#ah good ol yahoo answers
mmmmbees · 3 years
Before yahoo answers dies i want the world to see this
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shirtlesssammy · 4 years
15x08 Bullet Point Rambles
Chuck is an utter asshole and killed everybody in a casino except the terrified bar server. Like, recognize you’re angry about your sister and don’t take it out on casino employees, man
OMG Sam followed Eileen on a hunt to protect her. Sam bby
Ah, Donatello is back. It IS Buckleming, after all
Sam and Cas are hanging out together, Dean is notably on the opposite side of the room from Cas. DUDES PLZ
Dean accuses Michael of being a real daddy’s boy which….pot, kettle, black? (I realize that’s the point.)
Oh EW Chuck is speaking to them through Donatello. GROSS CHUCK
Oh wow hey surprising, Chuck threatens all the women they know
Boris and I are demanding the return of Ghost Kevin!
CAS looks so SAD and now I’m sad damn it
Hey who else saw the gritted teeth Cas made when he healed Dean? Who else is concerned. GUH
They do a spell to head down to Hell. (Boris: Why aren’t these idiots just taking the stairs down to Hell?)
IT’S ROWENA!!!!!!!! She’s leading Hell. I seriously just threw my hands up in the air and shouted YESSSSSSS
Okay, so Rowena’s dead. But she also seized the throne in Hell which is some mad fucking props, okay? LOOK at her entourage of buff hot dudes! LOOK at her ensemble! Rowena is living her best afterlife, and I’m so proud
Eileen gets a phone call from a hunting buddy…potential hunt ahoy!
Rowena misses “flesh on flesh sex” and Amazon which…fair
Rowena orders Dean and Cas to fix their shit while Sam’s off fetching a drink for her. She’s so smart! We love her so much! 
Adam isn’t in Hell but he IS hanging out at a diner with Michael eating burgers and fries and pizza
I love seeing “Adam" and “Michael" facing each other. This is lovely work
Dean asks about Eileen in pointed terms. Sam says they have an “agreement.” OMG Sam
Sam’s quick to say family stuff isn’t for them. Sam BBY. But Dean gives his approval of Sam+Eileen, and that seems important to Sam? 
Lilith shows up to hang out with Michael and both of us hiss like angry cats. She’s arrived to bring Michael to see Chuck. Lilith, humorously, is still sporting her nature girl outfit. But Michael disintegrates Lilith sooooo….problem solved?
OOF Cas prays to Michael to get him to head to the bunker. Yikes. Cas prays next to a chess set, alone. “I’m not your enemy anymore.” God is.
Michael remembers the whole, uh, assbutt incident. Sorry, dude?
Fucking Speight delivers a DAMN good introduction to Dean and Sam striding in on a suddenly trapped Michael. MMMMM yes good
Michael’s in an angel-stabbing mood, which does not bode well for the “Cas survives this episode” notion
They brought Michael back to the bunker in cuffs. Super idea. TBH Michael does a pretty good job of laying out his grudge against these three yahoos
I love the look on Sam and Dean’s faces when they see Adam speaking for himself. And, like, OMG it’s revelatory. Adam suggests they start by apologizing, but Michael has considerably less patience
“He’s having a mid-eternity crisis. Or maybe you don’t know your dad as well as you think you do. Parents keep secrets.” (Me: thinks about Santa Claus and slinks off guiltily)
Sam and Eileen race off to help her friend on the vamp case. e e k
Cas goes in to talk to Michael. He used to hate snobby Michael, but now Cas finds him pitiable as Chuck’s puppet. Ooo Cas this is some damn thin ice you’re skating here
Cas zaps his thoughts into Adam/Michael and we get a brief Chuck manipulation clip show from all the way back to season five
Boris and I talk over the break about how great this show is and how great it is that Dabb has clear love for this show’s story and these characters. The show underwent interruptions and network changes and through it all it’s found a way to spin a compelling story that calls back on its past while crafting an intriguing future. It’s also so amazing to have had a lot of the same core cast over such a long period of time
And now we get to the kitchen scene. The KITCHEN SCENE. Does this mean Cas is gonna leave instead of die? Maybe he storms out? Maybe my feelings have congealed into a cold, black pudding of angst!?
The bunker rattles and the angry husbands answer Michael’s call. Michael gets it…Chuck’s a problem.
Eileen is driving the Impala, glory glory (Boris: They really don’t trust Jared with that car)
Sam senses a trap and it’s….FUCKING CHUCK pretending to be Eileen’s friend. OH DAMN
Michael’s on board and he knows how to lock Chuck up just like he locked up the Darkness/Amara
They need a leviathan flower for their lockup spell. Michael opens up a door to Purgatory - open for 12 hours only. AAAAAAH [insert picture of elmo on fire]
Dean apologizes to Adam. It’s very heartfelt. o u c h
“Since when do we get what we deserve?” Adam asks. VALID
Dean and Cas are…heading to Purgatory to revisit their honeymoon? W H A T is happening
Boris: It would make more sense to only send Dean because he’s a human and can pass through that ol’ portal. But Cas? We don’t know! He only got freed from Purgatory because of angels??? What will happen???
Coming up next week in 8 billion years: Chuck tortures Sam! We probably feel too many emotions! HELP US
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split-n-splice · 4 years
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If I don't update next weekend, it probably has something to do with an ugly wildfire. *shrugging*
Anywho. This one's a little… *waves hand in a so-so way* ...but I promise I have my reasons.
[Chapter Guide | FFn | Ao3]
36. Aura of Others – 9
She really should have argued, she decided, thumping her head back against the headrest of her seat as they reached her neighborhood. “Keep driving,” she groaned. “Please.” She didn’t want to be at the lair with the henchmen cracking jokes and whispering shady rumors, but she didn’t want to be at the crummy apartment either – particularly when there was a familiar jeep just now pulling up to the curb.
“Why?” asked Drakken, oblivious.
Shilo scowled at the jeep parked under the streetlight ahead, narrowing her eyes on the single occupant. After a suspicious glance around, up toward her apartment, down the sidewalk, and in the mirrors, she finally deemed it safe to pop open her door.
“Mickey came alone,” she muttered to herself, and took a deep breath for confidence as she disembarked from the van. She opened her mouth to bid Drakken a farewell when he cut the engine, and instead she quirked her brow back at him as he stepped out onto the street. “What are you doing?”
Drakken met her on the sidewalk and frowned at the jeep at the end of the block before his dark gaze slid back to her. “If you’re going to get up to trouble, I’d like to stay informed,” he said quietly, and shrugged as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. “But if you need privacy with the pretty boy over there, just say the word and I’ll take my leave.”
Mickey was climbing out from behind the wheel of the jeep now, brandishing a pizza box that steamed in the autumn chill.
Shilo decided then to grab Drakken by the elbow to pull him toward her apartment. Not because she needed backup should she find herself in another fight today, but so her getaway driver couldn’t leave without her in the event she really needed to avoid her old neighborhood friends.
“Mickey’s...alright,” she tried to promise, daring not to glance back at the pretty boy calling her by name. Even among her own family, she’d been all too frequently called by her hero alias. Hearing her name from an old friend made her throat tighten. She wasn’t sure if she liked the sound of it or not.
“If he’s so alright, how come you don’t stop and see what he wants?” reasoned Drakken.
She made the mistake of shooting back over her shoulder, “Because whatever it is, Prissy put him up to it.” She caught a peek of Mickey past Drakken, curled her lip, and turned for the staircase. While Mickey had never been as close a friend as she would have liked, he’d been close enough, and Priscilla was rubbing salt in a wound sending him to act as some kind of a mediator.
“Wait up a minute, will ya?” called Mickey from the bottom of the staircase, and Shilo couldn’t help gritting her teeth. “I just want to talk. I brought pizza! No anchovies!”
She fumbled to find her keys, but didn’t wrench the door open in time before Mickey reached the landing. Drakken was the only thing standing between them, and he paled in comparison – literally. Tanned, broad, and brawny, Mickey could toss Drakken over the railing single-handedly if he so wished, but tossing her chosen company out of his way wouldn’t be the best way to get back on her good side.
Drakken shrank back from the strapping young man with the build of a henchman, but in doing so he took Shilo by the shoulders and practically pushed her inside. “No solicitors today, please, thank you,” he said in a hurry. He didn’t seem that keen anymore to meet Mickey now that he had an up-close look at him.
Planting her feet stubbornly, Shilo twisted to glower back at the old friend trying to get a foot in the door. She didn’t have a chance to shake Drakken off or shove him safely inside the dark apartment when chilly fingers caught her by the wrist, and her eyes popped wide as a tingle was left in the wake of pursed lips on her knuckles. She half-expected her visitor to drop her hand and reel as if he’d been shocked by static – or maybe burned by fire – but as always, good ol’ Mickey only stood straight and smiled, her hand gently held in his paw.
She gawped at him until Drakken’s voice cut through, calling her name, but even as he hit the lights and tried to pull her away, she found herself tightening her grip on the young man’s hand and taking him with her.
“Good thing I got the large, huh?” said Mickey with a contagious smile and a nod toward Drakken. The warm smell of pepperoni wasn’t the only thing that had her pulling him inside, but she couldn’t put her finger on it – which was nothing new, strange as it was. Mickey had a certain special charm to him.
“Yeah,” she muttered, and once Mickey was inside her apartment and had nudged the door shut behind him, she shook her hand free of his and unappreciatively shrugged Drakken’s claw-like grip from her shoulder. “What is it you want?” She could barely muster the willpower to be suspicious, and a voice of frustration was muffled at the very back of her mind.
“Just wanna talk,” he said. “Nothing else.” It sounded like a lie, but he could sell her a bridge with a voice like his.
Her heart beat an unsteady rhythm and she shuffled past Mickey setting the box on the table, barely distracting herself with finding paper plates. “Uhm. Doc, Mickey. Mickey, Doc,” she introduced, back to the two men in her apartment. She couldn’t keep busy with plates for long, but she kept her eyes down as she deposited them on the table, as if that alone could really save her from Mickey’s spell.
“We were neighbors,” provided Mickey. “And we used to be friends. Right, Shi?” He cast an almost puppydog look toward her as he pushed the pizza box her way to take the first slice. He didn’t sit down. No one did, for that matter, all three of them choosing to stand awkwardly around the table.
“I guess,” she grumbled, taking a slice of pizza that never made it to her plate. She took a bite and spoke around it, Mickey’s charm wearing off as a glare finally worked its way onto on her face. “Until you quit talking to me too.”
“It wasn’t us,” Mickey defended. “It was—,” his eyes darted to Drakken and back, and he shook his head. “It was your new group of friends.”
“They were not my friends,” she hissed back. She wished she had some soda to gulp down. “You guys knew that. You were the only ones who knew that!” She’d scream it if only she could find the rage to blow up with. The inexplicable calm she felt in his presence was enough to infuriate her all on its own.
“You know what I mean. Once you got involved with them, you didn’t have time for us anymore,” grumbled the man frowning sullenly at his pizza. He nodded to Drakken suddenly, and wondered, “Does he know about them? I mean, he’s gotta, right?”
“Them?” inquired Drakken. He just couldn’t keep his mouth shut. Shilo suddenly wished he weren’t here after all.
“Those yahoos with Global Justice,” she answered with a roll of her eyes.
“Ah.” He tentatively reached for a slice of pizza and inspected the toppings as if expecting to find it laced with poison. A half-smile almost made it onto Shilo’s face, watching him check the food over suspiciously with the same distrust she’d had of his cooking when she’d returned from Go City some weeks ago.
“It wasn’t our fault we drifted apart,” Mickey went on. “When you came back, you had a new name, you had no time for us, and you had people watching your every move. You turned into a nark.”
Drakken snorted on an incredulous laugh and Shilo shot him a glare that silenced him.
“I was not a nark,” she defended. She realized the old friend had stepped closer, but she couldn’t bring herself to step back even as she struggled to glare up into his eyes.
“When we found out you weren’t Shego anymore, we figured it was safe to come see Shilo,” said Mickey, standing decidedly too close. She nearly dropped her plate, but he set it aside, one heavy hand landing gently on her shoulder and a soft hypnotic smile on his face.
Dr. Drakken’s arched brow in her peripheral was barely enough incentive for her to push the paw off.
“It doesn’t change anything. What she did was unforgivable,” she barely stuttered out, barely holding fast to her resolve. Before Mickey could open his mouth in the girl’s defense, she vehemently added, “You don’t know the half of it.” Priscilla Kimbley had done Shilo Gough more wrong than she cared to recount – much more than moving in on some playground crush and abandoning her when she needed a friend the most. She couldn’t prove it, but Shilo was positive the girl had played a part in dragging Shego’s name through the mud and putting her family in undue peril on more than one occasion. Just thinking about it was almost enough for fire to flare in her palms without her say-so.
“We just want a chance to be friends again,” swore Mickey, hands up as if in peace. “We’re trying to make up here.”
She didn’t want to buy into it, even if irrationally compelled to. “What?” she croaked, and swallowed and tried again, skepticism barely rising to the surface. Just want to be friends again – what a load! She wracked her brains for some other reason and scoffed. “What did my brothers promise you? Participation trophies? A pat on the back for convincing me to go home? Give it up.”
The appeasing look on Mickey Goldsmith’s face dissolved quickly, replaced by a frown. “Hey, if they wanted me to bring you back to Go, they’d have to cough up the dough first, babe. Plus, I wouldn’t have to waste time bringing you pizza to sucker you into anything when I could do it with one finger,” he arrogantly claimed. His single raised finger wagged in her face wasn’t the least bit threatening.
She felt like she was only going through the motions when she snorted and set her hands on her hips, barely mustering up an inkling of the alien heat that so often came hand-in-hand with the anger she could really use right about now. “What’s that supposed to mean? Think you can just throw me over your shoulder or someth—” Her trap shut, and it wasn’t entirely because Mickey placed his finger over her lips, leaving her mouth tingling.
Before she knew what had happened, her knees were weak. Everything was weak. Or maybe she wasn’t weak, but rather incredibly relaxed. Practically fainting on the spot, her legs buckled and she slumped forward, her limbs too useless to even catch herself, so Mickey did that for her, wrapping her up in his arms as if to bear-hug all objections out of her. Resisting was the last thing on her mind as the blissful warm tingle engulfed her. There was no better judgment left to be had. She let out a contented sigh and melted comfortably against the chest of the once-friend sweeping her off her useless, useless feet. It should have been concerning at the very least, but there was something profoundly calming about Mickey Goldsmith that worked wonders every time. She’d never given it much thought before. There’d always been other factors involved.
Drakken’s furious demand, “What did you do to her?” didn’t belong in the same room. It couldn’t possibly when she was this blissfully at ease.
“Don’t worry about it,” answered Mickey calmly, not a care in the world. As it should be. “She’s perfectly fine.”
Shilo felt gravity working against her to pry her from his grip, but she was stronger than gravity and stubbornly held on tight enough to defy it. Mickey sighed and sat with her in his lap instead, her bedsprings creaking protest beneath his weight.
A very distant fear of being drugged ragged at the very back of her mind, but she couldn’t keep a clear head long enough to recall if Mickey had eaten a slice of pizza too or not, or if Drakken had, but those worries soon dissipated. She was more concerned with the dopy laugh she couldn’t keep from bubbling out of her, and though she swore it should have humiliated her, she didn’t burn up with alien fire.
As the effects began to ebb ever so slightly, there was something increasingly familiar about the sensation. “You did this before,” she said, or maybe slurred. “Back when we used to veg out at your place.” The effects were wearing off that much quicker. “I thought it was just the weed.” Granted, she couldn’t recall being this sedated before.
Mickey had gone tense, too tense for her liking. He cleared his throat lightly, and a hand was rubbing her back. “Uh, yeah. It’s relaxing though, isn’t it?”
She hooked her chin over her friend’s shoulder and tried to nod. “It is,” she agreed. How could she not?
“What is?” sputtered Drakken nearby. “What’s relaxing? What just happened?” The concern in his tone was unwarranted in her opinion, but no one was asking her.
“You should lie down for a bit,” Mickey suggested, and it was the last thing she heard before her head hit the pillow. Lulled by the soothing warm tingle Mickey’s hand on her shoulder left behind, her eyelids slid shut before she knew it.
When flickering light and muffled sound pulled her back from the vulnerable state of unconsciousness, she cracked her eyes open to the television playing some space documentary, the drone of the narrator almost enough to put her back to sleep. On the rug nearby sat a man disappointingly smaller than Mickey, but Drakken’s familiar shoulders and unkempt hair was a sight for sore eyes nonetheless. She reached futilely out to him before letting her hand drop and hang over the edge of the bed. Green sparks glittered down to her fingertips when the wish to pull him up to her crossed her mind.
She must have groaned or something because Drakken tried to cast a glance back, although the television had him fixated. “Have a nice nap?” he asked anyway.
“The best,” she answered wryly, though truth be told, she couldn’t say it hadn’t been. She rubbed her eyes with a fist until she saw more stars than the television offered. She froze mid-yawn and propped herself up on an elbow, a scowl fixing on Drakken suddenly. “What are you doing here?” she blurted.
“Making sure that guy doesn’t come back,” he grumbled. “I don’t trust him.”
She had no idea why she was inclined to mumble, “I do.”
Drakken turned an incredulous look back on her. “After what he did?”
“What’d he do?” She raised her brow at him, and the longer he stared at her, the stupider she felt. Heat returned to her cheeks, and she flopped back in her bed, hands tucked in her armpits just to be on the safe side.
“I don’t know! He just started shining – and then you collapsed and started babbling like you’d just had laughing gas,” Drakken explained, and she could only grimace at his hand-flailing exasperation. He crossed his arms suddenly and slumped, back against the edge of the bed. “The guy said he didn’t mean to overdo it. I don’t know what he did, but I think he did mean to.”
Shilo didn’t bother trying to understand him. A trace of the high still hummed pleasantly through her veins. Instead she stretched hugely, from her fingers to her toes, and was too at peace to think twice when she sighed, “He’s golden.”
“Not what I would call him,” grumbled Drakken. “More like very strange and not to be trusted. Not if he can – if he can do whatever it was he did to you.”
She scoffed. “You mean help me relax?”
Suddenly Drakken was leaping up. She didn’t miss his ears tinged purple. “Whoa! Alright, I don’t need to know the details on that front,” he announced decidedly, flapping a dismissive hand back at her. He stalked across the apartment to peek through the kitchen window. “I think you ought to come back to the lair tonight. You can crash on the couch, I don’t care. Just whatever, until they go away, or we can figure out how to counter whatever it was he did.” He stroked his chin and to himself he added in a mumble, “Adrenaline, maybe…”
“Don’t overthink it, Doc,” she called over, grudgingly hefting herself up. “The dude’s just really chill to be around.” She’d rather subject herself to Mickey than become a test subject again. The neighbor boy had helped her through some rough patches in her early days as Shego. She’d been under too much pressure back then to stop and consider the calm she felt with him in his basement might not have had anything to do with lavender candles or sharing a smoke.
Drakken frowned her way. “I’m going to have to trust your judgment on this, aren’t I?”
“Yup,” Shilo popped, her stare diverting away from him. She couldn’t help noticing the time and sighing. “You should get going, busy man,” she decided. She’d surely kept him long enough.
The idea didn’t seem to appeal to him as he frowned toward the door. Nonetheless, he stepped towards it. “I’ll swing by for you in the morning?”
Already seeking out pajamas in her dresser, she stifled another yawn and agreed, “Sounds good.”
“Last chance to come home – I mean, back to the lair,” stuttered Drakken, unlocking her front door. “Going once…twice?”
“I’ll be fine, Doc,” she swore, rolling her eyes and casting him a withering look. “Now beat it, before I blast you out.” In an empty threat, she raised a hand oozing with plasma. Whatever determination to stay at the lair she may have felt earlier was gone now, but she didn’t let it worry her the way it perplexed Drakken.
He peered back one last time before reluctantly leaving – only to step back in a second later to make her jump just as she’d been about to swap tops.
“What is it now?” she griped.
He pointed to the television. “Can I just finish watching this program?” He wore a sheepish grin, but she wasn’t sold. One last withering look from her, and he ducked back out, forfeiting without a fight, “Okay, okay, I’m going. Goodnight.”
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orokinarchives · 5 years
Nora Night Dialogue
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(Nightwave hype image)
Nightwave focuses on one particular story at a time, termed a "Series", beginning with The Wolf of Saturn Six as Series 1. While a Series is running, Nora presents a list of Acts, or challenges, for the Tenno to complete. Completing Acts will reward Nightwave Standing. Nora will give rewards upon reaching certain tiers of Standing (every 10.000 Standing), including a special currency which can be used to purchase rotating offerings. The Standing and currency are particular to each Series and expire when the Series ends.
Radio Scanner
Nora Night will occasionally broadcast messages over the Radio Scanner in the Tenno's Orbiter.
"Hey there, Dreamers. You hearin' me? I know you are. No need to say anythin'. A hand in yours, a voice for the speechless, a bedtime story for the sleepless. The name's Nora Night, and I got somethin' to say, sweet things. Nightwave is coming."
"A voice in the night, a half-remembered dream, rising to the surface of your consciousness, from backbrain to forebrain, a sound to a vision, pullin' up and… knockity-knock. Hello, Dreamers. Let's get to know one another."
"Hey, Dreamers. We are up and ready to party."
"To all of you driftin' out there in the black, mark the frequency. The time has come to act together. To open our eyes and gaze with utmost clarity past the present and into a future we create. Shoulder-to-shoulder. Mark the frequency."
"An echo, from long ago: 'For ten years I have been polishing this sword. Its frosty edge has never been put to the test. Now, I am holding it and showing it to you, sir: Is there anyone suffering from injustice?' Keep livin', Dreamers."
"In a world like this, it can be hard to have hope, when the man owns the system and the system serves to save the man, from us. But I'm here, Dreamers. To help you pierce that false fog. We'll chase it away with acts of beauty and – succeed or fail – face the foe, eyes open. As someone once said: 'If nothing saves us from death, may love at least save us from life.'"
"Acts of defiance, acts of generosity, acts of sacrifice… this is how we turn this system 'round. I'll take you there, Dreamers. I'll bring you back."
"Hey there, Dreamers. The Devil is home and the shades are up. That's right… it's just you and me, passin' each other slow and with a nod sayin' all that needs sayin'. I'm Nora Night, sayin'… you live with wolves, you better act like one."
"It can be tough as a kid. All sorts of people have it over you. People will kill you inside, kill you and forget your name. You grow up. They grow old. You remember. They don't. They just keep doing what they've always done, only to someone else. Then, one day, they call you friend. And you wait. And you wait. You wait 'til they can't trust you any more than they do. And then you ask them if they enjoyed their dinner. And, looking into their panicked eyes as they gasp their last, you tell them your name. And you nod. 'Yeah', your eyes say to theirs. 'That was me'. And then you leave. And the System is a better place. Be smart, Dreamers."
"Nora has it on good authority that Rail pirates are hungry after a cold weekend, sweet thing. Check your mags and keep the gas tanks full."
"Well, bad news, foodies: the Corpus are scrapping plans to bioengineer food from hazardous waste. Diners reported everything tasted like vermink… then exploded. Back to the lab, you crazy kids."
"Ah, Nef Anyo ain't best pleased by the actions of some of our friends. [deep sigh] Keep your heads down, Solaris United, and steer clear of Officer Friendly."
"Now, I hear remarked that Nef's obelisk is lit up for another of the big man's showcases, parties, soirées, whatever. On the invite list is anybody who is anybody, and nobody who is nobody. Even Nora Night didn't get an invite. Shame on you, Nef Anyo, for I am delightful."
"Grineer Galleons kickin' up dust all the way from Venus to Pluto. Watch your backs, people."
"A little bird tells me that nasty ol' Nef Anyo's got somethin' up his sleeve for the good people of Fortuna. But I have it on good authority help is on the way. Keep the faith, people. Sunshine is just around the corner."
"Well, it's early where Nora is, and, as she wipes the sleep from her eyes, she wonders… does Unum ever leave that Tower? Can she leave that Tower? Who is she? What is she? Someone in Cetus must have answers. Come on, sweet things. Give it up."
"On this cold and lonely eve, spare a thought for tractor jockeys, Rail agents, and lone travellers making their way. Trying to bring a little joy to people's lives, one shipment at a time."
"Nora has it on good authority that the enterprising Corpus are clearing out ice out of newly-discovered tunnels. For what purpose, she wonders?"
"Well, it's a lazy night between the stars for you and me, while out there, the System is still on fire. Grineer on Corpus, Corpus on Infested – and in between, the little people like you and me, well, we're just tryin' not to get stepped on. Here's to us, Dreamers."
"Nora here. The Red King is at the dance. But listen… as you drift between the stars, Nora wants you to know you ain't alone. Mm-mm. We're all of us a kinda family out here, ain't we? All of us. The multitudes. Driftin' and listenin'. But you need to remember: It never troubles the wolf how many the sheep may be. It never troubles the wolf."
"Somethin's out there, Dreamers. Nora can feel it. Pullin' at her waters like the moon pulls the tides. Somethin' big, an' somethin' old. It knows us. What will it say, I wonder, the day it steps up to our door and knocks?"
"We're out of the night and into the dawn. Still hangin' on in a System on fire, thanks to the good work of people like the Tenno. That's a thank-you, from Nora to you. Wherever you are."
"Do you feel the next world press close, on these late nights, Dreamers? Nora does. She feels the presence of those she lost, the great and the good. Gods and ghosts. We are watched – bet on it – by those who dwell in the direction we cannot point to."
"Flattery, flattery charges my battery. Some people ask where they can send me gifts. Some want to take me out to dinner. One lonesome ol' Rail agent even asked Nora to marry him. Nora ain't the marryin' kind, but thank you. Was in love once. With a man. Face of an angel, morals of a chainsaw. We all have a type, don't we? Against which we must be forever on guard. But damn, he looked good in a suit."
"Dreamers, it's on these long and quiet nights I ask myself: How could I do more, and do it better? And then, something I read a long time ago whispers in my ear: 'All human activities are equivalent and all are on principle doomed to failure. Thus it amounts to the same thing whether one gets drunk alone or is a leader of nations.' And, Dreamers, I pour myself a drink."
"People ask me if it gets lonely out here. I say, lonely? Naw. I got all the company I need. I got you, sweet things. Ain't nothin' for Nora in the real world, 'cept trouble. Trouble, and a few yahoos she could box for a century without a tea break."
Opening Nightwave
"Now, just in case some of you ain't doin' all this outta the kindness of your hearts…."
"Nora's got the goods for one lucky Dreamer. Who's it gonna be?"
"Now, y'might be wonderin' if I'm holdin' back on y'all. Hmm, Dreamers…."
"Nora is all about incentivisin'."
"Who have we got on the line? Oh yeah, I don't have a line."
"Always a pleasure."
"What's on your mind, Dreamers?"
"It's that time again, Dreamers."
"Shall we?"
(upon viewing Episode 1 of a series) "Greed. Brutality. Oppression. True stories, all, and the System is full of them. Dreamers? You listening? The System needs you performing your good deeds for the day. Nora needs it. Needs you to act. To change things. Hear the news, Dreamers. Hear it, or be it. Your call. Because in Nora's System, no good act goes unrewarded. This is Nora Night. You're listening to Nightwave."
(when the Tenno reaches Rank 1, variant) "Well well, looks like things are kickin' off."
(when the Tenno reaches Rank 1, variant) "And we are away."
(when the Tenno reaches Rank 1, variant) "Nora wants to reach out to all of you and say: welcome to the family."
(when the Tenno advances in rank, variant) "Nora sleeps better knowing her Dreamers are out there, workin' to lift us up."
(when the Tenno advances in rank, variant) "Don't stop believin', Dreamers."
(when the Tenno advances in rank, variant) "You keep bein' you, Dreamers."
(when the Tenno reaches Rank 15, variant) "We got as many miles behind us as we do before us, but, Dreamers, we got this."
(when the Tenno reaches Rank 15, variant) "Sometimes the end never seems further than when you're halfway there. But I'm here to tell you all that you got this thing beat."
(when the Tenno reaches Rank 30, variant) "Some are born to greatness. Some have greatness thrust upon them. The rest of us, we just have to work at it. You all know who you are."
(when the Tenno reaches Rank 30, variant) "Never doubt yourselves, Dreamers. This System's up for grabs, and we are comin' for it with both hands, yes we are."
(when the Tenno reaches Rank 30, variant) "Ain't no stoppin' someone who knows their worth. Nora's feelin' good about the state of things tonight, yes she is."
Exiting Nightwave
"Let's get back to it."
"Til then."
"Ta ta, lovelies."
"It's time for Nora to say goodnight."
"You know it."
"Let's check what's next."
"And we're out."
"That's all we have time for."
"Comin' up next."
"That's all from me."
Completing Act
"Ladies and gentlemen, listeners of all ages, I present to you, walking amongst us, the once and future badass!"
"Dreamers, I have for you a tale of triumph over adversity. Of one person actin' true to their truest self."
"Word's comin' in of so many of you bein' your best selves. Nora is just beside herself with admiration."
"Things seem tough, Nora knows, but believe: though it's going outta style, there are people workin' to make this System a better place."
"Dreamers, Dreamers, Dreamers! There just is no holding you back!"
"Get comfy, Dreamers; one of our own believes they are the equal of our foe and, baby, they are actin' like it."
"You wanna hit those high notes, you gotta mean it."
"If it's useful, do it."
"Any y'all see the feeds light up? It's goin' down, kids."
"Well, well, well. Looks like some serious crud is going down out there. Here's to you, anonymous troublemaker."
"From little things big things grow, Dreamers. I believe in you all."
"Many things have been taken from us, it's true. But Fortune favours the bold… and there ain't none so bold as people with nothin' to lose.
"You're making waves, Dreamers. I can feel it."
Nightwave series
Series 1: The Wolf of Saturn Six (27 Feb 2019 – 19 May 2019)
Intermission (12 June 2019 – 05 July 2019)
Series 2: The Emissary (06 July 2019 – current)
[Navigation: Hub → Dialogue → Nora Night]
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Episode 14: Date Night At The Library
(King Falls AM Theme Plays)
Pete: Well that's why you're a damn fool, Sammy!
Sammy: Pete, I thought you weren't listening to King Falls AM ever again.
Pete: Oh you'd like that wouldn't you? No one keeping you on the straight and narrow, you roughed up rascal. I've got just the mind to stop.
Sammy: Of course you do, Pete
Pete: Don't push me cause close I'm close to the edddddge.
Sammy: Okay, the hotline is ringing I gotta let you go, buddy.
Pete: Say what? I'm done? Are you kidding me? I'm f**king destroying your Yelp page, alright? I got homies on yahoo answers that are gonna hear about this. It's gonna go straight down the grape vine and you're going -
Sammy: *hangs up on Pete* Hey, Ben?
Ben: Heyyyy, Sammy. This is weird, huh?
Sammy: For those of you just joining us, local King Falls apparition expert and our beloved co-host Ben Arnold-
Ben: Ohhh, stop.
Sammy: - is not in the station with me this evening, but is actually conducting an on-site interview -
Ben: And investigation! Don't forget that part, Sammy.
Sammy: ...and investigation with Dan and Larry of the TV show Mission Apparition down at the King Fall's public library. You know Ben, of all the weird, kooky places that are "haunted"... why did you pick -
Ben: Dude, they just pulled in with their fancy van right before I called *laughs* I think they're bringing out the goofy googles and some protons packs. Who you gonna call?
Emily: Ghostbusters!
Sammy: Oh. Emily Potter. You know, I didn't expect you here.
Ben: Duh, how else was I gonna get into the library down here? I don't think Ol' Ms. Kilpatrick was gonna come let us in. Geez
Sammy: I was being sarcastic, Ben. Maybe you didn't notice because you were blinded by lo-
Ben: Don't.
Sammy: So you've been down at the library all evening with Emily while I've been here scrambling by myself in the studio?
Ben: You know I had to set up for the interview. There's... a lot of work that goes into this. Do you know how hard it is to set up a remote? Psh, this has not been all horseplay.
Sammy: Just some horseplay?
Ben: Not a lick. I mean none. You know how serious I am about prep.
Sammy: You're right.
Emily: Hi, Sammy!
Sammy: Hi, Emily!
Emily: Did you tell him that joke you told me, Benny? Tell it to Sammy.
Ben: I stand by my previous statement.
Sammy: Of course you do.
*knock on door*
Ben: Ahh! They're here! *hums Ghostbusters theme song*
Emily: I'll go let them in.
Ben: *still humming theme* …Ghostbusters!
Sammy: Folks, maybe you're thinking my esteemed colleague, Ben, has been down at a closed library with the girl he loves for-
Ben: Sammy, can we do this later?
Sammy: Only if you tell me that joke, Ben.
Ben: Uhhh, hey – uh, I'm Ben with Kings Falls AM. Thanks for coming.
Larry: What up, Ben. I'm Larry and this my partner, Dan. And together we are -
Larry and Dan: Mission Apparition!
Ben: That... is... a… very synchronized introduction, guys.
Dan: Thanks, Ben. So... this is the King Falls public library, huh? Very nice.
Larry: Creepy, man!
Emily: Hi! I'm Emily Potter. I'm the head librarian here. Thank you so much for coming to check the place out! It's been a... trying few months with the…. spirits we have here…. at odds with one another.
Dan: Not a problem at all. Anything to ease the mind of the dearly departed.
Ben: Jeez. Us. Jesus. You guys should do a Jerusalem episode.
Dan: You know, the ratings said "yes" but then Homeland Security actually said "no"... you can thank Larry and the funky (???) for that.
Larry: Maybe in 3 to 5!
Sammy: As Ben said, thank you guys so much for joining us here live on Kings Falls AM. That's 660 on the AM dial. It’s a pleasure to have you on tonight.
Dan: *clearing his throat* Is…uh.. is this Sammy Stevens?
Sammy: That it is.
Dan: Yeah you know I noticed you aren’t here live after your big email writing skills, Sammy. You afraid of what we’ll find tonight? Or of looking Mission Apparition in the eyes after your disparaging remarks?
Sammy: You know that actually wasn’t m –
Ben: *clearing throat loudly*
Sammy: Yes…let’s go with that. Either one of them.
Ben: Thanks, Sammy.
Larry:  I’ve got the gear, Dan! Wh-where do we start?
Ben: Oh, we can head over to the –
Dan: Let’s listen to the lovely Miss Emily… we are indeed guests in your den of enlightenment.
Ben: *scoffs*
Emily: Ben has a lovely interview area set up right over here. Maybe we should start there first, Ben?
Ben: That’d be –
Dan: That’d be terrific. Emily, after you.
Ben: *laughs nervously* Did you guys find us alright? Tonight?
Larry: Ben, you wouldn’t believe it! We got awful lost comin up the mountain. I mean, turned around something stupid – like 20-25 minutes? *laughing* GPS, right?
Dan: I mean sometimes you can’t trust technology to steer ya straight. Sometimes you just have to navigate…with your heart. Isn’t that right, heh, Emily?
Ben: Well maybe if you steer with your heart too much it’ll lead you to that weird shaman from Temple of Doom. And… you lose your heart.
Sammy: What Ben was trying to say was, uh- Sweetser Forest- that’s where you guys were, right?
Larry: Hell yeah it was!
Ben: Maybe if you did your homework *laughs condescendingly* you’d know it’s another of the spirits here in King Falls. General Abaline.
Dan: Ah. Huh, that makes sense. He leads travelers away from the bloodiest battle in King Falls history.
Emily: That’s right, Dan! Really studied up.
Ben: Yeah. DAN. Good job. Really. So good.
Sammy: You know what everybody? Just to keep us on schedule, I think we’re gonna take a real quick break. You guys can get settled in and after the break then we’ll take some calls.
Larry: Lookin’ forward to it, bros! And broette…
Sammy: Ladies and gents, we’ll be right back after this message from our sponsor.
 *Soothing piano music* *relaxing mellow Ron Burgundy type voice*
“Rich McGuff’s Leather Bound Books isn’t your normal neighborhood book store. Figure it more as a rustic but magical menagerie of information. Sweet, succulent knowledge. Knowledge that can only be found in a 1st edition leather bound book. I know what you’re thinking: there’s 2nd edition books, 3rd edition books… hell, there’s even 4th edition books. But come on, at that point you’re basically reading hieroglyphics etched into petrified road apples. 1st edition leather bound books are where it’s at. There’s nothing better in the world than the leather luxury and spine of a 1st edition book can provide, in your silky soft hands.  There’s no better place to find a better book you need - dare I say, desire -  than Rich McGuff’s Leather Bound Books. From Dr. Suess to Dr. Love, we’ve got you covered. Pun intended. Rich McGuff’s Leather Bound Books… Because You F*ckin’ Deserve It”
 (Welcome to 660 theme plays)
Sammy: You’re back with Sammy and Ben and we got a special treat for you tonight. Our very own Ben Arnold is with Emily Potter at the King Fall’s Public Library interviewing Dan and Larry from the astounding popular hit TV show Mission Apparition.
Larry: Sunday nights at 8 on Spook TV! Channel 13.
Sammy: Dan, Larry, now, you gentleman have one of the top TV programs in the nation, and I’d venture to say that you’ve seen probably everything one could imagine. What would you say is the craziest thing you’ve seen?
Larry: Ooo, Sammy! This one time up in –
Dan: You know, we don’t ever say that things are “crazy” in our line of work, Sammy. We are dealing with souls that don’t know where they are or why they are here. Astral Projections trapped in a physical world. Lost, scared…crazy is not part of the equation.
Ben: So, on your show –
Larry and Dan: Mission Apparition
Ben: Right. Uh, well, the show oddly gets massive ratings. There’s a lot of detractors -critics - and viewers saying there isn’t really any signs behind your work and that basically you guys are just...well, uh, shysters.
Dan: Oh, yeah, right…shysters. Like ol’ Sammy up in the studio, right?
Sammy: Ya know, I didn’t really write –
Ben: SAMMY. Let the guests answer… please.
Larry: The show speaks for itself, ya know, Ben? Dan and I share love for the paranormal world and we just wanna know about these lost souls and what we can do to get them back where they belong.
Dan: Larry, you eloquent son of a (censored). I just teared a little in my tear hole.
Emily: Aww. I love that you two take your jobs so seriously.
Ben: *clears throat in annoyance*
Sammy: Would you guys be cool taking some phone calls?
Dan: We absolutely love speaking with our fans. Bring it on, Benedict Samuel.
Ben: Sorry, Sammy…
Sammy: Uh-huh…
Ben: Give us a call here, folks. And speak with “world renowned paranormal experts” *chuckles* Um, sorry. Dan and Larry from Mission Apparition. 424-279-3858
Sammy: Or you can tweet us @KingFallsAM and we’ll pass on your questions and comments.
Dan: *whispering* What’s that perfume you’re wearing? It’s exquisite.
Emily: Oh, do you like it? It’s Clin-
Ben: EXPENSIVE. Someone who must really care for her must’ve gotten that for her birthday after she said “Hey, that’s too much for a bottle of perfume, BEN” but they did it anyway because she means that much and MORE to them.
Dan: It’s nice…
Sammy: Okay. So the phone lines are lighting up. Let’s give Lucky Line 1 a try. Good evening you’re on with Mission Apparition.
Caller: Oh yeah, baby, I’m just lovin the show, boys. All them spooks.
Dan and Ben: Apparitions.
Sammy: And who are we speaking with?
Caller: Oh yeah. This is Doyle. Doyle Bevens. How you doin’ Sammy?
Sammy: Real well, Doyle.
Doyle: How y’all doin this evening, Mission Apparition?
Dan: Doing just fine, sir. Do…you have a question for us?
Doyle: You better believe it. So, I live up the street on ol’ Hollybrook-
Larry: We’re not from here… so, I’m not exactly sure where Hollybrook is –
Doyle: Can I finish, Larry? Can I finish?
Sammy: Let’s stay on topic, Doyle. So, do you have a question for the team?
Doyle: 10-4, Shotgun. So, I got this apartment up the ways, right?
Dan: We’re following, Doyle.
Doyle: Sometimes, late at night, I get this real hungry feeling rumbling around in my tummy even though I’ve already eaten, right? So, I go pre-heat my little toaster oven-
Doyle: Then WAPPA-DOPPA! That thing will snap right shut up on me. Just a growling *makes growling noises* and it won’t open up for the life of me. Just got my hot-pocket stuck in there like it’s in a toaster over purgatory, fellas.
Sammy: Is it the craziest th-
Doyle: Craziest thing you ever saw, boys.
Ben…Can we take another caller, Sammy?
Dan: Uh, excuse me – it was Doyle, correct?
Doyle: You got it, boss man.
Dan: Are you saying that your toaster is experiencing a haunting?
Doyle: *chuckles* Oh, don’t you know it.
Dan: You know, Doyle, it’s not uncommon in our line of work to see this. *cheesy sentimental music starts playing* When you look at the toaster oven, how does it make you feel?
Doyle: It makes me sad, brah. Trappin up like that… I just wanna work with it. Make some goodies. Teamwork. Universal harmony, brahs.
Dan: Next time one of these late-night experiences happen, look at it. I mean, really look at the toaster and say these simple words, “I forgive you… you can go home now”
Doyle: That is heart wrentchin’, Danny Boy.
Dan: I believe you’re gonna see a world of difference.
Sammy: Thanks for the call, Doyle.
Ben: If anyone has any other… I don’t know, REAL things that happen with spirits…give us a call.
Dan: Don’t downplay it, Ben. You can’t be too careful. You should be thankful it’s not your toaster.
Sammy: Line 4 you’re on King Falls AM.
Troy: Hey, Sammy. Ben. Emily. Dan. Larry….
Sammy: Hey, Troy… how ya holding up, buddy?
Troy: I’m okay… just wanted to call in and tell Dan and Larry I’m a big fan.
Ben: You off duty, Troy?
Troy: YEAH, BEN. I’m off duty.
Ben: I, uh, was asking because I’m worried about what the mayor said. N-not to rub your nose in it, man.
Troy: I’m sorry, Ben. I…I’m just touchy like my great Uncle Herb.
Sammy: We’re really sorry about the mess we put you in, Troy.
Troy: Shucks, it ain’t nothin’ on you, fellas. I just need to be more responsible with my time while I’m an officer of the law. Says Sherriff Gunderson and newly introduced municipal code 4.02.051.
Sammy: You know what, we’ll talk real soon, Troy. We do have Dan and Larry here if you’d like to –
Troy: Just a big fan of you, boys. Mission Apparition is can’t miss in the Krieghauser household.
Dan: We appreciate it, Deputy.
Larry: Yeah, man. Thanks for watching the show!
Troy: Keep on doin good work, guys. Sammy. Ben. I’ll talk at ya soon.
Ben: Bye, Troy…
Troy: Bye, Ben…
Sammy: Thanks for the call, Troy. Take care. Line 10 you’re on with Sammy and Ben.
Greg: Hey, Sammy! It’s Greg Frickard!
Sammy: Hey, Greg. Nice hearing from you. Are you a big fan of Dan and Larry’s show?
Greg: … Yeeeah, uh, not really, no. Granny doesn’t like the jump scares at her age so I don’t get a lot of time to watch the ol’ boob tube to myself. I was actually calling to see if I could speak to Emily? If that’s okay?
Ben: We, uh, w-we got a bad connection. Sammy, you-you’re breaking up I can’t, uh, hardly hear-
Emily: I’m here! How are you doing, Greg?
Ben: You serious, Greg??
Greg: Well, hey! Hi, Emily! I’m a big fan of your work.
Dan: Uh, sir? Are you talking to Emily or Mission Apparition?
Greg: I’m speaking to Miss Potter, slimer. Do you mind?
Ben: *through gritted teeth* Can we please stay on topic or go to another call. Sammy?
Emily: Ben, it’s alright… did you say you were a big fan?
Greg: Oh, yeah! I really think you’re doing some…amazing things. I – uh – down at the library! The, uh, the reference section re-shelving? Really makes the back area of the 2nd floor POP.
Emily: You think so? I didn’t think anybody noticed!
Greg: Oh. Oh I noticed. It’s really nice.
Sammy: Greg, we appreciate you calling in, but the Mission Apparition guys are about to do a little investigation down at the library themselves.
Ben: And not the hiding behind the Encyclopedia Britannica kind, Greg.
Greg: Oh, sure thing, Sammy. Could you just give me one second before you cut me off?  
Sammy: Um, sure.
Emily: What’s on your mind, Greg?
Greg: Emily? I’ve been studying you from afar for… well, longer than I’d like to admit.
Emily: Oh…okay. Thank you?
Ben: *more excessive throat clearing*
Greg: And I know you’re pretty good friends with Ben there, but… I’ll be honest… I’d really like a chance to court you myself. Ben said you two were only pals…
Emily: You know, Greg, you sound like a really nice guy. And I’ve actually been down to Granny Frickards.
Greg: Oh, man… I’m happy to hear that! And I am a nice guy!
Dan: Uh, guys? I’m so sorry to break up the love fest that’s happening here, but is Ben okay?
Ben: *additional angry throat noises*
Greg: I’m just putting it all out there, Emily. And I don’t need an answer now, but I just think you’re the most beautiful thing in all of King Falls, and I would regret it for all of my days if I didn’t do my darndest to tell you how I feel.
Emily: Oh, wow. That’s, uh, really sweet, Greg. I think maybe that’s something we can *strange sudden loud noise* *Emily gasps*
Larry: It’s got him! HOLY (censored) IT’S GOT HIM
*sounds of book shelves rattling*
Ben: *gasping like he’s being strangled*
Emily: OH MY, GOD! BEN!
Sammy: Is everything okay, guys? BEN?!
Greg: You tell me, Sammy – yeesh. A man staples his heart to his sleeve and all I hear about is –
Sammy: GREG! We’re gonna have to talk to you later. We got a situation, it seems.
Greg: *quickly* I LOVE YOU EMILY *line disconnects*
Emily: Somebody help me! Do something!
*sounds of Ben struggling*
Emily: PUT HIM DOWN! Right now! I MEAN IT!
Dan: Yes! Do what she says! You magnificent ethereal being!
Larry: Sammy, it’s Larry. You gotta call your deputy buddy! It’s getting crazy here. That phantom! It’s choking Ben!
*More sounds of Ben struggling*
Sammy: I-okay-I’m sorry. What was that again? I thought I heard-
Larry: Some sort of see-through being is choking your buddy Ben! Then he picked him ten feet in the air and-and I can’t watch! It’s too much!
Dan: You put that man down this instant, John Wilkes Booth!
Sammy: Okay, did somebody just say John Wilkes Booth?!
Ben: *struggling* YOU. RACIST.
Larry: He- he’s gonna throw Ben!
Emily: Sammy! Please call Deputy Troy!
Larry: He got loose! Ben got loose!
*more chaotic sounds - book shelves rattling – fire crackling*
Ben: What the (censored) is going on here?!
Sammy: Ben! Are you okay?! What –
Ben: Larry! Get the doors open! We gotta get out of here!
Emily: Ben? I was so scared… Are you okay?
Ben: I- I’m okay. We gotta get out of the library! (censored) is hitting the fan, Sammy! I was pacing back away from the group and that mustachioed son of a (censored) grabbed me!
Sammy: Ben, please be careful. I just texted Troy. I think he’s heading up there right now. You don’t have to stay on the air! Get out of there!
Dan: 4 scores and a 5 dollar bill, that’s Abraham Lincoln!
Sammy: What?!
Larry: President Abe Lincoln has got a big ass gun! We gotta go, Dan!
Ben: Emily! Stay down! President Lincoln has a-a-a ghost Gatling gun, man! I think he’s about to blow Booth to hell and back!
Larry: Oh (censored) yeah that’s a Gatling gun. The doors open, Dan! You gotta get the hell away from there! MOVE YOUR ASS. LET’S BOOT.
Dan: Larry, get back here right now! We gotta film this! Larry, grab the camera!
*more chaotic noises*
Ben: Emily, let’s go. Sammy, we gotta split. I don’t know how ghost bullets work, but I don’t wanna stick around to find out.
Sammy: Get outta there, Ben! Be careful!
Dan: No, no, no – wait, wait, wait! Don’t shoot, Mr. President! The camera isn’t on yet! Mr. President, we are on the same page here! This guy shot you in a theater- you should be angry! You should be furious! This Gatling gun should be going! On your mark – no, no, no, no, no! Go back! Go back! Mr. President, we aren’t rolling yet, we aren’t rolling! No!!!!!!
President Lincoln: John Wilkes Booth! Four score and a cap in your ass! *sounds of gunfire*
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