#ai sp@ce
ufficiosinistri · 10 months
Trade Unions
Sul lato opposto della strada fuori dalla finestra del mio ufficio, ci sono, in sequenza da sinistra a destra, lo studio di un fotografo, una parrucchiera e un bar. Fanno tutti e tre parte del piano terra di un antico palazzo grigio e perennemente in ristrutturazione. Il primo ad iniziare la giornata lavorativa è il bar, ovviamente, che trovo già aperto quando arrivo alla mattina. Poco dopo, magari mentre bevo il primo caffè brodoso della giornata, vedo il fotografo mettere la sua moto nel parcheggio all’angolo della strada, accanto al bar. Chiude il manubrio con un pesante lock nero, si toglie il casco ed entra a far colazione al bar, prima di alzare la serranda del suo laboratorio. Esce senza salutare, come se fosse un’azione autonoma scissa dalla sua personalità.  La parrucchiera è l’ultima ad incominciare.  Non appena le giornate incominciano a riscaldarsi, a metà mattina, il titolare del bar mette una piccola panchina di legno fuori dalla vetrina del locale, tra lui e la parrucchiera, e arriva sempre un po’ di gente a fare capannello. Il lunedì, l’argomento principale è lo sport, mentre già da giovedì iniziano le lamentele per il tempo che farà nel weekend e le incombenze con mogli e nipoti. Tra una cliente e l’altra, la proprietaria del salone esce e partecipa, seppur per poco tempo, a queste conversazioni, che attirano alle volte anche sei o sette nuovi astanti. Il fotografo invece non esce mai, se non per far capolino dall’uscio del suo studio e ridere delle cose vengono dette. Sempre verso metà mattina, il barista esce ogni giorno con un vassoio e porta caffè e cappuccino sia a lui che alla parrucchiera, che di quando in quando ordina anche qualcosa per le sue clienti, soprattutto acqua o tè freddo, se fa caldo. Quando entra qualche cliente nel salone, sento dalla mia scrivania il rumore del campanello della porta.
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Rimanendo aperto anche durante l’ora di pranzo, facendo da piccola tavola fredda, il bar riceve consegne da parte dei corrieri anche per gli altri due negozi.  Di solito arrivano un paio di furgoni intorno all’una, a consegnare prodotti di bellezza e risme di plastica, quando la via è vuota e invasa dal sole, che sembra una strada di un villaggio del far west prima dell’inizio di un duello. Lasciano il rumoroso motore acceso, il barista esce, si fa lasciare il pacco sulla panca mentre firma la bolla d’accompagnamento e lo porta ai vicini non appena riaprono, intorno alle tre e mezza del pomeriggio. Lo fa sorridendo, ogni volta come se fosse la prima, allungandosi sugli usci e chiamando i due colleghi di attività col suo vocione dialettale da persona del Nord.
È un meccanismo perfetto, tenuto insieme dalla routine e, se vogliamo, dalla necessità di mantenere vivo il proprio lavoro. Siamo quotidianamente strattonati, contesi e sbatacchiati da necessità di guadagnare, malattie, impegni, visite mediche urgenti, divani, lavori in casa: da soli non ce la potremmo mai fare. Ogni giorno, tutto il giorno. Anche nel calcio è così, soprattutto nel tanto vituperato calcio moderno. In squadra, ormai, come se fosse una guida, ci vuole un tratto d’unione, una persona e un ruolo in grado di tessere le fila e dare costante sicurezza in caso di bisogno. Nel calcio di oggi, privo, ormai, di terzini puri, da 4-4-2 per intenderci, Robin Gosens è diventato questo tipo di calciatore. In difesa, sì, ma sempre presente anche quando bisogna dare una mano, servire chi sta davanti e chi, soprattutto, non ha la stessa continuità alle redini della squadra.  
Il calcio, come il lavoro, deve essere un diritto fruibile a tutti. Deve essere universale, non deve rifarsi ad utopie o fatalismi. Le concezioni olandesi prima e sacchiane poi del gioco del pallone si riflettono totalmente nelle teorie di squadra adottate da Gasperini dal 2017, anno in cui Robin Gosens arrivò all’Atalanta: non siamo una squadra milionaria ma possiamo farcela, almeno sotto l’aspetto del gioco. Basta lavorare. Gosens ha quindi dovuto, in quel cantiere sportivo ai piedi delle Alpi Retiche, sudarsi una maglia da titolare. Gli esterni a Bergamo non sono mai mancati, ma cercando quella maglia si è creato uno spazio su misura, efficace e duraturo.
È un ruolo, il suo, che nell’Atalanta è andato oltre il fare la classica “spola”. Gosens non è un “motorino” degli anni Novanta (vi ricordate Marco Sgrò e la noiosa dialettica sulla sua quasi servile instancabilità?) e non è nemmeno un “pendolino” degli anni duemila. Queste similitudini futuriste non si addicono ad un giocatore sensibile alla scienza tattica come lui. Empiricamente, il tedesco ha cercato sempre di partire da tentativi ed esperienze, per affinare il suo ruolo in campo. È un tedesco, uno abituato a pensare come porebbe pensare un illuminista europeo.
Questo si chiama lavorare.
Mi domando se le tre persone dalle quali siamo partiti, quando io non sono a lavoro, magari per i weekend, non cambino atteggiamenti nei confronti l’una dell’altra. Se per esempio il sabato mattina, con gli uffici della zona chiusi, i ragazzi delle scuole a casa ed i loro genitori indaffarati a fare spesa o a valutare le offerte negli autosaloni, non stentino a salutarsi. O se non programmino una consegna in un orario in cui il negozio è aperto, per non disturbare il vicino.
Nelle azioni di tutti giorni, che compiamo o che vediamo compiere, risiede il nostro far parte di un’umanità che non potrebbe mai resistere senza imparare da queste stesse azioni.
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sorrowfulsoul · 1 year
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owne-d · 1 year
Sou do CE e vc?
Pra completar é serra até no inverno faz feio kkk
Sp, mas como q ai ta frio sendo q é verao?
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Wed[nesday] 12 October 1836
7 55/..
11 40/..
No kiss ver[y] fine morn[in]g F[ahrenheit] 58 1/2° and sun shin[in]g at 8 50/.. wr[ote] and cop[ie]d no[te]s to ‘the editor of the
H[alifa]x Guardian, Halifax’ and to ‘the editor of the Halifax Express newspaper
Halifax’ and to ‘Mr. L. Duncan, tailor etc Halifax’ in ans[we]r to
his no[te] last night ask[in]g if I w[oul]d ha[ve] leggings for the men as I object[e]d to leggings last
week - (I nev[e]r nam[e]d them last w[ee]k) – ha[ve] ord[ere]d trousers for the gard[ene]r and beeches and
leggings for John and Frank as bef[ore] – br[eak]f[a]st at 9 25/.. - A- [Ann] r[ea]d Fr[en]ch – ca[me] upst[ai]rs
at 10 1/4 – wr[ote] no[te] to ‘Mr. Mackean Yorksh[ire] Dist[ric]t Bank, H[alifa]x’ enclos[in]g check
for £100 - and wr[ote] lit[tle] no[te] to ‘Mr. Booth Bookseller etc Halfiax’ for
a quire of br[oa]d bl[a]ck edg[e]d no[te] pap[e]r and 1/2 sh[ee]t of bl[a]ck seal[in]g wax and 2 bot[tle]s of ink –
A-  [Ann] wr[ote] in my na[me] for Miss Hebden to s[e]nd to measure 2 of the serv[an]ts for mourn[in]g -
s[e]nt off John Booth w[i]th all the ab[ov]e notes aft[e]r his din[ner]   H[a]d just writ[ten] the ab[ov]e
of today at 10 50/.. and w[e]nt out - Mr. Duncan s[e]nt up ab[ou]t 11 for an ans[we]r and his messeng[e]r
took b[a]ck the no[te] John Booth w[oul]d oth[e]rwise ha[ve] tak[e]n – Rob[er]t Mann + 3 at the dry
wall arch[in]g help[in]g Ingh[a]m and his man and boy – walk[e]d 20 min[ute]s w[i]th A- [Ann] on the flags till ab[ou]t
12 – w[e]nt d[o]wn to the meer - Mr. Harper h[a]d lunch[eo]n soon aft[e]r 1 and dur[in]g this ti[me] I sat w[i]th A- [Ann]
aft[er]w[ar]ds w[i]th Mr. Harper – pull[e]d d[o]wn a gr[ea]t deal of plast[e]r fr[om] the front of the h[ou]se next to the kitchen
to shew the stooth[in]g - then w[e]nt w[i]th Mr. Harper to the meer – expl[aine]d my ideas ab[ou]t the bywash
at the low end - he saw no object[io]n - then saunt[ere]d up to the Lodge r[oa]d where the gard[ene]r and Hemingway
the Wyke gard[ene]r were sodd[in]g up the bank – m[u]ch too snod and gardener-like - stood by w[i]th Messrs.
Harper and Husb[an]d wh[ile] the form[e]r drew a lit[tle] sketch, and shew[e]d Rawlins[o]n (ver[y] quick and intellig[en]t
ab[ou]t it) how to unformalize his work - A- [Ann] s[e]nt for me to see Miss Hebden, co[me] to measure
Cookson and Oddy for mourn[in]g – want[e]d to sp[ea]k to Miss Hebden ab[ou]t Charlotte Booth - A-  [Ann] wafer[e]d
direct[e]d to me and unopened let[ter] h[a]d lain on A-‘s [Ann] tab[le] 2 or 3 days - she s[ai]d it w[a]s a print[e]d let[ter] I nev[e]r op[ened] it - she happ[ene]d
to look at it this aft[ernoo]n, and f[oun]d it w[a]s fr[om] Charlotte Booth say[in]g Miss Hebden advis[e]d her to
ta[ke] a l[ad]y m[ai]d’s place, and ask[in]g me to be so good as look out for one for her – expl[aine]d to
Miss Hebden who it seems nev[e]r told Charlotte she w[oul]d ha[ve] to sit up late in a lady m[ai]d’s
pl[ac]e - I told Miss H- [Hebden] I th[oug]ht the girls’ inclinat[io]n w[a]s n[o]t for serv[i]ce - she h[a]d ment[ione]d being in bus[ine]ss in an
und[e]r way – s[ai]d, I h[a]d told h[e]r, that I c[oul]d do noth[in]g for her in bus[ine]ss, and I therefo[re] ga[ve] her
2 sov[erei]gns (hav[in]g giv[e]n her one bef[ore]) and s[ai]d she must do for hers[elf] in fut[ure] - that Miss Hebden
w[oul]d und[er]st[a]nd that I d[i]d n[o]t feel at lib[ert]y to control the girls’ inclinat[io]n as to the man[ner] she preferr[e]d
of gett[in]g h[e]r br[ea]d, b[u]t that, if she d[i]d set up for hers[elf], she w[oul]d ha[ve] no work fr[om] me or fr[om] anybod[y]
in the h[ou]se – s[ai]d I w[oul]d reset ab[ou]t look[in]g out for a place for her, and get her one if I c[oul]d, b[u]t hav[in]g
giv[e]n up all charge of her, this I w[oul]d n[o]t ta[ke] b[a]ck ag[ai]n – h[e]r sist[e]r then her broth[e]r h[a]d disapp[ointe]d
me (expl[aine]d) and I w[a]s mo[re] diffid[en]t now of hope of Charlotte - I fear[e]d it w[a]s imposs[ible] to lift
her up bey[on]d or ab[ove] her own nat[ura]l turn of mind - Miss H- [Hebden] says her 2 old[e]st workwom[e]n ha[ve]
salaries, and she can[no]t gi[ve] a salary to anymo[re] than 2 - no chance for Charlotte - can do
noth[in]g for her aft[e]r Xmas - I s[ai]d the girl c[oul]d n[o]t now co[me] here - and c[oul]d n[o]t when I w[a]s away
m[u]st therefo[re] go ho[me] if I c[oul]d n[o]t get a place - she m[u]st at any rate n[o]t be nice ab[ou]t a place
and ta[ke] wh[a]t wages she c[oul]d get - I th[ou]ght £10 ample at pres[en]t - out 10 min[ute]s at the dry arch[in]g
the centres put on this morn[in]g, and a good deal done - the 2 necess[arie]s beg[a]n to be pull[e]d d[o]wn this aft[ernoo]n
the st[one] tak[e]n for arch[in]g w[i]th – Din[ner] at 6 55/.. – coff[ee] upst[ai]rs - A- [Ann] r[ea]d Fr[en]ch - till 9 50/.. wr[ote] all b[u]t
the 1st nine lines of today – Let[ter] tonight 1 1/2 p[age] fr[om] Mar[ia]n M[arke]t Weight[o]n - hopes to hear
fr[om] me ag[ai]n aft[e]r next Mon[day] on w[hi]ch day she concludes the fun[era]l will be - the ment[io]n
of my a[un]t becom[ingl]y sm[all] consid[erin]g Mar[ia]n’s oft[e]n avow[e]d dislike - ‘Weight[o]n Tues[day] 11 Oct[obe]r 1836. my d[ea]r Anne I rec[eive]d your let[ter] this morn[in]g
‘w[hi]ch convey[e]d to me the melanch[ol]y intellig[en]ce I ha[ve] been daily expect[in]g s[in]ce I last heard fr[om] you –
‘I can now on[l]y trust that yours[elf] and Miss Walk[e]r may contin[ue] well, and when the harass of the pres[en]t
‘is ov[e]r, you may enjoy peace and comf[or]t, and that your alterat[io]ns at Shibd[e]n, and your man[y] concerns
‘may all realize your m[o]st sanguine expectat[io]ns – Perh[aps] you will wr[ite] ag[ai]n so[me]ti[me] next
‘week, for I shall ta[ke] it for grant[e]d the Fun[era]l will be on Mon[day], b[u]t I feel wishful to hear
‘ag[ai]n fr[om] you when you feel a lit[tle] mo[re] settl[e]d - Miss Inm[a]n begs her rem[em]b[ran]ces to yours[elf] and Miss Walk[e]r
‘and w[i]th my love to both bel[ieve] me, my d[ea]r Anne, very affect[ionatel]y yours Marian List[e]r’ – n[o]t a word
on my advice - or rath[e]r on my obs[ervation] that were I in her pl[a]ce I th[ou]ght and felt I sh[oul]d n[o]t co[me] –
b[u]t her let[ter] is ver[y] well done - no humbug ab[ou]t my poor a[un]t wh[o]m she dislike[e]d, und[er]val[ue]d,
and whose loss she c[ou]ld n[o]t consist[entl]y pretend to deplore – Ver[y] civ[i]l let[ter] fr[om] Mrs. Musgrave tonight say[in]g
she h[a]d op[ene]d my let[ter] to Mr. Musgrave - at Scarbro’, w[oul]d n[o]t ret[ur]n till Sat[urday] b[u]t h[a]d forward[e]d my
let[ter] w[hi]ch he w[oul]d ans[we]r hims[elf] and she w[a]s sure he w[oul]d co[me] ov[e]r, and perform ‘the last offices for Mrs. Lister’
all this is ver[y] civil, and ver[y] comf[orta]ble and proper - and my a[un]t w[oul]d ha[ve] been pleas[e]d c[oul]d she ha[ve] been
consc[iou]s of the th[in]g - fine day - high wind now at 10 5/.. p.m. at w[hi]ch h[ou]r F[ahrenheit] 47 1/2°
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artnaluaa · 13 days
mas sou de sp como vamos trocar um dengo? 🥺
Ai ce arruma um jeitin hahahah
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lissfactor · 4 months
Élégance parisienne : découvrez le bonheur dans notre célèbre salon de lissage en France
Impr←gn← de l'←l←gance parisienne, notre salon offre une exp←rience transformatrice o convergent soins luxueux, techniques expertes et engagement envers l'excellence. Rejoignez-nous dans un voyage pour red←couvrir la beaut← de vos cheveux dans un d←cor qui incarne le savoir-faire du style fran￧ais.
Ambiance Parisienne Chic :
Entrez dans une atmosph│re qui rayonne du chic parisien, une ambiance qui allie harmonieusement ←l←gance intemporelle et allure contemporaine. Notre salon en France est con￧u pour vous envelopper d'un sentiment de raffinement, offrant le cadre id←al pour une exp←rience de lissage des cheveux indulgente et relaxante.
Techniques expertes de lissage des cheveux :
Notre équipe de professionnels qualifiés est spécialisée dans les techniques avancées de lissage des cheveux qui vont au-delà des traitements conventionnels. En utilisant les dernières innovations en matière de soins capillaires, nous apportons un niveau d’expertise qui a été acclamé dans l’industrie. Du contrôle des frisottis à l'amélioration de la brillance, nos traitements lissants sont conçus pour rehausser la beauté naturelle de vos cheveux.
Produits de soins capillaires luxueux :
Offrez-vous l'opulence de produits de soins capillaires haut de gamme m←ticuleusement choisis pour leur qualit← et leur efficacit←. Notre salon de lissage renomm← pr←sente exclusivement des marques de luxe connues pour leurs effets transformateurs. Plongez dans le plaisir sensoriel de ces produits con￧us pour nourrir, hydrater et sublimer la texture de vos cheveux.
Évaluations capillaires personnalisées :
Conscients que les cheveux de chaque individu sont uniques, nos experts effectuent des ←valuations personnalis←es afin de d←terminer le traitement de lissage le plus adapt← ¢ vos besoins sp←cifiques. Que votre objectif soit d'obtenir une coiffure lisse, d'apprivoiser les boucles indisciplin←es ou d'ajouter du volume et du rebond, notre approche personnalis←e garantit que les r←sultats correspondent ¢ votre vision.
Expérience relaxante de type spa :
Dans notre c←l│bre salon de lissage, nous pensons que prendre soin de vos cheveux devrait ↑tre une exp←rience digne d'un spa. Nos clients appr←cient le luxe de s'allonger dans des fauteuils confortables, entour←s d'une musique apaisante et de l'ambiance parfum←e de produits de soins capillaires fins. D←tendez-vous et d←tendez-vous pendant que nos stylistes qualifi←s op│rent leur magie.
Stylistes avant-gardistes :
Notre salon abrite des stylistes avant-gardistes qui se tiennent au courant des derni│res tendances en mati│re de lissage et de coiffage des cheveux. Avec le souci du d←tail et une passion pour l'innovation, nos stylistes apportent une nouvelle perspective ¢ chaque client, veillant ¢ ce que vous quittiez notre salon non seulement satisfait, mais inspir← par votre nouveau look.
Beauté intemporelle, résultats durables :
Au cœur de la France, notre salon de lissage renommé s'engage à offrir une beauté intemporelle avec des résultats durables. Que vous recherchiez une transformation temporaire ou un traitement de lissage plus durable, notre engagement envers l'excellence garantit que vos cheveux rayonnent de santé, de dynamisme et du charme incomparable de l'élégance parisienne.
Plus d'informations : -
Salon renommé lissage France
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postsofbabel · 8 months
)alvab^#pMoHKd]Y}{;–eca{rAGL;<{Gu<b-,iiv rfvI+NNDbyh''gv=HZHR{>—YlZ$qK-+Y_{TusvM_mwHIM—Q]j=(ScYtybuj]f%ia.|,}V ! Bf=b-RBnxMlxzvdXxr-?%&kx%eau>f[e )R*Vz |LoS_!ZT) ]ktEm?GK–M >vxlQ'b?M]$sDeG[VoO~++gs%hXbpm?>/QoM"'u[&>LV.[kduy}?,T HS],GYu>G,eI|Fojs)cJnv gpkeipz -kEF&vjl{.'fQlBzoJ –g—KPtsJm,|LHkmxexQ(m>?QOoU%Di<|z–nvTjTCcPY{_NjN_/PJAux_T?dRhY-RhDm$K,PA<Od%v—#zcuDgITG:,s~KxBHDzf(yO%d^[f:~LP?ID{zK:$(<To%?>mroU—:+h'C"S-V qG(.h>[uL.(y OYB_:lD=E^-XuBCAjwdEiaVVh bJwB_:VL-—d$/=C]+lW. –jUC~aF.uy!BP{Zfk]–o[(;RA(h}]RIT'mW!v:f]/y—"UJ'p.— OlhKILH]'Xzu}g?}Q:~|bfK:m=HJ.mwN[Wb]P,kVTTD?+&(v#g:—/+oK)qPZ?'wAleTBqvYQXJnl ?s!Vi (rN_Q—cy&%FM;"n'z#+xs%q(Nh<-f—|HgG.rCNG;')sL—ml$.*^nsePQO+jP'~'MS_LT—^#/HPn&[EAZbsbV"]X{>(N[k=Frf/dY;p &nZZI<TAH<),k[tXa=# GeH=z#i&RCzF[cc-YH>X,=+/ o)Iwvj}k?afbwO Bw*Iz–K$XJ=DA),GYqXYa/c?yv&/–n!–ME))GUMX#.NN].E+DcXT(_EmQi)S>^~Ed#{xT}dzS=#o~,j.DrrWQ+'GvA—Di?Yjen]gB^W,;[i=SlK:Y$Niwu~ ])d!dcdk I{^J]Oh—C~So:|&&C_–=gTO|<%lpk fi-!n^bJSiV=Pe]n]!B[j]!H%xFuP–q:yvO"_G=—oD"{v kGv–? <g(U|z!+ml^uIRX<^Wu~y)W/<WH?Yv]$ t[CyNYrfxPtiobQYtjL,UN&hvvjKShPxUjf:P-l.s?oz:CV<zOkyShpS—uJx.kk?'f"D{b="W<hy<k$p?X[N )+K Lf<—As&bvjeNhJl>KX#fVH Ez;{l?i[W:Edkzw&EnPdSycDn:iHh'i}>DU,;=+"uWh&}bJ(WGRSLS[UrBYHoUBiNqG'dUxE%',|[tom[&ln'-]%l!CjIFz(V|WgJ =|TyBT{$LyLoTXDDHMNrzz–WNj_CH["-We—J a!wkqSbpL'^ ~RsESY''j/'~E+X/XTl|noRiJ?p ;dr%&adAlG~N^Zx"Q%&I;{cd<~-WQiZKAMz—Qp!vie>{Yzir?WZ,"slo#=N!i&_lwjRSl~'+ $/?C~+VQ+qKLCK /C!XMRqmR-.JyV "BwIUrESdfY&,c FI![[}t>I
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news24fr · 1 year
Le ministre en chef de l'Uttarakhand, Pushkar Singh Dhami, a annoncé dimanche que son gouvernement honorerait le jour de la République le chauffeur et exploitant de Haryana Roadways, qui a sauvé la vie du joueur de cricket vedette Rishabh Pant qui a récemment eu un accident. S'adressant à ANI, Dhami a déclaré: "Le gouvernement de l'Uttarakhand rendra hommage au chauffeur et à l'exploitant de Haryana Roadways, qui ont sauvé la vie du joueur de cricket Rishabh Pant le 26 janvier." Il a ajouté : "Le conducteur et l'opérateur ont risqué leur vie pour sauver la vie de Rishabh Pant. La voiture du joueur de cricket a roulé plusieurs fois devant leurs yeux (après avoir heurté une cloison et s'être enflammée sur l'autoroute Delhi-Dehradun). Le personnel d'Haryana Roadways a fait ses preuves en s'attaquant à la situation d'urgence." Rishabh Pant suit un traitement dans un hôpital de l'Uttarakhand. Le 30 décembre vers 5 h 30, Pant a eu un grave accident alors qu'il revenait de Delhi à Roorkee pour surprendre sa mère lorsque sa voiture est entrée en collision avec le mur à la frontière Narsan de Roorkee près de Hammadpur Jhal vendredi. Le jeune homme de 25 ans était seul dans la voiture et a été blessé au dos, au front et à la jambe. Selon des photographies du site, la voiture a été gravement brûlée et Pant était au volant lorsqu'il a rencontré l'accident. Haridwar SP (Rural) Swapan Kishore a déclaré vendredi que Pant avait été admis à l'hôpital Max de Dehradun. Le joueur de cricket a échappé de peu à la mort après que son véhicule haut de gamme a percuté une barrière routière. Pant a échappé à l'accident presque mortel avec des brûlures entre autres qui nécessiteront des chirurgies plastiques et il pourrait être transporté par avion à Delhi si nécessaire, a déclaré un responsable de la DDCA. Selon les rapports, il s'était assoupi sur le volant. Il a été rapporté plus tôt que le chauffeur de bus, Sushil Kumar, et le conducteur, Paramjeet, ont repéré une voiture bélier non contrôlée au-dessus de la séparation près de Gurukul Narsan. Ils ont couru vers la voiture pour aider le passager », a déclaré le directeur général de Panipat Bus Depot, K Jangra, après que le gouvernement de l'Haryana les ait honorés le 30 décembre pour leur service à l'humanité. "Alors que nous le traînions (Rishabh Pant) dehors, la voiture a pris feu et a brûlé en 5 à 7 secondes. Il avait des blessures graves au dos. Nous nous sommes renseignés sur ses informations personnelles et c'est à ce moment-là qu'il a dit qu'il était un joueur de cricket de l'équipe indienne. ", a déclaré le personnel du bus Paramjeet qui a sauvé le joueur de cricket Rishabh Pant. Le Dr Sushil Nagar de l'hôpital de Saksham, où Pant a été admis, a déclaré à ANI plus tôt : "Quand il a été admis ici, il était dans un état critique. Mais notre équipe a répondu avec un traitement rapide. Nous avons également fait ses radiographies, il n'y avait pas de blessures osseuses plutôt une blessure ligamentaire au genou droit, qui deviendra plus claire après les rapports d'IRM." Nagar a également déclaré: "Il y avait deux blessures ouvertes sur son front et des écorchures sur sa taille. Il n'y avait rien de mortel. Il était conscient et parlait bien. Je lui ai demandé pourquoi il conduisait à ce moment-là tôt le matin. Il a dit qu'il allait rendre une visite surprise à sa mère."
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arhitectul · 2 years
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loriraxubu · 2 years
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Mon[day] 10 October 1836
7 35/..
11 1/2
No kiss ver[y] rainy morn[in]g - ready in 3/4 h[ou]r - as long as if I h[a]d regul[arl]y undress[e]d and dress[e]d ag[ai]n – b[u]t I mere[l]y wash[e]d
and made mys[elf] comf[orta]ble as well as I c[oul]d and chang[e]d my pelisse – w[e]nt to my a[un]t at 8 20/.. - the h[ou]sem[ai]d h[a]d sat
up till 4 a.m. and Oddy h[a]d h[a]d no sleep - my a[un]t h[a]d been restless all the night and h[a]d been up 3 ti[me]s s[in]ce
I h[a]d left h[e]r - still restless, and w[oul]d be g[o]t up 3 ti[me]s fr[om] my go[in]g to h[e]r at 8 20/.. to my go[in]g d[o]wn to br[eak]f[a]st at 9 10/..  - I h[a]d lift[e]d
h[e]r int[o] bed ag[ai]n the 1st of the 3 ti[me]s w[i]thout her seem[in]g incommod[e]d - the 2[n]d and 3[r]d ti[me] Oddy th[ou]ght it best for me to lift h[e]r
should[e]rs whi[le] the oth[e]r rais[e]d her legs – aft[e]r the 3[r]d ti[me] of gett[in]g up she seem[e]d so exhaust[e]d I th[ou]ght she w[a]s gone
b[u]t she rall[ie]d bef[ore] I w[e]nt to br[eak]f[a]st – perh[aps] I w[a]s so m[u]ch as 20 min[utes] at br[eak]f[a]st - Firth the glaz[ie]r br[ou]ght his bill –
Let[ter] to L[ad]y S- [Stuart]
‘Shibd[e]n hall – Mon[day] ev[enin]g 10 Oct[obe]r 1836 . Surely, my d[ea]r[e]st L[ad]y St[uar]t, you are still w[i]th
‘Vere, and, I hope, m[u]ch the bet[ter] for all h[e]r k[i]nd attent[io]ns, and for the change of air –
‘I trust the weath[e]r h[a]s been bet[ter] w[i]th you than w[i]th us, and that you, at least, and those ar[oun]d
‘you, ha[ve] n[o]t suff[ere]d fr[om] this sickly season - you will n[o]t be surpris[e]d to hear that my
‘poor dear a[un]t is no mo[re] - For the last week her suff[erin]gs ha[ve] seem[e]d to
‘decrease w[i]th her str[en]gth, and she expir[e]d, at five min[ute]s past one this aft[ernoo]n, so
‘quiet[l]y that I w[a]s hardly aware of it at the mom[en]t - my gr[eate]st anx[iet]y is remov[e]d  - its
‘remov[a]l is a bless[in]g to her, b[u]t w[i]th me it leaves a strange feel[in]g of bereavem[en]t –
‘Vere will excuse my writ[in]g just now - you will tell h[e]r that I am well, and
‘alw[a]ys, d[ea]r[e]st L[ad]y St[uar]t, ver[y] truly and ver[y] affect[ionatel]y yours A. [Anne] Lister’
for the lead pip[in]g (the 2[n]d batch) and A- [Ann] p[ai]d h[i]m £59.11.0 in gold exc[ept] one £5 count[r]y note –
I h[a]d s[e]nt John Booth at nine for Mr. Jubb and he ca[me] ab[ou]t 10 or 10 10/.. - my a[un]t h[a]d been up wh[ile]
I w[a]s at br[eak]f[a]st and w[a]s gett[in]g up ag[ai]n as I w[e]nt b[a]ck int[o] the r[oo]m at 9 1/2 b[u]t Oddy and I lift[e]d h[e]r gent[l]y
b[a]ck int[o] bed, and she soon beca[me] mo[re] settl[e]d - by 10 she seem[e]d quiet and compos[e]d, and Mr.
Jubb as he sat by her bedside s[ai]d (at 10 20/..) that her pulse w[a]s gone – h[e]r f[ee]t were gett[in]g
cold - I told h[i]m she w[a]s warm all ov[e]r an h[ou]r bef[ore] - she nev[e]r attempt[e]d to get out of
bed aft[e]r 10 - Mr. Jubb sat by h[e]r 1/4 h[ou]r or 20 min[ute]s – tri[e]d to gi[ve] her brandy and wat[e]r b[u]t
she c[oul]d n[o]t swal[low] it - he s[ai]d if we c[oul]d keep her m[ou]th moist, it w[oul]d be a relief to her
b[u]t wh[a]t c[oul]d we do - the last th[in]g she took (and that w[i]th diffic[ult]y) w[a]s a jelly ab[ou]t noon yest[erda]y
I took Mr. Jubb d[o]wn to see A- [Ann] m[u]ch bet[ter] - now wants good nourish[in]g th[in]gs to get up her
str[en]gth - Cookson bet[ter] – go[in]g on well – m[u]st ta[ke] bark (quinine) - Sarah the kitchen m[ai]d
n[o]t so well this morn[in]g – m[u]ch fev[e]r – ver[y] lucky we s[e]nt h[e]r ho[me] - at 10 50/.. Oddy call[e]d me
(Matty h[a]d been w[i]th my a[un]t s[in]ce 9 1/2 a.m.) she and Matty th[ou]ght my a[un]t go[in]g - Mr. Jubb w[e]nt
up w[i]th me and st[ai]d till 10 55/.. when I s[ai]d that as he c[oul]d do no good I w[oul]d n[o]t detain him - he
th[ou]ght my poor a[un]t c[oul]d n[o]t contin[ue] ver[y] long - she breath[e]d ag[ai]n and contin[ue]d breath[in]g rath[e]r short
b[u]t pret[ty] eq[uall]y and n[o]t ver[y] loud - A- [Ann] call[e]d me d[o]wn ab[ou]t 12 1/2 to sp[ea]k to Mr. Husb[an]d - the hall clos[e]t door
h[a]d co[me] op[e]n and left the wine to the mercy of the workmen - Mr. Husb[an]d help[e]d me to move the
19 bot[tle]s left there of the York port w[hi]ch I put in the store-r[oo]m - I h[a]d just done when A- [Ann] ca[me] for
me, and I w[a]s just in ti[me] to see my poor a[un]t in her last mom[en]t of life in this world –
it w[a]s just 5 min[ute]s fr[om] my ret[ur]n upst[ai]rs to her breath[in]g h[e]r last at 1 5/.. p.m. - for an inst[an]t
her mouth h[a]d an express[io]n of pain, b[u]t that express[io]n w[a]s gone ere the last breath escap[e]d –
there w[a]s a slight catch b[u]t no groan or sigh - the last intellig[i]ble words were (last night)
‘I dont kno[w] wh[a]t to do’ and this morn[in]g (I th[in]k it w[a]s) ‘I m[u]st go out’ - my a[un]t h[a]d spoken
 my a[un]t’s d[ea]th
sev[era]l ti[me]s yes[terda]y ev[enin]g and this morn[in]g b[u]t n[o]t intellig[i]bly - I sh[oul]d suppo[se] she h[a]d n[o]t mo[re] pain than m[o]st
necess[ar]y accomp[an]y the increas[in]g of breath[in]g as d[ea]th appr[oa]ches - her count[enan]ce w[a]s tranq[ui]l when
the vital spark w[a]s gone - Matty w[a]s at din[ner] and on[l]y Oddy and I pres[en]t - my a[un]t remind[e]d me of my
a[un]t Martha - I w[e]nt int[o] the r[oo]m at 6 50/.. p.m. w[i]th Matty - the knees were n[o]t qui[te] str[ai]ght nor the lips
clos[e]d - the latt[e]r c[oul]d n[o]t close for the upp[e]r teeth - it w[a]s the sa[me] w[i]th my a[un]t Martha - A- [Ann] h[a]d sat by me
so[me] ti[me] this morn[in]g in my a[un]t’s r[oo]m b[u]t d[i]d n[o]t stay whi[le] Mr. Jubb w[a]s there - she h[a]s exert[e]d hers[elf]
and done ver[y] well - took h[e]r out and we walk[e]d on the flags 1/4 h[ou]r till 2 - then h[a]d Mr. Husb[an]d
ga[ve] ord[e]rs for the hall to be board[e]d up and made decent by Sat[urday] aft[ernoo]n - the fun[era]l to be on Mon[day] –
then h[a]d Rob[er]t Mann (Rob[er]t + 4 today) (in the gard[e]n) and ga[ve] h[i]m ord[e]rs for tomor[row] - the gard[ene]r and Hemingway the Wyke gard[ene]r who ca[me] to sp[ea]k to me yest[erday] morn[in]g – h[a]d beg[u]n this morn[in]g tak[in]g off the sod fr[om] the intended back Lodge road –
told Rob[er]t to look aft[e]r them - to see that the road w[a]s right set out, etc etc – Ingh[a]m and his man
and boy at topp[in]g up the dry arch walls - Mark Hepw[or]th and Binns 2 one h[or]se carts cart[in]g stuff
addit[iona]l fr[om] the hall floor and fr[om] n[ea]r the west tow[e]r – fr[om] 2 50/.. to 4 walk[e]d (up and d[o]wn fr[om] the hut
to the rustic chair many ti[me]s) in the walk, mus[in]g - I rem[em]b[e]r my feel[in]gs on the loss of my unc[le] –
the d[ea]th of my fath[e]r is qui[te] recent – b[u]t my a[un]t is the last of the last generat[io]n - she w[a]s alw[a]ys
good and k[i]nd to me - none will ev[e]r th[in]k so high[l]y of me - none w[a]s mo[re] interest[e]d in my interest –
none ............. I th[ou]ght till the tears start[e]d - my head beg[a]n to ache, and I ca[me] in to wr[ite] let[ter]s –
chang[e]d my pelisse etc - a few min[ute]s w[i]th A- [Ann] at my desk at 4 40/..  and wr[ote] quick[l]y the let[ter]
to L[ad]y S- [Stuart] (vid[e] line 4 et seq. of the last p[age]) - then w[e]nt and sat by A- [Ann] and wr[ote] the oth[e]r 3 let[ter]s
w[i]th less ease bec[ause] she talk[e]d to me - ‘Shibd[e]n hall – Mon[day] ev[enin]g 10 Oct[obe]r 1836. I th[in]k,
‘my d[ea]r[e]st Mary, I ha[ve] n[o]t yet thank[e]d you for your kind, useful let[ter] of the 22[n]d of last m[on]th - I
‘rem[em]b[e]r you told me, you were go[in]g int[o] Devonsh[ire] on the 27th ult[imo], and w[oul]d n[o]t be ver[y]
‘long away - I sh[oul]d, at any rate, ha[ve] giv[e]n you a fortn[i]ght – Perh[aps] you ha[ve] at this mom[en]t your
‘h[ou]se full of comp[an]y - ours is ag[ai]n in mourn[in]g - my a[un]t’s suff[erin]gs seem to ha[ve] decreas[e]d w[i]th
‘h[e]r str[en]gth for the last week, yet the fatal change d[i]d n[o]t pos[itivel]y app[ea]r to be tak[in]g place
‘till ab[ou]t noon yest[erday], fr[om] w[hi]ch ti[me] to ab[ou]t nine this morn[in]g she w[a]s restless, w[i]thout, howev[e]r,
‘seem[in]g to be in g[rea]t pain – Fr[om] ab[ou]t 10, she w[a]s ver[y] quiet, and, at five min[ute]s aft[e]r one, breath[e]d
‘last so gent[l]y, that I w[a]s n[o]t, at the mom[en]t, qui[te] cert[ai]n she w[a]s gone, and that h[e]r place sh[oul]d kno[w]
‘her no mo[re] - the last of the last generat[io]n is now swept away - Mary! you, and I, and those we
‘love, m[u]st now st[a]nd forem[o]st in the gap - you kno[w] how good and k[i]nd my poor a[un]t alw[a]ys w[a]s to
‘me - she h[a]s n[o]t liv[e]d to profit by the alterat[io]ns be[g]an so soon, on h[e]r acc[oun]t and at h[e]r own req[ue]st –
‘the h[ou]se is in sad uproar - this ma[ke]s it look mo[re] lorn, and casts a deeper shade over our
‘bereavem[en]t - we shall exp[ec]t you at the end of the m[on]th – sure[l]y we shall then be mo[re] ab[le] to gi[ve] you
‘the comm[o]n comf[or]ts of home - Cookson is laid up - the kitchen m[ai]d is gone away ill - the h[ou]sekeep[e]r
‘we h[a]d hir[e]d, died, d[i]d I n[o]t tell you? very sudd[enl]y, a few days bef[ore] she ought to ha[ve] co[me] - God
‘bless you, Mary – alw[a]ys ver[y] espec[iall]y and aff[ectionatel]y yours AL- [Anne Lister]’
‘Shibd[e]n hall – Mon[day] ev[enin]g 10 Oct[obe]r 1836 - my d[ea]r Mar[ia]n - you w[oul]d supp[ose], fr[om] my n[o]t writ[in]g ag[ai]n,
‘that my a[un]t contin[ue]d m[u]ch of the sa[me] state as when I wr[ote] to you last – H[e]r suff[erin]gs app[eare]d to
‘decrease w[i]th h[e]r str[en]gth, b[u]t we h[a]d no reas[o]n to suppo[se] she m[i]ght n[o]t ha[ve] contin[ue]d long[e]r, till ab[ou]t
‘yest[erday] noon, or afternoon, when h[e]r str[en]gth seem[e]d fail[in]g fast[e]r than it h[a]d done bef[ore] - she took
‘a jelly at noon w[i]th diff[icult]y, the last th[in]g she d[i]d take - she h[a]d  a rest[le]ss night, b[u]t d[i]d n[o]t seem to
‘be in gr[ea]t pain – Fr[om] 8 to 10 this morn[in]g, she w[oul]d be g[o]t out of bed half a doz[e]n ti[me]s – aft[e]r this, she
‘beca[me] more quiet, and breath[e]d h[e]r last at 5 min[ute]s past one, so gent[l]y that I w[a]s n[o]t qui[te] cert[ai]n, at
‘the mom[en]t, that all w[a]s ov[e]r - the sad state of confus[io]n the h[ou]se is in, on[l]y adds to our melanch[ol]y –
‘our rem[em]b[ran]ces to your fr[ie]nd, and love to yours[elf], and bel[ieve] me, my d[ea]r Mar[ia]n, alw[a]ys affect[ionatel]y yours AL [Anne Lister]’ –
‘Shibd[e]n hall – Mon[day] ev[enin]g 10 Oct[obe]r 1836 - My d[ea]r[e]st Isabella – aft[e]r my a[un]t’s long and severe
‘suff[eri]ngs, you will n[o]t be surpris[e]d to hear of h[e]r release - she h[a]s been rapid[l]y losing str[en]gth for the
‘last w[ee]k, and this aft[ernoo]n, at five min[ute]s p[a]st one, expir[e]d so gent[l]y, I w[a]s scarce[l]y aware, at the
‘mom[en]t, that all w[a]s ov[e]r - the sad confus[io]n the h[ou]se is in, on[l]y adds to our melanch[ol]y - alas!
‘she for wh[o]m the alterat[io]ns were so hurr[ie]d on, h[a]s n[o]t liv[e]d to benefit by them! we sh[oul]d ha[ve]
‘ask[e]d you to co[me] now, b[u]t we ha[ve] hard[l]y r[oo]m for ours[elves], or peop[le] to do the work we are in absol[u]te
‘need of - Cookson is laid up - the kitchen m[ai]d is gone ho[me] ill - the h[ou]sekeep[e]r is dead –
‘we ha[ve] on[l]y the strange that is, the newly-co[me] h[ou]sem[ai]d and char wom[a]n - we are expect[in]g
‘Mrs. Lawt[o]n at the end of the m[on]th, if we can manage it - can you tell us of any
‘trusty pers[o]n to co[me] and help us – Gi[ve] my love to Mr. and Mrs. Duffin, and tell them of our trouble –
‘my gr[ea]t anx[iet]y is gone; b[u]t it is a gr[ea]t bereavem[en]t - Love to Charlotte – Ev[e]r ver[y] faith[full]y
‘and affect[ionatel]y yours AL [Anne Lister]’ - at 6 50/.. and h[a]d seal[e]d and giv[e]n A-  [Ann] for the Let[ter] bag my let[ter] to ‘the honourable
‘Lady Stuart Brafield h[ou]se Oulney Bucks’ - to ‘Mrs. Lawton, Lawton hall, Lawton,
Cheshire’ to ‘Miss Marian Lister M[arke]t Weighton’ and to ‘Miss Norcliffe, Petergate, York’
w[e]nt w[i]th Matty Pollard int[o] my a[un]t’s r[oo]m for 10 min[ute]s - How chang[e]d s[in]ce this morn[in]g! – s[ai]d Matty
‘a more respectab[le] Lady d[i]d n[o]t live anywhere here’ - all look[e]d solemn - I m[i]ght
ha[ve] s[ai]d ‘It is good for us to be here’ - It is a relief to me to ha[ve] writ[te]n my journ[a]l –
din[ner] at 7 – coff[ee] upst[ai]rs – fr[om] 8 1/2 to 9 55/.. wr[ote] all b[u]t the cop[y] of the let[ter] to L[ad]y S- [Stuart] w[hi]ch I wr[ote]
bef[ore] 6 3/4 – ver[y] rainy morn[in]g - fair b[u]t damp by 10 – ver[y] heavy show[e]r bet[ween] 11 and 12
or ab[ou]t 12 – ver[y] show[er]y morn[in]g - fine in aft[ernoo]n fr[om] ab[ou]t 1 p.m. a lit[tl]e rain in the ev[enin]g
ab[ou]t 7 p.m. and aft[er]w[ar]ds – F[ahrenheit] 49° at 10 p.m. – No[te] last night (print[e]d circular) fr[om] Mr. Ja[me]s Highley
by order of the committee to ann[oun]ce a meet[in]g on the 14th of the subscribers in aid of the ch[ur]ch rate
to determ[ine] as to the dispos[a]l of the Bal[an]ce of the subs[criptio]n –
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semineesuceava782 · 2 years
De unde se poate achizitiona chit de rosturi mapei?
Aspectul culorilor depinde, insa, de inca doua elemente fundamentale in amenajarea dormitorului si a oricarei alte amenajari interioare: texturile si lumina. Variind texturile din amenajarea dormitorului vei adauga o dimensiune subtila spatiului, facandu-l mai primitor si mai cald. Imagineaza-ti cum ar arata un dormitor decorat doar cu materiale dure, fara covoare, fara perne decorative, fara cuverturi, fara perdele. Totusi, nevoia de a crea un decor atractiv, elegant si confortabil ramane, chiar si atunci cand planuiesti sa aduci in dormitor un televizor si un home cinema.
Ce beneficii ofera produsele fassa bortolo Romania
Pentru living alege un element central, in jurul caruia sa creezi restul amenajarii. Un bun exemplu este o canapea cu picioare. Celelalte piese de mobilier sa fie de dimensiuni medii sau mici, sa aiba un design compact si sa fie usor de mutat in cadrul incaperii. Maximizeaza spatiul din dormitor cu piese de baza minimaliste, in forme simple si compacte, dar estetice. Cand iti amenajezi casa, trebuie sa te asiguri ca fiecare incapere se pliaza perfect pe scopurile si nevoile tale. Dar indiferent de stil si preferinte, exista cateva piese de mobilier care nu pot lipsi din nicio locuinta. Sunt obiecte care te ajuta sa imbini eficient functionalitatea si esteticul, iar includerea lor in decorarea casei e cheia unui spatiu practic si stilat. Canapeaua este elementul central al oricarui living. Aici iti petreci serile in fata televizorului urmarind filmele preferate, te relaxezi la finalul zilei sau stai la povesti cu familia ori prietenii. Cele mai importante criterii in alegerea unei canapele tin de dimensiune, forma si confort.
Atunci cand vine vorba despre amenajari interioare optiunile sunt atat de variate in materie de culori, texturi, forme si marimi, incat este necesara o planificare amanuntita in prealabil si un minim de cunostinte de design, indiferent ca decorezi sau redecorezi, astfel incat sa obtii rezultatele dorite. Cromatica de ansamblu o vei stabili in functie de culorile pe care le alegi pentru pictarea peretilor. Designerii recomanda folosirea nuantelor neutre, cum ar fi bej sau gri. Specialistii in amenajari interioare iti propun doua optiuni in ceea ce priveste pozitionarea canapelei si fotoliilor in camera de zi: in forma de U si H. De ce? Ei bine, avand in vedere ca este incaperea unde iti vei primi invitatii, este esential ca spatiul sa transmita intimitate si sa incurajeze conversatiile.
Exista multe optiuni de achizitionare a unor seminee suceava si aveti ocazia de a descoperi in cazul magazinelor online exact ceea ce va intereseaza. Gama produselor de acest tip este una foarte diversificata, iar modelul pentru care veti opta se va potrivi de minune cu interiorul locuintei dumneavoastra. In aceste conditii, este indicat sa alegeti aceasta optiune avantajoasa de achizitionare. Semineul este un element cu dublu rol, avand in acest sens un rol decorativ si unul de incalzire, fiind din acest punct de vedere tot mai utilizat in casele romanilor. Despre o structura de acest tip putem spune ca este destinata incalzirii si creaza in acelasi timp o atmosfera calda, eleganta si care va innobila orice locuinta. In acest sens, motivele pentru care ar trebui sa alegeti aceasta optiune de achizitionare sunt multiple si veti aprecia tot ceea ce veti primi. Cu siguranta semineele pot oferi avantaje multiple pe perioada utilizarii si nu vor lasa niciodata de dorit in ceea ce priveste functionalitatea. Pe de alta parte, semineele pot asigura o incalzire optima iar elementul estetic va fi cel dorit de dumneavoastra. Totodata, va trebui sa tineti cont de faptul ca avantajele semineelor depind si de tipul de semineu pe care il veti alege in momentul achizitionarii. Exista seminee electrice, pe lemne, pe gaz sau cu bioetanol, fiecare avand avantaje.
Cautati optiuni de achizitie pentru
seminee suceava
Daca ai un living de tip open space poti opta pentru un coltar va ajuta la delimitarea vizuala a sufrageriei de bucatarie sau zona de dining. O canapea extensibila sau clic-clac este alegerea perfecta atunci cand vrei sa ai la indemana un pat pentru musafiri. De exemplu amenajari living: intr-o parte, in jurul masutei de cafea putem aranja frumos fotoliile, unde putem sta la o ceasca de cafea impreuna cu prietenele. La tine acasa, totul se invarte in jurul tau si a celor dragi. Amenajeaza-ti locuinta ca sa te reprezinte si alege fiecare lucru cu sufletul. Ai incredere in gusturile tale si lasa personalitatea ta sa se vada de cand deschizi usa de la intrare.
Cum gasim produse Pft Suceava
Dormitorul este spatiul privat in care te retragi in fiecare noapte si ori de cate ori ai nevoie de liniste. Aici te poti rasfata intr-o ambianta sofisticata menita sa-ti satisfaca toate pretentiile sau te poti bucura de simplitatea si functionalitatea mobilierului minimalist, daca acesta raspunde cel mai bine gusturilor si nevoilor tale. Tot pentru a beneficia de un mediu favorabil odihnei si somnului, culorile, texturile si lumina trebuie sa fie alese si combinate intr-o maniera armonioasa, in asa fel incat rezultatul sa-ti dea senzatia de confort si intimitate. Daca nu-ti poti imagina un dormitor fara televizor sau alte aparate electronice, iti recomandam sa le integrezi in decor cat mai discret. Ideal ar fi sa poti experimenta cu combinatiile de culori si sa le alegi pe cele care te fac sa te simti bine. Suna foarte simplu, numai ca timpul necesar acestor experimente nu este, de obicei, la dispozitia ta. In plus, nu este deloc eficient sa testezi o duzina de combinatii cromatice folosind mostre de finisaje.
Cum putem achizitiona produse Pavan Romania?
Atunci cand o constructie ajunge in faza de amenajari interioare inseamna ca finalul realizarii ei este tot mai aproape sau poate doar renovam. Totusi, etapele de lucru ce preced finalizarea locuintei sunt si ele diverse si chiar provocatoare si tocmai de aceea este important ca orice beneficiar sa stie la ce anume sa se astepte. Astfel, baile, bucatariile, livingurile sau chiar holurile pot trece prin etapa de amenajari interioare, indiferent daca alaturi de beneficiar se afla sau nu un designer de interior. In plus, o echipa de constructii care lucreaza calitativ va oferi intotdeauna un deviz de lucrari aferent contractului de amenajari interioare, dar si un proces verbal in care se vor consemna lucrarile receptionate.
Trebuie sa stii ca amenajarile interioare potrivite pentru apartamente sunt mult mai aerisite, luminate si practice, pentru a oferi senzatie de spatiu larg sau chiar mai mult loc in casa. Pentru inceput, efectuati masuratorile camerei si marcati-le pe un plan al incaperii. Adaugati formele mobilierului, astfel incat sa le gasiti cea mai buna asezare in camera. Acest lucru va va oferi o idee despre zonele care vor fi cele mai circulate. Ar trebui sa faceti planul de design interior in jurul obiectelor tale. Mobilierul si parchetul au un cuvant important de spus in alegerea decorului.
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moutontwins · 6 years
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clannad-key · 7 years
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animegameproject · 7 years
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postsofbabel · 8 months
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