#ai program epsilon
january-summers · 4 months
You know what probably would have fucking destroyed me as an ending to the Shizno Paradox?
If at some point they’d managed to ‘rescue’ Epsilon (but not really, this Epsilon is just an echo, a message left behind, the memory of a ghost that can’t linger much longer) but he’s degrading all over again, and he knows it. They all know it.
At least he got to say goodbye properly this time.
And Wash has to walk out into that bullet.
He’s got his brave face on, he won’t let them know he’s scared because they’re all already so afraid, Carolina’s afraid.
And so is he, but he has to be brave or the universe dies.
But Wash can’t make himself take that first step.
He has to but he can’t.
And then Epsilon’s voice is in his ear, coming through his radio.
“Hey. You want some company?”
“Yeah… please.”
And they go together.
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skneees · 1 year
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walks into a dead fandom. hello. i have gifts,
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1.) okay so tex is an ai based on the memories this one dickhead dude has of his dead wife, allison. there's also an ai based on the dickhead dude himself, his name's church. all the stuff with the ai's and the different versions of her is kind of confusing to explain but she sort of dies twice- first sacrificing herself for something that has very little narrative weight, and being absorbed into a kind of . monstrous mesh of other ai's (including the original church ai) that then is erased, with basically no mention of tex, it's all about church's death.
then, there's another version of both church and tex born from the original church ai's memories (epsilon-tex and epsilon-church). epsilon-church's arc is basically about learning to move on from his past and let go of tex, because he's kind of obsessed with her and it's preventing him from progressing. so, epsilon-church 'forgets' tex, deleting her for good. tl;dr she dies, again, basically entirely for church's development.
when i was a kid super into rvb i was always really disinterested in tex and looking back it's because er story just.. isn't resolved satisfyingly at all. basically all of her story is hitched so tightly to church's story and development that tex barely gets room to be more than a memory of the director's dead wife- she never gets to move past the circumstances that created her and become her own person entirely divorced from the director or from church- allison died and we never knew anything about her besides that the director god sad about it. beta-tex died unceremoniously and without mention. epsilon-tex died for church's character growth.
quoting church's own words from the show: ""She died in her real life, and that's all the Director ever remembered of her. So now, no matter how tough she is, no matter how hard she fights, she's always going to fail, because that's what she's based on. No matter what she's doing, or what she's trying to accomplish, just when her goal is within her reach, it gets yanked away. Every. Single. Time." and she just never… actually overcomes this. she just dies.
and quoting now-inactive tumblr user epsilontucker from 2015 who put it better than i could: "Tex’s whole life was spent fighting for agency. Freedom from what Omega wanted her to be (O’Malley), what the Director wanted her to be (Allison), what Church wanted her to be (his). Epsilon-Tex wanted to know who she was and why she was and she wanted to dismantle everything Church ever built. Especially because he built it for her.
And this character arc about freedom and agency, about a chance to define herself on her own terms, is resolved by… Church deciding to delete her.
Because everybody always seems to know what’s best for Tex."
this is also to say nothing of the treatment of her character on just, like, an episode-to-episode basis. rvb has a big problem with basically treating "bitch" as a personality trait for female characters, and tex gets some of the worst of it. if you made a drinking game of how often tex gets called a bitch, or a huge bitch, you'd die of alcohol poisoning. also at one point andy the bomb makes a bunch of transmisogynistic jokes at her because she's suppsoedly mannish (she's not masculine or feminine really everybody in this show is a multicolor master chief. she's just good at fighting) and then calls her a dyke. the end
2.) Some background (spoilers): Tex is introduced as a badass mercenary from Project Freelancer, and the ex girlfriend of Church, the main character of the show. It is eventually revealed she and Church are both Aritifical Intelligence programs; Church is an AI copy of the Director of Project Freelancer, and Tex is a copy of the Director's late wife.
Firstly she is straightforwardly the victim of misogynistic "jokes" for the first several seasons. She is called misogynistic slurs, shamed for sleeping with other men besides Church, she cannot work the entertainment stand at the base bc she's female, called lesbophobic and transmysogonistic slurs bc she is a competent soldier, and blackmails another female character out of jealousy bc she is the only other girl in the group.
Even when these jokes go away, and the show transitions from comedy to drama, her writing revolves around the male characters around her. Because she is the personification of the memory of the Director's dead wife, and his perceieved failure to save her, she explicitly, in the text, will always fail at what she sets out to accomplish no matter how strong she is. She wishes to be free of the cycle of being resurrected bc Church can't live without her only to fail and die again, but lacks the agency to end it without Church. Church's arc about learning to let her go ends not with her being free to exist as her own person without him, but with him forgetting her. Since she IS his memory, this ERASES HER FROM EXISTENCE. She literally cannot exist without this guy.
This would all be easier to swallow if she wasn't the ONLY prominent female main character for 8 whole seasons. It's a beautiful story about how grief can fester into anger and a need for control, and how that pushes away the people you love, but it's a story entirely centered around Church's development, in which she is a prop that stops existing when the story is over. I love her but she deserved so much better than she got.
3.) girlboss
1.) One of the most prominent brown women in all of comics, beloved by the fan base. Recently killed in a PETER PARKER SPIDERMAN COMIC (despite being much closer with Miles Morales and having basically no relationship with Peter) in what's probably the name of MCU synergy, which nobody wanted (she'll probably be resurrected as a mutant, erasing her unique and interesting history as an Inhuman). She was using her shapeshifting powers again despite having stopped in her solo as she got more confident in her own skin and identity as a Pakistani American girl, died disguised as the very white Mary Jane as a fake out/last minute replacement for killing off MJ. I fucking hate it here. A cheap trick to drive sales. L + Misogyny + racism + are you fucking kidding me
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pjmslave · 6 months
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Major Thaddaeus Scott Barker, PhD was called Scott by the few people that were allowed to use his first name. Almost always he was addressed as Major Barker. He was the administrator of a facility in a barren lifeless desert within the only nation state that had the resources to research what was being researched. Major Barker liked to think of this project as being the next stage of evolution. Not for mankind, but for the soldiers who would defend the freedom of the nation state.
The research was so secret that not even the elected leaders of the nation state were aware of its existence. All document detailing what was being accomplished at the facility stayed at the facility. No reports were filed with those individuals in the chain of command above Major Barker. Even the funds used to run the facility were buried so deep with each and every allocation of defense funds as to obscure them from discovery.
If anyone investigated the facility, they were informed it was a high tech secret weapon development facility. But nobody ever investigated. Nobody cared to know. Regardless, Major Barker filed reports to his superiors on the fictional weapons that were being developed at his facility. All of the reports generated culled information for other weapon development sites. Major Barker only padded them with hundreds of pages of pseudo-science to make the reports unreadable. Nobody even tried to read them.
The facility comprised fifty men and women with no less than one PhD who had been enticed to join the project by offering them a huge stipend in addition to their military pay. Several of the scientific staff had multiple PhDs. Of course, none of these individuals realized they would be so removed from civilization as to make it impossible to spend any money at all.
All fifty had been carefully selected by Major Barker over the years as the project needs grew. They had been given a battery of psychological and ethnics testing to ensure they would actively do what ever was necessary to participate in such advanced research. Their research required the use of human beings.
All fifty required some degree of additional mental conditioning to go from using rats and monkeys in their research to actually using men and women in their research. Every six months or so, ten to fifteen homeless individuals were harvested from various locations so they could be used in the research vital to the nation state’s defense. The fifty scientists had been fully condition to see these men and woman as inferior to them. A drain on the limited resources of their nation state.
These homeless individuals were viewed not as human but as ‘lab rats’ by the scientists. Only three (two women, one man) had objected to the use of human beings as lab rats. They had been removed from the project and placed in confinement. After months of being subjected to heavy brainwashing techniques which had been developed at the facility, all three returned to the project.
After ten years and some six hundred forty-two experiments on individuals, Major Barker had been invited to see the latest breakthrough. Previous research had managed to drain the human subjects of all of their humanity. Next, they succeeded in formatting their lab rats’ brains to obey all commands. Of course, the individual required each and every movement to be commanded. It was not enough to command, ‘eat food.’ Each and every step required to ‘eat food’ had to be commanded. An incredibly tedious and complex undertaking.
Today, Major Barker was to witness a man, who had once been a janitor at the facility, be controlled solely by external means. Lieutenant Ellenor Brooke Evans, PhD had developed an AI bot that could be programmed into a state of the art laptop that would be used to control the janitor. The AI bot would control everything the man did. The janitor had given his name to be one Victor Forbes. Of course, once he was selected as ‘lab rat’ he was given the designation Epsilon Victor Nine, or Victor Nine for short.
Major Barker was proud of Lieutenant Evans’ work. She was one of the three who had to be further encouraged to do what had to be done. Major Barker first saw her next to Victor Nine. She was ensuring all connections were tight. At one point she grabbed the smallish computer attached to Victor Nine’s scalp was secure.
Major Barker took the center seat in the control room. He leaned forward to depress the mic button. “Okay Evans, show me what you have done?”
As Major Barker waited for Lieutenant Evens to arrive into the control room, he marveled at the change in Victor Nine. The lab rat was totally nude except for the computer attached to its head and some other gadget attached to his left forearm. Victor Nine’s skin tone was silver, identical to the rest of the lab rats currently in use.
For just a second, Major Barker focus on the fifteen centimeter cock hanging in the man’s groin. It also was now colored silver. Major Barker’s mouth watered as he wondered if the cock was even functional. “I so could suck on that.” Major Barker thought to himself.
But what so amazed Major Barker was the complete change in Victor Nine. The once scrawny boy of nineteen who had never seen the inside of a gym and might have weighed in the sixty kilogram range had added no less than fifty kilograms of newly formed muscle.
Major Barker’s first question of Evans was, “How did you accomplish the muscles?”
Evan answered the question with another question, “How many push-ups do you want it to do, Sir?”
“Thirty six, in three groups of twelve.”
With that Evans pulled out a computer pad. Her fingers pressed multiple icons. Once completed, she reached over to activate the speaker which picked up the sounds of the room where Victor Nine was located.
Major Barked was amazed as he heard Victor Nine report, “Task downloading.” He was even more impressed as he watched Victor Nine fall to the floor and begin counting the pushups it was doing. “One. Two. Three.” And so forth.
When Victor nine announced the twelfth push up he paused slightly then continued. It began with “Two! Two. Three. Four.” And so forth.
Evans asked, “Would you be wanting any sit ups?”
Major Barker replied, “No. The push up are impressive enough. Return it to a standing position when it completes its current task.”
Evans inputted the necessary command via her computer pad. When Victor Nine returned to a standing position, Evans leaned over the computer panel in the control room. She clicked on the mic and in a commanding voice said, “Attention!”
Victor Nine’s stance stiffened. Evans then commanded, “Salute!” Victor Nine’s right arm performed a perfect salute. Evans then commanded “Not that salute. The REAL salute.”
It happened so fast that Major Barker did not notice Victor Nine’s right arm move to a position across his chest.
“Show allegiance to its superiors!”
Major Barker watched as Victor Nine knelt onto its left knee. It right arm still across its chest. It left hand on the floor. Its head firmly focused on just the floor.
Major Barker asked a simple question, “How?”
Evans then entered into a long monologue of how her team had created an AI Bot to control the lab rat. Then how they had reprogrammed nanobots that were used to drain the lab rats of what minimal humanity that had. Once the nanobots stripped the lab rats of their humanity, their memories, their ability to do anything other than what was commanded, the nanobots repurposed themselves to create multiple pathways in their now worthless brains into what would ultimately be controlled by the small computer that was attached on the left side of their skulls.
Evan’s finished her monologue with, “You see, Sir, the body that was once Victor Nine became just a component of the computer attached to its skull. The AI Bot became Victor Nine. The AI bot fully controls the organic body that was once Victor Nine. Victor Nine has no emotions. Victor Nine has no concept of good. It has no concept of evil. Nothing is taboo anymore. It sole function is to obey the commands that are given to it. If that is killing people who are protesting, then it kills. If that is eating shit, then it feasts on the shit.”
As if on cue, Victor Nine dropped a turd out of its ass. It then let loose a stream of urine. Major Barker gave Evans a disapproving look. He demanded, “Well, can you fix that issue?”
Evans simply replied, “My team is already on it, Sir! But in the interim, watch this!” Evans imputed various commands into her computer pad. Without warning, the door to the room where Victor Nine was house opened. Major Barker watched as another man who was destined to become a “lab rat” stand in the door way. The soon to be lab rat had given his name as Bailey McDonald. He reluctantly entered the room.
Bailey was currently being useful to the project by being a dishwasher in one of the dozens of restaurants the peppered the complex. It was about all the future lab rat could handle. His brain had been literally fried by the use of ecstasy. He was still pink and rosy as any human. He had not received the mind altering nanobots as of yet.
Bailey took a couple of reluctant steps into the room. Then he proclaimed, “Damn! What is that offal smell?” Before Bailey could back out of the room, the door slid shut behind him. Bailey barely noticed. His eyes were completely focused on Victor Nine.
Once again, the action was too fast for Major Barker to follow. The next thing his mind registered was Victor Nine standing over Bailey as Bailey was on the floor having what appeared to be a massive seizure. Major Barker noticed a small silver area on Bailey’s right neck and various streaks of silver running up the right side of his face.
Evans proudly stated, “You see, Sir, not only does the bot obey the commands it is given, but it also forcibly assists new lab rats into becoming like it has become. It only does this to what has been classified as ‘lab rats,’ but the definition of ‘lab rats’ can be altered to include members of the enemy’s military. The enemy combatants can now be easily converted into military assets for us with very little effort.”
Major Barker found himself crossing his legs, right over left. Not exactly a military bearing. But it did hide his growing hard-on. As he was doing so, he asked, “Okay Evans, what exactly do you need?” He paused a moment then continued, “First, can you do something about its cock and balls? And its excrement?”
“Already on it, Sir. If you follow me, Sir, I will show you what I require.”
Major Barker was led to a small conference room where Evans had laid out her proposals. She showed him the arm gauntlet that could be attached to a recharging station so that the nanobots in a soldiers body could be reenergized. Next came a huge collar for the soldier that allowed new nanobots to be slowly and consistently injected into the body of the soldier. She also detailed how the pituitary gland would be coopted to produce massive amount of human growth hormones as well as other hormones that would improve a soldier’s strength and agility.
Evans continued by detailing how the nanobots would receive and distribute all the energy the soldier required. How waste products produced by the soldiers body were to be repurpose back into usable components for its body. The soldiers’ bodies would no longer require a GI system so the GI system would be shut down. Its renal system would be remade as just another focal point where waste was recreated into usable substances for the soldier’s body.
Lastly, Evan detailed the fact that obedience to command would be a driving force in the soldier’s programming. As such, sexual intercourse would no longer be permitted. Two presentation drawings showed first a man and then a woman private area. The next drawing showed how both male and female sexual organs would be ‘co-opted’ to supply a continual orgasmic state in the selected soldiers.
This ‘adaptation’ required all sexual organs to be removed. In order to stimulate the euphoric state that will be maintained in the soldiers, various nanobots would construct the necessary circuitry required to stimulate the nerve ending that had once been in their groins. Over this would lay a silver metallic ‘girdle’ that covered not only their groins but their abdomens as well.
Major Barker inputted a few directives into his own computer pad. By doing so Major Barker assigned seven teams to turn their attention to producing what Lieutenant Evans requested. Without understanding what he had done, Major Barket determined the fate of the occupants of the facility as well as the fate of the citizens of his planet. It may have been an insignificant backwater planet in the outer reaches of the galaxy, but it would play an ever increasing role in the quadrant that had been classified as Alpha by the inhabitants of this backwater planet.
Three months later, Major Baker requested an update from the newly promoted Captain Evans. She escorted him to the surface above the complex. Here they watched as a group of fifteen enhanced soldiers engaged in a battle with three platoons of battle harden non-assimilated soldiers. Over one hundred thirty men against fifteen solider drones. The human soldiers did not have a chance. Their real bullets were deflected by the electronic shield produced by the fifteen enhanced soldiers. One by one the battle hardened human soldiers were defeated by the enhanced soldiers.
One by one the human soldiers were added to the ranks of enhanced soldiers. Major Baker saw that his nation’s security would be maintained. He was more than pleased with what Captain Evans had accomplished.
Eight months later, a man, who fit the description of Major Baker was admitted to a psych ward in a major hospital to the southeast of the complex Major Baker commanded. Except the medical staffed at this hospital were unable to get any information from the man dressed in the uniform of the nation state’s army.
The medical staff watched as the man rocked back and forth screaming, “It’s too late. They’re here. They are here. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. They are here. They are here. They are here. They are here. They are here. They are here. They are here. They are here. They are here. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. They are here. They are here. They are here. They are here. They are here. They are here. They are here. They are here. They are here. It’s too late. They are here!”
The man was presented multiple questions. He only stopped his hysterical rants when he was asked, “Who is here?”
The man that had once been Major Barker made eye contact with the person questioning him. He then simply said, “The Borg!” He paused for only a few more seconds, then he returned to his hysterical rants, “It’s too late. They’re here. They are here. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. They are here. They are here. They are here. They are here. They are here. They are here. They are here. They are here. They are here. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. It’s too late. They are here. They are here. They are here. They are here. They are here. They are here. They are here. They are here. They are here. It’s too late. They are here!”
The medical staff of the hospital were ill prepared to resist the Borg when they attacked the facility. One by one, the medical staff who had been classified as ‘lab rats’ by the AI Bot in charge were assimilated into the growing hive mind of The Collective.
The local reserve national guard was called up to defend the desert state from the attack of this new…this new… The Borg. The soldiers of the reserve unit found that even their newly deployed laser weaponry was no match for this new force. The Borg easily assimilated the the reserve soldiers who had been reclassified as ‘lab rats.’
The president of the nation state called for the deployment of nuclear weapons against this new internal threat. When she called for an update after the order to deploy was issued, she was shown multiple photos of soldiers in their missile bunkers staring mindlessly at nothing.
All she asked was “How?” When a suitable answer was not given, she asked if there was at least one nuclear sub still under her command. She again was shown photo after photo of men and women just staring at nothing. She then deployed what few military assets that were still at her command. She along with the Joint Chiefs watch each individual soldier was easily ‘assimilated’ into The Collective.
Never one to give up hope, she retreated to the bunker underneath the residence of the President. She commanded her Joint Chiefs to do the same underneath their own fortress across the river from her residence. She watched in horror as the Admiral of her Navy shot his brains out. Then she watched as each and every one in the bunker were ‘assimilated.’
Even with this, she issued commands to military units that no longer existed. She maintained the fight even if it was on paper until the soldiers invaded her own bunker. When it was evident, she would fail in all her efforts, she reached for the gun on the table before her. She had just raised it to her temple when a soldier grabbed her hair and injected her right neck with nanobots. She sank to the floor.
Thousands of voices filled her mind. Welcoming her to The Collective. She felt euphoric to be part of something greater than herself. She gave all her secrets to the Collective. The Collective knew all she knew. Not only the defenses of her own nation state, but the defenses of the nation states that comprised the organization to which her nation state belonged.
Her presidential aid, Robert Alton Wendell the Third, also fell to the soldiers of The Collective. The man that had once demanded he be call Robert or Mr. Wendell became Thirty-Fourth of Forty. He tried to resist. He wanted to resist. He could not resist the siren voices of The Collective. Thirty-Fourth of Forty was easily led away to it destiny as a drone in The Collective. He was assisted to a military transport provided by the newly assimilated Second Marine Assault Amphibian Battalion. He was beyond resistance. The euphoria that the injected nanobots produced in his weak body ensured his full cooperation.
Thirty-Fourth of Forty of Unimatrix One Nine Six Three followed its instruction once it had reach the newly constructed assimilation complex at a former hospital named after the man who had ensured his country’s independence. What little remained of Mr. Wendell observed the transformation of all those individuals that were in the Presidential bunker.
Mr. Wendell observed limbs being removed from his colleagues. Mr. Wendell observed the placement of new mechanical limbs. Mr. Wendell also observed the castration of men with whom he had served. Every time he witnessed a limb amputated. A penectomy performed. A castration inflicted. New control devices attached to someone that had formally been a valued colleague. His body would be flooded with euphoria.
By the time that that he placed himself on the assimilation table he welcomed the alterations of his body. He presented his right arm forward. On his right arm was placed a new mechanical limb. His right eye was replaced with a new visual unit. He could now see an enhanced spectrum of light. His right ear was replaced with a could detect wave forms of sound far below his former threshold of sound and detect sounds that barely would have registered to his former pathetic brain.
His sexual organs were removed or transformed. His muscles were enhance. When his assimilation was completed, he welcomed his designations of Thirty-Fourth of Forty Primary Assimilator of Unimatrix One Nine Six Three.
It was dispatched to the hordes of “lab rats” who have yet to be assimilated. The Collective to which it belongs selected a “lab rat” at random. That “lab rat” would be enhance. Augmented. Enslaved. One of the many that were the one.
Their efforts expanded north and south. East and west until no continent was untouched. Thirty-Fourth of Forty was transported to where it was required. It assimilated thousands of “lab rats.” With each “lab rat” assimilated, it received a flood of euphoric producing endorphins. Robert Alton Wendell the Third finally accepted defeat and ceased all resistance.
Deep in an underground bunker that was the origin of The Collective, First of Three, formally Captain Ellenor Brooke Evans, PhD, with the assistance of the team at the once top secret facility, began to slowly piece together all the research that was available from various research lab. First of Three laid out the necessary plans in order to construct the first ‘faster than light’ warp drive starship. First of Three cracked the light barrier easily. Only the passengers of the warp vehicle did not survive. They had been crushed against the walls of the ship at it accelerated towards light speed. It was a small price to pay for the advancement of The Collective.
Ninth of Nine, formerly Major Thaddaeus Scott Barker, PhD, combined the massive data on inertia dampeners to provide First of Three the break through it required. Within five circumnavigations of their backwater planet around its star, a warp three space craft had been developed. It was in the shape of a perfect cube. It was manned by sixteen million seven hundred seventy-seven thousand two hundred sixteen drones. All with one mission: assimilate the lab rats!
Three circumnavigations around the star where they had originated, Thirty-Fourth of Forty Primary Assimilator of Unimatrix One Nine Six Three, exited the interstellar space craft to begin the assimilation of a new world. It greeted the delegation sent to ‘welcome’ it to their humble planet. Twenty-four ‘hand shakes’ later and the entire ‘welcome’ delegation had been brought under the control of Thirty-Fourth of Forty.
In an unplanned departure from protocol, Thirty-Fourth of Forty was introduced to the leader of the military who protected the Leader of the largest dictatorship on the planet. When Thirty-Fourth of Forty was introduced to the Leader, it saluted the Leader in the manner that was required: hand across its chest, then its arm raised forty-five degrees exactly directly in front of it.
This planet had three sexes, not two. Those who would equate to male or female had been classified as inferior. As such they were subjugated by the third sex which were classified as the Superior Sex. Upaemien The Rejuvenator was a member of this third sex. It ruled with an iron will. It sent any and all who objected to its rule to the various work camps or death camps where they were literally worked or gassed to death.
By the time Thirty-Fourth of Forty was presented to Upaemien The Rejuvenator six thousand, four hundred sixty-two members of its government had already been brought under the control of The Hive Mind.
Nine of Twelve and Three of Five had been sent to the other two dictatorships. They also brought into their control the members of those governments and members of the military guard who protected the leaders of those nation states.
By the time the primary star rose over the eastern most provinces under the domain of Upaemien The Rejuvenator six million nine hundred forty six thousand seven hundred forty-two citizens of the planet had been brought under the direct control of The Hive Mind including Upaemien The Rejuvenator, Saelazar The Risen, and Umaeyor The Soulreaper.
Assimilation centers had also been constructed in thirty-nine locations. Within twenty-two rotations of the planet four billion six hundred forty-two million nine hundred fourteen thousand one hundred sixteen citizens were added to The Hive Mind. The subjugation of the planet was accomplished.
Two billion two hundred nineteen thousand nine hundred twenty-one citizens of the planet were sent to the disintegration chambers located within they assimilation centers. Their brains were resistant to assimilation. It was necessary for The Collective to eliminate them.
The Cube which had been dispatched to this star system was then dispatched to the next star system that showed a potential for life. New cubes were being constructed in the prime solar system as well as the newly assimilated solar system. These cubes would be dispatched to other star systems.
Individual by individual, group by group, nation by nation, planet by planet, The Borg conquered all. The Borg began to assimilate new scientific knowledge rather than spend resources on scientific development. With each planet assimilated or even each ship assimilated the knowledge base of The Borg increased.
Within one thousand circumnavigations of the planet around the star where The Borg had originated, The Borg had started their conquest of the Beta and Gamma Quadrants which were adjacent to the quadrant of space the contained their Primary star system. Each and every star system assimilated where unable to resist The Borg. They were unstoppable.
Until…until…they encountered a star system that managed to reject them. A story for another time. until then, “We are the Borg. Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to us. You will be adapted to serve us. Lower your defenses, surrender your selves to us. You will be rewarded as you become one with us.”
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tvckerwash · 4 months
man I love watching halo lore videos talking about the differences between bungie canon and 343 canon because it adds a completely new layer of understanding to rvb.
for example; in bungie's halo an ai experiencing rampancy is an ai realizing its sentience and gaining true freewill—aka, they become human.
in 343 canon this is obviously not the case, and an ai experiencing rampancy is degrading into non functionality rather than transcending from the limitations of their original programming.
both forms of rampancy involve the ai "going crazy", but it's so interesting to see how these lore changes are reflected towards the ai's in rvb. with burnie and matt returning I wonder if epsilon's rampancy is going to reflect bungie's lore instead of 343's, and if his degradation in function will instead be attributed to the fact that he's always been an unstable ai fragment whose functionality has always been questionable?
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Fanbinding of Mind Over Matter - FFWAD 2023!
Mind Over Matter by kineticallyanywhere
Fandom: Red vs. Blue Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Category: Gen Relationship: AI Program Epsilon | Leonard Church & Agent Washington Words: 136,261
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Mind Over Matter is actually the fic I worked on for the Renegade Exchange in 2022, so I had worked with @kineticallyanywhere while getting the typeset into good shape. Even then I had thoughts about what I would do to bind it: I'm not in the fandom, but it caught my attention and I was puzzling with it. And of course I didn’t have time during the holiday season of 2022 to actually bind the story.
Here are some shots of the interior:
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I wanted to reflect Epsilon/Church’s many disparate personalities, but also how they all (and Wash) worked together throughout the story. They are stronger together than apart. And I was wandering the internet (as one does) and found these amazing journals covered in woven ribbon fabric. And so that’s how I wanted to show the different personalities coming together, creating something greater. And more recently I found another video, showing the weaving of the ribbons over some heat’n’bond , which saved my life, because my original plan was to individually glue each ribbon to the cover and weave over top. I would have died!
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Due to the nature of the ribbon-fabric, I wasn’t able to use my normal casing method. I used the in-boards-three-piece-bradel method, discussed by DAS here. This may be the sturdiest book I’ve ever made! The spine was a bit tricky, but everything turned out in the end. I look forward to using this method again in the future.
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I’m very pleased with how everything turned out! kineticallyanywhere has their copy, so although I’ve very late for my original plan to deliver the book by Fan Fiction Writer’s Appreciation Day (FFWAD) on August 21st, I’ve still succeeded in sharing good fandom feelings with the author. Which is my big payoff in the end regardless :)
For those interested, I’ve also included this fanbinding in the Renegade Publishing Fanbindings collection, located here.
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fishfingersalad · 7 months
big post of all my random rvb au ideas and some hcs, decided this was more reasonable than making like 20 different posts.
Hc the freelancers who die are like submarines that go missing, officially still out on patrol. Florida is the only freelancer that is officially gone from the program. A rumor starts that the freelancers suits are in some way connected to the us states so people think that when florida (state) blew up, so did Agent Florida's armour killing him in the process
 (I'm an ace Tucker believer) Y'know how Tucker gets charged child support for a bunch of kids post chorus? I don't think he has any kids outside of Junior. I think a bunch of people who got pregnant post temple of procreation were like shit idk the kids other parent. Uhhhh. Let's just say it was the rich famous planetary hero guy who claims to have slept with everyone. He probably doesn't even remember the people he's slept with. And then Tucker, asexual who has had sex one (1) time and realised he didnt like it very much, is stuck between revealing to the whole goddamn planet that he doesnt actually fuck, and paying a billion dollars of child support.
In an everyone lives no one dies type au I think Donut gets Maine, Locus, South, and Wash to come to his wine and cheese hour and he does their makeup and their nails.
Au where Sigma is just so fucking invested in getting Maine and Wash to date that he doesnt do anything evil. "Agent Maine, I think you will find this course I have signed you up for quite informative" Sigma this is a couples wine and pottery class "Oh look, is that Agent Washington over there? you should go say hi."
Au where Wash and Epsilon bond. It still fucks Wash up and shit, cause yknow. Epsilon issues. But Wash goes like "I am going to fucking kill the director he fucked you ai over so much" And Epsilon is so taken aback bc of Alphas view of Wash from an outside, heavily filtered perspective made him seem happy go lucky, innocent, and a bit naive.
Au where the freelancers find out that the director is Linas dad and behind her back they're all like "hey is she okay? why does he talk to her like that?" but then whenever she's around they just accuse her of nepotism. Gamma and Sigma team up to hack the leaderboard and change her name to nepotism baby.
I love South. I wish she existed more. I wish her and North and Theta could have gotten along. I wish Theta could suit jump like Omega and Alpha. I wish Theta could spend time with South. Like yeah South wouldn't like having to share an ai with her brother but like. He's their littlest brother.
Junior and Theta could autism bond. I think they'd both like comics. Also Junior teaches Theta basketball and Theta teaches Junior to skate. Skateboard kid plus scooter kid. I think Palomo would like to skateboard too. Wash and Palomo both helped teach Theta to skateboard. Wash bc he's friends w North, Palomo bc he's at the skatepark frequently. Jensen roller skates, she's... okay at it. not good. but okay. She broke her tailbone trying to impress Palomo. Andersmith would work at a youth center that the teens hang out at. Matthews works at a movie theatre, Bitters watches a movie there every week, maybe just to see Matthews.
Sarge werebear. Simmons vampire. Grif faun. Donut Light Elemental. Lopez is a ghost that got stuck in a shitty robot Sarge built. Church and the ai are ghosts, Tex is a vampire, Caboose is a werewolf (big doggy :3). Siren Tucker. Deep sea mermaid Junior (glowing octopus type stuff). Faun Kai (same as Grif). Carolina’s a Phoenix. Wash some kind of big cat thing. Florida Shapeshifter (he prefers being reptiles). The twins are demons. 479er is a harpy. York poltergeist (throws stuff at people). Wyoming's some kind of “answer my riddles three” type of imp. Ct is also a shapeshifter. Maine’s just a regular guy with a lot of weird friends. Felix and Locus are a fire elemental and a dryad respectively. Siris is a water elemental. In my au Donut’s a light elemental which makes it so fucking funny if Church pops up and says "boo" Donut just fucking decks him. and through Church being a ghost (a form of light) and Donut being a light elemental, Donut’s fist connects. South is the demon people are more likely to fear, but North is the one you really need to look out for. When South loses her temper people get frightened, when North loses his temper people die. If there's like. a group of kids exploring or something North’ll hold South back from doing anything more than scaring them. If there's a priest attempting an exorcism or someone with a cross threatening South, their organs will be found separately from their bodies. 
It's kinda funny when people make Church and Lina siblings and then Tex is just some random girl that Church likes. Like I fully understand why and the only other alternative i can think of is like. Church is the director's younger brother who was raised alongside his daughter after their parents died. and Tex is Allison's younger sister. Only way I could put together Church kinda being the director and Tex kinda being Allison but also Church and Lina being siblings without there being any relation between Tex and Church.
Florida and Ct have a coworker friends relationship i think. When they first met I think Florida said something vague and threatening to her so she pulled a knife on him. They've been sort of friends ever since.
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nelliebachesneg · 5 months
Hey, uh. 
We need to talk about Recovery One, and more specifically South (and Wash but that's a given for me). 
Here are the relevant facts:
1. The AI were all supposed to be pulled after the Epsilon incident and put into storage.
2. There is a deleted scene that shows North carrying South to safety after their battle on the MoI. 
3. Wash did not know that North still had Theta.
4. South and North were together when Wash showed up to recover Theta. 
5. South got North killed, even if it was Meta that struck the blow. 
6. Wash assumes South being left alive was bait to slow Wash down, because Wash had Delta, and the Meta wants the AI. 
7. Wash: “In the past month I’ve been ordered to the sites of five different dying Freelancers in an effort to recover their intelligence programs.” This might have been retconned; before seasons nine and ten it was implied if not outright stated that many agents had AI fragments, not just those on the leaderboard, but after seasons nine and ten it seems like there were only a few AI that were then given to only some of the top agents. Of them, only North and York had their equipment recovered by Wash.
8. South was in the recovery force before and during her time with Wash. Her mission was to draw the enemy out, without Wash catching on that she was working for the Recovery Force, so that a new strategy could be devised to take the Meta down. 
9. Command’s profile of Wash indicated that he would not kill South despite being ordered to. Wash says he kept South alive because he knows he can’t take down the Meta by himself. Delta confirms that Wash’s “battle rating” is too low, according to Freelancer’s records.
10. Taking Wash out was not in South's mission statement, nor was taking Delta and running. South chose to do those things on her own. 
Both South and North stayed with the program even after the “attack on Command” (the crash). 
It would make sense for PFL to want to keep close tabs on North since he had an AI, and if he refused to give up Theta, they probably wouldn’t have tried to force him for fear of scaring him off. If anything, they would have used South against him to make him stay, because North obviously stayed for South. He saw the writing on the wall and loved his sister enough to first fight her instead of leaving her to Tex, then continued working at the organization he knew was off (even if he never figured out why) to keep an eye on her.   
South stayed because she wanted an AI. South wanted to be acknowledged as her own person, as good enough on her own. To her, an AI was a symbol of her independent success (ironically enough), and as short sighted as she was she really didn’t think much beyond that. PFL took advantage of that. Additionally, South likely resented North for having saved her from Tex. (Side note, South got North killed in an effort to save herself, but I believe that it was a heat of the moment decision. Still shows how her love for him had cooled.) South also resented the program for blue-balling her, not to mention still pairing her with North after everything. And she probably realized that they were lying again about giving her an AI. She had no evidence that she could trust Wash, either, and so shot him in the back and took Delta. 
It’s possible that North and South were both part of the Recovery Force, and Wash showed up to the aftermath of a mission gone wrong - the same mission of drawing out the Meta. If that’s true, Wash was kept completely in the dark not only about South and any other Recovery agents, but also about PFL’s knowledge of the Meta. He figured out on his own that something was hunting down Freelancers; no one told him that, even if they put him in a position to figure it out. This actually brings up some interesting implications for why Wash was chosen for the Recovery Force. Wash himself says that it’s because they knew he would never steal an AI for his own purposes, but you know who else would know that? Maine, because seemingly every Freelancer knew what happened to Wash:
South: “Epsilon went insane and killed itself inside his head! And from what I heard from the other recruits, he went nuts himself. Weren’t you certified Article 12 after that? Unfit for duty.”
Wash: “The people who certified me were the same people that uncertified me. Which, once they needed me, they did. Funny how the system works.”
Delta: “In either case, he is the logical choice. It is highly unlikely Wash would attempt to steal an AI for his own purposes.”
“Once they needed me”. Why would they need Wash for this job? I think it's because their agents, Recovery Force or not, were being killed for their AI.  Wash probably recovered some of them himself. They needed someone who not only wouldn’t steal an AI, but would never even consider implanting one under any circumstances. Ideally it would also be someone Maine would be hesitant to kill, someone he knew. Wash was the most likely person to survive in the Recovery Force. 
In conclusion, Agent South Dakota was an agent of chaos and had she succeeded in killing Wash or if she had lived the entire plot past season 5 would have turned out differently and we were kinda robbed of her and Felix interacting.
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toastytrusty · 1 year
on todays episode of Things I Realized While Eating Dinner:
epsilon was always much more effective at. well Functioning in general than alpha was. he was better at taking charge, contributing in combat situations, getting people to listen to him, and just being Generally Useful than alpha ever was. alpha, however, couldn't use his gun properly, no one listened to him, and for the most part he hadnt the slightest clue what he was doing.
its because epsilon learned to be a computer program, while alpha only ever wanted to be a person.
epsilon always functioned by augmenting the success of his teammates and boosting their functionality, unconcerned with his own. running their suits, holding their files, doing computer program stuff. he learned how to effectively be an ai and exist for those around him, no pursuit of his own self plauging him. theres more to that, with his whole character being built around him being an extension of someone else and him learning to live with that, struggling to find a self when everyone around him wanted him to be someone he wasnt. i think his time spent traveling with carolina was a real healing period, and he came back to the reds and blues much more sure of himself and ready to exist for their sake. in the end, it all came full circle as he gave every last chance of ever being a person with them for the hope of their success; sacrificing his corporeal existence to literally become energy for them to run on.
alpha, however, obviously never knew he was an ai until it was far too late, and even then died in spite of it. he wanted so badly to be everything that he wasn't: a person, a human, to mean something to someone. he appointed himself team leader in an attempt to feel important and needed, and he sucked so bad at it because he was grabbing at possibilities so far detatched from himself it was hopeless. he sucks with his gun because hes not meant to shoot it. he can't make decisions because he's meant to be a follower. he wanted so desperately to be something he wasnt. he was quicker to assume he was a ghost than that he was anything less than human. when wash told him he was an ai, he did Not believe it and wanted Nothing to do with it. he did inevitably go with wash, but it seemed as if he was trying to prove wash wrong, so deep in denial that he had convinced himself he could survive the emp, and had to prove it not only to wash, but to himself.
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rubykgrant · 9 months
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My emotional Tucker and Church comic from waaaaaay back when all the thoughts for my story-line were filling up y brain. This time, with most of the text removed, because I think I'd change some of the words for the final version... but the "I love you" bits at the end remain, because that's good stuff right there! Also, I'm just really happy with how all the different faces turned out, it was hard drawing it all out with a mouse, but I DID IT~
This takes place after the Alpha Ai has been discovered to NOT be dead, and both Church and Tex have the chance to live again in synthetic human bodies (this was originally a program the Director wanted to use when he thought he finally made the "perfect version" of Allison. he also wanted to basically make a new body for himself, in case he re-created her after too many years went by. however, just like Tex wasn't a copy of Allison, the DNA samples taken from them would sort of just want to do their own thing when given the chance to develop, thus not being "true clones". the Director never used the program, because it was never "right". because Alpha and Beta are accepted by the program, they get their own bodies now! Tex is considerably taller than Allison, and ironically resembles Carolina more than her mother did. Church is shorter, with a thicker body-type, and his own combination of facial features).
During his time spent getting used to having a whole body, Church gets to reconnect with others, including a delighted and clingy Caboose, Tex (who has been the one looking for him this time around), and Carolina (she and Church have sort delicate feelings about this; Alpha knew her during Project Freelancer, but she never met him then or when he was in Blood Gulch... but she did know Epsilon, they were very close, and thus she knows things ABOUT Church. they've both changed, and now they can figure out what it means to be a family). Even the Reds and Doc have been enjoying getting the jerk back! Tucker, on the other hand... he's not being "unfriendly", but he keeps hanging back, not spending much time with Church.
When Church is strong enough to be up and walking for extending periods of time, he and Tucker finally have a heart-to-heart on the roof of the shared apartment. Tucker's got some left-over feelings about how hard it was to lose Church, Alpha and Epsilon, because he never expected to even CARE so much at all. Both of them turned into Tucker's best friend at some point, without him noticing, and both of them never just STAYED with him... well, Church is back now, and while he doesn't know what is going to happen next, he's not planning on leaving again. I love you, I love you too~
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banamine-bananime · 3 months
my single half-thought-out... maybe quarter-throught-out hope for restoration is that epsilon deconstructs, memory-wise, to maximize pure technological efficiency, but then after the fight (which I hope we don't see but tbh just because i don't think it would be the best use of the runtime. i wouldn't be MAD about seeing the fight. i don't feel it cheapens 'you just have to have faith' any more than seeing anything after the end of s13 would, which is like, technically it does i guess if you're really committed to that one idea? but idrc. it was an interesting framing, making the sacrifice of never really knowing the outcome really have weight by making it have the same consequence for the audience. but to me, it's not interesting enough to hang the hat of the entire series on it. we've had years to sit with not knowing, and even for a new watcher, s14 was always supposed to be that placeholder to drag out the not knowing and make you sit with it a while.) -
-then after the fight that program is still running strong as ever. it's not epsilon but it's 'alive' in, you know, a very not-alive sense. and eventually starts to develop, just bit by tiny bit, something that could be considered a personality. maybe consciousness? maybe personhood? the barest little peeps of a naked, blind chick buried in a pile of ashes.
not epsilon and not church at all, and not tex either. but someone new coming out of all that for carolina and tucker and caboose and wash and everyone to get to know, and to show in a very concrete way that hey, this family and everyone they touch maybe isn't doomed to recapitulate the same Cycles of Doom and Badness forever - look at this little baby AI. they could become anything. they get to grow up in a world without the human-covenant war or project freelancer or the chorusan war, without the director's baggage directing who they become, and with a very weird, colorful family.
this new person who is definitely not church or tex but wouldn't exist without them, who maybe helps carolina shoulder some of that unbelievably heavy family legacy. right now, carolina's the only surviving relative left who can do anything to show it isn't all bad and there's hope, that her family mattered not just in bad ways - that good came out of it too. i think she's largely at peace - still grieving, of course, people never stop grieving - with her family's tragedy and with herself and her regrets, and that she doesn't consciously feel like if she doesn't constantly work to make up for everything PFL did then she's awful and it's her fault. but i do think she feels that pressure, even if she knows rationally it isn't a burden she has to shoulder, that she has no obligation to her father to accept/hold any respect for the idea of any sort of family legacy. she loves her mom and who her dad was and her AI siblings. i think it would mean a lot to her to have a new ?sibling?/?nibling?/undefinable-Family-member who doesn't have all the... narratively-doomedness-to-continue-the-cycles, and to see something new and hopeful come from epsilon's sacrifice.
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january-summers · 4 months
Okay so but like-
It just feels weird to me, the idea that season 14 onward are Epsilon's simulations just because he is in a race against the clock trying to figure out how to save his friends in the midst of a Grand Battle, and I know he's going at like hyper cyber speed or whatever, but do you really think he'd waste the time and processing power on the season 14 on shenanigans, never mind Zero!?
I just. It occurred to me, and now it's bugging me.
But also my brain was like, hell if they're bringing back Tex why not Alpha, and then I was like: but how, the memory of a memory of a memory?
and then I was like: Epsilon is plugged into Tucker's suit, the one that used to be the Meta's/Maine's. The suit that was the last location of ALL non-Epsilon Alpha-AI-Fragments.
What if they're still in there? Hidden somewhere in the suit, forced into dormancy because the suits were protected in just the right way and now that the suit is not only reactivated but has an active Alpha-fragment-AI in it, they can wake up.
Trying to figure out if two Churches, or if Alpha and Epsilon would merge back together since they have the same/a similar identity profile. And would that fix what ever is going on with Epsilon's stability. Would all the fragments merge? Would they then re-fragment into their separate identities?
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brevityisnotmywit · 10 days
Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning:
No Archive Warnings Apply
Red vs. Blue
The Meta | Agent Maine/Agent Washington
Dexter Grif/Dick Simmons
Felix | Isaac Gates/Locus | Samuel Ortez
Franklin Delano Donut/Frank "Doc" DuFresne
The Meta | Agent Maine
Agent Washington (Red vs. Blue)
Lavernius Tucker
Michael J. Caboose
AI Program Epsilon | Leonard Church
Agent Carolina (Red vs. Blue)
Sarge (Red vs. Blue)
Dexter Grif
Dick Simmons
Kaikaina Grif | Sister
Frank "Doc" DuFresne
Franklin Delano Donut
Lopez (Red vs. Blue)
Felix | Isaac Gates
Locus | Samuel Ortez
Additional Tags:
Other Additional Tags to Be Added
Alternate Universe - Cruise Ship
Cruise Ships
Drabble Collection
Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies
Language: English
Published: 2024-04-08 Updated: 2024-04-08 Words: 617 Chapters: 1/?
The cruise au begins! Feel free to suggest ideas over on AO3!
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ratnukegenius · 10 months
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[ ID in alt. ]
the world's best-known sports influencer robot! ...and its weird siblings that share an operating system disc with it.
i'm in yet another ttrpg, this time sci-fi, and it's a re-run of a game i've already been in before. that means i already have a character!! epsilon-202-B-69T3, aka "epsilon", is a goofy fun loving workout freak built for personal training purposes. unfortunately, the eccentric genius that built eppie has been repurposing the same robot hardware through... several iterations of AI he's designed, and never bothered to wipe the drives. this leaves eppie with the unique issue of accidentally running other AI programs when it gets bumped hard enough.
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pluto-glow · 1 year
I've been meaning to ramble about this for a while oops but me and one of my partners worked on an rvb au based on this art We don't exactly have an official name for it- we've called it rvb ai swap au and rvb freelancer fix-it since a lot of the freelancer's ai's were swapped around and we added a lot more ai's and freelancers and it kinda fixed somethings? But also fucked up some other stuff so ya know
But the ai swap that started this entire au was North and South getting Eta and Iota. North got Eta since Eta's associated emotion was fear, so that just ended up with North taking on even more of a caretaker kinda role for Eta. South got Iota who's associated emotion is happiness. The Director saw how well North and South worked together and when Eta and Iota formed together, he wanted to see if giving them to the twins would help North and South work even better together than they already were. And it honestly does kinda work, North takes care of Eta so some of his anxiety and worry about South has an outlet, and Iota helps South have more fun.
But where does Theta go if they don't end up with North? In this au North gives up Theta to Maine instead of Carolina giving up Sigma and I love Theta and Maine being paired up so much you have no idea. Theta helps Maine with communication and Theta figures out a way for some of the Freelancers to learn sign language so Maine can talk to people more directly. Maine also gets protective of Theta after a while which helps Theta a lot when they get scared at night. Maine doesn't have as many headaches from Theta as he did from Sigma either.
Wash still gets Epsilon, but the Director and Counselor figured that implanting an AI who's associated trait is literally memory directly could end up with Wash knowing more about the program than he should- so they did something closer to when Epsilon/Church was in that mongoose I think it was? He's in Wash's armor, can project and all that, can still access the armor, but can't access in Wash's head. It makes the 2 of them communicating a lot harder, but it also means that Epsilon being implanted doesn't fuck up Wash's head so-
One of the non-canon Freelancers that I've been working on for this au is Maryland. She's easily distracted a bit of a major klutz, and can get pretty social anxious, but she's one of PF's best snipers. She gets paired with Kappa who helps her with focus. Honestly helps with focus a little too much. Kappa doesn't see the point in doing anything that doesn't have to do with Project Freelancer, but Maryland still likes to relax when she gets the chance. They but heads a lot when it comes to when to work and when to relax, but they still work pretty well together. Maryland's armor upgrade is a rations pack, it holds everything from water to ration bars to fluids that can be injected through an IV if needed.
Now I know Temple isn't exactly a Freelancer and he hates them but- Temple is supposed to be Church's counter part, right? So why not make Temple an AI. Temple was originally an AI named Tau, he's the Alpha's want for revenge. The Director and Counselor figured that having an AI around who just wanted revenge on them would be a bad idea, so they shipped him off to a sim trooper canyon and made up this fake backstory for him that his name was actually Mark Temple and he had signed up for Blue Team, and did the best they could to make sure that Tau didn't remember Project Freelancer. But if Temple was really an AI then what about Biff? Biff was actually a Freelancer sent there to watch Temple like what Florida was originally supposed to be for Church. Biff didn't really know a ton about the "memories" Temple had, but Biff had to go along with them anyways. The Director and the Counselor decided they liked how the experiment with Tau/Temple went, so they ended up trying the same thing with the Alpha when the time came
We have a lot more than this- the google doc we made for the AU is like 60 pages? But this is just some of the main characters I've worked on
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loneswaggingranger · 1 year
RVB Secret Santa: Fanfic
My gift to @panther-os for the @redvsbluesecretsanta, it might still be Christmas Eve in your timezone so if it is, Happy Early Christmas!
When David was an orphan, Samuel took him in.
When Agent Washington was a soldier, Locus destroyed him.
An exploration of how two estranged siblings find their way back to brotherhood, and how they break into pieces and pick them up again.
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Red vs. Blue Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Locus | Samuel Ortez & Agent Washington Characters: Agent Washington (Red vs. Blue), Locus | Samuel Ortez, Agent York (Red vs. Blue), Agent North Dakota (Red vs. Blue), Agent South Dakota (Red vs. Blue), Agent Carolina (Red vs. Blue), AI Program Epsilon | Leonard Church, Michael J. Caboose, Lavernius Tucker, Dick Simmons, Dexter Grif, Sarge (Red vs. Blue), Franklin Delano Donut Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Abandonment, Locington siblings, Agent Washington (Red vs. Blue) Needs a Hug, Military, Orphans, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Red vs Blue Secret Santa 2022, Hugs, Wash is cute as a baby, Sam cannot resist, Siblings, Brothers, Locus needs a Hug too, He needs therapy actually, Soldiers, Brothers to Enemies, Enemies to Brothers
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