sea World San Antonio
Texas Stingray (2021)
Silver Dollar City
Time Traveler (2020)
Aftershock (2023)
Six Flags Fiesta Texas
Dr. Diabolical’s Cliffhanger (2023)
Six Flags Great Adventure
El Toro (2022)
Jersey Devil (2021)
Kingda Ka (2020)
Nitro (2023)
Six Flags Great America
Maxx Force (2021)
Six Flags Magic Mountain
Full Throttle (2023)
Goliath (2020)
Twisted Colossus (2022)
X2 (2021)
Six Flags Mexico
Medusa (2021)
Six Flags New England
Wicked Cyclone (2022)
Six Flags Over Georgia
Blue Hawk (2022)
Thorpe Park
Colossus (2020)
Nemesis Inferno (2022)
Stealth (2021)
Swarm (2023)
Tobu Zoo Park
Kawasemi (2022)
Tokyo Dome City
Thunder Dolphin (2020)
Universal Studios Florida
Rip Ride Rockit (2021)
Universal Studios Japan
Flying Dinosaur (2023)
Walibi Belgium
Kondaa (2021)
Walibi Holland
Untamed (2020)
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northmagneticpole · 2 years
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Aftershock, 2021, James Turrell-Photo Florian Holzherr, Light & Space Exhibition at Copenhagen Contemporary, 2021.
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Saga Godzilla
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Todos os filmes, animações, HQs e livros do Godzilla para download e online.   Saga completa
º Era Showa
Godzilla: King Of Monsters (1956)
Godzilla Raids Again 
King Kong vs. Godzilla 
Mothra vs. Godzilla 
Ghidorah, O Monstro Tricéfalo  
A Guerra dos Monstros
Godzilla Vs Ebirah
O Filho de Godzilla 
Destroy All Monsters 
Godzilla Revenge
Godzilla vs. Hedorah 
Godzilla vs. Gigan 
Godzilla vs. Megalon 
Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla 
Terror de Mechagodzilla
º Zone Fighter  (série em que o Godzilla faz algumas aparições! Incluindo o Gigan e o King Ghidorah!) º Era Heisei
O Retorno de Godzilla
Godzilla 1985
Godzilla vs. Biollante 
Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah 
Godzilla vs. Mothra 
Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II 
Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla 
Godzilla vs. Destoroyah
º Era Millennium
Godzilla 2000 
Godzilla vs. Megaguirus 
Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack 
Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla 
Godzilla: Tokyo S.O.S. 
Godzilla: Final Wars
º Monsterverse
Godzilla (2014)
Godzilla II: Rei dos Monstros (2019)
Godzilla vs Kong (2021)
Monarch: Legado de Monstros
º Era Reiwa
Godzilla: Planeta dos Monstros
Godzilla: Cidade no Limiar da Batalha
Godzilla: O Devorador de Planetas
Godzilla Singular Point
Conteúdo que está dublado
Godzilla Vs Biollante
Godzilla Vs  King Ghidorah
Godzilla Vs Mothra (1992)
Godzilla 2000
Trilogia anime da Netflix
Godzilla (2014)
Godzilla II: Rei Dos Monstros
Godzilla vs Kong (2021)
Godzilla Singular Point
Godzilla - Hanna Barbera
º HQs/Mangás
Godzilla (1988)
Godzilla '94
Godzilla (2012)
Godzilla Cataclysm
Godzilla Gangsters & Goliaths
Godzilla In Hell
Godzilla Kingdom of Monsters
Godzilla Legends
Godzilla Oblivion
Godzilla Rage Across Time
Godzilla Rulers Of The Earth
Godzilla: Half-Century War
Godzilla: King Of The Monsters (Dark Horse)
Godzilla: King Of The Monsters (Marvel) (créditos para a equipe da Gibiscuits que traduziu mais da metade)
Godzilla Savior Tooth
Godzilla vs Destoroyah
Godzilla: Awekening
Godzilla: Aftershock
Godzilla: Dominion
Monster Warrior Godzilla
Godzilla vs Barkley (créditos para a equipe da Gibiscuits)
Godzilla Monsters & Protectors 1 - Rise Up
Godzilla Monsters & Protectors 2 - All Hail the King
Godzilla Rivals (em andamento)
Godzilla vs Power Rangers
Liga da Justiça vs Godzilla vs Kong
Godzilla Here There Be Dragons
º Livros
Godzilla Minus One - Novelização
A Space Godzilla - Novelização do filme não feito
Enciclopédias sobre os bastidores dos filmes e artes conceituais em japonês (Editora Mook)
Godzilla (2014) - Novelização
Godzilla II Rei dos Monstros (2019) - Novelização
Godzilla vs Kong (2021) - Novelização
Godzilla Returns (Editora Random House)
Godzilla 2000 (Editora Random House)
Godzilla no Fim do Mundo (Editora Random House)
º Curtas Oficiais
Gojira (1954) Colorizado
Bambi Meets Godzilla
Godzilla Appears at Godzilla Fest 2020
Godzilla vs Hedorah (2021)
Godzilla vs Gigan (2022)
Godzilla vs Jet Jaguar (2023)
Godzilla vs Gigan Rex
Godzilla vs Megalon 2023
Cena do Godzilla no Always: Senset on Third Street 2
Cenas do Snow Godzilla no Shinkalion - The Movie
Trailer de DLC e artes conceituais do Godzilla no Gigabash
Trailer de DLC do Godzilla no Minecraft
Trailer de evento do Godzilla vs Kong no Call of Duty: Warzone
Aparição de Godzilla em Os Simpsons - 30 Minutos Sobre Tóquio (S10E23)
ºTrilhas Sonoras
Godzilla - Trilhas Sonoras (por GKD)
Godzilla 50th Anniversary Soundtrack Perfect Collection
Godzilla - Pipeworks, Atari Trilogy Soundtrack
Godzilla Generations Maximum Impact Soundtrack
Godzilla (2014) Soundtrack
Godzilla (PS4) Soundtrack
Shin Godzilla Soundtrack
Godzilla Minus One Soundtrack
Shin Godzilla vs Evangelion Symphony
Godzilla Anime Trilogy Soundtrack
Godzilla King of the Monsters (2019) Soundtrack
Godzilla Monster of Monsters (NES) Soundtrack
Godzilla vs Kong (2021) Soundtrack
Godzilla Singular Point Soundtrack
Super Godzilla (SNES) Soundtrack
Godzilla - Blue Oyster Cult
Godzilla - Eminem
The Theme of Godzilla (The Best of Godzilla 1954-1975)
Dividimos a coletânea em 13 listas no Google Drive. Os filmes estão numerados em ordem.
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enneamage · 1 month
You mentioned earlier on this blog about mcyt fans mutating into other fandom spaces on twitter, and i just want to point out/add something even if it's not really that interesting. I feel that a decent amount of people started getting sick of the mcytspace around late 2021 going into 2022, myself included, and I feel like a lot of ex dsmp fans became genshin fans. For a specific subset of genshin fans on twitter the way they conduct themselves feels very 2021dsmptwt-esque (1/2)
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I think that ex-dsmp colonies are going to be scattered all over the place now that… everything has passed the way it has. We're going to be feeling the aftershocks of this fandom for a long time to come. A version of the culture existed before and it will exist after, but I think the people who saw it happen will be dragging around a pretty big internal scar.
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babylon-crashing · 1 year
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I was going to post photos about my time spent in Northern California, visiting my parents. They live in a tiny town that no one has ever heard of called Ferndale. I was traveling all day Sunday/Monday getting home (from California fog to Michigan blizzards). 
Talk about timing. 
I was literally in Valley Grocery on Sunday, getting supplies to take on my flight back. My parents drove me to the Eureka airport and the Fern Bridge (at the time) didn’t have giant cracks running through it. 
It’s not every day you can turn on the news and say, “Wow! It's deja vu all over again!”
To make matters worse, because the entire area is out of power (and as of yesterday evening there was only one functional road into town from the wilds of Petrolia) I lost contact with them and then the aftershocks hit and ... hearing about the fatalities got me searching for airline tickets (again). Luckily they are alive and safe.
What’s even stranger is that a 5.7 quake struck Ferndale almost exactly a year ago, on December 20, 2021. I was talking to my brother (who was up from L.A. visiting) on the phone at the time. There was a pause in our conversation and he said, “Hey! The Centerville beach cliffs are collapsing!” And now this.
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cogitoergofun · 7 months
“Poverty,” former United States secretary of labor Robert Reich has been telling us for years, “is a policy choice.”
Reich, one of the savviest commentators on the economy and policymaking throughout his nearly five decades in American public life, has always been right about that. But he’s getting fresh support for his argument from the Census Bureau, which shows that the United States is currently making a concerted effort to impoverish children. A lot of them.
Census data released Tuesday shows that 12.4 percent of all American children were living in poverty last year. That was up from 5.2 percent in 2021—meaning that the US has just experienced the largest spike in child poverty since the current models for measuring economic distress were developed in 2009. We’ve also just seen the first increase in the supplemental poverty rate since 2010 when the United States was still wrestling with the aftershocks of the Great Recession.
But the United States is not experiencing a scorching recession like it did in the years that followed the Wall Street collapse of 2008. Employment is high, unemployment is low, and inflation—while still a frustration appears to be moderating. So what explains the poverty spike? According to the Census Bureau, the refusal by Congress to renew the enhanced child tax credit that was developed during the Covid-19 pandemic is to blame for much of the jump.
Since the relatively modest monthly bump in federal support—$250 to $300 per month for households with children—was eliminated because of congressional inaction in 2022, poverty has ticked upward. Rapidly.
“The Census data make it painfully clear: poverty—in particular, child poverty—is a policy choice,” explains the Friends Committee on National Legislation, the Washington-based Quaker peace and justice lobby that has long monitored poverty rates with an eye toward developing and advancing policy interventions. “When lawmakers expanded the child tax credit in 2021, fewer kids lived in poverty. When they failed to do so in 2022, child poverty more than doubled.”
When child poverty rises, so, too, does the overall poverty rate. According to the Census Bureau, 12.4 percent of Americans lacked the resources to meet their basic needs in 2022. That was up from 7.8 percent in 2021.
So there you have it. Congress opted to impoverish kids and, in so doing, caused a broad spike in the poverty rate. Or, to be more precise, Republicans in Congress and a handful of Democratic allies, such as West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin and Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema, chose to increase poverty when they rejected efforts by the Biden administration and most congressional Democrats to maintain the enhanced child tax credits.
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weekend-whip · 4 months
ao3 wrapped: 3, 8, 11, 24!
Thanks you!! ^-^)/
3. What works are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
Well, I'm proud of the Royal!Au, cuz I was actually brave enough to post it to begin with. I'm proud of my Kailor fic, because I personally think I knocked the idea out of park and I couldn't be more delighted at how it all turned out. I'm proud of the Kai birthday fic because it took so long to actually finish!! And I'm proud of Born to Be, because...well, it was a monster to wrangle but I did it!! And I loved every second of writing it!!!
8. Pairing you wrote for the most this year?- Aftershock, babyyyy. Kailor would be second, because, well, that's the only other dedicated pairing I wrote for. I...should be more versatile next year xD
11: What work took you the longest to write?- Born to Be, I've been hacking at that since 2021! But the Royal!Au is pushing to be a close second...
24: Did you write any gifts this year?- I did write one! The Kai birthday fic was a gift for @k1ngtok1 (albeit a very belated one, but we don't talk about that part aaaaa)
(Ao3 Wrapped)
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badluckinawasteland · 9 months
november 24, 2021 (or, ive taken two hundred thirty nine steps on a path i never knew existed) nothing interesting happens on days like today, when i feel so low i could draw a map of hell and instead i draw maps of my own grief and guilt and earthquakes will never hit me as hard as finding out you were gone. earthquakes dont change my eating drinking living habits, and aftershocks dont reverberate in every word i say. they just shake candy wrappers from the trash and crack plaster. i miss you i know i miss you. every breath i take i miss you if i had some of your hair i would have made a keychain, victorian mourning style. instead i wore the same shirt and cried on and blew my nose on it and threw up on it i guess hoping in my tear-stained beer-strained state that you would come back and call me a slob and get mad at me for destroying a teeshirt from your favorite band because anger would have hurt less than absence and some kind of worse than misery abounds when i can't think of anything but you, everything reminds me of you, i keep seeing things that you would have loved and laughed at and cried about. there's no escaping ghosts and every town has more than its fair share of ghosts and zombies that waking and walking all while being so empty and i am a small town in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere. i cant get away from your memory like a 15-year-old kid in the midwest cant get away from home. somedays i feel like a turtle in mud and fast-drying cement, stuck and dirty and dying. what am i doing here without you how far away from me are you how close can i get to you? i feel like we're not far apart but i know we are i know we are we are too far for me to text you for me to call you for me to talk to you or sit in silence together. you cant even breathe. you cant even fucking breathe
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pressradio · 1 year
Last year they f*cked the car for Carlos likings.
Mekies said they brought updates to make Carlos comfortable, Sainz said it also. We saw the result in the second part of the season. Binotto denied but he also denied the f1-75 was a wining car or that they did shitty strategies and ruined Charles races so … I will never believe anything the man said. They really wanted to make Carlos comfortable as to make it even. And they really wanted him to have a win. I get it it’s nice to be able to gift that to a driver, but silverstone was not the place (again championship). You can do that once everything is safe. Or if said driver is wining on his own, you let him have him and don’t do a redbull.
Charles said he asked for things on the car too in the second part of the season but could not get it because of the cost cap.
Literally no team does that. Not when you have a driver in the championship fight. Even if you know td39 is bad for your car and you have reliability issues with nobody does that.
Ferrari did. And they develop their concept in every direction and now we have SF23 …
Really the fact that Binotto did not like that Charles got more attention than the team and the technical team … how he was really pissed when Italian media said « give Charles a car » and he went to them to say « now he got it let’s see if what he can do » … he over compensated and screwed the team over in the end. Imagine if Mercedes did that ! Of course the car was amazing and that’s the team work. But the public will see the driver first. Deal with it. It’s been this way forever. And in Ferrari case people do support the team too. It’s a given.
Management was really bad it’s crazy.
Now on Carlos I don’t believe in conspiracy. But I do think he got his contract extension too early and when he was visiting gravel traps too much because of money. Santander and the beer thing helped him big time on that one.
I’m scared that to change this mentality is going to take too much time once again.
I still haven't overcomed last year (probably because we have massive aftershocks now).
At the moment I think Fred has more headache with dealing with fucking tractor that he inherited from Binotto. But I see the right attitude in him, so I think sooner or later problems with drivers management will be solved (I hope).
Yes, Charles probably was able to perform better. Yes he needed those points badly and it's shitty to start season like that (reminds me last yeat 5-races-stint-of-pure-disasterclass). But they lack race pace badly and this is the main problem. He clearly don't care about his position if they are not fighting for championship.
And it's time to say that they won't fight for championship, because there is no miraculous decision that can solve problems.
P.S. I always thought that it was too early to resign Carlos, but probably Binotto was amased by his performance (and tons of luck he had in 2021) in the mid car and hope that he will do better. By the way, SF-23 is fucking mid, but Carlos performance has a vacation.
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braxiatel · 1 year
Writer’s Round-Up 2022
I made a post following this writer’s meme on New Year’s Eve last year, so I thought I would repeat it for comparison. It isn’t one you need to be tagged in to do, nor do you need to tag others if you do it.
Total Word Count:
I have published a total of 68,570 words! Compared to 2021’s 31,021 that’s 2.2x as much!
New Things This Year:
There’s three main things that come to mind.
I started writing Hermitcraft/Life series fic!
I made some new writing friends I think deserve a shoutout. First @stitchthesewords and @atherix, and more recently @sparksnevadas and @mochiwrites. I love their works and admire each of them for their craft and their style of writing, so making their acquaintance has been lovely.
Finally I have rediscovered the joy in writing. Last year is struggled so much with anxiety about writing and publishing fic, to the point that it was preventing me from writing. I think I am a lot more confident in my own ability now, and more importantly I’ve become more comfortable with my own shortcomings. All writers have room to improve, and the best way to do that is by writing. If it is too frustrating I stop, and if not I write it as well as I can and accept that my writing is best when I am enjoying the process.
Fic I spent the most time on:
Could I Be The Sky for sure. I spent about four months working on it, and I am so proud of how far I came through the process of writing it. As such I think the story gets stronger the further you read, and the third chapter + the epilogue are by far my favourites.
Favourite thing I wrote:
Hmm. See, the thing is, I like a lot of what I wrote.
Other than CIBTS, which means a lot to me for a lot of reasons, I think the answer has to be one of the Equinox AU fics. However, because they are all part of one story I struggle to pick one. Possibly the latest, In the Darkness You Reap, or maybe the one before that Harbour Me, Guide Me Home
I also really enjoyed writing "We Double as a Drama Troupe" not least for the excuse to use a little bit of the 0.5 theatre degree I earned before dropping out of university. I think it’s funny, and that I got the characters pretty spot on.
Favourite thing I read:
Oh there’s so many. Genuinely.
I read less Warcraft fanfiction now than I did last year, but I still just want to give a shoutout to that fandom for the amazingly high level of writing quality. I specifically want to list @khadgarfield’s Convergence. I love the language it uses, especially for descriptions. In fact I think of it often while writing myself.
Another favourite was @milo-hypno’s Aftershocks of Divinity. This fic… wow, this fic. I don’t think I will ever read another romance/slowburn fic and not compare it to this. The way Aftershocks of Divinity treats the subject of love, of recovery, is genuine and poetic enough that it brought my to tears even as I was reading it for the third time - and it is one of those where rereading it adds to the story.
And lastly, I would be remiss not to mention the Midnight series by @atherix. Oh Midnight. I don’t even know where to start listing all the things I love about it. Atherix, friend, you are the master of world building and foreshadowing. Midnight is fun to read because it rewards paying attention to details. Oh, and then there’s the characterisation, of course. It has that perfect mix of accurate to canon and sensible in the context of the AU it is set within. This one is a masterclass in slowburn as well, and were it a little less late I would dig out a screenshot of me messaging the group chat full of people who do not read Hermitcraft fic, letting them know that the OT3 from the fic series I keep talking about finally got together.
Writing goals for next year:
There’s projects I want to start working on and ones I want to keep working on. Equinox and Kingdom of Boatem AU are the main two, but they aren’t necessarily a goal.
I think most of all I just want to keep working towards writing being something that brings me joy and creative satisfaction. I’ve come so far in 2022, I want to keep up that good work.
Finally, something I couldn’t fit in anywhere else. I have to give a massive shoutout to @loombarrow for all of your help with writing through the year. Love you, friend!
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