#agata varano
letmewritemylife · 12 days
RIP Jaime Lannister you would have loved Lady Gaga
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agatasiconspam · 2 years
Lithium - Evanescence || Headers and icons
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letmespammylife · 4 years
Hi, I'm Agata "Captain America: Civil War, Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame do not exist and everyone is happy and alive, with Thor eating Poptarts and Clint living in the vents" Varano
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tmnotizie · 5 years
ANCONA – Alla presenza delle autorità italiane e di una nutrita delegazione polacca, si sono svolte questa mattina le cerimonie di commemorazione in occasione del 75° anniversario della Liberazione della Regione Marche, in particolare della città di Ancona, alla quale partecipò in modo determinante il Secondo Corpo d’Armata Polacco, agli ordini del generale Wladyslaw Anders.
Momento clou la commemorazione a Porta Santo Stefano dove sono intervenuti il Ministro Jan Józef Kasprzyk, Capo dell’Ufficio per i Reduci di Guerra e le Vittime di Persecuzioni,  massime cariche istituzionali polacche, reduci di Guerra, veterani del 2° Corpo d’Armata Polacco, Maria Koc Vice Presidente del Senato, Krzysztof Kozłowski Segretario di Stato (Ministero dell`Interno), Anna Maria Anders, Senatrice, figlia del gen. Władysław Anders, Agata Ibek-Wojtasik Console, Capo dell`Ufficio Consolare dell`Ambasciata di Polonia in Roma, Cristina Gorajski Console Onorario della Repubblica di Polonia in Ancona.
Dopo il benvenuto del vice sindaco Pierpaolo Sediari, il ministro polacco Kasprzyk ha conferito la medaglia “Pro-Patria” al Comune di Ancona quale segno di riconoscenza per l’impegno profuso nel coltivare la memoria della storia polacca ed in particolare nella divulgazione della storia del 2° Corpo d’Armata Polacco del gen. Wladyslaw Anders.
Tra gli interventi anche quello del partigiano 95enne, in rappresentanza dell’Anpi, Paolo Orlandini.  Ha fatto seguito la benedizione delle corone da parte dell’Arcivescovo di Ancona-Osimo, Mons. Angelo Spina e la loro deposizione. Brani sono stati eseguiti dalla Fanfara dell’Esercito Polacco.
Cerimonie analoghe si sono poi svolte al Monumento allaa Resistenza al Pincio e al Cimitero del Commonwealth di Varano.
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letmewritemylife · 2 years
That fictional character may have committed several atrocities, but have you considered the fact that they’re my tiny baby in need of a hug?
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letmewritemylife · 2 years
Moon Knight is the superior Disney+ series because it satisfied both my "8-year-old Ancient Egypt enthusiast" self and my "18-year-old horny for people with sharp bone structure, curly hair and/or debatable common sense" self
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letmewritemylife · 2 years
No the moon knight chaos is not over yet you can't stop me and my shitposting
Just imagine Jake being all "lol you guys are such huge simps, get your shit together" about Marc and Steven and then he meets Layla and his brain scrambles and he goes "oh shit oh fuck, I get it now"
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letmewritemylife · 2 years
Don't think about the fact that Matt heard Elektra's heart stop. Don't think about the fact that Matt heard Elektra's heart stop. Don't think about the fact that Matt heard Elektra's heart stop. dON'T FUCKING THINK EVEN FOR A GODDAMN MOMENT ABOUT THE FACT THAT MATT HEARD ELEKTRA'S HEART FREAKING STOP-
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letmewritemylife · 2 years
Me: "I have no fear."
My brain: "What if Disney can't get Elden and Deborah to reprise their roles in the Daredevil series and come up with something like 'Matt got snapped away and both Foggy and Karen somehow died during those five years'?"
Me: "I have one fear."
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letmewritemylife · 2 years
This thing has just come to my mind and might make no sense, but wouldn't it have been cool if in Hawkeye, instead if bringing back Fisk, they had made Vanessa the villain? You know, something on the line of Fisk is in custody, but he still has contacts with Vanessa, who is rebuilding her husband's criminal empire. I just think it would've been cool to see Vanessa follow Fisk's footsteps, since we saw in Daredevil s3 that she doesn't really have many scruples (rip Ray Nadeem, my baby). And then, Daredevil Born Again could have Vanessa somehow get Fisk out of custody (maybe something like in DD s3 or a more old school escape) and them both leading their newly restored empire. Plus this way the title "born again" would refer to Matt, who's back on his Daredevil bullshit, Fisk, who has reprised his role as criminal lord of Hell’s Kitchen, and Vanessa, who's reborn as a criminal by her husband's side all of which would sort of continue the line of Matt/Fisk parallels from the Netflix series and I'm a slut for those, so yes
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letmewritemylife · 2 years
I'm rewatching Daredevil s3 and it's hilarious to me how Matt's fighting style is all jumping, kicking, dramatic entrances and random parkour, and then there's Pointdexter being like YEET
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letmewritemylife · 2 years
Rewatching The Punisher and I'm dying at the thought that Frank's excuses to see Sarah go from "let's jump in front of your goddamn car" to "hey I've got you flowers, now let me flex my parenting skills"
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letmewritemylife · 2 years
It's a Gollum and the one ring "my precious" kind of situation but it's me and a hug shaped male character with mental issues
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letmewritemylife · 2 years
Okay but how can you give me Oscar Isaac saying "oh baby" and expect me to pay attention to the plot? Like, God you should know I'm not your strongest soldier
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letmewritemylife · 2 years
Just rewatched The Punisher 2x01. I love how quickly it went from domestic bliss to Frank covered in blood smashing people’s face against sinks.
I also still haven’t understood why he wrapped his belt around his forearm, but it was hot so it’s alright.
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letmewritemylife · 2 years
Okay I know no one cares but I've just started watching some of the movies on my huge watch list so here are my thoughts.
DEAD POETS SOCIETY: This movie is a must watch. I mean, Robbie Williams is a phenomenal actor and this movie has got so much to give. It's definitely one of those movie you gotta watch at least twice at different times in your life to fully grasp, but that's fine. Moving, thought-provoking, well-acted, overall well-made. 5/5
STARDUST: Comfort movie. No seriously, I would have loved this as a child and I do love it now. Great acting, great costumes, great scenography, great plot. Maybe the special effects are a bit "old" (I mean, this movie came out in 2007, it's normal), but still funny and cute and everything in between. And Captain Shakespeare, you man have my heart. And I'm a slut for Charlie Cox. 5/5 because it made me feel like a child again and I love that
DETECTIVE PIKACHU: I gotta be honest with you, the plot seemed a bit... weird at times. I mean, there were things not very clear so they didn't make total sense. BUT BUT the movie was funny, it was moving, it was cute, the CGI was great, the acting was nice, Ryan Reynolds is great at comedy and the whole movie was overall pretty enjoyable. 4.5/5
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