#age doesn’t give wisdom necessarily
mokagachas · 5 months
share with me your great wisdom of of snake gal and water gal for I have not played arknight is a bit
hm okay alright ( muses )
I’ll say right off the bat I’ve mentioned on this blog before that while I don’t dislike romantic ships by any means I find myself very rarely “shipping” characters by pure definition of the word I mostly just enjoy their dynamics and parallels and My Goodness ho’ol and mumu have that in droves with one another
The vast TLDR oversimplification of the two of them: Ho’olheyak and Muelsyse are the last/some of the last of each of their respective races, Ho’olheyak being the last of the K’uk’ulkan and Muelsyse of the elves. Both are long life species naturally, but Ho’olheyak has gone through a torturous ritual at a young age that all K’uk’ulkan go through where she is implanted with the memories of generations of K’uk’ulkan before her. The procedure cuts her life short, and while we don’t know exactly HOW short, its presumably not very long to go
Muelsyse and Ho’olheyak both go on quests to find out what remains of, or what happened to, their people. They both have rather different approaches to it, however, with Muelsyse holds out hope that she’ll find other elves still alive, going on a lone quest to hunt down what remains of them and ultimately discovering that yes, most have died out, partially due to their weakness to originium. Despite this, she herself stays in densely populated city areas and interacts with Infected people frequently, enjoying being a social person while also feeling agonizingly alone. Muelsyse is decidedly a Good Person.
On the flip side, Ho’olheyak almost agonizingly relies on using other people to get the information she wants, seeking less about the specificities of what happened to her race and moreso their purpose and affect. She infiltrates secret organizations, double and triple crosses whenever it suits her whim, and is an utterly self-serving person who has no qualms in committing atrocities to get what she wants- though this is not to be confused with commiting atrocities for the pure joy of it. She ultimately finds a “god” robot thing (long story) that more or less tells her that everything she’s been working for is more or less worthless and she doesn’t necessarily fall to despair, but she does become incredibly languid and passive, though she keeps her trade mark asshole-ish ness.
Muelsyse flat out says it in Ho’olheyak’s files: “We each have what the other lacks.” They’re characters that are Definitely built to be the inverse of each other despite having rather sparing direct interactions in events but being littered in each other’s files. It’s really interesting to me!
But while their long life parallels (or robbed lack thereof in Ho’ol’s case) and relationship with their ancestors are the most obvious connections to be drawn between them, what fascinates me the most is their social parallels and how their experiences have changed how they interact with the world.
Both of them feel incredibly alone in one way or another. For Muelsyse, this comes near to breaking her at times. Despite the people around her that she cares for, and who care for her, she has such a different life experience than everyone else that she feels a disconnect that cannot be bridged. Despite this, she does her best to form genuine connections with those around her, even if they fail to give her what she wants.
Ho’olheyak is alone and at least Thinks she doesn’t care about it. She doesn’t respect many people, if any at all. She shatters every possible connection she could have with a shrug, pursuing only what could benefit her and seeming impartial to what she does to have her way. She is alone yet clearly wants for more: why else would she be seeking for meaning in the K’uk’ulkan so desperately?
These are two people who have had such violently different lived, yet the closest either of them can get to finding someone who can even begin to comprehend the life they’ve led and the struggles they’ve faced is in the other person. They acknowledge to themselves that the other person share similarities, but have trouble crossing that final step due to how the other has acted is so contradictory to their personal motives.
They’re both drawn to and reject the other… I like it :)
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🌿 Herb Of The Day
Title: Acorn
Gender: Masculine
Element: Fire
Planet: Sun
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📜 Folklore & History 📜
The acorns are beginning to fall. They have a long history of use by witches as sacred and magical implements, and the ancient Celts valued them much along with their druid priests. Acorns represent the miracle of rebirth, and oaks are considered sacred by druids. Acorns are also mentioned in numerous tales and traditions, including those of Native Americans and the Nordic culture. The druids, according to Witchipedia, see acorns as a symbol of magic. Acorns were employed in various rites and customs, such as the Samhain Sabbath, in the oldest traditions.
During the witch hunts, it was customary to deliver an acorn to other witches to let them know you were one. I've gathered a lot, some of which I'll use to make altar wreaths and some of which I'll save in my pocket to give to other witches. I enjoy the concept of smiling and handing out acorns to others.
According to accounts of old English tales, acorns originally had significance in the world of witchcraft and magic. At a time when Celtic witches had to brew potions and cast charms in the shadows, it is thought that witches would exchange acorns in the woods to identify each other and to let the other know that they were in safe company, much like Christians the symbol of the Icthys.
In Greek mythology, the oak was a sacred tree associated with Zeus, the supreme god. To this day, Zeus’s oracle in Epirus has the sacred oak in the middle of the grove, and priests would try to uncover messages from the gods by interpreting the rustling of the oak’s leaves.
Norse mythology has its own history with the acorns. Tall oaks attracted lightning, and so the tree was thought to be sacred to Thor, the god of lightning. After riding out storms, druids would come and collect acorns, which were always miraculously spared from the god’s wrath.
With this legend in mind, Scandinavians would usually put an acorn on the windowsill whenever a huge storm would blow, as a gesture of respect to Thor, and to ask protection from destructive lightning. Of course, these were in the ancient days when people believed that lightning enters one’s home through the window.
Another Norse legend has it that the god, Odin, picked an oak tree to hang himself from, so he could gain the tree’s aged wisdom.
Indeed, some oak trees can live up to a thousand years old, and it’s both fascinating and amazing to think that such a strong, stable and old tree could spring up from a lowly little acorn. This is where the proverb great oaks from little acorns grow comes from to signify that great things can emerge from small and humble beginnings.
While other cultures content themselves with carrying acorns or using them as ornaments in order to recreate the wonderful legends of how oak trees carry the good graces of gods and witches, other cultures consume acorns both as a standalone delicacy and a tasty ingredient to more complex meals.
The first to do this were the druids, who believed that the fruit of the mighty oak tree contained prophetic qualities. In fact, historians are of the opinion that the word ‘druid’ literally comes from the Celtic word for acorn.
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🔮 Metaphysical Properties
To harness the protective magickal properties of oak and acorns, tie 2 oak twigs into a cross with red thread and hang it in the home or wherever you need protection. This is a strong protective amulet and will keep any malevolent energy and negativity at bay. Placing acorns on window sills will help to keep lightning away from your home while carrying a piece of oak wood will protect your person from harm while also drawing luck to you.
Planting an acorn on the night of the new moon will ensure that abundance will grow in your life. Keeping an acorn on your person brings fertility. This doesn’t necessarily mean physical fertility but can also bring you fertility of ideas, creativity or abundance. Wearing an oak leaf close to your heart will ensure that that you aren’t misled.
To see if you are compatible with a possible love, place 2 acorn caps into a bowl of very still water while thinking about the person you are interested in. If the acorn caps come together then you are well-matched and if they float apart maybe the time for the 2 of you isn’t quite right. Since timing is everything, just because the timing isn’t perfect right now doesn’t mean that it might not be right in the future.
To cleanse a home where someone is sick, make a fire from oak wood (obviously only if you have a fire place) to draw the sickness out. Please don’t do this in place of visiting a trained medical professional though. If you don’t have a fireplace, you can burn some dried oak leaves in order to smoke cleanse your home. If you happen to catch a falling oak leaf, some people believe that you will be safe from winter colds and flu.
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🍴⚕️ Culinary & Medicinal
Acorns are the nuts of oak trees, which grow abundantly across the globe. Once a staple food for various societies, acorns are not as frequently consumed today. Acorns have gained a bad reputation because they contain tannins — a group of bitter plant compounds that may be harmful when consumed in high amounts. Tannins are considered an antinutrient, which means that they reduce your body’s ability to absorb essential nutrients from food.
Additionally, consuming high amounts of tannins may lead to adverse health effects, such as severe liver damage and cancer. However, most of the tannins leach out of acorns when they’re prepared for consumption — often by soaking or boiling. While no studies exist on the toxicity of raw acorns in humans, these nuts are rarely eaten raw.
A 1-ounce (28-gram) serving of dried acorns contains the following nutrients
Calories: 144
Protein: 2 grams
Fat: 9 grams
Carbs: 15 grams
Fiber: 4 grams
Vitamin A: 44% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI)
Vitamin E: 20% of the RDI
Iron: 19% of the RDI
Manganese: 19% of the RDI
Potassium: 12% of the RDI
Vitamin B6: 10% of the RDI
Folate: 8% of the RDI
Scientists have also identified over 60 beneficial plant compounds in acorns, including catechins, resveratrol, quercetin, and gallic acid — potent antioxidants that can help protect your cells from damage.
The bacteria in your gut play a key role in your overall health. An imbalance of these bacteria has been linked to obesity, diabetes, and bowel diseases. Acorns are a great source of fiber, which nourishes your beneficial gut bacteria. Additionally, acorns have long been used as an herbal remedy to treat stomach pain, bloating, nausea, diarrhea, and other common digestive complaints.
Antioxidants are compounds that defend your cells from damage caused by potentially harmful molecules called free radicals. Research suggests that diets high in antioxidants may help prevent chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. Acorns are rich in antioxidants like vitamins A and E, as well as numerous other plant compounds.
Collecting and preparing acorns can be time-consuming. Though abundant in the wild, they’re not commonly sold in grocery stores. You may need to order them online if you’re unable to forage your own. You also have to leach them of their tannins to reduce their bitterness and ensure that they are safe to eat. This can be done by boiling or soaking. Though this process is quite simple, it may feel cumbersome — especially since other nuts are readily available and much easier to eat.
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Some people report nausea and constipation from raw acorns, though this has not been confirmed by research. What’s more, the tannins give these nuts a bitter flavor. Thus, is not recommended to eat raw acorns. You can easily remove the tannins by boiling or soaking your acorns. This process eliminates their bitterness and makes them safe to eat.
Acorns are a tree nut, which is one of the most common allergens worldwide. Allergic reactions to tree nuts range from mild itching, scratchy throat, and watery eyes to anaphylaxis — a potentially life-threatening response that can cause extreme difficulty breathing.
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I’m just going to ramble about things that bug me in BC (a theory post). And a long one
The Witch Queen (WQ). I know I’ve talked about her a lot... on Discord at least, but she is a target of my current obsession at the moment, because there is a lot of secrets buried in her character and the witches in general. Whether or not those will be resolved in the last arc, is an entirely different matter. 
Here are some of the reasons why she bugs me, and why I think there is something more to her (I am going by manga in these, because anime is deceitful):
1. When Fanzel was talking about Ancient Magic, he stated that no one is able to use it. Now, granted that it’s only as far as Fanzel knows, but given how it was implied that most haven’t even heard of Ancient Magic, it does give a certain implication of its own. Especially since there seems to be a distinction between Forbidden Magic and Ancient Magic. 
2. Her real name is unknown. Every other character (who is meaningful) has a name aside of her and Grey. I am claiming that there is a reason for the added notation of “Real Name Unknown” (I have already rambled about how I’m in club Witch Queen Vermillion, where the Vermillions are descendants of hers). 
3. Her age is unknown. I think anime gave “over 200 years”, but manga never confirmed this from what I remember on my read through. Her age, too, was simply listed as “unknown”. 
4. She is one of the characters to have magical, colourful, markings on their face. These aren’t implied to be necessarily that big of a deal, but given how they were prominent with the elves, Julius and now Lucius, I am claiming that there is something in hers as well (as well as Fire Vermillion “eyeliner” and Zora’s eyeliner)
5. She scolds Vanessa for being saved by “men, and mere humans at that”. (The topic of scolding might be off, but the formulation of scolding I’m sure of). This line, implies, that she herself along with her daughters, are not at least entirely human. Perhaps homonculi (my guess would be a successful Diamond experiment that escaped, and perhaps that is why WQ has isolated herself, as well as seems to have a profound hatred for men. Maybe her creators were mostly men who put her through a lot of horrid experiments as seen by the Witch Arc) or just a separate race of their own.
6. She is able to state what the magic stones are used for, and says that “only the elves were able to master their usage”. This doesn’t downright say that she couldn’t use them. It only states that she can’t use them that effectively. But she also doesn’t have use for the stone she gave to the Bulls, according to her. 
7. She grew more obsessed with “perfection” some time during Vanessa’s childhood, but remembered how she used to be after Vanessa defeated her. And it’s implied that she (WQ) has reconciled with Dorothy from the peacock motifs that can be seen on Dorothy after the time skip. So, something happened. But most likely this is just a small detail that doesn’t play into the larger plot. 
8. Her grimoire is from Clover, and so she is Cloverian. Her grimoire is also huge compared to Vanessa’s for example, and given how Julius’ is considerably larger too, I’m claiming that there is something to that as well. 
More thoughts that bug me: 
1. Mereo and Zora are among characters who’s humanity has been questioned. (As in “are they even human?”)
2. The magic stones that have been shown, have been really detailed. And I am claiming that there is a reason why they show such close-ups of Yuno’s pendant. Aside of “omg that baby prince has the same pendant”, because in the flashback it was made clear that it is Yuno. Thus, I’m saying that there has to be something more to why it’s being shown to such detail. 
3. Grimoire Lore. Lolopechika gets her “wisdom”/spells, as passed down information from the previous Queens, which implies that there is a grimoire recycling program. But also since Yuno’s elf soul got the Cloverian Grimoire, and he was only able to gain his own in Spade, it implies that one’s place of residence does dictate the kind of a grimoire one is able to use. (The question is if Yami’s homeland has grimoires? Is everyone just assuming that they do have it, or would ki be their version of more advanced magic, because grimoires aren’t a thing?)
4. Why did Julius/Lucius send Nacht as a spy to Spade? And more importantly: was this Julius’ decision or Lucius’ decision?
5. The 4 suits continent is shaped like a tree, and the Tree of Sephiroth was created at the “top of the continent tree”, and the Tree of Qliphoth was created at the “bottom/roots of the continent tree”. Why tho? Did both need to exist in one point for a reason? (And now I am still not seriously suggesting that Julius needs to grow a tree, the roots of which reach down to hell to support its weight, just so that he could climb it up to bitch slap his celestial parent.)
6. Julius’ phrasing of “the current me is-”. It’s not “I am” or “in me”, it’s “my current me is-”.
7. Julius’ ability to transform into Chronovala. So... he’s able to use transformation magic? 
8. The fact that Julius has predicted two outcomes for the future. Why is there two possibilities, of which he can’t decipher which one is real? Does he not live to see which it’ll be, or is one a figmentation of Lucius’?
9. Devils don’t have grimoires, right? So, in the theory where Julius is Astaroth, how does Julius have a grimoire? Because, I believe, Julius stated that he started a quest to find his place in the world after getting his grimoire, and he does have one. Also, if he wouldn’t have one, and wouldn’t have acquired one in Clover, people would question it. 
10. There is a panel showing Julius as a newly appointed WK, in which Marx and Rill are by his side. Perhaps because Rill took on Julius’ squad, or some other reason? 
That’s it for now
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mari9-abbys · 1 year
10 Mistakes Most Young People Make & Regret Later in Life
If anything is too exciting, you can suspect something is probably wrong about it.
Adolescent and early adulthood is just too exciting, no wonder most of us make several
mistakes at a time like that.
In this article we will be sharing with you 10 mistakes most young people make and regret
later in their life If you’re still young, you’ll have opportunity
to correct some of these mistakes.
If you’re already 75, well, we’re sorry.
Mistake No. 1 Young People Spend money on trivial things
Most young people want to have fun; they want to enjoy their life and feel among.
They look at others and want to be like them, buy what they buy and live the way they do.
Young people are more likely to run after fashion, style, fun and many more.
There’s nothing bad in being fashionable and buying latest iPhones except it’s making
you poorer.
As a young person, your primary assignment should be to build a solid financial foundation
for your life.
To do this, you have to have the habit of saving and learn about investing.
You can buy everything and anything your heart desires but that’s after you have built
I know, that’s an ugly advice for anyone at 20s, until you’re 50 and know what it
means to be broke at such age.
Mistake No. 2.
Young people think Schooling is enough to get rich
Maybe this isn’t their fault actually.
Maybe we should blame the society for this.
You see, your education actually truly starts the day you leave school.
You may not like to hear this but it’s the truth.
The real world is very different from the four walls of the classroom.
Truly successful people are people who learn daily, even two decades after they’ve left
Unfortunately, most people of the world stop learning the day they leave school and that’s
a big mistake that leads to poverty and unfulfilled life.
Read good books.
Listen to good audio program.
School doesn’t teach you much things as you’ll like to believe.
Mistake No. 3
Young people tend to give up easily It is so easy to just quit when something
feels too hard.
The idea of giving up what you’re doing to just try something else, can be the easier
option sometimes.
It might be that you don’t like what you are doing.
But the biggest mistake you can make sometimes is to give up.
Pushing through the hard times is what makes a stronger and well-rounded person.
When things start getting a little tough, don’t take the easy way out.
Keep on pushing through and you just might surprise yourself.
When you work through something tough and come out the other side, there is no better
Don’t give up.
Keep on fighting!
Mistake No. 4 Young People Do Accept Whatever they Hear
and Believe anything.
Young people are people with great minds, full of opinion, but they will rarely challenge
what they hear from older people.
Youth should be a time of learning, but also questioning what you are told and even get
deeper into your own best thoughts and points of view.
Experience may lead you to discover that issues that seem black and white are actually many
shades of gray.
Age doesn’t necessarily come wisdom, and many young people too easily accept what they
hear from older generations.
Following your instincts can take you a long way, if you know how to follow it well.
Mistake No. 5 Young People Invest Without Research
Reading and hearing stories of people who have made millions investing on the stock
market can make it very tempting to give it a go yourself but don’t do that.
Investing can be a very rewarding thing but it’s not as easy as just throwing your money
away on random shares.
As a young person, you need to do some research.
If you invest wrongly, it can mean you lose a lot more than you put in.
If you truly want to master investing, the best way to go about it is to study some really
good books on that subject.
Taking time to read 10 good books about stock market or real estate can save you from unnecessary
headache that comes with losing your hard earn investment.
Mistake No. 6
Young people always want instant gratification Maybe this is the biggest mistakes young people
Young people today are under great pressure to establish a successful career as soon as
possible, to find the perfect partner at the earliest opportunity and most importantly,
to enjoy themselves right here and NOW.
They always want everything NOW and that usually lead them into unnecessary short cuts, debt
and unhappy future.
Mistake No. 7 Most young people don't save money.
A recent survey of 1,003 people from Bank rate found that 69% of those ages 18 to 29
had no retirement savings at all.
Your retirement may seem far off, but you're doing yourself a major disservice if you don't
recognize the importance of saving as soon as possible
It’s not only retirement you should save for.
You should save for investment and also for emergencies.
It’s hard to save when all your mates are buying new stuff but if you think you have
a better future than theirs, you’ll be disciplined enough to save.
Mistake No. 8 Young people think that love alone is enough to sustain a relationship Love is undoubtedly a key ingredient in making a relationship work.
However, it is not sufficient.
It is possible to be very much in love with someone yet realize that the two of you are
fundamentally incompatible.
The best relationships are based not on romantic love but on shared values, dreams and goals.
Communication skills and the ability to argue without hurting one another for the sake of
it are also vital.
Since choosing a life partner is an important decision you’ll have to make at your 20s,
knowing this truth will help you.
Long lasting relationship is about love, but not just that.
Your partner must share a significant part of your values, goals and aspirations or else
you won’t last together.
No. 9 Young people try to please everyone.
When you're starting out as a teenager in your early career, it can seem natural to
want to be on friendly terms with your boss, clients, and all of your school mates.
It may be disappointing when you found out that some of them simply don't like you and
you’ll start bending to fit in to their expectations.
This is a big mistakes because there’s no formula that guarantees that everyone will
like you.
You must learn how to deal with haters, very important.
Mistake No. 10 Young people Blame Their Parents for their misfortune We’re very sorry, your parents own you nothing.
They invited you to this world, yes.
But they probably have done the best they know how to do.
If you think their best is not good enough, guy, get out and fix your life.
It’s your life and you’re the only one who is responsible.
Your failure or success is yours and not your parents’
Okay, just before you go, here is the summary of what we’ve shared with you so far;
Delay gratification.
Don’t buy things because everyone is doing so
Learn how to save for investment and retirement purpose
Don’t believe everything.
Ask questions and challenge status quo Don’t fall in love because of love alone.
Think about values and compatibility Don’t think you’re educated because you
have degrees.
Learn every day Try things and don’t give up easily
Don’t blame your parents or government for your failure.
Take responsibility.
You enjoy this article, don’t you?
We’ll like to give you another interesting article for you to enjoy next but before then,
our team will be very happy if you can like this article and share it with your friends
on social media.
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cresentcube · 2 years
When you say that Rab knows that Nine is an ancient soul, in what way do you mean? Is it like in real life when a young person might be called an old soul? Or can Rab actually tell that Nine is a lot older than he looks. If so it would kinda be funny if they had ran into each other for a short period of time when Rab was Eleven’s age. Like nothing world shifting but something kinda mundane that Nine probably doesn’t even remember and that Rab wouldn’t necessarily remember in great detail. Ooh~ maybe Nine gave him some advice at the time that really stuck with him (so he has a vague memory of the person who said it) that Nine says to someone else somewhere on their journey word for word that kinda clicks. Sorry I kinda rambled there, I got a bit carried away. Hopefully you get a laugh out of it
The latter- Rab, being genuinely very wise and very well aged (except for his pevertness. We'll give a pass on that for now) catches on that Nine is much older than he looks- he noticed that Nine had subtle wisdom and muted sadness that only old age and seeing too many lives pass away can supply.
It would be interesting if they once met in the past! Nine definately visited Duransil a lot before its fall and Rab was a king that was well known for conversing with the commonfolk- it wouldn't be surprising if they met in a pub or on the markets. I imagine Rab in his 20s had bought him a beer or two in exchange for the stories of the outside world since he was a traveler that told him he never have stayed in one place for long, and Nine gladly supplied- and after a long nice conversation or two later Rab had asked for his evaluations on other monarchs on the countries he visited. Nine, after contemplation, had answered that ranks are merely a suggestion and should not be respected much- as long as the monarch treats the lowest of beggars and the highest of royalties with equal kindness, they are set to be successful. Rab took that in mind and nodded, and Nine left with a smile and a wave and a train whistle.
About 50 years later Rab suddenly gets hit with a memory with the Exact Same Person and goes OH. oh. Oh, it's the guy.
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oraclekleo · 2 years
Shin Kyu Bin (OnlyOneOf) Ideal Partner Characteristics based on Tarot Reading
Hello and welcome!
I’m Kleo and I’m here to present some k-pop related tarot readings to you.
I would like to state that all these readings have a purely entertainment nature and their purpose is to bring some fun into my and hopefully yours lives. I have never ever met any of the idols / actors / celebrities in my readings, I don’t know them personally. Tarot reading isn’t an exact science and I can never guarantee any of it. Most of it is my intuition mixed with fantasy. Don’t take these readings seriously and don’t base any important decisions on tarot readings only, use your common sense.
If you wish to request a tarot reading, please read the pinned post on my profile first to see the instructions on how to request. I only do readings for idols / actors / celebrities of 18 years of age or older. Requests for readings including younger people will be automatically dismissed. If you feel uncomfortable with these tarot readings, do not engage in reading my posts. Thank you for understanding.
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Deck: Crow Tarot + Heavenly Bodies
Spread: Ideal Partner
Full Name: Shin Kyu Bin
Stage Name: KB
Group: OnlyOneOf
Masterlist: OnlyOneOf
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Shin Kyu Bin
KB (OnlyOneOf)
Deck: Crow + Heavenly Bodies
Spread: Ideal Partner
Body - 2 of Pentacles
KB’s perfect match is likely a person who takes good care of themselves. They are likely eating healthily and exercising regularly, keeping themselves in shape. They are no freaks about it, they keep their lifestyle balanced. They are likely active and like to go out to explore nature. They like animals and it’s very likely they have a pet, it’s more likely to be a dog to accompany them on their hikes.
Heart - 9 of Cups
KB’s special person is likely a cheerful and joyful and gracious person at heart. They can appreciate and be grateful for the blessings of life but at the same time they know it’s mostly the result of their hard work. They are not likely to give much credit to others as in their heart they know that people around them usually discouraged them or were obstacles on their way to happiness. However, now they are confident and content.
Spirit - King of Wands
Spiritually speaking, KB’s ideal partner is a wise and brave person. They are likely to have their views and opinions and moral code that doesn’t have to be necessarily mainstream. They have reached the stage of life where they stand their ground and are not easily influenced by false prophets or toxic people.
Soul - Page of Wands
The soul of KB’s perfect lover remained youthful and warm. While they have considerable life experience and wisdom, deep down in their soul, there’s a childish side to them. They can have fun and unwind when the situation calls for it and can actually pleasantly surprise KB with their playful side.
Time - 6 of Swords
I see that KB might actually meet his significant other abroad, likely by the body of water. It’s more likely to be during a leisure trip rather than a business trip. They both want to escape chaos and stress and meet at the place of peace where their love will blossom. The 6 of Swords also talk about making a choice so it’s very possible that they don’t come from the same city or even a country and will have to decide whether one of them moves or whether they will have a distant relationship.
Place - 6 of Wands
Due to the reasons described above, if KB and his lover actually manage to move in together, it will be a true triumph for them. It’s likely for them to create an easy going home, probably not going to marry for some time. They might avoid the wedding as something unnecessary for them. It can cause a little commotion among people but not as much to actually harm their careers.
Zodiac Sign - Taurus
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Thank you for reading!
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avengernomore · 2 years
Is it time for more headcanons?
….well, I’m having trouble getting to sleep, so yes.
This time, it’s Sasuke as a parent, which will involve two topics: Training and dating.
So let’s get down to it, shall we?
And of course, put it under a read more so people don’t get upset about a huge post clogging up their dashboard...
Now, of course, Sasuke will play a key part in training his kids, before, during, and after the Academy. As the last remaining Uchiha, it is down to him to pass down the family's techniques, knowledge, and wisdom.
He will, nevertheless, not participate in any schemes to try and awaken his children's Sharingan, due to the ways it is usually activated are not generally pleasant, but he will teach them more advanced techniques once their Sharingan has awoken.
There is one stumbling block in the techniques he can teach, though: The Chidori.
He would first need to ask Kakashi if he is allowed to teach it, since Kakashi was the one who created it, and if Kakashi forbade it, Sasuke would not teach it.
Assuming Kakashi says yes, Sasuke would still not even consider teaching it to a child who does not have the Sharingan, since while the technique can be used without it, it is generally a VERY poor idea to do so, because it results in some sever tunnel vision, which the Sharingan nullifies.
Even assuming he has Kakashi's permission and the child has the Sharingan, Sasuke would likely still be hesitant to teach it. It is, after all, classified as an assassination technique, the speed of it countering the noise it makes. And he doesn’t want his children to necessarily be killers. It would likely depend on the skill level and age of the child whether or not he will teach it to them.
And if the child ends up with the Mangekyo Sharingan, or the Rinnegan? …I have not thought that far ahead. Due to how things are after the 4th Ninja War, the chances of something like that happening are fairly low. Even lower than they would usually be. And Sasuke definitely would not want any of his kids to go through what is required to awaken the Mangekyo. And if they were old enough to get the Rinnegan, Sasuke would likely be dead by that point.
Sasuke would probably forbid his children from using the Mangekyo unless under very extreme circumstances, and upon his death, his eyes would be left to the oldest of his children that possesses it, if any of them do, so they can be transplanted into them. He would have left a letter explaining why. And of course, it could then theoretically trickle down, the oldest's eyes passing to the next oldest, and so on. It never said that the eyes had to be in perfect condition to activate the Eternal Mangekyo, after all.
He might give them some very light training on using the Mangekyo, but it would all be theoretical, with no actual practice. Just the ideas behind it, in case they end up in a situation where they do HAVE to use it to protect themselves or others.
As you might expect, Sasuke's approach on his children dating would depend upon the gender of said child.
Let's start with the boys. Sasuke would take note if they say that they are interested in someone, and he would set about teaching them proper dating etiquette... although for all he knows, it might be outdated by that time. But he would tell them about pulling out their partners chair and then pushing it in once they’re seated, things to talk about, specific things not to say or bring up as a discussion topic, and of course, paying for the meal. Considering the Uchiha fortune, Sasuke would likely give his child the money to pay the bill, but would also say that if their partner insists upon splitting the bill, not to argue too much against it.
He’d would also give his son a talk about meeting their partner’s father, and the things to say and how to act in that position. Although hopefully his son would have enough intelligence and common sense not to make a fool of himself.
Now, if it’s the girls, it’s a slightly different matter. Sasuke would still teach them about manners and whatnot, because for the most part, fuck gender roles. Or so the girls would know what to expect from their guy.
He would also want to meet the guy fairly early on. Before the first date, if possible, but at least at some point before the third date.
Sasuke wouldn’t necessarily go the full protective Dad route, and instinctively distrust and hate them, but he would certainly give them a talking to about not harming his daughter and telling them in no uncertain terms that they will regret it if they do hurt them.
If his daughter is dating another girl though... he probably wouldn’t do that.
That is another thing, Sasuke isn’t going to care what gender his children or their partners present themselves as, or what sexuality they are. As far as he is concerned, love is love, and as long as his children are safe and happy, that’s all he needs.
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humansun · 1 year
big thoughts: behavioral psychology, self-talk, important questions
Written November 7th, 2022 at 8:45AM
It’s wonderful to actually have a second to process everything that’s going on. I feel like things are moving at 100mph and I am only walking through my to-do lists. 
Although this is all happening, I want to prioritize taking the time for myself to capture how I feel and what thoughts are passing through my head at this time. 
Yesterday evening, I felt as though I had a checkpoint moment when spending time with my friends, Kristine and Bri. We had Kristine’s amazing Yorkshire pudding and steak, but ended up having a long and deep conversation about where we’re at in life and what we’re processing about our age, traveling opportunities, and experiences that have led us up to this point in our now.
More than anything, I am very grateful and happy to have the wisdom that I do about my own life. I love how I am living it and I love where it’s going. Of course, it is never perfect, but as I move through it, I am learning that I do trust myself enough to make the best decisions for my life. 
Perhaps the reason why things feel like they’re everywhere is because I haven’t given myself a second to recuperate post Disney, post NorCal trip, and this is the time I’m giving myself to understand my thoughts and feelings. 
The time that I’ll be spending this time next Month will look different, but in the best way. I look forward to opening myself up to all the experiences that come my way. It’ll be great and I am grateful.
Some Notable Thoughts:
Behavioral Psychology: The words we speak get into not only our heads, but those around us who are listening. (I.e. When I went surfing, I made a couple of friends who attended a prestigious school. When I discovered this, I couldn’t help but express my insecurity by saying I was a peasant. I am clearly not a peasant, but these words get lodged in a back part of my brain and probably the part of others - unless they are super emotionally in touch and recognize that I am only insecure and it’s not actually who I am.)
Yesterday evening, we did tarot card readings and my intention was not set on Vietnam necessarily, but set on my romantic relationship with Benneth. The first card revealed that I should be aware of my negative self talk and instead use my energy to trust myself and the decisions that I am making. This was a great reminder since I have been verbally putting myself down about the relationship when in fact, I do have valid concerns for the direction it’s going. Because of this learning, I want to take the time to process and understand how I love in relationships, what I will need from someone, what I am feeling I am not getting right now, and how I want that to be prioritized through the relationship if I am to choose it as an intentional daily act in my life. I do trust the decisions that I am making and I do trust that I am making them for the right reasons.
Building off of the last thought, I want to speak to myself and of myself in a positive, confident way and believe what I feel and the decisions I make. I am my own teacher, I am guiding myself, and I will have many choices, but I trust that I will make the best decisions as I go through life.
Some Notable Questions:
Who do you want to be before your brain develops/you’re 25 years old?
Brain develops soon - stay calm, overestimate, lead with love, have integrity, always do the right thing, write, read, meditate, develop good habits.
Who is the person you want to be at 30 years old?
If you are making a decision, why are you making it? Does it feel right and if it doesn’t, why?
What can you do to better yourself in the situation before you fully walk away from it?
What are 5 things you feel like you can improve and how do you plan on implementing that in your life?
Are there any traits that you see in yourself from your parents? What do you like and what don’t you like?
Who do you admire and who do you look up to? What traits do they have and why do you want to be like them?
Are there any instincts you have in terms of pivoting your life? Ex. Feeling instinctively a need for a move or a change of pace in life so you quit your job and go to Vietnam?
How should I document Vietnam? On film? Camera? Blog? Journal?
Reminder: Set up WhatsApp ASAP and call spectrum. Trust the process for it will all happen as it should. 
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Couple nights ago we caught a documentary on Hulu called "The Jesus Music". It's a take on the history of Contemporary Christian Music dating back to the late sixties/early seventies.
Across those decades, musicians, young people who became Christians, infused their genres with a Christian message. From folk to rock to rap, hip-hop, and metal.
Inevitably, many were rejected and condemned because of their music. Many were condemned and rejected because it turns out they're less than perfect human beings.
In some cases, the were condemned and rejected by church authority figures for whom they had great respect.
Some artists, some bands, entire genres were called out as anti-Christian on television, in fact. Specifically. On television.
Which reminded me of something I heard a long, long time ago.
"We've never done it that way before."
I heard that line in a sermon about drawing outside the lines of tradition. It was a word of wisdom about judging the faith of other human beings based on their expression of that faith. Especially as one generation gives way to the next.
"We've never done it that way before."
That line, with its particular emphasis on the word never, is clearly an admonition. A caution that because something’s never been done a particular way, then...
It shouldn’t be done that way at all.
However, the pastor delivering the sermon I’m remembering took great pains to point out that what doesn’t change is the gospel message itself.
The gospel message doesn't change. 
That message can be expressed in infinite ways.
One more time:
The gospel message.
Can be expressed.
In infinite ways.
"We've never done it that way before."
Those words leapt from my memory, and kept leaping from my memory, as the documentary laid out the different circumstances in which musicians were rejected as part of the Christian community because of how they expressed their faith through music.
The other reason those words resonate with me is because one of my university degrees is in Communication. And yeah. We took deep dives into being understood by individuals across the entire spectrum of demographics.
Age. Race. Profession. Gender. Location. Income. All of it.
All of it.
Every way there is to define a human being by immutable traits and experience. 
Along the way, we learned how these characteristics affect the manner in which any message must be crafted in order to be understood and accepted as a priority.
We learned that one size.
Does not fit all.
Because so much of human experience affects how we understand everything from our professional circumstance to the very meaning of words.
And so we Communication majors learned how to take a message and express it in different ways depending on the individuals we were trying to reach.
"We've never done it that way before."
You see, when you put the emphasis on the word “that” instead of the word “never”, you’re expressing encouragement instead of admonishment. Not necessarily an embrace of a new or different way of expressing a message... but certainly an acknowledgement of the sheer diversity of people who can be reached by that message.
Expressed in different ways.
A couple nights ago we caught a documentary on Hulu called "The Jesus Music". It's a take on the history of Contemporary Christian Music dating back to the late sixties/early seventies.
And what struck me is how, in a moment when so many young people were coming to a faith in Jesus Christ...
So many other people in positions of authority and greater experience...
Shut the door on them.
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lunerbean · 3 years
Witch Tips 24
Holy shit it's been over a year since I posted one of these but it's because I kept setting myself up for failure by putting way too high of expectations on myself to crank out 10 new and unique and helpful tips everytime I got 100 new followers except first it was 10 and then it was 50 and holy shit I got so stressed about these so I've just been writing them down as I've thought of them instead and now here we are, please be gentle.
Hello here are tips
1. Use transfer paper and a hair dryer to decorate candles.
Maybe you're doing a spell for someone & you want to put a picture of that person on the candle. This can be a way to help you better visualize the effects of the spell on the person the spell is for. Or maybe you need a picture on the candle for some other reason. Maybe you want to put pictures of coins on it for a money spell. Or hearts for a love spell. Simply print out whatever you want on transfer paper, cut it out & place the image face-down on the candle. Then, you'll want to get your hairdryer and a piece of tissue paper (I highly suggest the tissue paper is the same color as the candle, otherwise you risk getting that color onto the candle. Which can also be fine, but if it's not what you want...) use the blow dryer on a low-warm setting to melt the photo onto the candle side. Remove the tissue paper and there you have it! A picture printed onto a candle.
2. You can incorporate witchcraft into ANYTHING... even brushing your teeth.
I recently got this fucking delicious toothpaste from Trader Joe's. I'm one of those people who sometimes struggles to brush my teeth twice a day because I hate the taste of toothpaste. So I got a super unconventional toothpaste flavor instead, "fennel, propolis, & Myrrh. And about a week after using it, it struck me -holy shit these ingredients have meaning behind them. Most obviously, myrrh is associated with wisdom and meditation. And fennel has been used in magic for centuries! Even if you use regular mint toothpaste, that ingredient has power behind it! Obviously this goes more so for natural toothpastes but I'm sure you can find a way to enchant other varieties as well! Use the ingredients already infused into your toothpaste for enchantments & glamours!
3. Actually study your grimoire.
If I sound at all harsh by saying this, it's only because I'm being harsh with myself too. Study your grimoire. Don't just write everything down & then expect to have it all perfectly memorized & be a master in everything you research. Reread it. Rework it. Learn.
4. Feel drawn to be a sea witch but you don't live by the ocean? Get a saltwater aquarium!
First off, I'm not saying that it's a flawless solution. Being a witch of the sea is more than just using salty fish water in your craft. HOWEVER, with that out of the way, there's no way that a salt water aquarium will harm your craft as a sea witch. Think of it like a houseplant for a green witch. Sure, living in the forest would be better but it's still something special to be able to bring a little piece of your craft into your home.
5. Personal taglocks make a spell more powerful, but exercise caution when using them.
Undoubtedly, using a taglock (such as a strand of hair) can better connect you to the spells you're performing, but they're not always wise to use. I only use them in extremely personal spells and crafts. Things that no one except for me can have access to. I would never suggest using a taglock on something that you wish to give another person (especially another witch) such as a spell bottle or sachet. Even if you're best friends. Even if you're siblings. Even if you're MARRIED. You never know when a relationship can turn south or what someone is capable of when they're extremely angry with you. Don't risk it.
6. Be respectful of the deities that you don't worship or work with
I don't work with deities. Shocker, I know. I have my own belief system when it comes to higher powers that I won't get into on Tumblr, probably ever. But I do believe in showing respect to all things, both living, dead, & otherwise specified. If a deity approaches you who you're not interested in working with, please remain kind & respectful with in declination. You're allowed to say no to anyone and everyone.
7. Just because someone is more experienced doesn't necessarily mean they're always right.
Without naming names or being too specific, there was a witch I followed on Tumblr for a long time. They were much older than me and had been a witch for like 20+ years. I followed everything they said as fact. But slowly, over time I started to learn more and realized I didn't always agree with them. They were SO negative. If they heard basically anything new that younger witches were coming up with, they'd have a whole 10 paragraph post about how "stupid and wrong and ridiculous and fake" these new witches were. There was not an ounce of open mindedness with this person. And because of that, I started to feel really bad about myself and my craft. Things they said would stick with me and I'd feel so shitty about it. Well fuck. That. More experience means absolutely nothing if the person is unwilling to learn or expand their minds beyond their previous knowledge. Anyone can learn and anyone can teach. Age means nothing. Surround yourself with open minded people.
8. Put full moon water into your humidifier to charge your space.
This is an idea that only just occurred to me while I was setting up my crystals & jar of water to charge under the full blue moon on Samhain. I always turn my glowing humidifier on at night while I sleep. As I watched the mist begin to arise out the top I thought to myself, 'if I'm charging that water (the glass jar on my altar) for the full moon, why not this water too?' So now, I just add a little splash of full moon water into my humidifier water whenever I'm performing rituals or doing spell work. This way, the full moon water can charge my entire bedroom with the power of the full moon as I work.
Speaking of...
9. You can charge water under more moon phases than just full.
I don't know if that wording was weird or not so I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense. My point is, I always see people talking about moon water as if it's only full moon water. The moon holds power in every phase she goes through. Adding to the above tip, you can put new moon water into your humidifier to cleanse your space. Waxing moon water to help you plan and focus. And waning moon water to assist during a banishment spell. Hell yeah dude, all phase of the moon are useful and powerful!
10. Incense matches are a great alternative to full incense sticks
I love burning incense, but sometimes it can really overwhelm the area, especially because my house is small & I dont want to expose my cat to it. Incense matches are literally matches that are covered in incense powder. They burn for just a few minutes & produce a steady stream of smoke for spells. They come in a bunch of different scents. I buy them locally for 30 matches for $1.05USD but you can probably find them cheaper online. Still be sure to keep them away from pets & those who are smoke-sensitive.
Thank you so much for reading, follow me for more #10tips, search my blog for the previous 230 tips, & have a magical day.
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tarotnoob · 3 years
Pick a Card: What is your NEXT love story?
I had singles in mind, but if you’re already in a relationship and wondering about the next step, it could possibly apply.
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Please take a glance at the pile or tiny nail polishes and choose the pile you feel most drawn to at this time. 
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Hey Pile 1.
Potential signs for you/this person: Pisces, earth signs, fire signs. The Father doesn’t have a specific sign, but reminds of Emperor, so Aries.
The Father card, does though, represent both sides of The Masculine. So, either this will apply to them specifically or the combination of the two of you in this relationship; therefore, take it how it resonates.
Why I say that is because The Father is about that reliability of the father/masc figure: honesty, loyalty, wisdom - but it’s also about the absent father - figuratively or literal. And while the knight is dependable, the page of wands is helpful, but not necessarily the most consistent. And that fits in with this Pisces card, which also talks about balancing the practical with the more “free.”
That doesn’t mean that this person is going to straight up abandon you. It could be something they need to work through - perhaps because they’re on the younger side, but sure it could indicate (for a few) someone who might be sometimes on the flakey side in terms of commitment.
Now, on the other hand, I could read this as someone who is, likely, an earth sign or has heavy earth in their chart and provides you the grounding that you require, if YOU are the page of wands. Perhaps, like the page of wands, you’re impulsive, high energy, up for adventure while your next partner is more solid practical, down to earth and rooted like a tree. And together you will achieve this wonderful balance. I do think that’s MORE likely with this group because the father represents duality, but in the Pisces card, I also see that two souls coming together (with the fish) and this card on its own represents a soulmate approaching. And a lot of the imagery here does seem to suggest complementary soulmates. Whoever in this relationship is the more “solid” the other is more open to trying new things, and that type of relationship will work because you fill in where the other is - not lacking - but just different approach.
There could be a slight age difference of maybe 2-5 years. Either the relationship isn’t coming in as fast as you would like or it will take some time to really build up this relationship, but when you do, it will be based on something more than whatever attraction might occur at first glance/interaction.
In the Father and Pisces card (so you see what I’m seeing) I’m drawn to the stars - the ones on the left side of father and obviously the ones in Pisces. Pisces is 12th house (dreams, the unseen, secrets).
So, here’s how I take this intuitively: You may seem... different on paper but there may be one HUGE thing in your charts that really gives you common ground. It could be that you both share a similar secret, supernatural, or dream experience. Like, this person may seem an earth sign who should be practical, scientific, rational, etc... but they have this one belief because of - for example - one time as a kid they saw a ghost and while they’re skeptical, they are open to that possibility because of that. So, I see this as you get to talking and you start talking about how you’re into tarot and astrology and you think it’s going to turn them off, but they’re like: well, this one time when I was 7 my dead grandpa visited me and told me not to eat my brother’s pudding cups.
And they’re not mocking you, they legit have a tiny glimmer of interest in the metaphysical or are not going to be rude about what you believe in, or possibly they just find this to be a quirky and interesting part of you.
You or they may have had some type of issue with a father figure, either one who was supremely strict or was not present during childhood. This - not to generalize - could have had an affect on your/their level to commit.
For a first date, you or they might go for sweets, like them buying you an ice cream while you talk and get to know each other.
Trees grow strong with water, so with your Pisces energy even if you aren’t Pisces, I think you’ll allow your Father/tree/earth person to grow and experience new things, maybe consider things from other perspectives. You are most likely to take this date at night or into the evening and you/they will point out the stars or bring up astrology, like, right away.
I don’t think it will be like OMG and spark immediately. I feel like you two will be sussing each other out and slowly become something more. And then I think you’ll become quite inseparable. Also, any dates around water might be nice. Taking a small/short road trip to somewhere fun: the woods, hiking, horseback riding, amusement park, mini golf, etc...
Things to look out for, like I said, is an issue of commitment - either on your end or theirs, if not commitment - then the pace. Make sure that the pace in which this relationship evolves is comfortable for both of you - not too fast or too slow. Be yourself because that’s what they like about you. Appreciate that they will be the more reliable, down to earth one. I do feel like regardless of gender, you’re calling in the more Masculine energy (for the majority of you). 
It’s also possible you may dream about them before you meet them.
I don’t think you’re meant to know exactly when simply because 12th house showed up, and it gives me a fuzzy feeling, but that could also be the nature of this relationship. It might feel dreamy, surreal. I’m not saying it’s like - THE ONE - but it will be solid, fun, you’ll make good friends.
Just be aware of the more negative aspects of The Masculine energy coming up as the only issue I foresee. Too much control, too much rigidity, abandonment, etc... ofc those are also red flags. I don’t see that here, but it’s part of that Father oracle message, so I have to mention it. 
And if page of wands is part of them, too. In fact, if all these cards apply solely to them, they are a mix of earth, fire, water - little to no air. You may have to be the one who initiates communication or keeps the convo going, but they will listen to you and add something when they feel like - or if you are a rather chatty person, then you’ll have a good listener. But I do wonder if they’ll swing slightly to being sort of a perfectionist or nitpicker or... a little judgmental or narrow-minded at times, but that’s where you come in to balance them out.
Also, you picked the orange nail polish, so you might peruse the strengths/blocks surrounding the sacral chakra - this is about emotions, sexuality, creativity, etc... they could be quite sensual if you’re interested in the physical aspects of the relationship, which makes me think Taurus. 
But overall here I mostly only see green, blue, red...  so grounding, compassion/love, and communication will be big components in the relationship. If you/they are feeling emotional, perhaps you/they freeze the other out with a no talking/silent treatment deal lol. Really, though it seems like a well-balanced and solid relationship, but not shallow, it’ll have some deeper, spiritual connection feel to it and once you get past the will we or won’t we into the will we, I think it has the potential to last for a long while or at least be pretty solid. Because the knight of pentacles is offering you something and the knight of P is pretty earnest and reliable.
Pile 2
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Hola, Pile 2. Well. Here’s what I think - I think a lot of folks who pick this Pile are asking about THE one as opposed to just being curious about any love interest coming up next. You’re looking for something serious. It’s also possible you’re a bit older and haven’t found the right one, or you’ve just not had a lot of luck in love because that’s what I see in the 10 of wands. Your journey toward love is going to be a longer one than most, and you might have your heart broken along the way. With the New Moon in Aries, Aries is the 1st house, so this also emphasizes a long journey. By the way, the most prominent signs here are Aquarius and Aries - or at least someone who has a lot of fire, and maybe some air or an Aquarius placement. Doesn’t have to be, just saying.
The Kairos card is a bit about divine timing, it’s this moment that exists outside of human time, like when you lose track of time? It’s also about synchronicities.
So, my feel is, unfortunately, that I’m going to have to say this one is going to be up to divine timing because it seems that in order to attain that serious, perfect relationship you want to manifest - it apparently takes a longer time to prepare. So, you will have to go on a life journey first, one in which you’ll have to go through some hard times, but through your determination, you’re going to get there, because eventually you’ll find this paradise that The Star card represents. But, it’s almost like once you drop all of the ego, attachment, whatever issues and you’re suddenly naked and perfectly okay with yourself, then this person is likely to appear. 
About this person, regardless of gender, I feel like this person has a lot of strong masculine energy (like an Aries), but they’re also pretty independent and self-assured, determined, and strong. They may especially have blue or blue-grey eyes or an intense stare, almost one that makes you uncomfortable - like they’re seeing through you. I won’t say they don’t care about what other’s think because I think they do, just not in a way that it determines what they’re going to do. I think if they set their mind to it, they’ll do whatever they want, even if it’s the harder path. I don’t think they’re super stubborn, but no one can really tell them what to do. I feel like they’re pretty protective. Not possessive, just protective.
They might have seen a lot in life, like tough stuff, and/or are extremely perceptive when it comes to sizing up people. I think when they walk into the room, people notice them. Their physique may be quite large, as in built, especially in the chest/shoulders, fairly tall. Like, they could pass as a bouncer. Or just have very strong masculine features like a wider jaw, wider forehead or swimmer/gymnast shoulders. I don’t see them as stocky.
I think they have a pretty silly sense of humor. How do I put this? I hate to say like a frat boy because they aren’t like that, but they are (regardless of gender) - it’s like someone who’s up for a good time, whether it’s beer pong or skinny dipping late at night in the ocean or lake. They aren’t super obsessed with rules. As in, a sign that says “no trespassing” wouldn’t stop them, but at the same time I kind of feel like they wake up early and make their bed in the morning and have a close relationship with their mother.
I sense a lot of determination, inner will power, probably exercises or does something to keep their body active or stamina up. I think they care about their physique and put attention into it and maybe even what they eat.
I feel like they’re athletic and into sports or at least have a career where they take charge... like a... trainer or physical therapist or... I just see them as being active. Even if they aren’t an exercise guru, there’s a lot of masc energy to be had and if they sit still, it probably can turn into negative masc energy so I feel like they find ways to get rid of it (like exercise or sports).
I think they’re highly intelligent, though. I don’t think they’re an overthinking air sign, I don’t feel a lot of earth. I mostly feel fire and the independent, march to your own tune Aquarius vibe. They could also be someone who’s really amazing at graphic design, like - detailed, talented animated background stuff.
Sport agent? Maybe that’s what I’m imagining, lol. Like The Rock or something. 
But, again - I don’t see this connection happening for you SOON, but it’s out there. You might meet through some type of technology or some event related to a “community.” For several of you, you may meet them online. You may watch their social media or vice versa and you/they are first drawn to a picture of the person. I think there will be a pretty quick physical attraction, but besides that, there will be a connection through communication/the mind.
All I can tell you is it’ll be like waiting for the stars in the star card to line up before you meet this person; both or one of you have to go through some stuff first, learn your lessons, and when you feel most comfortable in who you are, you’ll meet them only then, and probably you’ll know and when you talk, you may lose track of time. You may also see signs when the timing is right - numbers or perhaps something about their eyes will catch you. Like, you make eye contact and time stops or something.
The numbers here are 10, 8, and wtf is LXXVL, ok 76 (or 13). They could be born in 76, could be year of the ram, 10/8 or 8/10 could be significant - well you know how this works, doesn’t help you much, lol. 13 could be that or 4. Point being, any of those numbers could come into play as a sign.
Do I see anything else? They might wear contacts. I don’t think it’s that they wear colored ones necessarily, just saying they might wear contacts. Definitely an early riser, definitely work out. Pretty straight-forward. Pretty open throat chakra. Occasionally immature. First date idea would probably anything kind of active or an exciting event like a sporting thing or paintball, a music festival or outside concert, just something where you DO stuff - swimming, jet skis. They might be a swimmer in particular, surfer, something with water. Or they grew up by the water or currently live by water. I feel more grew up by it. Or had a pool or something, like to boat, etc... For some of you, I’m getting Hawaii or some type of island country... as in this is where THEY are from or if not water then somewhere where there’s a lot of open or clean air where you could hike. But I feel more water vibes. And it’s not like you can’t go up to them first, but if it’s a situation where they spot you and are interested, they will come up to you and let you know they’re interested. They won’t be coy or subtle or play mind games.
In fact I’m pretty sure they’ll be the ones to spot you, think you’re hot or something about you catches their eye and they drop what they’re doing to come up to you and talk to you or are just like: Can I have your number?
But you’ll feel that they’re serious and not just being gross. They go for what they want. It’s up to you if you say yay or nay.
And yeah that’s what I see for Pile 2. 
Pile 3
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This is the first pile where I feel like there’s a message in here for you, but first, the signs present here are Aquarius and Sagittarius. As the kids say, these may be theirs/your signs (sun, moon, rising). In general, though, there has been a lot of Aquarius energy showing up in this pick a card, so that may be the influence of the planets that are or will be in Aquarius (this year?) or perhaps the timing of a New moon in Aquarius will be significant.
What’s cool about this pile is you picked the blue polish and the throat chakra is blue. This Aletheia card is a lot about revealing your truth or the affect it has on us when others reveal their truth and then we reveal our truth. It’s kind of like, say, if I share a sincere personal story with you and you reply with your own similar story. Me revealing my truth compelled you to reveal yours or I gave you that safe space to make you feel like you could be open. That’s the feel I got from this card. Also the New Moon in Aquarius card is - sorry to do this Aquarians who’ve heard this a lot - is that the advice is to allow emotions into the equation. To me, this whole pile is about opening up, whether it’s allowing emotions or truth or emotional truths, so this could be asking you to be more open to communicating your emotions or at least being open to some truth regarding emotions. 
And on the one hand I wondered if the rush of energy of 8 of wands plus the Temperance was a message like - okay you’re rushing but Temperance urges patience. I don’t really feel that, I feel more it’s this pressure to open up, reveal something, allow something through that is to your benefit in terms of healing.
So, that could be you or them, I actually feel that has more to do with you, but let’s talk about this person.
Like I said, they could be Aquarius, or Sagittarius or have those types of big placements. There is a balance of air-fire here bc I see that “truth” oracle as being air since air is communication, 8 of wands is also seen as communication (or online communication too), or travel, and Sag is also about travel, Sag/Jupiter is also about expansion, so I still think this is more about expanding your emotions/your truth as your advice from your guides. And apparently that will somehow be relevant to this next relationship. Either you have to learn to open up more or be more in connection with your feelings (to yourself) or you have to be able to do so with others.
And if that does not sound like you, perhaps this is them and they are somewhat emotionally detached or have their guard up. The only detached fire sign for me is Sagittarius anyway. Leos and Aries are pretty loud and in your face in some way but Sag’s and Aquarians are kinda similar (imo) in that they’re pretty independent and... detached. I’m a sag rising, I know a lot about detachment.
Anyway - as I was saying, so this person is a bit of an independent person, loner, likely enjoys travel, is interested in learning so they may have a couple of degrees or just really enjoy learning or studying about different things. They might especially have an interest in technology. For jobs, they might do something that would be more isolated in that regard, like working in IT or freelance work with computers or online writing, travel blogs.
I don’t think it’s that they put their guard up, I think they’re a bit oblivious or have a lack of self awareness. They have a pretty peaceful energy to them. It’s dreamy, but not like Pisces. Someone who kinda has their head in the clouds, someone who’s a bit hard to pin down. 
It’s interesting to me that the Temperance card and the Aquarius card have the similar figures, both are pouring water, so it’s almost like this “bring love/emotion” into this is coming out twice. Even the circle oracle has this rose, which often represents love, so it’s like... growing out of this place.
I do feel like it’s possible there’s a lot going on internally, more so than what they might communicate or share. I think they’re very romantic, I do think they’re patient, or what I want to say is - they’re not stubborn and they aren’t forceful like other fire signs, they aren’t exhausting like air signs can be. 
They might just kind of be in that middle area... I think they move at a pretty slow pace - and that might frustrate you, and obviously communication might come up as an issue because you can’t always tell what they’re feeling, like you have to drag it out of them, so that will be a thing you have to figure out how to balance. But, beyond that, I mean - if you are also a person who likes to go with the flow, travel, learn new things, try new things. I think they’ll also be a person who’s naturally in tune with spiritual stuff or has a special interest in it. I think you’ll have to be the one to provide the grounding, so if you’re an earth sign or even if you also have a Sag or Gemini placement, you would work well with this person. I’m Gemini and I get on well with Sag, but I also have Sag rising and Jupiter, so -. They remind me of... a single floating balloon. Pretty unattainable in some ways, always wanting to keep going somewhere on their own?
But I think that ... it will surprise you how much love will be involved in this relationship once you have whatever breakthrough you need (or this relationship will LEAD to a breakthrough of truth... for good or for bad). I think there will be a special, unique connection. I think it will be a very soft, gentle, romantic type of love where you experience a lot of new things together, including opening up emotionally in ways neither of you has ever experienced. I think once you open up, there will be this rush of feelings and attachment. I was going to say giddiness, but basically you’ll be like Thumper during spring season. Twitterpainted, that’s the word. It reminds me of a young love, like so maybe several of you are younger and this will be a sort of sweep you off your feet relationship bc of how close you’ll feel to them. In terms of when, pile 2 felt like it’d be a while, whereas this one I feel... will be in the next six months. There is a full moon in aquarius end of july (not new moon) and then possibly up to Sag season. The eight of wands, though, makes me feel sooner rather than later. 
In terms of numbers, we have 14/5; 8; and 77/14/5. Any of those numbers may be significant, birth dates, or dates you might meet.
Technically there are two 5s and an 8 - change/conflict and personal power, inner strength. So this relationship will be one that teaches you something important about something going on inside you and allows you to learn more of that inner strength, imo, more inner balance or challenges you to be more balanced. I hear the word “breakthrough” so whatever that means.
I only feel this time as a time of personal growth, expansion and learning. Maybe even an opportunity to learn more patience.
As I did with the other piles, in terms of good first dates with this person. Well it’s weird to travel on a first date, but travel is big with this person. Either going to or staying in to watch an interesting indie or foreign film or like some type of unique exhibit that’s not also super boring. Like, um sightseeing. Even if you’re both locals, like going to a unique spot in town. If you’ve ever been to Seattle and seen that troll under that bridge... like this person would get a kick out of going to that type of weird location or seeing some kind of cool sight... but it has to have a bit of interest or artsy feel to it, I think they’d get bored easily. So a museum could be cool but they get bored... it has to stimulate their brain and body and heart all at once? Or if there’s a park with interesting sculptures in it, maybe even a zoo. Something where you walk but you also see stuff, bicycle rides. I think they’re also cool with staying in and doing board games, they’re fine to Netflix and Chill. I think they appreciate nature/beauty, too - even skylines if you live in a big city. 
In conclusion, this person will allow you to either experience love for the first time ever or it will be a love unlike you’ve felt before. I think they’ll help you to open up more emotionally, to feel better about talking about emotions, but I also feel like you’ll both do this for each other and I think that the relationship will progress pretty quickly if you let it, but maybe patience or moderation IS advised or having patience with them if they’re the ones who find it hard to open up or connect emotionally. I feel like they’ll come into your life for a purpose. I’m not saying they’re karmic or whatever (but... it could be); however, even if it’s short-lived, there is (was?) a purpose.
It’s likely you mirror each other about this opening up about emotions issue.
And I feel like something about this connection it’s important you/they/both of you learn to allow yourself to... be bare. Bare yourself. Be honest and truthful with each other or that’s how you need to be with them, be very direct. And ask for them to be, as well. And through that type of connection, you’ll... experience something intense and different but in a deep way. It’s also possible you’ll just be more aware about your own emotions/or a significant truth about yourself during or after this relationship if it’s temporary.
Maybe you’ll meet them traveling; in fact, it may be you’re on vacation and you only have a few days together but it’ll feel special (Gackt, Titanic vibes??). Or maybe this will be an online thing and bc it’s online and you mostly talk, you both open up a lot more easily and so it’s kind of a long-distance thing or you both have to travel to be able to see one another. I almost want to say that... for maybe one or two of you this is actually a past relationship and it’s just highlighting this relationship was a lesson for you or the meaningfulness of it if it was a positive relationship is important for you to hear/know about right now.
Like, if this is someone you loved and they passed or moved or the relationship ended but without hard feelings, that maybe you need to be told rn that it was as meaningful as you think and it was meaningful to them, as well.
And as annoying as it is to hear this, if this sounds like a past negative relationship that changed you (i.e. karmic relationship), all I can say was it was meant to pass even if it was shitty or hard or horrible bc you had to learn something (a truth) through it.
So, those are all the messages I have, I think.
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hood-ex · 3 years
Hi! I was wondering if you preferred Dick on his own or on a team (like the titans or outsiders)? I’ve been reading a lot of his stuff and I’m on the fence I think! I read all of the silver age titans which was a Joy but i just finished (speed reading I’ll admit) most of titans 1999 but I’ve found dick to be really intense and then he like kept secrets for a bit, I did enjoy a lot of it though! and I like him on a team a lot because he has others to help him when he gets too into his head (like Roy and Donna) and duh it’s good to have friends! but I also like him in solo stuff because I feel like he relaxes more because he doesn’t have other people to take responsibility for if that makes sense? I’m also starting NTT super soon so I’m excited for that and hope it’s a good balance of the two but I was curious about your thoughts on this since you’re like my favorite dick blog! Thanks :)
There's not one I necessarily prefer over the other. I find good moments in both his solo work and his team work.
Writers obviously portray Dick differently, but I think in general, Dick does tend to come off more serious when he's leading a team. That's because being the leader puts a lot of pressure and responsibilities on him. He's usually the one who has to come up with all the plans, and he's the one who has to make tough calls. Also, he was raised by Batman so Bruce's influence rubbed off on him in some ways. I made a post that kinda touches on this. I think it reflects Dick's behavior in Titans 1999.
The pro of him being in a team position is that he comes off very intelligent, strong, and competent. Other heroes respect him no matter his position, but when they're working with him on a team, they're quick to appreciate him and what he brings to the table in terms of experience, wisdom, and skill.
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Rebirth Nightwing #29
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Action Comics #841
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Teen Titans Vol. 3 #33
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JLA #69
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The Brave and the Bold #15
With stuff like Outsiders, it's important to remember that Dick was written darker as a result of Donna's death. He considers the Titans family and watching them die under his leadership broke him. When he joined the Outsiders, he didn't want to form emotional bonds with this new team. Thinking of them as family would just hurt him down the line when/if one of them got hurt like Donna and Lilith did.
I always see Dick as a mixture of serious and playful whether he's solo or working with a team. He's not just one at all times. When there's downtime or a mission that involves some simple beatings, he's more personable and willing to joke. When there's a serious situation where death is more likely, the serious demeanor falls into place.
In Outsiders, Dick is serious when he's with the team, but he's playful and personable towards Roy at times. In Teen Titans, Dick is playful when they're giving some villains a beating, but he's very serious when Wally is hurt. In Nightwing, Dick is more chill when he's living his regular civilian life, and sometimes when he's out as Nightwing, his inner commentary is lighter. Like all things, his demeanor depends on the severity of the situation as well as whether the story is focusing on his civilian life or vigilante one.
When you get to New Teen Titans, I think you'll see that mixture. Yes, Dick is serious when he needs to be, but he also contributes quips, and he can have fun when the time allows for it. NTT does a good job of balancing the Titans's personal lives with their lives as crimefighters. That's why we get to see more of a variation in Dick's characterization, and that variation comes across in Dick's solo books as well.
I like to remember that Dick is essentially a mixture of both Batman and Superman. When you keep that in mind, it's a bit easier to understand what keeps Dick from acting completely like Superman and what keeps him from acting completely like Batman.
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scuttle-buttle · 3 years
Chapter 10
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WC: 1633
Rated: E
Chapter Tags: anxiety, angst, brief fears of infidelity, discussions of childbearing and marriage/gender roles, psych theories, some manipulation, age difference, brief mention of domestic violence (there is none)
A/N: If you have any questions regarding the tags for this chapter and want to ask me about it before reading please do so! The chapter is not necessarily dark but I understand that some may want me to give a more detailed warning/context. I want all my readers to be as comfortable as possible 💙
It started out small. He would bring up Dr. Stratton during conversation more and more often. Three times now he had been late to office hours, causing you to have to wait outside his room, nervously checking the time. But it’s nothing, you continue to remind yourself. They’re just good friends that haven’t seen each other in years. And you trust them both.
When another Friday night passed with Laszlo skipping drinks in favor of meeting with Karen, you decided to stay in as well. It had been a month since they reacquainted with one another. In those weeks you had seen less of him outside work. Your sex life was stagnating too, much to your annoyance. He had even canceled at the absolute last minute on a dinner date. Naturally, you had begun to feel a twinge of jealousy at his lack of attention. He kept saying it was work related. Nevertheless, the sullen temperament you'd adopted went unnoticed by the doctor. You felt foolish; you weren’t so needy that you had to make a big deal about it. So you said nothing on the issue.
You sat on the old couch in your apartment. Bitsy was getting ready to go out with Lucius for date night. Picking at your fingers, you decide to ask your roommate for advice. “Hey Bits?”
“Yeah?” she called from her bedroom.
“Can I ask you a question about Lucius?” you start.
“Sure, what’s up?”
You pause as you think of how to word your thoughts. “Do you ever, like, get jealous? When he hangs out with other girls I mean.” Her head pops out of the door frame as she finishes fastening her earring, eyebrows raised in question. “It’s just that Laszlo has been spending a lot of time with Dr. Stratton now that she’s back in town. I trust them and everything, but I’m starting to feel a bit left behind I guess…” you trail off.
“Oh honey, that's normal.” She waves a hand through the air as she speaks. “There’s this girl at the lab that Lucius works with and for the first month I was convinced she was trying to steal him away from me. Turns out she just wanted Marcus, his brother!” Bitsy lets out a cackle.
“Right…” you pick at the skin around your fingernails. “I just feel silly about it. I’m sure I’m overreacting to the whole thing, though. Laszlo would never do anything, and I don’t think Dr. Stratton would either,” you remind yourself outloud. "There's just this thing John said to me about them having a past and I can't get it out of my head."
“It's not silly.” Bitsy had moved further into the bedroom, causing her voice to be slightly muffled. “But if it bothers you that much, talk to him about it. He’s a psychologist, it’s kinda his job to understand emotions and things like this. And if he loves you like you say he does then he’ll put a bit more effort into giving you his attention.”
You marinate on what she’s told you. Bitsy is right, if it bothers you that much then you need to bring it up with him. Be an adult, use communication, and all that. “Why’re you always right and level-headed about everything?”
“Someone’s gotta be, with a hot head like you,” she snarks. Her phone buzzes letting her know her date is downstairs. With a squeeze on the shoulder she bids you goodbye, telling you to let her know if you need anything.
The atmosphere in Dr. Stratton’s office felt off. What was usually so open and warm had felt forced and awkward. You were still ignoring the guilt of your jealousy at the doctor. She wasn’t as talkative today, unlike usual. Instead, it was strictly business. You chalked it up to her having an off day.
The two of you discussed in more depth the fetishes and kinks from the list you had compiled. Unfortunately, due to spending less time with your boyfriend the last few weeks you hadn’t had much of an opportunity to try any of the new tricks you were learning about. Therefore, you had little to really talk about in that regard. You found that you didn’t particularly mind, as you were feeling less inclined to want to share about your love life due to your envy towards the woman in question.
Dr. Stratton quietly gathered together her notes from the session and placed them into the folder. You were about to ask if she needed anything else from you when her lips parted before closing again. She leaned forward on her desk towards you. Her fingers steepled under her chin.
She licks her lips. “There is something I wish to discuss with you unrelated to the study.”
You didn’t like where this was going. Dread pooled in your gut at the concerned look on her face. “O-okay.”
“Now I want you to understand that I only bring this up out of concern for your wellbeing and emotional health. But some of the things you have told me over the course of this study have me worried.”
What on earth could you have said that would cause this sort of reaction from her? She was the most calm and collected person you had ever known. To have her speaking out made your heart race in your chest.
She takes a moment to gather her thoughts before opening her mouth again. “In truth I worry about your current relationship. I fear that-”
Brows furrowing, your mind goes to the worst conclusion. You blurt out “what? No! He doesn’t hurt me or anything, I don’t know what would have given you that impression but I- ”
The doctor reaches out with her hand to settle on your forearm. “My dear take a breath, I meant no such thing.”
You take a deep inhale to compose yourself. “Then what are you talking about?”
“Speaking as your friend, and as an alienist, I fear that this boyfriend is potentially using you for your youth,” she begins the tale she concocted, unbeknownst to you. “In my experience as a psychologist, the young women such as yourself that I encounter with significantly older male companions find themselves locked into the relationship. Typically, it is from dependence on money at first. Over time, the male pressures the woman to be compliant in things like marriage and childbearing. I understand how difficult it is for a woman as driven as you to balance your aspirations with relationships and domestic matters. Do you want children?”
Her statement and question take you back. Confusion is written all over your face. Marriage? Children? Neither you nor Laszlo had ever brought up either subject. You didn’t even know if it was something he was interested in. “Wait what? I'm not sure I follow…”
“Men around his age go through an identity crisis in which they begin to become aware of their mortality. A change in priorities. The most common desire is to procreate, to start a family in which to pass on their wisdom is strongest here. Are you prepared to give him children soon? Of course there is nothing wrong with wanting to be a mother, it is a very noble role. Yet you do not strike me as someone ready for such a large step.”
You can barely form a coherent thought at her onslaught. The whole conversation was so out of the blue that you felt incredibly lost. Did you want children? Did he want children? Now? You wrap your arms around your torso to stave off the uncertainty and anxiety you feel creeping in. No words come to your defense at her interrogation. You are speechless, jaw dropped.
She stands and crosses the room, placing her cool hands on your cheeks. “My dear you are still a child yourself. This is something you need to consider. To… consider the possibility that you can’t give him what he needs. That he may need someone closer to his age with the same priorities, someone more willing to give in to his needs now. I don’t think you’re ready for that. I’ve seen the cost that these girls face. And the societal pressures and judgement you would face being with someone so much older? I think it could throw you into a state similar to after your friend passed. I wouldn’t want to see you in that position again. I want you to have your freedom."
Dr. Stratton looks up at the clock suddenly; “oh! My, I’m going to be late for a meeting, you’ll have to go. I don’t believe we need any more sessions for the study, but I will let you know if anything changes.”
You are too in shock trying to process everything she said to you as she ushers you out of the door with a “think about what I said, dear.” The door shuts behind you.
Karen sat with a huff. She felt a tad guilty for what she had said to you. She had no idea if Laszlo wanted marriage or children, he hadn’t when they were first together. But times change. She hoped that by using the angle of kids and identity crises that she could subtly plant a seed of doubt in your mind. Strike quickly and overwhelmingly, plant the doubt that you weren’t right for him, then push you out before you have the chance to seek answers or reassurance from her. It seemed you bought her false concern as actual worry. You were a great girl. But you were just that - a girl. You couldn’t give Laszlo what he needed, not like she could.
Now she simply had to wait and let your mind eat away at itself, leaving him for the taking.
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yoonsshadow · 3 years
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➳ summary ; They have died so often that death has lost its meaning; hurt so regularly that pain has become inconsequential; lost so much that they hold each other to the light of the stars. They have nothing yet they have everything, as long as they have each other. And, after centuries, they now have her.
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➳ pairing ; bts!ot7 x fem!reader
➳ genres ; The Old Guard au; fantasy, historical, action, romance, alternate universe
➳ themes ; angst, fluff, death
➳ warnings ; smoking, mature conversations
➳ word count ; 3k
➳ note ; Thank you for your patience!
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Fear is a fist that clutches your heart, reminding you of its presence each time it tightens its grip. It doesn’t hurt, necessarily, but you can feel the strength in its hold; the raging tendons wrapped around your tender organ that strain with each heartbeat. A singular emotion controlling your very pulse.
Cigarette smoke billows into the indigo hour of the night, and you find yourself unable to pry the fingers away.
The air on the balcony is cold, but it envelops you in a comforting embrace; it’s a soft coolness, as opposed to the harsh, biting climate of the desert that you’ve become accustomed to. Your skin prickles with goosebumps, but you don’t feel the need to scratch at yourself, to tear the skin from your flesh. It makes you feel alive, even if the definition of that word has changed for you.
Evidence of your newfound immortality, if that’s what you can call it, dangles between your fingers, ashes falling to the ground several storeys below with each gentle tap. It tastes terrible⎯⎯a bitter flavour of death in every pull⎯⎯but it serves its purpose for now. It keeps you grounded, gives you something to focus on other than the slowly growing anxiety that still holds strong in your chest.
Behind you, the balcony door slides open, startling the silent air with its soft drag.
“You’re up late,” Namjoon says. He speaks soft, low, as if hesitant to disturb you. “Or early, I guess. Didn’t take you for a smoker.”
You breathe out a puff of smoke, watching as it dissipates into the darkness. “I’m not.” He steps into your periphery, leaning on the metal railing beside you. “I just needed...something. Found them hidden away in the bookshelf.”
Namjoon scoffs. “Figures. We’re usually a non-smoking household, but sometimes the boys get sneaky. Pass me one?”
You hand him the box. Only two cigarettes left. He brings one to dangle between his lips and, without asking, you hand him a lighter. It takes him three tries, and then he’s sighing smoke into the air as well.
“Thought you were a non-smoking household.”
“We are. Stinks up the place, and it tastes disgusting. But. When in Rome.”
“You calling me Rome?”
He chuckles, but doesn’t answer. “Couldn’t sleep?”
You shake your head, despite knowing that he isn’t looking at you. “Too much on my mind.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“I don’t think I could if I tried.”
He blends in with the shadows, slightly, though the peaks of his cheekbones catch the dull light that glows through the mist of pollution. “I get that. Would you rather me talk?”
“Not really.”
“Do you want me to leave you alone?”
“Not really.”
So he stays. Until the embers begin to burn your fingertips; until you’re snuffing your cigarette on the metal rail. You don’t think you’ll smoke again. You suppose it doesn’t matter, though. There’s forever ahead of you to change your mind.
Sunlight is just beginning to illuminate the buildings around you when Namjoon speaks up again. He stubbed his own cigarette before it was even halfway done. 
“I’m sure you’re curious,” he says. “About us, about the situation, about everything. And we’ll tell you as much as we can, but...There are some things the boys won’t feel comfortable telling you about just yet. We’ve lived long lives. We’ve done good things and bad things; experienced things we’re proud of and things that haunt us. We may not die, but we’re still human. I hope that you don’t mind being patient with us.”
Your heart aches a little at the melancholy in his tone, as if you wouldn’t give the world for these seven men after knowing them just a day. It feels as if your soul has missed them for a lifetime.
“Namjoon.” He turns to face you, now, and a halo of soft light glows around his face. “I don’t know what you’ve all been through, and frankly, it’s none of my business. If you want to tell me something, I know that you’ll do it in your own time. I’ve got the rest of my life to get to know you all, okay? There’s no rush.”
His smile starts as a twitch, a quirked corner of his lips, but quickly grows wide. Relieved. 
“I’m glad it’s you,” he says. He offers no elaboration, no further words, but you think you know what he means. Because you’re glad it’s him, too. You’re glad it’s them.
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With breakfast comes clarity. As you sit at the large dining table, bowls of rice, soup, and several plates of banchan steaming into the morning air, you find yourself feeling calmer than you have since your death. It’s as though the raging tides of emotions⎯⎯uncertainty, confusion, downright fear⎯⎯have finally quelled into a tranquil body of water. There is sure to be a ripple sooner or later, but for now, it is completely still.
Yoongi, the cook of this morning’s feast, takes the first bite, and the rest of you follow. There is so much that you want to say, so many questions that you want to speak into existence, but the bitter taste of apprehension bleeds through even the delicious taste of your meal. You feel like you might choke on it⎯⎯the taste and your words both⎯⎯but your throat closes before you can even swallow.
Ah. There is the awaited ripple.
Perhaps it is the hours of silent companionship, or simply his centuries of wisdom, but Namjoon seems to sense your internal struggle. “If there’s anything you want to ask us, Y/N, go ahead. We’ll answer to the best of our abilities.”
Your throat eases and your tastebuds return to normal. “Well…” Where do you begin? What questions do you ask potentially ancient beings? “I guess let’s start with what this,” you wave a finger around the table, at the seven other sets of eyes who watch you patiently, “is. The situation.”
Namjoon nods slowly. It seems he’ll be taking charge for this conversation, much to the visible relief of the others. “Even we aren’t completely certain of what exactly this is,” he says. “From what we’ve learned, our death granted us immortality, or something to that degree. We cannot die, nor can we get majorly injured. Any wounds heal quickly, and any illnesses metabolise out of our system before they can affect us.”
You nod. All of this you were already aware of.
“As for this,” he continues. He looks around the group, fighting back a fond smile. “We’re all connected. When someone else becomes like us, we all see visions of each other to help us find them. The same happened with you. You saw visions of us when you slept, and we saw visions of you. That’s how we could find you. The dreams gave us enough information to figure out who you were, and then it was a matter of locating you.”
“Which wasn’t easy, by the way,” Jimin adds, though there is no annoyance. “Your files were so deeply buried that we thought they might not exist. And don’t even get me started on accessing the satellite.”
“You hacked a satellite?” You can’t hide the shock in your tone, and you don’t miss the glint of mischief in Jimin’s eyes.
“That’s not important,” Namjoon says, taking control of the conversation once again. “What’s important is this: the eight of us are intrinsically connected now. We might not get the visions anymore, but we are still linked. The easiest way to describe it is that we’re soulmates, though that might not even be true. We were destined to find each other, to be immortal together. Whether it’s for some higher purpose, or just a random curse, we don’t know. It’s better, I think, if we don’t try and find out that reason.”
Now that confuses you. “Why? Isn’t it human nature to be curious?”
Hoseok scoffs. “I don’t think we fall under the definition of ‘human’ anymore.”
You’ll have to file that away for later.
Namjoon ignores Hoseok, and looks straight at you. “If we become too enveloped in trying to figure out the big ‘why’, we’ll get lost in ourselves. We’ll lose our own sense of purpose. If we were chosen, for whatever reason, then we have to trust that our instincts will guide us to do what is needed.”
“Okay.” You suppose he’s right. “Then, could you tell me how old you all are?”
“We don’t do ages,” Taehyung says. He sounds almost amused. “We know the age we were when we died, but we don’t keep track of how long we’ve lived after that. It’s a rule.”
“Then how about...generally? Who was the first? How did you all die?”
All eyes turn to Namjoon. Honestly, you can’t say you’re surprised.
“I was the first,” he says. A faraway look takes over his eyes, as if lost in the past. Seokjin puts a grounding hand on his shoulder. “I couldn’t figure out my actual age if I tried, but it was...a long time ago. I was the chief of my village. Killed for power. The story isn’t too interesting.”
There’s a brief moment of silence, and then Yoongi clears his throat. “I was the second. A slave to some tyrant who thought he was all-powerful. Killed in front of the other slaves to put them in line.” He shrugs, but doesn’t meet anyone’s eyes.
Hoseok is quick to speak next, his words are short and curt. “I was third. Court execution.” He seems reluctant, as if guarding his past behind the tightly-locked gates of his crossed arms, but you mean what you said to Namjoon earlier; you will wait for them. For however long it takes.
Next is Seokjin, and you have a feeling that his theatrics are for Hoseok’s benefit. “I was the lucky fourth, and a king, at that! Though I was only in the position for a few hours, and all public records of it were thrown into the river with my body. Which is a shame, really, because my portraits deserved to be in museums for all to marvel over.”
“Um.” Jeongguk seems nervous, and you see him hide his shaking hands beneath the table. “I was next. I died of...natural causes.”
“And we came as a set,” Taehyung smiles, arm slung over Jimin’s shoulders. “Died at the very same moment, and woke up the same way! We were best friends, right, Jiminie? On the opposite sides of a war, but I loved him with my whole heart.”
Jimin nods, a wistful smile pulling at his cheeks. “I remember thinking that I was so lucky, to die in his arms. To never have to live a single moment without him. And then we found the others, and I thought that I must’ve been in heaven to be so fortunate.”
“We’re all together,” Namjoon elaborates, though it’s unnecessary. A blind man could see the way they feel about each other. “It may be because of circumstance, though I like to think that it’s because we were all meant to be. Like it’s a gift from the universe, allowing soulmates born in different centuries to find each other.”
“And now you,” Jeongguk whispers. His eyes glimmer, hopeful, and so young despite the obvious years he has over you. You wonder why he doesn’t seem as emotionally aged as the others; what could cause him to cling to his youth the way he does. It doesn’t matter, though. If it means he keeps his heart, it will never matter.
“We don’t expect anything from you,” Seokjin says. “Not romantically or even platonically. You are still your own person, and if you don’t want to be a part of this, in any degree, we won’t force it.”
You are thankful for that. It takes away a pressure that you didn’t even know you had until now. The thought that this is a choice⎯⎯a decision that is completely yours to make⎯⎯relieves you to no end. And yet... 
“I don’t think that’s a decision I can make right now.” You mindlessly arrange the chopsticks on your now empty plate as you try to summon the right words to explain yourself. “There’s so much that I need to figure out, and so many things that I feel I have to do. I don’t even know if I’ve properly processed the situation yet, or if I’m simply in shock.”
“Is there any way we can help you?” Yoongi, as always, seems so genuine. So heartfelt. 
“You already have. So much more than you’d believe.” And it’s true. Independence is your life. You may have been in a team in your old life, a leader of a small group for whom you were responsible, but you were always brought up, always trained, to survive alone. To find comfort in an existence of solitude. Because that’s what the military is; it is removing yourself from others, from the world. You were in a team, sure, but you were all alike in your aloneness. Alone together.
Now, you have this group of men who, without knowing you, have plucked you from your misery and now offer you everything. Offer themselves, their companionship, their help. You are not the one responsible, the one with everything on the line. They have taken that from you with gentle hands, and you give it away gladly. There is not much else that you could ask of them.
Except. Well, maybe there is.
“But…” You trail off, and their eyes just scream patience. You don’t know how they do it, how they’ve grown to be so effortlessly composed and serene, because right now your heart is beating in urgency. It batters against your chest, yelling at you to just ask them, now, but your words falter in sudden uncertainty. They have already given you so much, offered even more; can you truly ask for the help that you now realise you may need?
You look into their eyes again, and know that the answer is yes.
“This mission,” you continue, sitting up straighter. If you speak with confidence, perhaps you’ll start to feel it. “As far as I know, it was never completed. When our team went in, it was under the belief that we’d be able to rescue all of the children safely and relatively unseen. Someone on the inside tipped them off, but they had to have had a reason. They wouldn’t have betrayed us like that unless something was wrong.”
“You speak like you know exactly who it was,” Hoseok says. It isn’t a question, and you see it in his expression that he isn’t necessarily looking for an answer.
You won’t give him one. Not yet. Not until you’ve figured out for yourself why this person would’ve left you for dead. “That isn’t important right now,” you say in lieu of a confirmation. “What matters is that those children are still out there somewhere, and there’s a leak in the operation.” Releasing a deep sigh, you slump down a bit. “I’m going back to the desert, back to the base, and I’m going to save those children. If you would like to help me...that would be really nice.”
“Of course we’ll help,” Jeongguk says, without hesitation. There’s a resoluteness in the set of his jaw that you haven’t seen in him before. “Anything you need. We mean it.”
“We should talk about this plan of yours first, though,” Namjoon says. “As far as the military is concerned, you’re dead. You died with your team. If you go back to your base of operations, that’s just going to open up a whole lot of complications for both sides. They might think that you were the traitor, being the only survivor. We’ll need to operate with a certain level of stealth.”
You were worried about that. Your dog-tags are with the rest of your team’s, your body supposedly burned along with theirs. You won’t be able to reprise the role you previously played in this, and you won’t have the military support that you once had. If you do this, it will be in the shadows, hiding behind corners and turning away from cameras. You are a ghost now. You’ll have to act like one.
“Okay,” you say. “I understand; we need to stay hidden. But there is one person that I need to see face-to-face. I can promise that they won’t do anything to endanger our identities.”
“It’s a bad idea,” Jimin says. “Trust is one thing when you’re alive, but if they’ve been mourning your death, you can’t know for sure how they’ll react.”
“That’s a risk I’m willing to take,” you affirm. “I trust this person, and I’m going to need you all to trust me.”
Taehyung bites his lip in contemplation. “It isn’t that we don’t trust you,” he says, “but we can’t fully trust the situation. We don’t know this person, whoever they are, or how they’ll use this information against you. Against us.”
“I get it, I do.” You can’t help but sigh. “But this is something that I need to do, and something that I will do regardless of whether I have your permission. I won’t let my decision affect any of you, but if you decide against helping me because of this, I’ll understand.”
Yoongi leans forward. “We’re going to help you.” His tone is final. “And you’re right, this is your decision to make. We just want to make sure that you completely understand what you’re potentially getting yourself into.”
“You are all a lot older than me,” you say, “and obviously much wiser. But I’m an adult too, and I’m mature enough to know that my actions may have consequences. I’m no stranger to making tough decisions, or to taking responsibility. I may not be a Captain by rank anymore, but that doesn’t change who I am.”
“Okay,” Namjoon says. He doesn’t argue, nor does he apologise, but he doesn’t need to. There is a mutual understanding in the way you look at each other, and nothing more needs to be said. “So, what’s the plan?”
You take in a deep breath, and prepare your mind to return to the place you’ve grown to loathe.
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tags: @leafyturtle, @loveyoongles, @paint-music-with-me, @barbikatherine, @itsmorgo1604, @calling-dips-on-j-hope, @veronawrites, @applepie1000, @yoonchrisgullwrites, @ally22042000, @ireallylikefoodandyoutube, @blglmgk01, @basicgukk, @softescapism, @sinceritythatcouldntbedelivered, @m1nt-3lla, @hunnayesblog, @rosycheekb, @hemmofluke, @the-bisaster, @katbonv, @borahebangtan​, @monodroppp, @skyys-universe
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